// version 0.1 // 2021-12-12 // arrow directions show the flow of images // that means they show the opposite of the flow of sourcing digraph { label="Automatic Pony Import Flow"; rankdir="LR"; // list boorus by software // same software = same shape subgraph { node [ shape = trapezium ]; Philomena; Derpibooru; Ponerpics; Ponybooru; Furbooru; Manebooru; } subgraph { node [shape=oval]; Danbooru; shb [ label = "Soviet Horse Board"; tooltip = "I don't remember the name of this one or if it is defunct or not"; ]; } subgraph { node [shape=box]; BoR [ label = "Booru on Rails" ]; Twibooru; } subgraph { node [shape=octagon]; Other; Rainbooru; } subgraph { node [shape=egg]; Shimmie; Lyrabooru; } // Now we draw the graph subgraph cluster_no_import { Derpibooru Furbooru Rainbooru Lyrabooru shb label = "Does Not Automatically Import"; // source boorus } subgraph cluster_unknown_import { Manebooru; label = "Unknown automatic import status"; } // List the known automated import flows Derpibooru->Ponerpics; Derpibooru->Twibooru; Derpibooru->Ponybooru; Twibooru->Ponerpics; Ponybooru->Ponerpics; // map key subgraph cluster_software { label = "software key"; rankdir = "TB"; fontcolor = "gray41"; color = "gray69"; Philomena; Danbooru; Shimmie; Other; BoR; } }