>Be you, Anonymous >Literally >You don’t tell anybody your name >And you certainly never tell anyone where you’re going >They can judge you all they want, but you’re always out to make a quick buck >That too can be taken literally >For the sake of brevity though, you’re currently out in the forests of western Virginia >Not West Virginia, just western Virginia >Got that? >Good >You drove your little Jeep Cherokee out to the boonies and had set up shop deep in the woods >The closest town was less of a town- rather more of a nudist cult that not a whole lot of people knew about >They never bothered you though, a form of mutual understanding as it were >You certainly wouldn’t have any trouble from them >In all honesty, it was only the game wardens and police you had to worry about >You’re a poacher. >A stag stabber >A doe dragger >A buck brea- > >Anyways, you were up about fifteen feet in a little perch precariously hung on an old tree >Camouflaged, naturally, and armed with a crossbow >Making noise was really your primary concern, a gunshot out here would be heard for miles around >But a crossbow bolt? >Hardly a lick of sound, save for anyone who would happen to be nearby >Unfortunately, as you were about to find out, today would not be your day >You sat up there, scanning the surrounding region with your binoculars, but couldn’t spot a single deer! >Not a damn one! >For hours you sat up there, and found the woods uncharacteristically quiet >Sure there was the occasional birdcall, cricket chirp, or even a branch breaking here and there- nothing that would have the weight of a man, and you sure didn’t spot anyone nearby >At least… That’s what you thought >Surely nobody could’ve followed you out here >The wind had begun to pick up, and you felt the dry heat give way to a more moderate humidity >The air had begun to cool, your ears popped slightly from the rapid drop in pressure, and then- >It began to rain “God fucking damnit.” >Course, you’d been preparing for that as soon as the wind had picked up >You weren’t stupid! >But the rain had come AWFULLY fast, too fast, too quickly >With your luck, as soon as you dropped down, eight fucking bears would be waiting for you >You hadn’t prepared quickly enough, naturally >The rain had started to come down harder and harder, metaphorically raining cats and dogs all around you as small hail began peppering your Bass Pro Shop ballcap “Motherfucker. Son of a bitch.” >You growled and muttered under your breath “Have to abandon the nest, fuck.” >Whatever, you could always come back tomo- >CRACK- “Aw shit.” >CRKK- “Why!?” >The stability of that old branch underneath had started to give way >You looked around quickly, down at the ladder- >Which had just toppled to the forest floor with the shifting weight “Sonuva-” >Something catches your eye >For a brief moment, you lock eyes with it >The largest fucking stag you’d ever seen >That deer’s head could net you thousands just on its own! >KKKKKRRRRR- >The weight shifted again, causing you to lose your footing >You slammed down on the hard plastic above the branch, landing on your stomach >Very quickly you realized you were sliding as your own weight full cracked the sucker underneath “Fuuuuuu-” >You scrambled with both hands as you slid sideways, one finding the trigger guard of the crossbow, and you instinctively grabbed it for dear life >It fired off a shot directly into the tree that was evacuating you from itself >If you hadn’t pissed off some kind of tree god yet, now you most certainly had >You were pelted with rain and increasingly larger hail as you slid off the perch >You screamed like a little girl as you fell all the way down, down, down, down >Down to the forest floor >It was only a fifteen foot drop, but it felt like you were falling forever >Just simply free falling down- >And the impact never came >Instead, an extremely odd feeling washed over you- like you were having rapid cold and hot flashes simultaneously all across your body >Then it felt like you were falling UP >Gravity seemed to quickly slow you down as you suddenly found yourself briefly staring at a sky that was clear as day- your soaking wet body immediately beginning to feel the radiant heat of the sun in the sky >Yet, you continued screaming your head off as you plummeted back down once more “OOMPH!” >The wind was knocked out of you as you landed on your back >You gasped for air “Haaahh- Hrk- Haah…” >The perch hadn’t even fallen down- >There wasn’t even any trees- >You turned your head >Somehow, you were in a forest clearing >Your eyes widened as things came more into focus >And you weren’t alone, not by a long shot >A buck- was it the same one? That glorious stag was- >No no, that can’t be right- He looks- >He looked angry >How could he- >His face was so SO expressive, it was uncanny, it wasn’t like any kind of deer you had EVER seen >The buck snorted, steam shooting out both nostrils “Ahhh… Fuck.” >He raised his head >”Fuck is right, human, but we prefer the term ‘buck’ around here.” >It talked >Deer can’t talk. >Flashes came to you, the stag’s antlers began to glow, and memories unwillingly forced their way into your imaginative eye >Your first hunt, eating the heart of a doe with your father >Going out on your own as a young man, discovering the value of racks and heads- the taste of venison >Getting older, getting frustrated, deer season was too short- you embraced poaching >Nearly getting caught by the game warden- trying to use a bow after that, but you were pathetically unable to rack shots properly, so you switched to a crossbow >Then back to just moments ago, that… Very same buck, staring dead at you >In your mind’s eye, in retrospect, he was angry then as well “Shit.” >The buck’s antlers grew brighter, and you felt yourself lifted up off the ground >Your crossbow seemed to liquify in your hand, becoming nothing but dirt and twigs and leaves that simply fell to the ground below >You tried to scream, but nothing came out >You flailed a bit, and flailed harder as your clothes began to dissolve away >Soon you found that you were shaking off layers of soil, exposing your naked body >”You are an absolute SCOURGE upon my children, and so I have taken the liberty of removing you as a threat.” >The stag began walking closer, the angry expression never leaving his face, the glow only intensifying >”I have watched you, Andrew, and I prayed that you would change your ways.” >Your fingers began stiffening, the same for your toes >So much for staying ‘Anonymous’ >”But you will not. You SCUM could never change.” >You needed the money- it was- >”You need NO money. You are plenty well off, no, you kill for sport. No different from a murderer.” >The deer was nearly face to face with you, albeit you were looking upside down into his visage >You couldn’t even speak, couldn’t respond >He looks away, solemn for a moment, expression softening >”We understand necessity. Survival. Desperation. Our kind and yours have faced these things together for millenia.” >Then he whips his head back to you >”You face none of these, and you must atone.” >Your wrists and ankles crack, painlessly, and it feels as though all your internals organs were shifting around >You could only really see your body hair explode outward, thickening, and sprouting in innumerable places as the hair on your stomach rapidly change color from brown to white >Your fingers forced themselves together, the nails growing over- blackening, and enveloping your hands to resemble more of- >A hoof, a deer hoof >Oh my god >You were turning into a DEER >Is this your payment?! >Nothing answered your thoughts- just the stern expression of the buck >Your toes befell the same fate as your fingers and your ankles cracked as they shifted upwards- your legs reshaping themselves, your arms reshaping themselves much the same >You felt yourself dropped unceremoniously onto the grass below once more, the wind again being knocked out of you >The hair- fur- prickled you as it spread all up and down your new arms and legs- to your torso- to your neck >You writhed and held yourself, something ordinarily impossible for even a deer, but you knew from the start you weren’t going to be just some deer >Your spine cracked, vertebrae shifting, a short fluffy tail sprouting right from your coccyx >Your neck too, involuntarily cracked, and you were jarred as your neck heaved your reshaping head to a new angle- more suited for ungulate movement rather than bipedal >You begged for it to stop internally, but it wouldn’t. >Your cock, your poor precious human cock, suddenly shot back into your body >You groaned, moaning in discomfort as both testes were simply sucked back in just as well- and you felt your internals shifting once more >While at the same time, the new space made way for something else, a fleshy mound rapidly covered by fur itself- hiding the brand new openings somewhat as you shivered intensely >Your face continued to reshape as well- nose and mouth pushing outward, nose blackening and widening to form more of a pert snout- your vision expanded to a wider range in an uncanny way as you could see the angry stag more and more clearly in your peripherals >Approaching >Your ears repositioned themselves, stretching out, and you began to hear everything far more clearly than you could before >You could hear him, approaching, but could do nothing to stop it >He trotted behind you, out of sight, and then you felt his… ‘grip’ flip you onto your stomach from your side, and violently jerked yourself towards him >Oh god, you knew what was happening, and yet you still couldn’t speak despite all your moaning and groaning >”A poor fate of retribution has fallen upon you, and you will make up for what was lost. Face the judgment of the White Tail Woods.” >Make up for- >Fuck, oh fuck, oh god >Before you could even really process it, your rear end was pointed upwards in his direction, and you felt every inch of his stag dick push between your new folds, into your new opening- >It horrified you >He held you firmly in place, mounting you >And just began humping, and humping, and humping >You felt it each and every time, his rod ramming into you, sliding out, ramming inside of you again like some kind of fucked up augur >You couldn’t get away, and the worst part was that it began to feel GOOD >You were involuntarily moaning not out of panic, or pain, but out of PLEASURE as each impact sent waves from your hindquarters rippling up through your torso and right into your brain >You didn’t want this, but you literally COULD NOT stop it >The utterly alien feeling of your ‘wetness’ so to speak dribbled down his cock, down between your own inner thighs as well >Legs quaking as he just continued to rut you, and rut you, and rut you >You couldn’t tell how long it lasted for, but then you felt him begin to climax with no warning given to you >His cock pulsed, and you felt his hot, sticky, gooey mess shoot deep inside you- >”Don’t think this is over, doe, I will absolutely ENSURE your pregnancy.” >Warmth enveloped your belly as he pulled out, releasing his ‘telekinetic’ grip on you, allowing you to fall forward unceremoniously >”And this will continue, over and over, here in this new land. Until this entire forest is populated by those much like I, but nothing like you. Here, under Celestia’s sun, our kind will thrive.” >You couldn’t process nearly a lick of what was going on, you twitched and quivered there on the grass, feeling his cum leaking out of you >You were too spent, your energy absolutely drained from the rapid transformation and fucking >You knew you didn’t want this, but how could you even stop it? >How the tables turned. >You’d been poached, taken as a mate. >Ironic.