>Be Doc Blueberry >You check the time, Dinner should just about be over >You walk over to the intercom and pick up the phone "Anonymous please report to the Medical Room, Anonymous please report to the Medical Room" >Got to get that new guy in to make sure there are no injuries or boo boo's as ponies this deep into equestria like to call them >It's quite nice so close to Canterlot but at the same time some of these ponies.. >You get the check-form and Write "Anonymous" as the name "Hm.. guess that's kind of funny written out like that" >Knock knock "come in!" >"Uh is this the medical room?" "Yes, please sit down here" you point to bed around the size of this Anon creature, the pony ones are too small.. or he might just break them >"Okay, what do you want me here for Mr.." "It's Doc Blueberry and you're here for just a simple check up to make sure we know what to do if something goes wrong with you" >You levitate the paper onto a clipboard and sit across from Anon on your cool wheelie chair "Ok first is your name, It's just Anonymous correct?" >"Yeah, Whatever my real name is I don't remember" >Memory problems? better write that one down quietly. things like this usually scare ponies >levitating over your Stethoscope you put it in your ears and hold out the heart-listening part >"What's that?" >He doesn't know what a doctor is?.. "Its a stethoscope, it listens to your heartbeat so I can see if its beating at a consistent speed.. just gotta find your heart" >Anon grabs the end and places it on his chest. you begin to hear the 'thump thump' of his heart "Thank you.. now what species are you?" >"I'm human, I used to be an Undead but ever since I got here I can tell I'm cured" >Confused and shocked you ask "What?.." >"Oh like, Can't die.. or well can die but just gets back up and keeps on going until... you know" "N-no I don't know, You're saying you were a ZOMBIE?" >you lower the Stethoscope and float it over to the table behind you >"Uhhh.. maybe?" >Sweet Faust.. "Zombies are like um Undead ponies! they come back to life after dying, they're usually green and sort of mumble and can't think properly" >"oh a Hollowed Undead, Yeah I would have been one of those eventually if I wasn't cured. I came to Drangleic looking for a cure but now I'm cured and stuck here in this weird place with talking ponies" >You cannot think >He's.. He was?... HUH? oh! he must be pulling your leg "Oh haha good one Anonymous you fooled me there for a second I really thought you were serious" >he blinks a few times while staring at you >"I am" >No bucking way, He must be a master at messing with ponies "Ok so if you're an undead, how did you die? and what did it feel like" >"Which time? I've died many a-time, few times I just fell from really far and all my bones crumbled and my body exploded into nothingness. Once I was hit by a giant butcher knife and split in two" >"Uh.. another time I was burned alive by a women with very little clothes on, it was kind of distracting so when she threw a massive fireball I wasn't really expecting it. oh one of the WORST is being eaten alive by dogs" >"That's happened an embarrassing amount of times.. I try not to think about those, but the more I try to forget the more I can't remember what I really want to remember" >"Hey doc you in there" >Anon is right in your face "Ahahaha.. ha! yes yes.. Do not repeat any of that to me or anypony else, ever.. you could destroy all of pony society with even 1/5 of what you just said" >"Oh well that's not even 1/5 of the things I've experienced" "Please just shut the buck up" >"A-alright doc" >You write down on the clipboard in the 'Past Injuries' section "Many" "Lets just continue on and I'll try to wipe that from my mind, Next question.. oh what does it matter I can't fill this out" >"Sorry?" "No it's not your fault, the rest of this is meaningless compared to what you just said to me "What's his favorite cupcake flavor" I don't know who writes this manure" "Ponies just come here when they trip or fall and at MOST scrape a knee and then it's just an ice pack or a lollipop, often both" >You take a deep breathe and place your hoof on your forehead "Do you like pie? I can go get us a pie and we can just eat it here and pretend we're doing a medical checkup" >"I like pie" "I Actually bake the pie here too, Blueberry if you could imagine" >out no nowhere the window bursts open and all you see is a dark blue blur crash through and smack into the far wall >>"OOHF" >thud "Princess Luna? what's wrong! why are you her-" >>"DOCTOR BLUEBERRY! ANONYMOUS HAS HAD A TERRIBLE DREAM AND I NEEDED TO ASK YOU TO PREFORM PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT ON HIM!" >Luna is standing right next to Anon but hasn't seem to seen him yet >"hey" >Luna jumped out of her horseshoes and smacks into the ceiling, her horn in-bedded in it holding her up >>"hahah!.. A-Anonymous! how.. interesting to see you here hahaha.." "Uh-m.. yes Princess I understand Anon has had an interesting past that may cause some dreams of a questionable nature but please calm down.. and your horseshoes fell off" >>"They what?" >Luna looked down to see they fell off when she got stuck in the ceiling >she magic levitates up the silver horseshoes and puts them on with a blush >>"W-we're sorry you had to see that" >Anon clearly has no idea he just saw the princess practically naked >Thinking about it.. last time you saw him he was in full plate armor with all kinds of cloth covering even that >You grab the Princess in your magic and yank her out of the ceiling and gently place her on the ground "Do you need me to look at that horn?" >>"No thanks, Doctor. I am a big girl and I will be fine" "Lollipop?" >>"hm.... fine" >Luna levitates a lollipop out of the cup and puts it in her mouth >The door opens and gray crags stands there >>>"Anon are you ok?! I heard a loud crashing from this room. I wanted to make sure no-pony tried to give you a shot or something" >"Oh yeah nothing bad has hap-" >>"YOU!" interrupted Luna with a shout >Crags wing's splayed open fully and surprise shown on his face >>>"I-I didn't mean what I said about your behind!" >>"GET OUT!!!" >Luna magicked the door and slammed it right in Crag's Face >"Well I'm just going to be heading out. See you around Doc" >Be Anonymous >Anon promptly left Luna and Doc blueberry to talk about your medial history or whatever "Hey Crags, you alright?" >"Mostly " he said face flat on the ground >you helped him to his hooves "You need to go to the doc for that injury?" You say jokingly >"no no, I'm quite fine.. " >>"hey anon!" Said a pony you'd yet to see before. She was a sort of dull blue color with a pinkish mane "Uhm hi? Who are you" >she giggled >>"I'm Mare Lily!" "Mare Lily? Any relation to Warden Mare?" >she tilted her head >>"not everypony named Mare is related.. It's a quite common name" >>"I'm actually a carryover from a different story! Well.. In name only hehe. Thank Celestia I'm not stuck in that crap anymore " "Story? What story, I wasn't telling a story.. Were you?" You ask crags >he sighed >"No, Mare Lily is just a bit.. Um, well she's got a few screws loose" >>"Nuh uh, I have a few extra!" "Right.." >"Let's get out here, I don't want to run into Luna again. How about the Library" "You have one of those? Neat" >>"He's gonna be impressed, if he was born a few hundred years earlier and saw the grand archives maybe he wouldn't be" >She wasnt talking to you, Crags or herself directly. Maybe I should be careful around her >>"pssst you wrote "I" instead of "You" this is second person not first person" >"Lily can you please stop following us" >>"ha! Not following you, I'm following HIM" she points off into nowhere >"stop following US, as in me and anon! Please you're creeping me out " >>"I'm following the other anon, the one looking through the Rectangle. Yeah you chump. You think I'm not talking to you?" >>>"Ms lily, please come with me" said a guard pony" >>"cruel architect of the plot! Unhoof me you foul beast and slave to order and coherent writing! Reeeee!!!" Screamed Mare Lily >something about that pony unsettled you and you're unsure why >you've seen crazy but not quite like that before >several guardponies had to hold her down and drag her away "So, Library?" >"Mhm, Goob and Sunflower are off at there respective clubs right now earning some tokens" "When do I join one of those" >"Oh I didn't tell you? well in the library there's a list we can look at, the clubs and whos in them changes fast because ponies really aren't here too long" >He awkwardly smiles and says >"Apart from black suits.. you get to be here until the princess decides otherwise" >You hear a Mare lily shouting from way down the hallway >>"YOU BETTER GO SOMEWHERE WITH THIS STORY ANON!!!" "Does the white suit mean crazy?" >"Mhm"