>SCP-000 >Containment Class: Apollyon-Thaumiel >Danger: Incalculable >Disruption: SCP-000's true nature would likely cause 15x the harm of finding out that [REDACTED] isn't real >Special Containment Protocols: >SCP-000 cannot be physically contained by any currently-known mortal means. >Containment of SCP-000 relies on making SCP-000 believe it is in control of its surroundings. >To this end, SCP-000 is contained within an elaborate staged play centered around the core chambers of Site-001. >SCP-000 is generally oblivious and unambitious so long as its ego is sated; within its containment center, it will be content to make sweeping and non-specific demands that are generally in line with the Foundation's mission. >In the event of SCP-000 going afield and/or in any way directly interfering with Foundation operations, the risk of casualties and containment breaches increases astronomically. >Do. Not. Let. This. Happen. >MTF Round Table will carry out daily memetic incantations and rituals to keep SCP-000 in a state of self-containment. >MTF Baker's Dozen will keep SCP-000 fed by any means necessary. >SCP-000's containment measures are producing diminishing returns at a slow but steady rate. >It is expected that containment will fail entirely within [REDACTED] years. >Due to the extreme risk to morale and SCP-000's reach and influence, speculation as to the true cause of SCP-000 is strictly prohibited. >Description: >SCP-000 is a tall, white unicorn of aberrant musculoskeletal features; commonly referred to as Princess Celestia. >Previously assumed to be a pony of great importance, recent and consistent patterns of events have put this into question. >SCP-000 has displayed flagrant disregard for beings it commands(1), complete lack of tactical or strategic acumen(2), pettiness unbefitting of even a schoolfilly(3) and active hinderance towards those defending its person(4). >While any long-lived creature is bound to take missteps, the recent extreme trend of these and other abnormal behaviors shows no sign of stopping. >By unanimous O5 secret vote, SCP-000 was classified as Old and Stupid(5), and containment measures were seamlessly integrated through previous routines. >Meg help us all if she finds out. >1. Sending the six of us to FIGHT A GOD without even a doctor or a wilderness survival expert!? >2. What about the wedding she insisted on when there was an army of bugs screaming that they wanted to invade? >3. OOH! Speaking of wedding, she made Twilight cry and never apologized even after Twilight turned out to be right! >4. Y'all 'member the Storm King? Don't we have big catapults? Seems like he should never have gotten close to Canterlot. Like, ever. >5. Yea and verily and such, my sister really is a pill. And not the kind you take with your mouth. ***** >Twilight flipped through the palacewarming present Celestia had left her >An older model of Foundation journal, containing what Celestia considered their 'greatest hits.' >Her diary synced with the tome and opened itself to a clean command page >Welcome, user: O6 TWILIGGHT. Suggested page: SCP-000. "Ha. I remember this one- we really thought Celestia had gone senile for a bit. Good times. Thankfully she was still Celestia so she just laughed about it." >WARNING >INVISIBLE INK DETECTED >ATTEMPTING TO PARSE >ADDITIONAL TEXT PRESENT "What." >LEXICOGRAPHICAL ENCHANTMENTS DETECTED >TRIGGERING IN SANDBOX >STANDBY >ENCHANTMENT CONFERS SEAL OF AUTHORITY: >HIDDEN TEXT SUPERCEDES PRIMARY TEXT VIA COMMAND AUTHORIZATION: FLUTTERPONY >WARNING: UNKNOWN RUNIC FRACTALS STILL PRESENT. >ESTIMATION: TARGETING PARAMETERS: G. G. G- ERggggOR >REBOOTING IN SAFE MODE >COMMENCING SECON- >Twiligght frowned and put her quill to the magic paper. "Negative. Display the document." >LOG DUMPED TO JOURNAL NUMBER TWO "I need to figure out what this is. SPIKE! No visitors until further notice!" >"Didn't that book just warn you there might be more tra-" "I always keep my inoculations up to date. Now go clear my schedule!" >"You'd think YOU of all ponies would know not to rush into-" >Spike slunk away as his sentence was cut off with a lavender glare from the lavender mare. >SCP-000 >Containment Class: SHE IS COMPROMISED "We did think that, didn't we? Heh." >Danger: Total unsustainability of aetheric ecosystem. Subsequent collapse of all that we call 'Magic.' >Disruption: Total societal collapse, possible failure of the entire Tree of Harmony project. Most optimistic projection predicts a return to pre-diarchy ethnocentric city-states. >Twiligroght's eyebrows raised. Even her worst predictions about Celestia only amounted to more ponies in the nurse's office. >Special Containment Protocols: >SCP-000 is to be allowed to assume the Throne of Dusk and Dawn >As per the cover document, bureaucratic rituals are to be used to keep herHIM/ pacified and removed from any actual running of operations. >Keep everything orderly. Keep up with the routines. She likes routines, she likes her bookkeeping. Spike's little HANDS are so great for that, aren't they? "Hm. They are indeed." >Just act casual. Smooth transition of power. We can still fix this if we take TwiligGARht by surprise. "They're talking about ME!? How dare they!" >twiliGht spaRkle was nOt happy "Something fishy is going on here!" >the bad faith in her was just hurtful! >sure, she used some inflammatory lanGuAge when plotting against celestia, but everypony's done that! "But this? Total collapse of magic!? Ponies dwindling to scattered enclaves!? Failure of the-" >she Really should stand up for herself! [spoiler]DREAMSCAPE ANOMALY DETECTED. PRIMING.[/spoiler] >what was that about that stupid tree? what other secrets has the infernal princess kept? "Tree of Harmony? Project? That's not ominous at all." [spoiler]RED FLAG. TWILIGHT HAS BEEN BRIEFED ON SCP-11. SCP-000 INFECTION EARLIER THAN PREVIOUSLY SUSPECTED?.[/spoiler] "No. No. I'm better than this. I'll just ask." >Grrrrrr >Really princess >Of course it would be better if she read the entire thing right >Good idea >Attagirl >Read [spoiler]ANOMALY ISOLATED. PREPARING CONTINGENCY.[/spoiler] >do it >you know you want to "OKAY! AUGH! My mind IS racing today- I suppose leaving this book unfinished won't do my mental state any favors." >yes >ha ha ha yes >oh this is rich the sun nag is surrendering to me ha ha ha >wait >what >oh no >abort abort abort >you stupid book horse abort >there's a ward right at the end of that docum- >Twilight suffered a migraine and fell on her plot >At least she thinks that's what a migraine is, from Anon's descriptions >What sort of horrible episode was she just having? They say everypony is their own worst critic but even Rarity never yelled at herself that much! >Luckily, she had the instant pain relief of Book nearby >Book! >Open container! >Apply words therin to the brain via ocular absorption! >Be amazed as your durable kinderbrain reroutes pain signals to the lexiconic battery! >It's that simple! >Description: >SCP-000 is a mind-disrupting spectral entity, strongly suspected of harmfully influencing ponies throughout recent centuries >SCP-000 is suspected to be ponykind's oldest still-active enemy, in case the number didn't clue you in. >Once a potential victim is targeted, SCP-000 will insert itself and be experienced as an intrusive thoughtform >SCP-000 slowly asserts control by using the victim's existing quirks to mask its own desires, typically involving attaining total political power and/or slaves and/or removing ponykind's ability to defend themselves. >Previous suspected victims include but are not limited to: >Princess Luna >The Great and Powerful Trixie (Beatrice Lulamoon) >King Crystals 'Sombra' Crystals >Sunset Shimmer >Starlight Glimmer >Stygian >Cozy Glow >Does Chrysalis count? She looks like a pony with diabetes legs, so I'll count her too. >SCP-000's current host is suspected to be Twilight Sparkle >Given the entity's age, power and experience, and Twilight's tendency to brute force her way through any magical scroll/tome/candy wrapper she can find- >Princess Celestia is afraid she must declare [spoiler]she can cast Explosive Rune, you stupid sheep.[/spoiler]