Item #: SCP-007 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-007 is to be kept in the fridge in the cafeteria at Site-03 with a label designating it as SCP-007. Due to the nature of SCP-007, no further containment procedures are necessary. Description: SCP-007 SCP-007 is a pickle jar of unknown origin and manufacturer. SCP-007 is approximately 1.5 hooves tall, and contains 8 pickles. SCP-007 is made of an unbreakable glass-like material, with a cover made from a similarly durable metal. To date, [REDACTED] tests have been performed attempting to open the jar, and all have resulted in failure. As a result of testing, it has been determined that SCP-007 is impossible to open, at least by all known means available to the Foundation. Document # 007-E: Experiment logs -- Test # 1: Test Friend Test Friend: So, you just want me to try to open this pickle jar? Researcher: Yes, give it your best go. Test Friend: Okay! Test Friend: Haaah! Test Friend: I... I can't get it open!? Test #2: [DATA EXPUNGED] Test #3: SCP-064 Cross-testing Researcher: Please, SCP-064? I REALLY need you to open this pickle jar for me? Pretty please with a cherry on top? SCP-064: First off, my name is Anonymous, not 'SCP-064'. Secondly, sure. Hand it over. SCP-064: Hnnnng! What the fuck? what did you do to this thing? I can't open it! Researcher: That's okay if you can't open it. I'll just take it back then. SCP-064: No, wait! I can open it! J-just give me a moment! Addendum 007-E-04: SCP-064 continues trying to open SCP-007 for 5 minutes before finally giving up and relinquishing SCP-007 back to the researcher.