Bad Bird by Anon (Anon / Gallus) (09/04/2019 - 17/04/2019) --- >Birb has been bad >Actually, his whole class was bad but only Gallus is your responsibility >The Student 6 got into trouble together >They're all being sent home for the long weekend with letters to their parents/guardians. >Yeah...those kind of letters >Most amusing part? >Silverstream freaking out over who to present the letter to, Ocean Mom or Sky Dad? >But Gallus has no legal guardian >So Anon gets stuck with the task >You're outside Twilight Purple's office now >She's informing him now >At least you don't have to do that shit >The door opens, Gallus comes stomping out "You better check that attitude, Mister! "Anon isn't gonna take it!" >Great, now he's my problem >Thanks, Twilight. >Gallus sits down in the middle of the room >Stubbornly crosses his arms "I won't do it!" >You say nothing "It's not fair!" >Gallus faces away from you, but turns his head a little to see your reaction >You give him none >You unfold your newspaper and read it silently >Gallus sits there defiantly, with no one trying to move or dislodge him >You just read your newspaper >You say nothing >This goes on for a while >Occasionally Gallus boasts; "You and Headmare Twilight can't do this! "The others have to listen to their parents...but I'm on my own! >You say nothing "Nobody can make me do what I don't wanna do!" >But you give him no reaction at all >Just reading your newspaper >Finally he just sits down quietly >Facing you this time >And at last he approaches you >With a sad, guilty face he puts one claw up on your knee >Finally, you speak; "Ready, kiddo?" >You lead him with no struggle to a private room nearby >Safety first; he has to wear socks on his back feet >His claws could do some damage if he licks his legs >Gallus does not like the socks >Without paw contact on the ground his legs are unsteady, shaky >He only has to wear the socks when he's in trouble >He's sniffling as you pull up a chair >He's whimpering as you lift him up and position his young griffon body across your lap >He squeaks as you pull his tail straight up, out of the way >But after that it's all screeches and bawling >You do NOT go easy on him >You only use your hand, but Gallus gets a proper hide tanning >Did I meantion the bad thing he and his classmates did was serious and really dangerous? >Well, you know now. >All his adolescent boastfulness is gone >He's squealing like a hatchling >Hot pink shows through his butt-fur >Poor griff is wailing in agony >He's had enough >The moment he realizes the spanking is done, Gallus scrambles away >He cringes from you like he's afraid there's more to come >You expected this >Gallus is a street orphan from the meanest city around >He's been beaten plenty, and it's often followed by an ass-kicking >He's still scared of you >But you get up and cross the room >He flinches when you put out your hand >But it only strokes his head feathers >You can feel the fear and tension leave his body >When you begin to pull your hand back he hops up to his feet >Unwilling to break this sympathetic contact he's never felt before >Wordlessly, he follows you, rubbing his face against your leg like a cat >And like a cat he crawls up into your lap once you sit down >He's much too big to curl up in your lap >As big as a pony >But you cradle him, and he tucks his head under your chin >This is something he's never had before >Comfort and gentleness after a beating >It's entirely new for Gallus >You can feel him purring >Relaxed, he falls to sleep in your arms >He never even took off the hated punishment socks. END