>A bright white light shines into the room, as Anon emerges from his bed. "Fuck," "What time is it?" >Anon shifts his eyes towards the clock, just towards the right of his bed. >It's 3:43pm, Saturday. "It's quite early to be getting up." >Anon says as he sits himself up on the edge of his bed. >A blond feminine figure comes into focus. >"I know silly, I have some stuff planned," "Get yourself ready." >Anon gets himself to stand, and says sluggishly. "I'll be ready in an hour." "Can you make us some eggs?" >She begins to leaves, just after replying with a nod. >Anon walks into his hallway, repeatedly blinking, trying to force himself into lucidly. >He makes his way towards his bathroom, getting prepared to take a shower. >Anon grabs himself a towel, placing it upon the hook, by the door, just before he steps into the shower. >As he yanks upon the shower's valve he is spayed with a flash of cold, then hot water, just as he adjusts the valve to his liking.