Originally Published March 8th, 2019 >Be Anon >Be in the living room of your modest home >Sat across from you, in all her boundary-invading glory, is Fluttershy >And resting next to her is a small dog-kennel covered by a blanket Fine. I’m interested. >”No don’t kick m-what?” Yeah. Usually you’d be begging me to crawl inside of that kennel by now. Or begging me to force you inside it. I’m actually pleasantly surprised by you for once. >Beaming with pride, she ruffles her feathers and straightens her posture >”W-well, I was in my bathtub last night thinking of how lonely you are, Anon…” Mhm. >”And how hard it must be living alone…” >The emphasis she puts on the word “hard” kills the small bit of optimism you had >”So I decided I would help you find a pet!” >She taps a hoof on top of the carrier, and you hear a shuffling from within Oh. Well that’s sorta nice of you, Shy. So, what kind of pet did you have in mind? Can I see the little guy? >”O-of course! I’m sure you two will love each other!” >With a small flourish, she pulls the blanket off, and you can see a dog inside the kennel >He’s pure white with large ears, and he makes your heart skip a beat >As she opens the kennel door, the fluttering in your chest intensifies >Could it be that you’re actually excited? >For the first time in years you’ve wasted in this candy colored hell? >The snout comes out first, curiously sniffing the air, followed by a paw >And then another >And a third, and a fourth, and a fifth, and a si- >Wait the fuck >The dog-spider-thing finishes scrabbling out of the carrier, and lets out a chitinous woof Nope. Take him back. >Fluttershy looks at you despondently as the creature skitters around your couch >”Anon please, he’s just a harmless spidog.” He’s an unholy hellspawn and I want him out of my house. >”You haven’t even given him a chance yet!” >Her mouth turns up into a pout, and small beads of tears form in the corners of her eyes >Damned cute little horses Fine. Can he fetch? https://i.imgur.com/UsXHdve.jpg >Fluttershy cheers up instantly, and you can almost hear the tears suck back behind her eyes >She flits into the kitchen and grabs an orange from your table >”Jaysee!” >The beast’s ears perk up, and it scratchily woofs >”F-fetch!” >Shy winds back as hard as she can and hurls the orange >Five feet across the room >It hits the floor with a quiet whump and rolls under the couch >The creature millipedes its way towards you and crams its snout into the gap, carefully pulling out the fruit from underneath >”G-good boy! Now give it to Anon, please.” >It turns towards you and opens its ja- >Oh fucking god its mouth opens sideways >The orange drops onto your lap, and the spidog lets out a chittering yip Fluttershy. >”Y-yes Anon?” It’s not that I don’t appreciate the effort, but…why? >”Oh! I assumed that you were having trouble expressing your feelings for me, and that getting a p-pet would help you be more emotionally open.” >You want to throw the orange at her, but you fear the spidog may take it as an invitation to play No I figured that. I meant why this pet in particular? >”I th-thought it would make you feel more at home…” >The spidog gurbles in affirmation >Where the hell do these horses think you came from anyway? Shy, please put that thing back where it came from. >Her ears drop hard >”Are you sure? H-he really is a good boy.” Thank you, but I’m more than sure. >”Okay…” >She opens up the dog kennel and the hell beast scurries back inside >The blanket covers the carrier again, and she carefully drags the whole affair across your floor, scratching the hell out of the wood >Fucking Fluttershy >Once she leaves, you head out the back door of your house >You’ve kept a spare tub of wood putty in the shed ever since the day she thought “high impact sexual violence” was your fetish >As you go to head back inside with your wood filler, you hear a scuttling in your garbage cans The hell? >You set down the container and pull the lid off of the closest trashcan https://i.redd.it/s7ht358m1jo11.jpg >Knock knock knock Coming! I’m coming! You stay put, okay buddy? >Your new pet, the bird you found in the trashcans last night, warbles in reply >As it snuggles into the chair you head to the door to great your daily terror G’morning, Banana Butt! Wanna come in? >She blushes as she steps over the threshold >”Oh, I’d j-just adore coming insiiiiiiiiii-“ >She freezes up when she sees your new pet at the table >Your little angel purrs and chirps as it digs into its breakfast of shit you had in the fridge You okay, Shy? >”W-W-W-HAT THE FLIPPING HECK IS THAT?!’ >Fluttershy clambers backwards onto your couch, knocking your pillows onto the floor She’s my new pet! At least I hope it’s a she. The name “Vincenza” has been stuck in my head all day and I can’t think of anything better. >You scoop your pet off of the chair, and it wraps itself around your arm like the cute little dickens it is Anyway, I was hoping you could help me figure out how to properly care for it, since I’ve just been feeding her pancakes and chili dogs all day- >”NONONO GET IT AWAY!” >Butterstutter starts flailing and thrashing about on the couch, kicking cushions across the room before falling to the floor >She picks herself up with a piercing wail, darting outside and taking flight as soon as her wings cleared the door Well…that was weird. You wanna go to Sugarcube corner? >Vincenza chirps gleefully >Today was a good day