Another greentext I never finished, for whatever reason. >The main hallway of the castle was drowned by a deafening silence >The rising sun shined through the colorful murals of the windows >And her partner was 2 minutes late >Or maybe she had arrived 2 minutes too early? >All seemed to indicate another day at work >And each passing minute felt longer than the previous >Soon she realized it's barely been 30 seconds, when suddenly, echoes of a loud galloping reached her ears >Her partner rushed to her with such an urgency, you'd think she left the stove on inside Celestia's chamber >Alas, she stops just a few hooves in front of you >A new recruit, by the looks of it >The young pegasus catches her breath, before promptly saluting the guard mare with her hoof >''Lieutenant Cherry Blossom, re-reporting for duty''. She corrected her voice tone midway through her sentence, since it was too loud at first >The veteran mare salutes back. ''Commander Lily Valley. You're late.'' >Cherry simply drops her eyes to the floor, in shame. However, Lily takes this distraction as an oportunity >Using her unicorn magic, she raises Cherry's helmet and arranges her main with her hoof ''Head to your station and do as you're instructed'' >Cherry quickly gets on the opposing side of the door >A quick posture fix, and now she is ready to face the opposing end of the hallway for the remainder of the day >Half of which, had nothing remarkable to say >The Princess left the room and headed the main Observation Tower, and Cherry almost passed out due to her nerves >The moment she exited her POV, Lily grabbed a water canteen hidden in the plant pot beside her ''Drink''. She offered it to Cherry, who immediately grabbed it >After drinking through it all, she returns it with excitement ''Listen, I understand how you feel. But don't panic, OK? Game's over if you panic, alright'' >''I know! It's just...'', Cherry's ears lower in embarrassment. ''It's a whole new world for me, I don't wanna mess it up again'' ''And you wont, provided you do as I say'' >Both mares return their gaze to the main hallway >A moment of silence is cut shortly >''So when is she coming back?'' ''Could be now...or in a couple of days.'' >Cherry's eyes dance around the room, considering her life choices that led her to this moment >All of the sudden, the minutes start flying by faster than they should >Occasional questions by Cherry, and occasional answers by Lily >Eventually, the First Commander is seen approaching the hallway >He dismisses them, sends in their replacements, and escorts them out of the hallway >The royal dining table was unlike anything on the castle >Wooden, rusty, some spots had dust prints whenever you landed your hooves on >Everyone had a conversation subject >Paychecks, budget cuts, family, two stallions even held a very loud chess match in the central table >Everyone had a topic of discussion, except Lily and Cherry >For Cherry, all of her friends were back home at Cloudsdale, she had no one to talk to >For Lily, however, her friends were fewer than the colors of the rainbow >Much of her time would be spend exercising, sleeping, or in this case, sitting on a chair while reading >The other ponies were a little afraid to get on her nerves, as as such, they rarely approached her >This time, Cherry noticed the book she was reading was a familiar one >How To Talk To Your Cat About Poisonous Animals, and other controversial topics >Having her dinner finished, Cherry took one gulp of her water and slowly made her way to Lily >The other cadets and lieutenants pointed at her, placing bets on how much until she gets up and gets on her bunk bed >''Do you have a cat, Commander?'' >Lily raised her gaze, and lowered her reading glasses. She stared at Cherry with an emotionless, expressionless face, apparently enough to intimidate the young pegasus >Her ears quickly regained their positions when she overheard a couple of cadets laughing at her behind her back >Without saying a word, she sat on the floor next to Lily, attempting to get a topic out of her >By inconspicuously staring at her book, she found one >''I've seen a Lionfish before. They look prettier than in drawings...and much bigger'' >Surprisingly, Lily's eyes target Cherry ''How big?''. As she asks this question, she raises her eyebrow >''I uh, we saw one as big as a house on Horseshoe Bay. And a couple more flying through Rainbow Falls'' >Cherry checks if Lily is paying attention. She has not blinked nor broken eye contact even once, prompting her to continue >''Well, nothing a thundercloud and a well placed fishing net can't fix, ey?'' >Lily blinks, and continues reading her book ''I agree'' >She flips the page over, revealing the next animal: Jellyfish >How could a cat ever encounter one of these? Well, if they do, you gotta know what to do ''I've seen these glow in the night'' >The barracks where oddly quiet now. Lily took note of this, and shut the book close ''C'mon, it's getting late. We got more work to do, and I won't tolerate another late entry'' >She quickly gets up, enters her bunk bed, and hides under the sheets >'''Okay...goodnight Commander'' >A young stallion overhears Cherry's wishes and can't help himself but wheeze while laughing ''Goodnight to you too, Blue Hurricane'' >The stallion's smile drops into a concerned glare, before turning away into his bed >Good thing the food was light, or else, some poor bloke will wake up in the middle of the night with a strong stomach ache >Cherry sets up her bed, and hops in just before the lights are turned off >Early morning came quickly, it's arrival was announced by a nearby rooster's song >Eyes widened rapidly, wings spread, and many blankets were thrown to the side >An urgent Cherry stole the pace of everyone in the barracks, hurrying up >She checks herself one last time before even considering trotting out >Teeth, clean. Mane, properly adjusted. Uniform, clean and shiny. >Now all that was left was to enter her station: the main hallway >Much to her surprise, however, Lily was already guarding the left side of the entrance >''Morning Commander!'', she happily said while saluting her superior >All Lily returned was a cordial salute, and a quick glare at her appearance >Cherry calmly entered her guard station ''Your shoes are missing'' >Cherry sighs, dissapointed in herself. ''Permission to go-'' ''Make it quick. Don't run'' >With that order, Cherry rushed slowly out of the hallway >And just a moment later, Princess Luna opened the door >Lily instinctively raised her hoof to her forehead, but all the Princess was wondering is where the hell was her companion >The Princess' dead stare at the station Cherry is supposed to be in spoke for itself >Her face told a different story, rather than curiosity or anger, a small smile is what came of her >She exchanged looks with Lily one last time, before walking away >''OH MY GOSH!''. Cherry's surprised voice could be heard in the other hallway, it seems she has never been so close to a Princess before >A small giggle echoed, before Cherry was seen once again entering the hallway >Lily broke her guard and approached Cherry, prompting her to stop immediately ''Listen. I'm not your mom''. Cherry dropped her smile immediately as she said this. ''You're a-look at me!''. Cherry's eyes returned from the ground to meet Lily's. ''You're a Lieutenant, behave like one. You know your obligations, stick to them! Or you won't hear the end of me, understand?'' >Cherry nods rapidly. ''Sir yes sir!'' ''Return to your station'' >Cherry did as instructed >Lily stared at Cherry for one last time. Using her unicorn magic, she pulls a towel from her armor pockets >Gently, she rubs it over Cherry's forehead, who hyperventilated just moments prior >She returns her towel to herself, before returning to her station >As so, main hallway of the castle was drowned by a deafening silence >The rising sun shined through the colorful murals of the windows >Another day at work >First Commander became a familiar face over the last three days, considering he was always present to dismiss the pair of mares >And so did the entrance to their barracks >And so where the other cadets >Manes became familiar and easily recognizable >Groups of friends were easy to tell apart >And those who stood out where those who were on their own >Lily was once again, reading her book from where she left of >Cherry was having dinner. Sugar free apple pie. Tasty? >A familiar stallion joined her in the table >''I'm Blue Hurricane, nice to meet you'', he cordially extends his hoof towards Cherry >She returned the hoof shake with her right wing, due to her hooves holding the piece of pie she was eating >''I was just curious, how come that Lionfish of yours grew so big?'' >Cherry swallows, and raised her hoof to indicate a pause. She gulped her tar of cold milk, and replied back >''They're an invasive species. This one ate too much, so he grew like a whale!'' >''Oh...''. A brief moment of silence indicated the stallion had just ran out of ideas on how to talk to other mares >Cherry noticed, so her next question changed the topic of discussion >''Is she always like this?'' >He smiles, while nodding his head. ''You'll get used to it, don't worry. We all love Commander Lily, DONT WE FOLKS?!'' >All members of the barrack unanimously and loudly agree ''Love you too''. Lily's voice expressed, a bit monotonous >''Just you wait until we're back on the action!'' >Cherry's eyes were widened upon hearing those words >''A-action? What kind of action?''