Various shorts I've done featuring Babbling Brook, an awkward duck loving NEETmare. Will try to update whenever I do new Brookie shorts. *Or find older ones. ~ ~ ~ Pondside Musings "You ever think about, you know, getting a duck? Considering how much you gush about em' and all..." >"H-Heaven's no! I- I don't wanna be the reason some poor ducky gets sick or- or hurt or even worse! I'm... more of an observer." >You hear her rummage around in a paper bag a bit and then the distinct sound of seeds scattering on grass. >"...Who occasionally feeds them." >You turn to look over at your soft-spoken companion. >She's sat on the grass nearby, hunched over in some vague attempt at seeming smaller to the little ducklings quacking and feasting a few feet away. >She's staring at them with a fond little smile, not unlike their own protective mother. >Speaking of which... >Your gaze trails down the unkempt little mare's side and you find a dozing white call duck resting her head against Brook's blank flank. >Apparently, feeding the park ducks on a near daily basis gains you some waterfowl friendship. "You can't have Mrs. Rye, a known tail-grabbing grump, nuzzling your butt while you feed her babies and *not* think you're at least a little bit qualified!" >She doesn't respond right away, but the way her ears redden tells you that you're pushing the right buttons. >Brook gently sets aside her birdfeed and turns to face you, her mane pouring over her shoulders as she does. >"But I... I don't have my cutiemark..." >Her eyes fall upon the hen resting at her side. "Well, what's that got to do with anything?" >"If- If I don't have it, nopony will believe me when I tell them what I'm 'supposedly' good at! Th- they'll laugh at me... Just like m-my..." >Her ears pinned back, she takes a deep breath. >Whatever she was thinking must have been a bit much. >She wiggles her hindhooves a little, careful not to wake Mrs. Rye. >"D-do you... think I'll ever get my cutiemark? Be honest..." >You lean back into the bench and let out a sigh. "I think... It's a lot closer than you think." >Her mopey blue eyes fixate on you as you give her a reassuring smile. "I know you're afraid of messing up. Of being a... disappointment." >You gesture a hand at the little flock before her. "But this right here? That's not something a mare who doesn't know what she's doing can do." >Her face is getting redder by the second. "You're holding yourself back. I can see it." >You lean towards her. "It's okay to dream. Or to fail. Even if things don't work out, at least you tried, right?" >"R-right..." >The sound of rambunctious ducklings fill the silence between you. "So... Whaddya think?" >"I... don't know if an apartment is a good fit for a duck." "...Ah." >You rub the back of your neck a little. "Didn't think about that..." >Brook stifles a laugh. >"It's okay! I... I kind of needed the speech regardless." >She flashes a smile. "T-thanks for that, Anon." "Anytime, Babs! ...Maybe we can uh... get you a decoy instead?" >"Can I get a duck call too?" "Can't you quack already?" >"Qua- N-no! No I can't!" "Pfft, yeah... Whatever you say, duck mare." >"A-Anon!" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bedtime Brookie >"...anon?" >A whispery voice awakes you from your dozing. >You turn to the voice and are faced with a lanky mare in a green turtleneck, hugging a small plush mallard to her chest with a foreleg. >Seeing as you can barely make out her azure eyes through her ample mane, you're assuming she wasn't wearing her scrunchie right now. "Evenin' Brook." >She gives an awfully formal bow, her mane flowing forward in a gesture which obscures her face completely. "Good e-evening to you too, A-Anon!" >As she shuffles in place a little, you can only assume her covered eyes are glued to the ground. >"S-sorry for waking you but- but I was just wondering if I could... uh- uhm..." "Sure." >Brook freezes up, her readied words dying in her throat. >She brushes enough mane out of her face to let you see her bewildered expression. >"B-b-but you don't even know what I was gonna ask!" >You sit up in bed and give her a knowing smile. "Lemme guess... You want to hop up and sleep in my bed?" >Her ears flat against her mane, Brook trails a hoof on the floor. "N-no..." "Brookie... C'mon." >Brook musters up enough courage to look up at you with a wobbly lower lip. >"I- I had a bad dream and- and-" >You gently set your hand on her head, making her eyes widen. "It's alright. You don't gotta explain yourself." >You scoot over and lift up your blanket. "Unless of course you feel the need to talk..." >Brook's stutter only gets worse as you pet her mane a little. "W-well I- I mean I... I wouldn't... be against it? I like... talking." "Well then... get over here, mare!" >She takes a timid step forward, but stops to look down at her plush duck. >"Is it okay if I...?" "Sir Quacksley may enter my domain, dear Babs... Don't worry about it." >Brook stifles an awkward laugh. >"No need to be so formal..." "Could say the same to you." >"Hah... M-my teachers always said I was a very polite filly..." >Brook sets Quacksley on your bed and then starts to pull herself up. "Didn't you tell me that one of them let you hold a duckling once?" >As Brook gets comfortable on her side of the bed, a content little smile forms on her face. >"Mmhm... Ms. Marbles said that since I was the best behaved, I got to hold one of her duckies... it was so warm and fluffy... I so desperately wanted to take it home and show dad..." >Quacksley hugged to her chest, Brook snuggles up beside you. >Her eyelids were beginning to droop. >"I wanna... call duckie. Like dad used to raise..." >She stifles a yawn. "D...did you know that humans used them as living decoys a long time ago? Their call was used to lure in other duckies so they could shoot at them... Poor things..." >Brook's breathing slows."An...anyways... I think I'd name it after you." "Me?" >"Mmhm... I'd call it Nonny and it'd be our bestest friend forever..." "That's nice." >... "Brook?" >She's... fast asleep. "...Goodnight, Brookie." >With Brook nestled beside you, you can't help but wonder if your dreams will be as filled with waterfowl as hers... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Birthday Roadtrip >You can hear Brook nervously knock her hindhooves together in the passenger seat. >She's never been keen on car rides, but you know she'll change her tune once she sees what you have planned. >"S-so uhm... We're pretty far from the city." "Eeyup." >"...Why?" "It's a birthday adventure, dear Babs." >Still focused on the stretch of road before you, you listen to her let out a soft, awkward 'hah'. >"An- an adventure? I've- I've never been on an adventure before..." >She continues to fidget in place, making her seat squeak quietly. >You hear her place a hoof on her window. "Woah... There's- there's so many trees! I- I- I've never been around so many trees before! Do- Do you think there's a buncha birds in those woods over there? Or- Or maybe *those* woods?" "Well... Woods *are* known for having birds in them, Brookie." >"I- I know! I just... Sorry." >You chuckle a little. "There's no need to apologize. It's okay to be excited." >"Eh- Excited? I... I guess I *am* a little excited... And- and I don't even know what for!" "Do you wanna give guessing a shot?" >"I... Uhm... Advanced Birdwatching 104." "What-" >"It- It'sabookaboutnestingbirdsandtheirhabitsthatgivethereaderthoroughtipsonhowtospotthemand- and-" >You glance in her direction as she takes a deep breath after all that rambling. >"it'sgoodbook" She murmurs meekly into her turtleneck collar. "I mean... it *is* bird related, so you got that right." >You squint at the mile marker that you just passed. "Almost there. Hang tight." >"o-oaky..." >...It's quiet for a time as Brook regains her bearings, but once she does, she's back to leaning against the window, mumbling about all the sparrows, cardinals, and wrens (oh my!) she's spotting as you drive. >Actually, she's so focused on them that she doesn't even notice that you've pulled into a small gravel parking lot. >"A-Anon? You should look over here and see this adorable little titmouse! Isn't she just the cute- huh?" >Brook finally turns to face you, her flowing mane covering one of her mopey eyes. "Why'd we stop?" "We're here, mare. That's why." >"We're..." >You can't help but smile as she bolts upright in her seat once she catches a glimpse of the sign. >"C-C-Creeky Beaky Museum of Wuh- Westward Waterfowl?!" >She's practically bouncing against her seatbelt as she continues to stammer. "You ah- actually remembered that?! Look- Look at the c-carvings and- and the duck calls and- and- Ohmigosh!" >She points a shaky hoof at the large wooden statue of a mustachioed mallard near the entrance. "I-It's Sir Quacksley! He's really here! In the flesh! H-hullo!" "In the wood, technically." You quietly correct as she continues to gush. >"I can't believe this is r-real..." >You brace yourself as she finally undoes her restraints. >A soft ducky dork more or less tumbles into your arms with an excited squee. >"Thank you thank you thank you!" "So... I take it this was a pretty good birthday present?" >Brook looks up at you with a wobbly grin. >"T-the bestest!" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Hearts and Hooves Interlude (old Brook short from around the time she was made) >It's an early Valentine's morning and you're scrambling eggs. >It wasn't a fancy breakfast, but with the right amount of care and spices, it's really something else. >You almost feel inclined to call it your specialty... >'Anon's Famous Scrambled Eggs! Now available at your local fine dining establishment!' >The thought was amusing enough to warrant a chuckle. >You set your finished eggs on a plate and go back into the kitchen, intent on cleaning your trusty skillet while things cool off, only to hear a few quiet knocks on your door. >Huh, weird. >You wait a minute or so, seeing if they persist. >A few more knocks, slightly louder this time. >It's not even six yet, who'd show up this early? "Coming!" >After you say that, you hear something drop outside, albeit lightly. >By the time you open your door, whoever was there had left. >You look down, noticing a goodie bag with a folded note attached to it. >Well, that's a welcome surprise. >You pick it up and look through the clear plastic bag. >Inside is a box of candy hearts and a couple of fun size chocolate bars. >You turn the bag around and take the note off. >The note was a piece of yellow construction paper folded in half, held closed by a small piece of tape. >You crack a smile looking at the hastily written 'From Brook' on the front of the card. >You look towards her apartment, noticing a very obvious Brook poking her head out of the doorway. >She ducks a little more when you spot her, but she does leave her spot, staring at you inquisitively. >You take it she wants you to read the card. >You sit down and unfold the card, giving it a once over. >The whole thing has little hearts strewn about and on the left is a picture of you. >It's not all that detailed, but she certainly captured your good side! >Heh, you wonder if she does commissions? >The other side has some writing, well, a little more than 'some'. >'Happy Hearts and Hooves! I don't think I could say this stuff out loud without making myself upset so... here you go. Thank you for being my best friend. You always listen to me and encourage me to keep trying, and made me realize that I'm not- >The rest of the sentence is scribbled out but you can barely make out that the next word was 'useless'. >'I even made another friend! I don't think I could have done that if you hadn't helped me. I'm not sure what it means to be a 'special somepony' but I think you're really special so maybe that means you're a 'special someperson'? Anyway, I found some candy at the dollar store! These were the last ones, so that makes them lucky! I'll explain what that means later, it's kinda a long story. Thanks again, Anon. You’re the best!' >Wow. >That was... a lot. >You really got to return the favor. It's early enough that maybe you can snag something from the store. >But... for now? You got a mare to hug. >You get up and gingerly walk in Brook's direction, much to her surprise, although she doesn't run away. >Once you make it to her doorway, you kneel, getting to her eye level. >She shuffles in place a bit, looking at the ground. >”I um… I hope you liked the card…” >You give her a smile. “You did great, Babs. Happy Valentine’s Day.” >She blinks “Valen- Oh! Sorry, I forgot that’s what it’s called! H-happy Valentine’s Day!” “Well, they’re equally as catchy in my eyes. I’ve always liked pony naming conventions a little better anyway.” >You ruffle her mane a bit, earning you a timid smile. “Hey Brook?” >”Yeah?” >You want to make her day, just like she made yours. >And you know just the thing… “Would you be my Valentine?” >Her ears perk up. “Whuh? R-really?” “Who else would I ask?” >”Well I mean.. You have other friends!” >You motion her over, which she hesitantly obliges with a step forward, leading you to wrap your arms around her, Brook stammering a little before going silent. “I’ve only got one *best* friend, and a special little mare fits the bill!” >She breaks a minute long silence by mumbling something under her breath, though you don’t quite catch it. “Come again?” >”I’m… s-special? B-but I’m… Not.” >”You are to me.” >She takes a shaky breath and hugs you back. >”Thank you… I-I… I’d like that!” >You hug her for as long as she needs, which… takes a few minutes. >Not that you mind. >Once she was sufficiently hugged out, you let go and stood up. >You turn to Brook, who is a bit teary eyed, but happy. “So… Ready for an unforgettable day out?” >”What do you have in mind?” >Oh! You… You didn’t think that far ahead. >You rub the back of your neck. “I uh… I don’t know.” >”Maybe… we can go bird watching!” >Brook shuffles a bit in place. “I-I mean… If you want.” >You give her a warm smile. “Sounds like a plan.” ~ ~ ~