>Be anon at night >Cuddling your adoptive filly, Noi >In the orphanage, the caretaker said she likes cuddles to sleep, so you are doing that now "Who's my little filly?" >"Me daddy" >She's so cute >You start to fell drowzy >.... "Uh?" >Oh, you falled asleep >"Dad" >Noi's there "I'm h-" >*Strug* >What? >You are tied up to your bed >And.... EXPOSED?! >"Did I told you I was the best making knots?" "This is not funny Noi, you got problems now!" ----- >"Hmmm, I like cuddles" >sShe starts to nuzzling.... your crotch?! "Noi! Stop!" >"But you like them too daddy" >Before you notice, Descartes grants you his most appreciated treasure >"I want to cuddle with daddy" >She climbs up to your bed, and start to rubbing herself while snuggling your chest "No, Noi! Stop!" >"Daddy likes cuddles" >Your friend is losing this fight, just getting harder and harder >Damn that mare juice >"I want you to cuddle me dad" "Wait what?" >bBfore you can react, she inserts your pride inside of her >She's controlling all her muscles to make it tighter >Fuck, she must be on estrus or something >"Yay! Adult cuddles!" >She starts to bounce her rump up and down very quickly >At this rate you are going to cum! >"Dad! I have an idea! Cuddle me too" >She unties you quickly and start bouncing against your pelvis again >I'm sorry Chris Hansen, but this filly needs an adult ----- >Grabing her hips, you calm her pace a little, and grab a rythmn with her >She stars to moan kind of loudly "Noi, don't make so much noice" >"I-I'm so-sorry dad" "No *pant* problem *pant*" >You look around the room, and you have a kinky idea >You turn Noi around, leaving her tush up and face down "You can bite that pillow if you get too noisy" >She bites it, with a little smile on her face >You return to trust more faster >And harder >And deeper >As the moment gets closer, your eyes notice something >She's streching her ponut hole, and gives you a begging look >As you remove your member, and point to the next target.... >*Splergh* >"??? Daffy? Is sumtng wung?" "NO! Not at all sweetie!" >Darnit >You got carried away >At least you hit the anus >Wait ----- >Grabing her flanks, with a proud Descartes and an angry Chris Hansen in the 4chan party van watching over you, you swear you will never leave a mare unsatisfied >Not even your daughter >Ssing your sperm as lube, you trust inside with all the power you can muster >Noi leaves a small "yep" as she bites the pillow >Trusting as fast and hard as you can be, you see your little filly winking like crazy >You calm your pace >Wait for the down guard >"Daddy?" >Gotcha >You push and cum inside with the last of your strengh, as she cums all over the sheets >You rest your tired body on the bed, while she tries to put together her mind >You look all the place >Messy and stinky >You grab Noi, give her a little bath, and take her to your room >At least is clean in there >Both get into the bed, as you put her very close to your chest >You are ready to close your eyes when >"I love you daddy" >.... >I love you too Noi >Goodnight