>You are Granite Peaks, a Snowpony stallion with a talent for navigation and mountaineering, and right now you’re seriously questioning why you didn’t delay your journey >You and your mate Fireweed are travelling from Snowpitt to Fell Fir, a small Western village in a mountain clearing >Fireweed is an expert forager and talented with medicinal herbs and healing salves and potions. >Usually, you embark on a short journey to nearer Southern and Western settlements hawking your wares to those who didn’t make Snowpitt’s Great Calling, return during the mares’ season in the spring and then take a longer journey before returning again before winter really sets in >Your usual route to Fell Fir takes you through a mountain pass with some steep and rough terrain >However, this year the shamares told you that the omens and a few guardian spirits warned that it may be unusually hazardous. There may be storms coming down from the mountains later than normal, they said. >There was another route through the forest and up a steeper, winding path. This was invariably a safe path, but added much time to the journey >You deliberated with your mare, and decided to take the risk of the more straightforward route >You’d rather not deal with your mare’s heat away from home if you could help it. You had a limited personal supply of herbs to ease heat, but they only reduced the symptoms >You’ve been wedded two years now and are somewhat anxious about bringing a foal into the picture. >Hardly unusual, some couples have foals right away, some wait. Often, it’s just anxiety. As with the two of you >Things had started out smoothly as you went through a few Southern towns and a village on the edge of Western lands >The last couple days on the trail had been fine. Today…. >Today you’ve been blasted by wind and snow. It’s been a fight to get up the mountain. You also can’t shake the feeling you aren’t alone ----------------------------- >There have long been rumors of another race of ponies stalking the mountains and the more remote corners of the forests and plains >Fearsome giants, who would spirit away unwary or lost travelers >However, some tales painted them as primitive, but harmless. These were the minority however >A few traveling ponies, like your own village’s explorer Ice Elation, claim to have seen or met them. Ponies still are not sure if these are tall tales. From her tellings, it’s unclear whether they are friend or foe >”Granite! Maybe… maybe we need to find a place to camp and wait for the storm to pass!” >The winds are howling and cold pierces through your fur, and the path ahead is along the bottom of some steep slopes >But if you push through, you may be able to reach Fell Fir by nightfall! >”…We need to try to at least get through this valley Fire! If it gets too bad we can stop for today!” >”…..OK, dear” >”Hey, it will be alright! Spirits willing, we-“ >You could’ve sworn you just saw a pony’s head move out of sight from a cliff >A big one….Surely just a trick of the fog and blowing snow >Right? >”Granite?” >”Hm? Oh…it’s nothing, little feesh. Spirits willing, we’ll make it through. Let’s go” >You nuzzle snoots and each other’s necks before continuing on >Gradually you make your way across the valley, fighting the wind with every step >Then, it happens >About halfway across the valley, you hear and feel a rumbling from your left > You can’t see up the slope well, but it rapidly gains force >Then you see the massive white cloud coming at you. It’s an avalanche! >”RUN!” ---------------------------------------- >Both of you take off at full tilt trying to outrun the wall of snow >But it’s rapidly gaining ground >Then Fireweed trips >”FIREWEED NO!!!!!” >You throw yourself over your mare, knowing it’s futile as wall of snow overtakes you >You close your eyes…..she’ll probably beat you into the ground at the calling for insisting on this trip >Your consciousness eventually returns…..but you’re pretty sure you’re somehow still alive >You feel warm, and as your eyes flutter open, you seem to be in a cave? >By some miracle, you don’t seem to have any serious injuries >”F-fireweed?” >”…Granite?” >Oh thank the spirits, she’s alive! >She’s laying not far from you. Both of you are laying on…some kind of fur? Fortunately she seems to be relatively unharmed as well >”Fire, I’m so sorry! I should have listened to the shamares!! I don-mmmlph!” >Fireweed shuts you up with a kiss. You make out, tears in your eyes and hugging Fireweed around her withers >”HEY TINY PONIES WAKE UP!!!!” ----------------------------------------- >The booming, gruff voice startles both of you. You cannot tell exactly where it’s coming from >”Granite…am I?” >”No. I heard it too” >”You don’t think….I never thought they were real, but-“ >Fireweed is then interrupted by an equally loud and rough, but much more feminine voice >”JOY!! NOW WE FEAST WITH TINY PONIES!!!” >Fireweed is frozen in fear. You hold her tight, ready to rise to your feet >You aren’t sure how big this cave is or which way is out >You hear hoofsteps coming from behind you “Fire, get ready to run” >As the hoofsteps get closer, you prepare yourself to fight >Two very large shadows come around a corner >You and Fire bring your snoots together and share breath. You nod, and she takes off down the cave, hopefully out. >You turn around just as they turn the corner >Abominable Snowponies >They’re roughly three times your size, the stallion is slightly larger >The stallion is mostly a dark gray, with white fetlocks and a stripe on his snout. The inverse of your coat >The mare is mostly reddish-brown with a sandy mane >both have goofy smiles, made somewhat menacing by the large fangs both have >The stallion then speaks >”TINY PONIES! WE- HEY, WHY TINY STALLION SO MAD? WHAT HAPPEN TO TINY MARE?” >”YOU BEASTS MIGHT EAT ME, BUT YOU’LL NEVER FIND HER!!!” >You buck at the stallion, but it doesn’t seem to have much affect other than both looking shocked and offended before the mare speaks >”HUH? EAT YOU? WHY WE EAT TINY PONIES? WE SAVE YOU FROM SNOW FALL, TINY PONY VERY RUDE!” >”We woke up in this cave, with no idea how we got here, and then heard voices talking about ‘feasting with us’! >This time the stallion answers >”WE SEE TINY PONIES OUT IN STORM, THEN SNOW FALL COMES FOR TINY PONIES! >WE AFRAID TINY PONIES DEAD, DIG OUT TINY PONIES. BRING YOU BACK TO CAVE! >LUCKY TINY PONIES NO HURT, BROKEN LEGS VERY BAD! >WE HEAR TINY PONIES TALK, COME SHARE FOOD WITH TINY PONIES BUT TINY PONIES THINK WE EAT THEM!” >You start to feel bad for assuming the worst of your rescuers, but aren’t fully convinced >”Y-you have food? How do I know-“ >Before you finish, the mare turns back around the corner and immediately comes back with a basket of smoked fish >”SEE? WE KEEP LOTS OF FEESH, WANT TO SHARE WITH TINY PONIES!” >The stallion had disappeared, and was now coming back around the corner with… >”…Where did you catch that thing?! It’s massive!!” >”IN RIVER” >You don’t know of any rivers nearby that could sustain a fish that large. Then he pulls another into the chamber >You decide not to question it. The stallion continues >”TINY MARE NOT GET FAR ANYWAY, SHE GO TO BACK OF CAVE.” >You follow the two Abominables to the back of the cave and find Fireweed hiding behind a rock, near a crack too small to fit through >After a little while of convincing, she comes back with you >”ME FANG! CATCH LOTS OF FEESH WITH BIG FANGS!! SHE KINDLE. GET WOOD, MAKE FIRE!” ---------------------------------------- >”ME VERY GOOD WITH FIRE! LEARN SPARKY ROCK AS FILLY, BURN FUR A LOT! RUN THROUGH MOUNTAIN, WOODS WITH FANG. KICK DOWN TREES!” >The rumors about them being…simpler ponies are definitely true, but at least they’re friendly >After a while of their story of simple life in their cave and the wilds, you remember something >”SO THAT’S HOW ME CATCH GIANT FEESH WITH TAIL! WE-“ >”Wow, that’s amazing! I don’t know a fisherpony who can come close to your skill! Hey, you didn’t happen to find our packs? We were carrying supplies to another village.” >This time Kindle answers >”OH YEAH, WE FIND TINY PONY BAGS! SPILL ALL OVER FIELD. WE GET WHAT WE CAN BEFORE STORM TOO BAD! HAD TO GET TINY PONIES OUT OF COLD!” >They lead you down a short, split path further down the cave >The spices are there, the fever potions are mostly there >A decent amount of your wares and some of your supplies are still present >Your stomach drops when you realize the heat herb is entirely missing >Those weren’t entirely for trade. With them, Fireweed’s heat is much more manageable for both of you >You’re going to have to cut your journey short, even if the Abominables and villagers can help you with basic supplies >Hopefully it doesn’t start before you can get close to home. Not to mention the possible disappointment of Weed having to stay with the young and unwed mares for the worst of it >You’ll deal with it when it comes >You thank the Abominables for saving what they could. After sharing a meal of roasted fish with them, you stay for the night. Fang offers to let you stay until the storm leaves >A couple days go by, and the storm rages. >After three days, Fang has to leave to go get more food. Firewood is still plentiful, so kindle stays behind >”Are you sure it’s a good idea?” >”FIRE WEED NO WORRY, ME STRONG PONY! ME BATTLE STORM FOR FOOD BEFORE, COME BACK EVERY TIME! STILL NOT SAFE FOR TINY PONIES!” >He’s supposed to come back tomorrow >Day 4 in the cave >You wake up. The fire is low, it’s probably very early. Fireweed fell asleep next to you and Kindle is across the room. >Then, as you breath in, your lip involuntarily raises >And it hits you -------------------------------------------------------------- >Exactly what you were hoping to avoid on the road >The musty, yet vaguely grassy and invigorating scent of your wife’s estrus >Except there’s something else as well >A very strong, overwhelming scent that makes you dizzy, and practically forces your spear out of your sheath >Kindle >She’s in heat too >Wonderful >Part of your mind leans toward temptation, wondering how sex with an Abominable Snowmare would work >You smack yourself between the eyes and remind yourself Fang might not be so happy if you mounted his mare >You try walking outside, but the storm rages on. The cold makes your spear retreat, but eventually you’re forced back inside into the heat tinged air >You go further back into the cave, trying to not wake up either of the mares >You’re at least going to take care of things yourself >You go far back enough into the cave where you won’t be noticed >You hear Fireweed sleepily call your name in the distance >You think back to the last time you made love before this trip as you smack your belly with your spear >You loved it when she laid on her back so you could see her face, but you’d done it both ways plenty >Spurts of essence dribbled from your spear down off the edge of the floor in the room you were in >You remembered looking down at the blissful expression on Fireweed’s face, as you rubbed her teats with your hoof and thrust into her >Just as you get to the point where you tounge wrestled her, you flare and shoot your seed over the edge >Nopony will be any wiser >Now that your senses are returning after your climax, you notice…interesting noises in the direction you came back from ------------------------------------------------ >You can clearly hear some moans and nickers >Are they…..? >You turn back around the corner >You’re not sure what you were expecting to see but you’re glad you just relieved your urges >Clearly the fertility magic of estrus has overwhelmed them as if they’re first heat fillies >Kindle has managed to massage Fireweed’s entrance with the very edge of her hoof >Fireweed, meanwhile, has been rubbing and licking Kindle’s pebble. Which is more like a rock given the sheer size of the mare >The smell in the room is something else. Two mares in heat is one thing, But Kindle’s scent is much more intense >Your spear is stirring back to life >You stand frozen in place as both your wife and the Abominable Snowmare whinny loudly as their essence gushes onto the floor. >You can barely think straight over the smell and run outside into the snowstorm to clear your head >After some fresh air and another masturbation session, you head back inside >Kindle and Fireweed are snuggling together. Fire blushes heavily when she sees you >You involuntarily raise your lip again and take in their fertility >Aside from the heavy scent of “mare”, one fairly normal and one slightly off, you can tell Fireweed from the earthy, almost herbal scent just beneath it >Meaning the woody scent has to be coming from Kindle >”H-hey Granite. Guess you already know we’re in heat…” >”Yes, my little sprout. At least *whuf* …at least I can enjoy my favorite scent” >You chuckle as your spear begins to stir within your sheath again and you come over to nuzzle and share breath with your mare >”AWWWW, TINY PONIES CUTE TOGETHER! WISH FANG WERE BACK. STRONG FIRE INSIDE…” >”…NEED SNU SNU FROM FANG, NEED FANG SQUIRT INSIDE….” >Both of you blush furiously from Kindle’s bluntness, but >”Snu snu?” whispers Fireweed >”Probably their word for mating…speaking of…?” >You’re at full mast again after releasing yourself twice. You want to give Fireweed “snu snu” so badly, but… >First and foremost, you’re somewhat being pressed by circumstance. Beforehand, Fireweed had said she wasn’t sure she was ready for a foal just yet >You wouldn’t deny her relief if she demanded it, but part of you wants to stay away to respect her wishes when her mind wasn’t clouded >Second, even if she backed you into a corner with her rump and demanded you plant your seed in her, you need time to build up your seed again after your belly smacking >”I….” >She involuntarily whickers and whinnies, the blush returning >Oh ancestors. It’s going to be a strong one >”I- I am still nervous to be a mother….but with everything that’s gotten us in this cave…and the storm…” >She closes her eyes and shudders as her tail briefly lifts and her juices splatter on the floor >It…It almost feels… like this was meant to happen” >”Granite…If the ancestors or the spirits will it……Oh It’s getting bad again, Just…” >”Can you give me a little space for a moment…? >Your response is briefly interrupted by Kindle, who has started rubbing her rear against the cave wall. She is moaning and whinnying >”Very well…if you need me, you can come to me…I need time to uh, refill, anyway” >You lean forward for a little tongue wrestle with your mare, possibly about to be the mother of your foals, with both excitement and anxiety in your heart >As you head back into the rear chamber and try to snooze for a bit, Fireweed heads back over to Kindle >You slip into a dream. You are walking outside in the snow and the wind >It seems at first that you are alone >Suddenly the wind calms, and you feel something approach. Multiple somethings >Your ears involuntarily rotate back at the sound of a gentle breeze >You turn around and see multiple whispy, green-white fiery orbs drifting through the air >Two of them seem to stop, hovering over you. One of them quickly pivots and heads back the way you came >As you try to approach the lingering flame, it floats out of reach before heading off at a slower pace in the same direction as the other one >You turn and follow it, as you begin to hear Fireweed calling out for you, and her scent becomes stronger and stronger >Right as you reach the cave, you wake up >The combined mare scent has penetrated further back into the cave, and your spear stirs to life as you do >Your sack feels heavier now too >You head back into the front and see Fireweed and Kindle sharing breath and lightly kissing >Your spear slides all the way out and hits your stomach >Apparently Fireweed could hear it and gets up, slowly coming your way with her tail lifted >”Granite…It’s…This heat, my special magic…it’s overwhelming. I can really only keep my head somewhat clear from Kindle’s…help” >”I know I said before….” >”…Granite…” >”HELLO EVERY PONY!!!! FANG BACK WITH WOOD!!!” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >”BRING LOTS OF MUSHROOM AND FEESH TOO” >Well, that’s one way to destroy tension >As Fang hauls his cargo into the cave, however, he stops and sniffs the air before raising his lip >”FANG! ME BURNING AND ITCHY INSIDE! GIVE ME SNU SNU, ME WANT YOU IN ME!!!” >You want to look away, but the size of Fang’s emerging spear… >It’s easily the width of one of your legs >This is getting a bit awkward >Fang loudly chuffs as his spear swings up and hits his belly >”K-KINDLE SMELL READY….SO…SO GOOD. KINDLE NO WORRY” >He nearly forgets to bring his haul into the cave >Kindle turns her rear towards him and lifts her tail, her pebble winking out hard and her entrance drooling >Her eyes are gazing off and she’s snorting hard with every breath >Fang trots over and laps at her, practically burying his snout inside her >He comes up with a big sniff before diving back in, earning whines, nickers, and whinnies from her >You find your trance broken by Fireweed bumping into your side and hugging your neck behind hers >”Heh. They’re quite distracting huh, Granite” >You wicker at her >”Yes, but I believe you were telling me something?” >You take another breath of her scent, tempted to follow Fang’s example and bury yourself in Fire’s passage >Fireweed steps out in front of you, face to face >She’s looking straight in your eyes, yet her gaze is hazy and distant >”….Granite Peaks….I…I can’t lie, I’m still somewhat afraid…” >”But with you…I know we can…” >”Look, we’ve made it together this long, and now everything on this trip…” >Fireweed shudders, looks down, takes a few deep breaths, and looks back to you >”It feels like the spirits….are trying to tell us something” >You start, “Fireweed, I don’t want you to feel-“ >”No, Granite. This heat is intense, but it’s more than that! We survived the avalanche, we were brought to this cave, right in time….” >”We’ve joined together before, but not when I’m…like this” >She leans forward and shares breath with you >”Right now, I think the time is right…I think we-“ >Fireweed is once again interrupted by the Abominable couple >Kindle whinnies loudly as her essence splashes onto the floor and Fang snorts >”PUT IT IN!!! SPRAY WARMTH INSIDE!!!” >Fang rears up, hooks his forehooves around her hips, and starts trying to thrust into Kindle >Your renewed trance and gaze is broken as you feel yourself throb and dribble some of your essence onto the floor >”Granite!” >You turn back to your mare >”Granite! It’s so overwhelming! I need you….I just!” >A loud squelching and a whinny interrupt >”Granite…..I can barely hold it together….my magic is surging in me…” >”Right now…I…I need to feel your weight on my back…I want us to feel our joy and love together…I want to feel….y..your warm seed flowing inside……” >”….And if a spirit should come to our calling….Then so be it!” >She turns around and lifts her tail, her winking entrance and strong scent drawing you closer >”As you wish, my love….but only if I get a taste first….” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Fireweed whickers and sways her rump back and forth as you take in another breath of her scent, lip raised >Her scent and her magic makes your mind fade and your spear smack and stay pressed against your belly before falling back down >Barely thinking, and faintly registering the sounds of “snu snu” next to you, you lean in and plant a sloppy kiss on Fireweed’s entrance >You can feel her winks as you lick her hind lips and lap up her essence >Every breath you take in, your consciousness fades a bit more as your tongue delves deeper into her passage >Fire is snorting and whickering and scraping the ground with her hoof as your tongue laps against a spot at the top of her passage >All you can focus on is the salty, tangy flavor of your mare, a strange mix with her musty, grassy, herbal mare scent >Essence is drooling from your spear, which is firmly held against your belly now >Fire whines and stomps the floor, bringing your attention back along with a breath of outside, yet still heavily heat charged, air >You briefly glance over to Fang thrusting his spear into Kindle, both only making primal noises >Looking back at Fireweed, her pebble winks out at you rapidly >You dive back under her tail and on another wink, you take it into your mouth and suckle it >Her head shoots up and she whines as you swirl your tongue around her pebble and lap up her juices >You press your nostrils into her entrance and take in her scent again as she whinnies and a wave of her essence hits your muzzle >Over to the left, more snorting and whinnying, >Barely aware, overwhelmed by Fireweed’s scent, your spear painfully hard, you turn to Kindle and Fang >Fang is thrusting hard into Kindle, producing loud squelching >He gives one last big thrust, then gives several pushes forward before jabbing in hard and giving a deep whinny >His spear is throbbing and you can almost hear it as he cools Kindle’s heat >Fireweed then backs into you with a sharp whine >Her rear is high in the air and she winks rapidly >You freeze, looking between her face and her rear >Her face is blushing heavily and she’s panting >Simultaneously staring at you and your spear and off into nowhere, she struggles to just barely get the words out >”….breed me…..” >Without a word, just a snort, you rear up and grab your wife’s hips >You madly thrust at her >The first few miss, rubbing your spear through her fur, against her teats, dangerously close to her tailhole >Her floof sends some tingles up your spear, but nothing compared to when you finally catch inside her winking entrance >One thrust sends you halfway inside before a tight clench halts you and Fire moans >You go cross eyed >This isn’t the first time you and Fireweed have mated >But her heat…. >You can really see why it’s called “heat”. She’s far hotter inside than any other time you’ve joined together >Her winks and clenches are much harder and tighter and more desperately frequent >And while she always gets very wet for you, you’re practically submerged in her essence >One more thrust as you pull her against you and you’re all the way in >She wickers as you hit a wall. Her womb >A mare’s second magical reservoir, her essence overflows from here >With your aid, ready to physically shape another life, and nurture and bind a wild spirit and ready it for its journey among your tribe >None of this is really close to mind, just the faint notion that you’ve hit her womb >You grab her belly tighter and rest more of your weight on her as you pull back >Intense waves of pleasure shoot up through your spear and behind your groin as she clamps down >Even with all her essence flowing, she’s still paradoxically tight. Her walls both smooth and bumpy all around you >With most of your length outside, you thrust back in hard >Fireweed nickers as your sack swings forward and taps her pebble >With each withdrawl and thrust, every clench from your mare, you feel warmer and hazier >It’s as if you are both melting together into a single being, overwhelmed by a haze of pleasure >You snort with every throb and shock of pleasure catching behind the root of your spear >Fireweed stomps the floor as she whinnies. She gushes around you again as you throb hard enough to simultaneously feel muscles clench behind your spear and up into your lower belly >It stops you breathing for a moment >In the distance, you can dimly sense Kindle and Fang are mating again >You’re snapped out of focus as the very tip of your spear is getting even more sensitive >Fireweed is staring forward, panting and whickering as you thrust harder and faster >Your essence is dribbling out at an almost constant flow >You can’t even tell how long you’ve been at it, but you can tell you’re getting close >Another tight, swirling clench lines up perfectly with you pulling out >You whinny and your eyes roll back and then suddenly your muzzle is right by Fireweed’s >Your eyes close as an overwhelming shock rolls back up your spear, catching as your groin gets tighter and tighter, and the spasm in your belly winds you again >When you open your eyes… >For the rest of your days you will insist to Fireweed you can faintly remember the moment >You can’t really contemplate what you see in the moment >But the cave is bathed in a reddish purple >It almost looks like flames, but….Not quite? >They billow through the whole space >You can see however, that they’re originating from two places >Inside Fireweed >And inside Kindle >Deep inside, where you and Fang thrust towards >But that is not all >Two whispy, greenish white fireballs hover near both mares >Floating all around them, but never venturing too far from their bellies >You don’t stop through this moment, but you eventually thrust in and the resulting jolt forces your eyes shut again >You groan, and when you open your eyes again, it’s all gone >After a few more thrusts, your face is in Fireweed’s again, and you are sharing breath >Then your sensitized tip suddenly swells bigger >You try to pull back again, but find you are locked deep inside Fireweed >The pressure inside you is almost too much to bear >You continue giving short jabs forward >You’re right on the edge, when somehow Fireweed pushes her tongue into you’re mouth >You lean your head in and feverishly kiss your wife >At the same time you thrust forward as hard as you can with your flared tip and your spear kisses her womb >Overwhelmed by pleasure, you whinny into her mouth >The tension in your groin and belly snaps >You plant your seed >You pull back from the kiss for air as you grunt and snort >Pulse after intense pulse flows from your sack down your spear and into Fireweed’s womb >You jab in with every thrust and fully lay your upper half on her back, enjoying the familiar, less sexual scent of your loving wife >Fireweed can only pant and snort, surely relived that you’re putting out her fire >Things have gotten quieter in the whole cave, the Abominables must’ve finished again too >Eventually, you give all the seed you have and the pulses stop >Your spear softens, but you don’t want to leave Fireweed’s depths just yet >You thrust forward one last time and your sheathe pushes into her hind lips >She’s still winking, but not as intensely >Fireweed finally turns to look at you >”…That….Oh Ancestors, that was incredible Granite…” >”It….Oh wow, I can feel your seed inside me. But it’s much deeper…I can feel my womb…” >”Well, I suspect you’re going to be feeling it a lot…this next year, Fire” >Anxiety returns to Fireweeds eyes, right as you’re no longer able to stay inside her passage >As your spear is forced out, you dismount and move in front of her >”Fireweed, I’m still nervous too…but I know you have it in you to be a great mother” >”And it’s not like we’ll be alone in raising any foal that comes…And I don’t plan on being anywhere but with you” >You nudge your snouts together and share breath for what seems like hours, ending it in a gentle, tired kiss >”TINY PONIES CUTE COUPLE….ME NO IMAGINE LIFE WITH NO KINDLE” >Both of you turn around >Kindle and Fireweed are laying on the floor together, both clearly exhausted >For some inexplicable reason, nopony says anymore and you and fireweed stumble over to the front of the couple >Kindle shifts so she’s belly to belly with Fang >The two of you nuzzle into the incredibly floofy front of their barrels, just below their necks >The four of you pass into slumber > > > >That was three years ago >Later that day and again the next morning, you mated many times with Fireweed, as did Fang and Kindle >The evening of the fifth day in the cave, the storm finally let up >On the sixth day, you took the supplies you still had, thanked your rescuers and hosts for their hospitality, and made the rest of the way to Fell Fir >There was much commotion when you finally arrived, almost a week late >You quickly sold the remaining wares you had >You and Fireweed debated telling of your meeting Abominable Snowponies, but decide against it >You’ve seen the disbelief and also the unwanted attention such stories can bring >But also because your encounter took such an intimate turn >You tell the villagers that you barely dug out from the avalanche, lost supples in the snow and in your attempt to find shelter, and bunked down in a cave >You were so disoriented, you weren’t sure if you could find it again >But after the storm, you managed to make your way back to the path >This seems to placate most of them >A couple younger shamares give you a look that says they suspect something, but say nothing to you >You pass messages on with other travellers in all directions with your story and warning that the usual supply run was off >Two days later, you began the return trek through the forest, down the alternate path, and back to Snowpitt >From what you heard later, there were more foals born that year than normal in several other Southern and Western villages >Including your foal >Fireweed’s heat disappeared completely by the second day in Fell Fir and her next cycle never came >Over the next year, her womb swelled with life, and you stayed as close to her side as you could >Fish didn’t catch itself, after all >Eventually, spring rolled around again. And after much effort from Fireweed, you both finally met the spirit you brought into your tribe >A tiny colt. A faint brown coat from his mother fading into your gray fetlocks and snout and a white mane >Both you and your exhausted wife kiss with tears in your eyes as your foal suckles from her >You both come up with a name fairly quickly >The very reason he is with you now. Mountain Squall >That year and the next, relatives had taken over your route and assisted in foraging so you could care for the foal >This year though… >He’s been running around playing with other foals, but you both also carry him around as he isn’t at the age to grasp snow walking yet >He still does some young foal things, like clacking his teeth at strange ponies, but these things are starting to fade >You’ve discussed with your relatives and the elders >”Mama feesh!” >Fireweed has indeed been preparing fish stew, he’s hungry >As you all sit down to dinner, you discuss what you’ve heard from travelers, spirits, and the traveler spirit >Conditions are mild on the mountain trail to Fell Fir, a bit milder than normal for this time of year >You’ve been going back and forth on whether to do this now >After a bit more discussion, the decision is made > > > >And now, here you all are >Mountain Squall is in his carrier slung around Fireweed’s barrel >You’ve been making good time to Fell Fir, and you’re in the middle of the valley where this all started >…And once again, you can’t shake the feeling you’re not alone >You keep gazing up into the mountains, but you don’t see anything >”Pony!” >Mountain Squall is pointing a hoof out ahead, where another pony has indeed emerged from some trees in the distance >”Hello there, traveler!” > The pony says nothing in response to you, but starts cantering to you >The pony, who seems to be a stallion, has a red-brown coat, with tan hindquarters and fetlocks, and a gray mane >But something’s off as he gets closer, something in his eyes >Fireweed calls out “Do you need help with something?” >No response >The pony stops just short of you >And….bows his head slightly, and chews at nothing >Clacking his teeth >Like a foal…. >You give a puzzled glance to Fireweed >But before you can say anything, you are interrupted by a loud, booming voice >”TINY PONIES CAME BACK!!”