>"We're only looking out for you, Anon." >You nod along, hiding your annoyance. >It was a nice afternoon, too. >School went by quick for a Monday. >Algebra homework was surprisingly doable. >You already did the reading for English. >You were ready to kick back with your favorite soda and enjoy some more Duke Nukem 3D. >But no. >Your dad has to break his usual routine of watching hockey in the living room to lecture you about how you have no life. "I know, it's just-" >"I don't want you to end up feeling like you wasted your teenage years." He quickly interrupts. >You nod along, hoping to end the conversation soon. "I know, I just feel like I'll start really living my life in my 20's." You try to explain. >This doesn't do much to dissuade him. >"It's never too early to start. You've got only one life to live, and I want you to make the most of it. >You're 18. >Not even a quarter into the expected lifespan of the average human male. >It's really not a big deal. "...I know." You say after sighing. >"Your mother shares my concern, Anon." Your dad tells you. "I get it." >"Canterlot High's got clubs and extracurricular stuff, right?" >You nod. >"Well, tomorrow I want you to come home with something you can do outside of school and be more social. >You must not have been able to hide your shocked expression that well, because he quickly continues. >"I have complete faith that you'll make a good choice and you'll be feeling more fulfilled after being with friends more." "I have friends!" You insist. >"You could stand to be more active than eating pizza and playing video games." >You can't think of any kind of comeback, slouching back into your chair. "I'll handle it." You say after a brief silence. >"I'm sure you will." You dad replies, shutting the door behind him as he leaves your room. >At least he respects your privacy. >You try to focus your attention back on finding the secrets in Hollywood Holocaust, but you're still plagued by your father's words. >'You've only got one life to live'. >...He's right. >You should be doing more. >Closing the game, you step away from your PC and take your favorite jacket out of your closet. >A red varsity jacket with the letter N on it. >It was a gift from your cousin, Antonymous, who gave it to you after graduating from NYU when you were 14. >You've been wearing it every day throughout all your time at Canterlot High. >From freshman year to current senior year, no matter the season. >Norman never misses an opportunity to pick on you for wearing a jacket in 80 degree weather. >But you feel stronger with the varsity jacket on. >You feel more confident. >You feel more charismatic. >...But you're really not. >You're still kind of a loser. >Antonymous wasn't. >He was the coolest guy on campus. >He was the head of the swim team both in high school and in college. >He got a full ride to NYU because he's such a good swimmer. >Maybe there's some of his greatness residing in his old jacket that'll rub off onto you. >Maybe someday. >You put on the jacket and lie on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. >...You kinda need to get a life. >But you do have friends. >You swear. >At lunch you sit with Norman and Flash Sentry and his friends. >They're all in a band. >You're not, obviously. >You come to their shows to support them, and they seem happy with your company. >Norman isn't really the type to hang out with someone out of pity, but Flash may be. >But really, apart from playing video games at one of their houses once or twice a month, you don't do anything outside school. >Tomorrow that's gonna change. >There's plenty of clubs available, you're sure. >Surely one of them is appealing. >And it's only September 14th. >There's plenty of school year ahead. >Tuesday morning. >You're at school, staring at the bulletin board of various clubs. >...This gonna be harder than you thought. >Soccer? You're not athletic. >Chess club? That's a game for computers. >Band? You're not musical. >Audition for the upcoming musical? You're not a singer. >You let out an annoyed groan, hanging your head in frustration. >"Never thought I'd find you here." Remarks a distinct voice from beside you. >Turning, you see that Flash is standing next to you. "Hey, yeah, I'm just seeing what's available. Been wanting to spread my wings a bit, you know?" >"About time you did. I could've got you a spot in my band if you wanted to 'spread your wings' in freshman year." "Flash, we were in the same music class in eighth grade, you know I'm trash with instruments." >"So was I! Ever master was once a novice, dude." >You shrug as you turn your attention back to the board. >"Sweet Apple Acres is always looking for helpers around the farm." he adds. "Flash, I'm looking for a hobby, not community service hours." You remark. >He shrugs and rolls his eyes over-dramatically. >"I'm just trying to help, dude. It doesn't help that you're being difficult." "I'm not being difficult!" You insist, earning a chuckle from Flash. >"Oh, no? Then I suppose you're too cool for book club?" "Nah, I just don't want Twilight to fall desperately in love with me." You reply with a grin. >Flash bursts out laughing at the thought. >"Sure, Anon. Whatever you say." >"It's too bad there's no swim team here at Canterlot. You could have been able to harness some of his swimming prowess." Flash says as he motions towards the jacket. "Well...Crystal Prep has a swim team." >"Anon, going to Crystal Prep is a fate worse than death." "Yeah, you're right." You nod. >The bell rings, indicating the start the day. >"Well, keep me posted on your search for a life!" Flash yells as he runs off to class. >You smile at the joke as you head off to class. >Classes were fine. >Algebra was beginning to become more manageable, despite Ms. Harshwhinny's efforts to make it more convoluted. >English was simple. >After all, you speak the language. >History was also fairly simple, as Ms. Cheerilee is much more nice to work with. >Soon enough, it's lunch. >On the way to the cafeteria, you catch a scene of Vice Principal Luna chewing out Hoops for something. >You best not intrude, lest you face the Vice Principal's wrath as well. >After you got a tray of lunch, you take your usual spot at the table you frequent, between Flash and Norman. >Not too long after, Norman plops down next to you with a similar tray of food. >"You should totally go out for dance." >You turn to him. "Flash told you about my little mission, huh?" >He nods eagerly. >"You know what the male to female ratio in those dance clubs are? It's like 1:5!" He hurriedly explains. >"Not only does that give you something to do, it also makes you that much more likely to find a chick!" >You smirk at his plan. "Yeah, or they'll think I'm gay." >"High risk, high reward!" >You let out an over-dramatic sigh as you take a bite out of your apple. "Think I'll pass, but thanks." >"Well...how about Principal's Assistant?" >You laugh a bit at the idea. "Yeah dude, that's what I need: more schoolwork." >Norman shrugs and turns his attention to his lunch. >Flash and his band-mates arrive at the table eventually, whereupon Flash continues shooting ideas at you. >"Robotics club." "Nah, too complicated." >"Baking club." "Remember when I almost burned down the Home Ec room making banana bread?" >"World Dominators?" "Norman can vouch for how terrible I am at those super complicated board games." >Flash shakes his head as he eats his sandwich. >"Picky, picky, picky." Norman mutters as he pokes his mashed potatoes for emphasis. "I'll think of something!" You insist. >"Well, don't put it off too long. All the good clubs will be full in no time." Flash reminds you. "Yeah, I got it." You reply, turning to make sure you finish your food before lunch ends. >Casual conversation was shared afterwards, turning away from your hunt. >Mainly about progress with Flash's band. >You never really were that close with his band-mates, but you're sure they're nice. >At one point, Flash hurriedly got up from his seat and quickly made his way over to the other side of the lunch room. >A quick glance confirms your suspicions: Twilight's here with her friends. >You and Norman share a knowing look before getting back to your meals. >Twilight started going to Canterlot High some time last year. >She's some kind of exchange student, but Flash is always super vague on where she's from. >It surprised pretty much everyone when former tyrant of the school Sunset Shimmer turned a new leaf after last year's fall formal. >A lot's been going on ever since she came here, come to think of it. >Some kind of crisis at the last music competition with the Dazzlings, something about the Friendship Games and Camp Everfree. >You were still a no-life loser at the time, so you didn't go to any of them. >But this year you should. >Just add those to the growing pile of things to do to turn your life around. >The mashed potatoes proved tricky to eat, trying to not get any gravy on your beloved jacket. >Scanning the lunch room in between bites, you take note of all the cliques at their own tables. >Jocks, science nerds, drama kids, band kids, art kids, edgy kids, and so on. >Reflecting on this, you're grateful you've got your little slice of camaraderie here with Norman and usually Flash. >You cringe at the thought of sitting alone at lunch. >Taking another glance over at Flash's new table, you take note of the others alongside him and Twilight. >Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Rarity and the aforementioned Sunset Shimmer. >And one other girl. >She's got yellow skin and flowing pink hair, but you can't place her name. >The bell rings at last, indicating everyone should get going to class. >Oh well, that's something you'll have to ponder on later. >Throwing away the garbage left over from your lunch, you head over to the gymnasium. >Not for P.E., but for strength training. >It's very different, where instead of doing stupid stuff like the mile and pacer, you focus on lifting weights like dead lift and bench press to get stronger. >Guys being dudes, really. >You only started taking it this year, wanting to escape the treacherous mile run and wanting to put some meat on your bones. >Give the ladies something to swoon at when you flex. >So far, not much progress. >There's a separate weight lifting room behind the gym, so you make your way there. >Coach Soarin runs the "class", and is really chill in general. >As long as you have a spotter and aren't actively fucking around, you're good. >Pipsqueak's your go-to spotter, and vice versa. >He's a freshman and he's basically just skin and bones, but he's nice. >You could use more friends anyway. >He was already there when you arrived, waiting by the bench at the back. "How've you been holding up?" You ask him, regarding yesterday's weight lifting session. >"Oh, a little sore, but I'm still alive!" Pipsqueak beamed. >You admire his dedication to the work. "I better do my set first, you'll be less sore to help me get the bar off my chest in case the worst happens." >"Yeah, probably." He agrees. >He goes to grab two clamps as you take the weights and place them on the bar. >75 pounds. >It's not a lot, but it's a good starting point. >It's still early in the year. >You took your usual position lying beneath the bar on the bench as Pipsqueak situates himself behind the bench. >"Ready, Anon?" He asks, holding his hands underneath the bar. "Yeah, ready." You respond. >You carefully lower the heavy bar closer to your chest and begin your bench press routine. >You're still slightly sore from yesterday, but quickly get into the routine. >The 75 pound bar offered enough challenge to get you warmed up without exhausting you. >You counted your up and down repetitions to ten, being sure to bend your arms and have the bar almost touch your chest in accordance with safety rules. >As soon as you got to ten, you hoisted the bar up with assistance from Pipsqueak and placed it back on the rack. >You lean up on the bench, looking around to scope out how the other guys are doing. >They're all doing much better than you. >From 125 pounds to 200 pounds on the bench press. >One guy was even doing 300 pounds. >They've all been doing this for much longer than you. >These are guys on the football team and the wrestling team. >And here you are, the lone loser. >Well, you and Pipsqueak. >Your gaze fell to the floor, feeling a pang of shame. >"You okay, Anon?" Pipsqueak asked. "Yeah, just resting for a bit." You cover up, snapping out of your self-pity. >"Well, then can I have my turn now?" "Yeah, of course." >You get up and help Pipsqueak replace the weights to go down to 50 pounds. >Which is still a good amount of weight for him. >You get situated behind the bar as he lays down underneath you, gripping the bar with determination. "You ready, little man?" You ask. >"Ready as I'll ever be!" He beamed. >You carefully help Pipsqueak lift the bar and ensure he safely completed his ten repetitions. >He was visibly shaking near the end, but managed to do all ten. >This continued for the rest of the period, with you slightly increasing the weight to 125 pounds. >This proves much more taxing. >By the end of class, you're incredibly sore yet feeling invigorated. >You bid farewell to Pipsqueak as you head to Chemistry, your final class of the day. >This class is more frustrating, but still manageable. >After filling out countless worksheets on chemical bonds, the final bell of the day finally rings. >Grabbing your bag, you make for the exit, disappointed you couldn't find any kind of club to join. >The front hall is packed with students eagerly rushing out the front doors, making a mad dash to their home or preferred hangout spot. >You almost get trampled in the madness, but you're used to this kind of madness after three years here, and manage to survive the onslaught and escape out the doors. >Stumbling down the steps, something catches your eye. >It looks like the girl whose name you couldn't place earlier, standing near the horse statue in front of the building while holding a stack of pink papers. >You can make out that she's trying to get people's attention, but she's too quiet and is clearly uncomfortable. >The crowd soon dissipates, and the girl is left standing there, her stack of papers the same size at it was when she started. >Clearly disappointed, she hangs her head in shame and goes to put them all back in her bookbag. >This is your chance. >You make your way over to her, trying to figure out what to say. "...Hey there." You awkwardly say. >She jumps a bit, not expecting you to sneak up on her like that. >You take a step back, and she relaxes a bit. >She's still partially hiding behind her pink hair, avoiding eye contact with you. >"...Hi." She eventually responds. "So...what's that you got there?" You ask her, motioning towards the stack of papers. >She hurriedly gets one of them out of her bookbag and holds it in front of her. >"I'm-I'm looking for volunteers to help out at the local animal shelter. Those poor critters really could use all the help they can get." she elaborates, with a hint of sadness in her voice. >This is it. >This is the extracurricular stuff you've been looking for. >Not only does helping out at an animal shelter give you something social to do, it'll also knock a few years off of your stay in Purgatory. >"...Would...would you like to...volunteer?" She asks, retreating back behind her hair while still holding out the paper. >She must get rejected a lot. >Time to make her day. "Sure!" >Her eyes shoot open as she freezes in place, her eyes meeting yours. >"...Really?" "Well, I WAS gonna spend tomorrow afternoon admiring myself in the mirror, but I'm sure I can make time." You joke. >She lets out a soft "yay" as a smile grows across her face, her mood brightening drastically. "Just...can I ask you a kind of awkward question?" >"...Yeah?" She asks, growing more suspicious. "...What's your name?" You decide to just bluntly ask. >Her cheeks flush slightly as she turns away. >She mumbles something into her hair. "I, uh, didn't hear you." You say, trying to not be too forceful. >"I'm...my name is...uh...Fl-Fluttershy." She finally responds, speaking a little louder. >Right, that's her name. >You've heard that name around school every now and again. "Well, my name's Anonymous, but you can call me Anon." You respond, holding out your hand. >After a brief moment of consideration, Fluttershy gingerly meets you halfway and shakes your hand. >You smile at her, and she giggles a bit. "So, when should I come by the shelter?" You ask, pulling away from the handshake. >"Oh, the shelter's open every day except Mondays, and I usually stay until 5 or 6." She explains. >"I was actually gonna head over there now, in case you....you wanted to..." "Sure, I can help today." >"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, you probably have a lot of homework, and your parents will get worried, and..." "Hey, I'll just text my parents to let them know. I'm sure they'll be fine with it." You explain. >"A-Are you sure? I don't want you to get in trouble." "Yeah, no worries." >You take out your phone and quickly text your dad that you'll be spending a few hours at the local animal shelter. >After a moment of waiting, your dad lets you stay out, stating that you have to be home by 7 PM. "Alright, I'm all set!" You say to her. >"A-Alright, away we go!" Fluttershy replies, leading the way to Canterlot's animal shelter. >The walk to the animal shelter was quiet. >Fluttershy led the way, seeming to be caught in a mixture of emotions. >She seemed at ease to have someone to help her around the place, but still didn't know how to break the ice. >You follow her carefully, giving her enough space without seeming like you're following her like a lost puppy. >The path she leads you down takes you away from downtown Canterlot, where foot and road traffic gradually grew more sparse. >You wanted to speak up and initiate some kind of conversation with Fluttershy, but you figured it would be best to wait until you get to the shelter. >Soon enough, Fluttershy stops walking and turns toward the animal shelter. >"W-Well, here we are." Fluttershy states, still seeming nervous. >Taking a look at the large building, you take note of its faded yellow paint and the "Paws 2 Paws Animal Shelter" sign. >The windows remain intact, and the lights inside are all working. >Its age shows, but it still looks like a nice place. >You nod in approval, and Fluttershy quietly leads you inside. >A small bell rings atop the door frame as she opens the door, and you two step inside. >The interior is nicely furnished, with waiting couches and magazines for people and various pet toys. >Soft pop music fills the building and offers a nice environment. >An older woman is sitting behind the counter, and looks up upon seeing you two enter. >"Oh, hello Fluttershy!" She warmly greets her. >"Hello grace, I brought another volunteer today!" She beams, nudging you slightly. >You semi-awkwardly wave to Grace. "My name's Anonymous, but you can call me Anon." >"Well Anon, just fill out this form and you can get started!" Grace responds, pulling a clipboard with a paper and pen from under the desk. >You take the clipboard and look it over, filling it out as you go. >Basic stuff like name, phone number, home address and emergency contacts. >Fluttershy quietly waits by the door to the side, seemingly eager to get started. >Once you've filled out the volunteer form, you hand the clipboard back to Grace, who stores it in another cabinet. >"Now that that's all done, Fluttershy will show you around!" She says, returning her focus to the computer at her desk. >You turn to Fluttershy, and she opens the door to the back and leads the way further. >She leads you to a room filled with animal kennels. >They're all separated by animal types, like dogs, cats and so on. >As Fluttershy walks in, the animals become more active in their kennels, whining and scraping the doors of their cages. >"Guys, please, calm down. I'll let you all out soon." Fluttershy reassures them, quietly. >The animals quickly become more docile, eagerly waiting for her to come to them. >She's got a real talent for handling animals. >"Can you please go get the dog food from over there?" Fluttershy asks you, motioning towards the far corner. "Right away." You nod, heading over to fetch one of the large bags. >They're easy to distinguish from each other, all being different colors and having different animals on them. >The red bag has a dog on it, and the labels talk about how healthy it is for dogs, you you put two and two together and bring that over to Fluttershy. >"Thank you, Anon." Fluttershy says warmly. >"What we do now is we let the dogs out to exercise in the little park out back while we clean the kennels and fill their food bowls." She explains. >You nod along, taking a look at the dogs in the cages. >They all look well taken care of, but there's still an element of sadness to them. >All different kinds of dogs, and they all want a home. >"I also keep an eye on the dogs while they run around outside, to make sure they all get along." "Sounds like a lot of work for one person." You note. >"It can be, but now I have a helper!" She smiles. "You can keep an eye on them outside, I'll focus on the food bowls and cleaning." >"Oh, I can't ask that of you, Anon! It's your first day and it's pretty gross and-" Fluttershy rambles, her nervousness kicking in. "Hey, it's fine. I wouldn't have volunteered if I didn't want to get down and dirty, would I?" You interrupt her to snap her out of her worrying. >Fluttershy sighs and nods in agreement. >"...Yeah, true." "Besides, you deserve a break from the gross stuff, so you can have fun out there watching the dogs!" You add on. >Fluttershy smiles as well, looking back up at you. >"Thanks, Anon." >You help Fluttershy let the dogs out of their cages, carefully lowering them onto the ground and guiding them out to the small field in the back. >You notice that bigger dogs like Great Danes have their kennels at the bottom, with smaller dogs like Pugs at the top. >Each kennel has a name tag and date of birth attached for each dog. >Fluttershy's clearly much better at this than you, with many of the dogs being unfamiliar with you handling them. >Some of them bark at you a bit or try to wiggle out of your grasp as you lower them to the ground. >Fluttershy giggles at the display of you handling a rather rowdy Chihuahua named Dixie. >Thing's like an angry sausage with teeth. >As soon as Dixie escapes your grasp once you lower her, she sprints out the door. >"Don't worry, they'll come to like you soon!" Fluttershy reassures you. "Yeah, I'll take your word for it." You remark, smiling. >Fluttershy gets up and shows you a bottle of sanitizer spray and a small box of wipes and some gloves. >"It's pretty simple, just spray the inside of each kennel and wipe it down." she explains. "Seems manageable. You have fun out there!" You say to her, putting on the gloves and grabbing the wipes and spray. >"Please let me know if you want to switch. I don't want you to-" "Fluttershy, I insist. It's fine!" You remind her. >She heaves a heavy breath of defeat and gently waves to you as she steps outside to oversee the dogs. >You wave back and get to work. >It's really no trouble at all. >It seems the kennels are cleaned regularly, so it would require some real effort on the dog's part to dirty them up. >A couple of them managed to make a real mess, but it's nothing you can't handle. >The job's monotonous, but easily manageable. >Within half an hour, all the kennels are cleaned as good as new. >Taking the gloves off, you wash your hands at a nearby sink to prepare dishing out the dog food. >You glimpse outside to see how Fluttershy's doing with the dogs. >She's standing near the edge of the field, watching over all the dogs as they run and play. >A gentle smile decorates her face, illuminated by the warm sun. >She looks happy. >She looks at peace. >A stark contrast to what you've seen from her at Canterlot High. >What you could see, anyway. >She's always so quiet and... >...well, shy. >The only people you see her with are Rainbow Dash and her little circle of friends. >Poor thing. >It's good that she has friends. >Canterlot High has the appearance of being all colorful and friendly, but the students can be real vicious. >So seeing her happy here is almost refreshing. >You quickly turn your attention back to the dog food to avoid being caught staring at her. >Certainly don't want to make Fluttershy uncomfortable. >The distribution of the dog food was simple as well, with each kennel having an appropriately sized bowl for each dog. >The bag of dog food is weighty, but you've handled heavier things. >A short while later, all the food is ready for the dogs. >You notice there are also water bowls in the back of each kennel, so you decide to be a star student and fill up each of them in the sink. >You shouldn't use sanitizer on them, though. >Ingesting sanitizer is generally frowned upon. >Checking the clock, it's 3:35. >You decide to go out to bring Fluttershy the good news. >The warm temperature outside contrasts with the air conditioning indoors, along with the sun shining bright. >You notice Fluttershy set her bookbag near the door, so you set your bookbag next to hers. >You take a moment to survey the little field. >It's gotta be like thirty dogs of various ages and breeds. >Some are prancing about with other dogs of similar sizes, some are wrestling with little toys, and some are just lying around enjoying the sun. >A smile grows on your face, enjoying the joyous sight. >Fluttershy notices you from across the field, and waves you over. >You make your way over to her, making sure to not get in the way of the dogs playing around. >"Was it too much? It's okay if you want to-" She quickly says, worrying about your work load. "Oh, no, it's fine! I'm actually done!" You beam with pride. >She pauses a moment, surprised. >"...Really?" "Yup! I even had time to fill up their water bowls." You continue. >"You didn't have to do that, Anon. I could've handled it myself." Fluttershy says with slight concern. "But if I let you do everything, then I wouldn't be a very good volunteer." You note. >She smiles, turning back to the dogs. >"Thank you, Anon. It can be so much work on my own." "You're welcome, Fluttershy." You smile back at her. "What's next on the to-do list?" >"Well...I usually let them run around until 4, so you can do your homework or something to pass the time." "Hm...I think I'd rather get to know you better." You smirk at her. >She blushes slightly. >"Wh-what?" "Well, I figure that if we're gonna be co-volunteers, we should try to be friends." You nudge her slightly. >"B-But what about your homework?" "Oh, I don't really have any tonight. Just some worksheets for Chemistry." >She nods, her cheeks still slightly pink. >"A-Alright then." "So...what do you do for fun, Fluttershy?" >"Well...I...just kinda...spend most of my time here, actually." She sheepishly admits. >You laugh a bit and nod along. >"Wh-What's so funny?" She's quick to ask. "I just should've guessed. You've got a real knack for handling animals." You explain. >Fluttershy seems much more defensive now. >"A-And what's so wrong with that?" She asks, trying her hardest to be stern. "Nothing! It's a nice hobby!" You defend, putting your hands up. >She pauses for a moment, and exhales a built-up breath. >"I'm sorry, Anon. I just...people...say things about me..." >Fluttershy looks away. "Don't worry, I understand." You assure her. >Slowly, she smiles back at you. >"So what about you?" "Hm?" >"What do you like to do for fun?" >You pause for a moment. >You're gonna look really lame saying all you do is play video games and watch movies. >Especially compared with the ever-charitable Fluttershy. "Uh...well, I...kinda..." >"Anon, I promise I won't judge you." She giggles slightly. >Feeling your cheeks glow slightly, you nod and look back at her. "I'm into movies...and, uh...video games." >"Hm, what kind of movies?" "Anything, really. I've got a wide palate for film." >She nods, taking that into account. >"...What's your favorite movie?" "Army of Darkness, easily." You reply, grinning. >"Army of Darkness? I've never heard of that before, what's it about?" Fluttershy asks, puzzled. "It's about a guy with a chainsaw for a hand getting transported back to medieval times to defeat an army of undead." You explain to her. >She mulls the concept over in her head, trying to picture what the movie would be like. >"Sounds like something Rainbow Dash would like." "Oh, there's something in it for everyone. Fun for the whole family!" You joke, getting a giggle from her. >"I'll take your word for it." She grins, quoting you from earlier. >You two share a small laugh before turning your attention back to the dogs. >After all, they're why you're here at all. >They're all getting along fine, but the dogs look more tired now from all the playing and running around. >Fluttershy is much more at ease with you now than before you arrived here. >4 PM came, so you help Fluttershy bring all the dogs back to their kennel. >There's some slight resistance from them, wanting to stay outside more and keep playing. >It tugs your heartstrings, but it's gotta be done. >Dixie proves to be troublesome again, trying to wiggle out of your grasp as you put her back in her kennel. >Glancing over, you see Fluttershy handling the dogs with much more grace. >She gingerly guides them back into their kennel, softly petting them as they enter. >You could learn a thing or two from her. >Once all the dogs are safely stored inside their makeshift homes, Fluttershy scans the rows of kennels, assessing your work. >When she reaches the end, she smiles at you. >"The kennels look great! Good job, Anon!" She praises you. >You can't help but smile in response. "Happy to help." You reply, trying to stay humble. >"It really is nice to have an extra pair of hands here. Those dog food bags can be so heavy!" She huffs. "Yeah, I can imagine. That's strength training paying off!" You remark, flexing your arm for added effect. >She laughs along a bit. "So what's next?" >"Now we let the cats out so they can exercise. They're generally easier to manage, but their fur gets everywhere." She warns you. >"You should probably take off that jacket of yours." Fluttershy says, motioning towards your signature varsity jacket. "Thanks, but I'll live." You reply, dusting it off a bit. >"Are you sure? It looks really nice and I don't want it to get dirty or ruined." >She's clearly concerned. "Don't worry, it's nothing a trip through the washing machine can't handle." You assure her. >"Okay, then let's go get the kitties!" She says as boldly as she can, leading you along. >You follow her further through the animal shelter. >The cat section isn't too far away, but far enough to not be causing trouble with the dogs. >The setup is similar to the room where the dogs are kept, except that all the kennels are the same size due to the lack of size variation in cats. >There's another room directly connected to this one, but nicely furnished and containing cat toys. >"The cats are much easier, we just let them roam around in this room while the kennels are cleaned." Fluttershy explained. >That makes sense. "So, same deal?" >"Anon, it's your first day. I really don't want you to just clean up after them all day here." >She's really stubborn about this, isn't she? >You sigh, looking at her. "All this seems like a lot of work. I just want you to have a break from cleaning for once." >"I know... but if you do all the cleaning today and I spend all my time with the animals, I'll feel really bad..." She pouted. >Yeah, you get that. "...You're sure it's no trouble?" >"Not at all! You could get to know the kitties better!" >Fluttershy's standing right in front of the cleaning materials. "...Fine, just let me know if you need any help." You sigh, relenting. >"I will!" >"But first we gotta get the kitties into the other room." "Sounds like herding cats to me." You remark. >That gets a small laugh to her, turning her attention back to the cats. >"It's easier than that. They like being in the playroom." >Fluttershy's claim was soon proven when you opened the door to the playroom, as the cats darted right inside, eagerly claiming cat toys and scratching posts. >"Just keep an eye on them in there, I can handle the cleaning." "Last chance to get a helping hand." You warn her with a grin. >"Anon..." "Going once!" >"It's really..." "Going twice!" >She puffs up her chest and puts her hands on her hips. >"A-As your leading volunteer, I order you to play with the kitties!" Fluttershy insisted, trying to be more bold. >She's being really cute, so you comply. "Aye aye, Captain." >You wave to her before quickly entering the room and closing the door behind you so that none of the cats escaped. >Managing the cats is probably the easiest job you've ever been assigned. >They're all either laying around or scratching the posts, with only a few interacting. >Worst case scenario is you'd have to break up a fight between two cats. >The cats still see you as an outsider, so they seldom come up to you. >You sit against the wall, overseeing the group of cats while also having a view of Fluttershy cleaning the kennels in the other room. >You try to avoid looking at her too much, not only to avoid creeping her out but also because your main priority is the animal group. >What glimpses you could catch of her showed that she clearly knows what she's doing. >Fluttershy shows great care and precision as she wipes down the inside of the kennels. >She really does look at home at this animal rescue. >Certainly more so than at Canterlot High. >You notice there's a cat toy at the end of a stick sitting beside you, so you decide to be a more entertaining host. >Waving the toy around quickly grabs the attention of several cats, activating their predator instinct as their eyes lock onto the waving object before them. >Surprisingly, the cats take turns lunging for the toy and pawing at it. >Maybe they want to avoid fights too. >Makes your job easier. >It makes for an incredibly entertaining show, and it helps the cats warm up to you. >The cats do get tired eventually, and take to resting on your lap or by your legs. >Not wanting to scare them off, you carefully stroke the backs of the cats resting near you, trying to give each cat an equal amount of attention. >There's like five cats and you've only got two hands. >Life is Hell, truly. >You hear the door open and close, and looking up indicates Fluttershy's joined you with the cats. >"I see you're making new friends." She remarks. >You're trapped by the cats resting on you, so all you carefully respond to not bother them too much. "Yup, they're a friendly bunch once they got comfortable with me." >Fluttershy sits down next to you, and a small herd of cats quickly rest near her. "You know, I'm almost jealous of how much these animals like you." You joke. >"Don't worry! I'm sure they'll come to love you too!" Fluttershy reassures you. >You smile and turn back to petting the cats. "What's your favorite movie, Fluttershy?" You ask her. >She pauses for a moment, trying to pick an answer. >This must be a tough question, as she puts her finger on her chin, furrowing her brow. >"The Lion King!" She eventually answers. >You nod approvingly at her choice. >"It's always been close to my heart. I still get emotional when Mufasa dies..." >You can imagine. >"...Hey, you said you were into video games, right?" She asks you. "Yeah, I did." You reply, turning to face her. >"Well, I kinda...play some too..." "Oh really? Like what?" >She hesitates for a moment before answering. >A slight look of concern covers her face. >"Have you heard of...Undertale..?" >You smile at her. "Of course, that's a great game!" >Her expression immediately brightens. >"Oh, it's so wonderful! It's so funny and cute!" She quickly rambles. >This is probably the most active you've ever seen her. >"Whose your favorite character? Mine is Toriel!" "Hm...I like Papyrus!" You somewhat awkwardly answer. >"Oooh, he's fun too!" >"I really like how you can be nice to everyone you come across!" >"And I just LOVE the music! It's all so catchy and memorable and unique!" >She rambles on about Undertale and you get swept up in her infectious joy. >You smile warmly at her as she talks, but suddenly she covers her mouth. >"I-I'm talking too much, aren't I?" She asks, slightly embarrassed. "Not at all! I like seeing you come out of your shell!" You reassure her. >Fluttershy uncovers her mouth and smiles back at you. >"Thank you, Anon." >"It's really nice to have someone else helping out around here." >This makes you slightly concerned. "Surely there are other volunteers that come over?" >Fluttershy looks down, her sadness returning. >She mumbles something to herself. "Uh...I couldn't hear you..." >"Y-You're the only one...who...came to help..." >You come to match her glum mood. "...Well, what about your friends? Rainbow? Twilight? Surely they can help?" >She shakes her hanging head. >"Rainbow Dash has to focus on soccer, Pinkie is always planning a party or baking, Rarity has her work as a seamstress, Applejack has work on her family farm, and Twilight and Sunset keep disappearing to who knows where..." >"Sometimes they can help out for a day, but... you're the first to... want to volunteer here." >She hides her face in her knees. >You're not sure you're close enough to her to warrant physical contact, so you better play it safe. "...Hey, who's your favorite cat in this room?" >She looks up again, wiping away a few tears. >"Huh?" "Out of all the cats in this room, if you could adopt one, which one would you pick?" >"I-I don't have a favorite. It wouldn't be fair to the rest." She explains. >You give her an incredulous look. "...I don't believe you." >A smile spreads across Fluttershy's face, despite how she tries to hide it. >"Ohhhh, alright. If I had to pick one..." >Her eyes search the room, but landing near your right thigh. >"Graham Cracker." >The cat she's motioning to is a slightly young light brown tabby cat resting beside you. "Oh, really? What makes her special?" >"She's the nicest. She never bothers any of the other kitties or steals their toys. She's so soft too!" >Petting Graham Cracker a few times, you agree. >"I guess you've gotta wait longer before you can pick a favorite." She giggles. "Don't worry, I'm sure one will stick out." You reply, smiling. >Fluttershy checks the time, and the clock reads 4:45. >"Now we gotta get the kitties back inside their kennels." She informs you. "Oh, but they're so peaceful resting here." You plead. "I'm kind of trapped here, there's nothing I can do." You say as you motion to the cats. >Fluttershy nods in agreement, smiling >"Don't worry, I'll help." >With great reluctance, the cats are removed from your being and placed back in their kennels. >Again, they're much easier to handle than the dogs. >Some do have attitudes however, and display their displeasure through clinging to you with their incredibly sharp claws. >Your varsity jacket does provide protection against their claws, but you do get pinched every now and again. >Once again, Fluttershy proves to be much better at handling the cats. >None of them claw at her, which is good, as her forearms aren't protected as yours are. >She's much more gentle and graceful at lifting and carrying the cats, especially compared to you. >You never had a pet cat growing up. >Once the cats were returned to their little cells, Fluttershy leads you to another room. >This room was slightly smaller, and didn't have kennels in it. >Instead, there was a small pen and plastic "boxes" and tubes. >You can hear slight squeaking coming from the plastic tubes, and rustling coming from the small pen. >"Here are where all the rabbits and mice are kept. They're easy to take care of. Just give them more food and water and clean up their messes." Fluttershy explained. >You nod along, thinking it should be simpler than the earlier jobs. >Well, job. >"These guys are really small and can be really fast, so you should stay back and watch me do it so no one escapes." "Fluttershy, I don't think you understand what having a co-volunteer entails." You remark. >"Anon, I know you're trying to help, b-but I think it's best for me to lead and show you how to do all this." She sighs. >Maybe you shouldn't be so pushy. >She is the expert, after all. "You're right, I'm sorry." You sheepishly reply. >"It's okay, I do appreciate that you want to help." >Without much more ado, she grabs a few bags and leads you over to the pen. >Inside the pen is a group of about 15 rabbits, of various sizes and colors. >"These little guys are easy. They'll give you space to refill their food bowls and clean up." Fluttershy informs you. >You try to gently pet one of them, but it scurries away, back to the far end of the pen. >"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll warm up to you eventually." She says to offer comfort. >Nodding along, you back away from the pen a bit to avoid scaring them further. >"You'll like the bunnies. They're really nice and they don't bicker with each other." Fluttershy beams. >Just by looking at the rabbits, you can tell they trust her. >You imagine they've known her for most their life. >"Now, watch closely:" >You stand just behind her as she carefully fills each food bowl with rabbit kibble. >Each bowl is almost precisely filled, and you notice each bowl is individually labelled for each rabbit in the pen. >All of them are colored blue, purple, yellow or pink. >There are typical water containers for rabbits near the bowls, which she quickly fills up with alkaline water from the refrigerator across the room. >Once she's done, Fluttershy moves over to the mice containers. >Without acknowledging you, she opens a small door on top of a fairly large room in the mouse maze and removes several food bowls. >She swiftly closes the door and grabs a smaller bag from a nearby cabinet. >Again, Fluttershy fills the small bowls with the special mouse food, and replaces them in the maze within the blink of an eye. >Unlike the rabbit pen, there are water dispensers attached throughout the maze and not crowded near the food. >You imagine the mice are more belligerent than the rabbits. >Fluttershy puts the bag back in the cabinet and sits by the rabbit pen, idly petting them as they come closer to her. >Looks like she's lost in her own little world. >The more this goes on, the more awkward you feel. >Shifting slightly, you clear your throat and speak up. "So, uh, what's next?" >Fluttershy jumps slightly at hearing your voice, turning back to face you. >"Oh, uh, n-nothing, really. Y-You can go home now if you want." >You squint slightly. "What are you gonna do now?" >"I'll be here until about 7..." "If there's more stuff that needs to be done then I'd be happy to-" >"N-No, it's just... I'd rather be here..." >This plants a seed of concern within you. "...Is everything okay, Fluttershy?" >"Yeah, I just... I don't know... feel safe here." >You better not intrude or make her feel unsafe. "Well, I'd hate to be a bother, so I'll head home, then." >A panicked face quickly covers Fluttershy's visage. >"I-I-I'm sorry, Anon. You're not a bother, I promise!" >She quickly runs up to you, blocking your path to the front door. "Hey, don't worry, I understand!" You reassure her. >She's not swayed. >"I'm really glad you could help today, and I-I don't want to make you feel unwelcome..." "I just don't want to intrude, Fluttershy. You're really nice and I had a great time here today, and I really don't want to make you feel unsafe." >You notice you're slightly closer to her now. >She looks down at her boots, then shyly meets your gaze. >"...Okay..." >There's another awkward silence between you two, filled only by the slight sounds coming from the rabbits and mice. "So...same time tomorrow?" >She perks up noticeably. >"H-Huh?" "I volunteered, didn't I? I've got nothing better to do, so I might as well spend my time doing some good in the community." You beam. >A smile grows across Fluttershy's face. >"...Thank you, Anon. I've never had a volunteer like you before." >You nod at her, share a smile, and Fluttershy suddenly realizes something. >"O-Our backpacks are still outside!" >You smack your head in realization. "Oh shoot, you're right!" >Quickly rushing past the room of now docile hounds, you two are relieved to find your backpacks where you left them. >Sighing in relief, you throw your backpack over your shoulder. >Fluttershy grips the straps of her backpack, standing up and trying to appear bold. >"Y-You ready to go home?" "Yeah, just about." You reply. >She nods and leads you back out to the entrance room. >Without her, you'd surely have gotten lost in this surprisingly maze-like building. >On the way out, you catch a glimpse of the time on a hanging clock. >6:00 >God damn, time flies when you have fun. >Grace is still where you last saw her: behind her desk, clicking away at the computer. >She looks up at the sound of the door opening, and her spirits lift upon seeing you two. >"Did you enjoy your time here today?" Grace asks. "Yeah, I'm glad I came!" You happily reply. >Fluttershy beams as well, standing close to you. >"Anon's been really helpful!" She adds. "I should be heading home now. I've still got homework to do and I haven't eaten since 11." >Fluttershy wastes no time in getting concerned again. >"Oh no, I'm sorry, I should've-" "Hey, no worries, I'll just pack a snack tomorrow!" You're quick to interject. >Fluttershy calms down again, moving in front of you again. >"...You promise to come again tomorrow?" "Scout's honor!" You respond, holding up three fingers in a mock-salute. >She giggles slightly, and lets you walk past her to the door. >You turn back to see Fluttershy and Grace one last time for the day. >They're both in a good mood, at least on the outside. >You wave goodbye to the two, slightly opening the door as you do. >As the warm air hits you once more, you can hear Fluttershy gently bid you farewell. >Closing the door behind you, you open up the Mapp on your phone to guide your way home. >The sun's gently setting in the distance, and birds can be heard chirping as they fly freely. >A quick search through your backpack indicates that not only did none of the dogs ruin the contents of your backpack, but your earbuds are where you left them. >You choose a song to accompany you as you walk home. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiiWwwDpxvo --FLUTTERSHY-- >You're standing by the window, watching Anon walk home. >Today was a good day. >Mr. Number Cruncher gave you a B+ for last week's algebra test. >Hoops got in trouble with Vice Principal Luna before he could be mean to you. >Twilight is able to stay for a few weeks. >And you actually got a new volunteer to help out! >Anon's really nice. >He's pretty funny too. >...Were you talkative today? >You feel like you talked more to him than to someone else you're meeting for the first time. >Maybe because he was here. >It's safe here. >The dogs and cats and other critters are really nice. >Much nicer than the other students at Canterlot. >Angel doesn't spread rumors about you. >Oh shoot, Angel! >You hastily take off your backpack and zip it open, to find Angel perfectly healthy. >But he's awfully upset. >You rush over to the rabbit room and after carefully setting down your backpack on a table, you get a carrot from the fridge. >He gets out of your backpack and sits on the table. "I'm so, so, so sorry, Angel." You hastily apologize. >He doesn't budge. >You try to offer him the carrot but he turns away. "Angel, please eat. It's important to stay healthy!" You insist. >You place the carrot in front of him. >You're gonna make sure he eats, so you carefully sit down next to the table. >After a couple minutes, he finally relents and starts nibbling on the carrot. >You sigh gently in relief, and get out your history textbook to study. >There's a quiz on Napoleon's reign in two days, and you wanna be prepared. >...It's a lot of reading. >So many dates. >So many names. >...It's really boring, too. >After about ten minutes, you sigh exasperatedly and set the book aside, rubbing your eyes. >How can Twilight remember all this and more? >Maybe she has some study tips. >She could help you study! >You gotta do well in classes. >Your parents are given enough grief by Zephyr Wind. >...Maybe Anon could help? >He'll be here tomorrow anyway. >Yeah! He could help! >You'll get finished taking care of the animals sooner than usual with an extra pair of hands, so you could use that time to study! >Anon wouldn't mind, surely. >He was antsy to help today. >Oh, you should tell the girls how today went. >Opening your phone, you see the group chat's fairly active. >Pinkie's going on about the birthday parties she's planning. >Sunset and Rarity are talking about idle gossip. >Nothing mean, just general news around school. >Rainbow's bragging about how great she is at soccer, with Applejack offering comments every now and again. >Twilight must still be having trouble with technology. [What did I miss?] You text, making your presence known. >[Nothing much, just how amazing I was during practice today] Rainbow is quick to respond. >Applejack sends an annoyed emoji. >[How was your day, FS?] Rarity asks. [It was great! Someone actually volunteered to help at the animal shelter!] >[That's great!! Who was it?] Sunset texts. [His name's Anon.] >[OOOH! I know him! His birthday was a few months ago!] Pinkie adds. >[Sounds like he was helpful] Applejack texts. [He was! We were able to get done much sooner!] >[That's wonderful, darling. I'm sorry we can't be more helpful.] Rarity texts. [It's okay, you all are busy anyway] >[But we're still your friends! Friends help each other!] Sunset insists. >Twilight taught her well. >A few minutes go by of you texting the group about other stuff that happened today. >Other than Anon helping you, it's been a normal day. >You're interrupted by Angel dropping the end of the carrot in your lap. "Oh, sorry Angel!" You say to him, tossing it away in a separate compost bin. >When you turn back, he's sitting right behind your history textbook. >You sigh in defeat, knowing you've gotta get back to studying. "...You're right, back to work." >Setting your phone aside, you get back to reading. >Rubbing your eyes to stay awake, you flip through page after page. >You yawn after a little while, which makes you confused. >Why are you yawning? >You're not that tired. >You could really use Anon's help. >He could help make this less boring. >But you soldier on. >You continue to fight your boredom and after about half an hour, you're done reading the chapter. >You take a look at the time, and see that it's 7:13. >Time to head home. >You get up and put the textbook carefully back in your backpack, not wanting your backpack to get disorganized. >Angel's still upset when you look over to him. "Come on, time to head home." You say to him. >He looks away. "Please? I'm sorry for leaving you in my backpack." >Still nothing. "I'll give you a treat when we get home, okay?" >That gets his attention. >Angel eagerly jumps into your backpack, but he's still got an expression of concern on his face. "I promise I won't do that again." You say to him. >As Angel nuzzles inside, you carefully zip it back up, making sure his ears don't get caught. >Once it's secure, you fasten the backpack on your back and start to head home. >Grace is still by the computer, but she looks less tired now. >"I'm glad you got someone to help you around here. It's a lot for one person." Grace remarks. >You nod in agreement. "I didn't really get him to help, he just...decided to help." >She shrugs and returns to her work. >She's gotta stay here until 8. >It must be exhausting. >"See you tomorrow, Fluttershy!" She warmly bids farewell. "Have a nice evening!" You reply, heading out the door. >Walking out, the sky's painted in a beautiful variety of colors. >The sun's just over the horizon, offering a small amount of light before it finally sets. >Canterlot is much quieter now, with only a few people out and about. >It's very peaceful. >As you stroll home, a few birds and squirrels keep you company as you walk home. >It feels very refreshing to have extra help at the animal shelter. >For the first time in a long time, you're looking forward to tomorrow. >Flash forward to lunch the next day. >You're sitting in between Rainbow and Rarity as you eat your lunch. >It's a simple BLT, packed at home. >The girls are talking about stuff like classes and their music, but you're more distant. >You add in where you can, but it's all stuff you're not familiar with. >Rainbow's soccer, Rarity's clothes, Applejack's farm work, and whatever Twilight and Sunset do. >You've been thinking about your time at the animal shelter today. >And how Anon is gonna help you study. >...He just doesn't know it yet. >Glancing around the cafeteria, you finally see Anon sitting at a table somewhat nearby, with Norman and some other students. >You think they're Flash's band-mates. >Flash always comes over here to sit next to Twilight. >He's not a bother, but he can be a bit much sometimes. >You can just make out what Anon and Norman are saying. >"Dude, I get it, you finally beat Final Fantasy VII." Norman can be heard saying. >"What's wrong with taking pride in one's work?" Anon responds, throwing up his hands in mock defense. >"You beat it over a week ago!" >"So? You still haven't!" >"I've been busy with more important stuff." >"Like your weed dealer's current rate?" >"That's unrelated!" >"Beating a 30 plus hour RPG is way more commendable than smoking weed all day." >"I'm gonna be surprised if you don't put that on your business card later in life." >"Oh, please." >"I can see it now: Anonymous, cell phone, work phone, 'Free Estimates', 'I beat Final Fantasy VII'." >You're interrupted by Rainbow waving her arm in front of your eyes. >"Helloooooo, Earth to Fluttershyyyyyyyy" Rainbow draws out. >You shake your head and turn your attention back to the group. >Various looks from concern to amusement are seen across the table. >You can feel your cheeks burn slightly. >"Isn't that your new helper over there?" Rainbow asks, motioning to Anon. "Um, yeah, t-that's him..." You meekly respond. >"What new helper?" Twilight asks, still not knowing what happened yesterday. >"Fluttershy has a crush on Anon." Rainbow quickly states with a grin. >Your eyes shoot open in shock, as do everyone else's. "No I don't! He's just helping volunteer at the animal shelter!" You insist with burning cheeks. >Rainbow laughs, and Applejack and Rarity share a chuckle. >"Oh, I know, just wanted to tease you a little bit." Rainbow says, elbowing you slightly. >You relax back into your seat, your cheeks still red. >"Well, I'm happy for you, Fluttershy! You deserve a break from all that work!" Twilight commends, undeterred by Rainbow's interjection. "Thank you, Twilight." You say, smiling. >"Ah know you say ya understand us bein' busy all the time, but ah really do wanna help you out when ah can." Applejack adds. >"Yeah! Maybe we could throw an anniversary party! That could get people to want to help out!" Pinkie cheered. "I appreciate it, really. But I don't want to pressure you to do more than you can. You're all great friends already." You insist. >Flash nods along. >"I'd volunteer if I didn't have a band I need to constantly practice with." He defends. >Sounds about right. "Besides, Hoops, Dumb-bell and Score haven't been bothering me as much thanks to you all." You say, trying to ignore the knot in your stomach caused by the mention of their names. >"Yeah! We'll never let anyone hurt you!" Applejack adds. >Sunset looks away. "Oh, no offense, Sunset. That's all water under the bridge." You reassure her. >She nods, but still looks ashamed. >Not too long after, the bell rings. >The lunch room clears fairly quickly, and you get up to grab your bag. >Before you leave, you feel Rarity grab your shoulder. >"You know, if you're looking for a boyfriend, you can certainly do worse than him." She whispers, motioning to Anon. >You shake your head, trying to hide your embarrassment. "It's not like that, Rarity. He's just a friend." You insist, ignoring the burning in your cheeks. >She raises an eyebrow at you. >"Is that so? Then why were you staring at him earlier?" >You try to hide behind your hair, but to no avail. "I was j-just thinking about how he's g-gonna help me study later today, once we're done with cleaning at the animal shelter." >Rarity continues to peer at you. "He...uh...might not know t-that...uh...he's gonna be...helping me study..." >Rarity tries to hide her smirk behind her hand, remaining dignified. >"Oh Fluttershy, where would you be without friends like us?" >You sigh, hanging your head. >You feel Rarity's hand on your shoulder, offering reassurance. >"If he's as nice as you said he is, I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping you!" >You nod, looking up to meet her gaze. "Thanks, Rarity." >"I need to be going now, talk to you later, darling!" Rarity says as she heads off to her class. "See you later." You meekly respond, drowned out partially by the other students in the halls. >You should be going too. >As you walk to class, you think more about after school. >...Anon's gonna come today too, right? >He said he would. >"Scout's honor" were his exact words. >...What if he has a ton of homework? >What if he'd rather hang out with his friends? >Were you much for him yesterday? >You were kinda pushy in making sure he didn't have to help. >Maybe he thought you didn't want him around. >And he still doesn't know that you want him to help you study. >And you can't tell him until after school. >That is, if he shows up... >...He might not want to. >He only signed up for volunteering to help the animals, not you. >You shouldn't take advantage of his kindness. >What if he doesn't want to see you again? >You can feel your heart racing, so you stop walking and take a deep breath. >Overthinking isn't gonna help. >All you can do is wait and see what happens after school. >You ended up getting to Algebra class a few minutes late. >Ms. Harshwhinny scolded you a bit, but still let you get to your seat without any more punishment. >Your mind was too preoccupied with after school to worry about your classmates think. >Algebra went by slowly but surely. >Your last class of the day is History. >Ms. Cheerilee went over the material a bit more. >You really try to get it down. >Taking notes would give Anon something to quiz you with later today. >It's all so much. >Glancing around the room, it seems like everyone else is getting the material down much easier than you. >You put your head down and scribble some more notes, trying to ignore the growing feeling of worry in your gut. >Ms. Cheerilee's voice fades out and is replaced by your inner thoughts. >Suddenly, the final bells rings, and every other student in the room rushes for the door. >Ms. Cheerilee quickly reminds everyone of the quiz tomorrow, but to little avail. >You gather your notes and place them back in your backpack. >You left Angel at home today. >You figure he's still upset about yesterday. >Making your way out the front doors, you wait by the horse statue for Anon. >You also retrieve the packet of pink fliers on the animal shelter from your backpack to hand out. >5 minutes go by, and you can't find Anon in the crowd of people. >Everyone else looks right past you as they head home. >15 minutes go by, and as usual, no one comes up to you and volunteers. >Anon's still not here. >... >You hang your head in defeat. >You knew it. >You pushed him away too much yesterday. >He was only trying to be nice. >You push the fliers back in your backpack and head off for the animal shelter. >Alone. >You can already feel a few tears welling up in your eyes. >Maybe you should- >"Hey, leaving without me?" >Your head whips around to face the familiar voice. >It's Anon, standing by the statue in the same varsity jacket! >Wiping away the few tears, you quickly rush over to greet him. >As you come closer to Anon, your mind starts to race again. >How are you gonna great him? >Your first instinct is to hug him, but you two really only started talking yesterday. >Would he think it's weird? >What's he gonna do? >When you're close enough to shake his hand, Anon awkwardly stuff his hands in his pockets and smiles at you. >"Hey Fluttershy, I'm really sorry for being late. I had to help Pipsqueak put some stuff away in the weight lifting room." He explains. "Oh, i-it's okay! I'm just glad you came." You reply. >You decide to initiate more conversation as you two walk to Paws 2 Paws. "So...weight lifting." You state. >"Yeah, that's something I decided to start doing this year. I wanted to put some meat on my bones." He replies, flexing his arm for effect. >You can't really see any noticeable difference, but you smile and nod nonetheless. "How's that been going?" >"It's fun! It's good to be physical and active, especially after a long day of sitting in those awful chairs." Anon happily responds. >"Although it can be a bit intimidating being surrounded by all those strong football players and wrestlers, but that's why I've got Pipsqueak." >You're somewhat familiar with Pipsqueak. >He's a really small freshman, but he's nice. >"What's your favorite class?" Anon asks you. "Oh, art." >"That's neat! What are you doing now?" >You know he's trying to be nice, but when it comes to your personal projects, you can't help but feel a little interrogated. "Oh, uh...j-just landscapes." >Anon nods, not prodding any further. >A moment of silence is shared as you two walk to the shelter, filled slightly by the ambience of downtown Canterlot. "Hey, uh...I'm sorry about yesterday..." You finally speak up. >Anon turns to you, confused. >"Why?" "I just...you wanted to help, and I kept pushing you away..." >"Hey, that's no big deal, you're the expert and it's important that I lean what to do from you!" >Anon's just trying to be nice, surely. "Still, I should've let you help more." >"I helped plenty! I learned a lot yesterday!" "I forgot you were still with me when I fed the rabbits and mice..." >"I was still learning!" >He's really trying to help you feel better. >Maybe you should let him help. >You hang your head, looking away from him. "You're right..." >Anon steps in front of you, looking you in the eyes. >"Hey, I enjoyed our time together yesterday, and I'm happy I spent my time at the shelter." He insists. >You remain hiding behind your hair, but he continues. >"Besides, I've struggled with first impressions before, and you didn't ruin yours." >After more reassurances, you find it in yourself to meet his gaze, awkwardly shuffling your foot. "...C-Can I ask you something?" >"Sure!" >You gulp before asking. "...W-Why do you want to...v-volunteer?" >He smiles a bit before responding. >"I just need something to do with my free time. I was rotting at home, wasting my youth on dumb stuff. Plus it's nice to spend time with dogs and cats, and you make good company." >You feel a slight blush cross your cheeks. "Thanks, Anon." >You two continue to walk to Paws 2 Paws, guiding him through roads familiar to you. >Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Anon looking around, taking in the view. >He must not live around here. >Luckily, you live only ten minutes away, which is why your parents let you stay until 7:30. >You really hope he isn't getting in trouble for staying out so long. >You also hope he packed something to eat. >You generally don't eat a lot, but he's more active than you. >But when you look back at Anon, you notice he's looking at you, but quickly looks away when your eyes meet. >Your eyes dart away in the other direction, taking a strong fascination in the mailboxes across the street. >Nothing else was said, but the rest of the walk was rather awkward. >Finally, you've arrived at Paws 2 Paws again. >The next few hours went by as usual. >The new usual, you mean. >After greeting Grace, you led Anon in letting the dogs out and cleaning their kennels and refilling their food and water. >Dixie was more trouble for Anon, but he managed. >Despite his constant insistence, you still felt kind of guilty for making him do all the cleaning for the dog kennels. >The dogs got along really well, playing nicely and not being annoying to each other. >Not too long after, Anon finished up with his job. >He does a really good job getting all the tough-to-reach spots and making the kennels look new again. >It's really nice to have an extra pair of hands. >The kitties were easier to manage, and were cleaned out quickly. >It's really worrying that Anon insists on cleaning with his nice jacket on. >You'd hate to have it get dirty or ruined by an angry cat. >It looks really nice on him. >This time, he helps clean some of the kennels for the kitties. >You risk leaving them alone in the room to cause trouble, but luckily nothing happens. >With him, that's done pretty quickly. >Once again, you insisted on cleaning the rabbit and mouse enclosures yourself, but this time you remember that Anon's still here. >The rabbits still aren't used to him, so he stays a few steps back to not frighten them. >Even though you're used to cleaning the enclosures, you still want to be careful. >These little guys could get lost so easily if they got out. >You can't imagine how scared they would be. >Anon adds commentary where necessary, which helps you feel less alone. >Once all the cleaning's done, he congratulates you for your hard work. >Smiling, you notice the time is 6:12. >There's still time for Anon to help you study. >All you gotta do is... >...ask him. >...On second thought, maybe you shouldn't. >He's already helping you a lot around the shelter. >He only signed up to be a volunteer, not your personal assistant. >But you'd surely fall asleep if you tried to read the textbook on your own. >Your heart starts to race, and you can feel sweat start to bead your forehead. >What else are you gonna do? >What if Anon doesn't want to help? >What if he storms out, angry that you're trying to- >"Something on your mind, Fluttershy?" >Anon's voice snaps you out of your racing mind, quickly turning to face him. "Uh, n-no!" You cover up. >He's not convinced. >"Are you sure? You just zoned out and look really worried about something." >He looks so concerned. >You know you can't keep this up, and sigh in defeat. "I've got a big history quiz tomorrow, and I'm not sure I'm ready for it..." >"Oh damn, I know the feeling." He responds, sympathetically. >You gotta ask him now. >It's unavoidable. "I, uh...actually...was wondering if you...wouldn't mind...helping me...study?" >The further you got into that sentence, the quieter your voice got and the more you retreated behind your hair. >At first, you were worried or maybe hopeful that Anon didn't hear you. >But he just shrugs and smiles. >"Sure!" >... >See, Fluttershy? >See where overthinking gets you? >You carefully come out from behind your hair to respond properly. "...Really?" >"Yeah! That's what friends are for, right?" >You giggle slightly, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, y-you're right." >You run over to your backpack and pull out your history textbook and notes from earlier today. "The quiz is on Napoleon's Empire. I've got all my notes here." You elaborate, presenting him the book and papers. >"Ooh, fun stuff." Anon remarks, looking over the notes and opening the book to the proper chapter. >He gets a good feel for the material before looking back up at you. >"Do you want a snack before we get started? I brought a couple apples with me just in case." "Oh, n-no thank you." You quickly respond, not wanting to be more of a burden than you already are. >He shrugs and pulls out an apple for himself. "How long can you stay?" You ask him. >"Until 7, but I'm sure my parents will understand if we have to stay." "A-A-Are you sure? I don't want you to-" >Anon interrupts you by placing a hand on your shoulder. >"Fluttershy, are we friends?" >Pausing for a moment, you carefully nod, saying 'yes'. >Anon smiles at your response. >"Then I want to be able to help my friends in any way I can. I care about the well-being of all my friends. That includes you." >You sigh and relax your body, accepting his kindness. "Thank you..." >He withdraws his hand from your shoulder, and opens up the textbook. >"So, where should we study?" "Oh, outside in the backyard would be nice!" >"Good idea, Flutters!" >Your heart skips a beat at the sound of your new nickname. >You quickly turn away and lead him outside, hoping to hide your flustered state. >It's still nice and sunny outside, thankfully. >Anon's still wearing his varsity jacket despite the warm weather. >It must be uncomfortable. >You two find a nice place to sit beneath a large oak tree, and Anon gets the papers out, hidden from you. >"Ready to go?" >You nod. >"...You don't want to review first?" >...That's probably a good idea. "...Yeah, I should." >Anon chuckles slightly as he hands you back the papers. >You try to scan them over and absorb the information. >But you find yourself strangely distracted by Anon. >He's really nice. >He's funny and caring too... >...And Rarity's right, he's pretty handsome... >Especially his smile... >NO. >BAD FLUTTERSHY. >FOCUS ON STUDYING. >You mentally smack yourself as you focus your mind back on the hurriedly-written words before you. >It takes a few minutes later, but you hand the papers back to Anon, beaming with confidence. "Ready!" >Anon accepted the papers back, and looked them over for a starter question. >Furrowing his brow, he obscures the writing from you and looks back up at you. >"What were three countries that made up the Third Coalition?" He asks you. >You brainstorm for a moment, rubbing your temple. "Hm...Russia, United Kingdom, and...uh..." >You look back up at him. "...Can you give me a hint?" >Anon grins as he shakes his head. >"Nope! You're not getting any hints on the quiz, so it's not good to rely on external help!" >Shoot, he's right. >You groan slightly, trying to pry the answer from your memory. >You can tell Anon's enjoying your little display of frustration. >"Come on, I know you know the answer." He encouraged. >Suddenly, it pops in your mind. "Sweden!" >"That's right!" >You beam with pride. "Yay!" You softly cheer. >Anon's smiling along with you, but quickly averts his eyes back to the papers. >"How long did the Napoleonic Wars last?" >Before you can respond, he adds an extra detail. >"Give an exact length, in years, months and weeks." "B-But that's not fair!" You plead. >"I call this overshooting. It's safer to know more than necessary on a subject than less, just in case." >You sigh defeated, with Anon still looking at you. >"You wrote it down earlier today, so I'm confident you know!" >If only. >Who knew he'd be such an intense tutor? >You grip your hair, trying to get some kind of answer. >Come onnnnnnnn. >Some kind of answer! >You look back up at Anon pleadingly, but he doesn't relent. >"I believe in you, Fluttershy." He says to you, in such a genuine tone. >Your heart flutters slightly. >His voice is so nice. >GAH, STAY FOCUSED. "Uh....twelve years..." >His expression lifts, indicating you're right. "...five months..." >He nods at you, and you can feel your heart racing faster. >Two out of three. >One more to go. "...and...uh..." >The anticipation is choking you. "...four weeks?" >"You got it!" >Your arms shoot up in triumph, victory coursing through your veins. >"See? I knew you had it in you!" Anon congratulated you. >Your cheeks flush slightly, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, thank you, Anon." You shyly respond. >"Well, we're not done yet, so don't thank me yet." He remarks with a grin. >Feeling more confident, you sit up straight, ready to keep going. >The next half hour goes by more smoothly. >Anon's a great help. >Not only helping you study, but making you feel more confident in your capabilities. >"When exactly was Napoleon abdicated?" >You stir slightly before answering. "April 11, 1815?" >Anon replicates the sound of a buzzer, indicating you got it wrong. >"Only one year off." He remarks, shaking his head slightly in exaggerated disappointment. "Oh, uh, then...eighteen-sixteeeee...?" You trail off, searching Anon's face for some kind of reaction. >Anon raises his eyebrow at you incredulously. "1814!" You quickly correct. >"There you go!" >You giggle slightly in relief. >Anon glances over the papers one more time before setting them aside. >"That looks like everything! You ask me, you're ready to go tomorrow!" "Yay!" You softly cheer, eliciting a small laugh from Anon. >"How are you feeling?" He asks you. "Ready to take the quiz!" >Anon smiles proudly at you, making you feel all warm inside. "Y-You probably have to head home soon, don't you?" >"Yeah, I should." Anon glumly agrees, handing the papers back to you. >You two head back to the front doors, but before you two can part ways, Anon grabs your attention. >"Hey, uh, I've kinda been wondering something..." >You cock your head slightly in intrigue. >"Do you wanna...maybe...exchange phone numbers?" >Your heart leaps, but you try to contain your excitement. >"Y-You know, to stay in touch in case-" "Yes." You interrupt him. >Anon's taken aback by your sudden boldness, but is quick to respond with an awkward laugh. >"Okay, cool!" >After an exchange of numbers and a test message sent to each other, Anon re-adjusts his backpack and sets off for home. >"See you tomorrow, Flutters!" He bids you farewell, walking down the sidewalk. >All you could do was shyly wave goodbye, watching him disappear from view towards downtown Canterlot. >As you walk home, your mind races some more. >Not on the quiz, you're feeling much more ready for that. >But... >Is Rainbow Dash right? >Do you... >...Like Anon? >You've only known him for two days, and he's just being friendly. >He seems to act similarly around Norman. >Is this who you are? >Are you so lonely and desperate for affection that you'll fall for any guy that's nice to you? >Anon probably has a girlfriend anyway. >You still don't know much about him. >Only that his favorite movie is Army of Darkness and he takes strength training class. >And that he's determined to wear that jacket every day, rain or shine. >You sigh to yourself, seeing the birds fly around people's yards so happy and free. >They've got it so good. >Those birds don't have to worry about embarrassing themselves in front of their crush. >...Would Anon even want to date you? >He's surely heard some of the rumors about you, and there are still some people that call you Fluttercry. >Maybe he has a crush on Rarity. >Like every other guy at Canterlot High. >...No. >Stop it, Fluttershy. >You know how overthinking gets you nowhere. >You're getting worked up over a bunch of "what-ifs". >You take a moment, close your eyes, and breathe deeply in and out. >When you open your eyes again, you take a moment to admire the sky. >No matter how many times you see it, it never gets old. >The variety of hues and colors never ceases to amaze. >Tomorrow is a new day. >Full of new possibilities. --ANONYMOUS-- >You let out a sigh of relief once you've arrived home, finally done with the day. >Your dad's sitting in the living room, watching the ongoing hockey game. >"How was your day?" He asks, hearing you walk inside. "Fairly busy, but it's been good." You reply. >He pauses the game and gets up to talk to you more personally. >"How was the animal shelter?" >You shrug. "Same as it was yesterday, nice and quiet and productive." >You decide to leave out the fact that you're close with Fluttershy, lest he jump to conclusions. >He smiles, putting a hand on your shoulder. >"I knew you'd find something. Volunteering there is really decent work." >You smile, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I'm glad I decided to start volunteering. It's been a lot of fun." >"Well, there's leftover dinner in the kitchen if you're hungry." Your dad informs you, going back to his game. >Fortunately, you were hungry. >You grab a plate and fill it up with spaghetti. >The two minutes it takes to heat up in the microwave gives you some time to think. >Fluttershy's really nice. >She's cute, too. >You swear you had only platonic intentions when you asked her for her number. >But you keep thinking about how you suddenly had trouble talking to her. >How come? >Maybe because you don't want to scare her off. >You don't know how she sees you. >She is friendly, but she is also really shy. >You imagine she treats everyone like that. >Asking her out could end up intimidating her. >Poor thing. >You couldn't help but hear what things other students have said about her. >It's really not fair. >The beeping of the microwave snaps you back to reality, and after waiting a moment for the plate to cool off, you bring it over to the dinner table and dig in. >It may be reheated, but delicious nonetheless. >Only after you start eating do you realize how hungry you really were. >A single apple only does so much to fill you up. >A few minutes later, the spaghetti's gone. >Easy come, easy go. >You look over to the counter with some hope. >Unfortunately, you ate all the leftovers already. >Dangit. >You rinse off the plate in the sink and set it gently with the rest of the dirty dishes, awaiting the next trip through the dishwasher. >Grabbing your bookbag, you ascend the stairs and return to your bedroom. >It's 7:41 right now. >You toss the bookbag by your desk, reluctantly getting into your homework. >That's the cost of spending most the afternoon volunteering with Fluttershy. >But it's time well spent. >Algebra homework: a handful of problems in the packet. >It's a fairly simple unit, after all the school year just started. >But it takes you longer than it really should. >Primarily because you keep thinking about the animal shelter. >And spending time with Fluttershy. >You're always in the market for new friends. >You can count on one hand how many other students you're close to. >Flash, Norman, Pipsqueak. >You're still feeling quite elated from helping 'ol Flutters study. >The grateful smile on her face is all the reward you need, really. >...Well, monetary compensation wouldn't hurt. >Anon, you're stalling again. >You smack yourself and focus your attention back on the packet. >Twenty minutes later, algebra's out of the way. >English homework is easy. >Just read a section of the book Of Mice and Men and answer some questions. >It's a shame Ms. Bookworm didn't consider the possibility of cheating. >Countless summaries of the book can be found online, allowing you to complete your homework far sooner than your teacher anticipated. >Chemistry's not so fun, but you power through in half an hour. >Strength training, of course, doesn't have homework. >With all that out of the way, you lie back on your bed. >You're too drained to get through a few levels of Duke Nukem 3D. >If anything, this new schedule should help you get your sleep schedule on track. >You manage to stay awake until 9:45, whereupon you drift off to sleep. >Flash forward to lunch, the next day. >As usual, you're sitting between Norman and Flash Sentry, who, unusually, stayed to eat with you all for the entire period. >Norman's working on his slice of pizza before something occurs to him. >"Hey Anon, didja find some after-school thing to do, after all?" >You finish the swig of milk currently in your mouth before responding. "Yeah, I'm volunteering at the local animal shelter." >He tries to hide his surprise, but you still notice it. >"Really?" "Yeah, Tuesday through Friday. I stay until about 7." >He still seems uneasy about something. >"Isn't that what Fluttershy's always trying to flag down helpers for?" "Yup." You bluntly respond, after taking a bite from your sandwich. >"But, Fluttershy is..." Norman trails off. >"What's wrong with Fluttershy?" Flash asks, getting into the conversation. "Yeah Norman, what's wrong with Fluttershy?" You interrogate further. >He takes another gulp of milk, mulling over what to say in his mind before responding. >"...Nothing, she's...nice." He covers up. >You squint at him in an attempt to get a more in-depth response out of him, but you relent and get back to your lunch. >"So Anon, are there any other people helping out at the shelter?" Flash asks, trying to relieve the tension. "Nah, apart from the receptionist up front, it's just me and Fluttershy." >"Hm, that doesn't surprise me." He notes. >What's up with them? >Flash should already know you've been helping Fluttershy. >He was sitting with her friends yesterday. >Whatever, they're being nice. >"So...what's she like?" Norman asks. >You shrug slightly. "She's nice, you know? Easy to work with, pretty cute, really knows how to handle the animals." >Norman smirks at you slightly. >"Cute, huh?" >Oh shoot, you said that. >You can feel your cheeks light up. "Y-Yeah, like, she's nice to look at." >Flash laughs a bit, not helping your current state. >"You know what, I can see you two as a pretty cute couple." Flash remarks. >The rest of the day is same as usual. >Until you get to strength training once more. >Pipsqueak is already there waiting for you, at your usual spot in the far corner. >"What's up, Anon?" He asks, holding his fist out for a bump. "Not much, same as usual." You reply with a smile, obliging him with a fist bump. >"Coach Soarin said we're doing dead-lifts today, so we're gonna be needing more weight!" Pipsqueak informs you. >It's important that you do different routines each day, so different muscles get worked on, and you get rest from the previous day's exercise. >Coach Soarin currently isn't in the room at the moment. >He must be doing paperwork in his office or something. >As usual, you get started before Pipsqueak, putting 150 pounds on the bar. >Pipsqueak stands behind you, ready to offer help if needed. >You steady yourself, breathe deeply, and using your knees, you bend down and grab the bar. >With some exertion, you straighten out your legs and bring the heavy bar up off the ground. >You manage to pace yourself, and soon enough, your ten repetitions are complete. >"Good job, Anon!" Pipsqueak congratulates you. >You chuckle at the praise, helping him remove weight from the bar. >Once it's at 100 pounds, you stand behind Pipsqueak, ready to help him. >As he's doing his repetitions, you hear three distinct voices chatter across the room. >"Did you hear Fluttercry's finally got someone to help her out at the animal shelter?" >Hoops, Dumb-bell and Score, standing around near the weight lifting equipment. >"Yeah dude, wonder if she had to beg them." Score snarked. >You're familiar with their reputation in Canterlot High. >They're bullies. >They like targeting freshmen and other weak students. >That includes Fluttershy. >You've heard about how she became friends with Rainbow Dash because she was the only one to stick up for her. >"I bet she let him fuck." Dumb-bell added. >You notice Pipsqueak avoid looking at them as he finishes his reps. >You adjust the weight on the bar, subtly listening in on their conversation. >"Dude, no way. She'd run off cry if her boyfriend even put a hand on her thigh." Hoops shot back. >"She probably fucks the dogs." Score said. >The three continued with their 'jokes', their laughter laced with malice. >Hearing them talk like this makes you feel disgusted. >But there's really nothing you can do right now. >There's three of them and one of you. >Plus they're all stronger than you. >"You okay?" Pipsqueak asks you. >You only nod in response, continuing to adjust the weight. >At 175 pounds, you try to focus on lifting the bar. >You let out a slight groan at the increased weight, but it's nothing you can't handle. >The idle chatter and clanking of the weights in the gym room slowly fade out as you stir more on those three. >...You shouldn't let it get to you. >If they keep harassing Fluttershy, you'll get the Vice Principal involved. >Trying to tackle the problem yourself not only end up with your ass kicked, but could get you in trouble as well. >You turn your attention back to lifting. >"So why do you think that guy's volunteering with Fluttercry?" You hear Dumb-bell ask. >"He's probably desperate to get laid." Hoops shrugged. >"Desperate enough to go for HER?" Score laughed. >Focus on lifting. >Focus on lifting. >Focus on lif- >"Hey, uh, you can stop now." You hear Pipsqueak meekly remind you. >Looking down, you remember that you've done about 15 reps. "Heh, yeah, just trying to go above and beyond." You cover up with a forced chuckle. >Pipsqueak buys it, and laughs along with you. >"You're not trying to make me one-up you, are you?" >You smirk at him. "Hey man, you get out of it what you put into it. Maybe you could afford to put a little more into it." >He smacks your shoulder lightly. >"Be careful, I could k-kick your ass!" Pipsqueak insisted. "Okay dude." You reply, sarcasm thick in your voice. >After more lifting, the final bell of the day rang at last. >Fortunately, you didn't have to put away a ton of stuff like you did yesterday, so you didn't have to keep Fluttershy waiting again. >Trying to shove Hoops, Dumb-bell and Score to the back of your mind, you wave goodbye to Pipsqueak as you leave the weight lifting room. >You weave your way through the halls, more adept in avoiding the less coordinated students. >Like that wall-eyed girl. >It's as noisy and busy as ever, with students eager as ever to escape home. >Freshman you would have gotten trampled. >You actually did get trampled on two different occasions as a 9th grader. >Nowadays you're more capable. >Within five minutes, you're out the front doors and greeted with the fresh air of the great outdoors. >Sure enough, Fluttershy is waiting by the horse statue, with the usual stack of pink fliers at hand. >As the crowd dissipates, her expression lifts upon seeing you. >You gain a smile to match hers, and quickly walk up to her. "How's it been, Flutters?" You ask. >She giggles slightly before answering. >"Oh, today's been nice." She responds happily. "How do you think you did on your quiz?" >"I have a really good feeling about it!" Fluttershy beams. "That's awesome!" You cheer her on. >"Thanks again for helping me study yesterday, Anon." >You nudge her shoulder in a friendly manner. "Of course! That's what friends are for, right?" >Her expression wavers ever so slightly in response. >"Y-Yeah, we're good friends!" >You two set off for the animal shelter once more, chatting along the way. >You're more familiar with the path, so you walk at Fluttershy's side as you talk. >"Rainbow Dash's big soccer game is next Friday, so I gotta be there to cheer her on." "Well, I hope she wins!" >"That's not really what I'm worried about. She's a great soccer player, but being there for her means you've gotta be at the shelter alone..." >Fluttershy looks down, slightly ashamed. "Hey, I'm sure I can handle cleaning all the kennels on my own by then!" >Fluttershy furrows her brow slightly. >She looks like she's about to object, but stops herself. >"Yeah, so am I." >It's a relief that Fluttershy trusts you more, or has more faith in you now. >"Hopefully by then, the animals will be more used to you." She notes. "I hope so too. It would reflect poorly on me if I accidentally incited a riot in the place." You joke. >A brief look of worry flashes across her face, but it dissipates soon after. >"B-But don't be afraid of calling me in case something comes up!" "Don't worry, I'll be sure to!" >You try to assuage her concern, but it remains. >Her eyes dart around, a million thoughts racing through her mind. >"I-It's just...this is the first time I've left them under someone else's supervision..." "Is this the first time you've done something with your friends outside school?" >"Well, there are times when Grace can watch over the animals while I'm with the girls, but she's so busy, so I can't really rely on that." She elaborated. >You really feel sorry for Fluttershy. >Her head sinks, and you can tell her mind is racing again. >"Will...will you be okay?" >You chuckle a bit. "Don't worry about me, I'm confident that I'll know how to handle the animals by next Friday." >"T-That's not what I meant..." >You cock your head slightly. >"I just... I don't want you to get lonely while I'm out with friends..." "Hey, with the animals, I won't be lonely!" You reassure her. >Fluttershy's not persuaded, and her head sinks further. >You decide to take a risk and put your hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "I'll be fine, I promise." >At first Fluttershy stiffens up at your touch, but you can feel her relax after a moment. >It takes her a moment, but she looks back up at you with a gentle smile. >"...Okay, I believe you." >You smile back at her, sharing a genuine little moment with her. >Suddenly, Fluttershy puffs up her chest and stands up straight. >"W-We should keep going." She notes, a gentle smile on her face. >Today's routine was a bit different. >Once you arrived, Fluttershy insisted on cleaning the dog kennels herself as you watched over them outside. >You decided to not object, and let her be helpful. >Watching over the dogs is as simple as one would expect. >You sit against the fence near the top of the hill, allowing you a good view of the dogs as they got their exercise. >They're all mostly well behaved, with a few being rather mischievous. >Fluttershy must have trained them well. >The dogs are much more friendly towards you on your own, coming up to you and happily sniffing you. >You try your best to administer an equal amount of petting and belly rubs across the group. >Again, you only have two arms, so this proved to be a weighty task. >Golden Retrievers, Corgis, Pugs, Great Danes and more were all happy to meet you. >The dogs grew greedy of attention, and started pushing each other out of the way to get closer to you so you'd pet them. >The bigger dogs were obviously better at this, much to the chagrin of the smaller dogs. >You keep them from dirtying up your red varsity jacket while showing the dogs affection. >Norman and Flash have both made fun of you for wearing your varsity jacket all the time. >But you gotta. >It defines who you are. >A Great Dane grows more forceful, and you're knocked over by their increased efforts to get your attention. >The rest of the dogs take this as an opportunity to sniff you further in your vulnerable state. >A couple of the smaller dogs walk on your stomach to get closer to your face. >It quickly becomes a lot. >So this is how you die. >At an animal shelter, trampled by over-enthusiastic dogs. >You didn't even get to draft your will. >Maybe you- >"I see you're getting along well." You hear Fluttershy giggle. >You try to look up to meet her eyes, but the dogs are still in the way. >Once the dogs notice her, the group quickly dissipates, running over to eagerly greet her. >As you get up, you dust off yourself off and inspect your jacket for any mud or dirt on your jacket. >"Oh no, I'm sorry if your jacket got ruined." Fluttershy says to you, concerned. "Eh, it's nothing a trip through the washing machine can't take care of." You reply, satisfied with your jacket inspection. >"That's a relief. You look nice with that jacket on." Fluttershy compliments. >Your cheeks light up slightly as a smile grows across your face. >Facing Fluttershy, you see her face is a deeper shade of red than yours, her hands clamped over her mouth. >"I, uh, what I meant was...uh..." She sputters out. "Don't worry, I appreciated it." You smile at her. >You settle back down against the fence, and Fluttershy sits next do you once all the dogs are happy with being pet. >They're more tired out now, and a good amount of them are lying on the grass, taking in the sun's rays. >Your mind is once again reminded of Hoops, Score and Dumb-bell. >More specifically, how they talked about Fluttershy. "So...how was your day?" You ask her. >"Didn't you ask that earlier?" She asks you back. "Well, yeah, but... did you have to deal with anyone... being mean to you?" >Fluttershy shakes her head. >"Nope. People pretty much left me alone." >You relax a bit. "That's good to hear." >She turns to you, slightly concerned. >"Why do you ask?" >You hide your true reasoning and shrug in response. "I just... I want to be sure my friends don't get bullied around." >It's visible for only a second, but you catch Fluttershy looking slightly saddened. >But she shakes it off and looks at you with a warm smile. >"I appreciate your concern, Anon." >You share a moment smiling back at her. >...She is pretty cute. >And she's really nice and caring. >And she's happier with your company than other girls you've known. >Shoot, are you staring? >You snap out of your trance and turn back to the dogs. >You glimpse Fluttershy turning away as well, her cheeks flushing slightly. "How'd you make out with the kennels?" You ask her after a moment of awkward silence. >"It was simple. Especially without having to keep an eye on the dogs at the same time." She happily replied. "That's good! Teamwork makes the dream work, after all." You remark. >Fluttershy giggles slightly before summoning the strength to face you again. >"Hey... can I ask you a kind of personal question?" >You're slightly confused, wondering what could have prompted this. "...Sure, I guess." You chuckle. >"...Why do you always wear that jacket?" She asks you. >You laugh slightly, relieved that it wasn't anything too pressing. >Although you suppose you should have seen this coming. >"It's just... I can't remember a time where you weren't wearing that jacket. Even in the summer months, like right before school ended last year." "I just really like this jacket." You shrug, hiding your true reasoning. >Fluttershy isn't entirely convinced, and currently wears a quizzical face. "I just... I like wearing it. Varsity jackets are cool, and I like looking cool." >She nods slightly, accepting your response. >"Just... be careful." "What do you mean?" >"It's not a good idea to wear a jacket in hot weather. Be sure to drink plenty of water so you stay hydrated!" Fluttershy insists. >You laugh a bit, finding her concern endearing. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to." >"Oh, good!" She beams. >"I try telling Rainbow Dash similar things, like staying healthy and drinking enough water, but she can be so stubborn!" Fluttershy frowns. >She harrumphs slightly, crossing her arms. >"Sometimes she's too proud for her own good. Not that she'll ever admit that." >You chuckle at Fluttershy's frustration. "Well, I'm sure she appreciates your concern." >Fluttershy sighs. >"Sometimes. B-But sometimes Rainbow Dash gets hurt because she thinks she's unstoppable." "Then lucky her for having such caring and attentive friends!" You say, nudging her shoulder. >Fluttershy smiles again. >"Yeah, she is lucky." >Soon after, it's time to return the dogs to their kennels. >While they show great reluctance, the dogs are too tired from their exercise and play to protest too much. >Dixie keeps trying to wiggle out of your grasp, which you refuse to allow. >Dropping a dog on day three of your career as a volunteer animal helper certainly won't reflect well on you. >Especially not in front of Fluttershy. >Eventually, Dixie relents. >Next up: the cats. >Once you two arrive at the cat room, Fluttershy turns to face you. >"I think you're ready to handle cleaning the kitty kennels." She giggles slightly. >You laugh along, feeling a pang of genuine trust. >The cats quickly and eagerly flee to the play room, with Fluttershy standing in front of the door, ensuring they all enter safely. "I'll do you proud, coach!" You eagerly say, earning a giggle from her. >"You better, mister!" She goads you, shaking her index finger at you playfully. >Closing the door behind her as she enters, you're left with cleaning supplies and a room full of empty cat kennels. >Rolling up your sleeves, you get to work. >Cleaning the cat kennels is slightly easier than the dog kennels, with them all being the same size. >Other than the odd hairball, they're not as messy as the dogs. >A dust pan is also necessary to clean them all out of the discarded cat hair. >Nothing like a little elbow grease to make you feel like a man. >Between this and strength training, you're feeling more masculine already. >...But it can be tedious. >You dare not complain, though. >Fluttershy spent however long doing all this by herself, and she can't be more than 120 pounds. >...You could probably bench press Fluttershy. >Maybe you'll offer that later. >Once you're two-thirds of the way through cleaning, you glance over to Fluttershy to see how she's faring. >As if you expected anything different, she's doing well with the cats. >It really does wonders for the soul to see Fluttershy so content. >Her gentle smile decorating her delicate face makes your heart flutter slightly. >...She really is pretty. >How did it take you this long to realize that? >Oh well, better late than never. >You realize you shouldn't stare, knowing how that could make her feel uncomfortable. >You decide to look busy while scrubbing away, idly glancing at her from the corner of your eye. >Her simple tank top does little to de-emphasize her ample chest. >She's gotta be a D-Cup. >You don't know exact bra measurements, but that sounds right. >You're almost hypnotized by how it gently heaves up and down by her gentle breathing. >As you move on to the next kennel, your eyes subtly travel to Fluttershy's legs. >She's got some lovely thighs. >You also notice her skirt rode up slightly. >Allowing you a very slight view of her- >NO. >STOP IT, ANONYMOUS. >PEEKING UP THE SWEET GIRL'S SKIRT? >YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT. >Shaking your head, you refocus yourself back on cleaning the kennels. >That's what you're here to do, not ogle Fluttershy. >Within ten minutes, you're done with the cat kennels. >You notice you're feeling more tired than usual. >You dare not complain, as Fluttershy spent however long doing all this all by herself. >Maybe it's strength training that's making you feel more tired than usual. >You take a moment to rest, stretching to ease the tension in your body. >Entering the cat's play room, you notice Fluttershy paying extra attention to the cat on her lap. "I hope they aren't too much for you." You joke. >"Oh no, they're nice and relaxed." She smiles. >You take a seat next to her, slightly closer to her than usual. >Fluttershy either doesn't notice or doesn't mind. >"I hope you've done as good a job as usual with those kennels. You're gonna be in big trouble if your cleaning isn't so good." She smiles. >You decide to egg her on. "What if it isn't?" >She suppresses a giggle before she answers. >"You're gonna sit in the corner." >You back away slightly, faking your worry. "Oh, uh, th-then I'll be sure to clean them spotless!" >She laughs happily in response, slightly startling the cat in her lap. >A couple cats made their way to you to sniff you and rub their heads on you. >Fluttershy quickly checks to make sure the cat she was petting is still okay, gently stroking its back. >You assume that one's Graham Cracker. >A little period of gentle silence was shared while you two pay attention to the various cats that would wander up to you. >It's really relaxing. >Not much really needs to be said, just her presence is comfort enough. >You two sigh contentedly at the same, accidentally causing some embarrassment, but it's quickly laughed off. >Eventually, the cats need to be returned to their little enclosures. >You try your hardest to not disturb the cats, although that's an impossible task with how comfortable they've become. >Fluttershy shares your sentiment, and shows some visible unhappiness with putting them back in the kennel. >You can't help but take in her lovely form as she's gently placing the cats inside their homes. >...She would probably appreciate a compliment. >But what? >Nothing about her body, that's for sure. >You ponder this while handling the cats, eventually deciding to speak up. "I like your skirt." >Fluttershy's eyes shoot open as she almost drops the cat inside the kennel. >That was dumb. >That was really dumb. >You immediately regret that. >When you place your cat inside the kennel, you notice Fluttershy's cheeks are glowing red. >"...Th-Thank you..." >Fluttershy smiles as she turns to you, playing with the hem of her green skirt nervously. >"R-R-Rarity made it for me as a gift a few years ago..." >Her cheeks are a shade of red you've never seen before, her foot turning awkwardly turning. "That's really nice of her!" >"Yeah, Rarity's a really generous friend." >Another moment of awkward silence is shared before you return to getting the cats in the kennels. >Finally: the rabbits. >Tell me about the rabbits, Fluttershy. >Fluttershy leads the way and stands by your side as you overlook the rabbit enclosure. >"I'll show you how to handle these little guys..." >She retrieves a bag from a nearby cabinet and carefully kneels near the enclosure. >The rabbits oblige and give her the space needed. >Fluttershy very carefully fills the food bowls up with special rabbit food, not spilling any over the side. >"Anon, can you please get a bottle of water from the fridge?" >You quickly retrieve one of the special water bottles and carefully hand it to her. >"Thank you, now watch carefully:" >Fluttershy opens the top of the water dispenser in the same way one opens a pill bottle and fills them all back up. >Looking over at the rabbits, you notice the small group is slowly and carefully making their way towards you. >Even after Fluttershy is done, you remain where you are, allowing the rabbits to come closer to you. >One adventurous rabbit comes all the way up to your outstretched hand and sniffs at it. >Fluttershy stands behind you, observing you. >A moment of sniffing goes by before the rabbit trusts you enough to butt your hand with its head, indicating friendliness. >"I'd hate to interrupt your bonding, but the mice need attention too." She giggles slightly. >Nodding in agreement, you carefully withdraw your hand before going to the mouse enclosure. >Feeding the mice is much simpler, they're smart enough to stay away from Fluttershy as she opens it up and places the newly-filled food bowl inside. >Once she's done, she turns to you. >"Tomorrow you can try feeding them yourself!" "I don't know, seems like a lot." You joke. >"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do fine!" >Man, Fluttershy's great. >You check the time on your phone. >6:51. "Well, unless you've got more for me, then I should be heading home." >Her expression falls slightly. >"Yeah, you're right." >You two gather your things and make your way back to the front entrance. >You're more familiar with the layout of the shelter, so you lead the way back. >You can hear Fluttershy quietly say goodbye to the animals before closing the door behind her. >D'awwww >When you re-enter the waiting room, you see that Grace isn't seated behind the desk as usual. >Her computer's still on, so she must be getting something from storage. >Or something equally official. >It's really none of your business. >You make your way to the door, but you're stopped by Fluttershy grabbing your arm. >But she quickly retracts her arms when you turn to face her, slightly flustered. >"Uh...I just wanted to say...th-thanks for helping me study yesterday." >You smile warmly at her. "Of course! I had a lot of fun helping you study, which is a first." >She eventually smiles back at you. >"Norman isn't fun to study with?" >You let out an over-dramatic groan. "Well, I try to study, he'd rather do anything else. At least he knows better than to complain about his bad grades to me." >Fluttershy giggles slightly. >"I'm sure he appreciates your concern." "Yeah, I'll be sure to ask him." >A brief moment passes. >"But... really, thank you, Anon." "Of course, Fluttershy. I'm just happy to spend time with you." >Shoot, that last part came out wrong. >Fluttershy sighs contentedly, whereupon you notice she's standing between you and the door. >She looks so at ease. >But you gotta get home. "...I should kinda be going now." You awkwardly remind her. >She quickly nods along, stepping aside to let you leave. >"See you tomorrow, Anon." She softly says. >While you're halfway out the door, you turn back to face Fluttershy. "See you tomorrow, Flutters!" >As if to take in her visage for just a little longer, you share one moment of warm silence before you eventually do leave. >The warm air of early fall comforts you as you walk home alone. >Fluttershy really has a talent for making you feel warm inside. >You put on some tunes to accompany you as you stroll home. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbjXwzJ8BMQ >Feeling a bit more energized by the music, you break into a slight jog. >You don't pay as much attention to the surrounding environment like you usually do. >Not that it changes much, anyway. >Your mind would rather focus on one girl. >Fluttershy. >Yeah, you've got a crush on her. >Because no girl has ever willingly talked to you for more than four sentences. >But Fluttershy's different. >She seems genuinely happy when you're with her. >And it really seems like she trusts you. >From what you could tell, that seems like something that would be difficult to do. >She's so sweet and cute and you feel weirdly safe with her. >And she gave you her number! >Her other friends are fine, as far as you can tell. >You don't know any of them personally, but they seem nice. >Rarity might as well be the picture-perfect example of "out of your league". >...You really should ask Fluttershy out. >But when? >And how? >Today was only day three. >Maybe she's just being friendly. >You've been burned in the past trying to ask out girls. >Plus you really don't want to make Fluttershy feel intimidated. >When you get home, you find a note on the dinner table. >"Gone to see a movie with your mom, dinner's in the fridge. -Dad" >Huh, wonder what they're seeing. >You might ask them when they get back. >After reheating some leftover meatloaf, you quickly devour the food. >Man, you needed this nice, hot food. >You didn't bring an apple today to snack on, which doesn't help. >Once that's done, you make your way upstairs and plow through your homework. >Luckily, today was light in terms of assignments. >You're done with all that inside an hour. >Getting up to stretch, you notice the Duke Nukem poster hanging on your wall. >You flex your arm to compare it to his muscles. >...Nope, still kind of pathetic. >Maybe someday you'll be stronger... >The next day of school is simple. >Not much of note really happens. >Norman and Flash are dumb as usual. >But Flash set a record in spending the whole period with you and Norman for the second day in a row. >Fortunately they don't interrogate you further on your "relationship" with Fluttershy. >Strength training was smooth as well. >Today you all did arm curls, which Pipsqueak proved to be improving at already. >Hoops, Score and Dumb-bell continue their jackassery, however it was less focused on Fluttershy. >You tried pushing yourself further, but it ended up being a little too much for you. >Coach Soarin made sure to remind you to pace yourself. >All throughout the day, you kept thinking of Fluttershy. >You still haven't texted her, mainly because you were seeing her after school anyway. >Plus you don't want her to get in trouble for texting during class. >You should text her tomorrow, when there's no school. >But that's something to ponder on tomorrow. >Once again, the final bell rang, and after carefully returning the equipment to proper storage, you said your goodbyes to Pipsqueak and dashed out to the front of Canterlot High. >You quickly slow your pace, not wanting to make a scene as you leave. >There's some commotion in the main hall, but you don't really care about that. >When you finally escape the building, you find Fluttershy standing by the statue, but in a noticeably better mood. >She's also holding a white paper in her hand, in stark contrast to the usual pink fliers she usually holds. >When she notices you, she quickly walks up to you to greet you. "You look like you've had a good day!" >Fluttershy happily nods. >"I got my quiz from yesterday back!" >She proudly presents the paper. >86% "That's incredible! I'm really proud of you!" You cheer. >Fluttershy beams with pride. >"Thank you again, Anon. I don't think I could have done this well without you." "Oh come on, don't undersell yourself!" You reply, nudging her slightly. >Fluttershy rolls her eyes, smiling. >"Still, I really appreciate the help. Thank you." "I'm glad I could help." >Another moment of shared contentedness was shared before you two decided to set off for the shelter once more. >It was nice and quiet, without much conversation being needed. >Her presence is really all you need. >"So... you're into movies?" >You nod in response. >"...Did you see anything neat lately?" >You look up, pondering on the question. "Well... there was the movie adaptation of Spy Hunter which was surprisingly not terrible, the reboot of Stardust the Super Wizard that was actually really good, and I re-watched Escape from New York." >She nodded along, taking in your answer. "What about you?" >"Hm?" "What movies did you watch recently?" >She pauses for a moment. >"I, uh, don't actually watch that many movies. The animal shelter takes up the most of my time..." >Yeah that makes sense. >She suddenly gets slightly embarrassed, turning to you. >"Oh, I'm sorry if volunteering takes up too much of your time!" >You wave off the concern. "It's fine! I prefer volunteering anyway!" >"...Really?" "Yeah! It's nice to get out of the house and spend time with the animals in need." >She's still a little worried. >"B-But I don't want you to not have any time to yourself..." >You turn to look her in the eyes. >Time to drop some hints. "Fluttershy, I promise I really like spending time with you." >She blushes a bit as a gentle smile grows on her face. >It took more courage than you were willing to admit to say that. >It's subtle, but the real message is in there. >Fluttershy looks directly at you, with a certain glint in her eye that you haven't noticed before. >"...I really like spending time with you too, Anon." >Oh fuck, now you're blushing too. >All this is too cute. >As you two continue watching, Fluttershy re-initiates the conversation. >"What was Spy Hunter about?" >You slightly shrug in return. "Pretty basic spy movie. The car chases were great, but that's to be expected from something with Spy Hunter in the title. Pretty thin on the ground in terms of characters and story and other such stuff, but it could have been worse." >"Sounds like Rainbow Dash would like it." She suggested. "Yeah, I bet she would. She's not a pretentious movie snob like me." You remark. >Fluttershy smiles, walking slightly closer to you. >"And uh... Stardust?" "Oh yeah, back in the 30's there were a bunch of cheaply-made superheroes made to cash in on the Superman hype. One of them was Stardust the Super Wizard, who was obscenely powerful but kinda fell into obscurity." >Fluttershy tries to follow along, while not being as familiar with the material as you. "The bar for writing comic books was pretty much on the floor back then, so I'm not exaggerating when I say Stardust can do literally anything. He's super strong, fast, invincible, and had rays that could do whatever the plot needed them to do." >"Sounds like an exciting book." She remarks. "Yeah, it had it's old-timey charm. His mastery of inter-planetary science made him 'The most remarkable man that ever lived'. I'm struggling with basic chemistry, so unfortunately I won't be able to put that on my business card." >"At least you still have 'I beat Final Fantasy VII'." Fluttershy giggles. >You head spins around, taken completely off-guard by Norman's comment from two days ago. >You must have had a pretty entertaining face on, as she keeps laughing some more. "Remind me to smack Norman later." You instruct Fluttershy. >She rolls her eyes and nods along. "Anyway, the biggest takeaway from Stardust in the modern eye is that having someone that insanely powerful flying around would be SCARY." >She nods in agreement. "So what they did was take Stardust in a more cosmic horror direction. It might be too weird for ordinary people, but I really enjoyed it. >Fluttershy's brow furrows slightly. >"What's cosmic horror?" "Oh, right. It's mainly about how small and insignificant humanity is in the grand scale of the universe. It's not about how giant space monsters are coming to destroy us, but more about how giant space monsters don't care about us." >She pauses for a moment before responding, taking in the explanation. >"That sounds intense..." >You shrug. "Eh, it can be, but I really enjoy it." >You turn to Fluttershy while walking. "What kinda movies do you like?" >"Oh, um, just, kind of... animated movies." She reluctantly admits. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with that!" You reassure her. >You can see her retreat behind her hair. >"It's just... they're little kids stuff..." "So? They can be just as entertaining and well made as any other movie." >"But... I don't know, all the other movies I hear people talking about sound kinda... scary." "Don't worry, I understand." You try to reassure her. >She stops walking and sits down on a nearby bench. >You sit down next to her, a bit closer than usual. "...Is there something you want to talk about?" >She heaves a heavy sigh before finding it in herself to respond. >"...I get scared too easily..." >Fluttershy looks out across the mostly empty street, as if avoiding looking at you. >"I've actually never been trick or treating when I was younger because the costumes scared me too much..." >You feel a pang of sadness, sympathizing with her. >"At least they don't call me Scaredy-Shy anymore..." >She hides her face in her hands, and you can tell tears are soon to follow. >You place a hand on her shoulder and offer a comforting rub. >You try to find something to say to help her feel better, but you can't find what exactly to say. >It doesn't help that you haven't shared her experiences. "I used to be scared of some movies, too." You inform her. >She looks up slightly, her eyes meeting yours from the corner of her face. >"...Really?" "Yeah, when I was a freshman, I had nightmares for three days after watching The Thing." >Fluttershy nudges slightly closer to you. >"...How did you stop being scared?" "I just... watched it again." >Now she's more confused than anything else. >"What do you mean?" "It's just a movie, right? So none of it's real. The monster doesn't exist, and no one really got hurt." >Fluttershy ponders on the concept. >"...That's a good point..." >She still looks insecure, so you try to encourage her interests. "Besides The Lion King, what other animated stuff do you like?" >Slowly, she turns to face you. >"Well... I like Disney movies. They're nice and fun and the songs are lovely." She responds, with a slight smile. >You smile back at her, but suddenly she shrinks back. >"And... uh... something else..." >This piques your interest. "What would that be?" >Fluttershy quickly grows embarrassed. >"Uh... well... it's... slrmn..." She responds, growing quieter as she mumbles to you. "...I, uh, didn't catch that." >"...slrmn..." >You squint your eyes at her, and she grows much more embarrassed. >The anticipation is killing you. >Finally, she opens her mouth to speak more clearly. >"...Sailor Moon..." She finally admits. >She's blushing furiously at hearing herself admit to liking the series. >You laugh a bit at hearing her answer. "That's nothing to be embarrassed of!" >Undeterred, she's still looking away. "I haven't seen much of it, but it seems like a good show!" >Fluttershy takes a moment to calm herself down before addressing you. >"...Promise you won't tell anyone?" >You look her directly in the eye. "I promise." >"...Pinkie promise?" >Really? >That thing kids do? >If it makes her feel better, then you'll do it. >You intertwine your pinkie with hers, and say: "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." >Satisfied with the promise, Fluttershy gets up and you join her in walking to the animal shelter. >You observe a new energy in her step, feeling more comfortable now. >It's a comfortable silence shared between you two. >And you could swear she was peering at you from out the corner of her eye. >It's only fair, since you were silently admiring her as well. >This is the most interest a girl has ever shown in you. >And you wouldn't want this from any other girl. >Soon after, you and Fluttershy arrive at the shelter once more. >With a pep in your step, you two get to work. >Fluttershy cleaned the dog kennels once more while you looked over them outside. >They exhibited less interest in you today, already satisfied with their inspection from yesterday. >But they're still eager to see you. >You grew more familiar with them as well, already having remembered a few of the dogs apart from the ever troublesome Dixie. >It's a really nice change of pace to be out here with them. >Sitting in the evening sun, with the fresh breeze brushing across your face as the dogs ran about the field happily and freely. >It feels like Canterlot High is a world away. >Just you, Fluttershy and the animals. >An ideal life, if you've ever heard of one. >You don't even notice her as she emerges from the shelter, only as she sits next to you. >You're slightly startled by her sudden presence. >Her being so quiet has some benefits, looks like. >"Hard at work, I see." She giggles. "Yup, putting in that overtime." >She smiles happily as she looks over the field at the dogs playing around. >Your heart rate quickens slightly as you notice your hand so close to hers. >Should you..? >No, too soon. >Nothing was said after the initial greeting. >Nothing needed to be said. >This was all you needed. >And you suspect Fluttershy feels similarly. >But you can't know for sure. >You relish this time of relaxation and peacefulness. >...But it has to come to an end eventually. >Checking the time, Fluttershy sighs slightly as she gets up, leading the dogs back inside. >As usual, you help her return the dogs to their original kennel, taking note of the names on the outside. >Dexter the Pug, Charlie the Great Dane, Bubbles the Corgi, and Steel the Husky. >Dixie's as troublesome as ever. >But soon enough, everyone's back home. >...Well, close enough to home. >The cats are next. >Fluttershy understands the unspoken-of arrangement, and allows you to clean out their kennels as she watches over them in the other room. >You know the routine, it's not so different from the dogs. >Just add in a few hairballs here and there and you get the gist. >Today you spend less time admiring Fluttershy from beyond the glass to the other room. >Today you focus more on actually cleaning the kennels and refilling the food bowls. >That way, you can get back to being with her sooner. >Feeling a new determination, you soldier on with the dirty work. >The most difficult part was making sure you didn't stain your varsity jacket. >Cleaning it out is gonna be a pain without Fluttershy worrying about ruining it. >Having familiarized yourself with the basics yesterday, you enter a much smoother rhythm in cleaning. >Your arms are still kind of sore from earlier today, but it's nothing you can't handle. >About half an hour later, the kennels are as good as new. >Placing the cleaning equipment back in their proper storage space, you carefully enter the cat's play room. >Fluttershy turns to see you as you enter. >"Oh, thank goodness you've arrived. I've been drowning in all this work." She jokes. >The cats are dispersed throughout the room, some are sleeping, some are scratching the posts, and some are next to Fluttershy. "Yeah, sure looks like it." You grin, taking a seat next to her. >Once you've situated yourself, she slightly turns to face you. >"Are you sure it's a good idea to be cleaning in your nice jacket?" She asks, looking concerned. "Yeah, it's fine." You simply reply. >"Well, okay. I'd just hate to see something bad happen to it." >Her eyes match her pleading tone. >Her concern is really endearing. "I appreciate it, but look, spotless!" You boast, motioning towards your unstained varsity jacket. >Fluttershy inspects your jacket thoroughly, trying to find some kind of stain or mark. >After a minute of this, she relaxes back onto the wall. "I know how to be careful when wearing this, don't worry." You insist. >"Well...okay." Fluttershy relents. >She looks at your jacket some more before you open up a bit more. "Hey, I... I wear this because I feel... cooler when I wear it." You explain. >Fluttershy furrows her brow, looking at you. >"Your clothes don't define you, Anon." "I know, it's just... I don't know." >This is the first time you've ever opened up on why you wear your jacket like this. >Having to actually speak your reasoning makes you realize how weak your foundation is. >Oh well. >"Well then, just... be careful, okay?" >There's genuine concern in her eyes. "...Okay." >You two recline back into the wall, whereupon you notice the small group of cats that have made themselves comfortable at your legs. >They're bothered only slightly, but quickly go back to their little naps. >You carefully stroke their back, enjoying the sensation of their soft fur. >It's clear that the cats trust you more now than earlier this week. >They're a bit more difficult to differentiate from each other. >Only a few are really distinct, like the one creepy hairless cat. >Not that you'd ever let Fluttershy hear you call him creepy. >The only one you really know is Graham Cracker. >Fluttershy's favorite. >You can't help but wonder how many pets Fluttershy has at home. >Maybe you'll ask her someday. >Or maybe you'll see for yourself. >Eventually, the time comes for the cats to be returned to their kennels. >The cats are more agreeable and are more easily returned to their kennels than the dogs. >After an inspection of the kennels, Fluttershy approves of work. >"Well done, Anon!" "The grateful smile on your face is all the thanks I need." You beam with pride. >Fluttershy quickly turns away, slightly flustered. >...Maybe you were laying it on a bit thick. "Hey, uh, isn't today the day I try to feed the rabbits and mice?" >Fluttershy quickly nods in agreement. >"Y-Yeah, that's right." >You follow her to the small animal room, where the rabbits and mice are minding their business in their little enclosures. >She carefully kneels near the rabbit enclosure, next to the water dispensers. >"Do you remember what to do?" "Yeah, hold on." >You make your way over to the storage cabinet where the rabbit food is kept. >Taking the bag in one arm, you retrieve the special water from the fridge nearby. >Both of those in hand, you carefully move to the food bowl, which the rabbits have vacated for you. >You take special care in filling the bowl, making sure to not overfill or spill any over the side. >Once that's taken care of, you remove the top of the water dispensers as Fluttershy displayed yesterday and gingerly fill them up. >It takes a minute, but once the dispensers are full and the bottle's empty, you toss the bottle in the recycle bin. >Next up, the mice. >Their food is kept in the same cabinet as the rabbit food, and after retrieving the smaller bag, you look to the small doors to the enclosures holding the food bowls. >You take a moment to observe the enclosure carefully and make sure there aren't any mice that could get out. >Satisfied with your search, you surgically open the door and fill their little food bowls. >The water is taken care of similarly. >Once their sustenance containers have been filled back up, you return the bag to the cabinet and turn back to Fluttershy, beaming with pride. "Soooooo, how'd I do?" >"You did great, Anon! I'm proud of you!" >Your cheeks start glowing again. "Aww, thanks Flutters." You smile. >She relaxes near the rabbit enclosure, careful not to disturb the little guys. >You make sure to not disturb them either, sitting down next to Fluttershy. >"It really is nice to have someone else here." She says. >You nod in agreement. >It must be lonely here at times. >"And I... well, I... out of everyone who could have volunteered..." >She turns to face you. >"...I'm really glad it was you." >Your heart leaps in your chest. >You need to approach this carefully. "I... thank you, Fluttershy. I really like being here with you." >There's another silence hanging over you two. >Your hands are close together again. >You want to take her hand. >Your heart is screaming at you to make the move. >...But you can't. >There's too much at risk. >What if you mess up somehow? >What if you're overthinking all this? >If you alienate Fluttershy, you're sure she'll never want to talk to you again. >As your mind races, your phone beeps. >It's a text from your dad. >[are you heading home soon] >It's 7:30. >Shit. >It pains you to do this, but you get up and grab your bag. "My dad said I should be heading home soon, I'm really sorry." >Fluttershy's mood noticeably drops. >"...Yeah." >You can feel your heartstrings being pulled by the sweet girl's sadness. >Grace must be fetching something from storage, as once again, she isn't at the desk. >You turn to say goodbye to Fluttershy, but she has other ideas. >Before you know it, she captures you in a deep hug, wrapping her arms around your upper body. >You carefully return the hug, quickly sinking into her warmth. >"Thank you for helping me, Anon..." She whispers. "Of course, Fluttershy." You whisper back. >You spend a good moment in her embrace, but you do have to head home. >You try to pull away, but Fluttershy holds you tight. >She suddenly realizes this and retreats, embarrassed. "I'll-I'll text you later!" >"Yeah!" "See you later!" >You can see her gently wave goodbye as you head out the door and make your way home. --FLUTTERSHY-- >You can feel your heart sting as you watch Anon head home. >Once you're sure you're alone, you curse under your breath. >If Rarity had heard you, she'd be appalled. >Why didn't you do it? >He was RIGHT THERE. >WHY DIDN'T YOU MAKE A MOVE? >You cover your face and sink to the floor. >You're still too cowardly. >Rainbow Dash wouldn't have trouble telling a boy that she likes them. >Neither would Rarity, or Pinkie Pie. >Oh well. >Now it's the weekend. >You won't be able to see Anon until Monday. >...You still don't know if he has a girlfriend. >He probably does. >You need to shake these feelings. >It's gonna lead to heartbreak later if you don't. >You almost don't hear Grace walk back in. >"Are you okay, Fluttershy?" >Still hiding your face in your hands, you nod. "It's just... school stuff..." >"Oh, I'm sorry, dear. Is there any way I can help?" "Not really..." >You get back up on your feet and face the door. "I should be going home now, anyway." >You can feel Grace looking at you, still concerned. >"Well, then I'll see you Monday." "Yeah, see you then..." >"Oh, and Anon too." >You only nod in response before leaving. >As you make your way back home, you try to clear your mind of Anon. >Maybe he really does just see you as a friend. >You really don't want to ruin what you have by pouring your heart out to someone who doesn't feel the same way. >You can already feel a few tears welling up in your eyes as you walk- >NO. >DON'T CRY. >YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT ANON FEELS. >SO DON'T START JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS. >You take a moment to clear your mind and take a few deep breaths before you continue home. >Thankfully, no one else is around to see you like this. >All you really need right now is dinner. >Hopefully Zephyr isn't cooking. >You laugh slightly at the memory of his last attempt cooking as you walk. >Within 10 minutes, you're back home. >You lock the door behind you as you enter, as usual. >Your parents are sitting in the living room, quietly reading. >Zephyr is nowhere to be seen. >Probably in his room doing nothing. >"Oh hey, look who's finally home!" Your dad remarks, getting your mom's attention. >You wave back at them. >"How was school?" Your mom asks. "It was fine." You not-really lie. >"Did you get that quiz back?" Your dad asks. >You quickly retrieve the quiz from your backpack and bring it over to your parents. >Once they see the grade at the top, they're impressed. >"That's great, Fluttershy! We're really proud of you!" Your dad congratulates you. "Well, I couldn't have done so well without the help of my... friend." >"Oh? So you cheated?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow with a grin. "Nonononono! I just got help studying!" You quickly respond. >"He's just teasing you, dear. We know you'd never cheat." Your mom interjects. >Your dad enjoys a good chuckle at his teasing. >"There's some veggie burgers you can reheat in the kitchen." Your mom informs you. >You quietly thank her before taking your bag and grabbing one from the plate in the kitchen. >After 90 seconds, it's ready to eat. >Unlike Zephyr, you know better than to eat in your room. >You take your time eating, not wanting to make a mess. >You're not too hungry, so one is really all you need. >Soon after, you're back in your room, secluded from everyone else. >You do have some homework, but it's Friday. >You've got the entire weekend. >Your room's still as neat as it was this morning. >Unlike Rainbow Dash, you make sure to keep your room orderly. >Tossing your backpack to the side, you flop down onto your bed. >You're feeling more exhausted than usual today. >Far sooner than you expected, you drift off to sleep, despite the clock only reading 8:21... >... >Today's the day. >It's Monday. >You're between classes. >And you're gonna tell Anon how you feel about him. >You took the time to get a nice little box of chocolates for him. >Applejack insisted the fastest way to a guy's heart is his stomach. >You're not taking any chances. >You carefully weave your way through the halls, headed to Anon's locker. >As much as you prepared yourself for this, you can't help but feel like you're forgetting something. >Most people ignore you as you walk by, but some watch you walk by. >It doesn't help the growing feeling of nervousness inside you. >You feel a chill run down your spine. >Then, you see him. >Anon's right by his locker, just as expected. >For a split second, you have second thoughts. >But you quickly wave those thoughts away. >You've come too far to quit now. >It's now or never. >Steeling your nerve, you walk up to him. >He turns to face you, and his eyes shoot open. >He looks like he wants to say something, but doesn't know how to say it. "Anon, there's something I really need to tell you." You say to him. >"Hey, Fluttershy-" He tries to say, his cheeks flushing. "I... I brought you these chocolates, b-because I thought you'd like them..." You cut him off, presenting him the chocolates. >"Yeah, but-" "I got you these because... because I really, really like you, Anon." >"I think you-" "And I was kinda hoping that... you know... you'd want to... g-go out on a date with m-" >Suddenly, a voice rings out throughout the hallway, getting everyone's attention. >"Hey, Fluttershy's naked!" >The hallway freezes. >All eyes turn to you. >It suddenly feels a lot colder. >You're frozen in place. >It takes you an eternity, but you summon the strength to look down. >...They're right. >You're standing in the middle of school. >In front of Anon. >Completely naked. >Every inch of your body is completely exposed. >Your butt. >Your breasts. >Your... womanhood. >On full display. >You're horrified. >You want to run away and hide. >But you can't. >Your eyes dart around. >Everyone's staring right at your nude form. >Some are whispering to each other. >Others are snickering or disgusted. >And Anon... >He pities you. >There's sympathy in his eyes. >He wants to help, but can't. >The sound of someone's camera finally gives you the strength to run away. >...At least, you would have, if you didn't slip on someone's paper. >You gracelessly fall on your face, your exposed rear sticking in the air. >Laughter starts to ring out across Canterlot High as you clumsily get up and run away. >You're frantically looking for a bathroom. >A storage closet. >Anywhere you could hide. >But no. >The more you run, the more people see you naked. >You even come across Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna on your run. >You can't worry about that now. >Finally, a storage closet. >At speeds you've never moved at before, you streak inside and slam the door behind you. >The mocking laughter of the other students can still be heard outside. >You collapse on the floor, leaning against the door. >The cold sensation not at all helping your humiliation. >...You blew it. >You humiliated yourself in front of Anon. >The only guy you've ever felt such strong feelings for. >You curl up into a ball and cry. >You cry harder than you ever had before. >It's over. >You're over. >The bell rings. >But it sounds... different. >It sounds like... >Your phone? >Suddenly, you shoot awake in your bed, still clothed. >Your phone's ringing. >You heave a heavy sigh of relief. >What a horrible dream. >Looking at your phone, you see Rainbow Dash is calling you. >Better not keep her waiting. "Hey, Rainbow." You sleepily answer. >"Ugh, finally! You haven't responded to any of my texts for hours!" >You glance over to check the time. >The clock reads 10:16. >What a nap, that was. "Yeah, sorry, I kinda fell asleep." You sheepishly apologize. >"Dang, already?" "Yeah, I feel unusually tired today." >"You think it has something to do with Anon?" Rainbow suggests. >You flash back to that awful dream. >It felt so hauntingly real. >Anon's expression was the worst part. >You were so pathetic and exposed, and he felt so sorry for you. >No way he'd respect you like that. "...Maybe, I don't know." You cover up. >"You know, Rarity would be more than happy to offer tips on how to seduce him." She teases. "Uh, she kind of already did." >You give Rainbow time to get her laughter out before speaking up again. >"I really shoulda guessed." She snickers. "I'm sorry again for making you so worried." >"It's fine, I figured you were studying or something." "...Then why'd you call?" >"I dunno, I was bored." >You're lucky she can't see you roll your eyes. >"Hey! I'm doing fine! I don't need to spend more time on stupid school stuff!" Rainbow insisted, sensing your annoyance. >"Plus I already get enough nagging from Twilight and Sunset on studying more." >You sigh in response. "They're only trying to help, you know." >"I don't need help!" >Yeah, that's Rainbow. >You let out a deep yawn, your sleepiness coming back. "I think I should be getting to bed, sorry." >"Eh, no worries. Talk to you later!" >You try to return the goodbye, but she hangs up before you can. >Oh well. >You change into your pajamas and snuggle back into bed. >Angel's already asleep. >Despite how tired you are, you struggle with falling asleep. >You could end up naked in Canterlot High again. >Or somewhere worse. >...But it's just a dream. >You know that now. >Be brave. >Soon after, you drift back to sleep. >Saturday morning. >You regain consciousness in your bed, still clothed. >Luckily, you didn't have that dream again. >Walking downstairs, you see that Zephyr's still in his room. >Is he hibernating or something? >Oh well. >You make a small breakfast of a few breakfast bars and a glass of orange juice. >While you're eating breakfast, your phone buzzes next to you. >It's a text from Pinkie. >[You up for hanging out today at Sugarcube Corner at 3???] >That's something you do every Saturday. >It's nice to hang out with the girls without worrying about any kind of time limit. >Once you're done with your breakfast bar, you text Pinkie back, confirming that you're coming. >[Yay!!! See you soon!] >Breakfast is finished fairly quick, and you put away the few dishes you had out. >As you're brushing your teeth, your mind wanders a bit. >...Anon hasn't texted you yet- >He's busy! >He's still sleeping! >It's only 8:45, he could still be asleep! >Don't start jumping to conclusions again! >Shaking your head, you finish brushing your teeth. >...You should probably shower. >You didn't do that last night, and you really should stay clean. >After fetching some clean clothes from your drawer, you start the shower and undress. >But before getting in, you take a moment to observe your body. >The same body that Anon and everyone else got exposed to in your dream. >...You're attractive. >Not as attractive as Rarity, but you're still attractive. >You turn slightly to continue checking yourself out. >It's very narcissistic. >As your eyes travel down your curves, you imagine Anon again. >And how lovely he is... >... >... >Your eyes snap open, remembering you're supposed to be showering. >You find one of your hands gripping one of your breasts, and the other's dangerously close to your womanhood. >You quickly retract your hands, jumping into the shower. >Control yourself, Fluttershy. >The hot water really helps you relax. >You can almost feel your stress melting off of you. >You take your time cleaning yourself, relishing the sensation. >Soap, conditioner, shampoo and other body washing. >Half an hour later, you turn the shower off and step out to dry yourself off. >You take care in drying off your hair and body, as well as brushing your hair. >It takes you longer than you'd like to admit. >But once you're all clean, dry and presentable, you step out of the bathroom, to find Zephyr half awake and standing by the door. >"Took you long enough." You mumbles. "Don't worry, I didn't use all the hot water." You reassure him. >He only grumbles in response, heading into the bathroom. >He could stand to be a little more motivated. >It's only 9:17, so you've got some free time. >Heading back to your room, you take Angel out of his cage and bring him to the enclosure in the backyard. >It's a nice sunny day, and he happily hops around the grass. >The sun feels especially nice today. >It reminds you of yesterday. >It reminds you of the nice moment you shared with Anon when with the dogs. >He looks so handsome with that smile. >You feel so safe when you're with him. >...You need to tell him. >He needs to know how you feel about him. >Angel's noticed you zoning out, hopping closer to you. >You let out an exasperated sigh, turning to face him. "...I gotta tell Anon that I like him. I'm just... not sure I can." >Angel cocks his head slightly, not understanding what you're saying. "Do you think I can?" >He scratches his ear with his back leg, but you interpret that as a 'yes'. >You spend about an hour out here with him, idly talking about various other topics. >If there's one person you can trust with your secrets, it's your rabbit Angel. >Once he seems satisfied, you pick him up and return him to his cage in your bedroom. >You should take this time to do some of your schoolwork. >Biology is the hardest, so you should get that out of the way. >It's really frustrating. >Who knew there were so many parts of an animal cell? >Cut to 2:30. >Your homework's finally done. >Today's homework, anyway. >You step away from your desk and rub your tired eyes. >But you don't have too much time to rest, you've gotta be heading up to Sugarcube Corner. >Your phone at hand, you check over yourself one last time to make sure you're ready to go. >Yes, you're wearing clothes. >You quickly say goodbye to Angel and your parents before heading out the door. >It's more active in town today. >Everyone's off work, and it looks like they're enjoying the nice weather. >Cars are going by, people are walking their dogs, and you can see families having fun at the park. >You take a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air. >Soon enough, you're at Sugarcube Corner. >It's really busy inside, but the girls are easy to find. >They're at the usual table right by the window. >Only Applejack and Twilight are here, with Pinkie surely nearby. >You quietly enter, with the two only noticing you as you sit in your chair, facing away from the windows. >"Hello, Fluttershy!" Twilight happily greets you. >"Howdy, there!" Applejack adds. >You gently wave in response, noticing Twilight's dog under the table. >His name's Spike, right? >"RD an' Rarity said they'll be a lil late. Ah'm sure we'll know when they arrive." Applejack says. >"Sunset's working today, so she won't be able to come." Twilight explains. >Sure enough, you notice Pinkie bouncing from table to table, delivering various treats to the customers. >Soon after, she hops over to your table, already knowing to deliver six milkshakes. >Applejack must have been really thirsty, as she wastes no time in gulping down the drink. >You and Twilight take a few sips while Pinkie sits next to you. >"So whatcha been doing lately?" She asks you. "Oh, just homework." You simply reply. >"Booooring! That can't be all you've had going on!" Pinkie responds. >"How's workin' with Anon?" Applejack asks. >You can feel your heart skip a beat. "He's, uh... he's fun to work with." You answer. >Soon after, the door opens and you spot Rarity and Rainbow Dash walking in. >They take their usual seats, and the table is full. >"How is everyone today?" Rarity asks, delicately taking a sip from her milkshake. >"We were just asking Fluttershy what it's like to have her new buddy Anon volunteer with her!" Pinkie eagerly answers. >"Oh yes, that should be a fascinating discussion." Rarity smirks. >You really hope your face isn't turning red. >"Fluttershy just told us that Anon's really nice and helpful." Twilight interjected, trying to take some of the pressure off of you. >You nod along. "Y-Yeah, it really is a relief to have an extra pair of hands to help out." >"We really do wish we could help ya out more." Applejack says, with slight embarrassment. >"Yeah, and we promise we will! Right?" Rainbow adds >"Yup!" Pinkie agrees, with Rarity and Twilight nodding. >Hoping that's soothed the situation, you return your attention to your milkshake. >But then Rarity speaks up again. >"So how's Anon?" >You almost choke on your drink. "Wh-What?" >"You know, how has Anon been lately?" >Your eyes dart around the room. "He's, uh, d-doing well. Studying and staying healthy, you know, stuff like that..." >Your cheeks are definitely red. >You can see Rainbow and Applejack smirk at each other. >A good few minutes go by of idle conversation and idly observing the passerby and customers. >Then, Rainbow speaks up again. >"Oh, hey Anon." She casually greets, looking past you to the door. "Huh!?" >Your head shoots around to see him, but he's not there. >Applejack, Pinkie and Rainbow burst out laughing, while Rarity and Twilight share a slight giggle. >You sink into your chair, extremely embarrassed. "Alright, fine, I... have a crush on Anon..." You admit, having been backed into a corner. >"I knew it!" Rarity cheered victoriously. >"Fluttershy and Anon, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-" Pinkie chants, but is quickly shushed by Twilight. >Fortunately, it's pretty busy right now, so no one turns to see the commotion caused by your friends. >That doesn't do much to soothe your racing heart. >"Aw, shoot, that ain't nothin' to be ashamed of!" Applejack encourages you. >"Yeah! We've had crushes before too!" Rainbow adds. "But... but I'm not you." >"What do you mean?" Twilight asks. "I mean, you and Rainbow and Rarity are so... confident. It's much easier for you all to ask a guy out." You reply, shamefully. >"You could, too! It's not that hard!" Rainbow insists. >"Fluttershy, I sincerely doubt that Anon would turn you down if you told him how you feel." Rarity adds. >"You're like the only girl he talks to, so you've got good odds!" Pinkie chimes in. >That gets your attention. "...Really?" You ask, looking up slightly. >"Yeah! He's usually with Norman and Flash when he's not alone!" >That helps lift your hopes. >"Guy will do simply embarrassing things if they believed a girl was interested in them. I should know." Rarity says, rolling her eyes at some unpleasant memories. >They're making a lot of good points. >They are your friends, after all. >They want to see you happy. >"And ah just might have caught him starin' at'cha a few times." Applejack notes. >"Not in a creepy way, mind. It was more... dreamily." >You take another sip from your milkshake before speaking up. "...You really think he likes me?" >"Darling, I KNOW so." Rarity insists. >"You're in an ideal situation, Fluttershy. You get to be alone with just him for several hours a day, four days a week!" Twilight encourages. >"With a setup like that, you two will probably end up wrapped around each other playing tonsil hockey by the end of next week!" Rainbow interjects. >You smile, feeling more confident. "Thank you, girls. I'm feeling a lot better now." You say to the group. >"Ahm glad! We'd do anything to help ya!" Applejack replies. >"Which we WILL do." Rarity is quick to add, shooting her eyes around the table to everyone else. >"Absolutely!" Twilight confirms. >"We'll be your matchmakers, Fluttershy." Rainbow says. >"Oh yay! Operation: Get Fluttershy Laid- whoopsie! I mean Get Fluttershy a Boyfriend is in motion!" Pinkie giggles. >Soft laughter is shared around the table again. >"I'm sure Sunset would be happy to help you too." Twilight notes. >You nod along in agreement. >There used to be a time where you'd cower at the sound of Sunset's name. >She used to be so mean and horrible to everyone at Canterlot High. >But it turns out there was a lot going on with her, and with some help from Twilight and the girls, she turned over a new leaf. >Now she's a great friend. >Twilight said something before about how friendship is magic? >You can kinda see what she means, but still. >"So, what does Anon like?" Rainbow asks. "Oh, movies and stuff, but he said he likes volunteering with me!" >"No movie dates!" Rarity quickly states, catching everyone off guard. >"There's never enough interaction during a movie date. You're paying more attention to the screen than each other, and that means the date can only end awkwardly." >That makes a lot of sense. >"My suggestion is keep doing what you're doing. As Rainbow Dash pointed out, you're in a rather ideal situation with him already." >"Waaaaaait, how come I never see Anon at one of my Pinkie parties?" Pinkie asks, scratching her chin. "Maybe he doesn't like crowds, I'll ask him later." >"Oh! Have you texted him yet?" Rainbow suddenly asks. "...No..." You admit. >"Wait for him to text first!" Rainbow instructs, making you really confused. "...Why?" >"Well, we already established that he's kind of a loner, so he's not talking to other girls..." Rainbow elaborated. >You slightly frown. >"That means he's busy with homework and other stuff." >"The less you text him, the more he'll want you." Rarity explains. >You're really confused now. "What do you mean?" >"If you seem like you're not interested in him, he'll try harder to win your affections!" Rarity replied. "...But I am interested in him." >"Do you want him to want you?" Rarity asks. >After a moment, you nod. >"Then trust me on this. I know guys." She smirks. >"Ah dunno if that's such good advice." Applejack speaks up. >"Yeah! Fluttershy should just tell Anon that she likes him!" Pinkie chimes in. >"Have some faith in me, darling. I'm no stranger to the art of seduction." Rarity replies, dignified. >"Fluttershy ain't tryin' to seduce the boy!" >It looks like Rarity and Applejack are gonna start bickering again, until Twilight speaks up. >"Girls! There's really no need to argue over this!" >After shooting one last look at each other, the two sink back into their chairs. "Twilight? How did you and Flash Sentry end up together?" >Twilight shrugs. >"It just kinda... happened. One day he asked me out, and I just... said yes." >That doesn't really help. >"What do you want to do, Fluttershy?" Twilight asks you. >You really wish you knew how to answer. >Your head falls again. "...I don't know." >Rainbow reaches over and rubs your shoulder reassuringly. "It's just... I really like Anon. He's so... nice and caring and funny and handsome and... wonderful." >You grow more embarrassed as you talk. "I just... when I'm with him at the animal shelter, I feel... safe." >"Aww, that's precious!" Rarity fawns. >"I'm almost jealous Fluttershy got to him before I could!" Pinkie comments. >Applejack shoots her a look, and she backs off. >"Well then, you should do what feels right, Fluttershy." Twilight offers. >You look back up, feeling more ready to face Anon again. >You're back home now. >More specifically, you're in your room, next to Angel's cage. >It's 5:01 PM. >All your homework for the day is already done. >You've got some set aside for tomorrow, but other than that, nothing's going on. >Your phone's on the ground in front of you. >Anon still hasn't texted. >Surely he's busy. >You don't know what his life is like. >Maybe he does more volunteer work elsewhere. >You shouldn't worry. >...But you really wanna text him. >Rarity said you shouldn't and wait for him to text you. >She's dated a lot of boys, so she knows what she's talking about. >You don't want Anon to think you're desperate. >You're not desperate. >... >... >...Maybe you're a little desperate. >You turn to Angel, as if expecting him to bestow dating wisdom. >Maybe you should- >Your phone buzzes. >It's a text. >From Anon. >Omigoshomigoshomigosh. >You quickly open the message to see what he sent. >[So... how's life?] [Good as usual :)] >[That's great!] [wbu?] >[I've had better days lol. Not only did I have homework, but my dad made me help with working on the car] >You knew it, he was busy! [Dang, I'm sorry] >[¯\_(ツ)_/¯, its over now lol] [That's a relief lol] >[Did you do anything fun today?] [I spent time with my friends at Sugarcube Corner!] >[That's great! All I really did was rewatch Ninja Mime lol] >Another movie you've never heard of. >Rainbow would probably know about it. >[tbh, I kinda miss being at the animal shelter] >Your heart skips a beat. >You can be more composed over text. [really?] >[yeah! It's a lot of fun and it's really nice to get out of the house] [I'm really glad you think so :)] >You're laying on your front with your phone in front of you, enjoying your little slice of privacy. >[I kinda miss you too lol] >You can already feel blood rushing to your face. >With a goofy smile, you text back. [I miss you too :)] >A moment goes by before Anon texts back. >[Hey, are u doing anything tomorrow?] >You softly gasp. >Could he be asking you out? [apart from homework, not really lol] >[Do you wanna get together to study again?] [Sure!] You quickly text. >[Cool! How about my place at 4?] [I'll check with my parents, but I should be good!] >He sends three thumbs up emojis in response. >A few minutes later, he sends you another text. >[My parents are cool with you coming over] [Yay!] >[I may have left out the part that you're a girl btw. I just wanna avoid any awkward conversations with them] >That's a very good point. >You cringe at the thought of your parents hearing you're spending time with a boy. >They're gonna find out eventually, if you end up dating Anon. >[I've gotta help prepare dinner, ttyl!] [ttyl!] You text back. >You had dinner as well. >Your dad made nice steaks for everyone. >Zephyr made his rare appearance outside his room to eat alongside everyone else. >All you could think about was texting Anon more. >He misses you! >And he wants to spend time with you outside volunteering! >After getting through your dinner, you make your way back to your room. >You and Anon text for a couple more hours, talking about random topics. >He led most of the conversations, like talking about Undertale. >You look over to the clock and notice it's 10:21. >[I've gotta start getting to bed sooner, so goodnight!] [goodnight!] You happily text back. >Not too long after changing into your pajamas, you drift off to slumberland. >Flash forward to Sunday, 2:14. >Anon texted you his address early this morning. >You two haven't texted much today. >You spent all morning getting ready. >You scrubbed yourself all over in the shower. >You even shaved your... area. >Because you never know. >You probably annoyed Zephyr by taking even longer than usual. >Rarity insisted you wear your "flirtiest" underwear. >You don't have any fancy lingerie like her, so you picked your dark blue, lacy bra and panties. >You decided to wear a nice sundress to Anon's house. >That's when something occurred to you. >If you dress too fancy, your parents will think it's a date. >His parents will think so too. >If you got confronted about dating Anon, you would probably die of embarrassment. >You let the sundress fall to your ankles and sigh exasperatedly. >You search through your closet, clad in only your "flirty" underwear. >With a slight tinge of defeat, you settle on a simple t-shirt and shorts. >It won't leave Anon speechless, but discretion will be assured. >Angel's currently napping as you fuss over your clothes. >You made sure to give him time outside before you left. >You're not sure how long you'll be staying, but you should be home before 8. >Unless he asks you to stay the night... >You sit back against your bed, imagining the conversation... >(Fluttershy, there's a tornado warning, I can't let you walk home in these conditions.) (But what else could I do?) >(You're more than welcome to spend the night here!) (R-Really?) >(Yeah, it's just... we'd kinda have to share a bed. ...You don't mind, do you?) (Not at all, Anon~) >You snap yourself out of your fantasy and look over to the clock. >2:29. >You need to be going! >You carefully put your clothes on, careful not to rip them in your hurrying. >You grab your bookbag and make your way downstairs. "I'm going to study with a friend." You carefully explain to your mom. >"Have fun! Be back before 8, sweetie!" >You nod quickly make your way to Anon's house. >Luckily, Anon doesn't live too far away. >It assuages the concern that he gets home late at night from volunteering. >The roads are sort of unfamiliar. >You've visited all your friend's houses at some point. >Except Twilight. >Sunset has her own apartment, where she lives all by herself. >It's incredible, if not lonely. >It's a good thing she has real friends now. >Snails and Snips used to be her henchmen. >Even though they're not with her anymore, those two are still awful. >It's a nice early fall day. >The air of summer still lingers, the birdies and squirrels enjoying the nice day. >Should you have brought something? >No, that would have been too much. >You two are only friends. >You're not dating him. >...Yet, at least. >It takes about 25 minutes to get to his house by walking. >It feels kind of strange to be wearing shorts. >You're more used to wearing a skirt. >It's probably for the best, you don't want to accidentally flash your panties to Anon. >...Do you? >You hastily wave away those thoughts. >Rarity would probably know how to deal with these intrusive thoughts. >If you come onto Anon too strong, he could get weirded out. >Why does he have this effect on you? >You've only really known him for five days and you're feeling things you've never felt before. >Maybe he's your soul mate. >Eventually, you're standing in front of the house matching the address he sent you. >...You've never been to a boy's house before. >What's it gonna be like. >What's his room gonna be like? >There's only one way to find out. >You march up to the front door and after a brief flash of hesitation, you ring the doorbell. >You can hear someone hastily make their way to the door. >The door opens, and Anon is there. >He's dressed a bit more casually, wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt. >...And his varsity jacket. >"Hey! Glad you could find the place!" He happily greets you. "Yeah, I'm not really used to this area." You reply with a smile. >"Oh, sorry! Come in!" He invites you, slightly embarrassed. >You enter his house and take a look around. >It's a fairly normal house. >Nothing really sticks out about it. >Some nice decoration, some family photos, but that's about it. >"My parents are out looking for car parts. I would have had to go with them if I didn't have you coming over, so thanks for saving me from an awful afternoon, Flutters." He explains with a smile. "We haven't started studying, so don't thank me yet." You giggle. >"Heh, right..." >His body language conveys nervousness. >"So, uh, I kinda planned for us to study in... my room? Un-Unless you don't want to." >He knows what it looks like to invite a girl to his room. "Sure!" You reply, hiding your growing nervousness. >"Oh, uh, cool!" He says, leading you upstairs. >Your little journey leads you to Anon's bedroom. >Be still, my beating heart. >"Well, this is it!" Anon welcomes you, arms outstretched to show off his room. >His room's so... >...Normal. >It's kind of like Rainbow Dash's room. >Except less blue. >And there are less rainbows. >There's a bed, a small bookshelf, desk with computer and movie posters. >And the air smells faintly of... air freshener? >Did he- >THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE. >Your eyes land on a picture hanging near his bed. >It's a picture of a sleek purple car with green windshields, with a silver signature on top of the picture. >"What's this?" You ask him, motioning to the photo. >A smile grows on his face as he sees what you're referring to. >"That's a picture of Sling Shot, signed by Kurt Wylde himself!" "...Kurt Wylde?" >"Leader of the Street Breed racing team and one of the greatest racecar drivers in the world!" >He looks really eager, talking about this "Sling Shot". "How'd you get this?" >"When I was a Sophomore, my dad won two VIP tickets to see the World Race from a raffle at work. After the race, I managed to run into Kurt Wylde, and he signed it for me!" Anon beamed. >His joy is rather infectious. "I never knew that about you." You remark. >"I'm a man of many secrets." He smirks at you. >You giggle a bit in response. >He turns and wags his finger at the picture. >"Someday, Flutters. Someday that beautiful piece of machinery will be mine." "Oh, really?" >He turns back to you, putting on a more determined face. >"Yes, really." "What if you don't?" You smirk at him. >"That's not possible." He shoots back. "Sure it is!" >"I PROMISE you, Flutters." "Okaaaaaay, but if you don't, you'll have to clean the ENTIRE animal shelter!" You declare. >"I'll take those odds!" Anon boldly proclaims, holding his hand out for a shake. >You giggle a bit more as you take his hand and shake it as firmly as you can. >"As much as I'd love to keep making promises with you, we've got studying to do." He reminds you. >You set your backpack on his bed and sit next to it. "It would only be fair if we started with helping you study." >"Aww, thanks Flutters!" Anon smiles. >He's so pretty when he smiles. >He grabs a Chemistry textbook from his desk, and sits next to you on his bed. >"The current unit is on Chapter 9. I've already reviewed it a couple times, so you can read over that for a bit and quiz me when you've familiarized yourself." >You nod and open the book to Chapter 9. >It all seems really complicated. >Twilight would be better at tutoring him. >But you deserve to spend time with Anon more than her, as selfish as that sounds. >She has Flash Sentry, anyway. >You take a few more glances over the material just to be sure. >A little while later, you perk your head up. "Ready!" >"Okay! Let me have it!" >You peer back down to the book. "Um... how do you determine an atom's atomic number?" >He puts a finger to his chin to think. >"Hm... the atomic number is the amount of... electrons?" >You shake your head. "Protons, Anon." >He smacks his head. >"It was one or the other!" "Well, now you know for next time!" You note. >He nods along, ready to keep going. >Tutoring goes really well. >It helps that you don't have to actually understand the material. >That falls to Anon. >He struggles a bit, but he's really trying. >But some time later, he seems to get the hang of it. >"Oh, I've been wondering something." >You look back at him. "What is it?" >"Did me tutoring you by overshooting help you on your quiz?" >You smile and roll your eyes. "Yes it did, Anon." >He puts on an incredibly smug face and relishes in his self satisfaction. >You thwap him with some nearby papers. "Remember I'm still tutoring you, mister. I could give you a really hard time if I wanted to." >"Oh, but you wouldn't. You're too sweet!" He remarks. >You cock an eyebrow and turn back to the book. "What's the formula for Ideal Gas Law?" >His smug look is immediately replaced with one of worry. >"...Heh, you've made your point, Flutters." "Mm-mm-mm! You got yourself into this situation, mister!" You remark, wagging your finger at him. >You can't help but enjoy this new power over him. >Anon runs through a thousand thoughts in his mind before he throws up his hands in defeat. >"I don't know, force equals mass times acceleration." "Nope!" You grin, showing him the book. >"That was the best answer you were getting out of me!" He defends. "Then maybe you shouldn't be so rude to your tutor." >He sighs, smiling. >"I'm sorry, Flutters." >Before you could accept his apology, you hear a car pull into the driveway. >Anon hears it too, and looks out the window. >"It's my parents. Quick, downstairs!" >You two quickly rush down to the dining room with a textbook and try to act natural when his parents come in. >Heaven forbid you're caught with Anon alone in his room. >You're heavily interested in the textbook as they walk in, with Anon sitting across from you. >"We're back!" His dad announces. >"Yeah, I noticed!" Anon replies. >His dad goes to the living room, while his mom notices you sitting with him. >"So you're Anon's friend!" She remarks. "Uh, yes, m-my name's... Fluttershy." You introduce yourself, your timidness returning. >"Well, hello Fluttershy! Would you like something to drink?" Anon's mom asks you. "Oh, n-no thank you..." >"Well then, I'll let you two get back to studying." She says as she heads over to the living room. >Once she's out of view, you can breathe easier. >"Don't stress it, Fluttershy. I'm sure they'll like you almost as much as I do!" Anon encourages. >Your heart flutters at his praise. >You suddenly realize you're holding your Algebra textbook instead of his Chemistry book. "Uh, look's like we're done with Chemistry." You awkwardly chuckle. >"Oh, thank goodness. Now you can't take out your power fantasies on me anymore." Anon remarks with a grin. >He takes the textbook and looks it over. >Leaving the room for a bit, you can hear a hockey game play in the living room. >When he comes back, he's holding a small stack of paper and two pens. >He quickly scribbles down a few questions from the book. >"How confident do you feel on your Algebra?" "I think I got it!" You beam. >"That's the spirit!" >He slides the paper over to you and moves to sit next to you. >"You can use your phone as a calculator, but I'm gonna make sure that's all you use it for." >You feel a chill run down your body with Anon so close to you, especially with his parents near. >But it's purely platonic. >He leans away a bit, to give you some breathing room. >You take a deep breath and get to work. >Having a friend like Twilight can really help, so you actually have a pretty good grip on Algebra. >It's all fairly simple. >About 20 minutes later, you're finished. >"Dang, already?" Anon asks, looking over the paper. >Cross-referencing your answers with the book, he looks back to you. >"It's all correct!" "Yay!" You softly cheer. >"I'm proud of you, Flutters!" >You could only smile like a dork in return. >"Studying hard?" You hear Anon's mom ask again. >"Yep, but we just finished with a section." He answers. >"Oh good, just in time for dinner!" His mom notes. >You feel cold suddenly. >Was Anon expecting this? >You look to him, expecting some kind of help. >He looks almost surprised as you, but he doesn't protest. >"Sh-Should I help prepare?" He asks his mom. >"Don't worry, I can handle it." His mom responds. >She's in the process of preparing spaghetti. >You're left sitting there awkwardly with Anon. >His presence is rather comforting. >You try to ease the tension by looking around the room, but every now and again you catch Anon stealing a glimpse of you. >He quickly turns away when your eyes meet. >Soon enough, dinner is prepared. >Anon's dad comes from the living room to join everyone for the meal. >Bowls are served, and everyone pours tomato sauce to their liking. >Anon's parents sit across from each other, and you sit next to Anon. >At first, it's nice and peaceful. >It's still kind of awkward, feeling a slight tension in the room. >"So you're Anon's tutor?" His dad suddenly asks. >"This is Fluttershy!" His mom introduces you. >You can already feel your face burning. >You really hate talking about yourself. >"Don't worry if she's quiet, she's not too comfortable with meeting new people." Anon quickly defends you. >"Oh, that's fair. Not everyone can be as outgoing." Your dad notes. >You sigh slightly in relief, returning your focus to dinner. >"She's also who I volunteer with at the animal shelter." Anon speaks for you. >His mom hums approvingly. >"We can tell you've had a positive influence on him." His dad tells you. >"Before this year, he spent most of his time isolated in his room playing those computer games." >Anon looks down in slight shame. "He's been wonderful at the shelter. It's really nice to have an extra pair of hands helping those poor animals." You defend him. >He looks over to you warmly. >Not much was discussed after that. >Once dinner was finished, his parents were kind enough to let you and Anon return to his room to study. >It's Anon's turn to be tutored. >His history class is centered on American history. >You quiz him in much the same way he quizzed you, but you couldn't shake a feeling of disappointment. >Your fantasies of being alone with Anon in his bedroom are dashed now that his parents are here. >They certainly wouldn't let you share a bed with him. >You hoped to feel his touch at least once. >"Hey Flutters, you okay?" >Your attention snaps back to Anon, who's looking at you with a concerned expression. "Yeah, I'm just kinda tired, is all..." >He frowns. >"Well then, you should probably be getting home soon, huh?" >You want to instinctively protest. >But he's right. >You should head home before it gets too dark. >You're still too ashamed to tell Anon you're still kinda scared of the dark. >Looking out the window, you see the sun setting over the horizon. "But you still have stuff to review." >"Oh, don't worry, I got plenty done today." Anon responds. >You sigh in defeat. >You gather your things and head out. >When you leave his room, you peek back inside to see what Anon's doing. >He's looking at a poster of a muscular guy named Duke Nukem. >Duke Nukem looks like a jerk. >Anon flexes his arms to compare to the poster, his arms slightly trembling from the effort. >His muscles don't compare, and he hangs his head defeated. >He walks toward the door, and you quickly go downstairs so he doesn't notice you. >Anon looks slightly glum as he meets you near the front door. >You pretend to not know why. >"See you tomorrow!" "Actually, the shelter doesn't need volunteers on Mondays, so it'll be Tuesday." >"Well then, text you tomorrow!" >His lovely smile returns to his handsome face. >You pull Anon into another hug, which he's less hesitant to return. >It's really lovely. >It's deeper and more intimate. >You absorb the warmth coming from his body, falling into his embrace. >As if Anon is your shield. >But the hug has to end, and after waving goodbye, you make your way home. >Flash forward to Monday morning. >It's a new week at Canterlot High. >You made sure that you were wearing clothes before leaving for school. >The elevators that have been under construction are finally finished. >Everyone's pretty eager to try them. >You've heard a few whispers that the doors close a little too quickly. >The first few classes go by smoothly. >You already basically knew what you're doing in English and Algebra. >You did have to stay a little after to turn in a few papers for extra credit, as per Twilight's advice. >Your third class of the day was on the second floor. >You might as well take the elevator. >The hallways are much more empty now, so you have the elevator to yourself. >It's very modern and fancy. >The ride is smooth, but short. >You grab your bag and exit the elevator to get to class. >...Until you're stopped. >Looking down, you notice your skirt is stuck. >...In the elevator door. >Oh no. >The elevator descends inside the shaft. >Tugging your skirt down with it. >Please, no! >You hastily drop your bag and tug on the portion of your skirt stuck in the door. >You're no match for the elevator. >Your skirt keeps getting tugged down, and you hear the fabric being stretched. >Panic grows inside you as your skirt descends your legs. >You tug against the elevator with all your might, but your skirt finally gives, tearing to shreds. >You watch hopelessly as you watch a large portion of your skirt get sucked into the elevator, with only small remnants of the fabric in your hands. >You fall to the ground, powerless. >You dare to look down your body. >Your legs are completely bare, your lower half covered by only a light blue pair of panties. >With a black paw print pattern. >No no no no no no. >This can't be happening. >This is another horrible dream. >It has to be. >You pinch yourself in desparation. >You're awake. >You're at school. >Left in your underwear. >Someone's coming. >You hastily grab your bag and dash in the opposite direction. >Classes are in session, so thankfully no one else is in the hallways. >But that won't last. >You have your gym shorts in the locker room. >...But that's on the other side of school. >And there are people in gym class. >They'll see you. >Maybe Rainbow or Rarity or Applejack could help? >...No, they're in class right now, they could get in trouble. >And you can't hide in the bathroom. >You'll have to leave eventually, people will see your underwear, and you'll get in trouble for skipping school. >Why why why why? >There are still people that call you Fluttercry. >If everyone catches you running around in your underwear, you would die of humiliation. >You turn to sprinting through the hallways, ducking below the windows to the classrooms. >You hear another set of footsteps approaching you. >In your haste, you fall over and clumsily run away. >The breeze between your legs only makes you feel more humiliated. >You just HAD to wear your most embarrassing pair of panties today, didn't you? >After running around desperately trying to find some kind of solution, you collapse behind a trash can. >This is it. >It's hopeless. >You curl up into a ball. >Tears are welling up in your eyes. >Everyone's gonna see that weird girl Fluttershy and her underwear. >Everyone's gonna laugh at you. >Your episode of despair is interrupted by an approaching, familiar voice. >"And yes, you CAN tell Flash I said that!" >Oh no, not him. >Please, not him. >Why him? >Anon's walking down the hall. >Towards you. >He's gonna see you. >Exposed and humiliated. >He's gonna see you for what you really are. >Weird, pathetic Fluttercry. >...But he's your only hope. >He's the only help you're gonna get before the halls are flooded again. >You have to ask for his help. >His footsteps are getting closer. >You steel your nerve, summon all your strength, and call out to him. --ANONYMOUS-- >Norman's such a dumbass. >You really should have expected him to go through with that dumb prank. >Putting ketchup packets under the nubs under the toilet seats so they'd explode all over the legs of the next person to use the toilet. >You followed him into the bathroom to talk him out of it. >Somehow Vice Principal Luna caught wind of his scheme, and that ended up with BOTH of you getting lunch detention. >You owe him two smacks now. >He remarked that Flash would have been too pussy to go through with it, and you shot back that he doesn't do anything that doesn't involve his guitar. "And yes, you CAN tell Flash I said that!" You yell to him before he turns the corner to head to class. >Ms. Harshwhinny's gonna be fun to deal with. >Whatever, you roll with the punches. >"Psst!" >You attention is grabbed by a quiet voice. >"Psst, Anon!" >You turn to see Fluttershy crouching behind a trash can with a panicked expression on her face. "Fluttershy? Are you okay?" >She quickly shushes you, he cheeks burning red. >"I really need your help right now." "What happened?" >"...You know how the elevators recently opened for students?" >You nod in response. >"Well, I tried to use it, and my... skirt got caught, and... uh... got torn off..." >A cold feeling washes over you. >Poor Fluttershy, she deserves this less than anyone else here. >"I-I-If everyone sees me like this, I'll die of embarrassment." >Her eyes convey a level of vulnerability and pleading you've never seen before. >"...Please help me, Anon." >Your mind races through a dozen possibilities. >Ultimately landing on your jacket. >You've never been seen at Canterlot High without it. >But Fluttershy needs it a lot more than you. >You step back and start undoing the buttons, making Fluttershy's eyes widen a bit. >Once you've liberated your top half of your jacket, you hold it out for Fluttershy. >She tries to grab the jacket without exposing herself, but you catch a glimpse of Fluttershy's underwear. >Light blue panties with black paw prints. >Aww. >Once she's situated your jacket around her waist to cover her underwear, she stands up, her legs shaking. >"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou." She rambles as she tries to calm down. >"I'll go get my gym shorts and give your jacket back at lunch!" "Actually, due to various circumstances, I won't actually be at lunch, so you can give it back to me tomorrow!" >"R-Really?" "Sure! I trust you'll take care of it!" You encourage her. >She looks like she's about to object more, but decides to relent. >"O-Okay then... tomorrow, you'll have it back, I promise!" >You're about to say goodbye to her, but she sprints off towards the gym before you can. >She covers herself well, so you don't catch another glimpse of her underwear. >Which is good, because perving on an incredibly vulnerable girl is all sorts of messed up. >If Fluttershy didn't already have feeling for you, surely she does now that you've helped her at her lowest. >Oh shoot, class! >You make your way to class hurriedly, ending up being twelve minutes late. >"Anonymous! Do you mind explaining why you're so late?" Ms. Harshwhinny snaps at you. >You'd rather streak through school yourself than announce Fluttershy's little incident to the class. "I, uh, got sick, and spent a lot of time in the bathroom-" >"Never mind, just sit down." She sighs. >You nod and quickly take your usual seat. >This class goes by fairly simply. >This means you can keep thinking about Fluttershy. >The more you think about her, the more you're attracted to her. >She really is beautiful. >But you have to be careful. >If you come on too strong, she'll get scared off. >She's likely skittish about being open to you after what just happened. >But you really like her. >Whenever she's near you, your heart races. >You better focus back on the lesson, lest Ms. Harshwhinny get pissy again. --FLUTTERSHY-- >You waste no time getting to the locker room near the gym. >Fortunately, no one else comes across you in the halls. >The fabric of Anon's jacket feels... strange on your thighs. >You're gonna be really late to class, but making sure you're wearing pants is way more important. >You hesitate once you reach the doors to the gym. >A ton of people can be heard inside. >But you have Anon's jacket. >If you're quick, you won't turn many heads. >You puff up your chest, tighten the jacket around your waist. >In one swift motion, you open the door and dash across the gym to get to the locker room. >All you see is a blur of the people and Coach Spitfire before you dart into the locker room and slam the door behind you. >You listen carefully idle chatter, but it doesn't seem like they're talking about you. >Or you panties. >You let out the breath you've been holding in, and Anon's jacket falls to your ankles. >It's no big deal, it's common for girls to be undressed in the locker room. >But you really shouldn't get his nice jacket dirty. >You pick it up and dust it off, heading over to your locker. >Your hands are steadier as you open your locker, pulling out your gym shorts. >"The hell are you doing in here?" >A frighteningly familiar voice speaks from behind you. >You snap around to face Gilda. "I, uh, f-forgot my homework in here." >"And your pants?" "...Uh, well, it's complicated." >She squints at Anon's jacket, but rolls her eyes and turns away. >"Tch, whatever." She says before walking away with her bag. >You really hope that's the last time you run into Gilda. >She's so mean and kind of scary. >How could Rainbow Dash be friends with her in Middle School? >Oh well, your embarrassing panties are covered again, and that's what matters most. >You do a couple jumping jacks to make sure your shorts don't fall down. >Once you're satisfied with your shorts, you grab your bag and Anon's jacket and make your way back to class. >The rest of the day goes by without anything as... exciting as the elevator incident. >You're definitely never taking the elevator again. >Mr. Number Cruncher seemed to understand you had something big to deal with, so he didn't give you too much trouble. >After class, you became enamored with Anon's jacket. >Under his jacket was a black t-shirt with "DOOM" written on it. >It felt strange to see him exposed like that. >Even though he was still fully clothed, watching Anon take off his jacket felt weirdly lewd. >...Should you put it on? >It's really soft. >And Anon probably won't get mad at you for it. >In the hallway, you carefully slip on the red varsity jacket. >It really is soft. >You take a moment to absorb the warmth and comfort. >Lunch was kind of awkward. >Anon wasn't at lunch, and neither was Norman. >Flash was sitting with his band mates, leaving you with the six girls. >You were immediately met with various looks from the girls, wearing your shorts and Anon's jacket. >"Ain't that Anon's jacket?" Applejack asks. "Yeah..." >"And didn't you come to school wearing a skirt?" Rainbow asks you. "...m-hm..." >Rainbow and Applejack share a knowing look. >"So... what happened?" Sunset asks. "...The elevator caught my skirt..." >"Oh, that's dreadful!" Rarity gasps. "It was so awful! I was left in the middle of school with my underwear on display!" You sob, covering your face with your hands. >Twilight puts a hand on your shoulder. >"But it got better, right?" >You nod into your hands. "Anon was there, and he was kind enough to lend me his jacket to cover myself so I could get my gym shorts." >"That's wonderful!" Rarity cheers. >"Anon sounds like a real stand-up guy!" Pinkie remarks. "Yeah, he really is..." >"Twilight told be about how you feel for Anon. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know." Sunset reminds you. "Thank you, I really appreciate it." You smile back. >You're lucky to have such great friends. >Soon enough, you're back home. >Nobody else noticed your shorts situation. >Your parents did notice, but assumed you suffered some kind of wardrobe malfunction and didn't prod at it. >They did notice Anon's jacket, but didn't ask any questions about that. >You carefully placed the jacket on your bed so it doesn't get messy during dinner. >After a nice dinner of Chicken Parmesan, you return to your room. >You were even faster than Zephyr, which must have surprised your parents. >With the door closed behind you, it's time to get started on homework. >It's slightly depressing to not be with the animals today, but you'll be with them tomorrow. >And Anon... >No! >Homework time! >Algebra is still fairly simple. >A little more complicated, but it's done within half an hour. >Next up: History. >It's tedious, but doable. >It really drags out. >The more time goes by, the more your eyes glance over to Anon's varsity jacket. >Alone with you. >On your bed. >You shake your head and refocus on the textbook. >With that worksheet out of the way, it's time for Biology now. >You're still grateful the class doesn't require dissecting animals. >You'd probably faint. >The more you try to ignore the jacket, the more your mind screams at you about it. >It's so soft... >It felt like Anon was enveloping you in his care. >... >... >...You've got time. >You shove the textbook to the side and hop onto your bed. >You grab the jacket and hold it close to your body, trying to capture more of Anon's essence. >Does it..? >You look over and see Angel's napping and the door's closed. >...You're alone. >You grip the jacket and hold it up to your face, taking in a deep whiff. >...It smells just like him. >You're such a pervert, Fluttershy. >There's a fire inside you. >It's new. >It's unavoidable. >And it's for Anon. >You're still alone. >You know what you have to do now. >You can feel your cheeks flare up as you carefully remove your shirt and shorts. >Left in your underwear, you take another deep sniff of Anon's jacket. >Your hips start rocking the more you take in Anon's lingering scent. >You've been turned on before. >You've played with yourself before. >But this is new. >This is something else. >As if on autopilot, your bra and panties come off. >You're completely naked. >The sensation of Anon's jacket grazing across your exposed skin is driving you up the wall. >You're shameless. >A single finger venturing south confirms your suspicions. >You're wet. >You're so wet. >If only he could see you now. >If only he knew how much you want him. >...You can wash the jacket tomorrow. >You slowly and sensually run the jacket up and down your naked body. >A sharp gasp escapes your lips as the soft jacket grazes across your womanhood. >Your nipples are so sensitive. >Your breathing is much more intense. >You take in another deep whiff of Anon's lovely scent. >You throw it onto the pillow under your head and flip your body around, your butt sticking in the air. >Both your hands gently knead your nipples as you continue taking in the jacket. >Your knees relax, and you rub your exposed midsection on a nearby pillow. >The more you work your body, the louder your moans become. >You pause for a moment, catching your breath. >If there's one thing to ruin the moment and raise some extremely awkward questions: It's your parents barging in to investigate the noises. >You grab another pillow nearby and bite down on it to suppress the lewd noises you're making. >Suddenly, you're much more aware of your situation. >You're completely naked. >Playing with yourself using Anon's favorite jacket. >And you love it. >You fall deeper into your haze. >You can almost hear Anon's lovely voice whispering right into your ear. >"I love you, Fluttershy." Your imaginary Anon whispers. >You flip your body around to lie flat on your back. >"I love everything about you, Fluttershy." >Your hands travel up and down your exposed skin. >"I love your hair..." >You gently twirl your hair. >"I love your eyes..." >You gently caress your own face. >"I love your voice..." >You suck on your index finger. >"I really love your curves..." >Your hands continue exploring your nude form. >"You're the most beautiful, perfect girl I've ever known, Fluttershy..." >You squeeze Anon's jacket between your legs, rubbing against your pussy. >"...You want me, don't you?" You imagine Anon whisper teasingly. "Yes..." You softly gasp. >"I want you to hear you say it, Fluttershy." "I want you, Anon..." >You can almost feel Anon's husky breathing on your neck. >"I really want you too, Fluttershy. More than anything." >You love how Anon says your name. >You gently suck on your left index and middle finger as your right hand ventures to your warm, soaking entrance. >"Let me show you how much I want you, Fluttershy." >You start rubbing your womanhood, and you moan louder. >You quickly grab a pillow to cover your mouth. >You quickly get into a rhythm, rocking your hips up in time with your gentle strokes. >You've never been this wet before. >Feeling brave, you slide a single finger inside, and you almost scream in pleasure. >You toss the pillow aside and bite down on the jacket. >Such lewd moaning escapes your lips. >You get your second hand involved, sliding another finger inside. >You can feel it coming. >You've lasted longer before. >But tonight is different. >Anon doesn't know it. >But you're putty in his hands. >You flip over one last time and energetically hump the red varsity jacket. >The imaginary voice of Anon graces your ear once more. >"Cum, Fluttershy." >Immediately after, you're finished. >It feels like gallons of your juices pour out of your honey pot. >Directly onto Anon's jacket. >You almost scream in pleasure, the lewd sounds muffled by the pillow. >The exhaustion kicks in immediately, and you collapse onto your bed. >Looking over, you're relieved to see Angel still asleep. >You grab the jacket to inspect the damage. >No visible stains, but the smell is VERY noticeable. >If you gave it back to him like this, he'll figure out what the smell is and think you're a dirty pervert. >...It's not like he'd be wrong... >You open up your phone and set your alarm for half an hour earlier. >This gives you enough time to wash the jacket before you leave for school. >Tossing your phone aside, you decide to bask in the afterglow of your wonderful little session. >Homework doesn't matter, you can do that before it's due. >You lie back on your bed, your naked body still exposed to the cool air of night. >You feel so sexy. >This must be what Rarity feels like. >Well, she's been with other boys before. >You haven't. >...Not yet. >You can feel yourself grow more sleepy. >You situate yourself one last time, snuggled comfortably under your blanket. >Tomorrow is a new day. >You'll have another chance with Anon tomorrow. >Before you drift off to sleep, you whisper: "Goodnight, Anon..." --ANONYMOUS-- >You had trouble sleeping last night. >Despite how tired you felt, you just couldn't fall asleep until like 11. >You've been trying to go to bed earlier, but oh well. >Weirdly, you thought about Fluttershy a lot last night. >And one thing led to another, and your faithful sock got put to use once more. >But that's whatever. >The morning classes go by smoothly, and lunch comes by soon. >Today you're actually allowed to spend that time in the cafeteria. >Grabbing a tray, you fill it up with food and take your usual spot at your usual table. >Norman isn't far behind. "Don't think I've forgiven you." You immediately state. >"Dude, it was ONE lunch detention, get over it." He shrugged off. "Because of something YOU did!" >"I said I was sorry!" >You groan and turn your attention to your food. >"But that's not what's really most important." Norman notes. >You turn to him, raising an eyebrow. >"Fluttershy!" >You turn back to your food, hoping your cheeks don't give you away. >"Why haven't you asked her out yet?" "I dunno, I'm waiting for the right time." You shrug. >"Dude, let me lay this out for you: You spend four days out of the week alone with Fluttershy for like four hours a day." >You roll your eyes. >"This is an opportunity bestowed upon you by Shiva Gautama Christ-Chan, the One, True God." "I'll ask her out, okay? Just.. give me time." >"Alriiiiiiight..." Norman groans, getting into his mashed potatoes. >You pick at your food some more, Fluttershy invading your mind once more. >Angelic really is the word for her. >Just thinking about her makes your heart race. >You've had crushes on girls before, but this is different... >She makes you feel like you actually exist. >That's something that no other girl has made you feel. >You'd give anything for her to return your feelings. >"Hey, Anon!" Yells a voice a few tables over. >Looking over, you see Rainbow Dash sitting with her friends, waving you over. >Fluttershy's there too. >Norman nods at you. >You take your tray and rather awkwardly make your way over to Rainbow's table. >They quickly accommodate you, making a space to sit between Pinkie and Fluttershy. >You really hope your embarrassment isn't showing. >Being surrounded by so many pretty, popular girls. "Wh-What's up, Rainbow?" You ask. >"You met Kurt Wylde!?" She eagerly asks. >You chuckle a bit and roll your eyes. "That was two years ago and it lasted MAYBE thirty seconds." >"What was he like?" Rainbow prods further. "I dunno, he seemed cool." >"You gotta introduce me!" >You laugh at the idea. "No promises!" >You notice Fluttershy smiling at you. >"I, uh, h-here's your jacket back." She stammers, holding it out for you, all neatly folded. >You gratefully accept it back, taking a slight sniff to see if it's clean. >Yep, you smell lavender. >Fluttershy's blushing furiously and desperately avoiding your eyes. >"Whatcha did for Fluttershy yesterday was really decent of ya, Anon." Applejack notes. >"Indeed! There's so many horrible ruffians who could have made poor Fluttershy so miserable! She's lucky to have you!" Rarity adds. >You blush a bit at the praise. "I'd want someone to help me like that if I was ever in that situation." You reply, trying to stay humble. >"Regardless, we're all still grateful you helped her out." Sunset notes. >It feels weird to have Sunset Shimmer be nice to you. >She really has turned over a new leaf. >"Fluttershy's really hot, isn't she?" Pinkie suddenly asks. >You almost choke on your food, and Fluttershy shoots her gaze down to her tray. >"Pinkie!" Twilight scolds her. >"What?" Pinkie defends. "Uh, yeah, I-I guess so..." You stammer out, praying you still look composed. >"ANYWAY, It must've been a big deal for you to give Fluttershy your nice jacket." Twilight diverts the conversation. "Eh, not really." You bluntly reply. >Suddenly, Flash appears between Twilight and Rarity. >Space is made for him, and it starts to feel a lot more claustrophobic. >"So did Fluttershy steal your jacket or something?" Flash asks you. >Her eyes turn to you, hoping you don't tell him about her situation. "Oh, nah, I actually lost it in a competition." >"Competition?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, last Friday we wanted to see who could clean more dog kennels. Fluttershy's actually really competitive, and because she beat me, she got to wear my jacket for a day." You lie. >You can feel Fluttershy relax next to you. >"Fair enough. You could stand to get out of that thing every now and again." >You roll your eyes and take a sip of your milk. >"Remember when you almost passed out at the last Friendship Games because you refused to take the stupid jacket off?" "Almost! I didn't!" You hastily defend. >"Anon! Ya need to stay healthy!" Applejack scolds you. >"If you're going to risk your personal health for fashion, you could at least be fashionable." Rarity notes. >You roll your eyes with Rainbow and Applejack. "Whatever, that's not even the most interesting thing that happened." You say, grinning at Flash. >He gets what you're talking about, and he grins as well. >"Ooooh! Tell me, tell me!" Pinkie insists. "So at last year's Friendship Games, some Canterlot students were starting trouble with Crystal Prep's kids, and Flash and I got pulled aside by Abacus Cinch." You tell. >Twilight and Sunset lean in a bit, with everyone else listening intently. "She wanted to know out names to report us, Flash told her his name, but I..." You continue, feeling laughter coming on. >Flash starts laughing too. >"He told her..." He tries to say before succumbing to more laughter. >You take a moment to collect yourself before he speaks up again. >"Anon told Cinch his name was Black Dynamite." >Rainbow bursts out laughing, and you and Flash join her. >Pinkie and Applejack giggle along as well. "Let me tell you, hearing Cinch complain about what a horrible student Black Dynamite is was *priceless*." You add, whispering the last word for emphasis. >Flash and Rainbow are still in the middle of their giggle fit. >"Did you end up getting in trouble later?" Twilight asked. "Nope! As far as Cinch knows, my name's Black Dynamite." You proudly proclaim. >"Ya really shouldn't keep doin' that stuff. Yer gonna get in trouble eventually." Applejack notes. >You nod along with a smile. >You notice Fluttershy has her hand pretty close to yours. >You look back to her, but she looks away. >You spot Twilight and Sunset sharing a knowing look. >Don't overthink it, Anon! >The bell rings not long after, and the cafeteria quickly empties. >You wave goodbye to Fluttershy before heading off in opposite directions. >She very deliberately avoids the elevator as she walks off. >Smart move. >It really is a breath of fresh air to see her in good spirits again. >Fluttershy deserves the world. >Hopefully you deserve her. >Her friends like you, at least. >Pinkie's up to something. >Could she like you back? >Hopefully you'll know by the end of your time at the shelter today. >The rest of the day goes by without note. >Strength training is obviously the highlight of the school day, as usual. >Pipsqueak's as fun to work with as ever. >What he lacks in physical strength, he makes up for in enthusiasm. >But you're still thinking about Fluttershy. >You decide to push yourself and lift a bit more weight than you're used to. >You really need to get stronger. >For her. >Maybe she'll like you more if you're stronger. >She'll want someone who can protect her. >You should be able to protect her. >Pipsqueak nervously watched over you as you lift, expecting you to collapse at any moment. >To be honest, you almost do. >Pain is weakness leaving the body, right? >Right before your strength gives out, the final bell of the day rings, and you're liberated. >You eagerly weave your way through the halls and escape Canterlot High out the front doors. >Fluttershy's already there, but she doesn't have her pink fliers today. "Given up your search for more helpers?" You ask her. >"Hm... kind of." She replies, an air of satisfaction about her. >You're confused by this. "Don't you want more help around the shelter?" >"Nope. Today we should be fine by ourselves!" >You squint your eyes at her, trying to coax more of an answer out of her. >"L-Let's get going!" She leads on. >You walk by her side to the shelter. >At this point, you've well memorized the path to the shelter. >Surely she'd be proud. >Fluttershy was oddly quiet on the walk. >Sure, she's kind of already quiet as is, but she's more... at peace. >She really looks content. >You sigh happily and gaze into the horizon. >Today seems more beautiful, somehow. >Today feels different, and you're not sure why. >Any day with Fluttershy seems beautiful. "You look nice today, Flutters." You suddenly speak. >You almost clamp a hand over your mouth in response. >What the hell, Anon? >Where did that come from? >Fluttershy isn't saying anything in response. >She just looks away and smiles warmly. >You can feel your chest tighten. >Don't start embarrassing yourself now. >Don't blow your chances with her. "So, uh, d-did you have a nice day today?" You awkwardly ask. >Great, now you're becoming her. >"Today was better than yesterday, certainly." Fluttershy responds, with a hint of humor in her voice. >At least she's better spirited about what happened. >You're really glad you found her before someone like Hoops or Score. >Douchebags. >Before you know it, you're at Paws 2 Paws once more. >"Good afternoon, dears!" Grace warmly greets you and Fluttershy as you walk in. >You both wave back to her, heading to the back to get to work on cleaning. >Fluttershy seems much more determined today. >"Hey, you can handle the cats, right?" >You raise an eyebrow at her. "Yeah, why?" >"Well, I... I think we'd get done with cleaning a lot sooner if we both did the dogs and cats at the same time." Fluttershy explains. "Isn't that a handful? Having to clean and keep an eye on them at the same time?" >"Uh, kind of, but if we get done sooner, we can get to stuff like homework sooner! Besides, they're all well behaved and I could handle cleaning this entire place by myself when it was just me." >If she can do it, so can you. "Alright then, I'll trust you on this." You nod at her. >"Yay! You know what to do, so I'll meet you in the rabbit room!" She beams. >You wave goodbye and take one last look at her before you navigate to the cat room. >It felt kind of strange to be here alone. >Even with the cats, it feels really empty without Fluttershy. >You also felt a kind of pressure on you to perform. >She's not here to watch over you from the other room. >But you've got this. >You go down the rows of kennels and let each cat out after opening the door to the play room. >Once they've situated themselves, you close the door and get to work. >Sanitizer and washcloth at hand and gloves equipped, you get back into your scrubbing routine. >Every now and again you'd glance over to the cat room to see how they're doing. >While the cats were getting along just fine, you felt a slight pang whenever you noticed Fluttershy wasn't in there with them. >Don't you start getting sappy now, Anon. >She's in the other room, and you're gonna see her soon. >You shake your head and refocus on cleaning. >It takes about half an hour, but the kennels are as good as new. >At first, you want to check on how Fluttershy's getting by, but the cats in the other room pull you back. >You're here to care for them, not flirt with Fluttershy. >Carefully sneaking through the door, you settle on the floor to keep the cats company. >The cats have grown much more fond of you, and more eagerly approach you. >You greatly enjoy their soft fur as you gently pet them. >Looking around the room, it's business as usual. >They're all minding their own business, which is a relief. >About ten minutes go by of cats coming and going, and you're sure you've pet all of them at least once. >Soon your lower half is covered in cats. >You could fall asleep like this. >Drowning in pussy. >...You'll smack yourself for that later. >"Oh, there you are!" Fluttershy's voice suddenly rings out. >You're more startled than the cats, who must have heard her come in. "I'm sorry! I kinda lost track of time in here." You hastily defend. >"Oh, no worries! I was just curious as to why you weren't in the rabbit room." "I assume the dogs were easy to handle?" >"Yes, they were all nice to each other and the kennels were easy to clean!" "That's a relief!" >"M-hm! You did a great job cleaning the kitties' little homes too!" "Aww, thanks Flutters." You beam with pride. >You share a moment with her, warmly smiling at each other. >But she soon snaps back to reality. >Gravity intact. >"W-We should get to the bunnies and mice now." >Nodding, you carefully get up from the cat's entrapment and follow her to the rabbit room. >Once you two have arrived, she turns to you again. >"Uh... could you handle feeding the mice? I can do the rabbits." "Sure!" >"Yay!" >You take your experience from Friday comes in handy, and you carefully open the little enclosure after making sure the mice were away from the entrance. >You surgically remove the little food bowls and fill them up to proper amount with mice food and refill their little water dispensers. >It helps that the mice aren't used to you, as they can let you do your business. >Once they're all set, you gingerly close the enclosure back up and head over to Fluttershy. >She must already be done with her share of the work, as she's sitting by the pen watching the rabbits hop around. >She must have heard you, as you don't startle her as much as you thought you would. >"I'm proud of you, Anon." "Really? Why's that?" >"You've really situated yourself well here. I can tell the animals here really trust you." >She turns away, twirling her hair. "Thank you, Fluttershy." You respond genuinely. >You two get slightly closer. >"...You probably have homework, don't you?" "It's nothing much, really. I can just do it at home." >"Oh, good!" >A flash of nervousness crosses her face. >"Do you maybe wanna... I don't know... uh... watch the sunset with me?" >Her cheeks grow redder with each word. >Your heart leaps at her proposal. "That sounds really nice, I'd love to." >"Yay!" >You follow Fluttershy back out the door to the back yard, you sit down on the grass overlooking the horizon, and Fluttershy sits next to you. >Really close to you. >You can feel your heart racing. >Don't fuck up, Anon. >You start to feel uncomfortable in your jacket. "Hey, you don't mind if I take this off, do you?" You ask, motioning to your jacket. >"Yes! I mean no! I mean-" Fluttershy quickly sputters. >You chuckle at her cute display and carefully set your jacket to the side. >It's only now that you notice you're right next to her. >Her open hand is right next to yours. >DO IT. >You summon your inner Chad and rest your hand on top of hers. >Fluttershy freezes up at first, but relaxes and intertwines your fingers with hers. >Your heart's beating even faster now. >The sun sinks further down the sky. >Fluttershy rests her head on your shoulder. >You turn to face her. >"Um... what about the sunset?" "I'd rather look at you, Fluttershy." >At first she nervously giggles, but soon falls into a trance. >The world goes still. >It's silent now. >Your face draws closer to hers. >She draws closer to you. >Your noses gently bump each other. >Fluttershy closes her eyes. >She gently purses her lips. >You close your eyes. >Lean in. >And you kiss Fluttershy. >It's angelic. >It's beautiful. >It's... kind of awkward. >All those well-paid actors in those sappy romance movies make kissing look so easy. >Your lips are just kind of pressed against hers. >It seems like she doesn't know what she's doing either, which is a slight relief. >Fluttershy's lips taste really nice. >You can't quite place the exact taste. >After a few moments of kissing, you and Fluttershy pull apart from each other. >Her cheeks are still bright red, and yours probably are too. "...That was my first kiss..." You meekly admit. >"Yeah, mine too..." Fluttershy awkwardly giggles. >A moment passes. "...Wanna try again?" >"M-hm." >Fluttershy is feeling more bold now, and rests her hands on your cheeks as she goes in for a second kiss. >You're caught slightly off guard by her newfound bravado, but rest your hands on her hips as you return the kiss. >You two are more synchronized now, slightly opening and closing your mouths in tandem. >Fluttershy moans happily into the kiss. >You sigh dreamily. >This has to be a dream. >Surely. >That's the only explanation. >You're kissing Fluttershy and she's really enjoying it. >You gently feel Fluttershy's back. >Nope, this is real. >You two part once more to gaze into each other's eyes. >"...You're wonderful, Anon." Fluttershy sighs. >She rests her head on your shoulder. >You rub her back lovingly. "You're an angel, Fluttershy." You whisper back. >You can feel her smile into your neck. >She's partially climbed into your lap. >You get an idea, and part from her embrace to readjust yourself so that you're lying on the grass. >While slightly hurt at first by being parted, Fluttershy's eagerness quickly returns once she sees what you're up to. >She drapes an arm over your side as you capture her waist in your arms, lying on the grass and facing each other. >Fluttershy looks so happy. >So content. >You feel probably more so. "Waaaaait a minute, was washing the animals separately part of your scheme to get with me?" You lightly interrogate her. >"...Maaaaaybe." Fluttershy slyly responds. >You laugh slightly, as does she. >...She really is beautiful. >Her skirt's ridden up slightly, allowing you a nicer view of her delicious thighs. >You can even glimpse a slight portion of her cute tummy. >Fluttershy can tell you're eyeing her up. >"S-See something you like?" She awkwardly asks, trying to be seductive. >Rarity must have given her pointers. "Hm, I've been seeing it all afternoon." You reply, trying your own hand at being sexy. >Fluttershy smiles wider, intertwining her fingers with you. >"...I didn't actually think this would happen..." She glumly admits. >You're immediately confused by this. "Why not? I really like you!" >"I dunno, it's just... people... say things about me, and... you, uh... you're really handsome and I kinda... thought you already had a girlfriend..." >You're honestly flattered she thinks so highly of you. "Flutters, you're the first girl to ever be this nice to me. I actually don't... have a lot of friends, so it really means a lot to me." You admit. >She looks at you with slight concern. >"...Really?" "Yeah, it's really just you, Flash, Norman and Pipsqueak." >She looks upon with you with slight pity. >"That's too bad, Anon. You deserve a lot more friends!" >You chuckle. "Well, I'm glad you think so." >"I do." She smugly replies. "...I'm really lucky to share this moment with you, Flutters." >"Hm, I think I might be luckier." She smirks. >You sigh happily, looking Fluttershy in the eye. >You can spy her eyeing you up and down. >You smirk, getting an idea. "Want me to take anything else off?" You tease her. >"NOT YET!" Fluttershy immediately responds, as if to stop herself from saying anything else. >She's blushing furiously and has her hands over her mouth. >She's so adorable. >You nudge closer to her and pull her into a deep hug. >Fluttershy quickly sinks into your embrace. >She's so soft and warm. >Like a human-sized teddy bear. >You gently kiss her forehead, making her giggle a bit. >She nuzzles into your chest, which you immensely enjoy. >You trace circles on her back, helping her relax some more. >The sun has officially vanished over the horizon. >As much as it pains you, you have to head home soon. >Fluttershy could sense you were thinking this, and pulled away from the hug. >The look of sadness on her face really tugs on your heartstrings. >You retrieve your jacket from the grass and put it back on. "Say Flutters, what did you use to clean this? It's really nice now!" You ask her. >She blushes and looks away. >"Uh, j-just a special cleaner my family uses, and... uh... a super secret special ingredient." She answers. >Sounds about right. >You head for the door back inside, but Fluttershy quickly grabs your hand before you get too far away from her. >The cute gesture makes you smile some more. >It's a lot quieter inside, making it easier for you to get back to the entrance without disturbing the animals. >Backpack in hand, you're standing by the front door, Fluttershy beside you. "So, uh, looks like we're dating now." >"It sure does!" She smiles. >God damn she's cute. "Same time tomorrow?" >"You could sit with me and my friends at lunch again tomorrow, if you want." "Are you sure? I'd really hate to be intruding." >"No way, mister. If they'll let Flash in the table, they'll let you in too. I'll make sure of it!" She promises, standing up straighter. >You chuckle a bit. "Alright then, see you tomorrow!" You bid farewell, heading out the door. >"See you later! Text me!" She responds before you're out of earshot. >You turn back to her and give her a thumbs-up to indicate you heard her. >Walking down the street, you notice no one else is around. >You take a moment to pump your fists in the air and cheer in victory. >Today was a good day. >Who knows what tomorrow will hold. >Wednesday morning. >You almost leap out of bed. >You wake up 15 minutes before you're supposed to. >Only one thing's on your mind. >Your beautiful girlfriend, Fluttershy. >You waste no time in getting ready for the day. >Eat breakfast, brush teeth, get dressed, the whole nine yards. >The sooner you get ready, the sooner you can see her again. >You practically skip through the house. >You're gonna get to Canterlot High early to surprise Fluttershy. >Your dad notices your chipper mood. >"So what's her name?" >You stop dead in your tracks to face him. "Huh?" >"Kid, I'm a guy too. I know that guys are only that happy when they've got a new car or a new girl. Seeing as how there are the same amount of cars in the driveway now that there were yesterday, what's her name?" >Shoot, you're cornered. >Time to come clean. "...Fluttershy." You admit. >"That's the girl that you had over to study with, right?" >Please don't jump to conclusions, dad. "...Yep." You awkwardly answer. >He nods approvingly after a brief pause. >"She seems like a nice girl, I'm happy for you." "Thanks, dad." You reply, warmly. >"Well, I won't keep you any longer, knock 'em dead!" He encourages you. >You wave goodbye and race off to school. >For the first time in your life, you're eager to get to school. >The sun's barely risen over the horizon. >The air is cool and crisp. >Only a few birds could be heard chirping as they fly about. >It's oddly refreshing. >Now, for some music. >...Fuck it, you're in a good mood. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5DGcQoBC9k >The roads are as familiar as ever. >If more empty. >You check the time. >6:09. >Classes start at 7:30. >You'd be surprised if Norman was even awake right now. >To be fair, you wouldn't be awake right now normally, either. >You arrive at Canterlot High in no time. >You're surprisingly out of breath, whereupon you notice you've been jogging through town. >You sit down on the steps to catch your breath. >Looks like only the staff are here right now. >...That horse statue is kind of strange, now that you're really looking at it. >Who's the horse? >What's it famous for? >And why did the mirror at the bottom wobble- >"Wasn't expecting to see any kids here so soon." >Your attention snaps to the source of the voice. >It's the janitor. >Discord, right? "Just... decided to be the early bird." You answer him. >He's looking as disheveled as ever. >He squints at you to try to get more of an answer out of you, but relents. >"Eh, you don't look like you're gonna do anything that'll get you in trouble." >He shrugs and goes in through the side entrance to start working. >Something about him gives you the willies. >Oh well, shouldn't be too much longer until other students start showing up. >You idly browse the various social media platforms you frequent. >It's the same as usual. >...Maybe you should have texted Fluttershy. >You could have coordinated a walk to school together. >You smack yourself for your lack of foresight. >You've made your bed, now you gotta lie in it. >Fortunately it doesn't take much longer for some other kids to start showing up. >One of them sticks out to you. "Hey, Sunset." You casually greet. >You'd be lying if you said you didn't still feel a little nervous talking to her. >She turns to face you. >"Oh, hey Anon." She greets you back. >"What brings you here so early?" Sunset asks you. "Just... wanted to get a jump-start on the day." >Sunset takes a seat next to you on the stairs. >You get some odd looks as you sit with her, but nobody says anything as they head inside. >"I can understand that." >There's kind of an awkward silence between you and Sunset. >"...You know, I'm not dumb, Anon." "Huh?" >"I know you're still kind of afraid of me." >Shoot, you're found out. >You nod rather shamefully. >"...I don't blame you." >You turn to face her. >"I made a lot of bad decisions, and I did a lot of... bad things. To people who didn't really deserve it." >Sunset wears an incredibly shameful expression. >"And to be honest, I don't remember if I was horrible to you." "Don't worry, you weren't." >While you never had a run-in with her personally when she was Queen of the school, you've heard enough stories about her to know to stay away. >"I just want to say... I'm sorry, Anon." >This is the most genuine you've ever seen her. >You do suddenly feel a lot more comfortable about her. >After all, you never know what she's really going through. >You smile at her encouragingly. "I forgive you, Sunset." >She smiles back you gratefully. >"So what are you-" >"What's up, dudes?" >You two turn to face Rainbow, who just arrived. >"I was just getting to know Anon better." Sunset answered. "Yeah, we were jut talking." >"About time you got out of your shell a bit." Rainbow snorts. >You roll your eyes, until a question pops in your mind. "Hey, have you seen Fluttershy this morning?" You ask Rainbow. >"Not yet, but she usually gets here in about... five minutes." Rainbow answers, checking the time. >"You seem awfully fond of her." Sunset remarks. >You almost tell her what happened last night, but decide against it. >Fluttershy should be the one to tell her friends. >"Yeah Anon, you DO seem to be pretty close to Fluttershy..." Rainbow grins. >"Indeed he does!" Rings a new voice. >Oh joy, it's Rarity. >"Hey, Rares, we've been interrogating Anon on his relationship with Fluttershy." Rainbow jokes. >"Oh, have you, now?" Rarity asks, grinning at you. >Soon all three are leering at you. >Pressure's building. >Then you get an idea. "Alright, fine, I...I have a crush on Fluttershy." You half-admit. >"Aww, that's precious!" Rarity coos. >"I knew it!" Rainbow cheered. >"Yeah, I figured." Sunset grinned. >Even though you're dating her now, you feel your cheeks glow at all this attention. >"So when are you gonna tell her?" Sunset asks you. >You shrug, continuing the act. "I'll know when it's time to tell her." >"Oh, boo! That's no way to court a lady!" Rarity scolds you. "I'm just not a very romantic person!" You defend. >"You could at least plan SOMETHING." Rainbow interjects, exasperated. "I'll think of something!" >"If it's any help... if you asked her out, she'd probably say yes." Sunset teases. >You have no idea. >Still, it's nice to think about. "...Really?" You ask, faking your intrigue. >"Oh, you never know, it could be just a coincidence that she seems a lot more comfortable and happy around you." Rainbow adds with a grin. >"Hey, girls! Hey, Anon!" Rings a soft voice. >Even though you've become used to her, her appearance still makes your heart skip a beat. >Fluttershy's finally arrived. >The three girls eye each other knowingly before Rainbow speaks up. >"Anon's got something he wants to tell you, Fluttershy." >You would be furious at her, but you're two steps ahead. >Fluttershy's eyes turn to you. >"What is it?" >You grin at her. "I've got a crush on you, that's all." >Fluttershy giggles softly. >"I know, silly." >Rainbow's smug expression immediately vanishes. >"Huh?" >Fluttershy sighs wistfully before elaborating. >"Yesterday, at the animal shelter, we got done cleaning the kennels early, so we decided to go out and watch the sun set. And then, right when the sun dipped below the horizon, we... kissed. It was so wonderful." >Rarity squeals in delight. >Sunset grins in approval. >Rainbow doesn't like being undercut. >"So, you two are, what, dating now?" Rainbow asks, hiding her annoyance. >"M-hm!" Fluttershy happily answers. >Suddenly, something occurs to Sunset. >"That's why you came here so early!" She deduces, pointing to you. "Heh, yep, you got me." You grin. >"You coulda just texted her." Rainbow informs you. "Yeah, I figured that out." >"What Anon means is that he was so eager to see you again that he got here at like 6:15." Sunset explains to Fluttershy. >"Oh, that's so sweet!" Fluttershy swoons. >"But then we got in the way." Rainbow remarks. >"I'll leave you two lovebirds be, and you girls should as well." Rarity states, heading inside. >Rainbow's about to make some witty comment, but a stern look from Sunset convinces her to head inside as well. >Thankfully, you're left alone with Fluttershy. >"Pinkie and Applejack usually get here with Twilight in a bit, so we don't have to worry about them." Fluttershy explains. >You nod along. >After looking around to make sure no one's looking, she gently takes your hand leads you to the side of the school. "You're not embarrassed of me, are you?" You tease. >She takes both your hands in hers and shakes her head. >"No no, it's just... this is all very new to me, and I just worry about what other people could think." >That makes sense. "So... what did you lead me over here for?" >"This." >She stands on the tips of her toes and captures your lips in another kiss. >Her soft lips are as sweet as ever. >Your eyes drift closed as you sink into the kiss. >It's more brief than yesterday, since you're under a time limit. >Pulling away, you notice Fluttershy's cheeks are glowing slightly. >"That's for forgetting your goodbye kiss yesterday, mister." She teasingly scolds you. >You nod along. "Yeah, I'm sorry." You smile. >She gently brushes her thumbs across the back of your hands. >"Ohhhh fine, I'll let you off the hook. But just this once!" >You giggle lightly at her sternness. >"...It also might have something to do with how much I like kissing you." >You plant a chaste kiss on her lips. "I can imagine." >Fluttershy looks around, double-checking that no one is watching. >Fortunately, it's just you two. >But you could think of more romantic locations than the side of Canterlot High. "Don't worry, we'll have our privacy later today at the shelter." >"I know, it's just... I'm kinda worried about you." >You're really caught off guard by this. "What does that mean?" >Fluttershy sighs deeply, her expression falling. >"I just... I don't know... I'm worried people will start saying things about you if they notice you're dating me." >You furrow your brow at her. >"People can be so mean, and a lot of other students think I'm weird, and I just... I don't want you to have to deal with that." >Undeterred, you gently lift her chin so your eyes can meet hers. "Fluttershy, I don't care about what other people think. I'm really happy to be dating you." >She's still not entirely persuaded. >"The boys can be... rougher, and I-" >You cover her lips with a single finger. "Believe me, Fluttershy. I can handle it." >She finally relents and eases her posture. >You're still covering her lips, so she nods in agreement. >Soon after, the first bell of the day rings. >You walk towards the door, but Fluttershy stops you. >"Um... since our first classes are kinda close together, do you wanna... hold hands?" >God damn she's adorable. >You take her hand in yours and you smile at her warmly. "I'd love to." >As you walk to class, you can sense a new confidence in your girlfriend. >You're as antsy as you were this morning to get back together with Fluttershy. >She must have put nicotine in her lipstick or something. >Algebra class is as dull as usual. >Naturally, your mind drifts away. >...Fluttershy may have a point. >Hoops, Score and Dumb-bell could make you miserable if they wanted to. >There's three of them and one of you, and they're all stronger than you. >Dating "Fluttercry" would give them a reason to pick on you. >And it's easy to predict that they'll be rougher on you in their bullying. >...No. >That's not important. >Fluttershy is what's really important. >If push ever comes to shove, you'll get Vice Principal Luna involved. >As lame as that sounds, it's a safer bet than getting directly confrontational with those three. >Now, who else could be trouble... >Snails and Snips immediately pop into your mind. >Along with an incident last year where they tried to get Featherweight to take upskirt pictures of the female students. >Thankfully, that went nowhere. >Gilda... >You're not gonna lie to yourself, she kind of scares you. >She's got at least four inches on you and could probably bench press you. >Then again, she only beats up people who annoy her. >Stay out of her way and you should be good. >Trixie? >Nah, she's more annoying than anything else. >...That's about it, really. >After what happened with Sunset last year, Principal Celestia's really cracked down on bullying at Canterlot High. >Something about the Fall Formal... >You might need to get out more. >It couldn't hurt to go to a school dance every now and again. >"Anonymous!" >Your attention snaps back to the board. >Ms. Harshwhinny's frowning at you with an equation on the board next to her. >"Do you know what the value of X is?" >You haven't done any work on that. >This is the cost of zoning out. "...I plead the fifth." >Some giggling could be heard as Ms. Harshwhinny rolled her eyes and asked someone else. >After what felt like ages, lunch finally came. >As soon as you get to the cafeteria, you remember Fluttershy's words yesterday. >You should still play it safe. >As usual, you waited in line and got your tray filled with grub. >But today, you waited off to the side for Fluttershy to show up. >You try your best to not look awkward, standing around waiting for her. >Everyone's too absorbed in their own conversations to pay you much attention. >Luckily, Fluttershy wasn't too far behind you, and soon showed up with her own little lunch bag. >You make your way over to her, and she's happy to see you once more. >"Were you waiting for me?" She asks you. "Yeah, I didn't want to just invite myself to your friend's table." >"That's probably a good idea. But I'm sure they like you!" >Fluttershy leads you over to her usual lunch table, where Sunset, Twilight, Applejack and Pinkie already are. >"Girls, this is my... b-boyfriend, Anon!" Fluttershy introduces you, stumbling over saying the magic word. >"We met him yesterday, silly!" Pinkie reminds her. >"Oh, right, well, yesterday he was just a friend." Fluttershy corrects herself. >"At any rate, it's a pleasure t'meetcha, Anon!" Applejack greets you. >You semi-nervously wave to the group. >Pinkie makes space and you sit between her and Fluttershy. >"You shoulda seen Rarity talking about you two! She was so giddy about how cute you two are together!" Pinkie chirped. "Really?" >Sunset and Twilight share a look. >"Yup, she made it sound like somethin' out of a fairy tale." Applejack continued. >"She's just really happy for you two." Twilight added. >"Indeed I am!" Rarity spoke from behind you. >She took her usual seat, with Rainbow with her. >"I look at you two and I see genuine affection! Too many relationships at Canterlot are purely physical, and I'm tremendously grateful that dear Fluttershy found someone she truly trusts and who cares for her!" Rarity ranted. >You never thought Rarity would speak of you so highly. "I really hope I'm not intruding on your little circle of friends here." >"Nonsense! If Fluttershy trusts you enough to develop romantic feelings for you, then surely you're no ruffian!" Rarity quickly insists. >"Any friend of Fluttershy is a friend of ours!" Twilight added cheerfully. >You smile, accepting their hospitality. >"So you two got any hot date plans for tonight?" Pinkie asks, leaning forward. >"W-We're just gonna do more helping out around the shelter." Fluttershy admits. "Yeah, that's what we're there to do, after all." >Suddenly, something occurs to Fluttershy. >"Oh no, the soccer game!" >"I'm so sorry to leave you alone at the shelter on Friday, Anon. I promised Rainbow I'd be at her first game of the season, and I-" "Hey, it's okay, I'm sure I can handle it." You reassure her. >Rainbow looks slightly apologetic. >"Hey, uh, y'know, it's cool if you want to-" Rainbow starts, but is cut off by Fluttershy. >"I promised! And I keep my promises!" Fluttershy insists. >Rainbow relents and sits back a bit. >"You two lovebirds still have after school today an' tomorrow." Applejack notes. >Out of the corner of your eye, you notice your usual table. >Flash is sitting with his band mates, and Norman's leering at you. >The conversation's turned to more mundane topics and stuff you're not really familiar with. >Once again, Fluttershy's hand is close to yours. >You test the water by brushing your hand across hers. >She's caught slightly off guard, but relaxes and accepts your hand in hers. >Her hand is so soft and warm. >She smiles at you, and you smile back. >"Awww, you two are too much!" Rarity swoons. >Rainbow pretends to gag. >The rest of lunch goes by without much note. >Food is eaten, small stories and jokes are exchanged. >It really doesn't take long for you to feel comfortable around the girls. >Once the bell rings, you hold Fluttershy's hand for a little longer before parting ways to class. >Weight lifting class is the only class of note, as usual. >Today it's back to bench pressing. >Pipsqueak's already there, and fist bumps you once you two meet. >"How's it been, Anon?" "Well, can you keep a secret?" >He raises his eyebrows in interest. >"It depends..." He jokes. >You move over to your bench at the end of the room. >Coach Soarin is here overseeing the class, so at least you don't have to worry about Dumb-bell, Score and Hoops being assholes. >Pipsqueak's eager to hear your secret. >You glance around for added effect, then lean a bit closer to him. "I'm dating a girl now." >"Dude, that's awesome!" He cheers. >He quiets down to avoid getting unwanted attention. >"What's her name?" >You hesitate a bit before telling him. >You doubt he'll look down on her. "Fluttershy." You answer. >Pipsqueak is caught slightly off guard by this, but still approves. >"She's nice!" "Yeah, she sure is." You smile. >Not wanting to waste too much time, you put 150 pounds on the bar. >You get into position on the bench, beneath the bar. >You steady your breath, brace yourself, and with some assistance from Pipsqueak, you lift the bar off the rack and begin your repetitions. >You're feeling more ready to lift today. >The 150 pounds proved to be easier than usual. >You're showing progress already. >Not too long after you start, you've already completed your ten repetitions. >Pipsqueak helps you place the bar back on the rack before you get up. >"So I guess you're her new helper?" He asks you. "Yup, you got me." >He nods to himself as he replaces the weights. "Girls like it when a guy helps them out with stuff, Pipsqueak." You inform him. >"I'll keep that in mind!" He replies, having shifted the weight to 125 pounds. >You get behind the bar and ready yourself to assist him as necessary. >Pipsqueak struggles more than you when it comes to lifting. >Granted, this isn't unexpected, but it's still hard to watch. >You make extra careful to be ready to lift the bar off him at any moment. >Out of the corner of your eye, you spot those three again. >Coach Soarin is still making sure everyone's staying on task, so they're trying to sneak their remarks to each other in between repetitions. >Only two people are allowed at each bench, so Score's lifting with one of the football players while Hoops and Dumb-bell are at a bench. >Every now and again, you would notice them glance over at you. >...Could they know? >Maybe one of them could have seen you with Fluttershy. >Don't stress about this, Anon. >Stay focused. >With strained groaning, Pipsqueak manages to get the bar back on the rack. "You look like you could use some water." You remark. >He weakly nods in response. >With a nod to Coach Soarin, you head outside to the water fountain. >You idly lean against the wall as Pipsqueak greedily slurps down the fountain's cold water. >He really takes his time drinking. >At least an entire minute passes before he backs away from the fountain. "You seem more exhausted today than usual." You note. >Pipsqueak nods, still catching his breath. >"I've been trying harder to get stronger." "You've still gotta pace yourself, man. You're gonna end up seriously hurting yourself otherwise." >"Yeah, I know..." >You get a quick sip from the fountain, since you're here. >"So how's Fluttershy?" "She's... really nice, and cute, and she's always really pleasant to be around." >Pipsqueak smiles at you. >"That's cool! Maybe you could help me get a girlfriend!" >You chuckle a bit. "I'll see what I can do." >"If anyone knows how to get a girl, it's one of you cool seniors!" >You laugh at his praise. "Well, one of those last two words is right!" >Deciding you shouldn't loiter for too long, you two return to the weight room to continue lifting until the final bell of the day rang. >Once again, you make your way out the front doors of Canterlot High. >This time, you've got an extra pep in your step. >As certain as the sun rising in the morning, there she is. >Standing by the horse statue is Fluttershy. >She doesn't have any more fliers with her, and happily walks to meet you off to the side. >Once you're out of the way of the spillage of students pouring out of the building, her cheeks start glowing again. >"Um, can we hug at the shelter?" She nervously asks you. "Sure!" You reply, walking with her. >Once she's certain she's out of view of the other students, she shyly takes your hand in hers. >You give her hand a reassuring squeeze, and soon she relaxes. >"I'm sorry, Anon. I don't want you to think I'm embarrassed of you." Fluttershy says to you. "Hey, don't worry, I understand." You assure her. >"I'll get more comfortable in public with you, I promise!" >You take her other hand so she can face you. "Fluttershy, please don't think I expect you to 'perform'. You mean a lot to me, and I really want to make sure you feel comfortable." >"But you... you're really nice to me, and I want to be the girlfriend you deserve." "But you are!" >She glances around, slightly ashamed. >Eventually, she hangs her head in defeat. >"...Okay, I'm sorry." >You bump your nose against hers. "Fluttershy, you don't have anything to apologize for. I'm new to relationships, too. We can figure this stuff out together." >Her beautiful smile graces her face once more. >"Thank you, Anon." >Deciding to seize the opportunity and capture her lips in another kiss. >Fluttershy seems like she was expecting this, and eases into the kiss much sooner. >This kiss doesn't last for very long, as there are animals that need to be tended to. >Fluttershy holds your hand all the way to the shelter, more at peace. >"I was thinking, maybe you could clean the dog kennels today, and I do the kitties', so that we can... you know..." "It's a date!" You smirk. >Arriving at the animal shelter, Fluttershy quickly greeted Grace as she led you to the back. >You only had enough time to wave to her before you're ushered past the door. >Fluttershy lets the dogs out of their kennels and leads them to the yard. >Once you're outside with her, she wraps her arms around your torso and pulls you into a deep hug. >You can tell she really wanted this. >You gratefully return the hug, wrapping your arms around her upper body. >Fluttershy rests her head on your shoulder and sighs happily. >You enjoy taking in her softness and warmth once more. >A few moments go by before you try to pull away. >Fluttershy's determined to stay attached to you. "Hey Flutters, shouldn't we-" >"Just a little longer, please?" >Well, since you asked so nicely. >You oblige and grant her another few more moments of hugging before she pulls away from your embrace. >"I just... really missed that." She blushes. "So did I." You reply genuinely. >Looking over, the dogs are still doing as well as ever, prancing around the field. >It must be nice, having so little concerns in life. >But at least you have a home. >They don't. "So I clean the dog kennels while you clean the cat kennels?" You clarify. >"M-hm. What time is it now?" >You check the time on your phone. "3:39." >"Then meet me in the rabbit room at... 5:15?" "Sounds good!" >"Yay! See you soon!" She chirps. >Before she heads off, you grab her attention. "One more thing:" >You carefully remove your jacket and place it to the side. "You win." >Fluttershy grins triumphantly. >"I sure did!" >Fluttershy blows you a kiss before disappearing behind the door to the cat room. >You stand around for a moment, relishing the memory. >But you can't keep standing around. >Time to get to cleaning. >Cleaning is about as fun as it usually is. >Tedious, but not at all difficult. >You don't even have the benefit of Fluttershy looking graceful as she manages the dogs out the window. >You admit to feeling more vulnerable without your jacket. >But it's for the best. >Getting it ruined would be disastrous. >Not to mention Fluttershy would surely get huffy after you made a point of cleaning without wearing it. >The sacrifices you make for love. >Once you get to Dixie's kennel, you're annoyed to find she left a... mess for you. >Again, tedious, but not difficult. >Plus Fluttershy's likely dealt with worse. >You need new gloves. >You fetch a hearty helping of towels and sanitizer spray along with your gloves. >The stench is incredibly unpleasant. >You steel your nerve, suppress your instinct to gag, and after not too long, the mess is disposed of. >The kennel is cleaned extra-thoroughly, just to be certain. >Dixie's gonna get a stern finger-wagging when you see her again. >But she's trapped in this kennel, she can't really do anything else. >It's really not worth getting annoyed over. >You take a moment to let off some pent-up stress with some deep breathing, and once you're back to normal, you get back to cleaning. >Fortunately, Dixie's kennel was the only one that offered an extra challenge, and you're done with the cleaning not long after. >Stretching in place, you store the cleaning equipment back to its proper storage place. >Next up: food and water. >This process is much easier and quicker, thankfully. >And less messy. >It only takes about five minutes to fill all the bowls up with food and water. >After placing the bag back in storage, you check the time. >4:51. >Geez, that long? >Time flies when you have fun. >You step outside to oversee the dogs before you have to return them to their kennels. >They all seem more tired now, either sunbathing or walking around. >You sit by your usual spot and let your thoughts wander. >...Your mind doesn't wander to anywhere meaningful. >Except for kissing Fluttershy some more. >This goes by for a good amount of time, but 5:10 eventually comes. >The dogs seem to understand what time it is, and thankfully are helpful in going back to their kennels. >You can sense some sadness in being returned to their cages, but that can't be helped. >The smaller dogs, save for Dixie, are rather cooperative and don't wiggle too much in your grasp. >But while they didn't resist too much, you underestimated the amount work that would be needed to return all the dogs to their temporary homes. >By the time you're done, it's 5:17. >After a quick double-check to ensure that the kennels are secure, you grab your jacket off the counter and hurry over to the rabbit room. >Right before entering, you take a moment to pause and walk through the door calmly. >Better not startle Fluttershy or the animals. >When you enter, you see Fluttershy's already tending to the rabbits. >"Looks like you took your time." She giggles. >You rub the back of your head. "Yeah, it turned out to be more work than I anticipated." >"I'm just happy you decided to not clean with your nice jacket on!" >You place the jacket on the counter and head to the cabinet containing the mouse food. "I guess I'm taking care of the mice?" >"Yeah, but you can feed the rabbits tomorrow!" >You wave off her concern. "Okay! I just wanted to double-check." >Fluttershy hums and returns her attention to the rabbits. >It's clear she trusts you around the animals on your own. >It's a nice feeling, to have her trust. >The feeding of the mice goes by quickly and simply. >This time, however, you could actually spot a mouse or two in the tubes before you open the enclosure. >The mice stay far away, but they're starting to understand you're a benevolent being who brings food and water. >Their tiny food bowls are filled, and the water dispenser is refilled with the alkalized water. >With the enclosure secured and the food placed back in the cabinet, you walk over to Fluttershy. >She's still idly petting the rabbits, so you kneel beside her to admire the critters alongside her. >Fluttershy senses your presence, so fortunately you don't startle her. >"Can you keep a secret, Anon?" >You turn to her, intrigued. "For you, Flutters, anything." >She turns to you, slightly ashamed. >"...The rabbits are my favorite." >You chuckle at how serious she is about her "secret". "That's it?" >She harumphs slightly. >"I'm the caretaker of all these animals! I can't have favorites! I have to love them all equally!" She states exasperatedly. "THE caretaker?" You ask her with a grin. >She realizes what she said and becomes slightly embarrassed. >"Uh, I meant one of the caretakers." Fluttershy corrects herself. "That's better." You remark, watching the rabbits hop around. >Fluttershy pauses for a moment. >"...You PROMISE to keep it secret?" >You turn to her and hold up three fingers on your right hand. "Scout's honor." >She sighs in relief. >"Thank you, boyfriend." >Fluttershy giggles at herself, still getting used to the idea of having a boyfriend. >You notice the water dispenser's fully filled and the food bowls are full as well. "So... what now?" >Fluttershy shifts herself slightly before answering. >"Well, uh, I was kinda hoping that we could... uh... d-do what we did... yesterday?" >You're gonna have some fun with this. "But Flutters, we already cleaned the kennels!" >"N-Not that, the-the thing we did... after..." >You grin at her. >"...Y-You know what I'm talking about!" "Maybe, but I wanna hear you say it." >Her head falls in an over dramatic manner as you giggle at how annoying you're being about this. >She rolls her eyes and looks back up at you. >"...Do you wanna go out back and kiss some more?" >You smile at her and gently take her hand. "I'd love to." >You gently lead Fluttershy to the yard that was once populated by the dogs. >The sun's beginning to set. >You two sit down on a small hill facing the horizon, but farther away from the fence. >You start to feel less weird without your jacket. >Once you two are comfortably sitting on the grass, Fluttershy turns to face you. >"...I'm gonna kiss you now." >God bless this girl. "Seems to me like you're talking." >"Don't worry, I'll kiss you now." >Before you can make another witty remark, Fluttershy dives in and firmly plants her lips against yours. >Well, as firm as she could manage. >You gratefully return the kiss, leaning into her gently. >As she gets more comfortable with you like this, Fluttershy gently rests her hands on your cheeks. >You carefully place your hands on her hips, which you can tell she appreciates. >Her soft lips now have a faint flavor to them. >...Strawberry? >You'll roll with it. >Your lips move in synchronization with hers, gently opening for air in tandem. >Fluttershy sinks into the kiss further, and you feel more comfortable tightening your arms around her waist. >Fluttershy is careful to tighten her grip on your face, not wanting her fingernails to dig into your face. >Her hips are so soft and lovely. >The only thing separating your hands from her skin is her tank top. >You shouldn't risk it. >You've only been dating her for a day, you don't want to come on too strong. >Suddenly, Fluttershy pulls away. >"I've been looking forward to this all day." She giggles. >You rest your forehead against hers. "I did too, Flutters." >A brief moment is shared of comfortable silence before Fluttershy speaks up again. >"Hey, Anon, d-do you, uh..." >She tries to hide behind her hair, getting increasingly flustered. >"Can I..." >She then puffs up her chest, brushes the hair out of her face, and looks you in the eyes. >"Can I sit on your lap while we kiss?" >It looks like she immediately regrets asking that, as her face glows like a Christmas light. >"N-Never mind, it was a dumb idea..." >She turns away in embarrassed shame. "Hey, sure you can!" >Fluttershy carefully peers at you from the corners of her eyes. >You pat your thigh encouragingly. "I kept your seat warm." >As if she was expecting this to be some kind of trap, Fluttershy slowly and carefully shifted her body to sit on your thighs. >She's sitting to the side, facing to your right with her thighs nestled comfortably on top of yours. >Then you get an idea. "Now, what would you like for Christmas, young lady?" You tease her. >Fluttershy tries to suppress a giggle, but one slips out. >"Very funny, Anon." >Your faces drift closer together. >"But I already have everything I want." >You can feel her breath on your skin. >"Right... here..." >This time, you beat her to the punch and capture her lips in another kiss. >The strawberry taste has faded somewhat, but you don't mind. >You've become more comfortable with handling her, so your arms are fastened semi-tightly around her thin waist. >Fluttershy seems more open to kissing now, as her arms are now draped around your neck. >There's a new intensity to her. >She's pressing her face against yours with more force. >Her breathing's becoming more heavy. >For the briefest moment, your tongue grazes hers. >You're both equally surprised by this, and quickly shoot apart from each other. >"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Anon, I didn't mean to- I just-" Fluttershy hastily sputters. "Why are you apologizing?" You ask her. >She's surprised by this question, and ponders on it for a moment. >"Because I... Because my tongue... it... you know?" >That's probably the best answer you're getting out of her. "It's not a big deal, Flutters." You assure her. >She's still embarrassed. "...I'll let you lead, okay?" >"...Really?" >You nod. "It just takes a bit of getting used to, that's all." >You rest your hand on her cheek, and she gently grabs your hand gratefully. >"Well... okay." Fluttershy relents. >You and Fluttershy meet in another kiss, but you can sense more apprehension in her now. >Her grip on your face is more rigid, and there's a noticeable tension in her body. >You try to give her an opening to try the tongue stuff again, but she's too nervous to. >It's like she's actively restraining herself from going any further. >You pull away from her and look at her. >"Oh no, I'm ruining this, aren't I?" She worries. "No no no, I just wanted to make sure you're comfortable with this." You quickly interject. >Her eyes dart around nervously. >"I am, I promise, I just... I'm sorry, this is all very new to me." >You rub her cheek to comfort her. "This kissing stuff is new to me, too." >She's not persuaded. >You tighten your arms around her hips, pulling her closer to you. "Flutters, you're not doing anything wrong, I promise." >You kiss her cheek, which you can tell makes her smile. >Eventually, she turns to face you again. >"Okay, I trust you." >Her smile is so refreshing. "Do you want to lead, or should I?" >Fluttershy ponders on this question. >"...I think you should lead." "Are you sure? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." >She rests her forehead against yours. >"I always feel safe with you, Anon." >Your look must still convey concern, because she plants a gentle kiss on your cheek. >"I promise I'll tell you when it's too much, okay?" "...Okay." >She smiles happily, feeling more confident now. >Once you start kissing her again, your tongue gently prods her lips, wordlessly requesting entrance. >Fluttershy tenses up for a moment, but obliges, and opens her mouth for you. >Almost surgically, your tongue snakes inside her mouth and makes contact with her tongue. >It's an incredibly awkward sensation to feel another person's tongue on your own. >You're so used to feeling only your own tongue. >But once you two get back into a rhythm, it feel much more natural. >You don't linger for too long, and retract your tongue to enjoy her lips some more. >Fluttershy seems to be a lot more eager to french kiss some more, so she doesn't waste much time in getting your tongue acquainted with hers. >It's not so much wrestling between you two as it is dancing. >You can tell she's trying to be more intense, but she's still Fluttershy. >So it's still rather gentle. >But she's trying, God bless her. >You can feel her arms tighten around your neck as you sink deeper into the kiss. >The little moans she's making are the cutest sounds you've ever heard. >Every now and again, you two would part for a very brief moment for a quick breath of air before diving back in. >Your hands travel up and down her back, making her body arch slightly. >She's sensitive to the touch, but clearly enjoying the sensation. >Her hands move from your neck to your arms, gently stroking your exposed forearms. >It's enough to give you goosebumps. >Fluttershy pulls away and giggle slightly. >"I think I like you better without your jacket." She admits. "Yeah, I can see that." You chuckle. >She takes in the sensation of your arms some more. >The color of the sky catches your attention. >The sun's just descended beneath the horizon, and the sky is painted in a hue of blue-purple. >You know what this means, and so does Fluttershy. >"I guess you gotta go now, huh?" "Yep..." >With great reluctance, she gets up from your lap. >You stand up and brush off the blades of grass from your pants. >The air is much more crisp now, with much less of the sun's warmth. >Fluttershy offers her hand to you, and you graciously take it. >She carefully leads you back to the front entrance, making sure not to wake up any of the animals that might be sleeping. >Grace is somewhere else in the building, so it's just you and her standing by the front doors. >There's no one outside to see you two. >Fluttershy takes your second hand and looks up at you warmly. >"Today was really nice, Anon." >You smile back at her. "Yeah, it really was. Thank you, Fluttershy." >The thought of leaving you alone here is still troubling her. "Hey, you don't need to worry about me on Friday. I know how to handle all the animals on my own." >"I know, it's just..." >She takes a moment to find the right words. >"I don't want you to be lonely without me." >You likely will feel lonely without her, but she can't know that. "It's only for one day! And we'll still have lunch together, right?" >She nods in agreement. >"Yeah, you're right... B-But I'll make it up to you somehow!" Fluttershy boldly states. >You chuckle at her display. "Flutters, you really don't need to-" >"No no, I want to!" >You smile and roll your eyes. "Okay, then." >"Maybe on Saturday we could get something together at Sugarcube Corner!" "Yeah, that sounds nice!" >"Yay!" Fluttershy softly cheers. >But she suddenly darts off back into the shelter. >You're left awkwardly standing around for a few moments before she comes back. >When Fluttershy returns, she's holding your neatly-folded jacket for you. >God dang it Anon, how could you forget your jacket? >You laugh at your forgetfulness and gratefully take the jacket back. "Thank you, Fluttershy." >She tries to subtly eye you up as you put your jacket back on. >"I still think you look better without your jacket..." "Yeah, I bet you'd like me more with less clothes on, huh?" You tease her. >Her cheeks flush red as her body language conveys extreme awkwardness. >"Uh... M-Maybe." She replies, trying to act smooth. >You chuckle at her display, but you've really gotta head home. >You pull Fluttershy into one more nice hug before you head out, which she happily returns. >Once you're both satisfied, you face the door, but she grabs your collar and pulls you into one last kiss. >Spending a moment with your lips united, she pulls away and smirks at you. >"You almost forgot the goodbye kiss again, mister!" She fake-scolds you. "Yeah, I'm sorry." You smile. >Taking her visage in one last time, you head out the door and trek home. >You manage to get home before it gets too dark out. >It can get real spooky in this suburban neighborhood with next to no crime. >Walking inside, you notice your mom's upstairs and your dad's asleep on the couch. >The hockey game's still on, so he must have had an exhausting day at work. >You grab a quick snack from the kitchen before heading upstairs to do your homework. >A couple bananas later, you're seated at your computer and are ready to work. >Chemistry homework is no fun. >But this time, you're a little more prepared. >Unlike Algebra earlier today, you paid attention in class. >That's dealt with inside 20 minutes. >English homework is really simple. >With that out of the way, you move on to history. >Filling out worksheets, surely preparing you for your future career. >With the internet handy, the worksheet is made short work of. >Algebra would have been difficult had it not been for the internet. >Ms. Harshwhinny's probably just bitter that she didn't have such handy tools when she was younger. >You say that assuming she ever was "younger". >Within an hour, all your homework's done. >You flop back on your bed and take a moment to rest. >...You really needed this. >You haven't really had a moment to yourself since this morning, where you woke up earlier than usual. >Oh shoot, that reminds you. >You retrieve your phone from your pocket and send a text to Fluttershy. [Hey, where should we meet to walk to school together tomorrow?] >While you wait for her to respond, you notice some other notifications. >They're all from Norman. >Opening them, you see a long list of texts from him. >[are u seriously still at the animal shelter] Reads the most recent text. [I'm home now] You respond. >It doesn't take long at all for him to respond to you. >[ugh, finally] [Why are u so antsy to hear back from me?] >[I don't want to see u getting pussy whipped] >You roll your eyes at his faux-concern. [seriously?] >[I've seen it happen to plenty of greater men] [Dude, I'm just helping her around the shelter] >[And I'm just looking out for you] [maybe you're jealous I have a gf and you don't] >[,':/] [I caught you glaring at me earlier at lunch earlier today] >[I was making sure u weren't getting taken advantage of] [o rly] >[whatever dude, you know what I mean] [Don't you have homework or something] >[...yeah] >You stop responding to his texts after that, as an added persuasion tactic to get him to do his homework. >Fluttershy still hasn't responded. >She's likely doing homework herself, or helping clean dinner. >She's got a life, too. >Outside the animal shelter. >...You wouldn't mind a life with her like that. >Just you and Fluttershy, taking care of the animals. >That's starting to sound much more ideal. >Cool your jets, Anon. >Let's at least get to second base before you start imagining your life with her. >Curse your overy-sappy heart. >As you lay on your bed, you feel the Duke Nukem poster bore into your soul. >...Fluttershy likes you. >She likes you for you, surely. >...But for how long? >What if she's attracted to who she thinks you are? >What if it's just a little fling? >What if she ends up being attracted to someone else? >Your mind begins to race with a ton of bad possibilities. >You can feel anxiety growing inside you. >Your phone buzzes. >It's from Fluttershy. >You hastily open it to see the message. >[How about the intersection of Striker Road and Drake Avenue?] [Okay! What time works for you?] >A moment passes. >[6:45?] [That works!] >[Yay!] >She's just as cute over text. >[I kinda gotta get back to homework, so gn!] [Gn!] You text back, setting your phone on your nightstand. >After setting your alarm to 6:30, you slowly drift off to sleep, trying to ignore your growing fears. >You wake up early the next morning at 6:09. >You've got more time to breathe before you head out, so you take your time getting yourself ready for the day. >First things first: bathe. >You retrieve clean clothes from your dresser and turn on the shower head, waiting for the water to heat up. >Once it's at an acceptable temperature, you toss your pajamas in your laundry basket and step inside the shower. >After a quick shower, you dry yourself off and prepare breakfast. >Eggs don't take too long, so you put a pan on and crack some eggs to fry. >Ten minutes of cooking and preparation later, you've got a hearty plate of eggs hot and ready. >Your mom's still asleep and your dad's already left for work. >It's not uncommon that you're alone in the morning. >That's why you've learned to cook your own breakfast. >But now that you're volunteering with Fluttershy, you see your parents less in the afternoon as well. >You'd be feeling lonely about it if you weren't spending that time with your new girlfriend instead. >Paired with a tall glass of water, the eggs go down nicely. >You don't want to pat yourself on the back, but you're a damn good cook. >Women like a man that can cook. >That's one thing you have over Flash and Norman. >Now that you're done eating, you rinse off the plate and place it in the sink. >Finally: packing up your backpack. >You left your homework on your computer desk last night when you stopped. >It doesn't take long at all for you to have all your homework packed up and ready to go. >Every time you pack up your homework, you're reminded of a time in Freshman year when you left your important history essay at home. >That was the one time you came dangerously close to failing a class. >Never again. >Glancing at the clock, you see it reads 6:35. >You might as well head out. >You grab your jacket off your chair and double check your desk to be sure you've got everything. >Satisfied, you sling your backpack over your shoulder and head out. >The intersection of Striker and Drake is a five minute walk away from your house. >It's a little further away from Canterlot High, but that only means you get that much more time with Flutters. >The air is a little more cool than usual, indicating the coming fall season. >The colors of the leaves still on the trees are fading to brown, and the sounds of squirrels and birds are less common. >It's looking like wearing your jacket is a more appealing idea. >At least Flash will stop picking on you for it. >It doesn't take you too long for you to get to the intersection. >You check the time. >6:43. >Fluttershy should be here soon. >You stand by the nearby stop sigh and wait. >...It's an intersection. >You wonder which direction she'll come from. >...You can feel yourself growing more antsy the more you wait. >You check the time again. >6:46. >She's running late, huh? >It's probably nothing big. >You continue to wait. >... >...6:47. >You begin to worry again. >What if something happened? >You check the road signs. >Yep, Striker Road and Drake Avenue. >Maybe you should text her. >"Oh, there you are!" >Just as you get your phone out, you hear Fluttershy's voice behind you. >You turn around, and there she is. >"I'm so, so, so sorry for being late, Anon. My brother was being annoying again and I tried to leave as soon as I could." She informed you, exasperated. "No worries, I'm just glad it wasn't anything big." You reply. >You gently take her hand and head off to school. >...Well, you would, if you were familiar with the area. >"Oh, I should lead, shouldn't I?" >You chuckle and nod. >Squeezing your hand warmly, Fluttershy leads you to Canterlot High, hand-in-hand. >There's something different about Fluttershy today. >You can't exactly place it, but something's different. >You shrug it off, surely if you can't detect it, it's not important. "So... you have a brother?" You ask her. >She groans in response. >"Yeah, but if I talk about him now, I might end up saying something I'll regret." "It's not like he can hear you out here." You note. >"You don't know that." She giggles. >She knows her brother a lot better than you, after all. "Yeah, good point." You note. >Then you finally notice it. >Fluttershy's skirt normally goes to her knees, but today her skirt is higher up her body, just beneath her chest. >Meaning more of her thighs are visible, and her skirt only goes halfway down to her knees. "...I see you've got a new look today." >You can notice her cheeks flush slightly. >"Yeah... d-do you like it?" >Fluttershy twirls in place slightly to show off her skirt a bit more. >But you can sense apprehension in her. >You can tell she's a little uncomfortable. "Do you?" >She's caught off guard by the response question. >"...What do you mean?" "Do you like your new look?" >She bites her lip nervously. >"...Y-Yeah." >You're not persuaded. "Really?" >She buckles even more under the mounting pressure. >"...I mean, I was kinda hoping you would." >You stop walking, and she turns to face you, looking increasingly guilty. "Flutters, you know you don't need to impress me." >"...I know..." "So I don't want you to go out of your comfort zone to make me happy." >Fluttershy looks down at her shoes in shame. "And don't apologize, either. You don't need to apologize for anything." You quickly add, before she can speak up again. >"You're right, I'm sor- n-nevermind." She stutters. >Her awkwardness is as endearing as ever. >"...Can you look away, please?" Fluttershy gently asks. >You oblige and turn your head in the other direction. >Fabric can be heard rustling before you're permitted to turn around again. >"Better?" Fluttershy asks. >Her skirt's back on her waist where it normally is, her upper legs fully concealed. "I don't know, is it?" You ask her back. >She plays with the hem of her skirt a bit before answering. >"...Yeah, it is." She smiles. "Well then, if you're happy, then I'm happy!" >Fluttershy takes your hand once more and you two continue walking to Canterlot High. >The route becomes familiar soon enough, with the same buildings you've seen all your life coming into view. >Fluttershy leads you slightly around the downtown area, trying to avoid anyone seeing your incredibly tame PDA. >Whenever someone happens to get close to you two as they're walking to wherever they're going, you can feel her grip on your hand subtly tighten. >Fortunately for her, you two don't turn any heads as you hold hands walking to school. >Everyone's too busy worrying about themselves and their own schedules and responsibilities. >Figures. >Finally, Canterlot High comes into view, along with a small group of students outside the building. >Fluttershy lets go of your hand once you're across the street from the school. >"We can hold hands later, don't worry." She assures you with a smile. "Oh good, I was hoping so." You joke back. >You spot Rainbow and Pinkie standing by the statue, chatting to each other. >Fluttershy walks up to them, but you hold back, giving her some time with her friends. >Looking around, you don't spot Norman or Flash anywhere. >It's no surprise that Norman's late, and Flash is probably with his band. >You idly look around to see the other students outside the school. >Everyone's still segregated into their little social cliques. >The nerds, the jocks, the art kids, the band kids, and so on. >You've never really fallen into a particular clique. >If it weren't for your limited amount of friends, you'd be essentially a drifter. >Nobody wants that. >It's less cold out now that the sun's risen into the sky some more. >The sky looks as beautiful as ever. >Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Rainbow waving you over. >Snapping back to reality, you make your way over to the three girls. "What's up?" You ask Pinkie and Rainbow. >"You should be real proud of yourself, Nonny!" Pinkie eagerly responds. "Oh, really?" >"Yup! I don't think Fluttershy's ever trusted someone as quickly as you!" >You're slightly taken aback by this. "Really?" >Fluttershy softly nods. "What about you two?" >"Well, other than us." Rainbow corrects. >"I remember last year, Fluttershy had a semester long project with some other guy, and it took her an entire week to speak an entire sentence to him!" Pinkie adds. >Fluttershy's still embarrassed about the memory. >"So what makes you so special?" Rainbow asks you. "...What does that mean?" >"You know, how come she likes you so much?" >You just awkwardly shrug. "I just needed something to do outside of school, Fluttershy needed volunteers, we got to know each other, and then we... got together." >Rainbow squints at you further. >"...I don't believe you." >You nervously chuckle. "What do you think happened?" >"I don't know! But it can't be as simple as that!" >"It actually was..." Fluttershy softly interjects. >"So all I gotta do is wait for my Prince Charming to fall into my arms?" Pinkie asks. >"I don't think that's a good idea." Rainbow responds. >"Why not? It worked for her!" Pinkie says, motioning to Fluttershy. "We still had to... pursue each other, romantically." You note. >"Yeah, I showed interest in him, and he showed interest in me." Fluttershy added. >Pinkie puts a finger to her chin to think. >"Welllllll, maybe if I ask REAL nicely, I bet I could get a guy to like me!" Pinkie beamed. >Rainbow rolled her eyes, and the bell rang soon after. >"I'll keep thinking about my master plan, see you all at lunch!" Pinkie said before dashing off. >You wave goodbye to Rainbow, but wait with Fluttershy until the crowd dissipates. >Soon enough, you're left alone with Fluttershy in front of the school building. >You've only got five minutes until you've gotta get to your first class. >It's on the first floor of the building, so it's not a huge rush. >But you can't waste too much time. >You don't notice until she's right in front of you that she's holding your hands and looking at you warmly. >Her gentle smile is as infectious as ever, and your smile soon matches her. >"So... I'll see you at lunch?" "I guess so!" You chuckle. >"Are you still worried about bothering my friends?" She asks, concerned. "...Yeah." You admit. >"Anon, my friends really like you! They like being around you!" Fluttershy insists. >You nod along, trying to convince yourself as you. >Fluttershy leans into your ear. >"But they don't like you as much as I do." She whispers. >Your cheeks suddenly feel a bit warmer. >Before you can awkwardly respond, Fluttershy plants a loving kiss on your cheek. >Her standing on the tips of her toes makes it extra cute. >Once she removes her lips from your cheek, you stand up a bit bolder. "You're really getting better at this stuff." You note, still blushing. >Fluttershy nods happily. >"The internet can be a wonderful, informative thing." She beams. "Yeah, can be, but generally isn't." >She giggles and nods in agreement. >"Aren't you kids supposed to be getting to class?" Rings the voice of the janitor you met yesterday. >Fluttershy immediately backs off, blushing furiously. >"Uh... y-yeah..." >She quickly darts off into the building, rushing to class. >You probably should as well. >You adjust your backpack and hastily make your way to class. >With more effort than usual, you sprint through the halls and manage to arrive a split second before being late. >The teacher only shrugs in acceptance as you catch your breath in the doorway in an undignified manner. >Sitting down at your desk, you get your notebook out, focus your mind on the present, and ready yourself for the school day. >The first part of the day went by as normal. >You decided it would be best to not irritate Ms. Harshwhinny again, so you made sure to take notes and pay attention during algebra. >For once. >That doesn't mean Ms. Harshwhinny was completely free of annoying students during your period. >One of the football players forgot their homework and made a big deal out of how taxing practice was yesterday. >On your way to lunch, you notice another student getting their backpack stuck in the elevator doors. >Who knew one elevator could cause such widespread trouble. >At least that kid was more fortunate than Fluttershy. >Arriving at the cafeteria, you grab a lunch tray from Granny Smith, filled up with food. >Looking around, you don't spot Fluttershy, but you do spot Norman sitting at his usual spot. >You have been kind of pushing him aside lately in favor of spending time with your new girlfriend, so you take your seat next to him. >"Good to see I haven't lost you yet." Norman remarks as you sit down. "Dude, I make time for everyone in my life." >"That's easy for you, there's only like four people in your life." "Five! I'm on good terms with my lab partner in Chemistry!" >"Do they even know your name?" "...Most likely." >Norman smirks to himself as he returns his attention to his food. >Flash's band mates are here as well, but they're all talking amongst themselves. >Probably about the next music competition. >You spot Flash quickly move across the cafeteria to Twilight's table, sitting between her and Rainbow. >You also notice how he avoids eye contact with Sunset. >What a rough breakup, that was. >At least they're somewhat comfortable around each other. >Fluttershy still hasn't shown up yet. >"You're a seriously lucky dude, Anon." Norman states. "Yeah, it's been said." >"I'm serious! I know guys who would KILL to spend several hours a day alone with a girl! You've been blessed!" >You smirk, knowing he's right. "You could've beat me to it, you know." >"How so?" "Fluttershy's always been looking for volunteers to help out at the animal shelter. You could've beaten me to it." You wag at him. >Norman rolls his eyes, knowing you're right. >"Yeah, you got me." "There's always Principal's Assistant." You tease him. >He chuckles and waves off the idea. >"Spending an hour after school every day with Principal Celestia sounds like the least appealing thing I can imagine." >You take a sip from your small carton of milk. >"At least with Vice Principal Luna, there's always the small possibility of getting paddled." >You almost choke on the milk trying to control your laughter >Norman laughs at his own joke, as well as the display you're putting on. >Suddenly, someone sits down next to you. >You clean yourself up a bit, look to your right, and see that it's Fluttershy. >"Oh, I'm sorry, am I intruding?" She nervously asks. >You wave off the concern. "Don't worry, you're good." >"Yeah, no worries." Norman adds. >Fluttershy perks back up and adjusts herself slightly. "I don't think you two have met, have you?" You ask Fluttershy. >Both she and Norman shake their heads. "Well then, Fluttershy, this is my best friend Norman. Norman, this is my girlfriend Fluttershy." You introduce the two. >Fluttershy gives Norman a small wave, and Norman nods at her. >"So sounds like Anon's been helpful in more ways than one." Norman remarks. >"Oh yes, he's a wonderful helper at the animal shelter!" Fluttershy beams, looking to you. >You look over to her usual table and spot the girls trying to seem subtle while peering at you three. >They quickly avert their gaze back amongst themselves when they notice you looking at them. >"So Fluttershy, none of your friends would happen to be single... would they?" Norman asks her. >"Actually, all of them are single except Twilight." She answers. >Norman perks up at that answer. >"You think maybe you could... I don't know... put in a good word?" >Fluttershy giggles a bit. >"I'll see what I can do." "You could just ask them, you know." You inform Norman. >"Yeah, I bet that was a lot easier for you, Ms. Lady Killer." Norman remarks. >"Actually, he didn't ask me out." Fluttershy corrects. >Norman's incredibly surprised by this. >"...Huh?" >"We were spending an afternoon looking at the sunset, and we just... kissed." Fluttershy dreamily elaborated. >Norman groans as he pokes at his food. >"You've got all the luck, don't you?" "Luck's got nothing to do with it, man." You smirk. >Norman rolls his eyes over-exaggeratedly. >"We'll see, man." >You feel your hand being held by Fluttershy, who you notice has scooted closer to you a bit. >The two of you hold hands under the table, so no one else sees. >It's a small gesture, but it's still sweet. >Lunch passes by as normal, with the exception of Fluttershy here with you. >But eventually, all things come to an end, and lunch period is no exception. >When the bell rings, Norman hastily gets up and leaves the lunch room. >You throw away your garbage with Fluttershy, who waves you goodbye as she makes her way to class, Rarity and Pinkie joining her. >No doubt to get in on all the juicy details. >Your final classes of the day are as usual as ever. >Even strength training was surprisingly tame. >Pipsqueak doesn't try to push himself too hard, learning from his straining. >Coach Soarin was present throughout, which probably aided in Hoops, Dumb-bell and Score not causing any trouble. >But you did catch them looking at you while whispering amongst themselves. >...They probably know. >As you list your weights, you ponder on what to do if push comes to shove. >...Fighting isn't a good solution. >You could end up getting in a lot of trouble, regardless of who started the fight. >It's unfair, but that's how it works at Canterlot High. >You're fortunate enough to not have to deal with them during the period. >When the bell rings, you carefully return the weights to their storage place with Pipsqueak before leaving. >The pack of students in the main hall is bigger than usual for some reason. >So it takes longer than usual for you to escape Canterlot High. >Regardless, you manage to fight through the crowd and exit through the front doors. >The day is warmer now, with the sun shining brilliantly in the sky and nary a could in the sky. >Fluttershy is standing a bit off to the side, away from the crowd. >You make your way over to her, gently brushing her hand as you get close to her. >"I hope I didn't intrude on your group of friends." Fluttershy says. "Friend, actually. I don't have anything to do with those other guys." >"Really?" "Yeah, those are Flash's band mates. They sit with us because Flash used to and they don't mind Norman and I." >"Oh, I'm sorry you don't have many friends, Anon." >Immediately after finishing the sentence, she realizes she could've worded that better. >"Oh, w-what I meant was-" "No worries, you're good." You smile. >You gently take her hand as you two walk to the animal shelter together. >It really is nice that the shelter's farther away from downtown Canterlot, so there's less peering eyes. >You can feel Fluttershy's grip on your hand becoming tighter. >"S-So, I had an idea for today." >You turn to her, intrigued. >"I don't mean to look like I don't trust you, b-but maybe... since I won't be here tomorrow... y-you could... clean the kennels... y-yourself..?" >Fluttershy shrinks behind her hair. >"Y-You know... so you can... g-get used to... cleaning them by yourself..?" "That sounds like a good idea, so you can be there and make sure I'm doing it all right." >You can feel her relax, as well as heave a sigh to let off some stress. >"We could also... kiss some more afterwards." Fluttershy notes. "Well, if you want to." You smirk. >Fluttershy giggles softly. >"I really do." >You lean over and kiss her cheek. "You can call that your appetizer." You tease. >Upon arriving at the animal shelter, Fluttershy let go of your hand to open the doors inside. >Grace is still sitting at her desk as usual, and looks up to see you upon hearing the door open. >"Hello again!" She warmly greets you two. >"Hello, Grace." Fluttershy greets back, and you wave at her in return. >Due to the nature of your work, there wasn't much time to be spent conversing. >Fluttershy quickly leads you back to the other room, but once you arrive, she moves to the far corner. >"I'll-I'll be in the other room, watching you." She clarifies. "Alright, I hope I don't get performance anxiety." You joke. >She laughs softly at your little joke, and moves past the doors to the cat room. >You can almost feel her peering at you from beyond the glass, her eyes burning into you. >The added pressure of being expected to perform on your own does make you feel slightly stressed. >Sure, Fluttershy will step in if she needs to, but for the main event, it's all you. >You better not waste any time. >You prop open the door to the back yard and individually and carefully let out each dog. >You also take care to let them out one by one, so none of them get hurt or knock anything over. >The dogs do express some slight confusion at only you being here to let them out, but are nonetheless eager to escape their kennels for green grass and fresh air. >Closing the door behind them after ensuring all the dogs made their way outside, you take in the eerie silence of the room. >Fluttershy's still here, and this isn't your first time cleaning the kennels alone, but today is different. >You better get used to it, tomorrow you'll be alone for real. >The clock's ticking, so you get to cleaning. >Once you get started, you quickly get back into your usual rhythm of spraying and wiping down each kennel. >Every now and and again, you would take a moment to stop cleaning the kennels and oversee how the dogs are getting by. >As usual, they're getting along fine. >Not too long later, all the dog kennels are sparkling clean. >Before you can bring them all back in, you've gotta give the dogs their time outside to burn off energy. >Going outside, you see the time you took paid off somewhat, as the dogs are more tired now. >You did take a bit longer than usual to clean all the kennels, so they got that much more time to themselves. >You lean against the fence, watching over the dogs as they lay about or idly stroll across the field. >Fluttershy's probably still watching you. >It really does seem like a lonely job to do all by yourself. >Poor Flutters, doing all this all by herself for so long. >At least she has you now. >And not Norman. >His loss. >After about ten minutes, you decide it's time to get the dogs back in their kennels. >You get up and prop the door open once more. >While the dogs are more tired than before, they've still got a bit of fight in them. >You're not as acquainted with the animal kingdom as Fluttershy, so it takes a bit more effort on your end to get the dogs back in their kennels. >Some time later, you've managed to herd all the dogs back inside, where you quickly shut the door behind you to ensure they don't escape outside again. >If they were still as energetic as before, the dogs would be darting around the room wreaking havoc. >One by one, each dog is returned to their original kennel. >It helps that each kennel has the picture of the dog alongside its name, so you don't have to have your memory tested as well. >The biggest dogs are brought back in first, with the smaller, harder to grab dogs following after. >Dixie's surprisingly cooperative today, however, which is a pleasant change of pace. >Once all the dogs are back in their homes, you take a moment to catch your breath. >One room down, two to go. >The cats may be more passive-aggressive than the dogs, but they're also more easygoing. >Fluttershy's nowhere to be seen in the other room. >You better not delay. >Arriving at the cat room, you get to letting the cats out of their kennels to play in the other room. >Cat room... >...Pussy parlor? >You'll smack yourself for that later. >As opposed to the dogs earlier, the cats display much more grace in getting from their kennel to the play room, but their eagerness shines through nonetheless. >Once all the cats have made their way to the other room, you swiftly shut the door behind them while also making sure you don't accidentally slam anyone's tail in the door. >The cat's don't seem to mind your absence, fortunately. >As they're wandering around and scratching the designated posts, you grab the sanitizing spray and cleaning wipes. >Getting to work, the cat kennels are cleaner than the dog kennels, as usual. >Spraying and wiping away, you can feel the growing sense of loneliness inside you once more. >Really, Anon? >Fluttershy's just in the other room, this isn't even your first day on your own. >How are you this much of a softie? >You don't want to end up like those couples that are all over each other in the halls that everyone hates. >You'll see her again soon. >It takes a bit, but once again, the kennels are looking as good as new. >You can feel your joints starting to ache from the unusually high amount of scrubbing you've been doing. >Again, if Fluttershy can manage, so can you. >You carefully place the cleaning supplies back in their proper storage space before joining the cats in the other room. >Once you're settled on the floor, the cats quickly form around you. >Looks like they did miss you. >You try to make up for Fluttershy's absence and gently pet the cats as much as you can. >Some of the cats settle on your lap, and you can feel them purr in happiness. >This is probably the most ideal way to die. >About fifteen minutes later, you reluctantly free yourself for this quasi-prison and usher the cats back to their kennels. >With the cats tired out, they're more compliant. >Finally, the smallest animals. >They should be the easiest. >Once more, Fluttershy is nowhere to be seen as you enter the rabbit and mouse room. >You're feeling a bit more at ease now. >She's no doubt watching you, so you better get to it. >First up, the mice. >You're more used to them, so you'll get them out of the way. >Getting water and food out of storage, the mice happily give you your space to refill their sustenance containers. >You do get a better look at a few of them today. >In particular, one white mouse and one gray mouse with white spots. >Their colors are hard to tell from behind the colored tubes. >Regardless of their pigmentation, the mice are now ready to eat and drink some more. >Throwing the empty bottle in the recycle bin and placing the bag of mouse food back in storage, you turn your attention to the rabbits. >Fluttershy's favorites. >You better not mess this up. >You retrieve another bottle of alkalized water and a bag of rabbit food before carefully making your way over to the rabbit's little pen. >They're much more shy around you, without Fluttershy here to comfort them. >You try to give them their space, not disturbing them as you refill their food bowls. >With the water transferred from the bottle to the dispenser, you dispose of the bottle and sit by the pen. >You let the rabbits come out of their comfort zone on their own, letting them approach you. >It takes a bit longer than you expected. >But eventually, a black rabbit nervously hops up to you. >You carefully reach out to it, allowing the rabbit to sniff your hand. >Its cute little nose twitching as it sniffs, you can see the rabbit grow more comfortable around you. >A few more of the rabbits hop over to your hand to investigate you as well. >Soon enough, the rabbits trust you. >You sit like this for a few minutes, enjoying their serene presence. >You don't try to pet them, you'll probably scare them off. >...But you've gotta put the rabbit food bag back eventually. >Slowly getting up to not scare off the rabbits, you carefully return the bag to the shelf you got it from. >Suddenly, the cleaning closet bursts open. >"Congratulations!" >You nearly have a heart attack as you fall over from sheer surprise. >Getting your nerves back, you see it's Fluttershy, her excitement quickly turning to concern. >"Oh goodness, I'm so sorry, I should have known not to startle you like that!" She rambles nervously. >You wave off her concern, getting back on your feet. "Don't worry, you'll have to try harder than that to kill me." You joke. >Once she sees you're not hurt, Fluttershy eases up. >"You did a really good job, Anon! I'm proud of you!" Fluttershy cheers. >You smile genuinely at her praise. "Thank you, Flutters. Do you feel more at ease leaving me alone here tomorrow?" >"Yeah, I do." She smiles. >You notice something about her again. >Her skirt's hiked back up to where it was when you first met up with her this morning. >Her thighs are visible once more. >She can tell you noticed. >"I know, I know, but I feel more comfortable around you, and you make me feel really pretty, and I wanna... just... show off..?" Fluttershy defends herself, searching for the right words. >You peer at her slightly, and she puts her hands on your shoulders. >"...I really do appreciate your concern, Anon. But if it's just the two of us, then... I wanna try being more open." >You relent, and place your hands on her waist. "...Okay, I trust you." >She smiles in satisfaction and leans her head against your chest. >You rest your head slightly on top of hers, taking in the sweet moment. >Fluttershy is as soft and warm as ever, and smells like... lilacs? >You've never been too great with flowers. >But for her, you'll happily change that. >You wrap your arms around her waist, and you can sense her pleasure in your embrace. >Fluttershy sighs happily and sinks into your arms. >Fluttershy looks up to meet your eyes, and you adjust your head to accommodate her. >"...Can we go kiss now?" >You chuckle at her sudden bluntness. "Well, if you want to." You tease her. >You take her hand and make for the door, but you're stopped by Fluttershy remaining where she is. >She's blushing again. >"...Carry me?" >Her eyes fall to the floor, awkwardly adjusting her feet. >God she's adorable. >"Anything for you, Flutters." >She giggles happily, looking up at you. >Once you're next to her, you bend your knees and hook one arm under the back of her knees and rest your other arm on her back. >Slowly and carefully, you scoop Fluttershy up off the ground, eliciting a soft "eep!" from her. >You're almost thrown off by how light she is. "Geez, you must be, what, 140 pounds?" >"120, actually." >Damn, you hope she's not confronted by a stiff breeze. >Poor thing would probably get blown away. >Adjusting your feet, you get used to Fluttershy being in your arms. >She's already more than comfortable. >Fluttershy leans her head against your chest and points towards the door. >"Onward, my trusty steed!" she giggles. "Right away, m'lady." You boldly respond, trying not to choke on that last word. >It's a little awkward, but you manage to maneuver your way across the shelter and out the door with your lovely girlfriend in your arms. >Once again, you're met with the beautifully painted sky matching the descending sun. >It feels strangely warm despite the waning sunlight. >It's most likely Fluttershy at work. >Your eyes search the field, looking for a new place to kiss Fluttershy. >What's the point of kissing in an open field if you don't make use of it, after all? >A nice, big tree catches your attention, on the far side of the field. >Hoisting Fluttershy up a bit more, you carry her over to beneath the large tree. >You try to sit down against the tree, but Fluttershy has other ideas. >She summons her strength to push you down to the grass with her on top of you. >It's a strange sight, Fluttershy having a position of power over you. >But it's something you could certainly get used to. >"You're a wonderful boyfriend, Anon." Fluttershy happily sighs. >You blush some more at her praise. >You've been doing that a lot, come to think of it. >She snakes her arms behind your neck and her face draws closer to yours. >You can feel her hot breath on your skin. >Your arms tighten around her waist. >Your hands grace her exposed back, making her shiver slightly. >Fluttershy's breathing gets heavier, and soon dives into you for a deep, passionate kiss. >You hungrily return the kiss, bringing her down onto your body by tightening your grip on her like a boa constrictor. >The moment you open your mouth for air in the midst of the kiss, her tongue makes its way into your mouth. >If she was fully covered, you would probably never be able to guess this is Fluttershy. >This is the most bold you've ever seen her. >If you described what you do with Fluttershy to Norman or Flash, there's no way they'd believe you. >You decide to be brave and sneak your hand under the back of her shirt to feel her skin. >She shivers slightly, but welcomes your touch. >You can feel Fluttershy move her hips against your pelvic region. >She's really getting into this. >You pull away from the kiss, getting her attention. >"Am I doing something wrong?" Fluttershy nervously asks. "No no no, I just... what do you want out of this?" You ask her. >She pulls back slightly, mulling the question over in her head. >"Well... I dunno... kissing is nice." She sheepishly answers. >She plays with the end of her skirt timidly. >"And I can't... go all the way. Not yet, at least. But... we can try... feeling... each other?" >She seems to be asking for permission more than answering your question. "Looks like you have an easier time with letting your hands do the talking." You joke. >Fluttershy giggles a bit and meets your eyes. >"I guess so." She smiles. >You take her hand and place it on your chest. "Then you better keep talking." You smirk. >A grin grows on her face as she closes the distance between you two. >Capturing your lips in another loving kiss, Fluttershy's hand carefully explores your chest. >You make sure to not overstep any boundaries, so you stick to her back. >You and Fluttershy are so in-tune with kissing, it's almost like you're reading each other's mind. >Her lips feel great against yours. >The sensation of your tongue dancing with hers is starting to feel more natural. >And you're really into feeling her breasts squished against your body. >You don't even need your eyes to appreciate this moment with her. >The rest of your senses pick up the slack and then some. >Her perfume smells lovely too. >You're probably addicted to the cute little moans she makes in the middle of the kiss. >Every now and again, you and her would part from the kiss and just gaze at each other lovingly. >Fluttershy, despite how messy her hair has gotten, looks really serene. >She's still breathing heavily, but her eyes spell "love" in a thousand languages. >Her soft lips are curled in a gentle, loving smile. >The sound of birds happily chirping really complete the scene. >You sit up slightly for leverage, and gently bump your nose against hers. >Fluttershy giggles gently, and enjoys your embrace. >The rest of the evening went similarly. >You could swear she's trying to suck your soul out of your body. >Not that you'd mind. >But the evening must end. >With the sun gently disappearing over the horizon, Fluttershy parts from you, her disappointment clear. >"...You can't stay for a little while longer, could you?" >You sigh and shake your head. "I can't, I'm sorry Flutters." >She sighs and gets up off of you, allowing you to stand back up. >You almost hit your head on one of the lower branches and dust yourself off. >You set your jacket aside earlier, so it wasn't damaged in the midst of your make-out session. >"So... I'll see you tomorrow?" Fluttershy asked as you slip your arms through the sleeves of your trusty jacket and fasten each button. >"I-I mean for lunch, since... you know..." "Yeah, of course!" You smile at her, quick to assuage her concerns. "And besides, we can text later today and tomorrow." You remind her. >"Yeah, that's true." Fluttershy agrees, with a hint of glumness in her tone. >With the sun descending towards the horizon, the autumn chill is making its presence more known to you. >Drawing further attention to Fluttershy's tank top and skirt. >She doesn't seem very cold, but you'd like to think of yourself as a good boyfriend. "Hey, you gonna be okay walking home like that?" You ask her. >Your question snaps her out of whatever's troubling her, although you could guess what it is. >"O-Oh, yes, it's not a far walk and I'm kind of used to cold weather..." >You leer at her a bit, weighing up the pros and cons of lending her your jacket again. >You're more sensitive to the cold than she is. >And if you catch a cold, it'll put your kissing on hiatus. >You decide instead to put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and look into her eyes. "Hey, it's only one day, it's gonna be alright." >She gently smiles and leans into your touch. >"I know, it's just... I'm sorry, I worry a lot about this kinda stuff..." >"A-And it's not like I don't trust you to do a good job! I know you'll do great!" "Hey, hey, it's okay, I understand." >To be honest, you're a little worried too. >It's gonna be a real lonely four hours after school tomorrow. >But you can't let her know that, you've gotta be her rock. "You're gonna have a great time at the game tomorrow, cheering on Rainbow with all your friends!" >Her smile widens and she nods in agreement. >"You're right, Anon." She softly replies. "And you said something about Sugarcube Corner on Saturday?" >"Oh, yeah!" >You take another glance at the time. >7:36 >Of course time only goes by faster when you're with her. "Well, I should be heading home soon." You glumly inform her. >Fluttershy's smile fades slightly, but she nods understandingly. >You quickly wrap your arm around her waist and pull her close. "And no, I didn't forget this time~" >You capture Fluttershy's lips in a brief but loving goodbye kiss. >Her initial surprise quickly fades as her eyes slide shut as she savors the moment-long kiss. >"You're making good progress~" She softly giggles. >You bid your final farewell to her, and with one last lingering gaze at her, you exit the animal shelter. >Making your way down the dimly-lit roads of Canterlot, you put on some music to provide some company on your walk home. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-X4W3B83UA --FLUTTERSHY-- >Saying goodbye to Anon gets harder every time. >As he disappears into the streets of the city, you suddenly feel much colder. >Maybe it's time to start dressing for the season. >You gather your belongings and take one last glance across the animal shelter's backyard to make sure nothing was out of place. >Once you're satisfied, you make your way out through the front doors. "Have a good night, Grace." You softly bid farewell to the nice receptionist. >"You have a good night too, Fluttershy!" She replies, in a more upbeat mood. >"Say, that Anon friend of yours has been a real help around here! Nice job hookin' him in." She remarks. >You manage a soft smile and sound of agreement before leaving the building. >On nights like this, you'd rather take in the sounds of the town than drown it out with music. >Canterlot is so peaceful at night. >Especially out here, further from downtown. >The birds and squirrels and other critters can be heard, with some activity downtown in the distance. >... >...You really shouldn't be so stressed about this. >It's only one day, and Anon's proven himself to be completely capable of taking care of the animals. >They've come to like him, too. >And you promised Rainbow you'd be there for her tomorrow. >But... >...Anon's so sweet. >Your fingers gently graze across your lips. >You can still feel the warmth of his lips from your many kisses with him. >His arms wrapped around you... >That look in his eyes... >...You just hope he won't be too lonely tomorrow. >Or think less of you for not being there. >He said he doesn't mind at all, but people can think things... >...No. >Anon is different. >You trust him. >He'll have everything under control tomorrow. >You stop walking and take a deep breath to calm your nerves. >Then you feel your phone buzz in your skirt pocket. >Rarity was so thoughtful when designing this for you. >You fish out your phone and open to see what's the matter. >It's from your friends' groupchat. >They're all discussing the soccer game tomorrow. >Rainbow's gonna be playing against Arlen High School tomorrow. >You admittedly don't know much about sports, but from the way Rainbow's talking about them, they sound pretty tough. >[If anyone can kick their butts it's you!] Pinkie encourages her. >[I'd be feeling pretty scared if I was them!] Applejack adds. >[Hell yeah! They might as well have lost already!] Rainbow boasts. >[Be careful, that kinda attitude could make you confident] Twilight warns her. >[Hey, my confidence is warranted!] Rainbow is quick to reply. [We know, just be careful out there.] You chime in with a word of warning. >A round of welcomes comes from the six in the group after you show up. >[Still coming to the game tomorrow?] Rainbow is quick to ask. [Yep!] You reply. >[Nice!] Rainbow cheers. >You remember you're still standing still on the sidewalk and the sun has vanished from the sky, so you continue making your way home. >Every now and again you'd look down at your phone again to keep up with the conversation. >The topic moved from the game tomorrow to Applejack's experience in Chemistry today. >Sounds like Norman isn't the best lab partner. >At least she didn't lose her eyebrows. >Anon's close with Norman, you wonder if he's had any similar experiences with him. >Before too long, you make it back home. >Zephyr's nowhere to be seen, but the usual sound of chips crunching coming from his room means he's where he usually is. >He graduated last year and says he's looking for a job, but sometimes you're not sure... >He gets enough grief from dad about it, so you try not to press him about it too much. >Mom and dad are out, Thursday nights are when they have their bowling league. >It's nice that dad got into a hobby after his retirement. >There's some leftover pasta for you to heat up, as is tradition. >It's really on weekends that you get to have dinner with your family, with how much time you spend at the animal shelter. >It can get a little lonely sometimes, but you have your friends. >You sit down to eat dinner at the vacant dining room table. >It's only after you start eating that you realize how hungry you are. >It's not as tasty as it would be if were fresh, but it's still nice. >After you finish your dinner, you carefully rinse off your dishes and silverware and place them in the dish washer. >It's pretty full, so you press start on the dishwasher before making your way up to your room. >It's just as you left it this morning, except Angel is awake now. >There's an impatient look on his face when you enter. "Oh, sorry Angel!" You hastily apologize to him, retrieving the treats from one of the drawers on your shelf. >Angel's a little hesitant to accept your offering, but he relents and begins nibbling on the treat. "If you promise to be on your best behavior tomorrow, I could take you with me to Rainbow's soccer game tomorrow." You whisper to Angel, cautious of Zephyr possibly overhearing you. >Angel slightly perks up at the offer, then leers at you. "I promise I'll remember to give you your meal at lunch." You solemnly swear to Angel. >Angel's stubbornness resurfaces as he turns away with a huffy expression. >You kneel down next to his cage, thinking of how to appease him. >You know if you keep giving him treats to make him happy, it'll make him unhealthy. >Not to mention it enables him. >You glance around your room, trying to think of something. "...We could spend some time at the park after the game?" You offer. >He slowly peers over his little rabbit shoulder at you. >A moment later, he agrees with a soft nod. "Oh, good!" You softly cheer, taking the critter into your arms and holding him close. >Angel's still not great with close content, but he's come a long way. "Oh, by the way! I have a boyfriend now!" You excitedly inform Angel. >His expression immediately shifts to become more suspicious of this news. "Oh, you haven't met him yet! Because you were... in my backpack that day..." You trail off, feeling more guilty with each word. >Angel's expression doesn't change. "...B-But his name's Anon! He's such a sweetheart." You say to Angel, getting the conversation back on track. >Angel isn't convinced. "You'll get to meet him tomorrow at lunch! I'm sure you two will like each other." >Angel squints even more. "...Promise to be on your best behavior?" >Angel shook his head. >For such a small critter, he can be so frustrating sometimes. "Come on, my other friends will be there, too. You like them!" You try to convince him. >Angel seems to mull it over, but eventually agrees by sinking into your arms. "That's the spirit!" You softly cheer. >You carefully set Angel down on the carpeted floor to let him roam around a bit. >You notice out of the corner of your eye that your trash can is full, so you take it in your arms and make your way downstairs. >After dumping the contents into the garbage can in the garage, you make your way back up to the stairs to your room. >...Except Zephyr's standing outside his room. >...With a strange grin on his face. >"So what's this about a boyfriend?" He teased you. >Your face gets warmer as you suddenly lose the ability to come up with a response. "N-None of your business!" You manage to stammer out. >Before Zephyr could interrogate you any more on the matter, you vanish into your room. >Once the door's sealed behind you, you hear him chuckling in the hallway before going back into his room. >Ugh, sometimes he can be such a pain. >Angel's minding his own business, nestled in a corner of your room. >Luckily you don't have any homework to deal with tonight, just some reading assignments that you could probably do this weekend. >You lie down on your bed and stare up at the ceiling as you realize how tired you are today. >Which is weird, you didn't do anything super intense today. >...Well, except with Anon... >You close your eyes and reminisce on his hands travelling across your body. >He's so... tender. >Firm, yet gentle. >... >Before you could sink into these savory memories, your mind presented memories of how you hitched up your skirt today. >You're not sure what you were thinking, it was real chilly out. >But... it was nice to have Anon look at you like that... >You cover your face in embarrassment at the memory. >If Rarity saw you like that, she'd be beside herself. >You never thought you'd do something so... risque... >But Anon... >He makes you feel... >...Different. >You've never really been interested in boys or relationships before, Rainbow and the others were all the social life you needed. >But Anon didn't come to you to ask you out. >He just wanted an extracurricular activity, and maybe a friend. >But that sneaky, sneaky Anon... >He infected you with his friendly, kind, charming demeanor and... >...Started a fire inside you. >You feel even more ashamed of yourself when you remember what happened the last time you thought about Anon like this on your bed. >He lent you his jacket to save you from complete humiliation, and you... >...You defiled it. >It was such a nice jacket, too... >You cover your face with your hands in embarrassment. >You can't believe how you acted that night. >You never knew you could be such a pervert. >Anon... "Why did you have to sniff your jacket when I gave it back to you?" You mutter to yourself. >You spent the rest of the day unable to think about anything else. >It was so humiliating, what if he smelled... it? >What would he think? >What would Rainbow or Rarity or Twilight think? >And the worst part is... >When he sniffed his jacket... >...It was really hot. "This is all your fault, Anon..." You mumble. >You slip out of your skirt. "You turned me into a pervert..." >But as if it were divine intervention, a text from Rainbow buzzed on your phone. >Snapping you out of your trance, you sit straight up and fan yourself before checking the text. >[Watcha up to now] [Nothing, hbu?] You lied. >[Ngl, a little stressed about tomorrow] Rainbow admitted. >You sigh, feeling a pang of sympathy for your friend. [You're gonna do great in the game tomorrow, I know it] >Rainbow takes a moment to respond. >[I know, I guess I'm just feeling the pressure now] >[The first game sets the tone for the rest of the season, and all eyes are on me as the star player] >[Plus, this is the last first game of the season of my high school career] >[After this is college, and who knows what else from there] >You sigh. >Life after high school isn't something you like to think about. >The future after graduation is so uncertain and kind of intimidating. >You wish things didn't have to change, you're happy with your life as is. >You wish you could just stay with the animal shelter. >[Fluttershy?] >You shove your worried thoughts to the back of your mind, Rainbow needs your help. [Whatever happens tomorrow, we all know you'll be amazing] [You're the best soccer player I know, and we'll all be proud of you no matter if you win or lose] [As for after high school...] >You pause for a moment, trying to think of the best answer. [...Stressing yourself over it now isn't gonna help. Just try to live in the moment] >You wish you could so easily follow your own advice. >A few moments later, Rainbow responds. >[Thanks, Fluttershy. I'm really glad we're friends] >You smile, feeling the warmth of your friendship with her. [I'm really glad we're friends, too] >You yawn soon after send the text, so you figure it's time to hit the hay. >Tomorrow's gonna be a big day, after all. >You wake up from a (thankfully) dreamless slumber. >Turning over, you glance at the clock on your nightstand. >6:11. >Today's the big day, you better get going. >You crawl out of bed, grab some season-appropriate clothes, and hop into the shower. >The hot water helps wake you up, but it also brings back some troubling thoughts from yesterday. >Maybe Rainbow's concerns were justified. >Admittedly, life after high school was something you avoided thinking about. >You could get away with doing some basic courses at the local community college, but that'll only delay the problem. >You weren't particularly great at any school subjects, so picking a major would be enough trouble. >Plus everyone's schedule gets busier and harder to line up in college. >Not to mention it's a completely new environment... >You squirt some body soap onto your hand and scrub it onto your arms, but you keep worrying. >Would you be able to stay in touch with Rainbow? >Or Twilight? >Or Rarity? >Or Anon? >You scrub your legs, but you can't scrub away these worries. >Now you're feeling a little more worried about not being with Anon today. >Gosh, you really don't want to be clingy, but... >No, you can't worry about this now. >You've gotta get ready soon. >You rush through washing your hair before quickly stepping out of the shower. >It doesn't take you super long to dry off, brush your hair and brush your teeth. >Before long, you're dressed and ready to take on the day. >Zephyr's still snoring in his room (as usual), but your parents are eating breakfast at the table. >"Good morning, Fluttershy." Your mom greets you. >"Good morning!" Your dad follows. "Good morning, how was bowling last night?" You ask them, taking a couple fruits for breakfast. >"Oh, we lost, but it was still a lot of fun!" Your dad sheepishly admits. "Well, that's good to hear!" >"Isn't the first soccer game of the season today?" Your mom asked as she read the morning news. "Sure is! We're all gonna be rooting for Rainbow!" >"Well, tell her we're rooting for her too!" Your mom requests. "I'll be sure to! See you after the game!" You bid your parents farewell. >Your hear them return the farewell before you close the door and head out to take on the day. >Geez, it's real chilly out today. >Autumn is in full swing. >The sidewalk is decorated with a few fallen leaves, dancing across the pavement with the help of the occasional gust of wind. >You're grateful you decided to wear a sweater and jeans today, you'd catch a cold in weather like this. >But despite the temperature getting colder, it's still very peaceful. >The brilliant colors of the sun rising in the distance always help you feel more empowered to deal with the school day. >...But this isn't gonna last. >If you end up going to some college far from home, the sunrise in the morning won't be the same. >The sunlight won't dance through the leaves and branches of the trees you've known all your life. >Some of those fancy colleges are in a big city, where there aren't as many trees or critters. >It's making you homesick, just thinking about it. >You look up at the sky again, and your worrying made the sunrise just a little less colorful. >You sigh forlornly. >"Hey, Flutters!" A familiar, comforting voice calls out to you. >You spin around and spot Anon jogging to catch up to you from the street adjacent to yours. >You try to shove your anxieties to the back of your mind, smiling as you wave back to him. "Oh, hey, Anon!" You greet him in return. >He must've been jogging a while to catch up with you, judging by how he's slightly panting as he catches up to you. >"Sleep well?" He asks you. >Don't think about how you were thinking about him last night. >You nod, maybe a little too hastily. "Oh, I wish I slept better. I'm just so excited for Rainbow's game today!" >"I bet! Rainbow's a pretty incredible soccer player, from what I heard!" He responds as you two resume walking to school. "You mean you've never gone to any of the games?" >Anon shrugs, a sheepish expression on his face. >"Well... no, I haven't. I've never been super into sports, and Norman's usually more interested in eating chips and playing video games than going to school events..." He admits. >You nod understandingly. >You doubt you'd have gone to many soccer games if you weren't friends with Rainbow. >"Oh, by the way, I'm gonna have to wear the jacket for the foreseeable future due to weather concerns." Anon cheekily informs you. >"I know, you prefer me without my jacket, but not wearing jackets in this weather is how you catch a cold. Or worse, brain hemorrhage." >You can't help but snort-laugh at Anon's dumb joke. "Oh, I think you'll be fine." You roll your eyes at him with a grin. >He turns to you with an overly-pouty expression. >The kind you thought only Rarity was capable of. >"But Flutterssssssss, I could dieeeeeee." "Hmm, I'm not sure, Rarity says a good boyfriend would be willing to die for his girlfriend." You tease him. >He stifles a giggle and continues to leer at you. >"I dunno, sounds like this Rarity might be a bad influence." "But we've been friends for years! She'd never steer me wrong like that! And she knows a LOT about dating!" You playfully pout. >"Yeah, well, I dunno, I consider myself pretty worldly, too." Anon humbly brags. "Oh, really? Would you say you know as much about relationships as Rarity?" >"I don't see how that's relevant." Anon bluntly replies. >You two share a giggle. >"Buuuuuut, I know enough to do this~" Anon teases. >Before you could ask him what that would be, he leans over and plants a kiss on your forehead. >The gesture is so sweet and cute you're too flustered to come up with any kind of response. >Anon makes an incredibly smug sound, motivating you to gently punch his shoulder. "That wasn't fair, you caught me off guard!" You pouted. >"That was completely fair, you're just being a sore loser." Anon continued to bask in his little victory. "I'll get you back for that, just you wait." You retort. >You try to sound menacing, but between your voice and your still-red cheeks, this only makes him giggle more. >It's only now that you notice that you've been holding hands with Anon all this time. >Before you know it, you realize you've arrived at Canterlot High. >Pinkie and Twilight, are standing by the horse statue with Rainbow, who eagerly waves you over. >"'Hey, Fluttershy! Hey, Anon!" Rainbow eagerly greets you both. >Your hands separate as you hurry over to your friends, Anon close behind. "Good morning, Rainbow. How are you feeling about the game?" You ask her. >"A flash of nervousness crosses her face before she beams with confidence. >"Ready to go! Those Arlen chumps are just stalling for time, scheduling the game for the end of the day! You ask me, they should just come out and get their loss over with!" >"We're really glad you can come with us to the game and not have to worry about the animals!" Twilight adds. >You smile, nodding. "Thanks, I'm really glad I can come, too. Anon's been a great help." >"I'll say! We've never talked before, but you've been a super duper friend these past couple weeks!" Pinkie chipperly turns to Anon. >You realize that he's standing subtly behind you with a slightly unsure look on his face. >He still isn't super used to being around your friends. >"Yeah, well, Fluttershy's been real great to me, I'm real lucky to have her around." Anon replied, somewhat awkwardly. >What happened to that charisma he was using to mess you with a few minutes ago? >But your cheeks get a little warmer at his flattery. >Twilight and Pinkie respond with an "Awww" at his sweetness. >Rainbow rolls her eyes in an exaggerated manner, but there's still a small smile on her face. >Which ends up making him a little more flustered. >"Y-Yeah, well, you all should be focusing more on the soccer game than our relationship." Anon tried to remind them, still a little flustered. >"Hmmm, nah. Right now I'm having fun hazing you a bit." Rainbow retorted. >"You GOTTA hang with us sometime! We gotta get to know you better!" Pinkie eagerly jumped in. >Anon's a little intimidated by her offer, judging by the awkward smile on his face. >You're unsure about this, too. >"Ah, uh, I-I'm flattered, but I'd hate to intrude-" >"Oh, don't worry! Any friend of Fluttershy's is a friend of ours!" Pinkie beams. >"Isn't that right, girls?" >Twilight and Rainbow share a vague look before turning back to Anon and Pinkie. >"Uh, sure, but-" Twilight replies, but is cut off by Pinkie. >"Well, there you go!" Pinkie assures Anon. "Y-You know, Anon and I were actually kind of planning on having a little date at Sugarcube Corner tomorrow..." You speak up. >"Oh, that's PERFECT! We get together there on Saturdays, too! You should totally come with!" Pinkie cheers. >Poor Anon, he's no match for Pinkie when she gets like this. "But shouldn't we ask Rarity and Applejack and Sunset if they're okay with him coming with us tomorrow? It's kind of rude to leave them out of the loop." You suggest. >"Ooh, good idea!" Pinkie said, pulling out her phone. >Her thumbs fly across the screen before your phone buzzes with a text message notification from Pinkie to the groupchat. >[Heyyyyyy Fluttershy's bf Anon is gonna be joining us at SCC tomorrow!! Hope you don't mind!!] >You sigh. >You were really hoping for a nice date alone with Anon. >Anon's looking a little more overwhelmed >"Oh, cheer up, Anon! You don't have anything to worry about! We all like you!" Pinkie tried to reassure him. >"Well, not as much as Fluttershy, that is~" She adds teasingly. >"Pinkie!" Twilight scolds her as you and Anon get a little more flustered by the attention. >"Good thing, too! 'Cause if any of us liked you as much as Fluttershy does, that would be super duper awkward!" >"Alright, alright, you win." Anon relents with his hands up. >"Oh, goodie! I've gotta show you all my favorites from the menu!" Pinkie cheers victoriously. >"Whoopsie, gotta run! See you at lunch, girls and Nonny!" She skips off. >Pinkie giving Anon a cute nickname like that leaves you with a weird feeling in your stomach. >No, don't be like that. >She's just being friendly. >There's an awkward silence left after Pinkie left you four in the wake of her schedule change. >"...You know, I'd understand if you didn't want me to join you all tomorrow." Anon weakly spoke up. >"No, no, it's alright! I'm sorry about Pinkie, she can be... a lot sometimes." Twilight apologized. >"More like a lot of the time." Rainbow muttered. "I wouldn't worry about it, Anon. You've sat with us at lunch and you get along with all of us." You reassure him. >"Just don't do anything stupid, 'cause AJ and I could kick your ass really easily." Rainbow warned him. "Rainbow!" You scold her, noticing a worried look appear on Anon's face. >"I'm just saying!" >You feel Angel rustling around in your backpack. "We should be getting to class soon." >Rainbow, Anon, and Twilight check the time, followed by three different expressions of surprise. >"Oh shoot, you're right." Anon said. >"Well, see you all later!" Rainbow said before dashing off. >"...Guess I'll see you all at lunch?" Anon asked. >"You bet!" Twilight confirmed. >"Alright, cool!" Anon replied more comfortably. >Angel rustles again in your backpack. >He must be getting restless. "Why don't you two go on ahead, there's something I gotta take care of out here first." You speak up, removing your backpack from your shoulders. >"Is everything alright?" Anon asks you. >"Oh, don't worry, it's all fine." Rainbow speaks up, knowing what you're referring to. >Anon points a confused expression between her and Twilight, who only responds with an awkward shrug. >"...Well, alright." Anon relents, trusting you and your friends. >"Anyway, I gotta talk with Norman about something, catch you later!" He says, making his way up the stairs. "Wait!" You interject. >Anon turns to face you, along with Twilight and Rainbow. "...A-Aren't you forgetting something?" You ask, nervously glancing around to make sure there weren't any spectators. >Anon thinks for a moment, then a mischievous look appears in his eye for the briefest moment. >He tugs the waist of his jeans out, looks down, and fakes a shocked expression. >"Uh oh." >Rainbow cackles at his little joke. "Anon!" You scold him, feeling a little flustered. >"Kidding! Kidding!" He assures you while giggling. >You put on your most stern face, but this doesn't stop him from gently lifting your chin and planting a chaste kiss on your lips. >You try to keep a goofy smile from spreading across your lips, but you fail. >"Better?" Anon asks. "...Better." You grumpily admit, still blushing. >Rainbow's eyes threaten to roll right out of her head, but Twilight appreciates the show of romance. >"Okay, now I really gotta run. See you at lunch!" Anon waves goodbye as he hurries up the stairs. >"I'll race you! Seeya, girls!" Rainbow yells over her shoulder as she sprints up the stairs after Anon. >"You don't even know where I'm going!" Anon yells back to Rainbow as they both disappear behind the school's front doors. >That leaves you with just Twilight. >"...I'm not sure I get Anon's joke." She awkwardly mentions. >Your cheeks flare up at the thought of explaining his little stunt. "D-Don't worry about it, I just gotta let Angel out for a bit." You insist, kneeling down and setting your backpack on the right. >"Oh, right! Catch you later!" Twilight waves goodbye, running up the stairs and inside Canterlot High. >You glance around and assure that nobody else is around. >You'll have to make this quick. >You unzip your backpack and Angel hops right out onto the grass. "You'll get to meet Anon at lunch today! You'll like him, I just know it!" You whisper to Angel, still cautious about anyone seeing you. >Angel leers at you a bit. "...Promise to be on your best behavior?" You ask him. >He ignores you and goes back to nibbling on the grass. "Please?" >Angel looks up at you, seems to think about it for a moment, then nods before going back to eating. "Oh, thank you!" You excitedly say, scooping him up into your arms for a hug. >Angel's still a little rough with close contact like hugs, but he's come a long way. >After a brief moment spent hugging, you check the time. >You're five minutes late for class already. "Come on, time to get going." You whisper to Angel before gently setting him inside your backpack. >Once it's zipped up, you make your way inside the building. >The hallways are mostly empty and your first class isn't far from the front entrance, which is nice. >Your first class of the day is Drawing and Painting IV. >It's a really nice way to start the day. >Ms. Easel is so nice, too. >She never interrogates you on being late when you're letting Angel roam a bit. >You retrieve your sketchbook from your backpack and return to sketching the small setup of objects Ms. Easel has set up. >You like to think of yourself as a pretty good artist, but it's always important to practice shading. >It really brings a drawing to life. >But while you're sketching, you glance around at the other students in the classroom. >They're all focused on drawing from their own perspectives, but you can tell there's something different in the air today. >Some students occasionally lean over and mumble something to each other, and you can tell what they're talking about. >The soccer game. >You can't help but feel a little nervous for Rainbow. >You can't imagine what kind of pressure she's under right now. >But she'll pull through. >She's the school superstar for a reason. >As much as you tried to assure yourself it'll all be alright, that seed of worry stays planted in your mind throughout the rest of the class period. >Admittedly, you don't get as much done as you'd like. >Before you know it, class is over. >Next class: AP English. >Twilight suggested you take it last year. >She said it would help you prepare for college. >It's pretty tough, but you've been keeping up with your readings, and your teacher appreciates your input in class. >And Twilight is nice enough to help you study and understand the more complicated readings when she's available. >Honestly, a lot of this class goes in one year and out the other. >And you think the same true for your classmates. >It's the darn soccer game again. >Everyone knows this is Rainbow's last soccer game before she graduates. >...Come to think of it, you're not sure why she's so worried about college. >She's sure to get some kind of scholarship for her soccer skills. >...If only your path to college and beyond was so clear. >But then again, you don't know what's going on in her head. >Maybe you'll ask her sometime. >You curse yourself for your tendency to worry so much. >Your third class of the day is Geology, but it all goes by in a haze. >You can't stop worrying. >About the game. >About the animal shelter. >About college. >It's all so much to deal with at once. >Your teacher's voice fades into indistinct mumbling. >The words on the worksheet in front of you blur into various gray shapes. >Can anyone else notice how worried you are? >You dare not look up and check. >Calm down. >Just... >Think of something else. >... >...What if Anon was being serious about not- >NO. >THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE. >Your leg brushes against your backpack on the floor. >Maybe Angel could help you. >Slowly, carefully, you nudge your backpack under your desk and between your legs. >Nobody's paying attention to you. >You hope. >As slowly as you could manage, you unzip your backpack. >You lean down and rest your chin on your desk. >Thankfully you're sitting near the back of the classroom. >Without breaking eye contact with the front of the classroom, you feel around the inside of your backpack and find Angel curled up inside. >He was sleeping, you can tell from how he jumps slightly when you gently pet his fur. >You wish you could apologize to him, but you'll have to remember to do that later. >At least he doesn't seem to mind too much. >You get into a rhythm petting him, each stroke making you feel a little better. >It helps ground you in the moment. >The soccer game and college can't hurt you here. >"Fluttershy?" >The side effect of being calmed down is now you can hear clearly again. >Your head shoots up from your desk upon hearing your name called out by Mr. Outcrop. "Y-Yes?" >"Are you feeling alright back there?" >Half the class is looking at you now. >You start to feel more anxious again. "U-Uh, yeah, I just... didn't get enough sleep last night." You lie. >Mr. Outcrop responds by chuckling softly. >"Well, at least you don't think my class is boring." He softly jokes. >This relieves some of the tension as the class turns back to the PowerPoint presentation on the board. >You softly sigh in relief, sitting up straight. >The lunch bell rings not too long after. >You make sure to zip up your backpack to keep Angel safe before you get up and make your way to the cafeteria. >The hallways are such a zoo at this time of day. >Everyone's in such a hurry to get to lunch. >And it always takes you longer to get to the cafeteria because you're never able to push through anyone to get there. >If everyone just walked more calmly, we'd all get there faster. >You can only hope Angel isn't getting to jostled around back there. >Just keep walking, you'll make progress. >Eventually... >You can almost see the lunch tables... >Boy, it's getting so tight. >You can barely breathe in between all these teenagers. >Almost there... >The crowd suddenly dissipates once you cross the threshold into the cafeteria. >Yes! You made it! >No time to cheer now, though. >You've still gotta get lunch. >At least the lunch line is more orderly. >It doesn't take long for Granny Smith to hand you a tray of fresh fruits along with a chicken sandwich. >You always make sure to thank her, she's so nice. >Now that that's out of the way, you head for your usual lunch table. >Twilight, Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity are already there, but Sunset's nowhere to be seen. >Anon still hasn't arrived, either. >You look over to where his usual table is. >Nope, just Flash and his bandmates sitting there. >He just hasn't arrived yet. >"Yoo-hoo! Fluttershy!" You hear Rarity call out to you. >You snap back to your group of friends and sit down next to Rarity, with Rainbow across from you. >"How's it been hangin'?" Rainbow asks you. >You feel your breath hitch in your throat. >You better answer soon. "Oh, y'know, same old school stuff." You manage to answer. >"Yep, 's a real shame we ain't bein' quizzed on the syllabus anymore." Applejack remarked before taking a bite from her sandwich. >I can't focus on anything today! I'm just so excited for the big game later today!" Pinkie piped up. >You knew Rainbow well enough to know when she tries to hide her nervousness. >"The WHOLE school's gonna be there! And the other team's coming all the way from Texas!" >Just then, a few other students passed by your table. >"We're all rooting for you, Rainbow!" One of them encouraged her. >"Yeah! Knock 'em dead!" The other added. >The pressure on Rainbow is starting to build. >Better distract. "Say, where's Sunset?" You ask, trying to change the subject. >"She's busy with a book report. She's gonna be spending lunch in the library today." Twilight was quick to answer. >"Too bad, she's missing out on all the hype!" Pinkie added, steering the conversation back on track. >Oh, brother. >Before anything else about the game could be said, Rainbow shoots up from her seat and waves to someone behind you. >"Yo, Anon! Over here!" She calls out. >Maybe a little too loud. >You, along with the other girls at the table, turn around to see Anon standing with Norman. >Rainbow accidentally caused a few other students to turn towards Anon. >He's clearly feeling awkward. >Not helped by Norman giving him the side-eye. >"Come on, sit down with us, dude! Fluttershy kept your seat warm!" Rainbow offered a little hastily. >You kind of wish she didn't draw so much attention to you regarding Anon. >"Uh... Okay!" Anon answered, slowly and carefully sitting down next to you. >Norman rolled his eyes a bit and went to sit with Flash and his bandmates. >Anon glances between you and the other girls, unsure of what to say or do. >"Y'know, it's a shame you're in Strength Training. Seems to me your agility could use some work." She remarked, referring to their "race" earlier today. >Anon gave her an amused look. >"You were the only one who decided where the finish line was." >"So?" >"And you shoved me!" >"Did not! It's not my fault you don't know how to put one foot in front of the other!" >"At least being in Strength Training means I could probably beat you in arm wrestling." Anon remarked, picking up his apple. >Rainbow got up from her chair. >"Oh yeah?" >She leaned across the table and offered her hand for the challenge. >"Wanna prove it?" >Anon's looking a little intimidated again. >He considers his answer for a moment, looking between her hand, her smug face, and you. >"...Well, later in the semester, sure!" >Rainbow burst into a fit of laughter. >"I'll hold you to it!" >"Count me in!" Applejack eagerly chimed in from across the table. >"Rainbow, Applejack, be nice to Fluttershy's boyfriend." Rarity instructed them, providing you and Anon with some relief. >"Pfft, we were just messing with him!" Rainbow defended, backing off back into her chair to go back to her lunch. >You feel Anon's hand brush against your own. >Almost instinctively, you gently take his hand in yours. >It's beneath the table, but you enjoy the tenderness of the moment. >It kind of makes you wish you were more comfortable with PDA. >"We all really appreciate you covering for Fluttershy at the animal shelter today." Twilight smiled at him. >Anon gently smiled in return, still holding your hand. >"It's really no big deal, I learned a lot from her, and I really like working with the animals. Fluttershy's been the best thing to happen to me in a long time." He said. >Darn you, Anon. >Now he's got you all flustered and gushy, too. >As you try to hide your face in his firm yet comforting shoulder, you could sense the temperature change as the hearts of your friends melted around you. >"You better keep that Prince Charming stuff under control if you wanna hang with us tomorrow." Rainbow muttered. >"Don't worry, I will!" Anon is quick to respond. >"Say, you've never been to Sugarcube Corner, have you?" Pinkie interjected. >Anon shrugged. >"Nope, never been. I guess I was afraid being in there for too long would give me a cavity." He joked. >Rarity stifled a giggle at his remark. >You inch a little closer to him. >"Well, that just means we're doing our jobs right!" Pinkie beamed. >"Pinkie's family owns the place." Twilight quickly informed him. >Anon nodded to himself, with an expression that read "That makes a lot of sense". >"Anyway, we GOTTA find your super special favorite treat! Everyone has one!" Pinkie continued. >"I dunno, I mean, I like vanilla milkshakes-" Anon said. >"No, silly! It can't JUST be a milkshake! There's all sorts of toppings and goodies that make everyone's favorite unique!" >"Gotcha, I'm starting to feel overwhelmed already." He lightly chuckled. >"Don't worry, you'll be a natural at it, I'm sure!" Pinkie reassured him. >She's really leaning towards Anon. >You're really glad he's getting along with your friends, but he's clearly a little overwhelmed. >Almost as if on cue, you felt Angel rustle around in your backpack. >While Anon's talking with Pinkie and Twilight, you carefully reach down and place your backpack in your lap. >Time to make an introduction. "H-Hey, Anon..." You softly speak up, trying to not interrupt his conversation. >"Hm?" He turns to you. >"What's up, Flutters?" >You gulp. "I, uh... wanna introduce you to... someone." >He raised an eyebrow at you, glancing around the lunch table for anyone you might be referring to. >"Oooh! Anon's hasn't met Angel yet?" Pinkie excitedly asked. >"Pinkie, shh!" Twilight quickly. >"Wait, who's Angel?" Anon asked. >You take a deep breath and slowly unzip your backpack. >The moment your backpack is open, Angel's head pops out and looks around. >The moment he sees Anon, his ears lower and he leers at him. >"Oh!" Anon says, surprised. >He lets out an awkward laugh, looking between you and Angel. >"Act natural, don't let everyone know." Rainbow reminded him in a stern but hushed tone. >Anon retracted his hand and straightened his back. >"Right, sorry." >Angel's head stretches out of your backpack to sniff his hand, and you sigh. "Sometimes I bring Angel with me to school and the animal shelter. He's my only pet, and I don't want him to get lonely at home..." You say to him. >Anon's focused on not moving his hand to help Angel feel safe sniffing him, but he looks up at you. >"Your only pet, huh? The way you are with animals, I thought you'd have a small zoo at home." He gently jokes. >You smile, but shake your head. "No, my parents only let me have one pet. Angel's can be a real handful sometimes, though." You giggle. >Angel turns away from Anon to shoot you a stern look. >"Angel's kind of a secret of ours, and we trust you to not tell anyone about this." Twilight said to him. >Anon raised the index, middle, and ring finger with his right arm at a 90 degree angle. >"Scout's honor." He assured her. >Twilight looked a little confused by his gesture, but was nonetheless pleased to see him agree. >Angel either trusted Anon or wanted to inspect him further, as he jumped out of your backpack and onto his lap. >Anon immediately froze up and looked to you, nonverbally communicating that he doesn't know what do to. "...I think he likes you!" You reassure him. >Anon nervously smiles, looking down on Angel. >The two meet eyes, but it looks more like Angel is trying to stare down Anon. >Please behave, Angel. >"Anyway, uh, we've been talking about me a lot, how's everyone else's day going?" Anon asked the table. >"I've been doing well!" Twilight answered. >"Super-duper!" Pinkie said. >"Ah can't complain." Applejack spoke up. >"Quite well, thank you." Rarity replied. "Oh, well... you know." You giggle, leaning closer into Anon. >He gently smiles, leaning into you in return. >Angel nestles in between you and him. >Rainbow rolled her eyes shoved some more food in her mouth. >"...I guess I know how your day's been going." Anon said to her. >She looked up from her tray and leered at him. >"What's that supposed to mean?" >Anon shrunk back a bit, quickly looking to the rest of the table for support. >"I- I mean, the big game. From what I heard, it's a pretty big deal," He clarified with a nervous tone. >Rainbow loudly groaned and slumped down. >"I know it's a big deal, everyone's been telling me." >"Sorry..." Anon meekly apologized. >Rainbow shook her head and look back at him. >"It's alright, I guess I'm just feeling the pressure, is all." >"Geez, I haven't seen you like this since you split your shorts in the long jump last year." Pinkie remarked with her usual chipper tone. >A fierce blush immediately appeared on Rainbow's cheeks as she shot Pinkie a dirty look. >"Tell everyone, why don't you!?" She snapped at her. >"Sorry, sorry!" Pinkie hastily apologized. >"So that IS what happened..." Anon muttered to himself. >"Ya really have nothing to be worried about, Rainbow." Applejack assured her. "From what ah heard, the visitin' team ain't much when it comes to soccer." >Rainbow rubbed her temple. >"I know, but... It's the last first game of my career here." She admitted. >A silence fell among the table, everyone understanding her anxiety. >"I mean, who knows what'll happen when we're all in college? That's, like, a whole new world." >You can feel your dread creep in again. >It's so selfish of you to feel this way, especially now, but you can't help it. >You squeeze Anon's hand tighter. >Angel can tell you're getting stressed as Rainbow vents, so he curls up on your lap. >"The way ah see it, where there's a will, there's a way. As long as ya got a plan to work through, it'll all work out in the end." Applejack advised her. >"But that's the thing! Soccer's been kind of my whole thing, here! And those colleges are so picky when it comes to who gets a scholarship, I just..." Rainbow rambled. >You summon the willpower to set your own worries aside and speak up. "Hey, um... remember what we talked about last night?" >Rainbow looks up at you. >"Yeah..." "Is there anything you can do about the problem right now?" >Rainbow shakes her head. >"No..." "Well, then, what's worrying gonna do?" >She shrugs. >"Nothing, I guess." "Exactly. So maybe you could try... focusing on what's here, right now." You suggest. >If only following your own advice was that easy. >"Okay, uh..." Rainbow says, looking around. >"I see... some birds outside." "Good! What else do you see here?" >Rainbow seems to ease up a bit. >"There's some weird board game being played at that table over there." She notes, pointing to a table farther from you. >You'd look over and see for yourself, but you've got more pressing matters at hand. >"The janitor's carting those trash cans out to the dumpster." Rainbow adds. >Oh yeah, Discord the janitor. >He's a real character. >"I also see your dorky boyfriend trying to pet Angel." Rainbow snickers. >Anon retracts his hand and places it in his lap like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, making everyone at the table giggle a bit. >Angel looks a little annoyed that he stopped petting. "Feeling better?" You ask her. >Rainbow gently sighs with a smile. >"...A bit, yeah. Thanks, Flutters." >You smile, comforted by having been able to help your oldest friend. >"Oh, goodie!" Pinkie cheers. >"You really shouldn't hold these kinds of worries inside, darling. You can always come to any of us if you need to talk." Rarity added with a concerned expression. >"Absolutely! That's what friends are for, after all!" Twilight agreed. >Anon looks like he wants to say something, but still isn't super comfortable around your friends. >Maybe it's because this is his first time seeing Rainbow vulnerable like this. >You squeeze his hand a bit, encouraging him to speak up. >Anon looks back at you, sees the reassurance in your eyes, and sits up to speak. >"...Hey, Rainbow?" He says. >She turns to face him with a quizzical look. >"I, uh... I might not know you as well as your other friends here, but I feel grateful for having the opportunity to get to know you better. You're a really cool, fun person to be around. I just... I dunno, I want to be able to help you if I can, and I know your friends feel the same. I know you're gonna go on to achieve greatness, and I know everyone here would be willing to help you as much as you need in order to get there." >Anon's voice starts out kind of shaky and awkward, but then it smooths out as he gets more comfortable. >"Besides, I can't imagine you'd need much help. The way people talk about your soccer skills, I'd be amazed if you aren't playing in the World Cup as soon as you graduate. You're gonna rule the world someday, I know it." >Rainbow laughs at the idea, then gives Anon a more genuine smile. >"...Thanks, dude." She said to him, in a slightly softer voice. >There's that twinge inside you again. >Are you... >...Jealous? >No, no, no, Anon's just being nice. >He's just comforting Rainbow, just like you were. >Anon's very caring, he's just being a good friend. >And Rainbow would never- >"Alright, Fluttershy, you picked a good one." Rainbow said to you, chuckling. >You snap back to reality. "Oh, yes! I'm very, very lucky to be able to call him my boyfriend. He's such a sweetheart." You answer, leaning close to him. >"Okay, new rule for tomorrow: either of you start doing that schmultzy stuff, you pay the bill." Rainbow stated, returning to her usual tone of voice. >This earns a round of laughter from everyone at the table, you and Anon included. >"Okay, okay, I don't want us to become THAT couple." Anon chuckles. >"You two are already showing some worrying signs." Rarity added, covering her mouth to hide her polite laughter. "Haha, yeah..." You trail off, your cheeks feeling warmer. >The rest of the lunch period goes by rather well. >Anon's warming up to your friends, and they don't mind him being a part of their conversations. >Even Angel has warmed up to Anon. >And yet there's so many emotions stirring within you. >Your worries about the future aren't exactly the same as Rainbow's, but a lot of them involve Anon. >You don't know what kind of plans he has for the future. >He's pretty smart, he could end up going to some fancy college. >He could end up going to... wherever Twilight is from. >If you two end up going to different colleges, he could end up with a completely different social scene. >What if he meets another girl? >One who's able to spend more time with him than you'd be able to? >One who isn't so insecure about her friends being nice to him? >What if he loses interest in you when you're not spending every day together? >He'll be on his own at the animal shelter today, you hope it all goes well. >Before you know it, the lunch bell rings. >Meaning this is the last you'll see of Anon today. >Everyone at the table says their goodbyes and gives Rainbow one last "good luck" before going their separate ways. >Anon gets up to leave after saying goodbye to Pinkie, Twilight, and Rarity, but is stopped when he realizes you have his hand in a vice grip. >"Everything okay, Flutters?" He asks you in that velvety voice of his. >The kind of tone that makes your knees weak. "...You sure you're gonna be okay on your own at the animal shelter?" >He turns to face you and takes your other hand in his. >"I'm completely sure, I had the best teacher I could ask for. You just focus on cheering on Rainbow at the game." Anon reassures you. >There's more you want to say, you want to talk about what you're worried about, but time is running out before the next class. >But you trust Anon. >After a brief farewell kiss, you finally separate from Anon and hurry to your next class. --ANONYMOUS-- >As you make your way down the hall to the gymnasium, your mind lingers on how lunch went. >You're feeling way less awkward around Fluttershy's friends, which is great. >You really don't want to overstay your welcome with them. >After all, too many friend groups were ruined by someone bringing their boyfriend or girlfriend with them everywhere. >But if you were gonna become a more permanent part of their social circle, you'd appreciate it. >...Probably more than you'd care to admit. >Tomorrow's your chance to prove yourself to them. >Tomorrow you get to prove yourself to six of the most popular girls in school that you can be their friend, and not just their friend's boyfriend. >You'll be in unfamiliar territory, and you'll be outnumbered six to one. >...Man, you're more stressed about this than you probably should be. >It's just a casual hangout among friends, it's not like you're on trial. >They already like you enough already, you survived lunch with them. >Rainbow seems to be warming up to you, judging by her ribbing. >And Pinkie, well, she's friends with everyone. >You were afraid Rarity would be more incisive, but she's a lot more down-to-earth than you thought she would be. >The way the guys in the locker room talk about her, you'd think she might as well be Aphrodite. >According to them, asking her out might as well be social suicide. >But you approached her as a friend, not as a potential boyfriend. >Twilight and Applejack seem nice as well, but you don't know a ton about them, beyond that Applejack lives at the local farm and Twilight's some kind of exchange student. >Sunset... >She's come a long way since last year. >You've heard whispers that Sunset was arrested after whatever happened at last year's dance and was replaced with her twin sister. >You should try to get to know her better. >And the rest of them. >Once you get to the locker room and change into your workout clothes, that feeling of dread returns from before. >The same you felt when staring up at your ceiling while laying on your bed thinking about Fluttershy. >You really don't feel like you deserve to be among them. >They're all so friendly and outgoing and have tons of hobbies and have done a lot for Canterlot High. >And then there's you. >The weird, insecure nerd who spent most of his time alone in his bedroom playing first person shooters from the 90's. >Your DAD had to tell you to get a life. >You doubt Rainbow or Rarity had to deal with that. >Maybe tomorrow is when the veil is lifted and those seven girls see that you're not what they saw you as. >You'll be walking out of Sugarcube Corner with your tail between your legs and the haze of rejection and failure encompassing you. >You can't lose what you have. >You've gotta become the person Fluttershy sees you as. >Strong, confident, everything a boyfriend should be. >"Hey Anon, what's taking so long?" You hear Coach Soarin call out to you from just the other side of the locker room door. "Nothing!" You call out to him, hastily pulling your shirt over your head and heading to the weight room. >Pipsqueak's waiting for you by the bench, having already put 80 pounds of plates on the bar. >"'Sup, Anon?" He asked you, raising his hand for a dap. >You meet him halfway, shoving your anxieties back down. "Not much, just workin' the grind." You answer in a relaxed tone. >"Yeah, same here. You gonna be at the game?" "Actually, no. I'm covering for Fluttershy at the animal shelter so she can support Rainbow Dash." >Pipsqueak nods understandingly. >"You think you're gonna make it to any of the games this semester? Rainbow's a force to be reckoned with on the field!" >You shrug, moving behind the bench press setup. "We'll see. Fluttershy's real close with Rainbow, I imagine she'll want to go to as many soccer games as possible. Besides, I'm not super into sports." >Pipsqueak got himself situated on the bench, gripping the bar with all the strength he could muster. "Ready?" >He clenches his jaw and nods. >"Ready!" >Pipsqueak lifts the bar up off the rack and carefully lowers it down to his chest. >The poor guy's skin and bones, even this much weight has his arms shaking a bit. >You stand at the ready with your arms situated at each end in case you need to lift it up off of him. >That's happened more than once, but Pipsqueak's a real trooper. >You can't help but admire his determination. >It takes him longer than most to complete ten reps, and his arms are threatening to give by the time he sets it back on the rack. "Nice job, man." You congratulate him, setting his plates back on the rack. >"Heh... ain't nothing to it!" He chokes out, rubbing his arms. >He goes to get a drink of water and recover enough strength to be an effective spotter. >While he's out, you place 150 pounds worth of plates on the bar. >This'll be your warm-up today. >It'll help you get stronger quicker. >You lay down on the bench after wiping it down, leaving you with a moment to stir on your earlier worries. >You glance at your arms. >No noticeable progress yet. >But that'll change soon, surely. >By the time Pipsqueak comes back, you're ready to go. >"Phew, just going right in today, huh?" Pipsqueak asks you. "You know it, man." You answer, gripping the bar. >He shuffles behind you and readies his arms. >"Ready?" "Ready." >Lifting the bar up takes a little more effort than you were prepared for, but it's nothing you can't handle. >Lowering the bar down to your chest puts you at more risk of dropping it, but you can't let that happen. >Pain is weakness leaving the body. >Be strong. >You lift the bar up. >And then you lower it. >Then you lift it again. >Then you lower it again. >This process becomes more strenuous with each rep, but you grit your teeth and keep going. >Pipsqueak starts to look worried. >But you do it. >Ten reps completed, you sit up and rub out the soreness in your arms. >Pipsqueak looks like he wants to say something, but refrains. >"Hey, Anon!" A voice speaks from behind you. >You turn around and realize it's Hoops, Score, and Dumb-bell standing behind you and Pipsqueak. >This isn't gonna end well. >"You two look pretty tired, you look like you could use a better spotter." Score remarks, a grin on his face. >"Yeah, you come with me, you guys stay with Anon." Dumb-bell informed Pipsqueak, leaving you with Score and Hoops. >Pipsqueak wants to protest this change, but is shoved to the other side of the weight room by his new spotter. >Hoops and Score loom over you, making you stand up to level the playing field. "What's this about?" You ask the two problem students in an annoyed tone. >"Word on the street's that you're Fluttercry's boyfriend." Score whispered to you with a shit-eating grin. >The way he says that awful name makes your stomach turn. >You feel your body tense up with agitation, but you try to keep this emotion hidden to avoid escalating the situation. "...So?" You answer. >Great response, Anon. >"I get you're desperate for some pussy but you could REALLY do better than her." Score said to you in a faux-advisory tone. "What? No, it's not like that." >"Oh, yeah?" Score grinned. >Hoops is getting closer to you. "No, I didn't even approach her with the intent of going out. I needed something to do after school, and the animal shelter was looking for volunteers." >Both of them snicker at your answer. >"She at least put out yet?" Hoops asked you. >"As if, she'd probably run off crying if he put a hand on her thigh." >Your face is getting warmer. "That's none of your business." >This earns a round of loud, obnoxious laughter from the two. >"Hey, this isn't a hang-out class." Coach Soarin said to the three of you. >"Yes, sir." Hoops responded, in an incredibly fake formal tone. >Coach Soarin raises an eyebrow at the three of you, but turns back to his clipboard. >"So, what, you turn her down or something?" Score prodded further. >"Yeah, like, why put up with all her crybaby shit if you're not gonna get your dick wet?" Hoops added. >Coach Soarin must have something really enthralling on that clipboard of his to not be hearing them. "Why do you guys care so much?" >"We see you putting in all that effort lifting weights and shit, we'd hate to see you go all soft and flabby for Fluttercry." Hoops was quick to answer. >"I dunno man, if he's not in it for the pussy he might be a lost cause." Score snickered to Hoops like you weren't there. >You groan and go back to the plates, now that your arms aren't as sore anymore. "Look, we're wasting class time. I imagine you two aren't far from suspension, so I'd hate to see either of you get in more trouble with Coach Soarin or Vice Principal Luna." >"Oh, what, you're gonna tell on us?" Score grinned. >You ignore his question, putting 175 pounds on the bar. "From what I've seen, you don't need any help getting their attention." You dryly retort. >"Anon's right, we don't want lover-boy here to miss out on any time spent being Fluttercry's tissue dispenser." Score wryly said to Hoops. >All you could do was funnel your agitation into the bar. >The two jerks hovering above you positioned themselves at either end of the bar. >You don't even wait for them to ask if you're ready, you just hoist the bar up and begin your reps. >Turns out, you haven't recovered from your earlier session as much as you thought you did. >Your arms threaten to give out almost immediately. >Hoops and Score must have noticed this, judging by their smug expression. >They're keeping their hands on the bar, but just barely. >You stomach your struggling and keep lifting up and down, albeit very slowly. >It takes an incredible amount of effort to keep your arms from shaking, or from showing any kind of weakness. >Hoops and Score are having enough fun watching you struggle, you don't need to give them more material. >"Y'know, if he's putting up with Fluttercry without even trying to fuck her, you think Nonny here even LIKES girls?" Hoops grinned to Score. >You feel your blood getting hotter. >It has to be showing on your face now. >"Ooh, good point. He HAS been hanging around with her friends, from what I heard." Score added. >Only two more reps. >Tune them out. >Focus on the bar. >Pain is weakness leaving the body. >Slowly, arduously, the bar is raised up. >"Shit, if that's true, it might be too late to help our dear friend Anon." Hissed Score. >The bar is lowered. >A little quicker than you wanted it to. >You stop it from hitting your chest, no thanks to Score or Hoops. >One last rep, come on. >You can do this. >Raise the bar. >You take a deep breath and summon all your remaining strength to lift it upwards. >But you don't make much progress. >Your arms are beginning to shake. >"Come on, fairy." Hoops muttered to you. >"Can't you at least PRETEND to be a man?" >Ignore them. >Lift the bar. >Complete the rep. >You stretch your arms up. >Your arms shake even more and manage to barely raise it an inch. >"Ugh, this is just sad." Hoops remarked. >"Yeah, I'm starting to feel bad him." Score agreed. >With their assistance, you raise the bar and set it back on the rack. >You don't say anything as you sit up from the bench and wipe the sweat from your forehead. >"Why don't you take five, champ?" Hoops mockingly asked you, smacking you on the back with a little too much force. >"You don't wanna hurt those dainty little wrists of yours, do you?" >"Or chip a nail." >You look over to Pipsqueak and Dumb-bell. >Pipsqueak's getting the same treatment from what you can tell, with Dumb-bell helping him just enough to keep the bar from falling on his chest, but not so much that he isn't struggling. >Coach Soarin is nowhere to be seen, he must be talking with Coach Spitfire about something. >Whatever. >You don't need to get a teacher involved. >You can fight your own battles. >You go to get a drink of water from the water fountain. >Despite how cold the water is that comes out of the spout, it doesn't cool you off at all. >You're still fuming about what just happened. >Those assholes had complete power over you. >They kept prodding you and insulting you and Fluttershy, and kept the bar down on you. >All you could do was sit there and take it. >You've never felt so weak before. >If you were stronger, you could stand up for yourself and Fluttershy. >A good boyfriend wouldn't let Hoops and Score do what they did. >Once you come up from the water fountain for air, you notice your hand is shaking a bit. >On one side you've got Hoops, Score, and Dumb-bell, and on the other hand there's Fluttershy's friends ready to judge you for how worthy you are of dating their friend. >...You've never felt so weak before. >Ever since you realized you had feelings for Fluttershy, you've been way more vulnerable. >It's a feeling you're not used to. >At least when you just had Norman and your PC games, you were secure. >But now you're more open to be hurt than you've ever been in your life. >It's... scary. >All you have to look forward to today is maintaining an animal shelter by yourself. >Fluttershy appreciates you covering for her, you're sure of that. >No, don't be like that. >You'll have the animals to keep you company. >They'll appreciate your attention and care. >If Fluttershy can manage that place by herself, so can you. >"Hey, Anon..." You hear Pipsqueak's voice behind you. >You finally release the water fountain's button and turn around to face him. "Hey, Pipsqueak..." >There's an awkward silence between you two for a moment. "...Dumb-bell didn't rough you up too bad, did he?" You ask. >Pipsqueak shook his head. >"No, he was just being a jerk." Pipsqueak assured you. >"...How are you doing?" >You hesitate from answering, still feeling the sting of their mocking. "...I'm fine." You bluntly answer. >Pipsqueak gives you a concerned look. >"You sure? I could get Coach Soarin involved-" "Hey, I said I'm fine. Sticks and stones, right?" >Pipsqueak doesn't look super satisfied with your answer, but decided against pressing the issue further. "Oh, sorry." You say, stepping out of the way of the water fountain. >"Thanks." Pipsqueak said, going in for a lengthy drink of water. >Soon after, Coach Soarin comes out of the gymnasium's office and sees you and Pipsqueak. >"Looks like you two've been pumping some serious iron, huh?" He remarked with an encouraging grin. "Yeah." You bluntly respond before Pipsqueak could squeal. >"Well, not too much class time left, make good use of it." Coach Soarin advised you two before going back into the weight room. >You two share a look of mutual understanding before going back in. >You admittedly waste the last bit of class time doing as little work as possible. >You're still very sore from your earlier session, and you suspect Pipsqueak's dealing with worse pain. >A mercifully short amount of time later, Coach Soarin calls for everyone to pack it in and get dressed for the last class of the day. >Hoops, Dumb-bell, and Score walk past you and Pipsqueak to get to the locker room. >As they walk, Score speaks quietly enough for Coach Soaring to hear, but just loud enough for you to hear: >"I'd stay away from him in the locker room." >All you could do was glare at them as they walked out. >"Come on, let's just go." Pipsqueak advised you. >You didn't respond, you just got up and walked out. >You don't waste any time getting dressed. >Dumb-bell shoves past you as you leave. >You don't even bother paying attention in Chemistry class. >The teacher's words go in one ear and out the other. >Balancing chemical equations might as well be an alien language. >And you'll find the homework answers online anyway. >All you're capable of doing right now is keep stewing on what happened. >You're sure your lab partner can tell something is up with you, but she doesn't prod. >Those assholes walked all over you. >And you let them. >They had fun humiliating you in there. >Reminding you of how weak you are. >A real man would've been able to stand up to a schoolyard bully. >And so would a good boyfriend. >Come to think of it, a part of you is kind of glad you'll be alone at the animal shelter. >You don't want Fluttershy to see you like this. >You'll rest up this weekend, and next week you're pushing yourself even further. >The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. >For now. >Big Mac's built like a brick shithouse, you've gotta be capable of getting there. >If only you started sooner. >You're snapped out of your storm of emotions by the sound of the last bell of the day. >Everyone else is just as eager to get out of here as you are, judging by how they fly out of their chairs to the door. >The teacher's barely capable of making the weekend homework assignment heard before the mass of students pushes its way out of the classroom. >You stuff your folder back into your backpack and leave the classroom. >In the hallway, you notice everyone else is moving in the opposite direction to you. >First soccer game of the season has some serious hype behind it. >Some students even have the school colors painted on their face. >Electricity is in the air. >And Rainbow Dash is the lightning rod. >Meanwhile, you're a rubber glove. >Right now there's only one thing you're worried about. >Doing a good job at the animal shelter for Fluttershy. >You wait by the classroom door for the crowd to die down before you attempt swimming upstream. >This takes a little longer than you thought it would. >There's a lot more students at this school than you thought. >But before too long, you're able to walk down the hall without running into the entire student body. >...It's a little lonely. >You have to admit, it's a strange feeling to walk out the front doors of Canterlot High and not see Fluttershy waiting by the statue. >Even though it's only been almost two weeks since you started volunteer, Fluttershy waiting for you is something you got used to. >Looking around, you don't see anyone else in front of the school or even on the street. >All you see is downtown Canterlot in the distance and the sun beginning to set. >But behind you, you can hear the students of both Canterlot High and Arlen High building the hype before the game starts. >You don't envy Rainbow and her teammates. >You doubt those Arlen kids came all the way here from Texas to lose. >...But your job isn't to worry about team morale. >Those dogs aren't gonna wash their own kennels. >At least your anger's somewhat subsided. >You turn back to the school. "Knock 'em dead, Rainbow." You quietly wish her luck. >With a sigh, you begin trudging your way down to Paws 2 Paws. >It's... >...Peaceful. >You spend so much time at home in your bedroom, you never really appreciated Canterlot. >But this town has a lot of charm to it. >Lots of mom and pop business lining main street. >People are generally friendly. >...If only you realized it sooner. >A pang hits your chest as you realize how little time you have left, slowing your walking speed a bit. >This is your last year here. >After this, it's college and then the real world. >You could've spent your high school or even your middle school years getting to know people more. >Spreading your wings. >...You could've met Fluttershy earlier. >The walk to the animal shelter is way lonelier without Fluttershy here to make conversation or lightly flirt with. >...Man. >You're a loser. >Dad was right. >You wasted your youth. >You keep walking to the animal shelter, but with your head hanging low. >Now you're really glad Fluttershy isn't here to see you like this. >Your hand keeps grazing over your right pocket, where you're keeping your phone. >You keep hoping for a buzz or some kind of notification. >Fluttershy might want to ask you one last time if you're okay to run things by yourself. >Norman might send you some stupid meme. >Even Flash might have something to say. >But you keep walking, and your phone remains silent. >Each time you reach for your phone, it's another sting of loneliness. >After an arduously long walk, you finally arrive at Paws 2 Paws. >You walk through the front doors of the animal shelter and see Grace sitting behind the front desk as usual. "Hey, Grace." You greet her, trying to hide the glumness in your tone. >"Hey, Anon." She smiled at you, then raised an eyebrow when she saw you were alone. >"Fluttershy couldn't make it today?" "She's cheering on her friend at the soccer game today. I promised I'd cover for her." >"Well, that was very nice of you." She smiled. >You shrug. "Eh, I'm just being a good friend." You reply with a humble smile. >"Sure, but those can be in real short order these days." >You nod in agreement. "Well, I'll be in the back. Holler if you need me." >"Can do!" She beamed, turning back to her decade-old PC. >With a final nod her way, you push your way through the doors. >It's a sort of eerie feeling, being here by yourself. >Yesterday you had Fluttershy give you a practice run, but you always knew she was hiding just behind the door. >But now, you're really alone here. >Just you and the dogs. >No time to sulk, time to get to work. >You unlatch each cage and let all the dogs out to run free in the backyard. >You can tell they're all wondering where Fluttershy is. >They're a little more apprehensive today. >Dixie especially is more hesitant about getting close to you. >As if you needed another reminder that you're here on your own. >But you let them all out to the backyard so they can get their exercise. >Of course, Dixie's the last one to get out. >Once you're alone in the dog kennel room, you set your jacket aside and grab the cleaning equipment. >Time to get to work. >With your trust pair of gloves and the dynamic duo Disinfectant and Rag, you make short work of all the gross stuff remaining in each kennel. >Drool, hair, and other lovely substances. >Not enough to make your stomach turn, though. >You've got an iron stomach and an iron will. >After about half an hour, the kennels are as good as new. >It takes you a bit longer than it usually does, thanks to how sore your arms are. >But you aren't gonna complain about that. >...You need to get some air. >You glance around the dog kennels one last time to make sure they're all as clean as can be. >You can't leave anything in a bad state for Fluttershy to discover on Tuesday. >But yes, you did a good job cleaning. >You grab your jacket and your backpack and step outside to where the dogs are running around and getting exercise. >The brisk fall wind is rusting through the grass and trees just beyond the old metal fence. >You set your backpack aside and just sit with your back to the animal shelter building. >You watch the dogs run around and play with each other. >They're so content with what they have. >Even though their days are spent in those cramped kennels, without a home to call their own. >But they have each other. >They're a family. >The sun sinks lower in the sky. >It's completely silent beyond the animal shelter. >To think that just on the other side of town, there's a high-stakes soccer game being played... >A game that everyone except you is attending. >... >...Should you text Fluttershy? >Just to make sure everything's going well. >Or to ask how the game's going. >Well, the game probably just started. >There probably haven't been any scores made yet. >Is your chest feeling tighter? >You glance around at the dogs. >Some of them are starting to get tired out. >You can't focus on your homework. >You've got all weekend to do that, anyway. >Or most of your weekend. >You don't know how long you'll be with Fluttershy's friends tomorrow. >You notice your palms are getting sweatier. >You check the time. >3:47. >Fluttershy lets them run around until 4. >God, you're so restless. >Your palms are getting sweatier. >Is this really because Fluttershy isn't here with you. >You're stronger than that. >You need to be. >Some of the dogs are getting tired. >They're laying down at various spots across the field. >Dixie's resting in a spot with sunshine peeking through the clouds. >Your hand grazes your phone again. >...Should you text her? >What would she think? >...She's fine. >You're fine. >4:00 PM finally arrives. >Who let the dogs in? >You did, that's who. "Alright, everybody in!" You call out to the herd of dogs strewn throughout the field. >A handful of them comply and slowly make their way back inside, but there's more than a few stragglers. >Some of them are content lying on the grass. >You imagine you would be too, if your only other option was a kennel. "Come on, you all gotta go back in, it's gonna get cold out." You try to convince them, ushering them back towards the building. >No response. >You don't have that amazing ability to talk to animals that Fluttershy seems to have. >Maybe someday. "Alright, come on." You groan as you hoist up one of the Great Danes to get it going. >It takes a bit longer than you'd like, but eventually all the dogs are back inside. >Dixie, of course, takes the longest. >You have to chase her around for a little bit. >The sun threatens to touch the horizon, giving you an idea of how little sunlight is left. >After you chase Dixie into a corner, you stare her down for a bit. >You can tell she's threatening to make another break for it if you try to lunge. >Time to shift tactics. >You kneel down and open your arms. "Look, you don't like me, and I don't like you. But I made a promise to Fluttershy that I would take care of you. You care about her, right?" >Dixie seems to lower her guard a bit. "Well, I do. I care about her a lot. And deep down... I care about you." >You sigh at how ridiculous this is. "I get you were dealt a shit hand from life, but I really want to make sure you're doing the best you can. It's safe inside, you've got food and warmth and stuff in there." >Strangely, Dixie seems to be understanding you. "One day you're gonna have a home of your own, and I want to make sure your future owners get to enjoy all the companionship you can provide." "So... Please." >You stand back to give Dixie a little space. "...Do you wanna go inside?" >Dixie sits back, eyeing you carefully. >You can't fully discern what she's feeling. >It starts to get a little chilly. >This is ridiculous. >And yet, miraculously, Dixie comes to you. >She walks up to you, allowing you to scoop her into your arms. >You feel your heart warm at her expression of trust towards you. "That's the spirit. Come on, I got your kennel nice and clean for you." >You carefully carry Dixie back inside the building and lock the door behind you. >After you carefully set Dixie back in her kennel, you let out a satisfied sigh at your work. "Good girl." You say to her appreciatively. >Next up, the cats. >After checking that each kennel was secured and each food and water bowl was filled up, you move from the dog house to the pussy parlor. >You can't ever let Fluttershy know about that nickname. >The cats are thankfully less active, so getting all of them from their kennels to the play room isn't much work at all. >Closing the door behind the cats once they're all in the play room, you take a look at the work ahead of you. >The cats are, however, somehow more disgusting than the dogs. >They get hair EVERYWHERE. >On the floor. >On the table and cabinets. >All over the kennels. >You look up, and somehow there's cat hair in the ceiling. >Well, you're gonna go above and beyond. >Once again setting your jacket and backpack aside, you get to work cleaning out the kennels and clearing out all the cat hair. >The dynamic duo Sanitizing Spray and Cleaning Wipes make a shocking return, swooping in to free this animal shelter from uncleanliness. >There's more than a few hairballs in the kennels, each less fun to deal with than the last. >But the mechanical process of wiping down the kennels gives you little to distract from how quiet it is in here. >... >...SHOULD you text Fluttershy? >The moment the question re-enters your mind, the more uneasy you become. >Since when did you become so needy? >You really hate this new feeling. >You got by perfectly fine for those years without needing anyone by your side constantly. >... >...One text shouldn't hurt. >It's fine to check in, anyway. >She's probably wondering how you're doing. >You pull out your phone and send a quick text message to Fluttershy. [How's the game going?] >There you go, now all you need to do is wait. >And clean, obviously. >So you return to wiping down the kennels and cleaning out the various sickly substances. >... >...Man, waiting sucks. >Every couple minutes you glance down at your phone. >But there's never a response when you check. >And each time you see this, you feel more uneasy. >Is everything okay, over there? >It has to be. >It's just a soccer game. >She's with her friends. >Focus on your work, Anon. >Everything's fine. >Looking in the play room, you see the cats are pretty much done playing around. >They're all just lounging around, sleeping on the various platforms and stuff. "Okay, time's up, time for you all to go back to your regular beds." You inform the cats as you open the door for them. >Some of the cats perk up and quickly return to the kennel room. >Others are intent on continuing to sleep on the play equipment. "Come on, you can sleep in your own beds." You persuade the cats, gently pushing them towards the kennel room. >They give you a very annoyed look in return, but relent and gracefully hop down and move to the other room. >Now it's time to herd the cats. >...Has Fluttershy texted back yet? >You quickly check your phone. >...No. >... >...Should you text again? >Maybe if you play it natural, you could just send another quick, casual message. >But should you? >...You'll think about it. >The cats help you get them all back into their proper kennel with how they all seemed to know which one was theirs. >The cats are making a good argument for being smarter than dogs. >Although the dogs might have more heart. >Maybe this is a debate to have with Fluttershy. >She'd probably avoid taking any strong stances on the matter. >...Come to think of it, none of the cats really came up to you today. >Maybe they knew something was different with their usual caretaker being gone. >They could smell her absence. >... >...You check your phone again. >No response. >Maybe you should text her again. >Just a quick, casual message. >But what? >You stare at the message app, contemplating what to say. >You have to put a lot of effort into trying to look like you're not putting in any effort. >... [How's Rainbow doing?] >That'll work. >You hit send and wait for the message to be delivered before you stick your phone back in your pocket. >Now you wait. >... >...Waiting still sucks. >Third and final stop: the fun-sized animals. >Though, in your opinion, ALL the animals at this animal shelter are fun-sized. >At least you don't have to let the mice out, just carefully add more food and water. >The little mice give you space to let you work, but you can tell they're a little more nervous than they were yesterday. >You can tell they're moving around their multi-colored maze of tubes with less enthusiasm compared to before. >Man, everyone here misses Fluttershy. >You just don't have the magic touch she does. >... >... >...Why do you miss her so much? >It's only for today, and you're seeing her tomorrow. >And yet... >This place seems incomplete without her. >Her soft voice, her gentle touch. >God, when did you become so sappy? >Your anxiety's getting worse. >You don't even know why you're so worried. >...Yes, you do. >You're afraid that time spent apart will add up to her losing interest in you. >To provide a supporting argument to this dread, you remember all the times one of your friends gradually stopped talking to you in middle school and your earlier years in high school. >But Fluttershy wouldn't do that. >...You hope, at least. >You really, really hope. >Once the mice are all fed, you toss the empty bottle of alkaline water in the recycle bin and replace the mouse food with the rabbit food. >Fluttershy's favorites. >... >You check your phone again. >No response. >You firmly place your phone face-down on the counter and turn your attention to the rabbits. >You go through the same process feeding them that you memorized from your past days here. >Each rabbit gets their food bowl filled with the highest quality food and the most alkaline of water. >Water shouldn't be acidic, anyway. >Very unhealthy. >With each rabbit fed, you gently offer your hand for them to sniff and possibly nuzzle. >But you don't receive much reciprocation. >Guess they're just extra tired today. >...Or they miss Fluttershy. >... >You pick up your phone and send her a quick text. [All done here!] >There, she'll like to hear that. >You check over everything in the room. >All the animals are fed, and you even took the time to wipe down the counters and other such surfaces. >Your gaze turns to the door she burst out of yesterday. >You can't ignore the secret wish from within you that she would surprise you with a similar stunt today. >But there was nothing today. >Just you and the quiet noises of the critters minding their own business. "Well... See you all later." You bid farewell to the small critters. >You grab your jacket and backpack and make your way back out to the reception area. >"Done for the day?" Grace asked you, looking up from her computer. "Yeah, just about." You answer, trying to sound less lonely. >"Well, that's super! Have a nice weekend!" >You offer her a weak smile and nod. "Yeah, you have a nice weekend, too." >You sling your backpack over your shoulder and exit the animal shelter. >By yourself. >Canterlot is so much darker today. >That's a side effect of the winter season approaching. >The street lights lining the road offer you some guidance back home, without them it would be close to pitch black outside. >The pavement beneath you is as familiar as it always is, now with some leaves idly scattered across the sidewalk and road. >The breeze passing through the road is much colder than it was earlier, biting at the exposed skin on your face and neck. >Stuffing your hands into your jacket pocket only does so much to warm you up. >You ultimately decide against putting some music on to make your walk home more entertaining, you're kind of not in the mood right now. >The only sounds outside of your own footsteps are that of the fall breeze and some small animals in the trees and grass. >... >The game has to be over by now, right? >You try to look in the general direction of Canterlot High to see if you can spot any large sources of light or anything indicating activity. >The silhouette of Canterlot High is just barely visible in the distance, but outside the lingering light the sun left behind as it clock out at the end of its shift, there was nothing else in that direction. >You check your phone again. >No new notifications. >Every time you see that, it stings even more. >You've texted her three times already. >Could she have missed all three? >Maybe it was a really intense game. >...Maybe something happened. >No, stop it, Anon. >Don't think like that. >It's all fine. >You're fine. >Fluttershy's fine. >Everything's fine. >... >... >...If only you could believe that. >That seed of worry that was planted within you is growing. >It's spreading its branches all throughout your stomach. >It's reaching your arms and your legs. >Your legs feel weaker and your feet are a little sweaty. >Your arms are still feeling very sore. >You stop walking, lean on a street light, and take a deep breath. >Anon, you need to stop worrying so much. >Worrying isn't attractive. >Good, strong boyfriends don't spiral into panic if their girlfriend goes a couple hours without responding. >She has a life outside of you. >She's got friends and hobbies and stuff. >...You don't. >Norman and Flash have friends of their own outside of you. >Friends they hang out with more, both in and out of school. >You slide down to the ground, sinking into your emotions. >A very small part of you wishes you never crept out of your comfort zone in your room. >You were happier then. >Back then you weren't so aware of your flaws. >As wonderful as Fluttershy is, dating her put your shortcomings as a person in the spotlight. >You're a part of Fluttershy's world. >...But Fluttershy is your world. >The sky gets darker, reminding you that you need to get home soon. >You don't like the cold, anyway. >You stand up and keep walking down the sidewalk. >Home isn't too far from here. >Walking the path back to your house is almost muscle memory at this point. >A walk like this should be peaceful, but the worry weed is still inside you, intertwining its stalk and branches along your bones, nerves, and blood vessels. >Your stuff your hands into the pockets of your jeans. >By now you're focused almost entirely on being right there when Fluttershy texts back. >Just so you can know she's alright. >Everything will be alright. >Your anxiety has you walking on autopilot across your front lawn and through your front door. >The lights in the living room are off, but the TV is playing some movie from the 70's. >You're too tired and anxious to stay and try to decipher which one it is. >On the couch in front of the TV is your mom and dad, who turn to face you after you walk in. >"Hey, welcome back." Your dad greets you with a hint of tiredness in his voice. "Hey, dad. Hey, mom." You greet the two in return. >"How's the animal shelter?" Your mom asks you. >You shrug, trying to avoid visibly conveying the emotions that have been swirling within you and growing for the past couple hours like a thunderstorm. "Same as ever. Not much changes there." >"That's too bad, it would be nice if all those animals found a home." Your mom remarks. >You think on that for a moment. >It might be a little late for a pet in your household. >You'll have to dorm for college soon, and you'll be expected to move out soon after. "...Yeah, that would be nice." You eventually answer. >"Say, I heard there was some big soccer game at Canterlot High today, you manage to catch any of that?" Your dad asks you. >You shake your head. "Volunteer work at the animal shelter means certain responsibilities, and those responsibilities can get in the way of stuff like that." >Your dad grins at your answer. >"That's the work ethic I want to see! Look at you, becoming a stand-up citizen!" He says to you with pride in his voice. >"Your dad and I are very proud of you for the work you've put in at the animal shelter." You mom happily adds. >You have to admit, their words do lift your spirits more than a little bit. "...Thank you, that means a lot." You say to them with a soft smile. >"There's some dinner for you on the counter, you can just heat it up." Your mom offers. >After a moment of contemplating the dinner, you shake your head. >Strangely, you don't feel very hungry. "...No thanks, maybe tomorrow." >"Well, don't go hungry, now." Your mom advises you. >Your dad's already turned back to the movie with his arm around your mom's shoulder. >Seeing that adds another twist to the branch growing inside you. "I won't, don't worry." You reply, making your way up the stairs. >But before you vanish back into your room for the night, you remember your plans for tomorrow. "Oh, by the way, I'll be hanging out with some friends in town tomorrow in the afternoon." You call out to your parents from up the stairs. >"Sounds good!" Your mom replies from the living room. >You take a few more steps up the stairs before you're stopped again. >"You okay, Anon?" Your dad asks you. >You stop walking and turn to face the living room. >The weed's tendrils coil even tighter. "...Yeah, why?" You lie. >"You just... seem a little off." "No, no, I'm just tired, is all." You excuse yourself. >"Well then, get some sleep." "I'll be sure to. Goodnight." >You hear your parents say goodnight in return before you escape into your room and seal the door behind you. >The computer that's stolen many of your leisure hours doesn't even appear in your peripheral vision. >You flop down onto your bed and check your phone for the fiftieth time in the past hour. >No response. >You sigh. >The atmosphere feels heavier. >It's pushing you down into your mattress. >You're real worried. >There's no escaping this feeling. >You're texting Fluttershy again. >You're losing the ability to care about looking desperate or insecure. >As long as she's alright. [How's it going?] >You toss your phone onto your nightstand and stare up at the ceiling. >What time is it? >The clock on your nightstand says 8:21 PM. >It feels way later. >All you can do is stare up at the ceiling and let your head get clouded with worry. >She's usually not like this. >She's never taken this long to respond. >Maybe something happened. >Merely letting this thought into your head creates a hole in the dam, allowing a torrent of dreadful thoughts to cloud your consciousness. >It's almost too much. >The room gets darker around you. >You hear the blood flowing through your ears. >You're more aware of you blink and breathe. >But then your phone buzzes. >You snap upright and your hand flies to your phone. >One new text notification. >From Fluttershy. >You don't waste any time opening the messages app and reading her response. >[Hey Anon!] >[We're doing rly good!] >[Rainbow won!!] >You sink back into your bed, feeling the tendrils of the dread plant inside you release your innards from its python-like grip and wither away. >She's okay. >It's all okay. >New messages from her come in. >[I'm rly rly sorry I didn't respond sooner!!] >[The game was so intense and the girls and I went over to Rainbow's house to celebrate for a bit after] >She was just busy. >You should have known. >There was no reason to get so worried. >Occam's razor should have been keeping you straight. >Each exhale releases more and more tension from your body. >[I'm rly glad to hear everything at the animal shelter went well!!] >[I'm proud of u!] >God, you feel humiliated. >Even though nobody was around to see your shame. >How could you let yourself get so twisted up like this? >Of course nothing major would happen. >It was always gonna be way more likely that she just got busy with her friends than if something horrible happened. >Your arms fall to your side and you go back to staring up at the ceiling. >You seriously doubt Flash was like this when he first started dating Twilight. >He's got it all figured out. >Norman's all laid back and go-with-the-flow, you couldn't imagine him getting worked up like this. >God, you're such a loser. >Hoops and Score were right. >You're weak. >Your arms feel even more sore as that revelation sinks in. >Your phone buzzes in your hand again. >It's a text from Fluttershy. >[Anon?] >Shit, you haven't responded to her yet. [Sorry! I was in the shower!] You lie. >She doesn't need to know about your emotional turmoil. [That's awesome! I knew Rainbow had it in her!] You reply regarding the soccer game. [But I bet it was ur cheering that made the difference] >Fluttershy texts back soon after. >[LOL maybe] >You can see her typing for a few moments before she follows up. >[Thank you for covering for me at the animal shelter today] >[It really means a lot] >You smile, feeling a tear slide down your cheek. [Of course, Flutters] [I'm always here for you, no matter what] >Her response is an emoji with hearts floating around it. >It really warms your wounded little heart. [I should be getting to bed soon, see you at SCC tomorrow!] >[See you then!] >[Gn!] [Gn!] >With that final text sent, you let yourself drift off into the comforting embrace of sleep. >You wake up the next day to the sun streaming through your window and the birds chirping outside. >Ah, Saturdays. >Proof that God loves us. >An entire day where you're not expected to go to school or work. >For now, at least. >College stuff can wait, though. >Today you've got a hot date with Fluttershy. >But this bicycle has eight wheels on it, each one belonging to another one of her friends. >Hopefully they'll be your friends as well. >But... they're all so different from you. >You don't know how Fluttershy does it, from a surface level she has nothing in common with them. >They only rarely are able to help out at Paws 2 Paws, and she doesn't have a lot of time outside of that to do with their hobbies. >Then again, they've known each other since Freshman year. >Except for Sunset. >You don't know any specifics, but apparently they've been through some serious stuff together. >The Fall Formal, the battle of the bands, the Friendship Games, Camp Everfree... >It's as Toa Jaller once said. >"Danger is the anvil on which trust is forged." >Maybe you'll end up in one of those allegedly crazy situations that seem to crop up all the time. >Hopefully not. >The less dangerous things happen, the better. >You turn over in your bed and check the time. >9:51 AM. >You better get yourself decent for Sugarcube Corner. >First on the agenda after crawling out of bed: bathing. >That doesn't take too long, you rinse yourself off, apply body soap, shampoo, and conditioner while the water is still hot. >Flash managed to convince you to spend a little extra to get shampoo and conditioner separately, as opposed to the 2-in-1 or even 3-in-1 bottle. >A shame, having less stuff like that to worry about made your mornings/evenings go by so much quicker. >...But you can't argue with the results. >Maybe that was the secret ingredient to getting Fluttershy into you. >If that's the case, you can't ever let Flash know that. >He'd never let you hear the end of it. >You bathe yourself with more vigor than usual. >You've got seven girls you need to impress today. >Seven times the usual amount of girls in your life. >You end up spending half an hour in the shower, but it's all worth it by the end. >Back in your room, you're facing off against the next item on your to-do list: find something to wear. >...This ends up being a little more difficult than you expect it to be. >Your usual go-to getup for school was a pair of jeans and the first t-shirt your hand reaches for. >And that's pretty much all you've got in your dresser. >But you're in unfamiliar territory today. >Sugarcube Corner's a pretty casual place from what you heard, but you've gotta dress to impress. >The situation gets intense enough for you to result to checking your closet. >There's some promising stuff in here, like a decent long-sleeve shirt and black jeans. >It might contrast against how colorful everyone else will be, but it's a step up. >While you're figuring out what to wear, you hear your phone buzz on your nightstand. >You check it and see a new text from Fluttershy. >[Gm!] >You gently smile seeing her greeting. [Gm!] You're quick to reply. >[Did u sleep well?] [Sure did lol] [Those dogs rly tired me out] >[They sure can be a handful!] >[U ready for SCC today?] >You look down and see you're still figuring out what to cover your top half with. [Almost, gotta find a shirt to wear] >You watch as Fluttershy types for several moments. >Eventually she responds. >[Good idea lol] >You laugh to yourself, imagining what kind of first and second draft that text had. >You look over at the closet again. >At least it's easy to figure out what to wear when it comes to socks and underwear. >There's a button-down shirt you haven't worn in a while that matches your black jeans well enough. >Trying it on, it's a little tight, but it's functional. >Just after you're done getting dressed, Fluttershy sends you another text message. >[Wanna walk to SCC together?] [Ofc! Meet at the same spot at 10:45?] >[Yay! See u then!] [See u soon!] >Now that you're all dressed, you take a moment to check out your appearance in the mirror. >You clean up nice, Anon. >The colors of your jeans and shirt match nicely. >Maybe you should put more effort into your appearance. >You imagine it can't be easy for Flash to keep his hair looking like that. >And you're sure Fluttershy and her friends would appreciate it. >You'll think on it. >Hey, you've got just enough time for a quick breakfast. >You grab your phone and zip downstairs to the kitchen. >Better not fill yourself up, you can't imagine you'll be eating light at Sugarcube Corner. >You better balance out the industrial amount of sugar in your future with some healthy eating. >An apple, an orange, and two bananas should be enough to do the trick. >"Heading out already?" Your mom asks you from the dining room table, with a cup of coffee in one hand and her phone with the news app open in the other. "Yeah, the sooner, the better, right?" You answer after swallowing a mouthful of orange slices. >"You think you'll be back for dinner?" "I'm sure I will be, this is only a hangout for lunch." >"That's good." >A moment passes as you eat more of your breakfast and your mom takes another sip of her coffee. >"Your dad said something about you're seeing a girl now?" >You almost choke on the chunk of apple in your mouth. "Yeah, well, uh, right now we're just friends, is all." >You decide against telling your mom you're dating now. >That's a matter best left for when you're not kind pressed for time. >Your mom nods understandingly, much to your relief. >"Is it the girl you had over for studying last week?" >You awkwardly nod. "Yeah, her name's Fluttershy." >"She seems nice, you should have her over more often." >You gently chuckle. "Yeah, well, we'll see." >Silence returns to the kitchen area as both of you return to what you were doing. >Before too long, you're done with your breakfast and head to grab your jacket off the coatrack. >...But then you hesitate. >It isn't SUPER chilly today, and you're wearing a longsleeve. >Your fingers rest on the fabric of the varsity jacket Antonymous gave you so many years ago. >It's carried you through all your middle school and high school years. >... >You draw your hand back and leave your varsity jacket on the coatrack. >You don't need it today. "See you later!" You call out to your mom as you head out the door. >"See you later!" Your mom called back to you before you closed the door behind you. >Standing outside, you get a better sense of the weather today. >It's definitely cooling off as winter approaches, but the lack of a breeze and clouds in the sky make it warmer than it otherwise would be. >...It's definitely been a long time since you left the house before noon on a Saturday of your own accord. >Canterlot's definitely less lively than it is during the week. >There's a couple people out doing yardwork like trimming hedges or mowing the lawn with a push mower, but it looks like everyone else is still their homes. >A couple kids ride past your house on their bikes. >It's nice to see the youth of today are still out there getting their exercise. >There's all this neat stuff you're just now seeing in town, now that you've left your shell. >... >...The emotions you dealt with last night come back to haunt you. >That really was pathetic, what you went through. >There was no reason to be so anxious about what was happening at the game. >Of course it was all okay. >At least you think you did a decent job hiding your worries when you texted her. >You can't let Fluttershy or anyone else know about that. >Insecurity is super unattractive in a guy, you're socially competent enough to know that. >What you need to do is get stronger. >That's what matters most. >Now's not the time to mope about your flaws, you've gotta meet Fluttershy soon. >It doesn't take long to get to the intersection of Striker and Drake, Canterlot isn't a very big town. >You're a couple minutes ahead of schedule, so you idly scroll through the latest news on your phone. >Updates on some movies and games you're looking forward to. >Some internet celebrity drama you couldn't be paid to care about. >A photo of Jupiter from NASA's getting a bunch of attention. >None of it is super exciting, and yet you keep scrolling. >It kills the time well enough, and it keeps you from worrying too much about... >...Various things. >Gotta love that brain rot. >Thinking is such a burden, anyway. >But before you could engage in some thoughtful, in-depth discussion with like-minded individuals regarding the quality of a highly anticipated remake of a horror game from 20 years ago, your eyes are covered by an unseen assailant. >The hands covering your eyes are far too gentle to pose any kind of threat, so you immediately know who's behind this. >...This, being you. >"Guess who!" A familiar voice giggled mischeviously. >Playing along, you let your lip quiver a bit. "...God?" >A fit of laughter escapes her lips as she smacks your shoulder. >But with her strength, it more closely resembles a tap on the shoulder you'd use to get someone's attention. >"No, silly!" Fluttershy corrects you, uncovering your eyes and hopping in front of you. >You feign surprise upon seeing your girlfriend reveal herself. "Oh, hey, Flutters! How long have you been here?" >"I followed you all the way from your house." She answers with a cheeky grin. >She doesn't have the chops to deliver the joke believably, but she's being adorable, so you allow it. >You widen your eyes in fake shock. "Uh... How much did you see?" >"Oh, I saw a lot~" Fluttershy teases you, her hands behind her back. >You cross your arms and frown at her, playing along. "Well, now I know to keep my bedroom windows shuttered..." >Fluttershy giggles at your joke, which makes you gently laugh in return. >"Dressing to impress, huh?" Fluttershy remarks. >You smile and shrug. "It's the first time in..." >You stop to think about how long it's been since you socialized like this. "...Doesn't matter, I just wanted to be my most decent for the hangout today." >Fluttershy giggles at your answer. >Her laughter is music to your ears. >You don't know enough about music to compare her to a specific musician, but she's way better for you than any of them. >"You're overthinking this, Anon. It's just hanging out together, nothing you should be worrying about like this." >You wave off her reply. "I'm not worried!" >Fluttershy raises an eyebrow at you. >Then she leans closer to you. >...She's getting through to you. "Okay, fine, maybe I was... a little worried. But only a tiny bit!" >She steps back and takes on a more concerned demeanor. >"Anon, my friends already like you. You really don't need to impress them." "I know, I know, I just... it's new to me, is all." >Fluttershy gives you a gentle smile and rubs your cheek reassuringly. >"Believe me, I know. I used to be the same way. But the girls, Rainbow, Rarity, Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, even Sunset, they're all really nice and helpful. Just focus on being the "you" that wanted to volunteer at Paws 2 Paws." >Something like that's a bit easier said than done, but it's not like you're going in for a job interview or to request a favor from a mob boss. >You've met the girls before, and Sugarcube Corner's supposed to be a great place. >Don't do what you did yesterday, don't panic. >It's all gonna be fine. >You let your shoulders sink and you nod. "...Okay, that's what I'll do." >You look Fluttershy in her concerned eyes and gently smile. "...Thank you, Flutters." >She smiles at seeing your worries fade. >"You're welcome, Anon." >Fluttershy glances around a bit before placing a chase kiss on your cheek. >It's silly to admit, but this small gesture makes you smile a little wider and gently blush. >"Feeling better?" >You're about to nod, but then you step back and put a finger to your chin. "Hmm... I'm not sure. Maybe if you try that again?" >Fluttershy rolls her eyes, but her goofy grin betrays her true emotions. >With a gentle blush dusted across her cheeks, she planted another kiss on your other cheek. >Her kiss is go gentle, yet so filled with love. >It's like being kissed by an angel. >That time, you nod relentingly. "Okay, yeah, NOW I'm feeling better." >"Well, now we know for sure." Fluttershy plays along with a smile. >But then something crosses her mind, and she adopts a more smug expression. >"But... I'm afraid they come at a price~" She teases you. >Before Fluttershy could string you along any further, you beat her to the punch. >You pull her in by her waist and capture her lips in a brief but passionate kiss. >Her eyes widen in surprise before they slowly slide shut as she sinks into your embrace. >When you pull away from the kiss, Fluttershy looks like she's out of breath. >She's still leaning on you with her hands on your shoulders and with one foot lifted behind her. >God, she's adorable. "Does that cover the bill~?" You teasingly ask her. >Fluttershy softly exhales and nods. >"U-Uh huh." >Anon, you Casanova, you. "Well, we should be heading to Sugarcube Corner right about now." >You gently take Fluttershy's hand in yours. "Care to lead the way?" >Now fully recovered from your moment of fiery passion, she intertwines her fingers with yours and gives you a nod. >"I'd love to." >When you get to walking towards downtown Canterlot hand-in-hand with your girlfriend Fluttershy, the brisk air vanishes from your reality. >All that's on your mind is Fluttershy. >The upbeat way she walks, the way she glows in the sunlight, the way her arm swings as you two walk. >It's like the world gets a little darker when you're looking at her. >When she turns her eyes from the path ahead to face you, she gives you a dreamy smile and gently squeezes your hand. >You swear, if she keeps going with this, your heart's gonna explode. >"I hope you didn't miss me too much yesterday." She gently remarks. >That comment slams the brakes on the good mood you were in, bringing you crashing back down to your emotional turmoil yesterday. >You did miss her. >A lot. >But she can't know that. >It would make you look bad. >You maintain your smile and shake your head. "Nope!" >Shoot, that might have been an overcorrection. >Shift gears, now. "...Well, maybe a little." You grin at her. >Fluttershy's expression was a little difficult to read, but she seemed satisfied with your answer. >Phew, crisis averted. "Actually, I think the animals missed you yesterday. They seemed less lively and social when I was feeding and cleaning." >Her expression fell slightly upon hearing your update on them. >"Oh no, that's no good..." She says, looking towards the ground. >Damn, maybe you shouldn't have said that. >She's gonna feel worse about not going yesterday. "But- But I'm sure they'll warm up to me soon! I've actually made progress with Dixie yesterday!" >Fluttershy's expression lifts, restoring light to the world. >"Oh, that's wonderful! They'll come to trust you, I just know it!" "Yeah! So if you ever need a night off to spend with your friends, I'll be ready to fly solo!" >A little part of you twinges as you say that. >You already know you're allowing the dread plant to grow within you and wrap its branches around every fiber of your being. >But you can't let it win. >The only way out is through. >Besides, the grateful smile on Fluttershy's face is all the reward you need. >"Is something wrong, Anon?" >Her voice snaps you back to the present. "N-No, I was just think about the homework I've gotta do over the weekend." You cover up. >Lying to Fluttershy feels like something that adds an extra year to your time in Purgatory every time you do it, but it's for a noble cause. >That cause being a good boyfriend. >Fluttershy nods in understanding. >"Oh, I know. It can be a real hassle..." She sighs. >"Twilight is really smart, though. She's great for helping with homework!" "Twilight sounds like the type to do her friends' homework for fun." You remark. >Fluttershy gently giggles. >"You sure could say that! I'm sure she'd be willing to help you out if you're ever stuck!" She offers. "Oh, I dunno, I'd hate to impose." You humbly decline. >Fluttershy frowns at you a little bit. >"Anon, I'm sure she wouldn't mind." >You stop yourself and nod relentingly. "I know, it's just... I'm still getting used to them being a part of my life. But I am really grateful I've gotten to know your friends better, honest." >Fluttershy's expression falls after you respond. >"I'm sorry, I just... I dunno, I don't wanna see you isolate yourself because of what other people might think of you." >Hearing Fluttershy apologize to you makes your heart break a little. >Why would you do that to her, Anon? >She takes both your hands and looks up at you. >"You're a funny, caring, wonderful guy. I know you're worried about intruding in on my friend group when you're just dating one of us, but I'm sure once you spend more time with them, you'll be a true-blue friend in their eyes in no time." >Fluttershy's words of encouragement are better self esteem aid than anything else in the world. >A loving smile spreads across your face as her encouragement infects you, dissipating your doubts. "You really think so?" >"I know so! Pinkie already likes you!" "That's not a fair example, Pinkie likes everyone." You remind her with a grin. >"That's not true! Remember the Dazzlings?" >You pause to think back on who these Dazzlings could be. >You vaguely remember that they're a group of three girls that sang in the battle of the bands last year. >The same battle of the bands that you skipped out on to stay home and force yourself through The Plutonia Experiment. "...Yeah, vaguely." You answer. >"Well, Pinkie doesn't like them. They were such jerks! Oh, and the Shadowbolts from Crystal Prep at last year's Friendship Games! They were just awful!" >You have to admit, Fluttershy is real cute when she's frustrated like this. "Okay, okay, point taken." You relent, smiling. >Fluttershy takes a moment to compose herself after thinking about those awful people she's dealt with in the past. >Well, she won't have to deal with them again if you have anything to say about it. "I guess I just felt thrown into the deep end when Pinkie invited me without asking any of your other friends if it was okay first." >Fluttershy sighs understandingly. >"Well, Pinkie is a good judge of character. If she thinks you're trustworthy enough to spend time with us, then we'll trust her!" She assured you. "Do... you trust her faith in me?" You cheekily ask her. >Fluttershy grins and rolls her eyes. >"Of course I do, silly." "Oh, well, that's a relief!" >You two share a light laugh. >"Feeling better?" >You smile and nod. "...Yes, I am. Thank you, hon." >Her cheeks fill with a light red color in response to your new pet name. >"W-Well, we should get going. We don't want our friends to be waiting on us!" Fluttershy reminds you. >Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Sunset: your friends. >You could get used to that. >You turn back towards the sidewalk leading to downtown Canterlot, your hand fastened with hers. "Good point, let's keep going!" >When you two finally reach downtown, there's a lot more life on the streets. >People are walking dogs, families are out, couples are out on dates. >The buildings, too, they're all so colorful and designed with a lot of life to them. >The architect must've been having a really good day when they designed these buildings. >You swear, it all looks like everyone's about to break into song, it's so lively and upbeat. >The cynic in you wants to see it all as fake or an act. >But the Fluttershy's Boyfriend side of you is more willing to take it in at face value. >Canterlot's a nice town with nice people in it. >As the streets got busier, you looked over at Fluttershy, expecting her to slip her hand out of yours as she usually did. >But instead, she grips your hand just as tightly. >"I wanna get more comfortable being seen with you like this." >Her eyes widen a bit as she realized what that sounded like. >"W-W-What I meant was-" "Don't worry, I know what you meant." >Fluttershy relaxes her shoulders as you continue walking on. >Unsurprisingly, neither of you turn many heads. >You and Fluttershy are hardly the first pick for prom king and queen, and there's a good amount of other couples out and about. >Plus, all you two were doing was holding hands, that hardly counts as PDA. >But it is really nice to see Fluttershy feel more comfortable with being in a relationship in front of other people. "I'm proud of you, Flutters. You've made a lot of progress opening up like this." You say to her as you two walk together. >Fluttershy giggles and looks down, trying to hide her blush. >"T-Thank you..." "...You know, I don't think I've ever really been down here before." >Fluttershy turns to you with a shocked expression. >"Really?" >You shrug. "Guess I never had a reason to." >"Anon, there's so many great things to do here! I gotta show you around sometime!" Fluttershy endearingly insists. "Okay, what's good around here?" >Fluttershy's eyes light up at your question before she spins around to point out all her recommended spots. >"There's a smoothie bar down the street from here that makes the best smoothies! Do you like smoothies?" "Well, sure, I haven't had one in a while though." >"Well, we're changing that, for sure! Oh! Over there is Rarity's boutique!" Fluttershy excitedly points to a fancy looking building down the parallel street. "Wait, Rarity has her own boutique?" >"Kind of! Her family lives in the upstairs level, but they let her use the shop area on the ground floor for her seamstress business!" >You stare in amazement at the boutique. >To think Rarity has a place of business for her side hustle. "That's seriously impressive." >"Oh, I know! She has so many clients, she really needs the space. Sometimes I worry she works herself too much..." "Well, I'm such a charitable person, I'd love to volunteer to help, but my schedule's pretty filled up these days." You joke. >Fluttershy gently laughs at your remark. >She then turns back around and points out all sorts of other great places in town. >There's a music shop, an Italian restaurant, a sushi bar, even a small arcade. >"Rainbow sometimes likes to stop by there and make sure her high scores are still in the arcade machines. I have to make sure I'm with her when she stops by, because if she sees she's been bumped down to second place, she'll spend all night trying to reclaim her throne." Fluttershy said, with an ounce of annoyance in her voice. "Sounds like that's gotten her into trouble before." You note. >Fluttershy sighs and nods. >"One time she stayed there so late getting the high score that she overslept and missed her Algebra quiz. She's lucky the teacher let her retake it for partial credit." >You nod along. >You may or may not have had a brush with the same situation. >But you've been more hyped for that new DOOM game than any other game you've played, you deserved it. >Before Fluttershy could show you around some more, a familiar face catches the both of you by surprise. >"Anon? Fluttershy?" Ms. Cheerilee says to you, stepping out from a nearby shop with a shopping bag on her arm. >You feel a chill run down your spine upon seeing her. >Teacher's aren't supposed to exist outside their natural habitat: the school. >"Oh, good morning, Ms. Cheerilee!" Fluttershy happily greets her. >"You two up to anything this Saturday, if you mind me asking?" Your history teacher politely asks you, stepping out of the way of the foot traffic. "Oh, not much. Just getting out and hanging out with friends." You answer with a shrug. >"That's nice! Too many students spend all their free time at home, it's such a shame." Ms. Cheerilee glumly remarks. "Hah, yeah, such a shame..." You awkwardly reply, feeling a little targeted. >"What are you up to, if you don't mind me asking?" Fluttershy politely asks Ms. Cheerilee. >"Oh, nothing much, just some grocery shopping." Ms. Cheerilee answers. >She looks like she's gonna elaborate on what her grocery shopping entails, but then she looks down and sees you and Fluttershy holding hands. >"Oh, my apologies, I'll let you two lovebirds go on your way! See you on Monday!" Ms. Cheerilee giggled, hurrying on her way. >Leaving you and Fluttershy much more flustered, but still holding hands. >You're not looking forward to her class on Monday. >You two stay stuck in an awkward silence as the people of Canterlot move around you to get on their way. >"So, uh... Sugarcube Corner's right over there..." Fluttershy manages to stammer out through her fierce blush, pointing to a very distinct looking building at the intersection ahead of you. >It looks exactly what you expected it to look like. >So vibrant, so lively, so welcoming. >Through the windows you can see a bustling mass of people sitting at tables and waiting in line at the counter. >Even from across the street you can detect the faint scent of sugar and various toppings and flavors waft over to you, tempting you forward. >You glance around the intersection you're standing by and notice there's an alley in between two of the buildings on your side of the street. >From a glance, it doesn't look too dirty or sketchy. >This gives you an idea. "Hey, Flutters..." >She turns to you, still a little rosy in the cheeks from that awkward encounter. >"Yes?" "You remember Rainbow's warning about us being all cutesy today, right?" >Fluttershy stifles a giggle, then nods. >"Of course, why?" "Well, I noticed a pretty secluded spot on the way here, in case you wanna get anything out of your system~" >Her cheeks darken a tiny bit, glancing around. >"Well... That is pretty tempting..." She mutters almost silently. >You glance around to the path to the small alley. >Foot traffic isn't terribly dense, but walking down there with Fluttershy would definitely raise the eyebrows of those who happened to be looking in your direction. >"...Okay. But only a little bit! We don't want to get... carried away..." She quietly insists, still flustered. >You really should've thought about getting there before offering. >Oh well, lie in the bed you made. >Except this bed also has Fluttershy in it. >So it's the best bed you've ever made. "This way~" You say, gently leading her by the hand down the street. >You can sense the apprehension in her grip, but she continues to walk by you. >After checking both ways to make sure neither of you had an audience, you quickly dart between the two pastel-colored buildings with your girlfriend. >This is probably the cleanest alley you've ever been in. >No trash lying around, no dumpsters to ruin the mood, just some back entrance doors for each business housed in each building. >...This was probably a bad idea. >What were you thinking, inviting her into an alley with you? >Think of the implications, Anon! >You turn to face Fluttershy, feeling a wave of guilt crash over you. "Hey, Fluttershy..." >You loosen your grip on her hand. "I'm really sorry if this is making you uncomfortable, I'd understand if you-" >Fluttershy gently holds both your hands together and looks into your eyes. >"Anon, I said yes. I know you'd never do anything... untoward." She reassures you. >Sounds like some of Rarity's vocabulary is rubbing off onto her. "Yeah, true..." >"Besides..." >She leans closer to you. >"Friends keep their promises~" >You gently laugh, relieving yourself of some stress. >After triple-checking to make sure you two really were alone, you gently place your hands on Fluttershy's waist and pull her close to you. >Her hands rest on your shoulder as she stares deep into your eyes. >You could get lost in those eyes of hers. >Her gentle yet warm breath on your skin entices you further. >Her lips gently purse, anticipating your affection. >You've wasted enough time. >You lean down and unite Fluttershy's lips with yours. >The moment contact is made, Fluttershy melts in your arms like chocolate left out in the summer sun. >Her angelic voice carries a gentle sigh of contentment as her arms wrap around your neck. >Her body presses against you, gently forcing you back. >You're not gonna let her have all the fun. >You gently wrap your arms around her a little tighter, savoring the softness of her body. >A finger of yours flirts its way under her shirt, gently teasing her back. >Fluttershy shudders as you make contact with her back, separating from the kiss only briefly before going back in. >She's feeling frisky today. >Well, you're not gonna let her needs go unattended to. >You test the waters a bit and prod her lips just a little bit with your tongue. >It might be a little risky, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. >Fluttershy reacts like she's been waiting for you to do that. >She opens her mouth just enough to introduce her tongue with yours. >French kissing is still a little awkward for you. >You're still in the process of getting used to more than one tongue existing in your mouth at a time. >It's only in times like this that you realize how weird tongues are. >At least it's Fluttershy's. >The only other tongue you allow in your mouth. >You're dragged out of these aimless thoughts when you feel Fluttershy's hands begin to slide down your shirt from your neck. >"Hey, there you- Oops! Sorry!" >You and Fluttershy practically fly apart as the voice of Sunset Shimmer calls out to you from the end of the alley. >It's impossible to tell who's blushing more: You, Fluttershy, or Sunset. >A suffocatingly awkward silence fills the alley, with each of you exchanging awkward glances. >...Guess you've gotta be the one to do it. "...Good to see you, Sunset." >"Heh, yeah, good to see you, Anon..." Sunset awkwardly replies, avoiding direct eye contact. >"...A-And you too, Fluttershy." >Fluttershy's face is as red as a beet and she's staring directly at the ground. >The only response she can muster is an embarrassed "Mm-hm..." >Sunset awkwardly laughs, turning back to you. >"Do you two, uh... need a minute?" >You quickly shake your head, trying to regain your composure. "No, no, we're fine, just, uh... yeah, we're alright." >"Mm... Mm-hm..." Fluttershy mumbled, still staring at the ground. >Another awkward moment of silence passes. "...Say, is anyone else here?" You ask Sunset. >"Oh, yeah! Pinkie's pretty much always at Sugarcube Corner, and I just saw Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow go in!" Sunset was quick to answer, moving on from the awkward moment. "That's great! Wanna head in?" You ask Fluttershy. >Fluttershy takes a deep breath and manages to muster the strength to look up and face you and Sunset." >"...Yes." She quietly answers, still very flustered. >"Great! Let's get moving!" Sunset beams, spinning around to head back to main street. "Sunset, hold on a minute!" You call out to her. >She turns to face you with a quizzical expression. >"What is it?" >You shuffle closer to her, Fluttershy close behind you. "Do you mind, like, not telling the others about..." >You glance back at Fluttershy, then back to Sunset. "...This?" >Sunset gently laughs and nods. >"Not at all, Anon." >She goes to head back onto main street, then turns back to you two with a teasing expression. >"You two make a really cute couple~" >Sunset casually strolls back on the street, leaving you and Fluttershy standing there, flustered again. >After the moment passes, you reach out and gently take her hand. "Come on, let's not keep your- ah, OUR friends waiting." You correct yourself. >Fluttershy gently smiles and grips your hand a little tighter. >One walk down the sidewalk and two road-crossings later, you and your girlfriend are standing directly in front of the doors to Sugarcube Corner. >It's a little intimidating, how busy it is inside. >You can practically taste the lingering sugar in the air. >And just behind those doors are six of Fluttershy's friends. >"...Are you okay?" Fluttershy gently asks you. >You hastily nod, holding the door open for her. "Yeah, just thinking about... stuff." >Fluttershy raises an eyebrow, but shrugs it off and walks inside. >You follow her inside the building. >Once the door shuts behind you, you're immediately met with a wave of sugary-sweet air. >Glancing around the busy dessert bar, you can't find a single tray, bowl, or glass that's holding anything even vaguely healthy. >You swear, there's more sugar in the atmosphere in here than oxygen. >You almost have to cough in response. >If you spend too long in this place, your teeth will dissolve in your mouth. >"Fluttershy! Nonny! You're here!" Pinkie calls out to you from across the room, waving excitedly for your attention. >As you smile and wave at her in return, you notice she's wearing what looks like her uniform for working here: a blue skirt outfit with a black and white apron. >Sitting at the table right beside her is Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity, each of whom look happy to see the two of you. >Pinkie bounds over to you and Fluttershy and pulls the both of you into a big hug. >A hug that almost crushes you. >Man, Pinkie's stronger than she looks. >"Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh, it's so great to see you two again! How's it been hanging!" She excitedly asks you two. >"Oh, you know, same old, same old." Fluttershy answers in a more casual tone. "Pinkie, you saw us yesterday. Heck, you've seen Fluttershy like twelve hours ago." You try to remind her. >"I know, but a TON can happen from one night to another! Like when you two first met! Or when you two started dating!" Pinkie answered. >Glancing over her shoulder, you can see Rainbow make an exaggeratedly annoyed expression while Twilight talks with Rarity and Sunset. >"Plus you had to manage the animal shelter all by yourself! That had to have been exciting!" Pinkie adds. >You really don't like being reminded about last night. >You force a smile and nod. "Yeah, you could say that-" >"Wait, you can tell me all about it once you've got your tasty treat! Come on!" Pinkie interrupts you, taking you by the wrist and dragging you through the crowded maze of fully occupied tables to the one that Fluttershy's friends were sitting at. >Fluttershy followed closely behind you, somehow able to keep up with Pinkie. >Maybe it's an acquired skill. >You'll have to learn that. >"Sit down and get comfortable! AJ should be here soon!" Pinkie pushed you, sitting you down between her and Fluttershy. >"Lookie, check out the menu! See what looks good!" Pinkie ordered as she shoved the laminated menu right in front of your eyes. >The longer you spend with Pinkie, the more your head hurts. >At least she means well. "Uh... Okay..." >You carefully take the menu and give it a cursory glance. >...Man, you didn't think this many desserts existed in the world. >Ice cream, sundaes, milkshakes of all kinds. >Massive lists of flavors and toppings and extra goodies. >Eight year old you would've seen this place as heaven. >But eighteen year old you is pretty overwhelmed. >Pinkie's jumped into a conversation with Fluttershy, leaving you alone to deal with the matter at hand. >Maybe you'll find some inspiration elsewhere in the store. >You glance around and try to find something on the other tables that looks good. >...That doesn't help much. >So many people, so many conversations. >So many paths converging here. >Seems like people from all walks of life in Canterlot use Sugarcube Corner as neutral territory in this great battlefield of life. >It's pretty inspiring. >Canterlot sure is a nice little town. >...A milkshake sounds nice. >You return to the menu, now focused on the milkshake section. >This only does so much to alleviate your choice paralysis. >Let's see... >Cookies and cream is always a solid choice. >Gotta have whipped cream with that, too. >...And hot fudge. >And sprinkles. >...Fuck it, you're getting gummy bears and M&M's on top of it all. >You earned it. >Even if it'll mean the world's worst trip to the dentist in a couple months. >You set your menu down on the table, and as if she was waiting for that to happen, Pinkie snaps out of her conversation with Pinkie and turns to you. >"Ooh, didja pick something! I bet it was something super duper delicious!" She beamed. "Uh, yeah, I sure hope so!" You answer. >"Well, don't tell me yet! Once AJ gets here, we'll all order together!" >The table's a little cramped, having to accommodate eight people. >Being squeezed between Fluttershy and Pinkie, and seeing Twilight, Rarity, Sunset, and Rainbow so packed together only served to make you feel that much more out of place. >You take another look at what you're wearing. >Black jeans, dark colored button down shirt. >Everyone else is dressed so colorfully. >Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Twilight, Sunset, it's like they specifically coordinate their color palate to be more vibrant and lively. >Rarity most likely does. >You glance around at everyone else in Sugarcube Corner. >It's like someone spilled an armful of paint cans on the ground. >Everyone here is dressed so vibrantly, they all look so friendly and outgoing. >You stick out like a sore thumb. >...Letting this idea linger makes your stomach twist. >The tendrils of that awful plant are beginning to grow again. >It's almost like you don't belong here. >You can't imagine it was difficult for any of these people to get out and socialize. >You softly exhale through your nose, sinking into your chair and looking out the window behind Twilight and Rarity. >Everyone here's wrapped up in their own conversations, leaving you the third (or seventh) wheel. >You weren't really surprised, these girls have known each other for years. >Even though you're dating Fluttershy, you've really only known her for two weeks. >A more outgoing person would find an opportunity to make an addition to the conversation, but between the speed at which everyone talked, and the nature of their conversations, you're unable to. >You just kind of sit there as conversations happen around you. >Just then, Pinkie leapt up and waved to someone behind you. >"Heya, AJ! We're over here!" She announced to the newcomer. >You turn slightly to see Applejack having just arrived. >"Heya, Pinkie." Applejack replied with a smile, waving hello to everyone else at the table. >Including you. >"Come on over! We're just getting started!" Pinkie hastily invited her, ushering Applejack to her chair between her and Rainbow. >It's a little awkward for her to get settled in with an extra person at the table. >That person being you. >It doesn't help that you're the widest one at the table. >Inadvertently making you feel less welcome. >You sigh again. >Don't dwell on this feeling, Anon. >Don't make them regret inviting you. >Pinkie pops up and makes her way around the table with a notepad, getting everyone's drinks. >You take another look at the menu to make sure you know what you're getting. >Not that it helps much, the menu is just as massive as it was a few moments ago. >"Soooo watcha getting, Nonny?" Pinkie says to you, closer to you than you were expecting. >You jump a little bit in surprise, trying to remember what you decided on. "Uh... I was thinking a, uh... cookies and cream milkshake with whipped cream... hot fudge, sprinkles, gummy bears, and... uh... I dunno, M&M's." You meekly answer. >"Ooooooh! Good choice! Back in a jiffy!" She beamed, bouncing through the restaurant and disappearing behind the kitchen doors. >That could've gone better. >"Looks like Fluttershy's rubbing off on you." Rainbow remarked, earning some giggles from everyone at the table. >You manage a chuckle, but it did touch a sore spot. >Not that you'd let them know that. >You don't want to be a bad guest and ruin the mood. >"Say, where's that jacket you're always wearing?" Applejack asked you, noticing your change in wardrobe. >"Yeah, didja lose it or something?" Rainbow asked you. >You shake your head. "Nah, I just decided to try something new today. Since it's a kind of special occasion and all." >"It's really not a big occasion, we're just hanging out." Sunset reminded you. "Yeah, well, I dunno, it's kind of an occasion for me. I don't really get... invited to things." You answer with a slight chuckle. >"That's terrible! Sounds like you need better friends!" Twilight interjected with a concerned tone. >You feel Fluttershy's hand gently take yours under the table. >Shoot, you shouldn't have said that. "It's not a big deal, I manage!" You insist, trying to backtrack. >"Anon, you don't have to "manage" not having friends that invite you to things." Twilight reminds you. >You sigh, waving off their concerns. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything." >Twilight, Fluttershy, Sunset, and Applejack give you a confused look. >"Why are you sorry?" Twilight asks you. >Everyone's giving you mixed, concerned looks. >Fluttershy's hand holds yours a little tighter. >This isn't going well. >"Oooooorder up!" Pinkie's voice rings out from behind you. >Before you know it, Pinkie darts around the table with everyone's drinks, placing each drink in front of the girls with incredible speed. >It's admittedly pretty impressive. >Your incredibly indulgent milkshake slides in front of you, confronting you with the reality of your decision making. >Everyone makes sure to thank pinkie for their drink, so you pipe up as well. "Thank you, Pinkie. That was way quicker than I thought it would be." You say to her. >"No problemo, Anonymo! Nobody whips up a tasty treat faster than me!" Pinkie beams, squeezing back between you and Rarity. >"So what were you all talking about?" Pinkie asks the group. "Rainbow was just wondering why I wasn't wearing my varsity jacket." You quickly answer before Twilight or Fluttershy could tell her about your unfortunate social life. >"Oh yeah! I knew something was different about you today!" Pinkie realized. >You can't tell how serious she's being. >Twilight and Sunset exchange a glance before turning back to you, and out of the corner of your eye you see Fluttershy giving you a concerned look. "Yeah, well, I wanted to try a new look today. Shake things up a bit, you know?" >"I, for one, commend your decision to put more effort into your appearance. Too few guys at school know how far just a little personal grooming will take them." Rarity compliments you. >You smile and shrug. "Thanks, Rarity. It's something I'll for sure keep in mind." >Rarity smiles to herself, satisfied that she could convince a guy to actually take care of himself. >"What is it with you and that jacket, anyway? Seems like you've worn that thing every day." Applejack asked you. >All eyes are on you. >There's no worming your way out of this. >You sigh, letting your shoulders sink a bit. >Time to be honest. "It's just... it was a gift from my cousin. He gave it to me when he graduated from NYU, right before I went into high school." >You're taking a real risk opening yourself up like this, but this is the second time you've been cornered about this, and you don't want to lie to these nice girls. "...My cousin was really cool. He was the star of his high school's swim team, so much that he was practically drowning in scholarship offers." You gently chuckle. "Not just that, he was... pretty much everyone's best friend. He was always super outgoing and friendly and had time for everyone..." >You glance across the table to find an array of concerned, caring expressions. "He was..." >You stop yourself from saying "He was everything I'm not". "...He was great." >You feel Fluttershy's thumb gently stroke your palm as you talk, silently encouraging you. >Pinkie's leaning toward you on your other side. "I just..." >You look at the seven faces paying attention to you from across the table. >You didn't really know them two weeks ago. >And yet... >...You trust them. >You trust Fluttershy. >And you trust her friends. >You've gotten this far. >Time to be honest. "...I dunno, I guess I was hoping that... some of his greatness would rub off onto me..." >God, saying that was painful. >You stomach the urge to cringe down into your chair. >"Awwwww!" Pinkie says, wrapping her arms around you and ensnares you in a surprisingly powerful hug. >As if you weren't squeezed together already. >Fluttershy expresses her care by taking both of your hands in hers. >"You don't have to worry about that! It's YOU we like hanging out with, not that cousin of yours!" Pinkie reminded you. >"Pinkie's right, you shouldn't feel like you have to impress your friends." Twilight added with a caring yet mentor-like tone. >All this attention's starting to get embarrassing. >At least nobody else is paying attention to you outside this table. "I know, it's just..." >What Twilight said sticks with you. "...Do you see me as a friend?" >"Of course we do, silly!" Pinkie is quick to answer, squeezing you tighter. >"Yeah!" Twilight adds. >"Sure, I do!" Applejack follows. >"I would say so." Rarity informs you. >"Yeah, why wouldn't we?" Sunset asks you. >"Any friend of Fluttershy's is a friend of ours!" Rainbow announces. >Man, these girls. >If Sugarcube Corner isn't giving you a cavity, these seven will. >What did you do to deserve these... >...Friends? >Friends. >"Hey, you didn't answer Anon's question!" Rainbow teased Fluttershy, who you now noticed was sitting an inch closer to you. >She giggles softly, saying "Well, you all already know my answer." >"But Nonny might want to hear you say it! Don't you?" Pinkie goaded you, nudging your shoulder. >You feel your cheeks warm up a bit at the attention. "Uh, well-" >"Oh, Fluttershy, it's just a simple yes or no question!" Rarity piled on with a sly grin. >Fluttershy could only manage a few awkward giggles in return. >You look over at Sunset. >The incredibly cheeky look on her face says it all. >"I'm not sure... I could get in trouble with Rainbow for breaking that promise." Fluttershy spoke up, shooting a cheeky look in her direction. >Rainbow, in response, made sure everyone could see her roll her eyes. >"Fiiiiiiine. I'm pardoning you from punishment for your next sentence. But only one sentence!" She insisted, barely capable of hiding her smile. >Fluttershy beamed at being given permission to express herself. >"Well, in that case..." >She turned to face you with a goofy grin. >"...I see you as a very good friend." She finally answers. >"Yippee!" Pinkie cheered. >Sunset hid her giggling behind her hand. >"And I only gave Fluttershy permission to get all mushy, not you!" Rainbow reminded you, pointing her finger at you for emphasis. >She must've been able to tell you were about to say something to your dear girlfriend. >Now's not the time, anyway. >"It's kind of a shame yer such a sweetheart, Anon. Rainbow here was really lookin' forward to givin' you the 'If you ever hurt Fluttershy' speech." Applejack snickered. "Oh, yeah?" You ask, turning to Rainbow with a raised eyebrow and a grin. >Rainbow's facade fades as she awkwardly chuckles. >"Yeah, well, it was only a 'just in case' kinda thing..." >"It was the only time I've ever seen her work on more than one draft of something she's written." Twilight giggles. >Everyone at the table shares a good laugh, but you notice Fluttershy shooting Rainbow a very stern look. >You didn't think she was capable of expressing an emotion like that. >"You need to apologize to Anon." Fluttershy informed Rainbow. >"Come on, I never actually said it to him!" Rainbow defended herself. >Fluttershy crossed her arms. "Fluttershy, it's fine-" You try to speak up. >"Apologize to Anon for not trusting him." Fluttershy repeated. >Rainbow wanted to protest some more, but looking around the table made her realize that she wasn't gonna get any support. >She groaned, then turned to face you. >"...I'm sorry for not trusting you to be a good boyfriend." She relented. >Fluttershy immediately returned to her more happy, peaceful demeanor. >"Thank you, Rainbow." >"Come on, let's all dig in! These drinks aren't gonna drink themselves!" Pinkie reminded everyone shortly before diving into her own, massively loaded milkshake. >Damn, she's right. >Some of the ice cream is starting to melt and dribble down the side of your drink's glass. >You take the glass in your hand and swallow a mouthful of the milkshake with the straw. >... >...You think you just ascended to a higher plane of existence. >Your milkshake has a flavor that's beyond sweet. >You've never had such creamy ice cream before. >Especially not ice cream that's mixed so well with the milk. >The cold ice cream mixed with the warm fudge dripping down to the bottom of the glass created a taste that could only be compared to Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night. >It all swirls together, mixing in such a beautiful way that you didn't think was possible, overcoming the strong contrast. >And the whipped cream, too. >It's so smooth and soft. >The sprinkles, the gummy bears, the M&M's. >"...Anon?" >This isn't any dessert. >This is proof that God loves you. >"Anon?" >If you were to die right now, you'd die a very happy man. >You couldn't think of anything more worthy of being your last meal on this mortal plane. >"Anon!" >You're brought back down to the material plane by Sunset trying to get your attention. "Huh?" You ask as your head snaps back up to face the group. >A round of giggles is shared among the girls. >This time last year, something like that would've been what finally pushed you to start tying that noose. >"You liking your milkshake?" She teasingly asked. >You nod while taking another sip of the treat. "I am! It's really, really good! It's the best milkshake I've ever had! Pinkie, you're an incredible chef!" You answer after swallowing the milkshake in your mouth. >"Aww, thank you, Nonny!" Pinkie swooned, flattered by your praise. >Fluttershy's hand found its way back into yours. >You turn to her with a smile, tenderly holding her hand. "Thank you for introducing me to your friends, they're all great! I just wish I could've gotten to know all of you sooner." >"We could say the same to you, Anon!" Applejack spoke up before Fluttershy could respond to your expression of gratitude, wiping some residue milk from her upper lip. >"Indeed, you've proven yourself to be quite the gentleman." Rarity added after gingerly sipping from her more modest drink. >You're not sure, but Fluttershy's grip might have gotten a little tighter. >"...You're welcome, Anon." She said to you with a soft tone. >From there, the mood at the table eases up a little. >Mainly for you. >As the various sugary drinks are drunk, the eight of you at the table split off into various casual conversations. >School, part-time work, hobbies, current events, that kind of stuff. >Really, the only things you have going on in your life outside of school is Fluttershy and 20-year-old video games, so you generally don't have a lot to contribute. >But you do pipe up when you can. >It's a slightly painful process, you have to stomach the feeling that you're interrupting or butting in. >But Fluttershy and her friends have made it very clear that they don't mind you being here, and you have no reason to believe they'd lie to you. >You're able to fill what would be awkward silences with large sips from your incredibly indulgent milkshake. >Despite how much you drink from it, it never seems to run any lower on thick, creamy fluids. >Pinkie must be working some kind of black magic in that kitchen back there. >Every now and again thoughts of your upcoming dental appointment float to the top of your mind, but you shove them right back down and go back to how good this milkshake is. >Fluttershy's hand remains fastened to yours, which occasionally makes drinking a little difficult. >First world problems. >"So Anon, where'd you cousin go to college, anyway?" Twilight asked you, drawing you from your aimless train of thought >You swallow the milkshake in your mouth and take a breath before answering. "Oh, NYU." >"That sounds exciting, attending college in New York City!" Twilight replied. "Yeah, it was either that or Miskatonic University up in Arkham. Guess it was the idea of living in the big city that won him over." >"I don't think I could manage that. Everyone's in such a hurry, I'd probably get trampled on the first day." Fluttershy said. >You nod in agreement. >Having to live there sounds like your personal Hell. >"What about you, Anon? You figure out where you're going to college yet?" >You freeze up a bit, holding your milkshake glass firm in your hand. >You honestly don't have a strong answer for that. >You clear your throat before answering. "Uh... I kinda figure I'll knock out the required courses for a business degree or something at the local community college before going somewhere." >Twilight nods understandingly. >"Well, you don't wanna put off thinking about your future. This kind of stuff can really sneak up on you." "Yeah, I know..." >Fluttershy shifts in her chair next to you. >She's staring down at her smaller glass and idly twirling her spoon in the glass. >"Everything okay, Flutters?" Rainbow asks her. >Fluttershy snaps up to face Rainbow, then hastily nods. >"Oh, yes! Just... thinking about Zephyr. He can be such a headache sometimes..." >Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity groan at the mention at the sound of Zephyr's name. >Whoever he is. >"Ugh, don't remind me." Rarity muttered, focusing her emotions on her straw. "Who's Zephyr?" You ask Fluttershy. >A look of realization crosses her face as she remembers she never introduced you. >"Oh, Zephyr Wind, he's... my brother." She answers, mumbling at the end. >Huh, you never knew Fluttershy had any siblings. >From the reactions of the girls around you, he doesn't sound like any kind of model citizen. "Ah, I gotcha. You don't have to say anything else about him if you-" >"He's a lazy slob." Rainbow mutters. >"He's not that bad! He's just... sluggish." Fluttershy interjects, hesitating to find the least rude way of rephrasing Rainbow's description of him. >"Come on, you don't have to defend him, all he does is laze around his room and mooch off you and your parents." Applejack reminded her. >" >Man. >That sounds familiar. >A quick glance around the table shows that all the girls are annoyed by Zephyr's tendencies. >Pinkie crossed her arms as her face soured. >"He even skipped out on his own surprise birthday party! How rude can you be?" She huffed. >Your gaze falls back down to your glass. >If your dad didn't give you that talking-to a couple weeks ago, you'd be on the same boat as this Zephyr guy. >...Even though you were on the same boat as him until just recently. >You're on a better boat now. >One with Fluttershy on it. "...Hey, how can you skip out on a surprise party? Isn't the idea that you don't know about it the whole point?" You realize, asking Pinkie. >"He showed up, he just ate some snacks and went back into his room." Sunset answered, grumbling. "Oh, I see..." >The conversations turn away from Fluttershy's lazy brother and back to more lighthearted topics, your mind lingers on Zephyr and yourself. >If you only just recently became a more social, outgoing person, you can't really say you came a long way. >Within the past month, you were the kind of person to stay up until 2 AM playing DOOM WADs. >It was only occasionally that you'd hang out with Norman or Flash and his band. >Plus it was too early in the school year to see any meaningful progress from Strength Training. >You flex your arm under the table to see for sure. >... >...Nope, you're still the same Anon you were three weeks ago. >Hoops and Score's words from yesterday haunt your consciousness for a brief moment. >You nervously glance around to the girls at the table. >They're all friendly and welcoming, but you're not sure if they like you for who you are, or who they think you are. >Fluttershy, especially. >All this is too good to be true, anyway. >Spending your Saturday with seven of the most popular girls at school? >This isn't the life of Anonymous. >It's gotta come crashing down sooner or later. >...Unless you get stronger. >The rest of the hangout goes by without many surprises. >Pinkie ensures there aren't no surprises. >You offhandedly mention you used to read Daring Do in Freshman year and accidentally end up trapped in a conversation with an excited Rainbow Dash. >You're only barely able to keep up with what she's saying and what she's talking about. >But from what she rambles about, a lot's happened in the books since you stopped reading them. >Maybe you should get back into Daring Do to have some more common ground with Rainbow. >She's a real cool friend to have. >Fluttershy seems happy you two are getting along, when you manage to tear yourself free of Rainbow's verbal assault to steal a glance at your girlfriend. >You'll leave out the fact that Daring Do was who you busted your first nut to. >Some things, you'll take to your grave. >But eventually, you accomplish the impossible and actually finish the milkshake. >Having done this might cost you the ability to eat food ever again, though. >You can only slump back in your chair and regret every decision in your life that lead you to thinking this was a good idea. >"You gonna make it, Anon?" Rainbow snickered. >You can only manage a groan in response, earning a round of light laughter from the girls at the table. >"Don't worry, you'll recover from this, I'm sure!" Fluttershy assures you, patting your hand. >As if you didn't have enough sweeness. "Pinkie, if this kills me, you stay away from my funeral." You jokingly warn her. >"Oh, Nonny, of course I won't!" Pinkie replies with a giggle. >"Sorry to bring down the mood, but I should probably be headin' out soon. Big Mac gets grumpy if I ain't there to help out with the chores." Applejack informs the table. >"WAIT! Nonny only has Fluttershy's phone number!" Pinkie realized, almost shooting out of her chair. >You give her an awkward glance. "So-" >"Nonny, gimme your phone! You gotta stay in contact with us!" Pinkie ordered you. >Oh man, this is more than you signed up for. >The five other girls at the table look at you expectantly. >You look to Fluttershy. >She nods at you with a reassuring smile. >You shakily exhale, drawing your phone with the same uneasiness you would use to present a bag of weed after being cornered by your parents. >You're only barely able to open the contacts app before Pinkie snatches your phone out of your hand and fills in a new contact with "pinkie pie!!!!!!!!!" and her phone number. >You can only watch with a few drops of nervous sweat manifesting on your forehead as your phone is passed from Pinkie to Applejack, then to Sunset, then to Twilight, then to Rainbow, and then finally to Rarity. >As this slow, orderly game of hot potato plays out, you lean forward in your chair, watching your phone pass hands like a lioness eyeing up a gazelle on the prairie. >You're just waiting for one of them to make a incisive joke in response to Norman texting you something dumb or your mom texting you something embarrassing. >Miraculously, you survive the entire ring-around-the-phonesy without disaster striking. >But just as Rarity finishes entering her phone number, a cheeky grin appears on Rainbow's face. >Before Rarity could delicately hand your phone back to you, Rainbow swiftly intercepts it. >"Say, while we're at it, wanna go through Anon's photo album-" "Okay, that's it, time's up!" You leap in, snatching it out of her hand and securing it back in your pocket. >Rainbow almost falls back in her chair cackling as you try to recover from that near-death experience. >"Don't worry, she was just messing with you." Fluttershy reassures you. >You sigh, relieving yourself of some stress, and smiling along. "Oh, I know. She knows better than to mess with me." You grin at Rainbow. >Rainbow raises an eyebrow and leans closer to you. >"You know, you still owe me an arm-wrestling match, lover-boy." She reminds you. >Damn you, Rainbow. >You win this round. >Clinging onto what's left of your dignity, you sink back into your chair to the soundtrack of Rainbow's smug chuckling. >"Alright, alright, I really should be goin' now. See y'all on Monday!" Applejack said to the table as she got up from her chair. >You joined the other six girls in waving goodbye to her. >Applejack returned the smile and wave to everyone at the table, including you. >But not in a flirty, into-you way, in a friendly way. >It was so casual, like you were always in her friend group. >It's a nice feeling. >...You just make sure you deserve that feeling. >Applejack's departure lead to everyone else excusing themselves to return to their day. >Rarity had to get back to a custom dress she was making. >Twilight's got a ton of studying on her plate, you're pretty sure she's taking nothing but AP courses. >Rainbow will be going with her, Twilight managed to convince her to study for a test next week. >Pinkie's still working today, she's gotta get back to serving the other customers at Sugarcube Corner. >Sunset... doesn't say much. >Leaving you and Fluttershy with just homework on the agenda. >But as everyone gets up from their chairs, something occurs to you. "Wait, don't I have to pay? I had a lot of milkshake..." You ask Pinkie. >"Of course not, silly! Business is going so well, mom and dad don't mind if my friends have a free drink once a week!" She answers. >Damn, having friends pays off. >You should've tried socializing earlier. "Well, geez, thank you!" You say to her. >"No problemo, Anonymo! Thanks for stopping by today! You should TOTALLY hang with us more often!" "Really?" You ask, tossing an unsure glance to her friends. >"Well, yeah! We gave you our phone numbers, dummy!" Pinkie reminds you. >"...Why do you keep glancing at me like that?" Rarity asks you, noticing your glancing around. >You feel a little flustered. "I dunno, I just wanna make sure I meet your standards!" >This earns a giggle from Rarity. >"Oh, darling, you worry too much. You've already proven yourself to be a fine friend." >Fluttershy, still holding your hand, shoots you the kind of gentle "I told you so" expression only she could be capable of. >You gently chuckle and relent. "Good point, I just felt a little weird coming here after Pinkie invited me without asking any of you first." >The group leers at Pinkie a little bit, who guiltily giggles. >"What can I say? I know how to pick 'em!" She says. >"So now, you SURE you got it down that we like having you as a friend?" Sunset jokingly interrogates you. "Alright, alright, you girls win." You chuckle. >Fluttershy beams with pride at the progress you've made, gently squeezing your hand. >"I really must be going now, see you all on Monday!" Rarity bid everyone farewell, heading across the street to her home/boutique. >"Rainbow and I should really be going. That test isn't gonna study for itself!" Twilight beamed as Rainbow rolled her eyes. >As Twilight and Rainbow head off, Pinkie heads back into Sugarcube Corner with Sunset after giving you and Fluttershy a great big goodbye hug. >Wonder what that's about. >But just before Sunset heads back inside, she turns around and shoots you and Fluttershy a sly wink. >And then, it was only Fluttershy with you on the sidewalk. >You two share a moment standing there and holding hands. >"...I'm really glad you came today." Fluttershy eventually spoke up. >You turn to her and smile. "I'm really glad I came, too. Your friends are great!" >Fluttershy sighs happily, looking up at the sky. >It's only early afternoon, but the sky still looks incredible. >It's not as chilly as yesterday, and there are barely any clouds in the sky. "I wish we could spend the day together, but I really shouldn't keep putting off my homework." You say apologetically to your girlfriend. >Her expression falls slightly, but she understands. >"I know, I should do my homework, too..." >You realize you should get to doing that, but you really don't want to separate from her. >Judging by the way Fluttershy's holding your hand, she doesn't want to either. "...Wanna hold hands for the walk home?" >Her expression lifts and she gives you a soft but loving smile. >"I would love to." >You give her a goofy smile in return, and the two of you set off. >It doesn't take long for the hustle and bustle of downtown Canterlot to disappear behind you two as you return to the suburban part of town. >Only the birds and squirrels accompany you two as you enjoy each other's company in silence. >Nothing really needed to be said, your simple display of affection was all that was needed. >But this nice walk has to come to an end, and that end is at the intersection of Striker and Drake. >Both of you linger at the road sign, still holding hands. >The silence lingered, but it was infected by the uncomfortable reality. >"...I'll text you later, once I'm done with homework!" Fluttershy assures you, trying to hiding the shakiness in her voice. >You nod, trying to hide your pre-emptive loneliness. "Okay, I'll text you, too!" >It's a painful process, but you two separate your hands from each other. >Your body knows how much you don't want to leave her, your fingers try to cling onto whatever body warmth Fluttershy had in her hand. >Your hands fall to your side. >It just got a lot colder all of a sudden. >Fluttershy's jaw stiffens and her eyes dart around, looking like she's trying to figure out what to say. >"...Hey, you don't have to sit with us on Monday, but... I would really appreciate it if you did..." She admits. >"A-And the girls would like it if you sat with us, too!" >You give her a small smile and nod. "...I would really like that." >God, this shouldn't sting so much. >You'll see her again on Monday, and you'll be able to text her later today and tomorrow. >But Fluttershy's beautiful face should never be sad. >You'd walk barefoot through Hell to make sure Fluttershy would never have to be sad again. >As pathetic as it sounds, Fluttershy made you realize how empty your life is without her. >Norman has his own life outside of school and doesn't always text back right away, and you really only talk to Flash at lunch, and only sometimes. >Fluttershy stretches out her arms, beckoning you for a hug. >And you're not one to let her down. >You wrap your arms around her, enveloping your girlfriend in the biggest hug you could manage. >Fluttershy wraps her arms around your shoulders as tight as she can as she buries her face in your chest. >After the moment passes, your eyes meet hers, freezing the world around you. >Nothing needed to be said, both of you went in for a brief, but loving kiss. >The warmth that vanished when your hand left hers returned, but only for a brief moment. >It wasn't exciting like your earlier kiss, but it was just as meaningful. >Your hands rest on her elbows, gently holding her close to you. >But with a content sigh, you eventually separate from Fluttershy. >You can't delay this anymore. "...See you on Monday." You bid her farewell. >Fluttershy gives you a gentle smile. >"...See you on Monday." She says to you. >Both of you finally find it within you to turn around and walk home. --FLUTTERSHY-- >The next three weeks were really nice. >During the day you'd have lunch with the girls, and you would spend time after school at Paws 2 Paws with Anon. >Anon would sit with you and the girls about half the time, the other half he'd have lunch with Norman, Flash, and his bandmates. >It's only fair, he has his own friends, and you get to have him all to yourself after school. >Sometimes Flash has lunch at your table to sit with Twilight. >She would never admit it, but you're pretty sure Rarity prefers spending time with Anon over Flash. >He'd also come with you to Sugarcube Corner on Saturdays when his dad doesn't make him help with household chores. >It's really nice to see him get along so well with your friends. >The way he talks to Rainbow and Pinkie, you'd think he knew them as long as you have. >It was admittedly a little surprising to see how fast Rarity and Applejack warmed up to him. >Your friends stopped seeing Anon as just your boyfriend and now see him as their friend. >It's kind of depressing. >Anon's so nice and caring and lovely, you wish they could've seen that sooner. >That you could've seen that sooner. >And as selfish as it sounds, you'd prefer having Anon all to yourself. >Seeing the girls get so friendly with him still makes you a little uneasy at times. >You know why he'd like talking to them at lunch or Sugarcube Corner, he doesn't get to spend as much time with them as he does with you. >It's just... sometimes it kinda seems like he would get along better with Rainbow. >They share interests and their personalities mesh really well. >Not that you don't trust Rainbow to steal him from you or Anon to cheat on you. >You just sometimes worry that... he could do better than you. >But those worries don't come up a lot. >At the animal shelter, you two make the most of your time together. >Taking care of the animals is so much easier now with him around and fully in the groove. >The animals have really warmed up to him, too. >Getting the animal care out of the way quicker leaves more time for... intimate stuff. >Sometimes you two make out while hidden away from prying eyes, and other times you two just cuddle under the shade of the nearby forest and enjoy how peaceful it is. >Anon's so affectionate. >He's like a big teddy bear. >There's so much love in his cuddles and kisses, >But sometimes when he meets you by the statue to head to the animal shelter, he's in kind of a grumpy mood. >You try not to pry, you trust him to tell you if something's bothering him. >But... sometimes it really does seem like something's on his mind. >Every time you try to ask him, it kind of vanishes and he assures you everything's alright. >Hoops and his friends don't bully you anymore, either. >Rainbow must've given them a piece of her mind. >You don't want to pry, the less those jerks are in your life, the better. >It's a little crazy to think that for the first time in your life, you'll have a date for the school dance. >Anon's off to a bit of a late start this morning, so you're walking to school by yourself. >He assured you he wouldn't be far behind over text. >This week's been surprisingly warm, it's supposed to be the last of the summer warmth before autumn really sets in. >It doesn't take long to reach school, where you spot Pinkie bouncing excitedly as she tells Twilight and Rarity something. >Before you could even wonder what the topic could be, Pinkie spots you and bounds over to you. >"Fluttershy! Omigosh omigosh omigosh, your plan worked!" She excitedly informs you. >Your head spins for a moment as what she said fully processes. "W-What do you mean, 'my plan'?" >"Waiting for my Prince Charming to fall into my arms! You know, what happened with you and Nonny!" "That isn't exactly what happe-" >You stop yourself as you realize what you're talking about. "...You have a boyfriend now?" >Pinkie nods so rapidly you're almost afraid her head will pop right off. >"Sure do! His name's Cheese Sandwich! We met at Sugarcube Corner right after we got done hanging out on Saturday! He was looking for a part-time job, and it turns out we've got a TON in common!" >Cheese Sandwich... >The name is vaguely familiar. >He must've been in the school's bake-off last year. "That's great! I'm so happy for you!" You excitedly congratulate Pinkie. >She squeals in delight and wraps her arms around you. >"I can't wait for you all to meet him! He's so funny and charming and helpful! He'll get along with Nonny, for sure!" >Pinkie then steps back and looks around. >"Say, where is Nonny? Aren't you two supposed to be attached at the hip?" >You hide your blush by shaking your head. "H-He's running a little behind today, he'll be here soon though." >"Oh, goodie!" "So have you spent time with him since-" >"Hold that thought, I gotta tell Rainbow and AJ!" Pinkie interrupts you, bounding off towards them. >Now that you're freed from that conversation, you go to say hi to Twilight and Rarity. >"Good morning, Fluttershy!" Twilight greets you. "Good morning, girls!" >"Looks like you heard the good news." Rarity remarks, nodding towards Pinkie. >You glance back at Pinkie, who's currently talking the ears off Rainbow and Applejack about her new boyfriend. "Yeah, he sounds like a great guy." >"He's gotta be, if he can keep up with Pinkie like that." Twilight giggled. >"Truthfully, I almost dread meeting him. If he's anything like Pinkie, we could be in real trouble." Rarity joked with her hand covering her mouth. >"I'm sure he'll be alright! We just gotta get used to him, that's all!" Twilight reassured you two. >You smile and nod in agreement. >Rarity composes herself again. >"If nothing else, it looks like you two are starting to have some serious competition for Canterlot's cutest couple." Rarity giggled. >Twilight smiles and rolls her eyes. >"Oh, please, it's not a competition." >"Good thing, too. If it were, Fluttershy would have a strong lead on you." Rarity slyly remarked. >Before you could express your embarrassment or Twilight could react with indignation at her joke, the first bell of the day rings. >"Ugh, well, see you girls at lunch!" Twilight waves goodbye to you two as she makes her way up the stairs and into the building. >You wave goodbye to her and Rarity as the three of you part ways. >Pinkie darts inside the school building, more eager to take on the day. >You didn't think it was possible for her to be more giddy, but this Cheese Sandwich really brought her to a new level. >Rainbow and Applejack have to take a moment to recover from Pinkie's breaking news, but wave good morning to you as they follow her into school. >But just before you could head inside, you hear a familiar voice call out to you from behind you. >"Hey! Hold on a sec!" >You turn around to see Anon running towards the school with all his might. >He's no Rainbow Dash, but he has heart. >Once he reaches the stairway, he stops to hunch over and catch his breath. >You can't help but giggle at the sight. "You okay, Anon?" >He raises his index finger, asking you to wait a second as he pants heavily like one of the bulldogs at the shelter after they've been running around. >Eventually, he nods and stands up straight. >"I think so. I haven't had to run like that since the mile in Sophomore year." He chuckles. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat some more, but I really gotta get to class." >Anon hastily nods. >"Yeah, right, just wanted to give you this first." >Before you could ask what he wanted to give you, he stuck out his index and middle finger, kissed them, and pressed those fingers against your forehead, giving you an indirect kiss. >You can't help but giggle at how cute the gesture is. >You wish you could stay and return the favor, but Anon hurries up the stairs. >"Gotta get going, Ms. Harshwhinny's a real jerk about tardiness. See you at lunch!" >You're only barely able to wave goodbye to him before he awkwardly spins around to rush inside. >He accidentally bumps into one of the punk-ish students, who give him an irritated look. >"Sorry!" Anon hastily apologizes to him before hurrying to class. >You're glad he didn't see you giggle at his display. >Anon's a real dork. >But he's your dork >The morning classes go by smoothly. >Honestly, you can't focus on the teachers or worksheets too much today. >It's Friday. >You've got the animal shelter with Anon after school today and Sugarcube Corner tomorrow. >It's all you can think about. >It's the best part of your week. >For those hours, you're far away from school or homework or the mean students. >Just you and your closest friends. >Lunch arrives before too long, thank goodness. >Making your way to the lunch room is always the hardest part. >The way everyone rushes to the cafeteria, it's like they've been starving for days. >You just try to keep your head low and avoid bumping into anyone . >You don't want to draw any unwanted attention to yourself in a time like this. >But this time, you do. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't-" >Before you could finish apologizing, you realize who you bumped into. >Gilda. >You feel your blood run cold and your legs get weaker. >The way she towers over you and leers at you makes you feel so small and defenseless. >The last time you ran into her, you weren't wearing anything to cover your panties. >But standing here in the hallway makes you feel like you're in your underwear again. "U-Uh..." >Your eyes dart around, trying to find an escape route. >But the hallway is too densely packed. >You're trapped here with Gilda. >"...Heard you're Anon's girlfriend now." Gilda stated in an unimpressed tone. >Oh, no. >You really don't want Anon to have to deal with Gilda. >You've heard Gilda's way more aggressive with the guys she bullies. >But she already knows you two are dating, and if you lie about not dating him, it could start a nasty rumor that would really hurt him. >What would Anon think if he heard you said you weren't dating? >Your only option is to meekly nod. "...U-Uh huh..." >What's Gilda gonna do to you? >You feel your lip begin to quiver. >Please don't cry. >Not here. >Not now. >Gilda looks you up and down with squinted eyes. >"...Hm." She mutters before turning around and walking back into the crowd. >You're left standing there, your fear replaced with confusion. >She normally doesn't let you off that easily. >But you don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. >You take a deep breath to recompose yourself and and hurry to the cafeteria. >Thankfully, it doesn't take long for you to get your lunch from the lunch line. >Granny Smith is so nice, Applejack's got a wonderful grandma. >You make sure to thank her every time she gives you your tray. >Rainbow spots you and waves you over to your usual spot at your usual lunch table. >Rainbow saved you a seat next to her, where Twilight, Sunset, Rarity, and Applejack >Pinkie's standing up at her seat, scanning the cafeteria like a lighthouse. >"She's just lookin' for Cheese, she'll make sure we know when he gets here." Applejack informs you as you sit down before taking a bite of her mashed potatoes. "I'd sure like to meet him, Pinkie sure made him sound like a great guy." >"Yeah, she's been making him sound like that all morning." Rainbow muttered under her breath. >"Now now, we promised we'd make an effort to give Cheese Sandwich a fair first impression." Rarity reminded her, delicately eating her lunch. >"I know, I know..." Rainbow replied, returning to her lunch. >Pinkie doesn't seem to notice or care about Rainbow's words, she's too focused on spotting Cheese Sandwich. >As Sunset talks to Twilight and Rarity about their day and Rainbow and Applejack air their grievances about their algebra teacher, you glance over your shoulder to see if Anon's here. >Normally you wouldn't be anxious like this, but after that run-in with Gilda... >Sure enough, you spot Anon at the other side of the lunch room, talking with Norman about something. >It doesn't look like Gilda got to him, he looks unharmed from what you could tell. >You gently sigh in relief and go back to lunch. >He should be safe from her here, in this public space with lots of witnesses. >Gilda only attacks when her prey is isolated. >You turn back to the table to rejoin the conversation, but Pinkie jumps up and points to a corner of the cafeteria. >"There he is!" She announces, sprinting from her seat. >The six of you still at the table turn to see Pinkie leap into the arms of a tall, lanky guy with poofy brown hair. >He catches Pinkie in his arms and spins around as the two giggle and nuzzle each other closely. >Looks like that's Cheese Sandwich. >Their not-so little display catches the attention of pretty much everyone in the lunch room, including Discord the janitor. >He grumbles something to himself before going back to mopping. >Once Pinkie's back on the ground, she takes her companion by the hand and hastily ushers him over to your table. >"Girls, this is my boyfriend, Cheese Sandwich!" She proudly introduces him, nuzzling him close. >Everyone at the table says a polite greeting to him, who smiles and waves back. >"Well, hello, everyone! It sure is nice to meet you all!" Cheese Sandwich happily replies. >"So... you really just met Pinkie this past Saturday?" Sunset asked him. >Both he and Pinkie nod. >"Sure did! I don't normally believe in love at first sight, but Pinkie here sure made a convincing argument!" Cheese chuckled, earning a round of giggles from Pinkie. >"Pinkie, remember the rule I put in place for Fluttershy and Anon." Rainbow reminded her. >"Oh, that reminds me!" Pinkie realized, looking around the cafeteria. >"Yoo-hoo! Nonny! C'mere, c'mere!" She yelled to him, hastily waving him over. >Anon's drawn from his conversation with Norman and is drawn to your table by Pinkie's sheer force of will. >"Uh, what's up, Pinkie?" He asks her. >"You haven't met Cheese Sandwich, have you?" She asked him. >"Well, actually-" >"This is Cheese Sandwich! We're dating now!" >Anon looks between her and Cheese Sandwich, then turns to face him and awkwardly laughs. >"...Uh, nice to see you again!" Anon says to him. >"It sure is! How've you been doing?" Cheese asks him. >"Wait, you two know each other?" Pinkie asked both of them, her eyes darting between the two. >"Heck yeah, we do! We were in the same group for our final project in Biology last year!" Cheese answers with pride. >"Woah, that's super cool!" Pinkie giddily replied. >Geez, you can barely keep up with the speed of the conversation. >Anon looks like he's having trouble, and he's IN the conversation. >"Yep! Anon did most of the writing, he was too squeamish for the dissection." Cheese quickly added. >"Hey, uh, let's not talk about this during lunch." Anon awkwardly spoke up. >You could barely hear Rarity mutter "Thank you." under her breath as she poked at her ham. >"Ooh, good point, I gotta get back to the Home Ec lab!" Cheese realized. >"I'll walk you there! Don't wanna get lost!" Pinkie quickly offered. >"We sure don't! I'll be working at Sugarcube Corner tomorrow, so I can to you more then!" Cheese said before he and Pinkie rush back into the hallway. >There's a bit of an awkward silence left at the table as the two recent lovebirds leave. >Twilight's the first to speak up. >"...See? He is nice!" >"Yep, you could say that again." Applejack agreed. "It's almost like he and Pinkie were made for each other." You note, taking a small bite from your apple. >"I would say I'm just glad Pinkie is happy, but she generally is anyway. Now she's more so!" Sunset giggled. >There's some murmuring of agreement throughout the table. >Anon's still standing beside your lunch table likehe forgot his cue. >"Oh, Anon, sit down, sit down!" Rarity ushered him, motioning to a spot next to you and across from her. >"Oh, right!" He remembers, sitting down next to you. >"How's it been hanging?" Rainbow asked him, seemingly eager to move on from Pinkie and Cheese's display. >Anon shrugged as he took a bite from his apple. >"Eh, same old, same old." >You gently sigh in relief. >Gilda hasn't done anything to him yet. "So... Another exciting weekend ahead of us! Paws 2 Paws tonight and Sugarcube Corner tomorrow!" You speak up, trying to ignore your worries about that bully. >Anon sucks in air through his teeth and makes an apologetic face. >"I'm sorry, I'm kinda booked out for tomorrow. Norman and I have been meaning to continue our Venture Bros. marathon." >Immediately, a pang of guilt hit you. >Of course, Anon has friends of his own besides you and the girls. >He should get to spend time with them. >It was rude of you to think he'd always be available to hang out. >Come to think of it, Anon hasn't spent a ton of time with Norman recently. >That's probably because of you and the others. >You try to hide your guilt and turn back to your lunch. "It's alright." You meekly answer. >Anon gives you a concerned look. >Oh, no, please don't offer to change your schedule for me, Anon. >That'll only make you feel worse about this. >"You sure?" He asks you, his voice softened. >You quickly nod. "Y-Yeah, I'm sure." >That didn't convince him at all. >"...Well, I've actually got something in mind for Sunday." Anon informs you. >You turn back to face him. "...You do?" >Anon nods with a smile. >"Sure do! I'll tell you about it at the animal shelter, it's a surprise." "Okay!" You reply, feeling better. >You still feel a little guilty, just not as much. >It's selfish of you to feel like this, anyway. >Anon's covered for you at the animal shelter a few times now, he had to work there all by himself so you could help your friends. >He's never asked you to cover for him. >...You've been kind of selfish lately, haven't you? >As you nibble at the lunch that Granny Smith graciously prepared for you, you dwell on your realization. >Anon's been so wonderful to you. >He spends as much of his free time as possible with you, and you just assumed that would always be the case. >You think back to how you felt when he go to know Rainbow and Rarity better. >You were... jealous. >It's about time you admit it, you were jealous that the girls also liked spending time with him. >Maybe it was how you only had him at the animal shelter with you. >You got used to being the only girl he spent time with. >You glance back over at Anon and see he's having a fun conversation with Rainbow. >You can't exactly follow what they're talking about, but they're both laughing and making jokes. >You quietly sigh and turn back to your lunch. >It's awful to think. >You would never dare admit it. >But... >...You wish you could keep Anon all to yourself. >"Say, Fluttershy, how's Angel been doing lately?" Sunset asks you, drawing you out of your swirl of emotions. >Your heads snaps up to face her as you try to shove those awful feelings back down inside you. "Oh, uh, he's doing well! He can be so difficult sometimes, but he's coming around!" You answer. >"That's great! It'd be great if the school allowed animals here. Sure would make Geometry easier to stomach!" Sunset giggled. >You smile and giggle. "I don't think many pets in town are trained well enough to sit still in class." You remind her. >Sunset shrugs. >"That sounds like the teacher's problem." >"I'm afraid I'll have to agree with Fluttershy here. Can't be affordin' to have any distractions from makin' sure my notes are good." Applejack chimed in. >"As nice as it would be to bring Spike with me to school, it wouldn't be very easy to do well with all those cats and dogs running around." Twilight spoke up. >"Senioritis can have such a terrible impact on far too many decent students." She added. >Now we're all talking about graduation again. >Just as you started feeling better. >You shrink down a bit, feeling your anxieties weigh down on your shoulders. >But if you stay quiet for too long, they'll think something is wrong. >You really don't want to be the center of attention for something like this. >Especially not here in the cafeteria. "It is important to pay attention in classes..." You say to Sunset, breaking your silence. >Sunset shrugs as she takes another drink from her milk. >"School's not ALL that. Plenty of people have been successful without graduating from high school. As long as you put the work in, it'll all work out in the end." Sunset assures you and Applejack. >You wish you could be as easygoing about this stuff as her. >Maybe it's because of all she's done. >When you've lived her life, graduating from high school must seem like such a non-issue. >"That doesn't mean you should slack off in class." Applejack gently chides her. >"I'm not saying I'll completely give up on classes! It's just that if, for whatever reason, classes don't... work out, it's not the end of the world!" Sunset defended herself. >"Sunset does have a point." Twilight agreed. "Good things come to those who work hard for it!" >You glance over at Rainbow, remembering her earlier worries she shared with you. >It doesn't look like she's paying attention, or doesn't care as much anymore. >Maybe the soccer game gave her the confidence she needed to believe she's good enough for a scholarship. >"Well, except if you're Pinkie. She stumbled into a relationship with Cheese Sandwich two days ago." Sunset giggled. >Has it been too long since you said something? >Rarity hasn't said much, but she's been focused on her lunch. >She always eats the slowest. >That's the price to pay for being so lady-like. >...You should probably say something. "That's bound to happen if you're as outgoing and friendly as her." You speak up. >"I dunno, didn't something similar happen between you and Anon?" Sunset objects. >Anon turns to Sunset upon hearing his name. "W-Well, not really, we didn't IMMEDIATELY start dating..." You meekly defend yourself. >"You're right, it only took you two a week and a half." Rainbow remarked. >"Hey, I can't help the effect I have on people." Anon slung back with a grin. >"Oh, no? Then how come I'm immune to 'the effect you have on people'?" Rainbow retorted. >"You just haven't spent enough time with me. If I decided to answer my life calling and be the school waterboy, you'd be head over heels for me." Anon teased Rainbow. >Rainbow, Applejack, and Sunset burst out laughing at Anon's joke claim. >"Yeah, sure, whatever you say, lover-boy." Rainbow snickered. >...But you can't ignore the possibility that he's right. >The girls pretty much looked past him before he started volunteering with you. >Not that they looked down on him or anything, they just... didn't notice him. >...And neither did you. >You only noticed him because he was the only person who wanted to help out at the animal shelter. >If he decided to join the chess club or be the Principal's Assistant, you never would have learned how wonderful he could be. >But if he decided to help out at Sweet Apple Acres or manage the school's sports equipment, Rainbow or Applejack would've gotten to know him like you got to. >You noticed how he talks to Rainbow. >They're so lively together. >Anon got back into reading Daring Do so he could have something to talk about with her. >...Come to think of it, you don't have a ton in common with Anon. >You've played some video games, but you're not as into them as he is. >And he likes more intense games. >You looked up DOOM since he mentioned he likes those games. >You don't think you could ever play those games. >They're so violent and scary. >He likes horror and action movies, too. >You can count on one hand the amount of "horror" movies you've seen. >The conversation around you fades out as you slowly pick at your lunch. >...Does Anon really like you because of who you are? >Or does he like you because you're the first girl to show interest in him? >He has mentioned he's lived a pretty lonely life up until a month ago. >What if the more time he spends with your friends, the less interested he becomes in you? >What if Anon realizes he can do better than you? >Rarity is so pretty, and Rainbow gets along with him really well. >Applejack is much more confident than you, and Sunset has really come a long way since the Fall Formal last year. >And none of them would be worrying this much about Anon not staying attracted to them... >... >"You okay, Flutters?" You heard Anon ask you. >"Yeah, you've been really quiet." Twilight noticed. >Suddenly, all eyes at the table are on you. >Your feelings are getting harder to ignore. >You can't say what you're feeling? >How could you? >You'd be saying you don't trust Anon or your friends to trust your relationship. "I-I'm sorry, I've just been thinking about what your surprise could be." You lie to Anon. >You hate lying. >Especially to your friends. >But... now isn't the time for complete honesty. "You know, since you've never teased me with anything like this before." >Anon shrugs, trying to hide a grin. >"Well, you'll know about it later today, so try to not agonize over it too much." He reminded you. >Everyone at the table seems satisfied with your answer. >Seems like the lie worked. >You feel sick. >You don't ever want to lie to your friends again. >"I do hope you'll be dressed properly for whatever it is you have in mind, Anon. Fluttershy deserves you at your most presentable." Rarity spoke up. >"Don't worry, I've got that under control." Anon assured Rarity. >Judging by her expression, Rarity wasn't assured. >"Forgive me for my lack of faith, but it seems to me you don't have the most... expansive wardrobe." Rarity noted. >"I dunno, I've got what I need in my closet." Anon defended himself. >"You've cycled through the same five shirts every week for the past month." >"It's called efficiency." >Rarity groaned, eating some more of her lunch. >"Besides, I don't want to be wearing my Sunday best when cleaning out the dog kennels." Anon added. >"One of these days, I'm taking you clothes shopping." Rarity declared. >Oh, dear. >You look to Anon, who doesn't seem to understand what that entails. >Rarity's a great friend, but her shopping trips can end up taking literally all day. >Just thinking about her last shopping with you makes you exhausted. >You two met in downtown Canterlot at 9 AM and you didn't get home until 10:30 PM. >At least she was nice enough to cover lunch and dinner. >You look to your other side, and Rainbow looks like she just heard Rarity threaten Anon. >Anon, ignorant of what this entails, takes a moment to study Rarity's expression to see if she was being serious. >Upon realizing she was, he shrugged and smiled. >"Well... Sure, that sounds nice!" He replies. >"It's not. Fake an injury." Rainbow interjects. >"Rainbow!" Rarity scolds her. >Anon's looking confused now. >"One shopping trip with Rarity is gonna take years off your life." Rainbow warned him. >"I merely want to ensure that Fluttershy's boyfriend is the best young man he can be!" Rarity defended herself. "Uh... I actually like Anon the way he is..." You softly speak up, trying to wedge your way between their words. >Anon gives you a grateful smile, deeply flattered by your words. >"Oh, believe me, I understand, darling. I just think that Anon could stand to take better care of himself." Rarity clarified. >You frown a bit. "There's nothing wrong with Anon's appearance." >Rarity starts to look uncomfortable, turning to Anon. >"I-I'm sure you understand, a proper skin care, hair care, cologne, and wardrobe can do wonders for a young man's appearance." She tried to persuade him. >Anon nods, seeing her point. >You glance down. >You're holding his hand pretty tight. >"Yeah, I know, I just... never had a reason to dress up all fancy outside of Church." Anon admitted. >"You don't need a reason to take care of your appearance! Being your most handsome self is its own reward!" Rarity insisted. "He's already handsome..." You try to interject. >Rarity turns back to you, thrown off her groove a bit. >"Fluttershy, surely-" "Anon doesn't need to impress me. I trust that whatever he has planned for Sunday, he'll be dressed appropriately." You insist. >Rarity sputters, trying to figure out how to approach the matter in a tasteful manner. >You glance up at Anon. >He's a little uneasy at how tense things have become. >...You went a little too far. >Rarity was only trying to be nice to him. >You sigh. "...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so confrontational, I just think-" >"Oh, no, no, no, I completely understand! I would never try to change Anon! I just want Anon to be the best Anon he can be!" Rarity is quick to apologize. >You're not entirely sure about her bringing her argument back at the end of her apology, but it's not worth making a fuss about. >"It's okay, I'm flattered, really! I would... love to go on that shopping trip." Anon insisted. >You could tell he's a little nervous about what that will actually entail, but he wants to be nice. >Rainbow could tell as well. >"Besides, I don't feel comfortable lying to you. If I really wanted to get out of it, I'd pick a fight with Big Mac and get a real injury." Anon joked. >This help lighten some of the lingering tension. >Applejack, Rainbow, and Rarity shared good-hearted laughter at his joke. >Twilight and Sunset were wrapped up in their own conversation. >Pinkie's still gone, she must be helping Cheese Sandwich with whatever's going on in the Home Economics lab. >"You're welcome to accompany us, Fluttershy. I'm sure a second opinion will prove invaluable." Rarity offered. >You look between her and Anon. >Part of you wants to say yes. >Just so you can be close with Anon. >A whole day that he spends with just Rarity... >A shameful part of yourself wants make sure nothing happens between them. >Even though you wholeheartedly trust Rarity and Anon. >You have no reason to not trust them. >They would never do anything... scandalous behind your back. >You know that. >But... >There's the possibility Anon realizes Rarity is prettier than you... >No. >You can't let that possibility infect your mind. >You shake your head, maybe a little too hard. "No, that's alright! I trust you...'ll make good choices!" You answer, correcting yourself at the last moment. >Rarity raises an eyebrow, but Anon seems happy with your answer. "And... I admit, I would like to see him dressed up all fancy." You giggle. >"Oh, I already have a few ideas!" Rarity beamed. >A flash of dread briefly appeared on Anon's face as the two of you giggled. >...You really overreacted earlier. >But Rarity was so nice, she forgave you so easily. >You're lucky to have such great friends. >The lunch bell rings, informing the student body that it's time to get back to the classrooms. >You stand up to throw away the remains of your lunch and head to class, but you freeze up. >What if you run into Gilda again? >You flash back to when she cornered you in the hall earlier. >You felt so small. >So weak. >Why did she want to know that you're dating Anon? >What was she planning? >You take a deep breath and place your tray with the others. >Whatever happens, you have Rainbow to help you. >She knows how to deal with Gilda. >But before you could make your way to class, you're stopped by a tap on your shoulder. >You turn around and see Twilight, Sunset, and Anon giving you a concerned look. >"Hey, are you sure you're okay, Fluttershy?" Twilight asked you. >"Yeah, you seemed really off today." Sunset added. >Oh, no, not this again. >You glance around and see the cafeteria is emptying. >Sunset must've realized she was cornering you, so she took an awkward step back. >You gulp. >Anon doesn't look like he knows exactly what to say, he's kind of standing behind Twilight and Sunset. "...I just... I don't know, it's a little complicated right now. I'd like to... fully work through what I'm feeling before I talk about it... I-If that's okay with you..." >"Of course it is!" Twilight assured you. >"We're always here for you if you ever wanna talk about what you're going through." Sunset assured you. >Anon nods in agreement. "Th-Thanks, girls..." You say. >Your eyes widen as you remember Anon's part of the group now. "Uh, w-what I meant, is, y-you know..." You stammer out, feeling your cheeks flare up to match how flustered you are. >The three gently giggle. >"Don't worry, I know what you meant." Anon assured you. >You exhale the tension that built up in your chest. >"Well, I better get going! There might not be any dogs in my next class, but the work's gotta get done!" Sunset spoke up. >You gently giggle at her joke. "I should get to class, too. See you all later!" You head over to the hall, waving goodbye to the three. >The sound of the three saying goodbye to you makes for a nice chorus as you depart the cafeteria. >But out of the corner of your eye, you see Flash Sentry duck into the cafeteria to give Twilight a quick hug before they leave for class. >Sunset isn't around to see Flash spin her around in their hug as Twilight giggled in delight, thank goodness. >That was one ugly breakup. >Anon isn't there either. >It usually isn't like Twilight to risk being late for class, but Flash makes her really happy. >Love makes people do crazy things. >...You should know. >Flash forward to the end of the day. >The final bell rings, marking the end of the school week and the beginning of the weekend. >As you stand by the horse statue at the front of the school, your mind lingers back to what you were feeling at lunch. >You get Anon all to yourself for at least three hours after school four days a week, that should be plenty. >If you don't get these feelings under control, it could cause some real trouble with Anon or the girls. >You trust Anon to not cheat on you, and you trust the girls to not sabotage your relationship. >Besides, Anon has something in mind for Sunday. >...He's taking a little longer today. >...Oh, no. >Did Gilda get to him? >You step away from the statue and try to peer past the front doors of the school, trying to find him. >With each second that passes, you get more worried. >What was Gilda going to do? >Why did she want to know about you and Anon? >You really hope she doesn't bully him. >Or worse... >But before your mind could wander to worse places, you manage to glimpse Anon in between the remaining students. >Your worries wash away in an instant when you see he's unharmed. "Anon! Over here!" You try to call out to him. >But you're not very good at making your voice heard in crowds. >It's only after he emerges from the crowd that he sees you. >...There's that sadness in his eyes again. >His head is hanging low like he's trying to make his way through the crowd without being seen. >Seeing him like that makes your heart sink. >DID Gilda get to him? >You feel more hesitant to greet him so cheerfully after seeing him like this. >How do you handle this? >You've never had to help Anon like this before. >But when he sees you, his expression lifts a little. >He's trying to hide it. "...Hi, Anon." You softly greet him. >He manages to make a smile appear on his face when you greet him. >"...Hey, Flutters." He softly says to you. >But it's not the caring kind of softness. >It's the kind of softness that comes from someone who's been beaten down. >You hate seeing him like this, you have to say something. "...Did you see Gilda today?" >Anon looks a little confused by your question. >"What? No, I haven't seen her all day." >You gently sigh in relief. >Thank goodness. >"Why do you ask?" "Uh... I just heard she was getting into trouble with some other people today. I wanted to make sure you were alright." >You lied to Anon again. >But it's for a good cause. >You don't want him to worry about Gilda. >But he believes your lie. >Which makes you feel worse. >"Well, I'm alright, don't worry. I'm just... feeling a little sore after Strength Training today." Anon answered. >You're not sure if Anon is telling the truth. >But getting upset about that or prodding further would make you a hypocrite, so you leave it at that. "...Ready to get going?" You ask him. >Anon smiles at you. >"I'm always ready for the animal shelter." >The walk to Paws 2 Paws always makes for a nice antidote to the day's troubles. >Gilda and Hoops and all the other bullies seem so far away out here. >Especially with Anon here with you. >By now, holding hands is instinct for you two. >Your hand fits so perfectly in his. >Your fingers feel so snug when intertwined with his. >Anon's hand feels representative of him as a whole. >Firm, yet soft. >Strong, yet gentle. >And so warm... >You wonder what it would feel like to have his body pressed against yours... >"What about you? You have an alright day?" Anon asked you, snapping you out of your increasingly dirty thoughts. "Huh? Oh, um, y-yes. Pretty uneventful day, really..." >"Well, that's good!" >No. >You can't keep doing this. >You have to tell Anon what's on your mind. "...Actually..." >Anon turns to you, looking concerned. >You sigh and stop walking. "...I ran into Gilda today..." >Anon looks more worried, like you were afraid he would. "B-But she didn't do anything! She just kinda... asked if we were dating, is all." You hastily assure him. >"...Is that really all that happened?" Anon asks you. >You sigh, nodding. "Y-Yes, she kind of... cornered me and asked if we were dating. I said yes, and then she left..." >You feel Anon grip your hand a little tighter. >"Well... I'm really glad she wasn't mean to you." Anon finally answers. >His glum expression from before returned. >This was a mistake. >Now Anon's worried about you. >A powerful wave of shame washes over you. >Your lips start to tremble. >"...Are you okay, Flutters?" Anon gently asked you. >You could only bury your face in his chest just before your tears could trail down your cheeks. >Anon freezes up for a moment as you gently sob into his shirt. >You try to vocalize apologies, but your blubbering turns your words into mush. >Anon gently hugs you to help, slowly rubbing your back as you quietly weep. >Today is going horribly. >It isn't fair to dump all your emotions on him like this. >And you're staining his shirt with your tears. >Anon wouldn't want to be seen with Fluttercry. >After a few moments of silence filled only by your soft crying, you pull away from him and wipe the tears from your cheeks. "I-I'm s-s-sorry..." You manage to blubber out. >"What do you mean? Sorry for what?" Anon asks you. >You sniff before answering. "I'm s-sorry for... l-lying to you about today." >Saying that out loud really hits you with how awful you've been. >Anon should be able to trust you to tell him the truth. >You can feel another wave of tears coming as you shakily inhale. >"Hey, come on, it's not a big deal..." Anon tries to assure you. "N-No, it's not! I should never have lied to you! A good girlfriend shouldn't lie to her boyfriend!" You insist. >Your eyes have to be all puffy right now. >You must look so pathetic. >"...Was this what was bothering you at lunch today?" >You gently nod. >"Flutters, it's really not a big deal. I get that you just didn't want me to worry." Anon reminds you. >Before you could respond, Anon continues. >"But the thing is... I'm always gonna worry about you. Because I care about you, and you mean a lot to me." >"You can always tell me when something's bothering you. I'll always be here to catch you when you fall." >You've calmed down a little bit, wiping the last of the remaining tears from your eyes. >You look up at him, you lip still gently trembling. >Anon sticks out his pinkie finger. >"Pinkie promise." >This makes a goofy smile appear on your face. >You stick out your pinkie finger and intertwine it with his. >"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." >You two gently giggle as you release your pinkie finger from his. >"Feeling better?" Anon asks you. >You smile and nod more eagerly. "Sure am! I don't have to worry about Gilda or Hoops with you around." You giggle. >For the briefest moment, Anon looks worried about something. >But this moment passes as soon as it appeared, his expression goes back to the kind, supportive look you love so much. "Thank you, Anon." You sigh dreamily. >"Oh, Flutters, you don't have to thank me for being supportive." He assures you. >But then he gives you a cheeky look. >"Buuuuuut, there is a way you could REALLY show your gratitude~" Anon teases you. >You get an idea of your own. "Okay~" You play along, leaning close to him. >But as Anon's eyes slide shut and he purses his lips, you give him a joking pat on the shoulder. "Thanks for being such a great friend!" You cheekily say to him. >Anon's eyes open and he gives you a very unimpressed look. >You can't help but giggle at how he looks. >"Okay, just for that, I'm waiting until the end of the day to tell you what I've got in mind for Sunday." Anon said. >You giggle at his joke threat. "Aw, no! I'm sorry! Is there any way I could make it better?" You ask him in a faux-begging tone. >Anon puts a finger to his chin as he pretends to think deeply. >"Hmm, I'm not sure, I'll have to think about it..." >You quickly lean forward and plant a kiss on his lips. >This catches Anon off guard, drawing him out of his fake pondering. >"I've thought it about it." He states. >You lean forward with joke anticipation. >"...No." >You throw your head back and over-exaggeratedly sigh. "I said I was sorry!" >"Sorry, some things can't be forgiven. You'll have to survive the next few hours to hear what I've got planned, but I have faith in you!" >You look up at him, barely hiding your grin. "...You really mean it?" >Anon takes both your hands and intertwines your fingers with his. >"...No, not really. I wrote a will in your name yesterday." >You burst out laughing. >Anon's so great at making you feel better. >Gilda seems so far away now. "Really, it's you who might not survive today. Do you remember what today is?" You ask him. >"...Oh, we're washing the dogs today!" Anon answers. "That's right! Hope you're ready to get wet and smelly!" >"I've been ready all day!" Anon assured you. "Well, we'll see about that." You giggle. >As you lead Anon back to the animal shelter, you sigh happily. >You're really lucky to have him. >Stories and jokes are exchanged between you two as the sounds of Canterlot fade behind you. >Your fingers stay firmly locked with his the whole time. >To think, you met him only just last month, and you feel like you've known him all your life. >Now that you've been volunteering with Anon, you're not sure how you could've gone this far walking alone. >But better late than never. >When you two arrive at the shelter, Grace looks up and greets you with a smile. >"Good afternoon, Fluttershy, Anon!" She says to you two. "Good afternoon!" You cheerfully say to her. >"How've things been here?" Anon asks her. >"Oh, same old, same old. A few people came in here today and adopted Dexter and Harold!" "Oh, that's wonderful!" You cheered. >"Yeah! It's great that they finally have homes of their own!" Anon agreed. >"Well, I won't hold you two up, have fun back there!" Grace wished the two of you before returning to her work. >Without any further delay, the two of you head into the back to get to work. >Today's gonna be messy. >When the two of you get to the back room where the dog kennels are, you feel a little saddened by how many dogs are still here. >A handful of animals were adopted since Anon started volunteering with you, but there's still far too many animals here without a home. >At least they have you and Anon to care for them and make them feel loved. >That's exactly what you're gonna do. >The first thing you and Anon do is let the dogs out of their kennels so they can get their exercise, >Not only is it good for their health, it tires them out so they aren't all over the place while you're trying to get them cleaned up. >While they're enjoying the cool autumn weather, Anon gets to work cleaning out the kennels while you prepare the soaps and tub to wash the dogs in. >When that's all done, you marvel at how soon all that came together. >It normally would've taken you over an hour to clean out the kennels and get the wash tub ready. >But with Anon's pair of helping hands, you two got done in a little over half an hour. >Especially since his taller body makes it easier for him to clean the hard to reach areas in the upper kennels. >You two have enough time afterwards to sit outside together and watch the dogs run and play. >As silly as it sounds, the two of you sitting on the back porch watching the dogs enjoy the outdoors makes you feel like an old married couple. >It's so peaceful, the way you're gently holding hands and simply enjoying being with each other. >As fun as it is to feel Anon's hands explore your body as you passionately kiss, sometimes you like to just stop and smell the roses. >Nothing is said between you two, but nothing really needs to be said. >Rarity would probably tease you for thinking about marriage so soon with a relationship, but you have a truly deep, meaningful bond with Anon. >You don't need to spend years with him to know he's special. >Anon's holding your hand a little delicately. >He did say he was feeling sore after his Strength Training class today, you want to be mindful of that. >You really hope that's all that's troubling him. >"Well, it's about that time." Anon declared after glancing at the time. "Yep, we better get started." You say, standing up along with him. >With a call to the dogs, the whole pack makes their way back inside, clearly having exhausted most of their energy. "Last chance to back out." You teasingly remind Anon. >Anon waves off your faux-concern. >"I never surrender." He assures you. "Well, we'll see about that. They would never admit it, but Rainbow and Applejack both try to avoid having to clean the dogs when they can help." You inform Anon. >As you allow the door to shut behind you and hide a mischievous grin on your face, you were just able to make out some of Anon's confidence falter. >"Wait, really?" >By the time you two have washed half the dogs, Anon looks like he might not make it to Sunday. >Some of the dogs had some real fight left in them. >They got him entirely soaked in soap water mixed with dog slobber and strands of dog hair, despite wearing an apron to keep him clean. >His hair's a mess. >You gave him the nicer gloves since it was his first time washing the dogs, but it doesn't seem to help much. >And some of the dogs get so slippery when they're soaked. >At least the story of chasing a German Shepherd around the room would make for a funny story later down the line. >It's not like the dogs don't trust him, he's come a long way with them. >You imagine it's something like they're giving him a rough time because they know he's new to this. >Thank goodness you're here to help him. >You dread to imagine what Anon would have to deal with if you were out supporting Rainbow at one of her soccer games. >Right now, Anon's finishing up scrubbing one of the Yorkshire Terriers. >No matter how much she tries to wiggle out of his grasp, Anon remains determined. >"Okay, just one last rinse..." Anon mutters to the troublesome dog before washing the bath water over it one last time. >"Alright, now you're good to get dried up!" Anon excitedly told the small dog, carefully handing her off to you. "Okay, careful, now..." You say to her, wrapping her tightly in one of the unused towels. >As soon as the Yorkshire Terrier is passed to you from Anon, she calms down and lets herself gets dried off. >You hear Anon mutter something about favoritism under his breath before wrangling Dixie for her bath time. >You grin to yourself as you gently rub the dog dry. "You can let me know if you want to switch places, I don't mind." You offer Anon as you finish drying off your little friend. >"I know what this looks like, but I'm built to last. This is nothing I can't handle." He tries to persuade you. >You glance at his shirt and pants. >They're clinging to his body now they're soaked in soapy water. >Showing off his physique rather nicely. >...Anon has a nice body. >He's not built like the football players at school, but there's a good balance of firmness and softness to his body. >Just the way you like it. >...But wearing wet clothes is gonna make his walk home colder. "I know, it's just that I don't want you to get too wet. It's gonna be awfully cold when the sun goes down... >Anon glances down at himself, a look of realization coming over him. >"...Yeah, good point." He agrees, standing up and wringing out his gloves. >He carefully sets Dixie back down on the counter by the sink and removes his apron. >"You won't be so lucky next time." He jokingly warns Dixie. >Drying off the animals turns out to much easier for him. >The dogs get the last of the fight out of their system after you wash them, and they like being all nice and warm and dry . >Plus, the dogs don't put up as much of a fight when you clean them. >You and Anon make one heck of a team. >Thankfully, the rest of the day isn't so difficult. >The kitties, mice, and rabbits don't need to be bathed, so you and Anon give them the usual cleaning and food/water refilling. >This leaves you two with a bit of time to sit together on the front steps of the animal shelter before it's time to head home. >The crickets in Canterlot have gotten quieter as the weather gets colder. >It's been getting dark sooner lately. "Hey, Anon..." >He turns to face you. >"Yeah, Flutters?" "...What do you have planned for Sunday?" >A smile crosses his face. >"Well... I've been thinking lately... we've never been on a real date, have we?" "Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I've always enjoyed our time together here." You assure him. >"Yeah, I know, but..." >Anon chuckles to himself. >"I'm sorry, I just... When I spent all my Fall Formal and Prom nights at home by myself, I'd get... real lonely..." >He takes a moment to collect himself. >"Last year, especially, I spent Prom night staring up at the ceiling in my bedroom, thinking 'If I had a girlfriend, I'd make her feel so loved. I'd take her out on all sorts of cutesy, romantic dates, I'd hold her and kiss her and do everything I can to make her feel like the luckiest girl in the world'..." >Anon's getting a little emotional. >He turns away and wipes away a few tears that were accumulating under his eyes and took a deep breath. >The moment's getting to you as well. >You rub his shoulder comfortingly, which he appreciates. >"So... That's what I want to do for you." He says, turning back to you with a renewed smile. >"This Sunday, I want to take you out on a really nice date. I found this great picnic spot in the woods outside town, I found all sorts of ideas for food online, I've been checking the weather every day praying Sunday won't get rained out..." >You know where this is going, but a few tears of happiness still manage to escape your tear ducts. >"So... Sunday, I want to take you out on a picnic. Just the two of us. I'll get everything, you just gotta bring your cute self." Anon finally reveals. "Oh, Anon..." You say in a dreamy tone, wrapping your arms around him. "That sounds so lovely~" >A joyful smile spreads across Anon's face as he eagerly returns your hug. >From the way he holds you, you can tell he's been waiting for a moment like this for years. >He's hugging you like he's afraid you'll disappear into thin air. >...You realize you're holding him in the same way. >You feel your heart swelling within you, it's only now that you realized how much you've wanted this. >You share this moment with Anon for a few moments, but it's still far too short. >"Oh, and you can bring Angel if you want! That's the only plus-one I'll allow." Anon was quick to remind you. >You giggle and nod. "Thank you, I'm sure he'll appreciate coming along." >Unfortunately, both of you have to go home soon. >But after you say goodbye, you skip home with a new pep in your step. >You can't wait for Sunday. >Saturday went by pretty much as usual. >You really did worry too much about Anon being able to make it to Sugarcube Corner. >You had a great time with the girls. >You just wish Anon could've seen how Rarity swooned when you told her about his plans for Sunday. >It's very reassuring that Rarity likes Anon, she's a very good judge of character. >Anon really didn't need to be intimidated by her at first. >Flash stopped by to say hi to Twilight, but he didn't stay long. >That band of his sure practices a lot. >Cheese Sandwich couldn't stay with the table long, he was on the job. >But Pinkie made sure to savor every moment the two could share. >If Rainbow thought you and Anon were a bit much with the PDA, she discovered Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich were way worse about it. >They were kissing and being all cutesy whenever they could spare a moment to be close to each other. >It did you make you feel kind of bad about the relationship stuff you did with Anon when he's sitting with you and the girls. >You two don't do much, really all you two do is hold hands beneath the table, but it's not fair to bring your relationship into a space that's meant for friends. >If you ended up creating a rift between you and any of your friends because of your relationship with Anon, you'd never forgive yourself. >You're really glad Rainbow gets along with Anon so well, but you're not sure how she'd get along with Cheese Sandwich. >You really hope he doesn't annoy her. >But that didn't happen yesterday. >You talked about all sorts of things: school, hobbies, the upcoming dance, the weather, and so on. >Applejack's been busy with a surprisingly big harvest this year. >You really admire her strength, it can't be easy working on the farm as much >You also brought Angel with you, who thankfully behaved himself while in your bag. >Pinkie lets you bring him in, but she hasn't really told her parents that she lets you do that, so you have to be sneaky about giving treats to Angel. >After the girls parted ways from Sugarcube Corner, you texted Anon a bit to see how he's enjoying his day with Norman. >He had a great time watching that Venture Brothers show with his friend. >Out of curiosity, you looked up a trailer for the show online to see what it's like. >...It doesn't seem like something you'd enjoy. >Anon sure does like shows and games that are really intense... >The humor is pretty crass, too... >You never would have thought Anon would like this kind of stuff, he's always so nice with you and the girls. >But you shouldn't judge, you have your secret interests, too. >It's not like he's making you watch it. >You're not worried about that, though. >After an agonizingly long wait for Zephyr to be done using the shower the following morning, you're ready for your date with Anon. >You had an incredibly long video call with Rarity last night to decide what you should wear today. >She made you go through your entire closet and every drawer in your dresser to help make the decision. >Rarity even insisted on helping you decide which bra and panties to wear, despite your reluctance. >"You never know, darling~" Were her exact words. >But at the end of it all, you're really happy with the outfit she picked out for you. >A light fleece jacket to go with a nice button down shirt and a skirt that went down past your knees. >...And a light pink bra with matching panties... >But just before you head out, you look back at Angel's little cage in the corner of your room. >He'd be stuck in here all day, and Anon did say you could bring him... >You walk away from your bedroom door and kneel down beside Angel, who had just woken up. "Hey there, do you wanna come with me on my date with Anon today?" >Angel leered at you a bit. >He must not like how "date" sounds. "Oh, come on, you know Anon! He's nice!" You try to persuade him. >Angel relents a little bit, hopping closer to you. "He told me you could come if you wanted to, I bet he brought some really tasty treats for you!" >This gets his attention. >Angel's ears perk up at the prospect of getting treats. "Plus we're going on a picnic! You'll be able to run around and enjoy the last of the nice weather before it gets cold!" >You open the door to his cage and present your backpack to him, beckoning him to hop in and come with you. >After a brief moment considering your offer, Angel eagerly hops out of his cage and nestles himself in your backpack. "Yay! We're gonna have a great time today, just you wait and see!" You quietly promise him. >After ensuring he's comfortable in your backpack, you carefully zip it up and head out of your bedroom. >When you make your way downstairs, your parents are enjoying last night's Jeopardy recording while Zephyr is still eating breakfast or lunch in the dining room. "I'm heading out to spend time with some friends for a while, I'll be back later!" You inform your family. >Rarity also helped you come up with how to describe your date with Anon to your parents without saying it's a date. >"Have fun, dear!" Your mom wished you from the couch. "Thank you!" You say to her in return before heading to the door. >Just before you leave your house, you spot Zephyr peering at you from the dining room table with a knowing look on his face. >He remembers you talking about having a boyfriend. >He likely won't tell mom and dad, but he could still be a pain about it in some way. >You can already him saying something like "I won't tell mom and dad about your boyfriend if you do the dishes tonight." >You shouldn't worry about that now. >You've got a date to get to. >You shut the door behind you and get to walking to the forest clearing Anon told you about. >It's such a nice day out. >The weather's not super cold, only slightly chilly. >But you're dressed for the weather, so the crisp air is nice and refreshing. >It's also nice how the forest path isn't far from your home. >It is a little farther for Anon, though. >Just then, your phone buzzes with a new text message from him. >[Gonna be a little late!] >[Sorry!!] >You gently smile, appreciating his heads-up. [No worries! Take ur time! :)] You text him back. >As you keep walking, you think back to how Anon was when he first told you about his date plans. >Today means a lot to him. >He went through all the trouble of picking out food to make, getting all the groceries he needed, and getting everything ready for the picnic in between homework and hanging out with Norman. >You really hope he doesn't overwork himself. >Or stress himself out trying to make sure everything's perfect. >You would hate to see him crushed by something out of his control ruining the picnic today after all the work he put in. >... >...Now you're worrying about that, too. >You've never been out on a date before. >You don't know how to act on a date. >Rarity gave you some tips last night, but that can only take you so far. >A million "what ifs" fill your mind. >What if one of the bullies from school see you two together? >What if you do something to make him feel uncomfortable? >What if you accidentally ruin your first date? >...Oh, dear. >You keep walking towards the forest path through a cloud of dread. >You almost wish you had Rarity or Rainbow here with you to help guide you through your first date. >Rainbow wouldn't know as much about dating as Rarity, but she always knows how to help you out. >...That's a ridiculous idea. >Bringing one of your friends to third-wheel with you? >You can't help but giggle at the idea. >You're making a way bigger deal out of this than you need to. >It's just a nice picnic with Anon, it's nothing that warrants this much stress. >Everything will be fine, you're sure of it. >...You just hope Anon is sure of it, too. >It doesn't take you much longer to reach the forest path on the outskirts of town. >You glance around, trying to find Anon. >He isn't here, but he did say he was gonna be late. >You lean on the wooden fence nearby and text Rarity again. [Anon should be here soon, he said he'd be running a little late.] You inform her. >It doesn't take Rarity long to respond. >[I know what you're thinking, but trust me, it's more than likely no big deal.] >You gently chuckle. [Ik, ik] >[It's normal to be nervous on a first date!] >[Remember what Twilight once said: "The simplest explanation is often the best explanation"] >You remember when she said that to you. >You were worried about why you haven't gotten your report card for the fall semester back in Freshman year. >Turns out it was because there was too much snow on the road, and they had to delay mail delivery for a day. >You felt really silly for thinking your parents got to it first and were preparing to punish you for having gotten a bad grade on your finals. >[At least Anon told you he would be late] >[Far too many guys at school lack the decency to do even that] >You could sense the bitterness in her texts. >Poor Rarity's dealt with so many bad dates. >It's not fair that she's got a bit of a reputation as having high standards, some guys can be real jerks. >[I apologize, I shouldn't dwell on my own past] >[You're gonna have a wonderful date, I just know it!] >You smile gratefully at her text. [Thank you <3] You text back. >Just then, you spot Anon running down the road towards you with a cooler and blanket in tow. [Gotta go now, ttyl!] You quickly text Rarity before putting your phone away. >Once Anon gets to you, he takes a moment to catch his breath. >He must've been running a lot to get here. >You take this time to get a look at what Anon chose to wear for today. >He's wearing jeans, but they look nicer than what he usually wears. >Anon's also wearing a light jacket, but it looks pretty new. >You suspect he went clothes shopping recently. >"Phew... I'm really sorry, Flutters. Getting all the food stuff together took a little longer than I thought it would." Anon said with an awkward chuckle. >You smile and wave off his concerns. "It's no problem, Anon. I really appreciate all the effort you went through for today." >"Of course, it's what you deserve! Plus, now I know how to better budget for my time for our future dates!" Anon assured you. >You gently giggle, but you detect a hint of worry in his voice. >"...You look lovely, Flutters." He said to you in a softer tone. "Aw, thank you, Nonny! You look rather handsome today, yourself." You giggle, using the nickname Pinkie gave him. >His cheeks flush a little, helped by the cool air. >"Well, ready to get going?" Anon asks you. >You gently intertwine your fingers with the fingers on Anon's hand that aren't holding the cooler and blanet. "I sure am!" >The walk through the forest is lovely. >The trees help break up the breeze, meaning it doesn't feel as cold anymore. >There's still some small critters out and about, probably foraging the nuts and berries they could find before they have to go into hibernation. >Leaves have been falling from the trees, painting the ground around the trail a beautiful array of autumnal hues. >And Anon's hand is so warm, you don't mind the chilly weather so much. >But this scenery ends soon as Anon guides you to the clearing he had in mind for the picnic, and it's beautiful, >A small patch of green grass sits free and clear in the center of a ring of trees, allowing the sun's rays to beam down and bathe those in the clearing in its warmth. >There's a small family of blue jays nested on one of the nearby trees, and a chipmunk scurries away from the clearing with acorns in tow. >It's so picturesque. >"Thank goodness nobody beat us here." Anon remarked with a smile. "It's wonderful, Anon." You sigh happily. >Anon turns to you with pride in his eyes, clearly relieved that it's all going well so far. >"I'll get us set up here..." He says to you, hurrying forward and carefully setting the blanket down on the grass. >He has a little trouble getting it to stay nice and flat with the gentle breeze blowing at the edges. >You kneel down on the opposite end of the blanket and help him get it nice and stretched out. >"Thanks, Flutters." Anon says to you with a sheepish chuckle. >Once you two get settled on the blanket, Anon sets the cooler in between you two and opens it up. >"Okay, I've made BLT sandwiches on croissant bread, sliced apples, oranges, and pears, I've got some tomato soup in a couple thermoses, vitamin water, and a big bag of chips to share." Anon proudly informed you, presenting each food item before you as he said each one. >You're very impressed by all the food he brought, he made some great choices. "Oh, wow, Anon, this is wonderful! This must have been a lot of work!" You congratulate him, making him beam with pride. >"It was nothing, really. I had all the time I needed because most of this stuff was already in our fridge or pantry." He tried to humbly downplay your praise. "Don't undersell yourself, you put a lot of effort into making all of this, you should be proud!" >"Yeah, well, you're worth going the extra mile for." Anon smiles at you. >You feel your cheeks warm up at his cheesy compliment. >"Oh, by the way, you can feel free to skip the chips or BLT if you're vegetarian or vegan or whatever else, I'm sorry I didn't ask about your dietary preferences earlier!" Anon hastily clarified, looking a little worried again. "Oh, no, it's alright! I don't have any kind of special diet like that!" You assure him. >His slight worry turns to surprise. >"...Really?" >"I-I mean, no offense, I just kinda thought that since, you know, since you care for animals so much..." "Don't worry, I understand! You're actually not the first person to think that." You gently remark. >Rainbow, Applejack, and Pinkie thought you were vegetarian when you first met them in Freshman year. "The thing is, there's all sorts of different proteins and nutrients you need from different food sources, including meat and dairy. Plus it's important for the animal food chain to ensure that there's a proper balance of predators and prey in the wild." You clarify. "But when I help with grocery shopping, I always make sure to get animal products from cruelty-free sources. It's important to make sure that the sources of our food lived the best life they could live. To think of all those cages and factory farms..." >You try to not think about the horrible conditions those chickens and cows have to live in. >It's so heartbreaking. >Anon nods in understanding. >"Yeah, that makes sense. Well, I'm sure these sandwiches were made with the best food sources possible!" "That's a relief." You giggle. "Oh, but have you heard they're making plant-based meats? I'm really excited to see what that's like! If we could get our essential nutrients without any animal suffering at all, that would be great!" You gush. >You can't exactly describe the look that appears on Anon's face, but it quickly vanishes as he gives you an enthusiastic smile. >"Well, I'm gonna be honest, I've never really thought about trying that stuff for myself... But I'd be willing to try it with you!" >You smile at him in return. >Applejack's not so sure about plant-based meats, but you're sure she'll come around. >Then you remember your plus-one. "I also brought Angel with me!" You inform Anon, presenting your backpack and unzipping the main pouch to allow Angel to enjoy the fresh air. >"Oh, nice!" Anon softly cheered before digging back through the cooler. >"I ran out to the pet shop last night to get some rabbit treats for him, I hope he likes these ones!" >When Anon shows you the box of rabbit treats he brought, you know which one it is. >It's one of the more expensive brands they have at the pet shop. >You usually don't get these for Angel unless you get some extra money for your birthday or Christmas. >It makes you feel a little guilty, seeing Anon spend more than he needed to for your sake. >But you don't want to make him feel bad about that, so you give him a grateful smile. "These are Angel's favorites! How'd you know?" You teasingly interrogate him. >"A voice in my sink told me which kind of treats to get. Norman thinks it's weird, but it's been a great help in the past." Anon jokingly answers. >As you two share some light laughter, Angel pops out of your backpack and sniffs at the box of rabbit treats. >He knows it's the fancy kind, so he starts gnawing at the cardboard box. "Angel, no! That's very unhealthy!" You lightly scold Angel, gently pulling him away. >Angel shoots you a dirty look as Anon opens the box up and presents one of the treats. >"Don't worry, here you go, big guy!" Anon gently says to Angel as he shows him the treat. >Angel leaps up into the air and snatches the treat right out of his hand. >You were hoping Angel would be a little more polite, but he curls up in the corner of the blanket and gnaws on his treat. >"You know, you take the box of treats home with you after the picnic." Anon let you know. "Oh, I couldn't ask that of you!" You insist. >"Why not? It's not like I've got rabbits of my own. Outside the animal shelter, at least." >You remember you shouldn't make a big deal out of this, so you gently nod and accept his kindness. "...Thank you, Anon." >"It's no big deal, really." He assures you. >From there, the picnic is lovely. >Anon did a great job preparing all the food for you. >The tomato soup was especially delicious, he said his mom advised him on what seasonings to add to the soup. >"If it was up to me, I probably would've just microwaved it straight out of the can." Anon joked in a self-deprecating manner. >He's so proud of the fruits of his labor. >There's a light in his eyes when he talks about the process he went through preparing each food item he prepared. >Granted, the story of how he got the chips wasn't very exciting, but Anon told the story with passion. >Angel would come pester Anon for more treats as soon as he was done with the treat he was already given. >Anon would always look to you before giving anything to Angel, deferring to your expertise. >You don't want to spoil Angel, but today is a special day, so you let Angel have more treats. >He'll have to exercise more to ensure he stays healthy, though. >Anon even told you about why he likes that Venture Brothers show. >His cousin introduced it to him when they hid in a spare bedroom at a family reunion in seventh grade. >He also really appreciated how much heart the show could have, behind the crude humor. >Anon speaks with such enthusiasm and passion, if he keeps it up, he could sell you on watching it at some point in the future. >...Even though he admitted it probably isn't your speed. >Feeling more comfortable in this peaceful environment with him, you talk more about why you love Sailor Moon. "It may be cheesy, but I've always liked the positivity and friendship between the main characters in the show. They're so fun and really helped me open up to making friends as a Freshman." "I've always had a weakness for stories about love and positivity triumphing over evil." "And the outfits, they're so cute and they look fun to wear!" "...I'd never be seen wearing it, though. I don't have that kind of confidence." You sheepishly giggle. >Anon pouts over-exaggeratedly at that, making you laugh. >"Well, that sounds like a great time! I'd love to watch it with you in the future, if you'd like!" >A goofy smile spreads across your face as you eagerly nod. "I'd really like that~" >"Well, I'm gonna take the trash out to the trash can at the trail entrance. Figure I should get that out of the way so we can enjoy sitting here together." Anon stated, standing up with the gathered trash. "Okay! Don't take too long, I might get lonely." You jokingly remind him. >"Oh, you won't be too lonely. Angel, keep an eye on her while I'm gone, but no funny stuff, got it?" Anon turned to Angel with a grin. >Angel was focused on finishing his treat and didn't pay Anon any mind. >Anon, undeterred, gave you a small wave goodbye as he headed back down the trail towards the entrance. >This leaves you time to really appreciate the scenery. >In the distance could be heard some other people enjoying picnics or camping trips of their own. >As much as you'd prefer to be completely alone with Anon, it warms your heart to know there are other people appreciating the nature in their backyard. >But as you kneel by the edge of the blanket and enjoy the silence, Angel sneaks up behind you with schemes of his own. >Without you even knowing, he nibbles on the hem of your skirt. >You only realize he's doing this when you stand up to stretch. >Angel's grip on your skirt ends up dragging your skirt down to your ankles. >Leaving you standing in the middle of the clearing with nothing to cover your specially-chosen panties. >You freeze for a moment as you feel your cheeks flush a deep red, in shock of what happened. >When you can finally bring yourself to move, you stumble backwards out of your skirt and land on your rear. >Angel still has your skirt. "A-Angel, would you mind? I r-really need that." You shakily try to convince him. >As you reach for your skirt, Angel hops backward with your skirt. "Angel, please, now isn't the time to be naughty." You say in a more stern tone. >Angel retorts by scurrying down the forest path with your skirt. >Leaving you on the blanket in your panties. "Angel!" You call out to him before clamping your hands over your mouth. >The last thing you need is to draw attention to yourself. >This can't be happening. >How could Angel do this to you? >You gave him all those treats and he steals your skirt? >Your eyes dart around, paranoid that someone could see you like this. >What if one of the neighborhood families see you like this? >What if one of the bullies from school see you like this? >What if Anon sees you like this? >This is the second time you've lost your skirt around him. >He wouldn't want to be seen dating someone so prone to making a fool of themselves. >With your legs shaking, you stand up and tug your shirt down to hide your panties. >What do you do? >If you just wait here, you risk losing track of where Angel took your skirt. >Not to mention you'd be a sitting duck for anyone who sees you in this wide-open clearing. >The sounds of some of the other picnickers seem to be getting closer. >You have no choice. >As painful and embarrassing as it could be... >...You have to go find Angel and get your skirt back. --ANONYMOUS-- >Man, today's been going great. >The first date of your life is going real smoothly. >The food you prepared turned out great, Fluttershy loved all of it. >Maybe you should get into cooking more often. >It's a good skill to have, and a surefire way to get a girl to like you. >Or ensure a girl continues liking you. >Maybe some of the guys at Canterlot would have better luck with girls if they tried cooking. >Seems to have worked for Cheese Sandwich. >But your date today wasn't completely smooth sailing. >You risked blowing the first impression by being late, but she understood your reasoning. >When Fluttershy brought up how she looked up the Venture Bros., you were deathly scared that it would've been a dealbreaker. >You shouldn't have carelessly brought it up with Fluttershy and her- your friends. >But with some crafty wordsmithing, you managed to assure Fluttershy that you didn't like the show because you're some kind of asshole who's into gore and sex jokes. >You didn't even have to lie to do that! >And truthfully you don't have a ton of interest in Sailor Moon, but you're sure watching it with her will enhance the whole experience. >You even impressed Fluttershy with your choice in rabbit treats for little Angel. >The cashier at the pet shop was right, the higher the price, the higher the quality. >Somehow, against all odds, you planned a date that's going really well. >You finally managed to fulfill that promise you made to yourself. >You're really gonna be the best boyfriend Fluttershy could ask for. >Which you'll get right back to once you've thrown away the trash. >It doesn't take long for you to get back to the entrance, easily locating the trash can. >One swift, environmentally-friendly motion later, you've parted ways with the sandwich bags and plastic spoons you've known so briefly. >Better get going, every second spent here is a second not spent showing Fluttershy with compliments or kisses or other forms of affection. >But as you turn around to head back up the trail, Angel emerges from the forest, carrying some kind of green fabric with him. "Oh, hey there, big guy. Does Fluttershy know you're here? What's that you've got there?" You ask the small rabbit, as if he could understand you. >Instead of answering your question, Angel drops the large piece of green fabric at your feet and scurried back down the trail. >Angel sure is independent. >Curious, you pick up the green fabric to inspect it closer. >Why would Angel bring this to you? >As you hold it in your hand, it looks a lot like... >Is it really...? >...It's Fluttershy's skirt. >Whatever this means, it means you should get back to Fluttershy fast. >Holding her skirt securely in your hands, you hurry down the forest path back to the picnic spot to make sure she's okay. >You trample over leaves and branches as you race down the forest path. >Your mind fills with countless terrible possibilities on what could have happened. >But you're running so fast that you barely have time to dwell on these thoughts before arriving at the clearing. >The blanket's empty, save for Angel curled up by the box of rabbit treats you brought. >She left her phone on the blanket, too. >You start to get really worried. >Where is Fluttershy? >What happened to her? >You eyes dart around in all directions, trying to find some kind of indicator of what happened to her. >But then, on the other side of the clearing, you spot something. >It only appeared very briefly, but you knew what it was. >It was Fluttershy darting behind the trees. >Without any pants. >You sigh in relief. >Fluttershy's okay. >...Relatively speaking. >But how did she lose her sk- >You turn to Angel, who helped himself to another treat. "Angel." You say to him, getting his attention. "Did you steal Fluttershy's skirt?" >Angel didn't give you a verbal answer. >Instead, he gave you an expression you'd dare to describe as smug before returning to his treat. >You groan at him. >How could he do this to her? >Fluttershy never did anything to deserve this kind of embarrassment. >You'll figure out how to punish the little demon later. >Right now, you've gotta help your girlfriend get her skirt back. >...But how? >If you just stand here in the middle of the clearing and call out for her, it'll just draw more attention to her from the other people out here. >Since she's running around in her panties, you can't imagine she'd appreciate that. >The best course of action is to try to find Fluttershy and letting her know you're there once you're close to her. >But not SO close that you scare her. >Enough planning, time's a-wasting. >You take Fluttershy's phone and store it safely in your pocket before turning to Angel with a sour look. "I'll deal with you later." You growl at Angel before heading off to the section of forest where Fluttershy hid. >You fold her skirt nice and neat and keep it held under your arm to protect it from any branches or dirt or anything else that could damage it. >As you cross the tree line past the clearing, you take a deep breath. >This date's on hold. >It's hero time. --FLUTTERSHY-- >That was really close. >Someone almost saw you without your skirt. >At least, you think they almost saw you. >You didn't stay to see how much of you they saw. >You stop running once you're sure you're hidden from anyone who could've spotted you. >Leaning against a large tree, you take a moment to catch your breath and get your heart under control. >Only to leap away from the tree when you realize that isn't a good idea. >You run your hand across the rear of your panties, checking every inch of cotton. >...No rips. >Thank goodness, that's the last thing you need right now. >You crouch down, covering your face in shame. >Your cheeks are so warm. >Why? >Why did this have to happen to you? >Was Angel trying to humiliate you in front of Anon? >Why would he do that? >You only barely escaped being seen without your skirt by the entire school just last month, and now this... >You don't even know if you want Anon to find you. >He'd leap to help you out of this embarrassing situation, you're sure of that. >But... You can't bear for him to see you like this. >...Rainbow's never been put in this kind of embarrassing situation. >She split her shorts during the long jump last year, but only a couple people noticed that. >...She wouldn't cry when admitting her worries to her boyfriend, either... >Rainbow would probably be less exhausting as a girlfriend than you... >... >You're snapped out of your depressive spiral when you hear some branches rustling behind you. >You spin around like a startled deer with your eyes wide open. >It sounds like it's getting closer. >It could be a deer or some other forest critter, but you don't want to risk staying here being wrong. >You clumsily start running deeper into the woods, away from whatever's making that noise. >It's lucky that you're not missing your shoes, otherwise navigating through the dense forestry would be far more difficult. >Your shoes aren't really made for hiking, though. >Your feet would slip on puddles and smooth rocks because of how hastily you're running to a more secluded space. >Once you're far enough away, you hide behind a large tree and peer out from behind it to try to see if anything, or anyone, followed you. >You carefully search the space in between the trees, looking for anything that could look like anyone. >But... there wasn't anything. >You shakily exhale. >Nobody's around. >You need to find Angel and your skirt. >Fast. >Angel can't have gone far. >He probably went back to the picnic blanket, that's where all his treats are. >...But it'll have to be a careful route back to the picnic blanket. >You can't go straight back the route you came from, it's too likely that you'll get spotted in your panties. >You'll have to take the long way back. >...Which also makes it more likely you'll get spotted... >There's rustling in the trees again. >You hide behind the tree, peering out just enough to see what's causing the noise. >It's a person. >That's all you see before ducking behind cover again. >You seal your mouth tight and try to hide your panties with your shirt, praying they didn't see you. >It seems like they're out on a hike, but this is pretty far out from any hiking trail in this forest. >Could they be... looking for you? >Did they see you? >Your cheeks flush even deeper red at the possibility of having been caught. >Whoever it is, you can't let them see you. >You listen carefully to their walking. >It's so tense. >You feel so exposed. >Your heart is racing. >They're walking past the tree you're hiding behind. >It's a very delicate process, but you carefully step around the opposite side of the tree at the same speed they're walking. >You really wish you could focus more on making sure each step is silent, but you can't afford to waste any time. >But what little noise you make doesn't seem to alert whoever it is, they keep walking down the direction they were heading. >You heave a heavy sigh, relieving yourself of some of the tension. >That was far too close for comfort. >But they're gone now. >The coast is clear. >You march back on up the small hill back in the direction of the picnic blanket. >...That is, if your panties didn't get caught on the tree. >A small hitch in the bark stretches out your underwear as you try to walk away. >Your underwear snaps back into place, but you stand frozen. >An even deeper blush covers your cheeks. >You stand there, holding your breath, dreading that the mystery person heard that. >...But they just keep walking. >You don't want to check the backside of your underwear. >You don't want to have your worst fear confirmed. >...But you have to. >Your hand slowly drifts to your backside, checking your panties for any rips. >... >...Your shaking fingers sense the cotton fraying into a small hole on your backside. >Oh, no. --ANONYMOUS-- >Man, Fluttershy's surprisingly difficult to find. >Granted, there's a lot of woods for her to possibly be in. >But she never seemed athletic enough to move through these woods so quickly, or hide so well amid the deep greens and browns of the trees and leaves. >It must be the fear of getting caught giving her the Adrenalin. >You can't say you blame her. >It was strange, you felt like you were getting so close to her when you walked by that large tree. >But when you turned around, nothing. >There was some rustling in the branches in the direction you came from, but it couldn't have been caused by anything larger than a squirrel. >You grip Fluttershy's skirt even tighter. >You really hope wherever she is, nothing else happens to her. >...But you really have no idea on how to find her. >All these trees look the same. >But getting lost in the woods wouldn't help anyone. >You have to keep moving. >...You pick a direction and head that way. >You're no master tracker, that's the best you'll have to do. >After a few minutes of light trailblazing, you come across a small campsite. >It looks like a Cub Scout troop wrapping up their camping trip for the weekend. >Some of the little kids aren't pulling their weight packing up the tents, but overall it seems like a nice outing for everyone involved. >"Excuse me, are you looking for something?" A male voice says to you from behind. >You jump a bit, even more startled by the pre-existing tension of trying to find your girlfriend. >You turn around and see a friendly looking park ranger looking at you. >Think of something! "Uh, no, just, uh... t-taking a hike. Enjoying the weather, appreciating nature, that kinda stuff." You awkwardly answer. >This seems to convince the park ranger, who smiles at your answer. >"Well, I'm glad to hear it! More kids your age should spend their free time appreciating the great outdoors." >You can't stay to talk, you have to find Fluttershy. "Yeah, I wish so, too. Hey, I should be going-" >"What's that you've got there, under your arm?" The park ranger asks you. >A chill runs down your spine as you realize they noticed Fluttershy's skirt. >You can't let him know that's what this is. "Oh, this? J-Just... Uh... A bit of tent tarp that someone left lying around. It's a shame how people can disrespect nature like this..." >The park ranger sighs, nodding. >"If only that was the worst thing people left lying around..." >You try to step away from the park ranger and return to your search. >"I could take that off your hands for you." The park ranger offered. "No! That-That's fine, you don't need to worry about it, I'll handle it!" You're quick to answer. >The park ranger raises an eyebrow at you. >"You sure?" "I sure am! Figured you've got enough going on as is, I'll get rid of this for you!" >"It's really no trouble, there's a dumpster right over here-" "I insist, really!" >The more you protest, the more suspicious the park ranger becomes. >"...What's your name, young man?" The park ranger leered at you. >You gulp. >This is getting bad. "...Black Dynamite, sir." You lie. >"What's in the cloth, Black Dynamite?" He asks you with a suspicious tone. "Nothing, honest!" You insist. >He isn't very convinced. >"Show me, then." >You can't. >If he sees it's a skirt, he'll have even more questions for you. >Questions you really don't want to answer. "...It's personal." You try to cover up. >"How's some litter tarp personal?" >That failed. >"Son, if you're hiding anything illegal in there, you need to let me know now before you get into bigger trouble later." The park ranger warned you. >This is getting worse by the second, you need to do something. "Alright, alright, it's really just some blunts my friends- Oh, shit! Fire!" You cry out, pointing to the campsite behind the park ranger. >The moment he buys your lie and spins around to see for himself, you bolt for the woods. >"Hey, get back here!" He yelled to you, running after you. >You're firing on all cylinders as you desperately sprint for cover in the woods. >That was a terrible idea. >It bought you a three-second head start on the park ranger, and you don't know how far that'll carry you. >You clutch Fluttershy's skirt tightly in your hands, serving as a reminder for why you can't slow down. >You can hear the park ranger yelling at you as he chases you. >He's gaining ground. >You can't panic. >You're on a mission. >You dive down a hill leading to a creek and duck behind a large boulder just before ducking behind a boulder. >The park ranger stops running to survey the area, trying to find you. >Your mind races with possibilities on how to escape this situation. >Should you try to dodge around him, or wait him out? >Your hand is forced you hear the park ranger make his way towards your boulder. >Oh, God, what do you do? >You messed up, big time. >If you're caught, you'll get in a ton of trouble with the park authorities. >Leaving Fluttershy in an even worse position. >The steps get closer. >You silently pray for mercy to any deity willing to listen. >But then, the steps stop. >As your heart runs a mile a minute, you hear the park ranger sigh. >"Kids these days..." He groans before he marches back up the hill towards the campsite. >You sit there in shock for a few moments, taking in what just happened. >That was close. >Way too close. >You're never doing something as stupid as that ever again. >You gently rub your thumbs on Fluttershy's skirt, which you're gripping like a security blanket. >That park ranger's surely radioed to the other rangers on duty about you, if you run into any park rangers, you'll be in a world of trouble. >You need to find Fluttershy. >Fast. --FLUTTERSHY-- >You're stuck in a really big problem. >You're standing behind a medium size boulder with your hands covering your slightly exposed rear end. >You need to get back to the picnic blanket, you're sure Angel is back there by now. >If you move too slowly, you're at a higher risk of seeing you run through the woods in your panties. >...Which are now slightly ripped in the seat. >But if you move too quickly, you'll end up making the rip bigger. >Your cheeks have to be scarlet right right now. >Your face is warmer than it's ever been before. >If Rarity could see you now, she would be horrified. >You feel a pang of guilt when you remember she helped you pick this outfit. >There's no way you're letting her know about this. >She'd feel horrible about unknowingly setting you up for disaster. >You wish you could just curl up on the ground and wake up in your nice, warm, safe bed. >But you already checked. >This isn't any kind of dream. >You're really here. >In your underwear. >In the middle of the forest. >Far from any kind of help. >You don't dare sink to the ground, you're far too paranoid about your panties getting caught on something again. >So you just awkwardly kneel close to the ground to try to remain hidden. >And to think, this date was going so well. >You loved getting to know Anon better, and he put a ton of work into getting all the food ready. >You were really opening up to him about your interests. >And you went and lost your skirt. >Angel is gonna be in really big trouble when you get back. >There's no way you're gonna let him steal your skirt like this. >The sound of yelling not too far from you draws you back to reality. >You can't be sure but it sounds like... >...Anon? >Oh, dear, he's looking for you. >You can't be too sure, but you think he yelled something about a fire. >There's another man yelling in same direction you heard Anon. >Fear seizes your heart. >As if today couldn't get worse, now there's a fire spreading somewhere. >Guess that settles it. >You need to hurry back. >You scramble back to your feet and clumsily run through the woods, back to the picnic site. >You barely care about being seen right now. >Anon's nearby and he said something about a fire. >You're wheezing as you sprint through the trees and shrubbery of the forest. >Your jacket keeps getting lightly caught on branches and bushes. >...So do your panties. >With each tree you sprint past, another needle of anxiety is jammed through your mind at the thought of damaging your underwear even more. >But if you're fast enough, you won't have to worry about that. >You'll have your skirt back in no time. >Your shame will be covered soon. >You have to believe that. >But running like this makes you feel even more exposed. >The brisk autumn breeze grazing past your exposed thighs constantly remind you that you're missing your skirt. >Plus the gentle breeze passing through the small rip on your backside. >At least, you really hope it's still a small rip. >This all feels so perverted, running around in public like this. >You feel so... sensitive. >Like the air nibbling at your skin has a bit more bite to it. >The brief rays of sunlight that break through the treeline bathe your exposed legs in even more warmth. >Sometimes, when you brush against a softer surface like moss, the sensation spreads goosebumps across your body. >All this embarrasses you even more. >It feels like the trees themselves are watching you from above. >Looking down on you running in shame. >Judging you. >You feel so small. >But you don't have time for this. >You stumble over a small tree root sticking out of the ground and end up tumbling down a small hill. >Rolling down this decline gets you covered in dirt as you try to steady yourself. >...And tugs down your panties halfway past your rear end... >As if your cheeks could get any more red. >You hastily tug your underwear back up, but you accidentally use too much force on the failing fabric. >A small ripping sound comes from your failing panties. making your heart freeze in terror. >Please, no. >You brush your shaking hand across your panties to assess the damage. >The rip is even bigger now. >The waistband is ripped a little, too. >If that rips any more, it won't be able to stay on your waist. >You'd be naked from the waist down. >Anon, wherever he is... >...You pray he doesn't find you. >You try adjusting your damaged panties, but upon hearing the barely audible sound of them ripping slightly more, your hands fly away from your waist. >They sag on your hips a little, revealing more of your backside. >Your hands are shaking. >You're almost hyperventilating. >Your heart's running at a mile a minute. >You're close to panicking. >At this rate, you'll have to make your way home naked. >Like that awful, awful nightmare you had a month ago. >You can't let that become a reality. >If anyone sees you like this, you'll die of embarrassment. >You clench your fists and take a deep breath. >No, you're not going to let that happen. >You're going to find Angel, get your skirt back, and have a wonderful date with your lovely, caring, never-saw-you-humiliate-yourself-more-than-once boyfriend. >You stand straight up and survey the trees around you. >You're not far from the picnic site. >If you stuff your fear of being seen like this back down to your stomach and begin your march back to the clearing. >...Strange, you haven't seen, heard, or even smelled anything about a fire since you started running. >What was Anon talking about back there? >Did you mishear him? >You'll worry about that later. >If there is no fire, that's some weight off your shoulder. >You can afford to move more carefully through the woods. >Thank goodness, you should be able to avoid more rips that way. >It's a careful process, making your way through the forest, but you get into the groove. >You feel even more exposed than you did before, with your panties being more ripped and not fitting as nicely, but you feel more confident you won't be spotted. >You even make sure your steps are silent, just in case. >When you're calmed down from your earlier crisis (and after you gently tug your panties back up), you take a moment to enjoy the scenery. >It's so peaceful out here. >Just you and the beauty of the natural world. >So far from prying eyes or any kind of disturbance. >Far from Anon, too... >... >NO. >STOP IT, FLUTTERSHY. >You DON'T want Anon seeing you like this, remember? >You don't want him to see your shame. >...But you don't KNOW he'll be ashamed if he sees you... >He could see you, your body so exposed, and be drawn to you... >GAH. >STOP IT. >NOW IS NOT THE TIME. >You shove those dirty thoughts to the back of your mind and continue making your way towards the picnic blanket. >It may have taken you what felt like hours, and your panties are close to being in tatters, but at long last, you made it. >You've finally reached the clearing. >The picnic blanket and cooler are still there, seemingly untouched. >And nestled on the blanket, nibbling on another treat, you see him. >Angel. >But your skirt's nowhere to be seen. >Your agitation at the small rabbit boils to your surface after everything you had to go through. >Angel's clearly had far too many treats, he's lazily lying on his back and doesn't even notice you marching up to him. "Angel!" You sternly say to him. >Angel snaps out of his lazy trance and jumps up when he hears you. "What did you do with my skirt?" You question him with a frown. >The small white rabbit glances around uncertainly. "Look at what you made me go through!" You cry out, motioning to the barely-intact clothing on your lower half. >You have to tug your panties back up your waist to keep them from sagging too low, but you're too steamed to worry about that right now. >Instead of answering in any helpful manner, Angel darts off into the woods behind him. "Angel!" You yell out to him. >He's not getting away from you this time. >You sprint after your naughty pet, back into the woods. >At least you're far from any prying eyes. >Angel's white fur sticks out in the forest, making it very easy for you to keep track of him. >You run after him at a speed you're pretty sure you've never gone before. >But this is way more more important than the mile run at school. >You stop noticing how your lungs are burning and your legs are sore. >You're so close to saving your dignity and this date. >Angel's taking you to where your skirt is. >He has to be. >Your pursuit chases Angel into a hollowed out log by a creek. >He squeezes through the fallen tree quite easily, but you aren't gonna fit so well. >Kneeling down on the dirt, you try to peer in through the log. >Angel's waiting for you on the far end of the log, on top of a light green surface of some kind. >It's difficult to see, it could just be some moss. >...But it could also be your skirt. >You can't afford to doubt yourself. >You'll have to reach in there and grab Angel and whatever he's sitting on. >...But that would mean making yourself very, very exposed... >Your finger grazes the edge of the hole ripped in the seat of your panties. >It's even bigger now. >It's like like your underwear has a window showing off your butt. >The rip in your waistband is deeper than it was before. >Any more stress and it'll rip completely. >...But you have no choice. >You carefully look around you to make sure you're completely alone. >Your cheeks glow a fierce red at the thought of what you're about to do. >You sit up, take a deep breath, and stick your head and arms inside the log. >You're gonna get Angel and your skirt. >...You really hope. --ANONYMOUS-- >God, those movies made living life on the run look like too much fun. >You're on the run from PARK RANGERS and it feels like the feds have helicopters flying overhead trying to find you. >You can practically feel the searchlights beaming down on you, ready to drag you kicking and screaming into the wrath of the law. >All this because they think you have some weed on you. >Is weed even legal in this state? >Norman would know. >That'll have to wait, right now you need to focus on sprinting through the woods as fast as you can. >Away from that park ranger and his buddies and towards Fluttershy. >...Ideally, after the park rangers lose track of you. >You don't even know where you're running to. >You've lost track of where you are. >All these trees look the same. >You could either be running away from their search radius, or right into their waiting claws. >Your new jacket's getting all dirty and a little torn up. >You bought it yesterday, too. >Oh well, that's the cost of crime. >After sprinting for a few minutes, you hide beside a small hill to catch your breath. >You wheeze in and out, trying to catch your breath and restore your stamina. >...Man, you probably would've done better on the mile run if you imagined you were running from the law. >You had to have covered some impressive distance. >...This is your fault, isn't it? >Taking out the trash wasn't something that needed to be done immediately, you could have stayed with Fluttershy and ensured Angel didn't steal her skirt. >You sink down against the hill, feeling a wave of guilt wash over you. >What kind of boyfriend would let this kind of thing happen? >Fluttershy needs to trust your ability to protect her. >Not just from Hoops or Gilda or some other asshole at school, but from any kind of malevolent force that would wish her harm. >This is never going to happen again. >You'll make sure of that. >You'll be strong enough to be the perfect boyfriend. >You have to be. >Glancing around to get your bearings, you spot a familiar sight through the trees before you. >After summoning the strength to get back onto your feet and investigate the sight a little further. >It's the trail! >You recognize it from when you walked with Fluttershy to the picnic spot, and when you took the trash out to the communal trash can in the parking lot. >You're close to the picnic site! >"Angel!" You hear a strikingly familiar voice cry out up the trail. >It's Fluttershy! >You've never heard her yell like that before, but you recognize that voice anywhere. >You check the skirt you've been protecting in your hands. >It's so spotless, it might as well be fresh off the rack. >Time to swoop in and save the day. >You sprint up the trail, holding Fluttershy's skirt like a football. >And the clearing is the end zone. >You make it to the clearing in a flash and frantically look around for where your girlfriend could be. >...Nothing. >The picnic blanket is exactly the same, although the box of rabbit treats looks a little emptier than you remember it being... >You hear some branches rustling off to your right. >Like a deer, your head snaps to the direction of the sound. >In between the trees and just beyond the greenery, you spot a very familiar body dash into the foliage. >This time you're not wasting a second. >You need to save Fluttershy from public humiliation. >You sprint after her into the woods. >She had a good head start on you and she's moving surprisingly fast, but you can hear her moving through the trees. >You're getting closer. >You keep running. >But then the noise you're following stops. >You skid to a halt, looking around. >If she stopped, she has to be close. >Fluttershy has to be hiding behind a tree or something. >Oh, God, did you scare her off? >Chasing after her when she's in her underwear? >How stupid could you be? >Way to go, Best Boyfriend Ever. >You groan, feeling like a real asshole. >You're supposed to be the person she feels safe around. >That means not chasing after her when she's so vulnerable, no matter how noble your intentions. >Great first date, Anonymous. >With a depressed sigh, you slowly make your way down the small incline you're standing on to look around for Fluttershy. >You really hope she'll forgive you for this huge mess you've gotten her into. >You really hope you can salvage some of this date. >With her skirt firmly in hand, you march on. >You trudge through the faintly damp grass and dirt, looking for anything vaguely Fluttershy-shaped. >There's a creek nearby, maybe she's washing some of the dirt off herself. >It's worth a look. >You walk along the edge of the creek, keeping an eye out for Fluttershy. >The water in the creek looks so crisp and refreshing, for a moment you contemplate pausing for a moment to consider splashing some on your face to refresh yourself a little. >You shoo away the thought, you'll refresh yourself later. >You'll smack yourself for thinking so selfishly tonight once Fluttershy gets home. >Further up the stream, you spot something. >It's a log, but something's stick out of it at the end. >Could it be...? >You make your way towards the log and confirm your suspicions. >It's Fluttershy. >Your heart lifts once you finally see her clearly. >She's... >...chest deep inside the log, trying to get at whatever's in there. >And her panties are in real bad shape... >Not only is there a huge rip in the seat of her underwear that reveals a good amount of her butt, they're also sagging down her hips quite a bit. >Your cheeks heat up at the sight as you respectfully avert your gaze. >You feel even worse for her now. >If you stayed with her on the picnic blanket, she wouldn't be so exposed like this. >You don't even want to imagine what kind of ordeal this sweet girl had to suffer through to get her skirt back. >"Come on, Angel, come here right now." You hear Fluttershy say within the log, unintentionally wiggling her butt with the effort. >She doesn't know you're here yet. >Thank God. >You can salvage this, at least a little. >But... how do you let her know that you've found her? >You'll freak her out if you're looming right over. >Acting carelessly like this when you went to chase her was bad enough. >You'll have to be really careful. >Slowly, carefully, you take a few steps back from Fluttershy. >You can hear Fluttershy mutter things to Angel from within the log. >Even without hearing her clearly, you've never heard her this irritated before. >Someone else could see her like this, and she'd be completely humiliated. >You need to do something soon. >...But what? >How do you open? >What do you say? >Come on, just act natural. "...Uh, h-hey, Flutters." You awkwardly speak up. >"Anon!" Fluttershy cries out from within the log. >She's in such a scramble to get out of the log and face you that she bumps her head on the inside of the log. >Once Fluttershy frees herself and spins around to face you, you look away, feeling even more flustered. >The most awkward silence of your life suffocates you as you look at the ground like a scolded child. >You found Fluttershy with her underwear in tatters and her butt sticking in the air, you want to spare some of her dignity. >She doesn't make a sound either. >Eventually, you find the strength to look up at Fluttershy. >She's tugging her shirt down to cover her panties with all her might, her face as red as an apple. >You can tell she's trying to hide it by looking down at the ground, but she's on the verge of tears. >Unfolding your arms, you slowly present her neatly-folded skirt. "I, uh... found your skirt..." >Fluttershy looks up at the ground upon hearing the good news. >Her eyes widen slightly upon seeing the skirt you've kept nice and intact for her. >She slowly reaches out and grabs the article of clothing, delicately holding it in her hands as if she's afraid it'll vanish into thin air. >You politely turn away as Fluttershy carefully tugs her skirt back up her waist, finally covering her barely-intact panties. >"...Y-You can turn around now..." She quietly says to you. >You oblige her and are met with the sight of your girlfriend looking down at the ground with her hands folded like a scolded child. >She lets her shoulders sink as she releases a heavy sigh, finally releasing some of the tension that she's had to carry. >You really wish you know what to say. >You can't just ask her how she's feeling, you don't need to be told she feels exhausted and humiliated. >After all this, you doubt either of you are up for just going back to the picnic and resuming as if nothing happened. >But you have to say something. >Should you apologize? >Would she want an apology? >"...T-Thank you..." Fluttershy mumbles, still staring at the ground. >You release an awkward exhale and nod with a weak smile. "H-Hey, don't mention it, Flutters. I'm just... doing what a good boyfriend should do." You respond. >That was too much. >You shouldn't have said that last part. >You should've just accepted her gratitude. >Fluttershy's still staring at the ground. >Her cheeks are still red as an apple, but at least she doesn't look like she's going to cry. >You sigh and let your head hang. >Time to own up to your actions. "...I'm really sorry about all this." You say to her. >Fluttershy looks up at you with a slightly confused expression. >"Why are you sorry?" She asks you. >You shrug your shoulders and sigh. "I just... Taking out the garbage wasn't a huge deal, I could've stayed with you on the picnic blanket and make sure... that didn't happen..." >"Anon..." >Fluttershy takes a step closer to you and looks into your eyes. >"You couldn't have known that would happen, it's not fair to blame yourself for it." "But... That's why I'm here, you know? I want to make sure nothing happens to you, because..." >You take a breath and clear your voice. "...Because I really care about you. You mean a lot to me, Fluttershy. Seeing you like this breaks my heart." >"Anon, that's not fair. You can't expect to be able to prevent EVERY bad thing from happening to me." "I can try." >"But where does that leave you? You'd be worrying more about my life than your own." "But-" >"Anon, please don't beat yourself up over this. What happened to my skirt wasn't your fault at all." Fluttershy insisted with a slightly wavering tone. >You're still not convinced you're entirely innocent in this matter, but Fluttershy staring into your eyes with that soft, deeply caring expression of hers breaks down your defenses. >You gently nod, relenting to her argument. "...Okay, I believe you." >Fluttershy gently smiles and brushes her hand across your cheek. >"You went above and beyond to find me and make sure I got my skirt back, that means the world to me." >Her smile falters. >"Really... I should be the one apologizing." >Now it's your turn to be confused. >She was the victim here, how could she have anything to apologize for? "...What do you mean? It's like you said, right? You couldn't have known that would happen." >Fluttershy gently shakes her head. >"...This is the second time I've lost my skirt and you had to come rescue me from being seen out in public in my underwear." "So what? Everyone has a few bad days." >"I'm just worried about what people will think about you if you're seen with me..." >Her lip is starting to quiver again. "Fluttershy-" >"Anon, you've made me so, so happy. Even before we started dating, you've been just wonderful to me. So caring, and patient, and kind..." >Fluttershy's close to crying again. >You don't know if you should reach out to comfort her or let her continue talking. >...Best to not interrupt her. >"E-Ever since we met, you've made my life so much better. When you started getting along so well with Rainbow and Rarity and my other friends, I thought it was a miracle..." >Fluttershy wipes a tear that manages to escape her tear duct and race down her cheek. >"B-But, I s-still get... bullied sometimes..." >A few more tears manage to find their way down her cheeks. >"Hoops, and Gilda, and S-Snails and Snips..." >Your blood starts to boil at the sound of the names of those two little shits. >If only they'd give you an opportunity to teach them about proper student etiquette. >"...I j-just really don't anyone to bully you because you're dating m-me..." >A whimper escapes Fluttershy's lips. >She's losing the ability to stop herself from crying. >Her tears sting you. >Hoops, Score, and Dumb-bell have already been doing that for the past few weeks. >If she knew about that, it would destroy her. >You can't let that happen. >"Y-You deserve to date a nice, pretty girl who won't get bullied for being seen running around in her underwear and... m-making a fool of herself..." >This has gone on long enough. >You wrap your arms around Fluttershy and hold her tightly. >She immediately reciprocates the gesture, throwing her arms around you and finally letting herself gently weep into your chest. >You give her a few moments to get it all out of her system as you gently rub circles on her back with your thumb. >If you were strong enough, you could make sure nobody bullied Fluttershy. >You'd be her knight in shining armor. >But you're just... >...You. "Flutters, it's like what you just said to me. You can't beat yourself up over this." You softly assure her. >She shakily inhales before looking up to face you. >"B-But you put so much effort into making sure we have a really nice date, and I went and ran around the woods looking for my skirt..." "Hey, this stuff happens. We all have days where we toss a coin in the air and it lands tails-side up." >"But-" "You think Rainbow's cool, right?" >"...Yeah?" "Well, this kinda stuff happens to her, too. Being the star soccer player didn't save her from ripping her pants in the long jump last year." You remind her. >"I guess that's true..." "And she probably had other embarrassing days like that which she'd probably keep to herself. Nobody has a perfect track record with this stuff." >Fluttershy pauses, wiping away her tears and nodding in agreement. >"...Not even you?" She softly asks. >A chill runs down your spine as one long-buried memory asserts itself at the forefront of your mind. >"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, it's none of my business..." She hastily backtracks. >You wave off her concern. >If you ever had to recount this memory, you'd do it now to help her. "Yeah, there was... one time." >"You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to!" Fluttershy insisted. "No, no, it's fine." You assure her. >You take a breath, mentally preparing yourself to put that day into words. "...In Freshman year, I went to the community pool with Norman. I jumped off the high dive, and... lost my swim trunks..." >"Oh, no..." Fluttershy mutters, her voice thick with sympathy. >You cringe a little bit at the memory, but you press on. "Yeah, they got stuck in the water filter system. I was stuck in the corner of the pool for half an hour before I could get help. >You take a deep breath. "And the person who helped me out of that awful situation..." >You exhale. "...Was Coach Spitfire." >"Oh, Anon, that's horrible! I'm really sorry you had to go through that terrible experience!" Fluttershy says to you, wrapping you tight in her embrace to comfort you. >You gently chuckle and wave off her concerns. "Don't worry, that's ancient history. The point is, everyone has one or two of these embarrassing experiences. It doesn't make you any less worthy of love or respect when they happen." >Your words seem to sink in. >Fluttershy appears much more comfortable about her experience now. "As for those bullies, you really don't need to worry about them. I don't care what any of them say about you or me. Nothing they could say or do could keep me from being the best boyfriend I can be for you." >Fluttershy gives you a warm, grateful smile as her hands rest on your shoulders. >The kind of smile that makes your heart melt and motivates you to fight the armies of Hell to make sure she's never unhappy. >"...Thank you, Anon." She sighs happily. >You express your affection for Fluttershy the best way you know how: giving her a nice, warm hug. >You love the way Fluttershy hugs. >She's so soft and gentle, yet you can tell she's putting everything she has into it. >The way she presses her face against your chest lets you feel her smile. >Freshman, Sophomore, and even Junior-year Anon would have focused mostly on the way her chest feels pressed against you. >But Senior-year Anon is more mature than that. >What matters more than Fluttershy's boobs is Fluttershy's happiness. >You lean forward and plant a kiss on her forehead, making her giggle in that adorable way you love. >"You know..." >Fluttershy takes a step back, trying to give you a stern look while failing to hide her grin. >"...I deserve to see YOUR underwear." >Man, that was a curveball. >You can't help but gently laugh at Fluttershy's assertion. "Oh, do you, now?" You grin at her in return. >She crosses her arms and leans towards you. >"It's only fair! You've gotten to see my underwear twice already! Y-You got a pretty good look just now, and my underwear was ripped, too!" >...She does have a good point. >You maintain your defiant grin, looking her in the eyes. >You've gotten to know Fluttershy well enough to be able to read her emotions with just her eyes. >Just now, her confidence is faltering, and she's starting to think this was a bad idea. >You glance around the woods surrounding the both of you. >Nobody's around. >...Fuck it. "Alright, you win." You relent, smiling. >Before Fluttershy could let any hasty apologies fall out of her mouth, you undo your belt, unzip your pants, and tug them down to your ankles. >You now stand before Fluttershy, presenting your blue plaid-patterned boxers for her. >Fluttershy's fierce blush returned. >Her eyes are the widest you've ever seen them, her mouth is hanging open slightly, and she's staring right at your underwear. >Now, her eyes are saying "I didn't think he would actually do it." "Is it everything you hoped for?" You teasingly ask her. >"What? Oh, uh, y-yes!" Fluttershy sputters, snapping back up to face you when she realizes she's been staring. >You can't help but giggle at her cute display. >Fluttershy giggled along with you as her hands found her way into yours. >As if you were acting on instinct, you closed the distance between you and Fluttershy and kissed her. >Fluttershy melts into your embrace, leaning her body against yours as she sinks into the kiss. >Your hands find their way to her waist, and her hands find their way to your cheeks. >Both of you slowly sink to the ground as the kiss gets more intense. >Fluttershy leans more of her weight against you as your lips gently open and close in time with her. >You notice your breathing is getting heavier by the way Fluttershy gently shudders at the sensation. >Her hands slide down to your neck. >For the briefest moment, your tongue meets hers. >Fluttershy leans back, allowing you to position yourself on top of her while kissing. >You can feel your manhood stiffen. >And you're sure Fluttershy can feel it, too. >Fluttershy shudders when you two finally separate from the kiss to come up for air. >Her hair's slightly messy and her supple chest is heaving with each hot breath that leaves her lovely lips. >The way she looks at you with those half-lidded eyes and gently bites her lip activates something fiery within you. >Your hands slowly slide up from her waist and sneakily under her shirt. >She softly gasps when your hand meets the soft, warm skin of her stomach. >You look up at her to make sure she's comfortable before you can go any further. >She could tell what you were thinking, and gently nods at you while still biting her lip. >Your eyes slide back down her stomach, eyeing her up like a hungry predator of the jungle. >Her shirt's slid up as your hand explored more of her body, revealing her midriff. >You've always had a thing for midriffs, thanks to watching The Little Mermaid at a formative age, but Fluttershy's midriff was hypnotic. >The way her stomach gently rose and sank with each heavy breath she took was so enticing. >You slowly lower your head towards her stomach and plant a soft kiss on her navel. >Fluttershy shakily gasps in response, arching her back upwards as her fingers find their way through your hair. >She's so soft, and her midriff tastes like ambrosia. >You plant several kisses across her stomach, occasionally dragging your tongue across her exposed skin. >Her moaning and whining grow louder with each show of affection. >Her hips are rocking in time with your kissing. >She's breathing faster, and you're getting harder. >How far is this going to go? >You can't go all the way with her, not out here in the open. >But... this is all new to both of you. >In the moments you two have shared at Paws 2 Paws after taking care of the animals, you've spent a lot of that time kissing, but never like this. >Especially not with your pants around your ankles. >But Fluttershy hasn't shown any signs of being uncomfortable, despite you two being so intimate in such a public space. >You raise your head from her tummy and slide your hands further up her body, eventually reaching her heaving chest. >You look back up at Fluttershy, silently asking for permission. >"You can touch... if you want." She whispers to you, her voice dripping with anticipation. >You shakily nod, trying to handle your nerves, and slowly slide your hands over Fluttershy's bra-covered breasts. >"A-Aah~" Fluttershy gasps, throwing her head back in response to your careful touch. >Her leg intertwines with yours as her heavy breathing gets quicker. >Well, you did it. >It may have taken you eighteen years, but you've finally touched a pair of boobs. >Fluttershy's boobs, too! >You seize the moment and gently squeeze Fluttershy's breasts, indulging yourself in the moment. >She squealed in delight, her soft voice reaching new high notes as you touch her. >Norman was talking out of his ass. >Sand bags, what bullshit. >Fluttershy's boobs feel like heaven. >...In truth, the whole thing was a little awkward. >You didn't exactly know what to do with Fluttershy's breasts, you just kind of squeezed and kneaded them around in your hands. >The awkwardness of the situation not helped by your pants still being down. >But judging by the cute, lewd noises Fluttershy made, she was having a good time, so you didn't worry too much about your technique. >You haven't been this hard in a long time. >The way she moaned and squirmed in response to every little action on your part was getting you hotter and hotter. >The pitch of her voice was getting higher. >Her breathing was getting heavier, to the point where she's almost panting. >Beneath her shirt, your thumb gently grazed along the centimeters of underboob that her bra failed to cover. >Fluttershy's gentle gasp was like a siren's call, beckoning you further. >But should you? >This is already risky enough. >If either of you get caught like this, you could end up in a lot of trouble, especially after your last encounter with the park rangers. >Uncertainty in your mind, you look up to get a look at Fluttershy's face. >She was biting her lip to stop herself from being too noisy, but it wasn't working all that well. >When she realized you were looking at her, her eyes widened a bit and her blush deepened slightly, as if you caught her doing something salacious. >It was then that you realized your thumbs were still gently rubbing the miniscule amount of underboob beneath her shirt. >The silence grew until she finally spoke up. >"...You can... g-go under... if you want..." She whispered. "Do you want me to?" You softly ask her. >Your question caught her off guard. >Snapped back into reality, her breathing calmed and she glanced around, remembering the situation you two are in. >She's having the same conundrum as you. >After a moment of thinking, she shakily nods her head. >"Y-Yes~" >Well, who are you to deny such a pretty lady what she wants? >You withdrew your hands from the frilly silk of her bra and back down to her stomach. >Then you slowly slid your hands back up to her chest, but this time, carefully snaking your fingers underneath her bra. >When your fingers make contact with a small, warm nub, Fluttershy's head snaps back as she vocalizes an incredibly sensual moan. >Woah. >Fluttershy's nipples. >They're so... >...Inviting. >Her legs intertwine with yours even more and her hips begin to rock. >God, you're hard. >You go forward with what you feel is right to do by gently kneading and twisting her nipples with your index finger and thumb. >Fluttershy sounds like she's over the moon. >She's making sounds of arousal you didn't think she was capable of. >She always seemed so cutesy and innocent, you almost couldn't imagine her being sexual. >You get into a rhythm, rubbing her boobs up and down while kneading her sensitive little nipples beneath her shirt. >But before you could get too into it, you see Angel sitting right beside you and your girlfriend. "Angel?" You say to the rabbit, sitting up slightly. >Fluttershy's eyes shoot open at the sound of that mischievous critter's name. >When her eyes meet Angel's, she sits straight up and grabs him in the blink of an eye. >"You are in really, REALLY big trouble, mister." She scolded him. >As Fluttershy listed off the myriad of ways she planned on punishing Angel for his behavior today, you were left in a kind of awkward position. >You were left on your knees with your hands outstretched, groping for a pair of tits that weren't there. >Easy come, easy go. >"Now, let's get you back in the bag so we-" Fluttershy said to Angel, freezing when her eyes fell upon you. >That's when your realized you were still at full mast. >NOW it's awkward. >You're staring right at her, and she's staring right at you. >Rather, she's staring at your Second-in-Command. >Careful, you're in the minefield now. >This could either end really well or really bad. >Fluttershy's stare could mean anything. >And you didn't think you were THAT impressively endowed... >Truthfully, you've never measured because you don't want to be burdened with that knowledge. >Before your mind could wander further, the silence is broken. >"Wow..." Fluttershy whispers in a barely audible whisper. >Now you feel ten feet tall. >Fluttershy thinks you have a big dick. >So big, she can't help but stare in amazement. >You're gonna be riding this high for weeks. >You allow a smug, victorious grin to spread across your cheeks. "What was that?" You tease her. >"Nothing!" Fluttershy answers, a little louder than she meant to as her head snaps up to return eye contact. >You giggle at her flustered response. >She's such a cutie. >"W-We should head back and get our things together. I'm pretty tired after... everything that happened today." Fluttershy suggested. >You can't blame her, she's had an exciting day. "Yeah, good idea." You answer, standing up after having cooled off a bit. >"You should probably put your pants back on." Fluttershy reminded you with a giggle. "Ugh, you sound like Ms. Harshwhinny." You retort with a grin. >Fluttershy giggles at your joke as she gets up off the ground, dusting herself off. >She got a lot of dirt on her skirt and jacket. >Looks like she got dirty in more ways than one. >"I just hope my phone hasn't been taken.." Fluttershy says in a glum tone, nestling Angel in her arms. "Don't worry, I've got it here!" You're quick to assure her, pulling her phone from one of the pockets in your pants and presenting it to her. >"Oh, my hero~" Fluttershy jokingly swoons as she carefully takes her phone back. >The brief glance you get of her lock screen shows that Rarity's been blowing her up with texts, no doubt interrogating her about the picnic. >As you return your pants to your waist, you check your own phone. >A few texts from Norman, Rainbow, and Sunset, and literally dozens of texts from Pinkie. >You'll have to confer with Fluttershy on how to talk about what happened today. >The upside of being so close to the picnic area was that it didn't that long to pack up and get ready to head out. >The downside was that it reminded both of you how you could have been caught in the throes of passion. >It seemed like a risk both of you were aware of, but didn't care about. >Fluttershy is more important than pesky things like public decency. >Once she got Angel back inside her bag, you clear your throat to speak up. "So, uh... how are you feeling about today?" You nervously ask Fluttershy. >She fastens the bag and takes a breath. >"Today was... memorable." She chuckles. >Before the pang of guilt could hit you, Fluttershy quickly clarifies "N-Not that it was your fault at all!" >"You did a wonderful job organizing all of this, and you went through so much trouble helping me out of that embarrassing situation..." >"Plus, I had... a lot of fun with... what we did after..." >That adorable blush of hers returns. >"So, despite that... awkward patch, I had a lovely time today~" Fluttershy happily sighs. >You sigh in relief and allow yourself a gentle smile. "I'm really glad to hear that. You deserve the best first date possible." >Fluttershy gently smiles. >"Anon, you shouldn't stress so much about impressing me. You're doing a great job, just the way you are." >You wish you could believe her. >But she's happy, so you're happy. >Once you got done packing away the blanket and cooler, Fluttershy spreads her arms out wide, beckoning you for a hug. >You're never one to turn her down, so you smile and graciously return the gesture. >You love the way Fluttershy clings to you when you hug her. >It's like she's afraid you'll float away, so she wants to keep you anchored down to Earth, even if it's just for a moment longer. >It's ironic, she's the real angel here. >You'll never get tired of how soft and warm and lovely Fluttershy is. >The way she sighs happily is music to your ears. >But then something catches Fluttershy by surprise, making her eyes widen as she glances down. >You glance down to see what she's looking at, and you see the culprit. >Fluttershy's panties slid down her legs, now resting at her ankles. >Looks like the waistband gave in. >Damn it, Fluttershy just can't catch a break. >Before you could get too worried about your girlfriend being embarrassed again, Fluttershy giggled. >"Just my luck." She sighs with a goofy smile to match her glowing cheeks. >You couldn't help but laugh along with her at the absurdity of the situation. >You're really glad she isn't feeling humiliated again. >It helps that nobody's around to see her third wardrobe malfunction, but you'd like to think it's also because she feels safe with you. >"You know... You could... have these~" Fluttershy tried to flirt, turning her ankle to present the ripped remains of her panties. >Now it's your turn to be flustered. >You couldn't have heard that right. >Fluttershy was the last girl you'd expect to go commando. >But today's been full of surprises. "...Really?" You awkwardly ask her. >As if to stomach any second thoughts she might have, she quickly nods. >"It's not like I'll be wearing these ever again." She giggles. "I'm sure Rarity could patch it up, she's magic with a needle." >"Yes, but... That would involve telling her about what happened today." "Oh, yeah, good point." >"Besides... You deserve a souvenir for organizing such a lovely picnic~" She teased you further. >You're not used to seeing this side of Fluttershy, but you sure could get used to it. >Before you could protest like a dumbass turning down Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, Fluttershy carefully stepped out of her panties and gently pushed them towards you. >You have to be as red as a beet right now. >You look from the damaged underwear on the ground to Fluttershy, expecting some kind of trick. >Like Rainbow or Pinkie jumping out of a bush and dumping a bucket of water on your head while you're bending over. >But Fluttershy just gives you her attempt at a seductive smirk. >"What're you waiting for, handsome? C-Christmas?" >You'll forgive her for stumbling a bit. >With an clumsy chuckle in place of an actual response, you carefully kneel down and grab Fluttershy's torn panties. >"It's not gonna bite, silly!" Fluttershy giggled. "I-I knew that!" You retort, still blushing. >You stand back up, carefully holding Fluttershy's underwear in your hands like you would an injured bird. >Before you could become too entranced by the article of clothing, you carefully fold it up and secure it in one of your pockets. >You can appreciate the intricacies of her panties later. "Well, now I wish I had something to give you to take home." You remark, trying to get the tint of your cheeks down to a more neutral state. >"Oh, you've given me plenty already~" She flirted back to you with her hands behind her back as she leaned towards you with a half-lidded smile. >"Hey, you!" A female voice called out to you from behind. >Both of you snapped out of the heated moment to see a young woman in a park ranger uniform marching towards you two. >Oh, God. >Please, no. >Everything was going so well. >You were THIS close to sticking the landing. >Fluttershy gives you a concerned look. >There's nowhere to run. >Time to face the music. "Uh... Yes, ma'am?" You nervously greet her. >"Is your name Black Dynamite, young man?" She questions you. >You cringe at having that repeated back to you. >It seemed like a much better idea in the moment. "...Pretty much, yeah." You admit. >"Is there something wrong, ma'am?" Fluttershy asks her, sounding a little worried. "Your boyfriend here's in trouble for carrying illicit substances in a green tarp, according to one of my coworkers." The park ranger sternly informed her. >You really wish you could say something to make this problem go away, but you're drawing a blank. >How do you explain all this to the park ranger? >Or even to Fluttershy? >You look at Fluttershy, who's nervously looking between you and the park ranger. >"Th-That can't be true, we were having a picnic out here, until he went to go looking for me when I ran off to-" >Fluttershy clamps her hands over her mouth to prevent herself from revealing her embarrassment. >"When you ran off to WHAT?" The park ranger pressed further. >Geez, some people can become power-tripping jerks when giving the smallest bit of authority. >"Uh... W-Well..." Fluttershy sputters, trying to think of something to say. "Look, you can search our bags, you're not gonna find any drugs on us, Scout's honor." You assure the park ranger. >"Then why did you tell the other park ranger that's what you had in that tarp?" She shot at you. >You glance at Fluttershy. >You really don't want to answer that. >But she realizes that might be what has to happen. >"Wait... The tarp was green, like t-this?" Fluttershy nervously asked the park ranger, motioning to her skirt. >The park ranger raises an eyebrow. >"He didn't give a very detailed description, but... sure." >"Um... I think I can explain the confusion..." Fluttershy quietly said. >The park ranger crossed her arms. >"Oh, yeah? Then explain." >Fluttershy stepped closer to the park ranger, leaned in her ear, and whispered the whole ordeal to her. >Over the course of her story, the park ranger's expression shifts from sour to compassionate, glancing between you and your girlfriend. >Once Fluttershy's finished telling her story, the park ranger pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. >"...Alright, I'm gonna let the both of you off with a warning and I won't tell anyone what happened, but no more stunts like this in the future, got it?" The park ranger turned to you. >You hastily nodded in understanding. "Y-Yes, ma'am. Won't happen again, I can promise you." You assure her. >Satisfied with your response, the park ranger couldn't help but gently chuckle with a small smile. >"Young love makes you kids do crazy things. Just... try to not do anything too stupid." >"Oh, thank you, ma'am! We hope you have a lovely day!" Fluttershy wished her, relieved that no more trouble will come of this. >With a tip of the hat, the park ranger returned to the woods and radioed to her coworkers about the update. >When she's out of sight, the both of you finally release the tension that suffocated the both of you. >"...So, 'Black Dynamite', huh?" Fluttershy giggled. "Hey, I panicked. You get my A-material when I'm cornered." You defend yourself with a smile. >After a small shared laugh, you take on a more solemn expression. "...I'm really sorry for making you talk about what happened. That wasn't fair of me." >"I understand, Anon. You were only trying to defend my dignity, and neither of us are in trouble." Fluttershy assured you. >You give Fluttershy a relieved smile. "Man, what did I do to deserve you?" >Fluttershy gently laughs, flattered. >"Why, you managed to charm the pants off of me~" >You blush a little more, now reminded that you're carrying her panties. >Now you need to be extra careful when getting home. >If your parents see you come home with a girl's underwear, you'd be trapped in the worst conversation of your life. "Geez, when did you become such a flirt?" You jokingly interrogate Fluttershy. >She gives you a sly grin. >"I can't help it, you just bring out the worst in me~" "If I found out Rarity was encouraging this, I'm gonna have to have a talk with her." You jokingly warn her. >"Oh, sure, tell Rarity ALL about how you ended up with my panties in your possession. I'm sure she'd LOVE to hear that story." she retorted, now even more smug. >Damn, she's got you there. >Fluttershy giggles victoriously. "Alright, fine, but if I hear about what happened today from any of the girls, you're buying my next drink at Sugarcube Corner." You warn her. >Fluttershy laughs more vocally at your joke threat. >"Don't worry, our secret's safe with me." >You two share the nice moment before Fluttershy checks the time. >"...I should be getting home soon." She says as her expression falls. >You sigh, yet nod in agreement. "Yeah, me too..." >"I'll text you when I get home!" Fluttershy assured you. "Not if I text you first!" You challenge her. >As you two share some giggling, you finish packing up and out at the path leading back to the entrance of the forest. >You feel a glum feeling grow within you. >It's time to leave this little escape from life and return to the real world. >A world with homework and bullies. >But also a world with friends and milkshakes. >A mixed bag. >But it's worth all the trouble for Fluttershy. "Ready to go?" You ask her. >She fastens her bag to her shoulders and gives you a confident nod. >"Ready as I'll ever be." >You gently hold her hand as the both of you walk down the forest path together. >The sun's lowered from the sky since you two arrived, coloring the sky and trees a slightly more orange hue, gently cascading through the branches. >The brief rays of sunshine that manage to break through the trees offers some warmth, but not enough to lift the sadness of this date ending. >Despite all the excitement and near-failures, today went pretty well. >You got to second base with Fluttershy, that alone makes it all worth it. >To think she trusts you enough to get that intimate with you, out in the woods, no less... >And how she was admiring your size... >But really, what matters the warm, trusting smile on her face. >That's all the warmth you could ever need. >Nothing is said between you two as you walk through the forest, but nothing needs to be said. >When you two finally reached the end of the trail and arrive at the parking lot, you and Fluttershy simply hold each other's hands tighter and share a gentle yet loving kiss. "Text you when I get home." You bid farewell to her. >"Not if I text you first." Fluttershy smiles. >After one last shared laugh, the two of you part ways. >Man, what a first date. –FLUTTERSHY– >Your walk home was only quiet when concerning your surroundings. >The sidewalk, the crisp breeze brushing dried leaves across the pavement, the birds chirping in the air, it was all very serene. >But a storm swirled in your head. >You were sure Anon would organize a lovely date, but you never could have imagined today would be so… exciting. >First, there was the whole business of finding your skirt after Angel ran off with it. >You’ve heard rumors that the Dazzlings streaked through the forest at night for some illicit thrill, but you never thought you would get so close to being able to relate to that experience. >...Well, you weren’t exactly naked, but you were far too close for comfort. >You’re gonna remember your time running through the trees with nothing but your ripped panties covering your womanhood for the rest of your life. >Thinking about it now, you feel yourself blushing again. >Especially the way Anon found you. >Your butt sticking in the air, panties ripped in the seat. >Almost like you were… presenting yourself to him. >How could you possibly explain what happened to Rarity or Rainbow or Twilight or any of the girls? >You’re sure they’ll be sympathetic, but you can’t imagine even talking about what happened. >With the park ranger, it was easier. >You won’t ever run into her at school, and you saved Anon from getting in a lot of trouble. >To think, he could have gotten in trouble with the authorities just to avoid telling people that you were running around in your underwear… >Part of you wishes he just told that park ranger and avoided all that trouble. >But the other part of you is so grateful he cared about you so much to do that, as reckless as it may have been. >Then, once you two were reunited, you got to see Anon’s boxer shorts. >And his… >...Your face heats up just thinking about… it. >Seeing Anon like that as you lay back, eyes filled with desire and his arousal almost on full display… >...It’s deeply flattering. >All of that. >All for you. >Not for Rarity, not for Rainbow, not for Sunset or Twilight. >Anon was deeply aroused for you, and you alone. >The way his hands slipped beneath your shirt and your bra, the way he kissed your stomach, he savored every moment of it. >He was more than affectionate. >He was hungry. >Anon asked you for permission to fondle your breasts, but you can’t ignore that part of you that wished he didn’t. >It would go against how decent he is as a person, but you wanted him to tear off your clothes and ravish you. >Nothing else mattered at that moment. >Not Angel, not anyone else in the forest, not anyone in Canterlot. >It was just you and Anon in paradise. >When you closed your eyes, you could almost imagine the both of you in the garden of Eden. >Alone in paradise, with nothing, not even clothing, keeping the two of you apart. >You’re brought back to reality by the sensation of a single drop of arousal dripping unobstructed down your leg. >Your eyes shoot open and dart around to make sure nobody sees you lose yourself in your thoughts. >Gah, you need to stop thinking about this. >You need to be able to tell Zephyr and your parents that today went well without giving them any idea that anything so sensual happened. >Mom and dad don’t even know you’re dating yet. >They definitely don’t need to know that you gave your panties to Anon. >...Neither does Rarity. >You don’t even want to imagine her reaction to that news. >Gosh, thinking about the fact that you’re not wearing panties beneath your skirt is making this walk home so much more. >The moments when you feel the fabric brush against your butt or your womanhood send a small shiver down your spine. >If Angel was out to steal your skirt again, or if your skirt got caught on something, you’d be naked from the waist down. >It’s almost… exciting. >If Rarity could see you now, she’d be appalled. >...Or thrilled… >Thankfully, you don’t have to stew on these thoughts much longer. >Before you know it, you're back in your house’s driveway. >You duck behind a tree and cool yourself off with your hands to ensure that you weren’t blushing at all when you walked through the front door. >Angel rustles around in your bag. >You’ll deal with him in a bit. >When you entered your house, you found Zephyr slouched over the couch scrolling through his phone as your parents work on dinner together in the kitchen together. >”Oh, welcome back, Fluttershy!” Your mom says over her shoulder as you shut the door behind you. >”How did your little hangout go?” Your dad asked you. >You sigh, gently setting your bag down on the floor. “It was… I had a good time today.” You answer, struggling to come up with a convincing reply. >Your parents don’t suspect anything, but Zephyr’s head perked up from the couch. >”What’d you say you were doing, again?” He asked you. >You gulp. “Just hanging out with some friends in town.” You reply. >”...Which friends?” Zephyr prodded. >Ugh, he’s onto you. “...S-Some friends from school, that’s all.” >Your voice warbles a bit. >A grin appears on Zephyr’s face. >He knows. >You should change the subject, quick. “S-So, uh, is there anything I could do to help prepare dinner?” You ask your parents, stepping into the kitchen. >”If you could set the table, that would be great.” Your mom answered. >You quickly nod and get to work, placing four sets of forks, knives, spoons, and napkins at each tablecloth. >You can smell what they’re making: vegetable stew. >It’s only after smelling the lovely aroma of their labors that you realize how hungry you are. >You didn’t eat anything after Angel stole your skirt, and you worked up a real appetite trying to get it back. >It’s really nice to see your parents working together on dinner, they look so peaceful and content. >You can only hope you’ll be there with Anon some day. >Living a peaceful, content married life, making dinner together and enjoying a shared, comfortable silence. >You giggle a bit at how this is the first safe-for-work fantasy you’ve had about your boyfriend. >...Although, it would be pretty fun if both of you were only wearing aprons- >”Soup’s on!” Your dad spoke up, but not in a significantly higher tone than usual. >You quickly move over to where the bowls are stored and fetch one for you and one for Zephyr. >He trudges on over to the kitchen as mom is pouring stew for your dad. >It kind of annoys you how it didn’t seem like he helped at all, but it’s not worth making a fuss about. >Everyone sits down with their bowls full of stew and gets to dinner. >You sigh contentedly as you take your first sip. >It tastes just as lovely as it smells. >Mom’s stews are always great. >Zephyr’s eating much faster than anyone else at the table. >Messier, too. >You frown at him a bit, hiding your expression with your spoon. >”Something the matter, Fluttershy?” Your dad asked you. “Hm?” You reply, turning to him. >”It just seems like a lot’s on your mind. Anything big happen today?” >You quickly take another sip of the stew to avoid revealing anything with your facial expression. “Uh, n-not really, we just kinda walked through the forest, is all.” You eventually answer. >”Ooh, that sounds nice!” Your mom chimed in. “It’s nice to take advantage of the last of the warm weather before it really gets chilly.” >You nod in agreement, focusing on your bowl of stew sitting in front of you. >Don’t think about your skirt. >Don’t think about Anon. >Don’t think about Anon’s hands. >Don’t think about Anon’s- >”Fluttershy has a boyfriend.” Zephyr nonchalantly spoke up after removing his spoon from his mouth. “Zephyr!” You cry out, feeling your cheeks flare up in embarrassment. >”You do?” Your mom excitedly asks you. >You gulp and try to nod your stiff neck. >Don’t think about how you’re not wearing panties. “Y-Yeah…” >”Oh, that’s wonderful!” Your mom congratulates you. >”What’s his name?” Your dad asks you with an encouraging smile. “...Anonymous.” You answer. >Just saying his name brings the saucier memories of today back to the forefront of your mind. >You can practically feel his fingers grazing across your chest… >”He sounds like a nice young man, do you think we’ll get to meet him soon?” Your mom asks you. >STOP THINKING ABOUT HOW ANONYMOUS HELD YOU AND KISSED YOU AND TOUCHED YOU AND- “Uh, y-yeah, maybe! I’ll have to see what his schedule’s like…” You answer, stemming the torrent of dirty thoughts. >”Did you meet him at the animal shelter?” Your dad asked you. “Yeah, kind of. He was the only person from school to volunteer with me…” >”Sounds like a match made in heaven!” You mom giggled. >You glance over at Zephyr across the table. >He’s clearly enjoying you being the focus of mom and dad’s attention, leaving him alone to finish his stew. >He better not do anything dumb when Anon comes over. >You finish your stew soon after, giving you a means of escape. “I can talk more about my boyfr- Anon later, I got a bunch of homework to get to. May I be excused?” You explain, gathering your utensils and napkin. >”You sure may! Tell Anonymous we said hi!” Your dad replied after taking another careful sip of the stew. >Out of the corner of your eye, you see Zephyr giving you a sly grin as you gently wash out your bowl and utensils in the sink and place them in the dishwasher to be cleaned later. >You grab your bag by the door and make your way up the stairs and return to your room. >With your bedroom door shut behind you, you unzip your bag and allow Angel to hop across the floor. >You kneel down on the ground and frown at him with your arms crossed. “How could you do that to me, Angel?” You ask him. >Angel scratches his ears. “Do you have any idea how much trouble I could have gotten in if someone caught me running through the forest in my underwear? I would’ve died of embarrassment!” >Angel gives you a faintly smug look. “Well, I hope you enjoyed those treats Anon brought for you, because you won’t be getting any treats for a VERY long time! Not until you’ve proven you’ve learned from your mistake, mister!” >Angel hardly seems fazed. >He just hops on over to his little enclosure in the corner of your room. >You angrily sigh and get to your homework. >While you’re working, you think more about what happened today. >Angel’s smug face stays in your mind as you work on your Geology homework. >...Was this all his plan? >Did Angel somehow know you losing your skirt would lead to you and Anon getting frisky? >You brought him with you a few times when you worked with Anon at Paws 2 Paws, he had to have seen you two kissing under the shade of the trees. >A glance at Angel from across your room shows you he’s nestled comfortably in his bed and napping like a baby. >It’s a little frustrating to see him so snug after all the trouble he’s caused today. >But… You can’t deny that his little scheme got results. >That look in Anon’s eyes as he looked you up and down when you were on your back… >His gentle, yet firm touch… >You can’t focus on your homework under these conditions. >You hurry through what’s left of your homework and flop onto your bed. >The rest of the evening is spent texting your friends. >Rarity’s delighted to hear that the picnic went well, even though you omit some details from your retelling. >She spent most of today working on dresses for the Fall Formal. >You can’t imagine how busy she was. >Twilight and Sunset spent most of today studying together. >Those final tests can really sneak up on you, so you’re glad she’s getting ahead on that. >Applejack helped make more of her signature apple pie for an upcoming bake sale. >Pinkie spent the whole day with Cheese Sandwich at Sugarcube Corner. >You can’t imagine she got up to anything more thrilling than you today, but she IS full of surprises… >Sundays are also Rainbow Dash’s rest days, so she spent as much of today as immobile as possible. >You’ve heard her complain about how sore she is on Sundays in the past, but sometimes you think she did that to get out of studying. >Finally, Anon spent his evening much like you: eating dinner, then working on homework. >He’s probably also been texting Norman and his other friends. >The hours melt away as you keep up with five different text conversations at once. >It’s a skill that rubbed off onto you from Pinkie. >As the moon replaced the sun’s place in the sky and brought its star friends to keep it company, you change into your pajamas and nestle yourself beneath your blanket. >Before you drift off to sleep, one thought lingers in your mind: >What did Anon do with your panties? >The next thing you know, you’re walking down the sidewalk with Anon. >It’s a surprisingly warm day out, you thought your picnic date with him was supposed to be the last warm day of the year. >But with how warm it is now, you’d think you slept right past winter and woke up just in time for spring. >The birds are chirping and happily flying around, there isn’t a cloud in the sky, and the squirrels feel safer scurrying about with their acorns. >The spring breeze feels especially refreshing. >It’s just cool enough to make you appreciate the sun’s warmth without being excessively cold. >...Sure is drafty today, though. >There are some other people out enjoying the weather along with you and your boyfriend. >Couples young and old, groups of friends, and families pepper the grassy fields and sidewalk as you and Anon walk together. >...Come to think of it, you’re not entirely sure where you’re going. >Anon seems to know, he’s walking on with confidence in his step and a gentle smile on his face. “Hey, uh…” >Anon stops walking for a moment and turns to face you. >”Yeah, Flutters?” >How do you not know where you’re going? >How could you have gotten this far with him without having talked about it all? >How do you ask this without sounding stupid? “Uh…” >Your eyes dart around the peaceful environment, trying to come up with a good way to ask him. >Anon steps a little closer to you and gently brushes his hand across your cheek. >For some reason, this makes you quietly shiver in response to the gentle, intimate gesture. “...I-I wanna hear your plans for today again, because I… l-like the way you talk about it.” >That could have been better. >Anon gently laughs. >”We’re just gonna enjoy a nice day at the park together. You know, I’ll take you for a walk, we'll get some ice cream, all the fun stuff that’s involved!” >You smile, feeling more excited about your day together. >Anon does such a great job planning your dates together, he’s so romantic. >Although you notice that he said that he’d “take you for a walk”. >It’s not worth worrying about, it was probably just a slip of the tongue. “That sounds lovely!” You softly cheer, earning a small chuckle from Anon. >”And don’t you worry, I know the perfect spot for us to really enjoy this lovely day together.” Anon assures you. “Well then, we better get going!” You say to him. >Anon gives you a warm look before turning back around and leading you through the outskirts of Canterlot towards the special spot he picked out for you two. >As you walk, you notice Anon is dressed rather nicely today. >He’s wearing slacks and a semi-formal button down shirt, with some expensive looking shoes. >It doesn’t seem like the kind of clothes he’d wear for spending a day at the park. >Maybe Rarity insisted he dress up all fancy for you. >You understand she’s just looking out for him, but sometimes you wish she wouldn’t butt in so much. >You also notice Anon’s holding a rope in his hands. >You follow the rope trailing behind him to see what he’s dragging. >...You freeze in place and feel your face reach fiery temperatures when you see what the rope’s attached to. >It’s you. >You’re on the other end of his rope. >The rope’s attached to a collar on your neck. >Anon has you on a leash. “U-Uh…” >Your attempt to vocalize your concerns about this bring you to another harrowing realization. >The collar and your boots are the only things you’re wearing. >You’re naked. >In public. >For the entire town to see. >Realizing this makes the cool breeze against your exposed breasts, butt, and womanhood so much more painful. >The incredibly small coverage your boots give you make it even worse, like they were highlighting the parts of your body that aren’t covered. >As if to humiliate you even more, you forgot to trim… down there. >You’re unable to move to cover yourself or even squeal in embarrassment. >Not again. >This is a nightmare. >It has to be. >You can’t be naked in the middle of town. >You try to seal your eyes shut to keep the tears of humiliation from flooding down your cheeks. >All you can do is wait for everyone to point and laugh at you. >...But it never happens. >You hear the same sounds you’d expect to hear from an ordinary spring afternoon. >Idle conversations between friends and lovers can barely be heard, but you don’t hear your name from them at all. >Nobody gasped at the sight of your naked body, and nobody’s laughing at your complete humiliation. >...Maybe this isn’t a nightmare? >Anon hasn’t said anything at all, he probably isn’t ashamed or embarrassed of you. >Slowly, carefully, you force one of your eyes open to see everyone’s reaction to your public nudity. >But there is no reaction. >The families, friends, and couples enjoying the nice weather don’t pay you any mind at all. >It’s not like they don’t see you, several of them are looking in your general direction. >A jogger even runs right past you and Anon on the sidewalk, he had to have seen you naked! >”Something wrong, Flutters?” Anon asks you. >You spin around to face him, puzzled by how he could possibly not know what’s wrong. >His tone, too. >He’s not teasing you or anything, he’s being completely genuine. >You sputter your response, deeply flustered. “I-I-I’m naked! In p-public!” You cry out, no longer caring about making a scene. >Instead of leaping into action to defend your dignity, Anon just laughs a little, like you just asked a dumb question. >”Well, yeah! Pets don’t wear clothes, silly!” He responds, chipper as ever. >You could barely register what he just said. >You stand there, dumbfounded, trying to think of any kind of way to respond to that. >Anon called you his pet. >The collar on your neck makes sense now. >But none of this makes sense. >When did you become Anon’s pet? >This is a dream, it has to be. >But it’s not a nightmare. >It’s not horrible and humiliating, it’s all so casual. >Nobody’s laughing at you for being Anon’s pet. >And, now that you’re used to it, the breeze against your sensitive areas doesn’t feel so bad anymore. >It feels… refreshing. >...Maybe this isn’t so bad. >You’ll play along, see where this goes. >With Anon here, nothing too bad can happen. >He lightly tugs on your… leash to get your attention. >”Something the matter, Flutters?” >You snap out of your thoughts and quickly shake your head. “N-No! Just, uh… l-let’s get going.” You manage to stammer out. >”Good idea!” Anon beams, leading you on. >The two of you walk to the park. >You’re still naked for all of it. >The entire walk is spent covering your breasts and womanhood with your hands. >Nobody else might care that you’re naked, but you sure do. >This may be just a dream, but you’re still far from being comfortable with public nudity. >Thankfully, the spot Anon had in mind for relaxing in the park is far from any prying eyes. >He sets out an incredibly soft blanket down on the ground for the two of you. >You don’t waste any time in getting yourself settled. >Sitting on the grass would make it even harder to get used to your “pet” status. >At least sitting naked on a blanket feels more familiar. >Anon sits right next to you, lovingly stroking your hair. >Your nudity makes you so much more sensitive to every sensation. >The blanket beneath you, the breeze brushing across every inch of your skin, Anon’s gentle, loving fingers. >It’s… a lot. >”You sure you’re alright, Flutters? You seem all over the place today.” He gently asked you, brushing your hair with his hand. >You pause for a moment to think of your answer. >Who knows what could happen if you tell him you know this is a dream. “I, um… I just, I guess I’m just… remembering what it was like the first time we… did this…” >Anon smiled gently, brushing his thumb across your cheek. >”Yeah, that was a pretty exciting day.” He chuckled. >You can only imagine. >His thumb finds its way to your chin, bringing your face closer to his. >”I know I said this a million times, but nobody makes a prettier pet than you, Flutters~” Anon whispers to you in that husky tone of his. >Oh, gosh, you can feel yourself heat up. >His hot breath spreads goosebumps across your skin when he leans close. >The way he talks and the way he calls you his pet makes you bite your lower lip in anticipation. >Anon’s hand travels down your chin, down your neck, across your exposed breast, past your stomach, to just above your pussy. >You manage to stifle a small squeal at the intimate contact, but you lean backward until you’re lying back on the blanket. >”Ooh, puppy wants to play~” Anon teased you as he squeezed your hip. >Your animal instincts compel you to spread your legs open and reveal how wet you are to your… owner. >You almost can’t help yourself. >You’re starting to like this. >A lot. >Anon kneeled over your naked body, holding your leash tight in his hand as his hand explored more of you. >He intentionally avoids touching your womanhood. >It’s driving you up the wall. >And he knows it. >The longer his “petting” goes on, the more you squirm and moan on the blanket. “P-Please…” You softly moan. >You didn’t even mean to speak, the word manages to escape your lips in the most lewd way possible. >Anon turns his attention from your thigh to your blushing face with a growing grin. >”Please, what?” He teases you. >You meekly whimper. >He’s not going to make this easy for you. >”Good girls use their words~” Anon whispers, drawing you closer to him with your leash. >You’re pretty sure your face grew another shade of red darker. >Those two words awakened something within you. >Good girl. >And like a good girl, you obey. “Please… t-touch me… d-down there…” >Anon gently giggles. >”Oh, Flutters, you can’t skip to dessert like that! We have all sorts of fun ways to play before we do that~” He reminded you. >You can only nod in submission. >”First, I want to brush up on some tricks we’ve been working on.” Anon continued as his gentle hand returned to your cheek. “O-Okay…” You manage to speak. >”Can you roll over, Fluttershy?” Anon asked you in the same tone of voice you would use with a puppy. >You’re the puppy now. “Y-Yes, master.” >You didn’t mean to say that second word, it just kind of slipped out. >Nevertheless, you roll over onto your stomach and get on your hands and knees to present yourself to him. >It should feel humiliating, presenting your naked body to Anon like this. >But… it’s so exciting. >You’re breathing so heavily. >”Good girl!” Anon congratulates you, running his hand down your back and squeezing your butt. >You lean into his touch, arching your backside up to make it easier for him to indulge in your body. >You’re so wet. >Anon teasingly smacks your butt, making you squeal in delight. >”I love the cute little sounds you make, Fluttershy. You’re so fun to play with~” Anon teases you, gently yanking you upwards with a firm tug of the leash. >You allow yourself to moan at his more forceful gesture. >”Now, can you speak?” Anon asks you. >You giggle. “You know I can, silly!” >He smiles and repositions himself in front of you. >”Not like THAT! You know what I really mean~” Anon clarified. >Now it makes sense. “O-Oh…” You mumble. >Gosh, this is embarrassing. >Are you really going to…? >Anon tugs on your leash lightly. >”Speak, pet.” He muttered to you, in a tone approaching a growl. >His grip on your cheek grows a little firmer. >Your legs are getting weaker. >Anon’s never used that kind of tone before. >But you like it. >A lot. “...W…Wff…” You mumble. >”Hm?” Anon says, running his fingers through your hair. >”I didn’t hear that, pet.” >You gulp, then raise your hands in front of you, imitating a puppy’s paws. “...Woof… Woof, woof…” You speak up, doing your best impression of a loyal pet dog. >Anon’s expression softens, smiling gently before planting a kiss on your forehead. >That one gesture sends waves of ecstasy throughout your body. “O-Oooh~” You moan as your body shivers. >You’ve never been this vulnerable before, but you’re having a LOT of fun. >A goofy grin grows on your face. >You’re gonna commit to this. >You move back a bit, spread your knees, arch forward a bit, and let your arousal take control. “Woof! Woof, woof!” You gently bark for Anon. >You feel so ridiculous. >If anyone could see you now, you’d be branded as the weird dog girl for the rest of your life. >But you don’t care. >You’re having too much fun. >Anon’s delighted to see you indulge yourself in the moment. >He tugs your leash close to him and firmly holds your cheeks in his hands. >”You’re such a good girl~” He mutters. >Anon pulls you in and forcefully presses his lips against yours. >Whatever was left of your resilience vanished in that instant. >You let your body collapse against his as you threw your arms around him and returned the kiss like your life depended on it. >Anon’s tongue slithers into your mouth, which you gratefully welcome with your own tongue. >Desperate moans pour out of your mouth unopposed, you want to express your lust as nakedly as you are. >Gosh, the sensation of your naked body against Anon’s nicely-dressed body is driving you even further up the wall. >He’s gripping your body so fiercely. >No, not your body. >You’re just his pet. >Your body belongs to Anon. >It’s his to play with. >Anon parted from the kiss, gasping for air. >His hair’s tousled in a super sexy way. >You want to reach out and touch it, but you know you aren’t allowed to touch it. >You don’t get to play with your master the way he plays with you. >”You’ve been wanting this for a while, haven’t you, pet?” Anon whispered. “W-Woof!” Was your immediate response. >Anon giggled, getting the message. >”Now, there’s just one last trick for you to do before we can get to dessert…” He informed you, gripping the least tightly. “Woof?” >You’re way too horny to be worried about looking like a fool. >Anon leans in your ear, drawing you closer with the leash. >”Who’s a good girl?” Anon playfully asks, tousling your hair like he was petting a Saint Bernard. >You smile so widely your eyes shut. >You soak yourself in the moment, allowing Anon to wash you in his affection. >Your naked body wiggles happily. >But try as you might, you can’t bring yourself to say those four words. “W-Woof…” was the best you could manage. >”Come on, Flutters, who’s a good girl?” Anon goaded you further. >You take a deep breath. “...Me…” You answer, trying to hide your embarrassment at answering the question. >”Fluttershy…” >Anon lifted your head to look deep into your eyes. >”Who’s a good girl?” >You’re literally dripping with arousal. >You get down on your hands and knees while maintaining total eye contact with Anon. >You’ve got a stupid grin on your face, but you don’t care. >You stick your butt up in the air and wiggle it around for him. “...I’m a good girl~” You finally answer, in the most lewd voice you could possibly vocalize. >Anon yanks your leash upwards until your face is an inch away from him. >”Yes, you are~” >He grabs your shoulders and pushes you onto your back. >Before you could react, his hand slid down your stomach, onto your sopping wet pussy, and slid two fingers inside you. >You practically scream in pleasure. >This may be just a dream, but you’ve never felt anything like this before. “A-Anon!” You cry out, arching your back upward. >You’re not in control anymore. >Your body’s moving on raw instinct now. >Anon’s other hand forcefully grabbed and squeezed your breast as he hungrily kissed and nibbled your neck while fingering you like a guitar solo. >You’re drowning in ecstasy. >If there’s some kind of master of dreams out there, you can only pray you can never wake up from this. >You wish you could stay here forever. >You wish Anon could play with your naked body here in this lovely park. >You’d walk on your hands and knees for the rest of your life and never take off this collar if it meant staying here. >Anon growled compliments and flirts, but his passionate words were muffled by him barely being able to keep himself from your body long enough to finish his sentence. >Your legs lock around his waist and you cling onto his neck like a life raft. >”Fluttershy…” Anon groaned, twisting your nipple and nibbling your ear. “Wooof~” You moaned. >His fingers danced in your pussy, tickling your clit more and more. >You can’t last much longer. >You can feel the climax coming. “A-Anon, I-I’m close!” You warn him in between desperate pants. >”I know.” He muttered in your ear. >”Be a good girl, and cum.” >His word is your command. >In that instant, you squirt your love juices all over Anon’s hand and forearm. >You throw your head back and scream in ecstasy. >You scream for all of Canterlot to hear. >You don’t have any shame anymore. >You want everyone in town to know how much of a good girl you are. >Once you’ve fully drained yourself onto Anon’s nice sleeve, you slump onto your back and gasp for air like you just sprinted a mile. >Glancing up, you see Anon slowly and lovingly lick his hand clean of your arousal before moving to cradle your head in his arms. >You sigh happily gazing up at him. >Anon looks so lovely when he’s silhouetted by the sun. >”You’re the best pet I could ask for, Fluttershy.” He sighed happily, gently stroking your cheek. >You can only manage mumbling sounds of contentment, you’re so exhausted. >You wish you could fall asleep right here in Anon’s gentle embrace, but there’s a strange beeping sound in the distance. “...Do you hear that?” You gently ask him. >Anon looks confused, glances around the park, then shakes his head. >The beeping gets louder. >It’s so irritating. >But as it gets louder and louder, you realize what the sound is. >Your alarm clock. >That’s when you shoot up from bed with a gasp. >Now you’re back in your bedroom. >Not naked, and nowhere near Anon. >None of that was real. >You let out a depressed sigh and switch off your alarm clock. >The sunlight streaming in through the window is real. >The carpet under your feet is real. >...And the damp spot in your pajama pants is real.