>Friday afternoon was usually girls’ day for the Rainbooms >”Usually” being the operative word because everyone except Sunset had taken a raincheck >Rainbow had an extra day of soccer practice with regionals just around the corner and had messaged the group chat to let everyone know that she wouldn't be able to make it >After that everyone had decided to simply put off girls' day until Saturday after the Wondercolts’ morning practice >And so, caught up on homework and with nothing else to do, Sunset sat down on her couch and pulled up Mystable on her phone >She scrolled passed various posts by students of CHS, pausing to chuckle at a picture of Twilight, the human girl not the pony princess, posing in front of a server rack that was at least twice her height >Then Sunset saw something that made her pause longer >A selfie of Rarity at a fancy restaurant, captioned “Waiting on my Flashing Prince Charming” >At first Sunset thought that maybe it was a typo, not an uncommon occurrence on social media >But Rarity, despite having middling grades, prided herself on being prim and proper >That included her spelling >So that left only one option >Rarity was on a date with Flash Sentry >While some others would have found this juicy gossip, Rarity included were she not the subject, Sunset felt unease >Not that she thought that Flash would be anything other than a complete gentleman to Rarity's face >After all, when they'd dated Flash had let Sunset control the pace of that ill-fated relationship >Sunset felt unease specifically because of that relationship >She'd said some pretty horrible things to Flash when they'd broken up, things that he'd forgiven her for, but ultimately things Sunset couldn't forgive herself for >Because deep down, even post-Rainbow Friendship Lazer, Sunset still felt that some of them /were/ warranted >Flash had always been a good guy, but he brought out the worst in Sunset back then >Her jealousy, spite, and rage all came to the forefront when Flash was around >He was kind to everyone, had an easy smile, and was a waterfall of complements >And to Sunset at the time, she'd thought he'd been flirting with anything that had two legs and a vagina >Ultimately he had been, but not entirely on purpose >Flash simply interacted with everyone in a joking and friendly manner >It's why despite him wanting to try again she'd turned him down >They simply weren't good for each other >Distantly Sunset realized that she'd been staring at the post for five minutes >Maybe she /wasn't/ over Flash? >Maybe she still wanted him? >No, that wasn't it >She knew, both in her mind and heart, that she wouldn't be happy with Flash >Sure she'd grown as a person from when they'd dated, but ultimately it wasn't just that she'd been a conniving bitch, but that what she wanted from a partner and what Flash wanted from a partner were too different >Sunset wanted a level of exclusivity that just wasn't possible for Flash >She chuckled to herself, since in Equestria herds were far more common due to the gender ratio being skewed to something like 4 mares to every stallion >The breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding left her with that, and Sunset responded to the post “Go get him girl! <3” >Monday morning came and Sunset sat, waiting for math class to start >Over the Weekend she'd discovered that Flash had gone on a date with Rarity >If Rarity’s subsequent flood of lovey-dovey quotes were anything to go off of then it seems like the date went well >And now Flash was sitting across the room looking at the back of Rarity's head with a level of affection that Sunset hadn't seen from him since the first week she'd been “dating” him >Flash must have noticed Sunset staring as he looked over in her direction and gave an embarrassed sort of half-smile >Sunset smiled at him and gave a thumbs up, but before she could do much more than that the bell rang and Mr. Doodle stood up from his desk and began his lesson >First period passed quickly and eventually, the bell rang again >Students filed out of the classroom with Mr. Doodle called after them to remind them of an impending test on Friday >Sunset quickly made her way through the throng of people to her locker, switching one textbook for another >”Hey Sunset, I uh… I wanted to talk to you.” >Turning Sunset saw Flash standing a respectful distance from her “Hey Flash. What's up?” >Sunset should have known this was coming >She'd talked with Rarity on Saturday already and had spent an hour reassuring her that she was fine with Rarity and Flash getting together >Flash looked down and rubbed the back of his head, a nervous tick of his that at one time had annoyed Sunset >Now it looked almost endearing >”I uh, I just wanted to make sure you weren't sore about me getting together with Rarity. She's a great listener and a generous person, and I think we’d be good for each other and I wanted to make sure you're okay with us. I-I mean me and Rarity ‘us’, not ‘us’ us, and I’m rambling and uh…” > Flash trails off there letting it all hang in the air >His nervousness, his willingness to be open with her >To Sunset all it did was remind her of past fights and past regrets >She held up her hand “It's fine, Flash. As long as you and Rarity are happy, I’m happy.” >Sunset meant that too >She’d had the entire weekend to fully accept what she’d worked through on Friday evening >Rarity was driven and generous if a little overly dramatic at times >Flash was kind and usually even-headed, but he had a bit too much of a go-with-the-flow attitude >Together they complimented each other's strengths and made up for each other's weaknesses >Flash sighed with relief >”You don't know how relieved I am to hear that.” >Sunset giggled “I know, I was a controlling bitch when we dated, but I’ve turned over a new leaf.” >As she said that the bell rang, time to head to class >Flash turned and started to walk away >”See you in Chemistry, Sunset!”