I am not the author >It’s been months since Anon found himself in the world of his favorite show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and boy, he’s sure been busy! >He beamed with pride, walking off from the quaint flower shop located in the center of town. Three mares had just gotten their pots planted, whether they liked it or not. >He made sure to cross their names off of his Rape-List™. >His balls were beyond empty today, having plowed three flower mares’ fields. He decided to look over tomorrow's victims as he walked home to Fluttershy’s animal sanctuary. >Cherry Berry, Cheerilee, and Berry Punch. >The real challenge would be finding a way to rape a willing drunkard… >His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pressure against his crotch. >”Ahh… been busy, haven’t you?~” >Anon looked down to see a light pink mare sniffing at his gonads through his pants, taking in his scent. “Excuse me? Do I know you?” >”No, but wouldn’t you like to get to know me, hunk?~” >The mare tried to flash him a seductive smile. Her tail was flicking and flagging, it was no secret what she wanted. “No, not really.” >Anon, the manlet he was, only enjoyed raping mares, not consensually fornicating with them! Plus his nuts had nil sperm anyways! >The mare frowned momentarily but quickly regained her composure. She rubbed a cheek against his groin and gave a smug smirk. >”Don’t be like that, m’kay. It’s not everyday that a pony as pretty as myself puts herself out there! My name’s Suri Polomare~” >Anon thought of how to defuse the situation. He TOTALLY wasn’t a bad guy, he was just a rapist. He decided to shut her down quickly rather than give her a false sense of hope. “Sorry ma’am, I’m just not interested.” >Suri’s gaze hardened into a glare as she jabbed a hoof against his leg, trying to intimidate him. Her tone grew cold and her seduction strategy ceased entirely. >”What’re you, some sort of fruit?! You’re going to rut me, and you’re going to like it, ‘kay?!” >Anon shook his head and turned away, deciding to walk off in the other direction. Arguing with a stubborn mare was always an uphill battle, one that he didn’t feel like dealing with at the moment. “No means no, Suri.” >The mare’s ears pinned back in frustration as she scoffed. She was going to get what she wanted, no matter the method. She galloped forward. >Before Anon could react to the sound of hasty hoofs dusting dirt he felt a harsh force crash into his balls, resulting in a pained shout. “FUCK!” >Anon reached down to cover his family jewels, unaware of the mad mare winding up a kick behind him. He was made aware by the abrupt slamming of two hoofs into his kneepits. He tumbled to the ground along with the sound of a sickening crack. >”Heh! Look what you made me do.” “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH Y–” >The mare quickly undid her neckerchief and used it to gag the manlet. >”Quiet!” >Suri bent down, sinking her teeth into the human’s back and beginning to drag him into the woods. She made sure to make it quick, she couldn’t have anypony see her brutalizing such a rare creature. >The manlet let out muffled screams into the cloth gag, feeling the hard equine teeth sunken deep into his flesh. He felt some tears coming on due to the immense pain. >Suri propped her prey up against a tree obscured behind some shrubbery. >Anon tried to punch her once she let go of his back. This act of defiance angered Suri, so she gave him a hoof to the jaw. Anon felt his teeth dig into the cloth, some of them coming loose and leaking blood. >”Tch! If you wanna get out of this alive you’ll learn to keep your attitude in check, m’kay!” >He had no choice but to comply. He nodded and rested his arms against the ground. >She chuckled lowly in response, looking down at his hidden treasure. >”Now, I’m going to undo your pants. If you try anything I’ll bite your penis off.” >Suri lowered her head and used her teeth to unzip Anon’s pants. She slowly slid them down his legs. Once she did so, she yanked his underwear down as well, exposing his mediocre 5’10” 5 inch chud cock. >”Heh. A bit shorter than I’m used to, but it’ll make do…” >Suri climbed onto Anon, lowering herself against his flaccid phallus. She wiggled her eyebrows mockingly at her immobile victim. >”Hands on my hips, m’kay loverboy~” >He knew better than to defy her. He already had enough damage done to his mouth. He shakily raised his hands and placed them on her hips. >Immediately Suri began straddling him, rubbing his penis against her slippery vulva. >She was already quite wet, it was just a matter of getting him erect. The natural lubrication combined with her warmth would make it light work. >Suri kept grinding herself against the manlet’s shaft. It felt like a heating pad on his cock. >Soon enough an erection begrudgingly rose up, eliciting a giggle out of the mare. If she wasn’t raping him Anon may have even found it cute. >The erection was painful. It turns out that roughly raping 3 mares each day can leave you quite sore. >”See? I knew you wanted me! Studs can’t resist me~” “Mmmfgh!” >Suri growled and smacked him with the side of her hoof. She had a look of disgust painted on her face. >”I don’t recall telling you to speak, ape!” >Anon’s muffles ceased as he felt the sting in his cheek. >Suri positioned herself and lowered, her pussy lips parting as the manlet meat entered her vaginal cavity. >She bit her lip as she began moving. Her movements were sloppy, they had no set pace, she was just going at it. >It felt horrible. Not only did the erection hurt, but her seemingly random movements made it feel even more uncomfortable. >It was sexual stimulation but there was no dopamine… >This was rape. >This time, Anon was the victim. >Suri kept bouncing on his balls, grunting as she went. >He could do nothing but lay there and take it. >Eventually she sped up, burying her face into the manlet’s shoulder. >”Ohhh, SWEET CELESTIA!~” >She finished, her maregasm feeling like lava on his poor worn out cock. >After a few breaths she withdrew her face from Anon. >”Phew… I needed that.” >She raised herself off of Anon’s shriveled shrimp dick. >”And I’ll be needing my scarf back too.” >She pulled the neckerchief out of Anon’s mouth and grinned at the sight of all the blood soaked into it. >”Looks like I’ll have to take a visit to the wash before I catch the train.” >She began to trot off, having gotten what she wanted. “Aghh…” >Suri peered back and winked. >”Let me know if you ever come to Manehattan, m’kay~” Today's Moral: Treat others how you would want to be treated.