##L.A.S.S Level ###(You) | Category | Level | | ----------- | ----------- | | Luck | dice+1d7 | | Autism | dice+1d13 | | Strength | dice+1d11 | | Skill | dice+1d12 | ##Troop Manifest | Name | Level | Status | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | | Amity Accord | 8 | ALIVE | | Flash Point | 10 | ALIVE | | Grease Can | 9 | ALIVE | | Long Ranger| 10 | ALIVE | | Shady Days | 8 | ALIVE | | Flicker Switch | 7 | ALIVE | | Damsel Distress | 9 | ALIVE | ##ARMORY | Origin | Tank | Status | | ----------- | ----------- | ----------- | | Stalliongrad | T-34 | DOA | | Stalliongrad | T-34 | DOA | | Stalliongrad | T-34 | Repairing | | Stalliongrad | T-34 | Active | | Stalliongrad | ZIS-30 | Repairing | | Trottingham | Cornwell (Prototype) | Recovering | | Trottingham | Nickers A4E12 | N/A | [To Be Delivered] Neighponise Type 3 Chi-Nu {TBC} Neighponise Type 95 Ha-Go {TBC} Kirin T-34-85 {TBC} ___ ##L.A.S.S SYSTEM >What is the L.A.S.S + The LASS SYSTEM is a basic dice roll system for some CYOA's that QM runs. + LASS Stands for Luck, Autism, Strength, and Skill. + Each category has its own dice roll, the number of sides of the die is the level. + + For instance if Luck is at level 7 then the dice roll will be dice+1d7 + The category can be leveled up, by rolling max, (eg. Rolling a 7 on dice+1d7) + The first roll after the QM's post is the only one to be accepted - Unless instructed otherwise. + Choosing a category will affect how you act in the story, winning or losing. + There will be some instances where you'll be unable to roll a category due to the logic of the situation + Do NOT roll unless prompted + + Unless it is a saving throw when the shit hits the fan and you're out of options. + + + Saving throws are down to the QM to accept. >But how do I win a roll? + Normally QM will roll first, then instruct the player to roll after. + + If QM roll is beaten (Roll outcome is higher than his) the rolled action will succeed. >But Muh RNGesus + Use saving rolls. There are normally a few chances to do so. >How does QM choose the dice he rolls. + Normally the scale of the threat or the size of the reward. >Can I use L.A.S.S For my CYOA/Project/Quest? + Sure.