This story is from a pasebin from 2012 > Your footsteps echo loudly as you sprint through the empty halls of… wherever the heck you are > It looks like some sort of castle? > The floors are polished marble, and the walls are made from flawless white stone > You don’t remember how you got here, or even precisely when > it was like you just fell asleep, impossible to pinpoint the exact moment > one minute you’re out hunting in the woods > and the next, you’re on the floor in a big-ass room surrounded by some sort of pony creatures. > it must have been some sort of party, many of them wore elaborate dresses and suits > some screamed >some yelled >some just stared at you with what you guessed what shock > so you did what any other sane person would do > you ran > and now they were chasing you > you’ve been running for several minutes now > you have no idea where you’re going, this while place seems like a maze > at least you still had your belongings > you wore your old hiking boots and a thick camouflaged jacket > in your left hand you clutch your bow, a simple recurve made from a solid piece of wood > your quiver and arrows bounce on your back as you run > a quick glance down confirms your skinning knife is still on your belt > the presence of your tools gives you a small sense of comfort > you weren’t defenseless > you weren’t helpless > and that gave you some confidence in your abilities > you can still hear your pursuers behind you > “Stop the intruder!” > “Seize that creature!” > you redouble your efforts, passing multiple wooden doors leading to who knows where > as you round a corner, you see sunlight streaming through an open door at the end of the hall > Finally! A way out! > as you run toward the exit, you hear the ponies behind you getting closer > your heart drops as you come to a stop just outside the open doors > this wasn’t an exit, it was a balcony several stories from the ground > before you stretches an entire city, bathed in the light of the midday sun > beyond that you see expansive meadows and thick forests > the whole scene had a picturesque beauty to it > seriously, where the hell are you? > how did you get here? > you snap yourself back to the moment, you still need to escape > you lean over the balcony, looking down > below you is a large garden/courtyard > jumping is out of the question, you’re way to high up and there’s nothing to cushion your fall. > if you can’t go down, you’ll have to go up > the option of climbing is quickly shot as you examine the outside stone walls > it’s made of the same smooth white stone as the hallways, no handholds anywhere > you’re completely penned in > you curse under your breath and turn back > maybe you could try one of the doors you passed befo- > too late > the ponies chasing you round the corner into view > jeez, there must be at least twenty of them > they all had spotless white coats, and wore regal looking golden armor > you quick reach over your shoulder, grabbing one of your arrows > you nock it on your bowstring and draw back, anchoring your right hand below your cheekbone > the p0nies come to a stop as you level the gleaming broadhead on them > you doubted that p0nies were capable of archery, but they recognized a weapon when they saw one “The next one of you who takes another step gets dropped” > it was no idle threat. you were a good shot, and at this short distance there was no way you would miss > of course, they would rush you and close the distance as soon and you fired > but you were guaranteed one kill > it was a stalemate > The p0nies shift nervously and look at each other, none of them willing to take the first step > the one in front whispers something to the p0nies beside him > his helmet had a large roman-esque crest, you guessed he was captain, or some kind of authority figure > the p0nies nod and slowly they begin to back away > you relax slightly > ok, you can work with this. you have time now, time you can use to figure out how to get out of wherever you are > you notice some of the p0nies are standing their ground > they look like all the other guards, except for small ivory horns protruding from their helmets > unicorns? seriously? What the fuck. > their horns begin to softly glow > before you can deliver another threat, your bow is suddenly yanked from your hand > it flies over to the unicorns and hovers above them, enveloped in a magical aura What the fu- >You’re cut off as the rest of the p0nies are suddenly upon you > they tackle you in the gut, and their combined weight quickly brings you down > there’s no time to go for your knife, you can only bring your arms up in a desperate attempt to shield your face from the flurry of incoming hooves > you feel the impact of countless strikes all over your body > one of the ponies bites down painfully on your arm and pulls it away from your face AAUUGH!! You son of a b- > the last thing you feel is another hoof smashing your face > fuck, you don’t think you’ve ever felt this shitty > your arms, your legs, your head, your entire damn body is sore > you open your eyes to a rough stone ceiling > for the hundredth time today you wonder where you are > you’re lying down on something uncomfortable, but it’s definitely not stone or wood > gingerly you try to sit up, your entire body protesting > you pull your knees up to your chest, and eventually you reach a sitting position > you take a look at your new surroundings > you appear to be in some sort of cell > the room is constructed from damp cobblestone, and is bare except for a solid metal door on one end and a pile of moldy straw you were apparently sleeping on > the air is musty and stale, the only light comes from a small barred window on the door > you painfully rise from your makeshift bed to get a better look > how long were you out? > judging by the stiffness of your limbs and the emptiness of your stomach, at least several hours > you make your way over to your cell door and look out the window > it’s low on the door, you have to squat to see through > unfortunately, all you can see is the stone wall on other side of the hallway > all you can hear is the soft dripping of water and the scurrying of what you guessed were rats > you give yourself a quick check over, you were beat up pretty bad. > your clothes are torn in a few places, and you’ve accumulated plenty of bruises > you bring your hand up to your face > It’s painful to the touch, and you can feel that it’s swollen > you wish you had a mirror so you could see > your bow, quiver, and knife are gone of course > you sit back down on the straw pile, noticing a few small insects out as you do so > so you were in a dungeon… > maybe threatening these p0nies was not the best of ideas… > but you were panicked! And they did chase you after all > you’re sure they’ll be understanding >It’s not like you killed any, heck you didn’t even punch one! > you sit there for several minutes, idly twiddling your thumbs as you wait for something to happen > realizing that it might be a while before someone comes for you, you lay back down on the pile to get some rest. > you’re awoken by a loud banging on the cell door > you rise with a small groan > you must have slept another few hours, your body is stiff again > you also seem to have acquired a few bug bites, great. > you walk over to the door and crouch down to the window > you see impassive face of a p0ny guard on the other side > he gives you a quick look over before giving a small snort > “Princess Celestia would like to speak with you” > The name means nothing to you, but you recognize the title > whoever she is, she is obviously their ruler > she can probably tell you where you are, maybe even how to go back home! Alright, sure I’ll go > not that you have a choice really, when royalty ‘requests’ something it’s just an order in disguise > the guard steps back and you hear the rattling of keys > the door swings outward and you see another guard holding a pair of manacles in his mouth > “turn around, arms behind your back” > guess you can’t really blame them for being precautious, you did threaten them after all. > you turn around, placing your wrists together behind your back > the guard approaches you and locks the manacles in place, binding your hands together > “now then, follow us” > you follow the two guards outside your cell and into the hallway > you notice that these guards don’t have horns like those other guards, but have wings instead > so there are pegasi now too? This fucking place… > you follow the guards up a winding spiral staircase and through a large wooden door > It seems you’re in the castle proper again, the white walls and smooth floors have returned > as you pass a window, you quickly glance outside > you can see the sun just beginning to rise over the distant horizon > so you were out all night? No wonder you were so hungry, you haven’t eaten since yesterday morning! > you pass several more guards on your way, most of them keep their gazes impassive, but some glare your way > eventually, you reach a set of large ornate double doors > one of the guards steps forward and knocks three times on the door > from within a feminine voice responds >“You may enter” > the two guards push open the double doors and you enter the room > in front of you sits a p0ny that could only be described as ‘regal’ > she dwarfed the other ponies you’ve seen, most were only about four feet tall, but this one was well over six feet in height! > her mane was a whole variety of calm blues, pinks, an violets, and seemed to blow in some invisible breeze. > her coat was a pristine white and a gold tiara rested atop her head > she had a unicorn horn over a foot and length, yet you also saw a pair of wings folded at her sides > so was she a unicorn with wings? Or a pegasus with a horn? > was there a name for what she was? If so, it eluded you > to her left sat a purple unicorn of normal stature > her mane had a straight cut, and she had a bookish appearance about her > they both sat behind a large banquet table, and you were brutally reminded of your hunger as you gazed at the contents > a decadent feast of every breakfast dish imaginable was on full display > there were pancakes, waffles, French toast, muffins, doughnuts, toast, eggs cooked in every form… > if not for the manacles binding your hands or the presence of royalty, you would have thrown yourself at this meal with like a Kenyan at a KFC bucket > as if reading your mind, one of the guards approaches your back and begins unlocking the manacles > as soon as he finished, you begin rubbing your wrists with your hands. those damn things were uncomfortable > Celestia nods to the two guards and they both exit through the door behind you > you stand there, unsure on how to proceed > an uncomfortable silence forms over the room > a silence that is broken by the loud protest of your stomach > Celestia chuckles and grins at you as you fidget awkwardly > she gestures to the feast before you > “you are welcome to join us, if you wish” > that was all the invitation you needed > you practically run over to the table, grabbing a plate and utensils from a stack > “So” Celestia begins, as you dart from one end of the buffet to the other, grabbing a portion of each dish as it catches your eye, “What is your name?” Anon >Waffles, definitely need waffles. And pancakes too. Is that blueberry syrup? Oh, need a doughnut too, with sprinkles. > “As you’ve probably guessed” Celestia continues, “I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, and this is my faithful student and personal protégé, Twilight Sparkle” > you nod in confirmation as you pile more food into your already overloaded plate > I haven’t had a banana in forever, or French toast either. Is that bacon? HELL YES! > you finally sit down across from the two p0nies and begin digging into your enormous breakfast > As you begin eating the most buttery and fluffy pancakes of your life, Twilight speaks up > “So anon, What exactly are you?” Human >You respond after washing down a mouthful of pancake with a swig of orange juice Are there no other humans here in Equestria? >“No,” Celestia replies, “You are the first we have ever encountered” Do you have any idea how I got here? >“We were hoping you would tell us that” Twilight admits Sorry, I have no idea either. I just sorta, woke up here. > you return your attention to your food, and a long silence begins to stretch > you don’t notice Celestia watching you eat, a small frown forming on her face > you pick up a piece of perfectly crispy bacon and pop it into your mouth > you gag as you find your mouth filled with a foul tasting dust > you expel the repulsive substance from your mouth What the heck was that? >you look up to see the smile on Celestia’s face has been replaced by a deep scowl > “It seems my suspicions about you were correct Anon” Celestia says > the kindness of her voice has been replaced with coldness and disgust > her horn glows with a faint white aura, and you find yourself lifted of your seat and into the air Wait, what? What are you doing? > you struggle against the magic enclosing you. but despite your best efforts, you barely move > “As ruler of Equestria, I hereby sentence you to death” What??? WHY??? > both the p0nies look at you with a mixture of hatred and disgust > “You arrive in my kingdom armed with deadly weaponry, you threaten my guards, and you would willingly consume the flesh of others” > consume the flesh of others? Oh, you idiot! The bacon! They’re all horses, why would they have bacon? Ok, wait. This is all some sort of big misunde- HHHHNNNNNNNGGGGGGHHHHHHH >suddenly, the magic aura around you begins to squeeze you like a vice > the air is quickly forced out of your lungs and you find it impossible to breathe “It is clear to me you are a creature of violence, and I will not allow you to corrupt my country” > the force is just too much, it’s crushing your chest > the pressure extends over your entire body, you can feel it inside your skull > you clench your eyes shut in the pain, your mouth gasping like a fish out of water > Dread fills your hart as you realize there’s nothing you can do > Dammit, not like this! > This wasn’t fair! > You didn’t do anything wrong… > you feel you consciousness begin to fade… > you hear voices, but they seem far of and distant > you can’t make anything out > not like this... > you don’t want to die like this, helpless > you hate it, being helpless, unable to do anything > you wish you had your bow > you wonder what will happen to it…