| Title | Date | Link | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | A Lesser Moon - Nightmare Moon poem by UF | 04/04/2013 | https://ponepaste.org/6897 | Celestia's Fart Cushion - Celestia x Anon - Fart fetish fic by UF | 25/10/2013 | https://ponepaste.org/6908 | Daring Do and the Awesome Amulet - Rainbow Dash x Daring Do by UF | 21/04/2013 | https://ponepaste.org/6909 | Gilda's Urinal - Gilda x Anon piss + fart fetish story by UF | 21/04/2013 | https://ponepaste.org/6914 | Lovestruck - Cadance x Anon by UF | 22/02/2013 | https://ponepaste.org/6915 | Luna x Twilight Plushie by UF | 09/01/2013 | https://ponepaste.org/6916 | Rarity's Flatulence Problem Fartity by UF | 00/00/0000 | https://ponepaste.org/6919 | Rarity's Wonderful Tail - Rarity x Anon by UF | 15/02/2013 | https://ponepaste.org/6920 | Sniffing Rainbow's Scented Panties - Anon x Underwear fic by UF | 21/05/2013 | https://ponepaste.org/6921