>The sun is setting and Anon is walking by the playground on the outskirts of Ponyville >He spots a lone pony sitting on a swing >Too large to be colt or filly from what he can gather by the outline >Curious, he walks over to take a look >As he gets closer he can hear the gray pony with blonde mane talking to herself >"i wish i had somepony to play with..." >Anon purposely crunches some mulch so she can hear him approaching >She turns around and is immediately spooked at the sight >A large bipedal creature is approaching her >"w-who are you?" >Although she's still sitting on the swing she seems like she might bolt off at any moment >Anon stops walking and takes a friendly stance waving at her with one hand "Hey there, I didn't mean to startle you. I was just passing through." >Anon gives her a reassuring smile >Her eyes swirl around as they measure him up >"o-oh okay. mommy said there are funny looking creatures in the city. are you one of them?" >Anon chuckles at this, not the first time somepony questioned his appearance >He also realizes she's a little touched in the head by the way she talks, not to mention her eyes "I'm actually living in Ponyville, although I have visited Canterlot before. My name is Anon." >Her eyes google around as she lets out a small smile and visibly relaxes >"oh, that's great. everypony in ponyville is nice. so you must be nice too. i'm derpy hooves." >Anon keeps his friendly smile on and walks closer to her "Oh, absolutely. I love being nice. And it's a pleasure to meet you Derpy Hooves." >Anon bows graciously >Derpy blushes a little bit and hoofs the air lightly >"y-you too" >Anon continues to close the gap and is only a few arm lengths away from her "So what brings a mare like you out here? Is your mommy with you?" >Derpy puts her head down and looks serious >"mommy is sleeping...in the ground" >Anon stands there dumbfounded for a moment but regains his composure >This pony is definitely missing a few marbles he thinks to himself "Oh Derpy, I'm sorry to hear that. And what about your daddy, where is he?" >Without looking up she starts to sniffle and a tear falls to the ground >"daddy went away when i was small" >Anon feigns empathy and continues with his questions "And your friends, where are they?" >Derpy continues to look at the ground as another tear slides off of her cheek >"...i don't have any friends" Derpy blurts out flatly >Anon walks up and gives her a sympathetic head pat >At first she flinches but then starts to enjoy it >She closes her eyes and nuzzles his hand >It's not long before her small smile reforms >Eventually Anon takes his hand away and Derpy looks a little sad about that "I know what will cheer you up." >Anon smirks and gives her a wink >"you do?" >Derpy asks with genuine interest as she turns her head slightly sideways while looking up at Anon "Of course. But it's getting late" >Anon looks into the distance and sees the sun lowering >"that's okay i don't have a bedtime anymore" >Derpy looks up at Anon, hopeful for an answer "Alright, I suppose it's okay then." >Anon begins to walk back towards the dirt trail that he arrived from >Still on the swing, Derpy scrunches her face, unsure of what to do >Anon turns around and gives her a welcoming smile "Well? Are you coming?" >Without hesitation Derpy jumps off of the swing and trots beside Anon >She's looking up at him with a big goofy smile >"where are we going anon?" "My house, I have cake." >Derpy perks up at the mention of cake "i love cake!" >Anon pats her head as they continue walking "Very good, because I need help finishing it." >Soon, the first of the Ponyville houses begin to appear down the trail >Anon's house is the first building on the east side of town >He helped build it with the construction ponies several years ago >A quaint rancher with a wooden finish, a small vegetable garden out back >Modest but comfortable "And here's my humble abode" >Derpy smiles at the house >Anon approaches the door and pulls on the handle >Although he's been in Equestria for some time it still feels strange to him that he doesn't need to lock the door >This goes beyond having nice neighbors, it's an actual utopia >Anon walks inside with the bubbly mare in tow >Before closing the door he looks out to the other houses nearby >He doesn't spot any ponies, they tend to go inside before dusk >With an excited smile, he closes the door >Before his thoughts can wander, he hears a loud thud >"Uughh" >Turning around he sees Derpy on the floor in the living room >Judging by the tipped over coffee table, it appears that she either tripped or knocked into it >Anon rushes over to her and helps her up "Hey, are you okay?" >As she gets up she blankly stares at Anon "Derpy?" >She snaps out of her stupor and shakes her head >"oh i'm okay. this happens a lot" >Once again Anon finds himself for a loss of words "Well...um, good?" >Derpy smiles and picks up where she left off, exploring Anon's house >Anon watches her and puts his hand on his chin >She walks over to the bookshelf, one eye looking at the books in front of her, and her other eye seemingly spinning around in random directions >Yes, she's certainly a special pony Anon thought to himself >He picks the coffee table up and the knick knacks that fell off >Luckily nothing broke >After getting done with the bookshelf Derpy heads over to the sofa >She flaps her wings gently and lands on the middle cushion >Sitting with her tongue out, she smiles at Anon "So, about that cake. You make yourself comfortable and I'll bring it right out. I hope you like chocolate raspberry." >Derpy looks excited as she's reminded about the cake >"yes please" >Anon walks into the kitchen which is connected to the living room >With a grin he pulls out a knife and begins to cut the partially eaten cake >After making a few cuts, Anon puts two pieces of the chocolate raspberry on ceramic plates >He walks into the living room with cake in each hand >Derpy's wings flutter in anticipation as she watches Anon bring the treats "As promised." >Anon places the plates down on the coffee table >Derpy leans down and starts chomping on the piece in front of her "Take your time, there's no rush. I'll grab some milk." >Anon walks back to the kitchen and pours two glasses of milk >When he returns to the living room he notices that Derpy is looking at him with guilt >As he places the glasses of milk on the table he realizes that his piece of cake is gone >Derpy turns her head away and pretends not to notice "Here's something to wash that down with, I'll get more cake." >As Anon brings the empty plates back to the kitchen, Derpy greedily chugs her glass of milk >She looks at the other glass but resists the urge to drink it >A moment later and Anon is back with more cake "Round two, and I have more where that came from." >"yay!" >Derpy wastes no time as she dives into her third piece of cake >Anon sits down next to her and picks up his plate >He owns some utensils but he mostly just got used to eating with his hands >He picks up the piece of cake and takes a bite "Mmm, delicious. I'll have to stop at Sugarcube Corner and get another one." >As Anon is chewing and talking he notices that Derpy is already done with her's >She's attentively watching him eat his piece "Where are my manners? Let me get you another piece." >Derpy beams with happiness >"yes please" >Anon goes to the kitchen once more >Approximately a quarter of the cake is left >He shrugs and just brings it out to her on the cake tray >Surprisingly his piece of cake still remains on the table >Derpy gets even more excited when she sees the cake tray "Here you go, it's the last of it so make it count." >Derpy shoves her face in the cake and goes at it >Anon finishes his piece and washes it down with milk >Derpy is already done the cake but she's licking up all of the crumbs and berry remnants >At this point Anon is not surprised, this mare can eat >he brings his plate and glass to the kitchen >By the time he gets back Derpy is done >With crumbs and icing all over her face she gives Anon a big smile >"thank you anon that was super yummy!" >Anon grabs the cake tray and her empty glass "See, I told you I knew what would make you feel better." >As Anon goes back in the kitchen Derpy glides off the sofa and follows him >Anon grabs a towel and runs hot water over it in the sink >After straining the excess water he hands the cloth to Derpy "Here you go." >Derpy stares at the towel, confused "Your face." >Derpy looks even more confused >"my face?" >Anon sighs "It's all messy from the cake." >She's still just staring at Anon, not getting the message "Alright, I'll do it. Just hold still." >Anon places one hand behind of her head and begins to blot the warm cloth around her mouth and nose >Derpy involuntarily tries to move her face as Anon cleans her up >But he has a firm grip on her head and manages to wipe everything off "And there. All done." >Anon turns around and rinses the towel in the sink >Derpy watches him without saying anything >She's still processing all that's happened today, or is at least trying to >Anon looks at the clock mounted on the wall >It's an old timey spring-driven model, the tick tocking audible in the momentary silence "It's late and I have work in the morning." >Derpy continues watching Anon without saying anything "Uh, you live in Ponyville right?" >She smiles and nods >"i was here my whole life" >Anon scratches his head in thought "Why have I never seen you before? I'm pretty sure I've met most of the townsponies by now. And I definitely would have remembered you." >Derpy's demeanor begins to shift >With a frown and looking down at the ground, she speaks meekly >"mommy doesn't let me leave the house..." >Derpy looks up at Anon with determination >"but she's sleeping now. so it's okay" >Anon finds her situation interesting and decides to pry a bit more "So, you live by yourself?" >Derpy scrunches her face, not quite comfortable with the question "C'mon you can tell me. We're friends now." >Anon gives her a big convincing smile >Derpy's mouth opens like she's surprised >"f-friends?" >Anon nods reassuringly >"i never had a friend before. except for lulu" >Anon raises his eyebrow "Lulu?" >Derpy smiles brightly as she confidently explains to Anon >"she's a princess" >Anon acts impressed "Wow. I didn't realize that you have friends in high places. Are you sure it's still okay to be friends with me? I'm only a commoner, after all." >Derpy blushes and looks worried >"yes! please be my friend...lulu is my dolly" >Anon sighs in relief "Oh good, you had me worried for a second. Of course I'll be your friend. And Lulu's too." >Derpy blushes as she raises her forehoof slightly "Okay, so you live with Lulu. Anypony else?" >"no. but the white ponies sometimes bring me food and stuff. and give me a bath..." >Derpy looks embarrassed and turns her gaze to the ground >Anon's brain is attempting to translate her meaning but it comes up blank "White ponies? Who are they." >Derpy awkwardly shuffles in place and continues to look at the floor >"ever since mommy went to sleep..." >Derpy trails off and starts to sniffle, but she persists >"ponies in funny white clothes do stuff mommy used to do" >Anon walks up and gives her a hug "It's okay Derpy. Thanks for being strong enough to tell me." >She nuzzles her face into his stomach, Anon can feel her warm tears soaking through his shirt >He smiles as he holds her >Several minutes pass and the pouty pony is back to smiles "Okay let's get you home, I'll walk you there." >Derpy looks tense at the thought of going home but she doesn't protest >"okay" >Anon opens the front door and is hit with a cold breeze >He grabs his heavy jacket off the coat stand near the doorway >He looks down at Derpy who's smiling at him >He doesn't have any pony clothes but spots a red scarf hanging idly "The temperature really dropped. Let me put this scarf on you." >"okay" >Anon wraps the scarf around Derpy's neck >His adrenaline begins to pump as she wiggles in excitement >It has not been easy for him to contain his desires, that wiggle almost pushed him past the threshold >Anon walks outside and looks up into the night sky >Taking a deep breath of chilly air as he looks at the myriad of stars >Derpy follows suit >Her big eyes swirl around as she takes everything in >With his nerves marginally more relaxed, he closes the front door >But then he is hit with a realization. He hasn't the slightest clue as to where her house is >And going off of her mental faculties thus far, he's not sure she does either. "Which part of town do you live in?" >Derpy has a confused look as she looks up at Anon "You know, where your house is at?" >"i live in ponyville" >Anon is in disbelief at her response. Well, almost. >"i can show you" >Derpy flaps her wings and rises into the air >She starts to fly in a direction but Anon calls out to her "Hey! Aren't you forgetting something?" >Derpy turns back and looks down at Anon >One eye is locked on him and her other is looking into the sky >"no" >Anon lets out a hearty chuckle "I don't have wings, I can't fly." >Derpy continues to stare into space, literally and figuratively "Okay how about this. I would like to walk with you, please come down." >Derpy seems to understand and flies next to Anon >"okay my house is this way" >She trots off to what appears to be the north part of Ponyville >They make their way through the eerily quiet town >Aside from the wind there isn't a peep or pony in sight >Anon puts his hands inside of his pockets to warm them up >Derpy seems to be in deep concentration as she navigates the town >Filled with purpose she seems oblivious to the cold >After a little while longer Derpy stops in front of a house >A two story structure that's seen better days >Some of the wood is warped and the shutters around the windows are hanging off >"this is my home" >Derpy opens the door without further ceremony >The first thing that Anon notices is that the place is a mess >The furniture is either knocked over or covered with junk >There's a broken mirror laying on the ground >And random assorted items everywhere. Clothes, keepsakes, boxes, trash, all kinds of stuff "Damn Derpy, you live like this?" >Anon realizes too late that what he said might be rude >Derpy looks at Anon briefly before avoiding his gaze >With her head held low she quietly responds >"...im sorry" >Anon kicks himself mentally "Uh, that's not what I meant exactly. I'm sorry it came out that way. I meant that the white ponies aren't doing a good job." >"it's okay" >Anon starts picking up what he thinks is trash and puts it in the nearest empty box >Next he picks up a turned over chair >As he rummages through the clutter he feels a soft nudge in his side >He stops what he is doing and looks over >Derpy is looking up at him with one of her eyes >"anon im sweepy" >It takes him a moment to realize what she's saying but then she yawns >Anon cannot help but yawn too "Yeah, I guess you're right Derpy. I will be here all night if I want to clean the place up, and I'm pretty tired. I'll get out of your mane and head out." >Anon gives her a wave and turns towards the front door >Derpy follows Anon and nudges him again with her snoot >He looks down at her with a puzzled expression "Can I help you?" >"yes" Derpy replies almost instantly "Oh, what is it?" >Anon wasn't actually expecting her to say that. This pony is full of surprises. >Derpy blushes as she responds >"beddy byes" >Anon raises his eyebrow "Betty and the what now?" >Derpy looks up at Anon expectantly without saying anything further "...a goodnight hug? Sure." >Anon kneels down and wraps his arms around her warm body >Derpy uses her wings to hug him back as she buries her face into his chest >She gently rocks back and forth within his grasp >Anon's heart begins to race so he breaks free and plays it cool >Derpy looks a little sad "Okay, I'll be off then." >"lulu" >Anon feels like saying 'what is it this time' but manages to phrase it better "Lulu, what about her?' >Again, without hesitation, Derpy responds >"beddy-byes" >Anon sighs, he knows where this is going "Okay, sure. Where is she?" >Derpy smiles and turns around >She trots over to the staircase leading up to the next floor >Before ascending the staircase she looks over at Anon >With a sigh of defeat he follows her. Carefully avoiding the minefield of junk along the way >As they go up the steps Anon gets the full view of her ass >Although he's only ever been with one mare before, a very short-lived fling with a unicorn back in Canterlot, he has seen plenty of mare ass on a daily basis >And one thing is for certain, he's never seen an ass that plump >He continues to follow her, watching her butt jiggle with each stair >Next his eyes travel a little lower, a light gray vulva with dark gray spots mixed in >Anon can feel his southern soldier rising but he tries to dash the dirty thoughts away >'That has to wait' he thinks to himself. Everything needs to go according to plan >After what seems like a very long time, they finally make it to the top of the staircase >Before them is a narrow hallway which leads into three different doorways >Derpy continues forward and eventually goes through the doorway straight ahead >Anon looks in the doorway to the left, it's the bathroom >There are a few bars of soap and some towels on the floor, but it is surprisingly well maintained compared to the downstairs area of the house >Looking to his right, there is a closed door with a lock on it >'Strange' Anon thought >He's not sure if he's even seen a door lock in Ponyville before >The last time he saw those was in Canterlot >Maybe he just never noticed >He feels another nudge >Derpy's looking up at him "I'm coming, I was just looking around. What's behind this door anyway?" >Anon points his finger >Derpy's mood changes, she looks down at the ground >"...that's mommy's room" >Oh. 'Crap' Anon thought "I'm sorry, I didn't know." >Derpy turns around and walks into what is presumably her room >"it's okay" >Anon does his best to change the topic "So, about that princess I've heard so much about." >Anon swivels his head and does a quick reconnaissance of her room >Like the bathroom, it's messy but nowhere near as bad as the first floor >There also isn't that much stuff in here so maybe that's why Anon ponders >He returns his attention back to the pegasus whom he recently befriended >She's holding what appears to be a dark plushie in her mouth, she's looking up at him >Ponies holding stuff in their mouths all the time took some getting used to for Anon >But now it's just normal. And besides, ponies have very dexterous lips so they rarely get the object in question wet with their saliva >Anon reaches out to take the doll from Derpy, she lets go once he has it in his grasp >Anon tries not to visibly cringe as he can feel heavy dampness everywhere >He holds it up in front of him and puts on the best fake smile he can muster "Aheh, she's um...very pretty. Beautiful in fact!" >One of the eyes is missing, the other is hanging by a single thread >The stitching is ripped and frayed in various spots >But worst of all was the stench. Covered in sweat stains and dried up mucus. >Anon holds back a gag >He glances at Derpy, she smiles and lets out a little giggle >"hehe" >Anon hypes himself up internally 'Okay Anon you can do this' >Closing his eyes he brings the worn Luna plush to his chest and squeezes ever so slightly >The last thing he wants is to become the sponge for whatever bacteria is stored inside >Anon hastily hands the plushie back to Derpy >His hand is hovering in front of her face, but she is just staring at him not getting the hint >He wiggles the Luna plushie in hopes that will work >Derpy changes directions and walks into her nightstand >She stands there for a moment unsure of herself >Anon walks over to her "Hey, don't you want Lulu back?" >Ignoring him, she walks backwards and then forwards, bumping into the nightstand again >Now next to her, Anon uses his free hand to guide her to the bed >She gets in and lays on her back >Her lids are heavy as she smiles up at Anon >He places the plushie on her chest >As he wipes his hand off on his pants, Derpy wraps her forehooves around the Luna doll >"will i see you again?" >Derpy asks innocently as her eyes dreamily roll around >Anon gives her a reassuring smile "Of course, we're friends now. Meet me at the playground tomorrow." >Derpy fades into unconsciousness as she softly says "friends..." >Anon wipes off the sweat running down his brow with his shirt sleeve >Walking out the backdoor to Café Hay, he sighs with relief >Another work day finished >When Anon first arrived in town he was enrolled in the Ponyville Assistance Program >He doesn't understand how it works exactly but it allowed him to handle expenses while looking for his role in the community >His first choice was to see if he could get a gig at the day spa >His single cell brain had one thing in mind: 'mares mares mares mares mares' >But it didn't go according to plan >"Anon was it?" >Lotus Blossom eyes him up warily "Yes, I'm new in town and would like to put my talents to good use" >Anon puts on a big smile and holds out his hands, showing them off to the spa ponies before him >Aloe and Lotus look at each other unamused >"Well like we said, we do not need any help here." >Anon wiggles his fingers at them >Lotus winces and Aloe makes a weird face >Eventually Lotus speaks up >"What are you doing that for?" >Anons smile widens "Fingers. Mares will love them. On their body, on their little hoofsies, and-" >With a stern expression, Lotus interrupts Anon, "That's enough. We do not want you working here." >Anon's smile fades and he goes on the defensive "Why? Is it because I'm not a pony? You both have weird accents, are you even from Ponyville?" >Now scowling with a red face, Lotus is about to blow >Before she can unload, Aloe intervenes and begins to push Anon towards the door >"Leave us be, we are not hiring." >Anon does not resist, he doesn't want to get in a physical altercation during his first week in town "Fine, I'm leaving. But I hope you're proud of yourselves." >With the door slamming shut behind him Anon kicks the ground in frustration >He didn't fare any better at Carousel Boutique >"Oh, yes darling. I'm sure you would be a great addition to the boutique with those...what do you call them?" "Fingers." >"Ah yes, fingers. I'm sure anypony would be glad to have your...erhm, fingers. But I run a one-pony operation. I'm sure you understand" >Rarity has the most uncomfortable looking fake smile ever >Anon sighs internally and moves on to the next place >And then the next >No luck >Eventually he was accepted at Café Hay >With no clear defined position Anon finds himself doing all sorts of tasks >Cleaning, washing dishes, taking care of trash, and occasionally filling in as a server >As he walks in the direction to the playground, he feels a ping of excitement >He's just hoping that the gray pegasus will remember to meet him >That excitement dampens when he sees two small figures walking his way >A pastel magenta filly with white streaks in her mane >The other, a gray filly with a braided ponytail >Anon takes a gulp, readying himself. Last time he encountered these brats he almost lost his cool >The last thing he needs right now is a filly assault charge >Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walk up in front of him, blocking his path >Anon makes an attempt to walk around them but Diamond Tiara blocks him again >"Hey. Where do you think you're going?" >Anon takes a deep breath before responding "I'm on my way home, I just got done working." >She gives him a dirty look >"I can't believe they let you work around food, that's so gross." >Now it's Silver Spoon's turn to weigh in >"Oh my gosh, like seriously. Who lets an ape work at a cafe? Yuck." >Anon clenches his fist, trying to keep calm "I just want to get by, now get out of my way." >Diamond Tiara smiles smugly as she self-boops with her hoof >"Hah, I don't think so. 10 bits first." >Anon is losing his patience "You have to be kidding me. Isn't your dad rich or something, why do you need my money?" >Silver Spoon interjects >"This is our road. Pay up." >Anon looks at Silver Spoon's throat and fantasizes about strangling her right here and now >A small smile starts to form on his face "...No." >"Ew, why are you looking at her like that? Are you some kind of perv?" >Anon continues to stare at Silver Spoon without responding to Diamond Tiara >"Hey. Are you listening? I'm going to tell everypony you touched her if you don't give us the bits." >Silver Spoon adopts an amused expression while chiming in >"Yeah, Anon touched my butt. Gross!" >Anon regains awareness as he registers the threat laid out to him >He grits his teeth containing his rage, and he remembers what he was doing before being detained >Derpy should be waiting for him, he doesn't want to waste any more time with these fillies "Okay, fine. I'll pay, but just leave me alone." >As Anon reaches into his pocket the two fillies look at each other with devious smiles >Anon hands Diamond Tiara the 10 bits >She counts the bits and steps aside >Before Anon can walk forward, Silver Spoon gets in front of him >Not bothering to hide his annoyance he bluntly blurts out at her "What is it now." >Silver Spoon's smile grows as she responds >"10 bits. Each." >Anon's jaw drops at the brazenness of these two. >Before grabbing the little pony before him and shaking her to death, he remembers that he needs to see Derpy today >Defeated, Anon reaches into his pocket and gives it to Silver Spoon >"Good job, ape." Silver Spoon walks over to Diamond Tiara as they giggle >Thankfully they leave in the opposite direction >Anon continues towards his destination, the playground >He looks into the sky and the sun is still going strong >As he gets to the playground he notices that Derpy is sitting on the ground outside of the entrance >'Strange' Anon thought. >As he gets closer he can hear her sobbing >She's looking down at the ground and doesn't see him yet "Derpy?" >Anon walks up to Derpy who's now looking up at him >Her eyes are filled with tears and she sits there crying "Derpy, what happened?" >Asking her that question only makes her cry harder >Anon bends down and gives her a hug >She doesn't reciprocate at first, but eventually he can feel her soft wings wrap around him >Anon pats her back lightly to comfort her "I'm here now, it's alright." >Derpy's wet face is planted firmly in his chest >She's still crying but is no longer sobbing at least "Do you want to tell me what happened?" >She shakes her head while still buried in his chest >The earlier events still running around in Derpy's head >Derpy kicks her legs out to gain more momentum "hehe" >Her mane flies freely in the wind as she smiles >Ever since her mother passed away she visits the park regularly. The swing is her favorite >As she's giddily swaying in the air, she hears somepony yell out to her >"Stop." >Derpy looks around but doesn't see anypony, only the treetops and the sky >She continues swinging her body and hooves in rhythm >"Stop that swing." >Derpy hears the voice again, whoever it is sounds angry >"I said. Stop." >Derpy refrains from kicking her legs, the swing slowly but surely comes to a stop >Now back on the ground, Derpy's left eye spots two fillies standing in front of her >Her right eye still watching the clouds >"Are you deaf?" asks the pinkish colored filly >Derpy takes a moment to process the question "no" >"Could have fooled me. Anyway this is our park and there is a fee." >Derpy stares blanky at the filly speaking to her. >"Hello?" "hi my name's derpy" >The gray filly chimes in >"What kind of name is that?" >Derpy is about to respond but Diamond Tiara cuts her off >"A dumb one, but who cares. You owe us money." >Derpy looks confused "i do?" >Diamond Tiara rolls her eyes while Silver Spoon picks up >"Are you slow or something?" >Derpy looks at the ground and doesn't respond >Diamond Tiara continues >"Whatever, you owe us 6 bits. Hoof it over." >Derpy looks at her genuinely baffled >"The normal rate is 2 bits, but since you are an adult the price is trebled." >Diamond Tiara delivers the last tidbit with a proud smile >That smile quickly disappears when she receives Derpy's reply "i don't have any bits" >"Seriously? Don't you have a job or something." >Derpy continues to look at the ground "...no" >Diamond Tiara facepalms with her hoof in frustration >"Aren't you a little old to still be playing at the park?" >Silver Spoon adjusts her glasses while questioning Derpy >Derpy looks up at her with a tear in her eye "i like it here..." >Silver Spoon smirks >"Hey DT, check it out. I think she's crying." >Diamond Tiara walks up closer as Derpy starts to sniffle >Another tear rolling down her cheek >"Oh my, you're right!" >The two fillies point their hooves at Derpy and laugh >This only causes Derpy to openly start bawling >"Big stupid crybaby, haha!" >The laughter continues as Derpy runs away from the troublemakers, warm tears running down her face >Anon holds Derpy for a few more minutes >By the time he lets go she's finishing up the last of her weeping >Looking up at him with teary eyes she makes a request >"can i go home with you" >Anon smiles "Absolutely." >By the time they arrive at Anon's house Derpy is back to her bubbly self "Are you hungry at all?" >Derpy nods excitedly "Good, because I'm starving." >Anon walks into the kitchen, Derpy follows him >He pulls out the leftover tomato soup that he had from earlier and begins heating it up on the stove "This is going to take a few minutes, why don't you get comfortable on the couch." >Derpy continues watching Anon without saying anything >Her tongue lazily hangs out of the corner of her mouth as she smiles "Or you can wait here, that works too." >Anon gets out two bowls and places them on the table >He walks over to the counter and grabs the loaf of bread >Derpy's eyes try to keep up with his movements but only one of them ever seems to be able to track him >He rips off a small piece from the loaf and hands it to Derpy >She looks at it for a moment before taking it with her mouth >Anon goes back to the counter and rips off two chunks and sets them next to the bowls >As he goes to check on the soup, Derpy's attention turns to the bread chunks sitting on the table >Anon puts his hand above the pot to gauge the temperature. >His hand heats up quickly, but not to the point of burning "I think it's ready" >As he looks over at Derpy she freezes >She has a lump of bread sticking out of her mouth "That was supposed to go with the soup" >He also notices that the other piece is missing from the table >He sighs "It's fine I have more." >She slowly resumes chewing >He brings over the first bowl to the pot >With a wooden ladle he scoops up the red liquid and pours it in the bowl >He walks over to the table and places the bowl down "Alright, here's yours. Be careful, it's hot" >Anon grabs the other bowl and brings it over to the stove >As if on cue he hears a splatter of liquid behind him >"thbpttt!" >Derpy is sticking her tongue out with soup dripping out of her mouth "I told you it was hot" >Anon walks over and checks on her "Are you okay?" >With her tongue still sticking out, she nods "Okay, let me see that bowl" >Anon bends down and starts to blow on the soup >Derpy tilts her head as she watches him with interest >"what are you doing?" >Between blows he responds "I'm cooling it off for you" >"okay" >After a full minute of blowing, he dips his finger inside the bowl >It's warm but it's no longer hot "Alright, it's safe now" >As Anon walks back to the stove Derpy eyes her bowl cautiously >Anon returns to the table with his bowl and sits down >He notices that Derpy is still observing her bowl "Go ahead and eat it before it gets cold, it won't hurt you anymore." >"okay" >Derpy sticks her face in the bowl and begins slurping it up >"mhmm" >Anon smirks as he brings his bowl to his lips >With a long sip he takes a hearty gulp of the comforting soup >He puts his bowl down and looks for his piece of bread "Oh, right." >He walks over to the counter and grabs another piece >With bread in hand he dips it inside of the remaining tomato soup >He watches Derpy avidly lick her bowl clean as he finishes his meal >Anon stands up and brings his empty bowl to the sink >As he's rinsing it off he feels a sudden nudge in his side >It's Derpy >He looks down at her and then at his shirt >Her face is messy with soup stains, and his shirt now has a tomato blotch where she poked him >"more?" "Sorry Derp, that's all that was left." >She frowns "But." >"...but?" >A devious smile appears on Anon's face "I have dessert for later." >Derpy gets excited and flaps her wings >"yay!" >Anon puts the washcloth under warm water >After draining it he kneels down next to Derpy and starts to clean her face >As if her body is getting used to it she puts up less resistance as he rubs her mouth and cheeks "Alright, you are as good as new" >Derpy looks confused >"i am?" >Anon chuckles "It's a figure of speech, at least where I'm from" >Not fully understanding she doesn't question it further >"okay" >Anon walks into the living room and looks down at his shirt, remembering the soup stain Derpy graciously gifted him >He takes it off and tosses it on the ground in a random direction >Derpy inquisitively walks up to him and inspects his shirtless form >As her eyes swirl around taking everything in, Anon positions himself into a double biceps pose "Like what you see huh?" >She doesn't respond as she stares at him >Enjoying the attention he puts his arms over his head and behind his back, tightening his abs >Without warning she boops him in the belly button with her snoot >He lets out a high pitched laugh "Haaah!" >Derpy smiles as she boops him again "Hey, that tickles" >He rustles her mane as he makes his way to the couch >As he sits down Derpy flies up and lands next to him >She scooches over so that she's pressed up against him "You certainly aren't bashful, that's good." >Derpy has a perplexed expression on her face >Anon wraps his arm around her "You see Derpy, were friends right?" >She nods as she focuses all of her attention on Anon >"y-yes" >He gives her a reassuring smile "We certainly are. Which brings me to my next point. Friends like to do things for friends." >"they do?" "Yes, like how I shared my soup with you." >"oh okay" >Anon's smile widens "And there are other things friends like to share. More intimate things." >With his free hand he grabs one of her forehooves >Blushing and looking slightly confused, Derpy watches Anon fondle her hoof >He drags his fingertip lightly across the surface of her frog >She lets out a little gasp at the unfamiliar sensation >Next he brings her hoof to his mouth and gently kisses it >Derpy's face continues to turn more red >She doesn't understand what's going on but her heart is racing >Anon slowly brings her hoof to his groin area and begins to have her pet his pants >With his hand guiding her hoof she rubs where his already slightly erect member is forming a bulge "Yeah...like that." >Anon lets go of her hoof and lays back on the sofa >Without his hand guiding her, Derpy isn't sure on what to do >She quizzically pokes the bump in his pants >"anon what's this?" "Unf, keep going and you will find out." >Anon's dick starts to twitch as she continues to prod him through the pants >Now at full mast, his cock feels strangled underneath the textile prison >Yearning to break free, he pulls down his pants and lets his cock loose >Flopping down and then up, it stands on display at the ready >Derpy opens her mouth in surprise as she gazes at the green human appendage >It twitches again as if it notices her presence "Meet Mr. Anon, he's going to be your new friend." >Derpy continues to stare in surprise >Anon takes his arm that was wrapped around her and places his hand behind her head ""Alright Derpy I need you to say hi to Mr. Anon." >She's still staring at it "Well? Introduce yourself." >"hi mr anon...im derpy hooves" >She gives his cock an awkward smile "Good, now give him a kiss. As friends do." >Once again Derpy looks confused >He brings her head down next to his penis "Here, I'll help you." >One of her eyes is looking straight at it and her other eye is looking up at Anon >He guides her snoot to his cock in hopes she will kiss it, however she sticks her nose directly on the tip and takes a big whiff "Ah...Mr. Anon likes that too." >Derpy pulls her head back slightly and wrinkles her nose >"mr anon is smelly" >Anon ignores her comment "Open your mouth so Mr. Anon can take a peek. Only use your lips and tongue to show him around." >Anon brings her head back down to his cock >Derpy has her mouth cracked open >He presses his dick against her lips but her mouth isn't open far enough >He can feel his dick starting to get impatient "Open wide and say Ahhh" >Derpy slowly opens her mouth more >Anon wastes no time entering the breach >"Ahh-grlgglgl" >Her eyes go wide and she starts gurgling as his cock fills up her mouth and reaches her throat "Oh, fuck yeah. Stay there like that." >Anon tries to thrust back and forth but her teeth are starting to pinch him "Ow! Open up open up!" >Not waiting on her slow reaction he grabs her mouth with his hand and begins to pry >Gaining enough wiggle room he pulls back his hips and out comes Mr. Anon >It flops on Derpy's face, landing on her forehead >Without delay Anon inspects his penis and everything looks intact "Whew. That could have been bad." >'Maybe shoving my dick down the throat of a special needs pony isn't the best idea' Anon thinks to himself >"stinky..." >Anon looks down and forgot he still has her head pressed down >His saliva covered cock is planted directly on her face, her nose buried in his balls >He lets her head go and she bobs back up to her sitting position >Anon's cock is still throbbing so he moves to the next logical step >As he stands up off of the couch his pants drop down to his ankles >Derpy monitors him as he maneuvers in front of her >She's flustered and still unsure of what's happening >"anon?" >She looks up at him innocently as he hovers over her >With an almost crazed smile and cock pointing at her he explains "Okay Derpy, I need you to stand up and show me your butt." >Derpy continues sitting there, she's staring at his cock "Mr. Anon wants to visit your special place." >Derpy doesn't know what he's talking about but she does as she's told >"o-okay" >She stands up on the couch and turns around with her butt facing him >Anon takes a good look at her squishy behind and is tempted to slap it >He giddily refrains but he places his face on her flank >It's soft but meaty >He closes his eyes with a large smile across his face "Heavenly." >Derpy blushes as she feels him embracing her butt >She moves her head sideways to try and see what's going on, but she's greeted with a view of the ceiling in one eye and the kitchen with the other >As Anon snuggles his face against her butt he realizes that his cock has been waiting >Only a glorious ass could distract him away from his true goal >His eyes wander below her ponut, finding the target >Her marehood is in full view, her clitoris winking rhythmically >Anon's cock somehow grows even more as he takes it all in >Her big ass and ponut, and her mottled vulva just asking for it >He licks his pointer and middle fingers "I'm going in, please relax." >Barely containing an excited giggle, he reaches his hand out >As his moist fingers touch her vulva, something unexpected happens >Without warning her rear left hoof kicks him in the stomach "Gah!" >Shocked and reeling in pain, Anon falls backwards onto the coffee table >With a loud thud he lands on his back >He loses consciousness for a moment >When he regains his senses he wakes up to a teary eyed pegasus poking his face with her snoot "Urghh..." >As Anon remembers what happened he becomes enraged >Filled with adrenaline he jumps off of the coffee table "What the FUCK was that? Are you crazy!?" >He looks down at Derpy expecting an answer >She looks up at him and is sniffling but she doesn't say anything >Her silence only makes him more angry "Well? Say something damnit!" >Anon looks down at his stomach and sees a bruise starting to form inside the hoofprint indent >He puts his hand on it but pulls it back when it stings >"m-mommy taught me to kick if somepony touches me there...im sorry" >Still in a rage he lashes out at her "Oh? I guess that makes it all okay because of your STUPID MOMMY." >Derpy scrunches her face for a moment and then begins to bawl >Anon's adrenaline begins to fade >As he watches her cry he realizes what he just did "Derpy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that..." >He walks towards her but she flinches >In that moment Anon thinks about how messed up his initial intentions with her were >Getting the slow mare in town to bed for an easy lay >But things are different now >He actually cares about her and doesn't want to see her get hurt >She has feelings too "Look, I just-" >Before he could finish his sentence Derpy runs out of the front door >He goes to chase her but she's already in the air >She looks back at Anon, her face full of despair with tears flowing >Anon puts his hand out towards her but she turns and flies away "Fuck!" >As Anon curses at his predicament he notices that he's completely naked >And that he still has a boner >Berry Punch is leaning out of her window tending to her shrubbery >As she's fluffing her bush she notices the green man and his cock >She peers over at him with curiosity >Anon covers his dick and runs back into the house >He kicks the coffee table over "Shit!" >His adrenaline pumping again as his temper tantrum resumes >He stomps angrily around the living room with his cock flopping around >He looks down at the bruise on his stomach and tries touching it again "Ow!" >Pulling his hand back he walks into the bathroom >He eyes up the bottle of lotion and reluctantly grabs it "I was supposed to get MARE pussy today, not this faggot hand again." >With a sigh of defeat he applies lotion on his dick and starts rubbing it in "Who is it going to be today." >Anon ponders all the hot mares in town and who's the most qualified to fictionally milk his seed "Fluttershy." >Feeling mixed emotions at the mention of her name, she's the mare he wants right now >Someone kind and understanding >He starts to stroke himself as he thinks about the cute noises she will make as he takes her from behind >When Anon first arrived in Ponyville Fluttershy took an interest in him >She offered him a place to stay while his house was still being built >Although, that was extremely short-lived >"Anon, what are you doing?" >Fluttershy whisper yells at him as he has her pinned down on the lounge >He has one arm pressing her face down and the other is undoing his pants as his hips are grinding on her butt >When his pants drop, an erect Mr. Anon pops out and finds itself pressed against Fluttershy's warm ass >Her eyes go wide when she feels his dick on her butt >She gets more frantic and manages to actually break the whisper barrier >"Stop!!!" >Anon freezes, realizing something is wrong "Um, is there a problem?" >Fluttershy's face turns red with anger >As Anon lets go of her she flies up to his face >"Is there a problem? Is there a PROBLEM?!" >Anon is taken aback by the sudden change in atmosphere >"You just..." >She pauses and looks down at his still hard penis >Wanting to put space in between them, she flies backwards towards the ceiling >"You just tried to rape me mister!" >Fluttershy's tone is now back to hard whispering >Anon's jaw drops at the dire accusation >Angel is standing nearby making rude gestures >It turns out that just because a mare invited him over doesn't mean that she wanted the dick >A tough but important lesson for Anon >Ever since that incident the other elements of harmony tend to avoid him >He increases the pace, stroking himself to finish "Oh yeah. Fluttershy..." >In his mind he's plapping her pussy while she's looking back at him with hearts in her eyes >Unable to hold back any longer, he lets his load fly loose "Ahhh, Fluttershy!" >Some of it squirts in the sink, the rest plops unceremoniously to the bathroom floor >As he slonks his meat draining the rest, he is hit with a wave of negativity instead of the post-nut clarity he was seeking >Not bothering with cleaning up he goes to his bedroom >He carefully gets inside of the bed, wincing when his stomach bends >Mentally and physically exhausted, he closes his eyes and passes out >The next morning he grunts as he gets out of bed >The sharp stabbing in his gut reminding him of yesterday's events "Damn." >Anon gets dressed for work and leaves his house >As he's walking to the cafe he spots Silver Spoon >Surprisingly she is by herself >With a pompous gait she makes her way over to him >"Good morning, Ape." >Groggy with dark bags under his eyes and feeling as though he was kicked by a horse, he cannot even manage a fake smile "Aren't you supposed to be in school? And where's your boss." >Silver Spoon's face turns red in embarrassment >"W-who do you mean, and I don't have school today, it's Saturday." >Anon rubs his chin "Oh, I guess it is the weekend. I really need to get a new job." >With the conversation over Anon resumes his journey to Café Hay >Silver Spoon positions herself in front of Anon trying to stop him >He continues walking as though she's not there >"Hey, what are-" >The gray filly falls over as Anon powers through her blockade attempt >Her glasses fall off to the ground >"Get back here y-you brute!" >As she fumbles around on the ground trying to find her glasses, Anon simply ignores her and keeps going >Anon hears screeching behind him but he doesn't care >As he plods on he starts to think about the mares in town >None of them give him the time of day >Except for one >The dopey pegasus with a fat butt >Anon smiles as he vividly remembers placing his face on her flank >His smile fades as he realizes he may not get that chance again >As he arrives at the cafe he walks around to the back entrance >Opening the door he's greeted with a mess to clean up >Dishes piled up, the garbage bin overflowing, and messy countertops galore >The closing ponies always leave plenty for him to do >With a sigh he grabs his apron and gets to work >After what feels like an excruciatingly long shift, he hangs up his apron and walks out the back >He takes a moment to stretch, being careful as to not agitate his bruised stomach "Derpy..." >He sets off to what is becoming a frequent destination >Along the way he sees the normal townsponies for this time of day going about their business >A few of them acknowledge his existence, he nods back or waves >Some do their best to pretend that the strange green monkey man does not inhabit their peaceful town >And then there are the others who are completely oblivious and in their own lane >A small pony zooms by on a scooter, her tiny wings assisting her propulsion >Anon smirks and moves out of her way >As he approaches the playground, he spots trouble >Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are hanging out at the entrance >"Well well well, what do we have here." >Diamond Tiara eyes him up as she paces back and forth >Silver Spoon has her head held up high and is ignoring Anon "Your Highness. To what do I owe the honor of your presence." >Anon gives her a slight bow but makes sure not to go too low due to his bruise "I'm caught up on all of my dues." >Diamond Tiara frowns >"Hmph. I guess you have been a good little subject. How mundane." >Anon takes pleasure in her frustration >He looks around inside the park but does not see anyone else >With an eyebrow raised Diamond Tiara watches Anon >"Looking for somepony?" >Anon returns his attention back to her "As a matter of fact, I am." >She rolls her eyes in disgust >"So you really are some kind of perv." >Blushing, Silver Spoon looks up at Anon but turns her head when he returns her gaze "No, I'm looking for a mare. A gray pegasus. Blonde mane. Have you seen her" >Diamond Tiara pretends to be in deep thought >"Hmmm, no. Can't say that I have." >Anon frowns >"She's that important? Is she your lover or something?" >Silver Spoon's attention is back to Anon, waiting on his reply "Um...no. We're friends." >"Haha yeah, right okay. Why would you be looking for her here anyway." >Anon blushes in embarrassment "Uh, well she's a little slow and likes to play here. Her name is Derpy Hooves" >"The pony with messed up eyes? Talks funny?" >Anon smiles and nods >Diamond Tiara's typical smugness returns >"5 bits." >Anon's smile turns into a scowl "Really?" >Diamond Tiara let's out a little yawn >"Really." >Anon feels like squeezing her face but reaches inside of his pocket instead "Here." >Before responding she counts the bits >"I saw her flying around earlier. Near here." >Anon processes the sparse information "Anything else?" >"Nope, that's it. Goodbye loser." >And with that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walk away "Damn." >Anon looks to the skies but does not see any sign of Derpy so he starts walking to her house >As he's walking he's thinking about what he's going to say to her >After raking his brain over the idea coals, nothing solid comes to mind "I'm sorry? I'm sorry for yelling? I'm sorry for being mean? Let me touch your butt? Gah, I don't know." >Cheerilee gives him an uncomfortable smile as she passes by >Her saddlebags filled with heads of lettuce and carrots >Deep in thought and muttering to himself he doesn't even notice her >Before long Anon arrives at Derpy's not so well-kept residence >Taking a deep breath he knocks on the door >After waiting several moments nothing happens >He knocks on the door again >Still no response >As he goes to look inside one of the windows the door opens >"...Hello?" >Anon turns around and walks over to the door "Hello I-" >He stops mid sentence when the zebra wearing a white uniform starts to close the door >With a startled expression she keeps the door ajar as she hides behind it >"Who are you?" >With her thick zebra accent she questions him "My name is Anon. I'm here to see Derpy." >Still eyeing him with suspicion she continues to grill him >"Ms. Hooves does not get visitors." >Again with the barely understandable accent "I'm her friend." >Anon notices that she's wearing a white hat with a red cross on it >"Ms. Hooves does not have any friends." >Starting to lose his patience Anon tries his best to stay calm "Look, I'm her friend. My name is Anonymous. I live in Ponyville, I have a job at the cafe. I just want to see her." >The zebra finally appears to lower some of her defenses >"Ms. Hooves is currently occupied, I can take your message." >Anon sighs knowing that this is the best he's going to get without the situation escalating "Fine. Tell her to meet Anon at the playground tomorrow, the usual time." >The nurse nods and then slams the door >Anon stands there for a moment and shakes his head "Fucking ziggers." >Disappointed, he walks home. >For a split second he thinks about hitting up the bar for a few drinks "Nah." >Last time he went there he got turned down by an older single mare >Apparently she's a regular there so it's still a little awkward "I have cider at home anyway." >That reminds him of his neighbor, Berry Punch >She's always carrying saddlebags loaded with bottles >Surely she would be a blast to drink with "Nah." >Anon mentally pats himself on the back, knowing that he would without a doubt get too touchy feely >She seems like a good neighbor and he doesn't want to mess that up >Arriving at his house he opens the door >He goes to the kitchen and fixes up some leftovers >After he's finished he cleans up the living room >It's still a little chaotic from the previous day's events >As he walks into the bathroom he feels something sticky on his foot "Damn." >As he's cleaning up he's wondering what Derpy is up to "Is she thinking about me? Will she even meet me tomorrow?" >Eventually he hits the hay knowing that he has work in the morning >His last thoughts are of the unique pegasus pony >Derpy slowly opens her eyes >One of them is pointing at Lulu's face and the other to the ceiling >She remembers what the white pony told her before putting her to bed >"Meet Anon at the park tomorrow." >Derpy scrunches her face thinking about the unusual creature that recently came into her life >She has never been outside Ponyville but she remembers the tales that mommy used to tell her >Aggressive bird people with sharp beaks and claws >Large rowdy cow-like creatures that could speak >And even seaponies who lived in magical underwater cities >Derpy always enjoyed those stories >She often found herself looking outside of the window wishing she could go to one of those places >But mommy didn't allow her to leave the house "mommy?" >A small but hopefully pegasus looks up at her mother >"Yes, what is it dear?" "can i go outside to play?" >"Derpy, we've been over this a hundred times. You need to stay in the house." >Her mother sighs with a frown "b-but i... play..." >Tears begin to form in the filly's eyes >"Listen sweety, you are special. And the world isn't safe for special ponies like you." >Derpy puts her head down and begins to whimper >Her mother wraps her into a hug with her wings >"I'm so sorry sweety." >Her mother does her best to hold back her own tears >But eventually she folds and sobs as she holds her special little pony >"My baby..." >When her mommy went to sleep she was sad >She still misses her mommy a lot >But with her mommy gone, Derpy was excited to explore the town >Unfortunately she often ended up causing problems for other ponies >"Hey what's the big idea, I just set up!" >Derpy shakes her head getting up from the ground >A knocked over cart with cabbages strewn before her "...im sorry" >The elderly stallion just shakes his head and starts gathering his merchandise >As Derpy started to learn that Ponyville wasn't an easy place to get by in, she mostly contained herself to the playground >But the colts and fillies never wanted to play with her >"You're old enough to be my mom, go play tag with someone your own size." >"Ew, what's wrong with her eyes." >"Gross." >That hurt her the most >Not being able to play with the other ponies >But she found another playground at the edge of town >Smaller and worn down, but at least she could play by herself >Derpy pulls herself out of her blanket >Before leaving the bed she gives Lulu a kiss on the forehead "bye bye Lulu" >Feeling sad when she remembers what Anon said about her mommy >"Oh? I guess that makes it all okay because of your STUPID MOMMY." >She makes her way downstairs >Flying over the mess in the living room she goes to the kitchen >With a smile beginning to form she excitedly opens the bread box on the table >The white ponies put food inside for her, like mommy used to do >Before her lies a loaf of bread and several muffins >Without delay she begins to scarf down everything in sight "mmgoodmm" >She munches >Anon gives the cook an okay gesture with his fingers >The brown earth pony with blue mane raises his eyebrow in return >Through a mouthful of bread, crunchy cucumber slices and other assorted veggies, Anon mumbles to the cook "Good." >"Hopefully that's your last one, these are supposed to be the appetizers for the special guest coming later." >Anon grabs another slider from the tray >The stallion shrugs and continues preparing the next sandwich "Special guest? I suppose I won't get to see them. I'm almost done for the day." >"Apparently it's a singer or some such. Cola-something." >Anon listens to his coworker as he inhales another mini sandwich "Coloratura?" >"Yup, that's the one." "Cobalt, I know that you don't get out much, but how do you not know Coloratura?" >Cobalt shrugs "Razzle Dazzle" >Anon starts to dance "Glitz and Glam" >"Anon, please don't." >With a big smile Anon continues to bust out the moves "Turn it all up-" >Before he can get to the next part everything goes dark >He feels a damp cloth on his face >As he takes it off Cobalt chuckles at him >"Razzle dazzle that. Buckhead." >Anon sighs "Fine, I'm out anyway. Have fun." >Anon grabs another slider before heading out the back >As Anon approaches the old playground he tries to see if he can spot Derpy >But he doesn't detect anypony around, not even on the trail >He walks through the gate and immediately notices that the swing is empty >That's Derpy's favorite spot >Not that there's many spots >The playground is more or less just trees and overgrown gardens >He checks the rusted jungle gym but she's not there either "Derpy? Are you here?" >Anon calls out to the empty air already knowing the reply he would get >Silence. "Damnit." >Anon kicks up some mulch in defeat and walks over to the swing >He takes a seat and ponders if he should go to her house "Nah." >If she's mad enough to not meet him at the park then going to her house would only make things worse >He sighs and sits there for a few more moments >He started the day feeling good >Work was busy but it went quick >He was really excited to see Derpy >For some reason he expected her to be over what happened, just because he was over it >Reality often works differently then expected >Anon stretches his shoulders and gets up from the swing >As he's walking home he thinks about his plans for the evening >Plan A is scrapped, but there is no Plan B >He could reread his Daring Do series he thinks to himself "Yeah, that sounds comfy. I'll start over." >As he walks up to his house his mouth drops in surprise >Sitting against the front door is a certain gray pegasus >But something is off >Her wings are hanging limply to her sides and her head is drooped facing the ground "D-derpy?" >He calls her name as he cautiously approaches >With one hoof slightly raised, she looks up at Anon as he walks towards her >He restrains the urge to yell, since last time that didn't end well "What the hay happened to you?" >She looks back to the ground avoiding the question >Anon kneels down next to her and carefully lifts her muzzle up >She sniffles as he brings her head in alignment with his >Her sad eyes try to look at him >Only one manages to do so, the other hanging lazily pointing at the ground "Sweet Celestia..." >"...i..." >He patiently waits for her response >"i fell" >There is purple swelling all around the eye that is looking at him, the eye is barely open >The tip of her snoot is bruised with blood and mucus leaking out of her nostrils >Her lower lip is bleeding and swollen >As Anon examines her injuries he is reviewing the story in his head >On one hand, she probably did fall at one point since he last saw her >But on the other hand, his gut is telling him she got beat up >His mind quickly races to the zebra nurse "Did the white ponies do this to you?" >Derpy shakes her head >Giving up for now, he just wants to get her in the house "Ok, we can talk about it more once we get inside." >He opens the door and walks in behind her >After closing the door he kneels down next to her "Derpy, I'm sorry about the other day. Your mommy was a very special pony. Because her daughter is also. very special." >Anon goes in for the hug and hopes his apology was good enough >He smiles as she hugs him back >This was no ordinary hug he thought, she was practically squeezing him >Her light sniffling turns into sobbing >Anon holds her and tries to soothe her >With his free hand he runs it through her mane, making sure to rub and scritch "It's okay Derpy, I'm here for you." >Derpy’s mind races over what happened to her earlier >"Well well well, what do we have here." >Derpy lowers her gaze and looks at the ground >Silver Spoon walks up to Derpy and forcefully pokes her >"Hey retard. Your superiors are speaking to you." >Diamond Tiara has her typical smugness but Silver Spoon is flustered and ill-tempered >Derpy looks up at them but doesn't say anything >Diamond Tiara continues with her spiel >"You still owe us bits from last time. You brought them with you, right?" >Derpy looks back at the ground "...no. im not here to play im meeting anon" >"What did you just say?" >Silver Spoon confrontationally walks into Derpy's space >"i don't have any bits...sorry" >Without warning Silver Spoon uses both of her forehooves to jump into Derpy >As she knocks her off of the swing Derpy yells out in surprise >Silver Spoon wastes no time and brings her hooves down furiously on Derpy's face >Derpy feels her snoot being trampled by angry hooves >She tries to cry out for help but then a hoof slams down on her mouth >"What the hay are you doing? Get off of her!" >Diamond Tiara intervenes and tries to grab Silver Spoon away from Derpy >But Silver Spoon easily pushes her back as adrenaline is flooding her system >She turns back to her victim and recklessly slams her hoof directly onto Derpy's eye >"Why does he like a birdbrain like you!" >She yelps in pain >"It's not fair!" >As Silver Spoon winds her hoof back for another swing, she's slammed into the ground by Diamond Tiara >While on top of Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara sharply stares down at her >"That's not how we do things!" >Silver Spoon grits her teeth and rolls Diamond Tiara off of her >"I was teaching her a lesson." >Derpy moans in pain while the two fillies quarrel >"Wait, do you actually have a crush on that monkey freak?" >With venom, Diamond Tiara interrogates her peer >Silver Spoon blushes and turns her head away when responding >"N-no...that would be ridiculous." >Diamond Tiara's face wrinkles in disgust >"Oh my gosh, that's so gross." >Silver Spoon lifts her muzzle high with pride >"Whatever, you're not my boss." >Diamond Tiara shakes her head and walks over to Derpy >Derpy groans as Diamond Tiara helps her get up >"Yeah, real cool DT, taking the retard's side." >Diamond Tiara simply glares at her >Silver Spoon looks at Derpy and snarls >"If you tell anypony about this I'm going to beat up Anon. Way worse than you got." >As Derpy leans against Diamond Tiara all she can muster is an awkward wailing sob >Without any more words Silver Spoon turns around and leaves >Anon pats Derpy's back as she squeezes him >Eventually her grasp on him eases up "Come on, I need to get you fixed up." >He breaks the hug >No longer crying, but still teary eyed, she looks up at him and nods >Anon walks to the bathroom with the frazzled ditzy mare in tow >Her wings return to her back instead of dragging on the ground >She finds her spirits rising in the presence of Anon >He rummages through the closet and picks out a few packages and bottles "This. And that...and this." >He puts everything on top of the sink counter and starts unwrapping some of the packages "Derpy I am going to clean your face, I'll need you to stand near the sink." >Anon turns on the faucet letting it heat up >"okay" >As he fills the cup with warm water, Derpy stands next to him >He puts a bar of soap in the cup >Derpy watches curiously as it bobs up and down "Warm soapy water coming right up. You will be as good as new in no time." >Anon picks up a swab and dips it in the soapy water and swirls it around "This is going to sting, but I promise it's for your own good." >Derpy gulps and reluctantly nods >He grasps her head with one hand and steadies the swab with his other >He gently brings it down on the bruise around her eye >As he gently blots around the eye he can feel Derpy tensing up from the pain >"ow" "You're doing great, we're almost done with this part." >After a few more blots he takes a look at his handiwork >He knows what she really needs is ice >But he only has cool storage in his house, not a freezer >At least he can clean the area for now "Alright, time to wash up your snoofer" >He pats her on the head and she smiles >"Smiling ponies heal faster is what my old grandpappy used to say." >"really?" "Well, no. He wasn't a horse, but the same principle applies." >Derpy waits patiently as Anon prepares for the next procedure >He fills up another cup with water only "Alright Derpy I'll need you to hold your face over the sink." >Derpy pushes her head forward so that it's hovering above the white porcelain crater "This shouldn't be as bad." >He slowly pours the water over her aggrieved nose and mouth >She winces in pain but keeps her head in position "Almost done." >Next he grabs the cup of soapy water and applies it to her face >With a small medical grade square cloth he starts to lightly tap her face soaking up the excess water >Derpy grunts in discomfort several times but it's eventually over "And now for the ointment." >Derpy frowns >"how many more parts?" >He pats her head again "Last one." >"okay" >Derpy watches him as he dips a fresh swab into a small jar >Once again he grabs her face and begins to apply the ointment >Derpy gasps at the cooling sensation "And done. Be careful not to rub it all off immediately." >She unconvincingly nods to Anon >He starts to put away his ramshackle first aid kit "If you could give me a few minutes though, that would be great." >As he puts the last of the supplies away he returns his attention back to the pony sitting on his bathroom floor "Ahem, a little privacy please?" >Derpy looks up at Anon smiling "Well if you want to stay I guess that's fine." >Anon walks over to the toilet and then glances at Derpy "Okay, I guess you really want to see." >He unbuttons his pants and out flops his dick >Derpy tilts her head to the side as she tries to get a different angle with her eyes >"mr anon?" >He looks over at her and realizes he might be getting turned on with her staring at it like that >He pulls his pants back up "Okay, I actually need a little bit of privacy." >He leads her out of the bathroom and then closes the door behind him >He's half expecting the door to open up at any second, but it stays shut >After taking a piss in peace he walks outside to the living room >He panics when he doesn't see the gray pegasus "Derpy?" >He hears a thud coming from his room "Sigh." >At a brisk pace he heads to his room hopeful that nothing broke, and that she's okay >As he enters the room he notices that his closet is open >Boxes, clothes, and other random articles are scattered across his room "How in Celestia-" >Derpy is sitting on the ground >She has her face questionably close to an open magazine >With an intense stare all of her attention is absorbed >He walks further into the room he realizes what she's looking at >Or at least has a relatively good idea >He walks over to her while talking "Uh, I see you are an enjoyer of light reading." >He looks down and confirms his guess, it's an older issue of Kirin Fever >She pays him no mind as she blushes at the sight before her >An assortment of Kirin locked in some giant orgy ritual >He grabs the magazine from her and starts going through some of the pages >Derpy gets up and tries to peek >Unfortunately her eyes aren't cooperating so she ends up walking in mini circles "Not bad, I forgot I had this one." >Anon closes the mag and stuffs it into a random box that fell out of his closet >Derpy goes to investigate but Anon blocks her path >With arms folded he looks down at her "You can look at that another time if you're so interested. However, you never told me what happened to you." >Derpy's smile disappears in an instant >She looks away as she mumbles something >Anon puts his hand to his ear "What's that? Can't hear you." >"...i fell" >Anon sighs as he walks in front of where her head is pointing >She tilts her head sideways so one of her eyes can look at him "You know that I know that's not what happened." >The rest of Derpy's body twists to align with her head as she sits down >With her head still at an awkward angle, she continues to look at Anon while scrunching her face "I'll give you a carrot." >Her ears perk up at the mention of food >Anon smirks as he confirms her weakness >With a deflated expression she returns her head to a normal posture >"...im not allowed to talk about it" >Anon raises his eyebrow, this is definitely getting more suspicious "Can you tell me who did it? Was it that white pony that I saw at your house?" >Derpy doesn't hesitate to respond >"zende's not nice like mommy but she never hurt me" >He eyes her up but doesn't identify anything off about her mannerisms "And what about the other white ponies?" >She confidently shakes her head back and forth "I never thought I'd be playing Guess Who with a talking horse." >Derpy wrinkles her nose >"who what?" "Exactly Derpy, who did it." >She sits there not saying anything "I know, come with me." >Anon leaves the bedroom, he looks behind him to make sure she is following >He makes his way to the kitchen and opens the pantry >His eyes wander to the orange blob sitting on the shelf >Taking one off of the stack, he turns around and holds out the carrot to Derpy >She goes to bite into it but he pulls it away "Ah ah ah, not so fast." >She pouts as he wiggles his finger at her "Was it somepony in Ponyville?" >She nods >He breaks off a small piece of the carrot and hands it to her >She eagerly accepts >Anon smiles as he watches his strategy begin to unfold "Was it a stallion?" >Derpy shakes her head as she's chewing the chunk of carrot >He breaks off another piece which she happily takes "Was it a colt?" >Derpy shakes her head as she continues gobbling up the next reward "Was it a mare?" >She shakes her head "Hmmm. Was it a creature or other non-pony?" >Once again she shakes her head >He begins to do the quick maths in his head as he hands her the next piece >'If it's not a stallion, not a colt, mare, or creature. That leaves only fillies remaining' >And then the realization hits him "Was it a pair of fillies with attitude problems?" >Derpy's eyes go wide and her pupils shrink >And for a split second her eyes underp >'Bingo Bango Bongo' >She hurriedly shakes her head back and forth >Anon plays it cool and hands her the rest of the carrot "Wow, you're really good at this game. I'm no match, I give up." >Visibly taking a breath of relief, Derpy's smile returns as she munches on her prize >Anon makes a notable effort to contain the rage he feels rising >He takes note to pay a visit to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon tomorrow >He's off from work too >It's one thing to shake down a creature for bits now and then >But beating up a special pony like Derpy is going too far >He clenches his fist thinking about how he's going to pay them back >He's taken out of his revenge fantasy when he feels a moist sticky nudge on his hand >He looks down and Derpy's looking up at him with a big smile >He can't help but smile back, thoughts of revenge can wait >He looks at his hand where she smeared her ointment "You gotta be careful with that stuff." >He sighs knowing it's a moot point, he'll consider it a win if even the smallest amount can last an hour >"anon im sweepy" >As she yawns Anon looks outside the window >The sun is beginning to set but it's not particularly late "You've been through a lot today. I'll walk you home." >With heavily lidded eyes she shakes her head >"i want to stay here" >Anon audibly gulps "Like, stay the night?" >She nods >Anon thinks for a moment >On one hand he still wants to bang her brains out >But on the other hand she's been through a lot >And he doesn't want to get kicked again, there's that too >He instinctively reaches down to his bruised stomach >It doesn't sting anymore when he touches it but it still aches >Derpy's smiling while looking up expectantly at Anon "Uh...fine. Alright." >Derpy's wings extend and flap in excitement >"yay" "But there are a few house rules" >Derpy's head tilts as she inquires about said rules >"what are those?" >With a smug grin he informs her "I'm glad you asked. Rule #1: Anon is always right. Rule #2: No rummaging through my closet. Rule #3: No eating after bedtime." >Derpy un-tilts her head >"okay" "You got all that?" >As she nods she lets out another yawn "Okay, how about a bedtime story?" >Her eyes sparkle and she quickly nods >He walks out to the living room and inspects his bookshelf >Derpy sits next to him and leans on his leg >Her warmth is actively being detected by Mr. Anon's radar >He sighs and just picks the first book he finds >The Quest for the Sapphire Stone >Definitely not his favorite by Daring Do, but it will work >Mr. Anon's radar loses signal as his leg moves away from the target >He walks to his bedroom and looks at the clutter scattered on the floor >He was only in the bathroom for a minute or two >'How did this little pony cause so much chaos in such a short amount of time?' "Since you are my honored guest you can have my bed for the night." >Derpy enthusiastically jumps onto it without further persuading >She tilts her head backwards and smiles at Anon >Her tongue is sticking out of the corner of her mouth as her eyes google around >Unable to hold back a smile himself, Anon walks over and pats her head "You're an oddball, you know that?" >She's still looking at him from her peculiar position >"whats that?" >Anon thinks for a moment and puts his hand on his chin "Probably a few things. One of a kind? Yes. Exceptional? Check. Silly? Most definitely." >Orienting her head in a more natural position, she looks confused >"is that good?" >Anon ruffles her mane "Yes Derp, you're a good pony." >She giggles and nuzzles his hand >"hehe" >Anon sighs as he feels more of the medical ointment sticking to his flesh, but he rubs it off on his pants without reprimanding her "I'll tuck you in and then start the story." >She gets under the covers and looks up at him >Anon grabs the bottom corner of the blanket and wraps it under the mattress >As he goes to the next corner Derpy interrupts him >"arent you coming too?" >He freezes >'Crap' "It's all yours, I'm going to sleep on the couch." >Derpy's mouth forms a frown "i dont want to be alone..." >Her sleepy eyelids blink several times in the silence >Anon clears his throat as he thinks for a response >Her frown turns to a pouty face "Okay, fine." >She giggles through a smile "But I need to wash up real quick first. I'll be back in a few minutes." >Anon takes off his shirt and throws it on the floor and then walks to the bathroom >This is an interesting turn of events he muses >It's been a long time since he has had a mare in his bed >As he washes his face, two tiny altered forms of himself appear on his shoulders >'You know you want to hit that' >A miniature Anon with red horns gives him a knowing grin >'It is wrong to take advantage of her' >The other mini Anon glows brightly with flowing wings and gives him a harsh glare >'But that ass though' >'She may have the body of an adult but she is mentally stunted' >'You heard bozo over there, she has an adult body. Use it' >'She is alone in this world and she trusts you' >'Tard moaning sex though' >Devil-anon's fang filled smile widens when he notices that he got through to Mr. Anon >Angel-anon shakes his head in disapproval as he looks down at the bulge growing in his host's pants >'She must be protected, contain thyself' >Anon reluctantly nods in agreement >He fills a cup with cold water and walks over to the bathtub >'Hey bud, whaddya doing over here? Get back to the bedroom and claim your prize' >To devil-anon's dismay, Anon pulls down his pants and resolutely pours the cold water on his growing chub >'You fool!' >Anon lets out a heavy gasp as the frigid aqua deflates his nefarious phallus >Angel-anon gives a slight nod in respect and poofs into thin air >Devil-anon follows suit in the midst of screaming profanities "Whew." >Anon goes back to the sink and looks at himself in the mirror "Alright." >With sureness in his stride he makes his way back to the bedroom >Derpy looks different >As he walks over to inspect her he can hear her heavy breathing >She's fast asleep >He bends over to her face and gently pokes her cheek >There is no response >'Yup, she's knocked out' >Anon paces back and forth unsure of what to do >He could go sleep on the couch to be safe >But what if she wakes up? She might be scared waking up alone in a new place >He scratches his head >After 10 minutes of standing in the exact same spot, he takes off his pants >Leaving them where they dropped, he walks over to the Daring Do book and picks it up >Before leaving the room he looks back at Derpy >Her chest slowly rises and falls as she breathes >Anon looks at her closed eyelids and wonders how long she will be out for >As he thinks about the long day she went through, he can feel his blood start to reignite >He already has his plan figured out but it has to wait until tomorrow >Anon turns off the light but leaves the door open "Goodnight Derpy." >He makes his way over to the bookshelf and puts the Daring Do novel back in its spot >He walks into the kitchen and grabs a carrot >As he munches he mules over his plan one more time >'They won't expect me at their school.' >With a devious grin he goes back to the bookshelf >Punishment will have to wait, it's time to get comfy >Anon searches for the first book in the series >Daring Do and the Marked Thief of Marapore >This wasn't his favorite but there was something special about starting over >He makes his way over to the couch and lays on his back, propped up on an end-cushion >Before opening the book he admires the artwork on the cover >He skips the author information and goes right to the prologue >'The colossal silver unicorn glanced back at his mud-smeared flank and cringed. The dirt didn't cover his hideous scar entirely, but hopefully the blanket of the midnight darkness would dim the monstrosity' >Anon yawns as he gets through the first few pages >He thinks to himself that he had a long day too >Before long he blinks and everything goes black >Anon begins to regain consciousness as he feels something incessantly poking his arm "Huh?" >He tries to open his eyes but everything is still dark >Reaching for his face he feels something hard >As he rolls off the sofa the book falls to the ground, where Anon also finds himself "Ow." >With his vision returned, the first thing he sees is a gray snoofa pointing down at his face >"hi anon" >She boops him in the cheek "D-derpy?" >Still groggy Anon makes an effort to get up >As he sits on the ground he leans against the couch >Before he can do anything else, Derpy walks over his legs and hugs him with her wings >"good morning!" >Not expecting such an eventful awakening, Anon reacts slowly >Eventually he wraps his arms around her "Good morning yourself. You startled me." >As she giggles Anon's heart begins to flutter >'Am I falling in love with this goofy mare I just met?' >He blushes and smiles as he tightens his arms around her >They keep the embrace for another minute and then Derpy breaks away >With an animated smile she looks at him anticipatorily >Anon's smile dissolves when he examines her face >Her eye is even more swollen and bruised, he can barely see her yellow iris >His jaw involuntarily clenches >The small cuts on her nose and mouth formed scabs, and the bruises do not seem any worse >There was at least some healing progress, but the busted up eye really gets his adrenaline pumping >Derpy is oblivious to his brooding thoughts >He realizes she's looking at him like she wants something >Shrugging off some of his anger he tries to appear more coolheaded >"im hungry" "Of course, where are my manners." >Anon gets up off of the floor and makes his way to the kitchen >Derpy giddily follows him "I don't really have anything prepared. Will carrots be okay?" >He turns around to check on her answer >She nods >"yum" "I'll take that as a yes." >He opens the pantry, grabs a carrot and hands it to her >She grabs it with her mouth and ravenously starts chomping on it >Anon looks away from her for a moment to check the time >Considering how early he went to bed, it's later than he thought it would be >'Thankfully Derpy woke me up' >He notices that the loud chewing noises suddenly ceased >He returns his attention to Derpy >"more please" >He forgot how much she can put down the hatch "Coming right up." >He grabs a handful of carrots and places them on the table. "All yours." >Derpy's eyes light up and she continues her breakfast of champions >Anon goes to his room and gets dressed >By the time he walks back to the kitchen Derpy is already done with all of the carrots "Derpy, I'm off from work today but I need to take care of some business in town. I have time to walk you home first." >Derpy visibly deflates and scrunches her face >Anon raises his eyebrow "Is something wrong?" >Without hesitation she responds >"i want to stay here" >Anon thinks for a moment >He's worried that his house may look like hers when he gets back >But he can't say no "You may stay here-" >"yay thank you anon!" >Derpy slams into him for a hug >Anon was about to go on a tangent of rules but winces in pain instead >A surprise headbutt to his already bruised stomach was not on his morning wishlist "...please just be careful." >Derpy looks up at him as she's still squeezing him with her wings >He gets the feeling she's about to ask for something >"lulu" "Lulu?" >"lulu" >Anon shrugs internally "What about her?" >Derpy frowns >"i miss her" >Anon continues looking down at her slightly confused "Um, so go get her?" >she shakes her head and gets quiet >And then it clicks "Is it because of what happened yesterday?" >She slowly nods into his stomach as she hides her face >Another wave of rage courses through Anon's veins >He rubs her head "It's okay, I can get Lulu." >He doesn't know how that's going to go down exactly but he will worry about it later >"t-thank you" >He can feel her wings loosening up "I shouldn't be too long but in case you get hungry I'll leave you more carrots" >Anon grabs another handful of orange goodies and places them on the table >Derpy looks over at them eagerly but shows restraint "Alright I'm heading out" >She follows him to the living room >"bye bye!" >As he closes the door he sees her trotting back to the kitchen >He makes a mental note to stock up on food at one point this week >Anon makes his way to the schoolhouse >He spots very few ponies along the way since it's so early >Before he gets in sight of the school he hides in a bush near the road >And waits >He sits in silent agitation as he holds for the marked duo to make their appearance >After 10 minutes the early birds arrive >A red curly haired filly with glasses >Next is brown colt with a funny looking cutie mark >As more trickle in through the road, a bead of sweet forms on his shiny green head >'Where are they...' >He cracks his knuckles and stretches his neck >A trio of fillies pass by him singing a song >Something about cutie marks >After a few more minutes the string of foals ends >Just as he's about to leave he spots a singular filly walking the path >Pale magenta and wearing a prissy crown, he recognizes her immediately >He waits patiently >Just as she is about to pass he hops out of the bush onto the path "Hello little filly." >Diamond Tiara jumps back in surprise >"What the!" >He folds his arms and looks down at her with a stern expression >"You scared the hay out of me Anon. What are you even doing here?" "Where is Silver Spoon?" >She rolls her eyes >"What, do you like her or something? Freaking perv-" >Before she can finish that thought, Anon bends down and squeezes her face "I saw what you did to Derpy." >Diamond Tiara's eyes go wide >She tries to shake out of his death grip but she fails >She tries to scream but her cheeks are held tight, preventing her from opening her mouth >Anon raises his other hand in the air as though he's going to hit her >Her eyes look up in fear as she tries to break free from his grasp >She watches his green monkey paw slowly descend as if time was lagging behind >Anon smiles gleefully as his hand makes contact with her soft little butt. *WHAP* >She yells into his hand as her rump turns red >Anon brings back his arm for another swing but as he does so his grip on her face loosens >Not wasting her chance, Diamond Tiara twists out of his grip enough to get her mouth free >She chomps down on the webbing between his index finger and his thumb >Anon screams out in pain "Fuck!" >He tries to shake her off of his hand but now it's her turn to hold a death grip "Let go!" >She ignores him and looks like she might even be enjoying herself >Anon brings his hand up and smacks her in the face *CLAP* >She let's go and falls to the ground >With tears running down her cheeks she looks up at Anon with a fuming glare >Between heavy breaths she speaks as Anon is checking to make sure his hand is attached to his arm >There's some bleeding from a small rip in the webbed skin, but otherwise still intact >"I...I didn't hurt her...Derpy..." >Anon does a double take "What...?" >Diamond Tiara gets up off of the ground, she's still flustered and her face is as red as a beet >"I helped her." "Then who did it? Who would hurt her like that? She wouldn't tell me but I narrowed it down to you and Silver Spoon." >Diamond Tiara looks away awkwardly at the mention of Silver Spoon's name "Wait, did Silver Spoon do it?" >She slowly nods "...but why?" >"I don't know, it was a routine bit collection. And we already knew Derpy couldn't pay us, it was just for fun." >Anon crosses his arms and looks down at her "Really? Bullying special ponies just for fun?" >Diamond Tiara unapologetically shrugs and continues >"Anyway, Silver Spoon got really crazy for some reason. I think because of you." >Anon looks confused "Me?" >"And she started hoofing her like a madmare. I had to knock her away from Derpy. That's the story." >Anon slowly absorbs the new information. "So, where is Silver Spoon, isn't she like your underling?" >Diamond Tiara looks annoyed at the question >"Not anymore apparently. She never came to my house this morning, we normally walk to school together. And I'm going to be late because I waited for her. And was assaulted by a monkey freak." >She walks up to him and hoofs him in the shin "Hey!" >And again in the same spot "Ow!" >She flips her head and starts walking away from him "Wait!" >Diamond Tiara reluctantly stops and looks back >"What is it now?" >Anon pauses as he thinks of what he wants to say >"Well?" >She taps her hoof impatiently "Thank you. For helping Derpy, that means a lot." >"And?" "And?" >He gets the hint "And I profusely apologize to her Majesty for the misunderstanding...and ambush. And slapping" >Diamond Tiara is back to her smug self >"And?" "And I owe her Majesty a great debt." >"Hmph, fine. I won't tell anypony about this. But you owe me big time." >With that she turns her reddened behind back towards the schoolhouse and walks away >Anon stands there scratching his head >That was not the encounter he was expecting >He can still feel his adrenaline running even though he feels a little bit better about the situation >He begins to organize his thoughts about everything that's happened so far >With a jolt of anger Silver Spoon's smug face vividly appears before him >Diamond Tiara is not the kind of filly to become the anti-bully, Silver Spoon must have been really off the mark >'She must be punished. If she didn't go to school she might be at home' >He begins to walk back to town when he realizes he has no idea where she lives >He turns around to see if Diamond Tiara is still there but she is far down the road >'I don't think I want her to know where I'm going anyway' >Anon walks back to town thinking about how he is going to find her >As he is brainstorming he passes by the town hall >'Wait, that's it. There should be some information in there. These ponies aren't very private' >With a hopeful smile he walks inside the sizable structure >His first thought is that it is surprisingly empty "Hello?" >There are no ponies in sight so he explores further in >There doesn't appear to be much in the main entry room but there are several doors along the walls >He walks over to the nearest door and lightly knocks >After waiting a moment he opens the door and walks in >There is a desk with an empty seat, a small filing cabinet and some decorations >He notices that there is a nameplate on the desk >It reads: Mayor Mare >Anon met her once or twice but does not remember her that well >But he does remember that she was not happy to take in a non-pony as a resident of Ponyville >But she did not have a choice when Canterlot's Citizenship and Immigration Services sent Anon to her doorstep >He walks over to the filing cabinet and looks around the room again, making sure he is alone >Opening the drawer he starts to finger through the manilla folders >None of the tabs are labelled so he picks up one the folders >As he opens the folder he can hear hoofsteps coming from behind >’Shit’ >”Excuse me. Can I help you?” >An older pony with a posh accent is looking at Anon as he turns around to face her. “Uh…” >Anon fails to find any words >His mind is still operating in a singular mode with one particular filly in mind >”What are you doing with those files?” >The white and gray-maned mare looks as though she is losing her patience “I..just want to look at some town records. You know, like public records. You ponies have those right?” >She looks at him with doubt >”Mr. Mous I presume? Yes, we ponies keep public records. But this is my office and you were not invited.” >Anon does his best to hide his annoyance at being interrupted on his quest “Oh, I didn’t know. Please accept my sincere apologies.” >He carefully returns the file to the cabinet >She rolls her eyes seeing right through his counterfeit dialogue >”Hmph, let us get on with it. What are you looking for exactly?” >He has to think for a moment, avoiding blurting out the real reason “You know…property records and stuff” >”Very well, follow me.” >With her head raised up she trots out of the room >Anon follows her and takes a moment to enjoy her rump >Although her tail is blocking her bits, he can still appreciate the jiggle of her cheeks >’If she wasn’t so stuck up maybe I would try to tap that’ >As if noticing his dirty thoughts she glances back at Anon with disapproval >She makes her way over to the next door along the wall >There is a plaque above the doorway that reads: Public Records >’Oh’ >Mayor Mare walks into the center of the room and points to a set of filing cabinets >”The property records are stored there.” >Anon walks over and opens the top drawer of the closet cabinet >”Is there something particular you are looking for?” “Uh, not really. Just general information stuff.” >”Or maybe somepony specifically?” >She looks at him questionably as she continues to pry >Anon turns around, visibly irritated “I want to learn more about the town, that’s all. Is this information accessible to residents or not, Mare?” >Her face turns red in anger as he rubs in the fact that he is a resident of Ponyville, while also using her name informally >”Yes, it is. But make sure you leave everything just as you found it. I know that may be difficult for a primate to comprehend. But please do try your best, Mr. Mous.” >She starts to walk away with a scowl on her face >Anon is tempted to go and smack her in the face, but he clenches his fist instead, remembering his true goal >With Mayor Mare gone, he shakes his head and returns his attention to the task at hand >He opens the drawer and sighs with relief when he sees that the tabs are actually labelled >Quickly fingering through he finds what he is looking for >He reads the parcel number and burns that into his skull >On the wall next to the cabinets is a map of Ponyville >Each house and plot of land have parcel numbers assigned >With excitement Anon scans the map, waiting for his number to appear as though he is playing the lottery “Found ya.” >He digs his finger into the map where her house is >Forgetting to put away the file as he was instructed, he leaves the town hall with a purposeful stride in his step >With an exuberant smile plastered on his face he waves to passerbyers in town >Some of them wave back or say hello >Others keep their distance >As he approaches what he thinks is Silver Spoon’s house he snaps out of his stupor >’Alright, time to lock in' >There are several townsponies in the distance so he tries to act casual >'Approach like it's my own house. Easy' >The two-story structure appears to be ordinary in size >Anon assumed Silver Spoon lived in some fancy mansion >But he takes note of the groomed bushes and elegant garden >'Crap, does she have a servant?' >Anon kicks himself in the ass as he realizes she's just a filly who probably lives with her parents >His palms begin to sweat as he loses confidence in his plan >Maybe this was a bad idea >"Hey there neighbor." >Anon jumps up in surprise at the sudden intrusion >So much for situational awareness >His blood runs cold as he slowly turns around >A brown stallion with buck teeth smiles at him warmly "Uh...hi" >He stands there like a deer in headlights >"So what brings you to this part of town Anon?" >The simple earth pony holds his smile >Anon's mind starts racing >'Does he know?' >'What do I do?' >"Helloooo?" >The friendly pony waves his hoof at Anon trying to get his attention >Anon blinks and looks around at his surroundings, checking his options >"Everything okay bud?" >The earth pony pokes him with his hoof >Anon jolts out of his paranoid induced trance >He looks down and realizes he's still on the road >In his mind it was as though he got caught climbing through her window >The pony goes to poke him again but Anon puts his hand up "Oh yeah, everything is good. I was just uh, day dreaming. You know how it is. Heh." >The stallion vigorously nods his head in agreement >"Absolutely bud, that happens to me all the time." >He chuckles heartily and awkwardly >'Ponyville sure does have some country bumpkins' >Anon tries to smile but it comes out more like a grimace "Haha, yeah..." >The stallion suddenly stops laughing and looks serious >He gets closer to Anon and whispers >"But make sure to say your prayers to Celestia, you don't want that nightmare tramp coming for ya." >Anon raises his eyebrow "...do you mean Princess Luna?" >The earth pony's eyes go wide in fear >"SHHHH!" >He shadily looks around and in an even lower voice he whispers uneasily >"She doesn't fool me, just know that I warned you." >Anon opens his mouth and is about to debate him but then abruptly closes his mouth >'This pony is off his damn rocker' >Anon bends down slightly and whispers back "Aye, thanks neighbor." >The earth pony smiles and starts to walk away >"Have a great day neighbor!" >Back to his loud overly friendly self, the stallion winks at Anon and trods along the road while humming a tune >Anon grabs the sides of his pants, letting the moisture from his hands get absorbed into the cloth >After taking a deep breath he resumes his path to Silver Spoon's house >He does not see anypony else nearby so he crouches down and makes his way around the side of the house >He tries looking through the window but it's blocked by a curtain >He slowly sneaks around the back >There's a water fountain with birds chirping >The little song birds take turns dipping their heads and wings in the water in between their unorganized symphony of chirping >The backyard is mostly one large garden >There are several shrubberies of varying species and sizes >But the one that stands out the most is the hedge that's formed into the shape of a pony >An older stallion wearing a suit and monocle >'I wonder if that's her dad' >Anon thinks about what he will do if her parents are home >He comes up blank >'Mr. and Mrs. Spoon? Nice to meet you. I came here to report your daughter for beating up my marefriend. She needs to be punished immediately' >Yeah, he's got nothing solid >He will cross that bridge when he gets to it >Continuing his slow advance, he spots a sliding glass door >'I didn't know ponies had these, must be rare. And expensive' >He tries pulling on the handle but it doesn't budge "Curses..." >Still crouched he walks around the other side of the residence >His eyes light up when he spots two windows >Eagerly moving forward he peeks into the first one >Purple laced curtains block his vision >Frustrated, he puts his hands on the window and tries to slide it up >Locked >He reluctantly goes to the next window but he's met with the same obstructions >Giving up on the sneaky approach he stands up and walks around to the front >He looks around and sees at least one pony in the distance which makes him a little nervous >As he makes his way to the front door he glances at the large bay window protruding from the wall of the house >No curtains this time but he does not want to look suspicious to any onlookers by walking up and staring inside >He goes to the front door and knocks >He waits several moments but there is no answer >Curiosity getting the better of him he walks over to the bay window >He wraps his hands around his ocular region >Planting his flesh binoculars against the cool glass, he looks inside >There is a lavish dining room with silver plates and goblets set on a dark wooden table >Above is a golden chandelier with an assortment of crystals and gems >Anon feels a pang of jealousy as he thinks about his thrifty shack >But that immediately reminds him of Derpy >And why he is here >He winces in frustration as he vividly has her bruised and teary eyed face dangling in front of him >He stomps back to the front door and tries to open it, but it is locked >Becoming more irritable, he starts pounding on the door with his balled fist >He gives it five loud thwacks >After waiting a minute he raises his fist to start pounding again but he hears the locking mechanism *CLICK* *CLANK* >The door slowly opens >Silver Spoon is standing in the entryway >She blushes as she looks up at Anon >His eyes are locked onto her with determination >They both stare at each other without saying anything but Silver Spoon eventually breaks the silence >"W-what do you want, ape?” >Anon tries his best to postpone his eruption "Are your parents home?" >With a slightly straight face he is able to get the important question out >Silver Spoon hesitates before answering >"N-no, why?" >She tilts her head down slightly and lightly bites down on her lip >Anon moves forward pushing the small filly backwards >Taken out of her flirty mood, Silver Spoon protests his forceful entry >"What the hay!" >With a maniacal grin Anon shuts the front door and locks it *CLICK* *CLACK* >"What are you do-" >Her young voice is squelched as a green hand grabs her throat >Anon slams her onto her back >He kneels down next to her face and starts yelling “WHAT DID YOU DO TO DERPY!” >Her eyes go wide as she struggles in his grip >Her butt uselessly wiggles from side to side >Small forehooves try to push him away but she is powerless against the ape rage "WHY DID YOU DO IT!" >Anon's spittle flings into her face as she gasps for air >He can feel her soft throat starting to compress under the might of his enraged grip >Silver Spoon tries to say something but it just ends in a gurgle "WHAT?!" >Anon proceeds with his aggressive interrogation method >"...I..." >Silver Spoon continues gurgling as she tries to speak >He notices that he might be going too far and lets go of her throat >Completely flustered, she takes several heavy gasps of air >With a mixture of being turned on and scared to death she looks up at Anon with her reddened face >“I…I like you.” >Still kneeling next to her, Anon is dumbfounded >His brain is having trouble processing what she just said "W-what?" >Silver Spoon turns her head away in embarrassment as she labors to breathe >Still facing away from him she brings her hooves to her bruised throat >Anon looks at the damage and takes a big gulp of regret >'By Celestia, I almost killed her...' >Still mentally sluggish, he continues kneeling next to her as his brain struggles to comprehend everything >She turns her head back to Anon as she continues to breathe heavily >"Anon. Take me." >He locks eyes with her almost pleading stare >Something nudges him mentally to look down >Her clitoris is winking at him while a faint liquid dribbles out of her vulva >Anon's cock wakes up from being offline "What the fuck?" >His dick slowly rises as he feels it tingle and twitch at the sight of the prime filly pussy buffet lying before him >Realizing what's happening he slaps himself in the face >Still on her back, Silver Spoon looks up at him expectantly >"Please...buck me Anon." >He tries to tune her out and slaps himself again >'Ouch' >That time he felt the sting >He brings the visage of Derpy in his mind to help distract him from temptation >Still with chub in pants, he is able to resist what no normal male could resist “You're just a kid. And I would never like someone who did that to Derpy…just leave us alone.” >He gets up from the floor and unlocks the door >Silver Spoon is still lying on her back >Her mouth begins to tremble as she watches Anon walk away from her >Feeling extremely vulnerable and alone she abruptly starts to sob loudly >As Anon closes the door he locks eyes with Silver Spoon >Her sad eyes plead one last time as hot tears rush down her little gray cheeks >Anon breaks eye contact and awkwardly closes the door >He can hear her sad moans of grief until he gets to the road >Filled with a mixture of emotions Anon autopilots back to his house in a befuddled trance >He was hoping to find a feeling of resolution by confronting the bullies responsible for what happened to Derpy >But he just feels drained instead >As he slowly plods in the direction to his home, he remembers Derpy’s request >"lulu" >"i miss her" >Anon sighs and changes course >As he walks through Ponyville his mind wanders to when he first arrived in Ponyville >Thinking back to when he was first welcomed into the town >Aside from a few ponies he thought he was pretty much accepted as part of the community >Which he was, but it just felt a bit shallow >His job at Café Hay is somewhat thankless but it pays enough to keep a roof over his head >He just felt like something was missing, a mare in his life >He begins to smile thinking of Derpy, she might just be the one >Sure, she is different, but so he is >It’s a match made by Celestia herself >’I just need to not mess it up’ >Anon’s brain fills itself with the essence of Derpy as he continues on the road >The sun’s brightness grows as the morning transitions to the afternoon >Townsponies go about their business, most of them already used to the green monkey man walking around their modest village, for better or worse >Sure, things do not always go Anon’s way but it’s still a pleasant life living amongst the ponies >Coming into view is the worn outline of Derpy’s house >Anon thinks about the nurse ponies and what he will say if any of them are there >’Hey, you may not know me but I am here to retrieve Lulu for Derpy. We cool?’ >He will figure it out. And try not to fight with that lazy zebra >’What was her name? Zinda? Zandu? Whatever’ >He walks up to the door and knocks three times >He taps his foot as he waits >Last time the nurse took forever >He knocks two more times >After several moments go by he peers into the front window to try and see if anypony is in there >From what he can tell it looks empty, aside from the heap of junk scattered everywhere >Walking back to the door, he opens it >It’s unlocked >’I guess only the wealthy ponies get door locks’ >As he enters the living room he looks around “Hello? Anypony home? I am Derpy’s friend.” >Not receiving any response he walks to the kitchen, making sure to carefully navigate through the puzzle of clutter >He peeks his head around the corner, but nothing out of the ordinary >There are some dishes and bowls sprinkled around but no sign of a nurse >He makes his way upstairs and traverses the narrow hallway towards Derpy's room >Before he walks in her room he looks inside the bathroom >It looks about the same as last time, except that he spots a small rubber duck sitting on the bathtub >'She probably needs to get washed. Me too for that matter' >Anon makes a mental note to address that when he gets back home >Turning around he stares at the closed door >His eyes wander down to the lock >He wonders if this was installed after Derpy's mother passed away >He cannot help but want to see what's behind the door >'Why is it sealed up like some tomb' >He tries to open the door but it's locked >Crouching down he puts his eye level with the keyhole, but it's pitch black inside "Not today" >He mentally shrugs and turns his attention to the end of the hallway >He walks into Derpy's room and begins the search for Lulu >Scanning the floor first he sees a ball and some blocks. >A coloring book with crayons >He reaches down and opens the coloring book >The first page is an apple with red crayon scribbled practically everywhere except for the apple itself >He turns the page and it's a cucumber >It looks a little better, but only by a little bit >Chuckling to himself he puts the book where he found it "Alright Lulu where are you hiding" >He walks over to her nightstand and checks the drawer >There's a picture frame of a mare that he does not recognize >'This must be her mom' >Anon studies the photo and notices that her eyes look normal >'I wonder if Derpy was born the way she is or if something happened to her' >He puts the picture back and looks at her bed "A hah, so there you are Princess" >The ragged Luna plushie is tucked underneath the covers >With victory imminent he grabs the doll from the bed >The smell of dry sweat and body odor assaults his nostrils >At least the plushie isn't moist like last time >He holds it behind his back with one hand and walks downstairs >Looking around at all of the mess piled up he's tempted to clean and organize >But Derpy is waiting so he will come back another time >Leaving the house he makes his way back to his place >He gets a couple of strange glances but otherwise has an uneventful trip back >He wonders what Derpy is doing, hopefully his house is still in one piece >Walking up to the door he pulls out his fist and is about to knock but then realizes it is his house >He walks inside and sees Derpy sitting on the couch >She is looking at a book >He cannot make out which one but it appears to be upside down >As if captivated by the book she doesn't notice him enter "Ahem." >She looks up from the book and smiles when she sees him >"anon!" >In a burst of elation she jumps off of the couch and charges at him >Before he can do anything her face slams into his stomach as she hugs him "Oof!" >Tiny twinkling stars appear in his periphery as his abdomen flares in pain, it's still sore from being kicked >Receiving a headbutt from an overly eager pony does not help matters >She nuzzles her face in his stomach and wraps her wings around him >After gaining his bearings he uses his free arm to hug her back "A tad zealous, but nice to see you too." >His grimace is in the process of turning into a smile but suddenly stops as he looks around >There are books thrown in every direction of the room >On the floor, on the coffee table, some are on the couch "Um Derpy?" >With her face still buried in his shirt she replies slightly muffled >"yesh?" "What happened here? It looks like a tornado ran through the area" >She maneuvers her face up to look at Anon while still in contact with his body >"nothing happened" >He looks down at her with his eyebrow raised "The books are everywhere." >While still looking up at him she giggles at the mention of books >"hehe" >Anon tries breaking the hug but she's firmly intertwined with him >Not wanting to hurt her he stays put "So you think it's funny you threw my books around the room?" >She looks confused >"no...i was reading them" >He looks down at her with doubt >He's not even sure that she can read but decides not to press the matter >Realizing how nice it feels with her pressed up against him >It feels right >With the stressful part of the day over, it's time to get into relax-mode >He ruffles her mane with his hand as she smiles up at him "Oh, I see. That's okay then." >Her eye is still heavily swollen "How are you feeling?" >She wiggles her butt in excitement >"good" >Anon smiles at her energetic disposition >Even though she still looks pretty beat up she has a contagious carefree attitude "I brought a visitor." >He brings the Luna plush around next to her face and holds it there until she notices >Eventually one of her eyes picks up the new presence >"lulu!" >She lets go of Anon and squeezes Lulu as she closes her eyes >Anon sighs as he looks at the minefield of books in his living room >He starts stacking them on the floor next to the bookshelf >'I will organize them later' >As he continues to stack the books, Derpy puts Lulu on the sofa >"ill help!" >She picks up a book in her mouth and brings it to Anon "Thanks Derpo." >Surprisingly it only takes a few minutes to have them all stacked up neatly >But a wave of dread hits Anon as he wonders how bad the other rooms are >He apprehensively approaches the kitchen with Derpy in tow >He sighs with relief as everything looks fine >The only change is that all of the carrots are missing from the table >Next he checks his bedroom >There is still the mess from before but at least it's not any worse >"what are you doing anon?" >He pauses and looks down at Derpy "I'm making sure everything is alright." >’More like checking to see how far-reaching Tornado Derpy is’ he muses to himself >Not understanding what he means, she nods anyway >"okay" >Anon enters the bathroom and everything looks fine >His eyes gravitate towards the bathtub “Derpy?” >She looks up at him quizzically >”anon?” “Do you want to get washed?” >”baff time?” “Sure.” >Anon grabs a towel out of the linen closet and puts in on top of the vanity >Derpy sits near the cabinet as she watches him gets things ready >Next he turns on the bath faucet >Her tongue hangs out of her smiling mouth as she watches the water pour into the tub >One of her eyes follows Anon as he goes back to the closet >He comes back with a small colorful ball >”whats that?” >He turns his attention back to Derpy as he brings his hand down near her face >With an open palm he presents it to her >She tilts her head so that one of her eyes can examine the unknown object >Still unsure of what it is she puts her snoot on the ball and sniffs >Feelings a burning sensation in her nose, she starts coughing and pulls away “Hey, I didn’t say to smell it. This stuff is strong.” >Derpy recovers quickly enough, but now eyes the mystic orb with wariness “Here, look” >He tosses the bath bomb into the now partially full bathtub >Derpy walks over and peers down >It fizzles as shades of pink and blue swirl around in the water >”oh!” >The more it expands it converts the water to something more akin to one of Pinkie Pie’s cupcakes >And the more enamored Derpy becomes >Anon smiles as he observes her fascination with it all >He turns off the faucet once the water reaches well above the halfway point >She continues to stare into the colored water as if in a trance “Alright Derpy, it’s ready for you. I left your towel on the sink, let me know if you need anything.” >Anon turns to walk out of the room but he feels a nudge in his leg >Derpy is looking up at him expectantly >”baff?” “Yup, that’s the idea.” >As she continues looking at him he remembers back when they were at her house >With a similar look she told him: "beddy-byes" >Which meant he had to put her to bed “Do the white ponies normally help you with bath time?” >Her eyes light up and she nods her head >But almost just as soon, she frowns and looks down at the ground >”...baff time used to be with mommy” >It’s starting to get a bit sombering when he sees her like that >In an attempt to turn the mood around he talks in a happy pitched tone “Let’s get to it then!” >He slowly picks her up >For a moment their eyes meet >’Wow, she’s really pretty’ >Anon wonders what she thinks of him >’I doubt she even knows what romance is. She seemed clueless when I was putting my moves on her before’ >He gently places her down in the tub >No longer glum, Derpy starts hoofing the still fizzing water >”hehe” >Anon thinks about getting in the bath with her >’Nah, these equestrian tubs are tiny, I barely fit inside just by myself’ >He blushes at his next thought >’And there’s no way I wouldn’t pop a fat boner’ >He walks over to the door and closes it, revealing a squat stool in the corner >Picking it up he walks back over to the bath >Derpy is still giggling while lightly splashing her hooves in the funny looking water >Anon sits there for a minute and watches her >’Am I jealous of her right now? I wish I could have that much fun when getting ready for work or something’ >He is taken out of his trance as Derpy looks at him >”ducky?” >’Another request huh?’ >He thinks he knows what she is talking about but plays dumb “Pardon me?” >She repeats herself enthusiastically as she boops him in the nose with her hoof >”ducky!” “Hey.” >Not expecting the watery surprise boop, he wipes his face off on his arm “Okay, I think I know what you want. But I don’t have a rubber duck. Sorry.” >Derpy deflates for a moment but then continues splashing her hooves in the water >’It’s probably time to actually start washing her. I need to get washed afterwards too’ >He grabs his body brush that is dangling from the faucet, which gets Derpy’s attention >”brushies?” >Anon chuckles “Correct, it’s brushy time. And I’m all out of bubblegum.” >Derpy’s smile widens >”yay!” >He grabs the bar of soap sitting on the side of the tub and dips it in the water >After rubbing it into the brush he begins the anointed task >He runs some water through her mane and follows up with the brush >Derpy giggles as she relishes the pampering >Making sure he does a thorough job he spends several minutes on her mane >He puts the brush down and washes her wings with his hands >She blushes as he gently weaves his fingers through her feathers and joints >Derpy blurts out in laughter as he starts to clean her wingpits “Sensitive are we?” >Anon laughs at her contagious giggling but tries to be quick, not wanting to prolong her tickle-torment >She calms down as he uses the brush to clean her body and legs >’Now for the hard part’ >Anon tries not to arouse Mr. Anon as he thinks about what needs to be done >With a more serious tone he addresses the gray pegasus sitting in his bathtub “Derpy, I need you to stand up and stay still. I need to wash your special area.” >She blushes and nods at him >”okay” >Standing up she looks over at him in anticipation >Anon takes a moment to strategize his next moves “Got it.” >”huh” “I just need you to stay still and relax. I will be quick.” >Derpy gulps and looks ahead trying to stay calm as instructed >He grabs the bar of soap and stands up >Carefully, he leans against the front portion of her body and bends down >With his arm on top of her backside, he snakes his hand down, approaching the destination >With hand on soap, he uses his index finger to prod the area >As if on cue, Derpy gasps and kicks with her rear left hoof >All the while Mr. Anon is starting to wake up >The sudden movement causes a splash and gets his shirt wet, but he smirks as her hoof harmlessly hits the air >With the spot located he presses the bar of soap down on her marehood >Derpy gasps loudly >Mr. Anon twitches in response “I will be quick, hang in there” >With a chubb starting to build he does his best to focus >Derpy moans as he rubs the bar of soap on her vuvla >”uugh..” >Anon is in realization that his member is at full attention, but he does his best to block out his other brain from the southern hemisphere >Derpy pants heavily as she is looking back at him >After a few more seconds, he moves up to her ponut “One more area over here…” >Derpy moans softly as he scrubs her puckered up butthole >"o..oh…" >With the job complete he notices that he is still leaning against her, his dick poking her wing through his pants >He is not sure if she notices but decides he needs to remove himself from the area >Otherwise something improper is going to happen “D-derpy…you were very good. I…uh, need to go check on something in the kitchen. Please sit down and wait for me” >Without waiting for a response Anon quickly storms out of the room >Derpy watches him leave >Feeling flustered but also a little sad that he is leaving, she sits down in the tub >Anon rushes over to the kitchen sink and drops his pants >Mr. Anon springs out, immediately searching for mare prey >He fills up a glass of cold water and brings it next to his dick >Tilting the glass down to try and accommodate his phallus, he loses most of the water which spills on the floor “Fuck.” >With cock bobbing about, he walks over to the cabinet and grabs a bowl >His cock twitches rebelliously as he waits for the bowl to finish being filled up “I don’t have time for your crap.” >He carefully brings the mostly full bowl down to his angry penis and does his best to angle it inside >Not all of it fits, but he can already feel the frigid assault on his former ally >Gasping, he lets it sit there >Eventually it deflates to a chubb and the schlong succumbs to the chilling depths “Whew.” >Anon pulls his pants up and makes his way back to the bathroom >He sighs in relief when he sees Derpy sitting in the tub >Tornado Derpy could have easily changed identities to Tsunami Derpy “I’m back” >Derpy perks up as Anon approaches her “Okay, where were we” >He takes his seat back on the stool and reaches for the bar of soap and swabs his index finger on it >She watches him as he takes one of her forehooves into his hand “Now we clean your little hoofsies” >Anon cannot help but smile radiantly >He always wanted to do this with a pony >She gasps as he slowly swirls his finger on her underhoof >Blushing, she thinks about Anon “And your other hoof” >As he works on the other one, she feels strong emotions >Not like how she feels towards her mommy >But it is a feeling that compels her >As if everything is going to be okay with Anon around >Almost in a trance she sits there letting him work his magic on her hooves >She doesn’t know what she’s feeling inside exactly, but it’s warm and it’s nice “...And done.” >Derpy sits there looking at Anon without actually looking at him “Hello? I need to get washed too you know” >He pokes her tummy with his finger >Broken out of her daze, Derpy's stomach grumbles as she scrunches her face at him >Anon puts his hand in the water and feels around >Feeling a little numb, he pulls up on the drain stopper >The water begins to suction towards the new opening >Derpy’s attention turns to the mini whirlpool in front of her “Wanna grab some grub soon?” >Still sitting in the tub, she turns her head back to Anon with a slight tilt >”grub?” >With a smirk he explains “I thought that being a pegasus and all that you would understand.” >She still looks perplexed “Ah, nevermind. Food. Wanna get food?” >Her eyes light up and she nods her head quickly “Alright, once I am done with my shower we can go out somewhere.” >With the last of the bath water funneling down the drain, Derpy gets up and shakes her body and flaps her wings >Anon is hit with a mixture of cool and warm mist “T-thanks.” >He grabs the towel off of the sink and hands it to her “Do you think you can manage to finish drying yourself off?” >She looks at the towel and then back at him “We will get to eat food sooner” >Without hesitation she grabs the towel with her mouth and hops out of the bathtub >Anon guides her out of the bathroom and then closes the door “I’ll be quick, just dry off out here.” >Finally alone, he undresses and gets into the tub >He pulls the shower curtain around and encloses himself in white >Anon closes his eyes and clears his mind as he lets the warm water wash over him >With a towel wrapped around his waist he walks out of the bathroom >He spots Derpy on the couch and casually strolls to his room >Not realizing that she is staring at his shirtless form while blushing >Heading to his room he calls back to her “Getting dressed real quick and then we will head out.” >Anon walks to his closet and picks out his usual black pants and white shirt >The clothing is rough but that's all he could afford >Rarity’s quote for her original design would have costed him weeks in bits >Thankfully, she begrudgingly accepted the more economical approach >”These are hardly even fit for farm ponies, but if that’s what you want darling…” >She had a week's worth of clothes done for him within an hour >The shirt is a tad tight in the neck and the pants a bit baggy, but they work >Fashioned out, Anon heads back to the living room >Derpy is rolling around on the couch “Uh, Derpy. What are you doing?” >Derpy stops and turns her head to face him >Her left eye is looking down at the couch and her right eye is pointing vaguely in his direction >”drying” >Anon walks over and looks at the couch >There are wet spots all over the cushions >He sighs “Derpy, I meant for you to use the towel…” >Derpy gets off of the couch and walks over to the bathroom >She picks up the towel that is lying on the floor next to the door and brings it over to Anon >He takes the towel from her as she smiles at him >He gives her a quick rub down with the towel “Looks like you already did a good job…with the couch.” >Putting the towel down he walks over to the door >A heavy growling noise can be heard right behind him >He turns around, Derpy is looking up at him hungrily >”grub?” >Anon cannot help by smile “Already learning new words? There is a bright pony inside you somewhere.” >Derpy’s expression turns serious >”food?” “Patience, but yes. Ever been to The Hay Burger? It’s not high end or anything, but it will hit the spot.” >Derpy looks at him confused >”whats a hay b-borgar” “You’ve never been there?” >”been where?” >Anon raises his eyebrow “It’s a restaurant in town. They have burgers.” >She still looks confused >”b-burger?” >’I know that she lived a sheltered life, but how does she not know about hay burgers?’ “Follow me and we will go eat yummy food.” >Derpy’s demeanor changes instantly as she jumps up in excitement >”yay lets go!” “Alright Derpo, that’s the spirit.” >Anon feels his stomach start to vibrate as it gurgles at him “And the timing couldn’t be better.” >He opens the door and waits for Derpy to exit before closing it >Anon leads in the direction to The Hay Burger, it’s not far from his house >Although he gets a discount at Café Hay, he doesn’t feel like going there on his day off >And he is in the mood for something greasy >Derpy walks next to Anon and smiles up at him >”what food are we going to eat?” “Well, probably hay burgers. But I haven’t decided yet. They have some really tasty grilled cheese sandwiches too.” >With a contemplative stare, she questions him again about this mysterious hay burger >”anon whats a hay burger?” “You really don’t know?” >She continues to stare at him “It's basically fried hay in a bun with some other stuff, like veggies and cheese. You probably had one before.” >”i dont think mommy made that for me…” >Derpy frowns >”or the white ponies” “Um, it’s okay if you haven’t had one before. Today will be your first hay burger, it will be great.” >She starts to smile again >Anon points ahead “Oh, and that’s what it looks like” >On the roof of the building there is a large sign with a hay burger and a soft drink >Derpy looks up in awe >”oh” “Alright, we made it. Let’s head inside.” >Anon opens the door and beckons Derpy to go inside >She giddily trots inside of the restaurant >Anon follows up behind her and looks around >It seems fairly empty for dinner time >’Nice, no line either’ >He walks up to the register with Derpy at his side >A younger looking stallion with braces greets him >”Welcome to The Hay Burger. Can I take your order?” >Anon notices the nametag on his uniform >’Karl? What kind of name is that for a pony’ >Anon shrugs and is about to place his order when Derpy cuts in >”hay burger” >Borderline deadpan, Karl replies >”Yes ma’am. What kind of hay burger would you like?” >”a big one” >Karl stares are her blankly >”Uh….” >Anon interrupts the bumbling dialogue “I’ll place the order for us.” >Derpy agrees, ”okay” >Karl turns his face towards Anon with the same detached expression >’Damn. Imagine being a wagie named Karl in Ponyville. Some ponies really do get the short end of the stick’ >”...sir?” >Realizing that time doesn’t freeze while his thoughts are rambling, Anon prepares to give Karl the order “I will have the grilled cheese sandwich with a medium side of onion rings. My pegasus friend will take the double hay burger with cheese and extra veggies. And two iced teas.” >As Karl takes down the order, Anon looks down at Derpy >’I’ve seen how much she can eat, I should get more food’ “Actually, make that two double hay burgers please.” >”Your total will be 6 bits” >Anon glady pulls out the requested coins and hands them over to Karl >Although he doesn’t make a lot at Café Hay, the everyday essentials in Ponyville are all quite inexpensive >Food used to be a noticeable chunk of his budget back on Earth >“Your food will be right out. You can take a seat anywhere you like.” “Thank you Karl.” >Derpy also chimes in, “thanks!” >For the first time in the conversation Karl shows some emotion when hearing his name >”You’re welcome.” >Anon makes his way to the closest empty table >Spotting some crumbs and pieces of lettuce, he moves along >Derpy walks ahead of him towards a window seat >She looks back at Anon and waves at him >”here!” >Anon smiles >His heart is filled with affection at seeing her so excited over her hay burger debut >Some of the other seated ponies look over and give the odd couple strange glances >Anon pretends not to notice, he doesn’t want to make Derpy uncomfortable >’Although, I am not sure she would notice even if I told her’ >Anon takes a seat on what appears to be a wooden barrel made into a stool >Derpy sits on the one next to him >The seats are close enough for her to lean against him >As she slips into his personal space her face is tilted up at him with her tongue hanging out of her mouth “You’re silly.” >”hehe” >Derpy’s stomach suddenly roars out >Anon can feel her body shake in response >“anon im hungry” “Me too Derpo, me too.” >She closes her eyes as he pats her on the head >”Ahem.” >Anon turns around and sees a young earth pony balancing a tray of food on her head >She looks mildly annoyed >”Grilled cheese, two double hay burgers?” >He reads her name tag in his head >’Sugar Twirl. That seems fairly normal I guess’ “That was quick. And yup, that’s us. And there should be fries, onion rings, and two iced teas.” >The brown and white splotched mare rolls her eyes and places the tray on the table >”It’s all here.” >Derpy’s full attention is on the fast food feast in front of her >Her eyes go wide and she licks her lips in anticipation >As the server is about to leave she does a double take when she looks at Derpy >”Um, ma’am?” >Derpy has everything blocked out except for the food before her >Anon taps Derpy’s wing with his index finger “Hey Derp, she wants you.” >With noticeable effort Derpy breaks her concentration on the food and innocently looks over at the server >”...hi” >The server gives a suspecting glance to Anon and then resumes talking to Derpy >”Are you okay filly?” >Derpy responds without hesitation, ”yes i have hay burgers now” >Sugar Twirl raises her eyebrow at Derpy’s response >”No, I mean your face.” >Derpy frowns. In her mind she thinks that Sugar Twirl is talking about her eyes >When she was really little her mommy would take her in town, but that was a long time ago >She remembers that ponies would point and stare at her, and sometimes even laugh >When they would get home she would see her mommy crying >That made her sad >Before Derpy can think too much about her past, Anon fills the awkward silence >’Well crap, I can’t just tell her that my friend here got beat up by violent prone fillies. That would sound weird’ “Uh, she got into an accident. But she’s better now.” >Sugar Twirl looks at Anon apprehensively >”Is that so huh?” >Derpy finally responds when she realizes it's not about her eyes >”i…i fell.” >Sugar Twirl starts to piece together that Derpy may be a bit special and decides to back off >At this point she just wants to finish her shift and see her coltfriend >”Whatever you say, enjoy the meal.” >She gives Anon a skeptical glare before walking away >Derpy’s nostrils register the food next to her >She smiles with glee as she sticks her face into the first thing she sees ”Hey, those are mine.” >Derpy ignores Anon as she chows down on the onion rings >Sighing in defeat, he grabs his grilled cheese sandwich before Derpy, Devourer of All, can get to it >He takes a bite into the sandwich and immediately spits it out “Hot!” >Derpy looks over at him for a second but then continues munching >Already done with the onion rings she has moved onto her first hay burger >Anon sneaks a few hoof-shaped fries while Derpy is distracted with her burger >As if Derpy has the renown Pinkie Sense, she turns her attention to her fries and begins to mercilessly devour them “Hey Derpy. Take your time.” >She tries to say something but her mouthful of potatoes prevents her voice from translating into a coherent sentence ”Here.” >Anon hands her the iced tea “Drink this before you eat anything else.” >Anon picks his sandwich back up and takes a cautious bite >Hot but not burning, thick creamy cheese overwhelms his taste buds >’Now this is the stuff’ >Derpy slurps down her tea in a few gulps and returns to feasting on her fries >Anon speculates as he watches her, ’Luckily the large actually comes with a lot. She already housed a double hay burger like it was nothing’ >As he finishes the first half of his sandwich, Derpy is already starting her second burger “How are the burgers Derp?” >Anon takes a sip from his tea as he enjoys the spectacle >She turns her face while she is still chewing and smiles >”goosh!” “Great.” >By the time Anon finishes the other half of his sandwich he realizes that Derpy is watching him intently >He takes another sip of his tea and then offers it to her >While still looking at him she quickly gulps the remaining liquid “Are you still hungry?” >She shakes her head >”im full” ”I didn’t know that was possible, we will need to come here again.” >As she smiles and nods in agreement, Anon realizes how messy her face is “Here, hold still.” >He brings up a napkin and starts wiping off the crumbs and sauce >Derpy patiently waits for him >She has become used to being taken care of by Anon over the past several days >After a few more napkins Anon pulls back and takes a look >There are still some dried mustard stains on her cheeks but Anon shrugs “I think that’s the best we can do for now.” >”okay” >Anon stands up from the stool and grabs the messy serving tray >Derpy follows him as he brings it to the counter >Karl nods at him in thanks, knowing that some ponies simply leave the trays on their table >Anon walks over to the door, garnering a few curious glances from the other customers >As they make their way to the road Anon asks Derpy the big question “So, what do you want to do next? I’m off from work tomorrow too.” >As they aimlessly slow-walk to nowhere, Derpy ponders the query >A lightbulb turns on in that noggin of hers >”swing!” >Before Anon can respond, she changes her mind with a frown >”i mean…lets go home” >She goes quiet and her head hangs low >Anon stops walking and kneels down next to her >With his hand, he raises her head to his >Her eyes are sad, and her bruised eye is still not fully open “Derpy, we will go to the swing. You don’t have to worry about anypony hurting you with me around.” >Her right eye swirls around as though it’s in thought >And her left eye looks directly at Anon >”r-really?” “I promise.” >Derpy’s smile slowly etches its way back onto her face >”okay!” >With that, the unique couple walk along the road >Anon draws a quick map of their route in his head >’Alright, we basically head back past my house and the park is right there. First we take-’ >His thoughts are interrupted as he feels her warm body press against him as they walk >Looking down, Anon sees Derpy’s head looking up at him as she nuzzles into him >His heart flutters as she smiles brightly >Without a care in the world, she leans on Anon and relies on him to guide her to her special spot >Anon is about to say something but quelches those unspoken words >Blushing and feeling slightly embarrassed, he focuses his gaze back to the road >’Alright, one of us has to pay attention’ >At least that’s his coping mechanism for shying away from her beaming cuteness >They continue to walk along the road, garnering a curious glance here or there from the sparse townponies still roaming around >The sun is beginning to set as they approach the entrance to the playground >There is wooden split rail fencing loosely placed around the perimeter, it has seen better days >Some sections of wood are missing, some are rotting, or the rails haphazardly lay on the ground >But to Derpy, this is her safe space >Or at least it was, until the day Silver Spoon took that away from her >’But that’s in the past. This is her domain again’ >As Anon plays the role of the unknown savior in his head, he can feel the warmth to his side leaving him >Unhappy at the sudden loss he frowns >Derpy giddily trots ahead once she notices the swing >Up until then she didn’t even realize they were there >”swing!” >Derpy calls out to the inanimate object as though it is her long lost friend >Anon walks quickly to catch up with her >By the time he arrives she’s already sitting on the humble swing >It’s a worn wooden plank attached to rope >’I wonder how long this thing will last. I should be able to fix it if it comes to it though’ >Derpy smiles and waves at him with her foreleg “Look at you. Only a fool would keep a mare from her swing.” >Derpy giggles as Anon pats her on the head >”hehe” >Anon puts his arm down and realizes how close he is to her >Seated on the swing, her face comes up to his chest >She’s blushing as she looks up at him >Anon stands there and freezes up >She still has a blotch of dried mustard on her cheek, but it only makes her more adorable >’...do I go for the kiss or…’ >Derpy doesn’t seem to notice him freaking out internally >She’s just happy to be here >Anon is taken out of his awkward predicament as a gray hoof boops him in the nose “Hey, what was that for?” >Derpy’s only response is more giggling >With the non-existent situation defused, Anon walks behind her and gives her a little push >She turns her around to try and see what he’s up to “Look ahead, I will give you a boost.” >Derpy is unsure of what he is doing but agrees >”okay” >He pushes a little harder this time >She starts to kick her legs back and forth >Anon takes a small step back as she builds up momentum >Derpy giggles with glee as she propels in the air >Being at her favorite spot with Anon is a like a dream come true >She feels her elation rising as his firm but gentle hands continue to push her to even further heights >”weee!” >Anon starts to let up on the pushing >’That’s probably the safest height I’m comfortable with’ >He continues to catch her when she returns downwards and gives a fake push >’As long as she’s having fun’ >Anon smiles as he continues to guide her swinging >Failing to resist her contagious laughter, he joins in “Haha, Derpy you’re a pro at this!” >Seeing that she is starting to lose altitude, he gives her one last big push >”oh!” >Derpy rockets up to the sky and giggles uncontrollably on the descent >”hehehehe” >Anon steps back and lets her glide on her own >He walks in front of the swing so he can watch her >Derpy tries her best to look at him while she’s swinging, but her eyes are not cooperating >Anon chuckles as he watches her try to maneuver her head >Eventually she stops kicking her legs and slowly rocks back to the ground >She jumps off of the swing and charges at Anon >Unable to dodge her in time, he is hit with the full force of her energy “Oof!” >Anon cringes as the pain flares up from his bruised abdomen >He wobbles for a moment, but Derpy is holds onto him tightly >”anon!” >He looks down and he sees her wrapped around him >Her eyes are closed as she snuggles her face into his stomach >The sharp pain dies down but he’s still sore from the unexpected impact “You need to watch out, you’re still healing you know” >”And so am I” Anon mutters to himself >Derpy pays him no mind as she continues to rub her face into him >’I wonder if this is how it’s like being Lulu. I could get used to it I suppose, if she actually washed me that is’ >Anon hugs her back as they stand there in silent peace >He looks up to the sky and notices that the sun is moving lower in the sky >’Does Celelstia actually move that thing every so often or does she have a spell that does it for her? Alicorns are weird’ >As Anon contemplates how powerful alicorns are, he can feel Derpy yawning into him >Against his will, he yawns in response “Alright Derpo we should head home. It’s been a long day and Luna is about to take over for Celestia.” >As Anon breaks the hug Derpy looks up at him >”lulu?” >Anon isn’t sure how much she knows about the princesses, so he just shrugs “Uh, yeah. Lulu.” >They make their way out of the park and head to Anon’s house >He is delighted to feel her body pressed against his as she leans on him >Anon’s body greedily absorbs her pony warmth as though it’s a required resource >’Yeah, I could get used to this’ >By the time they get back to Anon's house the sun is no longer visible >He opens the door and walks to the bathroom "I'll be right out Derp, make yourself at home." >Anon walks into the bathroom >As he turns around to close the door he almost bumps into a certain pegasus "Hey, I need some privacy." >Derpy doesn't get the hint and continues standing in the doorway >Tilting her head sideways she questions the green human >"why" >Anon has to think for a second >But nothing suitable pops up "Because I just do, okay." >"okay" >Satisfied with his response, Derpy backs up and closes the door on him >Anon stands there baffled before taking care of his business >As he lets his stream loose he thinks about everything that's happened >'Today has felt like 3 days in one' >Giving his penis a final flick he washes up at the sink >Walking into the living room he looks for Derpy but she's not there >He peeks his head into the bedroom "Hello?" >No response >Only one place left >The kitchen >As he walks in he sees Derpy at the pantry "Still hungry after all those burgers?" >Derpy turns around with orange crumbs on her face >"lulus hungry" >He notices that she is holding her Luna plushie "Ah I see. The princess must have a royal appetite." >Derpy giggles as she holds the half bitten carrot to Lulu's face >Anon watches without interfering >After several seconds, Derpy turns the carrot towards her own face and takes a bite >She returns her gaze back to Anon as she chews loudly >Anon grabs a glass of water and takes a sip "Is Lulu thirsty?" >Derpy nods >He walks over and holds the glass to the worn plushie's face >Derpy smiles as Anon quenches Lulu's thirst >Then he brings the glass to Derpy's face, she blushes >He tips the glass as she opens her lips >Her left eye is looking up at Anon and her other is googling around between Luna and the floor >She continues to gulp down the refreshing liquid until nothing is left "It looks like Lulu was really thirsty." >Anon smirks at Derpy before putting the glass on the table "I know you're tired, I'll make sure the bed is set up for you and Lulu." >Derpy's demeanor changes at the mention of his bed >"what about you?" "I have the couch. It worked fine last night." >"its wet" >Anon starts to remember the incident before they left for dinner >A wet pony drying herself on his couch >'Why do I feel like she has a better memory than I do' >As Anon visualizes the wet spots on the couch, Derpy walks closer to him >She looks determined >"lulu wants you to sleep with us" >Anon almost spits out the water that he already swallowed "Uh..." *Poof* >A familiar weight finds itself on Anon's shoulder >'Now is your chance to smash that jiggly booty, she's literally asking for it' >The tiny toothy grinned version of himself looks him in the face "Oh no." >Derpy raises her hoof in discomfort >Her face starts to quiver like she's going to cry >Realizing he spoke out loud, he attempts to calm her down "Wait, that's not what I meant, Derpy. I need a minute please." >'Are you going to make this cutie cry or dick her down already? There's only one option Champ' >Suddenly, Anon feels a disturbance on his other shoulder >With radiant wings spread, angel-anon points an accusatory finger at his adversary >'Begone foul demon!' >Devil-anon rolls his eyes >'Who invited this goody good?' >Derpy apprehensively watches Anon as he looks back and forth to his shoulders >'Her purity must be maintained Anon, you know this' >Anon's eyes dart to angel-anon >'Hey idiot. She's looking at you. Give her what she wants already' >Anon starts to tune them both out as he focuses on her sad face >'Anon don't d-' *Poof* >Back to being alone with her, the room feels uncomfortably silent >He walks up to her and hugs her "Of course I'll sleep with you and Lulu." >She hugs him back and buries her face into him >He can feel her smiling through his shirt >They stay like that for several minutes, enjoying each other's embrace >Derpy is the first one to pull away >"beddy byes?" "Yes, Derp. Let's get ready for bed." >Anon walks to his room >Derpy sleepily but cheerily follows him >Pony beds are a bit small for Anon so he made sure to get a larger one >It's big enough to accommodate himself, but it will be a squeeze with Derpy >Anon can start to feel his heart race >'Am I about to sleep in the same bed with the mare I like? What if I can't control myself? What if she kicks me again' >Derpy runs over and jumps to the bed, but her aim is slightly off >Anon's panicked thoughts are cut short as he feels something knock into him >He falls into the bed face first >Feeling something heavy but soft on his back, he can only assume that it's Derpy >Through a muffled mouthful of blanket he calls out to her "Hey, what are you doing!" >As the weight slides off of him he can hear Derpy's voice, it also sounds suppressed >"are you okay anon?" >As he sits up he sees a moving blob covered in a blanket >The only thing visible is a plump gray pony butt wiggling in his face >Mere inches away from her marehood, he sits there and just stares >Her musk fills his nostrils as he is mesmerized by her mottled vulva >His brain goes into single-cell mode as Mr. Anon comes out of his slumber >Derpy manages to get unstuck from the blanket and turns around to face Anon >His face is completely red as his growing boner is trying to break free of his pants >Derpy's face is within breathing range >He can feel her hot breath slowly mingling with his own >Derpy blushes and stutters on her words >"i-im sorry...i...i" >Before she can continue her stammering, Anon kisses her >Her eyes go wide as she feels his warm lips connect with hers >Anon closes his eyes and wraps his arm behind her head, pulling her closer >Derpy's eyes swirl around as she tries to process what is going on >As if on instinct, her lips start to move on their own >Without even realizing it she's kissing him back >Anon holds the kiss, enjoying every moment >Leaning back on the bed, he pulls Derpy with him >Their kiss ends but they continue looking at each other as they lie down >Derpy is partially on top of Anon with her forehooves hugging his torso >One of her rear hooves is straddling his leg >The bulge in Anon’s pants is reaching its limit “Derpy I-” >Before he can finish his sentence, she leans in to kiss him >With her eyes still open she blushes as she locks lips with her newly found sweetheart >Anon keeps his eyes open so he can look at her face for a little longer >His heart is pounding and his brain is incapable of fully formed thoughts >Acting on instinct he closes his eyes and engages his tongue >Derpy’s lips resist initially, but Anon gently prods them open >Her eyes go wide at the new sensation >Not very experienced with the risqué Frenchman technique himself, Anon’s tongue bumbles about inside of her mouth >Derpy moans lightly as Anon tries to wrap his tongue around hers >Elusively, her tongue seems to evades his as though they are playing tag >As they continue the dance of tongues, he grabs her body and rolls her on top of him >Anon can feel moisture soaking through to Mr. Anon, making him twitch aggressively >Her hips straddle his waist and her eyes go wide as she feels a bump poke her special area >Derpy’s rear left leg involuntarily kicks the bed and pushes her upwards on an angle >The kiss breaks and she lands on her side next to him >She scrunches her face and looks embarrassed >”i-im sorry…” >Anon’s monkey brain is past words, he pulls her back on top of him and resumes kissing her >Her marehood finds its way back to his hardened bulge >Derpy moans loudly in Anon’s mouth but she manages to control her leg enough so it only kicks a little bit >Her body raises slightly and her hips come back down on the barrier containing Mr. Anon >Anon’s cock throbs as the weight of her body bears down on him as she moans again >Their tongues no longer play tag, but are intertwined in a vigorous grapple >Anon puts his hand on Derpy’s butt and pushes her down on him as he moves his hips, grinding against her moist marehood >She continues to moan as her rear left hoof weakly tries to push away >But Anon’s grasp on her booty is firm >As they continue to aggressively swirl their tongues, Anon can feel his pants becoming completely soaked from her mare juices >One small thought makes it through the concupiscent wall of fog engulfing his head >’She’s ready’ >Whether this was Anon’s own thought or devil-anon’s, it doesn’t matter. Angel-anon left long ago >Reaching with his free hand, he pulls down on his pants >Due to the positioning and her weight on top of him, it takes several moments as they continue to sloppily makeout >Eventually Mr. Anon slides out >Pinned down by her marehood, his dick is facing against his body and pointing upwards >Unleashed from his excruciating prison, Mr. Anon waggles apocalyptically underneath her wet vulva >Derpy moans as she inadvertently rubs against his engorged member >Anon decides to intervene and uses both hands to lift her waist upwards >Due to the shift in pressure, her face forcefully pushes against his >Slightly uncomfortable for the both of them, this moment continues until Anon uses his other hand to guide his cock >The tip of his cock makes contact >But it’s jabs the inner part of her leg, smearing her with precum >Readjusting his coordinates as though he is an artillerist, he moves his cock slightly to the right >They both moan as his tip touches her marebits >Target acquired >Letting go of her hips, gravity takes care of the rest >Mr. Anon feels her lips wrap around him >Derpy’s tongue stops moving as Anon continues to prod her with his own >Instead of her leg instinctively kicking to get out of the situation, her hips start moving on their own >She slams down on Anon’s pelvis with all of her might >Mr. Anon is overwhelmed, as though he’s been caught inside of a nuclear shockwave, desperately trying to hold on to dear life >Both of them experience sensory overload as Anon's cock is hilted deep inside of her marehood >Derpy breaks the kiss and starts moaning loudly as she quivers on top of the green human’s cock >Her wings fully extend outward as she lets out a loud pleasureful cry >”ah…ughhhhh!” >Derpy’s guttural grunting sends Anon over the edge as he can feel her cumming on his dick >A rush of mare juices envelopes Mr. Anon in a whirlpool of ecstasy “AHHHH! I’M CUMMING!" >Anon grabs her butt with both of his hands and pulls her down on his cock >Mr. Anon erupts with the force of a volcano, unleashing its molten loads inside of the gray pegasus >Derpy desperately tries to wiggle free from Anon as they both cum >The pleasure is too intense for her virginity to handle >But Anon strongly grasps her to him >His husky grunts fill the room as he pumps load after load inside of the ditzy mare “Derpy!” >His thick ropes continue to pulse inside of her vagina >Derpy’s eyes google around in a euphoria as her lips squeeze Anon’s throbbing cock >Mr. Anon was waiting for this day, but even he was not prepared for the result >As his cock continues to twitch and unleash itself inside of her, Anon grabs her face with his hand and starts to kiss her >Derpy’s tongue haphazardly swings inside of his mouth as they both continue to moan >Eventually Mr. Anon seizes the flood of white goo and begins to shrink >Derpy breaks the kiss as she lays on top of Anon panting, her tongue hangs loosely outside of her mouth “Derpy…” >Drenched in a combination of Derpy’s sweat and his own, Anon’s sternum raises up and down quickly as he catches his breath >With dick still inside of her, Mr. Anon dribbles its last drops as they rest there together >He holds her head to his chest and runs his hand through her mane >Derpy’s right eye is looking up at him as she blushes, her other is still swirling around as though it’s lost in a sea of stimulation >They lay there in blissful peace for some time >But Mr. Anon has risen from the dead >His dick may have been flattened, but it is a greedy dick >Still inside of her entryway, Mr. Anon begins to rise >Derpy shuffles in Anon’s grasp as she feels his penis expand inside of her >She starts to moan as her walls instinctively clamp around his member >Anon blushes as his blood beings to travel south >”a-anon…i…” >Derpy never finishes her sentence, her mind is too overburdened with hormones >Their pelvises a sticky mess, Anon uses all of his willpower to pull his cock out *Slick* >Mr. Anon feels a terrible coldness descend upon him. >Where are the blazing depths of love? The world can be a cruel place. >Derpy gasps in surprise at the sudden loss of his cock >Before she can say anything, he rolls her over and gets on top of her >One of her eyes is looking up at him lovingly, and her other is looking directly at this cock hovering above her marehood >Anon gives her a quick kiss and then reaches down to his phallus >Aiming Mr. Anon, he makes contact >”ow!” >Derpy looks at him in pain as his cock thrusts against her ponut >Sealed up tight, there is no penetration >Anon knows he found the wrong hole, but is extremely tempted to move forward anyway >There is no wrong hole in his eyes >But then he looks at her distressed face and draws from his rapidly depleting willpower once more >Between labored grunts he tries to speak softly to her “...sorry…Derp…” >Aiming a little higher he finds her special place >Gently but briskly, he enters his special somepony once more *Schlupp* >“ah…” >Derpy lightly moans as Anon slowly enters her “Derpy…” >Now with Mr. Anon back in his sanctuary he focuses his attention back to Derpy >Wanting to savor every second of this special moment >He leans down and gives her another kiss >She amicably returns it >No longer using tongues, they go back to light kissing >He slowly but powerfully thrusts back and forth inside of her >As they moan between kisses, he puts his hand on the side of her head and plays with her ear, twirling it around with his finger >Derpy’s reddened face looks up at Anon with love >As they both passionately move their hips in rhythm Derpy breaks the kiss >Anon feels a torrent of fluid rushing over his cock >Derpy whimpers as her hips start to shake >”oouggh….ah…ugggh!” >Her sultry moan thunders in Anon’s ear as he firmly presses down on her “Oh Derpy!” >Anon cannot hold himself back and starts to cum “Derpy!” >Mr. Anon unleashes a new wave of fluid >Derpy’s marehood clasps his green cock, holding it as though Mr. Anon was merely her prey from the very beginning >Derpy continues to moan as Anon thrusts inside of her >Overcoming the intense stimuli, he makes sure to keeping thrusting to fill her up with as much of his seed as possible >The moving of hips dies down as Anon jettisons his remaining load >Unable to move, Derpy wraps her forehooves around his back as she continues to moan in bliss >Mr. Anon appears to be satisfied as he slowly but surely deflates >They lay there for a while >Fully drained, Anon pulls his cock out >Derpy pants heavily as she holds onto Anon with all of her might >Anon brings his face to hers >They boop noses and he smiles at her >With some brain activity returning, Anon is beginning to form thoughts again >’wow, just wow..’ >Both of them are stunned and enamored >Derpy is the first one to speak up as she stares at him with adoration >”anon…i wuv you” >Anon’s heart flutters at the bold declaration >But he doesn’t even need to think to respond “Derpy, I love you so much.” >Her smile widens as she squeezes him >Anon gets off of her and lays next to her >She faces him as she is still smiling >They both go in for a small kiss at the same time >Derpy giggles as he hugs her close to him >”beddy byes?” >Anon chuckles, realizing that was supposed to be what happened previously >Both he’s not complaining >Neither is Mr. Anon, or devil-anon “Yes Derpy, it’s time for bed.” >Without missing a beat, Derpy reminds him of her princess plushie >”lulu” >’Uh, really? We just made love and you are thinking about Lulu?’ >Anon muffles his negative thoughts, he wants nothing more than to please this mare “Of course, she will be sleeping with us too.” >Sitting up, he scopes around the bed >He spots Lulu sitting on the edge of the bed >He reaches and grabs her as Derpy watches him lovingly >Handing her the plushie, she puts it in the between the two of them >Anon’s nose wrinkles at the smell >’I really need to clean that thing for her. For me’ “I have an idea Derp.” >He crouches above her and traverses to her other side >Her head cranes around trying to follow his movements >Anon hugs her from behind, forming a big spoon “How is this?” >Derpy’s tired body doesn’t try to move >She simply smiles as she hugs her Luna plush >“i wuv you anon” “I love you too Derpy, goodnight.” >Not even bothering to turn the light off, Anon closes his eyes >As he fades into the dream realm, he can feel her warm body becoming one with his own *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* >”Ponice, open up!” >Anon grumbles as he hears banging outside of his room >Not paying it any mind as he holds onto Derpy’s warm body, he groggily opens his eyes >He smiles as he watches her snore for a moment >But then his heart jumps as he hears a thundering clamor outside of his room *BANG* >Anon gets out of the bed as Derpy begins to open her eyes >”...anon?” >Before he can respond to her, the wind is knocked out of him as he is tackled to the ground by a burly stallion in a blue uniform “Ugh…” >He can hear a commanding female voice in the back >”Ponice, you are under arrest!” >As the pony on top of Anon tries to suppress him, he elbows the officer in the face >The brown earth pony grunts and flops off of Anon >As he stands up to face his morning ambushers, he reels in pain, dropping to his knees >The white unicorn looks down at him with disgust as she holds her baton in midair, ready to strike again >Anon clutches his already bruised stomach and groans, tears of pain forming in his eyes >Unable to move or speak, he kneels there helplessly >Now fully awake, Derpy jumps out of the bed and runs over to her lover >”anon!” >Before she can reach him, Zende and another nurse pony rush over and grab onto her >Derpy bucks the unlucky nurse stallion in the chest, he drops to the ground in a lump >“Aiee!” >Using Derpy’s off balance posture to her advantage, Zende sweeps Derpy’s forelegs out from under her >Derpy drops to the ground hitting her face >She moans in pain as her previous bruises flare up “Derpy!” >Anon gets a second wind of adrenaline as he watches the zebra nurse subdue his special somepony >As he stands up, another stallion in uniform rams into him, knocking him down >”Stop resisting!” >Anon sees stars as the bulky stallion uses his hooves to pin his left arm >Before he can swing with his right arm, the stallion he elbowed earlier gets on top of him >”anon help!” >Futilely, Anon struggles against the two stallions on him, but the weight is overbearing “Derpy…I’m comin-” >Before he can finish calling out to her, he is silenced as a hoof hits him square in the mouth >Derpy cries frantically as Zende tries to pin her down >”anon anon!” >With one last rush of adrenaline, Anon bites the brown earth pony holding his right arm >Using all of his force he draws blood as his teeth crush down onto a foreleg >”Ahhh, BUCK!” >With one stallion off of him, Anon uses his free arm to swing a fist of fury at the other officer’s face >With a loud Thwack, the gray stallion is knocked aside >Before Anon can get up, the mare officer brings her baton down on his head *BONK* >Anon’s head bounces on the ground and he loses consciousness >Derpy looks over and breaks down >”no!!!!! anon!!!!” >Before she can further draw from her adrenaline pools, the mare officer uses her magic to tie Derpy’s rear hooves together while Zende controls her upper half >The two stallions secure the limp green man, tying him up securely as they pant heavily >”Bucker almost bit my leg off.” >The other officer smirks as his muzzle drips blood on his captive >”At least you didn’t get hit in the face by the deranged monkey.” >As they struggle to drag Anon out of the room, they look to their leader >”Sheriff, we secured the criminal. Permission to lock him in the wagon.” >Without looking back at them she responds, ”Permission granted.” >She looks down at Derpy’s bruises and grits her teeth with hatred >Now fully restrained, Derpy wiggles around on the ground as Zende tries to comfort her >”Relax Ms. Hooves, we are here to help you. That wicked creature cannot harm you anymore.” >”The name is Sheriff Aurora. I’m sorry for what you went through Ma’am. You aren’t this monster’s first victim either.” >As the Sheriff occupies Derpy’s attention, Zende jabs Derpy’s flank with a needle >She yelps into her mouth gag >Zende goes over to check on the nurse pony laying on the ground >The sheriff looks at her for an answer >”He may have a fracture but he is still breathing.” >Aurora turns her attention to the now motionless pegasus in the room >”And her?” >”I gave her two times the normal sedative dose. But aside from her facial injuries, she seems to be healthy.” >Derpy’s once frantic self is calmly lying on the ground. Her eyelids look heavy as her teary eyes swirl around. Scanning for Anon. >”But we need to take her to the Ponyville Hospital for testing.” >”Understood. Once we get the prisoner secured in the station we can assist with the escort to the hospital.” >As the zebra nurse nods in thanks, the stallion in blue uniform walks in and starts searching the room >”Collect anything that looks out of place. Although we already have plenty of evidence, more cannot hurt. I don’t want this scumbag ever seeing the sun again.” >”Yes, Sheriff.” >Aurora notices the Luna plushie on the bed and picks it up with telekinesis and drags it in front of her face >Her nose curls up at the overbearing smell of dried sweat and mucus >”Sergeant, take this.” >Zende recognizes the plushie and interjects >”Ah, that is Ms. Hooves’ doll. She is quite attached to it. I can take it.” >Aurora looks over at the nurse >”Sorry, but this is evidence now. Move it out sergeant.” >Zende is about to speak up again, but realizes it’s a lost cause as the stallion walks out of the house with Derpy’s most prized possession. >Derpy tries to wiggle and say something, but her body is too weak >The only countermeasure she is able to muster is more tears >Zende looks down at the gray pegasus with sympathy >The other nurse pony starts to stand up, shaking his head >Still disoriented, he looks at the other ponies in the room >”What the hay happened?” >Before Zende can speak, Aurora takes control of the conversation >”We secured the criminal, and you may be injured.” >The stallion nurse checks himself quickly >”I’ve been through worse.” >Zende speaks up and says, “We can untie her now that the sedative has fully kicked in, but leave her wings bound.” >As the two nurse ponies unravel Derpy’s bindings, Aurora walks outside to the prison cart >Anon grumbles as he opens his eyes >The first thing he sees is a white unicorn glaring at him >”If it wasn’t for Equestrian Law, you would already be dead.” >”Wha…?” >Anon begins to remember everything that just happened and spits out a mouthful of blood “Wait!” >Aurora continues to stare at him with icy daggers “Derpy is my friend…my special somepony, I would never hurt her!” >”Anything else, maggot”? >The hairs on Anon’s back raise as though he can feel someone looking at him >Or rather, somefilly >In the distance, he can spot Silver Spoon watching him >Her reddened eyes look at him in anguish “Officer, it was her! Silver Spoon, she's over there!” >As Anon starts yelling and causing a ruckus, Silver Spoon gives him one more glance before turning and walking away >”Aurora uses her magic to grab onto his clothes >She slams him into the iron bars so that he is facing her ”Ow!” >”You have some nerve mentioning the names of your victims so casually.” >Before he can say anything else, she uses telekinesis to wrap a gag around his face >Anon’s yapping gets muffled >His eyes go wide as he sees Derpy slowly walk out of his house, accompanied by two nurse ponies >She notices him in the cage and changes her direction >Her voice doesn’t work but he can read her lips as she says his name >In her mind she is running faster than a race horse, but the nurse ponies hover on each side of her as she walks at a snail’s pace >Anon yells into his gag as he tries to call out to her >”Alright, let’s get this dirtbag to the station, make it quick.” >Anon slumps down as the momentum of the cart jerks him >As the ponice plod and clop along the road, Derpy slowly but surely shrinks into the horizon >Anon’s last memory of Derpy is of her hoof extended as she calls out to him ============ One Year Later ============ >Derpy stares outside of her window >Like she does everyday >She’s not allowed to leave the house anymore, no more swing >Her despondent eyes whirl around, waiting for Anon to make his appearance >To rescue her from her solitude >But just like yesterday, he never arrives >Zende told her that Anon was evil, and that's why the blue ponies took him away >But she knows that's not true >How could her favorite person be bad? >She wishes she could cuddle with Lulu >But the blue ponies took her away too >Another warm tear slides down her cheek as she sniffles >She begins to remember her recent stay at the hospital >Derpy is lying in bed, bracing her hooves against the side-rails >Soft beeping of monitors fill the air as the tension builds >She doesn't know what's happening as she looks up at the ceiling of the bright sterile room >Her face contorts in pain as another contraction hits >The nurse tries to comfort her, "You’re doing great. Just breathe." "i cant...i cant” >The doctor stands at the foot of the bed, watching the monitor. >"It’s okay, Ms. Hooves. Just focus on your breathing. In and out, nice and slow. You’re almost there." "it hurts so much!" >The doctor does his best at giving her a reassuring smile >"I know. But you're doing an amazing job. Let's try to make it through this one." >Derpy takes a deep breath, wincing in agony as the contraction continues "help me..." >The doctor steps closer to Derpy >”I’m going to guide you through it. You’re not alone.” >The contraction starts to ease, and Derpy exhales with relief “okay…okay” >”Good. We’re getting closer, Ms. Hooves. Just a little longer.” >The nurse walks next to the doctor, waiting to assist once the foal arrives >Derpy closes her eyes, summoning all of her strength. >Another contraction hits. This one feels more intense. "Uhgoooh...somethings coming!" >The doctor holds her hoof >”We’re almost there. Keep pushing” >Derpy looks at him as she wails out “oohhh, it hurts!” >Derpy pushes with everything she has left >”It's here!”, the nurse exclaims excitedly >A tiny pegasus plops out of the labored mare, the nurse wraps the newborn in a towel >Derpy breathes heavily as her tongue hangs out of her mouth >Still moaning as the throbbing aches continue in her special area >The nurse walks the foal over to Derpy >The miniature green pony in her grasp is crying its eyes out >”Here he is! Your adorable baby colt.” >Delirious and out of it Derpy looks over at the nurse >One of her eyes looks down and sees the foal staring back at her >For a moment he stops crying >The doctor rushes over to the nurse and angrily whispers in her ear >“I-I'm sorry doctor...” >With a saddened glance at Derpy, the nurse turns away and then briskly walks out of the room >The green foal begins to cry again as he loses sight of his mother “wait is he my baby?” >The doctor steps in front of Derpy’s line of sight, cutting her off from the nurse and her son >She looks up at the doctor and asks in quiet voice “am…am i mommy?” >The doctor stands there awkwardly for a moment before responding >”Ahem. Um…no.” >Derpy frowns as she waits for him to continue >”Ms. Hooves, something really bad happened to you…but you are fixed-” >Derpy’s retrospection is interrupted by a boom of thunder >Heavy rain pours down and slaps against the window >Her wings hang limply to her sides as she starts to sob uncontrollably End