>Creatures surround you on all sides. >Dragons, minotaurs, some sort of humanoid birds and cats, and half a dozen varieties of minuscule horse. >All of them looking at you. >A rumble in the distance. >Thunder? >Blue, cloudless skies, all around. >And all around, the eyes of a hundred beings. >Watching. >Waiting. >For what? >Say something, Anon. >Give them the gift of your tongue. >Your paltry thirdhand ‘wisdom’. >If you don’t speak, they’ll never be able to. >You open your mouth. >Only that distant rumble sounds. >Why you? >Why only you? >Why are you all alone? >Nothing near you but grass. >’Noire?’ You try to croak. >Again, only a distant thunder. >Eyes only on you. >They’d never looked at her. >Not once, even though she was the one who made them. >They only saw you, and then left. >So here you’re pinned, and Noire’s gone. >Almost like this isn’t you. >Just their expectation of you. >And what do they know about you? >Even less than yourself, and you know nothing, not even your name. >They had the briefest contact with you when life first sparked. >You gave each a phrase and they departed. >What would their image of you even be? >Their expectation of her, of course, is totally absent. >They’d never acknowledged her in the first place. >Say something. >Anything. >Give them the barest hint of recognizance, that which they denied Noire. >Let them enter the world on something other than the harsh reality you’d left. >But what could you say to them that doesn’t drive a shard of that reality into them, like a knife into their soul? >It’s all you know. >Speak. >Speak, demands the distant thunder. >Some of them hear it now, heads turning. >The storm will take them away from you. >You wither under their stares but what would you be once they leave? >Inflict your signature wound on them, so they’ll forever be scarred with the hard-won wisdom of your home, wrought by blood. >Speak, damn you. >Speak; damn them. >It should be Noire here, under their baleful watch. >Noire, the god, cosmos incarnate, perfection. >Their true creator. >The thunder is loud enough to discern as such clearly, now. >A few creatures in the back peel off from the group, wandering into the woods, dark despite the daylight. >You can’t tell if this hurts more than their stares. >You gave them your shitty words, but they gave you meaning. >They’re the only reason you’re here. >Another rumble of thunder. >More creatures breaking away. >You’re not even fully surrounded, now; there’s a gap in front of you. >A chance to escape. >But you’re rooted in place. >Fixed by the piercing eyes of those remaining. >Eventually they’ll all leave. >And you’ll be alone. >No escape, then. >You’ll simply cease being. >A bolt of lighting flashes close enough to totally blind you. >A world of nothing but light. * * * >BANG! >The blast of thunder – from a strike close enough to shake the house – startles you awake, driving you upright on the couch you’d been napping on. >Your motion startles Noire, also on the couch beside you, body facing you but watching the fireplace. >She often sits here and meditates. Checking the rest of the world, she says. >You hope you didn’t just screw something up. >She looks over you, worry clear in her eyes, as the thunder fades and leaves only the crackling fire in the hearth on the north-facing wall, it’s smoky smell mingling with hers. >”Are you alright?” “Yeah, just-” >You rub your face with your hands, then shake your head. “Just a bad dream.” >She considers you silently, long enough to draw your attention to her. “I would not know.” “Do you sleep?” >”I could, if I chose to.” “Kinda hard to talk about dreams with someone who has not experienced them.” >”Knowledge against experience,” she mumbles as she looks away. Then, returning her attention to you, “Tell me about yours. What troubles you?” >Your turn to look away, with a wave of your hand. “I don’t know. Some anxiety about what I’m doing here, I guess.” >The details are already fading from your mind, it’s hard to fix them. >One sticks with you though. >You were, basically, alone. >She wasn’t there. “I was isolated, in a way. I was surrounded by, I can’t remember. Things. But I was alone, something about me was different than them in an important way and I couldn’t do anything.” >You look over to her when she doesn’t respond. “You, uh, you weren’t there. And that was one of the scariest parts.” >Your fidgeting hands become a much more enticing target for your eyes. “In a lot of ways, I’m only okay because you’re here, I think” >The ensuing silence stretches long enough for thunder to intrude again, not as near as that which woke you. >”Anon, may I-” >You look back to her. >”May I confide in you something?” “Yeah, of course.” >”You have asked before what I think of the limitations you requested I place on myself.” “I don’t know how you’re handling it, honestly. If it’s a burden or not. I don-” >”It’s hard!” >Her interruption shocks you almost as bad as the thunder that brought you back here. It has as much force behind it. >She looks almost as shocked as you felt. >”Sorry.” >Calm her down. >You give her a weak smile, and extend a hand to stroke one of her shoulders. >She flinches away from it, but doesn’t react further when you insist. “I want to hear it.” >”I also feel surrounded, yet alone. I am surrounded by myself.” “What do you mean?” >”This existence, as I am now, is not… me. Not all of me. I was not subject to time and space before you arrived. I emulated those limitations for your sake. Then I chained myself to them at your request.” “And I thank you. But, uh, I don’t want you to suffer for me, Noire.” >”It is not torture. But I am alienated, as you felt. I am alienated from myself.” >She looks to the ceiling, as if trying to pierce through it and the sky to look into some cosmological mirror. >”Here and now my greater self still exists, because that self is everywhere and everywhen. Everything I experience is also experienced by that greater self. But nothing comes from it to me. I am cut off from myself.” >Your hand has stopped its gentle strokes as you can only stare at her. “I had no idea.” >You shake your head. “I don’t want you to go through that just for me.” >”Anon, it is not torture because I have you.” >You freeze. >Part of you wants to scoop her up with that hand touching her, right now. >”You are more than my muse. You are my guide. You are comfortable with this mode of existence, it is all you know. Yet you live with confidence despite it. I must learn this quality, because I-” >Confusion dominates her face. “Because-” >Give in. >You reach over with your other arm now, so you can gather her up with both and pull her towards you. >She doesn’t resist, even as you haul her forelegs over your lap. >In fact, with her size, it can only be as easy as you find it because she, in some minor way, helps you. >Even still, she doesn’t meet your eyes. >You wrap one arm around her back, and stroke the side of her neck with your other hand. >Her mane drifts over your shoulder, carrying those smoky notes to you. >Her halo, you can tell now, isn’t actually where you see it always behind her head from your perspective. It has a real position over her back, because it warms your arm where they intersect. “Hey. I said you could confide in me. Anything.” >”When we were first talking about free will, when you had me Forget…” “Yeah?” >”I mentioned that it was opaque to me. And that I leave this world when it becomes rooted enough, so it may direct itself without my interference.” >She shakes her head. >“That means it spreads. Eventually I cannot see large areas of this world. And eventually I cannot see anything at all.” ”Because it takes over?” >”How can I know? I am not an entity that should be confronted with such mystery. Yet there is this void, past which my awareness simply ends. I must learn now to face that. I need to learn how to be unafraid of the unknown.” >She finally looks at you. >”I need to be brave. Like you.” >At that moment, in her eyes, you are witness to such innocent vulnerability that you realize you are not looking at a god at all. >You are looking at fragile creature paralyzed by fear. >Just as you were, in your dream. >This reflection of yourself in alien eyes is too much for you to bear. >You look up and pull her head to you, cupping her cheek, pressing hers into your collarbones. >Your chin over her forehead, her horn against your temple. >You’re immersed in her mane’s scent now, realizing its full complexity, the smell of warm wet grass and a roaring campfire through a crisp summer’s night breeze, surrounding you with enough power that for a brief moment you feel transported to some scene from your childhood. >And you can feel her breathing, shallower and faster than it ought to be. “I can’t teach you that. I don’t know how.” >A hitch in her breath. ”But if you need a guide, that I can do.” >You can feel her smile as she sighs with relief. >”Thank you.” “You should rest. Take your mind off this world, for a time. You said you could sleep if you wanted. Let yourself.” >”Now?” “I’ll be right here with you.” >She nods in your arms. >”Maybe I will even dream.” >You let the arm around her neck fall to her back. >Slip it between her side and her wing. >The dim waves of orange light that slide down her darker feathers had become bright and agitated, whirling chaotically across her primaries. >You keep her head against you and gently stroke her side, watching them. >First they calm, falling back into orderly waves rippling out from under her coverts. >Then they dim, resuming their usual barely-perceptible glow. >Then, finally, as with her breathing, they slow. >She heaves one last sigh beneath your arms, then her breath falls into a slow and steady rhythm. >”Maybe…” >The quietest murmur. >”…of you.” >Her wings droop, one wedging itself between the cushions of the seat and the back of the couch, the other lowering to the floor and covering your leg. >The warmth of her body is almost intoxicating. >Loosening you. >Something about this display makes you want to cry. >You’d always seen her as a being of such magnificent power. >While, this whole time, she was struggling with something you take for granted every moment of your life. >Maybe that’s why you were sent here, by whatever you were wherever you were from. >Not to be her muse. >To be her guide. >No, stop, you can’t let that impulse get the best of you. >That’ll fuck with your breathing and you’ll wake her up, with her cheek against your heart like this. >You peer through her wispy smoke-like mane to the fireplace, still snapping and popping away. >Thunder sounds again, but far-off. >A threat receding. >Everything here is arranged according to your comfort. >This house, this furniture, these meals, the fire. >Now you know, this is the only place she can relax. >Enveloped within your design. >Laying by your side. >The only way you know how to lead is by example. >But all that requires is your presence. >As long as you stay here, with her, until she can understand, perhaps that is your true purpose. >She leaves this world, she goes back to being her greater self, she says. >You are no god, you cannot follow her, even if you are still here by then. It might be centuries, millennia, from now. >Not like she gave you a schedule. >But if it took your entire life to show her how to let go of her fear of simply BEING. >That’ll make all this worth it. >Bring the nightmares, the baleful stares of the creatures you helped create. >You give them a piece of yourself, but they’re not the ones who need it most. >Of all the living creatures that now walk this world, only one truly illuminates your purpose. >And tonight you proved her initial assessment of herself wrong. >She called you the first living thing here. >But this is the burden that all living share. >She truly is alive.