>Last day of rehearsal and it’s a another beautiful day. >Though you heard that there is a schedule storm sometime in the next few days. >Regardless, your spirits are far from dampened. >You greet the random ponies you pass by on the sidewalk. “Wonderful day to you!” >Some greet back in kind or even nod. >A few just ignore you. >They just don’t understand your happiness. >You pass by some shops on the way to hall and stop. >Normally you don’t just go shopping for no reason. >Today however, you feel the need to treat yourself. >Later of course, have to go to rehearsal. >Shaking your head, you continue to trot to the hall. “Maybe something nice, like a new necklace? Or a bracelet?” >Could get both, though one is already expensive. >Should be fine, it’s not like your finances are suffering. >Before you get too caught up in thinking, you see the hall. >Several ponies are just entering, one of which is your new friend, Feather. >You quicken your pace to meet with her. “Hey there Feather!” >She quickly turns to you and smiles. >”Oh, hello Connie.” >From what you can tell, she looks far better than the previous days. >You trot alongside one another and talk. “Last day before the concert, are you excited?” >Feather smiles, but it’s a little forced. >”Yeah, kinda. I’m mostly nervous.” >Poor thing. “Why’s that? You’ve played before an audience before, haven’t you?” >She sighs. >”I have, just not one this big. Plus this is my first real concert here in Manehattan.” >You forgot about that, time to help her out. “It will be fine Feather, you’re worrying too much.” >She gives you a look. >”You say that, but I’m not so sure.” >You both reach the main area, and you touch her wither to reassure her. “We were all nervous before our first concert. This may not be Trottingham, but I assure you, this isn’t much different.” >Feather looks a little happier, and takes a moment to breath a sigh of relief. >”Yeah, you’re right. Let’s do our best.” >You give a small cheer and smile at her. “That’s the spirit, onward to victory!” >She smiles back and you go to prepare. >Like always, you will treat this as if you’re live before an audience. >Quiet takes her place and the songs begin. >The music pours from the group. >You can feel the emotion in each note. >That’s one reason why you’ve always enjoyed playing. >How it can express oneself through music. >With rehearsal nearly over, you contemplate writing your own music. >Sure you’re never written before, but you feel so inspired. >Careful now Connie! >Almost lost focus, that would’ve been disastrous. >With the last song finished, you can say that was perfect. >You feel without a doubt that the concert will be a success. >Many of the members talk amongst themselves. >You decide to approach Friedrich. “So Friedrich, what do you think?” >He looks to you with the same stoic look he wears. >”I think it went well.” >As he starts to tend to his things, you feel a little annoyed. “Well? That was perfect, what could’ve been better?” >He talks to you while he puts away his violin. >”Perfect might be overselling it. There is always room for improvement Connie.” “That’s true. However, I am certain the concert will be fantastic.” >Friedrich turns back to you, his face unchanged. >”It likely will, all of us do our best. Well, most of us do.” >For the first time in a while, you feel angry. “We all do. I don’t know why you can’t see that.” >This time he fully faces you. >”Like I said, room for improvement. Why are you getting upset over this?” >Feeling your anger rise, you step closer to him. “You always act like you’re above everypony, always saying they don’t do enough.” >He takes a step back and looks greatly confused. >”I’m not above anypony, what is wrong with you?” >Just as you’re about to unload on him, you see that several members are staring. >What are you doing? >No, seriously, what are you doing? “I...I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” >You take a step back, and feel a little shameful. >Friedrich looks concerned. >”If I said something to offend you, I am sorry, but.” He pauses, and looks around. “Perhaps you’re letting the stress get to you.” >Is he right? >No, you’re not stressed. “I’ll be fine, thank you Friedrich.” >He nods and picks up his things. >What caused this? >You shake your head. >Things are fine, you just need to get some fresh air. >So you go find Feather, the two of you can talk and practice. >That’ll help clear your head. >She just finished getting her things together. “Hey there, ready to go practice?” >Feather’s face lights up. >”Yeah, sure.” >The two of you head out, though you have a nagging feeling in the back of your mind. >Feather takes notice of your silence. >”Is everything alright?” >Her words draw you out, and you give a smile. “It’s fine, I was just overthinking something. Everything is okay!” >She gives you a half smile, but nods. >Instead of hailing a taxi, you remember seeing that jewelry store earlier. >You head off with her following you. >”Where are we going? Are we not going to take the taxi?” “To the store, I thought about picking up a necklace or something.” >She looks confused. >”Uh, okay. Hope that doesn’t dig too much into practice.” >You giggle, there is plenty of time. >She is worrying too much, like you were. >As you reach the store, you have another idea. “How about I buy you something?” >Feather gives you a look. >”Why? We haven’t known each other that long.” >You look back at her. “I’d like to think we’re friends. Besides, it will help take your mind off things.” >She looks unsure, but finally smiles. >”I’ll just look around, if I see something, I’ll tell you.” >You eyes dance across the display cases and the nearby store owner trots over. >>”Can I help you ladies?” “Seeing if anything catches my eye.” >She nods along. >>”Anything in particular? Maybe something for a loved one?” >You pause, and turn to her. “Actually, could you show me your bracelets?” >She nods and quickly leads you over to a case. >Before you, many bracelets of different designs are laid out. >Each are so pretty. >Also quite expensive. >This is a treat for yourself, it’s not a problem. >One catches your eye, a silver bracelet with a emerald gemstone. >You point to it. “This one is lovely, could I try it on?” >She smiles, and brings it out carefully. >You slip it on easily, you can hardly take your eyes off of it. >Without a doubt, you will buy this. “I’ll take it.” >As you’re paying, you see Feather approach. “Find anything you want?” >She looks uncomfortable. >”No, not really.” >Looking around, you bring her over to the same case you were just looking at. “How about one these? We could get a matching pair?” >She shifts for a moment. >Finally she nods. >As you both head back to your apartment, she starts talking. >”That was quite a bit of money you just spent. Especially for somepony you haven’t known for long.” “It’s not a problem, really. Like I said earlier, I consider us friends.” >”Okay. I’m sorry, this is just a little unusual for me.” >Are you really overdoing this? >Everything is fine, your finances are good, this won’t be a problem in the slightest. >Need to stop getting distracted. “It’s fine, you’re worrying about this too much.” >You reach your apartment and look over your mail. >Several letters from friends and family. >Can’t wait to read them later! >You practically fly up the stairs. >Feather has to move a bit faster to keep up, but you both reach your apartment and enter. >”Not to sound rude, but how is it you have so much energy?” >You’ve been questioning that for yourself on and off. >So, you shrug. “I’ve been this way as of recent, I’m not worried though. I feel perfectly fine.” >She nods, but looks concerned. >You set your mail down on the desk and head into the living room. >Unfortunately there isn’t much time left to practice, but a little won’t hurt. >You both pull out your violins, and you look through some pieces. >One catches your eye and you show it to her. “How about we start off with this one?” >She looks over the sheet briefly. >”Alright, I’ve played this one a few times before.” >Bringing your violins up, the song starts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BywnzKojQvU >This was one of your favorite pieces. >A few more songs you play together. >But sadly she has to go. >You wish she could stay around longer, but you understand. “Goodbye Feather.” >She gives a small smile. >”Goodbye Connie, thank you for today.” “You’re welcome.” >The door shuts and you head off to look at those letters. >You approach your desk and look through quickly. >Letting out a sigh though. “Not one from Eri yet, she must be busy.” >You get to writing back each letter, and figure you should write Eri again. “Wouldn’t hurt to send her another, maybe she didn’t receive the last.” >Finishing up, you set aside the letters for tomorrow. >It’s here you realize you haven’t planned out everything still. “Am I stretching myself too thin? No, that can’t be. I always have a schedule to follow.” >You look outside the nearby window at the Manehattan night sky. “Tomorrow will be fine, I have done many concerts before and each a success.”