>Last night was a little rough >Sparking had another nightmare >Since it's just you and her, she tends to cling to you as powerfully as she can >Which means hugging onto your side and filling your head with frightful images >Frightful for her, at least >For you, it's a lot of mental noise that doesn't let you get too deep a sleep >But you don't mind >When you first got her, she was rowdy and always talked about escaping >Until one day she did >It took you a few hours to find her >Turns out that she had broken down and started crying a mile into the nearby park >After that, she really did not like being apart from you >She told you about how she used to have two friends >Both of them were dumb >But they were her best friends >She couldn't really remember them outside of knowing that one was a yellow pony and a white pony with wings >A pegasus, presumably >Sparking nuzzled your left shoulder >As soon as you woke up, she did >It was kinda spooky at first but you've gotten used to the weird mental lock you two have together >You've noticed that your eyes, usually hazel, have even started to turn and stay more and more red >You have the vague suspicion that's due to her magic but you don't really mind >'Good morning. I'm sorry about the nightmare.' >It isn't a problem for you >You do help ease the burden of her terrors >It used to be draining to stick with her magical default but she doesn't use her vocal chords that much these days >Everything's through her magic >And boy does she have magic to spare >She might've had some sort of block before but once you found her and brought her back home, that did something, unlocked whatever was holding her back >It was rough, you won't lie >But it's been worth it >'You don't work today, right?' >Not that you knew of >She knew everything you did >But it made for good conversation >'Can we watch the show again today?' >Of course >Whenever you get out of bed, you make sure to prop her up against a pillow and surround her with your fluffiest blanket >She's a little scared of the outside world >Hell, she's scared when she isn't connected to you >She still loves to talk about her two mystery friends but as the months went by the adventures and tales got less and less descriptive >Until they just became descriptions of episodes that were from the show >She didn't like Twilight all that much >She thought it was dumb to have to move to a new town to make friends >Applejack especially made her vitriolic >Partially because you can't bring yourself to dislike the cowpoke pony >You return with some leftovers from last night >Due to her magic and how intensely she can focus on things, she's become a pretty great chef >Of course, she knows every recipe you like and knows exactly when something isn't up to par >Whenever you ask her about what she likes, she usually says it's what you like >You get the feeling that she doesn't really know who she was, before you >You also know that she knows that you think that >But neither of you talk about it so it isn't anything to worry about >Returning to bed, she slinks over into your lap and like that your laptop comes to life on it's own >With a little help from her, of course >The only episodes she wants to watch focus on either Twilight, Applejack, or Rainbow Dash >But that two part season opening with Princess Cadence strikes a chord with her somehow >She still hums the theme song when it comes on, which is good >You pet her scruffy chest, watching the show with her >After the episode ends, you usually hand feed her >She can use her magic but she likes it more when you do it instead >She's not at all underfed or malnourished, but she just doesn't have the willpower or strength to really get up and be physical >Given she's said that she can see through your eyes and feel what you feel, you going to work is enough excitement for her >You don't really have any friends either, so it works out >You're her best friend, and she's yours >Almost in the blink of an eye, you've watched four hours of her favorite episodes >She's really good at videogames too >When it comes to co-op, she's the best partner you could imagine >She knows your tactics, what's flanking you, how to compliment your approach and especially how to handle the areas you lack ability in >Who knew that she'd be a fan of music, too >You've spent who knows how many hours putting something comfy and relaxing on while petting her all over >That's the happiest you see her, which is saying something since a lot makes her happy >The happier she is, the far more she talks to you >It was rough at first but with the speed of thought she can bombard you with a dozen questions at once and you can almost keep up >It's kinda made you a little irritable when talking to other people though, because they keep interrupting your internal conversations >But the money keeps coming in so it's whatever >After your shared brunch, you always take a bath together too >She's very fond of scheduled events >Gives her less reason to think about the more petty things, you suppose >Rather than shower, you always take baths together >Of course, some personal liberties are taken and it's not all cleaning and soaking in hot water >But it makes her so happy she doesn't think at all >You lay on your sides, watching a video game speedrun >'Hey Anon, I bet Applejack wouldn't be able to play games like us. Her and Rainbow Dash are such dorks.' >To her, her two mystery friends are little more than phantoms now >They're the ones that cause her nightmares >She's terrified of forgetting them but she couldn't even remember their names at the best of times >They looked familiar, the few mental pictures you got from her >'Anon, you're my best friend. I love you.' >She nuzzles her head against your arm >She's so sweet >You think she was just a little on the mean side because she was afraid of getting attached and being thrown away >One time when she was still angry, she said her friends abandoned her >She threw such a screaming, fiery fit that she ended up slicing you with one of your kitchen knives >The expensive ones >After that, you suppose she just flipped a switch >The arm she lays on is the one she sliced >The scar's still there but it's not like you don't already have scars from whatever over the years >The day bleeds into the evening >You're both happy just watching other people play games, going back and forth at the speed of conceptualization about inputs, input lag, and just how much she can shave down her time >She's inhumanly good when it comes to versus, which is why she prefers co-op >You have the much better situational awareness and ability to make up plans on the fly >Her role is to fulfill them, covering whatever blank spots she sees >It's beautiful to watch, in all honesty >But it is offset by a lot of things >But you don't mind, because that's where you come in >You end up dozing off in the middle of a video >Though she isn't done watching, a thousand soothing messages and whispers fill your head the moment you stop replying to her >It helps you sleep deep >It helps you relax >Given she knows everything about you to a T, she knows exactly what to say and how to say it >Sometimes you worry that she doesn't ever seem to want to focus on anything else >Sometimes you worry that the longer things go on without finding out more about her friends, the worse her nightmares will become >Sometimes, you even worry that she still thinks that you might abandon her, like she claims her friends did >But you would never >And she knows that you would never >She's peered into your very soul and has seen that the link you chose to build with her would withstand anything and everything >But you can't see into hers >And you worry