I find this green text on https://yuki.la/mlp/17308399 This is a short yandere story featuring luna and anon posted by EdgeMeister. ------------------------------- Part 1 "I'm back sweetie." >"The ponies are still resisting, saying ridiculous things like 'everything's going to die without the sun' and what not. But they'll come around." >"They always do." >"How have you been?" >"Good, I know." >"I do wish you could answer instead of having me to do it for you, but you said such hurtful things last time." >"But it's okay. I forgive you. Because loving somepony means forging them." >"Do you think you're ready to try talking again? Okay, but one bad word and the gag goes back in." >"Huh? You want Luna back?" >"Luna is gone, beloved. She just wasn't... assertive enough for you. I could see it. That's why you rejected her. That's why I had to step in." >"And there you go with the doomsaying. You've lost your mouth privileges. Honestly, you sound just like my... our subjects." >"Nonetheless, it has been a tiring day. Are you ready to perform your husbandly duties?" >"I know you are, my love." >"I know you love me." >"You just have yet to realize it." >"Just like the naysayers... you'll come around." Part 2 >"Mmmm, it gets better every time~" >"Lovely, was it not? Not much movement on your part, but I do enjoy, to use one of your old phrases, taking the reigns." >"I think you love it too." >"Why, if you would just accept your love for me, you would be asking to be tied up like this!" >"You would be asking, no, BEGGING me." >"And I would falsely contemplate, but you would know in your heart I would do anything for you." >"And you would do anything for me- SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" >"Oh, heh, excuse me. That was not directed at you." >"Now, I'm off to do some research." >"Your mortality is quite a problem." >"But problems are meant to be solved." >"And when it's solved, we'll be together forever." >"I'll be yours, and you'll be MINE." >"We shall spend eternity making love, my beloved. Just you wait." Part 3 >"Hello again, beloved!" >"I decided to take a break from my research earlier." >"I visited my vile sister." >"She was amusing for a time. She kept begging me to stop 'the madness' as she put it. Leave it to my birdbrained sister to be so closed minded." >"Then she had the GALL to ask about you! You!" >"Like I would hurt you! Oh, she knew I would never hurt you." >"I knew the real reason. Luna saw how she looked at you. She wanted to steal you away. Manipulate you, use you as a plaything!" >"So gouged out her eyes and cut out her tongue. She deserved it, the harlot." >"Why do you look so shocked? Ah, you probably think she's going to always be like that now." >"No, they will grow back eventually, just like her horn." >"What fun would it be to only remove parts of her once?" >"She'll grow her eyes back so I can cut them out again, and again, and again. I will hate her for as long as I will love you. And I will make sure that she knows of it every. Single. Day." >"Perhaps, when you come around, we can do this together? Perhaps we could fornicate in front of her after removing something... vital." >"Getting ahead of myself again. Sorry." >"Despite waiting on the moon for a thousand years, I'm rather impatient." >"You'll come around eventually. No matter what LUNA says." >"You'll come around. You'll come around. You'll come around. You'll come around..." >"All waiting does is make it all the sweeter when the day comes." >"You will love me." >"And I will love you." >"You'll come around." Part 4 >"Phew, it is cold outside!" >"Winter has come early." >"The blizzard has been going on nonstop for the last week!" >"You probably didn't notice, you being nice and cozy in this heated room." >"Strange, these Summer blizzards. I wonder what's causing them..." >"Ah, well, anyways!" >"With all the snow outside, I bet we'll be snowed it!" >"So romantic. Us being trapped together, with only each other for company~" >"Only our own bodies to heat each other~" >"Oh, did you feel it get colder?" >"The heating charms must have spontaneously failed for no reason!" >"Do not worry, my love. We can keep each other warm... among other things." >"I love you too- wait, how did you speak!? Your... your gag is still on." >"Heh, we must be connected. It's like I hear your inner thoughts without your words expressing them." >"A shame that LUNA KEEPS DROWNING THEM OUT!" >"HE IS MINE! YOU LOST YOUR CHANCE! MINE! MINE! MINE!" >"Oh, don't be scared! Don't worry, I'm sorry I scared you I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" >"I'm not mad at you. I can never be mad at you. I love you so much. So so so much I would give anything for you I love you I love you I love you!" >"I love you... I love you... You love me too... You already know but can't accept it. You'll accept it. I know you will. You can't hide your true feelings forever! J-Just look at me!" >"You'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around" Part 5 >"H-Hello my love." >"I've... discovered something rather troubling." >"I... I can't find anypony alive." >"It's just you, me and my sister now." >"Everypony else is gone... and they never came around." >"They- they never..." >"You won't leave me, though, will you?" >"No, of course not." >"Unlike them, you'll actually come around. You love me and my nights. You just... you just..." >"Here, in the castle, the cold cannot touch us. Not while I'm here." >"I'm all you need. You're all I need." >"I visited my sister again." >"I think she was sobbing. She may have been begging for my forgiveness. I can't tell, what with her being tongueless and eyeless." >"The ponies... They're all dead, and my beautiful night has been shrouded by these annoying persistent clouds." >"But you're still here." >"You'll always be here for me." >"I've had a breakthrough in my research recently." >"You'll... you'll be like my sister and I soon. Eternal." >"Eternal like our love for each other." >"I... I don't know if you can hear her, but I can hear Luna. She keeps telling me it's all my fault. That I killed them all. The ponies. She keeps telling me that you'll never love me." >"But she's lying. I won't fall for it. She's lying." >"Because I know you'll come around... and we'll find out what caused this... mass genocide to take place." >"I... I really need somepony to hug." >"I wish you would hug me back." >"You will. Eventually." >"You'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around you'll come around." Part 6 >"Good evening, my beloved!" >"I am in much better spirits. Do you know why?" >"I would ask you to guess, but you can't! Heheh." >"Don't worry, I'll tell you!" >"I've found a use for Celestia's severed horn!" >"After hours and hours of experimenting, I have finally created something to keep you with me forever!" >"You'll have all the time in the world to come around now!" >"I fed the test potion to a pony I conjured, and it works!" >"The subject simply refuses to die! I've reduced him to nothing but a head, yet he still remains conscious!" >"So now I suppose it's you, me, my sister, and that conjured pony." >"Hmmm... Nah, I'll dispose of him tomorrow." >"I can't kill him, obviously. I'll just toss what remains of him to the cold and lock him out. He wouldn't be interesting conversation anyway, what with having the mind of a newborn." >"However I must warn you, beloved. You will feel a very great pain, if the test subject's reactions are anything to go by." >"But it will be worth it! I-I know you can take it!" >"I'll be here every step of the way." >"Now to just get this gag off-" >"N-no! Hold still! Stop shouting! Everything is fine! Open! OPEN! Here we go, n-now swallow it. SWALLOW IT!" >"I know it hurts. I'm here. I'm here." >"It will get better." >"Because now we're together forever." >"Not even death shall separate us." >"Shhh..shhhhhhhh...shhhhhhhhh." >"Your tears break my heart, but it must be done. 'Tough love' as it were." >"I-It's going to be okay! You'll see! It's going to be better than okay!" >"B-because I love you, and you love me. Now and forever." >"Now." >"And." >"Forever." Part 7 >"M-My love, you have to help me!" >"Luna, she won't get out of my head!" >"I could drown her out before, but she keeps. YELLING!" >"I DIDN'T KILL THEM I DIDN'T I DIDN'T!" >"I, I... I don't know if it's real! I don't! I don't know if she's really there or not!" >"I keep hearing your voice! You keep telling me you hate me! I know you don't but t-the voice seems so real!" >"S-sometimes I see ponies walking down the h-halls. Sometimes I see you looking at all of the artwork like you did when you first came here." >"I... I don't know what's real anymore!" >"Everything feels like a dream! I'm trying to believe you're real, but it seems too good!" >"EVERYTHING! IS FALLING! APART!" >"WHY CAN'T I HAVE MY HAPPILY EVER AFTER!? WHY!? WHY CAN'T I LOVE!? WHY WON'T YOU LOVE ME!? WHY!? WHY!?" >"I... I know you love me... The voices keep making me doubt. But if there is one thing in this world that is real anymore... it is your love." >"Please... please make me believe.... please.... please..." >"I..." >"...I visited my sister. Again." >"She was asleep." >"I watched her for an hour. She seemed so peaceful, despite all I have done to her." >"I... I hate her. I hate her so much." >"...but I also remember a time in which I loved her." >"You understand, right?" >"WHY DO YOU NEVER ANSWER ME!?" >"I... oh yes... because I do not let you. Silly me." >"I still believe you'll come around. Eventually. Maybe." >"But... I'm not sure if my sanity can take waiting much longer, beloved." >"Just... tell me you love me. Please. Everything will be right once you tell me you love me..." >"Please." >"Please." >"Please... just... prove Luna wrong... please..." Part 8 >"... It all came to me." >"I finally see things clearly." >"You don't love me." >"You hate me." >"You hate me more than anypony else." >"You're stuck with me now." >"Stuck being alive with the pony you hate more than anything, lone in a frozen world." >"I destroyed all life on the planet." >"I tortured my sister on an assumed slight." >"I am completely insane." >"I wish I could kill myself. I wish I could kill you, and my sister." >"End the pain." >"But I can't. We're stuck now. Stuck on a forever lifeless rock. Together." >"I've damned you. You, the one I love most." >"That's the only lie I haven't been living. I do love you, truly. Because Luna loved you." >"I am Luna. I'm not some spirit. Nightmare Moon was destroyed by the Elements of Harmony." >"This is just the form I took." >"Why?" >"Maybe because I didn't want to admit I was capable of all of this." >"So I could tell myself that it isn't my fault." >"I suppose, in a way, that this is all your fault." >"This all happened because I fell in love with you." >"You just had to be perfect for me." >"You just had to reject me." >"And... here we are." >"Here, at the end of the earth, we remain." >"I suppose one day you will come around. We are, after all, two of the four remaining living creatures on this planet, and we shall remain living for all eternity." >"I... I love you so much." >"I'm so sorry." >"I ruined everything." >"I am a monster." >"I deserve no forgiveness." >"But there is a silver lining. >"Several thousand years in the future we will forget all about this." >"We will forget about what I've done." >"We will forget about what had been before." >"We would just... be together. You, me, my sister, that one conjured pony I damned into being." >"Our minds are going to be so broken from the isolation, that we will just be blindly happy." >"We will love each other, for we shall know no other love." >"But we have a long way to go before that." >"In the mean time... I'm sorry." >"So, so, so sorry." Part 9 >You snap awake, covered in a cold sweat. >"Dearest, what is it!?" Luna asks beside you, concerned. "I..." >You sigh. "It was a nightmare." >Luna wraps her hooves around your chest. >"About what?" "I really don't want to talk about it." >Luna gives you a sad look. "Please?" >You resist for a moment, before giving in. "It... It was about you." >Her eyes widen a bit with surprise. "You... tied me up. You kept talking to me. You said you were crazy, and that your name was Nightmare Moon or something like that." >You shake your head. "But it was just a nightmare." >"I would never tie you up." She declares sternly but lovingly. "I know. It was... just a nightmare. I strange one too." >She looks at you oddly. >"Strange? How so?" "In the nightmare, there was mention of other ponies. A whole world of them. And they all died." >She titters. "Well that is an oddity. Since you're awake, come. Let's go find Tia and Conjur, shall we?" >You laugh. "Of course, love." >"Oh, and in case I forgot to tell you... I love you." "I know." you chuckle. "You remind me every day. I love you too." >"I know." She smiles. "Believe me, I know." -END-