Prologue: >Be Mrs.Harshwinney >You approved a request to form a club as a member of the school staff >It's a club meant to serve as a support group for overly shy people >You hope to help them become more confident like yourself so they can go on to have successful careers >You go to the first meeting of the new club feeling optimistic >Once you get there and see the four girls in attendance they all look as shy and skittish as you imagined >Though one thing you didn't expect is they all have enormous chests >Even bigger than yours >Still, you keep your professional composure and do a formal introduction before seeing what they want to do here "So, girls, what made you decide you want to become more confident?" >They might not answer so easily, but hopefully asking them directly will get somewhere >One of them you recognize speaks up first >"I'm... I'm Fluttershy, and I was hoping to become more confident so I could get a boyfriend..." >You internally sweat because that'd probably be the one thing you aren't prepared to help with >The other girls nod and press the issue further >If you tell them you've never had a boyfriend you doubt they'll take you seriously at all >Then you wouldn't be able to help them be more confident in other pursuits like career goals >So you decide to pretend to have knowledge and experience with dating >It's not like you've never heard advice about it you could retell and you know about having non-romantic relationships with people >That should be enough to at least help them get their foot in the door "Sure, I could help you with that." >The green one among them speaks up now >"Hi, uhhmmm, I'm Wallflower... Are you sure? No boys even seem to notice I exist..." >That's normal if she doesn't make herself known "If they don't approach you, then you need to find a boy you like and make the first move yourself." >It's common sense to you, but all of them practically seem to have an anxiety attack thinking about it >A girl with a more gray color theme to her clothes and hair is next to speak up >"I... I couldn't possibly do that! I hardly ever leave home! How could I 'just' walk up to and talk to a boy?!" >She starts to hyperventilate and takes out a paper bag to start breathing into it >Fluttershy pats her back while trying to calm her, "It'll be okay Marble, that's why we're here after all." >The anxiety in the room rises before the last girl who hasn't spoken yet speaks >"What if I get rejected?! I don't think I could handle that..." >All the girls seem to agree with her, but you don't think they have that much to worry about considering their 'assets' >You've got to turn things around and quick "Alright girls, let's just take a deep breath here..." >You do some exaggerated deep breathing to help them follow your lead >It does seem to help a little >"I'm Moondancer by the way..." >The last girl introduces herself after calming down a little >"You girls really don't have that much to worry about. You're all very beautiful girls with great figures." >Marble fidgets with a blush before asking, "D-do you really think so?" "Of course I do, if you approach a nice boy and talk with him. He'll be head over heals for you in no time." >She seems very happy to hear that >In fact, all of them seem very willing to listen to you now >Maybe if you could just shift the topic away from boys you'll be able to get to more familiar territory >Talk about securing a good job instead >Though for the rest of the club meeting boys is all they want to talk about >How to talk to boys >What boys like and what do they do for fun >How can they get involved in those activities with boys >Once talking with a boy, how do they get them to stick around >You try to answer the best you can, but you feel like blind leading the blind here >You project the best air of confidence you can, but you feel like the longer you talk about it the more cracks will start to show >How long before they realize you don't have any actual experience with dating? >You hope they don't find out, and that you really will get to talk about something besides boys >Though hearing their worries about boys does remind you of a younger you >Back then you devoted yourself to work instead of worrying about securing a boyfriend >Was being a workaholic even back then the real reason, or was a part of you shy like them? >You can't help feeling a sense of comradery with them hearing their concerns and wanting to help them Proper start: >Be Anon >You are at lunch sitting in a back corner practically hiding by yourself >Like you usually do >When your attention is caught by the mention of your name >You look in the direction to see Flash Sentry looking for you >Recently you'd done a class group project with him >You both needed to create a powerpoint presentation about something and do a presentation on it >You did most of the research and explained it to him so he'd know what to talk about >He wrote the script for the presentation based on your research and you made the powerpoint based on the script >Then he gave the presentation while you sat at the computer and moved the powerpoint along as he spoke >You think the arrangement worked quite well >Especially since you'd have frozen up in front of the class trying to give a presentation >So you wonder why he's looking for you now >Out of curiosity you leave the table and sheepishly get his attention >He notices you quick enough to realize where you'd been sitting >"Hey, Anon, why sit all the way out here by yourself?" >You feel put on the spot, but need to say something "Well... I don't know very many people and don't feel comfortable sitting at a table people are already at. Back here I can consistently find an empty table." >Flash stays positive and gives you a few firm slaps on the back >"There's no need for that, come sit with me." >He takes you with him more towards the center of the cafeteria >All the noise from people talking around you is making you feel on edge and anxious >After sitting down he says more about why he looked for you >"I thought you were an alright guy during the project we worked on, and was wondering how you're doing. I hadn't seen you at all since. Now I think I know why." >You definitely don't put yourself out in the open often >You're a bit like a mouse that way >Though you wish it didn't have to always be that way "How do you just put yourself out there in front of people and talk like that?" >Asking him hoping there's some kind of secret to it >He looks at you a little confused >"It just comes naturally to me. If anything I'd want to ask why you seem to have so much trouble with it." >Sometimes you wonder what you'll do after graduation if you can't get over your social anxiety >Since you've heard how important networking is for getting a job >You're only a sophomore, so you have some time, but you can't not think about it >Without even saying anything further about how much this worries you Flash can tell how troubled you are >He then seems to remember something >"I remember seeing an announcement about a new club that started for helping really shy people, like a support group kind of thing." >That sounds interesting, but maybe too good to be true >"I may not know how exactly to help you be more social, but maybe they can." >Maybe, but will they? "I... I don't know... Are you sure they're legit? I hear most things that promise help like that are scams..." >Flash laughs >"Come on, Anon. It's a school club, how would they make any money tricking anyone? It's not like you pay to join." >He's got you there >The more Flash thinks about it the more sure he seems that you should join this club >"I'm pretty sure they meet every day after school. Let's go then and check it out." >You feel nervous about and and shake a little wondering how to tell him you don't want to >Though before you can he assumes you will as he leaves after the bell rings ending lunch saying, "See you then, Anon!" >The rest of the school day you feel a knot in your stomach considering trying to avoid him after the end of the last class >You almost feel like you'd trained for this the way you'd always practically hug the walls as you went around the hallways and avoid any attention >Yet... >Once school ended even your best efforts didn't stop Flash from finding you right away >He got behind you and started pushing your back to get you going towards the club room >Having apparently found it before school ended >You want to resist more, but you don't work out and it's not like you want him to get hurt >Once the door with a sign for the club on it comes into view you reflexively dig in your heels and Flash has a much harder time pushing you >"It's for the best Anon! Just get in there!", Flash says with a strained voice as he stubbornly pushes you the rest of the way to the door and opens the door before shoving you in >Inside you see four girls and a woman you recognize as Mrs.Harshwinney >All of them have huge chests and kind of impressive figures in general that make you flustered and almost makes it feel like a trap for beautiful women to be at a club like this >You're the only guy here and their stares at you feel like they pierce into your soul >You panic and turn around trying to turn the doorknob and leave >It's useless because Flash is holding the door shut >You freeze when you hear Mrs.Harshwinney address you >"There's no need to be so nervous, you're here to join the club, right?" >Letting go of the knob, you turn around and answer her while staring at the ground, "Well... Uhmmm. Y-Yes..." >She gives a frustrated sigh before speaking again >"Alright, come take a seat over here and introduce yourself, Anon." >It seems she remembers you well enough as well to remember your name >You look back up enough to see where an empty seat is before moving over to it and sitting down >The seat is next to Mrs.Harshwinney, and after you sit down you hear the girls whispering to each other about you being a boy >Making you worried that you're unwelcome because they expected only girls to join >"Go on and introduce yourself." >Mrs.Harshwinney prods you again as you sat there feeling like coming here was a mistake "I'm... I'm Anon, nice to meet you all. I, well, I always have trouble speaking up, especially in front of people... I kind of hope to fix that before I graduate because I don't know what I'll do after graduation otherwise..." >Looking up a bit to see how they reacted to their reaction to their introduction they seem more understanding and sympathetic to what you described rather than like they want you to leave >Bringing your head all the way up, you can't help but smile a little at the thought of being accepted and welcomed >Mrs.Harshwinney pats you on the head lightly >"You're the exact kind of person this club was made for, welcome aboard." >You hear murmurs of agreement from the girls before Mrs.Harshwinney prods them to introduce themselves as well >They all blush profusely and seem reluctant to do it >So Mrs,Harshwinney introduces them instead seemingly unwilling to wait for them to do it themselves >"First we have Fluttershy, the founding member of the club. Although she's still very much shy, I'd say she's normally the one who has the least amount of trouble with her shyness." >She meekly waves to you before saying, "Hi, Anon." >"Next we have Marble, she's homeschooled but still allowed to join the school club because her sister Pinkie attends the school. In fact, it was Pinkie who recommended to Marble she join the club after Fluttershy told Pinkie about the club since they're friends." >Marble hides behind her hair as she waves to you much more meekly than Fluttershy, in fact it was hard to tell she did it at all >"Then Wallflower here joined the club after seeing a poster for it. Honestly she hasn't said much about herself and nobody has been around to say more for her. So my introduction for her is a little lacking, I'm sorry about that." >She waves to you with a bit more of an energetic jerkiness to her hand while blushing and averting her eyes >"Finally we have Moondancer. As far as I'm aware the last member to join before you. She's been ignored by people she tried to make friends with before and feels burned by that, but hopefully we can help her be more comfortable with opening up to people." >Moondancer gives a quick huff while waving to you, apparently not exactly liking the introduction given for her >After everyone is introduced there's a silence that feels awkward >You're forced to say something "So... What do you normally do here?" >The girls clam up again and avert their eyes even more from you >Are they always like this? >You guess it makes sense given the nature of the club, but they're making even you feel outgoing by comparison >More surprisingly though, even Mrs.Harshwinney seems reluctant to answer that question >It seems like she's even blushing a little before she coughs uncomfortably and turns her chair to directly face you rather than the center of the group >"I'm going to demonstrate something with you for the rest of the club." >The air feels tense as even Mrs.Harshwinney takes time to prepare herself for what comes next >You'd never seen her apprehensive about anything before now >"How are you going to ask him to be your boyfriend?!" >Moondancer blurts out as you feel your face burn up like you got red hot coals shoved in your face "What?!", you yell without thinking >Mrs.Harshwinney glares at her sharply and Moondancer cowers immediately >"You can't just ask a boy to be your boyfriend right away! You need to talk about other stuff first to get to know him better!" >She retorts while sounding upset and very uncomfortable with a clear blush on her face >"For all you know when you just meet him he could be dangerous!" >Adding before glancing back at you >"Anon here is a gentle boy who wouldn't hurt a fly, obviously, but just for the sake of argument what if it was a farce, and he had a dangerous and violent side to him deep down he was hiding until you realize too late?!" >Clearly trying to scare them into not trying to just jump into a relationship as you sit there completely shocked >"That's... kind of hot...", Maybe mumbles before adding, "D-do you think he'd choke me, just a little, not too much...?" >Mrs.Harshwinney goes into a full rant after hearing that >"Don't be like that! What's the matter with you?! Women get killed that way! By abusive boyfriends! It's terrible!" >Calming down a little after, but stil continuing >"It'd be one thing if he just pretended to be a bad boy, but you shouldn't want a guy who's actually dangerous. You should want a respectful guy who'll treat you right." >Marble is clearly very embarrassed and nods in agreement with what Mrs.Harshwinney is saying >Mrs.Harshwinney actively calms herself down before addressing you again >"So, what do you normally do for fun?" >Asking you about a much more normal topic "I like video games. More specifically I like turn based games like strategy games or RPGs. Since they give me plenty of time to think about what I'm doing. If it gets too hectic I get nervous." >Mrs.Harshwinney seems to get more comfortable as she asks you some follow up question about specific games you've been playing and what they're like >You find yourself feeling more comfortable as well talking about the games >Everything is going smoothly until a lull in the conversation happens, and Moondancer raises her hand >"Yes, Moondance?", Mrs.Harshwinney asks in a very teacherly fashion >"Are you going to ask him to be your boyfriend now?" >Mrs.Harshwinney sighs wearily and shakes her head face down in her palms >"You know what" Fine, I'll demonstrate what happens if you just ask out of the blue like that." >She then turns back to you >"Will you by my boyfriend?" >You blush fiercely and feel put on the spot >How could you deny her? "Y-Yes!", you respond nervously feeling like it's what you should say >Mrs.Harshwinney blushes a deep crimson before scolding you >"That's not how you should respond after a quick conversation like that! You should say you don't know me well enough to give an answer yet! You should talk more, hang out a few times, go to a cafe or something, a first date before you decide if you'd date for real!" >She looks away and trails off while clearly imagining a scene in her head >"On that first date you'd feel the romance in the air... Talk about your feelings for each other... Maybe go back to one of your places... Get comfortable with each other on the couch, and decide if your truly right for each other while in each other's arms..." >She then stops to look you in the eyes like she's wondering if your 'yes' was serious >"You shouldn't toy with a girls emotions like that by saying 'yes' unless you really mean it "I... I'm sorry...", you respond feeling bad about it >Mrs.Harshwinney pats you on the head a couple times >"It's okay, Anon, I did kind of put you on the spot there, and we're learning here. So it's expected to make mistakes." >She then places a hand under your cheek, holding your head as she clearly thinking about what she said earlier about going on a date >Mrs.Harshwinney then abruptly shifts gears by getting out of the seat she was sitting in >Gesturing for Fluttershy to come sit in the seat >"Let's have Fluttershy come over and try having a normal conversation with him. Just talk about something completely mundane. Like maybe the animal shelter." >Flutershy is reluctant as expected, but with further prompting Mrs.Harshwinney manages to get Fluttershy to take the seat next to you and facing you >She whimpers a bit cutely before starting to say something >"Like she mentioned... I volunteer at an animal shelter... I really care about the animals and like taking care of them..." >You actually think you've heard about her and the animal shelter before "That's very nice, I wish I had something so noble to be passionate about..." >You say praising her as she blushes and hides behind her hair a little >"You could... Uhmmm... Join me and help out too sometime. If-if that's okay with you..." "That sounds fine... When would be a good time for it?" >Fluttershy mumbles and seems too nervous to say a specific time Mrs.Harshwinney tries to help her out >"Maybe you could try talking about video games with him as well?" >Fluttershy then brings up she has a few games she plays as well >Mostly games that have to do with caring for animals or otherwise very cutesy games about animals >Definitely nothing where anything bad happens to any of them >Not quite your cup of tea, but it's already obvious to you why she'd like those games >She mentions one time she was playing one of her favorite games with one of her friends, and they got mad because they were competitive and Fluttershy was too good at the game >Fluttershy of course felt bad about it >Only intending to have fun with a friend rather than be competitive about it >You wonder how you would handle a situation like that >If you had a friend who was being very competitive and getting upset like that, what would you do? "That must have been difficult to deal with..." >Commenting as she nods before saying, "Well, I did somehow manage to calm Sunset back down... So there's that." >You talk a bit more about games, but the conversation trails off and dies as you end up awkwardly sitting there in silence >Mrs.Harshwinney decides to see if someone wants to swap with Fluttershy and practice talking with you next >You expect nobody to volunteer, but Moondancer seems eager to >You're nervous about it because of how she was trying to push Mrs.Harshwinney to demonstrate how to ask you to be her boyfriend >The reason you were nervous seems to be completely right with the first thing she says >"I know Harshwinney told us we shouldn't just ask you to be our boyfriend right away..." >She said before Mrs.Harshwinney interjected >"Which I said for good reason. Please stick to a normal conversation topic." >Moondancer seemed unsatisfied with this >"You said wed need to hang out for a while, and go on a first date first, right? How would we do all that here in the club room? Couldn't I just pretend I did all that since it's just practice anyway?" >Mrs.Harshwinney huffs and scowls at her >"We aren't completely restricted to staying in the clubroom, and developing your abilities to socialize normally and talk with him like a normal person is very important." >"But Mrs.Harshwinney!" >Moondancer pouts cutely while Mrs.Harshwinney stands her ground >She's got really dorky glasses with tape in the middle, a short ponytail that looks like a grandma tailored it for her, but a sweater that nicely shows off her sweater puppies >Even the first two points have a kind of charm to them >If this were outside the club and she asked you to be her boyfriend, you'd probably say 'yes' >It's not like you have extremely high standards in that regard >Though you don't know why she seems so adamant about this "If you don't mind me asking... Why are you so rushed to have a boyfriend?" >You'd also definitely noticed that everything they've done has revolved around that, but that's a question for another time >She's caught off guard by you directly asking that >"Well... We all want a boyfriend, but I'd might as well tell you why I'm so impatient about it..." >Moondancer says while fidgeting and staring at the floor >"My parents... They've been pushing me to get a boyfriend, and I've kind of... Told them I do, and they want proof of it. I keep putting it off, but..." >She shouldn't have lied about it, but she probably felt too cornered about it to think rationally about it >"So... Do you think you could be my boyfriend? So I'd really have one?..." >You're tempted to just say 'yes', but Mrs.Harshwinney would likely scold you for it >Marble speaks up even if softly >"I-if he becomes your boyfriend... Then... What about us?" >Moondancer looks to the other girls with a look on her face like she feels guilty >"He-He doesn't have to be my boyfriend for real... It's just practice, right?! He could practice with me and all of you too, right? Just practice would be enough to get my parents off my back if I just..." >Not tell them it's just practice >Though you feel some doubt about if it'd really be practice or if she means it >Mrs.Harshwinney looks conflicted as the other girls seem exchange glances with each other as well >"I mean, I suppose if it's just part of our club activities and practice... I don't know I might have to think about it more. Though don't try to make Anon do anything he's uncomfortable with, and let's keep it PG." >Moondancer sees the opportunity to make her case more and takes it >"Otherwise you wouldn't be able to demonstrate for us either if only one of us could have him act as our boyfriend. It has to be all of us, just for practice and demonstration. Not for real." >Mrs.Harshwinney nods now seeming fully convinced >"Okay, but don't neglect trying to socialize with him more normally as well. It's not just important for a relationship before you start dating, but afterwards too." >Moondancer takes some deep breaths before addressing you again >"Let's try this again, would you be my boyfriend, please?... You'll give the rest of us a chance too, right?" >The way she asked made you feel absolutely compelled to say 'yes' "Well, uhhmmm, yes. Yes, I will. To both." >Moondancer blushes a deep crimson and seems overjoyed and overwhelmed >She was no doubt expecting that answer and yet still unprepared just the same >It seems like she might pass out >Moondancer also starts stammering extremely flustered before saying anything coherent >"Just for practice purposes! Just for practice purposes! I don't know if I'm really prepared for a boyfriend! Just practice!" >You try to calm her down "Yes, of course, just practice. No serious commitment or anything, and I'll help you with your parents. Even if we aren't seriously dating I'll help you with your parents anyway, I can only imagine how stressful it must be being pressured by them like that." >Moondancer seems to calm down a bit though still blushing profusely >She then quietly gives you the most sincere 'thank you' you think you've ever heard in your life >You seriously don't know what her parents are like, but you're feeling very nervous about meeting them >After a bit of thinking about it you realize she's gone as quiet as you >"Maybe it'd be best if we swap out again." >Wallflower volunteers and swaps seats with Moondancer >She hesitates and stammers a bit before Mrs.Harshwinney tries to prod her to talk about herself >"I'd like to know more about you though..." >She says before nervously bombarding you with questions >"Where do you live?", "What's your favorite color?", "Who are the patriots?", "What's your birthday?", "Do you have any siblings?", "What are your parents like?", "Where's the milkman?" >You're overwhelmed by them and lose track of which ones to answer >Though the 'favorite color' one stands out >Mainly because Wallflower is so green >Kind of similar to yourself, and you do like the color green >Yet you're unsure if saying that will make her think you're just saying what she wants to hear >As for some of the other questions... "Maybe you could come over to my place sometime..." >Wallflower's face turns a deep red as she replies, "I'd really like that..." >You're not sure why, but she really doesn't seem to want to talk about herself "How about yourself? Is your favorite color green? Maybe you're favorite food?" >She looks away and fidgets while stammering "Maybe is there something you like to do?" >They continue like that, and Mrs.Harshwinney steps in >"We've talked about this, you need to provide your own input into a conversation. It can't just be talking about him." >Wallflower whimpers and whines a bit before answering >"I uhmmmm, I like gardening..." >So cute... "That sounds like a fine hobby." >You don't really know anything about plants, but you can picture her tending to a flower bed >"You, you said I could come over to your place, right?..." >She sounded really nervous yet excited when asking it "Yeah, I'm not entirely sure when, but let's find a time soon when you can come over." >She excitedly nods before going quiet again >Mrs.Harshwinney moves things along again >"Who hasn't gone yet?" >She thinks for a few seconds before looking to Marble >"Marble, how about you now?" >Marble meekly nods before swapping spots with Wallflower >She starts with an introduction >"I'm Marble Pie... I live on a rock farm with my family... Hardly anyone is ever around besides my family..." >She pauses in thought before continuing >"As Harshwinney mentioned I'm homneschooled, but I joined this club because Pinkie recommended it..." >Marble looks up at you and down again >"Honestly, it's been fun having friends like this, and I really hope I can spend some time with you, too." >You nod with a smile listening to her, and she blushes adorably >She blushes deeper before continuing with a shaky voice >"A-about the whole choking thing..." >You jump startled because you never would have thought she'd bring that up >"It's not like I want to get hurt... It's just that my family really values strength. I'd like it if you could act strong, maybe a bit dominant... Especially if you're ever around my parents..." >Imagining them as super strict and strong mountain people makes you wonder something "Do they also try to pressure you to get a boyfriend like Moondancer's parents?" >She shakes her head >"I'm Moondancer, and I'm uhhh..." >She clearly wants to say she's your girlfriend, but can't get the words out >"Nice to meet you, but I don't think I can let Anon stay over unless I meet your parents first. Just a safety thing, hope you understand." >Moondancer nervously nods even knowing your mom can't see that >"O-of course!" >"Anon, honey, be back before eleven, okay?" "Okay, Mom." >"See you when you get back, and have fun." "Thanks, Mom." >She then ends the call >Mrs.Harshwinney looks worried >"Make sure to behave yourselves." >She said as it seemed like you were about to leave with Moondancer "Of course, I won't do anything to get us in trouble.", you say to reassure her >Mrs.Harshwinney gives you a look like, 'it's not you I'm worried about' >Moondancer pulls you along with her while giving rushed goodbyes to her fellow club members >She explains that she lives within walking distance and guides you while clinging to your side >Arriving it looks like a rather plain house in a good neighborhood >Without any delay she takes you into her house >"I'm home, and I've finally brought my boyfriend!" >She says before bringing you in front of her so you'd be front and center >Her parents come in from the dining room, and actually look like very kind and sweet people >Moondancer's mom speaks up first >"That's wonderful, sweetie. He looks cute~." >Saying in an almost teasing tone while looking you over >Her dad chimes in next >"I'm hoping you could make some regular friends too, but it's good you've got a boyfriend like you wanted. See, you could do it if you set your mind to it." >They don't really sound like they'd been pressuring her to get a boyfriend >Moondancer quivers and shakes behind you like she's embarrassed >"Well, he's here! No need to doubt me now!" >Saying defensively before tightly hugging you from behind >Her chest pressing into your back forcing a heavy blush from you >"We didn't doubt you, sweetie, it's just normal for any good parents to want to meet their daughter's boyfriend." >The mom responds sounding a bit hurt to be accused of doubting her >"So, how did you meet?" >The dad asks inquisitively with great interest >You give your best answer "I met her when I joined the club she's in. It's a club for shy people who want to overcome their shyness." >After saying that they both look at you more intensely, and their gaze makes you nervous >"We've never heard of this club. What's it like?" >Maybe you shouldn't have mentioned the club >You definitely don't want to say it was a bunch of girls like her talking about how to get a boyfriend until you joined >To avoid this getting really awkward you're going to need to bend the truth a little "She has other friends there too who are like her. Mrs.Harshwinney is the advisor to the club and does her best to help them." >Her parents look happy with that answer >"That's even better! We were mostly just worried about her being unable to socialize. Knowing she has friends really helps put me at ease." >The mom says as her dad agrees with a nod >This really does beg the question "So, were you not pushing her to get a boyfriend?" >Moondancer squeezes you so tight it nearly cuts off your ability to breathe >"We just wanted her to have friends really, it was Moondancer who insisted she'd get a boyfriend." >Seems like she wasn't completely honest with you, as well as her with her parents >"C-could we go hang out in my room now?" >Moondancer says anxiously obviously wanting this conversation to end >"I think we'd like to have a talk with him in private, if that's okay with you." >Her dad says somewhat sternly >She lets go of you and backs off sheepishly >"Oh... Okay...", she says with resignation in her voice >Sheepishly slinking away looking like she already assumes some kind of defeat >Her parents come up to you much closer and start whispering with you >"Did she force you in any way?" >The mom asks >"Are you really her boyfriend?" >You feel like there's not point in not coming clean "Well, I am her boyfriend and she didn't force me, but I became her boyfriend today... She wasn't really being honest when she said she had a boyfriend before..." >Whispering this they understand but are definitely dissapointed with their daughter >"What about the club? Is that real?" >The dad asks you "Yes, that is real. I don't know how long she's been a member of the club, but it's obvious to me they're all very tight knit there. So I'd say she's been friends with them for a good while." >The mom looks like she wants to press you further >"Sorry to be like this, but my mother's intuition tells me there was more about the club you were avoiding saying." >She's spot on with that, and just looking at her you know your reaction gave that away "I'm not 100% sure about it, but I think they were mostly talking about how to get a boyfriend with each other before I joined rather than being less shy about anything else..." >They both look like they actually expected that answer >"Again, we're sorry about grilling you for answers like that, and our daughter isn't mean anything bad with the dishonesty." >Her dad explains before continuing >"She had a friend before, but when she moved away they lost touch with each other and Moondancer took it hard. She'd missed graduation last year because she wasn't going to classes, but now with online classes it seems she's back on track..." >His voice trails off with worry for her >"I don't know if you'll stay her boyfriend or not, but even if you don't keep dating could you stay friends with her? Help her graduate and open up more? I know it's asking a lot, but..." >You don't think he needs to say more "Of course. I'll do what I can." >The mom tightly hugs you and profusely thanks you while swinging you around >You can definitely tell where Moondancer got it from feeling her chest against you, but you wouldn't dare react to this the wrong way >She sets you back down before long, and they let you go to join Moondancer in her room >"Make sure to leave the door open.". the dad calls out to you before you get out of earshot >Leaving the door open like they said you see Moondancer sitting in front of the tv with a dvd of the original Star Trek on the menu >She's got a collection of the whole series next to her >Moondancer motions for you to sit next to her, and she leans on you when you do >She then starts it up on the first episode of the show >You'd heard a lot about it, but you hadn't really sat down and actually watched the OG Star Trek before now >Besides Moondancer's body pressed against you, watching the show with her like this feels pretty wholesome >She cuddles into you as you both got comfortable and settled into watching together >At one point her mom brings in some chicken nuggets and veggies for you both to eat >You make sure to thank her for it and Moondancer follows your lead with it >Her mom seems to really appreciate that and doesn't seem used to being thanked like that >You eat the dinner together while continuing to watch >After it's done you insist on taking the dirty dishes to the sink and rinsing them off before putting them in the dishwasher >It didn't take long and you were back with it only paused for like a couple minutes >Moondancer seems sleepy as it goes on and seems like she might fall asleep leaning on you >It wasn't much longer before it was getting late, and it was time for you to go >Moondancer grabs your arm as you're getting up >"You'll come over again soon, right?", she asks with a very insecure tone "Of course, we've got that whole collection to watch, right? Plus more?" >She smiles and nods before letting go of your arm >You say your farewells and mention you needed to be back before eleven to her parents as you head out the door >They insist on driving you home, and that way they'll get to meet your parents at the same time >You accept since that sounds perfectly fine >You get in the back of their car while they sit in the front, and you head off >Giving directions you get to your house in no time >Heading in your parents are there to greet you, and they see who you brought right away >They introduce themselves and let you head to bed while the two pairs of parents talk it out >You don't go too far and eavesdrop a bit >Her parents give you glowing praise for how you behaved at their place, and your parents reassure them how good a boy you are >With that you feel content you don't have anything to worry about with their conversation and get ready for bed >You plop down in bed feeling excited about what might happen tomorrow >It becomes a bit hard to go to sleep, but eventually you head off to dreamland and wake up the next morning >Your morning routine goes like usual despite how eventful yesterday was >You get ready for school like usual and head out >School itself starts like normal, at least until the halfway point when you go to the clubroom for lunch instead of your usual spot >You take your lunch into the clubroom to find everyone else already there >They were clearly interested in how things went last night with Moondancer and were asking her questions about it >Mrs.Harshwinney notices your arrival first and doesn't approve of your lunch >"The cafeteria food is garbage, Anon. You should be eating better." >She said before blushing slightly as she offered and alternative >"I could make your lunches from now on." >This drew the other girls attention to her instead of Moondancer >Flutthershy asks, "You know how to cook? If it's okay... Could you teach us how to cook for a boy too?" >Mrs.Harshwinney blushes deeper before she answers >"You don't have to be a master chef for that. You just need to know what he likes and... Make it with love..." >She sounds really embarrassed to say that last part as she trails off and averts her eyes from your direction >Then everyone's eyes were on you... >They of course wanted to know what kind of food you like >You have a burger and fries on your plate >Though that's because you'd say that's the best the cafeteria has "I'm not an especially picky eater... I'm sure just about anything you want to make for me will be fine, and it'd be rude to not show appreciation for the effort you put in..." >Trying to be polite didn't exactly satisfy them >They'd rather hear something specific to make "I can't exactly eat five lunches either... Though maybe you could just try making something simple." >You suggest as Mrs.Harshwinney interjects >"I was just thinking I'd make you a healthier sandwich, and make sure you get plenty of veggies." >She looks you over again before getting closer >"You definitely aren't as healthy as you could be. Let's make sure you get some exercise too." >Mrs.Harshwinney cradles your cheek in her hand as she looks into your eyes with concern on her face >Marble comments on it, "Uhmmm... Mrs.Harshwinney?... You're acting more like a mom than a girlfriend..." >Mrs.Harshwinney blushes a deep crimson before returning to her seat quickly >"N-not that I should be acting like his girlfriend anyway! He's a student and I'm a teacher!" >She's extremely flustered and embarrassed about it >Fluttershy tries to help her calm down >"It's fine to do that here, Mrs.Harshwinney. You're just demonstrating for us, right? We won't let you get in trouble for something like that." >Mrs.Harshwinney does calm down a bit but remains flustered >"You really think so? It's fine to act like I'm his girlfriend?" >The other girls back Fluttershy up and reassure her they think it's fine >"I wasn't trying to act like a mom though... It is important to look after his health if you love him..." >She says defensively as the other girls drop the subject >You realize you hadn't been eating your lunch because you were too distracted by everything going on here >It's cold now, but you quickly eat it before lunch ends >All of you quickly scurry off to your classes knowing you'd see each other again soon after school >Your classes seem to go on forever as you anxiously await going back to the clubroom >Mrs.Harshwinney is especially occupying your mind right now >She's a very responsible teacher who has seemed to always have your best interests at heart >Looking after you and making sure you didn't get picked on or anything >Now you wonder if she was more interested in you than you thought >Was it the other girls who made her start thinking that way about you entirely, or was there a spark like that already there? >You really aren't sure >Though she definitely isn't bad looking >Sure she's significantly older than you too, but there's something about it that makes your chest feel tight >A part of you just wants to give in to being hers no matter if it's okay with the rules or not >Not that you think you should just say that to her >You're even less sure how she'd react to you saying something like that to her >Then end of school eventually comes and you head back to the clubroom >You arrive last again and the girls are discussing cooking from before >Mentioning online cooking shows they'd heard about and other cooking guides >While also reassuring Mrs.Harshwinney it's fine that she's not a master chef like they assumed earlier >When they notice you arrive they stop what they were doing to focus on you >Fluttershy asks you, "We'd heard from Moondancer how it went last night, but let's heard from you too." >You get your thoughts together how to describe it before answering "I thought it went perfectly fine. Her parents were nice and friendly. We watched some OG Star Trek together and had a nice dinner. It was a very nice and wholesome time." >Looking at Fluttershy and then the other girls they react like you didn't quite describe it the same way as Moondancer did >Though none of them look like they're about to explain how your story of how it went differed >Mrs.Harshwinney then called everyone's attention to her >Before practically giving a lecture about what dates are supposed to be like >What kind of places are appropriate date spots, what you do there, and all that >She stressed the idea that going to your houses is meant to come later rather than the first thing you do if it's a serious relationship >Yet none of the girls seem to want to go to public places like Mrs.Harshwinney suggested much, and still prefer the idea of you coming to their houses >Well, except for Wallflower >Who again expressed her interest in your house >In fact she seems very intent on coming over to your house tonight >Eventually the club draws to a close with them continuing to discuss how to best spend time with you >Wallflower jumps to your side and clings to you >"I'm coming home with you! I know you'll say yes, you said I could earlier!" >You can't deny you did say that "Sure..." >Responding as she pulls you out of the clubroom with her and out of the school before being forced to let you lead because she doesn't know the way to your house >When you get there you go in with her still clinging to your side >Your parents don't really react to Wallflower as much as you'd expect and just greet you like normal >You take her to your room and start up a co-op Mario game to play with her >You're playing that when you realize she hadn't asked her parents if she could come over before doing it, and hope she doesn't get in trouble for it >After a while you have to go to the bathroom >You let her know before going, and come right back >Yet she seems to be gone when you get back >She's not sitting at her controller, you look around the room, and don't see her >You head back out the room and head to the living room where your parents are "Did you see where the girl who was with me went?" >They look at you oddly >"Isn't that her right behind you?" >They ask before you turn your head back to look >Nobody there >They chuckle a little >"Oh, I see, it's like a little game or something. Oh, you kids." >Your dad says as you're genuinely confused >Heading back to your room you try looking for her again to no avail >You sit at your controller and try calling to her come over and continue playing the game with you >Nothing >It seems like she must have gone home or something >You hope you didn't do something to upset her >Feeling down you just get ready for bed and go to sleep >Though in the morning you wake up having trouble breathing >Your face is being smothered by something >Fully waking up you realize your face is buried in Wallflower's chest >She's in bed with you holding you in her arms pressing your head between her tits >"Are you noticing me now, Anon?" >You face feels like it's on fire with how hard you're blushing "I-I thought you went home! Where were you?!" >She frowns before answering >"I was with you the whole time!" "Why didn't you just continue the game with me when I invited you to?!" >She averted her eyes as her resolve crumbles and she mumbles something inaudible >"Either way, I want you to make it up to me!" >Wallflower says as you're unsure what she means "Of course I didn't meant to upset you! W-what would you like me to do?" >Asking her as she grins wide >"Let me come over whenever I want." "Yeah, of course you can." >You say wondering why she'd think you wouldn't let her come over >She holds you tighter and presses her lips to yours quickly before pulling back >Blushing profusely herself like she's surprised she did that >Then letting go of you and letting you get out of bed >You get changed in the bathroom to avoid changing in front of Wallflower >Though while there her words about having been there the whole time repeat in your mind >You didn't change in the bathroom last night when you changed into your pajamas >Without thinking about it much harder you get ready for school and head down for breakfast >Wallflower sits with you at the breakfast table like it's perfectly natural >Your parents are looking at her somewhat oddly though, and you can't tell what they're thinking "I-is something wrong?" >You ask them knowing there's plenty wrong with it, but what will they say >Your mom is the first to speak up >"Aren't you a little old to be sharing a room with your sister?" >You're floored she'd say that and you drop your fork >"I'm not his sister!" >Wallflower says before your dad comments >"If you weren't then that'd make sharing his room even worse, but..." >He says as he thinks hard before continuing >"I'm sure I'd seen you a lot before, I'm not entirely sure I remember where or when, but it doesn't feel out of place seeing you, and you being here feels natural." >When Wallflower realizes what he's talking about she looks like a deer in headlights >"I was just kidding! I'm his sister alright! His loving, doting big sis!" >She says before pulling your into her arms and cuddling you affectionately "W-Wallflower!" >You say in a startled and embarrassed voice >Your parents chuckle and seem amused like you are just a little brother being embarrassed about an overly affectionate big sister >"Well, get ready for school you two." >Mom tells you as Wallflower keeps holding you close >"Of course, Mom! I'll make sure to take extra good care of my precious little bro!" >This is all a bit much for you, and you're definitely confused about why she's just leaning into acting like she's your sister so hard >You quickly eat the rest of your breakfast even while restrained by Wallflower's arms as your parents push you to go to school with your 'sister' before you'd be late >Once out of the house you're dying to ask her what that was all about >Though the more badly you want to ask the more the words get stuck in your throat and you have trouble actually asking >You definitely don't want to talk about what happened there with the other club members >If you were to retell the story you think you'd stop at saying you played some Mario together >Anything after that would be way too awkward to talk about >You have to say something "Uhmmm... Wallflower?..." >Asking as she nearly jumps out of her skin knowing what you want to ask about >"Let's just... Pretend that didn't happen. I didn't think things through and ended up playing along just to avoid things getting a whole lot more awkward than it already was..." >You have a lot more questions about it, but it'll certainly be easier to leave it at that for now >Wallflower continues clinging to you as you arrive at school >Only a couple people glance over at you two, but most just continue as usual >Soon she has to part ways to go to her classes and you head off to your own >You seriously wonder what you would say to the other club members when you go to the club room during lunch >As much as you would want to simply not think about it you can't >Wallflower acting like she's your sister after your parents start thinking she is >With both of you being green someone might think you're related somehow >Yet, you aren't >At least you're pretty sure you aren't >If she was your sister you'd have known, and she said she wasn't before she decided to play along >Though where did your parents see her before, and why was she so frantically not want them to think about it any harder? >All you do know right now is you simply don't have the answers >When lunch does come around you go to the club room without getting lunch at the cafeteria first >Thinking lunch may have been made for you from yesterdays talk >If not you could still go to the cafeteria to get food >Even not going to the cafeteria first you're still last to arrive to the club room >Do they all run here? >Either way the other girls were questioning Wallflower about her time at your place, or at least trying to >Wallflower seemed to be dodging answering any questions as had as possible >Of course you know why >They all turn to you, and you're not feeling much like you want to talk about it either >"What exactly happened, Anonymous?" >Mrs.Harshwinney asks as you feel like she said 'Anonymous' like a parent using your full name when you're in deep trouble >You don't feel like you can hide anything from her >Which makes you want to say it even less, but what do you do? >You sit there like a deer in headlights until it feels like divine intervention comes >The club room door swings open as it seems someone new is coming in >Sweet, a distraction! >A younger girl who's head comes up to your chest comes into the room looking really worried about something >She has a cute sweater with candy canes on it, big glasses, and red poofy hair >Though of course there's no way you can't not address her huge breasts >Kind of like the other girls, but on her short frame the look even bigger proportionally >She addresses Mrs.Harshwinney first as the adult in the room >"Mrs... Could you help me? I want to find someone I'm worried has gone missing, but I'm too much of a nervous wreck to go out searching myself..." >Only after saying that does she scan the room to see who else was here >Then her eyes lock on you, and she looks shocked >Her face goes from worry to being overjoyed >"I found you already! How lucky you were here" >She runs up to you and nearly tackles you hugging you from the front >Her chest presses into your crotch as you take a quick sharp breath because you weren't prepared for it >"I'm so glad you're okay!" >Saying before leaning into your chest as every movement the rest of her body made cause her breasts to rub up and down against your crotch >Your body shakes as you try keep your lower rejoin calm and not 'react' the wrong way >Fluttershy looks mortified seeing her do this before saying, "To do that so shamelessly?... Anon, did you have a girlfriend already?" >Moondancer looks like she's beating herself up inside as she says, "I should have known it'd be like this!" >All of them are some level of distraught >Even Mrs.Harshwinney tells you, "If you had a girlfriend, you should have told us." >The new girl takes in what they're saying and looks hurt too >"You already have a girlfriend?... I should have known you'd be taken already..." >Acting dejected now even while still hugging your front >"T-they uhmmmm.... Meant you...", Marble tells her >She looks shocked to be told that >"W-what?! Me?!" >Now looking very flustered >"I couldn't possibly be sempai's girlfriend already! It's too soon! Unless..." >She looks up at you again >"Am I your girlfriend?" >Asking like she really wonders what you'd say >You don't even know what her name is >Mrs.Harshwinney calms down a bit >"Alright, let's calm down and back up a bit here. Let's hear your story from the beginning." >She tells them before looking at them a bit more sternly hardly a moment after speaking >"No really, back up from him, take a seat instead of carrying on like that." >They seem to have no idea what Mrs.Harshwinney is talking about even as her chest practically envelops a stiff tent you couldn't possibly stop from forming >You actually wonder if it's possible she doesn't feel that against her >Fluttershy backs up Mrs.Harshwinney telling her to stop >"Regardless of your relationship with him or not... Could you please not do that in the club room in front of us?" >She still acts like she has no idea what Fluttershy is talking about >Even as your pants are the only thing keeping your dick from being sandwiched between her breasts >"Even with my glasses, I like seeing things up close. Plus, staying close like this just feels... Right." >Moondancer looks like she's about to blow a fuse >She gets up and actually pries the girl off of your and makes her sit down in an empty chair >They whine and complain a little but don't fight it much >You quickly sit down as well hoping nobody really notices the state of your pants if you sit quickly enough >Mrs.Harshwinney then prompts the new girl again to introduce herself and explain >"I'm Twist, I'm a freshman here, and I uhmmm... I love my sempai!" >She ends yelling nervously while staring at the floor >Then glancing up at you before back down >"After he helped me out with a school project I'd see him at the cafeteria during lunch. I wanted to sit with him but couldn't work up the courage to do it..." >You don't remember the project with her >"Then yesterday he was suddenly gone, and when he wasn't there today either I really got worried something had happened to him..." >She really looks like she wants to jump back at you but knows she's been disallowed from doing that >"I was going to get help having the courage to do a serious search here, but it seems he actually was here." >After that she doesn't seem to have anything else to say, and that it's the whole story >Mrs.Harshwinney then comments, "So that's what it was. I guess if he did have a girlfriend already I'd have known." >Would she have? >That comment caught the attention of the other girls as well >She then reveals a small lunch box she hands you >You open it and see a carefully made sandwich >"Almost forgot the lunch I made you with everything going on." >You're about to thank her when Twist comments >"Are you his mom? Can I have permission to date your son?" >Mrs.Harshwinney blushes a deep crimson before responding >"I'm not his mom! I'm his teacher!" >She then stumbles and tries to correct herself >"I mean I'm... Never mind that!" >Fluttershy jumps in next >"If you are dating him... Do you think you'd be willing to share him? With us?" >Twist seems to be confused by the question >Moondancer jumps in to the conversation next >"I want to date him as well... In fact... We basically all do..." >The rest of the girls give mixed responses but give some level of agreement with that, even Mrs.Harshwinney >Twist then thinks about it while seeming nervous >Scanning her eyes across each of them and recalling anything she already knows about each of them >"I'm not sure how that would work, but I'm open to the idea... You're all trustworthy girls, and I really do want to be close with him, even if it means sharing him with you all..." >Mrs.Harshwinney, while heavily blushing, tells her something more related to the club to get away from the current topic at least a little >"So... Welcome to the club, Twist." >The rest of the girls share a look with each other before deciding something collectively >"I think we have enough members now." >Moondancer says pointedly >The rest of the already existing member girls eagerly agree with her, and Moondancer turns to Twist >"Could you help us take down all the posters around the school advertising the club for new members?" >Twist nods quickly wanting to agree and get along >There wasn't enough time in lunch left to actually do that, but everyone agrees to do it after school >You end up quickly eating your sandwich from Mrs.Harshwinney right before lunch ends before scurrying off to the rest of your classes for the day >Sitting through your classes seems to take forever as you feverishly await your time after school >You feel anxious about it actually worrying a bit what might happen, but you're also very excited about what might happen at the same time >When classes mercifully end you head back to the clubroom >Where everyone including the new club member Twist is chatting while waiting for you >Everyone perking up when you enter the room and being the center of attention is something you've always felt like you should hate >Yet, somehow here it isn't >The first topic brought up is the idea of you going to someone else's house tonight >Twist gets excited about the idea >"Could you possibly come to my house?", Twist asks you >You just know the other girls would have a problem with this "I kind of doubt the others would be okay with you 'cutting in line' so to speak the first day you join the club, but let's just see what they say for themselves." >It was clear you were spot on with that as they respond agreeing immediately >Moondancer gives a more definitive response, "I wouldn't be against him going to your place at all, but I think you should have to be last. Like on Friday. He's been spent the evening with myself and Wallflower so far. I think it could go Marble tonight, Fluttershy tomorrow, and then you." >That really fills up your schedule, but it's not like you'd actually say no or have a reason to fight it Though Mrs.Harshwinney tries to advocate for you just in case you weren't okay with it and just not speaking up about it >"Let's make sure that's okay with Anon before just agreeing on it." "I mean... Yeah, it does kind of tie up my schedule, but I'm not against it. I do enjoy spending time with all of you." >"That sounds fine...", Twist says sounding a little disappointed but clearly agreeing it's fair >Marble is blushing and fidgeting looking like she wants to say something >Once she notices you looking to her she speaks up, "W-would you really want to come over to my place?... It's really nothing special..." >She says while glancing down in a way that makes it seem like she really doesn't think much of where she lives "I'm sure your place is fine, and I'd be happy to come over if you'd let me." >You say wanting to cheer her up and not wanting to encourage negative thoughts about where she lives >Your response does bring an adorable smile to her face even if still hiding behind her hair "I'll just make sure to ask my parents first." >You say before giving you mom a call >She picks up before long asking what you called about >Then you explain you'd like to go over to another friend's house and mention Marble Pie and try to describe her family from what you know >"Oh, that's fine. I already know Cloudy because I'm in a book club with her. She's the most morally upright and principled woman I know. So I'm positive nothing could go wrong if you go over to her house. Stay the night even. I know their place is far out so it wouldn't be very feasible to get you back at a reasonable time tonight." "Thanks, mom." >"I'm definitely glad you're making friends now, Anon. You've been coming out of your shell lately, and I'm all for it." >You feel embarrassed to be praised like that, especially since they aren't exactly normal 'friends' >"I'm going to get going then, and thanks again!", saying before quickly ending the phone conversation as you mom says her farewells and to have fun as well >After that Marble clearly wants to know exactly what your mom said, even if it was already clear she basically gave you permission "My mom said I could stay the night over there because she knows and trusts your mom, and knows you live too far away for me to go there and come back the same night at a reasonable time." >Marble is clearly excited but hides behind her hair even more >"My dad will be here to pick me up after we're done here for today, and I'll make sure you can come over with him when he arrives. I can't really call because neither of my parents have phones..." >Twist asks some questions about Marbles family and home which Marble avoids answering clearly >It's clear Twist is just curious because she hasn't been around here enough to get to know the other members well >Marble doesn't seem entirely against answering Twist's questions either, but is just evasive basically out of habit >After a while of this the club meeting is called to a close and you head out with Marble >She takes you to a beat up and slightly rusted old truck as you feel bad for not being surprised by how it looks >A tough and grizzled older man in typical farmer attire the driver seat looks you over before asking Marble, "Who's he?" >Marble stammers before trying to answer, and you'd try to help her but you're sure he doesn't want you speaking for her >"He's a friend, Anon... I'd like him to come over and his mom already okay'd it and says she knows mom." >He raises an eyebrow and describes your mom, and you confirm it's her >With this he motions for both of you to get in >Marble sits up front with her dad and you get in the back >He takes off and it really does take a while to get to the destination >Way far off into the sticks you arrive at a tiny farm house surrounded by rock formations and mine entrances >After getting out of the truck Marble sticks close to you as you all head into the house >A very strict looking woman in an old timey modest dress who's no doubt Cloudy is there glaring at you at first which intimidates you >Marble's dad explains who's son you are and that you and Marble are friends, and her expression softens >Still strict, but not so much like she's trying to put the fear of god in you >"Okay, but make sure to behave yourself.", she tells you as it now sounds more like saying what she needs to say rather than seriously trying to scare you >A couple of Marble's sisters are here too >One of them wearing a very basic frock looks at you with a more or less expressionless face while there other with shorts and a tank top looks angry and motions like she's going to be watching you threateningly >Marble quickly takes you with her to her room not wanting to stand out in the open being stared at by everyone with you >Her room is pretty standard you think >She motions for you to sit down on the floor with her and takes out an unlabeled notebook >Then she explains that it's a notebook she's been writing poetry in and wants to read some of it to you >You aren't super into poetry but feel it'd be rude to say 'no' so you encourage her to continue >The first one is a short poem about a large standing rock in the ocean by itself being buffeted by the ocean >Listening you can't help wondering if there's symbolism at work and the rock is supposed to represent herself >When the second one is also about a lone rock standing in a field you feel like you were spot on >It becomes a theme with the poem she reads you where it sounds like they're about her feeling isolated and alone >There was at least one where the rock isn't alone and has others supporting it, and it feels like she's acknowledging her family's support and efforts to help her >Even if that's not enough to entirely erase feelings of isolation >After reading the last one she wants to read to you she asks for your thoughts >You genuinely aren't sure what to say >Really not wanting to just dive into the psychoanalysis you did because that feels like it'd be mean and make her uncomfortable >Maybe you should just ask if symbolism was intended "I noticed that there was a big theme of a rock usually being by itself. Is that supposed to represent anything?" >Marble seems unprepared for that question and thinks about it >"I just kind of expressed myself without really thinking about it, and rocks is basically what my family is all about..." >Now you're really glad you didn't just outright say what you thought it all meant >You reassure you that you thought they were very good and thought provoking >Almost like perfect timing her sister with the frock pokes her head in and calmly lets both of you know dinner is ready >"Thanks, Maud.", Marble tells her politely and you follow along >As you leave the room into the hallway you see the other sister who jumps when you spot her like she got caught doing something before acting natural >Seeing you wonder about the other sister's behavior she explains bluntly >"We were both at the doorway the whole time keeping an eye on you two, unlike Limestone I won't hide I was doing that. You did well playing nice with Marble." >Now you know both their names and Limestone pouts about Maud's bluntness about it before storming off to the dining room >You follow with some distance with Maud and Marble into the dining room >A very large array of food is set across the table as the family members are dishing themselves up huge meals you couldn't imagine being able to eat in one sitting >Even Marble dishes herself up a huge meal as you wonder how she could possibly pack it all away >So you dish yourself up a more modest serving you can actually eat >Cloudy lightly comments that you wouldn't be able to put any meat on your bones eating so little when she sees your plate, but doesn't press you on it >Strangely enough while you were eating your meal they really did manage to eat their huge plates of food >You guess you shouldn't be so surprised because they wouldn't dish themselves up like that unless they could really eat it, but it's still out of the ordinary for you >Immediately after dinner it seems everyone is going to bed in order to wake up at the right the next morning >You don't try to argue about staying up later even if it feels too early to go to bed >You're directed to Pinkie's room which is being treated as a guest room while she's staying with the Cakes in town >Pinkie's room is a very pink and girly room like you would expect having even seen Pinkie before >After getting ready for bed you get in the bed while making sure not to touch anything you don't absolutely have to >It feels strange to be staying in her room when she's not here, and also going to bed so early >Your eyes wander looking at everything in the room while you feel like you shouldn't be there and don't feel sleepy >It's like torture trying to get to sleep under these circumstances >Worst of all it's not like you could even be mad about it because this is really all you being awkward and not used to their way of life rather than them actually doing anything wrong >Eventually you apparently get to sleep because it like it time skips to morning >You feel like shit and Limestone is waving her hand in front of your face after nudging you awake >It takes a bit for you to catch up with the fact it's morning and you're supposed to get out of bed now >Wishing you knew what time it was because it's got to ungodly early >"Hey! Earth to Anon, are you going to get out of bed or not?!", Limestone presses you "Okay..." >You weakly reply before moving your body which feels like a sack of bricks out of the bed >"You didn't touch any of Pinkie's stuff did you?!" >She starts interrogating you as if it wouldn't be clear everything is where it should be >"Of course not... I wouldn't do that.", you reply just now remembering this was Pinkie's room coming more out of your mind fog >You feel crabby and irritated, but even then you couldn't bring yourself to be rude >Limestone pouts slight but seems to believe you >Almost like she's upset to NOT be able to criticize you for anything or catch you doing anything wrong >"Anyway... We're going to school soon, so make sure you get ready. I'll be back soon, and then we'll go with Maud." >So wait... "Is Marble the only one to be homeschooled?", you ask unable to help yourself >"Yeah, she just isn't really comfortable to go to the school with all the people there. Why ask?", she retorts "I don't think I've seen you or Maud at school before. So I thought Pinkie was the only one of you who went to the school.", you say honestly >"I don't think I've seen you either, what do you hide or something." >You can only respond off the cuff here "Well... Uhmmm... Basically yes. I met Marble in a club for shy people..." >"That certainly explains things.", she says before pausing a bit >"I'm sorry if I'd scared you or anything up to this point. I'm just very protective of my baby sister and don't want anyone to hurt her." "I may not have siblings myself, but I think that's definitely understandable.", you say as she seems caught off guard by that >Maud pokes her head in before saying, "Are we going yet, or not?" >Limestone seems embarrassed as she presses you to quickly get ready to go >You hurry up and do just that before going with Limestone and Maud >Their dad now shuttles you to school >The sun isn't even out yet, but it really does take that long to get there that you arrive without a lot of time before school would start >Their dad gets you attention before telling you, "I'll go back and get Marble after her homeschooling session with Cloudy is done, and bring her back up to join you in your club." >The poor guy must be going back and forth a lot here "Thanks, it must be hard on you and your truck to do all this shuttling around.", you say as he grins a little >"Don't worry about ol' me. Just be a good friend to Marble, alright?" >You nod with a smile on your face before heading off to class despite still feeling extremely tired because you didn't get enough sleep >In classes you try to pay more attention than usual to make up for how tired you are >Then when it was time for lunch you got your lunch and went to the clubroom >Marble was there like usual and must have arrived between your first classes and now >She notices how tired you look and looks concerned, in fact they all do "It wasn't like anyone did anything wrong... It just felt wrong to stay in Pinkie's room and I wasn't used to how early they go to bed over there or how early they wake up..." >Fluttershy cuts in before anyone gets the wrong idea about you staying in Pinkie's room >"Pinkie wasn't there so it's not like he shared a room with her. Pinkie is staying with the Cake family while working part time at their bakery.", Fluttershy explains as the others who didn't know the situation calm down pre-emptively before getting worked up about it >Harshwinney then asks Fluttershy, "If you go along with the group's plan, what would you do with Anon after school?" >Fluttershy doesn't take long to respond >"Do you think you could help me with my volunteer work at the animal shelter?", she asks you nervously >You don't see anything wrong with that "Yeah, that sounds fine. Could even be fun."