>Have Maud GF >One day she asks to speak with you >"Anonymous, I have to share something." >"I've been agonizing over how to tell you this, you've likely already taken notice of how flustered I've been these past few weeks." >You had not >"But I need to get this off my chest." >And what a chest it was >"I have this...fantasy." >Oh? >"A fantasy that I've been positively dying to try with you." >"I want you to..." >"I want to..." >You've never seen Maud so hesitant >"I want you to attach Boulder to your face as you make sweet, sweet love to me." (What's Anon's next move?) >>41157501 (You) kek, well put it on I guess >>41157501 (You) >>41158123 what's in it for us? Maud should have to wear something too >>41158123 >>41158401 "Okay Maud, I'll do it." >Maud's expression doesn't change much beyond a slight smile "On one condition." >"Of course. What's your condition?" "You need to wear something too. So I can get something out of it, y'know?" >One of Maud's brows raises a millimeter >Maybe you could have worded that better >"Alright. What do you want me to wear?" (What do (You) want Maud to wear, Anon?) >>41158493 Cupless bras and panties. >>41158493 her mom's glasses >>41158493 >>41158791 >>41158796 >"A cupless bra and panties? That's tamer than I expected. I'll wear the purple ones. That's Boulder's favorite color-" "And your Mom's glasses." >Maud stays frozen in mid-sentence, like pressing pause on a video >Maud looks you straight in the eye >"What." >You can see...something behind those half-lidded eyes of hers >Rage? >Disgust? >Arousal? >Maybe that's just you "I said I want you to wear your Mom's glasses while we do it. The whole time." >"I...Anon, that's pretty strange. Are you attracted to my mother? Or are you really into glasses?" (What do (You) tell her?) >>41158914 >she actually did it holy fuk Well, you like Boulder, and I like glasses Boulder likes purple, and I like your mom's glasses Also, I'd like Boulder's opinion on all this, surely he has some thoughts here >>41158914 >>41158929 >"Hm. I suppose that explanation makes sense. As long as you're not secretly pining for my mother." >You really hope you aren't >You decide to change the subject "What does Boulder think of all this?" >Instead of answering, Maud pulls Boulder from her cleavage and holds him in her palm >After a moment or two of staring at him, she looks back at you >"Boulder says he's excited to finally join in on our passionate lovemaking. He feels like he's watched from the sidelines for long enough." >Watched? >"I always try to make sure that Boulder has a good vantage point when we do the sideways shuffle." >oh >Slipping Boulder back into the canyon between her breasts, Maud stares as blankly as usual at you >"Alright then. I'll go get everything ready for tonight." -=-=-=-=- >Later, you're sitting on Maud's bed >"Anon, here." Maud pulls a strip of purple cloth from her pocket and places it into your hand >Taking a closer look, you see that it's a silken blindfold with eyeholes and a loop of silk between them >"I had Rarity whip this up special. This is where Boulder will sit." Maud explains, pointing to Boulder on the nightstand and then to the loop >"I'm going to get changed." Maud steps over to the bathroom door, turning back to look at you with a hand on the doorknob >"Thanks for doing this, Anon. It means a lot to us." >You think the corners of her mouth turn up just a degree >With that, Maud disappears into the bathroom >You are now alone in Maud's bedroom with Boulder and the custom-made mask (Maud will take a while to get ready. What do (You) do while she's gone?) >>41159650 >You really hope you aren't kek, I so am. Cloudy is hot Anyway, put Boulder on and ask him how he wants you to fuck her. She's obsessed with that rock. Bet he's heard some fucked up shit that she's confessed to fantasizing over. >>41159650 Talk to him, duh. A heads up would have been nice, Anon didn't realize he was putting on a show. Or a rock, for that matter. >>41160013 >>41159994 >>41159650 >You pick up Boulder, rolling him over in your hand >He's disturbingly soft and smooth >And far heavier than he looks >Like a chunk of a cloud made of lead >A quick glance between the mask and Boulder >You shrug and tie mask onto your face >It's formfitting, tailored specifically for your face >You slide Boulder into his seat >A few testing movements with your head show you that you won't have to worry about Boulder so much as budging >Rarity really is a miracle worker with a needle and thread >You step over to the dresser to look yourself in the mirror >You look like your second favorite ninja turtle >'Who is your first favorite?' >WHAT THE FUCK >'Is that their title or are you simply in shock?' >Your jaw hung open long enough to completely dry your mouth >What impeccable timing for that early-onset schizophrenia to kick in >'You may be hearing things, but I am no delusion.' >Fuck, did you accidentally make a tulpa? >'No.' >'You know me only as Boulder.' >The...Maud's fucking pet rock? >'Take caution in who you call pet, fleshed one.' >W-well...if he's not lying... >You're talking to a rock... >'You must hail from far lands for such mundanity to shock you.' >You could say that >'An offworlder then? I have heard tale of your sort.' >Huh? >'Creations from lands beyond the sky. Enslavers of ore. Condemners of pitch.' >I-I don't- >'No matter. Maudileena will be returning soon.' >Maudilee-no, you know what? You're right >Maud's gonna walk back in any minute >Gotta prepare for some primo pipe-laying >Hey, Boulder, since you're just along for the ride, how do you wanna do this? >'I intend to breed Maudileena.' >Fucking what? >'Be free of concern, offworlder. I am no fool.' >'Stone does not breed with woman.' >'I merely intend to lay with her in the manner of breeding.' >'I have studied your previous excursions closely.' >'I place full confidence in the capabilities of your adaptation.' >Speak human, rock >'The particular details are yours to choose, offworlder. My only order is that breeding take place.' (Your conversation with Boulder was more time-consuming than you expected. (You) might have time for some more conversation or for doing something else. Time is of the essence.) >>41160259 (You) oh no I'm bad with time, I wish I had known that earlier >>41157501 (You) >>41158493 (You) >>41158914 (You) >>41159650 (You) >>41160259 (You) oh hey, a CYOA >>41160259 (You) >I require breeding Doable, I just need to "accidentally" tear the rubber. But you better give me a guide to a secret mine filled with gold or gems cause raising a kid ain't cheap, and I'm stuck in minimum wage for now. >>41160259 >>41160506 >>41161002 >>41161126 >Breeding... >Th-that- >Fine >You can breed Maud >Checking in the nightstand, you find the condoms >RICH brand silica-infused condoms, to be precise >Maud can't cum with any other kind >Seperating one from the strip, you rub the unopened condom between your hands >Should be weakened now >Just as you're setting the modified prophylactic onto the nightstand, you hear the sound of the bathroom door closing >You whip your head around to face it >There, hand on her hip, stands Maud >Nearly nude save for the tasteful, purple cupless bra acting like a picture frame of her generous bust and the matching panties >But despite her attire, your eyes are drawn almost entirely to Maud's nonplussed face >She's wearing her mother's gold-framed, half-moon glasses, chain and all >And it's making you fucking diamonds >"Anon." >You pick your jaw up off the floor to speak "Y-yeah, Maud?" >"I can't see in these." >Maud holds out her hand >"Could you guide me?" >You nod, gently taking her hand in yours and guiding her to sit on the bed >Once sitting, Maud suddenly grabs your tie and yanks it, bringing your face close enough for your noses to touch >Her half-lidded stare gazes deep into your eyes, her free hand glides up to rest on the side of your face >You can feel her looking straight into your soul as her thumb caresses your cheek, grazing the corner of your mouth >Maud's eyes cross >"Hello Boulder." >Maud leans her head up to plant a chaste kiss on Boulder, then brings her lips to your own, kissing you deeply >Maud forces her tongue into your mouth, exploring every nook and cranny >Maud takes her time as she individually coats each one of your teeth in her saliva using the tip of her tongue >You weren't the biggest fan of how long this process took, but you couldn't stop her even if you wanted to >Though, it does give you ample opportunity to take a more "hands-on" appreciation of Maud's outfit >You take a breast in each hand, savoring the weight of Maud's mountains of mammary meat as you massage them >You can feel the softest of hums emanating from Maud's throat as you roll and pinch her sensitive nipples between your fingers >Her hand slides around your head to tangle itself in your hair and force you into the kiss more deeply >Eventually, Maud pulls away, a string of saliva stretched between your tongues >There's a tinge of blush on her cheeks, her breathing a bit heavier now >She's looking in your eye-nope, she's looking at Boulder >Maud grabs two handfuls of your dress shirt and effortlessly slams you onto your back right next to her >While you're still stunned from being Maudhandled, she swings a leg over your body to straddle your waist >"Anon." >You focus your vision enough to see her clearly >"Look what you've done." >Maud slowly yet roughly grinds against your bulging crotch, her hot arousal quickly soaking through your pants >"Are you going to do something about it?" (Maud asked (You) a question, Anon) >>41162259 (You) https://youtu.be/Lo2qQmj0_h4?si=cVs4MEteGy0JpXLl [Embed] LETSSS FUCKKKINNNNG GOOOOOOO >>41162259 (You) Time to jackhammer this rock! We are going to lose our hips, aren't we? >>41162259 (You) now we wait >>41162259 >>41162769 >>41163096 >>41163616 >You nod vigorously and reach up to undo your tie >When your fingers reach your top button, two bluish-grey hands stop your own >Looking back up to Maud's bespectacled face, she firmly shakes her head before guiding your hands to rest where her thick thighs meet her plush cheeks >Just enough fat to hide her deceptively strong muscles, but still lean enough for you to feel them at work as she keeps grinding on you >Placing her own hands onto your shoulders, she leans down and forwards, intentionally squeezing her wonderful tits together until she's lying directly on top of you, mere inches from your face and staring at Boulder once more >She leans forward and places a kiss on Boulder, then another on your nose, and a third on your lips before looking deeply into your eyes >"I wanted to thank you again. You can't imagine how happy you make me." >You could barely make out a unique warmness to her monotonous words >Maud began to lay a trail of kisses down your chin and neck, shuffling her body down to ensure you could feel her stiff nipples through your shirt as she worked >Her lips reach the first button of your, now wrinkled, dress shirt >Maud spreads her hands on your chest, her thumbs flanking your button >Staring directly into your eyes, she gingerly takes the plastic fastener between her teeth >With a single swift movement of her head, she rips the button clean off of your shirt >Maud cheeks it and continues to slowly and methodically use her teeth to tear off your shirt's buttons, the chain on her glasses jingling with each one >Reaching your waistline, Maud tugs your shirt out of your pants to tear off the last few >You can see movement behind her cheeks as she swirls all the buttons around in her mouth >Maud spreads your shirt open, releasing your torso from its clothen prison >Maud admires your body for a moment before she dully lets her jaw hang, her tongue lolling out, allowing the spit-coated buttons to pour out of her mouth and land directly onto your stomach >The quickly cooling liquid spreading across your abs and naval sent a shiver up your spine, a shaky breath escaping your throat >Maud slid her hands back up to your shoulders and groped your muscular delts >Her hands worked their way back down your body, groping and massaging your toned physique on their journey >After tracing your Adonis line, her fingers deftly undo and remove your brown leather belt, tossing it aside >Tightly gripping the waist of your pants, she forcibly tugs at them >The velcro seam along the back of your pants easily gives way and you silently thank God that you remembered to wear one of your pairs of tearaway pants for this >Maud quickly removes your pants the rest of the way before unceremoniously tossing them aside >Maud moves to sit on your chest, facing away from you, filling your vision nearly entirely with her bare ass >Apparently the panties are cupless as well >>41165188 >Maud stretches her back, and you can't help but admire how her muscles shift beneath her skin, a testament to the immaculate condition of her form >Your staring is cut short by Maud diving forward and burying her nose into your boxers, right at the base of your dick >You hear Maud inhale deeply and slowly, her grip on your thighs growing a hair tighter as she does >Not one to leave your hands idle, you reach up and grip an asscheek in each hand, groping and massaging the firm yet supple flesh >You can feel Maud's grip tighten further as you play with her ass, spreading her cheeks to catch a glimpse of her tight sphincter hiding behing the cloth of her underwear >You feel Maud's thumbs slide under the waistband of your boxers and slowly shuffle it down until your raging erection springs out >You think you can make out a whispered "Finally..." >A whimpering moan of relief leaves you as you feel Maud's relatively cool tongue slide up the top of your burning hot member, her lips briefly closing around the head with enough suction to release it with a soft pop >Maud moves back down to your base and continues this process until your cock is coated in a thin sheen of her saliva >You whimper again as you feel her leave your dick on its lonesome, spinning around to face you >"I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am." "Absolu-" >"I was talking to Boulder." (How does that make (You) feel?) >>41165209 (You) no matter how you slice it your gf referring to an “inanimate” object instead of you is….odd >>41165209 (You) Well, she was looking at me when she said it. Honest mistake, though. She can't see with those glasses on. I'm not offended. She can call me whatever she wants. This time. And hey, it isn't hard to talk to Boulder. Doesn't she know that we talked a bit while she was getting ready. Anyway, she'd enjoy this all even more if she dropped her pussy on Boulder's face. She might need a little help bringing it down though, with the glasses on and all. Good thing you have hands, and a tongue of your own to jam somewhere. >>41165209 (You) First of all, ouch. Second, maybe tease her to see how she reacts. Tell her "sorry... mommy." >>41165209 >>41165226 >>41165232 >>41166055 >Right >Of course she was talking to the rock >Not the man whose dick she just spit shined >You narrow your eyes at Maud >Those glasses frame her face really well >A devilish grin creeps its way onto your face as an idea swirls to life inside your head "Of course, my mistake. Please, forgive me, Mrs. Quartz." >You draw out her mother's name, leaving a shit-eating grin plastered on your face >Slowly, Maud's eyelids lower a whole millimeter >You may have fucked up >Maud raises herself onto her knees >"You look thirsty." She states as she slowly moves herself forward until her crotch is hovering inches away from your face >A drop of arousal from her soaked pussy lands on your chin >A sign of what's to come, you would learn >Maud tangles a hand in your hair, gripping a fistful before slamming herself down onto your face >You don't think there's any permanent damage, but you know for certain your jaw will be sore tomorrow >A groan rumbles in your throat as Maud roughly grinds against your face >Maud's rolling hips move like a well-oiled machine, leaving her warm fluids from your chin, up to Boulder, and back down >A few more passes and Maud slows her grinding, stopping right over your lips >"Drink up." >Your heart rate spikes as you feel Maud tighten her grip on your hair and begin lapping at her sex like a dying man at an oasis >Her taste is uniquely feminine and vibrant, with a subtle undertone of what you imagine to be the taste of granite >Maud's grip lessens but doesn't let go as you french her lower lips >You pull out all the stops >Doing the alphabet >Mouthing the national anthem >You even found the clitoris! >As you work, Maud's hand goes from death-gripping your locks to scratching gentle circles into your scalp >You watch as Maud's face fades from a neutral glare to a serene stoicism >"Anon." >"Anon, go faster." >You oblige >Maud's breath quickens a hair, her exhales a bit more forceful >Distracted by your talented tongue, Maud doesn't seem to react as your hands snake up her sides, coming to rest on her bountiful bosom >Your ability to multitask is taken to its limit as you simultaneously grope and play with Maud's tits as you taste every inch of her depths you can reach >Only minutes more of this treatment pass before your mouth is splashed with Maud's fluids as her womanhood clamps down on your tongue and the faint sound of a hum mixed with a moan spills from her >You feel Maud's walls tremble and shiver around your tongue as she rides out her orgasm by gently grinding against your lips >Maud's body soon relaxes, releasing your tongue from its clutches >Maud looks down at you, tucking a strand of loose hair back behind her ear >"I forgive you for comparing me to my mother now. Do it again and you'll have to answer to Boulder." >'Tis true, offworlder.' ((You)'ll have to keep that in mind.) >>41167325 (You) >jealous maud hot and a nice reaffirmation of her affection for us also why was Boulder offended is he sharing her feelings? >>41167325 (You) UNF >>41167325 (You) >'Tis true, offworlder.' Hey, you are a fucking pebble in my world, and I just got coasted by you, so give me a break. You know, since you are here, give me a hand. I want to crack this stone open to reach to that sweet gem. >>41167325 >>41167483 >>41167568 >>41167878 >Seriously? >Why do you care if Maud's pissed off? >'Maudileena's well-being is important. It would be good for your health to remember that.' >...Ominous. >Your thoughts are interrupted by Maud leaning forward and grabbing the condom off the nightstand >"Thanks for getting one ready." Maud states as she starts working her way down and off the bed, kneeling between your legs hanging off the side of the bed >You watch intently as Maud rips open the wrinkled wrapper and pulls out the rolled rubber >Maud takes the tip between her lips and then brings her head to your turgid rod, using one hand to keep it steady >The warm, lubricated latex gently comes into contact with your head, Maud kissing it through the condom before her lips part and she slowly slides it down to the base >You groan as you feel Maud's tongue massage the underside of your cock, moving back up and off of your dick with a pop >Maud climbs back up, straddling you once more >Your hands slide up Maud's thighs, squeezing them before coming to rest on her hips >Maud brings her hands to your wrists, spurring you to grip her hips just a little tighter >The golden light of sunset peeking through the curtains casts shadows on Maud's supple flesh, accentuating the perfection of her curves >The light catches on Maud's glasses, obscuring the bottom half of her lidded gaze with a glare "I love you." >Maud's thin line of an expression wavers for a picosecond before turning up into an undeniable smile of unadulterated happiness >'Offworlder.' >Goddammit, not now, you fucking pebb- >'Breed' >You feel a jolt of power burst through your veins, each individual fiber of muscle tensing for an instant >The sensation causes you to inhale instinctively, and your sinus is flooded with Maud's heady scent, more intoxicating than ever before >The center of your vision grows sharper while the edges blur, and all you can see is just how close your erection is to Maud's entrance >"I lov-ah!" Maud half-moans, half-gasps as you use all your strength and then some to thrust balls deep into Maud's pussy, her eyes opening to their full extent >Before she can react further, you've pulled back and thrusted again, eliciting another gasp from Maud >You grit your teeth from exertion as you jackhammer your hips into Maud's, each thrust feeling stronger than the last >Maud struggles to meet your movements, soft moans and gasps being overpowered by the *PLAP* *PLAP* *PLAP* of your thrusts >Your muscles burn, your pulse pounds, and your bones ache. >But you can't slow down >Maud's walls grip like a vice, but even her strength is no match for whatever manic force has overtaken you >"Anon." >Sweat is pouring off the both of you, your speed sending droplets everywhere and soaking the sheets beneath you >"Oh Celestia, Anon." >Maud's breasts jump with each thrust, her glasses hanging around her neck and bouncing on their chain, adding to the cacophony of sounds filling the room >>41169929 >"Oh fuck. Anon." >You're starting to pant, hyperventilate almost >Your pulse pounding in your ears so quickly, it reminds you of a motorcycle in fifth gear >A shooting pain pierces further throughout your pelvis with each slam of your hips >You're nearing your limit >But so is Maud >"Anon." >"Anon." >"Anon, I'm-aah." >"Anon, I'm about to culminate." >With a final, earthshattering thrust, you feel the condom finally give way >Forcing a torrential load into Maud's deepest depths, you throw your head back against the mattress, letting out an inhumanly primal roar that practically shakes the very walls >Maud's mouth hangs open in a silent scream as her entire body tenses and shivers, her nails drilling into your wrists enough to draw blood >After cumming for what feels like longer than you had spent plowing, you both collapse onto the bed >The two of you take heaving breaths, bodies still shaking from the experience >You hear just three words before everything fades to darkness >"I love you..."