>You are Anon >A high school student entering your Junior year >However your school life has hit a major hurdle >Your parents are moving abroad because of your dad's job >You're not going with them though >Because you didn't do well in the foreign language class they made you take >So it's very doubtful you'd handle it well at all if you did go >Instead you're changing schools to Crystal Prep Academy >If that wasn't bad enough you're moving in with your aunt Mrs.Harshwinney >As long as you've known her she's been an awful grump who seems to hate everything >Not only that, but she lives in a girl's dorm as the 'den mother' in charge of it >You wish you could have just stayed in the boy's dorm >Your parents couldn't afford that with how snooty and rich that place is >So your parents had to pull strings to have you 'allowed' to stay with your sourpuss aunt in a girls dorm >Nobody involved with it wants you there, and you don't want it either >Your friends told you horror story about how the girls there are stone cold bitches who'd tear you apart >They're probably lesbians too >So you'll 'get to' stay with your 'no fun' aunt, surrounded by man hating lesbians, and at a school for asshole snobs >Thanks for nothing mom and dad >Right now it's actually the weekend before you're set to move in >A PTA style meeting is being held about it, and you have to attend of course >It's your last chance to try getting out of it >The new principle for the place Cadance will be residing over it >If only Abacus Cinch was still principal >Sure she's a turbo cunt you'd heard, but at least she'd never have allowed this >The whole meeting is practically set up like a trial >With you as a defendant >Even though you basically just want to plead 'guilty' and end it >It even seems there are more guys here than just your friends here to help you >Of course the people against it from Crystal Prep speak first >The first to speak making you out to be a villain with, "He's just a pervert making any excuse to get into an all female space! Everyone here with even a single brain cell knows he'll just creep on us, and violate our privacy as much as possible!" >Their side of the room clamored in agreement until Cadance made them shut up so the meeting could continue >Then one from your side of the room was invited to comment >Everyone expecting 'your side' to be in favor of it >However Flash is the first to speak >Saying in your actual defense, "He's one of the best guys in our school, and you're basically throwing him to the wolves! They'll eat him alive!" >Big Mac then added his trademark "Eeyup." >Thanks Big Mac, you always know what to say >Then another boy blurts out, "I heard the last boy to just try speaking to them got beat with chains, and dragged behind a motorcycle by the neck!" >The girls over there actually seemed angry to be accused of that >You could only hope it's an exaggeration, and it didn't really happen >Cadance then asked you directly, "Do you agree with this sentiment?" >Which of course you do You respond extremely sure of yourself, "Of course I do! I don't want to be gutted like an animal! How could it be surprising that I just want to go to school and survive it?!" >Cadance really didn't appreciate your tone here >Telling you in response, "That's just rumors. Sure they're protective of their private space, and why wouldn't they be? They're not nearly so 'bad' as you think, and they'd never kill anyone." >She then straightens the tie she's wearing with her pantsuit before bringing her attention back to you >Asking you now, "Do you even have any ideas for where you'd live if you don't get approved here?" >She's got you there, because you don't You try responding with, "Not right now, but I could come up with something!" >However you condemned yourself by saying that >Your fate sealed when Cadance declared, "It's too late for that. You have to have a new place by Monday, and that's far too little time to make any new arrangements with ANY kind of housing option. You're just going to have to lump it. As I won't let a student be put out onto the streets because he's being a stubborn brat." >You really didn't have anything to say in response to that >The room fell silent knowing the principal had made up her mind >Nothing anyone said now had any hope of preventing you from moving in with your aunt >Even your aunt held her tongue out of fear of just turning the principal against her >So with nobody having anything further to say the meeting was called to a close >With it being decided things would move forward as planned >You were sent home to finish packing >Then you spent most of the rest of the weekend dragging your feet with packing >Just wishing you didn't have to leave this house you grew up in >When you had it all packed, and the moving truck was here on Sunday evening it felt all too soon >Thankfully there were movers who helped you get everything into the truck >Not everything could go with you though >Especially large furniture like your bed >Which made you worry your aunts place is small >Hopefully she at least already has a bed there you can sleep in >Your aunt had told you begrudgingly over the phone that her 'den mother apartment' is at the very top of the dorm >Placed on the roof of the building, but at least it has an elevator >You also received several of the school's uniform in the mail >Wearing one of them now for when you head there to move in >You expected it to be itchy, but it's surprisingly comfy >Sitting in the moving truck on the drive there you feel like your life is over >When you arrived and got out the reception you expected was waiting >Several girls in the courtyard of the building starring daggers at you >Trying to avoid their gazes as you carried the first box of your things into the building >Entering a 'commons area' with stuff like a living room and eating area on the first floor >You make a beeline for the elevator you can see >While also passing by an office your aunt has for when she's 'at work' here it seems >Getting into the elevator you were thankfully alone in it >You're not able to make it to the top floor without 'interruption' >Just staying in the corner of the elevator made it easy for the girls who got in to just avoid you >You were by yourself again when it reached the top >Getting out onto the roof you could see Harshwinney's apartment >It was like a cube slapped onto the top of the building as an afterthought >Not an especially big one either >Looks like you were right to worry about space >Knocking on the door she just told you, "I left it unlocked, just come in already." >Opening the door a truly shocking sight unfolded before you >You expected a neat freak apartment, but the person who lives her lives like a slob >There was stuff strewn everywhere to the point you could hardly even see the floor >Like a hundred times worse than you'd ever let your own room get at it's worst >She wasn't about to be judged for it either >Telling you straight out in a firm tone, "I unwind after work however I want, and I'm not about to change just because you're here." >She then points to a corner that was surprisingly 'clean' compared to the rest of the place >Before telling you, "Just put your stuff there for now, and you can unpack at whatever pace you feel like. Just don't bother me with it." >You set the box down over there before leaving to start getting the rest >With the movers still helping as well >Just ignoring the haters glaring at you as you went back and forth >Until it was all brought in >Once it was clear you were done bring in your stuff Harshwinney locked the door >Before you could ask why she stated, "It's curfew now, and you aren't going anywhere. I'm not going to let you wander around the dorm harassing the girls." >You think the only one who'd be in danger if you 'wandered around' there is you >Looking around you notice something disturbing >Not only is there not a seperate bedroom for you, but there doesn't seem to be a bedroom at all >It's just one room with 'kitchen' and 'living room' areas >As well as an adjoining bathroom as the only 'separate' room >There doesn't even seem to be a bed at all >The only thing that looks like it could be slept on at all is the couch >While you were freaking out about that your aunt practically got undressed >Leaving herself in only a shirt and underwear >Before telling you defensively, "This is how I get comfortable, deal with it." >You couldn't help staring now >Dressed like this it was impossible not to notice her curves >As well as the fact that you could see her underwear making you hot and bothered >Could your perpetually grumpy aunt be, hot?... >No, that can't be >She then noticed you staring before asking you accusingly, "What?! You think I'm ugly or something! What do you think you're staring at?!" >You reflexively avert your eyes from her >She huffed before saying, "That's what I thought, bitch." >Then Harshwinney unfolded the couch which turned out to be a futon >Before grabbing a blanket and pillow off the floor >Getting onto it to start lounging as she turned on a television >She then started to ignore you like you weren't even there You had to ask her though, "Where am I going to sleep?!" >She seemed annoyed to have to address you >Telling you like it's nothing, "You're sleeping with me, and don't get any ideas about it! It's just so I can be sure to keep you from sneaking off into the night so you can cause trouble!" >She then saw you were still in your school uniform >Commanding you now, "Get into your pajamas already! You're turning in early, it's a school night!" >You grumbled about her bossing you around as you searched through the boxes for the one with your clothes >Getting your pajamas out of it before changing in the bathroom Once out in your pajamas you comment to her sarcastically, "There, happy now, or would you rather I be naked before I get in bed with you?" >You aunt groaned loudly with annoyance >Before telling you, "Don't be a smartass. Just shut up and come over here." >Sighing heavily before heading over >Climbing onto the bed before she grabbed you >Pulling you in to hold you, and pinning you in place >With one leg over you, her body pressed into your back, and her arms around you >She said with some satisfaction now, "There, now you aren't going anywhere tonight you horndog." >With her chest pressed into your back, and her nearly wrapped around you it was hard not to be flustered >Trying to remind yourself who this was while hiding any 'reaction' to this >You'd just be proving her point about you if you did among other things >She just kept watching her dumb shows about sad lonely women trying to find romance till she fell asleep >You could try wriggling out away from her, but you'd probably just get caught >Feeling resigned to your fate as you tried to fall asleep until you somehow managed - Monday - >You wake up to an alarm blaring, and being kissed repeatedly >Practically wondering who it could be because you weren't awake enough to remember where you were >Then noticing it was Harshwinney kissing you while she was still asleep >You also noticed feeling a hand holding your dick >When you pulled her hand off of it she started to wake up >Quickly letting go of her hand she doesn't seem to think anything is off while becoming aware of her surroundings >The alarm was still going off until Harshwinney turned it off >She then noticed you were awake >Before getting seriously as she ordered you, "Now get dressed and ready for school quickly, Anon! I will NOT tolerate tardiness!" >Then she practically pushed you off the bed >Forcing you to go get ready for school right then while glaring at you constantly >Watching you like a hawk, and acting like she'd bite your head off if you stalled for even a second >Especially when in the shower >The water wasn't even warm yet when she yelled through the door, "What's taking so long?! You'd better not be masturbating in there!" >Did she just expect you to shower immediately with cold water or something? >Knowing her that actually sounds right >When you got out of the shower you saw she'd gotten dressed while you were in there >Lastly she gave you some time to eat some of her cereal while she showered >Which was some awful health cereal that tasted so bad you thought the box would taste better As you gathered your school supplies you asked her, "How will I pay for lunch?" >Harshwinney then told you curtly, "You don't have to. The cost of school lunches here is included in tuition." >Guess private schools really are different >Once you were ready she forced you out of the apartment with her >Pushing you from behind as she took you to the elevator >Then she pushed the button for the 1st floor >While pushing you into the corner with one arm, like she was trying to keep you from potentially bothering any girls here >Once on the first floor she kept pushing you from behind to the front door >As the girls in the common area looked on in amusement >Apparently thinking it was funny seeing her push you around like that >Once she had you out the door she ordered you, "Head right to the school, and no detours!" >She the practically slammed the door shut behind you before heading to her office >You don't even know the area well enough to know where you'd possibly go instead of the school >It's nice that you can literally see the school from here, or you might have actually risked getting lost >When you arrived at the school practically nobody was here >You saw a clock and realized you were here really early >It would be like the aunt Harshwinney you know to force you to school super early >Though you soon see Cadance coming to you like she had something to say >She grabbed your hand while saying, "Come with me." >Cadance then dragged you to her office >You hope you aren't in trouble or anything >It'd be stupid if you were so soon, and without even getting a chance to actually do anything wrong >Though once in her office she first said, "You aren't in trouble. I just need to go over your class schedule, and wanted to do it personally." >She then handed you a piece of paper with some classes listed on it >Cadance then explained, "Normally students get to choose their classes for the most part, but obviously we couldn't get you to pick classes before coming here. So we had to choose for you this time. You'll get to make your own choices for Winter term." >Looking at the list nothing looked too horrendous on it >They were all pretty standard classes you probably have to take at some point regardless >She then told you, "I assume you're here earlier because of Mrs.Harshwinney. She's very strict I know, but she can be nice too. You just need to get on her good side." >You've basically had your whole life to try doing that, and had no luck so far >Cadance then pointed out some areas in the school you could kill time before your first class actually started >Even giving you a map of the school to help you find your way around >You're kind of glad Cadance is the principal now that you're here >Cinch probably wouldn't have helped you at all like this You thank her after she gave you permission to leave with, "Thanks for the help." >You then got out of the chair you were in, and headed for the door >Cadance the told you on your way out, "You're very welcome, and if you need anything don't be scared to come back here." >One of the place she mentioned you could 'hang out' was the cafeteria >Though you're not sure what you'd do there >It's not like you have any friends here, and you kind of doubt you want to make friends here >At the cafeteria the first thing you did was bust out your cell phone >Texting your friends to let them know you weren't dead yet >You ended up just texting back and forth with them >Until a bell rang letting you know it was time to go to your first class >Sitting through your classes was a lot like being at your previous school >Except everyone was wearing a school uniform instead of whatever they felt like >Which didn't take all that long to stop feeling weird >After classes were over you find yourself suddenly surrounded by several girls >Most likely knowing and caring who you were because they live at the girls' dorm >A very snooty looking girl with glasses and large pigtails is the girl who actually spoke to you >Simply commanding you, "You're coming with us for your after school activity, and you're not talking your way out of it." >So they said, but then again why? You asked them right out, "What, why? Don't you guys hate me or something?" >She hardly seemed in the mood to even dignify that with a response >Before telling you, "We don't hate you, we just don't like you. We're taking you with us, so we can watch you. As if we're going to let you go to the boy's dorm and be their spy, or plot with them to pull something like a panty raid." >You weren't able to object more before she grabbed your hand, and the rest started pushing you to make you go with them >They took you outside to an area that seemed dedicated to a sport of some kind >There was a stable of horses nearby as well >You didn't listen to the name of it, but apparently they were all going to play some kind of sport where they hit a ball around while riding horses >Not that you were going to be joining >Since you don't have a horse and everything >However they sent you up onto a signpost to keep score >At least you didn't even need to know the rules >Since you just changed the score whenever their 'announcer' told you to >This was real fucking boring, and it practically made you wish you were with Harshwinney in her apartment >At least she seemed to have the tiniest bit of chill last night, and you'd be able to do something >Besides just sitting there waiting to change numbers on a score board >Why isn't it electronic anyway? >Are they being hipsters about it or some shit? >Eventually they call it a day, and pack in to go back to the dorm before curfew >Obviously making you come with them when they left >Just getting dragged around now, and actually looking forward to being with your aunt >Even if you'd have thought the idea of that was crazy before you got here >When you all got into the dorm they all dispersed immediately >Except that 'leader' who spoke to you earlier >Just standing there glaring at you >Like she thought the moment she looked away you'd start doing unspeakably horrible things You decide to mess with her a little saying, "Well, if you're just going to stand here staring at me, want to do something together or what?" >She then got angry before turning her head away with her eyes closed >While giving a pouty huff, and then walking away just apparently so very insulted you'd ask that >You hadn't even caught her name, but maybe you didn't need to know it >After that you decided to head into your aunt's office >Harshwinney was sitting behind her desk, and greeted you in a very professional manner >Before asking you, "So, how did your first day of school go here?" >You thought about it, and besides those girls hijacking you after school it went fine Telling her then, "It was okay I guess." >She then did something with some paperwork before asking you another question >Asking you, "I noticed you didn't get here right after school. What were you doing?" >You wanted to complain about those girls, but she'd no doubt take their side if you said anything bad about them >So you told her, "Oh, I'd just been invited to join an after school activity by some girls from here. They just wanted to help me get settled in." >Lying about their motives to avoid stirring the pot >She responded curtly, "Isn't that nice. I wouldn't have expected that from them, but they are exceptional girls." >A response which made you feel like it was a good decision not to bitch about them >She then told you, "Just head on in to my apartment. I'll be finishing up here shorty, and then I'll join you." >Harshwinney then handed you a key to her apartment >Telling you now, "I forgot to give you that earlier, but it doesn't mean you can leave after curfew." >No doubt she intends to physically prevent you from leaving when she 'joins you' >Not that you'd hate it all that much, but you shouldn't enjoy it either >On the way to her apartment you avoided the girl's who live here >Which was easy because they avoided you too >Well, except for that same girl from earlier who seemed to either hate you the most, or just had the most nerve to bother talking to you >She joined you in the elevator while you were going up >Scowling at you while you badly tried to pretend you didn't notice her >You don't think you'd seen her with any expression besides scowling >Actually maybe she did have a different expression while playing their horse riding sport >You weren't paying attention to that though >She forces you to admit you know she's there by addressing you directly >Asking you in an accusingly, "So which girl's room are you going to sneak into, you creep?" >God this is going to get old fast >Messing with her made her leave last time Hoping it'd work again you say, "What, do you want me to? So which room is yours?" >She fumed and stomped her foot angrily before responding >Telling you off with, "I'm not going to tell you that! Don't even think of trying to look for it either!" >You sigh deeply before trying something else Telling her more honestly, "Fine, I was just messing with you. I don't even know your name or anything, and I'm just heading to my aunt's place on the roof." >She still seemed angry, but about something entirely different now >Sounding indignant and even jealous now saying, "It's disgusting someone like you gets to enter Mrs.Harshwinney's room. It should be someone like me, who shares her impeccable cleanliness and dignity. Not that someone like you can appreciate that." >If only she knew the truth... You actually end up blurting out before you could stop yourself, "It's actually a pigsty." >She heard that and got seriously angry >Like nothing compared to what you'd seen before >Her face practically on fire as she got ready to chew you out >Shouting at you, "Don't you dare sully her name like that! She is perfection! A shining beacon of what a strong woman should strive to be, and I will not have you talking about her like that!" >She then shoved you before forcing the elevator to stop >Getting off on the floor it was at even though it probably wasn't where she wanted to be >Saying your aunt's room is a mess really set this girl off >You'd felt the urge to do something back, but it was guaranteed to just make things worse >You're a guy already on thin ice on the first day, and she's no doubt a well respected honor student >Escalating things with her could only end badly >So you just let her leave to cool off >Once in the apartment you did your homework first >Mostly out of fear your aunt would tear your head off if she asked about it, and you hadn't done it >Fortunately only being the first day there wasn't much to do >Which left you plenty of time to properly unpack >Not being sure where to put anything you kept your stuff in that same corner for the most part >Feeling immeasurable relief when you got your entertainment system set up >As well as holding your hand held console >Deciding to play on the hand held for a bit because it'd be the easiest to stop on short notice >The stress from today just melting away as you lost yourself in your current favorite game on it >However it didn't feel like long at all before Harshwinney came in >You put your hand held in sleep mode and hid it just in case >Yet she just dropped her suitcase on the floor, and shuffled to her futon without even addressing you >So you quietly went back to your game hoping she just keeps forgetting you're here >A while later she did call your attention >Even if only to ask you, "Hey, could you make dinner for us?" >What the hell? You tell her with exasperation, "I don't know how to cook! Why would you expect ME to make dinner?!" >She didn't even have the energy to get mad about your response >Simply telling you as lazily as possible, "Just microwave a couple of my tv dinners from the freezer. Come on, it's the only 'chore' I'm going to make you do here." >You sit there in silence considering ignoring her demand >However your stomach growled and you were definitely hungry >If you tried to play chicken with her over this it'd just end with neither of you having anything to eat >There was no way waiting long enough would lead to her getting up to make dinner >So you sighed heavily before stopping in your game to nuke some frozen dinner >At least you weren't actually cooking >So it'd feel kind of petty to get very mad about this >Once you had them both ready you brought your aunt hers >Then at yours at her tiny table >While she ate hers right at her futon >For a symbol of 'impeccable cleanliness and dignity', she sure could be a slob in private >Oh shit >You remembered saying something about it to that girl >Now you seriously hope she doesn't find out you said anything about it >It was impossible trying to imagine her not being absolutely furious to find out you blabbed about how she lives in here >Even if her devout 'fan' didn't at all believe it she'd definitely still be mad >You should probably be more careful about it from now on >After unfolding the futon she got your attention by beckoning you over Telling her, "In a minute, I've got to get ready for bed first don't I?" >Harshwinney of all people rolled her eyes about it >Even if it'd be easier to just go over there in your school uniform she'd no doubt harsh on you later if you got it dirty >So you got into your pajamas, and got ready for bed first >Dragging your feet just a little because you wanted to delay it a bit >Though you still eventually ended up shuffling over to her >When she grabbed you to hold you down on her futon much like last night >Her half-dressed body practically wrapped around you as you desperately tried to not get turned on >Her sappy romance dramas about depressing women helped kill any boner you might have had >Then as it went on she even started to cuddle you a little sub-consciously >It didn't seem like she was really even aware she was doing it >You think about calling her on it, but what good would that really do you? >If you made her too self-conscious she might force you off the bed, and then where would you sleep? >A big dramatic moment of 'true love' happens in her dumb show, and she squeezed you while sighing sadly >Commenting wishfully, "If only I could have a man like that..." >She then whimpered and whined a bit sounding just as depressing as the women in her shows >Your aunt then asking you, "Do you have a girlfriend Anonymous?" >You wish you could say you did, but you don't >Even if you did at your old school, you probably wouldn't keep her for long >You never hear anything good about long distance relationships You sigh before answering truthfully, "No..." >She then held you closer, and patted her head like she was trying to console you >Starting to monologue saying, "I know how it is... You work hard to be successful, and then nobody wants to be around you because you work TOO hard... What is 'working too hard' anyway?! Lazy jerks... Who wants to be with them anyway..." >You'd think she was drunk if you didn't already know she didn't own any alcohol, much less drink any recently >She then suddenly plants a kiss on your cheek before cuddling into you >Then telling you sounding sentimental, "You're a good boy, Anonymous..." >It wasn't long after that you noticed she'd fallen asleep >She's a quiet sleeper, but with her breathing right into your ear you could hear very light snoring >You then start to feel one of her hands start to drift low >Then stopping just before the waist of your pajama pants >What would you do now? >If you did nothing, then maybe nothing would happen, but did you want that? >You should want that, but your 'other brain' had other ideas >Your body flooding with hormones saying you wanted this woman's hand on your cock >Didn't matter who she was, or how you felt about her >She's a woman who could be touching your dick, and maybe even would >You fight these urges deciding to do nothing >Yet as her hand very slowly drifted lower now you shuddered with anticipation >This morning you were shocked and reacted by forcing her hand off >Then tried to forget it happened since she wasn't aware it happened, and saying it happened would have just been an unnecessary bombshell >When you felt her soft hand grab hold of it your mind rewarded with a flood of pleasure >Like nothing you'd ever felt masturbating before, and yet it wasn't enough >Now you only wanted more, but if you made any major move you could wake her up >You were hard as diamonds in her hand, and frozen in place >Maybe the 'worst' part is you may never get to sleep now >Then your worst fear realized as she started to stir like she was waking up >While still holding your sausage >Her hand then darted off of it to wrap that arm around your chest >You then heard her mumble to herself, "Gotta stop doing that... His parents would kill me if I got caught. Good thing he's still asleep." >Except you weren't asleep, but it's not like you were going to just announce 'Hey, just so you know, I'm actually awake!' >Better to just pretend to be asleep, and try to get through the night without an explosion of drama >You thought you'd never get to sleep, but at one point your vision goes dark as your eyelids suddenly shut - Tuesday - >You wake up to her kissing you again >Does she dream about being with her 'perfect boyfriend' while holding you in her sleep? >The thought sends a shiver down your spine >Her hand is holding your dick again too, and you slide it off, just so she's not still holding it when you're 'both awake' >The alarm starts going off again just then >It's always obnoxious how you've often woken up just a few minutes before your alarm went off even before >It's just like, why even have an alarm then? >Enough time you end up sitting there practically waiting for it to go off, but not enough time to go back to sleep >While frustratingly remembering that Harshwinney wakes up, and turns the alarm off >She then shakes you a little to make sure you're awake >Once she was sure you were she pushes you off the bed >Turning it back into a couch while you shuffled zombie like off to get ready for school >You don't have the energy to bitch about any of it, and you know it wouldn't get you anywhere >After your shower you're eating the disgusting health cereal again >Your parents said they'd deposit some allowance for you in your checking account at some point, but when is that? >You need to buy your own not awful cereal before this 'health shit' ironically kills you >Since your aunt would likely shoot down the very concept of sugar laden goodness on principal >Maybe you could get her to buy some dinner food you like, but mornings are strictly no nonsense for her >You simply gathered your school supplies and headed out the door >With you doing it yourself your aunt didn't push you this time >She didn't even shove you into the corner of the elevator this time >Though you saw a familiar but unwelcome face on the way down >That one girl curtly saying , "Hey." >She said it with extreme sharpness that cut like a knife >Yet either not noticing or just expecting it from her your aunt greeted her normally >Saying in greeting, "Good morning, Sugarcoat. I see you've met my nephew. Are you two getting along? He's really a good boy." >It almost felt weird for her to say something nice about you, but maybe her time 'bonding' with you last night changed things a little >Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor hearing this >She then quickly jumped to regain her composure >Immediately changing her tune to pretend to like you >Just because Harshwinney seems to like you now, and she wants to agree with your aunt >Saying now attempting to back peddle, "Yeah, I've been helping him feel at home! He even joined one of your clubs on campus! Anyone with your approval can't be bad!" >She was rather transparent at the end there >Harshwinney then very subtly smiled just a little >Before saying, "I knew I could count on one of my most promising girls here at this lauded institution to act with only the best behavior. Are you going to walk to school with him? I'm sure having someone of your stature with him at the start of school will help him be a top student by example." >She very obviously didn't want to do that, but she expertly hid her disgust with the idea >Kissing up to your aunt shamelessly >Saying now, "Of course! I'm taking him under my wing to ensure his academic performance lives up to this dorm's standards!" >She then stands closer to you, but still leaning away from you like she was scared of accidentally brushing up against you >Your aunt was eating it up anyway >Acting rather happy about it as you all got off on the first floor >Everyone there looking confused to see Sugarcoat standing so close to you >She reflexively backed off once she noticed their looks >Her friends crowded around her, and formed a barrier against you >Sugarcoat then whispered something to them >Then they suddenly relaxed their stances against you >She probably told them about your aunt's apparent attitude toward you >Now they didn't want to be openly hostile to you while your aunt was here either >Pretending you were one of the group while leaving the front entrance >Harshwinney went into her office after seeing you off to go to school >Then once they were sure your aunt wasn't watching any more they dispersed, and ditched you >Something you were actually happy about >Having them surrounding you while fake liking you was just uncomfortable >Then just as quickly as the left you they were suddenly back >Sugarcoat speaking for the group like before saying, "Never mind, you ARE coming with us. We can't have you secretly meeting with the boys from the boys' dorm in the morning either." >You grumble while being annoyed about how paranoid they are Saying in protest, "Oh, come on! I was by myself yesterday morning, and there's basically nobody else there this early!" >At this sign of resistance some of the girls pulled chains segments out of their book bags >Oh fuck, they actually have chains! >Your arms shot up in surrender as you try not to shit yourself Saying as quickly as you could, "Okay, okay! I'll come with you! Just put the chains away!" >Sugarcoat then grabbed your hand before pulling you along >While the rest stayed close to make sure you didn't try to make a break for it >They pulled you into the school, and then into a section of the school dedicated to club rooms >Finally taking you into a room with a printed label on the door reading 'The Shadowbolt Study Circle' >Once in the room they locked it before starting their study group session >They didn't force you to participate at their pace, but they weren't about to let you leave either >So you just ended up doing your own separate studying while coincidentally being in the same room as them >As long as they basically ignored you, you could just pretend like they weren't there too >At least until the first bell signaling you to go to your first classes rung >Then they all went off to their classes after unlocking the door >Not even telling you that you were 'dismissed', but it was clear you could go to class without them with you now >You seriously consider trying to avoid them when school ended for the day >Even if you doubted you'd succeed, you could at least try >Going to your classes things go smoothly >Just turning in your 'introductory' homework assigned yesterday, and going through the start of another school term's daily grind >Almost makes you forget that you're at a new school where people are practically out for your blood >At least it almost does >You're brought out of autopilot by the last bell signaling the end of the school day ringing >Then you did your best to enter stealth mode, or at least keep a low profile >Your mission, to make it home without being ambushed by the lesbian brigade >Capture means having to go with them >Because now you know for a fact that they have chain segments as weapons, and aren't afraid to use them >Not to mention they outnumber you significantly >If your friends were here having your back you might risk a brawl, but without them it'd just be a one sided beat down against you >While making your way quietly out of the building you consider making new friends here >Yet you doubt anyone you befriended here would actually help you fight them >In your time here you've gotten the impression they all but rule this place >Your hopes of leaving the school unnoticed are dashed when you see them waiting at the school entrance >Sugarcoat of course being the one to address you again >Asking you accusingly, "Going somewhere?" >Her posse already have their chains out >How can they just be allowed to brandish weapons like that openly? >Even if they are basically the school's star sports team and honor roll at the same time there should still be limits, right?... Giving in to avoid getting your kneecaps being bent backwards you reply, "I wanted to just go home, but fine... You caught me. So let's just go to your horse riding sport or whatever..." >She was of course insulted by what you said >Seeming to never like anything that leaves your mouth >Correcting you with, "It's called 'polo', but we aren't doing that today. This time it's tennis. WE are CULTURED women, who train for a variety of competitive sports. Rather than restricting ourselves to just one like a SIMPLETON!" >She glared at you very strongly while saying that 'simpleton' part >Great, what are you supposed to do while they're playing tennis, watch? >While you feel yourself rolling your eyes hard reflexively she grabs your hand >Pulling you along yet again >You don't think even girlfriends drag a boy around as much as her >You're dragged to an actual tennis court on campus >Which of course they just have one of those here >It turns out you're in charge of score keeping again, but at least it's electronic this time >So you're just sitting at a table with a remote for the scoreboard this time >Though points aren't being scored very often here >They just hit the ball back and forth for what feels like forever at a time >You bust your cellphone out to text your friends Writing them in a group text, "Hey, sorry for the delay, but I'm still alive. How are the rest of you doing?" >The first response being, "I'm doing fine, but always worrying about you mah dude. It's gotta be crazy over there." Writing back, "Not as crazy as you're probably thinking, but it is." >You're interrupted from you chat with your buddies by a girl yelling out >You don't know who because it's not Sugarcoat, but she yells, "Hey! No cell phones! Put that away right now! Don't make us come over there!" >You sigh before making one last quick text Simply, "bbl" >Then put your cellphone away before these bitches have a conniption about it >Sugarcoat still comes up to you Asking like one of 'those' girlfriends, "Who were you texting?! Show me it!" So you answer sarcastically, "What are you, a jealous girlfriend? Just my friends from my old school. How would I even have anyone's number here anyway?" >Her face turns red as she fumes about it >She then dug into your pocket suddenly to take your cellphone herself >One of her friends blurts out, "What, are you crazy girlfraind?! You know where you hand just was right?!" >Ugh... >You don't know what to be more insulted about >Sugarcoat just taking your cellphone, or these lesbians acting like grade schoolers who think you have cooties >Sugarcoat snipes back, "Oh grow up! I know what I'm doing!" >She taps to your recent texts >Quickly finding the group text, and seeing the names of people she didn't recognize as students here >She clicks her tongue with frustration before lightly tossing your phone into your lap >You catch it and put it back in your pocket while rolling your eyes Asking her with dripping sarcasm, "Am I exonerated now?" >She simply huffs with annoyance while turning her head away >In a way that might have been cute if she wasn't so confrontational >As an ironic twist she gets a call on her own cellphone >With nobody saying anything about 'no cellphones' when she did >Guess that one apparently only applies to you >She answers like a spoiled brat, "Not now MOM! I'm at tennis practice!" >Her apparent mom's voice is garbled and you can't make out what she's saying from where you are >She gets more annoyed saying, "No, there aren't any boys here! Quit asking that!" >Why is she lying about you being here? >Though she's only getting more frustrated as the call goes on >Blurting out, "I'm not a lesbian mom! I just haven't found a boy who's good enough, and not some creepy pervert! What's the rush anyway?!" >Not a lesbian? >You're not buying that one >Her mom goes on, and she looks ready to explode >Yelling at her mom, "Yeah, what about him?! So what if I mentioned a boy invading our dorm?!" >You actually hear her mom this time >The mom teasingly telling her, "He's all you talked about the last time I called you. Is my little sourpuss finally growing up and liking boys now~?" >Sugarcoat got so mad she simply hung up on her own mom >She then glared at you with intense rage >You could even see tears forming in her eyes she was so angry and humiliated >Bringing your hands up in 'surrender' before trying to defuse Telling her, "Got nothing to say, and I didn't hear nothing." >She calms down a little but is still extremely mad >Her voice cracking a little as she said, "Good!... Tell anyone and you're dead!" >She might mean that literally >After that she went back to tennis, and the rest followed >Though she stayed very obviously angry the rest of practice >Spiking the ball too hard, and even pulling her arm muscles a couple times >Now basically forced to watch you notice she has a lithe body >Practically looking like a middle schooler too because she wasn't tall either >It wouldn't surprise you if you found out she'd skipped grades, but that probably wasn't it >Maybe it's just the pigtails making you think it at all >Once they call practice over you can't wait to get home >Then you can play some video games, and be with your aunt in her 'good mood' >You even find yourself excitedly wondering what she'd do to be 'physically intimate' with you tonight >While wondering where your boundaries are, but what would possibly make you call your parents about inappropriate behavior? >What would your parents even do if you told them she basically molested you? >You doubt much of anything could make what'd happen better than just trying to enjoy it, whatever does end up happening >Even if anyone would believe your 'no nonsense' aunt would do anything like that in the first place >You don't even notice having been pulled along you were so lost in your thoughts >Already back at the dorm as the girls dispersed >Even Sugarcoat, who didn't stick around to stay glaring at you this time >You go into your aunt's office, and she greets you >Asking you routinely without looking up, "How was school today? Did you turn in all your homework?" >She didn't ask you if you'd done it earlier, but maybe she has some faith in you Feeling almost proud to answer, "Yeah, I got all my homework in, and it went fine. The girls took me to their tennis practice this time after school." >Harshwinney simply nodded while continuing her paperwork >Not nearly so surprised to hear you were involved in their after school activities the second time You then tell her casually, "I'm just going to head up to the apartment now." >She simply nods again, but stops you to say something as you got up to leave >Telling you now, "Don't forget you can go to Cadance for help if any problems do come up at school. I can help too, but Candance has the most authority to do anything." >You almost forgot about that >Maybe you could find some time to talk to her about the lesbian brigade >It probably wouldn't go anywhere, but it's worth a try right? Sounding as grateful as you could saying, "Thanks, Mrs.Harshwinney." >Calling her by her formal tittle because she probably wants to be called that in her office >She then lets you go without anything more to add, so you were likely right >You then head up to the apartment >Hardly even noticing the cold reactions from the girls >Already used to it, and it feels strange it's only been two days >Feels way longer than that >Inside the apartment you change into your pajamas early >Knowing your aunt would like that >Then you just start playing your game from before >Just playing it while lounging in your pajamas feels comfy >You could get used to this, and nobody will even get mad about it >In what feels like no time at all Harshwinney comes barging in >Simply dropping her suitcase like yesterday before half undressing, and heading to her futon >She then asks you rather politely, "Say, Anonymous. Could you please make a couple frozen tv dinners again?" >It took zero effort last time, and she did say 'please' >So you quickly put a couple of them through the microwave before handing her one >She gave a quick "Thanks" while accepting it >You then quickly eat your own at the table >It's not very good food, but very convenient at least >It occurs to you that you might be becoming a bit like her already >Even if only because living in her space means doing things her way to an extent >After dinner you took care of everything you needed to do before heading to bed >Then headed over to the unfolded futon where your aunt pulled you into her embrace >She was watching the same shows as before >Which shouldn't be surprising at this point >Though what did grab your attention was that she cuddled into you more blatantly than last night >She then kissed you lightly on the cheek >Just once at first, but after a bit she did it again >Then again, and before you knew it she was practically raining kisses on your cheek >Isn't this a bit much? >When she seemed to stop you turned your head to face her and talked >That just caused her next kiss to be quickly planted on your lips >Your aunt's face then flushed deeply before she yelled with embarrassment, "Don't suddenly turn your head when someone is kissing you on the cheek like that!" >The realization of what'd just happened making you feel like you were on fire >While being acutely aware she was still holding you rather intimately Responding defensively, "I thought you'd stopped! I just wanted to turn to face you before talking! Besides, why were you kissing me so much anyway?!" >Your aunt flinched before going on the defensive herself >Answering very defensively, "It's just auntly affection! What, you don't want me to be nice to you or something?!" >Even from the way she said it that just sounded like an excuse >You're not sure how repeatedly kissing your cheek could just be seen as 'being nice' either >She then gulped heavily before asking you a very 'damning' question >Asking you, "Say... Are you going to tell your parents about this?..." >You definitely aren't, but should you tell her that? Having to say something you tell her, "Well, I guess not..." >Her face then lit up a bit as she seemed to get excited in a way that felt just a bit perverse >Building on that she then asked you, "Not even... If it happened again?" >Knowing that meant she wanted to kiss you on the lips again >It wasn't a bad experience, but maybe you should try pumping the brakes on this a little Asking her somewhat provokingly in return, "What, you mean like on purpose?" >She then chuckled awkwardly while looking away >Before saying defensively, "What? No... That would be crazy..." >There was silence for a bit as she kept looking away >Then she told you, "So just don't turn your head again." >She pushed your face away from her towards the television >Before resuming kissing your cheek like before >It was very obviously more for her benefit than yours, but you couldn't help having 'impure thoughts' about it >Spending the rest of the night until you both fell asleep thinking about what would happen if you turned your head towards her, and how far she might have taken things after that if you did >It had to remain a 'what if' scenario in your head for now >Because you went to sleep without having the nerve to actually go for it and find out - Wednesday - >You wake up in the morning with the feeling of feminine hands on your genitals >Which is practically becoming a routine at this point >Her light snoring in your ear telling you she's still asleep >Even if the way she fondled your balls and stoked your shaft seemed too articulate for her to really be asleep >You consider just letting this continue as the more awake you get the more this 'attention' makes your spine tingle in such a blissful way >Yet you're practically afraid to look at the alarm clock, and see how close it is to going off >If she woke up while doing this and knew you were also awake... >Then a certain 'conversation' would have to happen about it >One that'd probably have to happen at some point, but you'd rather kick that can down the road for now >You then ever so lightly grab her hands, and very carefully pull them off of your sensitive bits >Before basically waiting for the alarm to go off >Every moment the alarm didn't go off feeling like one more moment you could have waited longer before making her stop >When the alarm finally did go off you knew you could start to breathe easy >After Harshwinney woke up without her hands down your pants, you could act like you'd also just now woke up >Then go about the new morning routine while leaving heavy conversations about sexual tension for another time >With each day the morning routine is becoming more automatic in a good way that builds a sense of stability >Even if it involves eating cereal that tastes like garbage >Practically before you know it you're heading out the door with your aunt close behind >Aunt Harshwinney already in full on 'professional' mode in her pantsuit, and the stern look on her face you'd known her for before first stepping foot in her apartment >You make your way with her down to the first floor like normal >There in the commons' area waiting to take you into their 'custody' is the lesbian brigade >Sugarcoat of course standing front and center while making sure you knew there was no escape >Your aunt heads into her office, and Sugarcoat grabs your hand to drag you to school under her watch >Under different circumstance you'd be happier about going to school holding hands with a girl, but these aren't those circumstances >Yet saying that you can't help but notice how soft her hand is as she pulls you along >You end up thinking about how eager she seems to be to hold your hand when taking you somewhere >She really doesn't have to do it, and could have made you go with her without touching you if she's as repulsed by you as she often seems to be >Then looking around you notice the few students who were also here early pointing and snickering >Great, there's probably rumors about this going around the school >Wait, what are you talking about? >Of course there are >High school is famously one of the most gossipy places around >Your part in the rumors probably aren't very flattering either >Like people talking about you being Sugarcoat's bitch or something >In your humiliation thinking about it, you remember your plan to talk to Cadance >Though when can you go talk to her without the lesbian brigade stopping you? >Well, they seem to leave you alone during school proper >So you plan to go to Cadance's office during lunch break >You'll hopefully be able to just go there then without risking a hospital visit >For now they drag you to their little study group hang out spot >It seems they really like to get their studying in just before school often >Even if spending the morning studying before class is helpful you'd be happier not basically being forced to >The girls talked among themselves while purposely avoiding addressing you directly >However Sugarcoat looks your way constantly >Seemingly just to make sure you're still there >You feel kind of like a set piece for decoration >Emphasizing the need to talk to Cadance, or just do something to change your situation >Directly telling them off would be the most straight forward approach, but you remind yourself they have weapons and numbers they aren't afraid to use >So only an indirect approach would have any hope of working >Though you just try to make sure you can get through the school day to lunch for now >Soon the bell to go to first period rings, and the girls leave >While feeling anxious it occurs to you that you might be able to go to Cadance's office right now, but there wouldn't be much time before you were late for class >So you just bear with leaving it for lunch as originally planned >During class you try focusing on the lessons to take your mind off of things >However worries about if things went wrong with it nag you >Like if Cadance let it slip that you complained to her about them >Then they'd know you snitched, and it'd get a lot worse with the lesbian brigade >You even start to have second thoughts about the plan >Though you convinced yourself to stick with it by reminding yourself you don't have any better ideas, and you can't let what's happening now become a rut you get stuck in >Feels like an eternity before lunch break rolls around >You very quickly eat before fast walking to the principal's office >Stepping into the office Cadance greets you with, "Ah, Anon. Hope things aren't going too terribly. Please, have a seat and let's talk." >You sit in one of the chairs conveniently placed in front of her desk just for students like you You then get right to the point, "I'm sure you already know why I'm here. Those girls from the dorm just won't get off my back at all, and I haven't been able to explore the school or do much of anything I want." >Having gotten that off your chest you feel a bit better already >Cadance has a knowing expression on her face hearing it >Telling you now, "Yes, in fact I was already going to do something about it. The student body and even the faculty have been talking about them dragging you around non-stop." >She then gives an intentional cough as she collects herself before continuing >Going on with, "I'm not sure what exactly has gotten into them but it's not a very healthy way for things to continue, and it's really causing a negative ripple effect through the school's environment. Especially since those girls in particular are supposed to be representatives of our school." >You did know exactly what it was Explaining to her, "It's because they're paranoid about me conspiring with other boys against the girls' dorm, and doing something like a pantie raid. At least that's why they say they feel like they have to keep me under their watch as often as possible. It's like they think I'm suicidally stupid enough to actually try pulling any kind of stunt like that." >Cadance then slumped forward at her desk into her palms with bewilderment >Groaning with such exhaustion into her hands like she was just so very tired of their shit >She said with the exact kind of tone her pose suggested, "Of course that's what it is..." >Groaning into her hands some more not wanting to do anything right now >She then vented thinking out loud, "It's always like this with boys and girls dorms, but NOOOOOOO! Those god-damn parents JUST HAVE to have their 'precious little angels' in dorms like they had when they grew up, BUT THEN they have to be separate dorms for boys and girls!" >Getting angry as she ranted, "Don't they realize it just becomes like a school dance where the kids just stay on separate sides of the dance floor, except fucking forever?! Fucking hell, helping students is my passion, but sometimes... Ugh!..." >She looks up from her palms realizing that not only were you still here, but you'd heard all that >Cadance then took some deep breaths in a calming exercise >Before telling you, "Sorry you had to hear all that, but don't worry about all this. I'll take care of it soon. Just head on back to lunch for now, and it'll all be over before you know it." >You wanted to ask for clarification if she was sure, but it didn't feel like a smart move to doubt her right now >She obviously has experience with this kind of thing You stand up to leave while thanking her, "Thanks, Mrs.Cadance. It'd certainly be a weight off my chest if they could give me some personal space." >She then gives a quick, "No Problem" before waving you out >You then head back to the cafeteria even though you'd already eaten >Just because you don't know where else you'd spend the rest of your lunch break >It wasn't long before lunch break ended, and the second half of the school day began >You felt a lot less nervous now, but a small part of you still doubted things would be solved so easily >Yet after school the coast seemed clear >None of the lesbian brigade was in sight >At least until you got to the entrance, but even then only Sugarcoat was there without her friends >She then addressed you sounding upset, "We're letting you off the hook for now. So do whatever you want! I don't care what you do!" >Sugarcoat then stormed off with a huff >Cadance must have already talked to her, but what'd she say to her? >You'd just have to let it be mystery, and maybe even one you don't have to care about for now >It then occurs to you that instead of rushing home to avoid bullshit, you could actually do what you want now >This campus is huge, and it finally feels like the world is at your fingertips >You let this feeling of freedom wash over you for a moment >Breathing in a deep breath of fresh air >Then, with a hopeful mind the choice becomes obvious, there's just one club to join, and one place to go >Because there's only one thing you want to do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpsbj0OoeNo >You just want to play video games >It wasn't long ago, but it feels like an eternity ago that you were just able to be about video games >Instead of worrying all the time how you'd live, or even IF you'd live >Platformers, action-adventure games, RPGs, strategy games, and maybe even one of those fucking sports video games just because you can >You'd play them all >Doesn't even matter if this school has a video game club full of assholes >You feel like you have a new lease on life, and you're gonna use it to play video games god-damn it! >At least you certainly hope this school has a club about vidya >You went to the area of the school dedicated to club rooms as fast as your feet would carry you >With your mind on games you start wishing you could just sprint constantly like you'd do in a lot of games just to get around faster >Of course things in real life are never as convenient as in a video game, and constant sprinting would kill you >Regardless you find what you were looking for >The sign for "Video games, all the time, and every day" on the door like a holy grail to you >You open then door and stride in confidently >Feeling like you're on top of the world, and nothing could possibly ruin this >Then that all comes grinding to a halt when you see Sugarcoat as a familiar face among the new ones in the club >Sugarcoat doesn't exactly seem happy to see you here either >Saying out loud for everyone to hear but especially you, "If anyone asks, YOU followed ME here!" >A girl you didn't recognize from her 'gang' then chuckled before teasing her >Saying in a playful tone, "Aren't you happy~? Your boyfriend came just for you~! Are you two having a lovers spat~?" >She got angry about that implication of course >Telling off the fellow club member saying, "Come of Fleur! He's NOT my boyfriend! Why does everyone keep saying that?!" >A boy who's practically a stereotype for a rich person chimes in to dog pile on her >Saying sarcastically, "Suuuuure he's not, and Tenderhoof doesn't just do things for attention." >You open your mouth to chime in when 'Fleur' teases her again >Talking indirectly to you now with, "Our little Sugarcoat mostly just comes here to play when she's feeling down. Was it because your little boyfriend didn't want to play with you~?" >Sugarcoat fumes, and they all just seem to be amused by it >It does make sense that someone like her might end up around people who have fun by messing with her You sigh before speaking up, "I'm really not her boyfriend, and I'm just here to play video games. That's it." >Fleur then huffed before remarking, "Well that's no fun." >The boy from before speaks up again >Saying in a reassuring tone, "Come now, Fleur. There's no way that can possibly be true. Even if they BOTH deny it, they can't possibly not have some kind of relationship, and if they don't I'm sure they will soon." >Fleur gets her enthusiasm back with a sputter >Before responding as the two talked around you and Sugarcoat, "I guess you're right, Jet Set." >Sugarcoat pouts about it as they went on >Yelling at them, "Come on guys, quit it! I'm serious!" >Fleur chuckled about her 'cute' behavior before responding >Teasingly stating, "We all know about you pulling him around like he's your plaything~. Even making up something about it having to do with your imaginary war with the boys' dorm as an excuse~. You're just so precious sometimes~!" >Fleur then pinched her cheek playfully >Sugarcoat angrily slaps her hand away >Then yells out angrily, "Damn it Fleur! I keep telling you! Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm a little kid!" Feeling a chance to jump in you ask teasingly, "Are you sure you aren't? Did you skip grades or something to get here into high school?" >The other two seem to think that one was hilarious >Jet Set nearly falling out of his chair he was laughing so hard about it >Fleur wiping a tear from her eye before telling Sugarcoat, "Seriously though darling, if you haven't had that 'growth spurt' you've always told us was going to happen by sophomore year. It's just not going to happen." >Jet Set was still laughing but eventually gets over it >Sugarcoat looks seriously mad about it though, and you start to worry you'd regret saying it later >Yet with how comfortable these people are with messing wither her, it seems like maybe she's actually more bark than bite >Once messing with her started to get boring Jet Set mentions, "Hey, we were about to play some Call of Duty. It's pretty 'mainstream' but something easy to play as a group. You in, or not?" >Call of Duty is decent you guess >You shrug before sitting down in front of the console and picking up one of the controllers >The group then played it until it was time to go home >That feel of the controller in your hands was relaxing, and the sounds of virtual war like music to your ears >You'd almost lost hope, but maybe you'd found some people who were your kind of people at this school after all >You're no expert at FPS games, but you at least weren't the worst in the group >That 'honor' went to Sugarcoat, who apparently plays vidya very infrequently >You feel the urge to call her a casual, but don't out of fear of 'gang vengeance' later >You'd already accused her of skipping grades earlier, and that's probably enough playing with fire for one day >When it became late and you all called it a day everything was put away >The console and games put away in a locked cabinet >Might not be super necessary, but just to be safe so nothing happens to it >Jet Set then asks you with some anticipation, "So, will you be coming here often?" >You didn't need to think about your response Telling him excitedly, "Hell yeah I will!" >He smirks and chuckles a little in amusement >Then telling you, "Excellent, we're always looking for new members. Not many of us meet here on a regular basis. So a consistent new face would be marvelous." >Fleur seems to agree with the sentiment >Sugarcoat then reminds you, "Let's go Anon, if we're not back by curfew Mrs.Harshwinney would be pretty upset, and I'm sure you know not to upset her." >You certainly do, and the times you had in the past went rather badly >As you turned to the door she almost grabs your hand without thinking about it, but recoils her hand >Fleur then teasingly tells her, "It's okay Sugarcoat, you can hold his hand~. We won't mind~." >She then winked and made a kissy face that made Sugarcoat fume again as her face turned red >Perhaps from being flustered, angry, or most likely both >You severely doubt this would be the last time she'd get teased about her 'closeness' to you like this >You'll probably be on the receiving end of it more soon enough as well >Though Sugarcoat is the one more susceptible to this kind of teasing between you two >In fact, with a new and less scared mindset she kind of reminds you of something you'd seen in the few Japanese games you'd played >You'd forgotten what the right term is, but the 'character type' she was displaying a little was clear in your head >Even if you're still sure she genuinely dislikes you >Rather than just not being honest about her feelings >As you left while waving to the other members Sugarcoat ended up just kind of following behind you >While looking nervous and uncomfortable >As though she feels awkward walking close to you without her posse, and would be more comfortable holding your hand as well >You think about reaching for her hand, but the moment you twitched in her direction she backed away >It doesn't stop occurring to you how different she seems without the other girls with her >You arrive at the dorm without anything happening, but you did notice some curious eyes watching you as you went by >At the entrance of the dorm Sugarcoat makes a run for it to the 'safety' of her group >She took deep haggard breaths once with her brigade like she'd been holding her breath earlier >You then left her to her theatrics, and headed into your aunt's office >Sitting in front of her desk as she greeted you with, "Things go well at school again today?" >They actually kind of did You respond with some excitement, "Yeah, and I even joined the video game club today too." >Aunt Harshwinney then raised an eyebrow >Before commenting, "I noticed the games you have set up in the apartment. So I guess you really like them. Don't play those games too much and let your academic performance suffer." >You think up something to say to ease her concerns Telling her, "Come on, would I really let that happen under your watch?" >Maybe not under her watch, but you probably would if you thought you could get away with it >She seems convinced enough to drop the subject at least You then say routinely, "I'm gonna head up to the apartment, okay?" >Harshwinney gives a confirming murmur while keeping her attention on her office work >With that you head back out of the office, to the elevator, and then up to the apartment >You almost forget for a moment that you're heading through a place 'forbidden' to boys to get to your 'home' >Though some sharp glares from girls on the way quickly reminds you >Once in the apartment you could truly relax >Just change into your pajamas, and curl up with a good single player game >An RPG perhaps for some fine build cheesing and grind >Now feeling even more confident to just play it without worrying about anything >Yet the nagging thought of homework enters your head, and you pause your game to get it out of the way >Doing it as quickly as possible so you can unpause >If you stay on top of your homework your aunt will stay lax with you, and maybe even keep becoming less strict with you if she feels she can trust you to do the right thing >It didn't feel like long at all before you were done with it again >You fantasize about how great it'd be if your homework was this quick and easy the whole term >Of course you knew it wasn't actually going to be like that, but hopefully you'd still have plenty of time for video games >In fact, you boot up the same game you were playing at home here where you left off >You get so comfy playing the game you barely notice your aunt shuffle in >With a delayed reaction you only really notice when she's on her futon already >A growl from your own belly reminds you she's been having you make dinner, even if it's just microwaving stuff >You take the initiative to make dinner for the two of you before she said anything about it because you're hungry >When you took the one you nuked for her over she seemed pretty grateful >Telling you as she kissed your cheek, "You did this without me even asking? You're gonna make a very good husband some day for a very lucky girl." >There's a sharp tinge in her voice when she mentioned the 'very lucky girl', or at least you think so >You try to dismiss that as over-thinking it "Come on... You're embarrassing me." >You say since it's the first 'normal' response you can think of as you try to not have to talk about it anymore >She has a seemingly uncharacteristic smirk before giving a forced chuckle >You then back away before heading to the table to eat your own meal >After that you get ready to lounge with your aunt for the rest of the night >Even knowing she'd hold you tight and cuddle into you way too much you lie down with her anyway >With a tight squeeze of her arms around you she started doing just as you predicted >As the first casual kiss landed on your cheek you remembered that was a thing too >While her soap opera played on the tv in front of you >It kind of worried you that you were starting to understand what was happening in it >Despite having tried to actively avoid paying attention to it >She then seems to suddenly remember something as she actually asks, "Hey, did you finish your homework?" Like it was a moment you'd been waiting for you puff out your chest with pride as you say, "Why yes, yes I did!" >Harshwinney actually laughs a little at that before asking to see it real quick >Sending you to grab it, you do so quickly >She then looks it over like she's grading it >Looking happy as she says, "Looks great, but I can't help wondering if it's okay to ask... What went wrong with that foreign language course? I mean, it's obvious to me you're a good student. So what happened?" >You sigh deeply thinking back on it >Retelling it as best you could, "It was a very hard class, and I couldn't seem to get help from anyone. Mom and dad didn't help because even they were having a hard time with it, and were too caught up in their own problems with it..." >Your aunt strokes your hair to comfort you before giving you a few more kisses on the cheek >You get the feeling she wants to ask if you're mad at them for it >In a way, yeah, you guess you are >At least it could have something to do with why you haven't been very upset to be separated from them >Even if they were busy they could have still at least tried to help you, or even try to work through it together >Instead they just left you alone to flounder while only worrying about themselves >Your aunt suddenly brings your attention to her by squeezing you especially tight >"I promise that whenever you need help, no matter what it is, that I'll be here for you! You won't have to feel like that again if I have anything to say about it!" >She then fervently kisses your cheek practically like her life depended on it >It feels ridiculous despite genuinely feeling thankful she really wants to help you >Harshwinney then asks in weirdly awkward yet sultry voice, "So... Do you need any help right now? With ANYTHING?..." >You feel yourself blush and it makes you feel stupid for it Responding quickly you say, "No, no... Nothing now, but thanks..." >She cuddled into you like she's getting ready to go to sleep >Cozily saying, "You're such a good boy, Anon..." >Just like you thought she was asleep before you knew it >Then you went to sleep yourself after a bit of clearing your mind of everything - Thursday - >You wake up the next morning feeling pretty decent >Either you slept very heavily last night or nothing 'off' happened >In fact Harshwinney has actually woken up before you this time >Once she sees you're up she motions for you to get ready for school quickly >You start to feel weary imagining the school day ahead, but you get ready anyway >Knowing dragging your feet or complaining won't solve anything >Then you remember you could go to that video game club after school today >Which puts some extra pep in your step as you head out the door with your aunt looking forward to that >You ignore the girls in the dorm giving you the usual cold shoulder >In fact you almost even feel like whistling you're in such a good mood looking forward to going to that club again >Then you think about how you'd look doing that >Deciding against it because it'd look stupid and corny >You get to the school bright and early >Like a brick wall that hits you suddenly, you realize you still don't know what you're going to do here before school starts >The enthusiasm almost sucked right out of you on the spot >You could text your friends in the cafeteria, but it feels like you could be doing more than that >Then you saw Sugarcoat approaching you, and you actually weren't sure if you were relieved or worried to see her >She seems unsure how she's going to talk to you, but goes right for it anyway >"I can't force you to come with me, but would you PLEASE come to my study group?" >The 'please' was strained in an angry tone, and she sound antsy about the whole thing >It doesn't seem like it's even entirely her own idea to get you to come with her >You stop yourself from showing a sly grin as you think of an idea Saying in your smuggest voice, "Hmmmmm, I'm not sure. I mean, I don't really have anything to do right now, but I'm just not sure..." >She starts to fume in a way that was frankly adorable as you have to force yourself not to smile or laugh >At least it's adorable now without an armed group behind her >She then does raise her voice like she wants to shout, but without being too loud >"Just come with me, OK?!" >She then huffs with her arms crossed, and it makes you crack a wry smile despite yourself "Okay, okay... I'll come with you if you really want me to so badly." >Sugarcoat then scoffs and scowls like she wants to chew you out, but grabs your hand to pull you along instead >You hated being in her study group before, but now that you're choosing to go it's gotta be more interesting than just sitting in the cafeteria or whatever >Especially if you get to tease her >Once you got there though it was a very serious atmosphere like before >You end up just studying there and not trying to push Sugarcoat's buttons because the atmosphere of the room made you remember why you were afraid to do stuff like that before >However you did hear a comment from one of the other's that caught your attention >She said, "Thanks for bringing him back Sugarcoat. I know how we all felt, and honestly still do. Though still, without him here, it just kind of felt boring in a way... You know?" >You barely managed to catch it since you were hardly paying attention to them, but you don't think they talked about you much besides that one comment >When the first bell to get to class rang they kicked you out of the room, but if felt different than when you first got here >More like you were an opponent in a game for them rather than genuine hate >After that you went to your classes like it was a normal day of school >Blurring by like so many school days before you switched schools >Then when the last bell ending the school day you knew what it was time for >Not wasting a second you strode right on over to the club to for some gaming >Sure you could also game at home, but there's just something special about playing a game in a clubroom at school with other people >Striding in right through the door like you own the place you greet the other club members >Jet Set is the first one to greet you >"Ah, Anon. Good to see you back. We're just about to play some Mario Kart this time. Are you in ol' chap?" >Fucking sweet "Of course I am. What kind of person would say 'no' to Mario Kart?" >Then just like that you were playing it >Loving every second of it too >Even when you were on the tracks you normally hate >Just because you were playing it with some new friends in this club >It really feels like this was everything you could have hoped for in a club >Chilling out and just playing games >You mean, what more could you ask for? >Your worries about rich snobs ruining everything for you when you were preparing to move feel silly now >At least these people here are alright >It doesn't dawn on you till it's almost time to leave, but Sugarcoat wasn't here >Must have been at one of her athletic clubs or something, whatever >You help put everything away when it was time to stop and go home >Though on your way out Jetset stops you to tell you something >"I know the sign says 'every day', but there's no meeting tomorrow. We're all just too busy on Fridays sometimes, and tomorrow I'm heading out with my family on the marina." >Fleur chimes in saying, "I'm going to be going to a clothing store I love with some friends from out of town." >The others had stuff too You say, "Yeah, I get it. I'll probably be busy too." >Which you say even though you probably won't >Just kind of felt like it'd make you look bad if you said you didn't have anything planned >You wave goodbye as you head out the door before feeling too bummed out about it >On the way home you try to think of something else to do tomorrow >Since it'll be the weekend, maybe you'll be able to go hang out with your friends from your old school >That's something at least >You arrive at the door and head into your aunt's office >Greeting her and having a bit of small talk about it being a just okay day >Then you head up to her apartment to settle in for the night >No homework today, but you'll probably have some tomorrow meant to do over the weekend >You get into your pajamas before playing from where you left off before here >It's a long game, but that just means you get to play it longer >After a while Harshwinney gets home and you microwave dinner >Then get onto her futon so she can hug and kiss you again >Which is still kind of odd, but you can't say you don't enjoy it at least a little >While you're on the futon it seems like she wants to ask you something >Then asking after some build-up, "I'll be heading to the mall tomorrow to get a few things. Do you want to come with if you need anything?" >Nothing springs to mind immediately, but you're sure if you walk around looking at the stores you could come up with something to get for yourself "Sure, I could window shop a bit." >She seems both relieved to hear that, and a little more excited than you expected >Harshwinney soon changes the subject and starts talking about her show she's watching >Which you immediately tune out and the boredom from that makes you quickly fall asleep >In fact so quick you forget to question her excitement about going to the mall - Friday - >You have a dream you can only remember the ending of >Where you get a kiss on the lips from someone, and it feels very real >Then you woke up, and Harshwinney was there trying to get you up and ready for school >Her face was really close which made you wonder if that kiss actually was real, but her demeanor was so serious it made you have doubts >As you got ready for school she seemed to be in more of a rush than normal, and it made you worry you'd slept in >You didn't even have time to check what time it was as you rushed to get out the door to school after getting ready >The elevator seems slow as shit as it descends to the first floor >You start to feel nervous when you don't really see anyone walking about >It's like they're all at school already and you're seriously late >When finally at the lobby you make a break for the exit so you can get to school as fast as possible >Out of breath when you arrive there's even less people than when you normally arrive, but something feels off about it >You're seeing people out in the entrance here who normally arrive super early >Then you finally see the main clock in the entrance and see why >You're actually super early yourself, like way earlier than normal >What the hell was your aunt in such a rush for?! >Made you worry and get stressed out for nothing! >A wave of fatigue washes over you as you practically slump to the floor right there >While you were recovering Sugarcoat comes up to you looking confused >Asking you in a very direct way, "What was that all about?" >You're sure you looked ridiculous You try to explain, "Aunt Harshwinny was in a big rush for some reason, and it made me worry I was late because I'd slept in or something." >She didn't need more explanation than that >Saying in a smug and arrogant tone, "Not something that I'd ever need to worry about because I'm ALWAYS on time." >Puffing out her modest chest as she continued, "Well, if you study more, then maybe one day you could be just a bit more like ME." >At her study group she means no doubt >Before you could make a snide remark about it she's already grabbed your hand to take you there >She holds your hand pretty brazenly with nobody there to see it >Even swinging her arm which forced yours to swing with it with her fingers intertwined with yours >Like she thought you two were in a field of flowers and she expected you to start skipping with her >The imagery in your head now felt so absurd it made you wonder if your breakfast was secretly laced with drugs or something >That nonsense stops pretty abruptly when you reached her study group room >You two were the first there, and she simply sat down to start studying without addressing what she'd just been doing at all >The rest of her group pours in one by one >You don't dare say anything about what'd just happened even though you want to >They'd absolutely never believe it happened anyway >Maybe Jetset and Fleur would, but you don't think you'll be seeing them till Monday >Thinking about it and who you could joke about with later distracts you from serious study until the first bell for class rings >Then it was off to the daily grind >You're able to stop being distracted by the idea of you being made to skip through a field of flowers with the constantly angry Sugarcoat about half-way through the school day >Then after school you're greeted with the sight of none other than Sugarcoat >Who seems to want you to come with her to her latest athletic meetup >Thankfully, you have a perfectly valid excuse not to go >As you'd experienced quite enough of her for now You shrug off her desire to pull you with her saying, "Sorry, gonna have to pass on it. I'm going on a shopping trip with my aunt." >She seems mad about it before seeming to give up on getting you to go with her >"Fine, go on your little 'shopping trip' then! You'd better be respectful to her and not do anything to damage her reputation if you're not just making that up!" >She then shoves you a little before storming off >With that you just turn right around and head for the dorms, and then Harshwinney's office >She seems downright ready to explode with excitement despite still trying to look professional in her office >"Good, you're here. Go get ready to head to the mall, and we'll head out soon when I'm ready." >Her voice barely able to have even the tiniest hint of calm in it >Either there's something she VERY badly wants to get, or this isn't actually going to be a standard shopping trip "Okay, I'll go get ready. Though you really, REALLY seem excited to go shop." >You couldn't help saying something about how excited she is >She doesn't take the bait and explain more about why she's so excited >So you just head up to the apartment and put on some better looking casual clothes >Soon she comes up and goes to change clothes herself >It takes a while, but she comes out dressed in a low-cut top, and ultra-tight black yoga pants that nearly make your jaw drop >You couldn't possibly imagine she normally goes out shopping like that >"How does it look?" >She asks while doing a few poses, and giving a twirl A bit of a stammer as you replied, "Uh... Uhmm... You... Look great!" >She almost looks mad, but then the look on your face tells her that you actually think that >Before heading out she remembers she'd have to go through the dorms looking like that and gets cold feet about it >At least until she got the idea to put on a jacket that'd hide how the top looks >Then as she heads out the door you unintentionally get a very long feeling eyeful of plump bouncing booty in those tight yoga pants >You bite your lip before becoming aware you'd just done that and hoping she didn't notice >Getting in her car you have to move a bit of trash to sit in the passenger seat, and she looked rather embarrassed about it >Though really, after seeing her room you definitely weren't expecting a spotless car interior >She then drives you both to the mall without incident >After you get out of the car she walks up and starts hanging on your arm before you both head in >You can feel yourself blushing while wondering what people would think seeing her like that with you >Then the first place she directed you to was a clothing store >Your head flashed with scenes of couples shopping together, and his date trying on skimpy clothing for him >Though Harshwinney then heads straight to the section with the business suits >It feels a lot like her to go there, but she does pick out a suit to try on that seems a bit small for her >After some time in the changing booth she comes out absolutely wanting your opinion >It was definitely tight on her not just in the right ways like the yoga pants were, but in all the wrong ways too >The suit is constricting her chest too tight and she's straining to talk as she tries to ask what you think >You think she's having serious trouble trying to breathe >When she falls to the ground you rush over to try to undo enough of the buttons on the shirt that she can breathe again >She doesn't respond at first which seriously worries you >A female store employee is there and suggests mouth to mouth to revive her "B-but I don't know CPR!" >You say worriedly as you seriously wonder if she'd be okay >She then tells you, "Just press your lips to hers, and I'll tell you what to do next!" >You then try to brace yourself for it, but as you look down you see her blushing with puckered lips >All your worry vanishes immediately "Come on... I can tell you're okay now. Just get up and lets go." >The store employee was definitely in on just getting you to kiss her >"Awwww.... You spoilsport! Just kiss her! You're ruining it!" >A second female employee gives her a smack to the back of the head before telling her off >"How many times do I have to tell you not to do shit like that? Take your job seriously, now come on." >The first employee is then dragged off as she complains about not getting to have any fun >She obviously didn't get that suit and didn't really try on any others either >In fact she seemed eager to leave the store after that, and you don't blame her really >Then as you wonder where to next she takes you to the arcade assuming you enjoy arcades, and you do >She played a few games with you there despite being very bad at every single one she tried >It was pretty fun, even if some of it was at her expense >After that she took you to the food court, and you both sat down to eat >She wasn't super eager to talk about what happened at the clothing store, but you talked for a while about the arcade while you ate >It was mostly you trying to explain things to her she didn't get about it >Which was most everything about it really >By the time you were both done eating it was like you'd give a whole classroom-style lecture about everything there is to know about arcade machines >After that you more or less walked around the mall aimlessly >Until she took you back to a darker and less frequented part of the mall >There was an old and practically abandoned-looking photo booth there >You didn't think it'd even work, but she insisted you get in with her with quiet gestures >In the booth she doesn't tell you how to pose for the picture >So you just make the first goofy pose that comes to mind >Then as the photo is about to be taken she pulls you in before giving you a deep and passionate kiss >It takes you completely by surprise as the picture goes off with you two like that >Somehow not only did it take the picture but printed it out too >You worry about it anyone sees it, but she takes the photo and puts it in her purse >With a deep blush she asks you, "Could you please escort me to my car?" >You want to ask what that kiss was about, but maybe it'd be better to ask about that at home where nobody would possibly overhear >She hangs on your arm even more on the way to her car >It makes you very self-aware of anyone who looks your way for even a second >Though nobody seems to stare at least >On the way back after getting in her car it almost felt like you'd heard about that photo booth before >The thought mulls in your mind until you're back at the apartment with her >Then as you're getting ready to lounge it hits you >You overhead it as gossip from other students at school here >It's an old rumor that a boyfriend and girlfriend who kisses in that photo booth in the back of the mall is guaranteed to be together forever, or something along those lines >That couldn't have been what your aunt tried to do with you on purpose, could it? >Yet what else could it be? >She specifically took you there, it was her plan to kiss you there, and the whole thing was like a date >Your head drowns in the unavoidable idea that your aunt wants to be your girlfriend >Maybe not even just your girlfriend, but your girlfriend, in the same way, a teen girl your age would >Would you confront her about this, and how? >Well, maybe you can't avoid bringing it up in SOME way... >You feel yourself practically panic as you try to come up with what you'd do while locked in the bathroom >Best you come up with is to mention the rumor to her, and what it means to have done it >Then see how she reacts >Not perfect by a long shot, but it's the only plan you've got >You try to pull yourself together before coming out of the bathroom, and over to Harshwinney on her futon >Getting in the futon facing her you psyche yourself up to do this "So... Now that we've been on a romantic date, and kissed in the old photo booth. According to the legend that means we're now boyfriend and girlfriend forever right?" >Her eyes light up as she pulls you into an embrace >Practically shouting, "Yes! Yes, of course it does! I was worried you wouldn't get it, or reject it, but you do understand that it's true love at work!" >After saying that cheesy romantic line that sounds like it came from her soap opera she brings her face forward, and presses her lips to yours >Embracing you even tighter as she started to make out with you >Your head starts to spin from the sensations while you try to wrap your head around the idea that your aunt really believes she's your girlfriend now >It actually feels unbelievably good, and your logical mind telling you this is bad is drowned out by the desire to kiss her back >So you do it despite thinking you'd probably regret it later >You lock lips with her while pressing your bodies against each other for who knows how long before things slow down >Your lips finally part as a thick rope of saliva bridges between your mouths before breaking as you pull away >Though she still holds your face by the cheeks while staring deeply and passionately into your eyes >"This is what dreams are made of! Star crossed lovers who can never truly be together, brought together by fate itself! I'll be the happiest woman alive as I'm your girlfriend Anon!" >She then pants as she catches her breath and the pleasure of what just happened washes over her >Then she seems to come to her senses a bit more as she looks like she's about to cry >Hiccup like breaks in her voice as she says, "I ...*hic*... know it's wrong...*hic* Anon... But I really NEED this! You can't really understand how lonely it is up here! It's basically impossible for me to get a man, but then you were here with me... I went a little crazy, but please... please..." >"I never had the dating, dances, and stuff that most teen girls had when they were young... I was told the hard work and dedication would all pay off... That I'd be happier for it... But I'm not!..." >She then starts crying harder than you'd ever seen anyone cry >She's has to know what she's asking of you >Being her 'romantic fated boyfriend' she didn't have >Even though she's your aunt >You feel like you shouldn't, but a part of your mind starts playing 'devil's advocate' >You've seen new sides to her that makes you really like her, she's actually pretty hot, and last but not least it's very hard to see her like this >Reaching over you stroke her hair comfortingly >Then as she started to calm back down, you lean in, and give her a kiss of the lips >Her crying almost stops, but she can't control it >"R-really? Y-you'll be my b-boyfriend? Despite everything? F-for me?" "Yeah, and though I'm not sure if I can really be the kind of 'perfect romantic boyfriend' you'd dreamed of... I do know I want you to be happy." >She warmly smiles before giving you a soft kiss >"That's plenty good enough..." >Harshwinney embraces you more softly now as she kisses your lips repeatedly >Then a thought randomly jumps in your head even as you feel sleep approaching >Though it'd ruin the mood so you try to forget it >She doesn't want you to though as she asks, "Anything else on your mind, boyfriend?" >You definitely aren't used to the idea of her calling you that as it takes you aback for a second "Nah... It'd just kind of kill the mood." >"No, no... It's okay, let's just be open and honest with each other." >It kind of has to do with that... "I um... I actually know you'd been sticking your hand down my pants while I slept... I just didn't want to draw attention to it because I was nervous about what'd happen if I did..." >She then blushes furiously before looking away awkwardly >Then asking as if it was a hypothetical >"W-would it be okay if I did that now?... I mean... It's not weird if a girlfriend does that, right?" >You definitely didn't expect her to just ask if it's okay to grab your dick >Yet now that she has all you want to say is 'yes' "I mean... Normally you'd wait until later in the relationship to do something like that right? Then again, I am a boy with natural urges... So uhm... I think it'd be okay..." >She then hesitantly reaches her hand down while watching your reaction >You've been hard as diamonds for a while, and you feel it twitch with every inch her hand moves closer >The moment one of her fingers touches the tip you almost cum immediately >She then firmly grasps you shaft and you shudder trying not to shoot off in your pants >Yet when she started jerking her hand up and down it was too much >You came like you'd never had before as a sizable dark spot appeared almost immediately in your pajamas >She pulled her hand out and stared at the sticky white mess covering her hand >Then you were completely shocked as she started licking it off her hand >Yet you could feel yourself get hard again almost immediately >An apologetic looks comes over her seeing the state of your pajama bottoms >"Sorry about that Anon... I got carried away..." >Then she looked away before continuing >"We need to get those washed, and you could put new ones on... Or... You could just... Not wear pants..." >... >You could have never guessed she could be this dirty, or that you'd like it >Taking the soiled pants off you put them in the hamper for your dirty clothes >Then mull over her suggestion >Do you really have it in you to do that? >You surprise even yourself by heading back over and getting back in the futon without putting new pants on >Your heart racing as she exclaimed with excitement, and you were definitely wide awake now despite how late it is >Especially when you remember this weekend has only started >Though after a bit the adrenaline wears off, and you feel sleepy again >Yet Harshwinney has her eyes locked on your crotch while being completely unable to keep her hands off your junk now that she's 'allowed' to touch it >You actually start to hope playing with your package will lose it's novelty after a bit because you want to go to sleep >She shows no sign of it, and your vision fades at some point as you fall asleep anyway - Saturday - >You wake up feeling like you didn't sleep nearly enough >While one of the first things you notice is that her hands are still groping your junk >She starts planting kisses on your lips once she notices you're awake >Saying in a dreamy tone, "Let's just lay together all day... Boyfriend~..." >It takes you a second to remember you're supposed to be her boyfriend now because she got you to do a 'together forever' rumored thing with her >Though not getting up sounded pretty good right now >You probably wouldn't get as much extra sleep as you'd hope just because you were laying down in bed however "Sure, okay... Girlfriend." >You say sleepily in response as she keeps kissing you while being as handsy as she wants like she really does intend to do that all day >It does still feel good, but it also surprises you how she seems like she'd never want do something else >You start returning her kisses since it felt wrong to not do anything yourself >The more you did this, the more you actually did kind of feel like you were a real couple with her >Not just to make her feel better, but like she was really your girlfriend >While you think about being a real couple with Aunt Harshwinney and essentially making out on the couch an image suddenly flashes through your mind >It was of Sugarcoat >Then it occurred to you, what would you do about her? >You aren't in a relationship with her, but a lot of people seem to think you are >Also she does have a frankly weird attachment to you >If you were pushed to 'be with her' would you be cheating on Harshwinney? >How would you avoid that without anything about your new relationship with your aunt coming out? >You worry it'll be your undoing, but your gut tells you to tell Harshwinney about the 'problem' and let her at least be part of deciding what the 'solution' should be >Pulling away for a second, you get her to stop kissing you long enough to signal you want to talk about something "So uhm... There's something I think we need to talk about... You know Sugarcoat right?" >She seems to catch on to why you mentioned her pretty quickly >"Yeah... Even I've heard the rumors about you and her. Honestly, I don't know." >She pauses for a moment thinking >"I mean... I feel like as your girlfriend I should keep all other girls away from you, but I really can't do that can I?" >She sighs deeply >"The romantic in me says I should hold you tight while telling her 'He's mine!', but if I actually did that I'd be fired and thrown out onto my butt so fast it'd make my head spin. Among other consequences..." >She starts to get bummed out about it, but that doesn't stop her hands on your dick and balls >Then she gets an idea >Even if her expression says it's more of a compromise than an idea she really likes >"How about this... Outside this apartment, you just play things smooth and 'do what you've gotta do'.I'll try not to be jealous about whatever happens out there, but when you're here in this apartment you're all mine. How's that sound?" >You're not sure how successful she'll be about it if you do get a normal girlfriend at school, but this is definitely the best kind of 'deal' you're going to get "Sounds good, or at least I definitely don't think I could come up with anything better." >She's then eager to change the subject >"So let's stop talking about THAT for now, and how about you tell me something romantic~." >You try to think of something from her soap opera to say, but can't >It's really not helping you now that you weren't interested in it >Though you still manage to come up with something "We could make it more like it's our little love nest in here~." >You don't know where you heard the term 'love nest', and maybe it did come from the soap opera >Her face lights up at hearing that which fills you with relief that you didn't mess it up >Then she started talking a mile a minute about flowery cutesy decorations she could put where, and how she could re-design the room to be more romantic >Now that she has you as her lover here instead of being single and depressed, but she didn't say the depressed part out loud >Though you wonder when she'd say something dirtier as she went on about her 'love nest' she'd dreamed of having in flowery terms >Finally it came as she said, "We could also make it a rule that you aren't allowed to wear pants here~!" You chuckle a little before saying jokingly, "At that point, why not just make the 'rule' be that I have to stay fully naked." >However she takes it at face value >Saying while drooling a little, "Done, and done!" >In fact she pulls off your pajama shirt, which was the only thing you were wearing now >Then saying in a perverse tone, "Now no putting anything on unless you're going outside~." >You were just joking about that, but now you don't feel like denying her it >Also her 'interest' in it makes you feel excitedly anxious >Like a 'rebellious' kind of thrill from doing something you know you shouldn't >She then whispers in your ear >"If that makes you get cold, then I could keep you warm~." >It makes your ear burn hot, and she notices a 'reaction' down lower >She giggles like a teen girl because she's having so much fun with this >Then her mood sours when a knock comes at the door >She lets go of you to get up and head to the door >You wonder how she'd answer it without 'revealing' anything >Then your question is answered as she talks through the door without opening it in her 'professional voice' >"Yes, please state your business." >Then, of course, it's Sugarcoat's voice you hear through the door >She sounds nervous to be talking to Harshwinney while she's in her apartment, and even practically guilty about it >"S-sorry to be bothering you during your time off, but as a member of various athletic clubs he has a minimum attendance quota he needs to fill." >She then turns back to look at you with a confused look like she's asking, "What? When did you sign up for those?" You shrug from the futon with a look like, "I'm just as confused as you are." >You definitely don't remember signing up for them >Not hearing a response Sugarcoat tries appealing to Harshwinney's views as a school official, "I'm sure you'll encourage Anon's participation in athletics to maintain his health and build his moral character." >Yet you see a completely different reaction on her face full of perversion >It's almost like you can see a thought bubble from her imagining you walking around her apartment naked with a buff body and six-pack abs >Then she regains her composure before answering, "Why of course, I'll make sure Anon attends at once." >Sugarcoat didn't mention that it's her teams she most likely signed you up for on your behalf >As a supporting member who's not likely to be coming back home with super toned muscles any time soon >Yet bringing that up now would only complicate things >So you start to get dressed to head out >Once you're ready Harshwinney gets you out the door in as short a time window, and through as small of an opening as possible to avoid giving Sugarcoat a chance to peek in >She stares up at you for a bit before speaking impatiently >"Well, come on! We'll be late if we don't hurry!" >She grabs your hand before starting to lead you to whatever you'd been conscripted for >Sugarcoat seems happy that she managed to get you >Even as she berated your 'low attendance" >"You really need to show up more to the meetings. It's really not reflecting well on you." >She then hands you a piece of paper with scheduling info it >Never mind how you were supposed to show up without even knowing when to >This girl really seems to just make up her own rules regardless of if they make sense or not >You already wish you were back lounging with Harshwinney, but if you just bear with this for now you could be back sooner than if you drag your feet >Checking the schedule, it looks like it's swimming happening now >Seeing some girls in swimsuits is something that should excite you, but it's not right now >Maybe you were 'overstimulated' by your recent shenanigans with Harshwinney >Either that or it's because of the particular group of girls you'd be seeing >Not only that, but if you were caught enjoying the sight they're definitely the type who'd take serious offense to it >You're brought to the entrance to the changing rooms/showers leading into the school's pool >Of course you both go through your respective sides >You didn't have your swimsuit and seriously doubted you'd be expected to actually swim >So you just walked right through to the other side >The fact that the swimmers in her team already there didn't react to you not being in a swim suit makes you feel right >In fact one of them who was already out of the pool walks over and hands you a stopwatch >You could guess what you were doing now >With a sigh you get ready to record some pool lap times and just get it over with >Soon Sugarcoat comes out in her swimsuit >A very boring one-piece swimsuit that looks like it was issued by the school specifically for competitions >It was tight-fitting, but that only put focus on the curves she doesn't have >Apparently it was on your face you weren't impressed in the slightest >She quickly got mad >"What's with that look on your face?! I'll have you know I'm a very beautiful woman!" >You roll your eyes before slinging some sarcasm "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll try to be more aroused, but only because you told me to." >Of course this also made her mad >"Oh, shut up!" >With that masterful quip she went up to the pool to begin her exercises >It seems she's one of the team's stronger swimmers >You can't help thinking that certain 'features' or rather lack of them gives her an advantage >A thought that you consider saying out loud to mess with her, but the room feels kind of hostile after that earlier remark >So you decide against it >You just effectively shut your brain off while recording the times for whatever they told you to >Felt kind of like working a day job, or at least you imagine this is what it'd feel like >After some time they finally the end of the training session >You let one of the girls take the stopwatch back and get ready to just leave >This doesn't happen when Sugarcoat grabs your shirt to stop you >Her hand is wet and you could already feel the water from it which felt cold >"Oh, no you don't! You're taking me to lunch as an apology!" >Lunch? >You check the time on your phone >It's not even noon, and this day already feels like it's gone on too long >Where does she expect you to take her anyway? >You don't have much of any money to speak of >You see if calling it a date will make her change her mind "What? Like a date?" >She sputters angrily at the suggestion >"No! Not like a date! It's just an apology from you!" >Well that didn't work as you hoped >She grabs your hand, "Come on, we're going to a little salad shop I like!" >Fortunately it's right at the edge of school grounds so it was quick to get there >The waitress recognizes her asking, "One of the usual?" >She simply nods before gesturing for you to pay >The waitress informs you, "I only need to look at your school ID." >Which means it won't actually cost you money to eat here, or rather to get her meal here >What's the point then? >The 'point' starts to make sense when she takes you to a table with only one chair >Gesturing for you to sit first like she was commanding a dog >You sigh before taking a seat, and then she sat on your lap >Though she barked at you, "Now watch your hands! No funny business!" >This actually made you more aware of her butt on your thighs >It was small, but felt very firm against you >Almost made you want to give it a squeeze, but you didn't dare >The waitress giggles as she brought the salad she wanted >She barked out, "It's not like that! This is just an apology from him!" >The waitress didn't believe that for a second as she set it down >Saying teasingly as she left, "Don't have TOO much fun~." >Then giving a curt wink before leaving your sight >Sugarcoat was obviously trying to not let the waitresses comment get to her >Before telling you like it was normal, "Now feed it to me." >Is she for real? "What? Why?" >"To show how sorry you are." "I'm really not sorry." >What was that?..." >You sigh "Nothing..." >"Ok, now feed me." >You look down at the salad, and it looks pretty standard >Taking the fork you get some of it on there, and bring it to her mouth >She eats it only after it's all the way in her mouth like she's a baby bird >This whole thing is pretty embarrassing, and really a punishment in ways it doesn't seem like she intended >At least it's a small salad >So it doesn't take many 'bites' for her to eat it all >Is she trying to watch her figure? >You make a mental note to tease her about it later at an opportune moment >After that she's still just sitting on your lap >Wanting to ask in an exasperated tone 'Can I go now?', but it feels like asking that would just lead to another 'apology' >You check the schedule to see if there was anything else on it for today >To your dismay there was >The name of the activity is either in some incomprehensible language or smudged >Your frustration about this gives you a devious idea >If she expects you to feed her again, you could baby her by doing the whole 'pretend the fork is an airplane' bit >Her reaction to that one could be gold >Since you remembered it's a sensitive spot for her to be treated like a kid >in fact, you get another idea >You get her off your lap by picking her up by the armpits "Upsie daisy." >You say as you lift her up in a patronizing fashion >She's not as light as a feather, but it's easier than you expected >Of course she's not amused by this one bit >"Hey! Put me down, NOW!" >She yells in a pout while uselessly flailing her arms a bit >You set her down, and she fumes for a few seconds cutely >Then you show her the schedule with your finger on the activity you can't read "Hey, what's this supposed to say?" >She looks down and away like she's embarrassed to say what it is >Mumbling under her breath it sounds like she said 'shopping' >Sensing a prime opportunity to push her buttons you pounce on it Loudly saying, "WHAT WAS THAT? I COULDN'T HEAR YOU!" >Her face scrunches angrily before she gets ready to blurt out what it is >"You're coming with me to help buy sports equipment! OK?!" >Then possibly one of the most adorable images ran through your mind >Little Sugarcoat is jealous about your shopping trip with your aunt >So she puts a shopping trip with you on a made up schedule >She's too nervous and self-conscious to write it clearly >So after several overlapping attempts it ends up an unreadable blob so can't fix anymore >You doubt that's actually what happened, but what if it was? >Either way she starts leading you by the hand again >To a dedicated sporting goods store close to the school >Well, it's not a trip to the mall, so it's less of a 'date' already >Once in the store she went around while handing you things to carry >Maybe you'd get that exercise after all >You want to say this isn't like a date, but maybe in a way it is >Only major difference is in a 'normal date' you'd be following her with your arms full of clothes and shoes instead of sports equipment >The weight seriously starts to strain your back and legs by the time she says it's everything on her shopping list >At the cash register the employee scans everything you're holding with a hand-held scanner >Then Sugarcoat paid with a card for this kind of sports related shopping errand >The cashier is about to finish things when they look at you two like they want to joke about it, but you don't have time for it "Come on man, this stuff is heavy. Let's just move this along." >They sigh before pressing the last button to get things moving and print out the receipt >Sugarcoat takes the receipt and stores it neatly >Then you realize you don't know where to take this stuff unless Sugarcoat shows you >The worst of it is when she looks up at you with a devious grin, because she knows >She then starts walking super slow out of the store >You open your mouth to complain about it, but she just moves even slower >This is no doubt payback for picking her up like a little kid earlier, but you have your own ways to get HER back >Then as you realize you're actually kind of having fun with this back and forth, it worries you a little >Though the weight of the equipment is seriously starting to crush you >By the time you got to a storage shed where it no doubt all goes your legs were shaking like they could give out >You put down the equipment in the right spot inside the shed as soon as you could >Panting to try to catch your breath after finally feeling some relief >Sugarcoat teases, "Wow, looks like you really do need some exercise." "Oh, whatever." >You say between heaving pants unable to think of a real comeback >Hopefully you're really actually done now, and can go back home >Though she wasn't done >"What have you been eating anyway? Your skin is all greasy and gross." >Your response is quick "None of your business." >Your stomach grumbles because you'd only fed her lunch and hadn't had any yourself >She takes you back to the dorm, and sits you down at a table in the lobby >After a couple of minutes she comes back with what looks like a neatly prepared home cooked meal >A meatloaf and steamed vegetables dinner on a plate sealed with plastic wrap >"My mom keeps giving me these even though they're too fatty for me, but I'm sure YOU'LL like it." >She waits expectantly like she wants you to eat it now >"I do want the plate back after you're done." >She says plainly >It does look good >So you take the plastic wrap off, and once you get some utensils you start eating >It didn't just look good, it was good >You don't get why she wouldn't eat the meals her mom sends her if it's this good >Then you remember a conversation you overheard between her and her mom >Oh right, she's being a rebellious brat, and watching her weight >After finishing you hand her back the plate "Thanks, it actually was pretty good." >You simply thank her without any sarcasm or teasing because it felt like something genuinely nice >Even if she did probably have some ulterior motives in getting someone else to eat it >She seems caught off guard by the simple 'thank you' >Turning her head away before saying, "If you really like it, there'll be more later..." >The idea of it becoming a regular thing bothered you, but it's good food at least >You don't think you'll be able to stop being around her any time soon, or at all really >She then nervously says, "I-I've got some stuff to do, later!" >Then she fast walked away >Up to your room you're guessing >Which means you can finally go home >Your heart starts to race imagining how your 'girlfriend' would greet you >You get up to the top before heading into the apartment >Almost immediately your girlfriend jumps to strip off your clothes after making sure the door was shut and locked >It catches you off-guard to be stripped so suddenly until you remembered it was the new 'rule' for you to be naked >Once she had you the way she wanted she stared at her prize >Before asking you in a horny voice, "So, what do you wanna do now boyfriend~?" >You blush while thinking about it >As you noticed she was still fully dressed "Well... Maybe I shouldn't be the only one naked?" >You thought there might be push back to that, but there wasn't >She excitedly took off her shirt before saying like she was 'free', "Bye bye, clothes!" >In fact you expected the next thing out of her mouth to be that she'd always wanted to be a nudist >Then the rest came off, and you were eying your aunt's naked body while also naked yourself >Now you were REALLY wondering what to do next >The first thing to pop into your head was 'sex', but that'd definitely being going too far you think >She then invited you to come lounge on the futon with her like before >Her swaying breasts and bouncing butt making it impossible not to stare as she walked over there >As if under a trance you walked over, and laid with her just like she seemed want >It ended up being a lot like when she had clothes on >Except you absolutely could not stop thinking about having sex with her >Even knowing that was probably too much so you shouldn't >Actually that seemed to just ensure the thought didn't leave your mind for even a moment >You started to wonder if it was a mistake to suggest she also got naked >Your dick said 'no' as at stood hard enough to smash diamonds, but your mind wasn't so sure >Then you felt her hands on it as you got the nerves to let your own hands wander >Feeling the softness of her breasts definitely shouldn't be 'too much' if she's playing with your dick already >The pillowy orbs squish and conform to your hands as you hear a moan from her >She then pulls your face down between her breasts encouraging you >Feeling like you were in heaven with your face between those melons while feeling them up >All while practically receiving a handjob >Never mind who it was >The hormones flooding your body reassured you that you should be doing this >In fact they told you 'other things' too that you chose to ignore >Then as it feels like you're about to cum she does something that's unexpected even at this point >She sits up away from you, and then goes down to take you shaft into her mouth >The sensation of the inside of her mouth makes you blow your load inside her mouth right away >She seems surprised herself that her mouth was already full of cum, but gulped it down >Then practically drunk on the sensations she sucked it a few moments longer before stopping and getting up >Your heart pounding like a jack hammer as she moved to straddle you >Within moments the tip of your dick was only a couple inches from her pussy >Time slowed as you wondered if you were really about to do it >Then as suddenly as it happened she stopped and got off of you >Before running into the bathroom and closing the door >You heard the shower running seconds later, and could only imagine she was taking a cold shower >After a few minutes pass and you'd calmed down Harshwinney comes back out wearing a towel >Then saying with some shame in her voice, "Maybe... We should go back to actually wearing clothes..." >Pausing for a moment to collect her thoughts before adding, "At least until we can control ourselves..." >Thinking about it she's probably right "Yeah... That's probably for the best..." >She motions for you to take a shower too as she stayed out there to get dressed >You took more of a lukewarm shower >Then changed into some pajamas before coming back out >She was lounging on the futon like normal even if her expression looked like she was still ashamed of herself >You come over next to her and stroke her hair to reassure her Saying "It took a lot of restraint to stop there. I don't think I'd have been able to do it." >She sighs contentedly before hugging you >"I do love you, even if my urges got the better of me for a moment there. It is real love..." "I know, I know... I love you too." >Then giving her a soft but quick kiss >She cuddled into you to lounge more calmly now >You couldn't help but notice she didn't have her soap opera on "Say, aren't you going to watch your show?" >She then gets a sappy expression on her face >"No, no, THIS is my love story now..." >No doubt feeling very satisfied with that line >At least for a bit >Then she actually got bored, and turned on the tv to find something to watch >Eventually settling on a late night comedy show >The jokes were kind of lame, but it was definitely better than nothing >You fall asleep while watching it with her as the franticness of earlier fades completely - Sunday - >You wake up to your aunt's hand down your pants >Even if last night was a 'cooling off', some things don't change >Though you still feel tired, and consider going back to sleep >Closing your eyes you doze off for a short nap >Later in the morning you wake up, and Harshwinney isn't there anymore >You feel something stuck to your forehead before pulling it off >It's a sticky note from her saying she's gone to a staff meeting >Remembering how long it's been since you last played your game you decide now is the perfect time >You really don't want to check that schedule Sugarcoat gave you, so you don't >Who'd do stuff like that on a Sunday anyway? >Well, her probably >If she wants to complain later that you're not at something she wants you to, she can complain about it later >After a bit you decide to switch games >Checking your Playstation 2 for dust before selecting a game >Deciding on some classic Jak and Daxter as you put in the disc >You have some time, and no better place to start than the beginning >Time to see how much stuff you can collect before something makes you stop >It felt like all too soon when that interruption came >Of course it was Sugarcoat knocking at the door >You want to just tell her to kick rocks, but that'd just maker her mad >Her muffled voice comes in through the door >"Come on Anon! You've gotta come to tennis practice!" >Feeling very irritated you yell at the door "You 'come on'! It's Sunday damn it! Can't I just relax for a day?! What do you actually need me there for anyway?!" >Now that you said that out of frustration, you actually would like that last one answered >Can't they just have one of them who isn't playing right then keep score instead of you? >There's got to be SOME reason she's gone this far just to make you show up >It's silent for a bit, and it doesn't seem much like you'll get an answer >Then she finally answers in a voice that irritates you to no end >"I asked Harshinney about it already, and she approved for you to go." >God damn it >She sounded like a bratty little sister from a television show who's always like 'MOM said...' >Just to get her way, and you'd always wondered if the mom had actually said any of it "Fine... Shit. Just let me save my game first." >She seems very impatient though >Then you nearly have a heart attack when you hear the door unlock and open >She stands there in shock looking into the apartment like she was looking at the aftermath of a hurricane, or a bloody battle >Maybe even the aftermath of a bloody battle that happened during a hurricane >First things first "What the hell?! How'd you get a key to get in here?!" >You seriously doubt Harshwinney actually gave it to her >She spouts out a blatant excuse to lawyer herself out of definitely stealing it >"There's a spare key in her office that any dorm resident can use if the situation calls for it, and the den mother isn't around." >Does she really expect you to think this situation 'calls for it'? >She then goes back to being horrified by the state of the room >"What'd you do to this place?! I've never seen such an unruly mess in my life!" >Of course she's just blaming you for it >You think of an idea "Just turn around, walk away, and I won't tell anyone you 'borrowed' Harshwinney's spare key without a good reason." >One of her eyebrows twitches angrily before she responds >"No, YOU come with me, and I won't tell anyone about what you did to her room." "How would you even explain knowing what the inside of her apartment was like without explaining how you had the key?" >"Hey! My reason for having it is perfectly valid! I'm just enforcing attendance!" >Something else that's bothered you "You do know that attendance to clubs like that isn't ACTUALLY required by the school, right? I wasn't even the one who signed up for them." >"Just what are you suggesting? A good student should have at least 5 extracurriculars to show when they apply to a good college." "Come on! Nobody put you in charge of that!" >"Can't you see I'm trying to help you?!" "Why?! Why would you help me?! The boy in your precious girl's dorm?! What makes you so sure this is even 'helping' anyway?!" >She fumes for a bit seemingly unable to come up with an answer >Her face contorts as she tried to fight saying it, but comes out with it anyway >"You're the only boy I've ever spent any time with... People act like it's super easy to just go up to a boy you know nothing about and start talking to them, but it's not for me! I don't want to lose this..." >You start to feel just a bit bad for her >In fact she reminds you a bit of Harshwinney right now >"Besides... If I just let you walk away and leave me alone... You know what people will think about it after thinking we're together..." >They'd think she was dumped >You don't think you really like her, but you don't think you want that to happen either >In fact maybe you just don't really know how you feel about her >You sigh as you save and turn your game off >Then you realize you're still in your pajamas "I'll be right out, but could you close the door and let me change first." >She looks confused at first, but after taking a closer look at your pajamas she realizes what you meant >It seems she didn't notice what you were wearing wasn't regular clothes earlier >"Oh, right. Of course..." >She says somewhat awkwardly before closing the door quickly >You quickly get dressed into casual clothes before going out the door like you said you would >Sugarcoat grabs your hand like she usually does before pulling you along >Taking you through dorm, out the entrance, and to the tennis court >The other girls in her group don't give any special reactions to you arriving with her this time >As you kept score and moved around equipment there were a couple sideways glances >Though nothing you couldn't easily shrug off >Things have changed so much in such a short time, but it feels like quite a while ago since you were terrified of them >It didn't even feel like an unbearable slog before it was over >Sugarcoat then 'invited' you back to the dorm before pulling you along >"I have another of those dinners my mom gives me if you're hungry." >She says as she takes you to where you ate in the dorm last time >You hadn't really eaten much of anything today "Are you sure it's fine for you to just give me those?" >She takes a very nonchalant tone with dismissing your concern >"It's fine, in fact I'm sure if I told my mom about it she'd be thrilled." >You actually think you could imagine it now >'You've been sharing my cooking with your little boyfriend, and he likes it~? Why, I'd better make sure to teach you how to make it so you can cook for him yourself~.' >She wouldn't be amused by it one bit of course >Her mom usually just makes her mad, and she doesn't seem like the type who wants to play housewife >Sugarcoat then brings up an earlier subject after making sure nobody was in earshot >"Can we seriously talk about that disaster area you can a room for a moment? It's seriously bad. You should see what a neatly organized room is supposed to look like, like mine for instance." >You raise an eyebrow at that "What? You couldn't be inviting me, a boy, up to your room, could you?" >A look of shock comes across her face >She must have said it without thinking about it first >"O-of course not! You know I can't do that! It's very VERY against the rules!" >A blush on her face as she actually seemed rather hot and bothered now >So maybe she actually did want to, but just got too nervous about it when you pointed it out like that >Now that you think of it >Besides someone like her, there are probably plenty of people here at this high school who break rules like that for obvious reasons >In fact you'd never really even seen Harshwinney ATTEMPT to keep boyfriends any of the girls here have from sneaking in at night >You start to doubt if much of anyone actually tries to seriously keep boys out of the girls dorm and vice versa >While still looking away with a blush she comes up with a 'loop hole' >"Hey Anon... Could you help me move some furniture in my room? You'd just be helping me with a mundane task." >You want to pinch your nose ridge or place your face in your palms, but that'd just embarrass the poor girl "Sure, I guess." >She then takes your hand and pulls you along with her >Her palm is very sweaty now, and it's making you self-conscious >Although other girls are glaring at you a bit nobody is doing anything >In fact some of them seem to encourage Sugarcoat >Some a little more teasingly than others >Maybe the girls here really don't take the 'no boys' policy as seriously as you thought when you first got here >At one point Sugarcoat did say, "I just need help moving some furniture!" >The reply one of the more snide girls gave made her face a glowing red >"Yeah, more like needing the headboard of your bed moved a couple inches. A bunch of times." >You seriously felt embarrassed FOR her at that point >Finally getting to her room she takes you in >There's only one bed >So it doesn't seem like she has a roommate >Though everything is organized pretty neatly, but there isn't much here >If you tried to imagine 'the room of a boring bookworm with no interests outside of academics', it wouldn't be far off from what you saw here >You know she sometimes plays video games, but why isn't any of that here? >"You see, this is what a good student's personal quarters should look like." >She says with pride as she motions to her study desk in particular >"Where is everything? Like sports stuff, video games, other hobbies, or anything really?" >She then puffs out her chest before reciting something like it was a rule in a handbook >"Personal effects and other clutter should be stored when not needed. In order to provide a clean and inviting space for visitors." >It almost depresses you how seriously she takes the weirdest stuff >If only she really knew why the apartment was like that, and who was really behind it >Though she still has this image of Harshwinney that's just unshakable in her mind >"Isn't it just the very image of neat and clean?" >She says like she actually expects an answer "Yeah... Of course." >You respond just in case she really was expecting one >She lectured some more about keeping room tidiness for what felt like forever >You tuned it out mostly >Then after a while you noticed she wasn't talking anymore >She had a blush and was looking away awkwardly >She opens her mouth for a moment but closes it again >Swaying on her feet for a moment clearly wanting to say something >"So um... What should we do now? As in... What would a boy and girl in a situation like this normally do?" >So it's finally come to this? "Why are you asking me? What do YOU think we should do?" >You don't want to be the one to 'suggest' anything, and risk getting into hot water >Also, does she actually not know, or is she just messing with you? >You really can't tell >She fidgets nervously while deciding what to do >Finally she puckers her lips and pushes her head just a little forward while closing her eyes >You suppose you're 'supposed' to kiss her now >She's just waiting for it while shaking >For a moment you seriously consider just leaving her hanging >Then in a moment of sympathy for her you lean in and plant a quick kiss on her lips >Suddenly she's like a different person as she gets a jolt of energy >Holding her palms to her cheeks and giggling like a little girl with a little blush >Are you absolutely certain she didn't skip grades? >She's seriously acting like how you'd expect a little girl to react to getting their first kiss >She even seems like she might hyperventilate >Sugarcoat is really making this seem like a big deal >For all you know it might be >She leans forward into your chest >Looking up at you with eyes that almost looked pleading >Absolutely nothing like the girl you first met >You wrap your arms around her loosely, and you can feel a rapid heartbeat against you >Sugarcoat now closed her eyes and puckered her lips again >A second one then? >Rolling your eyes before craning your head down >Then planting a second quick kiss on her lips >You jokingly think to yourself she might get 'addicted' to kissing >Her face is bright red, and she's practically panting >Is she just having an exaggerated reaction on purpose to mess with you? >Try as you might to think that, this seems to be genuine >How little interaction with boys has she really had? >While thinking about it, she leans up and gives you a kiss this time >Definitely not a quick kiss either >You definitely think she's trying to turn this into a make out session >Your body reacting and kissing her more instinctively >By the time you're trying to think of a reason to oppose that it's already happening >Maybe a part of you just wishes it was a different girl >Someone hotter and with more hefty curves >Then you couldn't help picturing your aunt as the 'example' of the kind of curvy beauty you'd rather make out with >You tell yourself that a small make out session doesn't mean you're married to Sugarcoat or anything like that >Though you're also made to realize that this means you two definitely aren't 'nothing' either >After a bit she seems ready to stop >A glazed look on her face like she stopped because she was too lightheaded >She leaned onto your chest weakly and you were still holding her >Sugarcoat nuzzled into your chest while recovering, and it was just way too cute for her to be doing >She even seemed like she might fall asleep before she 'came back to her senses' >Stammering for a bit with a deep blush still on her face before backing away >Your arms sliding off her as she tried to form actual words >"I-I think that's enough showing you what a clean room should look like... Let's get you back to your own room." >Oh, is that what the two of you were doing just now? >You consider teasing her, but she's kind of nice like this >So you could avoid getting her back to being angry for a bit longer "Yeah, sure. I've learned a LOT about keeping a room clean." >Actually you couldn't stop a hint of sarcasm from showing up in that >Though she either didn't notice, or wasn't bothered by it >She 'escorted' you back to the roof of the dorm >As you reached for the doorknob to go in she stopped you to say something >"Maybe next time I'll see a cleaner room." >It's not really up to you if the room is clean or not >Though part of it stuck out to you more >Next time... >There definitely would be a next time >Even if the words gave you conflicting feelings >She had one last thing to say before going >"You'll be spending more time with me... I mean... Attending more meetings, right?" "Yeah, of course I will." >Which you said mostly just to get her off your back >Though you doubt it'll be possible not to >You're even sure she'll be sticking to you even closer than when you first arrived, but for entirely different reasons >She goes back to the elevator looking to be in a pretty good mood >Then you turn your attention back to the apartment door >You have no way of knowing if Harshwinney is back from her staff meeting before opening the door, but she probably is >How long could the staff meeting have been anyway? - >You are Harshwinney >At your weekly staff meeting >These are pretty routine and just cover anything that's happened during the week >Though this one might not be so routine >This is the week your nephew has been here, and you'll definitely be put in the hot seat about it >Especially by the staff members who were against letting him stay with you >Once everyone is sitting down the meeting starts >As the principal, Cadance speaks first >"Alright, let's just get this over with. Starting with the item I'm SURE everyone wants to talk about..." >She gives a sigh in annoyance that hung in the air before continuing >"Anon... The transfer student..." >Almost immediately nearly everyone there had something they 'urgently' wanted to say about it >Cadance just sat there wanting to be anywhere but here, and looked so done with this shit even though it barely started >One of the stricter teachers addressed you directly >A bitter crone of a woman >"How has he been behaving? Since he's not already expelled I assume he's kept to himself when in the girl's dorm." "I've been doing my utmost to ensure any trip to my apartment is a direct one, without any 'detours' or messing around. I've also kept my ear to the ground to listen to any complaints any of the girls have, and haven't received any thus far." >Your answer satisfies her at least, and it feels good knowing that she trusts your judgment >Maybe because she sees you as being like her >Which you do share some similarities, but you at least like to think you aren't as bitter as her >Then suddenly it was like a floodgate was released, and an avalanche of questions came in >People talking over each other and so many questions you couldn't keep track >About his hygiene, his work ethic, his overall character, and even something about Sugarcoat >It stopped when Cadance slammed her hands down on the table >Silencing everyone immediately >She then makes a pose like a pining teen girl as she prepares to mock everyone >"Like, oh my god! What does his hair smell like? What music does he like? Does he have a type? Am I his type? Like ohmygod!" >She did her most exaggerated teen girl impression for that one >A marvelous performance if you say so yourself >Cadance then drops the acting to talk more directly >"Are you pre-teen girls quite finished? Unless you have ACTUAL and PROFESSIONAL questions, we're moving on to the next topic. If we sit here entertaining all these personal questions that have nothing to do with running the school, we'll never get out of here. I DO have a life outside these meetings." >Ah, yes, her perfect husband and darling daughter >She never goes even one meeting without at least indirectly mentioning them >Though Cadance does have a question as she pinches the ridge her nose to release stress before asking it >"What's your take on the situation with Sugarcoat? Do you think it'll be a problem again, or do you think no administrative actions are needed?" >You actually kind of hoped you wouldn't have to talk about that "Don't quote me on this, but I think they're getting along okay now. I don't think I can say with certainly there won't be any problems later, but at least right now I don't think it's anything we need to worry about." >Cadance gives a sigh of relief >"Well, at least that's one less headache. Keep an eye on the situation, would you? I don't want to hear about the girl's dorm in an uproar because she whipped them into a frenzy against some real or imagined slight Anon 'committed'." "Will do, I'll make sure my girls in the dorm don't get too carried away." >After that it's silent for a few moments >Doesn't seem like anyone has anything else about it >Then you feel like celebrating when the meeting moves on to the next topic >After that the rest of the meeting is as routine as most other meetings >Though as the meeting continued smoothly something was eating at you >What if Cadance's mocking has some truth to it? >If one or more of the women here want your nephew for themselves? >Nah, it couldn't be, they're professional women who know not to fool around with students >Though if there is you'll destroy them without a second thought >Surely you're just imagining things though >You can't wait to get home to Anon >Eventually the meeting concludes and you can go >It's a long trek to the apartment, and when you open the door you don't see him >He must be at an athletic meet or something >Building up his muscles while going the extra mile on a Sunday? >Makes you feel a little proud