>For you Saturday night meant two things >First, it meant getting to relax with a cold beer >”Fucking hell! You cheating cocksucking zigger!” >Second, it meant having to moderate the chat on your girlfriend’s streams >A not insubstantial task as the worse Sunset plays, the more brutal the chat gets >And of course, the more brutal chat gets, the less Sunset focuses on the game and the worse she gets at the game >And for some reason she decided that tonight she’d do a 12 hour charity stream to help out the animal shelter that Fluttershy works at >By playing the new Sombra’s Revenge DLC >The one that even veteran Soulsborne players said was kinda bullshit and needed a balance patch >Something about wonky hitboxes on the second boss >”Mods! Ban anyone that posts a zebra emote!” >Looking at chat you realize that if you actually do that Sunset won't have much of an audience left >So you just ban the last one to post one >It's probably a burner account anyway >That seems to do it as the zebra spam is quickly replaced by a flood of “Free my nigga Badseed! He din do nuffin!” >And a $200 superchat saying “knee grows tongue my Angus” >As trite and played out as all of her trolls >Sunset chooses this moment to scream loud enough for you to hear it from the other room >You poke your head out to watch in real time as Sunset chucks the controller at the wall hard enough to split it in half >And like the good boyfriend you, are you already have a new one ready to go >Sunset gives you the first genuine smile she's had since the stream started and kisses your cheek >”Thanks babe, I don't know what I’d do without you!” >You chuckle and kiss her forehead “Just glad to be helpful Sunny-bunny.” >The chat explodes with people calling Sunset “Sunny-bunny”. >With a cheeky grin to the camera set-up you mouth along to Sunset as she says >”Mods! Ban anyone that calls me ‘Sunny-bunny’!” “Aye-aye, mon capitaine!”