Out of https://rentry.org/vxpyh/edit / https://rentry.org/vxpyh (enclosed in "<< " and " >>"): << Current version = 1 2 3409 3410 7518 8842 8847 10560 25043 26186 26900 27297 27397 27457 30888 31352 31694 31744 32112 32252 32849 32872 33597 33889 36129 40590 41552 41976 47024 48850 49743 53088 54241 54242 54659 56620 56654 60947 60948 60949 60950 61037 61692 64911 65286 66315 66911 66959 67561 68601 69494 70992 71161 71210 71211 71235 71552 72571 73245 73274 79247 79335 80099 81217 81224 81332 81333 92528 110416 111375 111830 111832 112354 112509 112776 112824 112930 122594 123315 123868 123869 127976 127977 128261 132174 132191 132562 133157 133158 133159 133160 133161 135632 136800 151297 161215 161520 163207 163208 163209 163210 163594 163677 163781 165711 165712 171117 171893 176165 176166 176167 176168 176169 177523 177524 178812 184775 185694 188463 188464 188546 190788 191554 191555 191556 191557 191558 191566 196987 200687 200689 201931 202631 203086 203292 203293 203294 203867 203868 203869 203872 204094 206369 206615 208082 208147 215357 218590 225327 229151 230512 230604 237888 242092 246119 259686 259772 261814 262721 265087 265889 271906 273438 274587 275008 275009 275722 288116 304267 306845 308656 308663 308664 308665 308666 308683 308693 308701 308711 308718 308719 308720 308721 308722 308723 308724 308725 308726 308727 308728 308729 308730 308731 308732 308733 308734 308735 308736 308737 308738 308739 308742 308762 308768 308778 ---- Old version Pub: 15 Mar 2022 03:07 UTC Edit: 24 Oct 2022 10:51 UTC Views: 17 ---- Old version "Pub: 15 Mar 2022 03:07 UTC Views: 2" = ```html ( feature request to https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/issues ) title: Support for devices without an enter button description: Feature request: next to the search box add a "go" button that users can click on. It would be like how you can type a search at DuckDuckGo ( https://html.duckduckgo.com/html/ ) then click the magnifying glass button next to the search box to submit the search. I submitted this new bang request to https://duckduckgo.com/newbang at about Tue Mar 15 02:04:35 2022 UTC: Site name: yewtu.be Bang command: !yew Bang URL: https://yewtu.be/search?q={{{s}}} Example search: brick attack video game -> https://yewtu.be/search?q=brick%20attack%20video%20game Bang category: Multimedia subcategory: Video Comments: yewtu.be is an Invidious instance (see https://redirect.invidious.io/ - "As of September 1st 2020, invidio.us has closed down"). Invidious is a popular "open source alternative front-end to YouTube"; see https://github.com/iv-org/invidious . Invidious is "Privacy focused", as stated here: https://invidious.io/ . [x] This bang does not link to illegal content. [x] This bang does not link to sexually explicit content. [x] This bang would be useful to more than around 500 people. [x] This bang doesn't go against the terms of use of the website it links to. Your email (optional): I also created this yewtu.be-related "fiddle" (probably requires JavaScript to work): https://jsfiddle.net/wdx0hpos/

Enter the search query for a link.
``` >> pbooru.com image upload #308768, thumbnail only: >https://web.archive.org/web/20200116233432/http://pbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=all >https://web.archive.org/web/20200116233433im_/http://pbooru.com/thumbnails/27/thumbnail_093eab5ad3fd88ff85a09a78863a8c5d.png?308768 >https://web.archive.org/web/20200121223757/http://pbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=308768 >dead at https://web.archive.org/web/20200121223757/http://img.pbooru.com//images/27/093eab5ad3fd88ff85a09a78863a8c5d.png Read more: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39450572/#39514515 https://ponepaste.org/archive?q=pbooru.com Pasted via https://ponepaste.org/ title: 205 missing pbooru.com images and other text tags: pbooru.com, pbooru, booru, invidious, yewtu.be, missing vc: IrDkp