>Day neigh in New Equestria >That's how the colonized parts of the planet are known >During that day in August 2043, a year ago and slightly more, the Earth finally got its fabled alien contact resulting in an invasion >In spite what the movies were trying to tell what would happen during one, there weren't much of an actual resistance >The ruling elites got swiftly neutralized, their statues garnishing the "Alleys of the Tyrants" in the capitals of the countries they've used to rule >At this point, New Equestria controls the majority of planet north of the Tropic of Cancer >South of New Equestria, far from the capitals of the conquered nations, there were war-torn zones controlled by humans, that declared independence at the time of the mass elite stoning during the day of the contact >And still sovereign nations, unconquered... yet >Those don't have the money nor the influence to meaningfully support the pro-human movements and regimes aside from supplying food >And if they did, the money would disappear in the corrupt figureheads' pockets >The elites failed to escape the stoning and thus move their belongings to the remote nations, such as the allies of their countries >Which in turn lost some of the government staff that were at the UN meeting during that day >The people in the conquered lands couldn't do any sort of armed resistance so they resorted to protesting >Rare men among them would go to the breakaway states waging war on the aliens or the coalitons of still-soverign nations as those were also poor, starving and losing land to the invaders >The most prominent such coalition is the Israel-Nigeria-Cameroon-Eritrea-Liberia alliance, composed of nations spanning from western Africa to the Fertile Crescent, named after the top 5 armies in the alliance >The pro-human crowd and the grifters feeding on it would say that some of the money their subscribers should give them goes into the breakaway states as those were struggling with their finances particularly hard, the controlled lands being plagued with hunger as well as their armies being largely unsuccessful in the battlefields >Prior to the invasion, you worked as the security specialist at some multinational IT corp >There weren't much jobs that paid truly well in those times except for the IT and pharma >By studying the computer science, you got yourself a chance to rent an apartment instead living in the pod in those capsule hotels >Crime and terrorism ran rampant >Until the aliens, the huge-eyed, small pastel equines came and almost immediately took charge >In two months, they did more work on ensuring peace in the controlled lands than the United Nations Counter-Terriorism Task Force could during the entire time of its existance >UNCTTF was one of the consumers of the corp's products you've worked at >They also had the shiny new and super expensive ability-enhancing prosthetics they've installed on some of their agents >Designed by Neuralink Corp. which UNCTTF commissioned, they also require a similarly highly expensive drug to maintain them or else the immune system would start rejecting then, causing death >All those people with shiny chromium arms, and now you wonder what UNCTTF was doing with all the financing >Definitely not actually fighting terrorism >When the ponies invaded Earth, the CEO of your corp, the board of directors and the investors all got executed and the corp's assets got nationalized by the Equestrian government >In mere days following the invasion, the colonists arrived to your city >They were cute pastel ponies, mostly being the following of those three kinds >The "featureless", the winged and the horned >But those weren't the only kinds >You also saw the zebras, the translucent and sparkly ponies, the leathery winged, bat-eared (those are impossible to see during the day, you've saw only during the evenings and early mornings) kind, and the scaly single-horned kind, their horns looking vastly different from the more common ones >They were cute, but also highly friendly and nice >One day you tripped and dropped your bags >The unicorn mare that was passing by asked if you were alright, and levitated the bag to you when you got up >The city, once crime-ridden, became a very safe place in a month >You began to offer your services to the colonial government immediately after your corp got dissolved >They pay well, plus the economy noticably improved too >You did a lot of various services to them, whatever you could do when they've contracted you >They didn't really need your help when it came to controlling the protests, which are often occuring in your city >The entire protest situation appears to be controlled, with the pro-human movement, mostly confined to X (formerly Twitter) being ridden with grifting >Plus the ponies' magic and superior strength allowed the police to quench the protests without much effort >The protests in question were occuring not just because of people being somehow dissatisfied with the policies of the new government >The real culprit is the fact that ponies, especially with the majority of the colonists being mares, began to hook up and marry with the men since Day 1 >There were cases of mare-on-man rape, however the now pony-only police never arrested the perpetrators >The mare-man marriage is encouraged by the government, which offers the couples free housing >All of that enraged women, whose choice of available partners have decreased drastically, and many men concerned for the future of the humanity and its status as second-class citizens of their own planet >Almost a full year after the invasion, the news of first pony-human offspring broke >Mares gave birth to fully pony filles and fully human boys, but not fully human girls >Riling up the protestors more >But you didn't care about all that, not even because they pay you >They've massively improved the living conditions, you weren't afraid of your stuff getting stolen now >The colonizers are also incredibly adorable >They have huge, soul-piercing eyes, cute short snouts, and are short themselves >But their plots are up in a quite peculiar position >And the way they sway... >They're just cute, they're also very sexy >The Internet and the ads became full of interspecies propaganda >There were ads with men married with mares >On the Internet, there were men who hooked up with mares gushing on how much mares are better than women and how much they love their pony girlfriends and wives >Mares themselves posted in the Internet a lot, and inbetween posting like a lot like humans, they too were often talking about how "humie colts" are cute and sexy >And the porn, of course >Whether solo mare photos and videos >Or interspecies ones >The porn very often featured mares taking on the dominant role >Despite their size and warm personalities, they are strong and can easily impose their will onto humans >And femdom, or maredom as they called it, appealed to them a lot >You weren't into femdom, but you still took a look into one of the MARED videos >It wasn't like the typical mainstream pre-invasion femdom porn at all >Instead of men being treated like undesirable filth, humiliated and having to take the role of a passive faggot, missing the fem part of dom in a way, those MARED videos made it look like the man is desired and loved >Yeah, they were clearly just interspecies propaganda, likely sponsored by the government, but it's how propaganda should look like >One could say that those videos are completely degrading to the men, presenting them as nothing more but fuckmeat for mares to enjoy >But isn't being desired by an attractive female is something a lot of men want? >Being chased by a hot girl and all >Especially when there's an entire species of hot, cute girls being the hegemon of the planet >Even if they are hooved and quadruped >They are sentient too, after all >The vid had an earth mare dressing up in a flirty, seductive skirt, emphasizing her voluptuous flanks >The man dropped on his knees, begging her to take him >Next scene, he licks her winking pussy while she pets him and calls him a good boy, until she cums into his mouth, smearing his face with a sticky yellow liquid >The acting is already extremely good, showing zero signs of fakeness from the either party >In fact, it looks completely natural >In the next scene, the mare mounted the man and rode his erect cock hard >Moaning lustfully in unison >The mare mixed domineering degradation with loving praise throughout the scene, moaning loudly as she rode the guy >He was in the most genuine pleasure during the whole act, telling her how good she is >How human women cannot compare to mares >Howling and begging her to fuck him >The video did a incredibly good job at emphasizing the mare's feminity and dominance >You dropped your pants and started furiously jacking off >The scene lasted until the guy started cumming into the mare >Who told the "humie slut" to give her a foal, before covering his cock in her juices, riding him erratically >You've never cummed so hard in your lifetime >Nor did the orgasm felt so good before >Your mind is in satisfied bliss of the afterglow whilst the video ends with the mare passionately kissing her partner after the orgasm >Then she gets off of him, rolling on her side >Cuddling with the man, pressing his face against her chest >This video have changed you completely >The porn with the human women doesn't do anything to you anymore >In fact, their bodies look disgusting at this point >Their vaginas look nasty >They don't even come close to the way mares' waterdrop-shaped pussies do >And the lack of the fluffy tail and the dock makes them look off >A new day, you feel horny again >You open up the porn website, going for the PFHM tag >The video you click starts the unicorn mare teasing the tied-up man's cock with a vibrating wand >She keeps telling him to be a "good boy" and endure his punishment while he's moaning into the ballgag >The next scene has him being mounted, as she takes him to bounce town >Looking at him over her shoulder as she rides him reverse cowgirl style >Verbal degredation mixed with praising him, calling him handsome >She would shift the ballgag with her telekinesis, allowing the guy to speak >To tell her how good pony pussy feels >You violently masturbated to this video >It ended in a similar manner the last video was >He cums in the mare's pussy, sealed tightly around him, before the sensual cuddle >During the proceeding days, you would spend hours edging to MARED videos >Including the videos that didn't only have the mares of the three most common races >But also the kirin, zebra, crystal and bat mares >It's truly over for your attraction for the females of your own species >Mares already have conquered your dick >You already post pony superiority pastas on the Vietnamese fishing forums >Honestly, they're good fapping material, expressing and emphasizing on the sexyness and feminity of the mares >And participating in pro-pony vs pro-human debates is fun >But you really want to get a mare girlfriend >You want her to take you, to dominate and fuck you, to drain your balls with her beautiful pony pussy >Those PFHM videos awoke something dormant in you, something that desired being claimed by a strong and pretty female >They're nicer to you on the streets than anyone ever was >Compared to how women used to be, they're often described as easy to please >Maybe you should try to start a relationship with one >Without coming off as creepy somehow >You just want a mare so badly >You're sitting on a bench in the park >Watching all the happy couples of men and their mares pass by >One single mare sits beside of you >She's a pegasus with a lavender blue coat, two-toned blonde mane and tail, and cerise eyes >She smiles joyfully as she sits >She's just so beautiful >So pretty >She notices your dreamy, bewitched gaze >"Humies get so dreamy when a mare is beside of them." >The mare giggles, waving a hoof in front of you >"What's your name?" "Anon." >"Cloud Kicker at your service. My name is what I am for the entirety of my life. I kicked clouds in Equestria, I kick clouds here as a part of my weather control job. They pay more here and I got myself a house here too." >Cloud Kicker bit her lip, locking her gaze with you >"Also because you humie colts are cute. Like you." >She blushes slightly "Not as cute as you are." >You reply, booping her snout >Causing her to scrunch >The pegasus reciprocates, tenderly pressing her hoof on your nose >You laugh together with her >"All of my friend circle moved from Cloudsdale to Earth. And got themselves themselves a hooman. Blossom, Cloud Chaser and her sis, Parasol, Raindrops, Rainbowshine, Sprinkle, all got themselves a humie. But not me." >She looks at you, and you could see a hint of begging in her eyes >"Would you like... go on a date with me?" >And you agreed >Spending the day talking together >Sharing your life experiences >You were amazed to learn how pegasi control weather in Equestria and on Earth >How did they tame the weather here >Yet an another improvement under the Equestrian rule >Wind storms? Heatwaves? Coldwaves? Floods? >All stop being issues under the pony rule >You've impressed her as well with your stories about being a programmer before and after the invasion >She was terrified when you told her about the pre-invasion life >You both agree on being glad it's over, as well as humans and ponies getting to see and know each other >You asked her how she feels about the protests >"Humie girls were so lazy and inconsiderate to their colts, and yet they're mad they're not getting them back. Must be because their teats are too close to their heads so the milk keeps flowing there." the mare snorted >Cloud's very fun to be around >She's really cute and charismatic >And her body is really nice, too >The sun begins to set >Cloud Kicker offers you to spend the night at her house, which you accept >She then took you in her forehooves, surprising you >You knew that pegasi, while generally not being as strong as the earth ponies, were still pretty strong >But you didn't know that they were so strong they could effortlessly carry you around >This small pastel pony held you like you were as light as a cat >And she doesn't even have pronounced muscles >She's really fast, too >In like five minutes, you travel between the completely opposite sides of the city >Arriving at her house, she lets you go >Your body already misses the physical contact with the mare >You step inside after Cloud Kicker >Her house looks clean, orderly and spacious >There's a lot of stuff she took here from her home world >Like the photos of herself and her friends at school and after they've graduated >The most prominent one in the photos appears to be a white, freckled mare with striped magenta and green mane >"Oh, you're looking at my album?" >She sees you holding it in your hands "Yeah. Are those your friends?" >"Mhm. The white one is Blossomforth, or Blossom as I call her. She's my best friend and she lives in this city too, she works at the same place as I am. We are truly inseparable, it seems." >Cloud Kicker smiles cutely >"She got her hooman nearly as soon as she moved here. She's an extortionst, she can stretch her body in ways I can only dream of. She showed up at the yoga class and have impressed everypony. Or everyhooman?" >She giggled >"She also got her hooman colt there too. He was absolutely charmed by her skills. I bet he's a lucky one. With all the positions she can fuck him in..." >She sighs >"I'm not as interesting as Blossom. Sorry..." "No need to. In fact, you're perfect for me." >You hug the pegasus >She envelops you in her beautiful wings >Pecking you on cheek >She nuzzles you before she lets you go >"And you're a real handsome. Don't forget that." >She grinned gently >Facing the album again, putting her hoof on the two lavender blue mares >"Alright, those two are Cloud Chaser and her younger sis, Flitter. I don't think we're related even if our coat colours are close." >She snickers >She points at the indigo mare with pink mane >"That one is Rainbowshine. Also my long-time friend. We worked together at the weather fabric back in Cloudsdale." >Cloudy told you all about her friends >Her school days with them >You shared some tea with cookies this evening >Watching a movie together >After it ends, she looks at you with lidded eyes, whispering sultrily >"Follow me." >You oblige >She's heading to the bedroom, swaying her hips >Flicking her tail around, partly exposing her alluring little pussy >There's a smell coming off from her >It's a really nice one, a mix of lavender, reminiscent of the colour of her coat, and fresh pancakes >She leans against the bed, sultrily looking back at you >She flicks her tail to the side, exposing her winking, drooling pussy >Your member is hard as diamonds, you're trembling in excitement at the arousing sight >"Well, Anon? I can already see that you're ready. Take them off~" >You don't hesist, and after a moment you're completely naked >Presenting your body to Cloud's gaze >She lewdly licks her lips >"Now, be a good boy and lay down for Cloud Kicker." >Your cock twitches at her words >You oblige, laying in front of her >Presenting your dick in front of her face >She pulls your foreskin with her hooves >Kissing your head >You gasp in pleasure >She pulls away >"You're pretty salty." >She gets up on the bed, staining the matress with her horny drool >Her wings are spead out and are pulsating >"Why don't we get straight to action right now? We both know we wanted it for a long time." >She's standing over you, giving you a short, yet passionate kiss on the lips >She positions her plot above your erect, ready length >The string of her nectar touches it, eliciting an impatient moan from you >Her tight, warm snatch slowly envelopes your length >You gasp, grabbing your lover's sun-and-a-cloud marked flanks, whilst she claims your virginity >The blonde mare moans lustfully, her winking clit brushing against your erection >She takes her time as you stretch her >Slowly taking your entire length >Until you're entirely inside of her, being hilted into her up to your balls >Feeling her plot against them >"Good boy, such a good boy." >She places her forehooves on your chest, riding you slowly "Ohhh, Cloud~" >You moan loudly, squeezing her flanks >She's so good >It's even exceeding your expectations in how good it feels >Her aroused pussy twitches in pleasure around you as she sensually moans >Her petite crotchteats slightly bounce >You can't help yourself but to say the things you've been holding in for a while "Oh, it feels so good! Please, Cloudy, fuck me! Fuck me with your pony pussy!" >She squeezes even tighter around you, her pussy twitching particulatly hard at your begging >"Ohhh, you're so sexy when you beg like this!~" >Her thrusts get faster >"Mmm~ good slut." >Her degrading words only make you more lustful >You groan, feeling her tail brush against balls >"Who's a good little pony pussy loving whore?" >It's incredible what kind of an effect her words put on you "I am! Please fuck me harder! Fuck my human cock with your mare pussy! Don't stop!" >Her velvety marehood quivers around you, forming a tight seal >The blonde pegasus increases her speed, riding you harder >Her flaring wings visibly pulsate hard >"I-if y-you're, hnnn, you're m-my good little whore, then you must, ahhh~, i-impregnate me. C-come on, b-be, ohhh~, b-be a good species t-traitor~" she tells you, her command distorted with lewd moaning >She fucks you harder and harder, gripping herself tighter around you >It's clear she's coming close to her own orgasm >Bringing you to ecstasy together with herself "Fuck your slut! Fuck your slut!" >Your words send your lover over the edge >She wails your name in pleasure, covering your cock in her marecum >Her madly, erractically twitching and pulsating marehood finally makes you paint her walls white >She grips really tight around you, intending on draining you completely >Ensuring that every single drop goes inside her >She bounces really hard on you, her flanks making lewd slaps against your hips >You howl your mare's name in ecstasy, your head being pressed against her cervix >Your virile cum fills her fertile, ovulating womb >Her rapidly winking clit flings some of your cum on the sheets >The shared, heavenly euphoria feels like it keeps going on four hours >It feels like she keeps torturing you with her magical pony pussy >Eventually it all falters >Cloud Kicker carefully lays on top of you, your deflating cock falling out of her stretched pussy >The mixed cum leaking out of the orifice >She's locking her lips with yours >Inserting her broad mare tongue inside of your mouth >Defeating your own tongue in a playful match >She breaks the sensual, loving and lewd kiss, the strings of shared drool connecting her tongue with your own >Gazing upon you >Her gaze being a mix of love and satisfaction >"You're so handsome." >She wraps her hooves around you, pulling you in for some more kisses >As she's done, she nuzzles you before looking at you >"I love you, Anon." >She says in a quiet, loving manner "I love you too, Cloud." >She leans to kiss you again >Before rolling off of you on her side >She turns the lights off >You roll on your side >Cloud puts her hoof on the back of your head, pressing your face against her lavender-and-pancake smelling chest fluff >Wrapping her beautiful wings around you >You fall together with your mare lover into a peaceful slumber The End.