Filly's Fetish by DC --- >Filly is a good filly >But she has a naughty secret >Filly is obsessed with spankings >Someday it will be her fetish, she will be a full fledged spanko >For now her sexuality hasn't developed that far >She doesn't even have her cutie mark yet >Filly still gets spankings when she misbehaves...she hates and fears them like all foals her age >But unlike most of her peers, the idea fascinates her >She asks her friends at school about their spankings >Most don't want to talk about it, or think she's weird >But enough are happy to share details of their worst moments >Some even let her see the marks >Or show her the hairbrush their mommy uses to spank them >Fillies or colts, it doesn't matter to her >The thought of her classmates, face down, rump up... >Whimpering out promises to be good forever... >Pleading their mommies or daddies not to do this terrible thing. >And then; the first smack >It all makes her feel warm and flush, almost dizzy >One day the class clown got sent to the Principal's office for a guaranteed spanking >He begged for another chance but Teacher sent him out of the class sternly >The filly nearly fainted that day...and her seat was wet even though she didn't have to pee >At home she keeps her secret >Does stuff like look up the word 'spanking' in the dictionary, just to read the definition >Has wild fantasies about extreme, nightmare spankings >Whips and nail studded paddles >Sandpaper to get a bottom ready for spanking >Branding irons to mark how many times this rear had been spanked already >A dark dungeon where cruel guards inflict the most terrible of spankings on the tenderest of heinies >These visions will make up her clop fantasies later in life >For now she doesn't know what to think >She doesn't understand her kink, but she knows it's not something to talk about >That it's sexual isn't something she can wrap her head around yet >To her, 'sexual' is just a word that will get your mouth washed out with soap >...or get you spanked. >Filly absolutely does NOT want a spanking of her own >She enough the regular way, plain old filly shenanigans >They're scary and they hurt >As much as our filly loves thinking and hearing about spankings she hates getting them >Which is a problem because her parents are spankers >But filly is a good filly >Her siblings seem to get it more than her >She spies on them, every time >Knows all the best hiding spots so she doesn't get caught >Knows how long to give each sibling before he or she is ready for a sympathetic visit >Which is mostly an excuse to probe for details “What did you do?” “Did Daddy use his strap?” “How bad did it hurt?” “Does it still hurt?” >Her older brothers and sisters just shrug it off as a curious little sister who will find out soon enough >Then one day she finds out >Filly gets in big trouble >The kind of trouble where Mommy & Daddy have to have a talk before they have a talk with you >That gives filly a lot of time to think >Seated in the naughty corner, all alone >All the wild fantasies swirl around in her filly brain >Will she be paddled? >Flogged with the cat-o-nine-tails? >Whipped with an electrical cord? >10...20...50...a hundred times? Maybe more! >Maybe Mommy & Daddy will call a Professional Spanker to the house to deal with her >Maybe she'll be sent to Reform School, where they paddle you if your bed isn't made right or you sneeze at the wrong time! >Reform School must be where the dungeon is! >Or maybe she'll be thrashed right here in her home town >She might be locked in the town stocks, where the bad criminal ponies get their spankings >Her burgeoning spanko mind goes wild with ideas >Silly nonsense that makes for good sex fantasy but doesn't happen in the real world >But the filly has no sense of sexuality yet, so it's all real to her >Weekly maintenance spankings...machines that spank for hours without sympathy or fatigue >Horrifying implements like thorny vines and barbed wire >Leather hooded executioner ponies trained to know the evil secrets of making a tushie hurt! >She has been a bad filly and she's sure to get all of it. >By the time Mommy & Daddy are done talking and come to get her, filly is a crying frenzy >All her horrifying fantasies seem like real possibilities and she's too young to sort out the difference >She genuinely thinks she's going to be sent to a Reform School with a dungeon where torture ponies are going to give her hourly spankings with medieval implements. >She's a bawling mess of tears and snot before it even begins >Mommy & Daddy see her in this state and just think she's genuinely contrite >A harsh spanking won't be necessary, she's already sorry >Filly goes over Mommy's lap for a quick hoof spanking >It hurts, but it's nothing like what she expected >The post spanking lecture doesn't last long either >After hugs, Mommy & Daddy leave her alone, feeling confident that she's learned her lesson >Filly isn't sure what she's learned >After all that build-up a quick hoof spanking is anti-climactic >Filly still has a lot of nervous (sexual) energy built up >She flops down on her bed, confused and full of tension >She should feel happy to have gotten off with such a minor punishment >but it's unsatisfying. >All those dramatic visions of dungeons and electric cord whippings that go on for hours still fill her mind >While they do, her hoof does other things >It squeezes down low, past her belly >Sneaks in, between her legs >To that place Mommy says is private >Without even thinking, her hoof finds the right spot >As she rubs all the tension and stress she was feeling begins to make sense >She rolls on her back and gives her hoof the room to really rub harder >Her eyes roll's a feeling she's never experienced before >There was no dividing line between the terror her imagination was putting her through minutes ago and the full-body excitement she was feeling now >It was all part of the same euphoria >She looked up at the posters of popular Colt-bands on her walls and the experience took on a new dimension >She imagined her celebrity pop-star crushes being spanked...she imagined them spanking her >Her epiphany broadened when she looked over at her book shelf >All of a sudden all her favorite stories had spanking scenes in them >Everywhere she looked there was inspiration >Filly could take it no longer >She climaxed for the first time, wetting her sheets and leaving her panting, sweaty >It all made sense now, she had connected the dots >Now that the filly understood what her body wanted her to do things were going to be a lot more fun >She still feared and hated getting punished with a spanking >But she finally understood why other ponies' misfortune fascinated her so much >And she just wanted more >That day, a new spanko was born. END