>You're on your way home from work early because of a panicked call from Sunset >She was completely inconsolable and difficult to understand, but what you did parse was that Sunset had taken Ray out of his tank so he could hang out with her while she played some games >However she’d apparently sneezed really hard and “hurt him really bad” and she was freaking out and couldn't think straight >So you left early, called Fluttershy, and are now on your way home to meet up with Sunset to take her and Ray to Fluttershy to see what can be done >As soon as you walk in the door you see Sunset balled up on the couch bawling her eyes out >Looking in Ray’s tank you can see him standing on his hind legs staring out at Sunset looking fine save for a missing tail >You lock eyes with the surprisingly empathetic gecko for a moment then realize exactly what happened “Sunset, I-” >Before you can get anything out a red and yellow rocket slams into you >You're able to stay standing, but only just, as Sunset babbles through her tears >”Anon! I-i-i-i just wanted to take Ray out of his tank so he wouldn't feel lonely but then I sneezed and his tail fell off and I don't want him to die he's still young and I’m a terrible owner and Fluttershy’s gonna hate me and Ray’s gonna die!” >And with a wail that would give Rarity's most dramatic a run for its money, Sunset slumps in your arms all her energy seemingly spent >You help her back to the couch, then, once you're sure she's not gonna fall to the floor you go and inspect Ray >As soon as you near his tank he starts to paw at the glass and try to climb out >Noting his lively movements and the lack of blood on the stump that once connected to his now missing tail you finally put it all together >And not a moment too soon as Fluttershy chooses that moment to enter, looking equal parts nervous and determined >You glance at her and try to wordlessly convey that everything is all right with Ray and that it's Sunset that needs looking after right now >Fluttershy seems to understand your subtle gesturing and wraps Sunset in a hug >”It's okay Sunset, just take a deep breath and tell me everything that happened.” >As Sunset relays the story to Fluttershy, you carefully place your hand into the tank and let Ray climb up onto your shoulder >As soon as he does he starts clicking in concern >Carefully and deliberately you walk over to Sunset and Fluttershy on the couch >When you sit down Ray crawls over to Sunset and starts rubbing his head against her cheek “I think Ray just got scared when you sneezed and dropped his tail.” >Sunset looks at you for a moment before turning to Fluttershy >”Is that true? Can geckos just lose their tails?” >Fluttershy nods, a serious look on her face >”Lots of lizards can. It's a natural defense mechanism. While I wouldn't say that it's not a big deal, they only do that if they're scared or very stressed, I would say that it's not something you need to take him to a vet over unless it happens often. What's important is that he doesn't lose trust with you over it.” >Fluttershy looks at Ray as he continues to run his head against Sunset's cheek >”Well, Ray, are you okay? You really scared Sunset and Anon.” >Ray lets out a little bark >Fluttershy nods, then addresses you and Sunset >”Ray says he was startled by Sunset sneezing but he's better now.” >Ray chirps then crawls down onto Sunset's chest >”He says that he's more concerned that he scared Sunset, and he's very sorry for dropping his tail.” >You can't help but chuckle as Fluttershy relays that >Like owner like pet, Ray’s first concern is making sure Sunset is okay >And Sunset, after hearing that, smiles down at Ray and gingerly strokes his head and back >”I’m so sorry for scaring you, Ray.” >Sunset looks at you sheepishly >”And I’m sorry for scaring you too Anon. I shouldn't have freaked out like that.” >You can't help but smile “Nah, you were concerned for Ray’s safety. Nothing wrong with wanting to make sure he's not injured.” >From his warm comfy spot nestled between Sunset's breasts Ray chirps contentedly