>Being the new kid sucks. >Especially when you’re the new kid during your time in high school. >By now, all the friend groups have their roots deep within the foundation of the school, leaving you to assume the role of the loner. >But that’s the fate that’s been inflicted upon you. >Your dad got a big promotion at work, which involved moving to a new branch on the other side of the country to serve as the thorns that accompany the rose of higher pay. >As much as you grumbled, it was already decided that you had to leave your old life behind and start a completely new life. >The move took weeks. >Between getting you and your family settled into your new home and getting everything unpacked and sorted, the whole process was the biggest headache you’ve ever endured. >But… First impressions weren’t bad. >The town of Canterlot is a really quaint, friendly place. >There’s mom-and-pop businesses of all sorts lining main street, and the townspeople were so immediately welcoming to you and your parents. >You even got a bushel of apples as a welcome gift from the local apple farm. >Those were the sweetest, juiciest apples you’ve ever had the honor of eating. >When you were sitting on your front porch, taking in the serene, beautiful view of the sun setting behind the landscape of downtown Canterlot, you felt more optimistic about the school year ahead of you. >It’s not like you left behind a huge life in Bullworth anyway. >You didn’t have a ton of friends, let alone a girlfriend. >You just kind of drifted from class to class, keeping your head low and focusing on making it to the end of the day. >Well, that and trying to not get harassed by all the bullies. >Everyone you’ve met in Canterlot during your back-to-school shopping trip was really nice. >The handful of guys and girls your age you ran into seemed eager to have a new student haunting the hallways of Canterlot High School. >One part of the day before the first day of school stuck out to you. >While leaving one of the trendy clothes shops that took up space in downtown Canterlot, you spotted a particular group of girls through the window of Sugarcube Corner, the local dessert shop. >You could only catch a glance of the seven girls, but something about them really stuck out to you. >They all seemed so different from each other, judging by the way they dressed and talked. >And yet, they talk like they’ve been friends for years. >If these girls can find friends despite their differences, so can you, surely. >But throughout the rest of the day, you couldn’t shake the feeling that one of the girls, with red and yellow hair, made eye contact with you for a single, fleeting second. >You could only pray she didn’t think you were leering at her and her friends. >...That’s not worth worrying about, you’re being ridiculous. >It’s a new school year. >A year of opportunity. >A fresh start. >As crazy as it was to admit… >...You were looking forward to your first day of school. >Canterlot High School seemed intimidating, yet welcoming to you when you arrived for your first day at your new school. >Standing three stories tall and constructed of impossibly clean white and purple bricks, it almost resembled a castle more so than a school. >Like a fortress of learning and friendship. >...God, you cringe just thinking that. >That horse statue in front of the school always seemed strange to you. >It’s probably just the school mascot, you couldn’t conjure a better idea of what a Wondercolt could be. >And that mirror-like surface at the base of the statue… >It seemed so… inviting. >You reached out to touch the eerily reflective surface, but before your fingers could make contact, the first bell of the day rang. >Whatever, it was probably nothing. >You followed the mass of teenagers into the opulent school building to your first order of business: visiting the Principal’s office for orientation. >Upon entering her office, Principal Celestia welcomed you to Canterlot High School with a warm smile. >”I truly hope your time here at our school is filled with friendship and adventure!” Were her exact words. >You felt the instinct to roll your eyes at the overly cheesy greeting, but you stomached the emotion. >You’re leaving your cynicism back in Bullworth. >The meeting with Principal Celestia went really well, she gave you advice on finding your way to your classes and pointed out some clubs you might be interested in. >And there’s a lot of clubs. >Chess club, model U.N., dodgeball, photography club, anime club, debate team, the list goes on. >Before you could go to your first class wielding a late note from Principal Celestia, she made you promise you’d make the effort to make friends. >You thought back on how lonely and kind of miserable you were at Bullworth Academy, and you promised Principal Celestia you’d make some friends here. >Satisfied by your answer, she sent you on your way to the first class of the day: history. >You made an awkward entrance by showing up twelve minutes late with a look on your face like you didn’t know where you were, but Ms. Cheerilee accepted the slip Principal Celestia gave you. >Aside from some murmuring from the students surrounding you as you took your seat, the class went by uneventfully. >As did physics and art. >Compared to being shoved down the stairs or being threatened for your lunch money at Bullworth, “uneventful” was a welcome change of pace. >But as lunch drew closer, it dawned on you that you were staring down the barrel of sitting alone. >You were more focused on finding the room your class was located in than trying to fit in with your peers. >The opportunities you had to make your first friend in your first three classes slipped through your fingers. >You trudged through the halls towards the cafeteria, bracing yourself for the isolation of an empty lunch table. >But then, you met… >Her. >Sunset Shimmer. >You recognized her as the girl with red and yellow hair you saw the previous day. >Through the crowd of guys and girls hurrying to the lunch room, she spotted you like a lioness eyeing its prey. >When she got closer to you, you realized she was older than you. >Sunset leaned against the locker in front of you and leered at you with a wicked grin, blocking your path to the cafeteria. >She was incredibly interested in you, eager to learn all about the “new boy” at school. >As she introduced herself, her words dripped with sensuality and her finger grazed across your chest and cheek. >Sunset subtly swayed her hips and leaned towards you, as if daring you to glance down her shirt and admire her cleavage. >”Don’t you worry, I’ll be your first friend~” You remember her offering you with her face inches away from yours. >You were powerless against her. >You’ve never had this kind of contact with a girl like this before. >All you could do was shakily nod your head. >Any attempt at speech would have been a shaky mess. >Sunset’s grin widened as she grabbed your forearm with both hands and guided you to the cafeteria. >She stayed with you the whole time you were waiting in line to get a lunch tray. >The amount of eyes you two drew made you feel uneasy, but Sunset was undeterred. >She guided you to a more secluded lunch table in the corner of the cafeteria and continued… getting to know you. >As you two ate, Sunset leaned towards you and asked you about everything. >Your hobbies, your life at Bullworth, the subjects you excel and struggle in, everything asked with a suggestive tone. >She leaned over the table and rested her head on her hands, with half-lidded eyes and a grin to weaken your resolve even further. >The way she asked her questions made the answers spill forward from your mouth. >You probably told your entire life story to Sunset, who seemed nothing less than enthralled. >You wanted to know why she wanted to get to know you so intensely. >But you couldn’t. >Sunset had cast a spell on you. >Before you knew it, the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. >Sunset got up from her seat, waved a flirty goodbye and skipped back over to her six friends you spotted yesterday. >You watched from a distance as the six of them hurried to question Sunset on why she’d single you out. >You couldn’t hear them, but you were sure that’s what they were talking about. >A few other students were wondering the same thing, judging by how they stared at you. >You threw away the remains of your lunch and made your way to your next class: phys-ed. >You honestly don’t remember a lot about your first day of P.E. with Coach Soarin or geometry with Ms. Harshwhinny, but you couldn’t stop thinking about Sunset. >Even after the final bell of the day rang, you walked home on autopilot. >Sunset Shimmer… >What a first day of school. >Over the next few months, you managed to make more friends. >Almost as soon as you got to school on your second day, you were ambushed by the incredibly energetic Pinkie Pie. >You could barely keep up with what she was saying to you, but you were able to get the gist that she was super excited to finally meet you after Sunset talked about you and that she was really sorry for not greeting you yesterday. >Pinkie basically insisted on being your friend. >But she seemed really nice and you couldn’t afford to be picky with your friends, so you accepted. >Pinkie almost strangled you with the hug she gave you and she promised she’d get to know you better. >After she skipped off to class, you were left thinking about how she said Sunset talked about you. >You wondered what Sunset could have said about you. >It couldn’t have been anything bad, judging by how Pinkie was so excited to meet you. >Later that week, you met a bespectacled girl named Twilight Sparkle. >She’s really nice, if a little awkward. >But hey, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. >Sunset must’ve told her you struggled with geometry, since she offered to tutor you in the subject after school. >You never really had anything going on after school, and you’ve heard murmurings that Twilight is the smartest student at Canterlot High, so you took her up on that offer and started meeting in the school library on Tuesdays to study. >She’s been a great help and a great friend. >You’ve gotten way better at geometry since she started tutoring you, but even when you didn’t really need help understanding the material, it’s still nice just to spend time with Twilight. >The fourth friend you made was Applejack, a girl distinct with her southern accent and stetson. >You two have physics together, you just didn’t realize because she sits on the other side of the classroom from you. >Turns out she lives on Sweet Apple Acres just outside of town, and it was her family that gave your family the welcome bushel of apples. >Sunset had to have told her that you do well in physics, because after you got your first quiz of the semester back, Applejack came up to you and asked if you wouldn’t mind tutoring her, comparing your A- to her D+. >You couldn’t say no to her genuine tone, and you wanted to repay her kindness for those delicious apples, so you agreed to tutor her. >On Thursdays you met on her family farm to help her understand physics. >Tutoring her worked out great because you got to know her family better. >Granny Smith’s the ideal grandma, Applejack’s younger sister Apple Bloom is really endearing, and her big brother Big Macintosh might be a mountain of a man of few words, but he’s a really reliable guy. >The Apples showed their appreciation for your tutoring by always making sure you never went home without having had dinner first. >Their cooking is so great it almost seems unfair that you only had your understanding of physics to offer in return. >You’ve heard about Rarity from your friends and from the guys in the locker room. >She’s the school fashionista, even running her own business as a custom tailor for dresses and suits. >You have art class with her, but never really got a chance to get to know her. >You’re positive Sunset talked about you with her, judging by the way she’d glance up at you from her easel in class. >You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little intimidated by her. >The students you heard say she was the most beautiful girl at school weren’t lying. >If you ever opened up a dictionary and flipped to the page defining “out of your league”, Rarity’s photo would be there. >But one day, right before class let out, you spotted that Rarity’s skirt had a pretty big rip in the back. >Luckily, you were the only one to notice. >You caught her on the way out and told her as subtly as possible about her wardrobe malfunction, and after she got the initial panic out of her system, she gave you her locker number and combination to fetch a backup skirt she’s been working on. >You almost got in trouble for breaking into a student’s locker, but Rarity explained the situation and saved you from detention. >Rarity texted you to meet behind school that day, saying she got your phone number from Sunset. >At first you were worried she’d think you were leering at her, but when you met with her, she threw her arms around your shoulders and started weeping into your chest. >Rarity managed to blubber out her deepest gratitude for how you saved her from complete humiliation, and that Sunset, Pinkie, Twilight, and Applejack were completely right about you being a great guy. >From that day on, you and Rarity were really good friends. >She turned out to be a lot nicer and more approachable than you initially thought. >Comparing your work in art class made for great conversation. >You never thought you’d be interested in fashion, but the way Rarity talked about it, you couldn’t help but be captivated. >She also offered you tips on grooming and self care that really went a long way in making you look nicer. >Rainbow Dash, though… >You knew her from your first day, she’s the school’s star soccer player. >And she knew it. >You were unlucky enough to have P.E. with her. >Rainbow knew you weren’t any star athlete and took to ribbing you like you were a prime cut of pork. >She’d put extra showboating into her kicks when scoring goals on you, she’d lap you when running the mile, she’d call you “dork” and “dweeb” every chance she could. >It made you dread P.E. >You’ve endured worse bullying, but in a school as nice as Canterlot High, Rainbow really stuck out. >You couldn’t imagine why Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, or Applejack would be friends with Rainbow, she was a real jerk. >You hid those emotional wounds well enough, though. >One day you weren’t doing great because of a poor grade on your latest geometry test, so you were even less in the mood for Rainbow’s teasing. >When she made a smug remark about your inability to accurately throw a football, you shot back that you already knew you’re pathetic at sports and rubbing salt in that wound doesn’t make her cooler. >Rainbow, for once in her life, didn’t respond. >Her grin faded and you barely heard her mutter “Sorry” before running off to go talk with some of your more athletic peers. >You did feel kind of bad for her at that moment, you wanted to stand up for yourself, not push back too hard. >But you felt proud of yourself for standing up for yourself like that. >In your experience, standing up for yourself meant getting beat up worse than you otherwise would have gotten beat up. >After P.E. the next day, Rainbow kind of avoided you all class until the end of the period, when she pulled you aside to talk. >Her voice was softer than you’ve ever heard it before, and even a little shaky. >Rainbow apologized for being such a jerk to you, and said she would’ve eased up on you sooner if she knew she was being too mean to you. >She talked about how Sunset, Twilight and Applejack said you were a pretty cool guy and thought that you’d be tougher since you came from Bullworth, but seeing that you’re more sensitive than that, it made her realize what a bully she had been to you. >You tried to apologize for snapping at her yesterday, but Rainbow waved off your apology, saying she’s the only one who needed to apologize. >Rainbow asked if you could forgive her and give her another shot at being your friend. >You did hesitate at first, but when you thought about how well Sunset, Pinkie, Twilight, and the others, Rainbow had to be a solid person. >You met her halfway and shook on it. >Turns out, Rainbow is a really cool friend. >Her teasing during P.E. turned into challenges for you to meet. >You couldn’t possibly beat her, but you could beat yourself from yesterday. >Rainbow also likes a lot of the same movies and games you like, so it ended up being really easy to spend an hour just talking and joking around. >Of the seven girls in Sunset’s friend group, Fluttershy was the one that took the longest to warm up to you. >Not that she didn’t like you, she’s just not great around new people in general. >It took Fluttershy a week to say an audible sentence to you when you ran into her while talking with Sunset and Pinkie, and she was barely capable of maintaining eye contact. >She’s got a reputation for being really quiet and introverted, and you’re sure she’s heard some rumors about you being some kind of violent psycho since you’ve come to Canterlot from Bullworth. >But as time went by and you made friends with her friends, she did get more comfortable around you whenever you two happened to cross paths. >Pinkie insisted you help Fluttershy out at the local animal shelter to show her that you’re a nice guy, since she’s always looking for volunteers. >You never saw her trying to hand out flyers in front of the school because of how many students were rushing out the front doors, but it did make you feel a pang of shame for not having noticed earlier. >Fluttershy could rely on her friends helping out when they could, so you took to helping her on Wednesdays for a couple hours after school. >The work wasn’t very intense and it’s always fun to spend time with dogs and cats and other animals, so it felt more like R&R after the school day as opposed to actual work. >You were able to show Fluttershy that you’re a good friend one day when you saw her getting bullied by Hoops, Score, and Dumb-bell in between classes. >You knew them from P.E., they’re typical asshole jocks. >Rainbow knows them and hates them, too. >You’ve had experience of dealing with jocks like them at Bullworth, so you stepped in and tried to talk down the situation. >Hoops wasn’t impressed by your act of selflessness and told you to mind your own business and get lost. >But with Fluttershy standing behind you, you couldn’t do that. >Hoops punched you in the face pretty hard and pinned you against the locker. >You heard Fluttershy plead with him to stop as you tried fighting back, but you didn’t do very well. >Canterlot guys can't fight as well as Bullworth guys, but you were always better at running from fights. >Vice Principal Luna happened to be nearby when Hoops was punching you and his friends were goading him on, so she dragged the three of them to her office and instructed Fluttershy to accompany you to the nurse’s office to get treated. >All in all, you didn’t sustain any major injuries, just some bruises that’ll heal in a day or so. >Nurse Redheart sent you home with an ice pack, but Fluttershy insisted she treat you. >She felt terrible about what happened because she thought it was her fault that you got beat up. >That evening was spent at her house lying on her couch and being given soup. >Fluttershy showed more stubbornness than you’ve ever seen from her before insisting that you rest up and focus on getting some sleep. >You made the mistake of joking that you’ve survived worse beatings at your old school and getting Fluttershy even more worried about you. >Thankfully, her parents and brother wouldn’t be back until much later, so you didn’t have anyone disturbing your rest. >Once your condition stabilized, you spent the last couple hours with her watching My Neighbor Totoro. >You went home that evening with a soft, warm hug from Fluttershy. >The way she thanked you for standing up for her warms your heart every time you think back to it. >...But she did make you promise you wouldn’t get in trouble for her sake. >This new school was going way better than you thought it would. >You began sitting with the seven girls at lunch every day, while working with Applejack in physics, Rainbow in P.E., and Rarity in art. >Pinkie made sure you never went a day without hanging out with her, be it before school or after school. >You reliably ran into Fluttershy in between fourth and fifth period and could spend a couple minutes talking. >Twilight was also available to walk with you from third period to lunch. >Your whole school day was spent with at least one of the seven girls you’ve become friends with. >You were a little unsure about sitting with them at lunch since you were the only guy. >But those worries vanished soon after. >Maybe it’s the fact that they’re all so different that makes them such great friends. >And that’s why you feel like such a natural addition to that group. >You always made sure to go to the school soccer games to cheer on Rainbow. >You never really cared for school sports before, but she knew how to make it exciting. >Every now and again, you’d help out with some of the farm work on Sweet Apple Acres. >Applejack tried to persuade you that you were already plenty helpful tutoring her, but you assured her it wouldn’t be a big deal. >Turns out, it was. >Carrying those crates of apples up and down those hills works every muscle in your body. >It’s good exercise, at least. >Your body’s improved since you started helping out with the farm work. >Every Saturday was spent with the girls at Sugarcube Corner, talking and having milkshakes. >Within a month, they weren’t just Sunset’s friends. >They were your friends, too. >But Sunset puzzled you. >She’s with you almost all the time at school. >She’s still so touchy and weirdly flirty. >Whenever you’re spending time with one of the girls, she’s standing so close to you. >Sometimes you catch Sunset having a hushed conversation with one of the girls while sneakily peeking at you. >You don’t know what to make of her. >She’s always been nice to you (in her own way) and pushed you to get to know the girls better. >You’re pretty sure she doesn’t have a crush on you, you’re not the “immediately get a girl interested in you” type. >She’s never direct on how she really feels about you. >Sunset made sure you knew she doesn’t have a boyfriend, but that might be just a ploy to keep you following her like a puppy. >But… You kind of do have a crush on her. >As embarrassing as it would be to admit, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think Sunset was hot. >It was pretty hard for you to not find her hot, because of the way she showed herself off to you. >But you don’t think you could ever tell her that. >The last thing you want to do is make a fool of yourself in front of Sunset and your other friends. >Honestly, you’d kind of caught feelings for all seven of the girls in your friend group. >Pinkie Pie’s relentless enthusiasm and positivity is really infectious. >She gives great hugs, and her body is just the right kind of curvy. >Twilight Sparkle has a really endearing “adorkable” thing going on. >Especially the way she giggles when you make a witty remark. >Applejack’s so easy to talk to, she’s got a great down-to-Earth quality, and her accent is really cute. >Plus, the toned body she got from her years of farm work is a thing of beauty. >Rarity’s physical beauty is unmatched, her skin, hair, and clothes are truly magnificent. >Despite this, she cares a lot about you, pushing you to take better care of yourself so you can be the best version of yourself. >Rainbow Dash is the tomboy of every lonely teenage guy’s dreams. >She can be sporty and competitive, but she’s got this sensitive side that’s like finding gold in a river. >Fluttershy is such a sweetheart, seeing her feel comfortable around you has really shown you how cute she can be. >Getting her to warm up to you has been so rewarding. >It’s kind of a curse, having crushes on your seven friends. >You never had any luck with girls in the past. >In the (likely) event that they reject your advances, it’ll really throw a wrench into the friendship you’ve built with them. >Plus you couldn’t make advances on any of the six other girls after being rejected. >You doubt they’d appreciate being the rebound. >These feelings swirled within you and made your time with them a little more depressing. >You’ve learned to stomach these feelings and just enjoy having seven friends who truly enjoy spending time with you and care about you. >Besides, it’s not like these are the only girls at school. >You’ve never taken a census or anything, but you’re pretty sure there’s a 60:40 ratio of girls to guys at Canterlot High. >So you have your options. >And you’re sure the girls would love to act as your wingmen to find a date. >Or wingwomen, rather. >You really shouldn’t focus on what you don’t have. >Canterlot High’s been great to you. >Principal Celestia called you back to her office after your first month to make sure you were doing well. >You were happy to report that yes, you were doing great at your new school. >Your peers and teachers are really nice, and you’ve already made some great friends. >Principal Celestia was delighted to hear the good news, saying she was proud of you for the progress you’ve made. >From any other principal, you would’ve interpreted her words as being overly patronizing, but Principal Celestia has this motherly tone that really makes you feel cared about. >If you were still in Elementary School, you’re sure you would’ve accidentally called her mom. >You left school that day with a spring in your step. >If all this could happen in one month, you couldn’t wait to see what the rest of the school year would bring. >This brings you to where you are today. >Not just any Friday, the last Friday of the semester. >Only five class periods and one lunch period separated you and the rest of the students of Canterlot High from winter break. >Anticipation was in the air. >You had a couple final tests on your schedule, but you're ready. >You waited for the first bell beside that horse statue that always weirds you out for some reason. >You’re bundled up in a thick jacket and winter cap to protect yourself from the bitter bite of the winter season. >With each exhale, a cloud of icy breath leaves your mouth and dissipates soon after. >A small dusting of snow covers the ground, with a scant amount of snowflakes falling from the sky. >It is a little disappointing that you couldn’t get one snow day on the last day of the semester. >You kept yourself from getting swept up in the hype unlike other guys in your classes. >Some of them preemptively took the day off. >Oh, well. >”Hey there, new boy~” Sunset’s voice called out to you from behind. >She’s been calling you “new boy” ever since you first met her. >It’s an endearing enough nickname. >You turn around to see Sunset wearing the same leather jacket and skirt she always wears, seemingly unaffected by the cold weather. “Hey, Sunset. How are you not cold? It’s freezing out here.” You ask her, shivering a bit as some of the winter air sneaks past your neck. >Sunset shrugged. >”Guess I’m just more used to Canterlot’s winter weather. You’re experiencing everything here for the first time, remember.” She suggested. >You nod. “Yeah, that makes sense…” >”Hope you’re ready for finals today. Too many guys like you end up failing because they’re busy thinking about break.” Sunset warned you. “You kidding? Twilight wouldn’t let me out of her sight until I mastered all the worksheets she made for me.” You chuckle, exaggerating only slightly. >Sunset giggled at your remark. >You have anything exciting planned for break? Any girlfriend you gonna show a good time~?” >You shook your head. “Not really, just hanging out with you and the girls. Probably some holiday stuff with my family. Besides, you’re hanging around me all the time, you’d be the first to know if I tricked a girl into wanting to go out with me.” You remark. >”Oh, Anon, you really shouldn’t be so hard on yourself! I’m sure any girl here would be lucky to be snuggled up with you on these cold, winter nights.” Sunset assured you with a small grin. “Oh, yeah? Even you?” You ask her. >You immediately regret asking her that. >Did you go too far? >Would she think it’s just a joke? >Sunset giggled at your question. >She makes a big show out of eyeing you up and down. >”Hmm…” >You gulp. >”I don’t know, I don’t really go for younger guys…” >You felt your heart sink. >It stupid of you to ask that. >”...But there IS a first time for everything~” Sunset continues with a wink. >Your train of worrying thoughts screeches to a halt. “What- What does that mean?” You ask her with an awkward chuckle in an attempt to sound natural. >Sunset gives you a smug shrug. >”Oh, don’t you worry, that’s for me to worry about, new boy~” >You can only hope your cheeks are red because of the cold temperature. >”Anyway, we’ve got something fun planned for tonight.” Sunset continues from the original topic, getting your attention. “Really? What’s that?” >”A sleepover! Pizza, movies, karaoke, truth or dare, all sorts of fun stuff to blow off steam after this semester!” Sunset answered. “Oh, that sounds like fun!” You cheer for her. >”It should be! You gonna be able to make it?” >What? “...What?” >”You’re invited, that’s what!” Sunset teasingly clarified. >It’s not feeling like winter. >You could only exhale with a sound like an awkward laugh, glancing around to see if anyone was seeing you like this. >She’s messing with you, surely. “...H-Heh, good one, Sunny.” You respond, trying to play it off like you knew it was a joke. >”I’m not joking, new boy! It wouldn’t be the same without you!” Sunset insisted. >She’s really committed to this bit. >Could she be telling the truth…? >No, she can’t. >Being the only boy at a sleepover with seven girls? >It’s a scenario straight out of porn movies (that you wouldn’t know anything about). >Sure, you’re really good friends with the girls, but this is too absurd. >”Come ON, it’s just hanging out with friends! What’re YOU thinking will happen?” Sunset leers at you, her smug grin getting even wider. >You’re getting even hotter. >Sweat’s forming on your forehead. “I-I just… I dunno, sleepovers are kind of a “girls only” kinda thing…” You eventually answer. >Sunset snickered at your response. >”Anon, you’re worrying too much! It’s just a casual hangout! Besides, you’re pretty much ‘one of the girls’~” >The way she said that made you a little embarrassed. >There’s already been some rumors spreading throughout Canterlot that you hang out with Sunset and her friends because you’re gay. >...Is that why Sunset’s inviting you? >Oh, God, you really hope not. >”Come on, get your mind out of the gutter. You’re making a bigger deal out of this than it really is~” Sunset tried to persuade you further, resting her hand on your chest and looking into your eyes. >Before you could utter some other kind of sheepish excuse for not being convinced by her invitation, the first bell of the day rang. >”Well, I’d love to keep telling you about how much fun you’re gonna have tonight, but we shouldn’t be late for class on the last day! See you later, new boy~” Sunset bid you farewell before ascending the steps into the building, adding extra sway to her hips before she disappeared behind the front doors. >You sighed, feeling your face still glowing warm. >Today’s gonna be a long day. >First on the agenda was history. >When you walked in after dropping off your backpack in your locker and bringing your history folder, Ms. Cheerilee stood by her desk ready to administer the final test of the semester. >Taking your seat, you took note of the temperament of your peers. >Most were just annoyed about having to deal with a test on the last day, but a few were visibly worried about the test. >They must’ve bet on today being a snow day. >Twilight wouldn’t let you assume yesterday. >You’ve gotta thank her for forcing you to study when you run into her. >Those three hours spent studying for your finals were about to pay off. >You spent the few minutes before class began going over the study sheet you made with Twilight’s help, but really you were just staring at the paper. >Your mind was still focused on Sunset. >Usually when she’s messing with you, she drops the act after getting a reaction from you, but she’s awfully persistent that she wants you to come to the sleepover. >Could she really be telling the truth? >You’ll have to ask the other girls when you see them. >You’ve got physics with Applejack next period, and odds are good you’ll run into Pinkie in the halls before that. >But if you sound like you’re inviting yourself, it could really make things awkward. >You’ve gotten this far with the girls, don’t fumble the ball now. >”Good morning, class!” Ms. Cheerilee finally greeted her students, chipper as ever. >”I hope you all studied for today’s final!” >The response she got was a collection of grumbles from the guys and girls around you. >You sit a little more confidently in your chair and smile back at Ms. Cheerilee. >With Twilight in your corner, you doubt it’s possible to fail a test. >”Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure all of you will do just fine! You’ll be out of here enjoying your winter break in no time!” Ms. Cheerilee assured everyone. >When the test papers began making their way across the rows of seats, you stuffed your study guide back into your folder and got out your sharpest pencil. >You weren’t very worried about doing well on the test, and the questions on the test justified your lax attitude. >The questions laid out in front of you were basically straight from the textbook. >Most of it was multiple choice, but there were three short response questions at the end. >From a brief glance around the room, you could tell a good amount of your peers were visibly worried about doing well. >You allow a small grin to appear on your face. >Lucky you, getting the best tutor in Canterlot all to yourself. >The test goes by as smoothly as butter. >Dates and names of historical figures and battles seem obvious as soon as you read the questions. >Even the short response questions aren’t anything more than annoying. >You’re essentially writing what Twilight would answer the questions with. >Thank goodness she’s not in this class, you’d get accused of plagiarism. >After half an hour, you’re done with the test. >You make your triumphant walk up to Ms. Cheerilee’s desk to present your finished test. >”Oh, wow, finished already?” Ms. Cheerilee asked you. “Yep! Turns out, studying really does pay off.” You say to her as you place your test on her desk. >”Well, I can’t really let you go early, so just sit at your desk and wait for class to end. Oh, and no using your phone.” Ms. Cheerilee instructed you. >You nod and return to your seat. >Out of the corner of your eyes you could see some of the guys in your class giving you puzzled looks, like they couldn’t comprehend that you could possibly have finished the test that fast. >Once you take your seat , the boring part begins: waiting for class to end. >At least you were sitting near the window, so you could stare outside and spend time peoplewatching. >Unsurprisingly, it isn’t very lively outside. >Most everyone’s either at work or school. >Except a handful of punkish teenagers hanging around on the sidewalk. >They’re most likely skipping school, but you’re no narc. >The gentle snowfall continues to powder the pavement on the other side of the window. >Without the foot or road traffic, it’s starting to build up on the road and sidewalk. >...Even if you’re invited, what’s gonna happen? >What’s Sunset planning? >This can’t just be an elaborate prank at your expense, the other girls wouldn’t allow that. >Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, there’s no way they’d take advantage of your trust. >There’d have to be a reason they’d go along with Sunset on this. >...Of course, this is all dependent on you actually being invited to that sleepover. >There’s no reason to get hyped up about this. >You’d only be setting yourself up for disappointment. >...Man, if you’re not actually invited, you’re gonna feel really lonely tonight. >All seven of your friends hanging out and having a good time without you sounds pretty depressing. >Would Sunset trick you about being invited just to make you feel bad about being left out? >No, she wouldn’t. >Sunset’s always liked teasing you, but she’s never been cruel to you. >So many possibilities, so many conflicting emotions. >The wait is driving you insane. >You really wish you could text Twilight or Pinkie or whoever to ask about this sleepover thing, but Ms. Cheerilee would think you’re helping other students cheat on their final. >Waiting a little longer for class to let out is worth making sure you didn’t get a zero on your final. >You dread to imagine how Twilight would react if you got a zero after all your studying. >As time goes on, more and more students walk up to Ms. Cheerilee’s desk and hand in their test, some looking more confident than others. >A handful of students were desperately scribbling down whatever answers they could squeeze into the remaining minutes. >If it weren’t for Twilight, you would’ve been one of them. >The bell rings, indicating the end of the first period. >You shoot out of your seat, grab your folder, and hurriedly make your way out of the classroom. “Thanks for everything, have a nice break!” You say to Ms. Cheerilee over your shoulder as you exit the room to make sure you didn’t seem rude. >Making your way back to your locker, through the densely packed hallway, you spot the unmistakable curly pink hair that could only belong to Pinkie Pie. >You hurry on over to her while trying to not make it look like you’re hurrying over to her. >When Pinkie finally sees you, her eyes light up and she captures you in another one of her impossibly strong bear hugs. >”Hiya, Nonny! Gosh, it feels like it’s been forever since I saw you last!” Pinkie greeted you with her face half-buried in your chest. >Her peppy attitude infects you as it usually does, forcing you to giggle along and return her hug, albeit with less force. “Hey, Pinkie! It hasn’t been THAT long, you saw me yesterday!” You remind her. >Pinkie pulls away from the hug and she takes on a grumpy expression. >”Oh, I know, but I just HATE these finals! I really really wish we could’ve just skipped straight to winter break already!” She complains. “I wish so too. If it was up to me, we would’ve started winter break weeks ago.” You remark. >Pinkie giggles at your dumb joke. >You love her giggles. >They’re so pure and joyous. >”At least we’ve got that sleepover tonight to look forward to!” Pinkie added, her expression lifting. >Okay, here it goes. “Yeah, uh, Sunset mentioned something about that. She said I was invited, for some reason…” You awkwardly segue into the topic. >”That’s because you are, silly!” Pinkie giggles. >...Well, that settles it. >Apparently. >Now you’re more puzzled. “...Really?” >”Well, duh! It wouldn’t be the same without you, Nonny!” Pinkie insisted. >Sunset said the same thing to you before school… >”You’ve been such a super-duper friend since you started coming to school here, hanging out with you’s always fun! With you and the girls all together for tonight’s sleepover, it could be the best night EVER!” Pinkie cheered. >Her volume drew the attention of a few of the students rushing by, but none of them seemed too curious about the topic of your conversation. >”Why wouldn’t you think you’d be invited?” Pinkie asked you. >Here we go again. “Well, it’s just-” >”Oh, whoopsie! Gotta get to class! See you at lunch!” Pinkie interrupted you, making to dart off towards her next class. “Y-Yeah, see you then!” You call out to her as she ran through the hall. >But before Pinkie could disappear around the corner, she skidded to a halt and turned back to you. >”Don’t work yourself too hard on your tests today, Nonny! You’re gonna need your energy for tonight~” >Before you could ask what she meant by that, she was gone. >It doesn’t take you long to get to physics. >But your head’s clouded with thoughts about the sleepover. >Pinkie’s second opinion verifies Sunset’s initial claim. >There is a sleepover tonight, and you are invited. >But that still leaves the big three letter question. >Why? >Hopefully Applejack could help shine some light on the situation. >When you reach the classroom, you find the test packets placed face-down on everyone’s usual seat. >Class managed to get ahead of the curriculum, so you actually had your final test earlier this week. >Applejack’s already at her seat when you arrive, gripping her test packet tightly. “Hey, AJ.” You greet her as you stand by her desk. >She turns to face you, clearly excited about something. >”Heya, Anon! Look at this!” She says, presenting the front of her test packet. >She got an A! “Oh, wow! That’s amazing!” You cheer for her. >”Thank you! I couldn't have done it without your help!” She thanked you. “Oh, come on, all I did was point you in the direction of the finish line. You’re the one who crossed it.” You humbly try to downplay your contribution. >Applejack shook her head. >”Nuh uh, before you started tutoring me, all this was just a bunch of letters I couldn’t make heads or tails of. I admit, I wasn’t sure when Sunset said I should ask you for tutoring instead of Twilight, but… I’m really glad I did.” >She got up from her chair and wrapped her firm arms around you, ensnaring you in another hug. >”Thank you for believing in me, sugarcube.” Applejack sighed. >You gently smiled and gratefully returned her hug. “Come on, you don’t have to thank me for that. That’s what friends are for.” You remind her. >Being in Applejack’s arms feels great, and it stings a little to say you’re only friends. >Applejack parts from the hug and gives you a soft smile. >”Yeah… friends…” She mutters. >Weird, you’ve never heard her use that kind of tone before. >”Don’t start celebrating yet, you kids still have three classes after this.” You heard your teacher say to you two. >You and Applejack quickly parted from the hug, feeling embarrassed about being reminded that you two embraced like that in the middle of the classroom. >A couple students giggled at you two, but returned to their test packets. >Seems like more than a few of them disagreed with their grade. “Guess I should check my own grade.” You said awkwardly. >”Yeah, that’s probably a good idea…” Applejack chuckled sheepishly. >You move back to your seat on the other side of the classroom and, with bated breath, turn over the test packet on your desk. >You managed to land a B+ on your final. >Hell yeah! >But Applejack got a better grade than you. >Looks like you’re such a great tutor that you’re better at teaching the material than understanding. >You guide people to a treasure you can never possess. >But hey, a B+ is a passing grade, that’s what matters most. >”Alright class, I don’t have anything scheduled for today, so we’re just gonna watch Interstellar if that’s alright with all of you.” The visibly exhausted physics teacher informed the class, setting up the projector and switching off the lights. >The mood in the classroom lifted like you got a few feet closer to heaven. >Seems like they’re all not so worried about their grades now. >Bread and circuses, I guess. >”Remember, this is a school presentation, so don’t text during the movie. Or do. See if I care.” The teacher grumbled, hitting play. >You’ve seen Interstellar before, so you’re not missing out on much by scrolling through your social media feeds and killing more than a few brain cells. >A more academic student would take this time to review notes for the rest of finals today, but you’re not even gonna bother fighting with the movie’s bombastic bass for your mental space. >Not too long into the movie, you get a text notification from Applejack. >[U gonna be able to make it to the sleepover tonight?] >[Sunset said she told u about it already] >Well, that’s the third sleepover invitation you’ve received today. >Seems like this really is legit [Yeah I guess so] You text back. [Where’s it happening anyway?] >[Rarity’s house] >[Her parents are out of town for the weekend and her sister’s spending the night at my house with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo] >[We’ve got the place to ourselves] >Rarity’s house… >You’ve visited once or twice, though only the first floor where Rarity has her boutique. >[U alright?] >You’ve been found out. [Yeah, sorry] [Just processing that I’ve been invited to a sleepover] >[Ur making a bigger deal out of this than it is] >[We invited u bc we rly like having u around] >[U don’t have to come but we’d rly like it if you did] [I’d like to come!] [It sounds like fun!] [I’d just hate to intrude on girl’s night] >You heard Applejack gently chuckle on the other side of the classroom. >[Ur worrying too much!] >[It’s gonna be fun!] >You gently sigh with a soft smile. >You should stop insisting on looking this gift horse in the mouth. [Ur right, thanks AJ] [I’m rly grateful for the invitation] >Applejack sends back a smiley emoticon. >As the movie continues, the last thing Pinkie said to you comes back to mind. >The way she said that reminded you of Sunset’s teasing tone. >Pinkie usually isn’t flirty like that. >Could that mean something? >Most likely not. >The inner workings of Pinkie’s mind are a complete mystery to you. >Some questions are better left unanswered. >Another text notification from Applejack pops up. >[I almost forgot ur in charge of picking two movies for tonight] >[RD insisted u pick the movies] >Oh man, responsibility. >Guess that’s the catch you’ve been dreading. >The seven girls all have such different tastes, how are you gonna pick one movie all of them are gonna enjoy, let alone two? [U can count on me!] You text Applejack. >”Class” ended after some more texting back and forth with Applejack. >As for the movie, you’re left on a real cliffhanger. >Now you’ll never know how far Mr. Director Man will go to destroy the school’s cheap sound system. >”Seeya at lunch!” Applejack waved goodbye to you before heading out into the hall with some more pep in her step, thanks to her awesome grade. “See you then!” You say to her in return before she vanishes into the mob of teenagers outside the classroom. >Once you’re packed up, you head out towards your third stop: art class with Rarity. >This class has a final in the form of adding the finishing touches to your last project of the semester before submitting it to the teacher for grading. >Not much of a final, but it’s sure graded like one. >The art wing’s on the complete other side of the school building from the science wing, so it’s a bit of a hike to get there. >Upon arriving at the art studio, you spot Rarity setting up her easel at the usual spot inside. >You wonder what she has to say about this whole sleepover thing. >If any of the girls are most likely to be opposed to the idea of having a boy over for the night, it’s her. “Hey, Rarity.” You nonchalantly say to her as you set up your easel next to hers, the way it’s been for most of the semester. >”Oh, good morning, Anon! I trust your day hasn’t been too stressful thus far!” Rarity greeted you, turning away from her easel to face you with a smile. >Something’s different about her today, but what? “Wait, don’t tell me…” You change the subject, trying to figure out what exactly she’s doing differently today. >Rarity gently chuckles and strikes a small pose, waiting for you to spot the difference between Today Rarity and Yesterday Rarity. “...New earrings!” You realize with a snap of your fingers. >Rarity’s eyes lit up at your answer. >”Thank you! They arrived in the mail just last week, but I knew they had to be saved for a truly special occasion!” She excitedly said to you, moving her intricately cared-for hair aside to give you a better look at her new earrings. >They’re cut from glass in the shape of impossibly intricate snowflakes, with a sparkling gem at the center of each earring. “They sure look like they’re worthy of a special occasion! They’re beautiful!” >”Why, thank you, Anon!” Rarity beamed. “And the effort you’ve put into your hair this morning has paid off!” >You feel yourself gently blush at her compliment as you run your fingers through your carefully maintained hair. “Thanks, Rarity! That whole ‘use shampoo and conditioner separately instead of the 2-in-1’ idea of yours is genius.” You compliment her. >A satisfied look covers Rarity’s face. “I gotta say, it’s really annoying when you tell me I should take better care of myself, and you end up being right.” You joke. >Rarity allows herself a hearty laugh at your joke, making you smile. >Once class starts, everyone gets to work on their paintings of the mannequin at the center of the room. >Art’s a pretty laid back class that the teacher encourages creative, artistic thinking in, so listening to music during class is allowed for the students so long as it doesn’t hurt their ability to paint. >You’re pretty proud of the progress you’ve made so far. >Your easel is set up in a corner of the room where the light cast from the window creates a pretty striking shadow across the mannequin’s head. >It looks so solemn, like the weight of the world is being carried on its shoulders. >At the risk of hubristic statements, you’d compare your work to The Thinker. >From the looks you got at Rarity’s perspective, she’s approaching the mood of the painting from a completely different angle. >Where she’s set up, the light from the window completely silhouettes the mannequin, so none of the mannequin from her perspective is lit. >Rarity took to interpreting this as if it were an angel descending from heaven, using the light behind the mannequin as a welcoming force, rather than foreboding like you likely would have. >It’s clear that she’s got far more experience with a paintbrush than you, her brushstrokes are far more thin and deliberate. >Your work’s a little more messy, but you try to spin that into a kind of surreal roughness. >That’s the kind of stuff art teachers eat up. >”Truthfully, I can hardly wait for the sleepover. Aren’t you excited?” Rarity whispered to you while brushing just as delicately as she always does. >That’s confirmation number four that you’re invited to the sleepover. >You glance around, worried that some of your classmates might overhear you two and get the wrong idea. >But you’re not entirely sure what the right idea is. >Everyone’s focused on their work with their earbuds in, so there aren’t any eavesdroppers. >You awkwardly chuckle and shrug while trying to not look like you’re shirking your work. “I guess! I can’t remember the last time I had a sleepover, honestly.” >”Fortunately for you, there’s very little rehearsal involved. All you have to worry about is making informed choices on what we’ll be viewing this evening.” Rarity reminded you with a slight grin. “Sure, but that’s gonna be a real headache to figure out when I get home. All of you have such different tastes, finding a movie that everyone will like is gonna be like bowling a perfect game.” >”It certainly will be if you approach the matter like that! I trust you have good taste in film, and Rainbow does too, judging by how fiercely she fought to elect you to the role.” >You gently laugh, nodding your head to relent. “Alright, alright, but… is there a dress code?” >Rarity is only barely able to stifle a laugh. >”Anon, you’re worrying far too much about this! Just bring comfortable nightwear, and ideally a swimsuit as well.” >A swimsuit? >This is getting interesting. >Both of you decide to continue this conversation at lunch with the girls. >You’ve only got so much time left to perfect your masterpiece. >But you’ve used your time earlier this week to get the bulk of the work done. >All that’s really left are the fine details. >...Rarity in a swimsuit… >That would be something to see. >And the other girls, too… >This calls for extra preparation when you get home. >P.E. with Rainbow and the volunteering at Sweet Apple Acres improved your physique, at least a little. >Hopefully you’re beach body ready. >Ten minutes before class ends, the teacher gets everyone’s attention. >Before everyone could submit their final project, she gave everyone a well-prepared speech about how wonderful it’s been to see everyone grow as an artist and that she has nothing but faith in us achieving great things beyond this class. >It’s certainly a more touching farewell than what your physics teacher gave you. >Just as the paintings were collected, the bell rang, meaning it’s time for your favorite period: lunch. >Not just because there’s no homework involved, but because it’s the only part of the school day where all your friends are together. >As soon as you and Rarity step out into the hall, you’re greeted by Twilight and Sunset. >”Hey, guys! Finals been treating you well?” Twilight asks you two as she adjusts her hefty backpack. >”Oh, can’t complain.” Rarity answered, brushing aside her hair. “So far, so good. Though I’ve really only had one ‘real’ final today.” You add. >”That’s a relief, we’d just hate it if you got too burned out to have fun tonight.” Sunset remarked, taking her usual spot right next to you as the four of you walked down the hall. >”That’s for sure! Ironically, we won’t be doing much sleeping tonight!” Twilight giggled. “When’s this happening, anyway? I gotta make myself decent before my show-stopping debut.” You ask. >Twilight giggles at your dumb joke. >”I’m gonna be coming over at 7 PM, you should, too!” She advised. >”If you show up any earlier, I’m afraid you’ll have to wait in my boutique.” Rarity added. “Alright, sounds good!” >Idle talk is exchanged about how finals went as the four of you navigated through the pack of teenagers to get to the cafeteria. >Tensions are even higher than this morning, you can tell. >Only three classes after this and you’re free. >You’re more tense, too. >You’re getting closer to that sleepover. >All your friends brought it up as soon as you saw them. >You can’t shake the feeling that this is gonna be a big deal. >But why? >Well, there’s the possibility that one of your friends is into you. >But that’s a risky assumption. >”Hellooooo? Earth to Anon?” You heard Sunset say while waving her hand in your face. “What? Yeah, what’s up?” You clumsily ask her, snapping back to reality. >Sunset and Twilight giggled at you having just come back from zoning out. >You’re in the cafeteria in no time. >The place is abuzz with the chatter of your peers. >Between talk about how everyone did on finals and what everyone has planned for winter break, the cafeteria’s even more lively than usual. >The line for lunch trays moves quicker as a result, which is nice. >You make sure to thank Granny Smith for your tray, but having the food in your hand makes you realize how hungry you are. >Pinkie’s not hard to spot with how she’s standing up and energetically waving the four of you over to your usual table. >Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Applejack are already sitting with her when you get there with Sunset, Twilight, and Rarity. >You took your usual seat in between Pinkie and Sunset. >”AJ was just telling us how you got her an A on her physics final! You’re one heck of a tutor, Nonny!” Pinkie cheered for you. >”You did? That’s awesome!” Twilight said, turning to you with an excited expression. >”What did I tell you? New boy here really is something special.” Sunset added, nudging your shoulder with a grin. >Fluttershy mumbled something as she cast her gaze down to her lunch tray. “Come on, I was just tutoring her. Applejack’s always been capable of getting that A, I just helped her realize it.” You humbly downplay your contribution. >Applejack turned away from you just as you could perceive a very slight blush on her cheeks. >”I bet you’d say the same about Twilight.” Rainbow remarked with a mouth half-full of sandwich. “Well, that’s different. I knew I’d do decently on my tests, Twilight just… got me to actually study.” >”Why’re we talking about tests right now? I can’t stop thinking about tonight!” Pinkie jumped in. >”It’s still worth thinking about finals, we’ve still got two classes to get through before break starts.” Twilight tries to remind her. >”Pfft, nobody cares about the last classes. I bet the teachers wanna get out of here even more than we do.” Rainbow dismissed, this time after having swallowed the food in her mouth. >”We still ought to put in a decent effort for what’s left of today. Don’t wanna trip up at the finish line.” Applejack spoke up, supporting Twilight’s cautious attitude. >As Pinkie and Rainbow butted heads with Twilight and Applejack about how lax they should be for the rest of the day, you go back to your lunch. >Canterlot High’s lunch offerings stand head and shoulders above what Bullworth Academy dropped in front of you, but you could say the same about the contents of the dumpster behind the school building. >But you can’t enjoy lunch as much as you normally would. >There’s a lot of anticipation around this sleepover tonight. >The girls have clearly been planning it before telling you about it. >There’s gotta be something about this they’re not telling you. >And the only thing you can do to find out about it is wait and see what happens. >Waiting’s always the worst part. >”Are you okay, Anon?” Fluttershy softly asks you, bringing you back to the present. >She’s giving you a look of genuine concern. “What? Oh, yeah, it’s just…” >You want to say you’re stressed about your geometry final later today, but you can’t bring yourself to lie to Fluttershy. “...I don’t know, I keep thinking about this sleepover thing tonight.” You admit. >”Why?” Sunset asks you before Fluttershy could respond. “You trust us, don’t you?” “Well, yeah, of course!” You’re quick to answer. >”So trust us that you’re gonna have the time of your life tonight!” Sunset insisted. >The time of your life? >Your confusion must’ve been visible because Rainbow giggled at you. >”Sorry to disappoint you, but there won’t be any sexy pillow fights tonight.” She let you know. >Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie, and Sunset giggled at her remark. “I wasn’t thinking that!” You insist, more than a little red in the cheeks. >”Suuuuuure you weren’t.” Rainbow grinned. >”What Rainbow means is that there’s really nothing for you to be worried about. We’re just going to be having fun spending time together now that we’re done with school for the year.” Fluttershy assured you, making her way back into the conversation. >”You’re gonna have a great time tonight, I just know it.” She smiles at you. >Damn it, you can’t resist Fluttershy’s smile. >A smile of your own forces its way onto your cheeks. “...You’re right. Thanks, Flutters.” You softly say to her. >”She sure is! We’re gonna have a BLAST tonight! I’m even wearing my lucky underwear to make sure! Wanna see?” Pinkie pipes up, grabbing the hem of her skirt as she presents the offer to you. “No, no, that’s fine!” You react on instinct, feeling your cheeks flare up even more. >”Anon’s absolutely right, there’s absolutely no need for any of that.” Rarity added, ushering Pinkie to sit back down. >Once Pinkie sits back down (with a faintly disappointed look on her face), Twilight awkwardly clears her throat to address you. >”Just… focus on getting through your geometry final, okay? With all the studying we’ve done together, you’ve got this, no problem!” Twilight assured you. >”After that, we’ll get to see a lot more of each other tonight!” >Twilight’s eyes widened and a blush appeared on her cheeks when she realized the innuendo in her words. >”Uh, w-what I meant was, uh… we’re gonna have a ton of fun! A ton of PG, non-sexy fun, that is…” She trailed off, losing the ability to maintain eye contact. >Sunset giggled at Twilight’s attempt to fumble a sentence together. “Don’t worry, I got what you mean.” You assure her. >”Hehe, thanks…” Twilight mumbled before quickly taking off her glasses to clean the lenses with a microfiber cloth. >”A-Anyway, I’m really looking forward to what movies you’ll pick!” She changes the subject. “Honestly, I am too.” You shrug. >After some more casual conversation, the bell signaling the end of lunch period rang. >”Well, looks like we better get going.” Rainbow said to you as she got up and tossed away her trash from lunch. >”Indeed, we should!” Sunset piped up, getting up alongside you. >”Guess this is it! See you all at the sleepover!” Twilight bid the seven of you farewell before securing her backpack and hurrying off to her next class. >You dread to imagine what kind of day she’s going on. >No doubt she’s taking the most difficult final tests the school has to offer. >It almost makes you feel bad for taking time away from her own studying by having her tutor you. >But you already know she’ll insist that it’s not a problem at all, so it’s not worth the mental anguish. >”Come on! You want this semester to have a show-stopping finale, right? Then you better hurry up!” Rainbow hurried you along, impatiently pushing you away from the trash cans and towards the doors almost before you could properly dispose of your refuse. “Oh, please, you’re the one that’s famous for their ‘show-stopping finales’, I’m just your warm-up act.” You reply with a grin. >”Eh, maybe. But you’re the best warm-up act I could ask for.” Rainbow grinned. >”Come on, you two. Show’s gonna be over by the time you two are done with your little back-and-forth.” Sunset reminded both of you as she walked alongside you. >You almost trip over your own feet trying to keep up with Rainbow and Sunset. >Sunset’s more anxious to get you going than usual. >Her hands are planted on your shoulder, almost shoving you through the halls. >Rainbow’s effortlessly weaving her way through the guys and girls hurrying to class. >She’s had plenty of practice in her years of soccer. >But your peers are almost at critical mass. >Two and a half hours separate the fine men and women of Canterlot High from their freedom. >Walking among them, you feel so… separated from them. >This damn sleepover. >As much as the girls insist it’s just gonna be a casual hangout, you can’t help but believe something’s up. >They’ve been organizing this behind your back, you’ve only been told about it today. >You’re in charge of picking two movies, but what are the other girls in charge of? >You know you’re being paranoid about this, but it’s really unlike the girls to be so… secretive like this. >You didn’t think Pinkie was capable of keeping a secret, especially from one of her friends. >So what- >”Oh, sorry!” >You’re snapped back to reality when you accidentally bump into that girl with the lazy eye amid the bustling student body. “No, no, it’s my fault, I should’ve been paying more attention.” You hastily apologize to her. >”Anon, chop chop! Let’s get a move on!” Rainbow called out to you, dragging you by the elbow with Sunset’s help. >”Good luck, Anon!” You heard the girl with the lazy eye say before she vanished into the crowd. >After a long march through the hallways, you arrive at the gymnasium. >”Well, this is where I get off. See you later, new boy!” Sunset said to you before she vanished into the crowd. >You wish you could’ve said goodbye to her in turn, but Rainbow was quicker as she dragged you into the gym. >There’s already a handful of students in their gym clothes talking and doing warm-up stretches as Coaches Spitfire and Soarin go over paperwork in their small office. >Rainbow’s already ran off to the girl’s locker room to get changed within the span of time it takes for you to blink. >After a quick few moments, you’re changed and ready to go. >You spot Rainbow doing leg stretches, so you figure you could interrogate her a bit on this sleepover stuff. “So, Applejack said you fought for me to pick the movies for tonight.” You say to her as you stretch a bit to warm up. >”Yeah, dude, ‘cause I can count on you. No offense to the girls, but I don’t wanna spend all night watching some cutesy chick flick or cartoon movies. You’re cool like that.” Rainbow answered. >”Rarity was the first to volunteer for movie picking, but I just knew she’d pick some sickeningly schmaltzy romance movies. You should be thanking me for saving you from that.” “I dunno, you’re awful confident I won’t pick two of those just to annoy you.” You jokingly warn her. >”Nah, I know you wouldn’t. You’re not that bold.” Rainbow retorted, grinning. “You sure? You’ve been a real role model, showing me how to stand up for myself and my beliefs.” You shoot back at her. >Rainbow couldn’t help but laugh. >”Really? Suffering through two awful romance movies is you ‘standing up for your beliefs’? If you want to fuck Rarity that bad, just tell her!” >Her rebuttal puts you on the defensive, as well as turning a couple heads. “H-Hey, come on, I’m picking those movies to get on your nerves! Not for Rarity!” You insist. >Rainbow cackles at your response. >She knows she’s got the upper hand. >”Aww, you’d really do that for me~?” She fake swoons. >You sigh and roll your eyes, but you’re unable to hide your smile. “Oh, yeah. JUST for you. Because I’m just so DESPERATELY in love with you, Rainbow Dash!” You play along. “The way you rock the soccer field and play that guitar of yours, I couldn’t help but fall in love!” “I was just hoping that I’d finally appeal to your sensitive side, just to show you all the feelings you make me feel when I look at you!” You finish with a grin. >Her smug expression faded slightly, and her eyes widened just a little bit. >...Did you go too far? >Oh, God, you did. >A wave of shame washes over you. >Look at you, the biggest hypocrite in the world, making fun of Rainbow after you complained about her making fun of you earlier this year. “...I’m really sorry, Rainbow. I shouldn’t have said all that.” You meekly apologize. >”No, no, it’s cool! You’re cool!” She hastily responds. >You give her a concerned look. “Are you sure? I didn’t go too far?” >”Dude, seriously, I said I was alright! Don’t you trust me?” She responds, probably a little too loud. “Of course, I do!” >”So trust me when I say that absolutely nothing you just said had any kind of effect on me!” Rainbow insisted. >You look her over. >Her smile’s more than a little forced, and… >...is that blush on her cheeks? >”I mean, you should hear the trash talking I get on the soccer field! You think you saying you wanna hold me close and make me feel loved is enough to get me frazzled?” “But that’s not what I-” >”Nope! Not at all! So you can stop trying to throw me off so you can beat me in the pacer, ‘cause it’s not gonna work!” >”Alright, class! Form up for warm ups!” Coach Spitfire announced with a blow of the whistle. >”Can’t talk now, gotta get going!” Rainbow rushed you, shooting over to her usual spot in the line of students. >You watch her take formation, trying to gleam more truth from her. >It seems like she’s intentionally facing away from you, from what you can tell from your spot in the line. >Rainbow usually isn’t very good at hiding when she’s upset about something, and from what you can tell, she isn’t very upset right now. >As you did the routine stretches prescribed by Coach Spitfire along with the rest of the class, your mind lingered more on Rainbow’s reaction. >She didn’t laugh along, but she also wasn’t offended or anything. >...Was she flattered? >No, don’t be dumb. >Rainbow’s just as out of your league as Rarity is, but for a different reason. >She’s the best soccer player in school AND a guitar-playing rockstar. >Why would she settle for someone like you? >”Hope none of you are too burned out from your tests, because it’s time for the last pacer test of the semester!” Coach Soarin announced to you and your classmates. >The guys around you aren’t burned out at all. >You can tell they’ve been ready to sprint all day. >”You all have made some serious progress this semester, I know I’m gonna be seeing some personal bests today!” Coach Soarin encouraged everyone as Coach Spitfire got the pacer test CD ready. >Once the recording that you’ve heard countless times since middle school plays over the gym speakers, you do some careful breathing in and out to get your heart rate under control. >Between finals, the sleepover, and whatever’s going on with Rainbow, it’s been a very hectic day. >At least what you’ve got on your plate now doesn't require any studying. >Just a ton of time running as long as you can. >Not very mentally strenuous, but plenty physically strenuous. >After the recorded voice finishes describing the pacer and counts down to one, the test begins. >You get off to a good start, jogging along at a fairly relaxed pace. >When the test starts to speed up, you handle it just fine. >Rainbow’s given you plenty of practice from the times she’s raced you to Sugarcube Corner. >...Well, you raced her in the same way a slug races a leopard. >But it’s gotten you far. >By the time the counter gets to 50, about half the class has dropped out of the pacer. >Not you, though. >A quick glance at Rainbow indicates she’s taking this pacer test like a walk in the park. >You wonder if she’s still worked up about what you said earlier. >Hopefully this pacer will help her get all that out of her system. >She’s in her natural habitat. >The pacer gets faster. >By the time it reaches 75, your lungs are burning. >You have to keep going, though. >You can’t give in now. >The pacer gets faster. >Your lungs are on fire. >Come on, keep going. >You can’t turn your neck and see how many other guys and girls are still running with you. >It gets to the point where you’re full-on sprinting to make it to the mark in time. >Come on, some of Big Mac’s absurd strength had to have rubbed off on you. >Just a little more- >The buzzer sounds before you make it to the mark. >You’re out. >89. >Damn it. >A personal record, but so close to 90. >While gasping for air and covered in sweat from pushing yourself so hard, you sit down and watch the remaining students sprint back and forth across the laminated floor of the gym. >It doesn’t take long for Rainbow to be the only one left in the running. >She’s almost flying back and forth. >She’s superhuman. >You’ve seen how she plays soccer, but it never stops being impressive. >But even Hercules had his limits, and so indeed does Rainbow Dash. >She’s starting to fall behind. >She’s sweating a ton. >...Man, Rainbow’s kinda hot when she’s so sweaty like that. >How much of what you said to her was the truth? >You might find out tonight. >It’ll be just you and her and your six other friends. >Maybe if you play your cards right, you could leave Rarity’s place tomorrow with a girlfriend. >Spin-the-bottle and seven minutes in heaven are staples of sleepovers. >You assume. >Rainbow crying out in frustration draws you out of your thoughts, which is followed by the cheering of your classmates. >She got all the way up to 146! >You get up and make your way over to Rainbow as she wipes the sweat from her forehead. “Rainbow, that was awesome! I’ve never seen anyone get that far before!” You congratulate her. >”Pssh, that was nothing. I could’ve kept going, I just didn’t wanna beat everyone too bad.” She smirked, throwing her hair back. >You good-heartedly laugh along. “Well, regardless of what your limit actually is, I’d watch all of it. Seeing you run is like poetry in motion.” >The sound that Rainbow makes in response is midway between a laugh and a giggle. >”You know, you can compliment me without sounding so dorky, Anon.” >”Class ends in ten minutes, so all of you should get changed and clean out your gym lockers. You get penalized for letting your nasty gym clothes fester in your locker all winter.” Coach Spitfire announced to the class. >Rainbow makes sure she’s the first one into the girl’s locker room. >You can feel the wind billow behind her. >It provides a bit of refreshment. >You would’ve made your way inside the guy’s locker room sooner, but you’re thoroughly winded after setting your world record pacer score. >It’s a complete zoo in there as guys try to get changed and packed up. >After squeezing your way in between two football players, you’re changed back into your daily clothes and have your gym clothes safely secured in a drawstring bag. >When you emerge from the foul-smelling, borderline homoerotic locker room, Rainbow’s running out the door. >”Seeyalateratthesleepoveranongoodluckonyourlastfinal!” She yells over her shoulder while halfway in the hall. >Yeah, you’ll see her later. >You just hope Ms. Harshwinny won’t mind the smell of physical exertion from you. >Well, you know she will, but you’ll only have to put up with her one more time. >In an act of divine mercy, geometry isn’t far from where the gym is. >You make it through the ocean of anxiety and hormones to reach the classroom, but before you can enter, you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder. >”Uh… H-Hey, Anon…” >You turn around and see Fluttershy standing really close to you, presumably to be out of everyone’s way. “Hey, Flutters. How’re you holding up?” You ask her. >She sighs in exhaustion. >”...We’re almost done with the school day, that’s what matters most.” >You offer a light laugh. “Man, I feel you there.” >Fluttershy looks weirdly tense, and you suspect it doesn’t have to do with finals. “...Hey, are you doing alright?” You gently ask her. >”Yeah, I just… wanted to check in on you, since you were worried about the sleepover at lunch.” >You gently smile at her. “Thank you, I’m doing fine. I’d just hate to be intruding on you and the girls, seeing as how I’ll be the only guy there.” >Fluttershy’s expression softens as she rests a reassuring hand on your shoulder. >”Oh, you really shouldn’t worry about that. You’re a lot of fun to be around, the sleepover just wouldn’t be the same without you!” “You know, Sunset and Pinkie said the same thing to me earlier today.” You remark. >”Well, there you go!” Fluttershy giggled. >You can’t help but giggle along with her. >Her gentle laughter is very therapeutic. >If you could bottle and sell it, you’d be a billionaire by next week. >Fluttershy’s expression falls a bit. >”Oh dear, I just realized we never asked if you actually wanted to come. I really hope we haven’t been pressuring you into doing something you don’t feel comfortable doing…” >She takes a step backward as she starts to panic. “Hey, Flutters-” >”D-Do you actually want to come to the sleepover, b-because I would understand if you didn’t!” >She’s breathing rapidly. “I do! It sounds like it’ll be fun!” You try to assure her. >”Are you sure? I’d feel terrible if you weren’t having a good time during your special night!” Fluttershy continues to worry. >You take a leap and gently hold her shoulders to try to reassure her. >Her breathing slows as she lifts her head nervously. >”Anon, you don’t have to come to the sleepover tonight, but… it would make me really happy if you did…” Fluttershy said, like she was coming clean about her guilt. >You take a step closer to her. “Fluttershy, I would never lie to you. I’m really glad I was invited, and there’s nowhere I’d rather be tonight than with you and the girls.” You say to her in a soft, reassuring tone. >That heartwarming smile of hers returns to her pretty face. >”Yay!” She softly cheers. >Then something she said sticks out to you. “Say, what did you mean by ‘my special night’?” >Fluttershy’s eyes widen as she realizes she said something she shouldn’t have. >”Uh, w-well… o-of course it’s a special night! It’ll be special for everyone! Just like Pinkie said, best night ever!” >You raise a suspicious eyebrow at her. >Whatever, it’s not worth worrying about. >You trust Fluttershy, and you’re only one class period away from the sleepover. “Well, okay then!” You relent. >Fluttershy releases some of the tension built up in her shoulders. >It’s getting close to class starting. “Well, I should get going-” >”Wait!” Fluttershy cries out, catching you by surprise. “Huh? What is it?” You ask her. >She mulls over her words for a moment, conscious of time running out. >”...Is Sunset being mean to you?” She softly asks you. >Now you’re even more confused. “What? No, she’s been great!” You assure her. >Sure, she’s weirdly close with you all the time, but she’s never hostile. >Your old school’s given you insight on every form of meanness. “Why do you ask?” >Fluttershy gulps. >”I just… I’m not sure if I like how she calls you ‘new boy’, since you’re not really new here anymore…” She admits, looking down at the floor. “Hey, come on, it’s just a nickname! Sunset’s been great to me, she’s pushed me to put myself out there and make more great friends like you.” >”That’s true…” “Besides, I’ve been called worse names at Bullworth.” You remind her with a gentle laugh. >Fluttershy didn’t think your remark was funny. “...Anyway, I should really get going. See you this evening! Good luck on your last exam!” You said to her as your hand found the doorknob. >”Y-Yeah, you too, Anon. See you soon…” She softly bid you farewell before heading down the hall to class. >With the classroom door shut behind you, you’re locked into the cage. >It’s just you and the geometry final. >Game on. >”How kind of you to finally join us, Anonymous.” Ms. Harshwinny said with an exhausted tone. “Sorry, ma’am.” You hastily apologize as you take your seat. >A few of your peers snicker at you. >”Rest assured, you’ll still be able to talk with your girlfriend after the test.” She dryly remarked while gathering the test packets. >You feel your face get a little warmer. “Oh, uh, she’s not my girlfriend, we’re just friends.” You clumsily clarify. >Ms. Harshwinny looks up with a raised eyebrow. >”Really?” She asks with a hint of surprise in her voice. >She shakes her head and begins passing out the packets. >”I’m sure by now all of you know the drill. TI-84’s only, you have until the end of class, and I can’t let you go early if you finish early.” >A small handful of your peers groan. >”It’ll only be 20 minutes of waiting, you’ll make it.” Ms. Harshwhinny responded, unimpressed. >The test packet arrives at your desk. >You know you should feel prepared, Twilight whipped your brain into shape yesterday, but having the actual test in front of you is enough to put a few cracks in your reserve. >”No talking. Test begins now.” Ms. Harshwinny informed the class. >You flip open the packet and get to work. >All these angles, all these triangles and rectangles… >If you could see your own personal Hell, you’re confident these would at least be plastered on the walls. >But you’ve got the formulas down. >Solving for x and y is a real chore, but without your study buddy, it would’ve been slave labor. >...That sleepover. >The more you try to ignore it and get the test done, the more you end up thinking about it, like an itch you can’t scratch. >What Fluttershy said echoes in your mind. >”I’d feel terrible if you weren’t having a good time during your special night!” >Not OUR special night. >YOUR special night. >What did she mean by that? >At the very least, it doesn’t sound like you’re being set up for anything unpleasant. >Fluttershy was concerned enough about you to think Sunset is being some kind of bully, there’s no way she’d be a part of any scheme to make fun of you. >Whatever surprise the girls have in store, it sounds like a good one. >But what is it? >It’s something all the girls seem excited to share with you. >Maybe some kind of ‘congratulations on getting through your first semester at Canterlot High’ thing. >It’s the kind of thing Pinkie would put together. >Yeah, that’s probably it. >”You’re not trying to intimidate your test into giving you the answers, are you?” You hear Ms. Harshwinny remark. “Huh?” You ask. >”You’ve been staring motionless at that question for a few minutes now.” She informed you with a small smirk. >You glance back down at your test sheet and realize how sore your hand has become with the way you’ve been clutching it. “S-Sorry, ma’am.” You shakily say, returning your focus to the blank question before you. >Fifteen minutes remain. >Most of the class is already done. >Only a handful of annoying questions are left for you. >You saved them for last. >God damn sine and cosine and tangent. >This is said about every math class on Earth, but you really can’t imagine you’d ever be using any of this stuff in any future job you imagine you’d land. >But you’ll have to suffer through these last few questions. >Why’d geometry have to be the last class on your agenda? >This wouldn’t be so bad if you went at it with a fresher mind in the morning. >You practically cruised through that history test. >Your calculator’s carrying you through this thing. >With the combined power of Twilight’s tutoring and the work of the fine men at Texas Instruments, this final’s no match for you. >With every number punched into the calculator or symbol scribbled onto the blank space beneath the last question, the tick of the second hand on the clock above the door gets louder and louder. >Each tick is a single pick at your prison wall beneath a racy poster, bringing you a tiny bit closer to your inevitable freedom. >Come on, one question to go. >But damn, this last angle is really not working with you. >You’ve run every formula you could think of but for some strange reason, you’re not fully confident that this mystery angle isn’t 371 degrees. >The ticking is getting louder. >Out of the corner of your eyes, you can see your classmates anxiously staring at the clock. >... >...Fuck it. >You’ve secured a decent enough grade for yourself already. >You can take the hit for getting this question wrong. >You scribble down some barely-comprehensible bullshit into the answer area, confidently flip the packet back to the front page, and march up to Ms. Harshwinny’s desk to turn it in. >The second after you place the packet on her desk, that sweet, sweet sound is broadcast over the school’s speaker system. >The final bell of the day. >The final bell of the semester. >You’re free. >Your classmates almost fly out of their chairs and into the halls. >”Lucky timing, young man. A moment later and you would’ve been penalized for missing the deadline.” Ms. Harshwinny wryly joked. >You let out an exhausted laugh, releasing some tension. “...Really?” You ask. >Ms. Harshwinny gives you a tired smile and sits back in her chair. >”Just go and enjoy your winter break, Anonymous.” She instructed you. >You shakily nod and hurry over to your desk to gather your belongings. “Have a nice winter, ma’am.” You bid farewell to your geometry teacher before rushing out the classroom door towards the cold, icy embrace of freedom. >The hallways are a complete zoo. >Your fellow students are full-on sprinting to the exit doors. >Celebratory cheers echo all throughout the building, almost resembling the screams of the damned. >If Canterlot High didn’t have such great lighting, you could be forgiven for mistaking the sights and sounds surrounding you as a vision of Hell. >The stampede more closely resembles the impact of a tsunami, rather than any kind of group of humans. >You’re forced to wait in the doorway and wait for the hype to die down before making your move, lest you end up a smear on the polished floor with shoe prints of all kinds embedded in every inch of your body. >You’d hate to ruin the sleepover before it starts by getting killed, so you’ve got more motivation than usual to stay alive. >Thankfully, with the speed they’re all moving at, it doesn’t take you too long to find an opening and make your escape. >But once you’re down in the trenches with everyone else, you’re forced to match their pace. >You haven’t fully recovered from the pacer, so it doesn’t take long for your lungs to start complaining about the exertion. >Your legs provide a supporting argument to your lung’s complaints. >Shut up, lungs. >Think about winter break. >Think about the sleepover. >Think about the girls. >You can make it. >Before you know it, you’re blasted in the face with a fierce gust of cold air. >The condensed pack of teenagers spread out in all directions once everyone reached the front doors. >A couple guys stumble and fall down the front stairway, but they’re back on their feet in no time. >You clamor your way over to the horse statue and catch your breath. >You did it. >You’re free from Canterlot High. >For the winter, at least. >More snow is falling from the sky. >A thicker blanket covers the grass compared to this morning, but the streets and sidewalks are almost untouched thanks to the immense foot and car traffic. >Your breath appears more visibly when you exhale, which makes you look like some kind of dragon. >It’s colder out, too. >Hopefully it won't snow too much later. >Applejack’s gotta go all the way across town to get home. >But it looks like the citizens of Canterlot are better at driving in the snow than the people of Bullworth were. >Why do you keep thinking about that awful town? >You’re here now. >In a better town with better people and a legit sleepover on your agenda. >And after that, two months of nothing but R&R with your friends. >You’re doing great. >”There you are! I was afraid you’d run straight home after school let out.” Sunset said to you from behind. >You jump a little bit in surprise but turn around to greet her with a smile. “Well, you know what they say, sometimes you gotta stop and smell the roses.” You say to her. >”Don’t spend too much time smelling, you’ve still gotta get ready for the sleepover.” She reminds you with a grin. “As if I’d forget, with the way you've been hyping it up all day.” You chuckle. >Sunset laughs and gives you a playful shove. >”How’re you feeling about your finals?” “I tried my best on them. I don’t know if I passed with flying colors, but I’m sure I at least passed.” You answer. >”You should’ve seen Twilight. The thought of getting anything less than an A+ on any of her finals keeps her up at night.” Sunset snickered. >As mean as it might be, you can’t help but giggle a bit. “What about you, how’re you feeling?” >”I don’t bother thinking about it. I did what I could, and now all I can do is wait for them to get graded.” She dismissed. >You don’t get how she could always be so laid-back. >Sunset always treated classes as something to put up with in between hanging out with friends. >”You better not be thinking about grades tonight, either! I’ll get Applejack to give you the noogie if you do!” She jokingly threatened. “I dunno, she might be too grateful to torment me like that.” You remark. >”Oh, but I’ve got such a way with words, don’t you know? Besides, if not her, I bet Rainbow’d have fun messing with you!” >Your mood falls a bit when you think back to what you said to her. “Heh, yeah… You see her recently?” You ask her. >”Yep, ran into her in the hall after she got out of gym. Whatever you said to her in there really got to her.” Sunset answered in a sly tone. “...Is she doing alright?” You ask, a little more nervously. >Sunset laughs a bit. >”You know her, she’s trucking along just fine! More than a little flustered, sure, but she’s handled worse!” Sunset assured you. >Flustered? >Maybe that’s why you couldn’t read her earlier. >”Hey, word of advice for tonight:” Sunset says, catching your attention. >”Just focus on having a good time. Don’t stress your cute little head about anything, just go with the flow and you’ll have the time of your life~” >...What? >Go with the flow? >What could you be stressed about? >Pinkie’s parties could be overwhelming, sure, but never stressful. “...What are you talking about?” You ask Sunset. >Sunset giggled at you with sinister half-lidded eyes in place of a spoken response. >”I wish I could answer that just to see the look on your face, but Pinkie would be just so heartbroken if I were to ruin the surprise. Guess you’ll just have to wait and see~” >She gives you a playful pat on the tweet before she walks down the sidewalk into town. >”See you tonight, new boy~” >Your walk home through the town of Canterlot and through the front door of your house was quiet only externally. >The town of Canterlot is a very peaceful place. >But internally, your mind is swirling. >Your theory that you’ve had some kind of “good job surviving your first semester here” party waiting for you inside Rarity’s house, as flimsy a prediction as it was, has been thrown out the window. >You shut your bedroom door behind you and flop down on your bed. >Go with the flow… >Don’t stress about anything… >The time of your life… >You keep trying to come up with some kind of prediction for what Sunset was hinting at. >But no matter how many different possibilities you try to stick with, you keep arriving at the same thought. >Sunset’s saying you could get laid tonight. >That has to be what she’s referring to. >You don’t want to set yourself up for disappointment, you really should go about all this like it really is just a casual hangout with friends celebrating the end of the semester. >But… >There’s clearly something the girls aren’t telling you about the sleepover. >They planned all of it out behind your back but are really anxious to have you come over to spend the night. >But that inevitably leads to the question: If one of the seven girls is into you, who is it? >Sunset’s always been touchy and flirty with you but never went further, maybe because she was waiting for you to make the first move. >Pinkie’s always really happy to see you, and sure likes hugging and giggling at your jokes. >You’ve spent a lot of time with Applejack outside of school, helping her with her physics homework and getting to know her family better. >Twilight’s spent a lot of time with you after school, and she memorably fumbled over her words after that accidental euphemism at lunch. >Rarity clearly appreciated the effort you put into making yourself more decent, MAYBE that was the game changer that put you into her league. >If Rainbow really was flustered by what you said to her today and not offended, that could possibly mean she holds some secret feelings for you. >Finally, Fluttershy was really concerned about you today, and she did say it would make her really happy if you came to the sleepover… >You get up from your bed. >You need to get a hold of yourself. >Remember what Sunset said, “Don’t stress your cute little head about anything, just go with the flow and you’ll have the time of your life~” >You’ll have to listen to her. >Go with the flow. >If it comes to you having to close your eyes and fall backwards, you’ll have to trust that you’ll be caught. >But that comes later. >You’ve gotta get ready for the sleepover. >You fetch a duffel bag from the garage and get to filling it. >Pajamas aren’t difficult to pack, you decide on a faded Lightning Man shirt and long plaid-patterned pajama pants. >The next thing packed is a sleeping bag. >You also grab your swim trunks from summer storage and stow it in the bag. >A basic hygiene kit packed with a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, a comb, and travel sized bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash you salvaged from your dad’s work trip supplies is the next thing to go into the duffel bag. >A change of socks and underwear. >Because you never know. >...You do have time to run out to the convenience store and get a condom or two… >You stop yourself from considering it further. >Don’t get ahead of yourself. >If this whole thing’s been planned out by the girls, you’re sure they’d also be prepared for you making it to home base. >The last thing you should need to pack are two movies. >The hardest part of preparing for this evening. >In the basement, you stare down your shelf of DVDs, Blu-Rays, and limited edition Steelbooks, trying to find two movies that everyone would at least like, if not love. >Man, if you didn’t have such an extensive (and cultured) collection, this would be way easier. >You flirt with the idea of picking a horror movie, thinking that if one of the girls is into you, it could get you nice and close with her as she clings onto you during the scary parts. >But you know Fluttershy’s terrible with horror stuff. >You’d feel terrible about subjecting Fluttershy to The Evil Dead or Alien. >Re-Animator? >A horror comedy is a step in the right direction. >Fluttershy wouldn’t like it, Rarity would hate it. >Starship Troopers? >See above, but Rainbow would love it. >Donnie Darko? >None of the girls are angsty or pretentious enough for that movie. >Stalker? >Twilight would probably like it, Rainbow would be bored out of her mind. >The Snyder cut of Justice League? >Absolutely not, none of the girls are prepared to comprehend four hours of raw, unfiltered KINO. >Drive? >...Your eyes linger on that one. >Rainbow wouldn’t like the slower pace, Fluttershy wouldn’t like the violence, but you could see Rarity being all over the love story. >Hmm, a love story… >Aha, The Princess Bride! >Everybody likes The Princess Bride! >Action, romance, drama, humor, it’s got it all. >You pull the DVD off the shelf and secure it in your bag. >One down, one to go… >Come on, Anon. >Your reputation as Kinosseur of the friend group is at stake. >What’s another “all in one” movie that anyone can enjoy? >Flash Gordon? >Close, but not quite. >Blade Runner 2049? >Nope. >Fantastic Planet? >When did you even get that one? >Man, if you had Mean Girls on this shelf, you’d be done by now. >You never thought you’d need more chick flicks, but life keeps surprising you. >Spirited Away? >...That’ll do. >Rainbow’s a softie deep down, she’ll like it. >With Spirited Away and The Princess Bride safely tucked away in your duffel bag, you take a look out the window. >The beautiful hues of the evening sky are beginning to appear as the sun makes its way towards the horizon to clock out of work for the day. >The sun’s only partially visible through the thick clouds. >It’s snowing even more. >It’s just you alone in the house. >Your mom and dad always work late, leaving you by yourself most of the time. >If you didn’t have the girls in your life, you’d be really lonely. >At least you don’t have to stay in a dorm anymore. >...You’re still a little anxious about this sleepover thing. >But you have no reason to. >This is gonna be great. >You’re spending the night with all your friends. >They’re not just your friends, they’re the best friends you’ve ever had. >...But you’re still nervous. >You need to get ready. >You shower twice. >You brush your teeth three times. >You apply multiple layers of deodorant and other substances to make you smell nice. >You do some stretches to warm up your body. >You carefully review your choice of underwear, just in case. >By the time you’ve run your gamut of things you’re worried about, the clock reads 6:43 PM. >It’ll take 15 minutes to walk to Rarity’s house. >You better get going. [Spending the night at a friends house, be back tomorrow] You text your mom and dad. >No response. >Whatever, they got it. >You secure your duffel bag, steel your nerve one last time, and step outside. >With your winter boots, you’re able to traverse the snow-coated sidewalk with relative ease. >But with the sun disappearing, it’s getting colder by the moment. >It’s lucky you already know where Rarity lives. >The closer you get to downtown Canterlot, it dawns on you that there’s barely anyone out on the road. >It’s for the best, only snow plows should be out in weather like this. >Seeing the path ahead is more difficult with the snow, but you’re determined to make it. >The normally shop buildings are empty and unlit, a stark contrast to how you’ve always seen them. >It’s a little eerie seeing the normally lively and vibrant town of Canterlot so empty. >Like you’ve wandered into some kind of inverted dimension. >But then, after making your way onto Canterlot’s main street, you spot your destination. >Rarity’s house. >The first floor doesn’t have any lights on, but on the second level, the lights are on. >Through the gentle howl of the winter wind, you can faintly hear the sound of music and laughter leak through the glass. >You’re here. >You’re mere feet away from the sleepover. >... >You reach out and grasp the door handle. >Turning it slightly, you find it’s unlocked. >Canterlot’s a really safe town, you wouldn’t be surprised if everyone left their doors unlocked. >You check the time. >7:00 PM. >Showtime. >Deciding you shouldn’t barge into your friend’s home, you knock on the door three times to signal your arrival. >There’s no immediate response, leaving you to shiver out in the cold, dark night. >Your head and shoulders become decorated in a powder of snow as you wait in front of the door like the world’s most determined door to door salesman. >As you shiver and bundle yourself together, you think about the consequences of the snow coming down harder. >If it snows too much, you could end up trapped inside Rarity’s home for more than just tonight. >Granted, there are worse fates, but cabin fever is a hell of a thing. >Not to mention the only change of clothes you have are your pajamas, one set of socks, and one pair of boxers. >You glance around and admire the serene beauty of this harsh weather as the street lights highlight the falling snowflakes like the spotlight upon a ballet of frost fairies. >It’s almost starting to look like there is no road with how much snow is on the ground. >...It’s been a while since you knocked and there’s been no response. >You can still hear the muffled voices of your friends on the upper floor. >You knock on the door a few more times. >You don’t want to have to resort to yelling to get their attention, even if nobody else is around to hear you. >The longer you stand outside, the heavier your duffle bag gets. >Even though it isn’t packed that heavily, your muscles begin to strain under the continuous stress, made worse by the temperature subtly dropping by the minute. >The sky is pitch black. >The only thing you can see when you look up are snowflakes gently floating down from heaven. >You kick off some accumulated snow off your shoes. >Looking behind you, the footprints you left in the snow have almost become entirely filled in. >Your shivering becomes more frequent. >You’re wearing winter wear, but not enough to survive the night out here. >You knock on the door two more times, getting a little more anxious. >But just before you can knock a third time, the door swings open and you’re greeted by Sweetie Belle. >You’ve met her a couple times before, she’s Rarity’s younger sister. >”Oh, hey, Anon. What’re you doing all the way out here?” She asks you. >God, this is gonna be awkward. “Well, uh, Rarity… invited me here.” You answer as confidently as you could manage. >Which isn’t very confident, thanks to the cold. >”You mean for the sleepover?” Sweetie Belle asks further, with a mix of confusion and suspicion in her voice. >You gulp. “...Yeah, that.” >Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow at you. >”So, what, are you Rarity’s boyfriend or something?” >You awkwardly laugh, shaking your head while shivering. “N-No, we’re just friends, is all.” >Sweetie Belle laughs a bit. >”Oooookay.” >”Anonymous, darling, there you are!” Rarity called out to you from the stairs behind Sweetie Belle. >She hurries over to you and grabs you by the wrists to drag you into the heated interior of her home. >Glancing around, you can make out the familiar shapes of the mannequins and furniture of the boutique. >It’s even more eerie than the vacant streets behind you. >If it weren’t for Rarity in front of you and the sounds of your friends upstairs, you’d think you took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in Silent Hill. >”I’m terribly sorry for not having heard you sooner, are you alright?” Rarity asked you with a hint of worry in her voice. “I’m fine, just a little chilled, is all.” You assure her with a smile. >The heater’s already working wonders to make you feel comfortable here. >”Are you sure? I’d feel just horrible if you caught a cold while you were out there!” Rarity fussed as she looked over you to inspect for any sign of illness. “Rarity, I’ve survived worse, I promise.” You tell her, thinking back to one time you were locked out of your dorm by a couple of the bullies during the winter season at your old school. >”Well, you shouldn’t have had to endure such hardships!” >”Hey, Anon said you two weren’t dating, so how come you-” Sweetie Belle spoke up. >”Sweetie Belle, shouldn’t you be on your way to Sweet Apple Acres by now? It’s getting awfully dark outside.” Rarity was quick to interrupt her, showing a rare sight of her less-than-proper side. >Sweetie Belle grabbed her coat. >”Don’t worry, I’ve walked there a million times. You just focus on showing your boyfriend all your sexy underwear.” >Rarity’s cheeks flared up as she shot her younger sister a stern look. >”He’s not- I wasn’t- A-Anon, darling, let’s get you upstairs, the girls have been waiting for your arrival.” Rarity shakily turned the conversation back to you, beginning to drag towards the stairs. >”Ooooh, Anon has girls waiting for him~” Sweetie Belle grinned mischievously. >You’ve never seen Rarity this flustered before. >It’s pretty funny. >”S-Sweetie Belle, please, I’m sure your friends are worried sick that you got lost in this dreadful weather, so, please, why don’t you assuage their concerns?” Rarity reminded her. >Her hands are firmly fastened around your wrists. >You doubt you could break free even if you wanted to. >Sweetie Belle laughs triumphantly at having gotten under her sister’s skin as she zipped up her coat and put on her backpack. >”Alright, alright. You two have fun with your sleepover. Oh, and Anon, if you asked Rarity if she’d want to snuggle up to you under a nice, warm blanket, she’d probably say yes.” She casually tosses over her shoulder. >”Sweetie Belle!” Rarity shrieked, now fully red in the face. >”I’m going, I’m going!” Sweetie Belle said as she skipped outside and into the snowy night, leaving you alone with Rarity. >Once it’s just the two of you, Rarity heaves a heavy sigh and recomposes herself before addressing you. >”I’m terribly sorry for her behavior, she can be such a handful sometimes…” She sighs. “It’s fine, don’t worry.” You laugh. “I’m just glad to finally be here. How’ve you been?” >”Much better now, darling. Oh, come along, upstairs! We’ve been dying for you to join us!” Rarity says to you, pulling you towards the stairs. >Her grip on your wrists loosened now that she’s more relaxed. >It’s only now that you notice that she’s wearing her pajamas. >No doubt designed and crafted by herself. >Only she could make a loose fitting T-shirt and pajama pants look so refined and expensive. >The gentle touch you know from Rarity guides you up the stairs you’ve only gotten to see before and through a bedroom door. >”Anon’s finally arrived!” Rarity announced to the room as soon as both of you entered. >What followed was a chorus of eager voices scattered around the room greeting you. >Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, and Twilight were sitting on the couch in front of one of the biggest, most colorful TV’s you’ve ever seen playing Mario Kart. >Fluttershy’s sitting nearby with Sunset, watching the four compete and having small talk of their own. >Everyone’s dressed in their own kind of casual nightwear. >Though they all generally took the form of loose fitting shirts and pants. >There’s a table set up by the window to the left of the room with five pizza boxes and a handful of liter bottles of soda sitting next to red solo cups. >There’s also a punch bowl filled with some kind of purple drink you don’t think you’ve ever seen before. >The sound system by Rarity’s desk is playing some up-tempo pop music you’ve heard haunt the radio waves for the past couple months. >Not your cup of tea, but it’s nothing you can’t stand listening to. >”Fashionably late, huh? Fluttershy here was afraid we’d have to dig you out of the snow in the morning.” Sunset joked as she got up from the carpeted floor. >”I just didn’t want you to get lost out there…” Fluttershy mumbled, looking down at the floor. “Hey, I was fashionably late to this friend group, I thought it would fit.” You remark with a smile. >”Fair enough!” Sunset agreed, then turned to Rarity. >”You can let go of him now, you’re not gonna lose him.” She giggled. >Rarity glanced down and realized she was still clutching your hands. >She quickly released your hands from her grip, making you realize how fierce her grip really was. >”My apologies, Anon. Let’s all just relax now, and enjoy the night together.” Rarity sighed with a smile, releasing some tension that Sweetie Belle inflicted on her. “Yeah, good idea.” You sigh, letting your duffle bag fall to the ground and relaxing your body. >”Yes! I won again!” Pinkie cheered as she leapt up from the couch. >The kart race on the TV ended with Twilight sighing and letting her head sink, Applejack lying back on the couch, and Rainbow getting up from the couch to get some more pizza. >”Fourth time in a row…” Rainbow muttered in between mouthfuls of pepperoni pizza. >”Sorry for not saying hi to you earlier, Nonny! Just had to show these slowpokes who’s boss!” Pinkie boasted, leaping over the couch to give you another one of her bear hugs. “I dunno, I’ve been playing racing games for years. I might come to challenge your throne later tonight.” You joke threaten her while her arms constrict you like a python. >Pinkie’s giggling vibrates on your body like the best possible massage chair. >”Yeah, well, you’ve never played me before. I can be real scary when I wanna be!” She shoots back. >”Ain’t that the truth.” Applejack mutters. >”I’m, uh, gonna get something to drink.” Twilight awkwardly excused herself, hurrying off the couch before Pinkie could challenge her to round five. >Rainbow was muttering something certainly impolite through a mouthful of pizza. >”We’re super-duper-looper excited that you’re finally here!” Pinkie cheered >You giggle along with her, gratefully returning her joyous hug. “So am I! It’s all I could think about today!” You say to her. >Her plush, pink body feels so nice when it’s pressed up against you like this. >Not that you would ever try to sneak a peek of Pinkie’s cleavage, but she’s got one of the more impressive chests of all the girls at school. >Lucky you, getting to know her so up-close and personally. >“What movies didja pick?” Pinkie asked you, somehow hugging you tighter. >Rainbow stepped away from the refreshment table to check out the conversation between you and Pinkie. >”Well, let’s see what Mr. Movie Man decided to share with us…” Sunset agreed, kneeling down to unzip your duffel bag and root through it for the movies you picked. >You feel your heart seize up at the risk of Sunset finding your spare underwear. “U-Uh, that’s fine, I’ll get it.” You offer, trying to pry yourself free of Pinkie’s embrace to beat Sunset to the movies. >”Don’t worry, I got ‘em!” Sunset announced, grabbing the two DVD cases from your bag. >You don’t know if she knows that her hand grazed past your spare underwear, but you’re weren’t gonna risk finding out. >Rarity glanced over Sunset’s shoulder and gasped in delight. >”Oh, The Princess Bride!” She cheered. >Twilight stumbled over the couch in excitement to see the movies you picked for herself. >”Wow, Anon, that’s my favorite movie! How’d you know?” Twilight asked you, resting her hands on your shoulders. >You give her a smile and shrug. “I guess I just got to know you well enough to guess!” >”Rainbow was right to elect you to the role! And Spirited Away, too!” Twilight congratulated you. >Your vision may have been taken up by Pinkie, Sunset, Rarity, and Twilight crowding you, but you could hear Fluttershy scramble to her feet and peer over the shoulders of her friends. >”Oh, Anon! You’ve made really wonderful choices!” Fluttershy said to you in a much better mood than you first saw her in when you walked in. “Thank you, Flutters!” You smile at her. >All this attention is very flattering. >They’re all so close to you and so eager to say what a good job you did. >Mission: accomplished. >But on the other side of the room, you could tell Rainbow was faintly annoyed. >”The Princess Bride? Seriously?” She asked you with an unimpressed look. “What’s wrong with The Princess Bride?” You ask Rainbow. >”Yes, Rainbow, what IS wrong with The Princess Bride?” Rarity interrogated her further. >”Come on, just listen to the title? Could you GET any more sappy?” >”You mean you’ve never seen it?” Applejack asked her, getting up from the couch. >”Of course not! You know I’m not into super girly stuff like that!” Rainbow defended herself. >Rarity and Fluttershy giggled knowingly to each other. “But it’s a legitimately great movie! Action, adventure, suspense, comedy, drama, it’s a real rollercoaster!” You protest. >”Anon’s right! You’ll see once you watch it!” Twilight added. >Rainbow dismissed her assertion with a “Pfft”. >”You all can have fun watching that Princess Bride stuff, I’ll be out making sure I can still do push-ups.” Rainbow snicked. >”You’re the one who wanted Anon to pick the movies.” Applejack reminded her, unimpressed. >“I know…” Rainbow grumbled. >”So have some faith in him! He wouldn’t pick something to annoy you!” >Pinkie is still hugging you and Twilight’s still clinging to your shoulders. >Rainbow leered at you and walked closer. >”Anon…” “Yeah, Dashie?” You grin. >The invocation of that nickname she pretends she doesn’t like makes her scowl at you. >”You SWEAR you legitimately like a movie called The Princess Bride?” >You raise three fingers on your right hand with your arm at a right angle. “Scout’s honor.” >”You wouldn’t think a real Boy Scout like dear Anon here would LIE to you, would you?” Sunset prods Rainbow. >”Come on, Rainbow. Please?” Fluttershy pleads with her. >Rainbow looks around at the group opposing her before throwing her head back and releasing an overly-dramatic groan. >”FIIIIIIIIIINE. I’ll give it a shot, just because I dug my own grave letting YOU pick. But if I don’t like it after ten minutes, I’m going for a run or something.” Rainbow declared with a sour look on her face. “There you go!” You eagerly say, nudging her shoulder. >”Yay!” Fluttershy softly cheered. >”You’ll love it, I know you will!” Twilight promised her. >Rainbow ignored them and leaned closer to you. >”You’re lucky I trust you so much.” She muttered through a forced-looking glare. >”But wait, we can’t watch yet!” Pinkie realized hopping back from you. “What? Why?” You ask her. >”You’re still wearing your day clothes, silly billy!” >”Pinkie’s right, you should be in your pajamas.” Fluttershy agreed, giggling. >You glance down at yourself. >You’re overdressed for the occasion. “Oh, shoot, you’re right. Is there anywhere I can change?” >”There’s a restroom down the hall for you to use.” Rarity helpfully answered. >”You could also change here! We won’t judge!” Pinkie suggested. >Your head snapped to her as your face flushes. >”Now there’s an idea!” Sunset was quick to agree. “I- I think I’m gonna go with the bathroom.” You shakily answer. >”That’s probably for the best, don’t wanna… do anything… hehe…” Twilight trailed off as her eyes fell to the floor. >This is getting too tense. >”They were just kidding! You weren’t actually gonna have to change in here!” Applejack swooped in to assure you. >”We’d never make you do something like that…” Fluttershy quietly added. “Hah, yeah…” Was the best you could do. >You kneel down and retrieve your old shirt and pajama pants from your duffle bag. “If I’m not back in 20 minutes, assume the worst.” You say to ease some of the tension. >After getting a round of playful giggles from the girls, you hurry down the hall and seal yourself in the bathroom. >Changing doesn’t take long. >It’s nice to wear these comfortable clothes, but you’re still wearing underwear. >Just in case. >Out of curiosity, you observe how Rarity stocks her bathroom. >There’s bottles of all kinds lining the shower, from shampoos to conditioners to different kinds of body wash to stuff you’ve never heard of before. >There’s three towels on the rack beside you, there’s different soaps, lotions, and creams on the sink, not to mention all the makeup material. >It’s like the total opposite of your bathroom at home. >Rarity must spend an hour each morning getting ready for school. >But looking around like this is all you should be doing. >If you spend too long, they’ll think you’re doing something you shouldn’t be. >You bundle up your day clothes and head back into Rarity’s room. >Everyone’s scattered around the room doing their own thing. >Rainbow’s determined to beat Pinkie at Mario Kart, Applejack’s having some pizza with Twilight and Sunset, and Rarity’s showing Fluttershy some of her recent designs on her laptop. >As you shut the door behind you, you notice something sticking out of your duffle bag that wasn’t there before. >A white piece of paper, folded and kept in place with a heart sticker. >Your curiosity piqued, you grab the letter and carefully open it up. >The six words typed on the paper make the world freeze around you. >The chatter, music, and giggles become muffled as the simple sentence takes up the entirety of your mind space. >”I have a crush on you” >It all makes sense now. >The girls planning this ahead of inviting you. >Sunset saying “it wouldn’t be the same without you”. >Fluttershy saying this’ll be “your special night”. >You’ve got a secret admirer. >Of the seven girls you’re friends with, one of them has a crush on you. >A strange feeling washes over you. >There’s never been a girl in your life who’s had feelings for you before. >But here you are now, sequestered for the night with her, without even knowing who she is. >Your thumb strokes the paper you’re holding to make sure that the girl’s anonymous confession to Anonymous is actually real. >You brush your finger across the printed words to verify that those actually are the words you’re reading. >It’s real. >But… Who is it? >Of the seven girls you’re having this sleepover with, who’s the one who slipped that love letter into your duffle bag? >”Whatcha got there?” Sunset asked you, right into your ear. >You almost leap ten feet into the air in surprise as you stuff the paper into your pocket. “Oh, uh, n-nothing.” You shakily answer. >You expect Sunset to be wearing the same sly grin she so often teases you with, but her voice and facial expression convey a tone of genuine curiosity. >You look around the room of girls. >They’re all looking at you, equally curious. >They’re all a suspect. >”Doesn’t seem like nothing.” Rainbow mumbled. >”Anon said it’s not a big deal, let’s just leave it at that.” Twilight recommended. >Pinkie looks like she wants to say something, but Applejack stops her by putting her hand on her shoulder. >Rarity and Fluttershy whisper something to each other. >There’s too much attention on you. >Time to change the subject. “Hey, Pinkie, you still think you can beat me in Mario Kart?” You challenge her. >Pinkie gives you a wicked grin. >”I sure do!” She answers, patting a seat on the couch to her right. >”Both of you are gotta get your butts kicked.” Rainbow butted in, snatching her controller off the table and squeezing into the seat on your right. >You’re nestled firmly in between Pinkie and Rainbow. >Either one of them could be the one who left you that letter. >”Anyone else wanna join in? We got room for one more!” Pinkie offered to the others. >”No thanks, I think I’m good for the night.” Twilight declined, still a little burned out from her earlier attempts at claiming victory. >”What about you two? You down?” Pinkie asked Fluttershy and Rarity. >”Oh, I’m no good at those kinds of games…” Fluttershy answered. >”I’m afraid I’ll have to pass as well.” Rarity said. >”Count me in!” Sunset piped up, making her presence known by resting her chin on your head. >”Catch!” Pinkie said to her, tossing her the fourth controller. >Sunset caught it with ease, and after everyone selected their characters, the race began. >Your mind was elsewhere during the game. >As exciting and frustrating as it was to try to keep up with Pinkie, you couldn’t stop thinking about that letter. >Whoever wrote it didn’t want you to figure out who it was, at least not yet. >It’s a shame, each of the girls have fairly distinct handwriting. >If the note was handwritten, you could figure out who it is pretty easily. >But all you can do now is amateur detective work. >Inspecting fingerprints is out of the question. >You MIGHT be able to sneak some of Rarity’s foundation to dust for fingerprints, but comparing the fingerprints of all seven girls here would be close to impossible. >You’d get to hold all their hands all nice and gently, though. >That’s a fringe benefit. >Your fingers absent-mindedly work the controls, navigating the twisting track and managing your drifts and boosts. >You haven’t played Mario Kart in a good few years, you’re more of a PC gamer. >Pinkie picked the hardest difficulty, which means you spend most of the race pretty close to last. >Pinkie and Rainbow, on the other hand, continuously fight for first place. >Sunset’s in third place. >By the time everyone reaches the third lap, tension is high. >Rainbow and Pinkie are leaning as far forward as possible, crushing you in between them. >Sunset is still standing behind you as she played. >Her chest is almost resting on your head. >It’s a sensation you would’ve killed to experience, if you weren’t so busy thinking about that note. >You try to think about who could be your secret admirer, but the more you think about it, you keep coming to the same conclusion. >All seven of the girls are suspects. >Sunset’s had some kind of thing for you ever since you first met. >Twilight made a big deal about how she fumbled over her words when talking about the sleepover. >Rainbow was described as “flustered” when referring to how you made her feel in P.E. >Pinkie always likes hugging you and being close to you and laughing at your jokes. >Applejack’s always really grateful for your help, and she likes giving you hugs, too. >Fluttershy cares so much about you. >Rarity’s been awfully touchy lately, maybe Sweetie Belle was telling some amount of truth. >This is making your head hurt. >Why couldn’t she just tell you she had feelings for you? >It would make this whole mystery less of an ordeal. >But then Sunset’s words echo in your mind. >”Just focus on having a good time. Don’t stress your cute little head about anything, just go with the flow and you’ll have the time of your life~” >You sigh and return your attention to the game. >Just in time to come in last place. >”GAH!” Rainbow cries out, throwing her head back and gripping her hair in frustration. >Pinkie won. >Again. >”Sorry, Dashie! Wanna go again?” Pinkie offered. >Rainbow’s response came in the form of a guttural groan. “Maybe a rematch isn’t the best idea.” You suggest to Rainbow. >”I’m gonna beat Pinkie, watch me.” She insisted. >”Anon’s right, you’ll spend the entire night in a bad mood if you keep doing this.” Twilight said after eating the pizza she had. “Besides, after tonight you’ll have time to practice more.” You add. >Rainbow groans and flops over the couch. >”Fine, whatever.” She mutters, trudging to the pizza and drinking two cups of soda. >Pinkie and Sunset go to refresh themselves with pizza and soda, leaving you with the entirety of the couch. >Seeing the three of them over there reminds you that you kind of skipped dinner to get here on time. >Your time was better spent psyching yourself anyway. >”You’re a real good sport about coming in last, Nonny!” Pinkie complimented you through a mouthful of pizza. “That’s ‘cause I’m out of my element! You girls have more of a home field advantage than me. If we were playing Unreal Tournament, I’d be strafing circles around ALL of you.” You grin at her. >”I think my dad played that when he was in college. You DO know video games are still being made today, right?” Rainbow snickered. “Not many worth playing.” >”Anon’s old-school like that.” Sunset pitched in. >”But, like, how? I’ve seen the kinds of games you play, they look like they’re made with paper and colored pencils!” Rainbow shot at you. “But they’re more pure in their experience! They don’t need fancy-pants modern graphics, they’re doing less with more!” You counter-argue. “It’s just like wine, they only get better with age. What was delicately crafted in the past only becomes more mature and deliberate when experienced today, compared to the bloated, over-indulgent works made today. Rarity, back me up on this.” You continue, turning to Rarity behind you. >She’s a little caught off guard by being dragged into your little debate, but tries to be supportive. >”Well, I regret to admit that I’m not as informed on the matter as Anon, but from the way he argued his perspective, I feel inclined to agree.” She admitted. “See?” You shoot at Rainbow with a smug look. >”Oh, please, you sound like Twilight talking about Pride and Prejudice.” Rainbow snarked. >”Maybe now is a good time to watch The Princess Bride.” Fluttershy gently suggested. >”Oh, I agree! It’s become far too intense here.” Rarity was quick to say. “Alright, I’ll go grab it!” You say, getting up from the couch. >But when you lean over, you hear the sound of paper crumpling on the cushion beneath you. >Your curiosity piqued, you reach down to find the mystery paper. >Once you grab it and look at it, you see it’s a plain white piece of paper folded three times and held in place with a heart sticker. >Just like the love letter you got. >You hastily open the paper to read what’s written on it. >It’s another typed message. >”Sometimes I get lost in your eyes.” >You clench the paper in your hand. >Your secret admirer was able to sneak another love letter right next to you while you were thinking about the first one during Mario Kart. >It’s a little telling. >”Sometimes I get lost in your eyes” isn’t something you could imagine Rainbow or possibly Applejack saying. >That sounds like something Rarity or Twilight or Fluttershy would say. >But you can’t rule out the possibility that Pinkie or Sunset would say that. >Then again, maybe Rainbow or Applejack wrote it like that to intentionally throw you off their scent. >That is the kind of scheme Rainbow would cook up. >But Applejack- >”How about sometime tonight, Anon?” Applejack chuckled. >The girls giggle as you whip your head around and remember you’re still with company. >”Should I get it from your bag?” Twilight offered, reaching for your duffle bag. “No, no, I got it!” You’re quick to answer, leaping off of the couch and getting to your bag before Twilight could stumble upon your spare underwear. >An instant later, you hold up the DVD case like the baton in a footrace. >”Oh, boy, I can’t wait!” Pinkie bounced. >”I haven’t seen this movie in a real long time, I barely remember what happened in it.” Applejack admitted. >Rarity and Twilight kneel over the setup beneath the DVD to get everything set up. >You hand off the DVD and insert it into the player. >”Hey, Anon, mind givin’ me a hand with this?” Applejack asked you, hunched over the couch. “Not at all.” You say, positioning yourself at the other end of the couch >”We’re movin’ it back just a bit, ready?” “Ready.” >The two of you utilize your strength to lift Rarity’s couch off the ground and move it backwards a few feet. >Applejack seemed to strain under the work less than you, judging by how you almost dropped it and she lowered it more carefully. >Rainbow flopped down on the couch as soon as it was in place, annoying both you and Applejack. >Your attention was then drawn to your grumbling stomach, directing you to the remaining pizza and soda. >You try to not gorge yourself on the food, after all this is probably the first time in years you’ve had to share it with friends, but a good portion of the pizza is already gone, and you expect only Rainbow, Pinkie, and maybe Applejack are heavy eaters, so you help yourself to four slices and a cup of orange soda. >When you turn around, you see everyone’s ready to go for the movie. >Rainbow, Sunset, and Rarity are sitting on the couch, Pinkie and Applejack are sitting closest to the TV, and Fluttershy and Twilight are seated in the center of the group. >Everyone sitting on the floor is nestled nice and snug in their sleeping bags. >”Come on, Anon, we saved a spot for you~” Sunset invited you, referring to the vacant space between Fluttershy and Rarity and directly in front of her. >”Oh, hit the lights, too!” Pinkie remembered, directing you to the light switch by the door. “Yeah, on it.” You say before you switch off the lights, grab your sleeping bag out of your duffle bag, and carefully sit in the center of the pentagon formed by Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Sunset. >You’re really in the lion’s den now. >As the movie starts you notice how close you are to those around you. >Twilight’s leaning forward and paying close attention to every line spoken. >In contrast, Rainbow’s resting her head on her hand, unimpressed by the movie so far. >When the boy and his grandpa are having their first conversation about reading the story, you notice Fluttershy hiding her grin, remembering the fight Rainbow put up earlier. >”Don’t give me that look.” Rainbow bitterly said to Rarity, who was giving her an incredibly smug grin. >Everyone else enjoys a round of giggles. >Twilight quickly shushes everyone as the story proper starts. >As the love between Buttercup and Westley is retold, you notice you don’t have as much wiggle room as you thought. >It’s impossible to prove, but it really feels like the girls around you got a tiny bit closer to you. >Sunset’s sock-clad feet brush against your torso every now and again. >Twilight seems anxious, judging by the way she’s always shifting uncomfortably in her sleeping bag. >Fluttershy’s radiating even more nervousness than usual. >Your attention is focused on the TV screen. >At least, your eyes are. >Your mind keeps reminding you about your two mystery letters. >You never thought your eyes were particularly dazzling, but who are you to disagree with your secret admirer? >It’s like you’re trapped in a game of inverse-Russian roulette. >Contained within one of the seven barrels of the revolver before you is a girl you’ve somehow managed to woo over without even trying. >The odds aren’t on your side, but you’re willing to play. >The brightness of the TV screen renders everything else in your field of view essentially pitch black. >When your eyes occasionally drift away from the screen, you sometimes spot Pinkie quickly turning back to the TV, like she didn’t want to get caught staring at whatever she was staring at. >She’s probably checking out Rainbow’s reaction to the movie. >Which you do. >As entertaining as the movie is, it’s tough to compete with Rainbow getting more invested in the movie. >When the identity of the Dread Pirate Roberts is revealed to Buttercup and they seal their reunion with a kiss, the atmosphere in the room changes. >Fluttershy’s breathing heavier and she looks down at the floor when you glance at her. >Applejack and Pinkie have scooched a little back, closing you in even more. >It seems like Rarity and Rainbow have gotten closer to Sunset on the couch, who’s leaning over you. >Twilight’s hand brushes over yours, but when you turn to face her, she sputters “Oh, sorry!” and quickly retracts her hand. >Paying attention to the movie becomes more difficult. >As if it wasn’t hard enough to figure out who was leaving you the notes, the girls surrounding you are subtly but literally closing in on you. >They’re all showing signs of being the mystery admirer. >Rarity and Rainbow are showing the least amount of interest in you right now, from what you can tell, at least. >It would make the most sense that either Twilight or Fluttershy would be the ones to have written the notes. >They’re the type to write love letters. >They’re into schmaltzy romantic stuff like that. >You think back to the time you lightly teased Twilight for spotting the romance manga in her backpack during one of your study sessions. >As the movie goes on, Rainbow positions herself as far forward on the couch as she can. >To think she dared doubt your supremely good taste in movies. >Note to self: remember to tease her at an appropriate time in the future. >In the movie, the two leads venture through the fire swamp, encounter rodents of unusual size, but Westley is separated from Buttercup and taken to the Pit of Despair. >The separation of the two lovers alleviates some of the tension in the room, much to your relief. >In your peripheral vision, you can tell Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and even Rainbow getting swept up in the drama. >When the torture of Westley begins, Fluttershy clings to your arm with both hands. >You freeze up a little at the sudden close contact. >”S-Sorry, I never liked this part… Do you mind?” She whispers to you. “No, not at all.” You whisper back to her. >You feel Fluttershy smile and lean into your shoulder. >As of now, Fluttershy’s the prime suspect for being your secret admirer. >You can’t look around to verify what you’re feeling, but it feels like the girls around you are leering at you. >You feel that eerie sensation of being watched in the darkness burn into the back of your neck. >But you’re feeling it in the least threatening environment you’ve ever been in. >The movie continues to the scene where Miracle Max is introduced. >Despite the torture scene having concluded, Fluttershy’s still clinging onto you. >You wouldn’t dare complain, though. >Fluttershy’s really soft and warm. >When your eyes glance over to your left, you manage to spot Twilight staring at you in the very brief moment before she turns back to the TV screen. >You doubt she’s a fan of how Fluttershy is attached to you. >Rainbow’s most likely even less of a fan. >...Man, you really hope this secret admirer stuff doesn’t ruin the evening. >Sure, the girls might be in on this stuff, but if the mood of the night shifts towards romance stuff, it could hurt the friendships you have. >They’re all here to hang out, after all. >Not to be your audience. >You try to focus back on the movie. >Fluttershy might just like being close to you. >You don’t know anything about this secret admirer stuff for certain. >The rest of the movie is just as gripping as you remember it being. >Westley, Inigo, and Fezzik storm the castle, they rescue Buttercup, the villainous Rugen is killed in one of your favorite final confrontations in all of film, Humperdinck surrenders, and our four protagonists escape to freedom. >Then comes the ultimate climax of the film. >The kiss. >Not just any kiss. >The most passionate and pure kiss in the entire history of the kiss, according to the film. >Buttercup and Westley and draw closer to each other. >Suddenly, it’s harder for you to breathe. >It’s like the air pressure doubled. >Fluttershy’s gripping your arm even tighter. >Twilight’s leaning against your other shoulder. >Rainbow is off the couch, kneeling on the carpeted floor and suspiciously close to you. >Sunset’s hands are firmly attached to the space on your shoulders that haven’t been taken by Twilight or Fluttershy. >Rarity is leaning over you, you can tell. >Applejack and Pinkie are sitting right up against your legs. >Everyone’s breathing heavier. >The temperature’s rising. >And then, finally, Buttercup and Westley kiss. >Twilight’s hand finds its way onto yours. >Fluttershy and Sunset dig their fingernails into your arm and shoulders. >You hear Rainbow shakily exhale and Rarity and Pinkie dreamily sigh. >You can’t really read Applejack, she must be putting a lot of effort into not saying anything with her body language. >But she’s getting swept up in the moment. >She’s practically radiating romantic tension. >Your face feels so warm you’re surprised you’re not glowing in the dark. >You’ve never been trapped like this before. >You’re struggling to breathe when trapped like this. >The two notes you’ve received so far are burning a hole in your pocket. >Fluttershy doesn’t have such a distant lead on the others now. >Twilight and Sunset are making very compelling cases. >You’re positive Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Applejack would be just as touchy-feely if they were sitting closer to you. >Your brain is drowning in the possibilities. >The movie ends soon after. >As the credits roll, you free yourself from the girls’ grasp and eject the DVD from the player. “So, Rainbow, what’d you think of the movie?” You ask her as you stand up, trying to summon your most confident tone possible. >All eyes turn to Rainbow, who’s got her arms crossed and pointing her frowning head off to the side. >You manage to barely glimpse a hint of disappointment in the eyes of Twilight and Fluttershy when you look back at the group. >But Rainbow can’t hide that gentle blush with her soul look. >”...You got lucky.” She reluctantly answers. >A victorious smile spreads across your face as the girls giggle at Rainbow’s indignance. >”Looks like Nonny really was a good choice for picking the movies!” Pinkie beamed. >”I’ll say, that was one heck of a ride.” Applejack agreed. >”You’re telling me…” Twilight muttered. “So… What should we do now?” You ask the group. >”Oh, Anon, I have just the outfit I’ve been waiting for you to model, if you’ll have me!” Rarity leapt up from the couch. >The other girls exchange looks of varying amounts of confusion. “Really? Something I should model?” You ask her. >Rarity takes her work more seriously than the ability to breathe in and out, so being asked to model one of her latest works is the highest honor she can bestow upon someone. >”Of course! It’s been designed with you in mind!” Rarity answered with an eager tone. “Oh, yeah? I’d have thought you’d have to get my measurements for that.” >”Don’t you worry, darling. It’s a more relaxed fit, so I was able to eyeball all the necessary details!” >Rarity’s awfully excited to see how you present her work. >”I think you should. You’ll look lovely!” Fluttershy promised you. >”Go on, we’ve all had to model stuff she’s made before!” Applejack added. >”You’ll look irresistible!” Sunset encouraged you. >”Do it, do it, do it!” Pinkie chanted at you. >”Don’t worry, you’ll live.” Rainbow chuckled. >Twilight doesn’t say anything but she looks at you expectantly. >You smile and relent. “Alright, I’m game. What’ve you got?” You ask Rarity. >Her eyes light up in delight as she rests her hands on your chest. >”Come, I’ll show you! Applejack, be a dear and get the libations ready.” She instructed her. >Before you could stew on what Rarity could mean by “libations”, you’re grabbed by the wrists and dragged towards the bedroom door. >But just before you could be forced out of the room, you spot another conspicuous folded piece of paper with a heart sticker nestled within your sleeping bag. >You snatch it up quickly, hopefully without any of the girls noticing, before you’re dragged into the hall. >Rarity pulls a paper bag out of the hallway closet and pushes it into your arms. >”Go change in the restroom, I’m just DYING to see what you think of it!” She orders you with a hint of impatience in her voice. “Okay, okay…” You say to her, peering inside the paper bag and feeling around the inside to get a sense of what she’s presented you with. >...There isn’t a ton of fabric in here… “...Where’s the rest of it?” You ask Rarity with an awkward laugh. >She responds with a sinister giggle. >”Come now, you really shouldn’t be so hasty to judge, especially without having seen what I’ve gone through so much trouble to prepare for you! Don’t you have faith in my skills as a seamstress~?” She asked you, batting her eyes. >Her fingers gently trace your chest. >She really knows how to hit you where you’re most vulnerable. “Alright, you’re the boss. Back in a bit.” You relent. >”Knock on the bedroom door once you’re ready! I want your entrance to be STUNNING!” Rarity instructed you one last time before disappearing back into her bedroom with a giggle. >You’re once again alone in Rarity’s bathroom. >It’s the same as it was when you last changed clothes. >You don’t waste any time tearing open the third note you’ve found to read the mystery message. >”I could listen to you talk for hours” >It’s a sweet sentiment, but it doesn’t shine a lot of light on who could have written it. >Which is a good thing, in a way. >To think all those girls are so different, yet it’s so easy for you to talk to all of them. >At the beginning of the year, you never thought you’d get so close with Rainbow, Rarity, or Fluttershy. >But you persisted (with Sunset’s help) and now you couldn’t ask for better friends than them. >Except now one of them is angling to be more than friends. >The more you think about it, the more likely it is that Rainbow or Applejack is leaving you these notes. >They’re the two toughest girls in your friend group, and as a result it’s not as easy for them to open up and embrace their more sensitive side. >Maybe that’s why the path to finding who’s leaving you the notes is so difficult, they’re leaving you these non-handwritten notes because that’s the best they can do to communicate their feelings. >Both of them are people you could spend hours talking to, yourself. >Rainbow’s really fun to hang out with, and you love hearing Applejack talk about her family and life on the farm. >But you shouldn’t keep Rarity waiting, you need to get changed. >One change of clothes later, you feel… >...Weird. >The clothes Rarity made for you were black denim pants and a dark green long sleeve shirt styled like an athletic jersey with white lettering. >Except the shirt doesn’t come down past your chest, leaving your midriff exposed. >You’ve never worn anything like this before. >Crop tops were always the domain of girls, according to your worldview. >Then again, the guys in slasher movies from the 80’s were wearing crop tops, too. >But their physique was more ready for the beach than yours. >...Actually, that’s not so true. >Your days spent helping out at Sweet Apple Acres have really whipped you into shape. >Plus, with Rainbow as your unofficial trainer in P.E., you’re never given an opportunity to slack off and let those calories you ingest go unburned. >You’re not built like Big Macintosh, but you’ve got some fairly defined abs and pecs. >There’s still a bit of flab on your stomach, which you’d like to blame Pinkie’s absurdly sugary drinks at Sugarcube Corner on, but you know you mostly hold blame for your after school snacking habits. >But hey, you’ve read online that girls like guys who’re built sturdy but aren’t ALL muscle. >The thought of walking back into Rarity’s bedroom with the seven girls with your midriff exposed gets you a little flustered and self conscious. >You haven’t done a lot of flaunting yourself, and any comments from your friends would be twenty times as incisive. >...But you can’t stay in here forever. >Once you’ve psyched yourself up, you exit the bathroom with your pajamas bundled up under your arm and your secret admirer’s notes tucked away in your back pocket. >You look outside through the window at the other end of the hall. >The snow’s coming down pretty hard now. >A good layer of snow has built up on the windowsill. >You reach the bedroom door, and after hesitating, you knock. >The chatter you hear on the other side of the door is quickly shushed by Rarity. >”Now, I’m going to have to warn all of you, what I’ve given Anon is a fairly significant departure from his usual wardrobe, so it would be polite if you didn’t stare.” She warned the group. >God, you’re nervous. >Your stomach feels so sensitive to the air. >”Come in, Anon~” Rarity invites you. >There’s some excited murmuring inside. >Here goes nothing. >You grasp the doorknob and turn it. >Rarity’s standing by the doorway to push you forward, looking absolutely thrilled. >The moment you’re fully visible to the girls, the room falls silent. >None of them are following Rarity’s request. >Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie are staring right at you. >Eyes wide, mouths slightly agape, cheeks dusted with blush. >Sunset’s leaning over the couch at you. >Eyes half lidded, lips curled into a wicked smile. >”Sooooo, what do you think? Be honest, now!” Rarity asked them, pretending she didn’t already know their answer. >The girls react to her question in different ways. >Fluttershy and Applejack averted their eyes and stared down at the floor, Twilight and Rainbow awkwardly chuckle, and Pinkie and Sunset just kept staring like she couldn’t hear Rarity. >”Oh, come on, don’t leave dear Anon hanging! He’s awfully self conscious, you know!” Rarity reminded them while idly stroking your chest and leaning against you. >Her supple chest is pressed firmly against your shoulder. >It’s a sensation many guys at school would kill to experience. >”Uh… A-Anon… Y-You look… Uh… You look g-good!” Twilight sputters out after having summoned the strength to make eye contact with you. >”Really, really, really good.” Fluttershy was quick to add. >Now it’s your turn to blush. “Oh, uh, thanks…” You say with a sheepish smile. >Rarity is beaming with pride at her work getting such a positive reception. >”Honestly, it’s a shame you weren’t dressing like this sooner!” Sunset remarked. >”It, uh, definitely seems like good wear for helpin’ out around the farm…” Applejack said, trying to ignore her real feelings. >”A-And, uh, y’know, sports and stuff…” Rainbow agreed. >”Wait a minute, hold still!” Rarity ordered you. >She reached around you and rolled your sleeves up to your elbows. >”There, now the look is complete!” >Pinkie still hasn’t said anything. >She’s staring right at you. >Drooling a little. >Damn. >Whoever your secret admirer is, it looks like she’s got competition. >”I just realized what your look was reminding me of, those teenage heartthrobs from the 80’s!” Sunset realized, getting up from the bean bag she was sitting on to inspect your shirt further. >”Very sharp eye, Sunset! Nostalgia for that time period is so prevalent nowadays, but it’s such a shame that fashion trends didn’t return as a result. Thank goodness Anon here is so willing to embrace the once-traditional ideals of masculinity that have been written off today.” Rarity agreed, getting closer to you. “Yeah, how convenient that me breaking traditional fashion norms means you girls get to ogle me more.” You say with a sarcastic smile. >”Right? It’s a win-win, dude!” Rainbow quickly agreed, then realizing how excited she was and settling back down onto the couch with a faintly embarrassed look. >”What do you think, Twilight? Couldn’t you just see Anon on a magazine cover?” Sunset teasingly asked Twilight, making her blush harder. >”...Y-Yeah.” She quietly answers. >Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack are awkwardly looking around the room, still bright red in the face. >Pinkie’s still staring at you. >This is the longest she’s ever gone without talking like this. >...Are those hearts in her eyes? >”You’ve heard all of us voice our support of your new look, but what’s most important is how it makes you FEEL, darling.” Rarity questioned you. >”Absolutely! We wouldn’t want you wearing something as revealing as this if you didn’t feel comfortable in it!” Sunset adds, leans closer into you. >You’ve never been stared at like this before. >These girls weren’t staring at you because you’ve done something stupid. >They were staring at you because they wanted to keep looking at you. >It’s a new feeling. >...It’s a feeling you like. >You don’t feel exposed anymore. >You feel powerful. >Your muscles feel stronger. >You feel a whole foot taller. “...It makes me feel great.” You admit with a confident smile. >Rarity claps her hands triumphantly. >”Marvelous! I can’t wait to see the school’s reaction when you make your grand entrance on the first day of the Spring semester!” She beamed. >That’s something to think about. >Your “himbo” look’s gotten a glowing reception so far, but how would it fly in school? >You’re sure to hear some whispered comments about your more bold wardrobe. >But you’re brought back to the present with Rarity clinging to your right shoulder and Sunset on your left shoulder. >When you glance at the girls scattered throughout the room, you could see Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, and Fluttershy staring at you before quickly averting their gaze. >Pinkie is STILL staring at you. >She’s breathing heavier and looking like she’s about to pounce. >Your new pants are feeling a little tighter than before. >Oh, no. >Not here. >Don’t make things more awkward or intense. >Change the subject, fast. “Hey, uh, what were those ‘libations’ you were talking about?” You ask Rarity. >”Oh, yes! Applejack, would you?” She remembered, turning to the cowgirl. >”What? Oh, uh, y-yeah! I’ve got ‘em here!” She answers, presenting a box of twelve glass bottles. >”Oh, yeah! now we’re talkin’!” Rainbow cheers. >Fluttershy looks a little uncertain. “What’s that?” You ask Applejack as you move in. >Applejack looks up at you to answer your question, but her cheeks flare up again and she stumbles over her words as you make eye contact. >”I-It’s, uh, famous Apple family cider!” >”HARD cider!” Rainbow clarified with a grin. >”Ooh, how exciting!” Sunset cheered. >Your eyes widen. >You’ve never had any alcoholic drinks before. >You’ve had apple cider before, Granny Smith insisted you take home a bottle as thanks for tutoring Applejack. “How’d you get this stuff here?” You ask Applejack. >”It wasn’t easy, I’ll tell you that. I had to swear to Big Mac and Granny up and down that we weren’t gonna be doin’ anything irresponsible. I think my recent grades helped my case.” She sighs. >”We’re not gonna go crazy, though! We’re just gonna have enough to take the edge off and get a little tipsy, is all! You know, enjoy the night!” Twilight assured you and Fluttershy. >”I dunno, I heard one guy had some of this hard cider once and went blind for a week!” Rainbow snickered. >”That ain’t true! That was just a rumor!” Applejack was quick to counter. >As Rainbow cackled at her own joke, you felt Rarity pat your shoulder reassuringly. >”I’ll personally see to it that none of us go too far with our merriments. I’d be a terrible hostess if I allowed any of you to make a drunken buffoon of yourselves!” Rarity insisted, resting one hand on your shoulder and the other on Fluttershy’s shoulder. >”Besides, what’s a teenage hangout without a little underage drinking~?” Sunset slyly adds. >”Don’t say it like that, you’re making it sound like a crime!” Twilight cried out in protest. >”It kind of is…” Fluttershy mumbled. >”Nothin’ bad’s gonna happen, I guarantee it. Granny’d tan my hide if we got into trouble with this stuff.” Applejack added, with a grimace at the thought of her punishment. >You think about it. >You don’t know what your tolerance with alcohol is, you could be a total lightweight for all you know. >But Applejack, Rarity and Twilight would surely be quick to cut you off if you’re showing that you can’t hold your liquor. >And it’s not like Applejack doesn’t trust you to not do anything awful when you’re drunk. >Not to mention all those stories you’ve heard of guys your age getting drunk and having fun have made you feel left out… >...Fuck it. >This new outfit’s giving you a stat modifier for confidence. >God, that was the nerdiest way you could say that. “I’m in, let’s do it!” You say. >”Hell yeah! What about you, Flutters?” Rainbow cheers, then turning to Fluttershy. >She glances around a bit as she tries to come up with an answer. >Her mind must be swirling. “...Hey, it’s okay if you don’t want to.” You gently promise her. >”Anon’s right, nobody’s gonna force you to drink if you don’t want to.” Twilight joined in. >”No, no, it’s okay, I’ll have a drink!” Fluttershy assured the both of you. >This catches everyone by surprise a little. >”...Really?” Applejack asks her. >Fluttershy manages a confident nod. >”Yes, really. Only because I feel safe around all of you.” She says with a gentle smile. >Aww. >When your eyes meet hers, she gently blushes a little. >Lots of blushing happening tonight. >”Say, we haven’t heard from Pinkie.” Twilight noted. “Yeah, you’re right. Hey, Pinkie, you down for-” You turn to ask Pinkie, then jump in surprise when you realize she’s right behind you. >An inch away from you. >Eyes as wide as plates. >Silent. “...Pinkie?” >She blinks twice, snapping out of her “trance”. >”Wha- huh?” “We’re having some hard cider from Applejack’s farm. You in?” >Pinkie gasps in delight. >”Totally! I am SO there!” >”Oh, joy!” Rarity cheered. >”Well then, we better get to passing around the bottles!” Sunset beamed. >You felt Pinkie’s drape around you from behind as Applejack carefully passed a bottle of cider to everyone. >Pinkie’ pressed herself against your back. >Her chest, especially. >You can feel her breathing on your neck. >It’s heavy and a little shaky. >Her body’s gently bobbing up and down, like she’s trying to make you think about her boobs pressed against you. >Applejack hands you and Pinkie a bottle of hard cider, leaving four remaining in the box. >”They’re twist-off caps, so don’t try poppin’ them open on the corner of a table and breaking it off.” Applejack informed everyone, managing to catch Rainbow right before she could open her bottle on the edge of Rarity’s desk. >”Hey Nonny, did I tell you how good you look in your new outfit?” Pinkie asked you right into your ear. >”No, you didn’t!” Sunset grinned, egging her on. >”Aw, darn! Because you look super-duper hot~” Pinkie whispered in your ear. >There’s that warmth in your face again. >...And that tightness in your pants. >”I could just eat. You. Up.” Pinkie continued, gripping your shirt. >Now you’re much more confident that Pinkie isn’t the one leaving the notes. >To say she’s being direct would be the understatement of the century. >”I just wanna taste you a little~” Pinkie breathed in your ear. >You could feel her tongue draw closer to your neck. >”Pinkie!” Twilight scolded her. >Pinkie freezes in place with her tongue still sticking out as snaps to face Twilight with widened eyes. >”Huh?” >”We’re focused on something else right now!” Twilight reminds her. >Pinkie loosens her grip on your skimpy shirt. >”Hehe, sorry! Guess I got a little carried away…” She sheepishly giggles, sitting down on the carpeted floor with everyone else. >Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity are looking annoyed, Fluttershy and Twilight are looking a little flustered, but Sunset looks weirdly smug. >You hastily separate yourself from Pinkie and take a better look at the bottle Applejack handed you. >It’s a brown glass bottle without any labels or anything. >You’d be way more cautious about drinking it if it wasn’t handed to you by Applejack. >Just as you’re about to twist the cap off, something catches your attention from the corner of your eye. >It’s on your sleeping bag in front of the couch. >Another note, heart sticker and all. >”You getting cold feet, Anon?” You heard Sunset ask you. “Just a second, gotta check something.” You hastily excuse yourself. >You pretend to check your phone for a text message to cover up checking the latest mystery note. >”You feel like a big teddy bear when we hug.” is the latest message. >Well, that narrows it down to all of them. >You’ve hugged all seven of the girls, multiple times. >They really like hugs. >You really like hugging them, too. >They’re so soft and warm. >Whenever you hug one of the girls, you feel like everything’s gonna be alright. >As broad as the note is, it’s a nice thought. >That’s the second bit of appreciation your body’s received today. >Long overdue, maybe, but you’ll happily take it. >”Is everything okay, Anon?” Fluttershy asks you from the circle they’ve formed. “Yeah, coming!” You quickly answer, stuffing the freshly opened note inside your sleeping bag and returning to where the girls are sitting. >Pinkie’s eagerly patting the spot between her and Sunset. >You nestle into your seat and Twilight clears her throat. >”Should we toast to something?” She asks the group. >”To the best sleepover ever!” Sunset says, raising her bottle. ”To the best sleepover ever!” You say along with the seven girls. >It may be cheesier than a dairy farm in Wisconsin, but with the girls, you don’t mind being cheesy. >It’s fun to be cheesy. >You clink your bottles together and take a sip from the bottle of hard cider in unison. >Man, that’s some powerful cider. >Your mouth puckers like you’ve just licked a lemon. >It’s got the unmistakable taste of Applejack’s family cider, but with the added zing of alcohol. >It really makes you wonder if there was some truth to Rainbow’s story. >After summoning a little more strength than you care to admit, you swallow the mouthful of hard cider. >You gasp for air once the mouthful of bitter beverage has disappeared down the hatch. >”How’re you likin’ the hard stuff, city boy?” Applejack teasingly asks you. >A giggle escapes your lips easier than it would normally. “It’s great! My compliments to the chef.” >You eye winks at her on its own. >Applejack’s confidence wavers a bit as she giggles in response. >”Geez, Anon’s had one sip and he’s already feeling it.” Rainbow snickers. “So you’re the iron liver of the group?” You grin at her. >”I bet I could drink YOU under the table.” Rainbow challenged you. >”No, no, no, there will be NONE of that happening tonight!” Rarity is quick to jump in. >”Ah, you’re just bitter we’re not drinking some fancy-pants wine.” Rainbow rebutted. >Rarity huffed indignantly. >”I’m capable of loosening up!” She insisted, taking a fairly large swig of her hard cider to prove her point. >A round of giggles is shared as everyone takes more sips and swigs of their hard cider. >The more you drink it, the less bitter it tastes. >Maybe it’s you getting used to the taste, maybe it’s the alcohol doing its thing. >If alcohol is always this much fun, you’ve gotta get in on this stuff. >You can already tell you’ve got the makings of a daydrinker in you. >”Better be careful or Twilight’ll tell on us!” Pinkie giggled though her bottle. >”Oh, come on, I’m not gonna rat you out!” Twilight scoffed. “I dunno, you’re awfully buddy-buddy with the Principal.” You grin at her. >”What do you think she talks about with her?” Sunset asked you with a grin. >You slur a giggle. “She’s tellin’ the Principal all our secrets.” You jokingly answer. >”I do not!” Twilight insists, failing to stifle her own giggle. “Admit it, Twiggles. You’re her favorite student, after all.” >Twilight burst out laughing. >”Did you just call me ‘Twiggles’?” She asks through drunken laughter. “I dunno, it felt right!” >”Oh, I’m gonna remember that one!” Rainbow laughs in between sucking down more cider. >”It’s so fun to say!” Pinkie agrees. >”But it’s so embarrassing!” Twilight jokingly complains. >Everyone goes on to finish their bottles of hard cider and the mood in the room noticeably shifts. >You feel your inhibitions melt away, and you suspect the girls are feeling the same. >Everyone’s giggling and laughing and making dumb jokes. >You’re seeing a side of Rarity you doubt anyone outside this room has seen before. >Sunset and Pinkie are getting touchy. >Their hands are running from your shoulders down your arms. >Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow are acting up, too. >They’re all scooching closer to you with each sip. >Fluttershy hasn’t said anything, she’s focused on quietly finishing her cider. >Man, this cider is some powerful stuff. >It’s getting harder to coordinate yourself. >When trying to take another sip, you accidentally spill some on your shirt and your stomach. >”My, you should be careful, Anon. That shirt was made with love in every stitch!” Rarity teasingly scolded you. “Sorry! I’ll clean myself up-” >”I’ve got it!” Twilight interjected, leaping forward with a napkin she pulled from her bag to wipe you clean. >You’re forced onto your back as Twilight hurriedly wipes as much hard cider as she could manage off of you. >Once she gets to your midriff, the pace of her wiping slows. >Twilight’s hand “accidentally” slips away from her hand as she rubs your stomach up and down. >Her breathing turns heavy and shaky. >You almost expect her glasses to start fogging up. >The other girls watching you two attentively. “I think you got it all, Twiggles.” You try to inform her. >Twilight’s eyes snap open and she jumps backwards, realizing what she was doing. “Thanks for the help.” You awkwardly say to her. >Twilight responds with embarrassed, drunken giggling. >Fluttershy was unsurprisingly the last to finish her cider. >She set her bottle down on the floor and cleared her throat. >”Hic… Y’Know, Anon, it’s a real shame you don’t have a girlfriend.” She slurs, leaning towards you. “Uh… Thanks, I guess.” You say to her with a giggle, her boldness taking you by surprise. >”No, no, I mean it! You’ve been so wonderful to us, it’s a real crime that none of the girls at school have given you a chance!” She insists, getting on her hands and knees and crawling closer to you. “...Well, at least I have you girls.” You say with a smile. >They’re kneeling closer to you. >”Trust me, if one of the girls gave you a shot, you would rock their world~” >You can feel her hot breath on your face. “Oh, yeah? What makes you so sure?” You ask her in a lower tone. >Fluttershy bites her lip. >”Nobody could wear that outfit like you, Anon. Your lovely body with your charming smile, the girls at school won’t be able to keep their hands off you~” “You’re telling me.” You tease her back, noticing her hands have found their way onto your stomach. >Fluttershy doesn’t retract her hands. >Her eyes trail up from your stomach into your eyes. >Her head draws closer to yours as her eyes flutter shut. >She purses her lips. >”Okay, seems like you’ve had enough, sugarcube. Let’s settle down now” Applejack advised Fluttershy, pulling her backwards as she meekly whimpered. >”But I’m fineeeeeee.” Fluttershy pouted in protest. >You turn and see Pinkie’s hands are reaching for you, but she backs up a bit and sits on her hand with a guilty smile. >Rainbow and Rarity look like they’ve got a lot on their minds. >Sunset’s watching it all unfold with a sinister smile. >You overcome your tipsiness and sit up. “I appreciate it, Flutters, but I have a feeling my future girlfriend’s in this room, leaving me notes to find.” You say with your lips loosened. >It takes you a second to realize what just spilled out of your mouth. >Thankfully, it was only something verbal and not anything that could feasibly stain the carpet. >A response comes in the form of a collective gasp from the seven girls in the room. >”Really?” Fluttershy asks you. >Her tone is a little difficult to parse. >You can’t tell for sure how genuine she’s being. >For all you know, she could be the one leaving you notes. >Now’s not the time to interrogate her. “Yeah, I’ve been finding these mystery letters either right under me or in my duffle bag.” You reply, presenting your most recent note as proof. >Fluttershy analyzes the one-sentence correspondence meant for you, and the other six girls huddle close to see for themselves. >You hold out the letter and seize the moment to study their faces. >None of them are looking particularly guilty or like they’re hiding something, but the fact that one of these seven lovely young ladies has been secretly professing their attraction to you is incredibly compelling. >”How many of these love letters did you get?” Twilight asks you, without any inflections in her tone of voice that would give away her being the messenger. “Four, I think.” You answer, then going to root through your pockets to find the other notes that’ve been left for you. >You present the previous letters you’ve received: “I have a crush on you.”, ”Sometimes I get lost in your eyes.”, and ”I could listen to you talk for hours.” “Yeah, four so far.” >”Ooh, how exciting! Who do you think’s your secret admirer, Nonny?” Pinkie excitedly asks you. >You step back and place an inquisitive finger on your chin, eyeing all seven of the girls with suspicion. “...I’ll be honest, you two were my lead suspects.” You say, pointing to Twilight and Fluttershy. >Fluttershy looks away nervously and Twilight awkwardly chuckles. >”W-What do you mean, ‘were’?” She asks you. “It’s a little narcissistic to say, but it’s my belief that the reason all of you’ve been hyping me up for this sleepover was to set me up with the one of you who’s caught feelings for me. You backed off after realizing you were getting a little handsy with me, and Applejack had to pull you away from me.” You explain to Twilight and Fluttershy, then turning to Pinkie. “Then that would mean you’d be ruled out, too. Seeing as how Twilight stopped you from… licking me. >Pinkie gives you a guilty giggle. >”Alright then, boy detective, who IS your prime suspect?” Sunset goaded you. >You take a deep breath. “Right now, it’s you.” You answer, turning to Rarity. >Rarity softly gasped and defensively placed her hand on her chest.” >”Why, Moi?” >You shrug. “I don’t know, leaving anonymous love letters for me to find is the kind of romantic thing you’d be into. That’s the best theory I’ve got right now, anyway.” You say. >”He’s got a point there.” Rainbow remarked. “Don’t get too smug, you’re in second place.” You say to Rainbow. >”What!?” She cried out, making Rarity and Sunset giggle. >”Why!?” “I dunno, you’re not good with mushy romantic stuff and this is the best way you can express your feelings!” You answer. >”Pfft, as if I’d EVER resort to doing something as dorky as THAT. Trust me, if I had any kind of crush on you, you’d know it.” Rainbow insisted. “You mean like how you were eyeing me up earlier?” You grin at her. >Rainbow sputters at you. >”I didn’t leave you any stupid love letters!” She exclaims, red in the face. “Yeah, well, the night’s still young, so we’ll see.” You remind her. >”Hey now, don’t wanna tease her too much, there’s pretty good odds she ain’t the one.” Applejack reminded you with a grin. “You’re in third place, by the way.” You say to her. >”Oh, yeah? How come Rainbow’s ahead of me, then?” Applejack interrogated you. “Because you’re a little more blunt when it comes to this kind of stuff. I feel like if you felt something for me, you’d just tell me.” >”Aww, does that mean I’m in last place?” Sunset fake-pouts at you. “Hey, come on, you’ve been weirdly flirty with me since we first met. I ruled out the possibility of you being into me like that a while ago.” You remind her with a grin. >”That’s some serious sleuthing, Nonny!” Pinkie giggled. >”Aww, you didn’t think I had any genuine feelings for you? You wound me, new boy.” Sunset teased you. “Then how come you haven’t said anything the whole semester?” >”Because I wanted to make the moment memorable? What, you think I’d just confess my fiery attraction to you in between classes?” Sunset rebutted. >”And by the way, that could be why Twilight, Pinkie, or Fluttershy had to be stopped from leaping on you and giving in to their lust earlier. We could’ve spent all week planning just the moment where you two would share the most beautiful and romantic first kiss ever shared in Canterlot, can’t you imagine how disappointing it would be for your secret admirer to spoil that by tearing off her clothes and begging you to take her right here in the middle of the sleepover?” >”H-He gets it, Sunset, you don’t have to be so descriptive.” Twilight interjected, hiding a faint blush. >Sunset’s words made everyone else a little flustered as well. >...And she raises a good point. >You don’t know how much planning was done behind your back. >You may have four love letters, but you’re not the one holding all the cards. >The girls surrounding you two are watching you intently. >Any one of them could have been leaving you the notes. >You relent, nodding your head. “...You’re right.” >”You don’t know that! You could’ve been right on the money when you said Rarity’s the one you’ve inflicted many restless nights upon~” Sunset countered you. >”That’s not what he said!” Rarity objected. >”It’s like you said, the night’s still young, anything could happen~” Sunset reminded you, placing her hands on your shoulders and stepping close to you. >You squint at Sunset as you lean closer to her. “...You know who’s been leaving the notes, don’t you?” >Sunset answered with a sinister giggle. >”Maybe~” >Before you could say anything, Sunset placed a finger on your lips. >”But wouldn’t that take the fun out of the whole thing? Wouldn’t you rather spend the night getting close to each of us, looking deep into our eyes, trying to find the truth we’re trying to hide from you~?” >Sunset has such a way with words. >It’s making your custom-made pants snug. >You pray the girls don’t notice. “...If my secret admirer’s any of the girls here, I doubt she’ll appreciate you getting so touchy.” You say to Sunset, crossing your arms. >She gives you a playful shove. >”You can worry your pretty little head about who your secret admirer is later, right now we’ve got a sleepover to get back to! Right, girls?” Sunset proclaimed, turning back to the six. >A group of faintly flustered sounds of agreement came from the six. >”Now, what was it you wanted to do tonight?” Sunset asked Fluttershy. >Fluttershy glances between you and Sunset as she tries to answer. >”Uh… karaoke?” >”That’s right! Everyone gets ten minutes to pick a song while Pinkie and I get everything set up.” Sunset announced, clapping her hands together. >Everyone hurried off to a different corner of the room to scroll through their phones and pick a song they could sing. >You spent the first few minutes sitting on the floor and staring into space, just taking it all in. >You didn’t know what to expect from this sleepover, but it wasn’t any of this. >Not only does one of your friends have a crush on you, all the girls are showing interest in you. >It might be just because you’re rocking the midriff, but all this is so new to you. >You’ve never seen Pinkie so lewd. >Twilight seemed like she was hypnotized by your body. >Fluttershy almost kissed you! >Your face feels like it’s glowing. >What else is gonna happen tonight? >What if you’re right about Rarity, Rainbow, or Applejack? >You can’t be wasting time, you don’t want to be called up for your song and be empty-handed. >You scrolled through your phone’s music library, hoping something will stick out to you. >None of them do. >You’ve never been much of a singer. >Especially compared to the girls. >They’ve all got such lovely singing voices. >You can only hope you’ll get called up first to get the rough opening act out of the way. >”Oh, one more thing!” Pinkie called out to everyone. >”It’s gotta be a love song!” >Damn it. >You’re running out of time. >You don’t really listen to a lot of love songs. >...Honestly most of the music you listen to is video game soundtracks. >Those typically aren’t known for their lyrics. >And while your Latin isn’t up to snuff, you’re not confident One-Winged Angel has much to do with love. >You keep scrolling and scrolling, hoping to find something that you could sing decently. >You’re not hitting those high notes, that’s for sure. >”Three minutes left!” Pinkie announced. >Come on, pick something. >You’re coming up short. >So many songs, so many that are debatably related to love, so little time. >You nervously look around the room to see how everyone else is doing. >The girls are sitting comfortably on the couch, carpeted floor, or beanbag chair. >Pinkie’s just about set up the makeshift stage and connected the bluetooth microphone to Rarity’s sound system. >Come on, pick something, Anon. >Wait. >Slow down. >Take a deep breath. >Remember what Sunset said. >”Go with the flow.” >”Focus on having a good time.” >You inhale. >You exhale. >You’re worrying too much. >Like what you’ve been doing a lot today. >It’s not like you’re competing in front of the entire school. >It’s just karaoke with friends during a sleepover. >There’s nothing at stake, there’s no awards to be won or lost. >It’s all for fun. >It’ll all be good fun. >You’re gonna sing your best, and you’re gonna have a great time. >This crop top’s gonna help you do that. >And it’s not like they’re gonna throw eggs at you if they don’t like your performance, unlike your old school… >”Time’s up! Hope you’ve all picked something good!” Pinkie announced. >Oh, God. >Pick something, now. >You shut your eyes, blindly scroll down the list of songs on your phone, and when you feel your intuition hit, you press down on your phone screen. >... >...You could’ve done worse. >It’ll have to do. >Pinkie giddily stands atop the makeshift stage with Sunset as the rest of you sit down in front of her. >You end up sitting in between Rarity and Applejack, with Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow in front of the three of you. >”Alrighty, who wants to go first?” Pinkie asked. >Before you could volunteer to be the first to sing, Pinkie spoke up again. >”Just kidding! I’ll be going first! It’ll help get those of you with stage fright all loosened up and ready to sing your heart out!” >Dang. >Pinkie’s probably right about this, maybe seeing them put themselves out there will help ease you up. >But you’re still nervous. >You don’t have any reason to be nervous, but your hands are getting a little sweaty. >Pinkie leaned over in Sunset’s ear to whisper something. >Sunset giggled along with her and typed away at the nearby laptop to set up the song. >”Hey, you nervous?” Applejack quietly asks you. >You sigh. “...Yeah, a little. But I know I shouldn’t be.” You admit. >”Aw, shoot, Anon. I’m sure you’ve got one heck of a singin’ voice.” Applejack encouraged you. >”Indeed! You’ve a nice voice, your singing is bound to be lovely!” Rarity pitched in, nudging your shoulder. “Yeah, well, we’ll see…” >Pinkie presses a button on her microphone, and the sound system buzzes to life. >The sound of Pinkie breathing in and out is amplified by the two speakers set up on either side of the stage. >The thought of your voice being amplified makes you a little more nervous. >If you fall on your face, the entire town will know. >Well, maybe not a TON of people. >Rarity’s family is the only one living on Canterlot’s main street. >”Alrighty, here we go!” Pinkie excitedly said, pressing the spacebar on the nearby laptop. >The music starts. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJLIiF15wjQ >Playful laughter is shared between you and the girls as Pinkie belts out the lyrics. >She’s really into it, too. >She’s moving around in time with the beat, making extravagant gestures to emphasize her singing, she’s right in her element. >It’s not what you’d immediately think of when it comes to love songs, but it’s close enough for you to allow it. >...You have to admit, the song’s a guilty pleasure of yours. >Damn those 90’s pop stars and their insidiously catchy music. >Pinkie puts a real flair on that song that you’ve listened to more times than you care to admit. >It’s impossible to not get infected by how much fun she’s clearly having on stage. >Sunset, Twilight, and Fluttershy join in on the chorus, but you decide to sit that out. >Don’t want to upstage Pinkie, after all. >Your time will come. >Once the song’s concluded, Pinkie is surprisingly not out of breath. >The six of you laugh good-heartedly and applaud her, which Pinkie responds to with a deep bow and incredibly wide smile. >”Okie dokie, who wants to go next?” She asks you all, wiping some sweat from her forehead. >”I’m going next! Lemme show all of you how it’s done!” Rainbow was quick to answer. >Quicker than you. >Be honest, you were never gonna beat her to the punch. >Rainbow excitedly pulled up the song of her choice and gripped the microphone. >”You all better be ready for this!” She hyped you all up. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EBvXpjudf8 >Now here’s a song you’re not embarrassed to admit liking. >Rainbow’s head rocked in time with the beat and she strummed an imaginary guitar before the vocals came in. >Her scratchy voice isn’t one you would’ve pegged for being good for singing, but she sings with such bravado that she basically wills it into working. >If you had Rainbow’s confidence, you’d be way further ahead in life. >But she’s got the skill to back up her confidence. >You get swept up in the rockin’ music, nodding your head along with the beat. >Rainbow’s a natural with the air guitar. >You notice she’s accurately strumming as she sings and rocks around the stage. >If she actually did have her guitar, she’d sweep this karaoke night. >Something about Rainbow’s performance sticks out to you, though. >Every now and again she’d make eye contact with you. >It shouldn’t get to you, but it’s always during choice lyrics. >”Down the street, I'm the girl next door” >”I'm the fox you've been waiting for” >Then, later in the song, >”I'll give you somethin' to live for” >”Have you and grab you 'til you're sore” >Come to think of it, Pinkie was looking at you a lot when she was singing, too. >Mainly when she was telling what you gotta do if you wanna be her lover. >...Is this another one of Sunset’s schemes? >Is she, or Pinkie, or whoever, trying to throw you off your investigation? >The girls around you are enjoying Rainbow’s singing. >To varying extents, granted. >The Runaways are hardly Rarity’s favorite band. >The song comes to its echoing conclusion and Rainbow throws her head back for the finale. >You and the girls applaud her incredible performance. >It’s difficult to say whether Pinkie or Rainbow put on the better performance, they sang such different songs in such different ways. >You’re thinking about this wrong, anyway. >It’s not about being the best singer, it’s about having fun. >”Great job, Rainbow!” Fluttershy congratulated her. “Yeah, that was awesome!” You agree, making Rainbow beam with pride. >”I’m not entirely sure that counts as a love song.” Rarity muttered. >”It totally does!” Rainbow insisted. >”I’ll go next, this ought to be more in line with what you’re expectin’.” Applejack volunteered, getting up from the floor and getting her song ready. >”Oh, alright, but I’m going next.” Rarity insisted. >Man, ripping off this Band-Aid is gonna be harder than you thought. >With a familiar drum riff, Applejack’s song began. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABfQuZqq8wg >Rarity’s immediately more pleased by this choice. >Applejack takes to singing the lyrics belonging to both of the singers in the song. >She really pulls it off. >Most people might not have thought so, but Applejack’s a lovely singer. >You’ve never really seen much of this side of her before. >She’s normally so focused on being the tough and humble farm girl, seeing her sing about love is new to you. >And she’s definitely making eye contact with you while singing. >Especially during the chorus. >”Ain’t no mountain high enough” >”Ain’t no valley low enough” >”Ain’t no river wide enough” >”To keep me from gettin’ to you, baby” >Is this what this karaoke thing is all about? >To give each of the girls a chance to serenade you? >Sunset planned this karaoke stuff with Pinkie, after all. >If that’s the case, then Applejack’s in the lead. >Her song’s the most overtly romantic one, compared to Rainbow and Pinkie’s selection. >Oh, God, this just got more intense. >What are you gonna do when you go up there? >Get it together, Anon. >Applejack’s singing, not you. >Her song wraps up soon enough, concluded with Applejack taking a humble bow with a smile. >Another round of applause comes from the crowd. >You make eye contact with her while clapping, making Applejack quickly look away from you and towards Rarity. >”How’s that for a love song?” >”Applejack, if I was the lucky young man you were singing to, I’d have fallen helplessly in love.” Rarity answered with a smile. >Rainbow looked away to roll her eyes. >Applejack’s making a compelling argument for being your secret admirer. >Maybe third place was too low for her. >”What did you think, Nonny? Wasn’t AJ amazing?” Pinkie excitedly asked you. >The girls turn to face you. >Applejack looks especially interested in what you have to say. >You manage to smile at her despite how much pressure you’re feeling. “You were… amazing, Applejack. I never knew you could sing like that.” >They’re all real happy with your answer. >Applejack gently laughs. >”Yeah, well, I don’t really let a lot of folks see this side of me. Consider yourself lucky, city boy.” She lightly teases you. “Oh, I do, don’t worry.” You assure her with a smile. >”Now, I believe it’s my turn.” Rarity reminds Applejack, getting up on stage to get herself ready. >Applejack obligingly returns to her seat on the carpet next to you. >She’s sitting a little closer to you than before, and she’s still got that smile on her face. >Rarity takes a moment to compose herself before the song starts. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOZuxwVk7TU >Oh man, another song you’re a little too familiar with. >Before the lyrics kick in, you think about how the girls have such varying tastes. >Pinkie’s song was from the 90’s, Rainbow’s song was from the 70’s, Applejack’s song was from the 60’s, and Rarity’s song is from the early 2000’s. >Wouldn’t it be crazy if everyone ended up picking a song from a different decade. >Come on, that’s not what you should be thinking about right now. >The scheme is clear, Rarity’s picked this song to be all sexy and seductive. >Well, you’re onto her. >It’s not gonna work. >”Baby, can't you see I'm callin'?” >”A guy like you should wear a warnin'” >”It's dangerous, I'm fallin'” >Oh, God, it’s working. >You’ve known Rarity for almost the entire semester but you’ve never heard her like that before. >Diamond-cut sensuality. >She knows what she has. >She’s swaying her hips as she sings. >Her eyes are half-lidded. >And she never breaks eye contact with you. >You’re feeling exposed again. >The confidence your new look gave you turned on you. >Rarity’s using it against you. >You’re covered in her handiwork. >She has you in her grasp. >Sensuality is laced into every word of the early 2000’s hit she’s singing. >Her soft, breathy voice ensnares you. >It’s like Rarity forgot she was singing karaoke. >It’s like the only thing she sees right now is you. >Any guy at school would kill to be sitting in your position, but you’re too hot under the collar to savor the moment. >When the instrumental break plays, Rarity’s hands slide down her body to her thighs. >Her hands trail back up her body, dragging her pajama shirt up just enough to give you a teasing look at her midriff. >Oh, fuck. >Is Rarity about to start stripping? >You nervously look around at the other girls to see what they’re feeling. >They’ve gotta be super uncomfortable. >But… it doesn’t look like they are. >The girls all look like they’re waiting for something. >Applejack’s rocking in place, Twilight’s gripping her knees, Fluttershy’s glancing at the clock on the wall. >You want to get a better look at what Rainbow, Applejack, and Sunset are feeling, but your eyes are magnetically drawn back to Rarity’s seductive singing. >She finishes the final chorus and sings the outro. >”Intoxicate me now with your lovin' now” >”I think I'm ready now (I think I'm ready now)” >”Intoxicate me now with your lovin' now” >”I think I'm ready now” >Rarity’s not singing anymore. >She’s inviting you. >She’s daring you. >Then the song ends. >The girls give Rarity a sound of applause, but you sit this one out. >You’re still stunned by her sexy serenade. >You’re sure your face is as red as a tomato, you’re positive. >The looks she gave you while singing are gonna stay with you for the rest of your life. >”Wow, Rarity, that was super hot!” Pinkie congratulated her, completely unfazed by her salacious performance. >”Thank you! I do try!” Rarity thanked her, completely shedding the persona she wore while singing. >”Yeah, that was something, alright…” Rainbow grumpily mumbled. >”What did you think, Anon?” Twilight asked you. >Suddenly, the ceiling lights appear more like the lamp in an interrogation room. >”I bet it was your favorite of the night~” Sunset teased you. >Rarity leaned towards you and batted her eyes at you. “I… Well…” >You shakily exhale. >You’re sweating. >You can feel Applejack and Rainbow looking at you. “...It- It wouldn’t be fair to say it was my FAVORITE. I mean, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow did their own thing, it’s not really a fair comparison to make.” You manage to say, earning a giggle from Sunset. “But… That was incredible.” You say to Rarity. >She slyly covers her mouth as she responds with a flirty giggle. >”Why, thank you, Anon!” “Really, I’m just worried about how I’m gonna follow an act like that. You girls are making me feel like I’m about to go on stage at a concert and the warm-up act is Queen.” You remark with a self-deprecating chuckle. >”We haven’t heard you sing yet! You could be just as good at singing, but that’s not as important as you getting up there and having fun!” Twilight reminded you. >Yeah, Rarity looked like she was having a lot of fun up there. >”Who’s up next?” Pinkie asked you, Twilight, Sunset, and Fluttershy as Rarity got down from the stage and sat down right next to you. >Being sandwiched in between the two girls who serenaded you is hurting your ability to volunteer. >You can feel their emotions radiating off of them. >They’re infecting you. >If Rarity’s the one leaving you the notes, you’d expect a trail of rose petals leading to her bed. >And you almost dread to imagine what Applejack could do to you with those toned, muscular legs and hips of hers. >Almost. >Fluttershy still isn’t feeling up to performing, and Sunset’s clearly up to something. >She’s hardly the type to get stage fright. >But you’d think Fluttershy wouldn’t be having stage fright here, she’s with her friends. >Maybe it’s the love song part that’s getting to her. >”I’ll go next! Maybe it’ll get the rest of you warmed up!” Twilight volunteered as she got up. >You’re plenty warmed up already. >As Twilight’s getting everything set up, you feel Rarity lean into your ear. >”You were a wonderful audience~” She whispered to you. >You can’t turn to look at her. >When your eyes meet again, she’ll have you under her spell. “T-Thanks…” >Nice one, ladykiller. >Applejack’s hand grazes across yours. >You freeze up. >Twilight finishes setting up, grabs the microphone, and hits play. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gM7Hlg75Mlo >Ah, there we go. >You’ve got a soft spot for these kinds of pop songs. >Nice and wholesome, not brimming with sexual tension. >”Here we go again” >”I kinda wanna be more than friends” >”So take it easy on me” >”I'm afraid you're never satisfied” >Twilight sings it so nicely, too. >Her voice carries the lyrics in such a genuine tone. >It feels less like a song and more like a genuine confession of love. >You can tell she’s a little awkward being on stage. >She’s more focused on the wall behind the group of you. >Twilight must have more experience singing in the shower. >When the chorus kicks in, she finds it within herself to sing a little louder. >”Oh-oh, I want some more” >”Oh-oh, what are you waiting for?” >”Take a bite of my heart tonight” >It might be because you’ve never heard Twilight really address a huge crowd before, but you’ve never heard Twilight vocalize so triumphantly before. >Her smile is so pretty, too. >In the brief bit of instrumental between the chorus and the next verse, your eyes meet hers. >It seems like her confidence falters a bit, but she presses on with the singing. >You don’t judge her, you doubt you’ll do much better. >And her voice is better suited for singing than yours. >As Twilight sings, she regains her confidence. >This song clearly means a lot to her. >The way she sings it, it feels less like a pop song you’ve heard on the radio a bunch and more like she’s genuinely confessing her feelings. >Maybe she is. >After the song’s chorus came the bridge. >Twilight clutches the microphone and sings in a slightly quieter voice. >Her eyes are shut as she sings. >But as Twilight gets closer to the end of the bridge, she carefully opens her eyes and looks at you. >That one, incredibly brief moment between the fourth and fifth line where your eyes meet hers freezes everything around you two. >Twilight takes a deep breath and sings the rest of the song with passion. >It’s almost night and day compared to how she started. >Now it’s like she wants the entire town to hear her. >She’s letting her body move with the music, rocking back and forth with the energetic beat. >It’s really incredible to see. >You can’t help but smile. >Once the song ends you give Twilight an eager round of applause with the rest of the girls. >Twilight’s the first singer tonight to be visibly exhausted after singing her round of karaoke. >She’s pretty out of breath as she wipes a small buildup of sweat off of her forehead. >”Heh… How was that?” She asked you all. “You were incredible!” You say to her. >”Yeah! You rocked!” Pinkie agreed. >The rest of the girls voiced their compliments, making Twilight a little awkward on stage. >”Aww, thanks, guys!” Twilight said, trying to hide her embarrassed blush. “I never would’ve guessed you could be such a great singer, I might ask you to tutor me in that, too.” You half-joke. >”Hehe, well, my door’s always open~” Twilight giggled with a wink. >Man, where’d this Twilight come from? >You’re liking this side of her. >The room is filled with something of an awkward silence as you and Twilight just look into each other’s eyes. >”Looks like I’m up next!” Sunset piped up, sashaying her way onto the stage and playfully nudging Twilight off to the side with a bump of her hips. >Twilight stumbles off stage after being reminded that she’s not the only girl here with you and takes her seat beside Rainbow, who’s giving her a really smug look. >”You know, I was just thinking it’d be best if Anon went last. Since we’ve never heard him sing, it could be a real fun way to end this thing!” Sunset suggested with a smile. >Please, no. >You were trying to get this out of the way as soon as possible, not be the main event. >Your eyes meet Fluttershy’s. >She’s good at reading you, she can tell you’re nervous. >”Um, Sunset, I don’t mind going last. Anon’s awful nervous about singing in front of us.” Fluttershy stuck up for you. >”He shouldn’t be! We’re not gonna make fun of him or anything!” Sunset assured her and by extension you. >”Well, of course not.” Fluttershy agreed. >”He’s only nervous because he’s never sung like this before! It’s like going for a swim at the pool! It’s not as cold if you just jump in!” Sunset argued in your favor. >Fluttershy turned back to you with a sympathetic look. >”...But we never really did ask you if you actually wanted to sing, so we’d understand if you wanted to sit this one out.” Sunset relented, giving you a glimpse of her more sensitive side. >Fluttershy sits back, happy that you weren’t being pressured anymore. >Save for her and Sunset, all the girls are looking at you with a mix of hope that you’ll say you’ll sing, and guilt about wanting you to sing. >You’re still feeling the effects of the cider, you’re feeling brave. >Besides, you don’t know how good of a singer you really are. >That doesn’t really matter, anyway. >As long as you’re having fun, the girls are happy. >You’d hate to be a party pooper. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna sing, and I don’t mind going last.” You answer. >Fluttershy looks like she wants to keep insisting you don’t have to sing, but stops herself. >”...Okay, I trust you.” She smiles. “Besides, I’d hate to disappoint a bunch of pretty girls like you all.” You say with a bit of a flirty tone. >The seven girls you’re friends with respond to your sly comment with giggles and blushes. >You don’t know where that came from. >Saying something like that is like flashing a slab of raw meat in a lion’s den. >Looks like the alcohol’s doing its job. >”Well, save the charm for your song, Anon. As for now, just sit back and enjoy the ride~” Sunset grinned at you, starting the music. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc3XIbUuTMc >Man. >If there was some kind of trophy for singing as sexually charged as possible, Sunset’s really gunning for it. >The way she sways her hips and arches her back, you’d expect her to start pole dancing. >Her eyes, much like Rarity’s, never leave you. >Her half-lidded eyes stay on you like a tiger lurking in the jungle. >And like Twilight, it doesn’t even really feel like she’s singing. >It feels like she’s talking directly to you, adding the melody to her words like cinnamon to a cup of hot chocolate. >The lyrics leave her mouth, curled into a sinister grin, like venom from a snake, paralyzing you. >”You can pretend you don't wanna know” >”But I read the signs from your head to your toes” >”Yeah, you don't need to say a word 'cause >”Ooh, ooh your body talks” >Rarity sang in a really seductive tone as well, but this is way different. >Rarity sang like she was beckoning you forward. >Sunset’s singing like she just cornered you. >It’s what she’s best at. >The first thing she did when you met her was corner you in the hall. >This isn’t like her usual flirting. >It’s more charged. >The song got more intense, and Sunset raised her voice to match. >She continued her sensual swaying, now matching the electric guitar and rocking beat. >Fluttershy’s moved a little closer to you. >You could only tell out of the corner of your eye. >Sunset’s got you in her spell, you can’t tear your eyes away from her. >You’ve heard this song plenty of times before. >But never like this. >You feel your chest tighten. >Why even do all this? >If all this is about getting the girl leaving you notes to confess her feelings for you, then why does it feel like they’re all trying to serenade you? >If Applejack or Twilight was your secret admirer, then why would Rarity and Sunset be all seductive like this? >As the song draws to a close, Sunset steps off the stage and sings the final chorus right at you without even using the microphone. >Sunset towers over you. >She’s radiating heat. >You’re burning up. >You can only adjust your legs to try to hide your arousal. >But it’s no use. >Sunset knows you’re aroused. >And you’re sure Applejack and Rarity know. >Thank God you’re going last. >”What’d you think, Anon?” Sunset teasingly asks you. >Her breathy voice tickles your skin, spreading goosebumps down your arms and legs. >The girls are all looking at you intently. >None of them look jealous or annoyed, they’re looking like they’re expecting you to do something. >You clear your throat. “...You were hypnotic.” You answer honestly. >Sunset’s grin widens. >She leans closer to you. >”Why, thank you~” >Her hand finds its way to the waist of her pajama pants and slowly undoes the knot keeping them snug on her lovely hips. >Sunset’s pajama pants sag down just enough to give you a teasingly small view of her lavender panties hiding underneath. >”I love the way you look at me, Anon~” >You’re getting harder. >You’re gonna ruin these pants that Rarity worked so hard on if this keeps going. >The other girls get closer to you. >Like they’re closing on their prey. >You’re trapped between Applejack and Rarity while Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie back up Sunset. >They’re all breathing so heavily. >It’s getting harder and harder to hide what you’re feeling. >”Um… I’m gonna sing soon…” Fluttershy meekly spoke up, saving you from Sunset’s predatory gaze. >Sunset turns around and gives her a friendly smile. >”Sounds great! Knock ‘em dead, Flutters!” She encouraged her. >”Rock on!” Rainbow goaded her further. >”I can’t wait to see what you’ve got!” Pinkie added. >You can’t say anything. >You’re still recovering from what Sunset did. >As Fluttershy gets set up, Sunset doesn’t return to where she was sitting in the front row. >She sits down right behind you. >You can feel her breath on your neck. >She’s playing with the idea of touching you, you just know it. >You can’t let Sunset control you like this. >Fluttershy’s about to sing her karaoke song, she deserves your undivided attention. >You scooch forward a bit, away from Sunset, Rarity, and Applejack. >You can sense their disappointment at you escaping their grasp, at least for now. >Rainbow, Pinkie, and Twilight shift where they’re sitting just enough to close you in. >You’re surrounded by the girls. >You look up at Fluttershy as she gets the song ready, worried that she’d be uncomfortable with what’s going on. >But no. >Fluttershy looks like she’s sore about missing out on the “fun”. >She’s clutching the microphone with both hands, but it really seems like she’d be down on the floor with you and the girls. >Which makes sense. >She got really close to kissing you earlier. >The Hell is with them tonight? >You’ve never seen any of the girls like this before. >Just yesterday they were all acting like they always do. >There has be a full moon out tonight. >If one of the girls was acting up, you’d let yourself indulge in a fantasy and think she had a crush on you. >But they’re all acting up. >They’re not acting like they have a crush on you. >They’re hungry. >This look from Fluttershy is only fleeting, though. >She clears her throat and gets her song going. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0ZHlp6atUQ >Fluttershy’s singing voice always makes your heart melt. >It’s so soft and genuine, like the voice of an angel. >You honestly feel pretty honored to be able to hear her sing. >It really shows how much she trusts you, to be this open around you. >Her eyes are shut as she sings, but her head’s pointed up at the ceiling. >Her voice gets a little shaky when she gets to the chorus. >”Cause you'll be in my heart” >”Yes, you'll be in my heart” >”From this day on” >”Now and forever more” >Her eyes slowly open as the chorus ends, meeting yours. >There’s that feeling again. >The feeling that she’s melodically revealing her feelings to you rather than actually singing. >But it’s very different from what Rarity and Sunset were doing. >Fluttershy’s not trying to seduce you. >It feels like she’s genuinely confessing that she has feelings for you. >Feelings that she’s been holding for a long time. >You can feel the vulnerability in her voice. >She’s struggling to maintain eye contact with you, but you can tell she really wants to. >”Don't listen to them” >”'Cause what do they know?” >”We need each other, to have, to hold” >”They'll see in time, I know” >Her singing gets subtly louder as she continues, like she’s getting more courageous. >She’s making you feel warmer, but in a different way. >Now you’re the one feeling a bit flustered. >Being surrounded by the girls doesn’t help at all. >You think back to the day you really got to know Fluttershy. >It was after your streak of not getting beaten up at school ended when you defended Fluttershy from those assholes. >But you got to spend the evening with her. >Having soup and talking and watching My Neighbor Totoro. >You’d have taken a hundred beatings and it would’ve still been worth it. >One smile from Fluttershy is more effective on you than a hundred punches. >Fluttershy walks towards the edge of the stage as she sings the final chorus of the song. >Her legs are shaking a tiny bit, but she keeps looking at you. >Her voice becomes that much more powerful as the song crescendos. >She’s being so genuine and vulnerable. >It’s clearly a lot of work for her. >You hope for her sake she’s the one leaving you the notes. >You couldn’t bear the sight of a heartbroken Fluttershy. >Then again, you don’t know how much she’s aware of behind the scenes. >There’s a real possibility that she doesn’t know who the girl leaving the notes is. >The song draws to a close, and Fluttershy’s voice grows quieter with each line. >She holds the microphone close to her chest and sings with her eyes closed. >”Just look over your shoulder” >”Just look over your shoulder” >”Just look over your shoulder” >”I'll be there” >She opens her eyes and looks up at you. >”Always” >As the group gives her a round of applause, you can’t help give Fluttershy a warm smile. “Fluttershy, that was beautiful.” You softly say to her. >”T-Thank you…” She meekly responds, returning her gaze to the floor. >She’s shyly smiling. >”Now we get to hear Nonny sing!” Pinkie eagerly reminded everyone, bouncing in place as she spun around at you. >”Last chance to back out~” Rainbow teasingly reminded you. >You smile at her and shake your head. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” You promise her. >”That’s the spirit!” Twilight cheered for you. >”Knock us dead!” Sunset goaded you, nudging both your shoulders from behind. >As you stand up to walk to the stage, Pinkie gets a chant going. >”Nonny! Nonny! Nonny!” >It doesn’t take long for the rest of the girls to get into it. >Their excitement’s awfully infectious. >These girls, they’re supportive to a fault. >You wouldn’t normally jump off a bridge if your friends were doing it, but you would if the girls were. >Thank God you had some of that cider earlier. >It’s helping you win that fight against your stage fright. >Once you’re on stage, Fluttershy gingerly hands you the microphone. >”You’ll be great, I just know it.” She softly assures you. “Thanks, Flutters. I hope you’re right.” >Your hand briefly grazes hers as the microphone passes hands. >Fluttershy’s confidence falters as she hurries off stage and gets herself seated where you were. >Your palms get sweatier as you look across the small crowd of girls expecting the best vocalization you could manage. >Pinkie’s looking at you like she’s expecting you to start tossing out candy. >Twilight’s giving you a warm, reassuring smile and a thumbs-up to match. >Rainbow’s sitting back with her hands behind her head, expecting something entertaining from you. >Applejack’s leaning forward with her hands on her knees, showing a surprising amount of excitement. >Fluttershy’s still giving you that soft smile that makes you feel all warm. >Rarity’s leaning forward and batting her eyes at you. >Sunset’s leering at you with her signature wicked grin. >You shakily exhale. >Cider, start pulling your weight. “Here I go…” You nervously say. >The sound of your voice being magnified by the microphone made your nerves a little more shaky. >Quit stalling. >Time to be a rockstar. >You move over to the laptop setup and type in the title of your song. >Your voice is a decent fit for it, there really aren’t any high notes. >And it’s the most romantic song you know. >Whoever your secret admirer is, she’s sure to swoon. >If you don’t fumble the ball. >You gulp, clear your throat, and press play. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWXUdqvVO8Y >Rarity’s eyes light up when she recognizes the opening notes. >Twilight and Fluttershy are leaning forward with anticipation. >You’re in the deep end now. >So you sing. “I know I stand in line until you think you have the time to spend an evening with me” “And if we go someplace to dance, I know that there's a chance you “won't be leaving with me” >Your singing voice is no match for Frank Sinatra’s, but you’re a little surprised by how not terrible you sound. >Much like Fluttershy, you hold the microphone close to you and sing with your eyes closed. >You don’t have an audience. >You’re singing to yourself. >Like you do in the shower. >Sometimes. “Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two” “And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, ‘I love you’” >The atmosphere in the room changes. >You don’t feel so tense anymore. >Maybe it’s the singing, maybe it’s the cider, but you don’t feel so self conscious anymore. >In the brief instrumental portion between the refrain and the bridge, you open your eyes. >The girls are listening to you sing intently, sitting forward and watching you with wide eyes. >Even Rainbow and Sunset are swept up in the moment. >You’re doing good! >This gives you the confidence to sing with your eyes open, facing your audience. “I can see it in your eyes, that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before” “And though it's just a line to you, for me it's true, and never seemed so right before” >You don’t care who your secret admirer is. >Whoever she is, she’s hearing you sing like you’ve never sang before. >They’ve been serenading you with varying degrees of directness tonight, this must be what the girls felt when they were up. “I practice every day to find some clever lines to say to make the meaning come true” “But then I think I'll wait until the evening gets late, and I'm alone with you” >You’re not looking at any of the girls in particular. >They’ve been giving you so many signals tonight, now it’s your turn to be the romantic one. “The time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue” “And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, ‘I love you’” >You’re feeling good. >It can’t just be the cider doing this to you. >As the instrumental break plays, you survey the audience’s reactions. >Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Twilight are absolutely enthralled. >Applejack and Rainbow are putting up greater resistance to showing such mushy emotions, but their wide eyes and rose-tinted cheeks give them away. >Sunset looks… strangely proud of you. >Like this is something she’s been expecting from you all night. >The song is approaching its end. >Time to really stick the landing. “The time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue” “And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, ‘I love you’” >Your singing’s making you do something really dumb. >You're gonna end up regretting this. >You just know it. >But your heart's got your brain beat. >You're too swept up in the emotion of the moment to think twice about this. >You're gonna go all the way. >As the outro calls for you to repeat three choice words in your softest singing voice, you cast your eyes across your enraptured audience. “I love you” You sing to Fluttershy and Twilight. “I love you” You sing to Pinkie and Rainbow. “I love you” You sing to Applejack and Rarity. “I love you” You sing to Sunset. >That feeling that elevated you to such heights as you sang faded from your being along with the music. >The feeling that kept you from singing before the music started soon arrived to steal its seat in your mind. >Time seemed to freeze for a minute. >You went too far at the end. >For fuck’s sake, you have ONE secret admirer. >Singing those three magic words to ALL the girls isn’t casting a wide net, it’s carpet bombing. >You were worried before about infighting between them about this stuff, you really should have known to not pour fuel on the fire. >Before you could spiral into this abyss of doubt and regret, you’re met with the most enthusiastic applause you’ve ever received in your life. >You’re frozen. >You were expecting some polite applause at best, but this is more than that. >They loved it. >They loved your singing. >”Oh, Anon, that was marvelous!” Rarity swooned, standing up with her hands clasped. “...Really?” You ask. >You’d ever accuse the girls of lying to you, you don’t think you were THAT good. >”Heck yeah! You’ve been holdin’ out on us!” Applejack was quick to assure you. >”You sure you don’t sing in your free time? You’ve got a beautiful voice!” Twilight rhetorically asked you. >”Your singing was AMAZING!” Pinkie gushed, leaning forward at you. “Oh, come on…” You humbly downplay their praise. >You’re sure you’re blushing, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want them to keep going with this. >”I’m serious! If you sing like that during the big music competition in the spring, you’d make Principal Celestia blush!” Twilight insisted. >”If I didn’t know you before just now, I’d believe in love at first sight!” Pinkie added with a giggle. >”See? What’d I tell you all? Anon makes one heck of a show-stopper!” Sunset reminded the group with a smug look. >”He sure does.” Applejack agreed with a chuckle. >You’ve never been praised like this. >You can’t take much more of this. “Thank you all, really.” You sheepishly smile. >”Really, it’ll be your secret admirer who’ll be thanking you for that lovely serenade! Whoever she is, she’s a very lucky lady!” Rarity reminded you. “Yeah, well, that song kind of does work better as a duet. I hope I’ll be able to sing with her in the future.” You admit, glancing across the room to see if any of the girls have a tell. >Pinkie looks like she’s about to burst, Applejack’s looking flustered, Twilight awkwardly chuckles, Fluttershy’s blush deepens, and Sunset’s still looking faintly smug. >Rainbow’s sitting cross legged, staring down at the floor with her hand firmly clamped over her mouth like she’s afraid of what might spill out if she isn’t careful. >Fluttershy looks like she’s working up the courage to say something. >After a moment of her moving her lips, she looks up at you. >”I’d… uh… r-really like to listen to you sing more…” She quietly admits. >”Then let’s have him sing more!” Sunset beams. >Fluttershy’s eyes immediately widen. >”Anon doesn’t have to sing anymore if he doesn’t want to! I’d never pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to!” She hastily assured you, feeling super guilty about how she complimented you. >You know what? >You’re in a good mood. >You’re a great singer, apparently. >You wouldn’t mind doing an encore. “You know what? I’ll do another song!” >”Yay!” Pinkie cheered, leaping to her feet. >The girls all look excited at the prospect of hearing you sing some more. >”Really?” Fluttershy carefully asked you. “Yeah! Karaoke’s a lot of fun, turns out!” >”Is it that, or do you just like being complimented?” Rainbow finally spoke up, asking you with a grin. “That’s a fringe benefit.” You cheekily admit. >”Fine, but I’m picking the song!” Rainbow demanded. >”Rainbow!” Twilight scolded her. “No, no, it’s fine! I trust her judgment.” You say. >You open up your phone’s music library and hand it over to Rainbow, who gets to scrolling through it like a nosy parent looking for weed or nudie mags in their teenager’s room. >”I’m awful interested in seeing what Rainbow’s gonna pick.” Applejack admitted to Rarity and Sunset. >”Can’t imagine it’ll be as touching as Anon’s choice…” Rarity muttered. >You can’t help but get a little nervous the longer Rainbow takes to pick something to subject you to. >What if she picks something really awful just to see you squirm? >If she picks anything by The Bloodhound Gang you’re gonna make her pay. >That wouldn’t be something you’d expect your secret admirer to do. >Unless she was trying to get you separated from the competition… >”Would it be too late to suggest Anon sing something like what he just sang?” Fluttershy asked Rainbow. >”Yep! Anon’s gotta flex those vocal chords of his, he can’t ALWAYS sing that lovey-dovey stuff!” Rainbow insisted, not taking her eyes off your phone screen. “Sure I can!” You argue. >”I’m on Rainbow’s side, pick something with real energy!” Sunset enabled Rainbow. >”Pick something sexy!” Pinkie made sure to add, earning a stern look from Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy. >Rarity and Sunset aren’t opposed to the idea. >A moment later, Rainbow stops scrolling and grins. >Oh, man, you’re nervous again. >You grip the microphone a little tighter. >Her fingers fly across the laptop’s keyboard and the music starts. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgQKF62sym4 >”Floor’s all yours, stud.” Rainbow grinned at you, tossing your phone back to you. >Man, this song. >It’s got some high notes, that’s for sure. >It’s a little more… charged than your last one. >...Fuck it. >You’ve got this. >You grip the microphone and sing the opening lyrics. “I’m not the kind of red and blue you see on TV” “I’m not gonna lock you up, I’m setting you free” “Supersonic super trooper on a lover patrol” “I’m a LoveCop (LoveCop)” >It’s… a lot of fun. >You don’t feel nearly as vulnerable. >It’s way more cheesy, so you feel more comfortable singing your heart out. >A much better fit for karaoke with friends. >Maybe that’s what helps you hit those high notes in the chorus. >Rainbow picked a good song. >By the second verse, you’re really getting into it. >Your movement is way more choreographed. >You’re wiggling your elbows in time with the guitar riffs. “Do you swear to rock the house, and nothing but the house?” You sing in a more gentle tone, rocking your hips to the music. >The second time the chorus comes in, you’re really rocking. >This music combined with your manslut getup makes you feel like a rock star plucked straight from the 1980’s. >At this point, the girls aren’t even visible to you. >You’re in your own world. “I’m a LoveCop! (My pearls and shiny leather)” >A world with neon lights and electric guitars. “I’m a LoveCop! (fit perfectly together)” >You’re rocking a denim vest, tight pants, and hair at a length that would make any authority figure shake their head in disapproval. “Put your hands up! It’s now or never-ever!” >But you don’t care. “I’m a LoveCop! Here comes the LoveCop, baby!” >Just beyond your reach is an army of fans, screaming your name. >The softer instrumental section of the song comes in. >You just let the music move you. >Your body rocks and sways in time with the gentle beat. >The electric guitar comes in. >The energy of the song courses through you, bringing you shred your fingers on your trusty air guitar. >At least, that’s how it looks to those viewing you on the material plane. >But you’re in your own world. >You’re tearing up the most magnificent electric guitar. >There’s lightning coursing through your veins. >You’re breathing fire. >The chorus comes back to close out the song and you sing more triumphantly than you’ve ever sang before. >You’re screaming the lyrics to the high heavens. >You earlier concerns of being heard by the whole town have vanished. >You want to be heard. >You’re a rockstar. >You’re hitting high notes you’ve never hit before. >Your body’s moving on its own. >If you had any less restraint, you’d toss your shirt off. >But the song has to end. >You wish you could stay in this world, but the world of the sleepover beckons you. >You give your air guitar one last, powerful solo before you throw your head down as the music stops. “...And you’re under arrest.” You growl in a low voice at your audience, ending the song. >Your confidence doesn’t fade when silence returns to Rarity’s bedroom. >You’re looking at the girls, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. >You know what kind of effect you had on them. >They’re staring at you, eyes wide, cheeks pink, and breathing heavily. >They don’t make you feel self conscious. >You savor their gaze. >Fluttershy’s staring at your heaving chest and stomach. >Rarity bites her bottom lip. >Applejack twirls her hair in her finger. >You stand up and take a deep breath. “I’m gonna feel self conscious if none of you say something.” You tease the girls. >”Anon, that was the hottest-” Pinkie starts, but is silenced when Twilight clamps her hand over her mouth. >”Y-You were great!” Twilight said to you with an awkward smile. >”Where’s THIS Anon been all semester?” Sunset asked you with a grin like she got exactly what she wanted from you. “I dunno, just never had any opportunities to sing before tonight, I guess.” You say with a shrug. >”I know I joked about this before, but you seriously should go out for the big music competition in the spring. I really think you’d be great!” Twilight insisted, her hand still firmly covering Pinkie’s mouth. >Pinkie’s still trying to talk. “I’ll think about it.” You smile, using the hem of your incredibly short shirt to wipe some of the sweat off your forehead. >You quickly realize what you’re doing and hastily fix the shirt Rarity made for you. “Sorry! I should use a paper or towel or something to clean myself-” >”No, no, no! It’s perfectly alright! The shirt can be easily washed!” Rarity quickly assures you, slightly flustered. “Well, okay then!” You say to her, intentionally not paying attention to how close she is to you as you turn to Rainbow. “Nice job picking the song, by the way!” You cheekily thank her. >”Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Rainbow grumbles, not meeting your eyes. >”Say, now seems like a good time to get to using Rarity’s hot tub!” Sunset cheerily suggested. >”Oh, yeah! Definitely!” Twilight agreed, keeping her hand on Pinkie’s mouth. “A hot tub in freezing weather like this?” You ask. >”It’s a really nice experience! The cold weather makes you appreciate the warmth of the water even more!” Fluttershy says to you with enthusiasm in her voice. >Pinkie resorts to licking Twilight’s hand, who retracts her hand in disgust and wipes the saliva off on her pajama pants. >”Eww, Pinkie!” Twilight scolded her. >”OhmygoshNonnyyoursongwasthehottestthingI’veeverseenImeanohmygoshI’veneverseenanythinglikeitbeforeyoutotallyneedtosingmoreforusandatschoolbecauseyou’dtotallykickbuttinthecompetitionandmorepeopleshouldhearwhatanamazingsingeryouareandIthinkthehottubisatotallygreatideaIhopeyoubroughtyourswimtrunksbutifyoudidn’tthat’sokaybecauseyoudon’treallyneedaswimsuittousethehottubwhateverworksit’salluptoyou!” Pinkie rambles out at a speed you’ve never seen before. >She shoots forward, gripping your shoulders and staring into your eyes. >Thanks to your experience with talking to Pinkie, you get the gist of what she said. “Okay! A hot tub sounds great! Especially with you all!” You eagerly agree. >Pinkie beams at you, letting go of you and backing up a bit. >”Pfft, you just wanna see all of us in our bathing suits.” Rainbow smugly deduced. “Hey, it’s only fair. I’ve been dressed like THIS for half the night, plus I’ll be wearing less than you all in the hot tub!” You remind her, motioning to your exposed stomach. >Rainbow’s face sours at your rebuttal. “Aww, don’t tell me you’re shy.” You tease her. >Rainbow’s head whips around at you. >”I’ve got nothing to be shy about! I’ve got the most amazing body you’ve ever seen! And I know because you keep staring at my ass in P.E.!” She shoots back at you. >All eyes turn to you. “No, I don’t! I don’t stare at you! You’re just always ahead of me in the mile run or the pacer or soccer!” >”Dude, come on, we’re all friends here. I know I’ve got a pretty amazing ass, nobody’s gonna judge you if you admit you sneak a peek every now and again.” She mockingly says to you. “You wanna talk about staring, we could talk about how you were looking at me during karaoke.” You counter her. >”Oh, no, don’t change the subject. We’re talking about YOU right now.” Rainbow is quick to retort. “Alright, what makes you so sure I’ll be staring at YOU in the hot tub? Maybe I’m more into Sunset or Applejack or Fluttershy!” >”Or me!” Pinkie jumps in. “Yeah, or Pinkie!” You agree. >”Oh, but what about me, Anon?” Rarity teasingly asked you, batting her eyes. >”Rarity, you’re not helping!” Rainbow sternly says to her. >”Personally, I wouldn’t mind if Anon admired my body. I’ve put so much into maintaining it, it’s nice to receive appreciation.” Sunset took your side, shooting Rainbow a wicked grin. >”I dunno about starin’, but I’ll have to agree with Sunset here.” Applejack chimed in. >Rainbow sputters, looking around at the other girls for backup. >”What about you, Flutters? How’d you feel if Anon was looking you up and down while you’re in your bathing suit?” She interrogated her, making a blush appear on Fluttershy’s cheeks as she cast her gaze down guiltily. >”Um… Well… I suppose if… Anon, would you stare at me if you found me attractive in… that way?” She carefully asked you. “Of course, not! I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.” You promise her. >”Then, in that case… I don’t think I would mind-” >”Ugh, fine! Fine, fine, fine! I’m gonna get changed into my swimsuit, then I’m gonna say ‘I told you so’ when you stare at my amazing body, because I know you will!” Rainbow relented, throwing her head back in frustration. >You’d never say it, but Rainbow’s really cute when she’s annoyed like this. >”So we’re all good for the hot tub?” Twilight asked the group. >Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack voiced their agreement, making the decision unanimous. >”Great! We’ll all get changed and meet by the back porch in five minutes!” Twilight decided, clapping her hands together. >You’re about to make your way over to your duffle bag, but then you notice another one of the mystery notes you’ve been receiving all night. “Wait, check this out.” You say, picking up the folded piece of paper with the heart sticker. >”Nonny got another love letter!” Pinkie excitedly announced. >”Ooh, how exciting!” Rarity said. >”She must’ve slipped it here for you when you were up there rocking out.” Sunset surmised. “Yeah, probably.” You agree. >With the seven girls behind you eager to see what the message is this time, even though one of them already knows what the message is, you carefully unfold it. >”Your smile makes me feel all warm inside.” >”Aww, that’s so sweet!” Fluttershy said. >”Who do you think wrote it?” Twilight asked you. “Good question…” >You turn around and eye up each of the seven girls. >It’s getting tougher to say. >The note doesn’t help. >All the girls are giving you signals of varying intensity. >And they were all pretty enraptured when you were singing karaoke. >But to pick one? >You’ve smiled with them before. >They make you smile. >That’s part of why they’re such great friends. >”Tell you what, you think about it more while you get changed. I kinda really want to get into that hot tub.” Twilight sheepishly admitted. “Yeah, good idea. It’s gotten awful hot in here, I’ve been dying to get out of these clothes.” >”You’re telling me…” Twilight mumbled. “Huh?” >”Nothing!” >”Well, I’d best be getting it all set up. Ta-ta~” Rarity gracefully exited the room, waving goodbye to you and the girls. >You notice the extra sway in her hips before she shuts the door behind her. >When you turn back around, you see Rainbow grumpily rifling through her bag and the rest of the girls looking at you expectantly. >”Y’Know, Anon, since we’re all friends here, you shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable gettin’ changed with the rest of us…” Applejack offered, her shifty eyes betraying her true motive. >”Yeah, totally! We don’t want you to feel left out or anything!” Pinkie assures you, wrapping her arms around you in a hug. >”W-We won’t peek or anything!” Fluttershy promises you. >Rainbow just rolled her eyes, you could tell. “Thanks, girls, but I think I’ll take the bathroom again.” You awkwardly chuckle, placing your latest note in your bag and grabbing your swim trunks. >You could almost taste the disappointment in the air. >”Your loss~” Sunset said to you, batting her eyes. “Don’t worry, I won’t be gone long.” You promise the girls, wrenching yourself free of Pinkie’s hug and heading out into the hall. >You’re in Rarity’s bathroom for the third time tonight. >It doesn’t take you long at all to switch into your swim trunks. >They’re dark blue with white drawstrings. >But it doesn’t escape you that you’re gradually exposing more and more of yourself over the course of this sleepover. >First you were in your pajamas, then you were in that exciting shirt, and now you’re down to your swim shorts. >You’re nervous. >Earlier tonight you would’ve been more comfortable with the idea of using Rarity’s hot tub with the girls. >Even looking forward to it, to be completely honest. >Getting the kind of look at Rarity and Sunset that the guys at school would be dying to get. >But there’s all this love letter stuff muddying the hot tub’s water. >You’re not even really worried about accusing the wrong girl of being your secret admirer because all seven of them have been showing interest in you. >Even beyond their reactions to your singing and new look. >Their comments, the way they’ve been looking at you… >Fluttershy invited you to get changed into your swimsuit with the rest of the girls! >To think it took her an entire week after first meeting her for her to say an entire sentence to you… >Under any other circumstances, that would be the smoking gun you’d need to accuse Fluttershy of being your secret admirer, but Pinkie’s been drooling over you all night, Rarity put on that little show for you during karaoke, and the comments Twilight made under her breath didn’t escape you. >Sunset, Rainbow, and Applejack have been giving you some eyebrow-raising signals, too… >Stressing about this isn’t getting you any closer to solving any of this. >You turn on the faucet and rub some cool water on your face to clear your mind. >You check the time. >10:07 PM. >The night’s still young. >Not young enough to avoid being carded, but young enough to give you plenty of time to solve this mystery. >You step back and look at yourself in the mirror. >At the risk of sounding narcissistic, you look pretty good. >In the months since you’ve started having P.E. with Rainbow and helping Applejack with some farm stuff every now and again, you’ve slimmed down your gut a bit and got more muscle definition on your chest and arms. >Actually, you don’t need to worry about sounding self-absorbed. >You’re sure Pinkie or Rarity would be delighted to compliment your body. >What friends you’ve got. >You take a deep breath and step out of the bathroom. >When you’re back in the hall with your clothes bundled under your arm, you hear some commotion in Rarity’s bedroom. >You can’t make out any specific words or phrases and you don’t want to be a creep, so you decide against pressing your ear against the door to listen closer. >It sounds like some kind of back-and-forth is going on between Sunset and the rest of the girls. >Despite their debating and pleading, Sunset’s staying resolute in her position. >No matter how much pleading Pinkie does, or how much arguing Rainbow does, Sunset doesn’t budge an inch. >You can only hope this isn’t about anything real bad. >This sleepover’s been doing really well, all things considered. >You’d feel terrible if there was a huge argument between them, considering how long they’ve been friends with each other. >The door swings open before you could worry more, revealing a triumphant looking Sunset. >She’s wearing a dark red bikini, generously revealing her cleavage. >”Great timing, Anon! We were just talking about you!” She beamed, pointing you in the direction of the other girls. >Fluttershy’s wearing a teal one-piece swimsuit, Applejack’s got a green bikini on, Pinkie’s wearing a bright yellow bikini, Twilight’s got an indigo one-piece, and Rainbow’s got a black sports bra and spats to match. >They all look amazing. >Don’t stare, Anon. “Really? You ask Sunset, turning back to her. >”Yeah! We were talking about how much you’ve grown since your first day here. You were so nervous and awkward back then, and look at you now! You’ve really come a long way, emotionally and physically~” Sunset answers with a grin, eyeing you up and down. >The other girls have their eyes on you, too. >Seems like they forgot what they were debating. >But you’re still getting used to being looked at like this. “Well, thanks.” You smile. “I couldn’t have done it without the help of you girls.” >”Ooh, yeah! Hey, Applejack, doesn’t Anon look incredible?” Sunset turns the spotlight to Applejack, who takes an awkward step back. >”Uh… I- I mean, he’s certainly lookin’ a lot better.” She admitted with an uncharacteristic clumsiness, her eyes darting around the room. >”I’ll say!” Pinkie chimed in. >”Oh, and we can’t forget you, Rainbow! You’re the best personal trainer he could ask for!” Sunset agreed, turning her attention to Rainbow, keeping her hands on your shoulders to present your half-naked form. >”O-Of course I am! I’m the one who made Anon so fun to look at!” She boasted. “Hm?” You raise an eyebrow. >”Whatever! Let’s just get going, already!” Rainbow rapidly shifted gears, pushing past you to get down the stairs. >Sunset giggles to herself at having successfully gotten those two flustered. >Seems like that’s what she’s best at. >”Oh, wait a minute!” Sunset said before bending over and reaching for your waist. >You freeze up and feel a chill run down your spine. >What’s she doing? >Here? >Now? >Turns out she just tied up the drawstrings on your swim shorts. >”There you go! Wouldn’t want you to lose your swim trunks in the hot tub!” Sunset giggled. >”Y-Yeah, we wouldn’t want that to happen…” Fluttershy muttered, playing with her hair while looking down at the floor. >You feel embarrassed just thinking about the possibility. >”We should get going, Rarity’s probably waiting for us down there.” Twilight suggested. “Right, good idea. Lead the way?” You ask Twilight. >”You got it!” She giggled, heading down the stairs after Rainbow. >”I’ll help you find your way through the house! It can get so spooky here at night!” Pinkie offered, clinging onto your arm. >”I better help, too. Two’s better than one!” Sunset jumped in, grabbing ahold of your other arm. >It’s basically impossible to turn down their generosity now. >They’ve both got a surprisingly firm grip on you. >And their chests are pressed against your shoulder. >The only thing separating your skin from theirs is a thin swimsuit. >No, stop it. >Don’t start thinking about this stuff now. >Your arousal’s gonna be harder to conceal like this. >”On we go!” Pinkie declared, marching you down the stairs with Sunset’s help. >You could’ve sworn you just heard Applejack and Fluttershy grumble about something behind you. It’s a little tricky to keep up with those two as the three of you walk as a unified entity. >They know how to get around Rarity’s house better than you do, and it’s a little difficult to predict where you’ll go. >The warm, fun atmosphere of the sleepover fades behind you as the three of you return to the ground floor where the lifeless mannequins haunt the boutique. >You steal a glance out the front windows to see what the world outside this house is like. >It’s snowing like crazy out there. >There’s gotta be at least a foot of snow on the ground with no sign of it stopping. >The wind seems to have died down, though. >It’s looking even more dead outside. >You’ve never seen the town of Canterlot like this before. >It’s a little eerie. >Maybe Pinkie was right. “Geez, it’s really coming down out there.” You note. >”No kidding! You think we’ll get buried in the snow out there?” Pinkie asked you with a hint of nervousness. “That’s not gonna happen. I’ll dig you out of the snow if I have to.” You jokingly assure her. >”Aww, you’d really do that for me?” Pinkie swooned, leaning into you even more. >”Come on, they’re gonna get frozen solid if we keep them waiting!” Sunset reminded her. >”We better hurry, then!” Pinkie realized, tugging you through the rest of Rarity’s house. >As you try to keep up with her, you can barely make out your surroundings. >Vague shapes of a kitchen and dining room pass you by as you’re ushered by your two friends. >You don’t have time to dwell on this spooky environment because before you know it, you’re standing in front of the back door. >There’s a buildup of frost on the window, but you can make out footprints in the snow outside. >Is it really a good idea to go out like this? >You’re not even wearing shoes. >”Come on, let’s go!” Sunset pushed you outside after opening the door. >You’re blasted by a gust of cold wind the moment the door opens, chilling you even more now that you’ve spent the past few hours in the warmth of Rarity’s heated home. >Pinkie and Sunset don’t mind the cold at all. >They’re determined to get you out through the cold and into the hot tub. >You’re weakened by the harsh weather, so you let them drag you. >On the other side of the porch is the hot tub, bubbling with fresh water pumped in by the jets and steaming hot. >Twilight and Rainbow are already in the water, leaning back and enjoying the warmth without even noticing the three of you arrived. >You hear Fluttershy and Applejack shut the door behind you. ”Hey, where’s Rarity?” You wonder aloud. >”Yoo-hoo~” You heard her voice call out to you from behind. >When you turn to face her, you feel some warmth return to your body. >Rarity’s bent over a small control panel at the edge of the patio, facing away from you. >She’s wearing a purple bikini that you’re confident reveals more of her body than the swimwear of any of the other girls. >If you were feeling any braver, you’d describe Rarity as “presenting”. >”Just had to make some adjustments. Feel free to take a dip!” She giggled. >You quickly return your gaze to the hot tub when Rarity stands back up. >Pinkie lets go of your arm and does a cannonball into the water. >Everyone ends up splashed with the heated water as a result >Rainbow and Twilight are rudely drawn out of their relaxation when they’re soaked by Pinkie’s splash, motivating both of them to give her an annoyed look. >Applejack and Fluttershy join them in the hot tub, both releasing a relaxed sigh upon sinking into the tub. >The longer you’re out here in the cold, the more tempting the hot tub looks. >You’re tempted forward with each lick of the steam rising from the water, and your freezing feet are crying out to you to give in and join the girls. >But before you could take a dip, Sunset steps in front of you with her signature sinister look. >”I bet you’re having a good time~” >Oh, God, she’s onto you. >The girls are all looking at you. >You glance around with an awkward laugh. “Well, yeah! This is the best sleepover I’ve ever been on!” You say to her. >”Oh, come on, new boy. You know that’s not what I meant~” >Sunset takes a step closer to you. >You stand firm. >You’ve been on fire tonight, you’re not gonna let her get all wily on you. “Then, what DID you mean?” You ask her in a lower voice. >”Getting to see us all in our bathing suits, dummy!” Sunset giggled. >Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow giggled. >Fluttershy averted her eyes from you. >You feel your face warming up again, but you stomach the feeling. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m just focused on having a good time with my friends.” You insist, giving her a firm look in return. >Sunset let out a hearty laugh. >”Oh, come on, Boy Scout, Live a little! None of us would mind if you admired us a little! In fact, I’d bet we’d all find it flattering! Isn’t that right, girls~?” Sunset grinned at you, then waving to your friends in the hot tub. >”I know I would!” Pinkie was the first to answer, popping out of the water enough to show off the cleavage spilling out of her bikini top. >”I wouldn’t mind, I trust you to not be too salacious~” Rarity batted her eyes at you. >”You’ve already been eyeing me up in P.E., you might as well commit to it.” Rainbow chuckled at you. >”Well, I dunno a ton of guys who appreciate a physique like mine, so I’d appreciate a pair of admirin’ eyes like yours.” Applejack admitted. >”B-Besides, we’ve kinda been admiring you when you were singing your heart out, so it’d only be fair!” Twilight argued, faintly embarrassed about admitting that she was eyeing you up during karaoke. >Sunset’s eyes fall to Fluttershy, who’s remained silent this whole time. >”Well? Don’t leave dear Anon waiting!” Sunset pushed her. >Fluttershy gulped as the blush deepened on her cheeks. “...Hey, it’s okay if you don’t feel comfortable with me… looking at you that way.” You try to comfort her. >She looks up at you and quickly shakes her head. >”No, no! I wouldn’t mind!” >Her response surprises you. “...Really?” >Fluttershy carefully nods. >“...I kind of… like the way you look at me…” >”There you have it! We’re giving you a golden opportunity here, new boy! Let yourself enjoy it!” Sunset insisted, taking another step closer to you. >She clasps her hands in front of her, compressing her breasts together for you as she gives you a smile to go with her half-lidded eyes. >The girls are all sitting out of the hot tub, looking at you anxiously and with varying levels of flirtiness and confidence. >You exhale. >...Fine. >You force your eyes to drift downward from Sunset’s eyes to her bikini-covered boobs. >...They’re really nice. >She’s gotta be a C-cup. >This gets a victorious giggle from your oldest friend at your new school, subtly pushing them up further for your viewing enjoyment. >...You’re getting harder. >”There you go, that didn’t hurt, did it?” She teased you further. >You sigh and shake your head with a half smile. “No, I guess not.” You admit. “I’m just worried I’d pick wrong and not eye up the one of you that’s been leaving me those love letters.” >”Gosh, Anon, we’re all really proud of your detective work, but just enjoy yourself! Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the pretty sights~” Sunset insisted. >She stepped back into the hot tub and gestured to a vacant space between Rarity and Fluttershy. >”Best seat in the house~” She invited you. >Your freezing feet command you to take the invitation. >With your legs shaking (from the cold, no doubt) you carefully slip into the water between your two friends. >God. >You have no idea how much you needed this until now. >You feel your entire body relax the moment you make contact with the water. >You allow a content sigh to escape your lips as the water swirls around you. >Then you notice there aren’t any other spaces left for Sunset to sit. “Hey, Sunset-” >Before you could fully voice your concern, Sunset finds a seat. >On your lap. >”There we go~” Sunset happily sighs, draping her arms around your shoulders and resting her cheek against your head. >Oh, fuck. >It’s getting hotter. >Your breath is caught in your throat. >You can’t move. >You can barely think. >You can hear the blood rushing through your ears. >Sunset’s sitting on your lap. >In a bikini. >She’s teased you with her body before, but never like this. >Even beyond this being your first time in Rarity’s hot tub, you’re in uncharted waters. >You don’t know what to do with your hands. >You’ve got Rarity and Fluttershy on either side of you, and they’re just about as exposed as Sunset is. >If you accidentally touch any of the girls crowding you, you’re gonna get yourself even deeper. >You’re already making plenty of contact with Sunset. >...Man, Sunset has a really nice ass. >It’s so soft and shapely. >You’ve never gotten a good look at it before, except that one time you scored an upskirt look at her when she dropped her pen that one time. >You’ll always remember the sight of her lavender panties beneath her skirt. >But this is on a whole other level. >...No. >Oh, God, no. >Don’t do that. >Not now. >Sunset can feel everything. >Everything. >Come on, Anon. >Fight it. >Don’t let Sunset win. >A boner is the last thing you need right now. >But it’s no use. >You can’t stop the forces of nature. >The other girls are staring at you. >You can’t see them through your unfocused vision, but you can feel their gaze burning into your exposed body. >Say something witty! “...So, what would you like for Christmas?” You ask Sunset, forcing the best grin you can manage onto your face. >Sunset cackles at your joke. >”Can’t think of anything, I’ve got everything I got for Christmas right here~” She grins at you. >You lose your grin like you were holding a pose. >Sunset wiggles her hips against you. >And with Sunset resting her cheek against your forehead, her half-exposed breasts are right at eye level. >Fuck. >You’re losing. >You’re getting harder. >Sunset can feel it. >How are none of the girls saying anything? >You’re practically suffocating on Sunset’s aura. >How come none of them are put off at all by Sunset being so openly sexual in the middle of this friendly hangout? >You have to sit on your hands to make sure you don’t set off any of the depth charges keeping you cornered. >Do something. >Fast. “S-So, Rarity, this is all really nice! I can’t remember the last time I was in a hot tub.” You shakily say, managing to get your neck to turn to face her. >”Thank you! I wish I could’ve shared this with you earlier, but I just knew it had to be saved for a special occasion.” Rarity said to you, leaning slightly closer to you. >Rarity, you’re not helping. >Time for another topic change. “So, winter break! Any of you got any special plans?” You ask the group, trying to ignore Sunset getting comfortable on your lap. >”Sleepin’ some more, now that farm work’s gonna be slowin’ down for the season.” Applejack answered with a chuckle. >”I’ve gotta get to work planning the big new year’s blowout! I’m gonna make it my best new year’s party ever!” Pinkie excitedly let you know. “That sounds fun!” >”It will be, that’s for sure!” Pinkie gushed. >”I’ve got some books I got this past Black Friday that I’ve been meaning to get into, and curling up under the covers with a cup of hot cocoa and snow outside is perfect for reading!” Twilight spoke up. >”Of course you’d spend your time off from school reading.” Rainbow snickered. >”Aren’t you sitting on that new Daring Do book?” Twilight countered her. >Rainbow couldn’t come up with a witty comeback. >”Sh-Shut up.” was the best she could manage. >You and Sunset chuckle at her a bit. >”I’ll be spending a bit more time at the animal shelter. Those little guys could get awfully sick in this weather.” Fluttershy said with some concern in her voice. >”We’d all love to help you out if you need it!” Twilight reminded her. >”I know, I really appreciate it.” Fluttershy softly thanked everyone. >”I truly wish I could be more available to help you, but my schedule’s rather filled with all the outfits I’ve got on my plate.” Rarity sighed. >”What about you, Anon? Got any big plans?” Sunset turned the spotlight to you, wiggling in your lap to add some emphasis to her question. >It takes a moment for you to compose yourself enough to answer. “...N-Nothing, really. Mainly just relax at home, except for stuff like helping Fluttershy every now and again. Honestly, helping you girls is my biggest hobby.” You answer with a small chuckle. >”I know! You could practice your singing!” Pinkie eagerly suggested. >”Now that’s a good idea! You’ve got a good voice, with some practice you’ll be great!” Sunset concurred. “I dunno, Rarity said I was marvelous.” You cheekily reminded her. >”You were! You were passionate and powerful, but rather unrefined. Nothing practice can’t fix!” Rarity clarified for you. >”Passionate’s an understatement.” Sunset added, grinding against you a tiny bit. >Only two small layers of swimsuit fabric are all that are keeping you from literally fucking Sunset right here in the hot tub. >Your breath hitches again. >”God, Anon, you should see yourself, you’re red like it’s harvest season on the farm!” Applejack giggled. >You sputter trying to come up with a response, earning yourself a few giggles from the girls. >Sunset, especially. >You can feel all her little movements. “Hey, come on, I’ve never had to deal with stuff like this before!” You defend yourself, inadvertently dyeing your face another hue darker. >”Well, you better get used to it! You make for an awfully comfy seat~” Sunset said to you, rocking her hips just enough to get a shiver from you. >You clench your teeth. “S-So that’s what all of this is about, huh? Just seeing if I’ll make for a good chair?” You ask her with mock seriousness. >”I don’t hear you complaining!” Sunset grinned at you. >You look around at the six other girls occupying the hot tub with you. “What about you all? Looking to make me your chair, too?” You ask them in a nervous voice. >The six girls exchange glances with each other instead of actually answering your quarter-serious question. >Sunset drags her fingernails across your shoulder. >You never would have thought the sleepover would get this intense. >You’re filled with so many mixed emotions. >”...Well, I mean, you’re a really cool guy-” Twilight finally answers. >”No, he’s not, he’s a total dork.” Rainbow butted in. >”He’s a cool dork!” Fluttershy defended you, clinging onto your wrist to show her support. >”My point is, you’re really handy and stuff, and we all feel so safe with you that we kind of… think you’d be good for some… stuff…” Twilight trailed off, losing confidence in her answer as she spoke. “...What kind of stuff?” You press Twilight further. >Twilight gazes down at her lap through the water. >”Y’know, stuff like… I dunno…” “Like being your chair?” >”Y-Yeah! B-Because, uh, you’re pretty tall and stuff, we could get a better look at the stage if we were at a concert or something!” Twilight answered with a clumsy laugh. >”Or if we need help applying suntan lotion!” Pinkie added. >”Yes, indeed! Anon, give me your hand.” Rarity commanded you. “Huh?” You ask, feeling more self conscious. >Rarity leans into you further, pressing her lovely chest against your shoulder. >”Come, now, I promise I won’t bite~” Rarity whispered to you with sultry eyes. >Her eyes are hypnotic. >Fluttershy’s gripping your wrist tighter. >You can feel her heavy breathing on your exposed torso. >Sunset’s hips rock against yours again. >You’re outnumbered. “Okay…” You relent, releasing your hands from underneath your thighs. >The moment your hand emerges from the water, Rarity seizes it for herself. >Her delicate, intricately cared-for fingers trace along your hand like a careful inspector. >”Your hands, they’re so firm, but with a gentle touch. They’re perfect for applying suntan lotion to a very lucky young lady’s body~” Rarity sighed, delicately holding your hand in hers. >You would say this is getting overwhelming, but you crossed that line when Sunset got herself situated on your lap. >Rarity’s hands are like the finest silk dancing across your skin. >You’re not rich enough to afford what she’s showing off. >”Oh, yes! Anon handles the critters at the animal shelter so wonderfully, those hands of yours are really special!” Fluttershy agrees, taking your other hand and gently holding it in hers like she was handing a baby bird. >Sunset gently scratches her fingernails against your back. >Your breath is getting heavier and shakily. “I dunno, I think I’d be the lucky one for getting to rub lotion on a girl.” You try to argue. >”Don’t undersell yourself, darling! You’re handsome, charming, caring, funny, everything a girl would want in a boyfriend!” Rarity challenged you. >You can’t help but gently laugh at her bold claim. “Really, everything?” >”Why, sure! Granny and Big Mac are real good judges of character. They wouldn’t let me date any guy they didn’t like.” Applejack gently chuckled. >Fluttershy nestles into your arm like she’s snuggling into bed. >Her hair is so soft. >It’s like her head’s covered in a blanket. “Oh, yeah? If I’m such a catch, then how come none of you ever made a move on me?” You ask the group. >”Remember, you’ve been getting love letters all night, new boy. Maybe the girl’s been too shy to approach you before now, so be nice!” Sunset rebutted you, pressing her body closer to you. “Yeah, good point…” You admit. >You’d be amazed if it wasn’t Sunset leaving you those notes. >She’s just openly flirting with you. >Even though they’re kept restrained by that bikini top, Sunset’s boobs feel amazing against you. >You want to touch her. >A lot. >You want to touch her boobs and her stomach and her thighs. >You want to turn your head up and kiss Sunset. >There isn’t any other girl you’ve ever known that’s given you attention like Sunset has. >Your arms are still being held by Rarity and Fluttershy, but if you were free of them, you doubt you’d be able to stop them from touching Sunset. >You wouldn’t do anything too forward, just kind of rest your hands on her waist. >Like a hug. >You’d just be hugging her. >...Your second-in-command has other ideas, though. >The flag is flying at half mast. >And it’s comfortably positioned between Sunset’s legs. >Every small motion of her body makes you tingle down there. >Her fingernails dig into your back more and more each time. >You can barely make out the sound of the girls talking to each other. >It’s amazing how they don’t seem to care at all that Sunset’s rubbing up on you. >Fluttershy and Rarity aren’t helping at all. >Rarity’s still gently caressing your left hand, and Fluttershy’s snuggled up on your right arm. >They’re both so pretty. >All your friends are so pretty. >They like you and trust you. >But tonight you learned that they’ve all got such lovely bodies. >Pinkie’s nice and thick, Applejack’s muscular build is a thing of beauty, Rainbow’s lean body is something you could admire for hours, Twilight’s got a cute, petite build, Fluttershy is surprisingly curvy, and Rarity has the body of every Sports Illustrated swimsuit model you got to sneak a peek at. >You’re intensely grateful you’re sitting in this hot tub, the steam’s hiding your nervous sweat. >Or making it worse. >”Hey, Anon!” Rainbow called out to you from across the hot tub. “Huh?” You turn to her, thankfully being rescued from Sunset’s hypnotic powers. >”I was saying I’d be down to help you practice singing. Pay attention next time, this offer’s limited time only.” >You release an awkward laugh, which is the best you can do with the girls rubbing up on you. >”What? What’s so funny?” Rainbow leered at you. “Nothing! I just didn’t expect the offer.” You clarify. >”Well, while you were off thinking about who-knows-what, Twilight and I figured that I’d be best suited for that, since we like the same kinda music and all.” Rainbow continued. >You feel a chill at being reminded about the kind of thoughts you were thinking. “Thanks, Dashie. I’d really like that.” You say to her with a soft, genuine tone. >”You keep calling me that and you’re not getting anything from me.” Rainbow sternly reminded you with a hint of blush on her cheeks. >”Ignore her, new boy. She secretly likes that nickname.” Sunset insisted. >”I do not! It’s a little kid’s nickname!” Rainbow insisted, blushing deeper. >Rainbow’s doing that really cute thing where she scrunches up her face when she’s annoyed. >You can’t help but giggle at her with Twilight, Pinkie, and Applejack. >”W-What’re you laughing at, Twiggles?” Rainbow directed her frustrations at her, invoking the nickname you came up with in a drunken haze. >This only gets Twilight to laugh more. >”Honestly, the name’s kinda grown on me.” She revealed. >Before Rainbow could get even more indignant about this nickname drama, Rarity hurriedly pulls her arm from yours to cover her chest with a sharp gasp. >Her horrified sound surprises you enough to make you sit up, and at first you’re confused because she’s still got her bikini top, but then you see the strings of her bikini top dangling from her shoulders. >Oh. >There’s that stiffness again. >But you can’t let too much time go by without saying something. “...You okay, Rarity?” You ask her, trying to not embarrass her further. >”Y-Yes, darling, it’s just a minor… wardrobe malfunction, is all.” She nervously assures you, keeping her arms wrapped around her chest to remain covered. >Incidentally pushing her chest. >With a better look at her cleavage than you’ve ever gotten before. >God damnit, Anon, not now. >”Anon, would you be a dear and help me?” She gently asked you, turning her back to you. >Fluttershy obligingly releases your right arm from her grasp to let you work. >Sunset finally gets up off of your lap so you can use both of your arms easier. >God. >This is the most exposed you’ve ever seen Rarity. >Her bare back is facing you, save for the dangling strings of her bikini top. >You almost don’t trust your hands. >Sunset’s been working you up all night. >This is the first time you’ve gotten to touch a girl like this. >But you can’t keep Rarity waiting. >Time to put those highly praised hands of yours to work. >You reach out and grasp the lower strings that wrap around underneath her chest like you’re playing Operation. >In the brief moment where your fingers meet Rarity’s back, you can barely hear the sound of her softly gasping. >Please, don’t do this now. >You’re only getting harder. >Don’t you dare poke Rarity with it. >Although you’re not super up-to-speed on your knots, you fashion the two strings into a nice, study knot. >Now for the shoulder straps. >This requires getting closer with her. >Your hands are almost trembling, but you’re making good progress. >You carefully reach over Rarity’s shoulders and take a shoulder strap in each hand. >Rarity is unable to stifle a shiver as her head tilts back when your thumbs graze her neck. >The flag is flying at three-quarter mast. >Focus. >You surgically take the shoulder straps and tie them securely behind Rarity’s neck. >Your fingers fumble a bit in the process, but you manage to not let the shoulder straps escape your grasp. >Once you retract your hands, Rarity gives her bikini top a test tug to make sure she isn’t at risk of being exposed again. >She’s convinced that it’s not going anywhere. >”Oh, my hero~” Rarity swoons, leaning into you and resting her head on your shoulder to look up at you and bat her eyes. >Please don’t rub into your dick. >Please. “Come on, I was just being a good friend.” You try to downplay your actions. >”Hush, now! You saved me from public indecency once again! It seems like I have trouble keeping my clothes together around you. How ironic~” Rarity giggled. >Boner pls. >You might not be blushing too bad because of all the blood going down there. >Don’t think about Rarity naked. >Don’t think about how Rarity was almost naked in front of you. >But then you’re smacked in the face by something that blocks your vision. >You peel it off to inspect it. >...It’s Pinkie’s bikini top. >”Whoopsie! Lost my top, too!” Pinkie giggled, not even trying to appear embarrassed. >Twilight and Applejack nervously laugh. >Fluttershy looks down at her lap through the water. >Your eyes make their way over to Pinkie. >She’s covering her nice, juicy boobs in a way that’s really pushing them up. >She’s not even being subtle about it. >She’s biting her lip and leaning towards you. >Sunset’s fingers return to your shoulders. >You’re drowning in these emotions. >You’ve never felt this overwhelmed before. >You toss Pinkie’s bikini top back to her before you end up too frozen to do something. “Here you go, try not to lose it again!” You say to her, politely averting your eyes so Pinkie can redress herself. >You could almost taste Pinkie’s disappointment that you didn’t ogle her huge boobs. >”We’ll see!” Pinkie slyly answered. >”Man, this hot tub’s being a real jerk! Look at what I found!” Rainbow said with a sinister grin, holding up… >...Applejack’s bikini bottoms. >Applejack recognizes what Rainbow has. >She looks down at her lap. >Her eyes widen. >”Give that back right now!” Applejack cries out with a fierce blush, trying to grab her bikini bottom back from Rainbow, who cackles victoriously as she holds it just out of reach. >Applejack’s covering her lower half with her other hand, making it harder for her to reach out. >While Rainbow’s facing away from Twilight to play her raunchy game of keep-away with Applejack, Twilight seizes the moment and tugs down the back of Rainbow’s spats. >”Hey! Watch it!” Rainbow whips around at Twilight, her cocky demeanor having vanished in an instant. >Sunset, Pinkie, and Rarity share laughter at Rainbow’s comeuppance, but you’re too thrown to join them. >Because in that instant, you saw a teasingly small glimpse of Rainbow’s bare ass. >It’s amazing. >It’s so tight but curved so nicely. >It’s everything you imagined it would be. >Applejack’s able to snatch her bikini bottom back from Rainbow while she’s recovering from being given the Coppertone treatment. >You try to ignore the tiny peek at her bush and keep to yourself. >Things are getting hot. >Really hot. >”Enjoying the show~?” Sunset whispered in your ear, almost making you jump. “What? I- You- They didn’t-” >While you’re spilling your spaghetti, Sunset climbs back into your lap and gets comfortable. >Your erection is standing straight up as it’s caught between Sunset’s thighs. >She feels it. >There’s absolutely now doubt about it. >”Shh, you don’t need to say anything.” Sunset hushes you in the midst of the other girls laughing at their racy antics. >You try to get some solace from all of this by looking over at Fluttershy. >But that doesn’t help. >Her one-piece swimsuit has made its way down to her stomach. >She’s covering her chest, but is unable to match the confidence of Rarity or Pinkie. >All Fluttershy can do is press her body against yours, hiding her face behind her hair. >What is happening to them? >You’re unable to brainstorm an answer because Sunset grabs your attention again. >She carefully guides your hand onto her thigh. >She sneaks your fingers underneath the strings of her bikini bottom. >”Come on, new boy~” Sunset whispered, pressing her entire body against you. >She guides your finger around the drawstring of her bikini. >”You know you wanna~” >You’re touching Sunset. >You’re actually touching Sunset. >You’re holding her waist in your hand >All you can think about is how soft and warm she is. >The world around you fades away. >It might as well be you and Sunset alone together in the abyss. >Your thumb gently brushes along Sunset’s exposed skin. >She’s more heavenly than you could have imagined. >Her body has to have been shaped by the Gods. >She’s got curves in all the right places. >The warmth of her body makes you feel like you’re sitting beside the fireplace on Christmas morning. >It’s so inviting. >It makes you want more. >It makes you want to explore the rest of her immaculate body. >You can feel Sunset’s fingers rest on your neck. >They’re curling into you like a falcon sinking its claws into its prey. >You’re happy to be her prey. >There’s nowhere you’d rather be than in Sunset’s grasp. >Her slender fingers slide down your arm and gently play with yours, inviting you to tug on her bikini bottom’s drawstrings. >You can hardly comprehend that that’s the string you’re holding between your thumb and index finger. >All it’ll take is one little tug. >Just that one swift motion and Sunset will be bottomless. >Then it’ll only be your swim trunks separating your sex from hers. >But you doubt it’ll be that way for long with Sunset at the wheel. >Your fingers tighten on Sunset’s drawstring. >You’re as hard as a boulder. >Could this really happen? >Could you actually lose your virginity tonight? >To a girl as stunning as Sunset? >That has to be what’s gonna happen. >Sunset’s never been this forward with you before. >You’re gonna do it. >You’re gonna take the leap. >You begin to pull on her bikini bottom’s string. >It starts to loosen. >Here we go. >No turning back now. >Sunset leans against you and rocks her hips. >Your manhood is still trapped between her thighs. >This one motion of hers elicits a sharp, surprisingly lewd gasp from you. >”Having fun over there?” Applejack asked you, yanking you from your special place with Sunset and back into the world of the sleepover. >Not the worst place to be, granted. >But you’d kind of prefer to be alone with Sunset. >Everyone’s looking at you. >This is like something out of your nightmares. >A torrent of shame washes over you when how aroused you were really sinks in. >In front of your friends. “What do you mean?” You anxiously ask her, pulling your arms back beneath your legs. >”Oh, Anon was just telling me how he’s down to try skinny dipping.” Sunset was quick to answer on your behalf. >A new feeling surges through your body. >Terror. >You’re thrust back into the blistering cold of the winter night. >Why would Sunset say that? >She’s never thrown you under the bus like this before. >As all of tonight a scheme to do this to you? >The girls gasped. >”You are!?” Pinkie asked you, her face conveying. >...Excitement? >You glance around at your friends to gauge their reactions. >None of them seem offended by what “you” said. >You know how to read them well enough to know when they’re upset about something. >From what you can tell, their reactions range from surprised to curious. >”He sure is! He’s been telling me all about how comfortable he feels around us, and he’s been dying to really put himself out there and try exciting new things! Isn’t that right, new boy~?” Sunset answered, turning her wicked eyes back to you. >Oh, God. >What do you do? >None of them said anything to oppose “your” idea. >You’d expect bigger reactions from Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow, but they’ve been silent. >Your immediate instinct is to profusely insist that Sunset wasn’t telling the truth and that you’re not interested in skinny dipping with these girls, but something stops you. >Something you’ve never really felt before. >It feels like you’re being commanded by a force greater than yourself. >You can hear its thunderous voice in your head. >”None of them reacted with disapproval, don’t waste this opportunity.” >”History is never made by men who don’t take risks.” >Sunset drags her hand up your arm. >She’s siding with the voice that just spoke to you. >One last glance across the group gets you something telling. >In the eyes of the girls, you can just barely make out the light of anticipation. >Go for it, Anon. >Take the leap. >You shakily exhale, preparing to speak the “truth”. “...Maybe a little.” You say. >There’s another round of soft gasps from the girls. >It’s enough to make you doubt your risky decision. >But none of them called you a creep or a pervert. >You’re in too deep to back out now. >You’re committed. “It’s just… I don’t know, I’ve been doing a lot of things for the first time this past semester. I’ve never tutored anyone before, I’ve never volunteered at an animal shelter before, I’ve never… been to a sleepover like this before. And I’m really grateful that all of you feel so comfortable around me.” >You take another breath, feeling heat return to your face. >A fracture manifests in your boldness, and you cave. “I’m sorry, it was dumb to bring up, I shouldn’t have-” >”I’m in!” Pinkie announced before you could finish your attempt at backtracking. >That’s another curveball thrown at you. “...Really?” You carefully ask her. >”Totally! It sounds super fun! It’s a perfect way to celebrate the end of the semester!” Pinkie excitedly continued, swimming over to you to emphasize her point. >Sunset grinned victoriously. >The girls begin murmuring to each other about this whole skinny dipping thing. >You turn to Rarity, dreading you’ve offended her. >Especially after what she just went through with her swimsuit. “Hey, you don’t have to do this, I’m really sorry if I offended you.” >Rarity smiled and shook her head. >”I appreciate your concern, truly, but… it sounds so daring~” Rarity admitted in a lower tone. >She digs her fingernails into your forearm under the hot tub water, biting her bottom lip with a fiery look in her eyes. “Well… Okay…” >You cast your eyes across the hot tub to see what the other girls are thinking. >Rainbow smirks and leans back with her arms crossed behind her head, highlighting her (admittedly modest) chest. >”You’ve been having so much fun staring at me, you might as well get the full Rainbow Dash experience.” She said to you with her eyes shut and grin wide. >Applejack and Twilight roll their eyes at her. “I wasn’t staring- whatever.” You try to object before giving up. >”Yeah, you’re right, you’ve been real focused on Sunset since we got in.” Rainbow snickered. “What, are you jealous? I’m sure there’s room for two.” You remark back at Rainbow. >You’re surprised by how forward you just were. >Maybe it was Sunset, Pinkie, Rarity, and her saying they’d actually be down for skinny dipping that gave you the confidence boost you needed. >Rainbow recoils and blushes again, making Sunset, Applejack, and Twilight. >You’d really think she’d be better at taking what she dishes out. >”Whatever! You’d like that, wouldn’t you, you dweeb!” Rainbow bluntly accuses you. “Getting so up close and personal with the school’s star soccer player? Sounds like a dream come true!” >”Sh-Shut up!” Rainbow blushes deeper. >You’re having too much fun to shut up. “What’s wrong? Scared you might like it?” >”I can still change my mind about letting your dork ass see me naked!” Rainbow reminded you, fully red in the face. >Looks like you found something you’re better than her at. >”Except you won’t!” Twilight giggled. >”Of course YOU’D be down for skinny dipping! I’ve seen the weird, pervy stuff you read!” Rainbow shot at her. >”It’s not pervy!” Twilight defended herself. “Okay, look, I’m sorry for teasing you, Rainbow.” You say to her, dropping to a softer voice. >Rainbow groaned and shook her head. >”Whatever, it’s cool. Seriously, though, you get on bad side and you won’t get to see my good side~” Rainbow grinned at you. >Damn, so that’s what it feels like. “Alright, alright, you win.” You chuckle. >”I did kinda think about skinny dipping in the past…”” Twilight nervously admitted with a lopsided smile. “Really?” You ask her with a grin. >”You?” Applejack raised an eyebrow at her. >”When’d that happen?” Pinkie urged her to answer. >Twilight gulps. >”W-Well, back when I was at Crystal Prep, I stayed late one night to study-” >Rainbow faked a shocked gasp, earning herself an elbow from Applejack. >Twilight takes a moment to compose herself again. >”It was after dark when I decided to pack it in, so nobody else was around. I walked through the halls and passed by the pool, and just kinda… thought about doing it…” >Rarity giggles at how close she came to public indecency. >”I didn’t though! I went home right after!” Twilight was quick to assure everyone. >”I did… keep thinking about it… So I’m really excited to try it here with you all!” >Twilight stiffens up after saying that, awkwardly giggling. >Man, this is going a lot better than you thought it would. >It feels too good to be true. >Pinkie, Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity all said they’re down to get naked in front of you. >And you’ll be naked in front of them. >The pink hair in the corner of your vision reminds you that Fluttershy hasn’t said a word since you pitched the idea. “What about you, Flutters? You wanna-” >”Yes.” Fluttershy bluntly interrupts you. >You’ve never heard her that direct before. >You never would have expected it with something like this. >Her face is still hidden behind her hair, and her bare chest is still hidden behind your arms. “...What happened to your swimsuit?” you ask her. >”...I dunno…” was the best answer she could manage. >”That just leaves you, AJ!” Sunset says, directing every pair of eyes in the >Applejack crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. >You sigh. >It does make sense that she wouldn’t want to take part in anything like this. >She’s probably the most responsible out of everyone here. >”I can’t believe I’m bein’ talked into this, but… fine, I’m in.” She relented as a small grin formed on her lips. >”Woohoo! Everyone’s in! Great idea, Nonny!” Pinkie cheered, popping out of the water and splashing everyone with the heated water. >”Yeah, great idea, new boy~” Sunset repeated, whispering in your ear. “Really? After what Rainbow did to you?” You ask Applejack. >”My swimsuit’s comin’ off on my terms, I’m makin’ sure of that. Besides, I ain’t got nothin’ to be ashamed of.” She answered with confidence. >Damn. >That’s everyone. >You tripped and fell your way into pitching skinny dipping to your friends, and it worked. >In literally any other circumstance, you basically would’ve committed social suicide. >But it worked. >And the price of that is having to be naked, too. >You’ll be completely naked, surrounded by these pretty girls. >The other shoe just dropped. >”Y’alright, Anon? You’re lookin’ awful pale all of a sudden.” Applejack asked you, slightly concerned. >”Aww, I think he’s shy!” Rainbow realized with a wicked grin. >Your cheeks flare up in defense, only serving to prove her right. >This gets a round of >”Come on, where’s the Anon that wanted to do exciting new things?” Rainbow laughed. >”I bet the Nonny that was singing his heart out would be down to get naked!” Pinkie surmised. “I can! I totally can!” You insist. >”Oh, really?” Applejack grinned. “Absolutely! I pitched the idea, didn’t I?” >”After I helped you.” Sunset reminded you. “I would’ve said it!” >”I doubt it; you would’ve just kept starin’ at Sunset.” Applejack rebutted. >”She’s got a point~” Sunset smirked, brushing fingernails across your back. “Because she was getting all handsy AND was sitting on my lap! I’d stare at you too if you were sitting on my lap!” >”Careful what you say, I might do a little more than Sunset if I catch you starin’~” Applejack slyly warned you. >You grit your teeth and shakily exhale through your nose. >Rainbow and Pinkie share a laugh at how flustered you’re getting. >Sunset giggles, too. >You can feel it. >”Relax, Anon! You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of!” Twilight tried to comfort you. >You almost accept this compliment, but then you leer at her. “...How would you know?” You ask Twilight. >Twilight’s eyes widen a bit as she realizes what she insinuated. >”Uh, y’know, because the human body’s proportional and all, I kinda, like… I- I mean, given your-” “I got it, thanks.” You cut her off before she could choke you on her condensed awkwardness. >”Seriously, dude, you don’t gotta be worried about anything. We all took health class, you’re not gonna show us anything we haven’t seen already.” Rainbow assured you with a noticeably more supportive tone. >Pinkie gasped. >”What if Nonny’s secretly a space alien, and that’s why he doesn’t wanna show off his body to us?” Pinkie conspired, leaning forward to squint at you inquisitively. “I’m not an alien!” You try to insist. >”We don’t know for sure! What if Bullworth is actually the name of your home planet?” Pinkie questioned further, leaning closer to you. >She’s doing a good job at making you less nervous about your impending nudity. >Her supple chest’s hanging down as she bends forward at you. >You smile and raise your hands in mock defensiveness. “You got me, I’m actually the last son of planet Krypton.” >”I knew it!” Pinkie cried out triumphantly, standing straight up. >”I knew there was something that made you so much better than all the other guys at school!” >You laugh along with her and the girls at Pinkie’s brilliant deduction, but what she said really sticks with you. “...Is that actually how you see me?” You ask Pinkie. >”Well, duh! You’re the only guy we all like!” She cheerily answered. >”Anonymous, you’re the only guy we’d even humor the idea of going skinny dipping with.” Rarity said with a stifled chuckle. >”Any other guy tried that and he would’ve been walkin’ home with a slapped cheek and a black eye.” Applejack added. “Okay, yeah, fair enough.” You admit. >”You’re the only guy I feel this comfortable around…” Fluttershy whispered, nuzzling into your shoulder. >She’s still half naked and hiding her face, but she’s being really bold, given the circumstances. >”Y-Yeah, never thought I’d be naked in front of a boy like this…” Twilight muttered. “B-But I’m really glad it’s you!” >”You know how many times I’ve been asked out this past semester? You better feel honored that I’m letting you see me like this.” Rainbow spoke up. “Don’t worry, I do!” You insist. >”We all like you a whole lot, Anon. We like you enough to get naked enough in front of you, so have fun with it! Remember what I said to you after school?” Sunset reminded you. “Yeah, yeah, don’t worry, go with the flow, I remember.” >”Good boy!” Sunset teasingly praised you, wiggling her butt on your lap. >The sensation sends another shiver down your spine. “Alright, you all win!” You relent, getting up from your seat. >The seven girls lean towards you with bated breath. “I’m gonna… skinny dip with you all.” You summon the strength to vocalize. >Just saying that made you that much more self conscious. >All seven girls cheer at your statement, flattering you more than a little. >Flattering your second-in-command more than a little, as well. >All eyes are on you. >Their eyes dart between looking you in the eye and looking down at your rapidly tightening swim trunks. >The girls are expecting you to strip for them. >... >...It WAS your idea. >Kind of. >The pressure’s on. >You take a deep breath. “Well, here goes nothing. Or, rather, here goes everything…” You weakly chuckle. >You reach for the waist of your swim trunks. >”Wait!” Sunset interrupted you. >You almost jump right out of your swim trunks in surprise. “What is it?” >”We GOTTA get more of the cider! It’ll really help loosen everyone up!” She realized, standing up with you. >”I dunno, we don’t wanna overdo it with the drinkin’...” Applejack contested. >”It’ll be fine! Anon’ll only get two bottles that the eight of us can share. It’ll be, like, half a bottle for all of us here! We’ll be fine!” Sunset assured her. >”Ooh, that sounds like fun!” Pinkie agreed. >”I sure could go for some of that good stuff.” Rainbow added. >Sunset could be right, getting a drink in you could be the social lubricant you need. “Sure, I’m down!” You agree with her. >”Perfect! Go get two bottles from my bedroom, and hurry!” Rarity urged you, pushing you towards the patio. “Alright, I’m going, I’m going. You girls stay pretty!” You say to them as you climb out of the hot tub. >You feel Fluttershy sulk slightly when you pull away from her. >Good lord, it’s cold. >You only vaguely hear the girls behind you giggle and talk before you dart back inside Rarity’s house. >Did they see your boner? >It’s not worth worrying about. >They’ll see everything there is to see in a bit. >Remembering the path to Rarity’s bedroom, you expertly make your way through the hallways and up the stairs back to where the sleepover was last being held. >You make sure to not drip water everywhere. >Don’t wanna ruin the carpet. >It’s just you in Rarity’s bedroom. >You locate the box Applejack was keeping the remaining bottles of hard cider in and grab two of them. >And then you freeze. >God. >This is really happening. >You’re gonna be naked with seven other naked girls. >This should be your dream come true, but you’re freezing up. >You’re so close. >You try to calm yourself down. >There’s nothing they’re likely to say or do that’ll completely ruin you. >But you’ve never been this… >...Vulnerable. >You’ve never done anything like this before. >This is all Sunset’s doing. >She was the one who put those words in your mouth. >Granted, it worked, but why? >And why was she urging you to get intimate with her? >You stop yourself in your tracks. >If you keep worrying like this, you’ll be in Rarity’s room alone all night. >That’s not how you want to remember tonight. >You don’t want tonight to be remembered for how you ran away when approaching what could’ve been your finest hour. >You want to remember tonight as the best sleepover ever. >Let’s do this. >You march back downstairs with your two bottles of hard cider and your tightened swim trunks. >It feels like you’re walking towards the octagon before a UFC match. >It feels like your whole life has been leading towards tonight. >That might not be as overly dramatic as it sounds. >Moving across the country to a new school, meeting these wonderful girls, getting to know them well enough that they’re willing to get naked with you. >This isn’t just a sleepover. >This is destiny. >You barely pay mind to the cold weather outside once you emerge from Rarity’s house. >”Anon’s back!” Twilight announced to the group. >The girls halt their conversations and turn to face you. >They’re eyeing you up and down. >There’s that hungry look in their eyes. >This hot tub’s looking more like a piranha tank. “I sure am!” You reply with a gentle smile. >”Come on, get in here!” Rainbow hurried you. >”The anticipation’s killing us!” Pinkie whined. “Okay…” >You carefully step into the warm water. >You’re really in it now. >Sunset takes one of the bottles from you, opens it up, and takes a large swig of the alcoholic drink before passing it to Rarity. >You follow suit. >You open up your bottle and take a swig of the hard cider. >It’s still incredibly bitter going down, but you’re prepared for it this time. >The alcohol does its job mercifully quickly. >Your head feels a little lighter and you feel a little more giggly. >Just what the doctor ordered. >You move to hand the bottle to Fluttershy, but she’s still covering her chest with both hands. >It strikes you as a little weird she didn’t fix her swimsuit while you were gone, but whatever. >She’s got a head start. “Oh, sorry…” You sheepishly say to her. >”No, no, it’s alright! Just… Hold it to my mouth.” Fluttershy carefully requested. >Man, you’d be stressing a lot more about this if you didn’t have the cider just now. “Okie dokie…” You respond with a giggle. >With some careful maneuvering, you hold the bottle up to Fluttershy’s mouth and gently tip it so she can drink it. >A little bit of the cider dribbles out from the side of her mouth. >Don’t overthink it. >Stay focused. >A moment later, Fluttershy steps away from the bottle after she’s had enough. >Some of the cider spills into the hot tub, making both of you giggle a bit. “You alright?” You ask Fluttershy. >”Mm-hm! I’m feeling better now.” She answered in a less self-conscious tone. “Thank goodness…” >You hand the bottle to Applejack, who takes a swig before handing it to Rainbow. >Pinkie and Rainbow have taken their portions of the hard cider. >Here we go. >Everyone’s ready. >You’re ready. >”Woah, what’s that?” Pinkie asks, pointing to something behind you. >You turn around and spot yet another love letter resting in the snow beside the hot tub. >Geez, this is still going. >You’d think your secret admirer would get the courage to confess her feelings to you if she’s willing to skinny dip with you. >Whatever. >That’s not important. “Let’s see here…” You mutter, picking up the letter and opening it up. >The girls crowd around you to see what this newest confession is. “I want to hold you close and make you feel loved.” You read aloud from your newest love letter. >”Aww, that’s so sweet!” Rarity swooned. >”Who do you think wrote it?” Sunset questioned you with a grin. >You fold the letter back up and place it back on the snow. “Doesn’t matter right now. I wanna focus on this skinny dipping stuff.” “Whoever’s been leaving me these notes, her dreams are about to come true.” You giggle. >”That’s the spirit!” Rainbow cheers you on. >”Okay! On the count of three!” Pinkie commands everyone. >Your hands return to your side. >The girls get ready. >You get ready. >”One…” >Rarity fans herself. >Applejack takes a deep breath. >Twilight rubs her face to calm down. >This is happening. >”Two…” >Fluttershy stiffens her jaw. >Rainbow’s psyching herself up. >Sunset’s hand gently teases yours. >This is really happening. >”Three!” >Once that magic word is spoken, the gloves are off. >...Along with everything else. >It all happens in a haze. >You don’t even act consciously. >It isn’t even the alcohol working for you. >It felt like some deeper force was commanding you to do it. >But you did it. >In one swift motion, you’re naked. >As naked as the day you were born. >You feel the hot tub water all around. >Your skin is much more receptive to the warmth now. >All of your skin. >The hair on your body stands on end. >At that moment, you’re surrounded by silence. >Time stands still. >All you can hear is your own breathing. >Your fingers graze the surface of the bubbling water. >So many emotions swirl in your mind. >Dread, shame, excitement... >You want to run, but you also want to stay. >You’re being pulled in so many directions at once. >You’re so vulnerable. >You went into this school year wanting to just keep to yourself and not draw too much attention, and yet, here you are. >You just did the boldest, most daring act you’ve ever done. >You’ve taken the biggest leap of your life. >Sound surrounds you. >It’s indiscernible at first. >Then clarity follows. >It’s the voices of your seven friends. >They’re… >...Cheering. >You refocus your eyes. >You’re naked. >The girls are naked. >Everyone’s naked. >They’re all holding their swimsuits up in the air and cheering. >Pinkie, Rainbow, Twilight, Applejack, Sunset, Rarity, even Fluttershy. >You can see them. >All of them. >Their breasts hang freely and sway as they move their angelic bodies. >They all trim their lower parts differently. >The girls are all laughing and giggling, happy as a clam. >A strange feeling fills you. >You feel like you’re trapped inside a dream. >There’s no way this is actually happening. >But these doubts are forcibly torn from you when Sunset grabs your shoulders and gives you the widest grin you’ve ever seen from her. >”Wow, new boy, this was an AMAZING idea!” She excitedly says to you, staring you in the eyes. >Sunset’s gripping you so tightly. >Her entire upper body is heaving with her breathing. >Her impressive boobs bob up and down so enticingly… >You stole a glance at Sunset’s pussy earlier, she’s clean shaved down there. >You clear your throat, focusing your eyes back into hers. “Heh, yeah, I guess it was!” You answer as confidently as you can. >But it’s still not very confident. >You’re as hard as a diamond, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do to hide it. >Your dick stands as triumphantly as an American flag planted on the surface of Mars. >Just like you can see all of the girls, they can see all of you. >You’re still deeply embarrassed about this whole ordeal, but there’s a part of you that’s enjoying this. >That part of you is winning with the help of the cider. >A smile spreads across your own face as a shaky laugh escapes your lips. >”I don’t get why you were so hesitant about this, you look great!” Twilight complimented you with her hands behind her back. >Twilight’s got a more modest body, and her southern hair’s neatly trimmed. >Your breathing’s getting heavier without any conscious effort on your part. “Oh, really?” You ask her. >”Really! I could stare at you for hours!” Twilight quickly answered. >She realized her answer was a little too enthusiastic and shrunk back with an embarrassed giggle. >”All thanks to my training!” Rainbow boasted. >You look over at Rainbow. >She’s athletic perfection. >Her stomach, legs, and ass are perfectly toned for maximum aerodynamics. >Those subtle abs, those small but perky tits… >”You know, back in ancient times, Olympic athletes would compete naked, all oiled up and stuff. Isn’t that right, Twiggles?” Rainbow grinned at Twilight >”Uh, uh huh, yeah…” Twilight awkwardly responded. >”Don’t forget, Anon’s been helpin’ Big Mac and I ‘round the farm. You ain’t the entire reason he looks so fine.” Applejack reminded Rainbow. >God, Applejack. >Those muscles. >You’ve never really been into muscles on a girl before, but Applejack single-handedly changed your mind on the subject. >She’s so firm. >She could crush your skull between those powerful thighs and you’d die a happy man. >At least she kept the hat on. >”Pssh, I’m the best physical trainer that dweeb could ask for. Thanks to me, he broke every single one of his personal bests. I bet it was watching this amazing ass of mine as we ran that motivated him!” Rainbow continued, turning around and posing to show her admittedly pretty amazing ass to you and her nay-sayers. >Applejack rolled her eyes, crossing her intimidatingly muscular arms. >”Isn’t that right, dork?” >When Rainbow cast you a cocky half-lidded grin over her shoulder, you got more than a little flustered and averted your gaze to… >...Rarity. >Beautiful is an understatement. >Her curves flow across her body like the majestic dunes of the sahara. >Every inch of her bare skin has clearly been carefully maintained. >You heard Rainbow cackle victoriously at her naked body having such an effect on you. >”My, Anonymous, I don’t think anyone else could have talked me into doing something so scandalous. That was so brave of you~” Rarity sighed flirtily, failing to suppress a devilish grin. >You manage to grin back at her, locking your eyes with hers. “I dunno about brave…” >Rarity covers her mouth to hide a giggle. >You’re still maintaining perfect eye contact. >Don’t look at how naked Rarity is. >Don’t look at Rarity’s naked, perfect body. >Or Applejack’s. >Or Rainbow’s. >Or Sunset’s. >Or Twilight’s. >”Don’t undersell yourself, I doubt any other boy at school could have summoned the courage to suggest we all strip bare out in the open!” Rarity reminded you. “Maybe because it’s a really bad idea.” You chuckle nervously. >You can feel the girls’ eyes devouring you. >There isn’t an inch of you that isn’t out in the open. >”Maybe for them, but the way you-” >Rarity couldn’t finish her sentence before she started laughing. >Oh, God. “W-What’s so funny?” You ask her, making sure not to look anywhere below the neck. >”I can’t take you seriously when you’re staring at me like that!” She giggled, making no attempt to hide her nudity. “I dunno, I’m just trying to be polite-” >”Dude, it’s okay, you can look!” Rainbow goaded you. >The girls giggle at how flustered you are. “But- But I’m just-” You sputter. >Sunset’s arms snake around you from behind. >You can feel her breasts and stomach press against your back. >”You had trouble talking to girls when you were younger, didn’t you~?” Sunset asked you, already knowing the answer. >Rarity, Rainbow, Twilight, and Applejack are looking at you and your naked body with eager, hungry eyes. “...Maybe a little…” You timidly admit. >”Aww, that’s precious!” Rarity giggled. “At least they were clothed!” You defend. >”Getting naked was YOUR idea! Applejack rebutted. “I mean… I guess so…” >”Anon, you’re gonna hurt their feelings if you avoid looking at them! They’ve put a lot of work into maintaining their bodies, and it took a long time for them to trust you this much!” Sunset mock-scolded you, twirling your hair in her fingers. >”If you try to hard to avoid looking at their bodies, then they’re gonna think they’re ugly!” Sunset teasingly pouted. >She’s rubbing her naked body on you. >You’re fully erect. >You’ve never been so erect. >You caught Twilight glancing down at your dick. >The girls never looked at you like this before. >How they were looking at you in that crop top was nothing compared to this. >They’re really liking what they see. >”Come on, new boy…” Sunset whispered, gripping your hair and pointing your head right at Twilight’s naked body. >”Isn’t Twilight so pretty~?” >You can’t speak. >Your breath’s caught in your throat. >Sunset’s forcing you to admire Twilight. >Twilight’s a little embarrassed by the attention, but manages a cute pose as she returns your gaze. >Her boobs are B-cups, but they’re so perky. >Her tummy looks so soft. >Her thighs look so fun to squeeze. >And the neatly-trimmed hair above her little pussy… “...Yeah, she is…” You quietly admit. >You know Sunset expects better from you, so you look Twilight up and down before addressing her. “...You’re really pretty…” >Twilight get much more flustered at the attention you gave, only managing to respond with awkward laughter and a deep blush. >”Good boy! But what about Rarity?” Sunset pressured you, turning your heard towards your fashionista friend. >Rarity’s savoring the moment. >She’s sitting on the edge of the hot tub and striking a seductive pose, throwing her head back to accentuate her chest and batting her eyes at you with a sultry grin. “...She- …You take my breath away, Rarity.” You admit. >”Oh, you’ve such a way with words~” She giggled in response, dragging her eyes up and down your naked body. >You can feel Sunset’s wicked grin right behind you. >Her grip on your hair tightens as she turns your head to Applejack. >This is more than just being comfortable looking at them, the sexual tension’s as taut as a trampoline. >You’ve got a secret admirer, so why is Sunset getting you to compliment all their bodies? “Hey, Sunset, what are you-” >”Applejack could use some appreciation, don’t you think?” Sunset interrupted you, reminding you of the farm girl’s exposed body. >Now isn’t the time to worry about the “why’s”. >Applejack’s waiting for you. “Applejack… Your muscular body’s a thing of beauty.” You admit as your breathing gets heavier. >”Aw, shucks, Anon…” Applejack chuckled, clearly flustered. >Rainbow steps forward with a smug grin and closed eyes, ready to have her body appreciated. >”Oh dear, Fluttershy’s been awfully quiet, hasn’t she?” Sunset realized. >Rainbow’s eyes opened in surprise as she was skipped over. >Before you could say anything, Sunset spun you around to face Fluttershy in all her naked glory. >Her flowing pink hair cascades down to her surprisingly hefty chest. >Each breath in and out only serves to highlight how much she’s blossomed. >She’s hiding her face behind her hair, but she’s staring right at you through the part in her hair. >Her hands are locked behind her back, but you can tell she’s trying her hardest to present herself to you. >Sunset sashays from behind you to behind Fluttershy, freeing you from her power and placing her hands on Fluttershy’s shoulders. >”It’s taking Fluttershy a lot of courage to strip for you, you know~” Sunset reminded you, rubbing her back. >You take a step forward and gently brush Fluttershy’s hair out of her eyes. “You have the body of an angel, Fluttershy. I’m honored that you trust me enough to show me this side of you.” You say to her in a gentler tone. >Fluttershy gently gasped as your fingers brushed against her cheek. >An adorable blush appears to accompany her gentle smile. >”Thank you… You’re beautiful, Anon…” She quietly admits. >Now it’s your turn to smile and blush. “Thank you…” >”You really are!” Twilight awkwardly spoke up from behind you. >It’s only then that you notice how close the girls have gotten to you. “Say, Pinkie’s been weirdly quiet-” >You turn your head to the right and find Pinkie. >Right in your face. >Panting like a dog in the summer and almost literally vibrating. “Oh, hey, Pinkie…” You say to her after having recovered from being jumpscared by her. >”W-W-We’re naked.” Pinkie sputtered out amidst her panting. >You look down from her eyes to look at the rest of her body. >She’s like a comfy cushion of a girl. >She’s got pudge in all the right places. >Her breasts rival Fluttershy’s in terms of size, but she’s definitely curvier. >Pinkie’s carpet matches her drapes: big and curly and unkempt. >Knowing Pinkie, her pussy probably tastes like bubblegum. >You’d love to find out. >When you look back up at Pinkie, you find her staring right at your dick. >Drooling. “Pinkie?” >”You’re the sexiest alien I’ve ever seen.” She said bluntly. >Oh, yeah, you’re from planet Krypton. >Funny how you can forget stuff like that in the heat of the moment. “Well, thanks, Pinkie-” >”I wanna taste you.” >”Pinkieee.” Sunset said to her in a faintly scolding tone. >Pinkie didn’t pay her any mind, she just kept staring at your nude body and licking her lips. >Looks like it’s her turn to receive some of your verbal appreciation. “Pinkie, I’ve always thought your body would be fun to hold and squeeze close.” >”There’s only one way to find out! Wanna find out? Because I do! I really, really, really do!” Pinkie gasped out. >Her breathing is bordering on hyperventilation. >”Not yet, he doesn’t! Because he saved the best for last!” Rainbow loudly reminded you and the girls. >She took to standing up on the edge of the hot tub to better display how amazing she looks when she’s not wearing anything at all. >The girls are acting even more predatory now. >Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack found their way over to you from their side of the hot tub. >Twilight's nervously holding your left hand in both of hers. >Applejack's admiring the progress you've made over the semester by rubbing your bicep. >Rarity's hands trace along your stomach, testing how close they can get to your crotch before you let her hear another one of those involuntary gasps of yours. >Fluttershy’s returned to wrapping her arms around your right arm. >She's feeling a little bolder, so she's planting delicate kisses down your bicep like she's afraid of getting in trouble for it. >Pinkie's wrapped her arms around your neck from behind. >She's struggling to keep herself from humping you. >You notice something. >This should be making you even more self conscious, being surrounded by girls when you’re all naked. >But instead, you’re feeling the opposite. >You feel great. >You feel powerful. >They want you. >You felt like you were walking into a lion’s den when coming to this sleepover, but you only now realized that this is your den. >You’re the lion. >They’re the lionesses. >They’re not in control of tonight. >You are. >Your eyes briefly meet Sunset’s. >She knows what you just realized. >With her sinister grin, she motioned you to Rainbow, still standing triumphantly naked. >"Don't keep her waiting, new boy. She's not known for her patience." Sunset reminded you with an insidiously eager tone. >”Yeah, I ain’t got all night, dweeb!” Rainbow impatiently reminded you. >She turned around to highlight her tight ass to you, as if to give you inspiration for what to start with if you were at a loss for words at her sheer sexiness. >She wants you to compliment her body? >Fine. >You'll compliment her body. >But you're not gonna let her win this little duel. “Oh, Rainbow Dash, I could spend all night talking about everything I love about your body~” You sigh to her. >A prideful smile appears on her face. “‘Poetry in motion’ really is the best way to describe how you move. Every time you kick a soccer ball or run another lap around the field, I can’t help but be drawn to your divine body.” >Rainbow not-so-subtly pushes up her chest with her crossed arms, very pleased by your words. >But the other girls know what you’re doing. “And you know what? You were right, Rainbow. I was staring at your ass in P.E.” >This gets a reaction out of her. >Her eyes open in surprise as her confidence wavers just enough to give you an opening. “How could I not? The way it sways as you run, the way you highlight it in your tight shorts, it’s all I can think about.” >”D-Dude, come on, I was just messing with you.” Rainbow awkwardly laughs, trying to brush off what she’s feeling. >Sunset’s fingernails dig into your skin. “Yeah, well, I’m not. Can you imagine what torture it was to never be able to tell you how perfectly sculpted your butt is? Or how much I wanted to give your butt a good squeeze when you get a little too smug about beating me in a race?” >”A-Anon-” Rainbow sputters. >She’s squirming. “It feels like my whole life has lead to tonight, getting to see THE Rainbow Dash strip naked to grace the eyes of this lowly mortal.” >You can hear Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight giggle at your teasing. >Rainbow’s getting noticeably more aroused. >Her chest is heaving more and more. >"Rainbow's real hot, isn't she?" Sunset teasingly goaded you on. "Hot's an understatement, she's the reason the water's so warm. I really want to lick those delicious abs of hers, but I'm afraid I'd burn my tongue." You fake pout. >Rainbow's resolve is weakening more and more. "But I'd wear that burn like a badge of honor. I'd show the whole world that Rainbow Dash allowed ME to lick the sweat from her body after she performs more of her poetry~" >Time to go in for the killing blow. “Leaving P.E. for the last time today was real depressing for me because I never got to fulfill my fantasy of stripping you naked and licking you clean after you’ve ran the pacer-” >”God, I can’t take this anymore!” Rainbow cried out, clutching her head and not caring who hears her. >She marches over to the patio and produces a folded piece of paper that was hidden from the snow under one of the chairs. >It’s after she throws it at you that you recognize it as another one of the love letters you’ve been getting all night. >”There, he’s got his stupid note, can we fuck him now!?” Rainbow exclaimed at Sunset. >You stand there clutching the love letter Rainbow just flung at you. >You can hear Sunset slyly chuckle at the question she yelled out in her outburst. >Your mind is filled with questions. >So much is happening at once. >But despite the alcoholic drink flowing through your system, your nudity empowers you to actually ask these questions as opposed to letting yourself stay trapped in this mental vortex of mystery. “...You’re my secret admirer?” You ask Rainbow. >”Now, now, first things first: open your love letter!” Sunset reminded you. “But I already know who-” >”Rainbow put a lot of love into that letter, you’d really let her down if you didn’t get to read what her soul’s been hiding all this time!” Sunset interrupted you. >Rainbow’s crossing her arms and staring off to the side, still covered in a scarlet blush. >Not because of her nudity, you imagine. “Alright, alright…” >You open up the letter and read what Rainbow wrote for you this time. >”You make me feel things I’ve never felt before.” “Aww, Rainbow!” You compliment her note. >Her face scrunches up again. >But then what Rainbow said returns to your mind. “...Wait, what did you mean ‘we’?” >Rainbow looks like she’s about to explode, but Sunset beats her to the punch as she sways in front of you with a seductive look in her eyes. >”Oh, Anon, your detective work this evening’s been very impressive…” >Sunset steps even closer to you. >Your chest is barely touching hers. >The tip of your cock is gently grazing her lower waist. >”...But what made you think only one of us was leaving you those love letters~?” She whispers sensually to you. >No. >It couldn’t be. >There’s no way Sunset could mean what you think she means. >But you think back on the love letters you’ve received. >”I have a crush on you.” >”Sometimes I get lost in your eyes.” >”I could listen to you talk for hours.” >”You feel like a big teddy bear when we hug.” >”Your smile makes me feel all warm inside.” >”I want to hold you close and make you feel loved.” >And finally, from Rainbow: ”You make me feel things I’ve never felt before.” >There’s seven letters. >And you’re surrounded by seven of your closest (and most naked) friends. >Your eyes meet Sunset’s. >She’s giving you a wicked grin. >You look across the group of your six other friends. >Rainbow’s trapped between the emotions of annoyed and flustered. >Applejack’s not looking as tough as she usually is. >Twilight eyeing you with bated breath. >Rarity can barely contain her grin. >Fluttershy’s trying her hardest to hide behind her hair. >Pinkie looks like she’s about to explode with joy. >Oh, fuck. >This can’t really be happening. “...No.” You call her bluff. >Sunset cackles at your disbelief. >”Oh, yes!” She insists. “You’re messing with me.” You stand firm. >Figuratively and literally. >”Say it, boy detective~” Sunset pushed you. >This is more pressure than you’ve ever felt before. >It feels like you’re at the bottom of the ocean. >Your shoulders are being pulled down to Earth. >The girls are surrounding you. >You barely have enough room to breathe. >But the idea… >If Sunset really means what she’s getting at… >The girls HAVE been giving you those signals all night. >Your new look. >Karaoke. >Skinny dipping. >You take a deep breath. “...All seven of you left a love letter.” >”Which means…?” Sunset presses you further. >She’s breathing with such intensity. “...Which means… all seven of you have a crush on me.” You deduce. >The rack of ice cubes have been dumped into the deep fryer. >Sunset wraps her arms around you and pulls you in for a tight, intimate hug. >”Yay! He figured it out!” Pinkie cheered, leaping into the air with joy. >”’Bout time you did.” Applejack chuckled. >”Gosh, that’s a weight off my shoulders!” Twilight sighed with a goofy grin. >Fluttershy didn’t say anything, she just nuzzled herself into your shoulder some more. >You’ve never been speechless in your life before this moment. >Yesterday you’d admit to being at least a little attracted to these girls and would be lucky to date any one of them, but not even your wildest dreams would you imagine anything like this would happen. >Not only do all seven of these lovely girls have feelings for you, but don’t seem to be bothered by this at all. >...Sunset’s body feels really nice… >Now there’s absolutely nothing between you two. >Skin against skin. >Intimates against intimates. “I’m… I’m just MADE of questions right now.” You admit. >Sunset pulls herself away from you to give the other girls a better ability to speak to you. >”I know, it’s… kind of a lot to take in.” Twilight agrees with you. “Yeah, no kidding.” >”But we really mean it! Seeing you blossom over the course of the semester was really wonderful to see. After how viciously you were bullied at your old school, nobody would’ve blamed you for trying to keep your head down and get through school as uneventfully as possible. But you’ve become a really awesome guy!” Twilight continues, smiling at you encouragingly. >”And how!” Pinkie piped up. >”You were just so fun and caring and helpful and patient and… handsome and… stuff…” Fluttershy quietly added. “Well… I’m really flattered, but… that doesn’t explain how ALL SEVEN of you have a crush on me.” >”It’s all Sunset’s fault!” Rainbow indignantly yelled. >”She knew, I don’t know how, but she KNEW you’re some kind of Prince Charming deep down the moment she first saw you! It’s because of her that we all got so close with you!” >Rainbow grips her hair with frustration. >”God, this whole ‘having a crush on a guy thing’ would be way easier to deal with if I was into, like, the captain of the football team or something. Do you have ANY idea how annoying it is to have a crush on you while you’re rambling about who would win in a fight between Scarecrow and Mysterio!?” “But, like… why? I kinda thought you’d be into a sportier guy.” >Rainbow throws her hands up in the air. >”I dunno, you’re funny and kinda cool in your own way, we get along real well, like, a lot better than all the athletic guys I know, and… ugh, you’re hot, okay!? Rarity thinks so, Twilight thinks so, Fluttershy thinks so, Pinkie’s been foaming at the mouth all night because of you!” >A quick glance over at Pinkie barely containing her animalistic lust confirms her claim. >”In no small part, thanks to my self-care advice you were wise enough to listen to.” Rarity remarked with a satisfied grin. >”AND thanks to me being the best personal trainer ever!” Rainbow quickly added. “So… Seriously?” >”We’re naked! Of course we’re serious!” Applejack reminded you. >”You think’d we’d let just ANY guy see us like this~?” Rarity sensually asked you. >”And it WAS your idea…” Fluttershy mumbled. “Well, okay, one: Sunset put those words in my mouth earlier, two-” >”You were totally thinking it.” Sunset insisted. “No, I wasn’t!” >”Oh, yes, you were! You were just DYING to see us step out of our little swimsuits~” Sunset teased you. >”I love the way you look at me, Anon~” Rarity whispered in your ear, rubbing her body on yours. >”You ain’t as sneaky as you think you are, I caught you peekin’ at me today and when we’re workin’ on the farm. I guess I didn’t mind it so much because no guy’s ever looked at me the way you have…” Applejack admitted. >”Those eyes of yours really cast a spell on us.” Twilight giggled. “Okay, okay, I’m hot stuff, I get that, but… What does that mean for… us?” You ask the group of naked girls that just confessed their romantic feelings for you. >Sunset giggled like you just asked a dumb question. >”That depends, how do you feel about having seven girlfriends?” She asks you. >... >You didn’t hear her say that. >Even if you did, there isn’t a snowball’s chance in this hot tub that she was being serious. >But the other girls aren’t surprised by what Sunset said at all. >In fact, it looks like they’ve been waiting all day, if not longer, for her to pitch you the offer. >But… >This could be that feeling from earlier, when you were getting the two bottles of hard cider. >That feeling of destiny. >No matter, you’re calling her bluff. “Okay, now I KNOW you’re messing with me.” >The seven girls giggle at your reaction. >”We’re bein’ serious!” Applejack insists. >Damn. >Applejack’s the least dishonest person you know. >She does a terrible job of hiding what birthday gifts she’s gotten for her friends as is, there’s no way she’d be able to lie about something like this. >Still. >Being offered the opportunity to date SEVEN girls? >That’s the picture-perfect definition of “too good to be true”. >”Maybe we should explain our perspective better.” Twilight offered. “Yeah, that’d be really helpful.” You say to her. >Twilight takes a deep breath and looks you in the eyes with a soft, genuine expression. >”Well… You mean a lot to us, Anon. You’re unlike any other guy we’ve known. Sunset must’ve known from the first day that there was something different about you.” “Different, how?” You ask her. >”It’s how caring you are. Everyone at school was expecting you to be a huge bully on your first day, given that your old school was… kind of awful. But you’ve got a really big heart. You helped Applejack study physics, you saved Rarity from complete humiliation, you stood up for Fluttershy, you always go above and beyond to be the best friend you can be.” >Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy smile at you appreciatively, with some sexual intention laced within their eyes. >Your uncertainty washes away in the hot tub’s water, replaced by the warmth of their trust in you. “...I get thinking I was gonna be a jerk. At Bullworth, being left alone was the best you could hope for. Most of the time I spent interacting with other students, they were trying to beat me up or steal something from me. I guess I always went the extra mile to be a great friend to you all because… I was excited about having such wonderful friends.” >This gets a round of “aww”’s from the girls. >”You’ve really come a long way, new boy. You’ve come out of your shell, you’ve worked on your looks, how could we NOT fall for you?” Sunset asked you. “But, sharing me?” You ask her, still not entirely believing her. >”Gotta admit, it was SUPER awkward when we realized we all had a crush on you. We brainstormed a ton of ways to figure out which of us gets to ride the Anonymous Express-” >”Pinkie!” Rarity scolded her. >”But then we realized, ‘Hey, we’re all friends, we’re all kinda busy already with our hobbies and jobs and stuff, why don’t we share him? That way Anon would never feel lonely and we’d get all the loving we want!’” Pinkie explained to you, clearly eager to get started. “That’s really what went down?” You ask. >”More or less.” Rainbow confirmed. >Damn. >You’re some hot stuff. >Hot enough for this love octagon to be resolved by checking off “all of the above”. >Apparently. “...So that’s what tonight was about? A huge scheme to hit me with all this?” >”It was all Sunset’s idea! She’s the one who made all of us write you a love letter saying what we liked about you! If it was up to me, we’d have dropped the bomb at lunch!” Rainbow exclaimed, clearly frustrated by how long it’s taken for her to get to this point. >”Remember, Dashie: I saw Anon first. I had every right to keep this sweetheart all to myself, so it was only fair I set the stage for how we confess to him~” Sunset slyly reminds her, satisfied by her work. >”You’ve kept stuff from us, too! I’m willin’ to bet Anon’s telling the truth about you puttin’ the idea of skinny dippin’ in all our heads and that you put Rarity up to givin’ him that saucy outfit!” Applejack indignantly accused her. >Sunset raised her hands up. >”Guilty as charged~” >”But, why?” Fluttershy asked her. >”I wanted to get some genuine lust out of you girls, too! Otherwise, you’d have spent all night just waiting for you cue! I know I can see hunger in YOUR eyes~” Sunset teased Fluttershy. >”Um… Well…” Fluttershy stammered out. >”What do you say, Anon? Offers like this don’t just come around every day~” Rarity reminded you, leaning against you in a sultry manner. >”We already stripped naked for you to say we’re into you, you want us to beg?” Rainbow rhetorically asked you. >”I’ll beg! Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes, please say yes, please say yes, please say yes-” Pinkie urged you, pressing her entire naked body against yours. >”Desperation isn’t a good look, Pinkie. …But we would really like it if you said yes.” Twilight awkwardly admitted. >”Come on, bein’ naked like this is hard enough as is, the least you could do is say yes after all the trouble we went through for you.” Applejack reminded you. >”...Please say yes…” You barely heard Fluttershy whisper to you. >”Well?” Sunset leered at you, smirking. >They’re serious about this. >You reflect on your past. >In spite of all the torture and abuse you suffered in Bullworth Academy, you had the willpower to remain a good person at heart. >Your willpower was rewarded with a second chance at being a high schooler. >You’ve seized the day. >You’ve seized every day. >You’ve made seven amazing friends and made yourself into a better person. >You've learned more about farming, baking, animal care, studying, fashion, and workout routines than you thought you ever would. >Your evenings were actually spent making memories with your friends, as opposed to being alone in your bedroom. >Your efforts ended with your seven friends developing romantic feelings for you. >Feelings so powerful that they’ve decided to share your love. >The feeling you had earlier was right. >This is destiny. >Who are you to turn down destiny? “...There’s nothing I’d love more than to date all seven of you.” You say in a gentle tone. >As soon as you’re done talking, the seven girls clamp their naked bodies against yours and subject you to the tightest, most joyful group hug you’ve ever felt. >You feel every inch of these seven lovely girls. >Their heaving chests, their stomachs, their thighs, their hands. >All of them. >They're so soft. >So warm. >It feels like you're draped in the thickest blanket in the world's thickest blanket, which just came fresh out of the dryer. >The gentle sensations of their crotches only excited you further. >This is heaven. >You really feel like your entire life was leading to this one, indescribably wonderful moment. >”Oh, Anon!” Twilight swooned. >”Took you long enough, dweeb.” Rainbow lightly teased you, nuzzling her head against your neck. >”I knew this would be the best sleepover ever.” Fluttershy happily sighed, covering your cheek with gentle kisses. >You sigh contentedly and sink into their incredibly loving embrace. >”I’ve been waiting months for this!” Pinkie said to you right before puckering her lips and diving in for a kiss. >But Sunset’s quick hand prevents Pinkie’s lips from meeting yours. >”Don’t forget about the other condition I set…” Sunset reminded her and the other girls. >Pinkie nodded understandingly (albeit with a hint of disappointment) as Sunset positioned herself directly in front of you. >”I saw him first…” >Her face draws closer to yours. >”...I get to be his first.” >Sunset brushes a lock of hair with her fingers. >”Come on, new boy…” >Your lips are only an inch away from hers. >You two are almost totally pressed together. >You can feel the inviting warmth of Sunset’s pussy on the tip of your diamond-hard manhood. >Anticipation is high. >All their eyes are on the naked bodies belonging to you and Sunset. >”...Kiss me~.” >You don’t hesitate. >You follow Sunset’s request. >You rest both your hands on Sunset’s cheeks. >Sunset leans in, shuts her eyes, and purses her lips. >You follow suit. >Your eyes slide closed. >You lean forward. >And finally, after several months of teasing and buildup… >You kiss Sunset Shimmer. >The moment your lips make contact with hers, it’s like a great inferno surges through your veins. >Her lips taste like the most decadent dessert ever crafted by mortal hands. >Her gentle moans are music to your ears. >She leans her naked body against yours and wraps her arms around your shoulders, pulling you further into her embrace. >It’s like she’s inflicting months of built up love and passion upon you as punishment for not having made a move on her earlier. >You can hear Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Rarity swoon all around you like a chorus of angels celebrating your shared love. >Their hands find their way to your shoulders and back, needily caressing your nude form. >Their loving touch, both gentle and forceful, invigorates you further. >You never imagined this would be how you would have your first kiss, but you couldn’t ask for a better moment. >You’ve never kissed a girl before, though. >You don’t really know what to do with your lips. >Sunset must be able to tell. >She grips the back of your head with the same intensity and takes control. >She forces your lips to move in sync with hers, opening your mouths to gasp for air as a couple. >It doesn’t take long for you to become much better at physically expressing your attraction to Sunset. >Your hands travel to the back of her head and pull her in to capture her lips. >Sunset’s content sigh signals that you’re making the right moves. >Her tongue prods at your lips. >This is moving so fast. >But you don’t want to be anywhere else. >You open your mouth just enough for Sunset’s tongue to slither inside your mouth. >It’s… a weird sensation. >Up until now, the only tongue you’ve ever had in your own mouth is yours. >Sunset’s tongue is like a slimy alien creature trying to navigate through your mouth and down your throat. >”Easy now, Boy Scout. Just relax and enjoy the ride~” Sunset whispered to you in the brief moment where your lips were separated. “I’m trying-” You whisper back to her, but you’re cut off by Sunset’s lips. >Her tongue returns to your mouth. >This time, you sink into the moment and allow your tongue to move with hers. >Sunset clearly did her homework, your tongue is seduced by hers into a passionate dance. >The sound of your lips smacking when you come up for air is far more lewd than you could ever imagine it being, accentuated by Sunset’s moans getting louder. >Your hands slide down her warm, smooth back. >Your diamond-hard cock rubs against her stomach, sandwiched between you two as you make out. >It’s getting to be a little much. >You’re getting closer. >But you don’t want to stop. >You want to keep kissing and holding and rubbing Sunset. >Your breath gets shakier. >Your grip on her naked hips tightens. >But before you could get too deep in the moment, Sunset pulls away with a glow on her face. >”Wow, that was one Hell of a first kiss~” Sunset moaned, her hands lingering on your forearms. “That was… an amazing… first… everything~” You gasp, still feeling hot. >”Sure looks like you were having fun, hot stuff.” Rainbow snickered, not-so-sublty glancing down at your erection of steel. >”My, aren’t you full of surprises~?” Rarity flirted with you, leaning against you even more. >”See? I knew you wouldn’t have anything to be embarrassed about down there!” Twilight encouragingly reminded you. “Heh, thanks, Twiggles.” You grin at her, feeling Sunset lean away from you to give the girls a better look at your dick. >Twilight rolls her eyes at your new nickname for her, but still smiles. >”She should know, she peeked at your shoe size when you were getting changed.” Applejack informed you with a smug grin. >”No, I wasn’t!” Twilight cried out, unable to hide the guilty look on her face. >”I caught her sniffing your spare underwear, too.” Rainbow cheekily added. >”Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed, deeply embarrassed. >So Twilight DID see your spare boxers when rooting through your duffle bag. >You’re not nearly as concerned about that now that she’s seen way more of you. >”Honestly, I thought you’d be a briefs guy.” Rainbow remarked to you. “You thought, or you hoped?” You teasingly throw back at her. >Rainbow’s too flustered to answer that, getting a giggle from you and Sunset. “Now, I WOULD say I’d be down to give briefs a try, but I’d have to consult with the fashion expert-” >”Yes, darling, absolutely! I think you’d look absolutely RAVISHING in briefs!” Rarity is quick to answer, allowing her ladylike composure to slip for a moment. >”We can talk about Anon’s clothes later, I’ve still got a few more “firsts” to go through with our dear, darling boyfriend before I let you girls get your needy paws all over him~” Sunset teasingly reminded the girls, pulling you back into her embrace. >This is really happening. >You’re finally gonna get laid tonight. >Seven times over, from the looks of things. >Pinkie whimpers like she’s about to fall apart at the seams. >Fluttershy’s hand drifts further down your stomach, but is swatted away by Sunset. “I don’t think we should keep them waiting, I’m afraid of what they’ll do to me when their patience runs out.” You remark to Sunset with a cheeky grin. >”Don’t worry about them. They’ve waited all semester to throw themselves at you, they can wait a little longer.” Sunset tossed off your fake concern. >”I, however, can’t wait a moment longer.” >Sunset motions for the girls to spread out from you and leans against you. >”Oh, Superman, would you mind using your incredible strength to carry me back up to Rarity’s room~?” She seductively requested of you. >You smile back at her. “I’d be honored~” >You kneel down and scoop her up into your arms, leaning her back on your left arm and holding her up at the legs with your right arm. >Sunset giggles with delight and graces your cheek with a quick, flirty kiss. >”Sunset, please, I’ve been very accommodating of your plans for tonight, but I feel the need to request… can you please not share your first time with Anon on my bed?” Rarity asks with a hint of shame in her voice. >”Calm down, I’m not gonna fuck him on your bed! I wouldn’t be a very good guest if I did that, now would I~?” Sunset grinned at her. >”No, you certainly wouldn’t.” Rarity agreed, relieved. >”Then don’t you worry a hair on your pretty head! Once I’ve broken in Anon for you girls, he’ll be ready to make all your wet dreams come true! Isn’t that right, lover-boy?” Sunset promised Rarity and the others before turning to you. “That’s right! Making you lovely ladies feel loved is a dream come true.” You concur with her. >”THIS lovely lady wants you two to get going already so we can have our fun!” Rainbow impatiently spoke up. >”That reminds me: you’re going last.” Sunset informed her. >”WHAT!?” Rainbow shrieked. >”You broke the rules, Dashie! All of us waited for Anon to turn his back before we snuck him our heartfelt confessions of our deepest feelings, you ruined the surprise for him!” Sunset teasingly scolded her. >Rainbow rolled her head back and let out the most annoyed, drawn-out groan you’ve ever heard from her, getting some giggles from you and the girls. “Think of it this way, I’ll be saving the best for last, right?” You encourage her. >After another moment of annoyance, Rainbow nods along. >”Yeah, yeah, that’s right! Good thing I’m going last! I’m totally gonna rock your world!” Rainbow perked back up. >Your arms are starting to strain from holding Sunset like this. >Your blood circulating down below isn’t helping. “Oh, I’m sure you will. As for now, wanna get this sleepover’s after party started?” You ask Sunset. >She leans up in your arms and kisses your cheek. >”There’s nothing I’d love more~” >As you carefully step out of the hot tub and reintroduce your bare body to the freezing cold winter night, you ensure Sunset doesn’t get shaken up by how you’re holding her. >Rarity and Twilight quickly step out of the hot tub to open the back door for you and guide you back through the house. >Pinkie’s hands lock onto your shoulders and try to hurry you along as you walk through the dark house. >”C’mon, c’mon, c’mon! This is so exciting!” Pinkie urged you onward. >And, yeah, it really is. >Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow follow closely behind. >Each step up the stairs to Rarity’s bedroom is one step closer to what all your time at Canterlot High has been leading to. >All your time spent helping and getting to know the girls. >Becoming a better person. >Their bodies brush against yours. >Their soft, inviting bodies. >You ascend the stairs like you’re ascending Mount Olympus. >You, a mere mortal from hellish lands, were deemed worthy of sharing pleasures of the flesh with these seven heavenly girls. >Twilight holds the bedroom door open for you and Sunset. >Rarity’s prepared a velvet rug for you and your lover. >Walking through the threshold carries a hauntingly familiar feeling compared to when you first arrived at the sleepover. >But then, you didn’t know what you were in for. >Now, you know exactly what you’re in for. >Sunset scrapes her fingernails along your back, exciting you further. >You kneel down on the carpet Rarity laid out and carefully set down Sunset. >She sits back and spreads her legs open, giving you a perfect view of everything she has to offer you. >Her C-cup chest heaves with every heated breath she takes. >Her navel invites your eyes further downward to admire her carefully maintained patch of hair atop her glistening pussy. >To tie it all together, she’s biting her lip seductively and looking over your naked body through half-lidded eyes. >”Anon…” Sunset whispers to you. “Sunset…” You whisper back, kneeling closer to her. >”I’ve always loved the way you undress me with your eyes~” >She lays back on the carpet, letting her hair splay out around her head. >”Every day, I’d secretly hope you’d throw caution to the wind and act on those desires you keep buried within you~” >She spreads her legs a little more. >”But you’ve been such a good boy, always so respectful. You’d NEVER peek down my shirt or up my skirt, no matter how many times I gave you the opportunity to~” >You inch closer to Sunset. >”A good boy like you deserves a reward~” >Sunset runs her hand down her naked body. >”So I’ll let you play with my body in any way you like~” >You’re kneeling right over her. >Your dick is hovering right above her moist pussy. >Your hands act on their own and stretch out towards her tits. >The same tits that have teased you all semester by hanging by your face or being pressed against you. >”Come on, take me. Make me yours.” Sunset urged you. >You take the dive. >You grab Sunset’s boobs. >The moment you make contact, she arches her back up and allows a content sigh to leave her lips. >This is incredible. >They’re so soft. >So squishy. >So fun to fondle. >You knead Sunset’s boobs like you’re preparing loaves of bread for the oven. >Her hips rock as you grope her, teasing the tip of your frighteningly hard cock. >”Pinch my nipples~” Sunset shakily requested of you. “O-Okay…” You whisper to her. >You work your thumbs and index fingers to her nipples and gently roll them in between your fingers. >This elicits a sharp gasp from Sunset. >”Harder.” She implored you. >You nod and shakily exhale. >You pinch her nipples with more force. >This really gets her going. >Her entire body is rocking. >Her moans get louder and higher pitched. >She’s rubbing her pussy on your outstretched dick. >You’re back in that zone you shared with Sunset in the hot tub, when she was inviting you to untie her bikini. >The edges of your vision fade into pitch blackness. >All that matters to you now is Sunset. >After a few moments more of squeezing and pinching her breasts, Sunset grabs your wrist and drags it down her stomach. >You deeply savor the journey. >She’s feeling hotter than you’ve ever felt her before. >You feel your dick twinge when your finger brushes over her navel. >Finally, your hand arrives at its destination: Sunset Shimmer’s pussy. >The softest prod at her womanhood gets a lewd shiver from her. >You withdraw your finger and find it coated in a clear, sticky substance that leaves a trail connecting you to her. >”Don’t leave me hanging~” “I wouldn’t dare.” You reply in a low, growly tone. >You trace along the oval-shaped entrance of the girl before you. >Her breathing quickens and her body rocks even more. >Your other hand stays locked on Sunset’s breast, continuing to play with it. >”Anon, quit teasing me~” Sunset softly whined of you through a grin. “This is my first time touching a girl like this, I’m teasing you as much as I want.” You firmly respond, continuing your sensual touching. >Sunset’s grin widens. >She must’ve liked what you said. >But you don’t want to keep yourself waiting, either. >You join your two fingers, take a deep breath, and slide them into Sunset’s pussy. >Sunset sharply inhales through her nose and her toes curl. >You’ve never felt anything like this. >She’s so tight, so hot. >Her womanhood’s squirming around your fingers. >The closest comparison you could make is if you stuck your fingers in your mouth, but that can’t compare. >”So good~” Sunset sighs. >...Where’s the clit, though? >You’d have done some research if you thought you were gonna get this far tonight. >Sunset probably knows you don’t know. >You awkwardly maneuver your fingers around inside her, poking and prodding at every inch you could reach to provoke some kind of reaction. >When your finger drags upwards from her vaginal opening, Sunset’s back arches again and she almost screams with pleasure. >There it is. >You don’t have an exact idea of where it is, so you just keep rubbing around that general idea. >Sunset’s breathing gets closer to panting. >Her hands shoot down to your fingering hand to hold your wrist in place. >You’re breathing heavier than you ever have in your life. >You’re harder than you’ve ever been in your life. >Sunset clenches her teeth and grips your hand ferociously. >Her pussy’s getting tighter. >Her breathing’s getting more high pitched. >She’s getting close. >You’re actually gonna make a girl squirt. >But before you could really go all-in on her, Sunset sits up and yanks your hand out of her pussy. “What’s wrong?” You ask her in a shivering whisper. >”Nothing at all…” >Sunset gets on her knees and pushes you onto your back. >Your dick’s standing straight up in the air like a proud monument built to stand the unrelenting passage of eternity. >”I just wanna take you to home base~” >Sunset shimmies between your legs, positioning her soaking wet womanhood directly above your fully erect cock. >Your breathing slows. >Your eyes ravenously roam up her naked body. >Sunset’s hair falls over her shoulders in such a sexy way. >She digs her fingernails into your chest. >”Ready, new boy~?” “I was born ready~” >With a borderline wicked smile, she lowers herself torturously slowly. >Then, it happens. >You’re in. >Sunset Shimmer is on your dick. >You can’t help but gasp pleasurably. >This feels amazing. >You’ve never felt anything like this before. >Sunset gently trembles as she settles herself onto your lap. >Her fine ass is pressing down on your balls, but you don’t care about that at all. >Your hands clamp down onto her hips. >She’s not going anywhere. >Her hands find their way to your shoulders. >You’re doing it. >You’re having sex with Sunset Shimmer. >Here goes nothing. >You carefully rock your hips upwards. >Sunset sighs happily and rocks her hips in time with yours. >Soon enough, you two fall into a rhythm. >Your pelvis moves in perfect synchronicity with hers. >”Anon~” is all Sunset can manage to say in between lewd moans. >You love the way her boobs bounce as she rides you. >Her head falls back as Sunset indulges herself in the sensation of your manhood. >Her voice is almost musical. >Of course, this is your first time. >You don’t have a ton of experience holding yourself back. >You’re getting close. >The pressure you’re feeling confirms it. >Sunset’s still pretty worked up from your handiwork; she’s getting close, too. >Fuck it. >This is your first time. >This is YOUR special night. >You’re in control. >You summon the strength to sit up and grip Sunset’s back. >Her eyes widen in surprise as you draw her out of her trance. >”Anon-” >You silence her with the most passionate kiss you’ve given her yet. >This time, it’s your tongue exploring the contents of her mouth. >Sunset submits to you. >She drapes her arms around your neck and allows her tongue to dance with yours. >Both of you openly moan into the kiss. >Your hands greedily explore each other’s naked body like you were afraid of being torn apart. >But you’re in control. >You’re deciding how tonight goes. >You grip Sunset’s shoulders and push her onto her back. >Snarling like a rabid beast, you tower over your oldest friend at Canterlot High and hungrily eye the body she’s been teasing you with for months. >Sunset’s surprise at your boldness fades, replaced by a frenzied smile. >”There he is~” She purrs. >You’re done wasting time. >You clamp your hands back onto her chest and pound away at her needy pussy. >Sunset’s incapable of hiding her lust. >Her hands stretch out to grip the edge of the carpet with all her might as she submits to you. >With each thrust, you force an incredibly loud moan from the tease’s pretty mouth. >She’s almost screaming with pleasure. >Anyone outside would be able to hear her. >Good. >You’re fucking Sunset Shimmer. >You want everyone to see how much she wants you. >You deserve an audience. >Your hands travel down from her chest to her waist, but you retain a vice grip. >Sunset’s matching the pace of your thrusting. >She’s practically slapping her ass against your lower region. >If only you had more hands, there wouldn’t be an inch of her that could escape you. >You’re not even moaning anymore. >You’re growling. >”A-Anon, I’m close!” Sunset cries out. >So are you. >Time to bring it home. >You dive down and capture Sunset’s lips in one last, fiery kiss. >The moment your lips meet again, both of you reach orgasm. >Your dick pulses like never before as you empty your load inside Sunset’s soaking wet pussy. >She coats your dick in a thick layer of her love juices, like she was pouring warm milk over your most precious area. >Sunset’s scream of pleasure is muffled by the union of your lips. >As is yours. >This is ecstasy like you’ve never felt it before. >But the moment inevitably fades, leaving you completely drained. >You let your body collapse on top of Sunset’s as both of you gasp for air in the wake of your fiery lovemaking. >Neither of you say anything, but nothing needs to be said. >You wish you could spend the rest of the night like this, just savoring the afterglow with Sunset. >But the world slowly reappears around you, reminding you of your audience. >You gather the strength to sit up and eye the six girls you’ve had the pleasure of becoming friends with. >Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. >They’re stunned. >They’re staring at you. >They’re blushing like you’ve never seen them before. >Their hands are precariously close to their nipples and the unions of their legs. >You’ve never seen the girls so visibly horny. >And they’re horny about you. >You’re crouched over the thoroughly-fucked Sunset Shimmer, heavily breathing in and out like an apex predator, staring right back at them. >You’re gonna savor this. “...It’s not polite to stare.” You teasingly growl at the six girls. >”Careful, don’t poke the tigers~” Sunset weakly reminded you as she sat up. >”Anonymous, darling, you were SENSATIONAL.” Rarity breathlessly complimented you. “Oh, yeah?” You grin at her, still breathing pretty heavily. >Rarity clambers over to you and weaves her delicately cared-for fingers through your frazzled hair. >”The way you held her, the way you kissed her, the way you DOMINATED her! Such desire! Such passion! And sealing the encounter with a kiss! Oh, Anonymous, you take my breath away~” Rarity gasped as her hands roamed down to your cheeks. >She’s given up on appearing composed. >Her lovely breasts rise and fall with each aroused breath she takes. >Each exhale is accompanied by a soft, melodic moan, inviting you forward. >She’s not being very ladylike. >”Yeah, where’s THIS Anon been all semester?” Twilight giggled, actively trying to avoid playing with herself. “What can I say, I just found I like kissing.” You admit with a gentle smile. >”I’m sure I’d like kissing, too…” Fluttershy mumbled, sitting on her hands as if she’s afraid of where they’ll go if she’s not careful. >Out of curiosity, you glance over at Pinkie. >She’s gnawing on her sleeping bag in a very desperate attempt to suppress her arousal. >Her pink knuckles are turning white from the force she’s exerting. >Her shaking could be measured on the Richter Scale. >Rainbow’s arms are firmly crossed in front of her and her face is all scrunched up in embarrassment again as she stares down at the floor. >What you’d give to see what she’s thinking. >Applejack is awkwardly twiddling with her hat, making you realize how uncommon it is to see her without her signature hat. >It’s only now that she’s really “naked”. >Cheater. >Rarity guides your attention back to her. >Her plump lips have never looked so enticing. >”Anon…” >Her hands guide yours to her chest. >Rarity actively wants you to touch her boobs. >Your fingers spread out to grab as much of Rarity’s chest as possible. >They might be subtly smaller than Sunset’s, but they’re so hypnotic. >Rarity smirks when she sees how much you’re appreciating being brought to second base. >”You’ve surprised me in so many wonderful ways this past semester, to say nothing of tonight…” >Your thumbs brush across Rarity’s nipples, eliciting a soft shiver from the fashionista. >That’s a sound you could get used to hearing. >You may have spent the entirety of your cum on Sunset, but your second-in-command is putting in that overtime. >”Would you like to know how you’ve surprised me just now?” She whispers to you. >She tries to be subtle in how she arches her back to present her tits to you, but her façade has more than a few cracks in it. “I’d love to.” You huskily answer her with a whisper of your own. >Your words compel Rarity to bite her lip and stifle her racy reaction, intensified by how you’ve been lightly teasing her nipples. >”I’ve dreamed of seducing you, of casting a spell on you with nary but a beckoning finger…” “Dreamed, huh?” >Your hands slide down to Rarity’s hips. >Nothing in the night sky could compare to her heavenly body. >The body that’s only existed in the imagination of every guy at school. >”But, you devil, you’ve cast a spell of your own on me…” Rarity sighed, leaning her body into yours. >Your hands slide down her back to the ass that’s always teased you with every sway of her lovely hips. >You give Rarity’s ass a playful squeeze, making her whimper endearingly. >”You… You beast…” “What’s my surprise, Rarity?” You ask her in a low but subtly more dominant voice. >Rarity’s naked body makes for such a wonderful toy. >”You’ve ruined my fantasy of seducing you!” Rarity pouted, but sinking into your nude embrace nonetheless. >”You’ve ignited such a flame within me that I’m… I would dare to stoop to… begging for your affection.” She finally admitted with deep shame. >That incredible feeling of power courses through your being once more. >To think you were scared of approaching Rarity at the beginning of the year because of how beautiful she is. >Look at her now: completely naked and completely at your mercy. >A devilish grin spreads across your face. “Really, now~?” You quietly ask her. >Rarity pulls herself away from you and gives you a whiny look. >”Anon…” “Yes, Rarity?” You smirk at her. >Her lips quiver as she tries to muster the strength to speak. >When her lips part, she speaks at such a low volume that you could mistake her for Fluttershy. >”...Please…” “I couldn’t hear you, Rarity~” You tease her. >Rarity pouts even more. >Out of the corner of your eye, you could spot Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack enjoying your little show, judging by how they’re closing in on you. >Pinkie sounds like a rabid dog with all her growling. >Fluttershy’s starting to tremble. >Rarity leans into your ear. >”...Pleas-” >”You’ll have plenty of time to talk to Anon when it’s your turn!” Sunset suddenly interjected in a sing-songy voice, pulling Rarity away from you with a very smug look on her face. >”Sunseeeeet!” Rarity whined, powerless to fight back against Sunset. >”You’ll get to do whatever you want with your lovely boyfriend when it’s your turn, you know that!” Sunset pompously reminded her. >”Why shouldn’t this be my turn? I’ve waited ever so patiently! I’ve followed your every direction this evening!” Rarity reminded her whiningly before she turned back to you. >”Anonymous, my handsome, passionate, caring boyfriend, who I’ve admired in secret for far too long, wouldn’t you say I’ve earned my turn?” >As much as Rarity’s desperation is music to your ears, you’re gonna make her sing. >You gently brush Rarity’s hair with your hand, making her lean into your touch. “I wish I could say, but Sunset’s the mastermind behind this sleepover. Who am I to ruin the plans she’s worked so hard on?” You slyly answer her. >Her expression falls further. >”Thank you, dear~” Sunset grinned at you, pulling Rarity further away from you. >Rarity could only mope to herself and hung her head in naked shame. “If Rarity’s not next, then who is? These girls are all so pretty, I don’t think I could pick just one.” You ask Sunset with a jokingly complaining tone. >Sunset stands back up, stumbling a bit from the soreness you left with her and giving your pride another boost. >”First things first…” >She goes over to the punch bowl filled with that mysterious purple drink you noticed earlier in the evening and fills a plastic cup with the liquid. >”If you’re gonna show all your new girlfriends the time of their lives tonight, you’re gonna need this~” She informs you as she presents the cup. >You eye the mystery beverage before carefully taking the cup from her. “What’s in it?” >”It’s just a little something I whipped up! I haven’t really… tested it a bunch, but it should keep you, uh… y’know… virile…” Twilight answered you, getting more flustered the longer she spoke. >You leer at her a bit. “It’s not just fruit punch mixed with, like, a pound of Viagra, is it?” >”No! Of course not! This stuff’s totally safe! I kinda… tested it on myself.” Twilight sheepishly admitted. “And what happened?” You ask her, your curiosity piqued. >Twilight’s mouth dries up as she tries to answer your question. >”She got so riled up she started playin’ with herself in the middle of one of your study sessions.” Applejack answered on her behalf. >This claim is proven true by how Twilight hides her face in her hands, making you gently laugh. “...Was that when you said you had a fever?” You ask her with a grin. >”Yeah…” Twilight shamefully answered from behind her hands. >That explains why she was in such a hurry to go to the bathroom. >And why she spent, like, ten minutes in the bathroom. “Wow, I never knew you were such a pervert.” You tease her. >”I’m not a pervert!” Twilight tries to insist, her deep blush betraying her true feelings. >”You totally are, Ms. I Sniff Anon’s Underwear When He Isn’t Looking.” Rainbow reminded her with a sneer. >Twilight sputters pathetically as she tries to continue this uphill battle of hers. >She looks around at the other girls for support, but each of them are giving her a look like they could think of another scenario of her being a pervert. “You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed, Twiggles.” You needle her with a giggle. >”I’m not a pervert! I swear!” Twilight cries out. >Rainbow and Applejack share a knowing look. >Rarity’s ego is still recovering from Sunset rejecting her on your behalf. >Pinkie’s on her hands and knees, eyeing you like a tiger and gnawing on that sleeping bag like a wild animal. >Fluttershy looks like she’s trying to curl up into a ball and disappear, but her aroused trembling continues against her will. >Those poor girls. >They’ve been waiting so long for tonight and Sunset’s making it even more arduous for them. >It’ll be worth it once they get to have their dessert. >The dessert being you. >Man, you’re still getting used to that. >”Aww, that’s such a shame, if you admitted to being a pervert you could’ve gotten your turn with Anon!” Sunset playfully scolded Twilight, strutting in between you and her to capture your lips in a brief but saucy kiss. >As mean as it sounds, the sounds of Twilight whining in protest add a real flair to your kiss with Sunset. >But as much as you’d love to keep kissing Sunset, you’ve got six other girls to share the love with. >You separate from her and turn your attention to the wonder drink you’ve been given. “Here goes nothing…” You mutter before you bring the cup to your lips and downing the strange fluid Twilight prepared for you. >...It doesn’t taste that bad. >You can’t really place exactly WHAT it tastes like, though. >Then you feel it. >Your eyes shoot open as a powerful force surges through your veins. >You stand straight up like you’ve been tased. >Your muscles feel more tense. >All your muscles. >Especially THAT one. >Your dear friend dutifully returns to his post. >This feels like the energy you had carrying Sunset into the bedroom was instantly returned to you. >The feeling of exhaustion you felt after railing Sunset vanished in an instant. >You’re not leaving Mount Olympus yet. >You’re ready to party. >”So… How’s it feel?” Twilight nervously asks you. “Amazing!” You grin at her, clenching your fists. >You stand proud and tall like the Kryptonian you claimed you are, much to your female audience’s approval. >Sunset excitedly rubs your shoulders. >”Perfect! Pinkie, you’re firs-” >Sunset didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence before Pinkie launched herself at you, pinned you to the floor, and jammed her tongue into your mouth. >No human could react fast enough to keep up with the dangerously horny Pinkie Pie. >Her fingers dug into your hair and gripped with all their might as her tongue frantically swished around in your mouth, inspecting every crevice like a TSA agent looking for drugs. >As if French kissing Sunset wasn’t weird enough, now it’s really like an alien creature is looking to slither down your throat. >Pinkie’s making sounds that were halfway between a moan and a growl. >Her breathing slows down only slightly now that she’s expressing herself physically. >Her pussy’s as wet as a wash cloth fresh out of the water, which she’s frantically bucking against you like she’s trying to start a fire with the friction. >Your dick’s getting a nice, warm coating of Pinkie’s pussy juice. >Your eyes were open in shock as Pinkie helped herself to your body. >It’s so overwhelming. >All you see are shades of pink. >You can feel the starvation in every little thing Pinkie did. >But nothing she’s doing to you is “little”. >Months of attraction is being dumped onto you. >She’s not nearly as composed as Sunset but her desperation is super hot. >Pinkie finally withdraws her tongue from your mouth with a mighty gasp for air. >You’re so stunned by the assault that all you can do is pant like you just ran a marathon. >”Wow, Nonny, you taste really good~” Pinkie giggled lewdly, running her hands up your stomach and back to your cheeks. >Before you can flirt back, Pinkie dives back in for some more. >But her lips don’t lock onto yours. >Pinkie drags her tongue all the way from your neck to the top of your forehead. >You shiver at the new sensation of Pinkie kissing and licking your neck >Arching your back up in surprise accidentally leads to you rocking your hips in time with Pinkie’s. >”So delicious~” Pinkie whispered to you right before licking your ear. >A sharp inhale is drawn from you. >You don’t even have time to react to Pinkie’s boldness before she gets to covering the rest of your face and neck in kisses, licks and nibbles. >You’re literally drowning in Pinkie’s affection. >But you’re gonna drown a fighting man. >You’ve recovered from your shock enough to grab her push butt. >”Oooh~” Pinkie happily giggled as you forcefully groped her. >God damn, she’s as fun to grab as you thought. >Her butt is so big and plush, your hands almost sink into her flesh. >Pinkie arches her butt up to lean into your touch, thankfully sparing your cock from continuing to rub against her soaking wet pussy. >You’re having too much fun with her to spill it all now. >You give Pinkie’s ass another squeeze, getting another delightful giggle from her >Pinkie’s kisses and licks trail down your neck to your chest. >”You’d go great with some hot fudge and whipped cream~” >Her hands soak in the sensation of your stomach. >Her teeth graze your nipples, giving you a real shock. “Ah! Hey!” You cry out, slightly embarrassed. >”Ooh, never heard Anon make that noise before!” Rainbow chortled. >”He’s so full of surprises!” Sunset agreed with a grin. >”So spicy~” Pinkie teases you, wiggling her butt in the air enticingly. >Time to humble her. >You roll Pinkie onto her back, splaying her hair and limbs out to present her nude, desperately aroused form. >Her bountiful breasts splay out, really helping you admire how she’s been blessed. >She’s got nipples the size of pepperoni slices. >They look tasty. >”Oh, no, you don’t, buster!” Pinkie snickered. >She wrapped her arms and legs around you and flung you back onto the floor. >Gritting your teeth, you use the momentum to keep the roll going and get Pinkie back beneath you. >Her noises of delight only invigorate you further. >You kiss Pinkie Pie again, this time forcing your tongue into her mouth. >Pinkie’s mouth happily accepts your tongue, but doesn’t let up in her efforts to get on top of you. >Her giggles are muffled by the kissing, but that only makes it hotter. >As you two make out while rubbing your sweaty, naked bodies together, you weigh up how much you actually want to keep this little fight going. >Pinkie’s got energy for days, you’re sure she can win a battle of endurance. >But you can't let her get too smug about this. >You’re gonna win this. >You pull your lips apart from hers with a wet pop, grab a handful of her messy hair, and clamp your teeth down onto her neck. >”Eeeee!” Pinkie squeals joyfully, bringing her womanhood back down against your dick. >...She’s weirdly tasty. >There’s something sugary-sweet about her. >Must be some special lotion. >She tries to turn her head to pepper you with kisses some more, but you’re staying firm. >Each time your cock prods Pinkie’s warm pussy, you can feel electricity shoot through her. >Pinkie’s wiggling as hard as she can to turn her head and continue covering every inch of your body in kisses. >”C’monnnn, lemme kiss youuuuu.” Pinkie whined as you kept kissing her neck. “But I haven’t gotten to kiss you as much!” You remind her. >”I’ve waited FOREVER to touch your sexy, hot, naked, sexy body! Watching you sing and get naked in the hot tub was TORTURE! All I could do was just look at you! You’re like a scratch-and-sniff painting! So pretty, but I wanna do more than look!” Pinkie continued while trying her hardest to worm out of your grip. >You hold firm, giving her a taste of her own medicine by licking her cheek. >Like M&M’s, she melts in your mouth and not in your hands. >She’s humping you even more vigorously. >Your entire crotch area has to be covered in her pussy juice at this point. >”I just want to kiss you and lick you and touch you and-” >”Careful, Pinkie. If you keep talking about his body like that, poor Anon will think that’s the only thing you like about him! He’s such a sensitive soul, you know.” Sunset slyly reminded Pinkie, gently stroking your hair to accentuate her point. >Pinkie’s eyes widened in shock and her hands flew to cover her mouth, making her impressive tits bounce a bit from the sudden movement. >”Oh, no, no, no! That’s not true at all, Nonny! There’s a ton I like about you beyond just your body! I swear! I pinkie promise!” She worriedly promised you. >You take a moment to catch your breath now that you’ve been given a break from your little wrestling match. “Really? ‘Cause Sunset’s right, you’ve been talking an awful lot about my body.” You remind her with a slight smirk. >The girls aren’t so shallow as to throw themselves at the first guy they see with a nice body, you know that. >It might be mean to put pressure on her like this, but your ego is riding high right now and you’d sure like to hear more about how great you are. >Besides, Sunset started it. >As usual. >Pinkie holds your head and presses her forehead against yours. >”Really, really, really! Do you wanna hear when I realized I had a crush on you?” Pinkie asked you. >That gets your attention. >The sex and stuff is fun, but you’re always down for some tender confessions. “Yeah, sure.” You answer her in a more gentle tone. >Pinkie takes a deep breath and gets herself situated on your lap. >Your manhood’s pressed up against her plush stomach and comfortably squeezed between her thighs. >”Well, I remember how you looked super worried about fitting in at school when we first met. I really should’ve given you a proper Canterlot welcome on your first day, I’m super sorry I couldn’t find you!” “I already told you, it’s all good. We found each other eventually, that’s what matters most.” You assure Pinkie. >”I know, I know, but that’s not the point! Sunset said you’re a really cool guy, so I knew I had to get you to come out of your shell! And I’m really glad I did! You’re really funny in your own special way, you got along with the girls so well, and you were always so polite to the Cakes when you visited Sugarcube Corner! They told me you’re one of their favorite customers!” Pinkie continued, easing up on her grip and softening the tone of her voice. “Really? They said that about me?” >”Yep! Mrs. Cake really likes how you call her ma’am, she said more teenagers should be like you!” >The Cakes are such nice people, they deserve your best manners. >”At first, I thought I liked hanging out with you because you’re a super-duper friend, but…” >Pinkie blushes a bit, giving you a very rare look at her shy side. >”...When I saw you smile for the first time, I just kinda froze up and thought… ‘wow, Anon has a really pretty smile’.” >You can’t help but blush. >Pinkie gets all flustered at how you smile at her, proving her point. >”And then I just couldn’t stop thinking about you! I’d think about how you smile and laugh all the time! Every time you say I did a great job making your milkshake at Sugarcube Corner, I’d get all warm and gooey inside! Remember when you said my new skirt looked cute? That’s all I could think about the whole weekend!” “Well, you are cute! You’re super cute, Pinkie! Especially when you giggle, it’s super infectious!” You compliment her. >Pinkie succumbs to a fit of flustered giggles. “I’m really glad you pushed me to be your friend. Your relentlessly optimistic attitude really rubbed off on me. If it weren’t for you, I’d be in a worse place, for sure.” >”Aww, you really mean that?” Pinkie graciously asked you. “Of course! You did the impossible and gave me something to look forward to every school day!” >You could see Pinkie’s heart grow three sizes before she gave you a tight, loving hug. >”Oh, Nonny, you’re such a sweetheart!” >”Isn’t he?” Sunset prodded her. >”Hey, you wanna know something embarrassing?” Pinkie whispered to you. >Where’s this going? “Uh… Sure?” >Pinkie awkwardly laughs. >”Remember the time I split my pants when showing you the dance the girls and I made last year?” >How could you forget? >The sound of her shorts ripping could’ve been heard for miles. >You’ll never forget the sight of her white panties patterned with red hearts. >It was a suffocatingly awkward moment for both of you, but you both laughed it off and ended the day on a good note. “...Yeah?” >”...I did that on purpose to get your attention.” Pinkie admitted. >You couldn’t help but laugh in response to this revelation. “What? Why?” >”It worked for Rarity!” Pinkie claimed as she pointed over at the still naked Rarity, who gave her a shocked expression. >”What happened between Anon and I was not because I was trying to get his attention!” Rarity reminded her, faintly embarrassed. >”I know! But since Anon’s such a helpful guy, I kinda thought he’d leap in to rescue me and we’d get even closer! I spent, like, an hour picking out the perfect underwear for it!” Pinkie tried to argue her point. >”She’s got a point, you know.” Sunset jokingly said to you. “I mean, I’m flattered, I guess, but you really didn’t have to, though! I was already paying attention to you! I already cared about you a lot!” You insist with a laugh. >”But it worked out pretty well, didn’t it?” Pinkie grinned, wiggling her hips for emphasis. >You shudder at the stimulation, making Pinkie even more satisfied. >”To think I would intentionally destroy my own clothing for his attention…” Rarity muttered indignantly. >”Nah, you’d just strip naked and beg.” Applejack sarcastically agreed with a grin. >As Rarity shot her an offended look, Pinkie sheepishly giggled at you. >”But now that we’re boyfriend and girlfriend, you’ll get to see my underwear all the time!” She cheered. “Oh, really?” You ask her, intrigued by her offer. >”Totally! I mean, we’re both super into each other’s bodies, why shouldn’t we hang out in our underwear when we’re together?” >You feel like you should protest against an idea like that, but it does sound like fun. “...You know, that’s actually a pretty good point.” You admit. >”Ooh, you know what we should do? We should bake together wearing nothing but aprons and our underwear! That way if we get all messy, we can just lick it off each other!” Pinkie realized. “That sounds like fun! You’ve always got such fun ideas~” You flirtily compliment Pinkie. >She wiggles her body happily and nuzzles into your neck. >”Thank you, Nonny~” She happily sighs. >”See how fun this is?” Sunset asks you two before standing up and addressing the girls. >”New rule: you have to tell Anon when you realized you had a crush on him before you’re allowed to touch him.” >”Boy, this just keeps gettin’ more intense.” Applejack gently laughed. >”How romantic~” Rarity sighed. >”Oh boy…” Twilight awkwardly chuckled. >”Uuuuuggghhhhh.” Rainbow loudly groaned to signal her annoyance. “You’re not gonna get better at this romance stuff without practice, you of all people should understand how important practice is.” You cheekily remind her. >”Don’t worry about Rainbow, if she wants to miss out on your sweet loving because she’s too proud to admit she gets all weak in the knees when you smile at her, it’s her loss.” Sunset teasingly assured you, getting Rainbow to stand up and point an accusatory finger at her. >”You’re doing this on purpose! You’re trying to get me to be all girly and submissive!” Rainbow shot at her. >”There’s nothing wrong with telling Anon how you feel about him, and we’re all gonna have to do it. I’m kind of looking forward to it, actually.” Fluttershy tried to calm her down. >Fluttershy’s one of Rainbow’s oldest friends, she can calm her down better than anyone else. >Rainbow hung her head and let out an annoyed snort. >”...Fine, whatever. Being the closing act gives me more time to prepare, anyway.” She cooled off. “That’s the spirit! There’s nothing you can’t do, Rainbow!” You flirtily compliment her. >”Just focus on fucking Pinkie already!” Rainbow directed you, trying to hide her arousal. >”Now THAT’S a good idea!” Pinkie agreed right before diving back in, taking advantage of your relaxed grip on her to pin you to the floor and go back to making out with you. >You’ve adapted to being a Pinkie wrangler, so you firmly fasten your arms around her supple body and return her kiss with equal force. >This time, it was a real fight to determine who’s mouth would serve as the ballroom for the fiery dance between your tongues. >Pinkie’s back to grinding her desperately aroused pussy against your crotch. >Her boobs roll across your chest with every thrust like the world’s most attractive rolls of dough. >Her hands go back to exploring as much of your body as possible without sacrificing her grip on you, from combing through your hair to dragging her fingers across your waist. >She’s breathing so rapidly. >It’s like Pinkie’s a rabid animal trying to tear open a bag of gummy bears. >If you were only going off of what you can hear, that’s what you’d think she was. “You’re awfully touch starved, aren’t you~?” You softly gasp to Pinkie once you can separate your tongue from hers. >”You have NO idea~” Pinkie purred, licking your cheek again. >You manage to flip Pinkie onto her back, run your hand down from her supple chest, down her soft stomach, and stick your index and middle finger deep inside her pussy. >She loses the ability to wrestle with you as you plant your fingers deep within her, getting the lewdest gasp you’ve ever heard from her in response. >Almost your entire hand is soaked in her love juices. >You withdraw your fingers from her cunt torturously slowly, making her arch her back up as she groped her chest. >You loom over Pinkie, lock eyes with her, and lick your fingers. >...What the fuck. >Her pussy actually does taste like bubblegum. >Pinkie snickers at your surprised reaction. “You’re playing a dangerous game, Pinkie. If you always taste this good, I might just get addicted~” You flirt with her. >”I’m already addicted to you, Nonny~” Pinkie flirted back with a grin. >She licks your neck, making you shudder at the lewd sensation. >”I’m thinking up all sorts of fun recipes with you~” >She gives you a brief but passionate kiss. >”Nonny-pops…” >Her hands explore your back. >”Anony-mousse…” >She leans into your ear. >”But you’re the sweetest, tastiest treat of all~” “Aww, you’re the sweetest thing here, Pinkie~” >You kiss her back, lining up your cock with her needy pussy. “You ready?” >”I’ve been ready for MONTHS.” Pinkie gasped, licking you again. “Alright, here we go…” >You hold Pinkie tight and sheathe your staff inside her. >Pinkie reacts by locking her arms and legs around you and suppressing her scream of pleasure by locking her lips onto yours. >She literally takes your breath away when you kiss. >Once you two are united, you move as a singular being. >Your hips move together. >Your tongues dance together, now more unified than ever. >It’s no longer a battle for dominance, it’s a frantic but loving dance. >You don’t know what to do with your hands, there’s so much Pinkie to savor. >Your hands fit so nicely on her waist, but she’s moving too fast for you to keep up with. >You try to dig your fingers into her hair, but that jungle on top of her head threatens to trap your hands forever. >”Smack her butt, she really likes that.” Sunset whispers to you. >Pinkie rapidly nods while continuing to make out with you, accompanied by a muffled “Mm-hm, mm-hm!” >Well, who are you to deny what a lady wants? >Your hands slide down her back to find her butt, happily shaking for your handling pleasure. >After indulging in the sensation of her fine ass in your hands, you raise your right hand up, form it into a palm, and firmly bring it down onto her cheek. >”Ooooh!” Pinkie giggled, constricting you in her grip even tighter. >”Do it harder! She can take it!” Sunset pushed you, gripping your shoulders again. >Was this all a scheme to keep you beneath Pinkie as you two went at it? >Eh, there’s worse places to be. >Pinkie’s trying to somehow raise her ass for you to toy with some more while continuing to ride you. >You smack her ass again. >Pinkie quivers in your grip, biting your lip surprisingly forcefully. >A warm liquid coats your dick and gushes down onto your pelvis. >”Y-You’re really good at that~” She shakily says to you. >You gently massage Pinkie’s butt some more before smacking her again. >She’s trembling in arousal again. >When she parts from the kiss to get another gasp of air, she’s panting like a dog in the summer heat. >This separation doesn’t last long at all, she’s determined to feel as much of you as possible. >Each smack of her butt gets her further and further up the wall. >Her soaking wet pussy constricts around your dick like she’s trying to milk you, and only gets tighter every time you slap her ass. >Pressure’s building down there. >It’s happening again. “Pinkie, I’m getting closer.” You whisper to her after managing to pull your mouth off of hers. >”Do it, do it, do it! You already made me squirt!” >Here it goes. >With your mouth locked onto hers, you grip her ass with all your might and thrust into her one final time. >At long last, you give Pinkie Pie a creamy filling. >With every spurt of icing from your love stick, you sink into the floor and release the pink girl from your grip. >Pinkie holds her cheeks as a wide, goofy smile covers her face, her eyes rolling into the back of her head in ecstasy. >”Aaahhhhhhhhh~” She moans in delight, relaxing her beautifully plump body down onto yours. >It doesn’t take long for you to empty your load. >You lie flat on the carpet, feeling your strength diminish by the second. >Pinkie snuggles into your shoulder and gently licks your cheek again. >”So good, so tasty~” She whispers contently. >You smile at her and plant a loving kiss on her forehead. >”Aww, that was so sweet, I think I just got a few cavities!” Sunset giggled. >You hear her make her way back over to the punch bowl Twilight prepared for you for this very eventful evening, but you’re more focused on cuddling Pinkie. >She wiggles happily in your embrace as your hand cheekily slides down to her ass again. >”I wish I could leave you two lovebirds like this, but you’ve got a flock of lovebirds waiting for you, don’t you, Nonny~?” Sunset reminded you, slipping the cup of the mystery juice by you. >Pinkie clings onto you a little tighter, knowing her time with you tonight is drawing to a close. >You look up and see Sunset surveying the small crowd of nude girls hungrily eyeing you and Pinkie on the floor. >Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity. >Each showing their arousal in different ways. >Twilight’s laying on her stomach and looking you over, but how rigid her hands are on her chin give away the fact that she’s trying out a pose she saw in a book or something. >Fluttershy’s showing a little more boldness, brushing her hair behind her ear and working up the gusto to spread her legs a little bit. >Applejack’s clearly not used to this “trying to look enticing” stuff, judging by how awkwardly she’s folded her arms behind her to push up her chest. >Rainbow’s arms are crossed and her face is scrunched up, showing she’s still annoyed about being put at the back of the line. >Rarity’s trying to reclaim her image as a sexy seductress by laying across the carpet and batting her eyes at you. >”Now, who’s been a good girl tonight~?” Sunset teasingly asks the group. >Thank goodness you have Sunset making your evening easier. >You’d be struck with the worst case of choice paralysis of your life if you were on your own in here. >Look at you, having trouble picking which girl to have sex with next. >First world problems. >Sunset’s eyes pass over Rarity, making her sink dejectedly. >She skips over Rainbow, who’s putting a lot of care into looking like she doesn’t care. >Her gaze falls upon Applejack and Fluttershy, completely ignoring Twilight. >”Hmm, choices, choices…” Sunset murmured with her finger on her chin. >Fluttershy whimpered needily, inching closer to you. >”Careful, Flutters: good girls are patient~” Sunset reminded her in a sing-songy tone. >This gets a very annoyed groan from Rainbow for having caught that stray. “Sunset, be nice.” You remind her as you cuddle Pinkie close. >”I’m only looking out for you, dream boy! Someone as loving as you deserves nothing less than the perfect girlfriends!” Sunset defended her actions. “From what they’re saying, it sounds like they’ve been plenty patient already. I can’t help but feel like you’re having a little too much fun with all this.” You gently accuse her. >”Ugh, exactly!” Rainbow frustratedly agreed. >”Now, now, it’s true that these girls would have revealed how you make them feel earlier if it was up to them, but it would’ve been so clumsy and awkward! These girls might look like they’ve got it all figured out, but they’re total dorks when it comes to romance!” Sunset rebutted, eyeing Twilight in particular. >”I’d hardly consider myself a ‘dork’ in that regard…” Rarity huffed. >”It would’ve been even worse if you tried to organize all this by yourself! You’re way too much of a paramour to pick just one of these girls!” Sunset turned to you. “Because I didn’t think I’d have to! I thought I’d be lucky to go home tomorrow dating any of you!” >”Well, it’s like you said to Rainbow: practice makes perfect!” Sunset chipperly reminded you, stepping behind Fluttershy and Applejack and placing a hand on their shoulder. >”Come on, which of these lovely young ladies do you want to get busy with next~?” “Sunset-” >”There’s no wrong answers! And you’ll get both of them tonight!” Sunset reminded you. “I know, but there’s, like, psychological stuff to picking which of them goes first!” >Both of them really want to be the one you pick, but they’re having trouble expressing that. >Applejack’s so used to appearing tough and reliable that she doesn’t have any experience with making herself all ladylike to attract a guy. >Fluttershy, on the other hand, doesn’t have much experience with making herself the center of attention at all, much less the attention of a boy she likes. >With a grin, Sunset pushes the two girls closer to you. >”Oh, but can’t you see how bad they want you~?” She provokes you further. >You sure can see. >Fluttershy’s sitting on her hands to stay within Sunset’s rules, but she’s leaning forward and shakily breathing, staring deep into your eyes. >Applejack can’t maintain eye contact like Fluttershy can, surprisingly. >Her little strategy is to sit back and present her toned, muscular body to you so you can go to her, saving her the trouble of coming to you. >Both of them look so needy, a side of them you’ve never seen before. >”Ooh, this is a toughie!” Pinkie whispered to you. “What about Rarity or Twilight? How come you’re leaving them out?” You ask Sunset. >”Rarity got a little ahead of herself and didn’t wait for her turn, don’t you remember?” Sunset reminded you, making Rarity harumph. “Well, yeah, but-” >”As for Twilight, she can have her turn next, so long as she says the magic words~” Sunset grinned. >Twilight’s losing the ability to protest. >She opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. >She glances between you and Sunset, her mind a swirling vortex of emotions. >Twilight’s arms move to cover herself up, feeling even more self conscious now. >”U-Uh…” Twilight manages to stammer out, staring down at the floor. “Twilight, seriously, it’s okay. You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. We’re all here to have a good time, right?” You try to comfort her. >”But this is how she gets more comfortable expressing herself! Once she bridges that gap, she’ll be having all the fun she wants!” Sunset argued. “She can do that at her own pace, trying to shove her out of her comfort zone isn’t gonna help.” >You see Twilight relax a little bit, grateful that you’ve taken some pressure off of her. >”Alright then, let Twilight do that. In the meantime, you can tell these two admirers of yours which one you’d rather have first~” Sunset redirected your attention, softly pushing Applejack and Fluttershy closer to you. >They’re both so nervous, and trying so hard to be sexy. >The two girls are kneeling right beside you, only an inch away from making physical contact. >Pinkie tightens her grip on you, planting a few more kisses along your neck and collarbone. >Sunset teases them further by playing with their hair. >”Don’t leave these poor girls hanging, new boy~” She grins. >”Would you rather play with the adorable animal lover?” Sunset asks you, running her hand across Fluttershy’s cheek. >Fluttershy gently shivers at the stimulation. >”Or are you more into the rough-and-tumble farm girl?” She continues, lightly tugging on Applejack’s hair. >She bites her lip to muffle the sound of her arousal. >Her hands travel down to their back and push their heads closer to yours. >The soft, hot breathing of Applejack and Fluttershy makes goosebumps spread across your arms. >”Guess I better get up!” Pinkie dismissed herself, rolling off you and giving you one last kiss. >With a much better look at your nude form, your two candidates freeze up even more. >Their lascivious gaze burns into every inch of your body, getting you at half-mast without the aid of Twilight’s mystery juice. >Applejack’s grip on her knees tightens and Fluttershy licks her lips. >You can’t choose one over the other. >They’re both so pretty. >And so willing. >You’d have considered yourself lucky to date either of them, but you never thought you’d have to choose between them. >If you pick Fluttershy, Applejack will think it’s because she’s not as feminine or ladylike. >But if you pick Applejack, Fluttershy is gonna take your quasi-rejection even worse. >You sigh and turn your eyes back to the incredibly smug Sunset, still firmly holding the two girls in place. “Come on, Sunset, this isn’t fair. If I’m gonna be dating more than one girl, I shouldn’t be picking favorites.” You say to her. >”See? You’re too much of a sweetheart! This is why you should let me run the show! Applejack, you’re up.” Sunset declared, pushing the farm girl on top of you and tugging Fluttershy back. >The weight of Applejack’s toned body catches you off guard, making you wheeze a bit as she adjusts herself. >While she eagerly runs her hands from your stomach to your cheeks to sate half a semester’s worth of lust, you can hear Fluttershy pout at not being the lucky girl to have you next. >”Aww, cheer up, Flutters! You’ll get to share your first time with Anon tonight! Maybe you could use the time between now and then to think about how you’ll tell him when you realized how dreamy he is~” Sunset advised, teasingly massaging her shoulders. >Fluttershy gently nods, feeling a little better. >It always wounds you to see her upset. >”...Is it my turn next?” Fluttershy carefully asks Sunset. >”We’ll see!” Sunset chipperly answers before bending down and leaning in your ear. >“That was the right answer, by the way.” she whispers before retreating with Fluttershy to watch the show. >”Gosh, this is really happenin’.” Applejack nervously chuckled, getting used to both of you being naked and on top of each other. >You can’t blame her for being nervous about all this. “You know, we don’t HAVE to go all the way tonight if you don’t want to-” >”Anon, you have any idea how many restless nights I’ve had to endure ‘cause I couldn’t stop thinkin’ of you?” Applejack asked you. “Uh…” >Applejack’s face draws closer to yours. >”I’ve waited long enough.” “Well, okay, then.” You shakily respond. >”The walls in our house ain’t soundproofed, and my room’s right between Big Mac and Apple Bloom, so it ain’t no easy task puttin’ out the fire you lit in my loins~” >Applejack’s masturbated to the thought of you before. >Man. >This sleepover’s the gift that keeps on giving. >Applejack collects herself and sits back on your lap. >”But I suppose I should be tellin’ you when I realized I fancied you before we get to the fun stuff, huh?” >Her firm ass fits so nicely on your lap. >Don’t think about that right now, though. “I mean, all of this is fun stuff, but, yeah, that’d be a good idea.” >Applejack gently laughed at your little remark. >”...It’s gonna sound childish.” “Don’t worry about that, I’m not gonna think any less of you.” >”You sure?” “Of course! No matter what you’ll say, you’ll always be the same farm girl with a heart of gold to me.” >Applejack smiles at your assurance. >”Okay, here goes… I guess the first thing that made me like you was… I dunno, you never made me feel dumb.” She admitted. >This gets your attention. >You sit up and give her a concerned look. “Come on, I’d never do that to you.” >”I know, I know, it’s just…” >Applejack sighs. >The room falls silent around you two. >”...I always had a tougher time than most gettin’ to grips with some of the advanced stuff in math or science classes. Whenever I was in a group project, my partners would get tired of explainin’ stuff to me and just do my part of the work. It always made me feel like I was too stupid to keep up with my classes.” >Her gaze falls downward, her stetson covering her shame. >”That’s part of why I was so hesitant about asking you for tutoring. After Sunset and Twilight have been talkin’ up what a decent guy you are, I was worried you’d get sick of helpin’ me, too…” >Her head tilts back up to face you with a gentle smile. >”But I’m mighty grateful for how helpful you’ve been. Even after how long it took me to grasp some of the complicated stuff, you never lost faith in me. It made me want to study even harder to prove your faith in me was well-placed.” >”When I got my first quiz back after you started tutoring me and found I got the first A of my life, I could’ve cried tears of joy.” She admitted with an unusually shy smile. >You give her a heartwarming smile in turn. “Aww, AJ-” >”An’ I know what you’re gonna say: ‘I was just helpin’ you become the person you always were’, ‘Twilight would say the same about you’. ‘You were always capable of gettin’ good grades’, but none of that woulda happened if you weren’t always so kind to me. I know it wasn’t easy to tutor me, but it means the world to me that you stuck with it.” “I feel like you’re hyping me up a bit too much. Canterlot High’s a great place from what I’ve seen, I’m sure plenty of other students would’ve made great tutors for you.” You try to humbly downplay her praise. >”Maybe, but I doubt Granny and Big Mac would like ‘em as much as they like you. They wouldn’t have been as good-lookin’ as you, either.” Applejack chuckled. >She knows her family better than you do, so you’ll take her word for it. >Her southern accent adds a really nice flair to how she compliments you. >”And they wouldn’t’ve been so insistent on helpin’ out around the farm, too.” “Hey, you and Big Mac made it look like so much fun!” You jokingly reply. >”Yeah, and it almost killed you.” Applejack snickered. “Nuh uh, I’m built tougher than that. Plus, it gave me this body you’ve been admiring all night.” >”I suppose I can’t argue with you there.” She admitted with a smile, rubbing your chest for emphasis. >Her hands might be rough and calloused from years of farm work, but she’s still got that feminine touch that you’ve wanted to feel for so long. >”But y’know what really made me like you as more than just a friend?” She asked, taking on a more serious tone. >Applejack gulped, preparing herself to admit whatever she’s been so worried about telling you. >”...Y’know those big stuffed animals they always got at the county fair?” “...Yeah?” >”When I was a little girl, I’d always try to win one every time the fair came to town. I’d use up all my allowance on that darn rigged ring toss game, but I couldn’t ever win one.” >Damn carny games. >They’ve taken far too much of your own money in the past. >”I grew out of stuffed animals around middle school, when I started takin’ on more responsibility around the farm.” >Her breathing gets a little more shaky. >The emotion of the moment is getting to her. >”But… When I got that A back, and I waited to show you until you came over to my place for dinner, when we hugged…” >Applejack takes a deep breath. >”...You felt like what I always imagined those stuffed animals feel like.” >She wipes a tear from her eye while smiling widely. >”You’re just so reliable and handsome and warm and… I dunno, when we hug, I always feel like everything’s gonna be alright.” >Now it’s your turn to get all misty-eyed. >Such a tender moment, it almost makes you forget you two are naked. >And you just fucked two of her closest friends. >In any other circumstance, you’d feel like the biggest asshole in the world. “Aww, Applejack…” >You sit up and gently wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her into a hug. >Applejack gently laughs and gratefully returns the hug, burying her face in your shoulder. >The two or three tears of joy that built up in her eyes drip down onto your skin. >Her hair’s got a certain roughness to it, but it’s still really nice to gently brush. >She doesn’t need all those fancy hair products that Rarity uses. >You gently trace along the curves of her back muscles, making her smile. >”Y’know, most guys ain’t attracted to girls with a firmer build.” Applejack says to you. “Lucky me~” You grin at her, showing her body more appreciation. >You two share a gentle laugh before Applejack gazes into your eyes. >”I’ve wanted to do this since I got that A…” She whispers. >Her eyes slide shut and her lips find yours. >The kiss is loving, but clumsy. >Applejack clearly doesn’t know as much about kissing as Sunset, but she’s trying her darndest. >Her lips are just kind of mashed against yours, but not as frenzied as Pinkie’s kiss. >Granted, you don’t have much more experience than her. >You try to guide her through the kiss. >Your hands rest on her cheeks and you try to open and close your lips along with her to establish a rhythm. >It doesn’t take Applejack long to succumb to your kiss. >She locks her hands on your cheeks in return. >Surprisingly forcefully. >Like she’s afraid you’ll try to escape her. >As if you’d even want to. >You’re getting a great demonstration of her farm girl strength. >She’s making up for her technique with extra emotion, kind of like Pinkie. >But Pinkie’s kiss was more desperate, Applejack’s kiss is more aggressive. >You still haven’t recovered your strength from enjoying Pinkie’s desserts, so you have to surface from the kiss to catch your breath. >”How was that, city boy?” Applejack asked you, grinning while partially out of breath herself. >Her cheek still bears the mark of one or two tears of joy. “...That was really something.” You weakly chuckle back to her. >”I know I ain’t know as much about romance, I’m just flattered to have taken your breath away.” She beams. “You took my breath away when I first saw you silhouetted by the evening sun over the farm.” You gently flirt back to her. >Her cheeks flush lightly, weakening her flirty demeanor. >”You can’t be doin’ that to me, bein’ all sweet and romantic when we’re gonna get down and dirty.” She complained, unable to hide her smile. >You take some initiative, sitting up and kissing her neck. >Applejack inhales sharply at your kiss, and you can feel her muscles loosen up in response. >She snatches the cup of wonder juice off the floor and pushes it into your hands. >”If you’re gonna be teasin’ me like this, you better be ready to back it up.” >You take the cup and gently swirl around the purple fluid within. “...What’s in this, again?” You ask Twilight. >”Uh… A bunch of stuff you wouldn’t know about?” She nervously answers, glancing over to Sunset. >You’re getting more suspicious. “Twilight, I swear, if this has LSD in it-” >”Relax, Anon! We’re not drugging you! It’s just some plants and stuff from my… private reserve~” Sunset assured you, adding extra flavor to those last two words. “‘Plants and stuff’?” You repeat back to her, not convinced. >Then a realization hits you. >It’s not very likely at all, but neither is seven girls agreeing to share you. “Is this a love potion or something?” >Sunset cackles at your accusation. >Could it actually be a love potion? >”I guess that’s one way to put it!” >That’s not the answer you were expecting. >”Anon, it ain’t gonna kill you. Twilight drank a gallon of the stuff and she’s still here!” Applejack tried to convince you, getting Twilight more embarrassed. >”It wasn’t that much!” She tried to argue. >”Oh yeah? You wanna tell Anon how many times you came to your study sessions after ‘forgetting’ to put on underwear that morning?” Sunset grinned at her. >Twilight meekly sputters trying to come up with a comeback. >”You don’t have to drink it if you don’t want to, Anon. The last thing we want for you is to be uncomfortable.” Fluttershy softly reminds you. “It’s fine, I trust Twilight enough to not drug me.” You say, bringing the cup of purple fluid to your lips. >As you tilt the cup, you notice it has a strangely sweet smell to it. >Like some kind of flower you’ve never seen or smelled before. >Like a flower from another world. >Whatever it is, it’s gotta be safe. >You gulp down a second cupful of the purple drink. >The moment the last drop travels from the edge of the cup to your tongue, you feel it again. >Something powerful surges through you. >It’s like pure Adrenaline is coursing through your veins. >Your breathing quickens and your muscles tense up like your body automatically picked fight over flight. >Your dick’s valiantly returned to its post, much to Applejack’s delight. >Whatever this stuff is, it’s working. >”How’re you feelin’?” Applejack asked you with a grin. >You take a moment to get your breathing under control and respond. “Ready for round three.” You answer in a throaty voice. >”Atta boy~” >Applejack bucks her powerful hips against yours. >She’s really flexing her farm-grown physique. >You can’t help but groan pleasurably, making her even more eager to get going. “You know, I gotta be honest about something…” You say to Applejack, resting your hands on her waist. >”What might that be?” She asks you, still rubbing her hips on yours. “When you told me you wanted to save the reveal of your grade for after dinner at the farm, I was afraid you got a really bad grade after my tutoring and wanted to corner me so Big Mac could rough me up.” You admit with a chuckle. >Applejack bursts out laughing at your admission. >”I’d have just told you if I ended up with a poor grade! And even if that happened, Big Mac wouldn’t beat you up!” “I dunno, he can be real scary sometimes!” >”Only when you’ve really wronged him! Like if you put hands on me!” >You remember your hands are resting on Applejack’s naked hips. >He trusted you and now his sister is one of your seven girlfriends. >Feeling a chill run down your spine, you quickly retract your hands, as if Big Mac was standing right behind you. >This moment of panic makes the girls laugh. >”Not like that! You know what I meant!” Applejack laughed. >You joke, but there was a period of time when you were legitimately scared of Big Macintosh. >Not because of anything he did, you were just really jumpy around guys that are bigger than you, thanks to the football players beating you up back at Bullworth Academy. >You ended up feeling really bad about that when Big Mac asked you if he did anything to make you feel uncomfortable around him. >He might not have shown it, but it saddened him that you didn’t really like being around him when he thought highly of you for being so helpful and friendly with Applejack. >Thank goodness you’ve moved past that uneasiness and got to know him better. “I got it, I got it…” You say to her, feeling more comfortable. >”Anyway…” >Applejack’s calloused hands slide down from your cheeks, over your chest, and onto your stomach before traveling up your body and resting on your neck. >”You ready for a rodeo, city boy~?” >Your hands return to Applejack’s firm, naked body, tracing your fingers along the valleys between her abdominal muscles. >Firm, with a little give. >Medium-rare. “Hell yeah, I am, cowgirl.” You teasingly whisper. >”I dunno if you really are.” She grins. “Oh, no? Why not?” >Applejack leans closer to you. >”’Cause I ain’t some dainty ‘lil thing you can manhandle like Sunset.” >Her hands move to your shoulders and she forces you down onto your back with surprising ease. >”I know how to wrangle a stallion~” >As you’re pinned down onto the carpet, Applejack proudly presenting what her years of farm work has blessed her with, you think about how forceful Pinkie was with you. >It’s a similar, but undeniably different feeling. >Pinkie’s strength came from how frenzied and desperate she was. >Applejack isn’t desperate. >Her desire is focused. >There’s still hunger in her eyes, but she knows how to wait for dessert. “A stallion, huh?” You wink at her from your compromised position. >Applejack bites her lip and grinds her sturdy waist against your cock. >She’s not as soft as Pinkie or Sunset, but her movements are very deliberate and focused. “Well, you’re something of a stud now, ain’t ya~?” >Huh, that’s a pretty apt description of what you are. >You’re being buttered up like some high caloric food at a carnival. “That doesn’t put you in a very flattering position though, does it?” You ask her through a shudder as she continues grinding her sex against yours. >”Oh, don’t you go thinkin’ you’re in control here.” Applejack said to you, lowering her head closer to yours. >”You couldn’t pin me if you tried~” >You grin at her. “Challenge accepted.” >You grab Applejack’s head, pull her in for another steamy kiss, and bring her down onto you. >She’s off to the races. >Her hands pin you down by your shoulders even harder, making it surprisingly difficult for you to even wiggle around. >Her tongue makes a stunning return to the inside of your mouth, enacting its own wrestling match against your own tongue. >She grinds her hips against yours even rougher like she’s trying to start a fire. >Each time she drags her dripping pussy against your dick, you lose a little bit more strength you’d use to fight back against her. >Your tongue’s on autopilot fighting back against hers as you focus more of your attention on trying to flip Applejack onto her back and give her a taste of her own medicine. >Every square inch of her toned, sexy back is covered by your roaming hands. >You become bold enough to venture further downward and grope Applejack’s butt. >Such curvature, such firmness, her ass is like a pair of ripe, juicy apples. >She shivers a bit when you grope her, but she doesn’t let up on you. >You try to sit up and push Applejack into a sitting position, but she doesn’t budge an inch. >Feeling up her back gives you ample time to appreciate her body. >None of the girls have a physique like Applejack’s. >Sweat’s building up on her skin like morning dew. >Your brain’s not getting enough blood to think strategically. >Your manhood’s hogging all the blood, and he’s not much of a deep thinker. >But then you get an idea. >You’re no match for her strength, but you’ll play to your strengths. “Hey… Applejack…” You gasp out to her after separating from the kiss. >When she looks back down at you, her long, blonde hair is draped over her shoulders and messily cascading down over you. >Her robust, subtly sweaty chest heaves hypnotically with every breath she takes. >A faint blush covers her cheeks, barely visible under the shade provided by her stetson, which silhouettes her against the light coming down from the ceiling. >”Yeah?” She asks you in between pants. “Is this any way to treat your teddy bear?” You teasingly ask her. >Applejack chuckled at your question. >”I thought you said you were built tough~” She reminds you, then stealing another kiss from you. >The kiss is lovely, but you’ve got bigger fish to fry. “Ready for the rodeo?” >Applejack gives you a slow but firm nod. >”Question is… are YOU ready?” “Don’t get too cocky, now. This stud’s got horns.” >Her resolve breaks and a laugh escapes her lips in response to your clumsy flirting. >Her grip on your shoulder softens. >There’s your opening. >You fasten your hands on her shoulders and flip her around. >Before she knows it, she’s on her back, and you’re on top of her. >Surprise covers Applejack’s face as you loom over the powerful farm girl. >Your hands fly to her hips to pin her down in much the same way she did to you. >You line yourself up and slide your cock inside. >”Anon, yoOOOOOHHH~” Applejack exclaims as you unite your body with hers. >Her entire body reacts to you entering her. >She arches her back upwards, her hands clench into fists, her toes curl, and her voice reaches high notes you didn’t think were possible. >Of course you know studs don’t have horns. >You just needed something to distract her. >And it worked. >This is the most vulnerability you’ve ever seen from Applejack, and she’s naked on top of that. >But it didn’t work for long. >You’re only able to enjoy two thrusts in and out of her tight pussy before she regains her composure. >Applejack grips you and throws you back onto the floor. >”Sneaky bastard, you’re gonna pay for that~” Applejack hissed at you. >With gritted teeth, she ruts against you even harder. >She’s practically slamming her hips against you. >You’re gonna be bruised tomorrow. “Language~” You tease her. >You sit up and go in for another kiss, but Applejack’s already on edge, so she pins you back down and snarls at you. >”I should’ve seen through that nice guy charade of yours.” She teasingly growled at you while pounding away. “What… charade?” You manage to ask her through gasps. >”All along, ever since we met, you were just tryin’ to get in my pants.” She continues her little accusation, scraping her fingernails across your chest. >You’ve got just enough strength to match her rampage-like pace, reducing the blunt force trauma somewhat. >”I’ve seen you eye me up when you thought I wasn’t lookin’. I’ve seen you steal glances at my chest and my rear.” “Guilty as charged~” You boldly reply, allowing your eyes to drift down to Applejack’s naked, toned body. >She gently glistens with the perspiration covering her body, highlighting each and every muscle she’s worked so hard to maintain. >She grips your hair and forces you to look up at her. >”Big Mac warned me about how you might try to pull some funny stuff on me…” >She leaned into your ear. >You’re even more sensitive to her every hot breath. >”I was hopin’ he’d be right~” >She playfully bites your cheek, snarling into your ear. >She’s getting to be a lot for you. >You need to turn the tables on her. “Oh… Yeah…” You groan. >Then, you do something you thought you’d never do. >Something so low and detestable, you wouldn’t even humor the idea until tonight. >But you can’t let her win. >Desperate times call for desperate measures. >You reach up and steal Applejack’s hat. >The moment her stetson leaves her head, she freezes. >Her hands shoot to cover her bare head, as if she’s that much more naked now. >...Actually, she is weirdly naked. >You’ve never seen Applejack without her hat before now. >Now she really is wearing nothing. >”Anon!” She exclaims. “Hey, come on, if Fluttershy can get naked, so can you!” You cheekily remind her, waving her hat teasingly. >”Gimme my hat back!” She orders you right before trying to snatch it out of your hand. >You’re quick enough to keep it out of her reach. >Her womanhood’s grip on your dick tightens. >She’s into it. >She wants the chase. >She wants the fight. “Make me.” You challenge her. >Applejack lunges forward to grab her hat back. >Another golden opportunity has presented itself to you. >While she’s partially off the ground, you flip her around onto the floor again. >You almost lose your grip on her because of how her sweat lubricates her skin. >But when she’s back on the ground, the look she’s giving you is a dangerous mix of angry and aroused. >”It ain’t good for your health to steal my hat, city boy.” She warned you, arousal dripping from her words. >She’s still thrusting against you. >She’s so tight, it’s like she’s trying to milk you. >She knows that when you cum, it’ll be over for you. >But your shithead-ness is keeping you in the game. >Her body’s betraying her true desires. >She wants a challenge. >Let’s keep poking the tiger. >You give her a sinister grin. “Hey, Sunset…” >You slowly put on Applejack’s hat and strike a smug pose. “...How do I look?” >Even though you’re staring down the farm girl, you hear Sunset giggle behind you. >”You look mighty handsome, partner!” She answered in a fake southern accent. >This really sets Applejack off. >She lunged up at you with a battle cry and her hands outstretched. >”You’re gonna regret takin’ my hat!” “Come on, you ain’t got nothin’ to be ashamed of!” You cheekily tease her. >Like the mighty alligator, Applejack furiously rolls you back onto the floor. >Through some kind of magic, her hat stays firmly planted on top of your head. >She’s breathing through her nose like a bull rearing to charge. >”You’re lucky you’re such a charming devil.” She bitterly muttered to you. >She dives in for another furiously passionate kiss. >Her hips jackhammer away at you, threatening to rip your dick right off with nothing but her womanhood and gusto. >This is definitely gonna bruise in the morning. >She claws at your back like an eagle tearing apart the unlucky fish it plucked from the river. >This is hopeless. >You’ve tried every trick you could come up with, and you always end up beneath her. >All you can do is go along for the ride. >At least now you’re used to Applejack’s furious pace. >She’s pressing down on you with full force, like she’s wrangling a stallion. >She’s even got you by the lips. >Your entire body moves along with hers. >You’re starting to get a fairly serious case of rug burn from how you’re being rubbed along the carpet by her bucking. >Applejack isn’t moaning like Pinkie or Sunset, she’s grunting and groaning like a powerful mare in heat. >She’s gripping you with such force that you’re partially worried that she’s gonna draw blood. >Applejack only parts from the raging kiss to bite your lip surprisingly forcefully, teasing you in her own way. >You try to match her intensity, but she’s got stamina for days. >Your fingers lace themselves through her long, blonde hair, keeping her head pressed against yours to let her know you’re just as determined to continue making out as she is. >You decide against pulling her hair, though. >You’ve been teasing her enough tonight, something like that would be a bridge too far. >Speaking of which, you notice she stopped trying to grab her hat off your head. >Maybe her fingers are too burrowed into your flesh for her to pull them out and make a grab for it again. >The raw force of your hips slamming against hers is enough to distract you from how close you are to finishing. >At this point, it isn’t even really sex. >It’s a naked wrestling match, and she’s got you pinned. >Your hands slide down from her hair to her waist. >Her muscles are really nice. >Every firm ridge on her undeniably feminine body tells the tale of long days spent toiling in the fields of her family farm. >From sunup to sundown, Applejack would carry crates of apples, manage apple trees, handle farm equipment, all while building up one Hell of a sweat and getting a lovely tan. >Out of the corner of your eye, in the portion of your view that isn’t taken up by her face, you admire the farmer’s tan that’s been years in the making. >Halfway up her forearms, Applejack’s skin tone changes from a weathered tan to her lighter, more natural skin tone. >You don’t get very long to admire her like this, though. >Applejack parts from the kiss, allowing you an opportunity to gasp for air. >She doesn’t give you any rest, though. >She tries her hand at being flirty by biting your neck, but it’s still too forceful to be flirty. >The passion is all there, though. >A realization hits you as you hold her firm ass in place as you thrust back against her and she bites at your neck and ear. >She’s angry. >Not because you stole her hat, but because it took you this long to steal her hat. >She welcomed you into her home, introduced you to her family, fed you her family’s delicious cooking, got you to know her friends, made you a part of her weekly schedule, and ONLY NOW did you realize she’s into you. >She had to strip naked and throw herself at you to make you realize she’s into you. >You’ve kept her waiting for months, and she’s subjecting you to months of built up feelings. >Well… >You’re pretty angry, too. >You’ve been led around by the nose all day. >Your friends have been scheming about you behind your back. >They’ve been dressing you up and making you sing like you’re the night’s entertainment. >And how could Applejack be angry at you for not noticing her feelings for you? >She never gave you any signs she was interested in you. >She’s normally so blunt and upfront about what she’s feeling, you learned to trust her to tell you what’s on her mind. >How is this your fault? >Your breathing turns to snarls that match hers. >Applejack’s eyes widen a bit when she realizes you’re getting more intense. >You kick your leg out and knock her off her balance. >You roll Applejack onto her back, relentless in your pace. >”Oh, no, you don’t.” She growled, rolling you right back where you started. >You’re not letting up. >You keep rolling and get Applejack back onto her back. >She rolls you onto your back in turn. >You two roll around on the floor, desperately struggling for dominance. >Her legs are firmly locked around yours. >Her arms are wrapped around your head, ensuring no escape from the frenzied kissing. >Miraculously, her hat stays on your head. >Must be made of some quality stuff. >Thinking about this is distracting you from your fight. >Applejack’s thrusting gets even faster. >You match her speed. >You two can only communicate with animalistic growling in between desperately clawing at each other’s body. >You two knock into Rarity’s nightstand and hear various objects fall to the floor. >Neither of you care. >But you can feel pressure building up in your manhood, being coaxed even further by the warm, moist grip she has you in. >You’re getting closer. >So is Applejack. >Her pussy’s tightening and her breathing is getting higher pitched. >Her grip on you is getting even tighter. >Time’s running out. >You need to make this count. >You let out a throaty roar as you harness the power you need to pin down the farm girl long enough to solidify your victory. >But when you’re finally on top of her, you’re all burned out. >And you’re still not finished. >Applejack realizes this, a wicked grin appearing on her face. >She whips you back onto your back one last time. >When you’re on the floor, you’re done. >The two of you climax at the same time. >Her grip on you tightens as viciously as possible as she grits her teeth, hunching forward and letting the ecstasy of the moment wash over her and free her from this stressful encounter. >You’re so burned out after that frenzied fight that all you can do is melt into the carpet. >Staring up at the ceiling and barely capable of breathing in and out, you hear excited murmuring surround you. >The passionate anger you felt when fucking Applejack exited stage left along with your strength. >Your friends, attracted to you as they may be, only lead you on to set up a fun surprise for you. >It’s not like you didn’t enjoy how they got all hot and bothered watching you sing in that himbo getup. >And it’s not fair for you to judge Applejack for not being able to tell you that she has a crush on you. >It’s not like you were amazing at talking to girls. >Applejack allows herself to succumb to her weakened state and slump down on top of you. >”You know… You’re the only guy that I’d let take my hat.” She weakly chuckled, nuzzling into your chest. >With some straining on your part, you raise your arm up and let it flop down onto her back, tenderly rubbing her. “Heh… I’m… honored…” You manage to pant in response. >Applejack looks up at you with a gentle smile. >For a moment, it’s almost hard to believe this is the same girl that rode you like you’re a rodeo bull. >”You look like a mighty handsome farm boy with it, now that I’m gettin’ a good look at ya.” She gently flirted, gently adjusting the hat on your head to make you look as appealing as possible. >”Oh, yes! I can see it now! Anonymous, resting beneath a tree after a hard day’s work, peering out at some lucky girl from beneath the brim of his hat, instantly casting a spell upon her with his rugged charms!” Rarity was quick to agree, swooning. >You didn’t have much energy to express how flattered you are. “You… charm me… too much.” You reply, letting your head fall to the side to face Rarity, who’s kneeling towards you with an excited look in her eyes. >Man, Rarity’s naked. >So is Applejack, Sunset, and all the other girls. >It still feels so surreal. >You’d pinch yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming, but Applejack, Sunset, and Pinkie have done more than pinch. >”Shoot, AJ, looks like you did a real number on him.” Rainbow remarked with a grin, entertained by how exhausted you are. “Eh, I’ll live.” You weakly chuckle, waving your hand dismissively. >You’re not entirely sure you are, though. >”You better!” Rainbow jokingly warned you, albeit letting her impatience shine through a bit. >Fluttershy looks incredibly worried about you, clasping her hands together. >”Don’t worry about that! Nonny’s such a super guy, he’s not gonna leave us high and dry!” Pinkie piped up, lying on her stomach and gently kicking her feet while giving you dreamy eyes. >She’s still riding the high of your time spent together. “Darn right…” You agree with a weak smile, giving Pinkie a wink. >Pinkie’s cheeks flush and she succumbs to a small giggle fit. >Twilight’s been surprisingly quiet. >You look over at her and see her hands situated between her thighs, covering herself up and looking down with a faintly embarrassed look on her face. >She’s chewing on her lower lip, clearly a lot’s going through her mind. >Only after you cast your eyes towards the ceiling do you notice that Sunset’s kneeling behind you. >When your eyes meet hers, she smiles and rubs your shoulders, encouraging you to sink even further into the floor. >...All these eyes on you are really driving home how awkward all of this must be. >You’re fucking each of these girls one at a time and all the others do is sit and watch. >You haven’t really had time to really think about the situation. “...Hey, this isn’t, like… awkward for any of you, is it?” You ask the girls, propping yourself up on your elbows to address the group. >”Heavens, no! You’re quite the showman, Anonymous!” Rarity answered with wistfulness in her voice. >”Y-Yeah, you’re hypnotic…” Twilight finally spoke up, still unable to meet your gaze. >”And you’re giving me more ideas on what I’m gonna do to you when you get to the main event.” Rainbow added, unsubtly presenting her athletic body for your admiration. “Just don’t keep us waiting!” >She’ll get her time in the spotlight. “Okay, okay, as long as you girls are having a good time.” >”We sure are~” Pinkie replied, wiggling happily on the floor. >Her body subtly jiggles so wonderfully. >It’s not fair of you to focus on her, you’ve got a farm girl on top of you that deserves to share the warmth of your afterglow. >You run your hands down her back to her ass, appreciating her body more now that you’re not in combat anymore. >Applejack smiles into your neck, indulging herself in your gentle, loving touch. >The room’s starting to smell like sex and arousal. >You sniff again and pick up the scents of sweat and love juices from you and the girls. >Fittingly, each of the girls have their own aroma of arousal. >It’s gonna take at least a whole can of air freshener to mask the scent of what’s happened tonight. >That’s not worth worrying about right now, you’re sure Rarity and Sunset thought of some way to deal with that in advance. >”I shaved my sensitives for tonight.” She admits, then nudging herself up to whisper in your ear. >”Don’t tell Big Mac I borrowed his razor.” >You gently laugh at her admission of guilt. >You never thought she’d ever do something so scandalous. >But you don’t want to lie to Big Mac, he’s such a great guy. >It’ll never come up, you shouldn’t worry about it. >You carefully remove Applejack’s hat and place it back onto her pretty head. “There you go, good as new.” >Applejack smiles and adjusts her hat a bit. >”Thank you, sugarcube.” She happily sighs. >”You treat me right, you’ll get to wear my hat more often.” Applejack offers you. “Ooh, I’m looking forward to that~” >”How’re you feeling, cowboy?” Sunset asked you, gently combing your hair with her fingers. “Heh… Alive…. But barely.” You chuckle, then realizing how dry your throat has become. >”Alive enough for Fluttershy, I hope.” Sunset teases you. >Fluttershy perks up like a rabbit hearing a strange noise upon the invocation of her name. “As long as I’m capable of breathing in and out, I’ll always be alive enough for Fluttershy.” You assure her with a teasing smile. >Fluttershy shimmies closer to you carefully, nervously looking between you and Sunset. >She clearly wants you, but there’s at least three emotional barriers separating her from you. >Rarity rubs her shoulders to reassure her, which she appreciates, going off the way she gently smiles. >Her eyes finally fall upon Sunset, still clasping her hands together in uncertainty. >”S-Sunset?” She asks her. >”Yes, Fluttershy?” Sunset teasingly responds. >It takes Fluttershy a moment to say what’s on her mind, but she finds the confidence she needs when she looks into your eyes. >”...Is it my turn with Anon now?” >She’s so cute when she wants something. >”Hmm…” Sunset pretends to ponder, casting a smug look in Twilight’s direction. >Twilight still can’t find the strength to say what Sunset wants to hear from her. >All she can do is look down at the floor shamefully. >Fluttershy’s getting more nervous the longer Sunset takes to answer. >”Just say yes already.” Rainbow butted in, losing more of her patience. >”Fine. Flutters, you’re up!” Sunset finally answered. >The animal lover perks up, rising to her feet and turning her needy gaze to you. >”Yay!” She softly cheers. >God, she’s adorable. >Fluttershy should be a nice change of pace. >There’s no way she’ll be as rough as Pinkie or Applejack. >As fun as it is to wrestle with those lusty girls, it’s not something you could do all night, even with Twilight’s party juice. >Now that she’s standing up between Rarity and Rainbow, you get a good opportunity to admire her body. >She’s got a bit of pudge to her, thanks to her sedentary lifestyle, but Pinkie’s got her beat in the thickness department. >Her pubic hair is neatly trimmed, she’s been preparing for tonight, too. >She’s got really nice thighs and hips, but she’s gotta have the most impressive chest of the seven girls. >”Guess that’s my cue to leave. Knock ‘em dead, Flutters.” Applejack wished her well, rolling off of you with a quick goodbye kiss. >”Oh, no, no, no! I’d never do that!” Fluttershy quickly answered, taking on a more concerned demeanor as she hurried over to you. >”Are you okay, Anon? Applejack didn’t hurt you, did she?” She worriedly asked you, looking over your body for any bruises or bleeding. >A guilty look flashes across Applejack’s face at her question. >The Fluttershy that felt you up and tried to kiss you after having that hard cider is nowhere to be seen. >This is the closest she’s ever gotten to your exposed body, but sex isn’t on her mind right now. >Right now she’s real worried about you. “I’m fine, Flutters, Applejack didn’t hurt me. I’m a little worn out, but hey, that’s what Twilight’s drink is for.” You assure her with a gentle smile. >Your answer doesn’t convince her. >”Can you stand up?” Fluttershy asks you. “Yeah, hold on.” >You move to sit up, but the soreness in your stomach and loins remind you of what you went through. >An involuntary groan escapes your lips, getting Fluttershy even more worried about you. >”Oh, dear! Where does it hurt?” She asks you like a doting mother. “Ngh… stomach area, mainly.” You groan. “But I think I’ll be fine if I have some more of that-” >”Where exactly does it hurt?” >You glance down at your stomach. “Uh… Here, I guess.” You say, pointing to your lower stomach, just above your nether region. >Fluttershy kneels down and plants a gentle kiss on the spot on your lower stomach you just pointed to. >When her lips meet your skin, you feel a loving warmth spread throughout your body. >You contentedly sigh as Fluttershy gently brushes her fingers across your skin. >”Did that help?” She gently asks you. “...Hey, it did. Thank you, Fluttershy.” You softly say to her with a smile. >Fluttershy smiles back at you, but then turns to Rainbow. >”Can you help me carry Anon to the bathtub?” She asked her. >Rainbow, eager to finally get up close and personal, leaps to her feet. >”Can I ever!” Rainbow answers, leaping to attention. >”Wait a minute, remember the rule! You’ve gotta tell Anon when you realized you had a crush on him before you can touch him!” Sunset reminded her. >”But I only want to get him into a warm bath! I’ll tell him after I get him settled in, I promise!” Fluttershy anxiously said to her, retracting her hands from you to avoid any more remarks from her. >A warm bath sounds really nice right about now. >You weren’t really able to savor the hot tub as much as you liked. >You were more focused on the naked girls. >Weirdly, Fluttershy and Sunset carry their nudity in vastly different ways. >Fluttershy looks so exposed and vulnerable when in her nudity, but Sunset stands proud in her nudity, like she’s serving as the model for a statue of a Greek Goddess. “Come on, Sunset, I trust her.” You argue on Fluttershy’s behalf. >”Anon, I thought we agreed I’d call the shots around here.” Sunset teasingly turned to you. >You sit up as much as you can to address Sunset, groaning a bit from the effort. “We’re not cast members in a play you’re putting on. I’m my own person, and so is Fluttershy. I won’t let you penalize her for trying to help me.” >For the briefest moment, a look of satisfaction appeared in Sunset’s eyes. >”Oh, alright. Fluttershy, Rainbow, get Anon to the bathtub.” She directed them. >She didn’t have to say that so authoritatively, but at least she relented. >”Oh, thank you, Sunset! Rainbow, get on Anon’s left side.” Fluttershy graciously thanked Sunset, then directed Rainbow as she got on your right side. >Rainbow hurries over and kneels down by your left side, not-so-subtly eyeing you up. >”Damn, think I’m starting to see some bruising.” Rainbow remarked with a grin like she’s proud of you. >”Oh, dear…” Fluttershy mutters. >”Is there anything I could do to be helpful?” Applejack asks Fluttershy, looking over you to get a look at the damage she caused. >”It’s okay, we’re only getting down the hall and into the bathtub. Though if you could get the doors, that would be helpful.” Fluttershy answered, gently stroking your cheek. >”Right, yeah, on it.” Applejack is quick to answer, hurrying over to the bedroom door and opening it wide. >The way she hastily opens it shows you she’s starting to feel bad about being so rough with you. >She keeps glancing back at you with a hint of regret in her eyes. >”When I count to three, I want you to sit up, okay?” Fluttershy gently instructs you. “Okay, got it.” You respond, mentally preparing yourself to get up. >How much would Twilight’s purple stuff help with this, anyway? >It gets you all reinvigorated, but you can’t imagine it’ll do much for physical trauma. >It’s not magic. >...Right? >”Rainbow, when I count to three, you and I are gonna lift him up by his arms.” Fluttershy turned to her oldest friend. >”Got it!” Rainbow confirmed. >”Okay, one…” Fluttershy began. >All you’ve gotta do is stand up. >Easy. >”Two…” >You take a deep breath. >”Three.” >Fluttershy and Rainbow hoist you up by your forearms. >Fluttershy is clearly struggling more than Rainbow, judging by her muffled groan of exertion. >You try to get your legs beneath you but the soreness in your lower stomach reminds you of what you just went through. >You inhale sharply through your teeth as you steady yourself. >”Are you okay?” Fluttershy worriedly asks you. “Yeah, yeah.” You answer her, feeling the soreness fade as you stand up. >”Rarity, could you please get a bath going for Anon?” Fluttershy >”Certainly, darling! Just you wait, I’ve got the PERFECT foaming bath solution with epsom salt, it’ll do wonders for you!” Rarity excitedly informed you, darting off down the hall towards the bathroom. >Rarity’s gotta have the best bubble bath stuff money can buy. >This night just keeps getting better. >”Are you ready to walk, Anon?” Fluttershy asks you. >You give her a confident nod. “Yeah, I am.” >”Okay, here we go!” >With the two girls supporting you, you carefully place one foot in front of the other before your movement more closely resembles natural walking. >Your arms are draped around their shoulders like you’re a scarecrow propped up on an old section of wood. >You’re more lively than a scarecrow, but not by much. >”Look at you, between a rock and a hot place.” Rainbow grinned at you, bumping your hip with hers. “Honestly, you girls have been spoiling me too much tonight.” You say with an exhausted smile. >”Don’t worry, we’re having a lot of fun, too!” Fluttershy smiled, gently leaning into you. >She doesn’t have the strength to lean into you hard enough to throw you off your delicate balance. >You’re still getting used to how comfortable Fluttershy is with her nudity. >She’s just about the last girl you’d expect to be into casual nudity. >...Although, you could conceivably see her being into naturism. >She likes animals and nature and stuff. >Whatever the case is, you get to enjoy the sight of Fluttershy’s nude body. >That’s a win any day of the week. >Especially with Rainbow Dash’s nude body on your other arm. >Don’t get ahead of yourself now, Anon. >The walk to the bathroom is hardly a voyage, you’re there in no time at all. >The moment you walk through the doorway, you’re met with a very welcoming cloud of steam. >As you’re engulfed in the cloud of gaseous water, you feel the soreness you got from Applejack melt away. >The epsom salt in the air is doing wonders for you. >You’ll have to make note of the stuff Rarity uses so you can get some for yourself. >But you’re still so exhausted that if you didn’t have Rainbow and Fluttershy supporting you, you’d probably collapse onto the bathroom floor. >Through the steam, you see Rarity adjusting the temperature of the water in the bathtub. >She’s bent over the bathtub, gently swaying her hips enticingly. >Treating you to a breathtaking view of her pristine ass and pussy, gently glazed with her liquid arousal. >Ah, there you are, Second-in-Command. >Good to know you still work without the aid of weird liquid drugs. >”Ah, just in time! The water should be just right for you!” Rarity beamed, taking pride in her work while striking a seductive pose for your viewing enjoyment. “Thank you, Rarity.” You smile at her. >Rainbow grips your arm a little tighter. >”Watch it, you two. It’s Fluttershy’s turn with the dream boy. Don’t get too handsy now!” Sunset slyly reminded Rainbow and Rarity from behind you. >Damn, she’s good at sneaking up on you. >”I know, I know…” Rainbow mutters. >Rainbow’s grip on your arm loosens dejectedly, but Rarity does a better job hiding her disappointment. >”You think you can stand on your own, hot shot?” Rainbow asks you. “Don’t worry, I got it.” You say to her, cautiously taking your arm off of her. >Your legs have gotten used to keeping you upright, so you stand confidently. >Fluttershy still has your arm in her grip like she’s afraid you’ll collapse without her. >”Here, let me help you get in.” She softly guides you, with her left hand on your upper back and her right hand on your lower stomach to keep you balanced. >Her hands gently rub your skin, secretly indulging in your body despite her pure intentions of helping you. “Flutters, I appreciate it, really, but I can get in the tub just fine.” You promise her with a chuckle. >”I just want to be sure. You’ve been so very busy this evening, there’s no shame in needing a little help.” Fluttershy rebuts, gently guiding you towards the tub. “Yeah, busy.” You can’t help but laugh a bit. >”Absolutely! Being so good and loving to us is no small task! You should be proud of yourself!” Fluttershy softly insisted. “Oh, I am, don’t worry~” >Rarity steps out of the way, teasingly dragging her finger across your shoulder as she passes by you. >Fluttershy kneels down to check Rarity’s work, testing the temperature of the water with her index finger. >”It should be just right for you, but let me know if it’s uncomfortable.” She says to you. >She’s fussing over you an awful lot. >You haven’t seen her like this since Hoops beat you up. “I can manage the temperature of the tub on my own, you know.” You gently remark to her. >”I know, but this is your special night. You shouldn’t have to worry about a thing.” “Not even the temperature of the tub?” You ask her with a grin. >”Not even that!” Fluttershy insisted, failing to suppress a smile of her own. >You two share a soft giggle before you turn your weary gaze to the bathtub “Alright, here we go…” >You raise your foot up and gently lower it through the fluffy mass of bubbles and into the warm bath water. >The moment you make contact, you feel all your muscles loosen up enough to slide off of your foot altogether. >You contentedly sigh as your foot sinks into the water, eventually making contact with the bottom of the tub. >”Careful, now…” Fluttershy’s soft voice guides you, holding your nude body tenderly as you raise your other foot to step into the bathtub. >With both feet in the bath water, you slowly sit down, immersing yourself up to the chest in soapy water and scented bubbles. >You notice that scented candles have been set up and lit at each corner of the tub, nicely complimenting the bubble bath solution. “Rarity, this is lovely, I can’t thank you enough for this.” You softly say to her, smiling contentedly as you sink into the water. >”Don’t you worry, darling. You’ll have your chance to express your gratitude~” She flirtily replies, batting her eyes at you. >Rainbow and Sunset stand right behind her, with Applejack, Twilight, and Pinkie in the back. >Fluttershy’s kneeling right beside you on the other side of the tub. >Clearly this bathroom was never designed to entertain a party of eight. >But at this point in the night, you’re used to being so close to the girls. >And being the center of attention. >So many things you never thought you’d be able to get used to. >Fluttershy gently smiles as she sees you relax into the warmth of the tub. >”Feeling better?” She softly asks you. >You contentedly sigh and nod. “A lot better. Thank you, Flutters.” >She leans forward and gently kisses your forehead. >Her kisses are like the gentle brush of a warm spring morning. >It may be emasculating to be doted on like this, especially after you were thoroughly wrangled by Applejack, but you don’t care. >It feels too good. >”I know I’m supposed to tell you when I realized I liked you, but… would you mind if I got in the tub… with you?” Fluttershy carefully asks you, growing more nervous with each word. >It’s funny how she asks like that as if there’d be more than one answer you could give her. “Not at all! It’s a little lonely in here without you~” You invite her in, playfully swishing the water for her. >”O-Okay, here I go!” She gently giggles. >Fluttershy carefully lifts up one foot and places it inside the tub in much the same manner you did. >You curl yourself up as much as possible to give her the space she needs to get into the tub with you. >As she slowly lowers herself into the water, you’re treated to an exquisite view of Fluttershy’s nude body. >The slight plumpness to her stomach and hips could make you easily mistake her for an icon of fertility. >Her thighs look so fun to squeeze, and you’d love to help her with the burden of having such massive breasts. >She looks like she could use a supportive set of hands with those. >The water barely ripples when Fluttershy settles in, going to show how graceful and delicate she is. >The bathtub is just about big enough for the two of you with a little wiggle room, but your legs end up having to rest against hers. >Her pair of melons are hoisted up gently by the soapy water and nicely decorated with soapy suds. >Her pink hair cascades over her shoulders like an angelic waterfall. >You’re so wrapped up in admiring her serene nudity that it takes you a bit to realize she’s eyeing you up in much the same way. >Both of you realize this when your eyes meet. >A bit of an awkward moment is shared between you two, awkwardly chuckling at having caught each other peeping. “I’m really glad you feel so comfortable like this with me.” You say to her with a gentle smile. >Fluttershy lightly blushes, brushing her hair aside to look you in the eyes. >”Only you could’ve gotten me to do this…” She giggled. >She takes on a slightly more serious demeanor and leans closer to you, gently stroking your hair. >”...I feel terrible for not trusting you sooner…” She quietly apologizes. >You’ve grown close enough to her to rest your hands on her waist in reassurance. “Hey, hey, you don’t have to apologize for anything. I couldn’t make you trust me.” You softly remind her. >Fluttershy shakes her head, slumping forward in shame. >”I can’t believe I listened to those horrible things people were saying about you, even after you started spending time with Pinkie and Applejack…” >Canterlot High might be a better school than Bullworth Academy in every way, but it still isn’t a perfect school. >Rumors are a subtle, insidious thing. >Principal Celestia’s much better at dealing with bullies than your old headmaster ever was. >”To think I was… scared of you…” >Her voice is quivering. >You wrap your arms tighter around her waist and pull her in for a hug. >Fluttershy gratefully returns the hug, shakily breathing into your shoulder. >”Th-They all said you were angry and violent a-and that you were gonna be the biggest bully in the history of the school…” >She holds you even tighter. >You feel a tear drip down from her cheek onto your shoulder. “Fluttershy, I don’t care about what they say. As long as I’ve got wonderful friends like you and the girls, it doesn’t matter what they think.” >She gently nods, raising her head back up to regain eye contact with you. >Her eyes are just a little puffy and her lips are gently quivering. >”Y-You’re right, what matters is that you showed me what a caring, kind, gentle soul you are.” >You doubt Sunset or Applejack would describe you as gentle after what you did with them, but that’s not appropriate for right now. >”I treasured the time we spent together at the animal shelter, taking care of the little guys, doing homework together, sharing stories…” >”I know I fussed about how you got hurt for standing up for me when Hoops was trying to steal my diary, but… I really admired how brave you were…” >You softly smile at her, brushing your thumb along her cheek. >Fluttershy gently leaned into your touch, appreciating the gesture. “Of course, Flutters. Nobody’s gonna bully you on my watch.” You gently joke. >She manages a weak half-chuckle in response. >”After that day, when you hung out with us at Sugarcube Corner for the first time, you were telling us stories about your old school…” >It’s getting harder for her to speak clearly through the emotions bubbling up. >She’s clinging onto you even tighter. >”You told us about how your old classmates would hit you, or steal from you, or call you names, and do all sorts of horrible things to you…” >”A-And I don’t want to tell you how to talk about your life, but… whenever you say ‘I’ve survived worse’ or ‘I’m used to it’... it breaks my heart.” >You remember that day. >Some of your stories from Bullworth were funnier in hindsight, but the girls didn’t find the humor in as many of your stories. >Stories about how the football players would beat you up, or how the greasers would steal your money, or how the nerds would plant stink bombs and itching powder in your locker, or how the preps would mash your face into the mud. >After everyone left Sugarcube Corner to go back home, Fluttershy followed you to the edge of downtown Canterlot to give you a hug. >You couldn’t say anything, you could only hug her back and gently cry in response to such a tender gesture. >You’d be hard pressed to think of a time when you felt more loved and cared for. >”B-But I didn’t develop a crush on you because I felt bad for you!” Fluttershy hastily promises you, realizing what her confession was sounding like. “It’s okay, I wasn’t thinking that.” You reassure her. >Fluttershy takes a deep breath. >”That happened one day, about two months ago, when you were outside watching the dogs while I cleaned out their kennels…” She confessed. >”When I went out to check on you, I saw you sitting on the grass, surrounded by dogs, bathed in sunlight through the parting clouds…” >She softly smiles at you. >”...You looked so happy and peaceful. I mean, I always thought you were kind of handsome but… Pinkie’s right, you do have a lovely smile. And I love listening to you sing.” >Aww. >These girls are doing a great job of flattering you. “Fluttershy…” >”You make me feel really pretty when you look at me, or when you compliment my outfit or eyeshadow. I just want you to feel as loved as you made me feel.” Fluttershy concludes her confession, her cheeks slightly glowing from the emotion of the sappy moment. >With a smile of your own to match hers, you gently pull her into your embrace for the most intimate hug you two have shared yet. >Fluttershy nudged her way onto your lap, hugging you by wrapping her arms around your neck. >Your manhood’s pressed against her pussy, letting you realize that her hips are gently moving back and forth. >As sweet as she is, she isn’t capable of hiding her lewder desires from you. >You can hardly blame her. >Her body is as plush and huggable as it always looked. >She almost feels like a memory foam mattress, only much prettier. >You two separate from the hug, tenderly holding each other and gazing into each other’s eyes. >Fluttershy’s breath carries the same erotic emotions that compel her body to grind against yours. >”...You said you realized how much you like kissing after making love to Sunset.” She smiled at you. “Yeah, turns out it’s a lot of fun.” You reply. >You two share a small giggle. >You’re really enjoying holding Fluttershy’s naked body. “...Want me to show you how fun kissing is?” >”Yes, please.” >You two smile at each other, close your eyes, close the distance between your lips and finally kiss. >Fluttershy jumps a little when you kiss, like she’s still surprised by the action. >But it doesn’t take long for her to submit herself to the moment. >It’s really nice. >She doesn’t have the energy that Sunset, Pinkie, or Applejack had, but she’s pouring her emotions into it. >Her gentle moans are as heavenly as the rest of her. >She doesn’t dig her fingers into your hair, her touch is delicate and deliberate. >When you two briefly separate for a breath of air, your forehead stays pressed against hers, savoring the intimate moment. >You never thought breathing could be as lewd as Fluttershy does it, but there’s a lot beneath the surface of her hot breaths. >Of course, these pauses are few and far between the loving kisses you share with her. >She strokes your hair like she’s afraid it’ll fall right off your head if she’s too rough. >You can tell this isn’t out of hesitation. >Fluttershy is being so loving and caring that she doesn’t want to mark you at all. >Your hands slowly slide down her waist to find her ass. >She reacts positively to your gesture, rubbing her crotch against you slightly more intensely and moaning slightly louder. >Her lips are the softest of the four you’ve kissed so far. >Everything about Fluttershy is so delicate, like a beautiful flower having miraculously grown in a windy valley. >You really appreciate taking it slower with her. >Not only does it decrease your risk of getting a heart attack tonight, it lets you really appreciate the romance of the act of kissing. >It’s less like a wrestling match and more like a mutual expression of previously-thought-unrequited love. >Despite how gentle she’s trying to be, Fluttershy’s lust manages to leak through the cracks. >Her moans are getting shaky and she’s grinding against you even more. >Eventually, Fluttershy pulls away from the kiss, lovingly smiling at you through her slightly messier hair. >She’s never looked this hot before. >”You were right, that was a lot of fun.” She gently giggled. >You giggle in return and playfully kiss her forehead, getting another cute, flustered reaction from her. “You know… Tonight’s supposed to be the best night ever, so we can do more than kissing if you want.” You gently offer her. >”Oh, but we can’t do that yet!” Fluttershy giggles. >She reaches past you and grabs a bottle of fancy-looking shampoo. >”You look like you could use a bath!” >You can’t help but laugh a little. >You can’t remember the last time you were bathed in the tub, but you’re not in the mood to turn down the offer. >Fluttershy places the shampoo to the side and gathers some bath water in her hands, clasped together to form a cup. >You lean forward for her and let her pour handfuls of warm, soapy water over your head until your hair is thoroughly soaked. >She pours some shampoo into her hands and gets on her knees to get into a better hair washing position. >While it’s saddening that Fluttershy isn’t sitting on your lap anymore, you can hardly complain about the view you’re given. >Her hefty chest is right at eye level, her flowing pink hair descending upon you like the branches of a weeping willow. >You look up at Fluttershy, appreciating that this is the first time you’ve ever been beneath her. >She giggles at the way you’re looking at her, making her boobs subtly bounce hypnotically. >”You’re so cute when you look at me like that.” “I dunno if I can be cuter than you, though.” You try to flirt back at her. >”Don’t you worry about that, just relax and let me spoil you~” Fluttershy gently instructs you. “Okay…” You gently relent, relaxing your body a tiny bit. >Fluttershy leaned forward and laced her fingers through your damp hair, gently scrubbing in the shampoo. >The process is very therapeutic, you can’t help but sigh contentedly, sinking a little lower into the bath water. >With your eyes shut, you could easily mistake Fluttershy for a trained masseuse. >All those years of carefully handling those little critters of hers have really paid off. >She's delicate, yet deliberate. >Her touch is just as loving as the touch of Applejack or Pinkie, but far more focused. >”You’ve had such a stressful day, haven’t you, Anon?” Fluttershy softly asks you, rubbing the shampoo into the hair on the back of your head. >Your ability to put up any kind of resistance to this kind of patronization has melted away. “...Yeah…” You quietly admit. >Her fingers move back up to the top of your head to scrub the shampoo in deeper. >”You’ve had to worry about picking the right movies for this sleepover on top of your finals!” “Mm-hm… Not to mention the love letter stuff…” >”Oh, I know! To think you had to worry so much about figuring out which one of us liked you, it just isn’t fair!” >Fluttershy gingerly kisses your forehead. >”You shouldn’t have to worry about anything on your special night~” >She gathers some bath water in her hands and rinses the shampoo out of your hair. >You’ve never been pampered like this before. >In any other situation, you’d be feeling too embarrassed to really enjoy it. >But you’ve really loosened up tonight. >The way these girls are treating you, you’re half expecting them to ask to borrow money. “Thank you, Fluttershy.” You happily sigh, feeling the soapy water wash the shampoo out of your hair. >Fluttershy contentedly hums to herself as she fetches the bottle of conditioner for your next round of lathering. >As she prepares a small handful of conditioner for you, you subtly admire her nude, lush body. >Her stomach looks so fun to play with. >Her impressive chest sags so wonderfully, with a vein or two peeking through her skin to highlight how she’s been blessed. >Rainbow would never admit it, but she’s totally jealous of Fluttershy’s chest. >Your admiration of Fluttershy’s body is cut short by the sound of her giggling. “Sorry…” You meekly apologize, feeling ashamed for staring. >”It’s okay, you can look at my body! It’s really flattering.” She softly assures you. >Fluttershy reaches her arms up to show off her body a bit more, pushing out her chest and presenting her pussy. >Her inexperience with being so flirty shines through as she fails to stifle an embarrassed smile. >Glancing to your left, you see Sunset, Rarity, and Pinkie sitting along the edge of the bathtub, leering at you hungrily. >Sunset’s riding the edge of the bathtub, with one leg in the bath water and the other foot on the bathroom floor. >You notice the way she’s rubbing her crotch along the edge of the bathtub. >Rarity’s striking a pose with one leg properly crossed over the other to cover her pussy while pushing her chest out for you to admire her pale breasts. >Pinkie is still the most openly horny of the bunch, dipping her toes into the bath water behind Fluttershy and leaning towards you with a lustful grin. >Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow stay behind the three. >Applejack’s trying to not look too interested in what you’re doing, Twilight’s blushing pretty fiercely, and Rainbow is visibly losing her patience about being put in last place. >You don’t look at them for too long, Fluttershy deserves your attention the most right now. >”Y-You can touch, too~” Fluttershy softly sputters out. >”I-If you want to, of course!” >You can’t help but giggle at how cute she’s being. “I’d sure like to, but I’d hate to disturb you while you’re working.” You playfully flirt back at her. >Fluttershy shakes her head with a smile. >”You wouldn’t disturb me! In fact, after seeing what you did to Pinkie and Sunset, I’ve been dying to feel you~” >You didn’t think Fluttershy was capable of such a lewd tone. >You imagined the thought of intimacy would make her burst into flames, but you’re not gonna let this opportunity go to waste. “Well, in that case…” >You bring your hands to emerge from beneath the bath water, subjecting them to the slightly cooler air of the steamy bathroom. >They don’t suffer too long, because you introduce them to the pair of breasts that belong to Fluttershy. >The moment you make contact, your fingers sink into her exposed skin. >Fluttershy stiffens up at first, but then her entire body succumbs to your grip. >A lewd moan leaves her lips, getting you stiffened back up. >”L-Looks like not getting distracted is gonna be harder than I thought.” She chuckles. “Aww, that’s what I was afraid of-” >”No, no! I want you to feel good! I’ll work through your wonderful touch, you just focus on enjoying yourself!” Fluttershy is quick to remind you. >Before you could protest, she leans forward and begins gently scrubbing the conditioner into your hair. >Once again, her angelic touch relaxes every muscle in your body as she resumes tending to you. >There’s gotta be magic in those fingers of hers. >She’s got years of experience caring for animals of all kinds, from dogs and cats to rats and hamsters, even including a bear she nursed back to health once. >She knows how to make you feel good. >You want to make her feel good, too. >Good thing making her feel good is so much fun. >You slowly knead Fluttershy’s breasts as she scrubs the conditioner deeper into your hair. >Her moans get higher pitched as you playfully squeeze her, making her hands gently shake as she tries to work. >She kneels closer to you, bringing her nude form closer to you and arching her back in pleasure. >Fluttershy is still determined to clean your hair, but she’s playing with your hair more as she scrubs you. >She lovingly curls locks of your hair in her fingers. >Your hands figure you’ve given enough appreciation to Fluttershy’s chest and move down to her tummy. >You don’t squeeze her stomach as intensely, but you make sure to show her midsection some loving appreciation. >Fluttershy coos appreciatively as you play with her tummy, trying to hide her arousal by casting her gaze downward. >Her huge boobs sadly hide her beautiful blushing face from you, but at least you still get to look at her boobs. >”Your hair’s gotten so pretty since you started listening to Rarity’s advice.” She shyly complimented you. >”It HAS, hasn’t it?” Rarity is quick to agree in a lustful tone. “Thank you, girls. Honestly, I feel kind of dumb I didn’t start using conditioner sooner.” You sheepishly admit. >”Ooh, you know what? Rarity and I could do your hair sometime!” Fluttershy excitedly offered you. >Rarity gasped in delight at the idea. >”Absolutely! Why, I’ve got some marvelous ideas already!” >”Oh, God.” Rainbow muttered to herself. >You awkwardly laugh a little. >You’ve been content following the self care advice Rarity’s been giving you, but you’re not sure you could survive a full-on makeover from her. >Fluttershy would make sure you survive the ordeal, surely. “That sounds neat!” is the best response you could manage. >”Oh, wonderful!” Rarity cheers. >”You’re gonna be the most handsome guy in town when you’re all done in here…” Fluttershy eagerly promised you, gathering some more water to rinse the conditioner out of your hair. “Hopefully that isn’t too far from now, I’d hate to get all prune’d up while having all this fun with you.” You jokingly remind her. >”I’ll make sure that won’t happen to you!” She declares as boldly as she can. >She then turns to grab the bottle of body wash off the small shelf next to her. >”Sorry we don’t have any more masculine scents available, you’re gonna be smelling like lilacs for a while.” Fluttershy giggles. “Oh, the sacrifices I make for love…” You jokingly pout. >With her hands covered in expensive-smelling body wash, Fluttershy gets more flustered the closer her hands get to your naked body. >”U-Uh…” >There's that look again. >The same look she gave you when you showed off your new wardrobe and after you got done singing karaoke. >She’s hypnotized by the way your chest moves up and down as you breathe heavier. >In much the same way you are, staring at her chest. >You've had all the boldness sapped out of you by this point, if you were stronger you could reach up, pull her in, and ravish her like she deserves. >But she's having trouble making a move on you, too. >It must be getting harder for her to justify all of this as just bathing you. >She's having to come to terms with the fact that she's actually getting intimate with you. “Fluttershy, I’m starting to get a little touch starved~” You pout to elicit a reaction from her. >”Oh, dear! I better start, then!” Fluttershy fussed. >She leans forwards and rubs the lotion across your chest and shoulders, slowly and sensually. >A soft gasp can be heard from her when she grazes her fingers across your skin, like you shocked her the moment contact was made. >She stays determined to wash you, lovingly spreading the soap to your arms. >If you were in charge of bathing yourself tonight, you’d be done by now. >Fluttershy’s taking better care of you than you take care of yourself. >You bring your hands up from her midsection to her back, bringing another moan out from the shy girl. >”You’re so handsome, Anon~” Fluttershy dreamily sighed, lathering some body wash onto your neck. >”You deserve to look and feel as good as possible.” >She spreads the body wash to your face, and you obligingly close your eyes for her to work. >”I’m not gonna let anyone make you bad about yourself.” She quietly promised you, cradling your head. >You relent to her loving touch and let your head rest in her hands. >Fluttershy makes you feel more comfortable letting your guard down like this than you’ve ever felt before in your life. >She could get you to do most anything simply by asking nicely. “Thank you…” You delicately whisper to her. >You feel warm water wash over your face, rinsing the soap off and allowing you to open your eyes again. >But when your eyes are opened, your view is obscured by Fluttershy leaning in and gently kissing your cheek. >Her hands carefully hold your jawline in place as she plants several slow, loving kisses on your cheek. >”You’re the kindest, sweetest, most loving guy I know.” >Fluttershy’s hands drift down to your chest, pushing you back against the edge of the bath tub. >From the way she pushes you, it seems like she’s putting her entire body weight into the effort. >Not like it would’ve taken a ton of strength for her to win you over anyway. >”You poor, poor guy…” Fluttershy sighs, preparing more body wash. >”It’s not fair that someone as wonderful as you had to go through so much…” >She gets to scrubbing your stomach. >The closer she gets to your nether regions, the more you react to her bathing you. >Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been worked over three times already, but with each stroke of her hands across your lower stomach and waist, you shiver and gently moan to show your appreciation for her care. >Your hips move along with your chest as your breathing gets heavier. >Each gentle thrust brushes your manhood along Fluttershy’s pussy, getting her more and more worked up. >Her fingernails begin scraping along your skin as she scrubs at you, revealing more of her more intense feelings. >She leans further into you, pressing her chest against yours. >It gets more difficult for her to smoothly reach down and scrub you as she leans into your ear. >”Sometimes I wish I could bring you home with me after school, we could relax and cuddle and not have to worry about anything else…” She whispered. “That sounds really nice…” You whisper to her, rubbing her back. >Her pelvic thrusting is getting more noticeable. >The way she gently moans into your ear gives you goosebumps. >It's like you're being given a private performance by an exquisite singer. >”We could have soup together, and I'd kiss you to make you feel better, and… I could…” >Her hand dips below the water. >”If you want…” >Her lips brush against your earlobe. >Her voice drops to the quietest whisper you’ve heard from her yet. >”I could... undress you... and…” >Her fingers brush against your manhood. >”...Touch you…” >Maybe it’s what you went through tonight. >Maybe it’s Fluttershy’s caring touch. >But when her thumb brushes across the head of your member, you sharply inhale and feel something fierce coursing through your body. >Your hands grip her hips with slightly more intensity, careful to not squeeze her too tightly. “What… Kind of touching?” You quietly ask her, gazing at her with half-lidded eyes. >Fluttershy stammers a bit before she can answer your question. >Her hand remains resting on top of your sensitive appendage. >”Well… The fun kind, of course.” “But Flutters, all this touching is fun!” You rebut, managing a small, mischievous grin. >Fluttershy crosses her arms and playfully pouts. >”Y-You know what I mean!” >”Guess he’s not so kind and sweet after all.” Sunset grins. “Oh, yeah, I could be a real jerk if I wanted.” You impishly agree. >”But that’s not who you really are!” Fluttershy insists as she grabs your shoulders. >”You’re too much of a sweetheart to be a jerk!” “But am I really the ‘kindest, sweetest, most loving guy you know’?” You question her incredulously. >Fluttershy freezes for a moment, carefully thinking over her answer. >”...It’s kinda complicated…” “Oh, yeah?” >”W-Well, I mean…” >Nervousness seizes control of her, unfortunately replacing the caring lust you were enjoying so much. >Although it is a little fun to see Fluttershy squirm like this, especially when she’s nude. >”...Y-You’ve… uh… got a nice combination of being sweet and… l-looking good…” She admits. >You gently chuckle at her confession before cuddling closer to her. “Aww, thank you, Flutters…” >Her caring flirtiness resurfaces as her arms find their way around your back. >You’re really loving the way her chest feels against yours. >Her fingers find their way back to your hair, gently playing with it. “So… What’s this about touching?” You teasingly ask her again. >Fluttershy takes a deep breath. >Her hands slide down to your chest. >”You know…” >Her hands slide down to your stomach. >”...The kind girls do with their boyfriends…” >Her hands dip beneath the water. >”...The kind I’ve… wanted to do for a long time…” >Her fingers curl around your dick like an apprehensive python. >She’s gotta be releasing some kind of substance into your body when she touches you. >Not like what Twilight whipped up, but something like tranquilizer. >You softly gasp as you sink into the tub’s soapy water, resting against the porcelain rim. >Fluttershy is quick to close the distance between the two of you, leaning over you while gently squeezing your manhood. >It makes for a lovely view of her. >Her body’s darkened by the ceiling light shining down on her, which creates a glowing outline around her as she carefully rubs you off. >Without that mystery juice you’re sure you’d be shooting blanks if she kept going with this, but you’re enjoying the ride just for getting to be close with Fluttershy like this. >...But the mystery juice did a good job at keeping you hydrated. >You realize how parched you are when you try swallowing and feel a harsh dryness in your throat. >But Fluttershy’s getting really into rubbing you off and whispering in your ear, you’d feel bad spoiling the moment. >Another attempt at swallowing convinces you that a hydrated boyfriend is a loving boyfriend. >She wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable in a time like this. >You carefully sit up, surprising Fluttershy a little. “Hey, sorry to spoil the moment, but… Can I get some water, please?” >Fluttershy’s eyes widen and she backs up a little. >”Of course! Excuse me for just a moment!” >She somewhat hastily gets out of the tub as the girls make space for her to dart out of the crowded bathroom. >The idea of Fluttershy frantically running naked through the house is fairly amusing. >Sitting by yourself in the bathtub is something you normally reserve for doing without an audience, so having six pairs of eyes locked onto you creates a rather surreal atmosphere. >Like you’re at the world championships of bathing and you’ve got six judges analyzing your form and technique. >The self-consciousness you’re feeling is less severe than it would be if you haven’t been naked with them for the past while. >It helps that they’re naked, too. >They should sit like this in the front row the next time you need to give a speech or something. >Nobody says anything, the girls know they wouldn’t be good friends if they interrupted Fluttershy’s turn with you. >But Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow are clearly dying to get in with you. >They’ve been getting wound up by you and Sunset all night, they’re losing the ability to wait patiently. >Rainbow, especially. >Her jaw’s clenched and she’s grinding her teeth. >Such a shame she’s last in line. >There’s not gonna be much of her teeth left by tomorrow at this rate. >The bathroom door bursts open as Fluttershy makes her return, holding a perspiring glass of ice water in each hand. >”I hope I didn’t take too long! I brought two, just in case!” She informs you, nudging the door closed with her thick hips and stepping back into the bathtub with you. “Don’t worry, I barely had time to miss you.” You say to her, carefully taking one of the glasses of water from her. >Fluttershy holds the other glass of water close to her as she anxiously watches you drink from your glass. >Man, you needed this more than you thought. >Your throat’s soreness immediately vanishes as the chilled water travels down your throat. >You end up drinking the entire glass of water in one go, chewing a couple of the ice cubes for good measure. >”You really needed that.” Fluttershy giggles. “Yeah, no kidding. Thank you.” You graciously say to her, setting the glass aside. >”Would you like some more water? Or maybe a snack? You must’ve worked up a real appetite tonight!” She fusses over you. >You chuckle and wave your hand dismissively. “I’ll live, don’t worry!” >”I’m gonna worry about you! I want you to be as comfortable and happy as possible!” Fluttershy insists, holding the second glass of water out for you. “But I’m already happy and comfortable!” >”You need to drink more water, all you had tonight was orange soda and hard cider!” Fluttershy asserted, pushing the second glass of water closer to you. >Before you could try to convince her you’re as hydrated as you need to be, she carefully brings the glass of water to your lips and tips it towards you, filling your mouth with more of the refreshing drink. >She makes sure to not accidentally waterboard you by only allowing a small dribble of the water to enter your mouth. >With your ability to physically resist drained and your ability to verbally resist stifled, all you can do is accept the naked Fluttershy’s hospitality. >There’s worse fates to be subjected to, anyway. >You would know. >Turns out she was right, you did need more water. >You gently grasp the glass of water and drink its contents, much to her satisfaction. >”Better?” Fluttershy asks you, already knowing the answer. “Yeah, better.” You admit with a playful eye roll. >Fluttershy beams at you as she wades through the bubbly bath water and cradles your head in her arms, pressing your face into her chest. >”Where would you be without me?” She gently asks you with a giggle. “Somewhere worse, that’s for sure…” You quietly answer her. >She goes back to playing with your hair, which you barely notice with your face pressed between her breasts. >No pillows on Earth could compare. >Divinely soft. >Disarmingly warm. >Nothing you could say to her could convey what you’re feeling, so you hug her waist and pull yourself deeper into her cleavage. >”Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay…” Fluttershy whispers to you, softly pulling you closer and leaning into you. >Your eyes slide shut as you succumb to her tender care, feeling the warmth of her love and the bathtub surrounding you. >”There’s nothing to worry about, mommy’s here…” >Your eyes open back up like your alarm clock announced its arrival to the party. >Fluttershy’s been getting more open and bold with you since you got to know her better, but that was one Hell of a curveball. >You pull away from the hug and look up at her. “...’Mommy’?” >Fluttershy’s eyes shoot open and her hands fly to cover her mouth when she realizes what she just said. >”Oh, no, no, no! I’m so sorry! Did I make you uncomfortable? I’m sorry!” She began to panic. >She becomes more conscious of her nudity, covering her breasts with her elbows as she casts her gaze downward in shame while blubbering meek apologies. >She consciously pulls away from you slightly like she’s afraid touching you would make you feel more uncomfortable. >Taking the initiative, you reach up and gently hold her shoulders. “Hey, it’s okay! You didn’t make me uncomfortable! I was just surprised, that's all.” You assure her, the warm water helps you speak in a soft tone. >Fluttershy slowly comes to stop apologizing, falling silent and sinking into your reassuring touch. >”...Are you sure?” She asks you, almost inaudibly. “Of course I am, Flutters.” >You gently brush her hair, making her feel a little more comfortable. >A silent moment passes. >”...You didn’t think it was weird?” >You gently smile and shake your head. “It wasn’t weird, I promise.” >She opens her mouth, surely to ask if you’re sure, but she stops herself and closes her mouth again, trusting that you’re telling the truth. >”...Thank you, Anon…” She whispers. >You pull her in for a comforting hug, your forehead gently pressed against hers. >Fluttershy sigh happily into the hug. >Hugging Fluttershy never gets old, especially when both of you are nude. >”I don’t know when it happened, but I just kinda… started imagining our first time together…” She whispers in your ear. >”I didn’t really imagine anything too racy at first, but…” >Thank goodness she’s whispering right in your ear, otherwise there’s no way you’d be able to hear her. >”...Then I… Found some stuff online that made me think about you…” >”You were so content when I took care of you, I kind of…” >Fluttershy gulps. >”...I touched myself imagining you calling me mommy…” She admits with deep shame in her voice. >She’s so tense. >Her body’s rigidly locked in place in your arms like she’s bracing for impact. >You’re not sure how to respond, yourself. >You’ve had fairly vanilla tastes in your adult media, you didn’t think you’d ever be into mommy-dom stuff, especially with Fluttershy. >You’d have had trouble imagining her masturbating to begin with, she’s so precious. >The hug you share restores some of her confidence and comfort as she sits up a little straighter. >Fluttershy carefully opens her mouth as she prepares to speak. >”...Do you think… Maybe… When we…” >She hesitates. >“...Do it…” >“...You could…” >She inhales. >”...Call me mommy?” >She’s about to say please, but she loses her nerve and backs out of it. >”Y-You don’t have to if you don’t want to, though! I’d understand if you-” “I do want to.” >Those words leave your mouth without effort on your part. >You can’t tell if it’s you or Fluttershy that’s more surprised by your response. >You don’t know if you said that because you want her to feel better or because you actually want to try it out, deep down. >It doesn’t matter, this year’s been full of trying out new things you never thought you’d do. >Why stop now? “It might be awkward having an audience, but… It sounds fun.” >”Are you worried about what the girls will think? They won’t tease you! I won’t let them!” Fluttershy reassured you with a firm grip. >You could see Rainbow calling you mommy’s boy as a joke, and you know she’d just do it to mess with you a bit, but you know she wouldn’t intentionally do anything that would upset Fluttershy. “No, no! I’m not worried about that! Let’s just…” >Fluttershy sinks down into the water, still gingerly holding onto you. >You lean forward and lick your lips, preparing yourself for what you’re about to say. “Let’s focus on having a good time…” >You slightly hesitate before taking the leap. “...Mommy.” >Fluttershy sharply inhales. >Her arms snake around your neck and she nudges her body back onto your lap. >That one magic word awakened something in her. >”Yes… G-Good boy…” She shakily whispers in your ear. >She presses your face back into her supple chest to make you feel even more secure, completely surrounding you in loving warmth. >The way she rubs her sex against yours is even more noticeable. >She’s dragging her pussy all along the length of your cock, getting a soft shiver from you when she reaches the head. >You’re powerless against her, but in a fun, relaxing way. >Fluttershy reaches behind you and carefully presents another red solo cup, filled only a third of the way up with the purple girl’s purple stuff. >”Be sure to drink all of it.” Fluttershy softly instructs you. >You take the cup in your hands, but she’s still holding it securely for you. >With her help, you carefully tip the cup and drink the strangely sweet liquid. >It doesn’t give you the Popeye-esque boost of energy you felt the two times, but you definitely feel rejuvenated. >Twilight must know the proper portioning for this potion. >It’s like an energy drink that doesn’t make you feel too jittery. >Your fingertips are much more sensitive to the warmth and curves of Fluttershy’s body. >Her hot breath lingers on your skin with each soft breath. >Your dick’s a bit fashionably late to the party, but understandably so. >”Feeling better?” Fluttershy asks you. >You snuggle back into her embrace, nodding. “Yeah, thank you… mommy.” >You’re gonna need more practice getting that last word out of your mouth in an orderly fashion. >Fluttershy’s shivering like she’s out in the snow. >She constricts you even tighter, pressing your dick right against her entrance. >”Good boy… Such a good boy…” She lewdly whispered, stroking your hair like you’re one of her beloved rabbits at the animal shelter. >You’re enjoying this a lot more than you thought you would. >Even disregarding the sexual nature of all this, being able to just completely unwind and be cared for is lovely. >Combine this with the aromas of the bath prepared for you and Fluttershy, it’s like you’re spending a night at the best spa in the world. >The you that conquered Sunset and wrestled with Applejack feels like an entirely different person compared to the you that you are now. >Applejack would tie you in a knot if Fluttershy tagged her in. >But the more you prod at Fluttershy’s pussy, the more you want to get to the main event. >You’re confident she’s feeling the same by the way she’s quivering and holding you. “Ready, mommy?” You quietly ask Fluttershy. >The invocation of that word provokes her to grip your hair a little tighter as she nods. >”I’m ready.” >Your hands drift down to her hips, carefully holding her in place. >She bites her lip in anticipation. >You’re getting used to this, lucky for her. >You hold her steady, and slowly, carefully, lovingly, enter Fluttershy. >You’re swimming with her in the bathtub as one. >Fluttershy grips your head with strength you’ve never seen from before as she squeals into your hair upon your entry. >Your head is now firmly pressed into her chest, completely filling your vision. >Fluttershy is firmly planted on your lap with her thighs locked around your waist. >For how soft she is, she’s surprisingly strong when she really wants to be. >She’s more delicate than Applejack, Sunset, or Pinkie, so you take things a lot slower with her. >Your cock slides halfway inside her with delicate precision, making sure to not hurt her. >”G-Good boy…” Fluttershy shivers, holding you in place as she settles herself with you inside her. “Are you feeling okay, mommy?” You quietly ask Fluttershy. >Calling her mommy is getting easier. >That could lead to trouble later, but whatever. >Fluttershy frantically nods, still holding you in place beneath her. >”Yes, thank you…” She manages to answer, struggling to speak clearly through her arousal. >You gently hold her hips and slowly thrust up, getting this gravy train going at a slow pace for her sake. >Fluttershy’s voice reaches a new high note as you slide deeper inside her. >Her pussy squeezes your member, forcing a sharp inhale from you. >”S-So good… Such a good boy…” She moans. >After a little hesitation, she allows her body to sink down onto yours, bringing you fully inside her. >She’s trying her hardest to keep her arousal quiet, but it’s an uphill battle for her. >High pitched squeaks laced with sensuality break through her lips in spite of her tensing every muscle in her body to keep it down. >You don’t get much of a view of her like this, but you’re perfectly happy where you are. >Fluttershy slowly picks up the pace while still carefully thrusting up and down. >The tension in her body is squeezing your dick like a python, earning a few groans from you as you try to match her pace. >”Does it feel good?” Fluttershy asks you, leaning down to whisper in your ear. >You eagerly nod, still buried in her chest. “Yeah, it feels… really good.” You answer her. >”Good, good boy…” She contentedly sighs, resuming her loving thrusting. >Her pace subtly quickens as she gets more comfortable with feeling you inside of her. >But when you thrust in turn, Fluttershy squeals again. >She tries to muffle herself by keeping her head low, but she doesn’t want to take her hands off your head. >”So handsome, so lovely…” Fluttershy whispered to you, twirling your hair in her fingers. “Thank you, mommy…” You respond, deciding to toss another ice cube into the deep fryer. >Her reaction is instant. >Her thrusting pace picks up slightly, squeezing your dick even tighter. >You’re feeling energized enough to sit up a bit and fully wrap your arms around Fluttershy’s waist, holding her as close as she’s holding you. >She’s loosening up, but at the same time, she’s so sensitive. >The subtlest movement of your hands across her nude body makes her react like she just felt a jolt of static electricity. >Using the magic word is only getting her even more wound up. >Let’s have fun with this. “You’re so pretty, mommy.” You gently moan. >Her entire body shudders. >She’s squeaking more, and louder. >Fluttershy’s getting more and more flustered. >She’s bouncing up and down on your cock with much more vigor while lovingly stroking your hair and face. >Her hips roll with each thrust, adding more sensuality with her every motion. >It feels like you’re drowning in an ocean of warmth and comfort. >It’s admittedly a little difficult to breathe through Fluttershy’s cleavage, but you’d be content to suffocate here if it wouldn’t ruin the sleepover for everyone else. >The bath water that comes up to your waist swirls around more and more as you and Fluttershy thrust and rock in unison. >The water’s maintained a lovely, relaxing temperature throughout your bath, combining that with the damp warmth of Fluttershy’s pussy is heavenly. >You’re reminded of the glistening arousal that lightly coated her pussy when you admired her naked form earlier in the night. >Her arousal’s mixing with the bathwater like a deadly aphrodisiac sneakily added to a glass of wine. >You could feasibly seize control of this encounter with her like you did with Sunset, but that wouldn’t be right for this encounter. >Fluttershy’s so adorable on top of you, trying to be dominant in her own special way. >This must be what Applejack was talking about, Fluttershy feels like the world’s most comfortable, lovable stuffed animal. >She’s trying her darndest, and you love her for it. >”Suh… Suh… Such a good boy… So n-nice to mommy…” She shudders in a melodic tone. >She delicately kisses your forehead, smearing the kiss slightly with how she’s shuddering. >The feeling of the kiss lingers, seeping into your skin and infecting your being with more of her love. >Fluttershy’s given up on trying to restrain her vocalizations. >Each thrust forces another salacious moan out of her. >Her head’s fallen back as she gives in to her emotions, almost panting like a dog. >It’s starting to make you worry a little that she’s getting overstimulated. >The poor girl’s so sensitive, after all. “You alright, mommy? You’re not overwhelmed, are you?” You ask her. >Huh, that almost felt natural. >Fluttershy frantically shakes her head, tossing her pink hair to and fro. >”No, no, you’re doing wonderfully! I’m loving this~” She moans. >She strokes your hair some more and plants several kisses across your forehead. >”You’re so caring, good boy~” >You’re starting to enjoy being called a good boy more than you care to admit. >To show your appreciation, you lift your head and kiss Fluttershy’s exposed neck. >Reaching her neck involves a bit of a journey to get past her breasts, but it’s worth it. >Fluttershy clings onto you even tighter as your lips make contact and gently nibble. >Despite how firmly you two are locked onto each other, she’s putting her all into her humping. >She’s almost bouncing on your dick, sloshing the bath water around the tub. >You hear some spill over the rim of the tub and splash onto the tile floor, but that’s far from what you’re most concerned about. >”Gonna… Share soup with you… Gonna… Kiss you all over… Gonna… m-make you feel loved…” Fluttershy gasped. >Each lovey-dovey promise she makes is like aural ambrosia. >Each heave of her hefty chest comes in perfect timing with each thrust of her hips. >She’s gripping you with her arms and legs so tightly that you’re sure she’d stay attached to you if you stood up and got out of the tub. “You’re so enchanting, mommy. I want to make you feel loved, too.” You softly say to her, driving her further up the wall. >”Oh, Anon, don’t you worry, you’re doing a wonderful job…” She happily sighed, holding you tightly in her loving embrace. “Thank you, mommy, but wouldn’t it be fair if I got to bathe you, too?” You offer her, rubbing some soapy water across her back for emphasis. >Fluttershy leans into your touch, slightly disrupting the pace of her humping. >”I’d really like that~” She softly agreed. >Her arms release you from her embrace just enough for you to unearth yourself from her chest and get a better look at her visage. >Love and arousal cover her face, with her cheeks tinted a pink hue, her hair messily strewn about, and you could swear you see hearts in her pupils. >Your admiration of Fluttershy’s beauty is cut short when she dives in to take you to first base. >When your lips meet hers, she moans happily and wraps her arms back around your neck, humping even faster. >Her tongue gingerly prods at your lips through the kiss as if requesting permission to enter. >You oblige her, opening your lips just wide enough for Fluttershy’s tongue. >She leaps at the opportunity, eagerly guiding her tongue to yours and exploring the inside of your mouth. >Fluttershy’s showing more enthusiasm for this kiss than you think you’ve ever seen from her before. >The way her tongue swims around your mouth, the way her hands needily keep you in place, the way her hips desperately rise and fall, she’s wanted this for months. >Months of thoughts and feelings she couldn’t express pouring down onto you like you’re trapped beneath a waterfall. >Her moaning gets quicker and higher pitched, and her pussy’s constricting your manhood even tighter. >You grip her hips even tighter to help her maintain her pace. >Fluttershy separates from your messy kiss with a wet pop, taking a moment to catch her breath and shiver lovingly into your neck. >Her mouth hangs slightly open to keep whispering loving things to you, but she’s only capable of lewd moaning. >You can’t tell how many times she climaxed, the bath water swirling around you mixes with her love juices so well. >One thing’s for sure: you’re not far from cumming. >You try kissing her again, but both of you are so enraptured in the raw lust you’re both feeling that you only messily lick each other’s faces. >You both awkwardly giggle at the attempt, gently pressing your foreheads together. “M-Mommy…” You whisper to her. >”Good boy…” Fluttershy manages to whisper in return. “Are you close, mommy?” >Fluttershy squeals into your neck as her pussy constricts your dick. >Guess that answers that question. >”Mommy’s f-finished… so many times, mommy wants you to feel good~” >She tries to go back to combing your hair, but her hands are trembling too much to do a good job at it. >Her motherly technique has been melted away by her fiery, animalistic lust. >”Y-You can cum whenever you want~” She shakily says to you, rubbing her body against yours with unprecedented vigor. >Your loins are feeling the pressure build. >You grit your teeth and hold your breath while maintaining the speed of your thrusting. >The rest of your muscles match the intensity, gripping the shy girl even tighter. >”Cum for me, Anon.” Fluttershy needily whispers. >”Cum for mommy.” >Just like that, you’re over the edge. >You release a loud, erotic moan as your cock spurts out load after load of cum into Fluttershy’s welcoming pussy. >She arches her back up and lewdly sighs as she feels the warmth of your cum course through her. >The juice Twilight made has gotta be doing something to make you more sensitive to climaxing, it’s only now that you notice your feeling of ecstasy lingers longer than it usually does when you masturbate. >The sensation fills your body in a way nothing else does. >The way Fluttershy clings onto you only heightens this amazing feeling. >But sadly, the feeling eventually fades. >The sleepiness, exhaustion, and slight soreness you felt before getting in the tub makes a return, but sinking into the water helps a little. >Fluttershy gently pulls you back into her embrace, bringing your face back into her chest as she smiles and gently strokes your hair. >”You’re such a good boy~” She lovingly sighs. >You give in to her loving touch, sinking down into her body and into the bath water. “Thank you, mommy…” You sleepily reply. >A moment of serene silence passes. “...I’m not calling you that at school, by the way.” You weakly chuckle. >Fluttershy cutely giggles, nuzzling you closer. >”Oh, thank goodness. I’d die of embarrassment if you did that.” >Time to face it, you’re into calling Fluttershy mommy. >You definitely see the appeal now. >Fluttershy is such a terrible influence on you. >”That was really something, Anon.” Twilight giggled. >The reminder that you shared that intimate encounter with Fluttershy in front of an audience gets you a little self conscious. >The feeling of six pairs of eyes on you burns into you, making each time you called Fluttershy mommy echo in your mind. >But Fluttershy’s even worse in front of an audience than you, and she’s still as content as can be. >Her comfort reassures you, so you give Twilight a gentle smile. “Heh, thanks, Twiggles.” >The invocation of your new nickname for her gets a nerdy giggle from her. >”Twilight’s right, too many guys are too concerned about looking tough and cool all the time to really embrace their sensitive side! Girls love a guy who’s in touch with his emotions!” Sunset adds, leaning over to kiss your cheek. >”I know I do~” Fluttershy softly admits, kissing your other cheek. >So many kisses, so much touching. >These girls are gonna be the death of you. >But you couldn’t think of a better way to go. >After everything you’ve gone through tonight, you’re ready to fall asleep right here, right now. >The water, Fluttershy’s body, the steamy air, it’s all so incredibly relaxing. >As Fluttershy breathes in and out, you’re gently rocked to drowsiness by the gentle rising and falling of her chest. >Your breathing slows… >Your eyes slide shut… >... >”Hey, come on, wake up. You don’t get to sleep yet.” >Rainbow’s voice, combined with her shaking your head, jolts you back to the world of the awake. >You turn to face her to find her faintly annoyed at you, but at least she’s still naked. >She’s taken Rarity’s spot right next to the tub, between Sunset and Pinkie. “Right, sorry.” You apologize, sitting up to rub the sleep out of your eyes. >Fluttershy quickly sits up to continue comforting you. >”It’s okay! You don’t have to apologize for anything!” She assures you, stroking your hair with greater intensity while shooting Rainbow a stern look. >”Don’t get him too comfortable, he’s still got a long night ahead of him.” Sunset reminds Fluttershy, nudging her way closer to you and pulling your head into her chest. >Fluttershy pouts slightly, keeping her hands on your shoulders and staying close to you. >”But he’s already done so much for us today! He deserves his rest!” She insists, nudging closer to your lap. >”He can rest after we’ve had our turn with him.” Rainbow grumpily butts in. >She reaches out to nudge you, but Sunset swats her hand away, as it isn’t her turn yet. >Sunset’s grip on you remains firm, keeping your head between her more modest breasts while gently rocking back and forth. >Her body feels hotter than Fluttershy’s, like there’s a dancing flame at the center of her chest as opposed to a heart. >”Oh, relax! We’re not gonna kill him!” Twilight giggles at Fluttershy. “Yeah, if I could survive Pinkie and Applejack, I can survive anything.” You concur with a gentle laugh, earning some giggles from the two girls in question. >”You ain’t gonna survive me, that’s for sure.” Rainbow muttered through her scrunched-up mouth and unsubtly cocking her hip towards you. >You giggle at Rainbow’s bravado, but Fluttershy clutches you even tighter as if she’s afraid Rainbow’s telling the truth. >”...Thank you for this, Anon. I really enjoyed what we shared.” Fluttershy lovingly says to you. >You smile and rest your forehead against hers. “You don’t have to thank me, Flutters. I had a lot of fun, too.” You softly say to her, gently rubbing her shoulder. >Fluttershy sheepishly smiles and embraces your touch. >”I’d really like to do this again with you in the future, except maybe… we bathe each other.” “I’d really like that.” You say, nuzzling her closer. >Fluttershy giggles a bit, eyeing the girls watching you two. >”You know… I bet one of the girls wouldn’t mind helping me bathe you~” She teasingly suggested. >This gets the attention of Applejack and Twilight. >”Now there’s an idea!” Sunset grins. >”I wouldn’t mind! Not at all!” Twilight shakily assures you, like she’s talking about helping you study. >”Heck, I know all about gettin’ cleaned up good and proper after a hard day’s work, I’ll make sure you’re spotless!” Applejack promises you. >”Ooh! I know! Nonny and I could get all messy baking, and then you could get him all nice and cleaned up!” Pinkie excitedly chimes in, bouncing closer to you and hovering over Sunset. >You laugh along with Pinkie’s enthusiasm. “Sounds like one heck of a date night!” You enthusiastically agree. >”Thank you! I thought so too!” Pinkie giggles. >As much as you don’t want to pick favorites, Rarity would probably be the best bet to bathe with. >She already takes great care of herself and has given you invaluable self care tips, bathing with her would be a day at the spa. >...You don’t see Rarity among the group of girls watching you sit in the tub with Fluttershy. “Say, where’d Rarity go?” >”She’s back in her bedroom making herself decent for you! Her turn IS next, after all!” Sunset answered, combing your hair. >You can’t help but gently chuckle. >Of course Rarity would want to doll herself up for her big night. >With you. >She’s not getting herself ready to fuck any of the football players or drummer guys at school. >She’s getting herself ready to fuck YOU. >Hell yeah. “Making herself decent, huh?” >”She really needed to! You’ve made her such a mess~” Sunset said to you, dragging her hand across your chest. “What can I say? I’m a people pleaser!” You cheekily defend yourself. >”That’s one way of puttin’ it!” Applejack chuckled, nudging her way closer to you. >”W-Wait! What about me?” Twilight nervously asked Sunset. >Sunset slyly covered her mouth as she chuckled. >”You know the rule! You’ve gotta tell your dream boy ALL about what a pervert you are~” She reminded her. >Twilight sputtered pathetically as she desperately looked between you and Sunset. >Rainbow found some relief from her sexual frustration as she snickered at Twilight’s display along with Applejack and Pinkie. >Fluttershy snuggled closer to you, savoring the time she still has with you in the tub. >As lovely as she feels on top of you, Twilight’s being far more entertaining. >”I- I- W-Well, uh…” She stammered, blushing more and more. >”Communication’s the cornerstone of any healthy relationship~” Sunset teasingly reminded Twilight, shoving her closer to you. >This only makes her even more of an embarrassed mess. >She looks around for some kind of help, but she knows there’s no way out of this. >Her nudity, as cute as it is, isn’t helping at all. >On top of all that, her glasses are all fogged up. >Looks like she needs a gentle push. “Come on, Twiggles! I believe in you!” You goad her on with a grin. >”Ugh, fine!” Twilight cries out, throwing her fists down in frustration. >”I’m a pervert, okay!?” >”I’m a HUGE pervert!” >”I masturbate to thoughts of you every night!” >”I get all hot and sweaty when you sit close to me at lunch or in the library!” >”Like, half the time we study together, I’m not wearing underwear!” >”I tried leaving my panties in your backpack a few times but I always chicken out at the last minute!” >”T-Two weeks ago, when you left to go to the bathroom, I sniffed your chair!” >”Settle down now, Twiggles! That’ll do!” Sunset interrupted Twilight’s rambings, patting her on the back. >Twilight’s eyes widen as she realizes how carried away she was getting with her little confession. >Everyone in the bathroom is struck with the same awkward silence as Twilight. >After glancing around at Sunset, Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow, and finally you and Fluttershy, Twilight awkwardly laughs while twirling her hair. >”Hehe… Sorry…” >Man. >That’s a lot to take in. >It completely recontextualizes the past month of studying together after school. >At least it makes you a little less embarrassed about calling Fluttershy mommy. >Now it’s your turn to awkwardly laugh. “Wow, Twilight, I’m… flattered!” >Your attempt at a response induces a nervous giggle fit in Twilight. >”Ah, geez…” She mutters, awkwardly rubbing her arm and averting her gaze shamefully. >The way she’s holding her arms, it’s like she’s actively trying to remain confident in her nudity despite having spilled her deepest, least family friendly secrets to you. >”Good thing Anon and Fluttershy are done with the tub, ‘cause it sounds like you need a cold shower.” Rainbow remarks. ”Hey, be nice to her! We’re all really proud of Twilight for being so open with us, aren’t we?” You interject on Twilight’s behalf, then turn to the other girls for support. >”You betcha!” Pinkie is quick to chime in, encouragingly nudging Twilight from the right. >Applejack chuckles, rubbing the back of her head. >Fluttershy nervously avoids looking at Twilight, thoroughly red in the face. >”We sure are! And to think you’ll be able to live out all your WILDEST fantasies with him tonight! You must be on cloud nine!” Sunset chipperly agreed, closing in on Twilight’s left. >”Uh, hehe, y-yeah…” Twilight shakily agrees, looking back up at you with her legs trembling a little and her pussy glistening. >”Good thing you’ll have plenty of time to get ready while Anon’s showing Rarity a good time!” Sunset beams. >Twilight’s expression falls slightly as she turns to Sunset. >”B-But you said-” >”You had plenty of opportunities to tell our dear Anonymous about your dirty little fantasies! Just think of poor Rarity, putting all this effort into getting herself ready for her first time with him, only for you to yank him away at the last moment! She’d feel so betrayed!” Sunset lightly scolds her with a smirk. >Rarity’s first time. >Huh. >Twilight looks over at you, expecting some help pleading her case with Sunset. >With Fluttershy comfortably nestling herself on top of you and planting delicate kisses across your chest, all you can do is shrug. >”I’m sorry, Twilight, but Sunset’s kinda got a point. But hey, you’ll be up right after! I’m not gonna let you fall asleep tonight without fulfilling your fantasies and making you feel loved.” You comfort her in a gentle, loving tone. >Her disappointed expression lifts a little as she comes to understand Sunset’s (and Rarity’s) perspective. >”Thanks, Anon…” Twilight gently smiles. “Besides, you’re kind of a nervous wreck right now. You could use the time to collect yourself and really think about what kinda fun we’re gonna have together. Whatever you wanna do, I’m game.” You promise her. >Twilight perks up at that. >”...Whatever I wanna do?” She asks, rubbing the accumulated steam from her nerdy glasses. “WHATEVER you wanna do.” You reiterate with a teasing smile. >”And he means it~” Fluttershy happily sighs. >”Just be careful, ‘cause he’s one heck of a rodeo partner.” Applejack adds with a grin. >”And it’s not like you’re going last or anything.” Rainbow mutters. >A dorky smile spreads across Twilight’s face as she finally nods relentingly. >”Alright, alright, you win, I’ll let Rarity go next.” >”It’s times like this when I really appreciate our friendship! Being able to resolve something like this with our words, I’m proud of all of you!” Sunset cheers, drumming her hands on Twilight’s shoulders. >These girls sure do love their ‘power of friendship’ stuff. >You shouldn’t judge, it worked on you. >”But we can’t keep Rarity waiting, can we?” Sunset asks you, standing up from the edge of the tub. “No, we can’t!” You grin at Sunset. >”No, we can’t.” Rainbow bitterly repeats through gritted teeth. >”Then we better get you ready for her! Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie, would you mind helping Anon get dried off?” >Their eyes light up at the prospect of getting their hands all over you again. >”Not at all!” Fluttershy answers her. >”I certainly wouldn’t mind!” Applejack adds. >”Me either! I’d love to!” Pinkie pipes up, bouncing in place a little. >”What about us?” Twilight asks Sunset, referring to herself and Rainbow. >”Yeah, what ABOUT us?” Rainbow repeats in a more pointed tone. >”You two haven’t had your turns yet! Once you’ve told Anon when you realized you had a crush on him, you can put your hands anywhere on his fine, masculine body!” Sunset reminds them in a faintly smug tone. >Twilight’s shoulders sink slightly and Rainbow crosses her arms and scrunches her face up again. >You can’t make out what Rainbow’s muttering under her breath, but you’re confident whatever it is is gonna result in you spending the next couple months with a broken pelvis. >”Come on, let’s get you nice and dry for Rarity!” Fluttershy ushers you, getting off of you and helping you back step out of the bathtub. >The moment your bare feet meet the carpet, hands are all over you. >Towels of varying sizes fly across your field of view before they’re rubbed across your naked body by the girls surrounding you. >Sunset’s in charge of drying off your chest, Fluttershy’s rubbing her towel across your back, Applejack’s got your right arm covered, and Pinkie’s taking care of your left arm. >You’d imagine being toweled off by four lovely young ladies would be a relaxing experience, but they’re hardly relaxing with how they rub you. >Despite how you’ve made love with each of the girls rubbing you down, there’s still embers of lust remaining within them. >You’re reminded of how Twilight tried to clean the hard cider off you earlier tonight with how their fingertips slip out from the towels to glide across your bare skin. >Applejack and Pinkie rub your arms dry vigorously while Fluttershy and Sunset rub their towels on you much more delicately. >It helps keep you balanced while you’re pushed every which way. >The towels move further down your body once the girls are satisfied you’ve been properly dried off. >You shudder a bit as they rub around your crotch area, still more than a little sensitive after everything you’ve been up to tonight. >”Let us know if you’re uncomfortable, okay?” Fluttershy instructs you while carefully scrubbing at your inner thigh. “I’m not uncomfortable, you’re doing a wonderful job.” You assure her. >Pinkie’s having a lot of fun getting her hands on you again. >”Just making sure you’re nice and dry!” She insists as she lovingly touches your right thigh. >Pinkie then slides her hands down your back and squeezes your ass. >”Whoopsie! Dropped the towel!” She giggles at your surprised gasp. “Uh huh…” You roll your eyes with a smile. >”Whoops, almost forgot!” Applejack realizes. >Before you could ask for clarification, she throws her towel over your head and vigorously scrubs your hair, rocking your head back and forth like a bobblehead. >Applejack’s experience with scrubbing farm equipment clean comes into play as she dries you rough enough to chafe. >”Be gentle with him! He’s had a long night!” Fluttershy scolded her, her voice muffled by the towel over your head. >She, on the other hand, is so delicate you doubt you’d notice her rubbing if you had your eyes closed. >Sunset’s rubbing you off the most sensually, with the same touch she used to tease you so many times before. >It’s a weirdly mixed experience with so many different sensations, but then again, your friends are also a mixed experience. >That’s what makes them so fun. >Every day’s an adventure with the girls. >Especially tonight. >You steal a glance at the two girls that got left out. >Twilight’s disappointment at being excluded was replaced by a deep attention to how your body is tended to by the girls. >You’ve gotta be a real sight to see, having four girls rub you dry, so you don’t blame her for staring. >She’s drooling a little, too. >Pervert. >Rainbow’s crossed her arms and really trying to look like she doesn’t care. >You’re starting to dread what she’s gonna do with you when she gets her hands on you. >Maybe saying you were saving the best for last was a bad idea. >The only thing harder to deal with than Rainbow Dash is a riled up Rainbow Dash. >”All done!” Sunset proudly announced, withdrawing the towel and standing back up. >Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie are slower to pull back, each of them lovingly touching you one last time before stepping away. >The sensation of their delicate fingers trying to remain on your exposed skin lingers, making you feel even hotter. >Figuratively and literally. >You run your hands down your body to inspect the girls’ handiwork. >You’re as dry as you were before you got into the tub. >A little less exhausted, too. >Your skin feels softer, thanks to Rarity’s fancy soaps. >You feel your hair and find it almost as soft and luxurious as Rarity’s. >You’ve gotta take note of the brands she uses before heading home tomorrow. >”Wow, you clean up nice, Anon!” Twilight speaks up, blushing brightly and slightly unable to maintain eye contact with you. “Thanks, Twiggles!” You reply with a confident smile. >With Sunset, Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy surrounding you like the divine figures in the Birth of Venus, you feel a certain power within you. >It’s not because of the mystery elixir this time. >It’s pure Anonymous. “You know, you’re real cute when you’re a flustered mess~” You playfully tease her. >Twilight was immediately reduced to even more of a blushing, giggling mess. >She shrinks down and awkwardly fumbles with her hair. >Through the embarrassed noises she’s making, she’s just about able to produce a sound that sounds close enough to “Thanks”. >Damn, you’re hot. >”Don’t get Twilight too worked up, hot stuff! Rarity’s waiting for you!” Sunset reminded you, ushering you towards the door. >”Better get going! Rarity can get so grouchy when you’re late!” Pinkie said, helping Sunset guide you out of the bathroom. >Fluttershy and Applejack follow you close behind, with Rainbow and Twilight behind them. >When the bathroom door is opened for you, steam billows out into the hall like an ethereal fog. >The lights from the bathroom help illuminate the hall, giving you a small look at the world on the other side of the window. >The snowfall slowed down a bit, but there’s still a thick blanket of snow covering the buildings and streets. >The pure white of the snow contrasts harshly against the pitch black of the sky, more closely resembling the infinite void of the mysterious cosmos than the night sky you’re so familiar with. >The borderline surreal scenery outside fits the dreamlike aura that surrounds you and the girls. >This lewd aura’s been present all night, but became most powerful when you shared your first kiss with Sunset. >From that point on, you’ve been trapped in an intoxicating miasma of love, lust, and everything in between. >Nothing, not even clothing, kept you and the girls from submitting yourselves to this aura. >Speaking of which, there’s something different about Rarity’s bedroom door when you stand in front of it. >It’s shut, but through the cracks in the door seep out an aura that’s new to you. >You almost want to wave your hands about to try to get a better sense of what exactly is different about this moment compared to when you first started going down your list of girlfriends, but that would be wasting time. >It would be quicker to just open the door and see for yourself. >But you’re stopped when your foot hits a box placed at the foot at the door. >Looking down, you find a short, long box that looks like it could have been wrapped by Santa Claus himself. >Scarlet red wrapping paper with sparkly golden details cover the box, paired with a lavender bow attached to a note reading “For my lover~” >”Ugh, of course she does something like this.” Rainbow groans behind you. >”Whaddya think’s inside?” Applejack asks you. “I don’t know.” You answer, picking up the box to feel how heavy it is. “Whatever it is, it doesn’t weigh much.” >You shake it around and hear what sounds like fabric shifting around inside. >”Hurry, open it up! Rarity’s burning up in there!” Sunset urged. “I’m on it!” You say, hastily yet carefully opening the wrapping and setting it aside to get to the box. >You toss aside the box’s lid and find… >...Another outfit. >Made from even less fabric than the last outfit Rarity presented you with. >One of the two garments looks like a mix of a vest and a crop top that’s held together with drawstrings, and the other garment is a pair of incredibly short shorts. >It’s like lingerie meant for men. >You do remember Rarity talking about making men’s lingerie once or twice in the past… >”How racy~” Sunset grins. >”Ooh, that looks really nice!” Fluttershy comments, peering over your shoulder. >”Put it on! Put it on! Put! It! On!” Pinkie urges you while bouncing up and down for emphasis. >The girls are getting handsy again, impatiently gripping your shoulders and stomach. “Okay, okay, don’t rush me!” You respond, taking the black, silky garments out of the box and holding them up to get a sense of what you’re supposed to do with them. >It’s a little awkward putting on something like this, but a moment later, you’re back to being clothed. >Not enough to meet Canterlot High’s dress code, however. >The shorts barely go down farther than your crotch, and the lace-up top has the widest V-neck you’ve ever seen, let alone worn. >The silk clings to your skin to leave as little to the girls’ imaginations as possible while riding the border of “too small”. >You somehow feel more revealed than you were when you were completely naked. >Still, you’d rather wear this than your old school uniform. >Sunset wolf whistles at you from behind. >”Looking good, Anon!” She compliments you with a sultry smile. >You turn around to face the girls and see what they think of your new getup, but Sunset’s the only one who’s capable of communicating her approval verbally. >Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Twilight devour you with their eyes, now even less subtly compared to when you were rocking the crop top earlier, now that the barrier’s been broken and they’ve all revealed they’re into you. >Applejack and Fluttershy in particular reach out to touch you some more, taking advantage of being the closest to you. >Pinkie’s ravenously licking her lips and Twilight’s losing what’s left of her composure. >At least Rainbow’s not so sour anymore, now she’s mostly just horny. >”They think so, too.” Sunset informs you, grinning. “Yeah, I can tell. They’re not very hard to read.” You chuckle, savoring the way the girls are eyeing you up. >”Rarity’s on the other side of that door, all dolled up and just DYING to see how you look in this saucy little number, so get in there and ruin her makeup!” Sunset cheekily commanded you. >You give Sunset a sinister grin. “Yes, ma’am!” >You turn around, open the door to Rarity’s bedroom, step inside, and shut the door behind you. >The aura in Rarity’s bedroom really has changed. >The ceiling lights are turned off, leaving the room to be illuminated by scented candles and LED’s lined around the edges of the walls. >Her huge TV’s changed to play a hypnotic display of shifting hues from purple to red to pink to blue. >Soothing, sensual music plays through Rarity’s Bluetooth speaker, perfectly matching the sexy yet relaxed atmosphere. >The pizza boxes, soda bottles, and sleeping bags are nowhere to be seen. >If you were only arriving now, you’d have no idea a sleepover was happening here. >The couch in front of the TV is angled in such a way to draw your eyes to… >...Rarity’s bed. >The biggest, fluffiest, most comfortable looking bed you’ve ever seen. >It rises four feet up off the ground, has gotta have three different expensive-looking blankets covering it, and topped off with four luxurious pillows. >And at the center of such a magnificent piece of furniture is Rarity. >No longer nude, but just as breathtakingly beautiful. >Adorning her flawless body is a lacy black bra and matching panties, no doubt her own handiwork. >She’s also wearing black stockings held up with a garter belt, and black gloves that go up to her elbows. >The color and texture of her lingerie perfectly matches yours. >To top it all off, she’s applied black lipstick and dark gray eyeshadow. >Her dark colored getup contrasts really nicely with her creamy white skin, in much the same way the snow covered streets and buildings outside contrast against the night sky. >If it weren’t for her hair, you’d swear you were looking at Rarity in a black and white movie. >She’s stunning. >”My, Anonymous, you look absolutely ravishing~” Rarity seductively sighed, draping herself across her bed to give you a better look at her body. >Her eyes unashamedly track across your body with an enticing smirk paired with half lidded eyes, admiring her own craftsmanship and your physique. >You’re feeling nice and fresh after your bath, and getting an impressive body count within an hour boosted your confidence more than any self help course on Earth, so you puff up your chest a bit and meet her gaze. “All thanks to the master seamstress.” You say to her in a low, husky tone. >Rarity’s grin spreads a little wider. >”Save your praise for just a moment, darling. I’ve been feeling terribly lonely preparing for you~” She faux-whined, sitting back and beckoning you forward with her index finger. >Who are you to keep a lady waiting? >You saunter over to Rarity’s bed and climb atop the blankets to lie alongside one of your seven girlfriends. >The blankets and mattress are so soft you feel like you sink half a foot into the cushioning. >Somehow, her bed’s even more comfortable than it looks. >Her covers feel like the pelt of some enchanting fantasy creature, or like the clouds that permeate the world of dreams. >You slowly run your hands across the velvety blanket, luxuriating in the sensation like you were getting your first taste of upper class living. >But you aren’t interested in Rarity’s bed. >You’re more interested in Rarity. >Your eyes slowly and lovingly trail up her body, beautifully illuminated by the soft purple lights. >The curves of her body rise and fall like the gentle waves rolling onto a beach at evening time. >There isn’t a single blemish or imperfection to be found on her body. >Even though Applejack has thicker thighs and Fluttershy has bigger boobs, Rarity’s more modest proportions perfectly suit her. >She knows what she has, she doesn’t need to show off. >Except to you. >”There’s that look in your eyes again~” Rarity teases you, drawing you out of your trance. >You look up to give her the proper eye contact she deserves, but you’re a little surprised by how close her face is to yours. >She’s sitting up with her hands on her knees, pressing her boobs together for your viewing pleasure. “What look?” You softly ask her, sitting closer to her. >Rarity shrewdly giggles, covering her mouth with her hand. >”Oh, you know! That hungry, RAVENOUS look that’s haunted my thoughts for some time~” >She reaches out to rest her hand on your shoulder, but stops herself. >”I suppose I should tell you more about that, shouldn’t I?” She asks you. >You’re conflicted, you want Rarity to touch you, but you also want Rarity to talk about what she likes about you. >Sunset would want you to choose the latter, she organized all of this. “Yeah, I suppose you should.” You agree in a faintly cheeky tone. >Rarity leans closer to you. >Close enough to feel her every breath. >”They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. And you, Anonymous, have a soul unlike any other I’ve seen~” Rarity complimented you with lust in her breath. “How so?” >”You should hear how Sunset sang your praises after getting to know you on your first day! She saw something in you nobody else saw, and she was absolutely determined that the rest of us see that in you as well!” >Rarity kneels even closer to you. >Her desire to touch you is only getting stronger, but she continues. “Is that why I caught you peeking at me in art class a few times?” You ask her. >”Indeed, it is! Especially with how highly Applejack and Twilight spoke of you from your time with them, there was something so… magnetic about you. I never believed any of those dreadful rumors about you, you don’t have the eyes of any kind of ruffian.” “Then, who do I have the eyes of?” You ask Rarity with a faint smirk. >Rarity takes a breath, gazing deep into your eyes. >Your breathing instinctively slows as the beautiful young woman draws closer to you. >”A sweet, sensitive soul who treasures those close to him and knows how to stay in touch with his feminine side…” >That last bit is added with a salacious gaze up and down your lingerie-clad body. >The way she finishes her sentence makes you think there’s something she’s leaving out. “...But?” You carefully lead her. >Rarity’s grin turns a mite sinister. >”...But there’s fire in your eyes, Anonymous.” She breathily continues. “Oh, yeah?” You grin at her. >”Oh, yes! When our eyes briefly met for the first time, I saw but a small ember within you, simply crying out to be fed and grow into a mighty, roaring inferno!” Rarity exclaimed, allowing more of her arousal to seep into her words. >You’re starting to feel some of that fire right now. “Sounds to me like you knew I’d be trouble, deep down~” You flirt with her. >”The BEST kind of trouble! Applejack was right about you having ulterior motives, beneath your warm, friendly exterior is a young man HUNGRY for power and greatness!” She panted needily, losing the ability to restrain herself from touching you. >You nudge away from Rarity a bit, but she nudges closer to you. “But when’d you see this fire in me? I’ve been nothing but decent to you!” You teasingly complain, egging her on further. >”You were, darling! I never stopped thinking about that day when you saved me from complete humiliation. To think my attire would fail in such an appalling manner, with only you leaping to help me, it’s as if fate brought us together!” “I’ve been thinking that, too!” You concur. >”And, truthfully, the fact that you’re willing to put ANY amount of effort into your appearance puts you head and shoulders above most of the guys at school.” Rarity giggled. >You giggle along with her. >So many guys put the bare minimum into getting ready in the morning and then wonder why they’re still single. >At least you’re not one of them anymore. >”But through all that, through every selfless act and thoughtful comment, that fire within you remained~” >Rarity’s breathing gets heavier. “Aww, you mean you never fully trusted me?” You fake pout to tease her further. >Rarity shakily exhales, eyeing you with intensity you’ve never seen from her before. >”Don’t be coy with me, Anonymous. You’ve always found me attractive.” She seductively scolds you. “So does every other guy at school!” You cheekily counter her. >”None of them care as much about my work or my art as you! Do you have ANY idea how much it means to me that you see my outfits as a means of artistic expression and not just an obstacle keeping you from my body?” Rarity exasperatedly retorts, briefly losing her composure in the frustration. >She takes a moment to collect herself and put her seductress face back on. >”What I meant was, none of them found their way into my heart like you have, so you can imagine the kind of effect your fiery gaze has on me~” “That’s better.” You tease her. >Rarity’s eye twitches a bit as you prod her, much to your satisfaction. >She might have home field advantage here, but she’s not gonna have complete control over this little encounter. >”You- You know what you’re doing to me, you devil!” She accused you, letting the mask slip just a bit. “But Fluttershy says I’m such a sweetheart!” You keep teasing her, leaning a little closer. >”You’ve never tormented Fluttershy the way you have me!” “Oh, yeah, I forgot, the fire in my eyes~” >A strange, faintly frightening mixture of irritation and arousal radiates off of her. >She reminds you of Rainbow Dash in that way, but she’s far better at keeping herself composed. >But she’s not perfect at staying composed. >Rarity wants to touch you. >Really bad. >She wants to pin you down and show you how you should treat a lady, but she’s beholden to the rule Sunset put in place. >”This, Anonymous, THIS is what I’ve seen in you for so long.” Rarity whispered to you, with just a touch of venom in her words. >Rarity looms over you with the mood lighting silhouetting her, much like the subject of her painting from art class earlier today. >”You’ve had your lusty eyes on all of us girls throughout the semester, just waiting for the opportunity to pounce and make us yours~” >”I see it all so clearly, you and Sunset worked together to put all of us decent young women under your spell, slowly and subtly throughout the semester…” >”Words and actions, chosen with surgical precision, with the sole intention of getting us girls to lower our defenses and let you into our hearts.” >...You’d be lying if you said you weren’t trying to get the girls to want to date you throughout the semester. >Complimenting their outfits, being there for them, stuff like that. >Nothing as sinister as Rarity’s claiming, though. >”Sunset fought for you, darling. She INSISTED we get to know you better. And it worked! It worked in spades! After everything you and Sunset did to us girls, how could we NOT invite you to our sleepover?” >Sunset FOUGHT for you? >That phrasing sticks out to you. >She always made it sound like she just recommended you to her friends. >”And when the obscene idea of skinny dipping was proposed this evening, I saw right through your polite, humble demeanor. I saw within you a burning desire to gaze upon our nude bodies. Us poor girls, we were powerless against you~” She lustily sighs. >Rarity inches even closer to you. >”But when you finally made love to Sunset Shimmer, when you unleashed the inferno within you, when you pinned her down and made her body yours, you gave me goosebumps~” She whispers at you, her blush peering through her makeup. >”You were so passionate, so loving, so… beastly~” >Rarity’s lips are an inch away from yours. >She’s got a fire of her own within her. >”Pinkie Pie might not know what you did to her, Fluttershy might not know what you did to her, Rainbow Dash might not know what you did to her…” >She’s almost panting. >”But I know what you did to me, Anonymous.” >She’s almost sitting on your lap. >”And I love it.” >A small laugh escapes your lips at her confession. “Could’ve fooled me, you were making me sound like a manipulative creep.” >”I love a man who knows how to treat a lady… But I also love a man who knows what he wants.” Rarity huskily whispered to you. >”I want a man who who knows how to slow dance and treat me to a romantic dinner before taking me home and defiling me~” >Her breathing is getting shakier and shakier. >Every breath leaving her mouth is accompanied by a soft, high pitched sigh. >You’ve never seen Rarity so improper. >There’s that feeling of intimidation again. >The feeling you felt when you first saw Rarity in art class in the beginning of the school year. >Like she was the apex predator of the classroom, and a single incisive glance your way could cut you down. >But here, in her carefully decorated bedroom, she really is the apex predator. >And she’s bloodthirsty. “I don’t think I could have ever expected you to act like this. I’d have thought you’d be all about properly courting a lady.” You whisper to her. >Rarity’s pristine lips curl into a wicked grin. >She got her confession out, she has every justification to get her claws on you and sink her teeth into you, but she’s enjoying the hunt. >”Love isn’t about rote procedure following, love is about freedom! Love is about casting off all earthly shackles and submitting yourself to your lover. Love… is the purest… rawest… most beautiful expression of two souls becoming one~” >She’s almost gasping for air with each breath. >”That’s why my skirt ripped that day, Anonymous.” >”That’s why my bikini top came undone in the hot tub.” >”My body yearns for freedom.” >”My body yearns for YOU.” >This is it. >You’re gonna have sex with Rarity. >The girl every guy at school has their eyes on. >But to you, one of your seven girlfriends. >But in a surprising move, Rarity then darts away from you and reaches under her bed, soon producing a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. >”Baiser De La Mort, bottled in 1928 and imported from France.” She informs you, delicately running her fingers along the glass body of the bottle. >God, Rarity’s French accent. >Like the voice of a siren. >You’re not even gonna question how she got the bottle of wine. >There’s more important things to worry about right now. “Sounds too rich for my blood.” You gently remark. >”Au contraire, Anonymous. It was fate that brought this bottle and you to Canterlot.” >Rarity carefully places the bottle between her thighs and presents you with a corkscrew. >”Would you mind, darling?” “Not at all.” You answer her, taking the corkscrew from her. >You firmly screw the device into the bottle’s cork, and with the raising of the two levers, the cork comes out with a pop. >Rarity takes the bottle into her hands and carefully pours the dark red liquid into the two glasses, then places the bottle of wine safely on her nightstand. >It’s difficult to make out the details in the faintly-lit bedroom, but the color of the wine bears a striking resemblance to blood seeping from a fresh wound. >”Oops, almost forgot~” >Rarity then produces a glass vial of the purple drink that’s been getting you through this exciting night and pours it into your glass. >The added substance makes strange pink bubbles rise to the top of the glass, bursting the moment they surface. >The strangely sweet smell of the purple drink becomes even more prominent, luring you forward. >”Here you are~” Rarity says to you, offering you the glass. >You graciously take the glass and swirl around the liquid within. “Thank you, darling.” You softly say to her. >With a flirty smile, Rarity leans forward and intertwines her arm with yours. >”To our freedom.” Rarity proposes a toast. “To our freedom.” You repeat, clinking your glass against hers. >In unison, you and Rarity bring the glasses to your lips and down the wine in one go. >It’s got a very strange taste. >You can definitely taste the near-century of aging in the wine. >The sweetness of the purple juice meshes weirdly well with the dry bitterness of the wine. >It’s like the effects of the alcohol are heightened. >Goes down your throat smoothly enough, though. >The feeling of being juiced up returns, but it’s more subtle this time. >It’s more powerful than what you felt in the bathtub with Fluttershy, but beneath what you felt before going at it with Applejack and Pinkie. >You feel the fabric of your lingerie strain slightly when your body tenses up from the purple juice, threatening to burst off completely. >Your member stiffens back up in record time, ready as ever to service her. >When Rarity’s done with her glass of wine, she drops the empty glass onto the carpeted floor and clamps her hands onto your head. >Her delicately cared-for fingernails risk drawing your blood as her hands ever so softly tremble. >She’s on her knees before you, her entire body heaving with every breath and staring deep into your being with her wild eyes. >”Free me, Anonymous.” She gasps. >Rarity then dives in for a fierce, passionate kiss. >Rarity’s lips crash against yours. >You can’t exactly place what her lipstick tastes like. >You wanna say blackberries, but you’re not super confident. >Placing the taste isn’t made any easier by how messily she’s making out with you. >Her tongue slides into your mouth, messily tangling with yours. >She kisses so gracelessly, it’s so unlike the Rarity you’ve gotten to know over the past few months. >You’re much more used to the sensation of a girl’s tongue invading your mouth, so you swirl your tongue around in perfect synchronization with hers. >She happily moans through the kiss in response to your tongue work. >Rarity climbs onto onto your lap, keeping her hands locked in place while grinding her pussy against your dick, separated only by two thin layers of fabric. >You’re already leaking some precum through your lingerie. >She keeps a surprisingly fierce grip on your head while making out with you. >Her breaths come out high pitched and needy, almost panting. >It’d be easy to assume it’s the wine at work, but she only had one glass of wine. >The mask didn’t just slip, it’s been tossed off altogether. >She’s so enraptured that she’s thrusting her entire body against you. >Her fingers rake through your hair like the world’s angriest lawn care worker. >She’s reminding you of how Pinkie made out with you. >Her lips serve as the faucet for pouring months of repressed feelings and desires from within her down onto you. >Pinkie was more manic than Rarity is, but compared to her usual composure, Rarity’s a complete mess right now. >There’s a lot of desperation in her kissing and touching. >Her fingers alternate between gripping your hair and stroking your cheek like she doesn’t know what to do with herself. >She’s sweating more than a little, as well. >So unladylike. >Well, you’re not gonna let her down. >You grab Rarity’s hips and bring her body against yours. >She squeals delightfully into the kiss, gripping your hair even tighter. >She’s humping you so intensely you’re focusing the strength in your hands on just keeping her in place. >You lean into her as you kiss her more vigorously. >You’ve picked up a few tricks from the girls, like gently biting at her lower lip when you two come up for air. >Rarity sharply gasps at your nibbling, but this only gets her more heated up. >The hotter she gets, the easier it is for you to lead in this dance. >Your tongue forces the party into Rarity’s mouth, which she happily submits to. >You seize the opportunity and indulge in exploring Rarity’s mouth, dragging your tongue along her teeth and the roof and bottom of her mouth. >Her teeth are just as pristine as the rest of her body, and just as fun to play with. >Rarity’s legs wrap around your waist, wrapping you even tighter in her embrace. >With a wet pop, Rarity pries her lips off of yours and gasps for air while still holding you tight. >If there’s any truth to what she was saying about eyes being windows to the soul, then her soul’s been ignited with the flames of passion. >Her lipstick’s smeared across her mouth and her usually immaculate hair’s become a frizzy mess. >Even after parting from the kiss, she’s still slightly humping you and breathing heavily. >She’s almost unrecognizable like this. >The soft music playing in the background is like some kind of punchline, such sensual music serving as the soundtrack for you two messily making out and rubbing on each other like the horny teenagers both of you are, as opposed to the seductress Rarity wants to be. “How’s that for freedom?” You ask her with a small smirk. >”I feel as if I just sold my soul to the devil.” Rarity whispered as she kept her arms and legs on you. “You’ve been saying such horrible things about me, I’m starting to think you don’t like me~” You tease her, then teasingly tugging on the waistband of her lacy panties. >Rarity softly gasps as her panties snap back into place. >”Would you like some more wine, lover? I couldn’t imagine sharing the rest of this bottle with anyone else!” She offers you, whipping around to fetch the bottle and two more glasses. >When Rarity leans over the bed to grab the bottle, you admire the view you’ve been granted. >She’s kneeling over with her knees spread apart and her back arched to present her body to you even more. >It’s difficult to see, but from the faint glisten on her inner thighs, she’s soaking wet. “What was that you said about a good hostess not letting me make a drunken buffoon out of myself?” You cheekily remind her while unashamedly staring at her ass. >”Applejack promised her family that we would be responsible with the cider. I, however, made no such promise~” Rarity slyly answers, casting a wink your way when she sees you staring. >The Anon that would have quickly averted his eyes and pretended he wasn’t looking doesn’t exist anymore, his place taken by the Anon that just wants to appreciate a girl’s body. >Rarity’s body deserves appreciation. >With a seductive sway of her hips, she turns around and pours more of the dark red wine into the two glasses. >Rarity answers the question on your behalf by carefully handing one of the glasses to you. “Seems to me like you’re no angel, either.” You softly remark, taking in the enticing aroma of the finely aged wine. >Rarity mischievously giggled as she offered you one of the glasses >”At least I’m more of an angel than you~” She counters, batting her eyes at you. >She climbs back onto your lap and drapes her free arm around your neck. >You bring her close to you by wrapping your arm around her waist. >Her arousal’s soaked right through her lingerie, softly lubricating your dick. >You’re breathing heavier and gently humping her in return. >With each stroke of your dick against her pussy, she softly exhales with increasing arousal. >She tries to keep her hand steady to hold the wine glass, but she can’t stop her hand from trembling a little. >You clink your glass against hers and swiftly gulp down more of the wine. >The drink’s easier to swallow now that you’re really feeling the alcohol, but you’re not experienced enough a drinker to drink it without cringing at the bitter taste a little. >The alcohol hits you harder this time. >You feel slightly dizzier and more lightheaded, but in a way that makes you feel more free. >Less restricted by your inhibitions. >You want Rarity, and you feel even more motivated to get her. >Rarity finishes her glass of wine, lets the glass fall onto the floor, and wraps herself around you again to continue making out. >Her breathing’s gotten even more intense and her body’s pressed firmly against yours. >The faint flavor of the wine lingers on her breath as her lips stay locked onto yours. >Following her lead, you softly drop your empty glass on the floor, capture Rarity’s body in your arms and intertwine her tongue with yours. >You’re feeling all of her. >Every heave of her chest, every thrust of her lips, every lewd exhale and flick of her tongue. >The wine’s showing you a side of her nobody else gets to see. >Your hands are feeling more adventurous now that you’re more drunk. >Your hands explore more of her back, only stopping to tug at her bra strap or the waistband of her panties. >You’re gonna feel more of her. >You separate from the kiss, grip Rarity’s hips and push her down onto the bed, looming over her like a savage animal. >The blankets and pillows billow around her like she’s sinking into a heavenly cloud. >Rarity’s eyes widen to a frenzied look as her breathing quickens, thrilled to the bone by your show of dominance. >Her body beckons you forth. >You don’t waste a second in treating yourself to her body. >Your hands roam up to her chest, greedily squeezing and kneading her breasts through her bra. >Rarity openly moans at your touch, throwing her head back and arching her back up to present her chest to you even more. >Her boobs feel incredible. >They might not be as hefty as Pinkie’s or Fluttershy’s, but they’re just as fun to play with. >But it’s a different kind of fun. >The kind of fun that comes with running wild in an art gallery after hours. >Rarity’s body, so delicately cared for, a shining example of the female form, all yours to play with like a new toy on Christmas morning. >It’s tantamount to smearing your cheese curl dust covered fingers all over the Mona Lisa, but her lascivious whimpering is practically begging you to keep going. >As you squeeze Rarity’s boobs even tighter, her reactions get more and more messily aroused. >Her legs lock around your waist to keep you in place while her arms are splayed out on the bed. >Her shut eyes and mouth hanging open convey how deeply she’s enjoying the sexual stimulation. >Thanks to the grip her toned legs have on you, you two softly rock your hips together in a perfect rhythm. >Your hands slide back down to her stomach, making Rarity moan a little in disappointment that you’re done playing with her chest. >But when you begin stroking her soft stomach from just beneath her breasts to just above her crotch, her needy squirming begins again. >It’s a very powerful feeling to have Rarity at your complete mercy like this. >Such beauty, such grace, reduced to a horny mess by your touch with absolutely no shame to be found in her. >You’re gonna enjoy playing with this mess you made. >Your fingers curl back around the waistband of her panties and playfully tug at them, revealing slightly more of her womanhood. >Granted, you’ve been enjoying the sight of Rarity’s naked body throughout a good portion of this sleepover, but unwrapping your presents is always a good time. >You release the waistband of her panties from your fingers and let them snap back into place on her hips. >Rarity squeals in response, humping even more vigorously in response. >”A-Anon…” She moans, her entire body heaving. “Yes, Rarity?” You teasingly ask her, tugging at her garter belt to get her even more wound up. >She quivers again as she tries to speak. “What is it, Rarity?” You ask her again in a firmer tone, trailing your hand down to her thigh and tracing your finger along the hem of her stocking. >Her skin’s noticeably warmer and reacts to your every touch with incredible sensitivity. >”Puh… Please…” She whispers through her vortex of emotions, constricting her legs around your waist even tighter. >The angel on your shoulder is telling you to quit teasing Rarity and give the poor girl what she wants, but the devil on your other shoulder is telling you to see how far you can push this. >And she HAS been calling you a devil… “Use your words.” You instruct her, sliding your hand back up her hip and beneath her garter belt. >”T-Tear them off.” Rarity finally manages to enunciate in a high pitched voice. >This just got a lot more interesting. >You fake a shocked gasp at her request. “I could never! I know you think low of me, but to think I would destroy your hard work, it’s gotta be the wine talking!” >”Anonymous, I wouldn’t even HUMOR the idea unless I was absolutely certain it’s what I wanted.” Rarity insisted, regaining control of her hands enough to grab your wrists and bring them to her bra. >”And right now, what I want is YOU.” >Your fingers curl around the fabric on their own. >”Give in to your lust! Show me how bad you want me!” Rarity pants, keeping your hands on her chest. >Her words are like nicotine, each enunciation weakening your ability to deny her what she wants. >Like Aphrodite herself is submitting to you. >You lean into Rarity’s ear and gently exhale, getting a soft moan in response. “You sure you can handle me~?” You ask her. >Rarity shakily nodded. >”Show me that I can’t~” >With a grin, you slowly kiss and nibble at her neck and stroke her cheek. >She trembles at your affection and softly whines in protest. >You sit up and bring both your hands to her bra. >”Wait!” She exclaims before you could grip her lingerie. >She hastily sits up, plants a messy kiss on your lips and leans in your ear. >”Use your teeth.” She whispers in your ear, then letting her body fall limp on the bed and submitting to your will. >Sounds beastly. >That’s what she sees in you, after all. >No matter what a good friend you were to her after all this time, she secretly saw you as a wild animal raring to be let off the chain and sink your teeth into her. >Fine, you’ll show her beastly. >You grip just below her chest and bring her body up to you. >Rarity goes completely limp and bites her bottom lip to prevent more embarrassing sounds of arousal from escaping her and making her submission even more satisfying for you. >Your breathing gets more intense, approaching growling as you bare your teeth and bring them closer to her shoulder. >Her body begins to tense up in anticipation for your lusty wrath. >You scrape your teeth along her shoulder, feeling more of your animalistic side surface. >Rarity’s breathing gets even shakier and her body wiggles about. >She reacts like your teeth release a paralyzing venom that leaves her unable to do anything to resist or escape. >Your teeth slowly find her bra strap. >Even when it’s in your mouth, you can really tell Rarity put a lot of work into this little ensemble. >You can make out the detailing she put into the fabric as you lick the fabric up and down. >Tugging at the strap makes Rarity whimper even more. >Her patience is running out, but she’s lost the ability to do anything about it. >You’re tired of waiting, too. >With a snarl, you grit your teeth and pull you away, taking her bra strap with you. >It doesn’t take much effort to snap Rarity’s bra strap, but you keep your grip on the garment. >Rarity’s panting grows louder and her hips start bucking even faster as you damage her clothes. >She doesn’t know what to do with her hands, judging by how they hastily roam up and down your back. >Her fingernails try to trace intricate shapes, but she’s so clumsy in execution. >You dive back in, this time biting at her bra cup. >Your teeth fiercely scrape at her breast in the process, making her squeal in delight. >Her head’s fallen back and her tongue’s almost fallen out of her mouth. >She’s given up on hiding how horny you’re making her. >You tear her bra cup off her heaving chest, re-exposing her breast to the world of her bedroom. >Something about how the fabric tears galvanizes you even further. >Like you really are tearing apart the flesh of your prey. >Your moans become more violent and guttural, which Rarity really responds to. >Her moans and whimpers become even more meek and high pitched in turn, fully embracing the role of being your prey. >You cast aside your humanity and decency and ravenously tear apart her lingerie with your teeth. >The sound of her lingerie ripping is music to your ears. >You get so caught up in the moment that you can’t help but bite at her flesh, damaging her pristine skin with your teeth. >Rarity’s whimpers get louder, bordering on screaming in pleasure with every bite. >She can’t even bring herself to cover her face or muffle herself. >Her hands clench the mattress covering with the strength she has left. >Within moments, her bra is nothing more than scraps of fabric scattered about the bed. >But you want more. >You turn your attention to Rarity’s garter belt. >She thrusts her hips upwards at you to make it easier for you to have your way with her. >You grip her hips with enough strength to bruise her with just your fingers before sinking your teeth into her garter belt and ripping it to shreds, rabidly growling. >”You- You beast! You fiend! You monster!” Rarity lewdly exclaims, gripping her exposed breasts and teasing her own nipples in an attempt to satiate the fire within her. >You don’t answer her. >Her lingerie tastes so good. >Like an exotic delicacy from a distant land. >Spiced with her desire. >You barely even notice the bites and scrapes you leave on her body. >Only one bit of lingerie is separating you from the body of the girl before you. >Rarity’s panties. >Hidden just beneath her skirt all semester. >Her panties were slightly revealed to you on the day her skirt ripped, but now they’re on open display for you. >You lean down and smell the fear and arousal radiating off of her remaining garment. >If you could bottle the scent and sell it as perfume, you’d be a very rich man. >And that’s only the smell. >You want to taste it. >Poor Rarity, she’s shaking like a leaf in the wind. >Her legs are spread as wide apart as they can be spread. >She knows better than to try to restrict you now. >A small spot of dampness appeared on the blanket beneath her crotch, and it’s just as fragrant as the source. >You lovingly stroke Rarity’s legs, giving special attention to her inner thighs. >You just love the way she quivers when your fingers wander dangerously close to her pussy. >Each time you stray away from her womanhood only makes her want your touch more and more. >”I know your secret, Anonymous.” Rarity gasps, her entire body trembling. >”Twilight and Sunset suspected it of you, but it’s as clear as day!” >You lift your eyes from her dripping wet pussy to meet her wild eyes. >”You’re a werewolf~” >The only response you can manage is a throaty growl, making the blush on her cheeks another shade darker. >A werewolf, huh? >That’s a fun one. >Fluttershy’s really good at nurturing the best of you, but Rarity’s great at bringing out the worst in you. >And to think Twilight and Sunset call you a werewolf, too. >Twilight’s next. >Twilight secretly thinks you’re just as much of a monster as Rarity thinks you are. >You’ll show her what a monster you can be. >But right now, Rarity needs your attention. >Your love and your anger. >Passion in every form. >You bare your teeth and bring them to the waistband of Rarity’s panties. >”A-And I’m… Your helpless… Victim~” Rarity moaned, letting her body sink back into the blanket. >You bite at her panties and pull. >The stitching strains and begins to rip. >The waistband gets stretched out but remains in one piece. >Rarity’s breathing hitches. >To tease her a little more, you tug her panties slightly down and expose her pussy like a mischievous dog. >Her womanhood glistens with the love juices leaking from her. >The smell’s even stronger now. >”Please…” Rarity quietly beckons you, barely audible through her lust. >You can’t hold yourself back. >The full moon’s out and that wine gave you a taste for blood. >You clench your teeth as tight as possible and rip her panties to shreds. >Just like that, your prey is naked again. >Rarity carries her nudity differently now. >Before, when she tossed off the swimsuit you helped her fix, there was a real sense of empowerment to her nudity. >Every step she took, every wag of her finger and bat of her eyes conveyed the power of her femininity. >Her body was unburdened by the garments crafted by mere mortals, as free and intoxicating as Venus herself. >But now? >Splayed out across her bed with her fine lingerie ripped to shreds, gently trembling and heavily breathing? >She isn’t empowered. >Far from it. >She’s as vulnerable as she possibly could be. >And she knows it. >There’s fear in her eyes as she gazes upon your growling, animalistic form. >Now she really knows what you’re capable of, beyond playing around with Pinkie or lovingly bathing with Fluttershy. >She knows you’re completely capable of pinning her down and doing whatever you want to her. >But within that fear is the unmistakable glint of lust. >More than a glint, it’s more like the sun’s rays reflecting off a chrome sculpture. >She’s paralyzed by the evil combination and fear and lust, like a deer caught in the headlights, but there’s nothing she wants more right now than the impact. >Her eyes, the only part of herself she’s capable of moving, shamelessly roam your body while she tries to not salivate at the sight. >Her legs are spread eagle and dripping with passion where they meet. >You’re the only thing keeping you from Rarity. >And this lingerie you’re wearing. >But fuck it. >A werewolf doesn’t wear lingerie. >You grip your lingerie top and tear it apart, freeing your top half from her handiwork. >Rarity gasps, softly and shakily. >The sound of the fabric tearing is lovely. >Forget smearing your dirty fingers all over a priceless painting, now you’re shredding the painting with your plebeian hands. >Such an act brings the kind of catharsis that borders on eroticism. >With the shredded remains of your lacy top in your grip, you let out a throaty growl and toss it aside. >This is all Rarity’s doing. >Rarity stole your ability to speak from you. >She reduced you to the animal she always saw you as. >Your feral side has taken control of your body. >And it’s about to take control of hers. >In one swift motion, acting on raw instinct, you tear what remains of your lingerie to shreds, fully revealing your nude body to her once more. >You’re almost foaming at the mouth. >You don’t give Rarity time to stare at you. >You lunge forward, viciously grab Rarity’s head, and force her into another make out session. >Rarity immediately submits to you, returning the kiss with all her might and opening her mouth to allow your tongue entry. >Your tongue isn’t dancing with hers anymore. >Your tongue is dominating hers. >Her shameless moans of pleasure are only slightly muffled by your mouth. >Her hands hastily and messily rake through your hair, like she’s trying to get a grip on you but was too overwhelmed. >When you come up from the kiss to get a breath of air, you hiss through your teeth and snarl at her. >Rarity’s arms and legs are draped around you, but she’s not holding you tight at all. >Her strength has left her. >She can’t resist you. >She doesn’t want to resist you. >There’s hearts in her pupils. >You’re seeing red. >Red like a valentine’s day massacre. >Your hands roughly travel down her face, briefly lingering on her neck. >Her throat fits so nicely in your hands. >Her chest’s heaving is restricted as she struggles to breathe. >Before you could wonder if you’re being too rough with her, her hands clamp onto your wrists, keeping your hands in place. >The fire within you flares up like gasoline was poured on it. >You’re in control. >This isn’t about what Rarity wants. >This is about what you want. >You yank your hands off of Rarity’s throat and go back to groping her. >She’s just about able to produce a whine of protest before you force her back down into her pit of hedonism. >Her body writhes to rise up from the bed wherever you touch her. >She pushes her chest up when you pinch her nipples. >She thrusts her hips up when your hand trails down her stomach. >She’s so fun to play with. >The scratches and hickeys you gave her earlier appear on her body with greater prominence. >Her body resembles a glass case filled to the brim with trophies memorializing your conquests in the form of the faint redness and bruising on her skin. >Your curled fingers descend upon Rarity’s pussy, quivering with anticipation and glistening in the mood lighting. >Her whimpering and whining for your touch only invigorates you more. >But before your animal mind could command your body to claw away at your helpless prey, your civilized human mind pipes up from your mental passenger seat. >Your human mind speaks to you with the same anger you felt when wrestling with Applejack. >You shouldn’t tear into your prey. >You should play with your food. “Rarity…” You growl at her. >She leans up to meet your fiery gaze. >There’s a hint of uncertainty in her lusty eyes. >”Yes, my werewolf?” She breathily asks you. >You sharply exhale through your nose like a bull ready to charge. “You’ve been making me out to be such a monster…” >You crawl your way back up to Rarity. >Her bare breasts heave so hypnotically as you draw closer to her. >Your fully erect cock dangles menacingly beneath you. “You’ve been saying those things about me behind my back, treating me like a dress up doll, bringing out the worst side of me…” >Your face hovers an inch above Rarity’s. >Your cock gently prods at her soaking wet pussy. >Each poke makes her softly gasp. >You refuse to let your bestial demeanor falter as the warm wetness of her pussy teases the head of your cock. >Deep within her eyes, you can see her desire to close the distance between the two of you and kiss you. >You want to kiss her just as much, but you have other plans. “You know what I think?” >You lower your mouth to her ear. >Your voice drops to the lowest, most menacing growl you can produce. “I think you’ve been a bad girl.” >Rarity’s eyes widen and her breathing halts for just a moment. >Like calling Fluttershy your mommy, calling Rarity a bad girl flipped a switch within her. >The emotions behind her eyes flare up. >She’s even more scared, but even more horny. >Your hand drifts to her cheek, and Rarity tries to lean into your touch, but then you remember: she’s been a bad girl. >Instead of lovingly stroking her cheek, you grab a handful of her hair and yank it back to stare her down. >You get off of Rarity and sit on the edge of her bed. >The lights behind you cast an intimidating shadow over you, making you appear even more monstrous to her. “Lay across my lap. Face down.” >You glare at her, baring your teeth. “Now.” >”Yes, daddy.” Rarity squeaks out through her trembling lips. >Woah. >That’s a curveball. >You’re momentarily jerked out of your fierce persona by what Rarity just called you. >Daddy. >Rarity called you daddy. >...Fuck yeah, she did. >You’re her daddy. >...Would that make Fluttershy her grandma? >Don’t think about that. >Rarity wastes no time in crawling over to you and laying flat on your lap. >Her navel is directly on top of your fully erect dick. >The gentle teasing is reminding you how much you want to fuck her through your haze of carnal rage. >Precum leaks from your tip and gently glazes her stomach. >It’s a little uncomfortable, the way she’s pressing your dick down, but the discomfort is alleviated by how her stomach gently rubs it up and down with her hot and heavy breathing. >You’re gonna indulge some of your other senses. >First, your eyes. >Rarity has such a nice ass. >Many guys at school have tried to get the coveted glimpse up her skirt. >All have failed. >Those two little shits Snails and Snips even tried getting an upskirt photo of her. >But here you are, with Rarity on your lap and presenting her ass to you. >She’s got a very satisfied look on her face, visible through her messy hair. >She’s proud of her ass and she wants you to admire it. >Like stroking the luxurious coat of a prize winning show dog, you run your hand down her back and over her butt. >Even though you’re no masseuse, you can really feel the tension in her body. >You feel her muscles tense up just a little through her exquisite skin. >But in spite of this apprehension, she’s raising her butt up from your lap, yearning for your touch just like before. >She knows what’s coming. >She knows what happens to bad girls. >She knows it’s gonna hurt, and she still wants it. >Your animalistic side has given the wheel back to your human side. >Both parties want to have their way with Rarity, but your human side understands how much a dash of sadism can add to a romantic encounter like this. >Your fingers spread across her ass cheek and give it a squeeze. >Her ass feels like the world’s finest stress ball. >If only you had her around like this when you were studying for finals. >Rarity softly gasps like she was bracing herself for something worse. >”D-Daddy…” She whimpers in a higher tone. >You get a little harder just hearing her call you that. >But you don’t say anything in response, you only relax your grip on her ass. >”...I’ve been such a bad girl.” Rarity moans. >Oh, you know. >You raise your hand up. >Rarity tenses up even more. >Your dick gets even harder. >Your hand fills with righteous fury. >Then, in one swift, powerful motion, you bring your palm down upon Rarity’s ass with a brutal smack. >Her head shoots up and she lets out an ear-splitting scream, mostly in pain but accented with pleasure. >The skin on her ass immediately begins to feel more tender and sensitive. >Unlike Applejack, her skin was never toughened by a life of manual labor. >Her fingers dig into the mattress and her toes curl up as the pain you’ve inflicted upon her seeps into her body. >She’s far too tense to relax her body back down onto your lap, but that’s all the better for you. >You raise your hand up and once again bring it down upon her ass. >Rarity didn’t have the time to recover from your first spank, so she reacts with even greater intensity upon being struck a second time. >Her waist lurches up into the air as she screams. >It’s quite a scream, too. >Thank God nobody’s out on the street to hear this, you wouldn’t like their idea of what you’re doing to Rarity. >But you’re not done with her. >With your other hand, you grip her waist and force her sensitive body back down onto your lap. >Rarity is now full-on panting as you grip her squirming body. >But one hand is enough to completely immobilize her. >Your vicious side surfaces once more as you raise your hand up again. >Again, you smack Rarity’s ass, but with even greater force. >She screams so loud you risk hearing damage by continuing. >But you’re having far too much fun to stop now. >In between spanks, you greedily grab her ass just for the Hell of it. >No respite is given to Rarity, you just keep smacking and groping her ass. >As much as she screams in pain, the wetness dripping down onto your leg from her womanhood urges you to keep going. >”I’m sorry, daddy!” Rarity cries out through her quivering lips. >You ignore her and smack her ass again. >Her voice gets shakier and her moans get even more raunchy. >”I’m sorry for saying those horrid things about you!” “No, you’re not.” You sternly scold her before spanking her again. >She’s almost vibrating on your lap. >Each word she speaks is more warbly than the last. >And that’s when she can speak, most of her noises are a saucy mixture of whimpering and moaning. >Your leg is getting soaked in her pussy juices. “Good girls don’t lie.” You reprimand her further, cruelly rubbing her sore ass to make her feel your wrath. >She tries to apologize further, but all that comes out are slurred noises of arousal. >While Rarity hisses and sighs at the searing pain, you notice your hand’s gotten more than a little sore from all the smacking. >Like it’s some kind of plea from your inner decency to stop >You should know not to hit a girl, your mom taught you that as a kid. >”Punish me, daddy~” Rarity shakily moans, arching her butt right up into the air for you. >But this girl wants you to hit her. >Your hands are tied. >Rarity shakily moans as she spoils herself in how you rub her sore ass. >The normally creamy-white skin on her butt has a faint red glow to it, visible through the subtle lighting of her bedroom. >It’s gotta hurt like nothing else she’s felt before in her life, and yet, she wants more. >You hesitate slightly, feeling a pang of guilt deep within you through your angry lust. >This isn’t you. >You don’t really want to hurt Rarity. >You might’ve had some fantasies about what you’d do with Rarity if you managed to land a date with her, but they weren’t like this. >But Rarity wants more, in spite of how you’ve struck her already. >”Is something troubling you, daddy?” Rarity asks you in a slightly steadier voice, looking at you from over her shoulder. >More of your handiwork is visible on her beautiful face with how her eyes are slightly puffy and her cheeks are stained by tears. >...You’ve got an idea. >Werewolves aren’t COMPLETE monsters. >Sugar, spice, and everything nice. >That’s what you are. >You ignore the soreness in your palm and smack Rarity’s ass once more to give her an answer. >But when her butt shoots upon being struck, your hand that’s been gripping her hip slides under her body and towards her crotch. >Before she knows it, your index and middle fingers slip inside her soaking wet pussy and saw away at her clit. >Rarity produces an extremely horny sound unlike anything you’ve heard from her before. >Like the primal scream of an apex predator in heat. >She’s paralyzed by your assault on two fronts. >It’s like she’s choking on the air. >In moments, your hand is absolutely drenched in her love juices. >She may have cum already, she may have cum the moment you started fingering her, it’s impossible to tell. >The Rarity you know from school is gone. >The girl that seemed so far out of your league you couldn’t bring yourself to talk to her has vanished. >In her place is a perverted mess of a girl so without decency or composure that you almost don’t recognize her. >You started tugging on the stray string of fabric hanging free from her dress, and now her dress has finally come fully undone before you. >She’s on her hands and knees, gripping the luxurious blanket with all her might and sticking her ass straight up in the air with her legs spread widely apart. >All Rarity can do is scream at the top of her lungs in pleasure and pain. >Now this is more like it. >With an evil grin, you begin snarling once more and pick up the pace. >You quickly find a rhythm of striking her ass and fingering her pussy at the same time. >With each rub and smack, Rarity’s body becomes more and more putty in your hands. >Her fingers lose their grip on the blanket as she allows her body to simply fall limp on your lap. >Her legs would twitch as she’s brought down to just as bestial a state as you. >Inside her pussy, she’s scorching hot. >Your fingers are almost getting boiled as you tease her clit and trace her labia. >Every slight twitch of your fingers sends electricity throughout her womanhood, making exploration of her body even more perilous. >Her ass has become so sore that even lightly grazing her rear end with the tips of your fingers gets a sharp gasp out of her. >That doesn’t stop you from smacking her ass more. >”Daddy… W- Werewolf~” Rarity lewdly mumbles with her eyes rolled to the back of her head, slightly drooling onto the blanket. >”Hit her harder, she can take it.” Sunset’s voice whispers to you from behind. >You almost leap out of your skin in surprise. >Turning around, it’s only now that you notice Sunset has her hands on your left shoulder. >...And she’s joined by Pinkie and Rainbow. >Rarity’s in too much of a haze to notice the girls. >Even though you’ve stopped spanking her, your fingers remain inside her pussy. >Her ass gently sways in the air as she shakily moans pleasurably. “How long have you girls been here?” You ask Sunset, Rainbow, and Pinkie. >”The whole time!” Pinkie excitedly answers, gripping your right shoulder. >”They’ve been watching you spank Rarity’s ass red, too.” Rainbow adds, motioning over to the couch. >You glance over to see Fluttershy, Applejack and Twilight sitting on the edge of the couch, staring at you and Rarity with wide eyes and red cheeks. >Damn, you really lost yourself in the moment with Rarity. >You didn’t think it was possible for Rainbow to be quiet enough to sneak up on you like this. >Pinkie and Sunset are eerily good at sneaking up on you, though. >Applejack, Twilight, and Fluttershy are too flustered to comment on your time with Rarity, unlike the girls behind you. >”Did you know Sunset’s rule says we get to keep touching you after we get all down and dirty with you?” Pinkie asks you. >Her hands slide over your shoulder and down to your chest. >”Because we totally do~” Pinkie breathily whispers in your ear. >Pinkie backs up her claim by spreading her hands out across your torso, eagerly rubbing your exposed skin and nibbling at your ear. “Doesn’t seem fair for Rarity.” You quietly say through Pinkie’s stimulation, lovingly stroking Rarity’s hip with your spanking hand. >”Don’t feel bad for her, she’s the one getting your sweet, spicy loving~” Sunset rebuts as she takes your hand and guides it back onto Rarity’s butt. >Rarity shivers when you touch her sensitive skin, but then sighs happily. >”Get back to it, already! She deserves it for taking up an entire leg day for her stupid dress fitting!” Rainbow orders you, nudging your head back down to look at the girl on your lap. >Rainbow’s shouting draws Rarity out of her stupor somewhat. >”Hm?” She mutters, turning to face you. “Don’t interrupt me.” You sternly answer her. >You then smack Rarity’s ass again. >Her entire body shakes as she once again cries out in pain/ecstasy. >”Y-Yes, daddy!” She desperately complies, burying her face in the blanket and presenting her ass to you even more. >You can hear Sunset, Rainbow, and Pinkie giggle behind you. >”Ohoho, I’m gonna remember this!” Rainbow slyly mutters. >”You’re such a bad boy~” Sunset teases you, letting her hands mingle across your body. >”Yeah! You’re the big, bad wolf!” Pinkie agrees with a lewd giggle and a kiss on the neck. >”He’s really not…” You barely hear Fluttershy mutter from across the room. >You tune out the girls’ chit-chat. >It’s not their turn for your attention, it’s Rarity’s. >Your fingers venture even deeper into her womanhood, much to her delight. >But you’re not gonna let Rarity have too much of the sweet stuff. >You bring your hand down on her ass again to get another delightful scream from her. >”Ha! That’s for complaining about how I smelled after soccer practice!” Rainbow goads from behind you. “I’m the one who decides what she’s punished for.” You say to her without even turning your head, striking Rarity’s backside again. >”I don’t care! I’m having too much fun!” Rainbow insists, leaning over your shoulder and gripping your wrist with both hands. >”This is for shirking the tent setup at Camp Everfree!” She declars, forcefully bringing your hand up into the air and down onto Rarity’s ass. >When impact is made with the sound of a fierce clap and Rarity’s aroused scream, Rainbow devilishly cackles. >But this laugh fades soon after with a defeated sigh. >”Wish she wasn’t having so much damn fun, though…” Rainbow bitterly mutters, sulking back and giving Pinkie and Sunset more room to fawn over you. >”What was that?” Rarity asks through her haze. “Don’t worry about it.” You authoritatively answer her, resuming your fingering and spanking. >Thankfully, this is enough to drown her curiosity in a tub full of kinky lust. >A few more spanks later, the hardness in your dick is becoming impossible to avoid. >The fun you’re having teasing Rarity is starting to wane, and your desire to actually fuck her is growing in equal proportion. >That doesn’t mean you’re letting her off the hook easily. “Having fun?” You ask Rarity, withdrawing your hands. >She hastily nods. >”Yes, daddy!” >Pinkie and Sunset’s grip on you tightens when Rarity calls you daddy again. >Your hands move to hold Rarity by her waist and pull her up on her knees. >Rarity hisses a bit when her sore butt makes contact with the cushioning, but she instinctively throws her arms around your shoulders and clings to you when she’s kneeling beside you. >She’s a little surprised to find Sunset, Rainbow and Pinkie behind you, but her attention remains on you. “I want you, Rarity.” You whisper to her, stroking her hair more lovingly. >”I want you too, daddy.” She whispers in return, appreciating your gentle touch after how rough you’ve been with her. >Rarity leans in closer to you. >Her hot, needy breaths flirt with your skin, casting you under a spell of her own. >Her drenched pussy enticingly rubs against your fully erect cock. >You clench your jaw to prevent a soft moan from escaping and damaging your dominant poise. >Her eyes, slightly red, flutter shut. >Her tear-stained cheeks glisten in the lavender lighting. >Her lips shakily purse. >As painful as it is to deny an opportunity to kiss Rarity, you’re not done power tripping. “But something you said earlier’s been on my mind.” >Rarity’s eyes open, conveying uncertainty. >”Was it something bad?” >You shake your head and give her a warm smile. “Not at all, you’ve been punished enough.” >Rarity’s body finally relaxes and she clumsily smiles at you. >”Then what was it that I said?” >Your smile turns sinister. “Remember what you said to me after I shared my first time with Sunset?” >Nervousness returns to Rarity’s eyes. >”...Yes.” She admits. “You said that you’d be willing to beg for my affection.” You remind her. >”I did, indeed.” >You lean up and softly kiss her forehead. >Rarity leans into the kiss, appreciating the tender gesture. “Do you really want me that bad?” >You trace your fingers along the curves of her hips and waist. >”Absolutely.” Rarity whispers, getting heated up again. >She’s so delicate in your arms, like cradling an angel descended from Heaven. >You fear any amount of force exerted on her greater than a gentle kiss would reduce her to dust. >The doubt you felt earlier about your rough tendencies begins to surface again, but you remind yourself that she said she wants this. >She wants you to have your way with her. >You trust her enough to let yourself have fun with her. “Then come on, Rarity…” >You can feel the three girls behind you hold their breath in anticipation. >The hands of Pinkie and Sunset hold you tight, almost restraining you like a spider’s web. >The three girls on the couch increase the pressure in the room with their wide-eyed gazes on you. >But you’re strong enough to resist their grip on you. >You lean into Rarity’s ear. “Beg for me.” >Rarity obeys with surprising enthusiasm. >She collapses off of your lap and onto the carpeted floor. >Shedding whatever remains of her dignity, she scrambles to her hands and knees and presses her forehead to the ground akin to the traditional dogeza pose. >”Please, Anonymous! Please make love to me!” Rarity cries out to you. >”You’re unlike any man I’ve ever known!” >”No one can compare to your compassion, your charm, your beauty!” >”There’s never been anyone as romantic or as beastly as you!” >”Watching you come out of your shell has been like watching a cocoon break to reveal a magnificent butterfly!” >Rarity got off her hands and nudged closer to you, clutching your wrists with desperation. >”You’re the man of my dreams, Anonymous.” She gasped. >”I beg of you, please make my dreams come true.” >And some say his ego grew three sizes that day. >In September, you didn’t think you’d be able to even talk to her. >Now here she is: completely naked and begging to fuck you. >And you, without your camera. >She’s giving Pinkie a run for her money in the desperation department. >Her pleading is made more desperate by how much her makeup has been ruined. >Her lipstick is smeared all over her mouth, her mascara runs from her eyes, and the foundation applied to her skin got all smudged. >You feel honored to see her in such a state. >Sunset’s gotta be so proud of you. >Her fingers release your wrist and carefully intertwine with yours. >In spite of all the raunchy fun you’ve been having with Rarity, it’s nice to simply hold hands with her. >How could you say no to her? >”I think she could stand to do more begging. Throw in a few more apologies for good measure. I know a few things she could apologize for if you’re coming up short.” Rainbow advises you. >You ignore Rainbow and instead lean in to kiss Rarity. >Rarity reacts like she wasn’t expecting such a gesture, but returns the kiss enthusiastically. >It’s a rather sweet and gentle kiss, not nearly as fiery or passionate as before. >She doesn’t come off as a seductress or a bad girl in need of punishment, but as a teenage girl who likes a boy a whole lot. >But Rarity wants a lot more than kiss. >Needy moans leak through her lips and her fingers hold you more aggressively. >You only open your mouth enough to get some air in between kissing, but her tongue tries to sneak into your mouth at every opportunity. >With your hands on her waist, you can feel her trying to restrain herself from leaping on you again. >You’ve teased her enough, time to give her what she wants. >You separate from the kiss and gaze deep into Rarity’s eyes. >Her breathing slows as she stares into your eyes. >You brush some stray strands of hair out of her face. “Good girl.” You whisper to her. >Rarity eagerly leans forward and hugs you tightly, burying her face in the crook of your neck. >”Oh, thank you, thank you, daddy!” She enthusiastically says to you, peppering your neck with light kisses. >Man, that never gets old. >Rarity pulls away from the hug while holding you. >”Does this mean we can get started?” She asks you, stealing a glance down at your ever-stiff member. “Absolutely. Good girls get to do whatever they want~” >With renewed excitement in her eyes, Rarity wrenches herself off of you and climbs back onto her bed. >Sunset, Rainbow, and Pinkie move away from you to give you space to join Rarity on the bed. >You can still feel the gazes of Fluttershy, Applejack and Twilight burn into you. >By the time you’re back on the wonderfully soft cushioning Rarity gets to fall asleep in every night, you find her lying on her back, holding her ankles up by her head. >A position you’ve only ever seen in your less-than-family-friendly reading material. >The mating press. >Dick hardness status has been upgraded to diamond. “I never knew you were so flexible.” You gently remark as you close in on her. >Rarity eagerly giggles. >”Looks like we’re both full of surprises~” >Your eyes trail down her naked body and towards your target. >Her inner thighs glisten with her arousal, inviting you and your second-in-command forward. >The longer you admire her body, the more restless she becomes. >Her hands tremble as she tries to hold her legs in place, but you can tell she isn’t straining herself from the effort. >She’s trembling from losing her patience waiting for you. >Right now, there’s nothing in the world she wants more than you. >You kneel down, putting you directly above Rarity. >There’s a quiet awe in her expression, swelling your already massive ego even more. “Seems a little… Extreme. You sure this isn’t what the wine wants?” You chuckle, referring to Rarity presenting herself to you in such a crass manner. >Rarity laughs and shakes her head. >”Blame yourself for this, daddy. You’ve absolutely polluted my mind with such filth~” >She leans up as much as she can, given her position. >”I want to feel you, Anonymous. ALL of you.” She breathily insists. >You lean closer to her. >Your cock rubs up against her pussy. >Your precum mixes with her pussy juices, getting the dance started. >Both of you gently tremble when this brief contact is made. >Heavily breathing, your hands slide under her body and firmly grip her back. >Rarity’s breathing quickens but she never breaks eye contact with you. >Almost like when she was singing karaoke. “Wish granted.” You growl. >You grip her tight and slide inside her thoroughly lubricated pussy. >The moment you’re inside, her cunt constricts around your manhood like a python as Rarity throws her head back and releases a scream of pleasure. >She lets go of her ankles and lets her legs fall upon your shoulders. >Intertwined with her sounds of pleasure is a twinge of pain, no doubt caused by your thighs being so pressed against her sore ass. >But she doesn’t let this pain slow her down. >As you lower your body down and fold Rarity’s legs up, her hands quickly grip your hair with enough intensity to rip it right out of your head as she hisses at the pressure. >”S-So good~” Rarity shakily sighs. >You nod as best as you can. >Rarity’s delightful warmth and tightness gets you much, much closer to finishing. >But you can’t finish now. >Not yet. >You grit your teeth, ignore the pressure mounting in your loins, and show Rarity who’s her daddy. >You pull your hips away from her and slam them back into place. >Rarity’s entire body constricts upon impact, ensnaring your cock even tighter. >But you’re not gonna let her hold you in place. >She doesn’t want you to give in to her so easily. >With a vicious hiss of your own, you force your dick out of her only to slam it back into place. >When you’re fully sheathed, Rarity squeals and releases a torrent of her squirt onto your dick. >The sensation is so overwhelmingly pleasurable that you falter in your thrusting for a brief but dangerous moment, almost cumming yourself. >But with an angry snarl, you glare down at Rarity and get back to pumping into her. >It doesn’t take long for you to find a rhythm with her. >Your breathing takes on this rhythm unconsciously, inhaling when you slide out of her and inhaling when you slam back into Rarity. >Whatever’s left of her strength fades each time your dick slides inside of her, but her ecstasy remains. >Her hands lose their grip on your hair, content to idly weave locks of your hair in between your fingers. >A small creaking sound enters your field of hearing. >Stealing a moment to glance around you, you notice you’re rocking her bed with each thrust. >The backboard of her bed slams against the wall every time you shove your manhood inside Rarity. >This kind of stress can’t be good for the legs of the bed, but fuck it. >Your resolve grows weaker with each thrust. >Your throaty growls turn to lewd moans as you continue thrusting in and out of her. >Those aren’t the only sexual sounds being made. >Wet smacks and slick sliding in and out serve as the backing track for the vocals you produce with Rarity. >Your hands slide out from under her to greedily squeeze and play with her chest. >That’s when Rarity gives up exerting herself beyond clenching her pussy around your dick and completely submits to you. >You feel her toes wiggle in delight right next to your head. >Her entire body is yours for the taking, from her pretty face to her heaving chest to her hips and thighs. >Rarity’s body writhes with pleasure at every sensation you subject her to, from every thrust and twitch of your dick to wherever your hands find themselves. >You already knew she’s a lovely singer, but the screams of painful ecstasy you force out of her are much more music to your ears. >You want to lean in closer to her and kiss her all over, but her legs on your shoulders put admirable effort into keeping you from your lover of the moment. >Hands begin to hungrily cover your body, accompanied by soft moaning and gentle kisses. >You don’t know how many of the girls started feeling you up, all that matters right now is Rarity. >You don’t even know how many times your manhood has been soaked in her love juices, but you know you’re a moment away from reaching your climax. >”Harder! Finish strong, you werewolf!” Your prey exclaims, surfacing briefly from her haze. >You growl in response. >Your fingers clench her breasts with ravenous strength, pinning her down. >You thrust in and out of her with greater strength than you’ve ever subjected her to before. >Rarity’s bed creaks louder in protest, but tonight, you’re not fucking the bed, so you ignore its complaints. >Each time your hips slam against hers, she screams out into the air. >She can’t even hold onto you anymore, her legs dangle freely off your shoulders. >But then, right before you release your load into her welcoming pussy, you spot your reflection in the mirror on Rarity’s desk. >You’ve got lipstick marks covering your mouth, cheeks, and neck. >Your hair’s a mess. >A faint sheen of sweat covers your body. >But from a distance, you spot something in your eyes as Rarity’s ankles rest on your shoulders. >Fire. >The fire Rarity said she saw in you. >It’s that fire that fuels your being, through your glare and your snarling. >Your hair resembles the raised fur of an apex predator. >Your teeth more closely resemble those of a wolf. >Your eyes are darker and hungrier. >You’re strong. >You’re hungry. >You’re a werewolf. >With that, you turn your hungry gaze back down to Rarity. >Her eyes meet yours, and you see that same mix of fear and arousal in her eyes that dares you to pounce. >You lean in, folding her body neatly in half and putting her legs by her head. >Before Rarity could fully scream from the exertion, you grab her cheeks and pull her in for one last hungry kiss just in time for you to climax inside of her. >...And completely break one of the legs on the bed. >Both you and Rarity are yanked out of what would be a tender post-coital moment as the bed lurches to the side and the frame makes contact with the floor with a loud slam. >You two, along with Sunset, Rainbow and Pinkie, hurriedly scramble off the bed and assess the damage. >Sure enough, the leg of the bed snapped clean off the frame. >Your blood runs cold as the reality of the matter sinks in. >This is bad. >This is really bad. >It would be easy to blame the wine and hard cider you’ve been drinking all night, but that would just be avoiding responsibility. >So much for being a werewolf. >The moment Rarity’s parents or even Sweetie Belle sees this, they’re gonna know what happened. >Sweetie Belle especially. >She saw Rarity invite you in for the sleepover, and if she didn’t know Rarity was into you, she at least suspected it. >She’s gonna see Rarity’s bed got broken the night you got invited over for a sleepover and put the pieces together like the world’s easiest jigsaw puzzle. >...And you were more than a little rough with her. >The last thing you’d ever want to do is hurt any of the girls. >The only thing you can hear is the blood rushing through your ears. >None of the girls have anything to say. >You probably just ruined the sleepover. >Four months of friendship and romantic feelings and this is how you handle it. >You need to say something. “...I’m really sorry, Rarity.” You ashamedly apologize. >You brace yourself for what her response could be. >You don’t know if it’ll be worse if she’s angry or devastated. >But instead, her response comes in the form of a mirthful giggle. >”Don’t you DARE apologize, Anon. You were everything I wanted in a lover and more!” She insisted, raking her fingernails across your chest and shoulder. >... >Man, tonight is just full of surprises. >You turn to face Rarity, finding her completely unfazed by your destruction of her property. “But… The bed-” >”Can be covered up just fine with some old books to prop up the frame in the meantime. My parents hardly ever come into my room, I’m confident we’ll be able to fashion a replacement before they have any suspicions.” Rarity assured you, placing a hand on your shoulder. >You glance back down at the broken bed. >It isn’t raised too high up off the ground, a decent sized textbook or two would be able to level it out. >”Anonymous, be a darling?” Rarity asks you. >She’s holding a stack of yearbooks from her past three years at Canterlot High and motioning to the broken bed. “On it.” You say to her, crouching down and lifting the frame of the bed up off the ground. >You make sure to lift with your legs and not your back, just as Big Macintosh taught you. >All the blankets and pillows make the bed a little heavier than you expect it to be, but you’re able to get it up enough for Rarity to slide the yearbooks under where the leg broke off. >”Wowee, you’re super strong, Nonny!” Pinkie praises you. >”Woo! Work it, Anon!” Rainbow teased from behind you, followed by a chorus of some of the girls giggling. >You’d roll your eyes, but you must look pretty sexy, working these muscles of yours. >You’re still getting used to being sexy, though. >With a grunt, you set the bed carefully down on the stack of yearbooks. >To your surprise, the yearbooks keep the bed nice and stable. >With the blanket draped over the side, you wouldn’t be able to tell it was broken. >”Thank you, darling!” Rarity graciously thanks you. >Content with your work, you take a step back and let out the breath of air your stress was keeping hostage. >”Oh, Anon, you really need to relax! What’s high school without a little teenage rebellion?” Rarity asks you, stealing a quick kiss before you can respond. >In the brief moments where your lips are united, you feel the energy within her. >Like she’s raring to go again in spite of what happened to her bed. “Come on, I’ve never been any kind of rebel! You said so yourself!” You rebut with a grin of your own, feeling the tension from earlier melt off of you. >”You sure? You were absolutely feral back there~” Sunset teases you as her arms snake across your chest from behind. >Pinkie’s hands quickly return to your body, wrapping around your torso from behind. >Applejack and Fluttershy awkwardly make their way over to you to try to join in on the fun, but you’re pretty crowded already. >These girls, they’re so handsy. >Except Rainbow, she’s making a point out of standing further away from you and averting her gaze to look like she doesn’t care that it isn’t her turn yet. >Their gentle caress across your naked body is enough to lull you to sleep, now that the potion’s effects have worn off. >The alcohol in your system is quick to remind you that you’re no hard drinker. >Your head feels lighter and you feel woozier, but you’re not totally wasted. “Only because that’s what this lovely lady wanted. I’m as rough or as gentle as you girls want me to be.” You counter Sunset, gently nuzzling Rarity. >”But what about what YOU want, casanova?” Sunset asks you as Rarity peppers your shoulder and neck with kisses. >Pinkie’s too busy playfully nibbling you to add anything to the conversation. >You weakly chuckle. “It doesn’t really matter as much what I want. I’ve got you girls, that’s more than enough for me.” >”Of course it matters what you want!” Applejack insists. >”We want you to be happy, too!” Fluttershy chimes in. >You turn around to face the girls with a gentle smile. “I know, and I really appreciate your concern, but there’s absolutely no need to worry about me not being fulfilled. I’ve gotten enough kisses and loving to last me for several lifetimes.” >”And we’re just getting started!” Pinkie eagerly reminds you. >It’s certainly not how she meant it, but you can’t help but interpret that as a little intimidating. >Seven girlfriends, each with their own sex drive and ideas on what the ideal boyfriend is. >Maybe this whole “dating all seven of your friends at once” thing isn’t as much of a blessing as you thought. >You dismiss that idea immediately. >Dating all seven of the loveliest girls at school isn’t just a blessing, it’s a sign that you’ve been blessed by some higher power. >Other men would kill for this opportunity you’ve been given. “Besides, what’s most important right now isn’t what I want…” >Your eyes trail past Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rainbow to find Twilight in the back. “...It’s about what YOU want.” You say to Twilight. >She’s nervous. >She’s holding her arm and her breathing’s picked up. >Her mouth’s been forced into a nervous smile and she’s kind of sweaty. >”Oh… Wow… A-Already?” Twilight shakily asks. >“Yeah. Already.” Rainbow bluntly confirms. “Time flies when you’re having fun.” You gently remark. >Twilight laughs, but it’s a little louder than she meant it to be. >She’s glancing around the room and nervously twiddling her fingers. >Rarity and Sunset lean on you more noticeably as the other girls make room for Twilight to approach you. >”Geez… This is really happening…” Twilight nervously says, although you’re not sure if it’s directed at you or herself. >This is new, all the girls seemed so eager to get their hands on you after the big reveal in the hot tub, you didn’t really stop to wonder if any of them would have doubts or second thoughts on losing their virginity to you tonight. >Granted, partially because you didn’t have time to worry about that in between getting passed around like a blunt in a dorm room. >Admitting she’s a pervert must have drained all the confidence she had saved up for tonight. >Rainbow decides now is a good time to butt in. >”You know, if she’s not feeling up to it, we could just skip her-” “No!” You, Sunset, Rarity, and Applejack answer her in unison. >Rainbow’s face scrunches up again and she takes a step back, sternly crossing her arms. >With Rainbow reminded of her place in line, you turn your attention back to Twilight. >As her boyfriend, you have an obligation to look out for her and make sure she’s comfortable. “...Hey, you feeling alright?” You gently ask Twilight. >Her eyes widen and she stands straight up like she just got shocked. >”Yeah! Totally!” She answers in a tone that sounds more than a little forced. >You’re not convinced by her answer. “Listen, I get it, this whole thing is… A lot to take in.” You chuckle. “So if you don’t want to do this tonight-” >”I do! I do want to!” Twilight insists, taking a careful step closer to you. >Her eyes are locked on you now. >”It’s just…” >Twilight sighs and hangs her head. >”I dunno, all this seemed so easy when we were putting the sleepover together.” She admits. >”I mean, I’ve wanted to do this with you for… Kind of a long time. I spent all week psyching myself up for this, and what exactly we’d do together when I get you all to myself…” >Twilight’s tone sinks as she casts her gaze down to the floor and holds her hands behind her back like she’s being scolded. >”But now… Gosh, I’m so nervous…” >You’re really feeling for her now. >You can’t imagine the kind of pressure she’s under. >Apart from Rainbow, she’s the only one left in line for you. >Her little rant about what a pervert she is has gotta be haunting her now. “...Twilight, are you SURE you want to do this tonight?” You ask her, making sure to not approach or touch her to keep from adding to the pressure she’s feeling. >Twilight gulps and looks up at you with a determined look. >”I do. I want you, tonight. I promise.” She states as confidently as she can muster. >”I’m sure I’ll feel good to go once I get going, but actually getting past that first leap is the hardest part.” She explains with an awkward chuckle. >You wish you knew how that felt. >Sunset, Pinkie and the other girls got you so riled up you were acting basically on raw instinct. >No thinking, just doing. >Poor Twilight, thinking is her strong suit. >It’s a blessing and a curse for her. “Don’t worry, I understand. We’ll take it as slow as you want.” You promise her. >Twilight smiles at you, but it’s more genuine and not nearly as forced. >”Thanks, Anon.” >You’re not sure how to proceed from here, leaning in and kissing her doesn’t seem like the best move. >Small talk, that’s something. >Talk about romantic stuff, not sex stuff. >She’s already talked about sex stuff plenty. “Say, how come you haven’t said anything about having feelings for me before tonight?” You ask her. >Twilight awkwardly laughs and adjusts her glasses before answering your question. >”I, uh, kinda… Thought you were out of my league.” She sheepishly admits. >You can’t help but let out a small laugh at her answer. “Really? Me? Out of your league?” >”Come on! By the time I realized I had a crush on you, so did Pinkie and Applejack! And then Fluttershy and Rarity and Rainbow developed crushes on you! Not to mention how Sunset was always hanging around you being all flirty and stuff! How was I supposed to compete with that?” She indignantly asks you. “By being yourself, of course!” You cheekily answer her. >Twilight exhales sharply through her nose but fails to suppress her smile. >”I- God, I even started secretly calling you Anonis!” >...Anonis? >What kind of name is that? >Your confusion manifests on your face, shaking Twilight’s boldness a bit as she realizes what she meant went right over your head. >”...Y’know, like Adonis?” “Still not ringing a bell, sorry.” You admit. >Twilight groans a bit. >”I-In Greek mythology, Adonis was the mortal lover of the Goddesses Aphrodite and Persephone and was considered the ideal of male beauty.” She clumsily clarifies. >Damn, that’s the best compliment you’ve probably ever received. >With foundation, too. >Rarity on your left, the Goddess of love, and Sunset on your right, the queen of the underworld? >That tracks. >Still, you? >The ideal of male beauty? >If you didn’t know Twilight so well, you’d expect that compliment to be followed by a request to borrow money. >But hey, she’s the one saying it, not you. >It’s not narcissism to agree with someone else’s praise. “Seriously?” You softly laugh. >”Yes, seriously! Like, we hit it off really well at the start of the year when we get together to study, but then you started working out and dressing nicer and I realized that you’re hot!” Twilight yells as her cheeks flush deeper. >”And then, all of a sudden, I couldn’t talk to you like I used to! I tried to tell you I had a crush on you, I really did! But whenever I tried, my mouth would dry up and I’d get all sweaty and I’d feel like I’m standing around in my underwear and I’d feel like such a clumsy dork and now we’re both naked and… Gonna have… s-seeeehh…” Twilight trails off, struggling to enunciate the last word as her eyes trailing down your body in a very non-subtle manner. >There’s that nervousness again. “Did you try asking the Principal for dating advice?” You teasingly ask Twilight in an attempt to lift the mood. >She sputters at your question, almost offended. >”W-What? No! Of course, not! Don’t be ridiculous!” She insisted as confidently as she could manage. >You just barely hear Sunset whisper “She totally did.” >”Fluttershy said it best in the hot tub when she said you’re a cool dork. You’re… hot and stuff, but still really fun to be around! I love listening to how passionately you talk about your hobbies! And I… Geez, I’m just a regular dork…” >Twilight hides her face in her hands in shame. >”I’m sorry about all this…” >You step forward and place your hand on her shoulder. “Twilight, it’s okay, really. You don’t have anything to apologize for.” You assure her. >She gently shakes her head, avoiding looking up at you. >”I really do wanna do this with you, I just…” >Guilt washes over you. >You can’t help but feel like you had a hand in making her so nervous about this. >You want to help her, but a part of you believes that doing that would be trying to pressure her further. >A moment of awkward silence passes. >...She did say she wants this, multiple times. >Twilight wouldn’t lie about something like this for your sake. >You trust her to tell the truth about this. >Twilight looks up at you, her eyes slightly misty on the other side of her glasses. >”...Can we take this a little slower? Like, not jump RIGHT into… It?” She softly asks you. >This gives you an idea. >You give Twilight an encouraging smile. “You know what, we could roleplay being each other’s date at the Fall Formal!” You pitch to her. >Twilight’s expression lifts at the whole prospect. >”You mean, like… slow dancing and sharing our first kiss to the tune of what we’ll know as our song for the rest of our lives?” >Looks like she’s been thinking about something like this for a while. “All that and more!” You beam at her. >You did go to the Fall Formal with Twilight, but you also went with the rest of the girls. >It was fun, but it was also the first school dance you’ve ever been to. >The catering wasn’t anything to write home about, but it was fun to dress up in a suit and spend time with your friends. >That one girl in your history class with the blue hair and shades DJ’d for the dance, she played some top 40 stuff along with her own remixes. >It wasn’t really your thing, but nonetheless impressive. >Some of your peers would give Sunset nervous looks throughout the night, but you couldn’t figure out why. >...Although the expectant looks the seven girls gave you when the slow dance song came on make a lot more sense in retrospect. >Now’s your chance to have your first slow dance. “We could roleplay dancing together, then sharing our first kiss, then going home and seeing what happens from there. Maybe that’ll help ease the pressure and make all of this feel more natural.” >You’re pretty into this idea yourself. >Sex is fun, there’s no doubt about that, but you’ve always been a softie at heart. >Slow dancing and being romantic has its own appeal. >And you know she’s big into old Disney movies and romance manga. >A dorky smile appears on Twilight’s adorkable face. >”...I’d really like that.” She eagerly says to you. >”How romantic!” Rarity swoons, resting her head on your shoulder. >”Ooh! We could convert the boutique into a dance floor!” Pinkie excitedly realizes. >Twilight’s face is faintly dusted with nervousness. >Along with you. >The boutique? >The same boutique with those wide-open windows that lead directly to main street? >Nobody’s out there, they’d be insane to be out at 11:30 at night in weather like this, but that’s more exposure of your nude body than you’d be down for. >Only the girls get to see you like this. “If only we could dress up all fancy for our dance.” You chuckle. >Twilight responds with a more awkward laugh. >”We could still wear our underwear!” She eagerly offers. >A little too excitedly, Twilight feels. >”Y’know, because, like, it’s either that or our pajamas, and I kinda figure that our underwear would be more… romantic, I guess than pajamas…” She justifies herself, trying to reel in her emotions while blushing in embarrassment. “You sure you’re up for it?” You teasingly ask her. >Twilight puts on a confident face. >”I was born ready.” >”Perfect! You two high school sweethearts wait here, we’ll get everything set up downstairs!” Sunset announces, patting your and Twilight’s shoulder eagerly. >In a flurry of movement, the girls dart around in all directions like a team of movers expecting a very handsome tip. >Blurs of yellow, pink, white, orange, and red fill your sight as the essentials for transforming the boutique downstairs for your dance with Twilight. >The pizza boxes, liter bottles of soda, bluetooth speaker, and mood lighting are picked up and hauled out the bedroom door and down the stairs. >Looks like they aren’t as concerned about their nudity as you are. >Not even Fluttershy. >It’s a dark day when Fluttershy proves herself to be bolder than you. >Rainbow proves to be the least helpful of the bunch as she marches downstairs without carrying anything. >You can almost see the steam coming out of her ears. >Her eyes stay locked on you as she walks out of the room. >She makes a big show out of licking her lips. >You could almost feel your skin burn under her fiery gaze. >Rainbow’s sexual frustration is reaching critical mass. >This has gotta be the longest she’s waited to get something she wants, and she’s not known for her patience. >Before you know it, it’s just you and Twilight in Rarity’s bedroom. >With all the girls gone, you can really appreciate how big the bedroom is. >Combined with how the air is no longer filled with the voices of your friends, it feels like an entirely different room altogether. >Even though all the sleepover implements have been removed, there’s still some evidence lying around to convey the truth that a sleepover was held here, like the messy state of the couch and bed and the sleeping bags stacked in the corner. >Despite how luxuriantly Rarity’s bedroom is decorated, it’s a little eerie when it’s this empty. >And you’re just standing in the middle of it, naked. >With each passing moment, you feel more awkward and uneasy. >But the sound of Twilight loudly exhaling a stressed breath of air she’s been holding in brings you some ease. >”Phew, I’m already feeling better!” She proudly says. >When you look back at her, she’s tugging her red panties back up her waist and both her bra straps are almost sliding off her shoulders. “That’s all it took?” You bemusedly ask her, looking around for your boxers. >”Yep! I’m feeling way more confident! Ready for some serious dating action!” Twilight beams. “Hey, there you go!” You praise her as you dig through your duffle bag, searching for your boxers. >Weirdly, they’re nowhere to be found. >Both the underwear you wore to Rarity’s house and your backup boxers seem to have given you the slip. >Where could they have- >... >You turn to Twilight with an eyebrow raised. >Twilight wipes her glasses clean and gives you a guilty smile. >She looks like she wants to deny your nonverbal accusation, but falters immediately. >Slowly, she pulls her hands out from behind her back and presents your backup pair of boxers. “Is this that confidence you were talking about?” You ask her with a small smile. >”...I never touched a boy’s underwear before tonight, so… Yeah...” She demurely confesses, holding them out for you. >You stand up and take your underwear back from Twilight, noting the slight resistance she puts up by how tightly she’s holding your unmentionables. “As long as you didn’t sniff them…” >Twilight responds by loudly laughing and avoiding eye contact with you. >Figures. >Once your underwear’s back in your possession, you bring them back up your legs and secure them on your waist. >”Did you know you look super hot when you’re covered in lipstick stains and your hair’s all messy?” Twilight blurts out at you. >Glancing over at her, you find her standing as rigidly as a soldier at attention with her eyes wide and mouth sealed shut. >She took her first bold step as your girlfriend and stumbled. “Did YOU know you’re really cute when you’re trying to be flirty?” You tease her. >Twilight’s cheeks flare up at your gentle flirting. >”See? This is what I’m talking about!” She exclaims. “What’s what you’re talking about?” >”That… That cool dork stuff! You were so… I don’t know, unassuming when you were trying to study geometry or telling me about all your Bionicle stuff like it was all real history!” >You know she didn’t just downplay Matoro’s tragic, heroic sacrifice to save the universe. >You’d give her a spanking for that if there wasn’t the possibility that she’d be into it. >”But at the same time, there’s this weird charisma to you! Like, you’re cool in a dorky way! You talk about Bionicle and stuff with such passion and energy, it’s magnetic!” >You’re pretty sure she’s referring to the times you quoted Resident Evil 4, but she doesn’t need to know that. >”And then tonight, It’s like you just flip a switch and suddenly you’re all sexy and stuff!” “No, ‘sudden’ is learning how all seven of you girls are so into me that you’re all willing to share me.” You counter. >”In case you were so lost in the moment that you don’t remember what you actually DID with Sunset, you went at it like you were waiting your whole life for that moment! Like it was your destiny or something!” Twilight reminded you. >”And then, after you were done making love to her, when you turned to us and went “It’s not polite to stare”... It’s like you changed into your werewolf form~” Twilight sighed, her legs trembling a bit. >It’s nice to see she’s loosening up, but she’s still exuding a strong aura of uncertainty. >Prolonged exposure would surely end up with you contracting clinical anxiety. >Better do something. “I’m honestly pretty surprised you’re so nervous, I thought you’d spend all week studying stuff like the Kama Sutra to prepare.” You half-joke. >”I did! I read that and intimacy blogs and how-to guides and dumb pick-up lines and everything! I rehearsed the things I’d say to you, and what we’d do together, and then you kept showing off more and more of your body over the course of the night, and then you started… Making your way through the girls, and I’d get more and more excited about my turn with you, and then I just froze up! Gosh, this whole thing is such a whirlwind of emotions!” Twilight burst out, allowing a little of her frustration to infect her words. >She rubbed her eyes and sighs, then looks back up at you. >”...How do you do it?” “Do what?” >”Everything you did tonight! You wore Rarity’s new clothes so confidently, you never really sang before but you turn out to be a really good singer, and you’ve never had seeeeh- THAT before tonight, but you’re a natural at it! Like, you shift between being all soft and submissive for Fluttershy to being super dominant for Rarity so easily!” >That’s a good question. >When you got into the groove with Sunset, along with the other girls for that matter, it all felt so natural. >It couldn’t have been the mystery juice, you didn’t drink any of that before having sex with Sunset. >Or when you were singing those two songs. >It’s like you were running on instinct. >Like your kiss with Sunset activated something dormant within you. >...This werewolf stuff might have some truth to it. >But you weren’t thinking about what you were doing. >You were just doing it. “I guess I just… Felt it out.” You finally answer. >”...What does that mean?” Twilight asks. >You comb your fingers through your hair to get your thoughts in order. “Think of it this way, you studied how to swim, I was dumped into the pool and forced to learn how to swim.” >”That doesn’t really explain it.” “When I got up on that karaoke stage, or when I got down and dirty with Sunset and Pinkie and the others, I didn’t really have time to think about what I was doing. I just focused on what I was feeling in the moment.” >Twilight puts a finger to her chin and glances downward as she ponders your answer. >”I guess that makes sense…” >You step closer to Twilight and rest your hand on her shoulder. “I know it’s way easier said than done, but my advice is to not think so much about what you’re doing. Just focus on what feels right, okay?” You advise her in a gentle tone. >Twilight relaxes a little bit at your touch. >She holds her hands tightly together and looks up at you with a soft smile. >”...Okay, I’ll try!” “There’s the Twilight I know!” You cheer, nudging her shoulder playfully. >Twilight giggles a bit at your gesture. >She’s so cute like this. >There’s still a bit of commotion downstairs as the girls get everything set up for you and your girlfriend of the moment. >You just know Pinkie’s running this operation like the Navy. >She can be kind of scary when organizing a party. >Pinkie almost worked you to the bone when you agreed to help her set up for a birthday party, only for the party to be for Gummy. >Still a good time, though. >You can see Rarity and Sunset working as her commanders. >If only you could see Rainbow right now, she’s probably grumbling up a storm. >Wait, Rarity and Sunset… “Say, can I ask you something?” >”Of course!” Twilight chipperly answers. “Something Rarity said has been on my mind; something about how Sunset fought for me.” >Twilight giggles a bit. >”She sure did! She pushed Applejack to ask you for tutoring, she talked you up to Rainbow about how tough you were for surviving Bullworth, and she really tried to convince Fluttershy that you’re not a violent jerk! Heck, it didn’t take me much convincing to offer to tutor you!” >Huh. >Sunset’s been an active part of your social life here, even behind your back. >That’s some of your suspicions confirmed, at least. “Seems a little excessive, I probably could’ve made friends on my own.” You remark. >”She just wanted to help you! Sunset and I both know how rough it is to be the new kid, especially at Canterlot High. There’s nothing wrong with needing help, that’s what friends are for!” >Something still isn’t adding up. >Sunset seems like she knows her way around the school, she’s gotta know some guys. >How come she only pushed the girls to get to know you? >Surely you’d have made pretty good friends with some of the guys at school. >Your conversation is interrupted by the sound of music from downstairs. >Seems like the “dance” is in full swing. >”You head down there first! I wanna make a dramatic entrance!” Twilight directed you, pushing you towards the door. >Such conviction in her words, this must be one of her fantasies. “Like a princess?” >Twilight gulps as the blush on her cheeks turns a shade darker. >”...Yeah, like a princess.” She sheepishly admits. “A princess who forgot to put clothes on before leaving for the ball?” You tease her with a grin. >Twilight’s cheeks flare up and she shoves you more forcefully towards the door. >”Just get going!” She commands you. >An instant later, you’re shoved out into the hall and the bedroom door slams shut behind you. >Every time you’re in this hallway, you’re dressed differently. >Your normal clothes, Rarity’s new clothes, your swimsuit, nude, Rarity’s lingerie, and now your boxer shorts. >What an adventure tonight is. >But now that you’re out in the hall, you can hear the music from downstairs better. >https://youtu.be/SgM3r8xKfGE >Typical radio-friendly up-tempo pop music you’d expect to hear at any school dance. >The girls are eagerly talking amongst themselves downstairs, but you can’t make out what exactly they’re saying. >...God, you’re tired. >Kind of sore, too. >This sleepover’s got a toll for you to pay, and you’re racking up the late fees. >Standing still for too long is enough to make you a little drowsy. >You’re used to staying up until midnight on weekends, but today’s been more taxing on your body than any day spent on farm work. >If you sit down for too long in this state, you’ll fall asleep immediately. >Dancing in a state like this is gonna be a struggle, but love isn’t always easy. >What the princess wants, the princess gets. >As long as you get your fix of the purple stuff, you’ll be good to go. >Well, you shouldn’t keep the girls waiting. >You carefully descend the stairs like you’re afraid of Rarity’s family hearing you, even though they’d have been alerted to your presence several times over if they actually were here. >When you reach the first floor, you can barely recognize the place. >Colorful lights shower the room from a rotating disco ball on the ceiling, casting an array of hues across the snack and punch bowl at the edge of the room. >On the other end of the room is a DJ setup, manned by Pinkie overseeing a laptop in between two large speakers. >Are those even Rarity’s? >Or are they somehow Pinkie’s? >Behind Pinkie, the massive windows that normally provide a lovely view of Canterlot’s main street have been covered up with curtains, assuaging your earlier concerns about onlookers gawking at you and Twilight. >The center of the room has been cleared out for a makeshift dance floor, where the girls are talking and enjoying themselves. >...They’re all wearing dresses. >The same dresses they wore to the Fall Formal. >They’re all so intricately designed and decorated while conveying their distinct personality, truly works of art. >Leaving you severely underdressed for the occasion. >”There he is!” Sunset announces, interrupting her conversation with Rainbow and Fluttershy and pointing to you. >Their talking is brought to a hush as every set of eyes in the room quickly turns to you. >You’re feeling way more naked now. >God, being surrounded by girls when you’re only wearing your underwear is something straight out of a nightmare. >”Looking good, hot stuff!” Pinkie compliments you, leaning over the DJ set and batting her eyes at you. >”Ain’t that the truth!” Applejack chimes in before grabbing your left arm. >Sunset grabs your right and works with Applejack to pull you to the center of the dance floor, getting you surrounded by the finely dressed girls. >None of them are laughing at your exposed state, they’re all hungrily looking over your body and fidgeting with their own dresses. >Particularly, they’re looking at the hickeys, kiss stains, and scratches that they’ve inflicted on you from your encounters with them. >Except Rainbow, of course. >She’s looking at you like a starving man would eye an extra large pizza. >Behind them, Pinkie’s leaning much further over the edge of her DJ setup and licking her lips at you. “Rarity, you promised me there wasn’t a dress code for tonight.” You joke to her in an attempt to ease yourself up. >Rarity slyly giggles. >”Oh, nonsense! Remember what we learned in art class: less is more~” Rarity flirts with you, sliding a finger down your chest and stomach. >”She makes a good point.” Fluttershy quietly agrees, eyeing your body a little less subtly than she usually does and slowly reaching out to touch you. >Sunset is quick to act as she swats away Fluttershy’s hand. >”Hands off the merchandise! Lover boy’s saving his dance for Twilight, it’s a special occasion!” Sunset reminded her. >”One more to go, one more to go, one more to go…” Rainbow muttered to herself, rubbing her temple as Fluttershy meekly steps back and mumbles an apology. >”Where’s Twilight at, anyway? She get cold feet or something?” Applejack asks you. >You fake getting emotional and wipe an imaginary tear from your eye. “S-She didn’t make it.” You jokingly quiver. >Rainbow laughs at your dumb joke. >”What happened? Did the egghead get crushed under all her textbooks?” She asks you with a grin. >You shakily nod, failing in suppressing your grin. “It all happened so suddenly, at first I was too shocked to know what to think. Then it was… pretty funny, honestly. But now I’m just drowning in sorrow.” You pretend to grieve. >This earns some laughs from Rainbow and Applejack, but then Pinkie loudly gasps. >”Look out, it’s a ghost!” Pinkie exclaims, pointing towards the stairs as she switches. >You turn to where she’s pointing to see Twilight gracefully descending the stairs with her hand brushing along the banister >The music’s changed to a slower piece to match her surprisingly elegant entrance. >You were half joking before, but Twilight really looks like a true princess. >...In her red underwear. >It’s a pretty amusing sight. >You step away from the group of properly dressed girls to greet your “date”, extending your hand for her. >Twilight smiles at you and gently takes your hand in hers. >She sighs contentedly as you two hold hands, then noticing how underdressed she is compared to the other girls. >”...We look like a couple of dorks.” Twilight giggles with a faint blush, pressing her forehead against yours. >You gently giggle with her. “Yeah, we really do.” >”See, I wasn’t the only one thinking it.” Rainbow quietly remarks to Applejack, who just rolls her eyes. >The way she called you a dork earlier in the school year always got under your skin, but ever since you made up, it’s become a much more endearing nickname. >Plus it meant you got to call her meathead. >It’s all playful teasing, but you don’t pay it any mind this time. >Despite the incredibly perverse night you’ve been having so far, this one moment with Twilight, holding hands in the middle of this dance floor… >It’s sweet. >Twilight loves those golden age Disney movies, and you’ve got a soft spot for them as well. >Anyone with a soul likes those movies. >Deep down, she’s always wanted a fairy tale love story. >It’s something of an honor that you’re the one who could give that to her. >...Then you remember you still bear the marks of making Rarity’s less wholesome dream come true. >The lipstick marks left on your face gently sting, as if reminding you that you’re not worthy of Twilight’s gentle affections. >A slight feeling of guilt washes over you, despite Twilight’s earlier confession that she thinks you look hot when post-coitus. “...Sorry, I should’ve washed my face off before this.” You apologize with an awkward smile and small chuckle to match. >Twilight giggles and brings your joined hands closer to her. >”Don’t be, I don’t mind dancing with such a slut~” She teases you, trying her best to be flirty by wiggling her shoulders and lowering her eyelids. >”Twilight, that was mean!” Fluttershy is quick to scold her from behind you. >The flirty demeanor immediately vanishes from Twilight’s face as her attempt at flirting fell on its face. >”Sorry! I’m sorry! I- I didn’t mean to insult you or anything! I just-” She sputters out, but you cut her off by gently laughing and shaking your head. “Don’t worry, I’m not offended.” You assure her. >Twilight shakily laughs along with you in relief. >You can sense behind you that Fluttershy is still concerned about Twilight’s surprisingly off-color comment, but she stays quiet. >She trusts Twilight, and she trusts you. >”Enough talking! Let’s get to dancing already!” Pinkie chimes in, then returning to her DJ setup and putting the next song on blast. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIPmhkzN2ug >It’s super basic, but that’s fitting for prom. >Or prom-adjacent dance things. >Once the music gets going, the girls around you get to dancing. >Twilight isn’t dissuaded at all by being the only girl present to be wearing just her underwear. >But she’s not nearly as self conscious or nervous as before when you initially propositioned her. >You’re in your underwear, too. >But still very sore. >You don’t hesitate getting into the dancing, but you’re moving slower than everyone else. >All the singing, hot-tubbing, and sleeping around is catching up to you. >Part of you wishes you could have some more of that purple liquid to freshen you up, the other, more reasonable part of you knows that dancing while rocking a full mast is a mood killer no matter the occasion. >Your friends energize you plenty as is. >Rarity, Sunset, and Applejack playfully bump your hips as you dance. >Pinkie sings along with some of the music on stage, with Rainbow and Twilight occasionally providing backup vocals. >You spent all your singing ability earlier during karaoke. >It doesn’t take long for you to get into the mood with everyone else. >The blasting music, the flashing lights, the fun-filled laughter of your friends, it’s like you’ve been transported back to the Fall Formal. >It’s a lot of fun. >Twilight’s determined to keep her hands locked onto yours as you dance, which makes dancing a little more difficult. >But you enjoy the challenge. >Dancing in your boxers is fun, too. >Feel surprisingly liberating. >While you move your body along with the music, you wonder what’ll happen when prom actually rolls around. >Will Twilight get to slow dance with you? >Will Sunset claim your first slow dance with a girl at a school dance? >Will Rarity or Fluttershy or Pinkie win the right to slow dance with you? >Or will you be expected to dance with all seven of the girls during the slow dance song? >If a song runs for two and a half minutes, that would be a little more than 20 seconds for each of your girlfriends. >That’s hardly romantic. >”Something wrong, Anon?” Twilight asks you, barely audible over the blasting pop music. >You shake your head. >This prom stuff isn’t worth worrying about right now. >The girls had to have thought up a solution to that problem if they’re gonna agree to all date you at the same time. “Not at all, I’m having a blast.” You say to her. >Twilight smiles wider at you. >Her glasses slide down her nose a little bit, but she uses the back of her hand to push them back into place. >She’s determined to hold your hands, no matter how sore your fingers get or how sweaty your palms get. >You giggle a bit at her focus. >”What’s so funny?” Twilight asks you. “You’re just being really cute right now.” You answer her. >Twilight succumbs to a small fit of giggling, unwittingly playing into your hand. “See, like that!” >”Stop it, you’re embarrassing me!” Twilight tries to protest through her goofy smile. >She can’t bring herself to let go of your hands, though. “You’re dancing in your underwear, Twiggles. I’m not embarrassing you any more than you are.” You teasingly remind her. >”S-So are you!” She retorts as best as she can. >”And stop calling me Twiggles!” She tries to demand. >Key word: tries. “Aww, but I think you like the nickname, deep down!” You tease her further. >”N-No, I don’t!” Twilight insists, blushing fiercely. “Oh, yes, you do! I think you’ve always wanted your boyfriend to give you a cute pet name~” >Twilight sputters indignantly, getting some snickers from Rainbow, Applejack, Sunset, and Rarity. >Pinkie knows to act. >The music shifts right from the outro of another pop song to a slower, much more romantic song. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpqqjU7u5Yc >Note to self, commend Pinkie for her music selection. >The atmosphere changes in the room as the song begins. >Much more relaxed. >The girls obligingly move away from you and Twilight, giving the both of you plenty of space to dance. >The lights dancing above you slow down and shift to more subdued colors. >How’d Pinkie rig all of this up in the couple of minutes she had? >That’s not worth worrying about right now. >Twilight’s blushing has toned down from your teasing, but there’s still a faint powdering covering her cheeks. >Her grip on your hands relaxes, but there’s a touch of nervousness to her. >...And now’s not a good time to realize you don’t know how to slow dance. >Can’t be that hard, though. >You’ll wing it. >Though it pains you to stop holding hands with Twilight, you pull your hands away from hers and carefully place them on her hips. >You never thought your first slow dance would be with a girl in such a state of undress, so the tender gesture feels more than a little awkward. >Twilight suffers through a similar feeling as her hands find their way to your shoulders. >It’s through this shared awkwardness that both of you find comfort. >Both of you relax and let yourselves hold the other’s body close. >No saving room for Jesus today. >Not that he’d be very happy with you after everything you’ve been up to tonight. >When the chorus begins, you gently sway to the music in time with Twilight. >You can feel the music emanating from the speakers waft all around you, bringing you closer to her. >Twilight’s body sways more and more, visibly relaxing as the song goes on. >The muscles under the skin your hands are resting on loosen up, allowing herself to be more vulnerable and comfortable. >She smiles softly and looks up at you. >You smile back at her. >Neither of you say anything, but nothing needs to be said. >Your bodies and slow dancing say everything. >The two of you slowly turn as you dance as the both of you get more into the moment. >With the music playing and the lights swirling around you, this isn’t any faux-dance. >This isn’t even prom. >This is a regal ball being held in a magnificent castle. >Her, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and you, the nobody who came to this kingdom seeking a new life. >Geez, now Twilight’s roleplaying fantasies are rubbing off onto you. >Twilight leans forward and rests her head on your bare chest. >You can feel her smile on your body. >Her glasses make it a little uncomfortable, but you wouldn’t dare spoil the moment. >You carefully rest your head on top of hers, pulling Twilight even closer to your embrace. >Neither of you may fully know how to dance, but neither of you care. >It’s your dance, as imperfect as it is. >Each clumsy step and nervous shift adds flair to the dance. >Then, the final chorus of the song starts up. >Twilight looks up at you. >You look down at her. >She draws closer to you. >You draw closer to her. >She shuts her eyes and puckers her lips. >You lower your eyelids and meet her halfway. >When your lips touch hers, the girls around you coo lovingly at the both of you. >But Twilight jumps a little when she kisses you. >Like she didn’t expect this to actually be happening, and she would instead wake up in her own bed to the sound of her alarm clock blaring. >Her lips are very soft, not as closely maintained as Rarity’s lips but still bear the softness of being untouched by another’s lips until now. >Once the realization that this kiss is really happening, Twilight practically melts into your arms. >She leans even harder against you and sighs dreamily, keeping her lips attached to yours. >Her technique’s very clumsy. >Twilight just kind of mashes her face against yours as she leans her entire body against you. >If you move even a single inch, she’ll lose her balance and fall to the floor. >As a good boyfriend, you won’t let that happen. >You hold Twilight steady and try to guide her through the kiss as Sunset did for you. >Your demonstration of using less force when kissing and gently moving your mouth to get some air while kissing goes mostly over her head. >She’s too lost in the moment to be taking notes. >For once. >Eventually, Twilight pulls away from you and gasps for air. >”Wow, I actually kissed you…” Twilight sheepishly giggles, casting her gaze down to the floor. >Her body starts to tremble. >Her skin gets warmer. >She’s acting like a fangirl meeting the rockstar she’s idolized for a long time. >Between this and being called Anonis, she’s great at flattering you. >”Aww, I think she’s starstruck!” Sunset remarks with a grin. >Twilight backs off from you and stammers like a nervous wreck. >You let go of her hips to give her some space, but Twilight’s hands remain on your shoulders. >Her mouth wobbles like a million words are fighting to be vocalized at once, but her body does a much better job at communicating. >Her eyes roam your body, her feet nervously shift, and her hips very subtly rocks towards you. >She’s in the mood for love. >She’s just gotta say so to seal the deal. >Out of the corner of your eye, you can make out Rainbow visibly losing her patience with her. >”L- L- Leh…” Twilight tries to say, but trails off, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. “What was that?” You ask her, trying to goad her on. >Twilight looks around the room, from Sunset to Rainbow to Rarity to Applejack and then back to you. >She seals her mouth, takes a moment to compose herself, and gives you a flirty look. >”...Let’s take this party upstairs~” She finally says in a breathy tone. >You take hold of her hands and smile back at her. “I’d love to~” >The moment you’re done talking, Twilight grips your hands tightly and rushes you back upstairs towards Rarity’s room. >She’s surprisingly difficult to keep up with as she runs up the stairs and through the hall. >Twilight fumbles with the doorknob for a brief moment upon reaching Rarity’s bedroom like she can’t get ahold of her nerves. >But once you’re inside, she sprints over to her sleeping bag and rifles through its contents. >”I’ve got something that I snuck from my brother’s fridge!” She excitedly informs you, still digging through her sleeping bag. >You wonder what it could be. >You’ve met her brother, Shining Armor, a couple times when you studied with her at her house, along with his fiance Cadance. >They’re both great. “Ooh, can’t wait to see it!” You reply, shutting the door behind you. >You can already hear the girls gathering on the other side of the door, listening in like a bunch of voyeurs. >While Twilight’s searching through her bag,, you’re treated to a lovely view of her cute little butt waving back and forth, contained so nicely within her scarlet panties. >”Sorry, it’s in here somewhere…” Twilight mutters, sticking her head inside her bag to investigate further. “Don’t worry, take all the time you need.” You say to her as you continue to admire her ass. >Twilight briefly stops her search and playfully wiggles her butt at you with a small giggle. >Some tightness returns to your boxer shorts. >Nice to see you’re still capable of getting it up on your own after drinking all that purple stuff. >But as you’re blatantly staring at Twilight’s ass, something about the waistband of her panties sticks out to you. “Wait a minute…” You mutter, crawling over to her. >”What is it?” Twilight asks you, still deep within her sleeping bag. >Then you realize what stuck out to you. >”FRIDAY” is written along the waistband of her panties. >You can’t help but laugh at how adorkable that is. “You label your underwear?” You ask her, teasingly tugging at her waistband from behind. >”It helps me stay organized!” Twilight defends herself with an embarrassed squeak as she tries to hide her face in her bag. >You laugh a little more at how cute she’s being. “You really are a dork, Twiggles.” You continue to tease her, tugging on her panties again. >When you do this, Twilight makes a sound halfway between a gasp and a moan. “Woah, what was THAT sound?” You ask her with a teasing smile, still holding her panties semi-firmly. >At first, she can only respond in the form of an embarrassed, nervous laugh. >”Well, uh… you remember that stuff I said before about how I’m a pervert?” >Oh, so that’s where this conversation is going. “...Yeah?” >Twilight audibly gulps. >”Well… uh… o-one of the things that I’m kinda into is… um… wedgies…” >... >This took a turn. “...Really?” >”Mm-hm…” >An awkward silence fills the room in the wake of her little confession. >The longer this goes on, the more you risk ruining your time with Twilight. >You clear your throat and release her panties from your grip, letting them snap back into place, getting a surprised gasp from the bookworm. “...Well, lucky for you, I’m very open-minded, so I’d be down for… doing that kind of stuff with you sometime in the future.” You offer her. >”Really?” Twilight excitedly asks you with eyes wide. >She then quickly covers her mouth for a moment to regain her composure. >”Ah, s-sure, that would be cool!” She walks back her reaction. “Nice save.” You tease her. >Twilight exhales sharply through her nose and returns to her sleeping bag. >As you sit back on the floor, she soon after gasps in delight. >”Found it!” She announces, holding two cans up in the air. “What is it?” You ask her as you nudge closer to her. >”I swiped some of Shining Armor’s beer!” Twilight grins, holding out the two cans for you to see. >A small shudder travels down your spine at the thought of drinking more alcohol tonight. >After Applejack’s hard cider and Rarity’s wine, you should probably take it easy for the rest of the night. >But when you get a better look at the cans, you realize it’s not beer. >It’s root beer. >Those beverages don’t even have caffeine in them. >”Play along.” Twilight whispers to you under her breath. >Then you get it: it’s a roleplaying thing. >Twilight wants to continue her night at the school dance with some teenage rebellion. >You smile conspiratorially back at her as you take one of the cans from her. “What if we get caught? Shining’s a pretty clean-cut guy, we’d get in a ton of trouble.” You whisper to her like you’re afraid he could overhear you two. >”He’s out with Cadance tonight, we’ve got the place to ourselves~” Twilight whispers back at you, grinning ear to ear. “Well… okay, but if they come back early, you’re gonna tell him why we stole his beer.” You jokingly insist, cracking open your can. >”Wait just a moment!” Twilight speaks up, snatching your can of “beer” away from you. >Before you can ask what she’s up to, she pours some of the magic purple drink from the punch bowl into your can. >Now it’s party time. >The can’s so full of various liquids that she walks back to you like she’s handling nuclear material. >You carefully take the can back into your hands and immediately notice the aroma. >Like when Rarity mixed it with the wine, the purple drink produces a strong, sweet aroma that fills your nostrils. >”Wanted to water it down for you a bit, just in case this stuff’s a little too strong for you.” Twilight giggles. >You feign offense at her actions. “And, what, YOU’RE a hard drinker?” You incredulously ask her. >”This isn’t the first time I’ve ‘borrowed’ some of Shining’s beer.” She giggles, cracking open her own can. >You widen your eyes in pretend shock. “If he catches you, you’ll be in a whole world of trouble, miss valedictorian.” >”He’s not gonna catch us!” Twilight insists in a hushed tone for effect. >”Come on, I thought you were the school bad boy! How come you’ve got cold feet now?” >Twilight leans closer to you. >”You’re not gonna let a nerd like me outdo you, right?” She teasingly challenges you. >You smirk back at her, holding out your can of root beer. “Bet I can drink mine faster than you can.” You challenge her. >”We’ll see about that!” She declares, then immediately chugging her pretend beer. >So much for sportsmanship. >You quickly follow her lead and chug down your own can of root beer, mixed with the purple drink. >A moment or two later, both of you have gulped down your drinks. >You feel the mystery fluid work its magic the moment the last drop of the soda travels down your throat. >Your veins are once again filled with strength and vigor. >The soreness and exhaustion you were feeling vanishes in an instant, waking you back up. >Your muscles tense up, you sit up straighter, and your dick hardens. >Twilight can’t help but stare as your boxers strain to contain your stiffening, lengthening manhood, biting her lip and shuddering a little. >”Wow…” She whispers. >Her eyes slowly track up your body and savor the sight of your masculine physique. >When your eyes meet, you’re breathing heavily and getting ready to pounce. >Twilight spins around and fumbles to get her phone, swiping through screens and pushing buttons until she’s satisfied, setting it off to the side. >Maybe she’s recording your first time together? >Whatever, that’s not important. >She lies on her back and spreads her legs a little. >A faint dampness is just barely visible in the crotch area of her panties. >Her legs tremble slightly in anticipation. >”Come on, bad boy… let’s make sure this prom night has a happy ending~” Twilight huskily invites you. >With that, you pounce. >Fuelled and fired up, you pin Twilight down onto the carpet and go in for a messy kiss. >Once contact is made, she almost falls limp beneath you. >Her arms and legs are spread out across the floor like a starfish. >You could easily break away from her, unlike when you were messing around with Pinkie or Rarity. >She’s putting all her energy into sloppily kissing you. >But weirdly, this gets you more fired up. >She’s completely submitting to you. >She’s not putting up any kind of fight. >It’s like she’s your toy. >A squishy, squeaky, adorkable toy. >You grip her head with both hands and force her even deeper into this makeout session. >A high pitched squeak escapes her lips in the brief moment when your lips separate to breathe. >Her tongue wiggles around, prodding at your lips and hoping to be allowed. >You very briefly think about inviting her in, but her glasses keep poking your face. >Something’s gotta be done about that. >You pull away from her and take her glasses off her face, semi-carefully tossing them onto the couch. >When you look back at her, you realize this is the first time you’ve ever seen Twilight without her glasses. >She looks… >...Pretty much the same. >Maybe her eyes are a little smaller, but she’s still Twilight. >She softly gazes up at you in silent awe. >One of her bra straps slipped off her shoulder. >You’ve gotta look pretty bestial right now. >But she’s into it. >”...Shining would kill me if he found out I was dating you.” Twilight giggles, continuing the roleplaying. >A small chill runs down your spine at the thought. >Shining Armor might not resemble a boulder as much as Big Macintosh does, but he’s still a pretty tough guy. >He was the captain of the football team in college, so he’d still be able to mess you up pretty bad. >But still, this is just roleplaying. >You don’t let the thought get to you. “How come? Everyone at school likes me!” You ask her, playing along. >Twilight giggles mischievously. >”He thinks you’re a bad influence on me~” >You feign offense at the accusation. “What? Me? What’s wrong with me?” >”Everyone knows you’re the lone wolf bad boy at school! You’re a total outsider when it comes to all the cliques, you skip classes, and you make out with the cheerleaders under the bleachers!” >The way she says that sounds weirdly rehearsed, like she’s spent a lot of time perfecting this fantasy. >Each word she speaks gets even breathier as she goes on about how rebellious and sexy you are. >”You know, I heard there was a line to leave love letters in your locker~” Twilight continues, getting more visibly aroused by the fantasy. >Her fantasy with you involves you being a total manslut? >She’s got you all to herself, she could live out any fantasy she wants, and instead of making you her one and only, she’s just the next in line? >Twilight must’ve been one of the first to agree to this whole share-a-boyfriend thing, and that’s if she wasn’t the one who pitched the idea. “That’s not my fault, is it? I can’t help if I’ve got such a magnetic personality.” You playfully tease her further. >Twilight is absolutely delighted that you’re playing along with her on this. >She’s wiggling around a bit underneath you, subtly squeezing her chest with her arms to present her cleavage to you a little more. >”I- I mean, I guess not…” She shyly agrees. “So then, what makes Little Miss Straight-A’s wanna mingle with the likes of me~?” You ask her, lowering your voice and leaning in a little closer. >Twilight gulps as the blush covering her cheeks deepens. >”Wuh… u-uh…” >She’s so adorable when she’s flustered. >You just wanna hold her. >But you’re having more fun watching her melt into a puddle of her emotions. >”...I want a taste of it…” She whispers to you. >Now we’re getting somewhere. >You bring your lips to her ear. “A taste of what?” You whisper. >Twilight has to bite her lip to suppress the moan that tries desperately to escape. >”Of you. Everything about you.” >Twilight slowly turns her head to face you, practically leaking with arousal. >”It gets so BORING being a model student all the time. I wanna be bad~” >Her trembling fingers lace through your tousled hair. >”I wanna stay out late, I wanna skip classes to make out in the storage closet, I wanna steal my brother’s beer, get drunk, and break some rules~” >”When you agreed to be my date to the prom, I felt like I won the prom! E-Even though Shining warned me about guys like you…” “I dunno, I spend too much time with a nerd like you, I might have to give you a wedgie~” You grin at her, prodding at her soft spot. >Twilight visibly shudders as her entire face takes on a crimson hue. >”...U-Uh huh…” >You’re having a lot of fun with this. >Twilight’s always had something of a position of authority over you as your omni-intelligent tutor. >Now you get to turn the tables on her. “You sure all this isn’t the beer talking?” You grin at her. >Twilight rapidly shakes her head, tossing her straightened hair about. >”I’m not drunk or anything! I’ve been fantasizing about tonight for months!” She insists >You wish you could keep teasing her and see how much of a blubbering mess you could reduce this honor-roller to, but you’ve got the taste of nerd on your tongue. >And you’ve got a craving for more. “Then buckle up, Twiggles.” >That’s all the warning you give Twilight before you go in for another messy kiss. >The way she gasps in surprise at your bold move gives you the perfect opportunity to slide your tongue into her mouth. >You demonstrate the expertise you gained in French kissing over the past couple hours by forcefully guiding her tongue to and fro, like leading her in a dance. >All Twilight can do is submit. >Your kiss is as forceful as you want it to be. >Despite how much she’s moaning and writhing, she can’t muster the strength to hold you. >Her fingers and toes curl and her arms and legs squirm. >She’s completely powerless against you. >The most she can do is thrust her hips up at you, teasing your cock through two layers of thin fabric. >You’re not gonna let her tease you like this. >You’re the rockstar rebel, she’s your nerdy fangirl. >You move your hands down to her chest and knead her boobs through her bra. >Twilight bites her lip and squeaks delightfully as you greedily squish and squeeze her modest chest. >Of course, she can only moan when you’re not making music with her with all the wet sucking and popping of your lips viciously making out. >Man, even though she’s the sixth girl you’ve fondled tonight, playing with a girl’s boobs never gets old. >The variety in their cup sizes is the spice that keeps it fun. >Twilight’s boobs are only bigger than Rainbow’s. >But it’s Twilight’s cute reaction to your groping that adds the zing. >Her shaking hands clench into fists as you work your magic. >You can tell she wants to touch you, but she still can’t bring herself to actually do it. >A shame, she was making real progress during your dance. >Her raised legs stay locked by your sides. >She wants to leg-lock you, but she’s too far deep into her lust to fully control her body. >That’s fine. >You’ll control it for her. >Your hands snake beneath Twilight’s bra to give her nipples the attention they deserve. >Twilight’s gasping and moaning raises an octave. >With each pinch and gentle twist of her nipples, she becomes more and more of a mess. >Her hips rock against yours at a faster pace. >Her panties are soaked. >Stroking your manhood even more rapidly with her soaking wet cunt. >You have to keep her under control. >You’re not gonna let this dweeb make you jizz your boxers. >You grit your teeth and grope her even more vigorously. >Then the door opens. >You freeze. >Twilight’s eyes shoot open. >A cold feeling washes over you. >You whip around to see if Pinkie or Rainbow just burst in to ruin the mood, but the door’s still shut. >”Shining and Cadance got home early.” Twilight whispers to you in a deadly serious tone. >At first you’re confused. >But then you realize the sound of the door opening and footsteps approaching are coming from Twilight’s phone. >You can faintly hear Shining and Cadance having a casual conversation from the speaker on her phone. >Twilight scrambles to her feet and grips your wrists for dear life. >”We need to hide!” She urgently whispers to you, forcefully dragging you over to Rarity’s closet. >Just as the sound of Shining and Cadance walking through another door and into the same room as Twilight’s phone secretly recording them plays, you’re flung inside Rarity’s closet. >Twilight slams the closet door shut and breathes in and out like she just escaped a villain in a slasher movie. >It’s pitch black in here. >In front of you, you feel Twilight pressed tightly against you. >Behind you, you feel a massive row of Rarity’s countless outfits hanging on a rack. >Shining and Cadance are engaged in casual conversation just outside, though you can’t make out exactly what they’re talking about. >But you’re fully drawn into Twilight’s narrative. >She’s clinging onto your body for dear life. >You’re holding her tightly by her waist. >Both of you are shakily breathing in and out, not daring to make a sound. >You don’t want them to catch you, and neither does Twilight. >As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you can just about make out Twilight’s current state. >Her normally straight-as-an-arrow hair is all frazzled, and she’s gazing up at you with wide eyes. >Her fingernails are digging into your back. >And she’s getting sweaty. >”...We’re gonna get caught.” Twilight shakily whispers to you. “We will if you keep talking.” You whisper back to her, in a lower voice. >The pre-recorded conversation between Shining and Cadance continues undeterred by you two giving away your hiding spot. >”I left my glasses out there, and the beer cans are still sitting out!” Twilight worriedly reminds you, clinging onto you even tighter. “Just be quiet and we’ll be fine.” You insist. >Twilight nervously nods and buries her face in your chest. >She’s trembling. >She’s holding onto you tightly. >Though her hands start to wander. >They slide up and down your back as she breathes heavier. >Her lips gently brush across your chest, making you shiver slightly. >With every breath in and out, her sex rubs against your still stiff member. “What’re you doing?” You ask her in a hushed voice. >Twilight snaps out of her trance and looks back up at you apologetically. >”Sorry! I just…” >She gazes down at your near-nude form, then back up to you. >”...You’re so hot, Anonis.” She quietly giggles. >Her hands get a little more adventurous. >The conversation outside continues unabated. >Something about how Shining and Cadance are casually talking just on the other side of the door really gets you going. >You’re way more sensitive to any noise in such a dark, cramped place, alone with your lover. >You’ve got goosebumps all over your body and the hair on your arms is standing on end. >Your breathing slows, but you breathe with greater intensity. >Like a werewolf. >Twilight notices your shift in mood. >You grip her hips and push her against the door. >She makes a small thud when she makes contact, making her gasp a little. >”Anon, you were just saying we’re gonna get caught!” Twilight reminds you. >Her voice wavered a little when she said that. “I don’t think you care about that.” You quietly accuse her, backing her against the door even more. >Twilight’s breathing halts in quiet awe of you as you loom over her. “I think part of you wants to be caught.” You accuse her. >You hold her petite body tightly against yours. >Her bra’s almost falling off of her chest. >Her nipples are peeking out from the top of her askew bra. >She’s sweating even more. >And she’s soaking right through her panties. “I think you want everyone at school to know you fucked me.” >She’s shaking like a leaf in the wind. >She’s absolutely radiating with lust. >She’s yours to play with. >Her mouth hangs open a bit, but she can’t speak. >Through this whirlwind of desire, Twilight finds it within herself to nod up and down. >That’s the green light. >You forcefully pull her forward and bring her in for another round of making out. >Twilight falls limp in your arms the instant your lips meet hers. >From how fiercely you kiss her, you completely prevent any of her cute little moans from being heard by her brother and his fiance. >Your arms constrict around her body. >One hand slides up her back to tug at her bra strap, and the other ventures downward to fiercely grip her ass. >Twilight flounders in your intense embrace, her arms and legs squirming about at your every touch. >She’s powerless against you. >She’s surrendered to you. >Her nerdy little body is yours to play with. >And you’re gonna play rough. >You semi-clumsily unclasp her bra and toss it behind you. >Her dainty breasts fall free, only faintly exposed in what little light seeps in through the slit under the closet door. >You’re not done with her. >Your hands slide down her chest and stomach to her panties. >Your fingers trace along her waistband and then down the front of her panties. >They’re just as drenched as you thought they’d be. >”I… don’t wanna… get caught~” Twilight meekly protests, but she’s lying to you and herself. >If you keep teasing her like this, she’s gonna explode. >As soon as your fingers curl around the waistband of her panties, she obligingly raises her left leg to assist you in removing them. >It’s a little tricky to pull her panties down with just one hand, but you’re determined to keep squeezing her ass with your other hand. >Twilight carefully steps out of her panties with her left leg. >Her panties slip down her right leg, which she kicks off to the side. >The egghead lost its shell. >Through the darkness, you can barely see the small patch of hair above her pussy. >The liquid arousal dripping down the inside of her thighs glistens in the faint light. >Her hands remain on your chest as her eyes shamelessly roam down your body, landing on your mighty erection barely contained within your boxers. >Twilight shivers. >”...Can I…?” She asks you under her breath. >Her arms feel so rigid on your body. >She really wants your permission to touch you. “All yours~” You answer her. >Twilight collapses to her knees and impatiently tugs your boxers down to your ankles. >Your cock, once freed, springs up and smacks Twilight in the face. >Her entire body tenses up in response, but a goofy giggle follows. >”Wow… I’m finally doing it!” She quietly cheers for herself as her hands slide back up your legs and to your waist. “Remember, try to be quiet. Don’t want your brother to hear, do you?” You remind her, stroking her once carefully maintained hair. >She rapidly shakes her head, though she’s still a little hypnotized by your dick. >Twilight was right. >You are hot. >You're a rockstar. >Twilight leans in and buries her face in your crotch. >Your manhood rests on her head as she grips your hips and takes a deep whiff of your musk. >You freeze up for a bit, almost pushed backward by how forcefully she’s indulging herself in your aroma. >It doesn’t take long for her to get even more adventurous. >Her hands work their way between your thighs to spread them apart like the daintest jaws of life ever constructed. >Your time spent running with Rainbow and working on the farm with Applejack has blessed you with some pretty strong thighs, so the bookworm on her knees before you can only part your legs a smidge. >That’s all she needs. >Twilight’s face ventures even further into your nethers and nestles directly between your legs. >Despite how low she is, she’s on cloud nine. >She takes every breath like she’s getting one last gasp of air before sinking underwater. >You don’t even want to imagine what you must smell like. >Your own perspiration and… residue, dusted with the various fluids of Sunset, Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity wouldn’t be anything you’d try to put in a bottle and sell to young men as cologne. >But Twilight can’t get enough of it. >Health class warned you of the danger of inhalants, but nothing like this was covered. >You can only hope she doesn’t suffocate down there because she’s determined to stay between your legs. >When her tongue slides across your inner thigh, you almost jump ten feet into the air. >With her mouth open to lick your most sensitive area, her needy moans and whimpers are allowed to be vocalized. >Her breathing quickens as she gets hornier with each breath, and her licking gets more spirited. >You have to clench your teeth and grip onto the hangers behind you to stop yourself from singing tunes of your own. >Having seized control of your body, Twilight licking and sniffing your inner thighs becomes a feeling you’re weirdly enjoying. >The damp warmth of her tongue tracking across your skin is like slowly rubbing yourself clean with a soapy sponge, only far more salacious. >Twilight’s moaning gets subtly louder. >You soon realize why. >Looking down, you realize she’s only holding you with her left hand. >Her right hand’s occupying the space between her own legs. >She slowly pulls her head out from your legs and lets your cock drag across her face. >Her lips part slightly and after some hesitation, her tongue delicately prods your tongue as if it were a lightpost on a winter day. >Both of you react like you just stuck a fork in an electrical socket. >You’ve jerked off before, with various implements for the sake of variety, but none of that could possibly compare to the sensation of a girl’s tongue on your dick. >Twilight retracts her tongue immediately after it makes contact, but the feeling lingers. >It was a weirdly pleasurable feeling. >Part of you knows that genitals like yours weren’t meant to be licked, but a louder part of you doesn’t care. >”Hah…~” Twilight breathily sighs, still in a daze from your scent and taste. >Your hand unlatches from the hanger behind you to cover Twilight’s mouth, acting purely on instinct. “Quiet, you little pervert.” You inaudibly hiss at her. >Her body freezes up at your sudden act of dominance. >Even you’re a little surprised at how strongly you acted. >The sound of Cadance and Shining talking in the bedroom can still be heard on the other side of the closet door. >In the moment where both of you freeze in place, it’s like you’re at genuine risk of being found out. >You know it’s all pretend, but it still feels so real. >She’s created a really compelling narrative. >It makes you even more eager to see what else this egghead has brainstormed up. >Another moment passes. >Your heart rate calms down a bit. >You look down to Twilight, who’s looking up at you faintly apologetically. >You gently stroke her hair to ease her tension. “If you wanna do this, you need to be as quiet as a mouse.” You remind her in a whisper. >”I’ll be even quieter! I promise!” Twilight promises in an even quieter whisper. >You’re still rock hard, in spite of the harrowing situation. >...Or maybe, because of. >You stop stroking Twilight’s hair and firmly grip her head. >No words are needed to show her what she needs to do next. >Twilight’s eyes slowly shut as her mouth carefully opens. >Her tongue emerges like a groundhog carefully surveying the prairie for any lurking predators. >The closer her tongue gets to your dick, the shakier her breathing gets. >Her hot breaths tease your manhood, making you more and more impatient. >With her eyes firmly shut and her tongue sticking as far out as possible like she’s bracing herself to taste something sour. >Then, she leans forward and pokes your dick with her tongue. >You immediately break your own rule and audibly shiver at the sensation. >Twilight’s been salivating a lot, so her tongue’s covered in a thick coating of saliva. >The miniscule amount of lubrication your cock was graced with was enough to send a mighty wave of pleasure through your nude body. >Absolutely nothing could compare to the sensation of a girl licking your dick. >This moment ends as soon as it begins. >Twilight retracts her tongue as a sour look crosses her face. >Doesn’t look like she liked the taste. “You alright?” You whisper to her. >Twilight nods. >”Just… takes a little getting used to.” She faintly chuckles. >Twilight swirls her tongue around in her mouth as she really savors the taste. >Her face relaxes, then a smile spreads across her cheeks. >”Yeah, I could get used to this.” >You open your mouth to suggest talking less, but she’s quicker. >”And don’t worry, I brought mouthwash! It’s in my bag!” >Damn, she really did prepare for tonight. >But she can worry about the mouthwash later. >You bright Twilight’s head right up against your crotch. >Your dick is now sandwiched between her cheek and your own body. >Twilight freezes up again. >Her eyes widen as far as possible, staying locked on your member. >Her mouth hangs open just enough for a single drop of saliva to drip down. “Do you need help staying quiet?” >Twilight gulps, realizing what you’re getting at. >”...Y-yuh-huh…” She softly answers, still staring at your dick. >You hold her head in place with both hands. >She steadies herself by gripping your hips. >Despite your second-in-command’s urging for you to hasten the process, you wait for Twilight to initiate the process. >Don’t want to force your dick down your throat. >...Not yet, at least. >Twilight only hesitates for a moment as she moves her lips closer to your second most important head. >You can feel her inhale through her mouth by the way the air is displaced around your dick. >You press on Twilight’s head, bringing her forward with the same amount of pressure she’s using herself. >Her lips barely graze your tip, making you shudder in anticipation. >You can’t wait much longer. >You want your dick sucked. >Twilight seemingly senses your weakening patience, as in one bold motion, she grips your thighs tighter and finally welcomes your member into her warm, damp mouth. >It’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. >The intense warmth of Twilight’s mouth mixing with the thick, goopy saliva that accumulated in her mouth sands paroxysms of ecstasy throughout your body. >The purple drink Twilight prepared for you is making this even more exhilarating for you. >It’s like she’s licking an exposed nerve that releases dopamine and serotonin and all the other fun chemicals. >You’re as hard as a diamond, and equally as sensitive to such pleasure. >You have to force yourself to clench your teeth and hiss your sounds of arousal to avoid breaking the rule you’ve been enforcing so strictly. >Keeping this up soon becomes significantly more difficult when Twilight’s tongue clumsily swirls around the portion of your member within her domain. >Every muscle you have control over tenses up as you try to stifle your vocalizations. >You’re compelled to grip her head even rougher, your fingers gripping her like a hawk would hold the fish it plucked from the river. >But you know it isn’t just raw instinct forcing you to hold Twilight in place. >The darker, more power-hungry side of you is keeping her in place because it doesn’t want Twilight to stop sucking your dick. >And she’s doing a great job for a first-timer. >Your initial motive of stuffing your dick into her mouth to shut her up now seems to be moot because she’s still making all sorts of noise. >Mainly gasping for air and gagging when she surfaces, sometimes adding in a soft moan of pleasure to let you know this is fun for her. >Now’s not the time to remind her that you both could “get caught”, though. >In a weird way, you’re lucky that Twilight is the first one to give you head. >It’s probably not fair to say, you’ve got six other girlfriends that you need to provide equal love to. >But there’s something about Twilight’s clumsy enthusiasm that makes it way more endearing. >You don’t have any doubt that Sunset and Rarity would have mastered the art of oral. >They’d be so precise that you’d be brought to your knees, singing your heart out. >Pinkie would be enthusiastic but sloppy, Rainbow and Applejack would be the roughest, and Fluttershy would be so nervous about the whole ordeal. >Twilight, however, throws herself into whatever she commits herself to. >Last week it was studying for finals, and now it’s for sucking your dick. >And you just know she’s been practicing. >She’s not perfect, though. >Her teeth occasionally scrape against your shaft when she tries to take more of you in, interrupting how good this experience feels. >But Pinkie and Applejack prepared you for rough play earlier tonight. >You can take it. >And she can take more. >You exert a portion of your strength to bring Twilight down even further on your cock. >She’s surprised by this, but doesn’t put up any resistance. >You swear you can feel the tip of your dick poking the back of her mouth. >Her sucking and licking gets faster as she finds a comfortable rhythm to work with. >You don’t even need words to guide her, she knows how to adjust her technique based solely on the exertion sounds that manage to surface from your mouth. >And despite this incredible, sensational act happening, the pre-recorded conversation between Twilight’s brother and her fiancé continues unabated. >It’d be surreal if you weren’t so absorbed in these amazing sensations. >Sadly, as every wonderful experience begins, so must every wonderful experience end. >The pressure building in your loins warns you of that. >In a matter of moments, you’re gonna unload another round of your unborn heirs into your lover of the moment, bringing your first blowjob to an end. >You should probably warn Twilight about what’s coming down the pipe. “T-Twilight…” You gasp out, a bit louder than you meant. >She quickly unsheathes your dick from her mouth with a wet pop. >”Are you close?” >You groan and nod. >Twilight quickly stands up from her kneeling position and pushes you back against the wall behind you. >Your heart sinks and your erection slightly wilts. >Guess that’s the end of that. >”Don’t look so disappointed, that was just to get you warmed up.” Twilight assures you with a small giggle. >She elaborates by gently rubbing her sex against yours, clinging onto your shoulders. >The juices dripping from her pussy combined with the saliva she left on your cock allows your sensitive areas to easily slide past each other. >Twilight’s pressing her entire body against you, pinning you against the wall with what strength she can summon. >Regardless, you bring her body tightly against yours by gripping her hips once more to make sure she’s not going anywhere. “Well, okay… but you owe me oral to completion.” You softly insist. >”...We could 69?” Twilight suggests. “Done.” You agree, squeezing her ass playfully for emphasis. >Twilight silently giggles. >But that makes you wonder: how would 69’ing work with more than two participants? >You’re sure at least one of the girls would be interested in joining you and Twilight. >That’s something to puzzle out later. >Twilight raises her leg seductively, allowing your cock to prod at her soaking wet entrance. >It’s this small teasing that gets your cock fully ready for deployment again. >”I’m ready… for seh… s-seh…” Twilight breathily trails off, stumbling over her words. >You chuckle at her. “Are you having trouble saying se-” >”Intercourse!” Twilight cuts you off, noticeably louder. >Even though the closet is almost pitch black, her cheeks are positively glowing. >She tries to contain herself to damage control her little exclamation by covering her mouth with both hands, but the damage is done. >Both of you freeze. >You listen carefully for any signs that Cadance or Shining heard you. >For a few dreadful moments, you can’t hear any voices talking in the bedroom. >They heard you. >They’re gonna open the closet door any second now and find you and Twilight wrapped around each other while completely naked. >What a horrible way to end such a romantic, intimate prom night. >Before you can start mentally drafting your will, you hear the sound of a door shutting, and the conversation starts up again. >Right, it’s a recording. >The recording must’ve reached its end and looped back to the beginning. >...Man, that felt so real. >Too real. >You look down at Twilight, who’s still paralyzed with her hands over her mouth. >You sharply exhale through your nose as “frustration” with her grows. “...Twilight.” >”...Yeah?” She timidly replies. “Seems like you need help being quiet.” >Before she can ask what you mean by that, you crouch down just enough to grab your boxer shorts off the floor. >You ball up your underwear in your fist and turn your gaze back to Twilight. “Open wide.” You command her in a hushed tone. >Twilight obliges immediately, opening her mouth as wide as possible. >You then firmly stuff your underwear into Twilight’s mouth, effectively gagging her. >She wanted to sniff you so bad she’ll sniff your chair? >She’ll get more than she bargained for. >Twilight’s entire body begins to tremble in arousal. >Her legs especially are wobbling like they’re turning to jelly. “Ready for ‘intercourse’?” You quietly ask her. >Sunset twisted her arm enough tonight when it came to admitting she’s a pervert, you’ll let her off the hook for not being able to say “sex” tonight. >Twilight frantically nods up and down, gagging a little bit on your boxers. >Her hands start to struggle to hold onto you with how much they’re shaking. >Her pussy’s leaking like a faucet. >And your dick is dying to take this girl to home base. >So you remind Twilight who’s in control. >You stare deep into Twilight’s wide, lust-filled eyes as you grip her cute little hips, line yourself up with her pussy, and finally enter her. >Thank God you thought to gag Twilight. >The scream of pleasure you force out of her when your manhood penetrates her would’ve shattered your eardrums if her mouth wasn’t full. >Her fingernails might not be as finely maintained as Rarity’s, but when they’re sinking into your back, you’re unable to tell the difference. >Once you two are united, Twilight clings onto you with all her might. >Not only does she wrap her arms around your neck, she jumps up and wraps her legs around your waist. >She’s fully secured to you, like a baby possum clinging onto its mother. >You’re already standing pretty close to the wall, so you’re able to stabilize yourself on the wall as Twilight throws off your center of balance with her body weight. >There’s real desperation radiating off the egghead. >She’s made sure she’s as close to you as she possibly can be. >She took the entirety of your dick surprisingly easier than you thought she would, though the “gag” probably helped. >Her tight pussy is practically choking your dick. >Her breathing is incredibly shaky, to match the trembling of her hands on your back. >And when you turn your head to face her, her eyes are as wide as can be and filled with stars. >This beautiful picture, Twilight Sparkle in the Nude (Painted by Anonymous, Grade 12), certainly tells a story of a thousand words. >Weirdly, it’s a different story from the one you’ve been cast in. >She disobeyed her parents and snuck out one night to see the rockstar she’s had a crush on perform in concert. >She saw him take the stage like a champion, play his heart out in a triumphant display of musical magnificence, and against all odds, he invited her backstage. >And now, here she is. >Her wildest dreams are coming true. >It’s a very compelling narrative, but it’s not the one you were given the script for. >You’ll voice your concerns about the script to the director later. >Twilight’s awkward nervousness shines through in the quivering of her hips. >She’s trying her hardest to thruster her hips against yours, but her body’s so rigid. >Looks like it’s up to you to lead in this dance. >You slide your hands down Twilight’s back and grip her cute little butt firmly but lovingly. >It takes a moment to get going with the awkward position she put you in, but you get to thrusting your hips slowly and firmly against her. >Twilight’s arms whip to wrap around your body under your arms so she can bury her face in the crook of your neck. >She tries to muffle her squealing, but it’s futile. >Especially when you really get going. >You time your hot inhales and exhales with the movement of your body, heavily breathing out through your mouth as you thrust into Twilight and withdrawing from her as you inhale. >Twilight claws at your back with such ferocity, you’re almost worried about the state of your skin. >Rarity especially would hate to see your skin be ruined tonight. >Her squealing gets rougher as your piston fires within her. >It’s like adorable little growls. >If she’s trying to be tough and intimidating but completely failing. >Oh, yeah, you’re a werewolf. >You bit her and turned her into a creature of the full moon just like you. >You take that little scenario and tuck it in your back pocket for use on a later date and return to the present. >Twilight’s body isn’t as likely to catch a pair of wandering eyes like Rarity’s or Sunset’s or Rainbow’s, but it’s a heavenly body fitting of her name. >Her breasts and her ass, rather understated, carries a certain “less is more” quality. >There isn’t as much of her chest to get in the way of holding her close to you. >So you take advantage of that. >You move your hands back to her upper back, taking support from her ass. >This lets you pump her full of your sweet loving more easily. >Twilight’s loosened up only in the metaphorical sense, judging from how her hips buck more freely. >Both of you fuck faster. >Both of you exert yourself more. >The sweat accumulating on your skin mixes with hers in the instants where your hips collide with hers. >Your underwear isn’t doing a great job of muffling the nerd in your embrace, but she’s having barrels of fun getting fucked with your underwear stuffed in her mouth, so you don’t mind. >At least there aren’t any neighbors to overhear you two in here. >Wait, there are. >There aren’t just neighbors. >Right there, just on the other side of that door, is Twilight’s brother and his fiance. >It’s a miracle they haven’t heard you two. >If you two got caught, it would completely ruin the both of you. >...But wait a minute. >Who’s that stepping into the spotlight from stage left? >Why, it’s an idea. >An idea you just know Twilight will love. >An idea so sinister that you have to go with it. >So you do. >You stop thrusting on a dime and freeze up. “Wait a minute.” You whisper to her. >A faint hint of worry is added to your words. >Twilight freezes up just like you. >She can only vocalize a jumble of muffled words, but you interpret that she’s asking you what the matter is. >You hold her more securely and carefully tiptoe over to the closet door. >Pressing your ear to the door, you hear the conversation between Shining and Cadance continuing exactly as it did before. >This time, you can make out that they’re talking about a movie they just saw. >Cadance really liked it, Shining wasn’t so hot on it but forces the same amount of enthusiasm into his voice. >He’s a real trooper. >You can also hear the faint sounds of Sunset, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and the other girls listening in on you two. >Twilight asks you what the problem is again, albeit very muffled. >Suppress your grin… >Pause for dramatic effect… “...What’s Principal Celestia doing here?” >That gets a real reaction out of her. >Her entire body constricts like she got an electrical shock. >Her already rapid breathing quickens even more. >Her ferocious fingernails are actively trying to make you bleed. >And yet, in spite of her entire body screaming in terror, her hips betray her. >She keeps riding your dick, constricting her pussy around your manhood even more. >It’s like she can’t control herself. >She’s running purely on emotions. >She’s feeling it out. >Just like you told her. >Good girl. >”What’s she saying?” is what Twilight would ask you if her mouth wasn’t full. >You press your ear against the door again before answering her. “I think she’s saying you left your jacket at school. She wanted to make sure you got it, since you’re her star pupil.” >You add in those last four words to spice her wound with some salt. >It works wonders. >Twilight’s entire body is trembling from both fear and arousal. >Part of her is absolutely terrified that Principal Celestia could catch her like this, but the other part of her is enjoying the risk. >You’ll bring out the rebellious daredevil in this honor roll nerd. “...I think they’re looking for us.” You whisper, taking a step back from the door. >Twilight’s hanging onto you for dear life, but she couldn’t be more aroused. >Her pussy juices are leaking like a broken faucet. “What are you doing?” You hiss at her, taking another step back from the door and pretending to be concerned about getting caught. >Even if Twilight didn’t have a mouthful of your boxers, you doubt she’d be able to produce a coherent answer. >All you get out of her is a warbled mess of sounds conveying how much she wants to keep going. “Do you want your brother and the principal to catch us?” >Her eyes dart around the dark closet, guiltily trying to avoid finding your eyes. >But she keeps scratching you with her fingernails and squeezing your dick with her pussy. >There’s your answer. “...You do, don’t you?” >Twilight whimpers, burying her face in your chest to avoid answering your question. >You lower your voice and bring your mouth closer to your ear. “You’re having fun risking getting caught by Shining Armor and Principal Celestia.” You quietly accuse her. >Through how much she’s shaking, through the tightness in every muscle in her body, she manages to nod up and down three times. “You really are a pervert, Twilight.” >You don’t let up on her. >You grip her ass with one hand and support her back with the other as you pump into her even more intensely. >Your groans of exertion get louder, but you don’t really care. >You’re having fun with the risk of getting caught, too. >But for a different reason. >You’ve got less to lose than Twilight. >She’s the valedictorian-to-be. >You’re just the no-good transfer student from Bullworth. >In fact, getting caught only makes you look better. >Word of you fucking Canterlot High’s star student would spread like wildfire. >In fact, you want to get caught. >You’re gonna skate closer to the edge. >You grip Twilight’s nude body tighter. >She curls up in your passionate embrace, desperate to have as much contact with you as possible. >Her thrusts have found perfect synchronization with her pussy squeezing your dick. >Her pussy grips you like a Chinese finger trap when she pulls her hips away from yours, and loosens up when she slides back down on your member. >This deep fryer calls for another few ice cubes. >You take a few careful steps back towards the closet door. >With each step, Twilight grows a little more nervous. >She muffles something about what you’re doing. >You lean closer to the door and peer at the light leaking into the closet through the gap. >Shadows are cast by the light that convey the vague shapes of legs scuttling around nearby. >The girls are listening in on you two, just as you expected. >”Anon?” Twilight asks you through her makeshift gag. >Someone’s right on the other side of the door. >Judging by the sound of the footsteps, it’s most likely Sunset. >Her boots are serious business. “I think Principal Celestia’s realizing we’re in here.” You whisper to Twilight, just loud enough for someone on the other side of the door to hear. >On cue, Sunset marches closer to the door. >She’s almost stomping towards you. >Lightning courses through Twilight’s body. >No matter how much she tries to curl into a ball and disappear, her hips move on their own. >Her hips fire away against yours like a jackhammer. >You’re not gonna let Twilight upstage you like this. >You’re quick to match her pace. >Your hips audibly clap against hers. >Your dick’s getting choked out. >Sunset jiggles the doorknob from the other side, sending another lustful jolt through the poor nerd’s body. >You have to turn away from Twilight to hide your grin at Sunset’s improvisation. >Sunset as Principal Celestia is pretending the door is locked, jiggling it even more. >Someone else, most likely Rainbow, took Twilight’s phone and brought it closer to the door so it sounds like Cadance and Shining are getting closer. >God bless these girls. >Twilight’s getting absolutely tortured. >She’s a victim of her own circumstance. >Sweat pours down her body like she just got done with the mile run on the hottest day of the summer. >She’s vibrating so much she could phase right through the floor. >And yet, despite the sheer terror of her situation bearing down on her, she can’t help but fuck you with all her might. >She’s terrified and thrilled. >You’re the most dangerous roller coaster she’s ever ridden on. >The hand supporting her back travels upwards to grip her head, opening up her neck for attack. >Sunset bangs on the closet door, corning you and Twilight even more. >You’d swear the sound is amplified by the acoustics of Rarity’s closet, or maybe it’s just your nerves or the purple drink heightening your sense of hearing. >Either way, it makes the hair on your arms stand on end. >Twilight sounds like she’s choking on your underwear, but she just keeps going. >Her little muffled moans get higher and higher pitched. >Her tight pussy squeezes your dick harder than ever. >You shudder at the incredible sensation, separating your two rows of teeth just enough to moan a little bit. >There’s something about “Shining”, “Cadance”, and “Principal Celestia” being right outside and about to catch you two in the throes of passion that makes this so much more exciting for both of you. >This is beyond the thrill of getting caught. >This is the thrill of finality. >You two are fucking like this is your last conjugal visit before being escorted to your execution. >You’ve given up on trying to stay quiet. >You gasp and moan in between biting Twilight’s neck. >Twilight is so powerless right now, all she can do is succumb to her senses. >She bounces up and down on your dick with reckless abandon, making a complete mess of herself. >She’s very, very close to orgasm. >So are you. >All she needs is one last little push. >And that push comes in the form of Sunset’s best impression of Principal Celestia. >”Twilight Sparkle, I know you’re in there, young lady!” >With that, the floodgates open. >Twilight screams through the gag with all her might as she unleashes a torrent of her pussy juices onto your dick, which streams down your legs and onto the floor. >You reach climax at the same time, shooting squirt after squirt of your baby batter into her welcoming pussy. >Her grip on you is so tight that not a single drop escapes her lower lips. >But when you’ve expended your reserve, your legs give out. >You almost collapse onto the floor, taking the poor egghead with you. >All the strength and dominance you’ve shown when making love to Twilight vanished into the night, leaving you as weak as a butterfly. >Staying awake is such a monumental effort that you have to force your eyes to remain open. >But for Twilight, your lovely girlfriend (of the moment), you’ll do it. >Twilight pulls your wadded-up boxers out of her mouth and drops the damp undergarments onto the floor beside her before falling limp onto your chest and panting to dissipate her nerves. >You softly rub her back while she snuggles onto your chest with a sleepy smile on her face. >”...Wow.” She weakly chuckles. >You can only manage half a chuckle. “So… how was living on the wild side for a change?” You weakly ask her. >”I swear, you and Sunset are gonna be the death of me.” She remarks. >Both of you laugh a little. >God, she's cute. >”But, seriously… that was a lot of fun.” She giggles. >You lean up a bit and kiss her forehead, making her smile in that adorkable way you love so much. “I’m really glad, Twiggles.” You tease her a little more. >She giggles a bit, too. >”Alright! The egghead’s done! That means it’s time for the one! The only! The amazing, sexy, ASTONISHING Rainbow Dash to take Anonymous all the way to home base and end the night with a bang!” Rainbow cheers on the other side of the door, marching triumphantly towards the door. >Oh, shit. >Rainbow Dash is next. >Your hips feel even more sore just thinking about what she’s gonna do to you. >You’re barely alive as is. >”Now, now, tonight isn’t just about pleasures of the flesh! Tonight is about love! Baring our bodies and our souls to our boyfriend! Give Twilight a little longer to bask in the afterglow with Anon!” Rarity reminds Rainbow, stopping her from reaching the door. >What follows is the longest, most drawn-out and overdramatic groan you’ve ever heard from Rainbow. >And that’s saying something. >”Seriously?” >”It’ll only be just a little longer!” Fluttershy tries to insist. >”And you DID kind of bring this on yourself.” Sunset slyly reminds her. >”I know, I know!” Rainbow is quick to respond, very frustrated. >Geez, Rainbow Dash REALLY wants to fuck you. >Of all the guys at school, YOU’RE the one Rainbow is loudly losing her patience over not being able to fuck. >She’s got some work to dethrone Twilight’s “Anonis” stuff, but she’s putting in the work. >She’s the best at what she sets out to do, turns out that includes flattering little ‘ol you. >Twilight can’t help but giggle to herself while listening to Rainbow drown in her sexual frustration. >Neither can you. >”Petulance ain’t a good look on you, sugarcube.” Applejack scolds her, you imagine with her arms crossed. >”Try counting down from fifty! You’ll be riding the Nonny Express in no time flat!” Pinkie tries to helpfully suggest. >”FIFTY? No way!” Rainbow stands firm. >”My, aren’t you desperate? Perhaps if you were to get on your knees and beg-” Rarity begins to suggest. >”I’m not begging! No way am I begging!” Rainbow insists. >”Please, just wait a little longer?” Fluttershy speaks up. >”You’ll be all over him in just a couple minutes!” Pinkie adds. >”You’ve waited weeks for tonight, surely you can wait a little longer?” Sunset prods at Rainbow. >A quiet moment passes. >Then Rainbow loudly groans again. >”Fine! Fine! But after three minutes, he’s mine!” She insists. >There’s your time limit, better make it count. >”You know what, I admit it: …I like being called Twiggles.” Twilight finally admits. >You release a gentle laugh from your lips. “I knew it.” You quietly remark in a faintly smug tone. >Twilight giggles sheepishly, rubbing her eyes. >”This really was a lot of fun. The dancing, the drinking, the making out and making love in the closet, I’ve never felt so alive!” “Yeah, no kidding. You really set the scene back there.” You commend your director. >”And YOU were one heck of a performer! Pretending Principal Celestia came over was pretty brilliant!” “It was a fairly obvious addition to the script, you’re the principal’s biggest fan.” You tease her a little. >”It’s not that I’m her fan, it’s just… she’s a great role model, is all!” She insists. “Say, how was I for a role model? How’d you feel about ‘feeling it out’?” You ask her, sitting up a bit. >Twilight sighs with a gentle smile, resting her head on her hands. >”...I get it now! Once we got going, it was like I was running on instinct! I was barely thinking about what I was doing! It’s… gosh, it was so wild!” >Some of her strength returns to grip your chest to emphasize her excitement. “See? I knew you had it in you, you little perv~” You tease her a little more. >You can’t stifle a yawn though, which definitely hurt how sexy you try to be. >You two giggle a bit more, then your eyes fall upon your wad of boxers sitting off to the side. >You knew bringing a second pair was a good idea. “...You can keep that pair of boxers, by the way.” You offer her. >Twilight’s eyes widen in delight, but she’s just about able to control her reaction. >”T-Thanks! I’ll take good care of them!” She answers, notably controlled. >She’s gotta be over the moon right now. >You can tell she’s keeping herself from being more visibly excited about getting to take home your underwear as a souvenir. >”...I really wanna kiss you some more, but I really should wash my mouth out first.” She awkwardly chuckles. “Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty of chances to kiss me in future.” You promise her. >”I’ll hold you to that, boyfriend.” She giggles. “But I gotta know: do you have any other little scenarios you wanna act out?” You ask her. >”Oh, you have NO idea.” She slyly answers. >You probably don’t. >Before you can try to imagine what kind of roleplaying Twilight’s been fantasizing about, Rainbow reminds you of her presence. >“Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six five four threetwoone.” Rainbow impatiently counts down, then flinging the closet door open. >Both you and Twilight barely have time to adjust your eyes to the relatively blinding light of Rarity’s bedroom to see Rainbow standing in the doorway, as proud as she is nude. >”You’re done. Get out.” Rainbow bluntly informs Twilight right before hooking her arms under Twilight’s and dragging her off of you. >”Waaaaaaaait!” Twilight cries out, reaching out for you as she’s dragged out of the closet. >Now you’re literally cornered. >It’s just you and Rainbow. >The light cast over her body silhouettes her, making her look even more predatory. >Every ridge and contour of her toned, athletic body glows like she’s a true Olympian. >You can almost see the fiery breaths she exhales through her nose like she’s a bull ready to charge, except you’re the matador and the red cape. >A wicked grin spreads across her face when her eyes meet yours. >She hunches over and makes grabbing motions with her hands. >”You’re mine, dork.” >Now it’s your turn to mix fear with arousal. >Rainbow’s entire body heaves with each breath. >Her canines glisten gently in the bedroom light. >She’s cast aside her Fall Formal dress, donning her birthday suit. >There’s something so predatory about her nudity. >She hunches over, the same way she always does when she’s about to run. >Rainbow’s a powerful girl. >Her athletic prowess is unmatched. >She’s a kickass guitarist, too. >Her study habits may be lacking, but when she really wants something, nothing can stop her from getting it. >It could be victory in a soccer game, it could be the latest Daring Do book, it could even be the seat closest to the aisle in a school assembly. >But right here, right now, the thing she wants is you. >All of you. >Your lips, your hands, your dick, every inch of your naked body and everything that comes with it. >But if there’s one thing Rainbow hates, it’s waiting. >And she’s had to do a lot of waiting. >She’s waited weeks, maybe even months, to finally tell you she has a crush on you. >She couldn’t even wait to sneak you the final love letter like Sunset asked her to, and that got her more waiting. >She’s had to suffer through her six friends lining up and fucking you tonight. >But the last grain of sand finally descended from the top of the hourglass. >The only thing keeping your body from her is mere seconds. >Forget eager, Rainbow’s frenzied. >She crouches even further down, moments away from pouncing. >But your dick’s not up to the task. >You’re still feeling a bit of the afterglow you shared with Twilight. >You’re desperately trying to start the car while the slasher’s closing in on you. “Wait!” You cry out. >”What!?” Rainbow exasperatedly cries out, standing straight up. “I gotta recharge! I’m really, REALLY sore after Twilight and, honestly, diving straight into it with you might kill me.” You chuckle weakly, only half-joking. >Rainbow snaps her fingers in realization. >”Good point! C’mon, over here! We’re not doing it in the closet!” Rainbow commands you before darting back over to the punch bowl. >You try to sit up, but a powerful stinging sensation in your abdomen keeps you from rising. >With a hiss, you fall back onto the floor. >”Oh, dear! Anon!” Fluttershy fusses, hurrying over to you to look over your body for bruising or other signs of injury. >”Are you okay?” Twilight nervously asks you from behind Fluttershy. >Sharply breathing in and out, you shakily nod. “Yeah, I’ll live. Just getting up there in mileage, is all.” You weakly joke as the soreness dissipates. >Now that you’re really looking around, all the girls are naked again. >Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, Sunset, and Rarity joined Twilight and Rainbow in traipsing around the bedroom as bare as the day they were born. >They’re surprisingly eager to strip naked. >Maybe suspiciously so, but you wouldn’t dare look this gift horse in the mouth. >”You sure you’ll make it?” Sunset asks you, her voice a curious mix of flirty and genuine. >You nod. “You wanna kill me with kindness, you’re gonna have to do better than that.” You remark before making your second attempt at standing up. >It goes a little better. >You grit your teeth as the stinging returns when you try to sit up, and you’re just about able to get your feet underneath you before your body begins writing some real stern letters to the editor. >Fluttershy is quick to catch you as you stumble, carefully supporting your lower back as you steady your footing. >Pinkie and Applejack stand behind her, ready to jump in to help you if you need it. >”Look out, comin’ through, pardon me!” Rainbow informs the girls, bumping her way through them and making her way up to you. >In her arms is the punch bowl containing what’s left of the mysterious purple juice. >Before you can ask for a solo cup, she brings the glass punch bowl to your lips and pours all the purple stuff into your mouth. >Your eyes shoot open at being near-waterboarded by Rainbow, but all you can do is desperately swallow the juice as fast as it’s poured into your mouth. >Most of it goes into your mouth, but some of it spills out and streams down your face, neck, and chest. >”Rainbow, what are you doing!?” Twilight exclaims in shock. >”Chug! Chug! Chug!” Rainbow cheers you on, lifting the punch bowl even more. >You’re really trying. >The girls stand around you, unsure of what to do. >If they try to intervene, that would risk breaking the punch bowl, staining the carpet with the purple drink, or throwing you off and accidentally sending a mouthful of the stuff down to your lungs. >Which tastes unbearably sweet. >You can’t even think of any good comparisons to make, you’re too busy focusing on not drowning. >There’s absolutely no way this stuff is good for you. >Your gag reflex tries to fight back against this, but the forces imbued within this drink completely smother that instinct. >If you didn’t know her so well, you’d think Rainbow was trying to kill you. >You swallow one gulp of this stuff wrong and it’s all coming back up. >But with each mouthful of the drink swallowed, you feel more awake. >And then you shoot beyond awake. >Drinking this before made you feel like electricity was shooting through your veins, now you feel like you’re made of electricity. >This stuff might’ve pushed you to your limits today, but now you’ve overclocked your body. >If you reached out, your hands would scrape the edge of a higher plane of existence. >And then it’s all gone. >You swallow the last of the purple drink and desperately gasp for air. >Your lungs are tingling. >”Now that’s more like it!” Rainbow says, looking you over with a very satisfied look on her face. >”Gimme that!” Applejack snatches the empty punch bowl away from her and shooting Rainbow a stern look before the athlete can make you lick it clean to get the last few drops. >”Be careful with that, it’s a family heirloom!” Rarity urges Applejack. >Once Rarity has the punch bowl back in her possession, a nervous silence falls over the room as all eyes turn to you. >Their eyes convey both concern and curiosity. >”...How’re you feeling?” Fluttershy nervously asks you, breaking the silence. >There’s a weird echo to every sound you can hear. >You’re breathing really fast. >Your hands are trembling more than ever. >And your dick is painfully erect. “...I feel like I’m about to explode.” You answer honestly. >”You’ll be fine!” Rainbow assures you with a firm shoulder pat. >Your body reacts like she just slapped you. >”I actually don’t know, you weren’t really supposed to drink that much at once…” Twilight murmurs. >”Look at him, Anon’s built tougher than he looks! He can handle all that ambrosia, no problem! Isn’t that right, Anon?” Sunset insists, handing you the microphone. >You look down at your hands. >They’re still shaking. >You clench your fists, shut your eyes, and do some quick breathing exercises. >Trying to overcome this is like swimming upstream. >You can’t master these feelings, but you can swim alongside them. >You slowly open your eyes and find your hands aren’t shaking as much. >Every muscle in your body feels as tight as a corset, but with that comes an incredible feeling of power. >Savage, almost. >You look back up at Rainbow. >She’s so hot. >There isn’t an ounce of fat on her. >Her flawless skin covers her toned, immaculate muscles, honed by years of sports and exercise. >Even her chest. >She’s got the smallest boobs out of the seven girls, but it’s really working for her. >Something about how modest her chest is so delicious. >She was sculpted by the Gods. >Your breathing slows as you grow more focused on her body. >You lick your lips. >Rainbow grins even wider. >She puts her hands on her hips and not-so-subtly thrusts her pelvis out at you, giving you full permission to admire her shaved pussy. >The gentle glisten of arousal, just barely visible between her strapping thighs, invites you forward. >Your eyes drift upwards to lock with Rainbow’s. >You two share a moment where you just breathe heavily, increasing the temperature of the room even further. “...Yeah, that’s right.” You finally answer Sunset. >Within a split-second, Rainbow lunges at you. >But she’s stopped by Sunset. >She’s got her arms locked under Rainbow’s, holding her back like she’s a rabid animal. >”Remember, there’s one last thing you gotta do~” Sunset smugly reminds her as Rainbow struggles to break free. >Her head whips between you and Sunset before groaning one last time and falling limp. >”Fine!” Rainbow cries out. >She stands back up and stares daggers into your eyes. >”You wanna know when I realized I wanted to date you!?” She asks you, like she’s daring you to say yes. >You’ll take that dare. “Yeah, I do.” You answer, a little throatier than you intended. >As soon as you answer her, she falters just a bit. >A fracture appears in Rainbow’s marble physique. >Her eyes shift subtly, but the message they carry changes drastically. >Her eyes say “I’ve gotten myself in too deep and I can’t back out.” >”I… I-It was…” She sputters. >The blush appearing on her cheeks contrasts so noticeably against her blue cheeks. >You don’t let up. >You remain firm, in every way you can, as she continues to struggle to reveal her truth to you. >To be honest, the more sadistic part of you is having fun watching Rainbow squirm like this. >No doubt all that not-poison you swallowed is encouraging this from you. >It’s very fun to take her smugness down a peg. >Especially when she’s naked. >It’s a very welcome change of pace for her. >”Come on, while he’s young~” Sunset teases her, throwing her words back at her. >Rainbow blushes even deeper and stumbles over her words even more. >”You’ve been fussin’ over him all night and THIS is how you act when you step up to bat?” Applejack asks her, thoroughly unimpressed. >”Can we go again if Rainbow takes too long?” Pinkie asks Sunset, with Fluttershy and Rarity looking very hopeful she’ll say yes. >Sunset shakes her head. >”Sh-shut up, Pinkie!” Rainbow manages to groan out. >You take a step closer to her. >You loom over her. >But instead of using the same rough voice you used before, you shift your tone to speak softer. “It’s okay, Dashie.” >There was power decorating the edges of those words, but it’s far subtler. >More insidious. >Saying those three words in such a soft, caring voice gives you more control over the raging inferno incinerating you from the inside out like you’re guiding it through a funnel. >And like she’s going down her list of chores, she folds. >”It was when I thought you said I was pretty, okay!?” >Huh. >That’s just about the last thing you expected her to say. >This answer comes so out of left field that it’s able to bring the surging power within you down another notch. >You’d expect her to appreciate being called hot more than being called pretty. >You were also expecting her feelings to come from something like seeing you cheer her on during one of the soccer games from the past semester or something. >You couldn’t picture Rainbow Dash of all girls having a schoolgirl crush on you because you called her pretty, yet here she is. “...Really?” You softly ask her. >Another precision strike. >Rainbow covers her face with her hands and drags then downward as she groans yet again. >”Come on, you remember that, right?” She asks you. “Yeah, of course I do. You were showing off your volleyball skills while we were waiting for Fluttershy to go head to the animal shelter.” >You said she was pretty good. >The weird acoustics in the gym made her mishear the last word. >Rainbow gently sighs. >”I don’t know, it’s just… something about that really got under my skin. Not in a bad way, but… in a weird way.” She struggles to express herself. “Weird how?” You ask her, trying to get some clarification. >”Ugh, I’m not used to this kind of mushy stuff! You saw the note I gave you!” “Yeah, you made sure I did.” You remark with a small laugh. >”This isn’t funny!” Rainbow insists. >You better not push this too far, she’s really trying to express herself. “You’re right, I’m sorry.” >”It’s cool, just let me get this out.” Rainbow relents, lowering her voice. >You nod reassuringly at her. >Rainbow takes another moment to compose herself, but the red finish on her cheeks remains. >”...I’ve had crushes on guys before. Football players, basketball players, athletic guys.” She admits. >”They never really went anywhere, or even lasted longer than a week. They were just kinda ‘hey, he’s hot’, you know?” >You empathize, there’ve been girls in the past you were into for a week or two because you thought they were hot. “Yeah, I get that.” >Rainbow begins to lose control of her composure. >She’s trembling a little. >”I- I mean, when I was into them, I thought about making out and stuff, but you know what I thought about doing with you?” >You don’t know how rhetorically she’s asking this, so you shake your head. >Rainbow opens her mouth to answer, but she chokes on her own words. >Her cheeks could glow in the dark. >”I- I- I thought about going on dates with you! Like, real dates! Ice skating together, sharing milkshakes, going to see a movie and holding hands, cutesy shit like that!” >L-Lewd. >Her voice raises an octave or two with this surprisingly heartfelt confession. >”That shit never happens to me! You made me want to do cutesy, girly stuff with you!” >”All that because I feel so damn comfortable with you! Like, we can hang out and talk about whatever in a way I only could with the girls!” >”I keep calling you a dork, but you’re, like, a fun dork! And you make for one hell of a cheerleader.” She tries to joke, but there’s a notable warble in her voice. >She’s hitting you with such an onslaught of emotions that you’re starting to feel awkward just standing here. >But Rainbow just keeps going. >”And I already said you’re hot when we were outside, so you’re not getting more of that out of me!” She tries to assert herself, but it’s like trying to get a firm foothold in mud. “All thanks to you, right?” You tease her a bit. >She stumbles over her words even more as her cheeks approach crimson. >This is the least coordinated you’ve ever seen her. >”I even… I… God, I…” >This is getting painful for you to watch. “Rainbow, you-” >”I wanted to slow dance with you at the Fall Formal.” >The uncomfortable silence returns to the room. >Rainbow’s gotta be feeling even more naked now. >Compared to how she was ready to literally pounce on you before, you almost don’t recognize the girl before you as Rainbow Dash. >”When that stupid slow song started, and all the lights dimmed, and I saw all those happy couples holding each other close and stuff, I… r-really wanted that… with you…” >Her voice is getting really shaky. >She sniffs, then rubs her eye. >...Is she crying? >”W-when we got to the animal shelter with Fluttershy, after I thought you called me pretty, she pulled me aside and… told me she had a crush on you…” Rainbow continues, inadvertently making Fluttershy feel guilty. “When I got home, I just sat alone in my room and remembered all the shit I put you through when you first got here, and I just… cried…” >Oh, that. >You need to get this resolved. “Rainbow, we talked, it’s all good-” You try to interject, but Rainbow cuts you off. >”I didn’t feel like I deserved to date you! Applejack never bullied you! Rarity never made you dread art class! You never felt like you had to avoid Pinkie! Hell, Sunset was the one who went out of her way to be your friend!” >You think back to when Rainbow apologized to you for everything. >When she said she was sorry for being such a bully and asked you if you could give her another shot at being your friend, you felt a strange feeling within you. >The darker, more bitter side of you wanted to fold your arms, glare at her, and ask “Why should I?” >You didn’t owe her forgiveness. >Plus, that was the first time you felt like you had power over one of your peers. >After being beaten up and harassed by so many guys at Bullworth, now you were looking down on her. >To be honest, you kind of wanted to lay into her about how awful she’s been to you. >You wanted to accuse her of not being comfortable with the idea that not everyone at school idolizes her. >But you didn’t. >That’s what Anonymous of Bullworth Academy would’ve done. >Anonymous of Canterlot High School knew better. >You knew that wouldn’t be fair to her. >You knew Rainbow was being sincere when she apologized and asked for a second chance. >Like you thought when first meeting Principal Celestia at the start of the year, you’re leaving those awful feelings of bitterness and resentment back at Bullworth. >So you forgave Rainbow, and the two of you ended up becoming great friends. >...Now you feel really guilty. >She probably thought you weren’t going to forgive her, and she was almost right. >A single tear streams down her cheek. >She wipes it away, but two more tears fall from her eyes. >It doesn’t take long for the torrent of emotions to overwhelm her. >She stands before you, trying to wipe away all the tears from her face and trying (and failing) to stifle her whimpering. >Her soul-baring confession is forced to be put on hold. >Rainbow Dash is crying. >You don’t know what to do, you’ve never seen her like this before. >She’s just standing in front of you, weeping into her hands. >Your first instinct is to give her a comforting hug, but right now might not be the time for that. >”A-And the worst part was, earlier today, when we were joking around before the pacer, and you said you loved me as a joke…” >Rainbow sniffles a bit more. >”...It made me realize how much I wanted to hear you say that…” She admits, deeply ashamed of herself. >Damn. >She’s really showing you her guitar skills with how she’s strumming away at your heartstrings. >At the beginning of the school year, you only saw Rainbow as the king of the hill. >The star soccer player slash rock guitarist who was the reason at least half the trophies in the trophy case were there at all. >And yet, here she is now. >Completely naked, and crying about how she thought she inadvertently bullied you so viciously you wouldn’t even humor the idea of dating her. >A feeling of guilt within you grows. >Now it might be your turn to shed some tears. >Rainbow wipes away the last of the tears staining her cheeks, takes a deep breath, and tries to stuff her emotions back down. >”S-so… yeah, that pretty much covers it.” She concludes with a weak chuckle, meeting your gaze with most of her proud poise restored. >She’s clearly not done saying everything she wants to say, but she’s just so burned out after such a bombastic monologue. >Her nude, toned body is only barely containing the maelstrom of feelings within her. >That’s your cue. >The fire fueled by the purple juice still burns within you, but it’s much more controlled now. >You can carefully guide how this fire fuels your body. >Right now, the fire needs to be more tempered. “Rainbow…” >You step closer to her and gently lift her chin. >But Rainbow, in the blink of an eye, grips the sides of your head and captures your lips in a wild, messy kiss. >You should’ve known better than to think she’d let you lead in this tango. >Her tongue jams its way into your mouth, quickly finding your tongue and pinning it down as she growls hungrily. >She pulls you in closer to her and refuses to give you an inch of wiggle room as her lips stay mashed against yours. >It’s reckless, but filled with want. >The fire within you is reignited. >You feel like arcs of purple energy are about to start spilling out of you as you kiss Rainbow. >Despite the passionate fury in her lips, you can still sense a gentle quiver as she kisses you. >Weeks of emotional turmoil and self doubt finally being expelled in one beautiful, liberating act of love. >She’s shed her chains and soars into the sky. >This isn’t just Rainbow Dash you’re sharing this moment with. >This is Rainbow Dash unleashed. >And then, the kiss ends. >Rainbow pulls away from you, but her hands stay firmly attached to your head as she turns to Sunset. >”I can fuck him now, right?” >Sunset giggles. >”Yes, you can.” >”RIGHT?” Rainbow asks again, interrogating her on any more conditions she might’ve laid out. >”Yes!” Sunset reiterates. >Rainbow turns back to you. >Her eyes track up and down your naked body. >You look into her eyes again. >She’s so needy. >But it’s a complicated concoction of neediness. >She wants you because your escapades tonight have gotten her so wound up with sexual frustration, but she also wants you because she never thought she’d get to share such intimacy with you. >Boldness, yet vulnerability. >Either way, she has you in her grasp. >And she’s never going to let you get away. >”God, I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” Rainbow breathes. >Then she pulls you in for another kiss. >You brace yourself for impact. >You tense your already stiff body for Rainbow to pin you down to the ground and show you who’s the stronger one of you two, like what Applejack did. >You expect Rainbow to angrily take out all her sexual frustration out on you in the most feral way possible. >But… she doesn’t. >When her lips find yours, it’s surprisingly soft. >Her hands rest on your cheeks instead of gripping them with all her strength. >Instead of snorting and growling like a wild animal, she softly moans into the kiss. >It’s enchanting. >Even though Hurricane Purple Drink is still raging within you, you try your best to match her slow, loving pace. >Your arms slowly and carefully extend out to hold her lower back, pulling her closer to you. >It takes willpower to keep your arms from trembling as you hold Rainbow, but you’re stronger than your base instincts. >It doesn’t matter if you’ve been ingesting this purple stuff or super soldier serum, your mind is more powerful than your body. >Rainbow leans into the kiss as you acclimate to her abnormally slow pace. >Your lips find some synchronization with hers, but Rainbow’s very clumsy when it comes to kissing. >Insecurity leaks through her carefully-crafted persona with the way her lips hang open just a little, but her tongue doesn’t invade yours again. >A small shudder runs down her body, but she doesn’t let up. >You weren’t expecting Rainbow’s lips to be so soft. >You expected them to be a little rougher, maybe with a small cut or two from when she slipped and fell once upon a time. >But she’s so feminine. >In spite of how much she rejects “girly” stuff, no matter how much she tries to hide her feminine side, it always shines through in the end. >She leans into you even more as she allows her hands to slide down from your cheeks to your arms. >Your body tenses up a little more as you wonder where she could be going with this. >But her hands gingerly slide down your arms to your hands. >Then her fingers lace themselves in between yours. >Of all the surprises you’ve been subjected to tonight, the fact that Rainbow Dash could do anything with you, and she wants to hold hands, is definitely in tonight’s top three surprises. >Nothing’s gonna beat that “All seven of us like you and want to share you” reveal, though. >You carefully close your fingers around Rainbow’s hand with surgical precision, making sure to not accidentally exert too much force. >She deeply appreciates your reciprocation. >She leans even further into your kiss, sighing happily as she grips your hands tightly. >She’s lifted one of her legs, you just know it. >Something about the energy you feel flowing through her tells you everything. >But as the kiss goes on, the more you feel your need for a breath of air. >The juice has gotta be doing something to increase your lung capacity, but you still have a limit, so you pull away from the kiss. >Rainbow almost falls forward from trying to lean on you as you pull away. >Disappointment is visible on her face once it sets in that you’re done kissing, but her hands stay attached to yours. >She’s so cute when she’s blushing. >”Can’t say that’s how I imagined our first kiss…” She sheepishly chuckles. >You gently laugh, nodding in agreement. “So… how did you imagine our first kiss?” You ask. >Rainbow blushes a bit more, averting her eyes for a bit before looking back to you. >”I- God, this is gonna sound so sappy.” >You squeeze her hands a little tighter to encourage her. >She shuts her eyes, takes a deep breath, and returns her gaze to you. >”I always thought about… like… getting into penalty shootouts at state, and you’d be there cheering me on, then I’d score the winning goal, and you all would run onto the field, and we’d… hug and kiss…” She admits, trailing off towards the end. “Aww!” You can’t help but reply along with the rest of the girls. >This embarrasses her even more. >”Fine, whatever, we kissed! Let’s quit wasting time and get to it!” >Rainbow pushes you back, making you fall onto the rug with your member of steel standing proud. >She puts her hands on her hips and strikes a confident pose for your viewing enjoyment. >”Lucky you, huh? Getting up close and personal with THE Rainbow Dash~” She boasts, cocking her hips and pushing out her modest chest. >Guess she got all that cutesy romantic stuff out of her system. >The other girls just seem amused by her little display. >Rainbow turns to display her firm ass for you. >”Guys’ve been mentally undressing me for years, but now YOU get the full Rainbow Dash experience~” >She bends over to really show off her ass. >”I mean, this has GOTTA be the hottest ass you’ve ever seen!” >She sways her hips from side to side. >You’ve come a long way. >From sneaking peeks at her ass in those gym shorts to openly showing off her naked body. >”Come on, isn’t it?” >You hesitate. >Your firm “no picking favorites” rule is getting tested. >Not to mention Applejack, Rarity, and Sunset are strong competition for who’s got the best ass of the seven. >You tear your gaze away from Rainbow presenting herself to look to Sunset for help. >She nods you on, nonverbally communicating “Just go with it”. >You look around to the other girls, silently asking for permission to say so. >Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, Twilight, and Rarity all give you an understanding “Go ahead” with giving Rainbow such a compliment. >They’re too good for you. >”What’s the matter? Starstruck?” Rainbow cheekily asks you with a hint of impatience in her voice. “...Yeah, you’ve got the hottest ass I’ve ever seen.” You finally say to her. >Rainbow grins even wider, savoring the sound of you complimenting her body. >”Hell yeah I do~” >She wiggles her fine ass even more, subtly hypnotizing you with how her Olympian body sways before you. >The purple power within you flares up again, forcing your body to tense up again and breathe even heavier. >You’re salivating more, too. >You want to lunge at Rainbow and bring this hot streak to its fiery conclusion. >The glint in Rainbow’s eye is telling you that she wants that, too. >But you grit your teeth. >Those are your instincts again. >Your willpower has a different plan. >You think back to what you said to Rainbow in gym class earlier today. >You think back to what you said to Rainbow in the hot tub right before she flung her love letter at you. >You think back to what Rainbow said to you during her confession. >She doesn’t want you to pounce. >She wants you to keep complimenting her body. >The magic drink flowing through your body is focused into a single beam with enough power to cut through steel. >You lick your lips. “God, you’re hot.” You breathily say to her. >Rainbow’s nude body sways in appreciation. >The way she bites her lip to cover her heavier breathing compels you further. >You get up onto your knees and nudge closer to her. “I love every inch of your body, Rainbow Dash.” >You reach out and grasp her hips. >Your touch sends a shiver through her as your fingers greedily spread out as far as possible, trying to hold as much of her as you can. “I meant it when I said watching you in gym class is like watching poetry in motion.” >You lovingly kiss Rainbow’s lower stomach. >It’s delectable. >Like the finest cut of steak you could imagine. >So lean, so firm. >Lightly coated with the faint saltiness of sweat. >Rainbow holds your head in place loose enough to let you move around, but firmly enough to keep you from straying too far from her body. “I love watching these muscles flex and stretch underneath your gym clothes.” You whisper, then licking up her stomach. >A soft, shaky moan escapes Rainbow’s lips as her fingers root themselves deeper into your hair. “I was absolutely hypnotized by the way your hips gently sway when you run~” >You lick further up her stomach, making sure to cover the small hills and valleys of her subtle abs. >Rainbow’s starting to tremble. >The anticipation in her body builds the closer you get to her chest. >But there’s a whole other side of her you haven’t appreciated yet. >Your hands slide from her hips to her delightfully firm, athletic ass. >Each cheek fills your hands so perfectly. >Squeezing her ass is so fun, too. >They’re nice and firm, but with just enough softness to challenge you to tenderize them further. “God, I could get addicted to you…” You murmur at her. >You hold off on licking her further to tease her exposed skin with your hot and heavy breathing. >You ease up on groping her ass to more gently rub it. >She’s trying her hardest to not squirm too much, but failing to stifle the sights and sounds of her arousal. >You’re so erect. >You could puncture titanium with your dick. >With each passing moment it becomes more difficult to ignore these animalistic urges to just take Rainbow. >Your fingers threaten to betray you as they subtly grip her flesh deeper. >But you need to do this. >Partly because you want to give Rainbow one thing that she wants, partly because you want to dangle the other thing Rainbow wants right out of her reach. >”C’mon, dude…” Rainbow quietly whines, twirling your hair in her fingers. >The gentle force in her hair conveys how conflicted she is about you appreciating her body versus you not fucking her already. >You choose the former. >Your tongue trails up to her chest, riding the curvature of her breast as gracefully as a master snowboarder. >But you make sure to just barely avoid contact with her areola. >Rainbow impatiently whines more loudly as she tries to force your head back onto her nipple. >”Dude, seriously?” Rainbow complains more vocally. “I just wanna savor you~” You breathily answer, planting small kisses back down her stomach. >”You’ve been savoring me a lot already!” “But I can’t get enough of you~” >Before she can complain again, your trace your damp tongue along the ridge diving her thigh and her abdomen, forcing another delightful squeal from her. >You can smell the arousal dripping from her pussy. “You’re so cute like this~” You lightly tease her. >”Sh-shut up!” >You obligingly shut up, but only by licking further down her thighs. >Your tongue gets more impatient and greedy, egged on by your raging erection. >But you can’t let loose yet. >You want to taste all of Rainbow Dash. >You’re her best groupie. >You work your way around to her inner thigh, where her heat radiates off of her with the most intensity. >”Come on, quit teasing me!” She tries to command you in that delightfully squeaky voice of hers. >Such a cutie. >Fine, you’ll indulge her. >You slide your hands up from her ass to her waist as you stand up to give your lover of the moment the eye contact she deserves. “Alright then, how do you want m-” >Rainbow quickly silences you with another brief but surprisingly loving kiss. >Her lips don’t carry the passionate fury you expected, but it’s over soon after. >”You know what I want?” She huskily asks you, her entire body heaving. “No, I don’t.” >She leans closer to you, shakily breathing. >”I wanna take you… nice and slow…” >She surprises you again. >Rainbow, of all people, wanting to take things slow? >You’d have thought she’d want to ride you ‘till the parents come home. “Why’s that?” You softly ask her. >She takes your wrists and guides them up and down her slender, aerodynamic body. >”You talked a whole lot about wanting to ‘savor’ me, and I wanna savor you, too.” >She forcefully brings your hands to her breasts, which you heartily squeeze. >”I wanna feel ALL of you, and I want you to feel ALL of me~” >She forces your hands back down to her hips and brings your naked body right against hers. >The effort it’s taking to resist fucking her right this minute is gonna give you a nosebleed. >”Don’t you wanna get the full Rainbow Dash experience~?” >She nibbles at your ear. >”This is the all-access backstage pass of your dreams, dweeb~” >Your grip on your lustful instincts is slipping. >Your hands desperately want to stay attached to her body. >You’re both breathing at an almost rapid pace. >It’s like an old-timey standoff, both of you the pull of a hair-trigger away from getting to the action. >She doesn’t want to wait. >And neither do you. “There’s nothing I’d want more~” >And you’re off. >Rainbow wraps her arms and right leg around you, ensnaring you in her powerful embrace as she pulls you into a third kiss. >You pull her body against you with matching vigor with one arm wrapping around her body from under your arms and the other holding her head tight. >It’s very sloppy. >Both of you hungrily growl and moan through the kissing as your sweaty bodies rub against each other. >The sensation of your iron rod being firmly sandwiched between your bodies is almost too much to bear. >It’s a real struggle for both of you to maintain the slow, loving pace you agreed on. >Each prolonged moment spent kissing and touching sends a powerful current of passionate energy flowing through your bodies. >When your tongues and lips separate, invisible arcs of electricity arc between you two, like a primordial force trying to keep you two united. >Rainbow’s also really gotten the hang of French kissing. >Her tongue mingles with yours with greater proficiency without losing any of her passion. >She doesn’t give you any wiggle room, though. >She’s still very much in charge. >Rainbow pushes you back down onto the floor, but this time, she moves quick to pin you down. >She takes your legs into her hands and not-so-subtly feels up your calves and thighs, biting her lip with a wide, hungry grin on her face. >You gotta admit, she did a great job whipping you into shape. >But then she bends your knees inward into a kneeling position. >Before you can wonder where she’s going with this, she settles herself on top of your thighs and positions your upward-pointed dick right beneath her pussy. >She lowers herself just a bit to make contact with your tip, making you sharply gasp. >”Tell me how much you want me.” Rainbow lewdly instructs you, rolling her hips just enough to stimulate your tip. >Your submissive position combined with this amazing sensation melts away what’s left of your resolve. “I really, really want you.” You gasp out. >”Want what?” She eggs you on. >So now you’re getting a taste of your own medicine, which you prescribed to Rarity. >Doesn’t even need a spoonful of sugar. “I want to cum inside you.” You shiver. >Rainbow’s grin widens. >”Cum inside who?” >You grit your teeth. “I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.” >That’s all Rainbow needs to hear. >Slowly, agonizingly slowly, she lowers herself down onto your manhood. >Rainbow takes her sweet time getting herself situated on your thighs and your cock. >Your chest tightens a bit and you hiss a bit as the feeling of her tight pussy ensnaring your dick like a Chinese finger trap. >Her thighs clamp down on your own >The sensation is painfully pleasurable. >Like sticking your dick into boiling oil, but it scalds in the best way possible. >Burning with the fire of love and passion. >She feels it, too. >She’s gritting her teeth and hissing pleasurably through the feeling of taking your full length. >Her grip on your calves tightens, though thankfully there isn’t a ton of flab for her to get a grip on. >To risk sounding vain, you’ve got some nice calves. >But those calves of yours don’t distract you from how you’re stuck in a very precarious position. >This is the most vulnerable you felt all night. >On your back with your knees pulled up as Rainbow rests on top of you. >Very similar to the position you forced Rarity in not too long ago. >You don’t know what to do with your hands, they’re just kind of splayed out on the floor, clenched into fists to try to contain everything you’re feeling. >”Hah… hah… still think y’can handle me?” Rainbow asks you, trying to suppress how much of a struggle it is for her to ride you. >You try to control the pace of your inhales and exhales. >It’s like the purple stuff flowing throughout your body was injected into your lungs like nitrous. “I… know so…” You exhale. >Rainbow bites her lip and smirks. >”Atta boy~” >She’s never been this sexy before. >Her struggle to contain all of your manhood leaks out from her amazing athletic body in the form of her gentle sweat. >Every muscle on her beautiful, naked form is proudly highlighted in the relaxing lighting of the bedroom. >Hues of purple dance across her skin as her body heaves with every lewd, shaky breath. >Her brilliant red irises seem to shine in the faint shadows the light cast upon her head from behind, giving her an even more predatory flair. >Then it clicks. >Within her confessed desire to take things slow to really savor your time together is another, more insidious desire. >Rainbow wants, more than anything, to win. >She has this incredible ability to turn anything she does with someone else into a competition. >No matter how small or trivial it may be, she’d want to prove she’s the best at it. >And right now, she wants to defeat you. >She knows you’re good at playing rough with Sunset, Pinkie, Rarity and Twilight, but she knows it took you more time to get used to being underneath Fluttershy in the tub, and you couldn’t wiggle out of Applejack’s grip when she pinned you down. >You’re at a disadvantage when underneath a girl. >Rainbow wants to fuck you, but she refuses to stay underneath you. >Fine. >You’ll play her game. >You’ve got liquid passion shooting through your veins. >She might be on top of you, but you’re the one in control. >It’s just gonna take more effort. >Using the powerful legs that Rainbow’s personal training and Applejack’s farm work has blessed you with, you slowly thrust your hips up to get this party started. >Rainbow wasn’t as prepared for you as she thought she was, her entire body shudders when you act and her fingers dig into your calves. >It’s a little painful, but it feels so, so good. “Don’t tell me you wanna tap out already~” You tease her. >She surfaces from near-drowning in the burning ecstasy she’s almost drowning in enough to glare at you. >”You remember what I said I was gonna do when I got my turn?” >You barely remember what you had for breakfast this morning. >Rainbow leans closer to you, bringing your knees closer to your chest somewhat painfully. >”I’m gonna rock your world, pretty boy.” She lewdly hisses at you. “Aww, you really think I’m pretty?” You teasingly riposte, earning some giggles from the girls surrounding you. >You’re positive the room’s hotter than it was when you first arrived. >An ember briefly appears in Rainbow’s eyes before she leans closer towards you and clenches her pussy around your cock. >She sharply exhales through her nose like a bull, and you’ve been waving the red cape all night. >She scrunches her face up as her cheeks flush, trying to think of some witty comment she can use to retort. >”F-fuck you.” Rainbow finally sputters out before slowly sliding up and down on your dick. >It makes for one hell of a comeback. >Your resolve cracks enough for you to gently moan at the sensation. >Rainbow snickers victoriously as she continues to ride you slowly but deliberately. >She really knows how to use her body. >Her hips roll with every thrust. >Her pussy’s clenching you the tightest of all seven of the girls. >It’s easy to lose yourself in the experience. >Your hands find her thighs and hold her in place as you ease up on trying to exert yourself with her and just enjoying how everything feels. >Why are you so determined to be the one in control, anyway? >It’s not a competition, and either way you’re still having sex with Rainbow. >And you already got to dominate Twilight and Rarity plenty, there’s no need to be greedy. >So you surrender to her. >You lie flat on the carpeted floor and look up at the ceiling, just focusing on how everything feels. >It all feels incredible. >Her pussy is so tight you’re almost afraid sparks will start flying if you two keep thrusting. >Your hands remain on her toned hips, but you hold on with a loose grip to focus on just feeling her hot, sweaty skin. >You delight in the sound of her cute, high pitched squeaks each time you thrust upwards into her. >Your eyes flutter shut and your mouth falls open a bit to allow gentle moans of your own to be vocalized. >You can really tell Rainbow is struggling to maintain the pace she’s set for herself, judging by how she’s trembling at the hips. >She’s gripping your calves really tight, too. >And her abdominal muscles are so tense. >Slow and steady really isn’t her style. >But Rainbow’s always so cute when she’s straining herself like this. >Your eyes open just a bit to admire the state of her body to find her caught between frustration and lust. >Her hair’s draped over her face, almost hiding the fury in her eyes behind the strands of hair gently dampened by her own sweat. >She almost resembles a feral dog barely held back by the chain attached to her collar. “Hah… having fun?” You gently ask her with a small smirk. >Rainbow grunts in response. >Her pussy chokes your dick, making you sharply inhale. >As you gaze upon Rainbow’s glistening body, the words you said to her to provoke her into action earlier echo within your mind. >Nothing gets her wound up more than compliments. >That’s what lit this fire, and that’s what kept the fire going all this time, intentionally or not. >Your eyes travel from her modest chest to her toned stomach and down to her cleanly shaven pussy slowly bouncing up and down. >She doesn’t exude the same raw femininity that Rarity, Sunset, or Fluttershy do, but there’s something so hypnotic about Rainbow when she’s fully embracing her feminine side. >Like the flowing, relentless waters of passion have sanded down the roughness of a chunk of granite into a near flawless stone, perfect for skipping across the beach. >Words fail you, but words aren’t needed. >Your hands are better at wordsmithing than your lips and tongue could ever be. >This is proven by how gently they slide up from her hips to just under her arms. >Rainbow’s back arches upwards with your touch like you’re straightening her out. >She struggles even more to maintain her languid, loving pace. >She’s firmly biting down on her lip to keep her composure, but it’s not doing a lot to help. >Most of her strength is being directed to her pelvic region to put you in your place. >Your hands slither from her sides to just beneath her boobs. >Your fingers trace the edge of the small domes to tease her that much more. >Rainbow buckles for just a moment. >Her entire body shivers at merely the anticipation of you playing with her breasts. >The fire within you is focused to a dangerous degree. >Like the white hot flame roaring from the exhaust of a rocket. >The succulent warmth seeping from Rainbow’s womanhood and coating your dick is like kerosene. >No, you didn’t surrender control. >You’re in control. >You have complete control. >Her body flows and sways with your mere touch. >The fact that she’s on top of you is almost irrelevant. >She’s right where you want her. >Your touch is delicate, but precise. >Rainbow grits her teeth and subtly bounces on your dick faster. >She’s sweating even more. >You thrust upwards to match her increased pace, making Rainbow squeal again. “Having fun?” You whisper to her. >”Sh-shut up, dweeb.” She groans. >You snicker a bit. >But before she can exert more of her frustration on you, you swiftly move to squeeze her breasts. >Another critical hit dealt to her resolve. >Rainbow throws her head back and lewdly moans when you finally grope her sensitive nipples. >Her body freezes up. >You smile even wider at her display of flagrant arousal. >Your fingers curl around her nipples like a spider closing in on its prey. >Rainbow melts at your touch. >Pinching and squeezing her sensitive little nipples elicits so many fun new noises from her. >Her shaking hands fly from your calves to hold your hands in place on her chest. >You gently alternate between toying with her nipples and massaging her breasts with the palm of your hands. >Rainbow’s hips are bucking noticeably faster now. >She’s just one more push away from fully breaking away from this self imposed restriction. “Still wanna take it slow?” You tease her. >Rainbow’s eyes shoot open as she shoots you the horniest death glare you’ve ever been dealt. >”You know what you’re doing, you little nerd.” She hisses at you. >”Rainbow, be nice to him!” Fluttershy scolds her in a stern tone. >She then kneels down beside you and gently caresses your chest to comfort you. >You can tell she’s shooting Rainbow a dirty look. >Sunset kneels beside you opposite to gently hold your shoulders, but she’s comforting you in a slightly more smug way. >This probably isn’t the time to be indulging in how the girls touch you, but you can’t help but feel like royalty with how Fluttershy and Sunset comfortingly rub your chest. “It’s fine, we’re all fine. I can handle a little back-and-forth.” You wave off their concerns, keeping your eyes on Rainbow’s arousingly irritated visage. >”Are you sure? I think Rainbow might need a spanking for that~” Sunset whispers in your ear like a scheming vizier, just loud enough for Rainbow to hear. >You can sense Rarity getting flustered by this remark. >Rainbow’s grip on your hands tightens as her eyes narrow at you. >”If you try to spank me, it’ll be the last thing you ever do.” >Fluttershy and Sunset protectively hold you closer. >Rainbow stuff rocking her hips gently isn’t lost on you. “Oh, but I’d never do that to you!” You insist, softly rubbing her boobs again. >She wavers again. “I just wanna make you feel pretty, Rainbow~” >Magic word deployed. >Rainbow’s face scrunches up again in embarrassment. >Her grip on your hands loosens enough for you to freely rub her body up and down. >Unlike the chocolate bars at the convenience store, Rainbow DOES melt in your hands. >She openly pants and whimpers at your gently massaging. >Her hands explore more of your legs, from your ankles to your thighs. “But I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable or anything, you sure this is what you really want for our time together?” >Rainbow meekly nods, her hair somewhat covering her face and hiding her embarrassment. >”Y-yeah…” >Man, this is fun. >Too much fun. >Your right hand travels up to her cheek, which she leans into appreciatively. “You sure you want to take this nice and slow?” >Rainbow takes a deep breath. >”I’m totally sure. All this is new and weird, but… it feels really good.” She sighs. >Sunset and Fluttershy pull their hands away from you once they’re content Rainbow isn’t being mean anymore. >A shame, too. >You were getting used to having all these lovely girls comfort you. >Oh well, you’ll have to settle for just one of your seven girlfriends at a time. >Torture, truly. >But you’ve been so distracted by the athlete’s body that it’s only now that you notice the pressure building in your loins. >Your hands fall to Rainbow’s hips and hold them in place with a slightly firmer grip. “I think I’m close, Rainbow.” You admit to her. >She laughs gently. >”’Bout time, dude. I came, like, three times already!” >Huh. >Looks like you were really distracted by her body. “Well, then, here comes the grand finale!” >Rainbow snickers a bit at your declaration, but she’s cut off by your firm, upward thrust. >The pace you set is a bit faster, but she’s not about to let you outmaneuver her. >She leans forward and grips your shoulders with the strength you expect from a star soccer player like her. >Your entire body heaves as the two of you move in perfect synchronization >Rainbow rolls her hips in a circle as you thrust more vigorously, forcing some very lewd gasps out of you. >In return, you knead her breasts more vigorously and pinch her nipples greedily. >Both of you hungrily rub and touch each other’s sweaty, heaving bodies while rocking back and forth on the carpet. >Like you both sang earlier tonight, you share a duet with her in the form of moans and gasps. >The pressure rises. >You’re moments away from your seventh climax of the night. >Your body feels hotter. >Everything is so warm. >You could melt ice with just your touch. >Your vision goes blurry as your manhood reaches critical mass. >It’s all so hazy. >You inhale. >You hold your breath. >Both of you halt your pace for one, precious moment. “Rainbow Dash~” >That’s all you can say. >You unleash a powerful torrent of your cum into Rainbow’s welcoming pussy. >The purple stuff you were forced to guzzle down works its magic one last time as your entire body trembles, slumping down onto the carpet. >You cry out with a mighty moan throughout the entire process of draining your balls. >Ecstasy unlike anything you’ve felt before tonight washes over you, sapping every last ounce of strength from the body you’ve occupied all your life. >Now you’re just a pile of flesh, muscle, and bone in the middle of Rarity’s bedroom. >You did it. >You accomplished the impossible. >Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash. >Months ago, they seemed so far away from you. >Like they occupied another world. >But now, you’ve claimed all of them. >One after another. >You’ve shared a lover’s embrace with each of these seven incredible girls, each in their own unique, beautiful way. >The lights above you are blocked out by the shadowy shapes of the girls looking over you. >The sounds of their beautiful voices can only be heard as vague, muffled sounds. >But they can’t be mistaken for anything else. >They’re angels. >They’re your angels. >They’re carrying you off to heaven. >In all honesty, you wouldn’t so much mind if you died right now. >It would ruin the sleepover for the rest of the girls, but you couldn’t imagine how you could top what happened tonight. >Your eyesight fades. >Your eyelids begin to slide shut. >Now, at long last, it’s time to go to sleep. >...But then, right before your eyes fully shut, one particular voice speaks to you through the haze you’re surrounded by. >Sunset Shimmer’s voice. >”Don’t fall asleep just yet, we’ve got one last surprise for you~” >What? >How? >Why? >The pearly gates shut and the angels drop you from your arms, leaving you back on Earth. >Lying flat on your back in the middle of Rarity’s bedroom, completely naked, and more exhausted than you’ve ever been in your life. >Soreness courses through your entire body. >Especially your thighs. >Without that wonder juice or ambrosia or whatever, you really get to appreciate what Rainbow did to your legs when you were fucking her. >Your legs are crying out in pain. >”I never want to work again”, they say to you. >”Neither do I” agrees your lower abdomen. >”Go on without me, I’m beyond saving” Your dick gasps out, its words hauntingly resembling a death rattle. >But it looks like you might have to ignore their cries for help. >How could there be more to this sleepover thing? >Was this some kind of cosmic punishment of some sort? >Did you mope about being a virgin too much and God decided you needed to be fucked to death? >Your mind swirls, but it’s like a weak vortex surrounding the drain in a kitchen sink. >You can only manage to wonder one question: what else could there possibly be to surprise you with? >At the very least, an answer shouldn’t be far away. >Sunset’s right there, surely she’d be happy to provide some clarification. >And it has to be a good surprise. >Sunset HAS to have something prepared for you that you’ll like. >Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight, and the rest of the girls wouldn’t let her do anything hurtful to you. >...But WOULD Sunset do something hurtful to you? >The thought alone seems ridiculous. >She set up this elaborate scheme to get you to have sex with the seven most kind and fun and beautiful young women at school. >Nobody who would do that for you would want to hurt you. >And what would she have to gain out of hurting you even if that was the case? >It’s not like she’ll tell the girls that you’re sleeping around with them, they’re all fully in the know and fully consenting. >Your head begins to hurt. >Wondering this isn’t going to help. >You need to work your mouth enough to ask the pertinent questions. >So you get to work. >You maneuver your arms into a position to lift your upper body. >You then slowly sit up, ignoring the aching pain crying out for a good night’s sleep. >You’re stronger than your body, you can do this. >You’re the sum of your parts, your body is just one part. >Before you know it, you’re sitting upright. >Still naked, but sitting like you normally would. >The light hurts your eyes. >Even the gentle, comforting hues of violet and blue emitted by the mood lightning Rarity set up stings your corneas. >It’s fine. >You’re fine. >You’ll live. >Your lips part and your tongue reminds you how dry it is. >That purple juice doesn’t do a great job of keeping things moist. >Again, you’ll live. “...What surprise?” >The question comes out in a dry, raspy tone. >As your vision clears, you see Fluttershy crouching beside you, holding a glass of water out for you. >Your arm finds the strength to graciously take it from her and gulp down the ice cold water. >It’s just the lubrication your throat desperately needed. >The water also does a great job waking you up a bit. “Thank you.” You whisper to her once you’re done drinking. >Fluttershy nods empathetically and gently rubs your back. >You carefully place the glass on the floor beside you and look up to find Sunset kneeling in front of you with a seductive smile on her pretty face. “What, is Trixie or Lightning Dust waiting to burst in and announce she’s in on all this, too?” You ask her. >Sunset giggles at your question. >”No, it’s not that.” She assures you. >”Good thing, too.” Rainbow mutters, embittered at the mention of Lightning Dust’s name. >Behind Sunset, you spot Twilight with the aforementioned bottle of mouthwash in her hand, vigorously swishing around a mouthful of the stuff while Rarity touches up her makeup with a pocket mirror. >It’s only now that you notice Applejack and Pinkie are supporting you from behind. >Their touch is so gentle. >It feels so nice. “Well, then, what is the surprise?” You ask Sunset. >Sunset’s expression falls a bit. >She reaches out to stroke your cheek gently. >”...Can we talk privately?” She asks you in a surprisingly soft tone. >This catches you completely by surprise. >You’ve never heard Sunset talk like this before. >She’s always been somewhere between kind and supportive to weirdly flirty. >Throughout the months you’ve known her, Sunset’s voice never really carried a tone of vulnerability. >Certainly not tonight. >But tonight’s been all about vulnerability, in a way. >Physically and emotionally. >Everyone’s still naked, after all. >This adds even more intrigue to the question. >You glance around at the rest of the girls to gauge their expressions. >They’re all looking somewhere between confused and concerned. >It doesn’t look like they’re in the loop on this. >Now you’re much more intrigued. >You turn back to Sunset, who’s still giving you that sympathetic look. “...Yeah, of course.” You finally answer her. >Sunset gives you a soft smile and holds out her hand for you. >You slowly reach out and take her hand. >She stands up and grabs onto your forearm with her other hand and hoists you back onto your feet. >That sting you felt in your lower stomach returns in force, but Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Applejack kindly support your back as you stand up and find your footing. >Once again, the hardest part is standing up. >Only this time, your thighs are weaker than before. >They’re complaining at you, but you’re deaf to their complaints. >The girls carefully let go of you to let you stand on your own. >Your legs threaten to fold beneath you, but through sheer force of will, you remain standing. >But this isn’t something you can keep up. >Sunset, still gingerly holding your hand, leads you out of Rarity’s bedroom and back into the hallway. >She guides you down the hall and into the master bedroom. >It’s too dark for you to take in the scenery, but you can’t imagine it’s more interestingly decorated than the bedroom you spent most of tonight in. >Sunset shuts the door behind you and brings you over to the door leading to the balcony. >You glance outside to assess the state of the fine town of Canterlot. >It’s a winter wonderland. >Snow continues to descend from the inky black void that makes up the sky. >Each snowflake represents a unique, beautiful soul that travels across a world of falling temperatures and sinking suns to grace the material plane with its beauty. >All the snowflakes gather to display their majesty in full as they coat the streets and buildings with their grand unity. >There’s gotta be at least six inches of snow covering the town. >If only this weather came to town yesterday. >You could’ve gotten out of finals. >...God, finals. >That feels like an eon ago. >But less than 24 hours ago, you were sitting in your History class like you always do. >And slightly more recently, you were sitting with your friends at lunch like you always do. >Little did you know, all seven of your friends had the hots for you. >You were surrounded by lust and desire and you didn’t even know it. >You were going about your school day like you always do, completely unaware of how much each of the girls wanted you. >It’s a strange feeling to process. >What isn’t strange is this silence. >Normally you’d feel creeped out by being in a dark, silent, unfamiliar room. >But tonight, the silence is a nice change of pace. >You’ve been on such an emotional rollercoaster, making love with seven girls in a row, that taking a moment to just enjoy the silence makes for a real antidote. >It’s so peaceful. >”Lost in thought?” You hear Sunset ask you. >You blink twice and turn back to face her with a sheepish chuckle. “A little, yeah.” You admit, rubbing your eyes with a weak nod. >Sunset gently laughs. >”I don’t blame you. Today’s been one Hell of an adventure.” >You take a moment to admire Sunset’s beauty. >The soft lighting that the moon reflects onto Earth gently illuminates Sunset’s body, giving her an almost otherworldly flair of beauty. >Her eyes seem to shine even more in the dark. >But you’ve had plenty of time to admire her. “So… what’s the matter?” >Sunset’s smile fades a bit. >”I wanted to talk about this privately so the rest of the girls don’t feel bad…” >Oh, God, where is this going? >She takes a deep breath. >”...We haven’t been good friends to you.” >An involuntary laugh forces its way out of your mouth. >That’s what this is about? >There was absolutely no way you could’ve seen that coming. “Seriously?” You ask her, smiling like you’re expecting a punchline. >Sunset, undeterred, solemnly nods. >You scoff at such a ridiculous claim. “Come on, Sunset, you girls are the best friends I could ask for!” You insist. >”But what have we done for you?” >Another curveball thrown your way. >Your incredulous smile fades. >Where’s all this coming from? >This is one Hell of a mood swing for Sunset. “What are you talking about?” >Sunset shrugs. >”You made friends with us all by doing things for us, and we haven’t done a lot for you in return. That’s not friendship, that’s servitude.” >You open your mouth to protest, but Sunset continues. >”I mean, you got close with Applejack by helping her study physics, you got close with Fluttershy by helping her at the animal shelter, you got close with Rarity by helping her with her skirt.” “But Twilight helped me with geometry! And Rainbow helped get me into better shape in P.E.!” You counter her claims. >Sunset sighs. >”I know, I guess something about how you said helping us was your hobby in the hot tub rubbed me the wrong way.” >You said that as mostly a joke, but there’s more truth in that than you care to admit. >You just wanted to make the most of your wonderful friends that you’d leap to help them with whatever they needed. >You think back on the semester. >You hung out after school with the girls, you helped them with whatever they needed help with, and you indulged in their hobbies with them. >You got more into fashion because of Rarity, you got into reading Daring Do because of Rainbow, and you started watching more Studio Ghibli because of Fluttershy. >You’d leap to help Pinkie with whatever kind of party she’s organizing, you’d help Twilight sort through all her books and notes, you’d do all sorts of things with them without asking anything in return. >...Were you being helpful, or just a doormat? >”Hell, just look at tonight! This was supposed to be your special night where we showed you how much we like you, and all you’ve done is what we wanted to do!” Sunset continues. >”You picked movies you thought WE would like and only ended up watching one, you were volunteered into karaoke, Rarity dressed you up in that skimpy outfit because that’s what she wanted, and I fed you that idea to skinny dip in the hot tub!” >”And, God, even when we were having sex with you, all you did was what WE wanted to do! You called Fluttershy mommy because that’s what SHE wanted! You wrestled with Applejack because that’s what SHE wanted! You pretended to hide in the closet with Twilight because that’s what SHE wanted!” >You sigh, casting your eyes downward. >Why is she doing this? >What if she’s right? >Maybe it’s your time at Bullworth ingrained within you. >Even with your friends, you’ll do whatever you’re told to do. >...Is that why the girls like you? >Are you just a pretty face and nice body wrapped around a complete pushover? >No, that can’t be the case. >It can’t be. >The girls may have their shortcomings, but they’d never take advantage of someone to make themselves feel good. “...Why are you telling me this?” You ask Sunset. >Sunset gently holds both of your hands and gazes lovingly into your eyes. >”Because we really do like you, Anon. We care about you a lot, and we want you to be happy and loved. As your friends, and especially as your girlfriends.” Sunset says to you. >Sunset takes a step closer, intertwining her fingers with yours. >”It kinda broke my heart when you said it doesn’t matter what you want. What you want DOES matter! It matters to all of us!” >She lets go of your hands and turns around to produce a small, gift-wrapped box from somewhere in the darkness you couldn’t see. >Before you could wonder what’s inside, Sunset opens it up to reveal the most beautiful flower you’ve ever seen. >With fifteen petals colored in a brilliant crimson hue and tipped with a lovely violet color and a bright yellow center, you’ve never seen anything like it before. >Or smelled anything like it. >You don’t need to bring your nose up to it to know that its aroma is angelic and serene like nothing else on Earth. >It’s almost glowing in the night. >There’s something supernatural about it that you can’t put your finger on. >Like it’s not from this world. >”...The girls are down for a second round. Rainbow’s got energy for days, and the way you make love really gets the others all hot and bothered.” Sunset chuckles. >Your dick stings at the thought of going again. “What’s the flower got to do with this?” You cautiously ask her. >Sunset softly laughs. >”Eating this will give you the energy you need for one more round of sweet, sweet loving.” >A chill runs down your spine. “Sunset, will this show up on a drug test?” >She laughs in that lovely way of hers again, then shakes her head. >”It’s not any kind of drug.” >She leans in with a grin. >”...It’s a magic flower.” She whispers. >You can’t help but laugh. “Oh, is it, now?” >”Mm-hm! If you eat this, it’ll make everything feel ten times as pleasurable. It’ll feel like you’re drowning in ecstasy~” >It’s drugs. >It’s absolutely drugs. >You don’t know what kind, but it’s drugs. >Sunset’s face turns more sincere. >”We’ve still got time tonight for one last round. We’d totally understand if you want to go to bed, but we want you to go to bed feeling truly happy and loved. So, I wanna ask you again…” >She brings the flower up to you. >”...What do YOU want, Anonymous?” >You open your mouth to answer her. >You know what you want. >You want to go to bed and finally get some rest. >Getting to have sex with seven amazing girls in a row is enough of a dream come true, you don’t want to get greedy. >But something stops you. >Something within you. >Something fiery. >In that moment, the world freezes around you. >The swirling snowstorm on the other side of the glass pauses like the eye of a hurricane passed over you. >You have clarity. >That feeling from before you skinny dipped with the girl returns. >The feeling that everything from this semester- >No, your whole life has been leading to this. >Destiny. >This is your destiny. >No, you weren’t a doormat. >The girls weren’t in control when you made love to them. >You were. >The aching you felt earlier almost vanishes from your mind. >Divine power returns to your being. >You’ve been bestowed upon an opportunity no mere mortal man would receive. >No athlete, no musician, no bad boy at school was given what you were. >You’re no mere high school student. >You’re Elvis. >You’re Superman. >You’re Anonymous. >Sunset sees this realization within you and grins widely. “You know what I want, Sunset?” You ask her. >”What is it you want, Anonymous?” She asks you, very eager to hear your answer. >She knows what you’re going to say. >But she wants to hear you say it. >And you’re going to oblige her. “I want all seven of you at once.” >Sunset is thrilled by your answer. >She throws her arms around you and plants a big kiss on your cheek. >The weakness of your body is brought back to center stage as you almost fall backwards onto the floor of the master bedroom, but you’re strong enough to stand your ground and gratefully return the hug. >As she snuggles into the crook of your neck and happily giggles, you realize what a nice contrast a simple hug makes compared to the past… however long of nothing but sex and debauchery. >There’s a certain kind of trust that comes with a hug. >Sex is everywhere these days. >People get drunk and party and sleep with whoever looks nice through the filter of alcohol coating their eyes. >People go out and sleep with the first person to give them the time of day in the wake of a bad breakup. >People sneak out behind their partner’s back and sleep with someone fun but low commitment to spice up their dull life. >But a hug… >A hug is more trusting. >More sincere. >Sex can be performed without getting any messy emotions involved, but it’s much harder to hug someone noncommittally. >To completely surrender your body to the grasp of someone else with only the hope of them surrendering themselves to you in return. >No pleasure beyond the warmth of their body wrapped around yours. >It’s so innocent. >Tender, sincere love. >It’s something you only appreciate now, after having gone all the way in seven different ways. >...What the Hell are you talking about? >You’re about to have an orgy and you’re thinking about hugging? >Sunset brings you back to what you just got yourself into by patting you on the back and pulling away from you, looking incredibly excited. >She’s still carefully holding that “magic” flower in her hands. >It could be drugs, it could be real magic, it doesn’t matter. >Being a teenager is all about being reckless and having fun like you’re invincible. >The consequences of mixing drugs and alcohol is something only middle-aged people working white collar jobs have to worry about. >Not you. >Not Anonymous. “So I just… eat it?” You ask Sunset. >”It’s as simple as that!” Sunset cheerfully confirms. >You reach out to grasp the magnificent flower. >Just from the way your fingers graze across its vibrant petals, you can tell there’s something… magical about it. >The energies embedded within its rectangular cells subtly seep into your skin, infecting you with an almost eerie warmth. >Almost like a warning that you shouldn’t do this. >Fuck that. >Sunset wouldn’t feed you anything that could hurt you. >Not after she organized all of tonight in your honor. >You take the flower into your hands and bring it to your mouth. >The weirdly sweet smell you sensed before is much more prominent now. >It’s an indescribably seductive scent. >Even though the flower’s in your hands, Sunset gingerly holds your hands in place. >Her soft, slender fingers trace along your hands, subtly helping you bring the flower to your lips. >Your mouth opens just enough for one one of the petals to pass through your lips and flirt with your eager tongue. >It’s even more sweet than you thought it would be. >Your nose did very little to prepare you for how overwhelming the taste would be. >The slightest bit of contact made fills your mouth with the flavor of this strange flower. >You can’t help but recoil a little bit. >”Remember, only if YOU want to, Mr. Star of the Show.” Sunset reminds you. >Her tone… >Still strangely sincere. >She’s never acted like this before tonight. >What’s her game? >...You don’t care. >It’s like she said. >What matters right now is what you want. >And what you want is all seven of your girlfriends at the same time. “I want to.” You reaffirm. >So you take the dive. >You stuff the flower into your mouth and chew on it before the taste really sinks in. >The reaction is almost instant. >Its taste is incomparable to anything you’ve ever tasted before. >Your mouth almost goes numb through the sheer force of the taste. >It’s an explosion of new sensations. >Your third eye was just opened, and it’s in your mouth. >And it only gets stronger with each passing second. >A lesser man would’ve spit it back out and made a beeline to the nearest bottle of mouthwash, but you’re bolder than the average man. >You clamp your mouth shut and force your mouth to really mix the possibly unholy plant with your saliva. >Then, with all your might, you use your tongue to bring the moist clump of flower to the back of your mouth and swallow it with one strong gulp. >You gasp for air the moment your mouth is emptied, save for a few small leaves. >Then it really hits you. >Time slows around you. >Your body succumbs to a strange semi-numbness that makes moving your arms feel like you’re underwater. >Your breathing slows down significantly, like you’re going through the motions of taking deep breaths while not actually working your lungs much more. >The street lights of downtown Canterlot have a certain extra shine to them. >The colors of the wintery landscape outside seem to melt together into a kaleidoscopic array of hues and shades you’re confident you’ve never seen before. >And your skin… >You feel… everything. >You feel every strand of the wool rug against your feet. >You feel every molecule of air bounce off your bare skin. >Even Sunset’s breathing, you feel the gentle exhales displace the air surrounding you two. >Every little sound that could possibly be heard, from the sound of the house settling to your own slow breathing is amplified a multitude of times, but not to the point of hurting your ears. >Your brain feels like it should be dizzy, like you’re about to lose your balance and fall over at any moment, but your stance is as firm as it was before you ate the weird flower. >In fact, you feel great. >The imaginary water you’re submerged in is a hot tub. >The soreness and aching you’ve been suffering through has, as literally as possible, melted away completely. >You feel a dozen years younger. >Your body’s been unburdened by the mess of chemicals and hormones that come with being a teenager. >You take a single step backward to get acclimated to this incredible miasma only to be bombarded by your every sense screaming at you. >No, not screaming. >Singing. >”Thank you”, your senses of feel and sight and taste sing. >”Thank you for bringing us this wonderful feast of sensations.” >You don’t care if you just took drugs. >Nothing that feels this good could possibly be bad for you. >”Looks like it kicked in~” Sunset slyly notes, glancing downwards at your lower half. >Her words wrap such a lovely silk ribbon around you. >But you follow her eyes downward to find your dick fully erect. >Ready for action as if it didn’t already have seven tours of duty tonight. >You were so trapped in feeling everything else that you never even noticed. >Where’s this flower been all your life? “Uh… yeah…” You breathily whisper with your eyes barely open. >Sunset giggles in that irresistibly sexy way of hers and struts closer to you. >Her orange skin and red and yellow hair sway so hypnotically before you. >”You ain’t felt nothing yet~” She whispers to you. >She gently brushes her fingers down your cheek. >The simple gesture sends waves of pleasure throughout you. >You can’t help but moan a little. >You’re frozen in place, but you wouldn’t rather be anywhere else. >Then Sunset leans in and reunites your lips with hers. >Fireworks. >You feel so warm. >So exciting, yet so comfortable. >Sunset’s lips infect you with her warm, fiery love. >Now you’re breathing faster. >You’re dripping with desire. >Your arms wade through the thick air to hold Sunset’s waist, heating you up even more. >Your mouth opens just enough for her to slip her tongue inside, but she never does. >Instead, Sunset pulls away from you. >You want more. >Your feelings guide you to lean forward for another kiss, but Sunset’s too far away. >”Don’t get too carried away now, you’ve got six other girls who can’t wait to make you feel loved!” Sunset cheekily reminds you, sashaying towards the door. >Seven girls at once. >Seven beautiful young women at the same time. >That’s what you said you wanted. >...What did you get yourself into? “You… you sure the girls will want to do this?” You softly ask Sunset. >You take a couple steps forward and try to ignore your senses crying out at the stimulation of simply walking. >”Absolutely! They really like you, you know! And they all knew they were gonna have to be comfortable with being SO close with each other when it came to sharing you!” Sunset chipperly answers. >You stumble to a stop. “Really, that much?” >Sunset nods with a smile. >”Really, really! You’re their weakness, after all!” >Wait, what? >The way she said that brings you back to the surface and out of your lustful haze. >You stumble forward and step slightly in front of Sunset. “Wait, wait, what do you mean by that?” >Sunset turns around with that eerily sinister look on her face. >”These girls are crazy about you, Anon. You’ve brought out sides of them that not even they knew they had. And they’ve been waiting ever so long to show you how much they like you. Believe me, there’s nothing they want more than to get their hands, lips, and other parts of themselves all over you~” >Sunset has such a way with words. >Each little syllable dances around you like you’re a blazing inferno at the center of a Pagan ceremony. >The little musical notes in her voice only entrances you further. >You want to question her further, why she specifically used the word “weakness”, but you sink back down to how amazing everything feels too quickly to do so. >Sunset simply brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear to put you back under this intoxicating spell. “Okay… okay…” You gently sigh. >”But don’t take my word for it, stallion! Let them show you just how much they like you~” Sunset teases you right before opening the door back into the hallway. >The motion-activated night lights plugged in near the floor immediately invade your vision as if they’re magnificent spotlights in a gaudy stage show in Las Vegas. >They don’t burn so bright as to hurt your eyes, you just feel so drawn to them. >You shamble forward and follow Sunset out into the hall, where you find Twilight and Fluttershy waiting for you two, looking faintly anxious. >Do they know about the flower? >They didn’t know what Sunset talked with you about, from how they reacted earlier. >You try to appear as collected and casual as you can, despite your nudity and amazing buzz. >...Twilight and Fluttershy… >They’re so beautiful, and still nude. >A pairs of lovely souls and flawless bodies, fully open for you. >Only you are allowed to bask in their pristine beauty. >Their mere presence is enough to coat your body in more of that delectable warmth of love and passion. >You shudder a little, thinking about what’s to come. >”Is everything okay?” Twilight nervously asks Sunset, glancing at you briefly but averting her gaze with pre-emptive guilt. >You should step in to assuage these concerns. “Yeah, everything’s fine, we were just talking about… what’s gonna happen next.” You answer, realizing partway through your sentence that you’re gonna have to come clean about what you told Sunset. >This only arouses more concern from the two girls. >”What’s gonna happen next?” Twilight asks you and Sunset. >”Are you okay, Anon? You seem kind of… off.” Fluttershy notices. >Looks like you weren’t doing a good job hiding it. >You try to take a deep breath and calm yourself down enough to answer properly. >Sunset fields that question by grinning and leaning in conspiratorially. >”He ate the flower~” She whispers to them. >Both girls softly gasp, their eyes widening in shock. >Looks like Sunset told them about the “magic” flower. >”He did?” Fluttershy softly asks Sunset, her eyes now firmly locked on your body for any sign of discomfort. >You nod slowly to answer her, and Sunset nods more eagerly. >”Watch this!” Sunset says to them right before planting a big kiss on your cheek. >You can’t help it, you audibly moan and your entire body shudders in response to the romantic gesture. >That warm, safe feeling of ecstasy returns to soak your entire body in its embrace. >Even after Sunset pulls away from the brief cheek kiss, your body gently trembles. >Your soft breaths are intertwined with gentle, lewd whimpers. >Please, Sunset. >Please don’t keep teasing me. >”Oh geez, he really did eat it…” Twilight mutters with an awkward chuckle. >Fluttershy’s hands are clasped in front of her mouth, but her eyes are still locked on your nude body. >Such brazen behavior from her, you never thought you’d see anything like that from her. >You want her. >You want Twilight. >You want Sunset. >You want them all. >”How does it feel?” Twilight carefully asks you. >You take a deep, shaky breath. >That’s not an easy question to answer. >Words really can’t do this justice, but you’re going to try. “...It’s like the universe is hugging me.” You sigh dreamily. >That’s the best you can do. >”I can only imagine…” Twilight whispers. >Her hand reach out to touch you, but Sunset guides her hand out of the way. >”Would you girls please help me get him back into Rarity’s room? He might die of touch starvation if we don’t do something!” Sunset asks them, taking your hand in hers. >You can’t speak anymore, all you can think about is how much you want to be touched and held and kissed. >You’ve put in your work tonight, you’ve earned this. >The two other girls nod quickly and hurry to help you make your way down the hall. >Fluttershy takes your other hand and Twilight carefully supports your back as you walk the short distance from the master bedroom to Rarity’s bedroom. >Their hands… >Their soft, delicate hands… >So warm, so loving. >They really do care about you. >You barely recognize the doorway you pass through, everything’s fading into a beautiful collage of colors and lights. >Fluttershy and Twilight slowly let go of your body once you’re in the middle of Rarity’s bedroom, then Sunset guides you carefully to sit down on the carpet. >The addictive warmth of their touch remains within you. >Through your haze, you look around the room to recognize the familiar, beautiful shapes before you. >Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Sunset Shimmer. >All of them as naked as you are. >You can’t help but stare. >Your mouth hangs open slightly as you breathe heavily, thick with lust. >As if your fully erect manhood wasn’t proof enough of your deep, fiery arousal. >The mood in the room shifts around you, you can almost taste the change. >The way your body heaves with every breath, the lust in your eyes, the longing in each breath you take, it’s as clear as day to all the girls that you ate the magic flower. >”We’re so lucky to have you in our lives, Anon. Aren’t we, girls?” She compliments you in a sing-songy voice, turning the focus to the other girls. >”Are we ever!” Pinkie is quick to agree, leaning forward to present her supple chest while blatantly eyeing you up and down. >”Mm-hm…” Fluttershy bashfully adds while twiddling her thumbs, although the way she admires your body is less bashful. >”We just LOVE how a kind, caring soul like yours is wrapped in such a delicious body~” Sunset continues, strutting behind Rainbow and Rarity. >”Delicious, indeed~” Rarity purrs, batting her eyes at you. >”Y-Yeah, you’re pretty hot…” Rainbow admits in an embarrassed tone. >Her arousal shines through in the subtle wavering of her legs. >Music to your ears. >You hear the subtle and not-so-subtle desire in their voices. >Sunset’s clearly having a lot of fun with this. >She traces a finger across Rainbow’s and Rarity’s shoulders as she struts over to Applejack and Twilight. >”It’s just so intoxicating how you can bring out the best in us… and the worst in us~” Sunset compliments you in a sultry tone, holding Twilight’s shoulder with one hand and Applejack’s shoulder in another to get them to loosen up. >”You could say that again…” Twilight sheepishly agrees, too flustered to make direct eye contact with you. >”You’re the best kind of trouble to get into, Anon~” Applejack flirts with you, using her southern accent to add some extra spice to her words. >”And we wanna get into all sorts of trouble with you~” Pinkie giggles, falling to her knees and crawling towards you. >”To be frank, it was rather rude of you to hold out on us poor girls for so long, Anonymous. We’ve been absolutely stewing in our juices waiting for you~” Rarity playfully scolds you while swaying her hips for you. >You can read their bodies like an open picture book. >You’re almost choking on all the sexual tension. >”Now, now, be nice to him! He was only trying to be polite and respectful by not making any bold moves!” Sunset lightly scolds Rarity as she crouches beside you. >”And even tonight, he’s been so respectful as to spend all his efforts making US feel beautiful, that I don’t think we truly appreciated him!” She continues, then lightly stroking your hair. >You shiver at her light touch. >Her fingers graze across your hair like her hands belong to a master seamstress. >”The bath earlier was a great idea, he’s absolutely glowing now!” Sunset continues, her fingers still flirting with your hair. >”Just look at how pretty his hair is…” >”And his skin, too…” >Sunset slowly drags her fingers down your cheek, forcing a small pleasurable whimper out of you. >”And his beautiful singing voice, along with those luscious lips…” >Sunset’s hand travels down to your chest and stomach, heaving with every lewd breath you take. >”And his amazing body…” >You try to bite your lip to stifle the sounds of your shaky breathing, but it’s no use. >Her hand slides over your arm and to your hand, gracefully taking it in hers. >”Not to mention his hands! He has such a gentle touch, and a firm grip~” >Sunset’s hand finally reaches where your legs meet your waist. >”Oh, but let’s not forget his magnificent manhood! Aren’t we lucky, this organ of his might have been perfectly designed for our pleasure~” >She drags her index finger down the length of your mass. >It feels amazing. >You’re forced by flower power to openly pant and gasp in pleasure. >You look away from Sunset teasing your body to see how the girls are reacting to all this. >They’re enthralled. >Rainbow’s still feeling what you two shared, so her legs tremble a little more noticeably as she bites her lip and blushes intensely. >Applejack tries to hide what she’s feeling by looking away, but her shaky breathing and the way her hand lightly rubs at her lower stomach completely give her away. >Twilight, in comparison, isn’t even trying to hide how much she wants to get her hands on you as her eyes intently follow Sunset’s hands as they tour your nude body. >Fluttershy’s arms obscure her body to hide as much of the fire within her as possible, but her little musical, breathy whimpers ring out like sirens to your sensitive ears. >Rarity isn’t bothering with hiding her arousal; she’s swaying her hips from side to side and licking her lips in anticipation with half-lidded eyes. >Pinkie is putting her previous displays of arousal to shame; she’s openly panting like a dog and absolutely vibrating with barely-contained lust. >So many eyes on you, burning you with their gaze. >The gentle glisten of the arousal between their legs shines in the light like liquid diamonds. >You’re trapped at the bottom of this ocean of lust and pleasure, your body being crushed by the extreme atmospheric pressure. >”We want you, Anon.” Sunset grins. >”We really do.” Twilight trembles. >”We really, REALLY do.” Pinkie pants. >Fluttershy and Rarity wordlessly close in on you. >Their nude bodies are absolutely radiating heat and lust. >Rainbow and Applejack are losing their composure, but so are you. >You’re salivating more than you ever have before. >The air molecules around you move with greater speed, jostled around by raw sexual tension. >You almost don’t want to imagine what’ll happen if you get touched like this. >But you do want this. >More than you’ve ever wanted anything before. >This is it. >This is what everything has been leading to. >The six girls surrounding you are now mere inches away from making contact. >Each and every one of them is on a hair trigger from losing themselves to the moment. >So many hands, eager to hold. >So many lips, eager to kiss. >So many bodies, eager to join with yours. >Pinkie and Fluttershy crouch the closest to your face. >Rarity and Applejack eye your chest and stomach longingly. >Rainbow and Twilight have their lustful gaze on your fingers. >Standing behind them all like a true ringleader, Sunset’s lips curl into a wicked grin. >”Let’s get him, girls.” >It all happens so fast. >Time freezes. >Your vision is filled with an indescribably beautiful swirling array of lights and colors. >Your breath is stolen from you, whisked away from your lungs by an invisible force. >You can’t move. >Your arms and legs are suspended in place as if encased in amber. >Your neck is locked in place, forcing you to stare up at the ceiling. >The only part of your body that you have any amount of control over is your eyes. >You can only summon the strength to blink. >Everything else is trapped beneath a substance as hot and as thick as tar. >The little, indistinct sounds your ears pick up on are muddied by angelic echoes. >Your head is the only part of you free from this trap. >Every inch of your bare skin below your neck is coated in the warmest, most comforting sensation your mortal body has ever experienced. >Then, the second hand on the cosmic clock ticks forward once. >The lights above you fade just a bit. >Enough for you to focus your eyes and bring yourself an inch or two closer to Earth. >The shapes and colors around you slowly take form. >Feminine forms. >Beautiful forms. >Forms that flow so gracefully like the grass in the garden of Eden. >Yellow flows into orange, orange flows into pink, pink flows into blue, blue flows into white, white flows into tan, tan flows into purple, and purple flows into yellow. >Your eyes can’t focus on a single shape. >Your pupils are hypnotically drawn from one shape to the next. >It’s too much to bear. >Any attempts to keep your head above the tar are futile. >Lovely motions, small and big, fill your mind. >Another second passes. >The feminine shapes surrounding you take a more solid form. >Your eyes slowly track around you to really see what’s happening to you. >Most of your vision is taken up by Fluttershy as she passionately kisses you with her arms draped around your shoulders. >Her gentle moans, barely audible through the kiss, add such an angelic flair to the sensual excitement of your lips meeting hers. >She’s not using her tongue in the kiss, she’s being far more sweet and romantic. >Through the cloud of lust choking you, you produce the thought that you should wrap your arms around her naked body and pull her closer to you, but you can’t. >You try exerting some force to regain control of your arms, but you can’t get those two appendages to budge an inch. >But then you realize why you can’t move your arms: they’re held captive by Applejack and Rainbow. >Applejack’s powerful thighs keep your wrist in place while her hands grip your bicep tightly, completely immobilizing your arm as she plants rough kisses across your upper arm. >Rainbow’s using your hand to rub her pussy, still slick with arousal from your last encounter with her, as she clumsily nibbles on your elbow. >Both girls ensure your fingers are right where they need to be as they grind away on you. >It’s like your arms are asleep, but in the best way possible. >Plus, the sounds of these tough girls moaning and whining so girlishly is truly delectable. >Right next to Fluttershy, taking up most of what’s left of your field of view, is Pinkie. >Fluttershy’s got your lips all to herself, so Pinkie’s making good use of your lower neck. >Her arms are wrapped around you under your arms and she’s very eagerly kissing and nibbling at your neck. >In the brief moments when her mouth separates from your body, shaky, lewd giggling can be heard from her. >She’s much more active than Fluttershy. >Pinkie’s rubbing her supple chest against your body and adds a few playful bites in with her kisses to spice things up. >With this flower working its magic on you, your body reacts to her nibbles like you’re being mauled in the most loving way possible. >Even lower on your stomach is another set of arms wrapped around you. >Your sense of hearing is even more acute with the magic swimming through your body, so you immediately recognize from the sound of her breathing alone that Sunset is the one holding you from behind. >The way she kisses your neck is slower and much more sensual. >So focused and intentional. >She knows exactly what the flower is doing to you, and she knows how to really make you feel everything she’s doing to you. >But that’s not where you’re most sensitive. >Down below, your manhood is screaming in pleasure. >You don’t even need your eyes to tell who’s tending to you. >Twilight and Rarity. >From their tongues and moans alone, you can tell who’s who. >Twilight’s so clumsy but so eager, she’s really gotten a taste for your cock as she messily licks at it like she’s working on an actively melting popsicle. >Rarity, on the other hand, lets some of her inexperience shine through. >She’s a little more hesitant when it comes to licking your dick, but she’s still very eager to learn. >All of this, all at once. >Seven pairs of lips covering your body. >Seven arms keeping you in place. >It’s a strange feeling. >And yet, it feels good. >Really good. >Heavenly. >Divine. >You’re so overwhelmed by all these nude girls kissing and rubbing you, yet your senses are so refined as to pick up on the smallest, more subtle sensations you could possibly perceive. >It’s almost like paranoia. >But this can’t be paranoia. >This feels so good. >One of Fluttershy’s hands gently grasps your hair as the passion of the moment gets to her while Pinkie’s kissing and nibbling ventures further up your neck. >Sunset takes advantage of the space unwittingly granted to her by Fluttershy that she torturously drags her tongue up your neck to the edge of your lips. >Applejack has to nudge Pinkie out of the way a bit in the midst of her rough humping and kissing, which has really picked up pace since you recognized she was in action. >Twilight obligingly lets Rarity lick and suck on the tip of your manhood as she indulges herself in the musky scent of your crotch. >Rarity tests the waters a bit by gingerly kissing your tip, sending another jolt of pleasure down your body. >The “water” proves to be plenty warm for her, no doubt warmed up by Twilight and Rainbow, as she dives in for another kiss, this one deeper and more passionate. >Her lips weren’t blessed with the precision granted to her seamstress fingers, but her oral technique is still that of an artist. >Rainbow’s still very sensitive from having just gotten off the Anon Express, so she’s trembling and whining quite noticeably. >She wouldn’t dare give in now, when her performance can be directly compared to Pinkie’s or Sunset’s, so she stuffs her vulnerability deep down within her and clamps her teeth down on your firm shoulder. >It’s like the flower gave you some kind of telepathy. >Through their body language alone, you can read these girls like they’re open books scattered across the floor of a poorly maintained library. >All their bodies flow together like a beautiful ballet. >At the center of this open display of love and passion is you. >Fluttershy finally parts from the kiss, leaving just an inch between your mouths, quickly filled by hot air. >”All this isn’t too much for you?” She softly asks you to a chorus of gently moaning young women. >Oh, God, you have to talk. >Your lips feel faintly numb after the kissing, only worsened by that flower. >But if you don’t say anything, Fluttershy will get worried about you. >You don’t want to ruin the mood. >...And you don’t want this amazing experience to end. “Ah… hah…” You pant out. >Fluttershy gently presses her forehead against yours. >Such a sweet gesture, hampered a bit by how lewd Pinkie and Sunset are being right next to your ears. >And how Rainbow and Applejack are pleasuring themselves with your hands. >And how Rarity and Twilight are sucking your dick. >The magic of the flower bestows enough strength upon you to nod up and down twice. “This… feels… amazing…” You whisper to her. >”My turn!” Pinkie declares, wasting no time in diving in for a sloppy, passionate kiss of her own. >Her oral assault ignites another scorching bonfire at the end of every nerve in your body. >She leaps onto you with such force that you would’ve fallen backward if Sunset wasn’t supporting you from behind. >Sunset’s fingernails dig into your flesh more while Fluttershy shifts to gently peppering kisses across your chest. >Pinkie’s tongue forces its way past your lips on a desperate hunt for your tongue while her hands clamp down on your head to keep you from escaping. >It only takes her a moment to find your tongue, and even less time for her tongue to get tangled in yours. >”F-fuck…” Rainbow groans as her hands begin to shake, signaling that her next orgasm isn’t far away. >”Sho… sho tashty…” Pinkie pants as she pulls away from your lips with a wet pop, but she’s latched back onto you in no time at all. >Piercing the relatively quiet orchestra surrounding you is Applejack arching her back and crying out in pleasure. >Her pussy clenches down on your fingers and releases a torrent of her juices onto your hand, making her involuntarily grip your arm even tighter as ecstasy overtakes her. >”Heh… wasn’t first…” Rainbow groans, managing a weak grin as her hips grind away on your other hand. >”This isn’t a competition, Dashie.” Sunset reminds her in between kissing your neck and cheek. >Rarity pulls away from your cock to get some air, where Twilight goes all-in and takes your entire length into her mouth. >The sensation of Twilight taking you down to the hilt with her mouth makes your entire body tense up and raise your internal temperature another ten degrees. >You’ve gotta be pouring sweat, but it’s hard to tell with how much of your skin is covered by the girls. >As Twilight swirls her tongue around your dick and Applejack slumps over a bit to recover from her orgasm, Sunset and Fluttershy take turns kissing along your neck in spite of how greedy Pinkie is being. >Watching you get intimate with her friends all night has really got her wound up for more. >You also notice Rainbow slumping onto the ground while still keeping your hand between her legs as you messily make out with Pinkie. >Fluttershy’s delicate, loving kisses work their way up to your ear. >Even the feeling of her stray strands of hair brushing against your ear sends a shiver down your spine. >”You’re so handsome~” She breathily whispers to you, nestling herself in the crook of your neck to kiss you some more. >”Those other girls at school don’t know what they’re missing~” Sunset flirtily agrees before nibbling on your earlobe enough to make you gasp again. >Now you know what the angel and devil on your shoulder look like. >”Mm-hm! Mm-hm!” Pinkie agrees, muffled by her determination to keep kissing you. >She bucks her hips impatiently and clenches handfuls of your hair. >She wants to go back to fucking you, but she’s a good enough friend to let Twilight and Rarity have their fun. >Down below, Twilight gives Rarity enough room at the base of your cock for Rarity to wrap her tongue around the base. >The dirty side of Rarity that you were exposed to after sharing the wine surfaces once again in her enthusiasm to lick you clean. >Applejack’s recovered from her climax to kiss your stomach like she’s bobbing for apples at a family reunion. >”I’ll get it~” Sunset says to you, taking the arm Applejack kept in her embrace and sensually licking your fingers clean. >Her tongue slowly twirls around each digit, capturing each drop of Applejack’s pussy juice. >L-Lewd. >”Really, Sunset?” Applejack asks Sunset, faintly unimpressed but mostly surprised. >”Don’t worry about me, there’s room for one more up here~” Sunset invites her as she slinks over to your side, motioning to the space on your neck that just opened up. >Without wasting another second, Applejack clambers over and wraps her strong arms around your body and dives into roughly kissing your cheek and neck, groaning in a very horny manner. >Sunset gets to work maneuvering your hand all across her naked body, making sure you get to savor every last inch of her feminine beauty from her lips to her thighs and everything in between. >When you turn your attention back to Rainbow, you find her lying on her back with both her wrists clinging to your hand, rubbing vigorously at her pussy. >You can sense the way her body writhes in contorts as her orgasm approaches through Fluttershy and Applejack kissing you and Rarity and Twilight sucking you off. >”I’m gonna-” Rainbow tries to warn you, but she reaches her climax sooner than she anticipated. >She screams out in ecstasy and lets her body go limp on the floor as she squirts out onto your other hand and savors her afterglow. >Rainbow really is cute when she’s embracing the fact that she’s a girl. >Pinkie finally reaches her limit for how long she can kiss you without coming up for air as she pulls away from you and takes in a huge gasp of air, giving Applejack the opportunity to throw herself at you and make out in her own, rough-and-tumble way. >That’s when you realize you’re not far from your own orgasm. >So many hands grazing over you, so many lips kissing you, it’s really catching up to you. >The combined tongues of Twilight and Rarity giving your second-in-command all their attention builds pressure like you’ve never felt before. >Your breathing halts and your body tenses up again in preparation to release your eight load of the night. >But you don’t want to cum yet. >You’re having too much fun being the center of attention. >You try your hardest to hang on and keep the fun going, but it’s a battle you’re rapidly losing ground in. >Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie coat your face, neck, and shoulders in kisses soft and rough. >Sunset and Rainbow focus their attention on your chest and stomach, kissing and licking as much as they can. >Twilight and Rarity finally find a pace that works for both of them as they lick and suck your manhood with dangerous precision. >You’re close. >You’re so close. >Time freezes. >And then you climax. >With a loud, lewd groan of your own, you unleash spurt after spurt of your cum into the waiting and eager mouths of Rarity and Twilight. >You experience ecstasy unlike anything else you’ve ever felt before. >It feels like you’ve been waiting your entire life to orgasm right here, right now. >But an orgasm this powerful comes at a cost, and that cost is all the strength in your body fleeing your body the moment you expel your cum. >Your body collapses into the embrace of Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack, who carefully lower you onto your back. >With the last spurt, you’re finally ready to call it a night. >You’ve done the impossible, you’ve ridden the lightning (and let the lightning ride you), you’ve gone around the block eight times, and now you’ve earned your rest. >You breathe in and out, ready for your exhaustion to claim you and guide you into slumberland. >...But that never happens. >You’re still just as sensitive to the girls’ touch as you were when you first ate the flower. >You’re just as awake as you were before. >You look down at your body and find you’re just as erect as you were before. >But you did just cum. >The semi-sticky residue along your shaft and the drops Rarity and Twilight are cleaning off of their lips is proof of that. >What the fuck? >The brief afterglow of your orgasm provides you enough mental clarity in the midst of this storm of lust and pleasure to realize how unnatural this is. >You turn to face Sunset to ask her what the fuck that flower you ate was. >With each passing microsecond you feel your soul sink back down into the thick mush of hazy lust, forcing you to react to every little kiss and lick like you’ve lost your skin. >But before you can try to speak again, Sunset preemptively silences you with another one of her breathtaking kisses. >As her tongue gently dances with yours, the sensations of Pinkie, Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy getting back into tending to your body burn into your flesh and scarring your soul with their lust. >Just like that, your ability to speak or think clearly is stolen from you again. >Sunset pulls away from the kiss but keeps her lips barely away from yours. >”Remember what I told you after school.” She whispers to you. >You should barely be able to hear her over the breathy moans of Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity, but your hearing is like that of a bat right now. >But as for responding to Sunset, all you can muster is a shaky sigh of pleasure. >Sunset blesses your lips with a quick, teasing kiss. >”Just go with the flow and you’ll have the time of your life~” >Sunset concludes her reminder with another loving, precise kiss. >Your head sinks below the surface, leaving you completely submerged and suffocating on all the passion. >Just go with the flow. >Just go with the flow… >The last ounce of resistance leaves your body. >You’re left as only the consciousness of Anonymous, inhabiting his limp, lifeless body. >Powerless to do anything to fight back and free yourself from the seven girls pinning you down and having their way with you. >So good. >Everything feels so good. >Cloud Nine can’t compare to this. >Through your kiss with Sunset, you sigh contentedly and let your eyes slide shut. >You submit to the pure bliss that envelopes you like an angel’s hug. >So many kisses, so many hands stroking you. >And their moans… >Such raw femininity, singing such a beautiful choir in your honor. >Rainbow moves in to embrace her girly side and bashfully kisses along your cheek and neck as Rarity graces your other cheek with her much more ladylike kisses. >The scent of mouthwash emanates from Rarity’s mouth. >So courteous of her. >Damp warmth captures your manhood once again, sinking you even deeper into this wonderful experience. >From the way her body excitedly shifts about and how her hands roam all over whatever bare skin she can reach, you can tell it’s Pinkie. >She bounces up and down on your dick before frantically leaning forward and going back to licking and sucking on your chest. >Pinkie’s really been aching for more of you. >Applejack, Twilight, and Fluttershy work their way around Pinkie’s desperate kissing, licking, and bouncing to pleasure themselves with your arms and chest. >Fluttershy’s by far the most gentle of the girls. >Her kisses are so gentle, yet packed to the brim with love and attraction. >She’s the only one who’s concerned about overwhelming you. >Applejack and Fluttershy are so different from each other in their hobbies and personalities, but they find common ground in how they worship your body. >...Yes, worship. >That’s how to describe this experience. >These seven girls are worshiping you. >The way they’re kissing you and licking you and fucking you goes far beyond the ordinary high schooler’s romantic feelings towards a classmate. >This goes far deeper. >Far more intense. >Adoration. >Reverence. >Such warmth, such love, completely inescapable. >Pure bliss. >You open your eyes again. >You almost feel your eyes are unworthy of the sight you behold. >Sunset’s slowly savoring the feeling of your dick inside her, Rainbow’s got your lips all to herself, Rarity and Twilight have worked their way up to your neck, and Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie have your stomach and hips fully covered. >Their beautiful, curvaceous bodies heave and flow in a beautiful rhythm. >The way their chests, stomachs, and pussies rub against your body coats your body in even more of their adoration. >So many sounds and sights to take in all at once, your eyes fade out of focus again. >You slowly close your eyes, then open them again. >The girls have all shifted around you. >Now, it’s Fluttershy riding your cock while Rarity makes out with you. >You can still taste the mouthwash on her tongue, and you can hear Fluttershy’s shaky, incredibly lewd moaning. >Pinkie and Sunset have situated themselves beside your legs to give your thighs plenty of kisses and loving bites. >Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack tend to your torso with all their loving might. >The longer all of this goes on, the weaker your body becomes. >This, in turn, makes everything feel even more excruciatingly pleasurable. >You cry out in ecstasy as you release another load of your cum into Fluttershy’s eager pussy. >...Did you? >It’s hard to tell. >Every sensation melts into each other, you can’t tell where one feeling ends and another begins. >Time begins to distort around you. >You’re sensing so many amazing feelings, you lose track of how many orgasms you’ve had. >The bodies of the girls on your body fade back into entrancing, beautiful shapes and colors. >You slowly blink again. >This time, you’re lying on your back, staring up at the ceiling as Applejack rides your face with furious passion. >Your tongue swims around on its own, licking at her clit as her thighs threaten to crush your head like a grape. >Pinkie, Rainbow, and Fluttershy share the responsibility of licking your diamond-hard cock. >Rarity holds Rainbow’s head with one hand and Fluttershy’s head with the other as she carefully guides them through the process of sucking your cock. >Three tongues exploring your cock at once. >Divine. >Just as you’re wondering where Twilight is, your entire body lurches upward as you feel her lick your foot. >It takes some real effort to look around the room while Applejack is rocking your head back and forth with naught but her hips, but through all the lewd information your nerves are being fed, you soon find Sunset. >She’s standing off to the side, gripping her breast with one hand and furiously rubbing her pussy with the other hand. >Her entire body rocks with her vicious masturbation, and there’s a frighteningly manic look on her face all the while. >The sight is so surprising that you’re granted a very brief moment of sobriety. >What’s with her? >That’s all you’re allowed to think before Applejack climaxes right onto your mouth to the sound of her crying out in ecstasy. >You try to swallow as much of the sweet stuff as you can, but you’re quickly overwhelmed once again as her thighs squeeze your head as tight as possible. >Once that’s taken care of, Applejack’s thighs release your head from their vice grip. >You may have orgasmed yourself, judging by how eagerly Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Pinkie lick your manhood, but at this point, it’s impossible to tell. >Lights melt together. >Sounds blend together. >The girls’ bodies move about you with such unity, like they’re a singular being. >A singular being that exists with the sole purpose of making you feel adored and worshiped. >You, Anonymous. >It’s all so much. >This is the most you’ve ever felt. >Your eyes slowly shut as the lights and sounds around you fade away. >Then, at long last, after the longest, most eventful night of your life, you fall asleep. >You never really notice being asleep. >Of course, it wouldn’t make sense to be conscious of the fact that you’re lying in bed with your eyes closed for five to ten hours, but the fact that you were sleeping is something that only occurs to you once you wake up. >But not this time. >This time, you’re weirdly aware of the fact that you’re sleeping. >You’re drifting aloft in an endless void, with naught but the sound of blood flowing through your ears to stimulate your senses. >It’s… peaceful. >So serene. >That… encounter you shared with the girls was so overwhelming. >Sure, it was fun, the most fun you’ve ever had in your life, but it was also very exhausting. >After all the excitement and tension this sleepover subjected you to, it’s a welcome change of pace to just be alone and do absolutely nothing. >You inhale, and then exhale. >The air surrounding you in this peaceful void is so crisp and refreshing, like the morning air on the first day of Spring. >You could stay here for hours. >Just floating and breathing and meditating. >Maybe even take your first steps toward becoming a monk, now that you’ve gotten a lifetime worth of sex out of the way. >You doubt your girlfriends would appreciate that, though. >But then, a light appears before you. >It appears only as a faint dot in the distance at first, but slowly grows to swallow more of the darkness before you. >The light quickly engulfs you, forcing you to shield your eyes to protect from blindness. >Except your arms don’t move when you command them to. >As soon as the light completely surrounds you, it fades away to reveal Rarity’s bedroom. >The morning sunlight streams in through the window so gently as the scant sounds of chirping from birds that haven’t flown south yet can be heard outside. >Some of the ambient lighting was left on overnight, but most of the room is filled with natural light. >At least, from what you can see. >That being the ceiling. >You try to arch your neck up to survey the room around you. >Then it hits you. >You’re sore. >Everywhere. >From your neck down to your toes, your body stings with exhaustion like nothing else you’ve experienced before. >Merely the thought of just lifting a finger is enough to make you wince. >And, God, your waist. >Thousands of needles jammed into your crotch area as if inflicted upon you by an amateur acupuncture masseuse turned CIA torture specialist. >You can’t even feel your dick. >You don’t even know if you want to see your dick. >After everything from last night, you can’t have much of a dick left. >For the sake of your girlfriends, you really hope you still have a dick. >...Your girlfriends… >Plural. >More than one girlfriend. >...What happened last night? >Did you REALLY have sex EIGHT times? >Or however many times? >Or was it something in that purple stuff that was practically (and literally) poured down your throat that made you trip balls and hallucinate everything? >Either way, how did you wake up first? >You’re not in your sleeping bag, that much you’re sure of. >To investigate this mystery further, you’re going to have to look around the room. >All you have to do is look around. >Just look around. >You clench your teeth, suck your teeth in, and arduously arch your neck up to survey your surroundings. >”No, please, no more.” Your body whines at you. >”Can we please never move again?” >You can’t give that gift to yourself. >To love is to suffer, and suffer you will. >You finally bring your neck up enough to look around Rarity’s bedroom. >... >Yes, last night really happened. >All around you, the girls you shared pleasures of the flesh with are sleeping soundly and clinging to your body. >All of you, as nude as you were since you left the hot tub. >Fluttershy’s nestled herself on your chest right next to Rainbow, who’s drooling a little. >Pinkie is clinging to your left arm and Rarity’s got your right arm in hers. >Twilight curled herself up on your lap, inadvertently adding some more pressure to your already severely sore body. >Locating Applejack is a little trickier, but you soon find her. >She’s lying behind you, and you’ve been using her toned stomach as a pillow all night. >Now that you’ve discovered this, you become aware of how her gentle breathing subtly pushes her stomach up and down. >This is really nice. >While a very strong contrast from the thrills and chills of last night, there’s still plenty of love in the room. >There’s love in the way they hold you. >Such trust, such sincerity. >Like what you briefly pondered on last night before eating the flower, the emotional vulnerability has beauty all of its own. >Not to mention the boost it’s giving to your ego. >Six beautiful young women, completely nude and clinging to you is an honor usually reserved for kings and demigods. >And yet, here you are. >...Say, where’s Sunset? >You struggle to get a good look around the room, but you can’t find your first friend at Canterlot anywhere. >Then a new sensation rises in your loins. >A far more painful one. >Your eyes widen as a chill runs down your spine. >You need to use the restroom. >Really bad. >You try to nudge your arm out of Pinkie’s grasp to free yourself, but she grumbles disapprovingly in her sleep and tightens her grip on your arm. >Now is really not the time for this, Pinkie. >With each passing moment, the need to piss rises exponentially. >”Okay, fine, we’ll move for this.” Your body relents to your mind. >Your mind assumes direct control of your limbs. >You frantically worm your way out of the embrace of the six girls draped around you and liberate your body from their frighteningly loving embrace. >The crisis of the moment prevents your legs from giving out beneath you. >Adrenaline shoots through your body as you leap over the pile of sleeping girls and sprint out the door, snatching your pajama pants off the floor. >An instant later, you’re in front of the toilet. >What follows is the longest, most relieving use of the toilet you’ve ever experienced. >You sigh in relief as you empty your bladder for what feels like an hour. >All the soda, hard cider, wine, root beer, and purple stuff you drank last night has now completed its journey through your digestive system. >But once you’re finished with that business, you slowly put your pajama pants back on as the severe exhaustion and aching returns to your mortal form. >Life can be so painful. >Maybe you need to wake up a bit more. >You move over to the sink, first to thoroughly wash your hands, then to rub some nice, cool water on your face. >It helps a little. >It was so warm and stuffy in Rarity’s bedroom all night, you were sweating without even knowing it. >You don’t feel fully rejuvenated, but the tap water definitely helps. >But when you see your reflection in the mirror, you almost leap back in surprise. >To your barely-awake eyes, you don’t recognize the person in the mirror. >When given time to adjust, you recognize yourself in the mirror, but you’re absolutely covered in keepsakes from last night. >Lipstick stains of varying colors are dotted across your body from your cheeks down to your pelvic region. >Hickeys are spread all across your neck and lower. >Your back is absolutely ruined by fingernail scratches in all angles. >There’s even a few bite marks on your shoulders. >Damn, these girls really know how to play rough. >You’re marked up like a human whiteboard. >Each stain on your skin is a symbol of how much each of your seven girlfriends like you. >You’re really gonna need to make yourself decent before you get home. >If mom and dad see you walk through the door like this, you’d be subjected to the most awkward conversation of your life. >A warm shower would help wake you up and ease your soreness, surely. >Before you can disrobe once more and step into the shower, your stomach grumbles surprisingly loudly. >Right, you’re really hungry. >You had to have burned at least three hundred calories last night. >You better get something to eat. >Rarity’s gotta have something to snack in her kitchen, like apples or yogurt or something. >You’ll have a quick bite and then take a quick shower. >Walking past Rarity’s bedroom on your way to the stairs, you peek inside to see if your frantic exit woke any of the girls up. >...Nope, they’re still sleeping soundly. >All in a disheveled pile, some snoring louder than others. >They’re still naked. >Man, you like looking at them. >You’re not being a pervy, they’ve made it perfectly clear they don’t mind you eyeing them up. >You spend a moment silently admiring the collection of female bodies. >...Yeah, your dick still works. >Just a twinge, but it’s the faint heartbeat of someone in a coma, providing just enough signals of life to give you hope of recovery. >Your eyes are drawn elsewhere to Rarity’s bedroom. >An awkward feeling rises to the surface of your thought as you’re reminded that last night was pitched to you as just a sleepover with friends to celebrate the end of the fall semester. >Looking around the room, you see all sorts of things from your time spent doing sleepover stuff. >The TV with the DVD copy of The Princess Bride sitting in front of it. >The makeshift karaoke stage with Pinkie’s improvised DJ setup. >The table holding the pizza boxes and soda bottles. >A couple bottles of hard cider on the carpet. >Rarity’s bed being propped up with a few books where you broke the leg off last night. >All in all, one Hell of a sleepover. >But looking across this domain brings certain thoughts back to your mind. >Destiny. >Something you’ve never felt anything like before. >You’ve never really believed in anything like destiny before, you always liked the idea of being the master of your own fate. >And yet, you felt such a powerful conviction that having sex with these seven young women was your destiny. >Like the clouds parted above you and bathed you in the light of the heavens. >...You need something to eat. >Respecting the girls’ privacy, you silently shut the bedroom door before descending down the stairs to the living room. >Each step down puts you at greater and greater risk of your footing failing you and sending you falling down the remainder of the stairs, but somehow you manage. >The rest of the house is silent, almost eerily so. >You take a look out the massive windows in the front of the building. >Near-blinding white snow blankets the town. >Eyeballing the coverage, you’d say there’s about five or six inches of snow on the ground and rooftops. >It must be late in the morning, the roads and sidewalks have already been plowed. >There isn’t any foot or street traffic to observe your post-coital form, though. >The sky is colored similarly, entirely covered by an endless sheet of gray clouds. >Judging by the way the snow piles sit peacefully, there isn’t too much of a winter breeze outside. >”Morning, stallion~” >Sunset’s voice behind you delivers the second shock of the morning. >You turn around to find her sitting back in the dining room with her boots up on the table, glass of milk in hand. >Barely clothed, too. >Wearing just a pair of panties and her signature leather jacket. >She takes in the sign of your love-tapped body with a look of satisfaction, or maybe pride on her face. >”How’re you feeling?” She asks you. >You release a prolonged sigh and rub your eyes through the soreness in your arms and stomach. “...I feel like I’m dead.” >Sunset wryly laughs at your answer. >”You’re walking taller this morning!” She remarks. >You wince a bit at the severe soreness in your crotch area. “It’s a miracle I’m walking at all.” >Sunset smirks and invites you to sit down across from her at the table. >You’ve been standing for too long, your legs are complaining again. >You shamble over and almost collapse into the chair across from Sunset’s, >Your ass is about the only part of you below the waist that isn’t sore. >Thank the lord almighty. >But here you are, alone with Sunset. >Time for some answers. “So… last night really happened?” You ask her, seeking a second opinion. >”Sure did!” Sunset cheerfully confirms. >You heavily exhale. >Last night really did happen. >You had more sex in three hours than any other man in history. >You, Anonymous. >Ordinary high school student. >The new kid at school. >...The new kid at school… >Your eyes turn back to Sunset. >Your questions begin to revolve around a single idea. >The flower, the purple stuff, getting to know the girls, everything. >Everything ties back to Sunset. >Your lips part slightly, preparing to ask her the one big question. >Sunset’s grin grows a little wider as anticipation builds. “...You were behind everything.” You accuse her with a soft but strong voice. >She giggles. >”What, the sleepover? I thought that was made perfectly clear!” She reacts with fake ignorance. “You know what I mean. Everything that’s happened to me, ever since we first met, was all your doing. Everything.” You reaffirm. >Sunset chuckles. >The chuckle grows into a soft laugh. >The soft laugh grows into an open, triumphant laugh. >She laughs like the most elaborate joke in the history of Canterlot finally reached its punchline after months of setup. >”Oh, Anon, still the boy detective at heart.” She compliments you, wiping a joyful tear from her eye. “You really were behind everything?” >”Absolutely everything! Ever since we met on your first day at school!” >... >You’re not sure how to process this. >Sunset, all along, was some kind of puppet master. >A chessmaster, or something. >With this answer come even more questions. >But all of those could be boiled down to two words: “How?” and “Why?” >Sunset looks giddy to speak more, so you don’t keep her waiting. “...Why?” >She brings her feet down from the table and scooches in closer to you. >”I was hanging out with the girls at Sugarcube Corner on the last day of summer vacation. The topic of dating came up, I don’t exactly remember how, but the seven of us came to the consensus that while it would be nice to have a boyfriend, we’re busy enough with our lives as is and we don’t want a boyfriend to hurt our friendship.” >Sunset leans closer to you. >”And that’s when I saw you on the other side of the street.” >You gulp. >So she did see you that day. >Sunset gets up from her chair and struts over to you. >”Poor little Anonymous, all alone in big, scary Canterlot. Caught in a web of cliques and social circles, when all he wants is a friend~” >Sunset traces a finger across your shoulder to under your chin. >You recoil a bit due to the persistent soreness. >”I had a bit of an idea when I saw you, but when I stopped you in the hallway to get to know you better, I knew I had to pursue this idea.” “What plan? What are you talking about?” You ask her, anxious for some answers. >”My plan to turn you into the perfect boyfriend for all seven of us!” “THAT was your plan?” >”It sure was!” “But you said they didn’t want boyfriends!” >”That’s what they SAID, but I knew deep down they wanted a guy to hold them close and kiss them and stuff! It was practically written all over their faces!” >So many questions, so few answers. >You can’t get over how Sunset’s talking about this like it’s ordinary or understandable. “But… but what made ME perfect boyfriend material? And how’d you figure that out after just one day with me?” >Sunset pauses for a moment, teasing your cheek with her gentle touch. >”Rarity said it herself last night; there’s a fire within you that I find irresistible~” >You’re about to ask what she means by that, but she keeps going. >”Actually, that was a common sentiment we shared: you’re nice and fun to be around, but there’s this… energy, or passion within you just waiting to blossom into something beautiful!” >”We all interpreted it differently, of course. Pinkie might’ve seen you as Superman and Twilight might’ve seen you as a werewolf, but you know what I saw in you on that first day?” >Sunset leans closer to you. >”I saw Arthur Pendragon before he pulled the sword from the stone~” >You find it within yourself to stand up and more directly confront her about this stuff. “What does that mean?” You ask her, suppressing a groan. >”Inside you is the soul of a king, Anon. The soul of a man who wields the power and passion to rule an empire expanding beyond the horizon.” >Sunset excitedly takes your hands in hers. “You got all that from me on my first day?” You ask her, unconvinced. >”I’m good at reading people!” Sunset insists. “What about Flash Sentry? I thought he was the big man on campus.” >”Pfft, Flash’s too straight-edge to be a king. He doesn’t have the fire inside him that you do!” >You think you understand what she’s getting at. >You haven’t talked to Flash a ton, but he always seemed like a pretty cool guy. >He might have the air of a youth pastor about him, but that’s head and shoulders above the male classmates of your old school. >”Don’t tell me you didn’t feel it last night.” Sunset prods you, subtly stroking the back of your hands with her fingers. >”Didn’t it feel great to have the seven hottest girls at school completely naked, on their hands and knees, eating out of the palm of your hand~?” >You hesitate. >Admitting so would be horrible. >The feminist inside you is screaming that that’s objectifying and sexist and all sorts of other awful stuff. >But there’s another part of you, screaming even louder. >A force you can now recognize. >The voice of a king. >With a faint chill running down your spine, you nod. “...Yeah, it did.” >”And remember, we only did that because that’s what YOU wanted!” Sunset cheekily reminds you. >...Maybe she’s right. >No, not maybe. >She is right. >You could’ve just gone to bed after everything that happened last night, but you decided not to. >You decided to extend the night. >You decided to throw yourself into the maelstrom of lust and physicality. >The signs were always there, you just never knew how to read them without an interpreter like Sunset. >This part of you has always existed. >Looking back on your life, no matter who or where you were, you always wanted to be king. >To stand on a podium or sit on a throne overlooking an endless sea of people, gazing upon you in respect and awe. >To wield the Mandate of Heaven, to conquer anything and anyone who opposes you. >To be truly powerful. >”Just imagine, walking through the front doors on the first day of the Spring semester…” >Sunset takes a step back and throws her arms out in a grand gesture. >”The Magnificent Anonymous! Playboy rockstar king of Canterlot High School! Admired by men and desired by women, he’s strong as he is kind and as powerful as he is loving! He can even breathe fire and throw lightning!” >You feel your chest swell a bit. >The soreness starts to go down, too. >King Anonymous. >You could get used to that. >Sunset approaches you and rests her hands on your shoulders. >”And what’s a king without his harem~?” >Harem? >That’s not what you were sold on. >You doubt that’s how the other girls would describe this whole arrangement, either. “I don’t think the girls would appreciate being called harem girls.” You dryly remark. >”Never say never, Anon! Six months ago, you wouldn’t have thought we would be so into you that we’d agree to share you!” Sunset cheekily counters you. “Right, that. How’d you manage to swing that, anyway?” You finally ask her. >Sunset chuckles a bit. >”It wasn’t easy, I’ll tell you that. It could’ve gone wrong in a million different ways. Honestly, this semester turning out the way it did is nothing less than a miracle.” >She sits down on the chair beside you. >”First I had to get the girls to be friends with you. I knew Pinkie would be the easiest, she’s friends with pretty much everyone at school. Twilight was also pretty simple to arrange for you, I knew she’d be able to connect to you being the awkward new kid. Applejack worked out surprisingly well once I realized you could tutor her in physics. You were also enrolled in art class, so I knew your sensitive side could get through to Rarity.” >”Rainbow and Fluttershy were trickier to get into place, but not impossible. I knew you had gym class with Rainbow, but she could be a bit… difficult.” She chuckled. >”But look at you, you dug your heels into the dirt and made her realize what a jerk she’d been to you!” Sunset congratulates you. >This is starting to feel kind of weird. >”Fluttershy, though, she really had to warm up to you. Poor thing heard all those rumors about you. Honestly, getting beat up in front of her was the best thing you could’ve done to get her to like you.” >This isn’t sounding very ethical. >Sounds more like manipulation to you. >The kingly pride you were feeling just moments ago deflates. >...Is it possible that the girls only like you because Sunset somehow tricked them into liking you?” >You sit up straighter in your chair. “So… The only reason they like me is because you pushed them to like me?” >Sunset laughs at your question. >”Give yourself some credit, Anon! Think of all the time you spent with them without me! All that time with Applejack at the farm, or Fluttershy at the animal shelter, or Rarity in art class! I’m not a puppet master, I’m a matchmaker! All I did was nudge the girls in your direction and watched them turn around and lift their tails for you!” >You think about that for a moment. >It is true that you spent a lot of time with the girls one-on-one. >If Sunset hyped you up as the perfect boyfriend to all six of the girls, you could’ve very easily proved her wrong. >It’s not like she was controlling their minds. >Besides, you’re past doubting if they really like spending time with you. >Last night happened because of you, with some help from Sunset. >”Really, you surprised me. That hero stuff with Rarity’s skirt and standing up for Fluttershy put you ahead of schedule. What was it you said about Applejack’s final yesterday?” Sunset grins at you. >You honestly struggle a little to remember. >Yesterday’s been so eventful. >”She was always capable of passing that test, you just helped her realize it.” Sunset answers for you. “Okay, point taken, but what about all of them developing crushes on me?” >Sunset sits back in her chair. >”That required a more subtle touch. The girls all have different tastes, so emphasizing each of your traits to them was a very delicate matter. An idle comment here, a glib remark there, each delivered with careful precision.” >Sunset’s sounding awfully sinister about all this. >”You think I just happened to suggest to Rarity and Twilight that you’re secretly a werewolf? Mm-mm, I know what makes them tick.” She rhetorically asks you. >”Applejack loves a reliable guy who knows how to work hard and play hard, Pinkie wants someone fun-loving who can keep up with her, Fluttershy is a sucker for a sensitive sweetheart, and Rainbow, though she’ll never admit it, wants someone she can hang around with and then hold close at night.” “And this ISN’T mind control?” >”Of course not! You just kept on being your handsome, charming self, you opened up with Pinkie’s help, you started dressing better thanks to Rarity, and you improved your physique while working with Rainbow and Applejack, all I did was highlight what a catch you are!” “I dunno, you gave me that “magic” flower last night…” >”Anon, I’m not capable of mind control.” Sunset promises you. >You sigh. >You’re too exhausted to argue this further, and Sunset, despite everything she does around you, does care about her friends. “Fine, I believe you. This ‘master plan’ of yours have any more moving parts to it?” >”Just one more! The most dangerous part: making sure none of them acted on their feelings for you. Although, in retrospect, it wasn’t THAT dangerous. Any of them would’ve felt horrible if they ‘stole’ you from everyone else.” “Which got them all lined up for you to roll the ball down the lane and score a strike?” >Sunset giggles in that notably sinister way again. >”Did you know I didn’t even have to be the one to suggest the idea of sharing you?” She asks you. “...No, I didn’t.” You answer, genuinely surprised. >Sunset nods pridefully. >”Pinkie pitched it!” >That makes a lot of sense. >”I swooped in, buttered them up on the idea of sharing you, organized the sleepover, and to ensure everything went down as I envisioned it, I added a dash of guilt by reminding them I was the only one to try being the new boy’s friend on his first day.” >Geez, this girl. >Machiavellian. “And the rest is history?” >”The rest is the future! So begins the reign of King Anonymous!” Sunset proclaims. >So it does, indeed. >Aren’t you lucky to have such a loving and supportive girlfriend? >Eerily supportive… >Like it’s too good to be true. >You’re gonna look this gift horse in the mouth. “One last thing’s bugging me: what is it that YOU get out of this? Setting me up with six of your friends is weirdly generous of you.” >”Would you believe me if I said ‘the satisfaction of a job well done’?” Sunset chuckles. “...Not really.” You’d admit. “Come to think of it, you’ve talked a whole lot about the other girls, you made them tell me what they liked about me last night, but I noticed we haven’t talked about you much.” You notice, leaning in closer to her. >Sunset sits back with a faint smirk. >”...Ever since I was a foal, I’ve always wanted to be a queen.” >A foal? >Like a baby horse? >”As such, I’ve always been attracted to powerful stallions like you~” >”Those little peeks at the king within you excited me so much, and last night was even more thrilling. Seeing you rock that himbo outfit, sing your heart out, toss aside your swimsuit, and fuck me senseless had me feeling the heat~” >Sunset looms over you with a lusty smile as she lowers her voice. >”But watching you fuck all six of my closest friends at the same time was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen~” >That explains why she took a masturbation break last night. >You’re no stranger to those. “So that’s your fantasy? Watching me fuck your friends?” >Sunset laughs a little at your question. >”My fantasy is to be crowned Prom Queen as you’re crowned Prom King. We’d share a romantic, passionate kiss before the whole school to rapturous applause…” >She leans in even closer. >”...And then you’d go home fuck my friends~” >You reflexively roll your eyes. “And they’re all in cheerleader outfits, right?” You sarcastically comment. >Sunset’s eyes light up. >”Now THAT’S an idea, King Anonymous!” She eagerly agrees. >”Just think what everyone at school’s gonna think on our first day back!” >You jolt upright. “Wait, wait, wait, we’re just gonna tell people I’m dating seven girls at once?” You ask, feeling a hint of dread within you. >”Well, we’re gonna have to! We wouldn’t want any rumors to spread about you or the girls!” Sunset insists. >She may have a point. >You can hear the hushed conversations already. >”Did you hear Anon’s cheating on Fluttershy with Rarity?” >”I thought he was cheating on Twilight with Sunset.” >”Wait, he’s NOT dating Pinkie?” >...Maybe making this news known is for the best. “I assume you talked about that with the girls, too?” You ask Sunset. >”Sure did! It might’ve taken them a bit to get comfortable with the idea, but I won them over!” “Yeah, I bet.” >”You know, back where I’m from, arrangements like this used to be commonplace.” Sunset notes. >You raise an eyebrow at her. “Really? One guy with multiple girlfriends was common where you were from?” You ask her incredulously. >”Mm-hm! There were a lot more girls than guys, so it used to be commonplace for guys to be married to multiple girls! Or, have their own ‘herds’.” Sunset answered you. “They really called them ‘herds’?” >”Some did! But that was a long time ago, monogamy really caught on in recent years.” >She must be from Denmark or something. >”Anyway, once news of your love life hits, you’re gonna have to avoid sleeping with the other girls at school.” >You scoff at that rule. “Sunset, if I’m gonna be dating seven girls at once, I don’t think I’ll even have time to cheat on them.” You reply. >”Anon, do you know why they say it’s easier to pick up women at a bar if you’re wearing a wedding ring?” Sunset asks you. >What a weird question. >You’ve heard that before, but never really understood it. “...No?” >”Women like the security that comes with a wedding ring. They see a man wearing a wedding ring and they see a man worth marrying, you know?” >You slowly nod. “...Yeah, I get it.” >”The girls at school are gonna see you with seven girls who found you so irresistible that they agreed to share you, and they won’t be able to keep their hands off you!” “Yeah, but what about the GUYS at school? They’re all gonna hate me.” >Sunset rolls her eyes and makes a dismissive sound. >”They’ll come around. It’ll dawn on them that they can’t compete with you and your own Mares of Diomedes.” >Sunset sure likes her horse metaphors. >If only you had her confidence about this whole thing. >Whatever happens this upcoming semester, it’s gonna be a real adventure. “Wait a minute…” You start to piece things together. “...All of this, everything that happened this past semester and last night is a scheme so you can be voted Prom Queen.” You accuse her. >Sunset chuckles mirthfully at your accusation. >”I won’t lie, that’s definitely a benefit for me. But I’m not being selfish! My dear friends get the boyfriend of their dreams, you get to date the seven hottest girls at school AND be elevated to the king of Canterlot High, everyone wins!” >Sunset gets up from her chair and pulls you to your feet. >You groan in pain at the sharp soreness that’s remained dormant since you sat down, but your footing remains steady as she guides you over to the kitchen window. >Rarity has a great view of town from here. >The hills of Canterlot roll into the horizon, dotted with cute little houses and shops. >Nestled in between a few rows of houses is Canterlot High School. >So magnificent, especially when coated in angelic snow. >The morning sun breaks through the gray clouds, blessing the land below with the divine array of colors of the heavens. >Orange to light blue to purple. >There’s a very regal shine upon the roof of Canterlot High School. >The shining castle in the center of this fine town. >...Your castle. >Your domain. >Your kingdom. >The soreness in your body dissipates. >The space it took up is quickly occupied by a new force. >Divine right. >You deserve the throne. >You’ve survived Bullworth Academy, you’ve become a better version of yourself, you’re a better man than any other guy at school. >You’ve got seven girls who would attest to that. >Sunset takes your hand in hers. >”Come Summer break, this whole town will be ours~” >King Anonymous and Queen Sunset Shimmer. >You could get used to that. >Sunset releases your hand and makes her way back towards the stairs. >”Well, I’m gonna go shower before a line forms outside the bathroom.” >She turns and bats her eyes at you. >”But I could use some company~” >Your dick stings again. >Not today, old friend. “...Rain check?” You ask her. >She giggles. >”I’ll hold you to it.” She says before traipsing back up the stairs, leaving you standing alone in Rarity’s kitchen. >Man. >You just turned down sex with a hot girl. >You’re all doing all sorts of things for the first time. >Sunset’s head ducks down from the top of the staircase to address you one last time. >”Feel free to help yourself to breakfast, by the way. Rarity stocked up the fridge for everyone earlier this week.” She informs you before disappearing back upstairs. >...You really need to get something to eat. >Opening the fridge, you find Sunset wasn’t kidding when she said Rarity stocked up for the sleepover. >It’s absolutely packed with foodstuffs to serve appetites of all kinds, healthy and unhealthy. >Eggs, milk, bacon, biscuits, apples, bananas, whipped cream, syrup, and so much more. >The moment you recognize all of this, you fear it’ll all come spilling out of the fridge and onto the polished, pristine floor. >But no, it’s all organized and sorted very neatly. >You’d expect nothing less from Rarity. >How generous of her to spend so much of her income from her seamstress side hustle making sure everyone has a good breakfast before heading home. >Your stomach grumbles surprisingly loudly, complaining that your eyes are having all the fun with the food stuff, so you get to making yourself food. >Beginning-of-semester Anon would’ve just poured some cereal and milk into a bowl, but you’ve gained greater appreciation for proper nutrition from Rainbow and Applejack. >You pull the eggs and bacon out of the fridge and shut the refrigerator door. >It doesn’t take long to find a pan to cook with, and soon the pan is filled with two eggs and three strips of bacon. >...Four strips of bacon. >You saw another packet of bacon in the fridge, you earned this. >Before you know it, you’re cooking breakfast. >Cooking was one of those things you never really thought you’d enjoy doing. >You were so used to getting food quick and easy, which definitely hurt your figure. >But Pinkie really gave you a new appreciation for foodcraft. >Baking a cake with her, you found, gave you that same satisfaction of painting something or even putting together a Bionicle set. >Seeing (and in this case, tasting) the product of your labors in physical form before you never gets old. >Of course, “the product of your labors” sometimes means it coming out burned or tasting weird, but you gotta have those lows to feel the high when you cook something really good. >Not to mention women like men that can cook. >That’s a plus. >But that’s not really where your thoughts are when tending to the bacon and eggs in the pan. >Your mind remains on everything Sunset just told you. >Her grand scheme to get her friends to fall head over heels for you. >The way she described her friends’ relationship with you as them being your harem. >How she described you as a powerful and magnificent king. >It feels like your entire world was turned upside down. >Yesterday, you were a kind-of awkward high school student whose only friends were girls. >You’ve never had any luck with dating and were hoping you’d get to dance with one of your friends at prom. >Looking back on lunch yesterday feels like learning you had a picnic on a minefield. >You were literally surrounded by girls who were waiting for the right moment to literally throw themselves at you and you had no idea. >You could have asked any of the girls out on a date and you would’ve gotten a “yes”. >You could shut your eyes and toss the ball and, no matter what, you’d get it in the hoop. >For the first time in your life, it was impossible for you to lose. >Although, looking back, some signs were there. >Rainbow’s reaction when you clarified you didn’t call her pretty sticks out in your mind. >Fluttershy had some trouble maintaining eye contact recently. >Rarity modeling some of her sexier clothes for you to “get a reliable male’s perspective on the matter”. >Not to mention the way Applejack said ”Yeah… friends…” before class started yesterday. >It all seems so obvious now. >You weren’t hiking blindly through a dark forest, signal flares were being sent up like Amazon shipped the wrong package for a Fourth of July party. >The sizzling of the bacon and eggs in the pan is putting you in a very contemplative mood. >So peaceful. >That’s really what you need right now, peace. >To not even hear cars outside, it’s like you’re in your own little world right now. >As the bacon and eggs are cooked to a more edible state, your stomach complains even more. >Just a few more minutes, you’d rather your food be overcooked than undercooked. >...Seven girlfriends at once? >How the Hell are you gonna manage that? >It was a reality you were ready to accept last night, in the rush of being surrounded by beautiful young women who were so eager to have sex with you. >But now that the water in the hot tub has calmed, the more rational part of your brain is at the wheel. >You can throw caution to the wind, but the wind changes on you. >How long is this gonna last? >This feels too good to be true, what if the high or the novelty wears off and Twilight or Rarity or Pinkie wants out? >What if you’re not as amazing as the girls thought you were? >That train of thought comes to a screeching halt as the ambassador of your kingdom pulls the emergency brakes. >This isn’t an accident. >None of this happened by chance. >Sunset is right about you. >You’re no ordinary high schooler. >You’re King Anonymous. >Divine blood flows through your veins. >That’s why you felt so separated from your peers at school yesterday. >Not just because of this sleepover. >You felt the shadow of destiny loom over you. >There wasn’t even a cloud over your head, the clouds were parted above you. >The shining light of the Gods was bathing you in their glory, your mortal eyes just couldn’t recognize the honor. >You’re not even that sore anymore. >You can manage seven girlfriends. >It’s what you were meant to do. >It’s why you’re here. >The smell of your breakfast draws you back to the present moment. >The bacon and eggs are just about done. >Before your stomach can whine some more, you use a spatula to transfer your food to a plate. >The stove’s shut off and the cooking utensils you used are placed in the sink. >You’ll wash all that once you’re done eating. >One glass of Sweet Apple Acres brand apple juice and a grocery store brand banana later, breakfast is ready. >And you absolutely dig into your meal. >The eggs and bacon are absolutely delicious. >You don’t know if it’s because of your cooking expertise or because you’re extraordinarily hungry, but you’re scarfing it down like you haven’t eaten in weeks. >The way the grease on the bacon spreads across your tongue and seeps down your throat as you crunch down on the crispy, cooked strips of ham is delightful. >You can’t help but moan in contentment to yourself. >There’s no shame here, you’re by yourself. >The eggs, too. >They’re so light and fluffy. >Delicious and nutritious. >It’s only after that you’ve thoroughly cleaned your plate that you wish you could’ve savored your work a little more. >The banana and apple juice disappear down your throat soon after. >Despite the wholesomeness of the apple juice, the taste brings back memories of drinking those bottles of private reserve apple cider last night. >The taste is still there, but much sweeter and more family friendly. >And the banana… is a banana. >But it’s a good banana! >Just like that, breakfast is over. >Easy come, easy go. >Well, not SO easy, cooking took a while. >It’s a real shame how enjoying the food is the shortest part of the whole cooking process. >But you’ve gotta clean up after yourself. >You hate leaving out dirty dishes. >You take your plate, glass, pan, spatula, and fork to the sink and give it a thorough, soapy scrubbing. >Fortunately, there’s a can underneath the sink for you to pour the grease from the pan into so none of it goes down the pipes. >Once that’s all good and done, you dry off the silverware and dishes you just washed with a paper towel and set them on the dish rack and treat yourself to a glass of cool, refreshing water. >The pan and spatula can be used for the girls’ breakfast when they get up. >...The girls are really sleeping in. >You didn’t think- >”Hey Rarity, we’re back!” >King Anonymous has left the building. >The space he occupied has been quickly filled by Sweetie Belle. >And you don’t like the sound of that “we”. >Frozen in place, you turn your head, lips still attached to your glass of water, to see Sweetie Belle having just entered the boutique, accompanied by Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. >Once they see it’s only you down here, the attempted announcement shrivels up and dies. >...You’re not wearing a shirt. >Your upper body, adorned with the marks of the sweet and spicy loving you experienced last night, are on full display for the viewing audience. >Lipstick stains, hickeys, fingernail scratches, and bite marks. >The three freshman girls who just made their surprise appearance fall as silent as the three blind mice once they recognize the marks that cover you. >You can’t move either. >Your mind, once enjoying thoughts of royal luxury, has been thoroughly emptied out, leaving naught but a white void. >You don’t know what to say. >What do you say? >How do you possibly handle this? >Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo find it within themselves to exchange looks of varying emotions, silently holding an intense conversation to figure out how to broach the subject like you are. >If this awkward silence goes on any longer, you’re gonna suffocate. >Just say something! >But what? >’Hey, I’m dating all the girls I’ve made friends with, including your sisters?’ >Sunset said you were gonna have to go public with this revelation sooner or later, but she most likely has her own idea of how that’ll go. >She’s the mastermind behind all this, anyway. >”So…” Sweetie Belle awkwardly speaks up, breaking the silence. >You gulp. >Here it comes. >”...are you and Rarity dating now?” >The ball’s in your court now. >You don’t have a lot of options here. >Saying “yes” would be telling the truth, but it would also be leaving out some vital information. >If you say “yes”, how are you gonna tell Apple Bloom that you’re also dating Applejack? >Plus, Scootaloo’s really fond of Rainbow, how’s she gonna take the news? >The longer you go without answering, the more suspicious this whole thing becomes. >You pull your lips away from the glass of water and gulp. “...Kinda…” >What the fuck kind of answer is that? >Sweetie Belle pumps her fist victoriously. >”Yes! I knew it! I always knew it!” She announces. >You’d worry about her waking up your friends- girlfriends, but you’re more distracted by how visibly disappointed Scootaloo and Apple Bloom are. >”About time you two got together! Rarity was getting REALLY annoying about you.” Sweetie Belle continues. >Sounds like some juicy gossip. >You’re dating her, you should be privy to some behind-the-scenes info. “What do you mean?” You ask her, in a clearer voice. >To answer, Sweetie Belle strikes an exaggerated feminine pose and bats her eyelashes. >”’Oh, Sweetie Belle, darling, Anonymous and I had the most RIVETING conversation about our art projects today! AND he noticed my new eyeshadow!’” >She strikes another pose. >”’Sweetie Belle, which of these two skirts do you think Anonymous would like more?’” >She strikes yet another pose. >”’Sweetie Belle, you should’ve seen Anonymous today! He was simply DASHING!’” >Wow, she really said all that about you? >”Okay, okay, he gets it.” Apple Bloom interrupts her with a faintly annoyed tone. >”You’re just upset because you lost the bet~” Sweetie Belle teasingly reminds her, earning a frown from her. >A bet? “What bet?” You ask the three. >”We bet on who you’d be hooking up with during the sleepover.” Scootaloo bluntly answers you. >”Not hookin’ up! Just who you’d end up datin’!” Apple Bloom is quick to clarify. >You chuckle a little, then take another sip of water. “Seriously?” >”Yes, seriously! I was certain you and Applejack would get together!” Apple Bloom exasperatedly says to you. “What made you so certain?” >”’Cause I noticed Applejack acts more girly around you! I ain’t never think she’d be interested in dating, but then you started comin’ over for tutoring an’ suddenly she’s doin’ her hair up in the mornin’ and takin’ extra long showers the night before you come over and sittin’ closer to you at dinner.” >”You wanna talk about ‘acting girly’, you should see Rainbow Dash! She’s always looking at you whenever you come to watch her soccer games and asking ‘Where’s Anon?’ whenever you can’t come.” Scootaloo butts in. >Were the signs really THAT obvious? >You’re as blind as a bat. >You were only able to recognize these signals when you hear them, not when you see them. >”Applejack must’ve been crushed when you officially got together with Rarity.” Apple Bloom remarked. >Really, she crushed you. >But you’re backed into a corner. >You already said you were dating Rarity. >Sunset, where are you? >You mutter some indistinct, noncommittal sounds while taking a large sip from your glass of water. “What’re you three doing here anyway? Only one of you lives here.” You ask the three in a faintly desperate attempt to change the subject. >Scootaloo shrugs. >”Figured I’d tag along since I live in the area.” >”Plus, granny ‘n Big Mac made me come along and get Applejack since she ain’t back yet.” Apple Bloom adds. >Sweetie Belle walks past you and starts going through the fridge for something to eat. >Apple Bloom joins her, grabbing one of the apples in the fridge and chowing down. >”Sure looks like you had fun last night.” Scootaloo remarks with a small chuckle. >You feel your cheeks flare up a bit. >Being open about this stuff is gonna take some getting used to. “That- that’s kinda private stuff.” >”You say that, but I’m sure Rarity’s gonna talk my ear off about all the cutesy romantic stuff you two get up to.” Sweetie Belle sighs, pouring herself a glass of orange juice. >”You think that’s bad, I’m gonna have to deal with Applejack sulkin’ about not gettin’ her dream boy.” Apple Bloom chimes in between mouthfuls of apple. >”Speakin’ of her, is she really still asleep?” She asks you. >You shrug. “I guess so. She was still sleeping when I got up.” >”Weird, she never sleeps in like this.” “Eh, it’s winter break, and it’s still the morning.” >”Barely, it’s almost noon!” “Really?” >You look over at the clock by the sink. >11:51 AM. “Huh, what do you know?” >”She’s lucky Granny ain’t here to roll her outta bed.” Apple Bloom giggles, walking over to the window to the back porch and hot tub. >”Looks like you girls had one Hell of a sleepover!” Scootaloo jokingly teases you with an elbow to the shoulder. >This small gesture makes your sore… everything flare up, making you wince a bit. “Ha ha, yeah…” >”Why’d y’all leave your swimsuits out on the deck?” Apple Bloom asks you. >Oh fuck. >You completely forgot about that. >All of you were in such a hurry to get back to the bedroom that you went right from skinny dipping to fucking. >You never went back to get your swimsuits. >”Whaddya mean?” Scootaloo asks her. >”Look, they left their swimsuits just sittin’ on the deck.” Apple Bloom points out. >”Ooh, I wanna see!” Sweetie Belle chimes in, rushing over. >How do you handle this? >The clock is ticking. >And how are the rest of the girls still asleep? >”See? There’s Applejack’s, Rarity’s, Anon’s, I think that’s Fluttershy’s…” Apple Bloom points out. >”But why’d they leave them lying around?” Scootaloo asks her. >”Maybe they got changed into their pajamas.” Apple Bloom surmises. >”On the deck? Out in the open?” Sweetie Belle asks. >Apple Bloom puts a finger to her chin. >”Hmm, good point…” >You seriously need an assist. >Sunset, are you STILL in the shower? >You suppress the shaking in your hand and focus on taking another sip of water. >Maybe this water will help you come up with something. >”Well, if they didn’t change out there, why’d they leave their swimsuits lying around like that?” Scootaloo asks. >”Does that mean they were hanging out… naked?” Sweetie Belle asks further. >What do you do? >They’re closing in on the truth. >Damn their youthful curiosity! >The three turn back to you with widened eyes. >The lipstick stains and hickeys and fingernail scratches burn into your skin. >You open your mouth to say something, but you can’t say anything. >The pressure’s getting to you. >Your face is heating up. >The ceiling lights are beaming down onto you like you’re in an interrogation room. >Apple Bloom gasps and points an accusatory finger at you. >”Y’all were havin’ an orgy!” >It’s over. >The jig’s up. >These three little crusaders have you dead to rights. >But there’s no point in countering this accusation. >The one second of stunned silence, to them, might as well have been you announcing to the world that, yes, you did have an orgy last night. >”A-ha!” Apple Bloom proclaims, still pointing her finger at you. >”I knew it was weird that they invited you! I knew y’all were up to somethin’!” “I didn’t think that word existed in your vocabulary!” You say to Apple Bloom. >”You were messin’ around with Applejack and Rarity at the same time, weren’t you?” Sweetie Belle presses you further. “I-” >”And Rainbow Dash too?” Scootaloo pressures you further. >Guess you gotta come clean. >If Sunset’s being legit about making your dating life public, it was only a matter of time until these girls learn about it. >And if not, you can just tell the truth to the girls and tell them Apple Bloom and her friends saw the swimsuits you all left lying around outside. “...Yeah, I did.” You admit, with some firmness in your voice. >King Anonymous has returned to his court. >Your voice drops an octave. “I was messing around with Applejack and Rarity and Rainbow and Pinkie and Fluttershy and Sunset and Twilight.” >You lean in a little. “All at once.” >The three girls react with surprise, like they didn’t actually expect you to admit to it. >”Really?” Sweetie Belle asks you. “Yes.” You reaffirm. >”You?” Scootaloo asks you. >Now it’s your turn to react with surprise. “What’s that supposed to mean?” >”I dunno, you don’t seem like the type to have girls chasing you.” Scootaloo explains further. >You give her a devious grin. “Get to know me a little better, and you might see a little more clearly.” >Scootaloo squints at you, eyeing up your exposed skin. >”...Still not seeing it.” She admits. “Sounds to me like you’re doubting Rainbow’s taste in men.” You tease her a little. >Her eyes widen in shock as she realizes she just stepped on her idol’s trophy-winning toes. >”N-No, that’s not what I meant! It’s just that, you know, you just… kinda… I dunno… you know?” She stammers out. >You gently laugh and wave her off. “Relax, it’s cool. I get what you’re getting at.” >”I kinda see it…” Sweetie Belle mutters. >Apple Bloom elbows her and gives her a stern look. >”I- I mean, how in the world did you talk them into that?” Sweetie quickly corrects herself. >You laugh a little. “Would you believe me if I said they talked me into it?” >The three girls share a look with each other before turning back to you. >”...No.” Apple Bloom answers. >You can’t help but deflate a bit by their lack of amazement or belief. “Well, it’s the truth. You think I could’ve talked all seven of them into an orgy by myself?” >They pause for a moment. >”...I guess not…” Scootaloo admits. “That’s right. The ONLY way I could’ve gotten with ALL of them at once is if they were one hundred percent committed to the idea. That’s not something I can do in one night.” >”I suppose that makes sense…” Apple Bloom mutters. >”Wait a minute! Something’s not adding up!” Sweetie Belle announces. “What’s not adding up?” You ask her. >”There’s no way you could’ve slept with all of them! Rarity wouldn’t let you! She’s always wanted to save that stuff for her boyfriend!” >”Hey, that’s right! Applejack wouldn’t have let you get that far with her without dating her, there’s no way she would’ve let you get intimate with all her friends!” Apple Bloom agrees. >”Yeah! You’d have to be dating ALL of them at once! And there’s no way that’ll happen! Rainbow performing in a band with them is one thing, but sharing a boyfriend? Pfft!” Scootaloo snorts presumptuously. >Time to blow their minds. >You grin at them. “What makes you so sure about that?” >Apple Bloom sputters for a moment. >”Because that never happens! Ain’t nobody shares the person they’re datin’ with someone else!” She insists. “That’s awfully close-minded of you. It’s fairly common where Sunset’s from.” You inform the three girls. >”And where IS Sunset from?” Apple Bloom asks you. >You hesitate. “...That’s not important. What IS important is the fact that-” >”You’re not dating all seven of them! There’s no way!” Scootaloo stands firm. “You still haven’t told me why not!” You retort. >”You’re not foolin’ us, Anon! What REALLY happened last night?” Apple Bloom interrogates you. “I keep trying to, but you don’t believe me!” >This is going nowhere. >The three freshman girls before you are getting more annoyed at your stubbornness. >It’s gonna take more than your word alone to convince them you’re telling the truth. >You rub your eyes and sigh. “Look, here’s the thing-” >Then you hear a door open upstairs. >”Anonymous! Yoo-hoo~” Rarity’s voice calls out from up the stairs. >Ask and ye shall receive. >Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom seal their mouths in surprise, then giving you a smug look of their own, like they’re about to catch you in your own lie. >This isn’t gonna go how they think it will. “Yeah, Rarity? What’s up?” You call out to her from the kitchen. >As Rarity traipses down the stairs, the three girls you were just speaking to duck behind the counter to listen in on your conversation. >Once she reaches the bottom of the stairwell, you see she’s wearing a light blue, fairly conservative set of pajamas with her hair done up in a bun. >You can tell she’d like to crawl back into bed from how she rubs the sleep from her eyes, but her expression softens once she sees you in your “scarred” state. >”Ah, there you are! It’s terribly rude to leave your girlfriend to wake up alone in bed after such a wonderful night, you know! The rest of the girls feel similarly!” Rarity playfully scolds you. >You can almost smell the shock coming from those three little crusaders when they realize you were telling the truth. >You shamble over to Rarity, pull her close, and plant a chaste kiss on her forehead. >Rarity sighs happily and snuggles into your embrace for a moment before pulling away. >”You had us awfully worried when you were nowhere to be found upon waking up! Pinkie was worried you’d went home already!” She continues to teasingly scold you. “What, in this weather? Without my bag? I can barely walk after what you girls did to me last night, I’d freeze before I left downtown Canterlot.” You counter her with a smile of your own. >”Oh, I know! Pinkie was worried sick at the thought! She was just about ready to strap on her mountain climbing gear and go look for you!” Rarity continues. “I was just making some breakfast for myself. I wouldn’t even humor the idea of leaving my girlfriends so alone.” You assure her, adding extra emphasis on the word “girlfriends” for your secret audience. >Rarity playfully pouts, her eyes unsubtly admiring your marked body. >”...Oh, I can’t stay mad at you, daddy~” Rarity flirts with you, her hands gingerly resting on your shoulders. >She probably wouldn’t want her sister hearing that. >You open your mouth to tell her, but Rarity places a finger on your mouth to shush you. >”I admit I’m still rather disappointed…” >Her hands delicately slide down your chest and stomach. >”...But I know how you can make it up to me~” >”Hey, Rarity!” Sweetie Belle cheerfully says to her, revealing her presence. >”HUAH!” Rarity yelps, retracting her hands and leaping back in shock. >Sweetie Belle, along with her two friends, giggle at Rarity’s reaction as they step out from behind the counter. >Rarity stammers for a few moments, trying as hard as she can to form a coherent sentence through how embarrassed she’s feeling. >”Ho- ho- how much of that did you hear?” She eventually asks Sweetie Belle. >”Pretty much all of it!” She cheekily answers. “Those three came over right before you came downstairs. Apple Bloom’s looking to drag Applejack home and Scootaloo decided to tag along ‘cause she lives in the area.” You inform Rarity. >Rarity, face fully red, whips between you and Sweetie Belle as it sinks in that everything she said was overheard. >”You’re REALLY sharing Anon with the rest of your friends?” Apple Bloom asks Rarity. >With a sigh of defeat, Rarity nods. >”Yes, alright, the girls and I have… agreed to share Anon as a boyfriend.” She admits. >Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo’s eyes widen as they turn to you. >”Anon was tellin’ the truth…” Apple Bloom mutters in amazement. >“I would’ve appreciated it if you waited for a more appropriate time to tell them about this.” Rarity says to you, unimpressed. >”He didn’t have to. You all left your swimsuits outside. Didn’t take us long to figure out the rest.” Scootaloo jumps in before you can say anything to defend yourself. >”WHAT!?” Rarity shrieks. >She rushes over to the window to the porch and, to her horror, finds everyone’s discarded swimsuits exactly where they were left last night. >”So Anon really DID have girls waiting for him!” Sweetie Belle teases Rarity further. >Rarity whips around with a thoroughly irritated look on her face, which then sinks to a more defeated expression. >”...What would it take for you to not tell mom and dad about what happened last night?” She asks Sweetie Belle. >A wicked grin grows on Sweetie Belle’s face. >”I dunno, I might forget if you do all my chores for a month~” >A scowl flares up on Rarity’s face for a brief moment before her shoulders sink and she solemnly nods. >”...Alright, you win.” >”By the way, when you say “dad”, do you mean-” >”GO TO YOUR ROOM!” Rarity screams at her. >With a victorious giggle, Sweetie Belle skips up the stairs to her room. >You can only pray the girls sprayed some air freshener or something to mask the scent of sex from last night. >Scootaloo and Apple Bloom realize things aren’t gonna go easier for them if they stay here, so they retreat to the mudroom before Rarity could say anything to them. >”...I need another shower.” Rarity sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. >This might be your turn to say something. “I’m sorry for not telling you they were listening in on us. I just… kinda needed help convincing them I was telling the truth about us.” You apologize to her. >She softly shakes her head. >”It’s alright, I’m well aware of what kind of trouble they can get into. Besides, they were bound to find out sooner or later. I just wish I could’ve chosen different words…” Rarity says to you. >While it’s nice to get that handled, an air of awkwardness lingers. “I could get breakfast going for everyone. I make a mean bacon and eggs.” You offer to her. >”Would you? I’d hate to trouble you after everything you’ve done for us already.” Rarity asks you with a twinge of hopefulness. >You smile reassuringly at her. “Anything to see a smile on your pretty face.” >She can’t help but smile at your cheesy flattery before ascending the stairs back to the bathroom. >Surely a line’s formed by now. >The faint sounds of chatter upstairs confirm seem to point to this. >Silence returns to the kitchen. >Silence you’re not comfortable with. “She’s gone upstairs, you can come out now.” You say in the general direction where Apple Bloom and Scootaloo disappeared off to. >The two girls quickly reappear, looking much more inquisitive. >”Okay, okay, you’re tellin’ the truth about datin’ all your girl-friends, but you ain’t convinced us yet!” Apple Bloom stands firm. >Geez, they’re not making this easy for you. “What are you talking about? You heard it from Rarity, you want Applejack’s word, too?” You ask, faintly exasperated. >”We wanna make sure you’re up to the task of being the boyfriend of seven girls at the same time! Especially when one of them is Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo states. >You were born ready. >You’ve never been more determined to do anything in your life. >But you’re smart enough to know not to use any of that “King Anonymous” stuff Sunset was talking about in your arguments. “What, are you afraid I’ll end up being some womanizing asshole?” >”It could happen, for all we know!” Apple Bloom continues to insist. >”We’re not gonna let you do anything like that!” You hear Sweetie Belle say to you from the top of the stairs. >You turn around just in time to see her hurry back down the stairs to confront you. “I thought Rarity told you to go to your room.” >”She’s not my mom! Besides, she’s not in a position to boss me around.” Sweetie Belle shrugs off. >Fair enough. >”But they’re right! If you think you’re gonna turn them into your personal cheerleaders, think again!” >What was it Sunset said to you? >Oh yeah, “never say never.” “Why would you think I’d ever do that? These girls are the only friends I have here in Canterlot, I can’t afford to lose them.” You half-jokingly remark. “Besides, I made more than enough enemies back at Bullworth, I don’t need any more.” >Apple Bloom’s suspicious frown softens. >”That makes sense…” >You’ve got an in with Apple Bloom. >You’ve eaten dinner with her and her family once a week for almost the entire semester, it shouldn’t be too hard to earn her trust. “...And I especially don’t want to make an enemy of Big Mac.” You add with a smile. >Apple Bloom laughs at your little remark. >”Alright, I suppose that makes sense.” “But more than anything, I really care about Applejack and her family, including you. Hurting her would be hurting all of you, and I couldn’t bear making Granny Smith upset. Not after she’s been so kind to me, and especially not after she welcomed my family to the neighborhood when we moved here.” >Apple Bloom gives you a sweet, sincere smile, showing you’ve won her over. >”Wait a minute! I’m gonna have to hear about everything you do with Rarity, good or bad!” Sweetie Belle interjects. “That’s not my fault!” >”It will be! If you do anything that makes her spend the entire weekend sobbing and eating an entire tub of ice cream!” “Like what? It’s not like I can cheat on her!” >Sweetie Belle stumbles verbally. >It just dawned on her that you really can’t cheat on her. >”W-well, uh…” “Hey, if you won’t trust me… trust Rarity.” >Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow at you. >”Huh?” “I haven’t known Rarity nearly as long as you have, I wish I could’ve known her for longer than four or five months, but I’ve come to know her as an incredible, talented young woman who cares deeply for her friends and is always willing to lend a helping hand.” “I also know she isn’t the type to make hasty, reckless decisions, especially when it comes to her love life, and I’m sure you know that of her, too.” >Sweetie Belle’s frown starts to fade. >It’s working. “As her sister, you’ve gotten to know her a lot better than anyone else in town. Part of loving anyone, friend or family, is about trust. So just… trust her that she knows what she’s doing with this arrangement.” >Sweetie Belle casts her gaze down, mulling over your words. >After a moment, she looks back up at you. >”...Fine, I’ll trust her… AND you.” >You smile in relief at having won over these three little crusaders. >”But if you do anything to hurt her or any of the others-” “Then I’ll have at least twenty people out for my blood.” >”Exactly!” Scootaloo says to you. >The four of you share a good-hearted laugh. >It feels nice to laugh. >The tension you’ve been trapped under since these three arrived has dissipated. >Maybe this whole “telling the whole school you’ve got seven girlfriends” thing won’t be so tricky. >Only time will tell. >But the time you’re in now is the present, and the present time calls for tending to present matters. “Now, I’ve gotta get to making breakfast for my… girlfriends.” You remind the three, almost hesitantly using the plural form of the last word in the sentence. >Looks like you’ll need those mental training wheels a little longer. Story got too big for Ponepaste to handle, the ending's written here: https://ponepaste.org/10359