>Woah, where the hell were you? >One second you were… >You were… >Getting into a car accident! >Yeah! >The next… Some blue pegasus-unicorn… Pony thing informed you that you were getting another shot at life >Something about, “Great unfulfilled dreams and aspirations.” >And, “Twilight needs to stop messing with the human world.” >Whatever that means >You felt strange though, she had taken you directly from that dream-like state and had thrown you unceremoniously through some kind of portal >Miraculously, you weren’t injured at all! >Though that’s probably because you died. >You weren’t terribly upset about it >Shit happens, as your bumper sticker declared >You were still feeling strange, and increasingly stranger by the moment >It felt like the air was electrified, or that YOU were electrified >Little jolts seemed to dance across your body, but it wasn’t painful… >Just, odd. >You moved your hands up to your face, checking them over, that’s where the electric feeling was the strongest >Boy, was that a mistake >Your nails began to grow at an exponential rate– keratinous nubs overtaking your fingertips >You tried to run, to get moving, but you slipped as the same thing was very quickly happening to your toes as well >The shoes you had on went flying backwards, and you were suddenly finding yourself about to meet the dirt >You reached out with your hands, getting a great view of your ring finger and middle finger fusing together at the tips of the nubs first >The skin fused together as well, while your index finger joined them together in a sort of Kafkaesque nightmare >CLOP >Hooves, your hands were becoming hooves! >More like– they already were hooves. “W-What’s happening to me…? Why is this happening?!” >Was it that blue mare?! >Lulu or whatever she said her name was? >You couldn’t really hear her very well at the time, she shouted loud enough to nearly drive you deaf! >Your thumbs receded upwards, you trembled on new unsteady hooves, and you tried in vain to right yourself upwards >A building pressure in your spine, like the worst uncracked back feeling you’d ever experienced, kept forcing you to abandon standing upright >The pressure in your face was unbearable as well– and you kept swallowing, panting, trying to coax your sinuses “G-Guh… Bleh…” >Your jaw hung open, almost forced open, as your face pushed forward >Were your eyes bulging, or were they literally growing? >Whatever it was, your visual acuity was improving at a rate you could hardly comprehend– eyes darting to and fro while you struggled to process the new sense >As this was occurring, you felt another pressure coming from your legs- >RIP! >Rather, your jeans, as they ripped clean down the seams thanks to bulging thighs >Just as well, you couldn’t even try to stand if you tried now, because your ankles and heels had cracked– slithering their way up to form what was becoming the back of your new knee >You felt yourself increasingly relying on the weight in your arms– now forelegs– as your wrists reformed, thickening along with your arms to mold into truncated hoofed legs >They certainly didn’t look like normal… Horse…? Pony….? Pony legs? “AH!” >You yelped as that pressure building up in the crook of your back suddenly cracked, almost like your spine had just been broken! >There was no pain though, only perfect comfort now as it felt appropriate to be on all four legs, your awkward humanoid posture shifting while your body seemed to naturally adjust to a new stance >Consequently, your shirt also tore itself into shreds thanks to a thickening ribcage– or was it now a ‘barrel’? >You felt oddly calm about this whole thing >It was inexplicable >How was it that you only felt mildly irritated, and about your clothes no less? >Try as you might, you couldn’t find much wrong with the actual situation of turning into a… Pony. >Much like your back, you felt that pressure in your face suddenly relieve itself as your nose and jaw buckled forward “Gleh- Buh- Ech!” >A thick muzzle greeted you when you crossed your eyes >You moved your tongue around in your mouth, finding it to be thicker than before, and ran it over your teeth >They seemed to be thicker and… Not quite as pointed as they once were. >Goodbye, canines, au revoir >Your pants and shirt may have been in tatters, but the elasticity of your boxers was just barely holding on for dear life >Another problem soon cropped up with haste, and that was the spread of a horrifically prickly itching feeling across your whole body; Chestnut hair, no, fur cropped up all over >Not just in increments, or spreading from one part of your body to the next, it was like one of those cartoons where a character blows really hard on their thumb and then- >POOF! >A beard >Except you weren’t blowing on anything, and all that chestnut fur just exploded out of your body >At least you could keep your sandy blond hair >Mane now, you supposed >Yet ANOTHER pressure began building up, this time in your boxers! >But this was a pressure you were VERY familiar with >You tried to sit down on your new haunches, and were briefly disoriented as it suddenly seemed as if you went deaf! >You fell onto your back, landing with an- “OOMPF!” >You couldn’t hear yourself, but you’re pretty sure that’s what it would’ve sounded like >Meanwhile, your hearing returned with gusto! >You somehow were able to maneuver your forehooves up to your head, and found that you could remarkably feel new fuzzy soft pony ears up there! >Guess your human ears simply just decided to vanish >However, that throbbing pressure just kept on building and building >You leaned your head forward, and saw that your belly was totally pony– As was the rest of your body by now– Save for one area in particular >Peering across the white fur of your underside, you felt your rock hard cock absolutely straining to its limit “Haah- Oh come on…” >Hormones flooded your mind, that pre-nut desperation began involuntarily kicking in >You couldn’t help yourself as you arched forward more, straining your thickened brown neck, which was actually remarkably flexible! >With one foreleg supporting your weight, you reached with the other, and began fiddling with your already distressed underwear >Surges of… Something erupted from your balls, traveling up to the tip of your cock in waves, like you were about to have the best hands free orgasm of your entire life >But that orgasm didn’t cum! >Come, you mean. >No, instead it felt like your cock was only getting HARDER! >Growing more! >You were a modest five inches before, but this was getting ridiculous! >You could even see it expanding WITHIN the confines of your makeshift tent >Thickening, lengthening, girthening- >Even dribbling! >Pre-cum oozed from the tip, and went right through your boxers- you rubbed the area and thought you were about to burst just from that >On top of that, it also felt different >But it just kept growing… And growing… Growing more… Until finally- >RRRIP! >You weren’t sure if it was the involuntary bucking motions you were making, or your expanding dick, but a brand new foot long mottled horsecock burst forth from your freed loins >At the same time, you came “RRRAAAAAAHHHHH!” >You roared viciously, bucking your hips as ropes of cum erupted from the tip of your flanged head– “AGH!” >And promptly shot right into your own eye “IT STINGS!” >The hot and sticky fluid just kept shooting out >You were rubbing your eye, moaning all the while; Another blast of cum hit the back of the foreleg you were using to wipe the cum out of your poor eye “Ffffffuck!” >It felt so good, but man was it messy! >You briefly seized as your balls tried to squeeze the last remaining drops out, your whole body suddenly relaxing once you were spent >You got a brief view of your semen covered stomach before your head fell back against the grass >Your tongue hung out of your mouth as you laid there breathing, staring up at the open sky of the forest clearing you’d somehow found yourself in >You could’ve sworn you saw a dragon flying high above in the clouds >You wished you could fly. >It clicked >Oh yeah! >You were thrown through that portal earlier! >You rolled over onto your stomach after a brief moment of recuperation >Which seemed to trigger the NEXT part of this transformation >They’d likely been growing back there for some time, but you were too ‘busy’ to actually notice >Abruptly emerging from your back were two feathery wings; They were the very same chestnut color as the rest of your body! >You cheered and jumped up into the air, expecting to be able to fly, and promptly fell right back onto your tummy- “OOF!” >You were probably going to be saying that a lot. >It also probably wouldn’t be very hygienic nor aerodynamic to fly around covered in semen >It was likely normal in some cultures, you never know. >Anyhow, you were now a pegasus stallion, so that’s pretty cool >Your name was Anonymous, but you think that’d be kinda lame here >What kind of name was Anonymous, anyways? >A lightbulb shined over your head, and you quickly sprung up onto your four legs “I’ve got it! Donut Glaze- No wait… Chestnut Glaze!” >Because you were chestnut colored, and currently glazed >This is a ONE TIME THING! >You supposed that you’d probably have to find somewhere to bathe now though…