>SCP-710 >Containment Class: Keter >Special Containment Procedures: >All Foundation sleepover events are to utilize Stinky Candles and Zappy Lanterns, change their passwords daily, and report all uncanny ponies immediately >Due to the unprecedented risk to operational security, all colt/filly rivalries are suspended until further notice. Co-ed operations and relationship counseling are heavily encouraged as they severely limit SCP-710's easiest attack vector. >Colts assisting at an all-female sleepover are to carry an emotional support hoofball and fire truck scented smelling salt at all times >Fillies assisting at an all-male sleepover are to keep their diaries locked, burn any fortune tellers and wear a surgical mask(see entries tagged: COOTIES) >In the event of a Snuggle Fiesta, all afflicted agents are to think about homework, bullies and their least favorite relative and not deviate from this train of thought until the SCP-710 instances are bound and tagged for transport. Amnestic Agent Wheatrot is available to agents unable to purge thoughts of their romantic interests. >Description: >SCP-710 is the Foundation designation for the species commonly referred to as Changelings, and more specifically to any Changeling not part of the Lovebug Hive led by Chrysalis. >While the Lovebugs are the most well-known variant of Changeling, the species as a whole remains a constant nuisance to Foundation efforts due to its penchant for Gossip and Politically-Charged Mischief. >SCP-710's hive variants have a range too wide for this document, but the species shares two key unique traits: The inborn, non-spell-like ability to change physical forms, and the ability to feed off of intense emotions. >The preferred diet of all currently-known SCP-710 tribes falls under Romance, though most tribes prefer to feed vicariously off of romantic tension and soap operatic twists in relationships rather than the direct snuggies-based diet of the Lovebugs. >SCP-710's emotional sensitivity is high enough that concentrated patterns of feel-bads can leave them hungry or even stunned. Agents are to exploit this ability whenever possible. >Inciting Incident: >SCP-710 was first recognized as a Keter-class entity when two deep-cover MTFs (The Campfire Fillies and the Colt Cartographers of Baltimare) came into open conflict >Due to compartmentalization protocols, neither group had any idea of the other's Foundation affiliation >Multiple romantic interests had developed during co-ed jamborees, which were then exploited by 3 SCP-710s >Within one week, the colts were coming to blows over their "sisters" (710s) being unceremoniously dumped by former comrades (the same 710s). >Likewise the fillies were on the verge of open Nerf warfare after perceived breaches of romantic non-compete clauses and general gossip-spreading >By the time Foundation MTFs could react, 3 fillies had gum in their manes and multiple colts had been struck from the rich colt's sleepover list