Interlude 2 “Told you.” >“Don't rub it in.” “I was still right.” >“That’s trivial right now.” “Is some acknowledgement too much to ask from you?” >“You were right. Are you satisfied?” “Not really, but I’m not going to look a gift horse-” >“Ahem.” “-pony in the mouth.” >“Why didn’t you tell us she would have so much access to information?” “I didn’t know.” >“Is that so?” “I. Did. Not. Know. Most of this is as new to me as it is to you.” >“We were relying on your information, and it’s only now that you tell us that your information wasn’t complete?” “I’m doing all that I can. I get nothing from this plan if it fails.” >“If this ends in disaster, you are going to get worse than nothing. We have too much invested in this for it to fall through. I have too much invested in this.”