>Nobody likes class presentations. >All those eyes on you as you recite information you struggle to remember. >Not only do you have to have a full understanding of what you're talking about, you have to have a comfortable and compelling stage presence. >And nobody likes class presentations less than your project partner, Fluttershy. >Poor thing’s a nervous wreck. >You two were randomly paired up by Miss Cheerilee two weeks ago to give a report on a World War II subject of your choosing. >You never talked to Fluttershy before that day, she only ever seemed comfortable around those friends of hers. >It took her a while to warm up to you, but eventually you two got closer together. >Watching her come out of her shell has been a pretty heartwarming journey. >But now, the Fluttershy you’ve come to know is gone, and in her stead is the Fluttershy you first met two weeks ago. >As your peers filter into the classroom and discuss their presentations amongst themselves, Fluttershy’s staring down at the notes on her desk and holding her hands tightly together. >Anxiety radiates off of her as she shakily breathes in and out in an attempt to get her nerves under control. >Key word: attempt. >She slowly looks up from her desk to survey her audience. >Her pupils dilate as she sees just how many people are gonna be watching her speak. >She shrinks down into her chair and tries to hide behind her pink, flowing hair as her body begins to tremble a little. >You hate seeing her like this. >Because, truth be told, you’ve developed a crush on her. >She’s kind of beautiful when she’s happy and comfortable. >Her voice is so lovely, too. >A flower as pretty and delicate as her shouldn’t be under this kind of pressure. >You should do something, as her partner and her friend. >You carefully reach over to Fluttershy’s desk, waving your hand in front of her a bit to grab her attention. >She jumps a bit at your hand invading her field of view, but relaxes a bit when she sees it’s you. “Nervous?” You gently ask her. >Fluttershy casts her gaze downward and nods like she’s admitting to stealing from her mom’s purse. “Hey, you got this. It’s only one presentation, it’ll be over before you know it.” You try to reassure her. >She sighs. >”I know…” She replies, unfortunately not comforted much. >You pause, trying to think of something to say to help her. >There isn’t much time left before class starts, your wordsmithing abilities are needed now more than ever. >Glancing around, you see every other pair of junior researchers talking with each other and making final revisions to their work before showtime. >The sight gives you the inspiration you need. “...Hey, wanna know a secret?” You offer Fluttershy, leaning a bit closer to her with a jokingly conspiratorial look on your face. >She looks up to face you with a slightly quizzical expression. >”...Yes?” “Don’t take this the wrong way, but… the audience doesn’t really care THAT much about you.” >Judging by her expression, she doesn’t know if she should feel offended or not. >Nonetheless, she’s intrigued. >”What do you mean?” “Just look at what you’re doing now. I bet Microchips and Cherry Crash over there are anxious about their presentation, but you’re not thinking about how their presentation is gonna go, are you?” You rhetorically ask her, motioning to your classmates on the other side of the room. >Fluttershy glances over at him, then back to you. >”...No, I’m not.” She admits. “That’s right! Nobody has the mindspace to focus on you up there because they’ll be too busy worrying about how they’ll do!” You inform her with an encouraging smile. >Except, of course, if something really memorable happens when she’s up there, like if her skirt falls down or something. >You omit that detail, though. >Bringing that up would make Fluttershy worry even more. >She mulls this over what you did say for a bit, then looks back at you with a more comfortable expression on her face. >”That’s a pretty good point!” She agrees. “It sure is! You did your research, you rehearsed, you’re gonna knock it out of the park up there!” You cheer her on. >”You really think so?” “I know so.” You insist. “Besides, aren’t you in a band? I thought you’d be used to having an audience.” You remark with a small chuckle. >Fluttershy blushes a bit and averts her gaze as she’s caught in the hypocrisy of her emotional state. >”That’s kind of different.” “How so?” >”Well, usually everyone’s paying more attention to Rainbow Dash on stage.” >You can’t help but laugh a little. “She allergic to not being the center of attention or something?” >That comment might’ve been flying a little too close to the event horizon, but your brief worries about being too mean to Fluttershy’s oldest friend is assuaged when she giggles a little at your remark. >”Sometimes I worry she just might be.” She whispers, like she’s afraid Rainbow could overhear her despite being on the other side of the building. >You two share a small laugh. >It’s like the tension is melting off of her. “Feeling better?” You ask her. >Fluttershy graces you with her angelic smile and nods at you. >”Much better. Thank you, Anon.” >Right on cue, the bell rings to signal the beginning of class. >”Good morning, class!” Miss Cheerilee greets everyone, as chipper as usual. >The “good morning”s she gets in response are more muted than usual, tempered by the pressure of the now imminent presentations. >You’re not worried. >You got this. >Fluttershy’s got this. >You two got this. >”I hope you all are prepared for your presentations!” Miss Cheerilee said, moving over to her desk and pulling up the shared computer drive containing everyone’s presentations. >Judging by the first slides visible in the thumbnail, some of your peers are more prepared than others. >You’re proud to say the presentation you put together with Fluttershy is among the most prepared. >She put such attention to detail into the slides, making it look as good as it was researched. >”Would any group like to go first?” Miss Cheerilee asks the class. “We would!” You’re quick to answer, as if any other group would fight you for the opportunity. >Fluttershy’s eyes shoot open and her head whips around to face you like you just announced you were gonna read her diary for the class. >”Wonderful! That’s the gusto I like to see!” Miss Cheerilee goads you on. >You get up and move to the front of your class to set up your presentation, with Fluttershy following you close behind and looking around nervously. >”Anon, what are you doing?” Fluttershy whispers to you in a panicked tone as you bring up your shared work on the projector. “Let’s just get this out of the way. Two or three minutes up here and we don’t have to worry about this anymore.” You whisper back to her. >”But… but…” >Fluttershy looks like she wants to protest some more, but with each second passing with even more prominence than the last, her mouth dries up and she’s left with nothing to say. >The weed of anxiety is beginning to grow within her again, after your encouraging words did such a fine job gardening. >A seed of doubt begins to sprout within you to match. >This wasn’t a good idea. >Sure, jumping to the front of the line helped you get over your stage fright in the past, but Fluttershy’s a different person from you. >You’ve gotta do something to help her. >But what? >You don’t know what comes over you, and you don’t know what part of you thinks this is a good idea, but as if acting on its own, your hand moves to gently rest on top of Fluttershy’s. >Thankfully, this gesture is obscured by the various objects populating Miss Cheerilee’s desk. >At first, Fluttershy freezes up when your hand finds hers. >Her eyes lock onto your hand on top of hers, as if she needs confirmation that what just happened actually happened. >Her eyes slowly move up to meet yours. >There’s a look in her eyes you’ve never seen before. >Vulnerability, but with a hint of trust. >Like she’s about to fall backwards, but knows you’ll be there to catch her. “I believe in you, Fluttershy.” You comfortingly whisper to her. >She doesn’t say anything. >She just stares back at you. >Her eyes wide and her touch soft. >The faint sounds of the classroom around you two fade away. >All that exists right now is you and Fluttershy. >...She’s so lovely. >”How about sometime today?” Miss Cheerilee requests with a small giggle. >The two of you are snapped back to the material plane, reminded of why you’re up here to begin with. >Some of your classmates chuckle at the little display. >You both sheepishly retract your hands and return your focus to the fruits of your studying labor. >The presentation’s up on screen, you two are in position at the front and center of the classroom, it’s showtime. “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I, Anonymous, and my colleague Fluttershy stand before you here today to present a thorough history on the Willie D., the unluckiest ship in World War II.” You begin, using your most professional voice. >The hook’s been baited with that intriguing intro, now you lure ‘em in. >Clicker in hand, you move onto the next slide. >You and Fluttershy take turns reciting the information you two put so much time and effort into researching for the class. >She’s off to a rough start. >She stands so rigidly, speaking like an automaton. >You take some of the pressure off of her by reciting some of the more lengthy portions and throwing in some light jokes to make the presentation more engaging for the class. >It doesn’t take long for Fluttershy to ease up as well, loosening her shoulders and speaking in a more casual, yet still professional tone. >It’s really nice to see. >With a speaking voice like hers, you could see her being a really good teacher. >But now’s not the time to focus on Fluttershy. >You’ve got a presentation to give. “In conclusion, the Willie D. lived a brief but memorable life. My colleague and I sincerely hope your appreciation for this world of ours has grown a bit after having been told this story, and you’ll take whatever lesson you learned from them with you through the rest of your life.” You confidently conclude, then clicking the clicker for the last time. >You were laying it on a bit thick there, but what the hell, you’re in your stride. >”Thank you all for your time, are there any questions?” Fluttershy asks the class. >She’s got the cadence of a teacher to her, you’re just now noticing. >Nobody has any questions, much to Fluttershy’s relief. >”Very well done, you two!” Miss Cheerilee congratulates the both of you, providing polite applause. >The rest of the class joins in applauding the both of you, but their applause isn’t as muted as it usually is. >Looks like you two really made an impact. >You can read on the faces of a few of your peers that they were entertained by the story the both of you told. >Both you and Fluttershy bow a little bit in appreciation of the applause. >”You two can return to your seats now, who’s up next?” Miss Cheerilee dismisses the two of you, then addresses the rest of the class. >Neither of you waste any time in making your way back through the rows of rigid desks and chairs to assume the role of the audience member. >Once she’s back in her chair, Fluttershy almost sinks into her seat, releasing the tension held within her in one deep exhale. >Honestly, you don’t care about any of the other presentations. >At the risk of sounding too egotistical, none of the following presentations had your gripping subject matter or enthralling stage presence. >Every now and again, you glance over at Fluttershy. >She’s much more at ease now. >She looks like she just got out of a nice, warm bathtub. >If only you could just ask her out. >You’ve never had a good batting average when it comes to girls, but Fluttershy is different. >She’s so cute and so nice. >She talks to you like she genuinely cares about you. >Maybe you should’ve offered to help out at the animal shelter to get to know her better. >But would that be overstepping a boundary? >Your train of thought is prevented from running off the rails by the sound of the bell announcing the end of class. >”We’ll continue with presentations tomorrow, so those of you who already went today will get to kick back a bit.” Miss Cheerilee announced amidst the chaos of your peers rushing to get out of their seats and out into the hallway. >You give Fluttershy a faintly smug look to remind her why going first was such a good idea. >She rolls her eyes a bit, but can’t suppress a small smile as she gathers her belongings. >You two are among the last to leave the classroom and return to the hustle and bustle of the school halls. >She’s about to head off in the other direction to her next class. >Come on, say something to her! “We make a pretty good team.” You remark, adjusting your shirt a bit. >”We sure do!” She replies with a small giggle. >Fluttershy takes a breath and looks up at you with a softer expression. >”...Thank you for your help earlier. I would’ve been a nervous wreck if it weren’t for you.” >You smile and shrug your shoulders as if helping her was no big deal. >Which it was. “Of course, Flutters. I knew you’d do great up there.” >A faint blush peppers her cheeks as her mouth opens slightly. >”At first I was so worried about not having any of the girls helping me present, but… I feel lucky to have been paired up with you, Anon.” >Don’t overthink it. >Don’t overthink it. >Don’t overthink it. >...Too late. >Your face warms up a bit and your mouth dries up. “Y-Yeah, well, uh, I’m lucky to have been your partner, too. You got me to actually study a lot more than I would’ve.” You joke, trying to downplay your flustered state. >Fluttershy giggles a bit at your little confession. >There’s so much you want to say. >But you can’t. >Something inside you won’t let you. >Fluttershy’s mouth opens a bit, but then she notices the clock on the wall next to you two. >”I should get going to my next class…” “Yeah, me too.” You say, hiding your disappointment. >Both of you stand there for a moment. “...Well, see you later!” You bid her farewell, beginning to make your way through the horde of teenagers. >”Yeah, see you later.” Fluttershy says to you, disappearing into the crowd soon after. >You stand there and watch her disappear, feeling a small wave of depression wash over you. >”Dude, seriously, just ask her out already.” >Norman’s voice behind you almost makes you jump. >Turning around, you find him looking faintly annoyed at you. >You sigh, slumping your shoulders. “It’s not that simple, man.” >”Why not?” “I’ve just… I don’t know, I’ve never had any luck with girls.” >Norman gives you an unimpressed look. >”Dude, I would be AMAZED if Fluttershy didn’t want to go out with you.” “What makes you so sure?” >He laughs a bit, like you asked a stupid question. >”You’re the only guy she acts like that with. Hell, you’re the ONLY guy she talks to!” >Really? >You’re not familiar with her social life outside of those friends of hers, you figured she’d have one or two guy friends. >But if Norman’s telling the truth… “I will ask her, okay? I just… gotta find the right moment.” >”Like when?” Norman asks you. >You hesitate. “I don’t know, she’s always with her friends, maybe I could catch her when she’s on her own?” >”What’s wrong with her friends?” “Nothing! But you know what girls are like, they always travel in packs! If I fumble the question, they might end up hating me or something.” >”Do you even hear yourself? Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, they’re not gonna hate you if you just ask her without being a creep.” >You exhale sharply as you lose ground in this verbal battle. >But you shouldn’t get too worked up about this. >Norman’s only trying to help you. >He’s dated a few girls in the past, he must know what he’s talking about, after all. “...Look, I’ve gotta get to class. Talk to you later, man.” You excuse yourself, making your way down the hall. >”Just ask her!” Norman calls out to you as you round the corner. >...You need to ask Fluttershy out on a date. >You'll do it even if it kills you. –FLUTTERSHY– >Algebra goes by in a dreary haze. >All of the teacher’s lessons go in one ear and out the other. >A dark storm cloud hangs over you throughout Algebra and as you make your way to the cafeteria, threatening to start pouring at any moment. >Why can’t you just tell Anon that you like him? >He’s done so much for you, the least you can do is be honest about your feelings with him. >Without him, that presentation would’ve been a nightmare. >You would’ve tried to keep your head down and avoid being picked to present, only to end up a stuttering mess when you get called up to the front of the class. >But thanks to Anon, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. >You don’t have to worry about anything in history class tomorrow. >...Except for the fact that you really like him. >He’s so sweet, and so patient with you. >He never got annoyed at you for needing more help with presenting. >And there’s something about him that makes you feel safe with him. >Maybe it’s his voice, maybe it’s his smile, or maybe it’s his… body. >You’ve stolen a few glances at his physique when he wasn’t looking. >He’s got a strong build, but with some softness to him. >He’d be so nice to cuddle up to. >You go through the motions of getting your lunch. >Wait in line, receive a tray, thank Granny Smith, sit down with the girls. >You try to thank Granny Smith as you normally would, but you’re feeling a little too down to manage that today. >You’re still thinking about Anon >And how you’re not strong enough to be honest with him. >As you exit the line, you trudge through the maze of seats and tables staring down at your tray, feeling worse by the minute. >The countless conversations going on all around you fade into an indiscernible cacophany. >It’s so easy for these kinds of horrible thoughts to snowball on you until you’re drowning in your own sorrow. >”Hey, Fluttershy!” You barely hear Sunset call out to you from across the cafeteria. >This is enough to lift your spirits just a bit and make some of the stormy cloud above you disperse. >Twilight would know what kind of cloud that would be. >You look up and see your friends: Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle all sitting together at the same table as always. >There’s an empty seat between Rainbow and Rarity they saved for you. >You put on the best smile you can manage and take your seat with your friends. >”You didn’t tell him yet, did you?” Rainbow immediately asks you. >The stormy cloud starts to drizzle. >”Rainbow Dash!” Rarity scolds her, shooting her a sour look. >”I’m just trying to get things moving!” Rainbow defends herself. >”Being pushy isn’t gonna help her, Rainbow.” Twilight speaks up on your behalf. >”So when ARE you gonna tell that dork you like him?” Rainbow asks you, leaning in closer. >You poke at your lunch with your fork. “Anon’s not a dork…” You murmur. >”Whatever, when’re you gonna tell him?” >You sulk even lower and shrug. “...I don’t know.” >”What’re so worried about, Flutters? It’s as simple as 1-2-3! I-Like-You!” Pinkie asks you. >”It could also be as easy as 1-2-3-4-5-6-7! I-Really-Like-You-A-Whole-Lot-” >”Romance is hardly ever so simple! To bare your soul to someone you feel so strongly for, to take that grand leap into a new world of companionship and fulfillment at the risk of crushing defeat, it’s one of the greatest challenges to overcome!” Rarity rebuts. >”Uh, I don’t think you’re helping…” Twilight awkwardly interjects, motioning to you as you cast your gaze further downward. >Your shoulders feel heavier and the world outside seems even darker. >”...My sincerest apologies, Fluttershy.” Rarity nervously says to you with her hand on your shoulder. >You can barely muster a weak “Mm-hm”, still staring down at your untouched lunch. >”Why don’t we just start from the top, what is it that’s givin’ you so much grief about tellin’ Anon how you feel about him?” Applejack asks you, cutting through the back and forth caused by Rainbow and Rarity. >You don’t answer at first. >You just keep staring down at your lunch before taking a deep breath and looking back up at your friends. “...I don’t know… what if he says no? I’ve never felt this way about a boy before, if he didn’t feel the same way about me, I’d be just… crushed…” You trail off, trying to suppress the quivering in your lips. >Rainbow laughs at your concern. >”We’ve all seen the way he looks at you, there’s NO WAY he’d turn you down!” >”It’s not like you’ve got competition, either. You’re the only girl he talks to.” Sunset adds in a more reassuring tone. >You nod a little bit as you listen to your friends. >Sunset and Rainbow both have a point. >You’ve talked with Anon about your lives in between studying, he talked about stuff he did with Norman and some other guys but he never mentioned any girls in his life. “That makes sense…” You admit. >”He had to have shown interest in you at some point! What about today? Did he do anything that stuck out to you?” Sunset asks you. >Oh, there was. >Your cheeks flush a bit before you can answer. “Y-Yeah.” >Everyone’s eyes light up. >Oh, dear. >”What happened?” Twilight asks you. >”Tell us, tell us, tell us!” Pinkie urges you. >You gulp. “Well, uh, before our presentation today…” >Rarity grips your arm tightly. “We were just about to start, and I was feeling really nervous about presenting, so he…” >Twilight, Sunset, Pinkie, and Applejack lean in closer to you. “He…” >You feel your cheeks glow as bright as a lightbulb. >Your voice becomes quieter and higher pitched. “...He placed his hand on top of mine and said he believed in me.” >Pinkie, Twilight, and Sunset gasp. >”How romantic!” Rarity swoons. >”He likes you! Anon totally likes you!” Pinkie insists. >”So, that settles it, right? What’s there to worry about now?” Rainbow asks you. >All this attention is making you really self conscious. >The commotion the girls are making is starting to get attention from the people sitting nearby. >You know they mean well, but this is getting embarrassing. >”You know what, I see Anon sitting over there with Norman, we’re going over there right now and you’re gonna tell him you like him!” Rainbow declares, standing up and grabbing you by the wrist. >Panic surges through your body as she drags you through the cafeteria towards Anon’s table. >What are you gonna say to him? >What if you end up embarrassing yourself? >Everyone’s gonna be looking at you! “Rainbow, wait, please!” You say to her, trying to dig your heels into the linoleum floor to stop her. >But Rainbow’s stronger than you, she keeps dragging you towards Anon undeterred. >”You’ll thank me for this later!” Rainbow insists as she marches on. >”Rainbow, this ain’t helpin’!” Applejack steps in front of her with crossed arms and a stern expression on her face. >She’s backed up by Sunset and Rarity. >Everyone around you is looking at you and Rainbow. >Including Anon. >You wish you could just curl up and vanish right now. >Rainbow releases your wrist from her vice grip and loudly groans. >”Maybe we should talk about this in private.” Sunset suggested. >Rainbow looks back at you, starting to feel bad about putting you on the spot like this. >”...Fine, the gym should be empty right now anyway.” She relents. >Rarity and Twilight help guide you out of the cafeteria and towards the gym, with Sunset, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow surrounding you. >You can’t even imagine what Anon must think of you right now. >Or anyone else you go to class with. >You’re not allowed to worry about this long, you’re alone in the gym with the girls before you know it. >It’s a little eerie in here when it’s empty, normally it’s so noisy and busy with gym class or the basketball or volleyball team practicing. >It’s not so bad when your friends are here with you, thankfully. >”Let’s try that again: what’s really keeping you from confessing your feelings to him?” Sunset asks you in a much more gentle tone. >You hesitate as you struggle to come up with a half-decent answer. >But you can’t. “...I don’t know. I’ve never felt this way about a guy before, this is all so new to me. I just don’t know what to do.” >Twilight puts her hand on your shoulder. >”Trust me, I get it. Being honest about your feelings like this is one of the scariest things you can do. All I can say is… you’ll know when the time is right.” She softly says to you. “Are you sure?” You ask her, feeling a little cautious optimism grow within you. >”I sure am! The first step’s always the hardest, but it’s totally worth it!” Twilight insists. “We’ll stop bugging you about Anon, we trust you’ll find the right moment to tell him.” Applejack assures you. >”He might even ask you out first!” Pinkie reminds you. >”I, for one, think you two would make a simply ADORABLE couple!” Rarity chimes in. >The kind, supportive words of your friend dissipate the storm cloud above you. >The sun streaming in through the windows seems a little brighter now. >Very faintly, through the open windows, you can hear the birds chirping outside. >With all this going on, you can’t help but smile sheepishly. “...Thank you, girls.” You softly speak up. >You six friends capture you in a group hug, lifting your spirits up to the heavens. >You try your best to hug all six of them at once. >The best you can do is get your arms around Sunset, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity. >After a moment spent sharing in the warmth of the hug, the girls pull away from you. >It’s after they release you that you realize you were struggling to breathe a little. “So I just… wait until the right moment?” >”It’s not something I can really explain. You’ll feel it deep within you, in your heart and soul, like a beautiful rose ready to blossom from within your heart.” Sunset tries to elaborate. “...I think I get it. I felt something like that when Anon put his hand on mine.” >”You’ll get another moment like that! There’s still tomorrow! And next week! And the week after that!” Pinkie excitedly says to you. >Your conversation is interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing. >Lunch is over, you’ve gotta get to your next class. >You didn’t get to eat your lunch, but you weren’t very hungry anyway. >Such a shame it’s all going to waste, though. >”I better get going, see you all later!” Twilight says, the first to excuse herself and hurry through the gym doors. >Other students are starting to show up and get ready for gym class. “I’ve gotta go, too. Thank you all for your help.” You dismiss yourself, heading back out into the hall. >“Anytime, Flutters!” Pinkie says to you, waving goodbye before you can step outside the gym. >It never stops surprising you how busy the hallways can get so suddenly. >If you’re not careful, you’d get trampled. >But before you can make your way through the crowds to your next class, you feel Rainbow grab your shoulder. >You stop and turn around to face her, finding her with an incredibly guilty look on her face. >”Hey, uh, I’m really sorry for what I did back there.” She apologizes to you. >You softly sigh. “I know you meant well, just try to remember that not everyone is as bold as you.” You lightly remind her. >Rainbow quickly nods. >”Is there anything I can do to help you out? I could put in a good word with him!” Rainbow urgently offers you. “No, no, this is something I have to do on my own. I appreciate the thought, though.” You say, shaking your head a bit. >”Well, whatever happens, we’ve got your back!” Rainbow proudly reminds you. “I know, thank you, Rainbow.” You say to her, somewhat urgently as you try to make your way to your next class. >”See ya ‘round!” Rainbow bids you farewell right before darting off in the other direction. >She never has any trouble dealing with the crowds. >You could learn a thing or two from her. >The rest of the day goes by in a blur. >It’s still fairly early in the Spring semester, classes aren’t too tough yet. >Besides, if you’re really struggling, you can always ask Twilight for help studying. >...Or maybe Anon… >You think about Anon a lot throughout the rest of the day. >Especially about how he touched your hand before the presentation. >That had to have meant something. >He wouldn’t have done that if he saw you as just a friend. >What would he have done if it was just you and him? >Would he have tried to hold your hand? >Or even… kiss you? >Hopefully you won’t have to wait long to find out. >One way or another, you’re gonna tell him how you feel. >But before you know it, the day is over. >The final bell of the day rings, freeing you and the rest of the guys and girls at school from class. >As you make your way back out of the school to head over to the animal shelter, your feet feel a little heavier. >Anon’s gotta like you. >He has to. >But how do you tell him? >When’s the next time you’ll get another special moment with him? >What are you gonna say to him? >You’re so wrapped up in these thoughts that you almost don’t see him. >Anon. >Standing by the main doors, scrolling through his phone. >But he doesn’t see you. >You freeze up for a moment, then quickly dart behind a row of lockers, out of his line of sight. >While peering at him from behind cover, the hallways slowly empty out as everyone goes home. >You’ll be alone with him soon. >This could be it. >This could be your big moment. >Your heart is racing and your face feels a little warmer. >Just thinking about all this is a lot to deal with. >You have to do something. >You have to tell him you like him. >Just go up to him and be honest with him. >It’s what he deserves. >You take a single step out of cover… >...and freeze again. >You can’t do it. >Try as you might, your legs are locked in place, keeping you firmly in place and preventing you from making your move. >Come on, move! >Just talk to him! >You’ve talked to him before! >You finally force your foot forward. >And then you force your other foot forward. >You’re doing it! >You’re gonna do it! >But then Anon’s eyes widen as he looks at his phone, which he quickly shoves back into his pocket and rushes out the front doors of the school. >Leaving you alone in the school building. >... >The storm cloud gathers above you once again, and now it’s pouring. >You blew it. >All you had to say were three words: “I like you” >But you couldn’t do it. >It was so simple, but you couldn’t even manage that. >Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie, they could’ve done it. >But not you. >Your eyes start to water as the emptiness of the halls begin to crush you. >Don’t cry. >Please don’t cry. >Not here, not now. >You wipe away the tears that threaten to stream down your face and make your way outside. >Of course, now it’s easier to walk. >Stepping outside the school building, the fresh, Spring air helps you feel a little better. >It’s such a lovely day. >The sun is out, the birds are chirping, the squirrels are scurrying about with their nuts, it’s all so happy. >The little bunnies at the animal shelter are sure to enjoy today. >You’re gonna spoil them silly. >As soon as you reach the bottom of the stairs, you hear a pair of footsteps rapidly approach you from behind. >You barely have time to turn around and see it’s Sunset before you’re knocked off balance as she accidentally runs into you. >Her backpack unzips in the commotion enough for several small objects in paper bags to spill out onto the ground. >”Sorry, Flutters!” Sunset hastily apologizes to you as she kneels down and rapidly stuffs the paper bags back into her backpack. >She runs off too fast for you to say anything to her. >What’s got her in such a hurry? >You’ll ask her later, hopefully it isn’t anything too bad. >But she forgot one paper bag, lying on the ground in front of you. >The paper’s torn enough to reveal what’s inside: a large, crimson-red gem intricately carved into the shape of two water drops swirling around each other. >It almost looks like a heart. >You carefully pick it up off the ground to make sure it isn’t broken or scratched at all. >Thankfully, it’s as pristine as can be. >But when your thumb brushes across the brilliant shining surface of the gem, a strange warmth fills your body. >The feeling only lasts for a moment, though. >It's probably just your imagination. >You wrap it back up in the paper bag and place it securely inside your backpack. >You’ll give it to Sunset tomorrow at lunch. >Right now, you’re needed at the animal shelter. >There’s something different about the walk to the animal shelter. >The whole world seems quieter. >The chirping of the birds sounds farther away and it seems like there are fewer squirrels and chipmunks scurrying about. >Even the sounds of girls and guys your age heading home from school, they’re unusually quiet. >The only thing that doesn’t feel far away is the wind blowing past you. >Something your skin is really receptive to. >Your arms get goosebumps from the breeze, even though it’s fairly warm today. >You glance downward at the sidewalk, and it looks like it’s strangely wider today. >Or you got smaller somehow. >Whatever the case may be, it’s like the world feels emptier since you left school. >If only you could’ve walked up to Anon and told him how you feel about him… >Maybe then your little world would feel less empty. >While walking down the familiar road to the animal shelter, you close your eyes and play out a little scenario in your head. >You’d find the confidence you need within you to confess to Anon. >With some encouragement from your friends, of course. >Anon would be caught so off guard by your confession he would freeze up for a moment. >His lovely eyes would widen and his cheeks would flush red, and his lips would curl into a wide smile as he tells you he likes you, too. >You’re both so eager to start dating that he casts aside his evening plans and join you at the animal shelter. >You would hold hands all the way there. >...Gosh, it got hot all of a sudden. >You open your eyes and find the world just as… empty as it was before. >You stop walking for a moment as the warmth you just felt fades away. >The breeze blows through the trees, rustling the leaves. >It’s a quiet, empty chorus that plays as the background music for your life. >But you can’t stand still like this forever. >You take a deep breath to bring yourself back to the real world and walk what’s left of the walk to the animal shelter. >It doesn’t take much longer to arrive. >The building looks the same as it always does: old but still full of life. >The colorful paint on the outside walls has long since faded, but the paintings of little dogs and cats are just as lively as ever. >Just like those little critters, the sign above the door reading “Paw 2 Paw Animal Shelter” may not be as flashy as it used to be, but it’s still plenty inviting. >Although it could use a touch-up. >...Maybe Anon could help? >You shake your head to get those thoughts out of your mind. >Painting a building is a lot of work, you shouldn’t ask him to do something like that. >You march on inside to get to your volunteering duties. >You exchange hellos with Grace as she types away at her computer behind the front desk. >Thankfully she’s too focused on that to see you in your current state, no doubt you don’t look great. >Tending to the little critters goes by in a dull blur. >The hollowness of… everything infects this usually nice place. >The faint sounds of Grace clicking away at her keyboard echoing off the walls make the halls feel even more empty. >The little dogs and cats always make for wonderful company, but you can’t ignore the feeling that something is missing. >The walls are so far away and the ceiling is so high up. >Distracting yourself by cleaning the cages and filling up their food and water bowls only does so much. >And you shouldn’t text your friends right now, you don’t want to get too distracted from your responsibilities. >Besides, Rainbow has soccer practice, Pinkie’s working at Sugarcube Corner, Applejack has her farm work, and Rarity is always so busy with her seamstress business. >...None of them feel lonely. >Rainbow has her teammates on the soccer team, Pinkie is so close with Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Applejack has her family, and Rarity has her sister to advise every now and again. >But aside from the animals and Grace at the front desk, you’re all alone here. >That’s why you’ve been feeling strange ever since you left school. >You’re lonely. >Realizing that makes your heart sink even lower and your body grow even colder. >It stings. >The buzz of the fluorescent lights drones on, highlighting how there’s nobody else here with you. >There’s nobody to talk about school or hobbies with, or to tell funny or sad stories, or… >...Or to hold. >Why couldn’t you just go up to Anon? >He was right there. >All alone. >There was nothing stopping you but yourself. >You have to get a hold of yourself. >You can’t be losing yourself in your emotions right now. >After gathering all the cats back up and getting them back, you head over to the rabbit section. >You let them all outside to enjoy the nice weather and fresh air while you clean up their little cages and fill up their food and water. >They’re all so eager to run around in the sun that they scurry past you the moment you open their cage doors and bolt for the little doggie door installed on the door to the backyard. >They’re outside in the blink of an eye. >Leaving you alone once more. >With each passing second, that awful feeling of loneliness grows. >It may be unbecoming of you, but you sort of hurry through cleaning the cages so you can go outside to enjoy the sunny sky and fresh air. >The stale, faintly foul smelling air in here is starting to suffocate you. >You give each of the rabbits an extra treat in their food bowls as an apology for how their cage isn’t as clean as it normally would be. >You’re sure they’ll understand. >Once that’s done, you step outside to watch the bunnies enjoy the weather. >The sun’s rays blessing your skin with their warmth immediately lifts your spirits, even if only a little. >The gentle breeze makes a nice pairing with the clear sky. >Thankfully, you don’t have any homework, so you just sit on the grass and watch the bunnies run and play. >You’ve always admired how free they are. >Safe and sound, free to do whatever they like. >They make friends with each other and enjoy their days as much as they like. >...In any way that they like. >When you see that more than a few of the bunnies are… acquainting themselves with each other, you hastily avert your eyes. >You should have remembered, it’s the time of year for that. >You want to give them their privacy during such a private time, but they don’t seem terribly concerned about being seen. >It’s hard not to be jealous of that. >It’s love in its purest form. >Free of petty things like judgment or insecurity. >They’re all in their own little worlds, filled only by the two of them and captivated by their intoxicating emotions. >Though the love will fade once the mating season ends, it’ll last the rest of their lives. >They’ll build families that will last a lifetime, and multiple lifetimes after that. >... >The back of your right hand tingles. >Where Anon touched you. >You rub that little spot, but that doesn’t make it feel better. >You’re still sore. >Still aching. >Nobody’s ever touched you like Anon did today. >So gently. >So lovingly. >You relive that moment in your head. >That’s the closest you’ve ever gotten to experiencing what the bunnies are enjoying. >In that one, brief moment, it was just you and him. >No presentation, no teacher, no classmates. >He didn’t reach out to you like a friend. >He reached out to you like a lover. >He wanted you. >What if he didn’t stop there? >It would’ve been so easy for him to take your hand. >For him to pull you close, hold you by the waist, lean in, and kiss you. >You wouldn’t have been able to resist. >...You wouldn’t have wanted to. >You don’t know if you would melt in his arms or cling to him with all your might. >Thinking is pointless, anyway. >Emotions drive actions in moments shared between two lovers. >All you know is that you want him. >And he wants you. >He wouldn’t stop at just kissing. >His firm arms would travel all over your body, pulling your clothes off of you. >Kissing and rubbing getting more and more intense until- “Ouch!” >You’re snapped out of your fantasy when one of the bunnies nibbles on your boot. >Right behind him are the rest of the bunnies looking at you expectantly. >The sun is starting to set and it’s getting cooler out, they want to go back inside. >They’re probably hungry, too. “S-sorry, let’s get you all back inside.” You sheepishly apologize to your little furry friends. >You step aside and let all the bunnies scurry back inside. >The wind feels even cooler now as the sun descends, almost making you shiver. >...You’re sweating quite a bit. >Looks like you really lost yourself in your little fantasy. >Thank goodness nobody saw you like that. >Once the bunnies are all fed and settled, you get through the last of your responsibilities before heading home. >You hurry out the front door with a hasty goodbye to Grace so she doesn’t see you all flushed. >She’s too focused on her work to notice you, anyway. >While gazing into the evening sky, watching the sun set, you feel the lingering warmth within you and the tingling on your right hand. >Tomorrow is Friday. >The last day of the week. >If you don’t tell him tomorrow, you’ll have to wait the whole weekend before you’ll see him again. >You feel a little warmer. >More invigorated. >You’re gonna tell Anon how you feel about him tomorrow. >No matter what. >Flash forward to Friday morning. >You’re standing in front of Canterlot High School waiting for Anon to show up. >Last night went by in the blink of an eye. >You’re feeling so determined. >You’re feeling so brave. >Today is nice and warm and sunny, but inside you is a fire. >The fire of love, burning bright and true. >It might rain later today, but not even that can extinguish you. >You clutch your backpack with determination. >The moment you see Anon, you’re gonna march right up to him and say three simple words: “I like you”. >You rehearsed it into the mirror last night. >And this morning. >And quietly to yourself on the walk to school. >You promised Rainbow and Rarity over text that you would tell him the moment you see him, and you’re gonna keep that promise. >You’re also gonna return that beautiful jewel Sunset dropped after school yesterday. >Shoot, you forgot to text her about that! >She’s probably worried sick wondering where it is. >...It’s no big deal, you’ll just give it back to her at lunch. >Or you’ll text her once you’ve talked to Anon. >You’ve got the jewel safely tucked into your backpack, you can talk to Anon first. >It shouldn’t be much longer now. >School is about to start. >More and more students are starting to make their way into the building. >You anxiously scan the crowds to find your soon-to-be boyfriend. >With each face you see, you grow more and more impatient. >Where could he be? >What could be keeping him? >Could he have gotten sick? >You fidget with your fingers and gulp as you continue to search for him. >How is it everyone else is here except him? >Those other couples are getting you rather peeved. >They’re holding hands, talking so cute to each other, even cheek kissing! >It’s so annoying, like they don’t even care who sees them. >The fire inside you is gonna burn out of control pretty soon. >Anon, where are you? >School is moments away from starting. >He has to come in soon. >He has to. >And once he does, you’ll- >You freeze. >Time freezes around you. >You see him. >Anonymous. >He’s on his way to class, but he’s not inside yet. >You feel so hot. >The fire is spreading. >You’re feeling it in your lungs now. >Your legs lock up, and so do your arms. >This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. >Just go talk to him! >Say the three words! >The three words that’ll keep you from ever feeling lonely again! >But you can’t. >Something’s wrong. >You feel like you’ve got a terrible fever and your body won’t even budge an inch. >Seconds tick away, closer to the first bell of the day. >Move! >Please, legs! >No matter how much you beg your body to move or do anything at all, you can’t budge. >You’re completely paralyzed. >All you can do is stare at Anon. >Anon… >Oh, Anon… >You know you shouldn’t stare, staring is very rude, but… >There’s nobody you’d rather stare at. >There’s a beauty to him all his own. >This hair, his body, the way he walks, the sound of his voice, everything about him is so… him. >There’s nobody else like him at Canterlot High. >He’s never fallen into any of the cliques at school. >He’s always been himself. >He’s in a league of his own. >Such confidence, such conviction. >How has it taken you this long to see him like this? >He’s so… >...Majestic. >”BRIIIIIIING” >The harsh sound of the first bell of the day rudely cuts through the air, unfreezing time and ushering everyone to their first class. >You can only watch as Anon follows everyone else inside. >The moment he leaves your line of sight, the warmth in your body dissipates. >He didn’t even see you. >You couldn’t even move. >You failed. >All you had to do was say three words to him and you couldn’t even manage that. >No! >You haven’t failed! >You’ll still see him in second period! >But before that is first period. >You’ve been holding your breath. >You gasp for the air you only just now realized you need and let your entire body slump over, releasing all the tension you felt moments ago. >...What just happened? >You’ve never felt anything like that before. >It was such a powerful rush of heat and emotions, all from just looking at Anon walk up the stairs. >You didn’t have any problems talking to him yesterday, and now you couldn’t even walk up to him. >Was it just the pressure of having to ask him out? >You feel like such a fool. >You had to have looked so ridiculous, just standing there and staring at Anon. >Rarity’s gotta know something about this, she should be able to help you. >But first you have to get to class. >Ugh. >English goes by so slowly. >All you can hear is the clock ticking away, second by second. >Everything the teacher says goes in one ear and out the other. >All you can hear is the second hand on the clock above the door ticking away. >In stark contrast to earlier, you feel so sluggish. >It takes real effort to not fall asleep at your desk. >At least you already have a good grade in the class. >You can afford a day off in this class. >You’d never let Twilight hear you say that, though. >But then the second bell of the day rings. >Oh goodness. >You’re going to see Anon again. >Whatever happened before school, you hope it doesn’t happen again. >You have a promise to keep. >You try to get up from your desk and head out the door, but just the knowledge of seeing Anon again is enough to make your knees all wobbly. >Some of your classmates give you odd looks as you struggle to gather your things and get up from your seat. >That warm feeling inside you is growing again. >But it’s not like a fever. >Weirdly, it feels almost like your fight or flight instinct is kicking in. >But why? >It couldn’t be because of Anon. >...Right? >With a gulp, you finally gather your belongings and hurry out the classroom door to history class. >You keep your head low and your eyes on the floor as you rush through the halls and crowds of your classmates. >Hopefully none of them notice the state you’re in. >Is it too obvious that something’s wrong with you? >Out of the corner of your eye, you get a glimpse of your arms. >Oh, goodness. >You’re sweating a lot. >But it’s only warm today! >Maybe you should see the nurse, you could be really sick. >...But at the same time, you don’t really feel sick… >You feel nervous and jumpy, but also… excited. >You really want to see Anon again. >You’re fine. >Whatever’s going on, Rarity will know about it. >She’s the love expert. >Your little train of thought comes to a surprise stop when you stumble through the doorway of your second period class. >Your breath gets caught in your throat. >The heat within you flares up again. >Here you are. >Close to him. >He has to be close. >You shuffle off to the side to allow your classmates to fill into the room as you search the seats for who’s here and who’s not. >...Anon isn’t here yet. >Your shoulders sink and the heat within you dies down. >Drat. >If only he was already here, you could just tell him you like him before class starts. >It would only take about five seconds! >But he is in school today. >He’ll be here soon! >You’ll have plenty of time to tell him after class! >You make your way over to your desk and carefully sit back down. >History class is even more of a challenge to get through. >It’s like english, but Anon is right next to you. >Just being close to him has every sense of yours running on overdrive. >It’s very impolite of you, but you can’t pay much attention to the guys and girls giving their presentations. >...They don’t have much of a stage presence anyway. >Not like Anon. >They don’t have his confidence, his subtle charisma, his winning smile, or his addictive musk. >You peer at Anon from the corner of your eye. >He’s slouched back in his chair watching the presentations. >There’s so much about him you’re just now noticing. >The way his chest rises and falls with each breath. >The curvature of his arms. >The plumpness of his lips. >The sights and sounds of the classroom fades away. >You’re being taken back to that wonderful world where it’s just you and Anon. >Whenever his eyes glance over at you, you quickly avert your gaze to not look like you were staring. >”Fluttershy?” Miss Cheerilee calls out to you, cutting through your haze. >A flash of coldness shoots through your body as you nervously turn to face your teacher. “Y-Yes, ma’am?” >”Your classmates would appreciate it if you paid attention to their presentations instead of your partner.” She remarks. >Oh, no. >You’ve been staring at Anon this whole time. >You’ve even angled your whole body towards him. >Anon still looks friendly, but faintly uncomfortable by how you’ve been blatantly staring at him. >A fierce wave of shame and embarrassment washes over you, worsened by the sparse sounds of some of your classmates sharing hushed laughter. “S-Sorry…” You mutter, slumping back in your seat and turning back to properly face the front of the classroom. >The presentations continue as normal, but the embarrassed warmth in your cheeks lingers. >You keep your head low to avoid being looked at by your classmates, but you make sure to never take your eyes away from the front of the class. >The presentations are so dull. >...Anon… >If only it were just us. >If only he knew what he’s doing to you. >You’re feeling so warm. >Anon’s a fireplace, and you’re basking in his glow. >...You’re feeling… another kind of warmth… >One growing… between your legs… >Your thighs stay clamped together, but something sinful is threatening to claw its way out. >If you weren’t sitting so firmly on your hands, you don’t know where they would go. >You’re sweating even more. >Who knows what would happen if you tried to say something right now. >Thank goodness you presented yesterday. >You’re a mess. >When the bell signaling the end of class rings out, you almost leap ten feet into the air. >A whirlwind of students rushing out of the classroom surrounds you, but you’re in no condition to walk right now. >Now that presentations are over, you allow yourself to steal a glance at Anon. >He’s packing up his belongings, and your eyes happen to meet his. >Both of you quickly avert your gaze, but this very brief encounter pours more gas on the fire within you. >He looks like he wants to say something to you, but can’t figure out the exact words. >He thinks you’re weird, doesn’t he? >The way you were staring at him, you surely made him uncomfortable. >Or does he think you’re mad at him about something? >Today is spiraling out of control and you don’t know why. >It’s only after the scent of his lovely musk fades from your surroundings that you realize that he’s leaving for his next class. >In that instant, you gather up all your belongings and rush out the door after him with determination you didn’t know you had. >You’re in such a hurry that you end up running right into him, nearly knocking him onto the floor. >”Ah! What the hell-” Anon says to himself as he regains his balance, then turning around to face you. >The sounds around you fade out of your reality. >The compulsion to chase him shifts into keeping you rigidly in place. >Now it’s just you and him. >And your body isn’t going to let you get out of this. >”Uh, hey, Flutters…” He greets you again, happy but uncertain to see you. >This is it. >You have to tell him. >Clear the air once and for all. >Three words keep you from conquering your nerves and feeling his love. >I like you. >You open your mouth, but your tongue dries up. >No, please, say something! >Anon clears his throat nervously. >”So, uh, about that weekend stuff you were talking about earlier…” >Is he gonna do it? >Could he really be about to tell you what you think he’s gonna tell you? >”...Are you busy Sunday?” He carefully asks you. >Your eyes widen. >Your breath hitches in your throat. >The fire inside you spreads even further. >But the ball’s in your court now. >You need to answer his question. “...I…” >Your tongue is still so dry. >Say no! >Say you want to go out with him! >Say you want to cast aside all earthly bonds and truly love him! “...N…n-nuh…” >Anon’s eyes widen. >There’s a glint of hope in his hypnotic eyes. >Answer him! >The bell rings again. >You two are late for third period. >Anon’s spirits visibly fall. >The light in his eyes is extinguished in a fierce, cruel rainstorm. >”Well, I gotta get to class…” He mutters. >He’s trying to hide his disappointment, but you can tell. >It stings something fierce to see him like this. >You want to say “I want to go out with you” or “I’m sorry I can’t behave myself today”, but… nothing. >Anon hesitates for a moment, giving you an opportunity to say something, anything, but a force within you is keeping you paralyzed. >”See you later, Flutters.” Anon bids you farewell before heading to his next class. >Leaving you alone in the middle of the hallway. >You really need help with this. >...Whatever “this” is.