>"It's not like I wanna fuck you, Anon!" Zippers screamed from the bed. >You raised your eyebrow, looking at the bald mare presenting herself on her side. >"Uh, Zippers? You okay?" >Zipper's face turned red with rage, looking back at Anon as she lifted her tail to the side revealing her winking marepussy. >"I AM NOT OKAY! YOU FUCKING DOLT!" She paused, as she winked with need and rage. "I'M IN HEAT! YOU RETARD!" >You pulled at the collar of your Anon suitâ„¢, averting your gaze for a moment from your roommate. >"And uh... what do you want me do?" You asked, focusing back on the bald mare's angry face. >"IS IT NOT OBVIOUS!?" She frothed again. "GET THE FUCK OVER HERE AND BREED ME YOU IDIOT!" >"Don't you wan-" You were cut off. >"NO! I WANT YOU!" She screeched in anger before calming slightly to look at you, distraught. >She started to cry a little, sitting up. Ah fuck. >You moved in close and began to cuddle with her. >"Haven't you paying attention? Playing games together on Neightendo... cuddling and that little smooch you gave me." She said trailing off. >"I thought we were going to take it slower, Zippers." You said, embracing her. >"I don't want to anymore!" Zippers said, hugging and nuzzling with you. >You accepted her rougher nuzzling and pecked her back here and there around her muzzle, before she pressed her face into your chest. >"You really are the best friend I've had Anon..." She quietly murmured into your chest as you began to plant kisses around her bald spot. >"Zippers..." You pulled her head up, looking in her shimmering eyes. >"Please, Anon." She whispered. >You let out a long sigh, giving her one last kiss on her head, and gently began to press her back down on the bed. >She began shake in excitement, eyes lighting back up and began to pepper your dress shirt in kisses. >"I guess we'll be doing things a bit faster than huh?" You teased. "Just a bit, Zippy, huh?" >Zippers halted her kissing, leaning back with scowling flush. "Don't ruin the moment, Anon." >You smirked and released her, kneading her back as she scooted away from you. >Zippers, turned back, looking at you with a wry smile and raised her tail to the side, displaying her winking honeypot. >You drop the dress pants revealing your concealed rigid length underneath your heart undies. >Moving behind Zippers, your hands cup and squeeze her flanks, eliciting a moan. >"F-fuck, Anon!" She breathed out shakily. >Leaning over and draping yourself across her back, you placed little kisses across the side of her muzzle as she half turned her head to kiss you. >Half prench kissing her, you teased your hard length against her marehood, feeling the winking pulses as her body began shiver in anticipation. >"You don't like being frustrated, do you Zippy?" You said, breaking off the prench kiss and whispering in her ear. >Zippers' face turned nervous as you chuckled and continued "You're so Tsundere, you know that right?" >You gently squeezed one flank, and moved your other hand to her marehood, tracing your finger up and down it. >"Come on Zippers, say it." You said, voice dripping in schadenfreude. >"I..." Zippers groaned in pleasure and annoyance. >You gently pinched her winking bean, eliciting a sharp cry from her. >"I... I'M TSUNDERE!" Zippers screamed. >"That'll do." You gave her a firm slap to the flank then pulled down the last barrier between your manhood and her greedy pussy. >Pressing your engorged manhood into her weeping folds, Zippers moaned in relief. >"Relax Zippy. I'm not going to tease you anymore." You pressed slowly and gently into her as she pressed all around you. >Zippers breaths were short as she began to hyperfocus on the pulsing organ filling her body and mind. >"Breathe, Zippy." You said, hilting within her and pulling back to begin a rhythm. "You're doing great." >Laying her neck and head down on the bed, Zippers began to lose her senses; simply focusing on breathing and gripping your penetrating length. >"Anon..." Zippers moaned, tongue lolling out. >"Easy Zippy, I'm going to go slow so you feel good, okay?" You whispered in her ear. >Zippers didn't respond, the red hue on her cheeks deepened as she let out a sigh of pleasure. >Taking it slow and steady with her, the two of you found a tempo with thrust, squeeze, retreat, repeat. >Slowly pressing, in and out with her strong squeezing you found yourself getting closer and closer; just as her breaths were also getting shorter and shorter. >"Come on, Zippy." You thrusted in a bit harder, and gave her a kiss on the top of her bald head. >Zippers moaned again as you bottomed out in her harder than before, turning her head on it's side, she gave a lazy smile to you as she seemed half in la la land. >Feeling her squeeze slightly harder, you decided to bring this horizontal bop to a zippier ending, and thrusted in hard again and gently bit her ear. >Screaming in delight, Zippers clenched hard and came; her physical reaction dominoing you to your own climax inside of her. >Zippers not quite passing out, but neither cognizant anymore, relaxed and slackened under you, eyes vacant in the nirvana she reached. >Pulling out of her, you clambered onto the bed beside her and pulled her into a little spoon. >"Not sure if you're there Zippy. But next time you need a hand..." You gave her a little peck on her bald head. >"Well, I'm sure I can help."