>Warmth, gracing the entirety. >Light, giving sight to tired eyes. >Form, becoming a little pony unicorn. >Awaken, Onyx. >Simple words, all weaved together to have a purpose. >Her mind, heart, and soul speak freely, just as harmony does in all things. >It’s another morning in Bridlewood. >A smile draws itself across her lips. >No matter what may come, today will be another day in her life. >That remains a constant. >Stretching a little, the last vestiges of slumber are shaken off. >She quickly finds a mirror, with her reflection being seen. >What a mess of a mane, that’s her first thought. >It’s chaotic, but chaos is natural, so is order, yet both have to be balanced to achieve harmony. >And right now, her mane must adhere to the philosophy she’s always stuck to. “Magic twinkles, Relieve wrinkles; Unruly mane, Shatter the chain Of slumber ties; Give sight to eyes.” >Those words are uttered in tandem with the brush strokes she applies to her mane. >Said brush is held within her magical aura. >While it seems so effortless, it was not always like that. >Not too long ago, the very idea of relying on magic was unheard of. >There was no release for her, or for her fellow unicorns. >Hope itself seemed like a pipe dream. >In that deep, dark pit, further yet closer than known, nothingness dwelled. >Creation among the unicorns staved off that nothingness. >For her, poetry was that act of creation. >It held the reigns to guide her, and when shared, it soothed the aches her fellow unicorns had in the days of absent magic. >Funny word, Magic. “Once a bad word, now a blessing. A gift to be given, and done in dressing. There is hope, don’t keep on guessing. Because without it, it’s all so depressing.” >Simple rhymes. >But, they work wonders. >Most ponies don’t really get it, with her friend, Dapple, being a sole exception. >That’s all the more reason for her to practice it frequently. >Because although to some it is not the most creative endeavor, it is still hers, all the same. >Once her mane and coat are tended to, she continues the rest of her morning in earnest. “Some oats to reap. A word to keep. Mindful to save. A light in cave.” >More rhymes to speak. >These are not as well-rounded as she’d like. >Nevertheless, it helps keep her in line. >There is still the lingering nothingness, waiting out of sight. >That’s another constant to be aware of at all times. >From eating, to creating. >Her quill dances across the page in her open notebook, held aloft in her magic. >Words are guided forth from her mind, ferried along her heart, and flown from her soul; never restrained by an inner critic of any kind. >All of that runs together freely, like the water in the streams. >Those all eventually empty out into the ocean. >In turn, they continue the cycle of harmony. >Like the cycle she follows for her creation. >These poems will be shared at the end of said cycle. >Until then, these newborns need more care to grow further. >While not a matter of perfection, they require a specific /feeling/, so as to ensure they’re right. >It’s difficult to explain. >After all, how does a pony explain when they feel something, but can’t put it into words? >In all honesty, it seems she’s wholly alone in those feelings. >All the ponies she’s met have not even so much as hinted at possessing them. >There are no ponies who write like she does. >In the end, she is herself, Onyx. >She, and she alone, is the one who does what she does in the land of Equestria. >A few passing conversations have even mentioned her as an odd unicorn. >That doesn’t sour her mood, and only serves to remind her of being unique. >Her thoughts ebb and flow, adding more words onto the pages. >What’s been added will be looked over, then improved upon tomorrow. “Write it, so it’s outlined. Mold it, make it refined. Give care, make it defined.” >More rhyming. >The whole idea of rhyming came about from book she read as a filly. >That led her to her cutie mark manifesting. >Even long after that moment in her life, she’s never let a day go by without doing it at least once. >It lets her think before speaking. >That gives way to more self-control, with less chaos. >Unnatural but natural. >Yet, once again, when balanced correctly, leads to harmony, and in this case, her harmony. >Altogether, that lets her create more to share with other ponies. >Soon enough, the workshop session she started comes to an end. >It’s another day of sharing what she has, and with it, comes the release of aches and pains. >But when she goes to get the other half of her ensemble… “Sick?” >The sole word stands out among the rest on the letter taped to the front door. >She shakes her head, attempting to deny the welling up from within. >Without Dapple, it’s harder to express the work she makes. >The two bounce off of one another easily. >A good friend to have, and one she’s come to cherish. >To learn that he’s afflicted with horn flu is… upsetting. >Her deep pink eyes shut themselves off to the world, with a breath inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly. >Be mindful. >She turns back to Bridlewood, now better prepared. >She ventures to the place that acts as her second home. >Light murmurs roll throughout the atmosphere once inside. >Ponies living together alongside one another. >This little space might as well be its own world. >It’s just that when she comes here she is not alone, nor does she usually perform alone. >A soft sigh escapes her as she finds a table in the corner to think on. >This place is more alive today, and much more than in the past. >Kind of hard to pinpoint when all the new faces showed. >Back then, before the return of magic, hatred was the capitol shared among ponies, yet never face-to-face out of fear. >Sorrow was dished out in spades among the unicorns, though. >Those two emotions were weaved into many poems. >Most were shared by others. >Few by Onyx herself. >As her eyes drift about the room, the past comes to the forefront of her mind. >It was only unicorns here, once. >There are pegasus ponies here, and earth ponies, too. >They’re enjoying themselves. >All that leads to ideas, feeding the fires of inspiration in her heart. >A minor reprieve from her own feelings, but a welcome one. >With that, she pulls out her notebook, adding these new ideas to it. >A poem here. >A song there. >All to bare. >Not today, though. >They need to change, like the seasons do. >Waning and waxing, through and through. >She goes over what she currently has. >A hint of music flows through – jazz. >Like the hints of what could be created on the spot. >Those can be let go easily, but should be rooted, from time to time. >Because if rooted, they can be shared with ponies again in the future. >Letting her gaze drift again, the crowd remains a large, lively one. >There will have be a change to her plans today. >Nothing wrong with that. >She rises from her table, and trots to the bar. “Hey, Alpha-B.” >The large, gray unicorn looks up from the cup he was cleaning, “What can I do for you, Onyx?” “Give me a peppermint tea, please. >He returns a smile as he nods, “Sure thing.” >A little aid to have her go a longer way. >It’s not much, but it keeps things at bay. >“Here you go.” >The minty smell wafts upwards, igniting her senses into a blaze. “Thanks for the tea, Alpha-B.” >She takes the drink with her as she returns back to her table. >In that space, although alone, her mind rolls over what she intends to do. >It’s a challenge, especially when in this state, like being pressed upon from all sides, yet unable to act out against it. >There are expectations. >Those have to be fulfilled. >But working alone can be managed. >Shows can adapt. >Changes can be welcome. >And worrying about what is not in her control will do no good whatsoever. “Keep vile thoughts at bay, Hold onto the light. It’s another day To become a sight For ponies to see The art created That may set them free From a life weighted.” >She finishes her tea, then goes to the stage. >Some patrons take notice, while the rest stick to their little cliques. >Despite taking a small amount of space, and is against the wall, it’s like it’s the stage is the entire room. >The microphone itself might as well be the beacon in the darkness; awaiting her command to draw all eyes and ears from everypony. >When it turns on, so too, does the attention of everypony fall to her. >Showtime. “Little ponies, all gathered together. They've got some pony to balance them out. There's no feeling blue, or needing to shout; It's harmony acting as a tether. Those binds keep them safe in any weather; Never fearing, in spite of hidden doubt, Because even if there is a long drought, Rain will come, and they'll float on a feather. Yet some ponies find loneliness inside, Cursing their light, blinding their starstruck eyes, So they'll fall into themselves so hollow; Fellow ponies, don't let such things abide, It's cruel to let them suffer in lies; Raise up the lonely, lead, and they'll follow.” >There’s a brief pause, followed by the light clopping of applause. >It was something new, shared alone. >The crowd doesn’t know that. >They don’t need to, though. >Because even if her poetry is not the greatest, it works for what little it can do. >The unicorns of Bridlewood know that. >And since the pegasi and earth ponies have come, they’re starting to learn, too. >Her magic twinkles softly as she shifts her attention. >The black case by her hooves is opened with a light click. >Within it, her saxophone is withdrawn, held in her magical aura. >Its brown strap is slung over her withers, then the flow of magic is cut. >The weighty instrument feels heavier than usual. >A lot of things are heavier today. >That’s fine, she can handle it. >What she’ll play will express plenty. >The mouthpiece connects with her lips as her eyes close shut. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHFGTnNryFk >The tune rings out, and although she can’t see them, all the ponies are looking and listening. >They feel what she feels. >Nothing needs to be said. >Poetry speaks plenty, so does the music do, too. >Together, they are stronger than being alone. >There’s warmth, gracing the entirety. >There’s light, grating sight to tired eyes. >There’s form, becoming little ponies. >Please, awaken. >Hear what Onyx is saying without speaking in words. >That although it’s seemingly so dreary. >With this song clearly not at all cheery. >They'll find a light – no matter how small – there. >Just listen close, and understand this mare. >That while it may seem she's full of despair. >That darkness will pass, she promises to swear.