[copied from https://pastebin.com/BzUtcDPQ] [ original writer _LEAF_ ] "FIREBALL! FIREBALL! FIREBALL!" >Your dresser erupts into flames, finally. >You did it! >This is only the second time you've gotten the spell to work today. >Suddenly, the door bursts open. >Trixie pokes her glaring face into your room. >"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO GO TO BED!" >You jump into your bed and whip the covers over you. >The dresser is still burning. >Now the smoke detector is screaming. >Trixie groans and uses her magic to put out the flames and quiet the detector. >"I won't tell you again, Anon. Go to bed!" >She slams the door shut. >You smile and look at your hand. >She sounded mad, but you know she is proud. >You're finally able to do magic. >Just like your 'mom'. >You are Anonymous. >Ten year old Human in Equestria. >Before Trixie 'adopted' you, you were an orphan in the streets of Manehatten. >You always knew you had the ability to do magic, but it wasn't until you had started training with your 'mom' last month that you were able to do any. >Trixie is a pretty strict teacher, but you know she only wants you to be the best. >She may yell at you a lot and make fun of your magic, but she never stops trying to make your magic ability better. >You point your finger at the window. "Bang..." >Lightning lights up your room and a huge clap of thunder rattles the window. >You scream and are out of your bed right away. "MOOOOOOOOOM!" >Covering your head, you run down the hall to Trixie's room. >You fumble with the door and fall inside. >"I TOLD YOU TO GO TO-" >You jump into her bed and slip under the blanket, shuffling up close to her. >She looks down at you in confusion and brushes her mane out of her face. >"Human, what are you- did you just call me 'mom'?" >You burrow your face into her coat, trying to ignore the sounds of more thunder. "No... Can I sleep here tonight, Trixie?" >She notices that you are shaking and looks out the window. >With a sigh, she lays her head back on her pillow. >"Fine." >Instead of the sounds of thunder, the only thing you can hear now are the sounds of waves crashing against a beach. >Trixie makes sure the magical aura stays around your ears until you fall asleep. >She licks her hoof, then uses it to try to tame your messy hair brushing against her muzzle. >"This messy mop will be the end of me... You big baby."