"Fuck yes! Die, changeling scum!" >Be Floor Bored, NEET Extraordinaire >Your days are filled with carefree fun >Vidya, pirated movies, imageboard shitposting >No responsibilities to be heard of >Lately, you've been playing a MOBA called Equimancy >You're not one for competitive games >Usually, you prefer single player >Public lobbies are packed with normies and it's not like you have any friends >You hate interacting with other ponies, and that includes online >Even the boards you frequent are free of usernames and monikers >You basically have no traceable internet presence >Except this one game >You picked it up after watching one of the few streamers you actually enjoyed >And, as you are wont to do, you got hooked, HARD >Something about kicking other ponies' asses at something made you feel powerful >You didn't get to experience that feeling much in NEET life, so you chased that high >Down the rabbit hole you went, letting the game consume your life >It was during one of these marathon gaming sessions that you encountered user AnonSense >He sounds like one of those generic assholes in team chat >Bossing everyone around, thinking he's hot shit >You resolve to show him up >When he inevitably dies, you drop by his post and demolish the changeling warlock holding his outpost >You immediately swing back to your section of the map, having done his job without ceding an inch of your territory >His voice crackles through your speakers >"Aw, what the hell? Who stole my kill? randompony583?" >Quickly clacking at your keyboard, you type out a message in chat. >randompony583: @AnonSense git gud >Immediately you hear him give a seething huff >"That was my XP you stole!" >randompony583: your KD is 2-7 you werent gettin that kill >Exasperated, he pauses, obviously unable to dispute the numbers >"Why are you using keyboard chat anyway? Go voice if you want to coordinate attacks." >Ugh >There was no way in hell you were enabling voice chat >You haven't had a voice conversation in... weeks? >When did that census-taker stop by? >You would have just ignored him if it weren't a federal offens- >Oh, shit! >You're getting ganked! Move, move, move! >You struggle to escape the barrage of abilities being laid upon you >Out of the corner of your screen a new figure swoops in from the skies >A griffon ranger by the name of AnonSense >Expertly, he deftly flanks the two opponents and bombards them with attacks >With them slowed, they can't spin around in time to defend themselves >You watch as this guy shreds your attackers to pieces, saving your skin >"THAT'S how you kill-steal." >Holy shit that was actually pretty cool >randompony583: @AnonSense thx >After the match (a resounding victory), you get a message >Wait, who the fuck's messaging you >AnonSense: gg got to admit you actually carried the team >That's weird >You're not used to getting messages >You're definitely not used to other ponies acknowledging you carried them (even though it's usually true) >randompony583: gg np >AnonSense: want to team up? need somepony to help me out of ELO hell >Okay, that's a first >You definitely don't want to pair up with some gamer bro stallion >But >He actually impressed you back there >It's definitely easier to climb the ranks when you have a teammate you can coordinate with >But most shockingly, for perhaps the first time ever, a stallion has actually shown a modicum of interest in you >Fighting against every anti-social impulse in your body, you type out a response >randompony583: sure