CAZEK GOOD >Good air >Good tier 1 tank >Up to 10 nuke silos to be built >Nukes can target anywhere on the map (can be shot down by AA) >Anti ground tier 2 defense cannon >Nemesis titan does heavy single target damage BAD >Weak anti air >Fragile air units >No tier 2 attack units >Nukes are expensive (20k) GOOD AGAINST: Allies (Behemoths beat their tier 1s) Damaroids (Behemoths beat Buffalos) Players with weak or slow firing anti air TIHO GOOD >Cheap and very powerful tier 2 Heavy Tank >Heavy tank shreds air and ground >Cheap income buildings BAD >Nonexistant air >Weak defenses >Melee Titan unit GOOD AGAINST: Targ (Heavy tanks overwhelm them) Damaroids (Heavy tank is uncapturable) Wochuw (Heavy tank shreds air) Titans WOCHUW GOOD >Air focus >Tanky and powerful air units >Tier 2 Zeppelins have very good range and damage >Easily able to overwhelm enemy anti air >Tier 2 defense cannons with improved rate of fire >Cicada titan is an air unit and incredibly tanky BAD >Only weak tier 1 ground units are available >Weak anti air turrets >Expensive units >Large and slow units >No tier 2 income >Zeppelins cannot take much punishment GOOD AGAINST: Cazek (Bad anti air) Targ (Bad anti air dps) DAMAROIDS GOOD >Fast and cheap capture unit >Dual purpose and tanky main battle tank >Can take out players incredibly easily in the early game >Competent air BAD >Extensive micromanagement >Tier 2 capture tower is wholly underpowered (Canot capture tier 2, Slow capture) >Tier 2 Drone unit is overpriced for what it cant do (Cannot capture tier 2) >Useless Titan (Cannot capture tier 2, Slow capture) >Scales badly as time goes on unless you steal someone else's builder GOOD AGAINST: ALL factions in the early game ALLIES GOOD >Cheap tier 1 units >Only one tier 2 income building required to reach max income >Fast and long ranged titan (if manually aimed) >Strongest tier 2 defense tower in the game (Railguns) >Strong tier 2 units BAD >Tier 2 MLRS unit does pitiful damage despite being expensive >Tier 2 Heavy Tank is incredibly slow >Tier 2 AA Gepard Tank has bad range >Slow income buildup >Weak tier 1 units GOOD AGAINST: Tiho (Railguns kill ground) Wochuw (Railguns kill air) TARG GOOD >Strong anti-nuke defense >Strong tier 1 Laser Tank >Titan unit has incredible range and splash damage, game ender >Excellent Air >Long ranged tier 2 Heavy Tank >Deals with weak swarms of enemies easily BAD >Bad defenses (Weak damage) >Incredibly fragile tier 2 air unit >Expensive units >Slow units GOOD AGAINST: Damaroids Cazek (anti-nuke)