>You are drone >And that's all you are really, you're just a little drone for Queen Chrysalis >A humble little bug, like you, carries out the most mundane tasks for the hive >Caring for the young, distributing the love rations throughout the hive, construction... >Burying bodies... >That was your current job, as much as you didn't want to do it, you knew it had to be done >After the failed invasion, a many changelings were battered and bruised, or sometimes even plain dead >You mourned the loss of your siblings, as did the queen >The queen had been unconscious when you brethren had carried her back to the hive >When she had woken and found out how many of her brood had passed, she said not a word and sulked in her chambers >That's where she's been ever since >You sighed as you finished your duties for the day and wandered away from the tomb >You are a drone >And this is what you do >You chirped a solemn greeting to other changelings as you passed by them, each one lamenting about the failed invasion >It was a devastating loss for the thousand strong hive, now down about three hundred drones >Sure, your queen could always birth more changelings, but the invasion made collecting love hard for the gatherers >It shouldn't matter to you >You're just a drone >You do the mundane tasks, and do mundane things >You slowly trotted through the corridors of the hive, passing by fellow drones and soldiers >You're a drone, but that doesn't mean you don't care >The guards to your mother's door paid you no heed as you simply trotted through, entering her dimly lit chambers >You care about your siblings, and about your mother >You slowly and carefully trotted forward, towards your sobbing queen >Wrapping both hooves around your queen, you softly chirped a greeting >The queen's sobs ebbed away as you squeezed her abdomen >You love your family >Chrysalis sighed as she wrapped both hooves around you as well >And your family loves you