>You woke up and you noticed that you were no longer in a bed, but on the ground >The ground of a forest no less! >You don’t remember falling asleep on the ground, all you remember is feeling really tired as your mom tucked you into bed and kissed you on the forehead >You try to remember what mommy said about what to do if you’re lost >Go find a policeman and ask for help >So you started walking in no particular direction >Maybe you could find a police car and they could drive you home? >Then you saw it, a nice little cottage by the woods >Hopefully they had a phone you could use to call your mom or the police >You noticed an abundance of birdhouses around the building >Oh well, who didn’t like watching birds outside their window? >You did that a lot too after all >After gently knocking on the door, it opened after a moment’s hesitation >You kept your head craned up to meet the adult that would answer >Expect there wasn’t anybody there >Instead, you had to lower your head to eye level >At the door was a little horse >It had yellow fur and a pink mane >Whoever the owner was, she must have been a very good trainer to be able to train a horse to open the door for her >The horse looked at you in silence “Hi there horsy! Can you call my mom for me?” >”O-oh, I’m sorry Mister Monkey Man, I don’t know who your mom is” >You looked around for the source of the noise ”Who said that?” >”I did” >Finally you noticed that the horse’s mouth was moving >It didn't really bother you at all >After all, a lot of the stories that your mom read to you by your bed had talking animals in them >You must be in the part of the world where animals talk like humans “Well it’s nice to meet you Ms. Horsy. I should tell you that I’m not a monkey though, I’m a people! A four year old boy people, not a man people” >She seemed somewhat nervous talking to you but her own fear subsided soon enough when you mentioned that you weren’t a grownup >”It’s nice to m-meet you too...I’m sorry I didn’t know what you were. I’m actually a pony and not a horse too” >You nodded at her as you tried to give her a friendly smile ”I’m sorry I got it wrong too, Ms. Pony. Can we be friends? You look a little girly but maybe we can still play together. As long as you don’t have cooties” >”I-I don’t think I have cooties. Sure, we can be friends, I like having friends. Did you want to meet my other friends? I was about to have snacktime with them” >A feeling of elation grew in you now that you had a friend in this strange place >Maybe she could even help you find your way home “Sure, that sounds good. Can I call my mom first on your phone? I memorized her number like she told me to” >”What’s a phone?” “It’s like this really small thing that you push buttons on that lets you talk to somebody really really really far away” >She shakes her head >”I’m sorry again, I don’t have a phone. One of my friends might though, she’s smart and has a bunch of things that has buttons that light up when you push them” >You were disappointed but there was at least some hope that maybe your new friend could take you to a phone >She stepped out of the door frame and closed her home behind her as she led the way >You learned her name was Fluttershy and you in turn introduced yourself to her properly >Ponies around town were nervous at first, but warmed up to you quickly when they saw you were with Fluttershy >The best part was that they all wanted to be your friends and share their toys with you! >So far you had a small train, a kazoo, and some boxes puzzles that you said you’d return later >Fluttershy took you to her friend Rarity and the three of you had a tea party >It was a little girly >Actually, it was very girly >But the the cookies were good and the apple juice Rarity poured out of her plastic tea set tasted yummy >Her little sister joined the tea party and was really curious about you >She asked what your cutie mark was and you told her you didn’t have one >She gasped and asked invited you to join her club that she and her friends made to find cutie marks >It sounded girly also but if everyone else had a cutie mark here, you might as well get one too >You said yes and she went up to her room to get you a really cool red cape that was just your size >It made you feel like a superhero! >Mom always said that you were her little Superman >Rarity gave you a small saddlebag that you could use as a backpack to store your toys in >After some thought, you decided to also put the cape inside of it >You wanted to keep wearing it, but you didn’t want to get it dirty before you met the other members of Sweetie Bell’s club >After the tea party, Fluttershy took you to a tree >But it was a special tree >Because this tree had books in it >You and her walked into the tree and inside was a purple unicorn that was trying to fit some wooden shapes into a hole and was taking notes about it >Fluttershy explained that you were lost and asked Twilight Sparkle, that was her name, if she had a phone you could use >Unfortunately she didn’t, but she said that maybe a grownup she knew did >In stepped her assistant, Spike >He was a dragon, but not one of those mean ones that kidnapped princesses, but a mice baby one >It was also nice to know that other boys lived in this place >You were amazed to see Twilight use magic to write a letter and asked if maybe she could get a deck of cards to do more tricks >She said she didn’t know any card tricks but would see if maybe the library had a book she could read to learn how to do them >Spike also showed off some of his own magic and blew green fire on the letter Twilight wrote >At first you thought it was kinda mean that Spike would burn something Twilight worked so hard on but she explained that magic would take it to a Princess >She notices the clock on the wall and it said that it was now time for playtime >Literally >The hands on the clock pointed at a weird symbol that apparently said playtime >You, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Spike played a variety of games in the library >Fluttershy was really good at hide and go seek since her wings let her hide in really high places >Twilight was a champion tic-tac-toe player but you did give her a run for her money, beating her about one third of the time >You and spike formed a capture the flag team and did pretty well against Fluttershy and Twilight >It helped that he was small enough to slide beneath them to dodge their attempts to catch him >And finally you all played tag together, your favorite game >You felt kinda sorry for Fluttershy since she couldn’t go very fast, so you let her tag you a few times when she was it >You owed her for being your first friend here >Playtime was the most fun you had in a long time! >It was nice being able to do all those things again with new friends >Twilight asked where you were from and you told her your full address >She had never heard of the city you lived in before so you figured you must have traveled a long way, maybe even across the state >You told her that you would probably have to travel far to go back home and she gave you some picture books to read so you wouldn’t get bored during the trip >She did make you promise to comeback when you could to return them though >The door to the library opened and an orange pony with a cowboy hat trotted in >She talked with a southern accent that reminded you of your Uncle from Texas that likes to give you piggyback rides whenever he visited to talk to your mommy >She gave you a greeting but she was worried about something >Her little sister had gone into the woods all by herself to find a cutie mark and didn’t come back home yet >That didn’t sound safe at all and after stowing the books Twilight have you into your backpack, all five of you went back to Applejack’s farm to find her sister >A dog came up to you and sniffed you before wagging its tail with a smile >You trailed behind the group and tried talking to it but all it did was bark happily at you >You thought maybe it was a foreign dog that didn’t know how to speak English so you politely petted it before catching up with everyone else >It was about the afternoon at this point but the trees of the woods blocked out a lot of light >It was a little scary at first but having your friends with you made it so that it wasn’t too bad >And you were a brave little boy, everyone back in your city said you were >Everyone was shouting out the name Applebloom as you all walked into the woods and you did likewise >As you all turned on a path, your foot got caught be a stray root and you tumbled down the gap between two trees down a big hill >You scraped your knee a little bit >Everyone at the top of the hill yelled out for you to make sure you were okay >You told them about your scrape and they all seemed to panic even more >They said they’d come back with more ponies and doctors to help you and find a way around the hill >For now, you had to stay where you were >Spike and Twilight stayed at the top of the hill to make sure you were going to be okay while Applejack and Fluttershy went to get help >You could hear their voices but the gnarled branches made it impossible to see them >And then you could hear another voice >Or rather a young whimper >You told the pair at the top of the hill that you heard something and were going to investigate it >Of course they wanted you to stay where you were, but you were feeling a bit scared yourself >If you found Applebloom, at least you wouldn’t be alone at the bottom of the forest >So against their wishes, you got up and ignored your scrape like a big boy to walk to the sound disturbance >Eventually you reached a clearing with a single dead tree in the middle of it >One one of the branches was the whimpering source, a foal with a big red bow, just like Applejack said she’d be wearing >The issue wasn’t what was at the bar of edge tree, circling it >It looked like a wolf >Except it was made out of wood >A woodwolf? Lumberdog? Treepuppy? The ponies probably had a name for it but this was no time to ask >In any case it looked really scary >It was easily about your size with a much longer body >Plus it could give you some bad slivers too >You can feel your body shaking in fear, hoping that the Treepuppy doesn’t notice you >You also saw that Applebloom was really scared too as she continues to whimper and tremble >Think, Kidanon, think >What would Superman do? >Easy, he’d fly in there and punch the supervillain to save everyone >But you’re not Superman >You can’t fly >Your punches are as strong as a wet noodle >And Superman never got sick >And you were sick for a very long time >So sick that you haven’t left bed for weeks now >It wasn’t all bad though >The hospital bed had a nice window view that let you look at pretty birds outside >The nurses and doctors said that you were a brave little boy whenever they poked you with needles >Your uncle would come to visit and promised that he’d let you drive his truck down a block when you got better >And mom visited you everyday to read stories and tuck you into bed >What would mom want you to do? >... >... >... >She’d want you to be her little Superman >You took the cape out of your saddlebag and quickly tied it around your neck >You ran up to the clearing and triumphantly held your hands to your hips as you shout “This looks like a job for Super-Anon!” >It was enough to catch the Woodwolf’s attention >It slowly started to approach you >You took your backpack off of you and swung it with all you had as it started to charge at you >You could feel the weight of all of the toys and books inside of the backpack in your swing, the force also causing your red cape to blow in the air >The impact was enough to stop the Treepuppy in its tracks as it stared at you >And now it was its turn to whimper as it cried out and ran back into the thick woods, tail between its legs >”Mah hero!” >A cream blur impacts you as you turn your attention from the dog to the tree >Applebloom has you pinned to the ground as she lowers her head and pecks you on the cheek >Ewww >You grimace at the ickyness of the kiss before noticing a bunch of pegasus flying towards you two >Soon you are rescued by, what they call themselves as, the Ponyville Weather Team and they drop you off back at the farm >Waiting for you there is Fluttershy and all of her friends >There’s also two new friends as well, a blue and a pink one that both seem really fun to hang out with >There’s hugs all around as your friends are relieved to see you and Applebloom safe and sound >Applebloom revealed that you saved her and Applejack have you an extra firm hug and plenty of thank yous >You put on the deepest voice you had and told her no thanks were necessary, it was all in a day’s work >Once again you puffed out your chest and placed your hands on your hips in victory >Then a flash of light appeared and you saw a really pretty pony suddenly appeared before you all >She was as tall as your mom and had snow white fur as well as a horn AND wings! >Was that even legal here? >Then you saw the tiara her head >She must be the princess >Afterall, only princesses wears tiaras >Twilight Sparkle introduced her as Princess Celestia, the pony that she sent her earlier letter to >You bowed just like in the movies and tried to say her name a few times >It’s a hard name for you to pronounce though so you settled on just calling her Princess >She looked you over with gentle eyes and an even more gentle smile >”Hello there, little one, I am sorry for not arriving earlier, there were many duties to attend to before I could read Twilight’s letter. You must be far from home. Is there anything I can do to help you find your way back?” “It’s okay, it’s been a really fun day today! Do you have a phone I could use to call my mom to pick me up?” >She shakes her head >”I apologize, from what Twilight described to me in her letter, I do not have one of these phones myself and I suspect that you won’t be able to find one for quite a whiles away” >You deflates slightly and looked at the ground “Oh...well thanks anyways” >The reassurance in her tone did not leave >”Perhaps there is another way to send you back home. What do you remember last before you were cast away here?” >You look back at her as you try to pull at your memories “Hmm, well it was getting really hard to keep my eyes open and my mommy and uncle were beside the hospital bed” >At the mention of hospital, the Princess, for a split second, takes on a look of puzzlement before going back to a neutral curiosity “Uncle Bob turned around and put his hand over his mouth and started to breath really hard. He was shaking a little bit so maybe he was cold. I was feeling kinda cold too” >Celestia closed her eyes “Then mommy hugged me really hard when I told her how chilly I was feeling and that I wanted to take a nap. She kissed me and said she would always love me” >The other ponies around you took on thinking poses and talked to each other to brainstorm as they absorbed your words and tried to make connections as to how everything would have caused you to come here >Celestia remained silent as her eyes continued to be shut, listening in on you “Wait! I remember now! I think I know how I got here!” >Celestia finally opened her eyes and there was a glistening in them that you did not see before >You couldn’t read her expression as she spoke calmly >”Oh? And how was it?” >You jumped up in joy at your conclusion “My mommy sent me here! She said that I was going to go to a better place. I didn't know what she meant, but now that I’m here I can run and jump and play games with friends again!” >A familiar smile comes to the Princesses face >It’s the same smile that your mom had whenever you said that you were looking forward to getting better >It’s a fragile grin >But it’s warm nonetheless >”Ah yes, of course. Your mother must have-I mean, your mother loves you very much. A mother’s love is a magic that knows no limit when it comes to the happiness of her child” “Yeah, she always cuts the crust off of my sandwiches. If mom sent me here, then that must mean mom will come here too eventually, right?” >”Know that you are welcome to Equestria and that my little ponies will always treat you as one of their own, little one. And if...when your mother comes here, she too will be invited to stay here” “Thank you very much, Princess” >”One more thing, would you perhaps like to stay in my castle with me? I’m afraid that most of my ponies wouldn’t know how to take care of you” “B-but what about all my new friends!” >She giggled a little bit before speaking again >”You can of course visit them anytime you would like. A simple teleportation spell ought to do and I’ll train my student how to teleport you back” >You went up and hugged her leg >She was surprised at first but lowered her head and nuzzled your cheek warmly with one of her own >”I’ll take that as a yes” >Soon a group hug evolved as all ponies present embraced one another in one huge pile, everyone congratulated you on your new home and forced you to make promises visit as often as you could >The hug separated and Celestia looked down at you >”Before we head out, is there anything I can do to make your stay here better, little one?” >You craned your neck again to look at her face before replying “There is one thing…” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSOA1A-DYpw >You could feel the air rush past your hair >The cape you got from Sweetie Bell flaps behind you in the gust >Your arms reached out forward as your entire body was parallel to the ground >Which was about 2,000 meters in the air, going at a decent speed >All around you was a white magical aura >Beside you keeping pace was Princess Celestia, her horn glowing and her wings flapping >She made sure to keep a close eye supervising you but couldn’t help but laugh as you yourself laughed at the joy of flying >The two of you were flying to her castle and into the sunset together >You looked down at the pastel landscape below you >Your mom was right >You really did go to a better place >A place where you could be anything you wanted to be when you grow up now that you weren’t confined to a bed >Maybe you would be a super tough knight for the Princess >Or become a librarian and have your own neat tree that had books inside of it >Or maybe you could even learn magic and become a wizard! >The possibilities were endless now >You look forward again and felt the air brush past your checks again as your arms continued to reach out in front of you >The cape continues to blow wildly >Well, no matter what you were going to be, you were at least always going to be one thing >Mom’s little Superman The End