0/: Adult Apple Bloom Goldengrape Young Grand Pear 1/: Adult Apple Bloom 2/: Adult Apple Bloom Fleetfoot Rarity Thorax 3/: Rarity 4/: Rarity 5/: Rarity 6/: Cotton Cloudy Discord Florina Nirik Rarity Whitewash Young Chelsea Porcelain 7/: Discord Mean Twilight Written Script 8/: Gallus Kevin Mean Twilight Orange Swirl Pumpkin Cake Sprinkle Medley Tirek Truffle Young Mayor Mare Young Sky Stinger 9/: Tirek 10/: Bufogren Cerulean Skies Cherry Jubilee Dark Moon Evening Star Fern Flare Fluttershy Lemon Hearts Lyra Owl Photo Finish Royal Ribbon S08E21 Unnamed Earth Mare #1 Slate Sentiments Star Hunter Stormfeather Thunder Dust Tirek Twilight Sky Twinkleshine Wavy-Haired Pegasus 11/: Fluttershy 12/: Fluttershy 13/: Fluttershy 14/: Fluttershy 15/: Baby Pear Butter Flash Sentry Fluttershy Mean Rarity S08E21 Unnamed Pegasus Stallion #1 16/: Big Macintosh Bunny Candy Apple Colgate Ember Hugh Jelly Mean Rarity Parcel Post Peachy Sweet PiƱa Colada Rainberry Rockhoof Sheriff Silver Star Snails Starry Eyes Typhoon Rain Unsorted Vibrant Melody 17/: Adult Sweetie Belle Unsorted 18/: Adult Sweetie Belle 19/: Adult Sweetie Belle Bug Bear Cozy Glow Alicorn Derpy Lilly Valley Theodore Donald Kerabatsos 20/: Applejack Derpy Sassy Saddles 21/: Applejack 22/: Applejack 23/: Applejack 24/: Apple Bumpkin Applejack Celestia S08E14 Unnamed Earth Mare #2 Whale Winnie Waltz 25/: Celestia 26/: Autumn Blaze Button Mash Celestia Diamond Tiara Rainbow Shine Scootaloo Silver Script Vellum Codex Young Cup Cake 27/: Scootaloo 28/: Filthy Rich Jeff Letrotski Mr Cake Rainbow Rasberry Dazzle Scootaloo Sparkling Brook 29/: Rainbow 30/: Rainbow 31/: Rainbow 32/: Amethyst Star Buddy Cherry Berry Gala Appleby Pokerhooves Princess Luna Pumpkin Smoke Rainbow S07E14 Unnamed Unicorn Stallion #3 Sandbar Spoiled Rich Young Mrs Cake 33/: Angel Wings Apple Munchies Bright Mac Cayenne Compass Star Cosmic Daisy Dr Whooves Gummy Kirin Leader Mayor Mare Parasol Phantom of the Opera Powder Puff Rainy Feather S05E09 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1 Sandbar Silverstream Starswirl Twilight Velvet Unicorn Guard Winona 34/: Daisy Mage Meadowbrook Neon Lights Spur 35/: Citrine Spark Cranky John Bull Mean Rainbow Midnight Strike S05E10 Unnamed Unicorn Mare #5 S08E14 Unnamed Earth Mare #1 Smolder Somnambula Spur 36/: Apple Bloom Double Diamond Pear Butter S09E24 Unnamed Unicorn Stallion #1 Somnambula Sugar Belle Tornado Bolt Young Vapor Trail 37/: Apple Bloom 38/: Apple Bloom Bluish-Pink Townspony S08E14 Unnamed Earth Mare #4 Lily Valley 39/: Aura Bluish-Pink Townspony S08E14 Unnamed Earth Mare #4 Chrysalis Coral Currents Flyder Goose Huckleberry Loose Tracks Nightmare Moon Sassaflash Shady Daze Shining Armor Sky Stinger Spitfire Young Burnt Oak 40/: Chrysalis 41/: Chrysalis 42/: Alula Braeburn Chrysalis Crusoe Palm Daisy Jo Fall Flower Featherweight Foal Pear Butter Goldie Delicious High Note Mane Moon Matilda Meadow Song Millie Mrs Cake Polo Play Royal Riff Short Fuse Star Swirl Strawberry Scoop Sunset Shimmer Twilight Twinkle Young Pear Butter Zecora 43/: Cozy Glow Mrs Cake Noi 44/: Cozy Glow 45/: Big Mac Cherry Fizzy Cozy Glow Cup Cake Forest Fall Noteworthy Rare Find S08E14 Unnamed Earth Mare #3 Thunderlane Young Granny Smith 46/: Apple Honey Big Mac Dinky Doo Mudbriar Roseluck Savoir Fare Sugar Stix Sweetie Belle 47/: Sweetie Belle 48/: Apple Cobbler Comet Tail Davenport Full Steam Grogar Lotus Lyrica Lilac Shutter Bug Spring Glow Sweetie Belle Thorn Vapor Trail Water Spout 49/: Ace Point Beachcomber Biscuit Silver Spoon Soarin Water Spout 50/: Adult Scootaloo Beachcomber Caboose Cheeilee S05E06 Unnamed Earth Mare #20 51/: Adult Scootaloo 52/: Adult Scootaloo Baby Bright Mac Bird Cloud Kicker Hoo'Far Rain Shine S08E14 Unnamed Earth Stallion #1 Sunshower Raindrops 53/: Autumn Afternoon Bird Bon Bon Carrot Top Daybreaker Liza Doolots Sea Swirl Snips Starburst Vinyl Scratch Warm Front Winter Lotus 54/: All Aboard Apple Fritter Bon Bon Feather Twirl High Wings Jonagold Middle Age Grand Pear Mistmane Misty Fly Pipsqueak Train Tracks Twilight Alicorn 55/: Cheerilee Cinder Glow Cloud Chaser Flitter High Tide Maple Brown Marble Pie Mean Pinkie Minuette November Rain Ocellus Old Burnt Oak Pretzel S05E06 Unnamed Earth Stallion #10 S05E06 Unnamed Earth Stallion #9 Sealed Scroll Sheriff Silverstar Sugar Maple Thunderstruck Ticket Taker Twist Walter 56/: Babs Seed Beesting Cinder Glow Dragon Flash Magnus Manticore Mean Applejack Octavia Pizzelle Pound Cake Shoeshine Wild Fire 57/: Crystal Guard Luna Mean Applejack Pratfall Silverstream Seapony Form 58/: Burnt Oak Granny Smith Luna Night Light Perfect Pie Rainbow Swoop Twilight_EQG Young Troubleshoes 59/: Cadance Cow Crackle Cosette Emerald Green Grand Pear Granny Smith Hoofar Ruby Pinch S05E06 Unnamed Earth Stallion #22 Spike Steven Magnet 60/: Spike 61/: Spike 62/: Aloe Caramel Changeling Flurry Heart Lucky Clover Mulberry Flowers Patty Peppermint Princess Erroria Red Gala S06E04 Unnamed Earth Filly #3 Spike Stage Tales Trixie Trouble Shoes Winter Flame Yona Young Mr. Waddle 63/: Berry Bliss Berry Punch Bulk Biceps Troubleshoes Twilight Yona 64/: Twilight 65/: Twilight 66/: Twilight 67/: Twilight 68/: Royal Guard Twilight 69/: Royal Guard 70/: Pinkie Royal Guard 71/: Pinkie 72/: Discord Whooves Maud Mean Fluttershy Owlowiscious Pinkie Soaring Virtue Starlight 73/: Starlight 74/: Starlight