>A shiver passed down your spine as soon as you sat down. >Three deadly predators circled around you. >You let out a nervous chuckle. “I’m in danger.” >You whispered to yourself. >They were just sitting there, menacingly, as you waited for your ale. >Day had just turned into night as you’d found your way into the pub you currently sat in. >It wasn’t a fancy place, but it was clean and not too crowded. >It’d been a long day of moving into an apartment inherited from a relative you’d last seen as a little colt. >All that hauling had left you with a thirst that could only be quenched with a fine ale so you’d wandered around town until you ended up here. >You were a pegasus of no particular renown or skills, or looks for that matter. >Which was why- >A sudden thump made you flinch. >”Here you go.” >A barmare set a mug of beer in front of you. >For a short moment, you felt the predatory pressure dissipate. “Thanks!” >You flashed a smile at the busy looking mare and slid two bits to her. >She scooped them up and rushed back towards the counter and its taps and pints. >With the predators distracted, and with the first sip of malty beer in you, you had the courage to glance around. >There were lots of ponies around you drinking, talking, and being merry. >And then there were the predators. >One, a zebra mare with a burger and a beer in front of her, had her hooves crossed as she glanced at you with idle curiosity and a sly smile on her lips. >She was either almost sober or very good at hiding it. >The second one was an older unicorn mare with a wine bottle and glass and a book with her – and, by the looks of it, most of the bottle in already in her. >She had her lower lip sucked between her teeth as she stared at you, not even the tiniest hint of shame on her. >The last one was an earth pony mare. >She was sucking some cocktail through a straw with a hint of red rising to her cheeks as she realized you’d caught her staring. [x] Join the Zeeb >You had little doubt that all three mares would be most interesting to get to know better, but there was one that caught your attention above all. >The grey and white striped one. >Her eyes twinkled and the corners of her mouth twitched as you glanced at her again. >Your chair scraped the floor as you pushed it back and hopped off. >Snagging your beer, you strode off towards the zebra mare. “Hi! Would this seat happen to be free?” >You waved at the gray and white mare and nodded at the unoccupied seat opposite to her. >She studied you with her piercing cyan eyes for a second. >”Have a seat, be not a fright. We can enjoy this delight!” >Taking a swig of her beer, she pointed at the chair with her free hoof. >You slid your drink onto the table, pulled the seat back, and plopped your behind on it. >Had she just… rhymed? >”Ah! It has been a while.” >The zebra licked her lips and glanced at her glass, giving it an approving nod that was accompanied by a flick of her ear. >”Now, am I making myself a clown, or are you new in town?” >No, she most definitely rhymed. >You followed her example and took a gulp of your ale. >It was dark and malty; just the way you liked it. “No, you’re right. I’m new and only just moved in today.” >You thought you said something wrong when she stared at you as you set your glass down. >The corners of her mouth twitched and her sly smile turned a tiny bit wider. >She reached out with a hoof and planted it on your cheek, then moved it across your mouth in one soft motion. >A fair bit of foam stuck to her hoof as she pulled it back. >A mild heat rose to your ears and cheeks. [x] Thank her and introduce yourself. Ask about her. “T- thank you? Anyways, the name’s Anon. Who might you be?” >The mare’s brow furrowed as she mouthed your name. >She then gave an approving nod before going for a gulp of beer. >”I am Zecora, shaman of the Everfree. But do tell, why did this town call for thee?” >You sucked your lower lip in between your teeth. >Just blurting out that you inherited something as valuable as a house was no good, right? >...then again, it was the truth. “I… inherited a house in here. So I decided to move in and…” >You trailed off as Zecora drew a sharp breath and covered her mouth with a hoof. >”I must apologize! I did not mean to remind you of a loved one’s demise!” >Staring at her for a few seconds, you gathered your thoughts. >You then stuck up a hoof and shook your head. “No, no. No need for that. I hardly remember him. I last met him as a little colt. I hear he just really didn’t get along with his closer family so-” >Shrugging, you were relieved to see the zebra set her hoof back onto the table. “-I ended up with it out of the blue.” >She studied your face for a moment with her eyelids twitching, then nodded. >”I was about to suggest we adjourn to give you time to mourn. But on your face I see a smile, so I suppose you can stay a while.” >She traced the rim of her glass with a hoof before lifting it to her lips and going for a deep swig. >A bit of foam stuck to her snoot as she lowered the glass and gulped down the beer. >That was your chance to get even. >You reached out with a hoof, and- >Her reaction was immediate. >Her hoof twitched and moved towards yours, before she stopped it and turned to stare straight into your eyes. >She had a serious look on her as her cyan eyes pierced straight into your soul. >The corners of her mouth curled into a hint of a smile as she looked back down at her glass. >All that in the time it took your hoof to reach her cheek. >You slid that hoof across her mouth in one soft motion. >She glanced at the streak of foam you showed her before letting out a soft chuckle. >”My, how bold! Are you digging for gold-” >Her heavy, gold earrings swayed back and forth as she flicked her ears. >”-or what do you see in a mare this old?” [x] Speak, friend! “I’ve never seen anything as exotic and beautiful as you and would like to get to know you better. And I felt somepony watching me the moment I came into this little pub. So I wanted to find out what that was all about.” >Zecora shifted in her seat. >She took a huge bite out of her burger, keeping her gaze set on you as she chewed. >Her eyes twinkled as she gulped it down. >”While I have a hut out in the woods that is stocked up with goods, there is one shortcoming to be found: there are no other ponies around. Tonight I yearned for a world of laughter and delight, so I came here where the night is bright. In you I saw a fresh face, one that does not care about my race.” >She beamed a smile as she cocked her head and leaned towards you. >You stared at her slack-jawed for half a second. >Something else, she was. >You shook your head and took a swig of your beer as you recited her words in your head. “So you don’t come to town too often, do you? Were you looking for company or just to satisfy your curiosity?” >The zebra still had a wide smile on her face, but it’d turned from a friendly one into an amused one. >”In the depths of the forest, where the shadows dance and play, >There lies a hut, where this zebra mare makes her home each day. >But tonight, she sought this bustling pub's delight, >Hoping to find a friend, to share her rhymes and her plight.” >Muttering to yourself, you repeated what she’d just said to make sure you understood it all. >A quiet giggle interrupted you. >”This shaman has found no potion, no kind of concoction, to help with her situation. In the depths of Everfree, where secrets hide. A companion I seek, to walk by my side. There’s adventure abound, were you to come around.” >Even you had heard of the Everfree and its dangers. “In the Everfree? I don’t think I’m quite ready for that kind of danger with someone I just met, no matter how lovely she is.” >”Hmm.” >Zecora stared into her glass for a while before lifting it to her lips for a long couple of gulps. >”You needn’t decide tonight. Perhaps we can instead do something light?” >She lifted her half full mug into the air and towards you. >”One night of merriment would not be a detriment. Let all that wait for another day. Come, let us dance and play, and let our spirits fly away!” [x] Cheers! >You lifted your mug and clinked hers. “Cheers!” >Both of you brought your mugs to your lips and took a good few gulps. “Haah.” >You gasped for breath after slamming your mug back onto the table. “Though if you want to dance, we’ll have to find some other place.” >You did a sweeping motion with your hoof as you glanced around. >The pub was very much a pub, packed full of tables, chairs, chatty ponies, mugfuls of drink, and plates of food, with just enough space to move around. >”A dance would be good.” >She pointed at her burger. >”But I think you need some food. Good thing you can get something to eat without even leaving your seat.” “Eh…” >You weren’t quite hungry yet, but it was true that you could order something right where you were – and that might not be true in whatever place you’d end up in. “I suppose I should get something.” >That she thought of your future well being was… >Well, you weren’t quite sure how to feel about it. “These are fantastic.” >You nodded at the pile of steaming hot crepes on your plate. >The pile alternated between green of spinach and orange of carrot, with a dollop of whipped cream on top. >And it came with a side of steamed vegetables – which, to your surprise, weren’t overcooked. >”If you are fine with something so sweet, then I suppose those would be good to eat. You have tempted me to try some, even if it is just one.” >She had the most charming smile on her lips as she watched you fold and cut a crepe before stuffing a piece in your mouth. >You shrugged, rolled your eyes, and lifted two off the stack and onto her plate. “Here you go. Since you asked so nicely.” >The gold rings on her neck jingled as she nodded before taking a bite of what you just gave her. >”The cream is very light and makes these quite a delight!” >She shoved another piece into her mouth. >”Mm. But once we’re done with this all, I know a place where trees grow tall. Where we can go soon, to dance under the light of the Moon.” [x] Let’s Dance! >You swirled the last bit of beer on the bottom of your mug before gulping it down in one go. “There.” >Slamming the mug back down on the table, you pushed your chair back and hopped off it. >Zecora was already on her hooves and watched you with a sly smile on her face. >”If you are done, then we better be gone. Fix your fluff while I go get my stuff!” >The corners of her mouth curled into a bemused smile as she flicked the end of your wing. >You indeed had a crooked feather there. >Fanning out the wing, you bent your neck to reach it and straighten it with your teeth. >By the time you were done with that, your zebra companion had retrieved a long hooded cloak and a large sack from somewhere. >She had the hood down and the sack on her back, its content split in two so it hung evenly on both flanks. >You stared at her for a second, then flashed a smile. “Yep. You’re definitely a shaman.” >Your mane bobbed as you shook your head. “Well, I’d love to see and show a dance so lead the way!” >Ragged clouds drifted across the star-speckled sky as Zecora led you through town towards a forest. >A near full moon lit your way as the houses you passed by got smaller and newer until they were replaced first by fields and finally trees. >It was only about fifteen minutes from the pub. >The town was not a big one. >”I hope not to give you a fright, but it is not very bright.” >The zebra’s sack thumped onto the ground as she let it slide off her back. >She rummaged in it for a moment before pulling out a pouch. >”Now close your eyes for a nice surprise!” >You did. >You heard a rustle of cloth and the whoosh of something getting tossed in the air. >Her hooves thumped on the soft grassy ground. >”Take a look for a view out of a book.” >At first, you saw nothing. >A cloud had covered the moon. >A jingle of gold and thumps of hooves preceded a glow twirling and spinning into the open from behind a tree. >It stopped for just long enough for you to recognize the pair of glowing blue eyes staring at you. >Her stripes were glowing, along with the gold rings on her ears and neck. >She lifted a hoof over her head and bowed at you. >Then, with another jingle of gold, she swished her tail back and forth a few times to set a rhythm, and spun around before leaping to the side. >She swung her rear back and forth while stomping a steady rhythm. >The glowing marks on her behind left trails in the darkness. >A hoof beckoned you forth. >You took a few steps towards her, only for her to twirl out of the way and start circling you. >Then the glow vanished and you were left in the dark – until a loud thump from behind you revealed where she’d gone. >Her rings jingled again as she wiggled her rear and withers. >She kept going for a while longer in similar but never repeating patterns. >The moon came out just as Zecora stopped moving. >She was breathing heavy with her front legs crossed and was facing the ground. >”I ran out of time, but was that not sublime?” >You nodded. >She stood up straight and took a step towards you. [x] Dance-off! “That was fantastic, but now it’s my turn! Apologies in advance for not having a routine prepared.” >You spread out a wing and brushed her cheek with a primary as you strode past her to the middle of the glade. >”Oh, is that so? Well then, have a go!” >Her soft and warm rear bumped into yours with just enough force to make you take a step to the side. >Glancing back, you saw she had a sly smile on her face as she swept a hoof and nodded at your stage. >You wanted to return the gesture in kind, but there was something to get though first. >So you just flicked your tail at her, missing entirely as you’d got too far. >You really had no idea what you’d do, but you did have one thing on your side: you could fly. >Bending your legs, you dropped low to the ground and fanned out your wings. >With a deep breath, you sprang upwards and shot high into the sky. >You opened up and angled your feathers so they made a faint whistle every time you beat the air for more speed. >Shooting through a tiny cloud, you stuck your wings out to the sides and glided upwards until your velocity ran out and you came to a stop. >You glanced down at the tiny twinkling dot of a zebra down below and drew a deep breath. >She couldn’t see you up in the sky with how high up you were, but you had a plan. >You just had to put yourself between the Moon and her. >Swooping down, you spun around so you had your back to the sky. >You spread out your wings to kill your speed the moment your shadow was on her. >You angled yourself into a dive. >A dizzying rush of air sped past you as you gained speed. >Then, straining your wings to the limit, you swooped back up and twirled as you passed over the Moon. >You followed up with series of dips and rises, timed so you’d be silhouetted just on the apex of your flight. >Each time, you struck a pose and spun and twirled. >Nothing that would impress a pegasus, but more than enough for her if the mm-hmms and nods were of any indication. >Four thumps and a puff of dust marked your landing. >You left your wings spread eagle as you stood there panting. >Sweat dripped down your sides as the massive flight muscles on your back cooled down. >Precise maneuvering in the air below stall speed was rough, to put it mildly. >You still gasped for air as Zecora strode closer. >Her hips swayed back and forth as she rolled her steps. >”I have seen many things, but never such a show with wings.” >She brushed against you as she walked past. >That left you feeling tingly and a faintly glowing smear on your side. >”Now it has been great, but it getting late. You should go be with your kind…” >She cocked her head and turned to face you. >You couldn’t help but notice a path leading deeper into the forest behind her. >”...or did you have something else in mind?” [x] Into the depths! “The night is still young. How about we learn to know each other a bit better?” >You took a step towards her and the path. >She let out a chuckle. >”I was hoping that would be what you might say.” >Her tail flicked at and hit your snoot as she wheeled around. >”Come, then, let me show you the way.” >She beckoned you to follow you with a wag of her hoof before trotting down the path. >You followed behind her and did nothing to mask staring at her behind. >She rolled her eyes as she glanced back at you. >”Ah, stallions. I show them the one thing they want to see and they’re all ready to follow me.” >The forest was dense and dark. >You could just see where you were going in the moonlight filtering through the branches. >”The forest is wild and the path is rough, but at my place we’ll be safe enough.” >She kept her eyes peeled dead ahead as her ears swiveled from side to side. >Aside the thumps of your hooves, there was the occasional rustle from somewhere nearby. >”To the eyes you can pay no mind, for they are not looking for our kind. To them we are too tall, they prefer to eat something small.” >She pointed a hoof at a pair of glowing eyes in the dark, then glanced back at you. >A shiver passed down your spine. >It was the Everfree, untamed and out of the Princesses’ reach. “Safe enough? I really hope that is the case.” >She let out a bright giggle and shook her head. >It was a… tree house? House tree? A house in a tree? >Either way, it was a living tree that had windows and a door in it. >And had colorful, weird masks around and on it, and bottles and jars hanging off the branches. >You had little time to gawk at it as Zecora pulled the door open and waved you in – and, with the rustling around you having grown louder as you got deeper, you were more than happy to oblige. >The inside was a little less weird than the outside, with shelves full of bottles along with masks lining the walls and a large empty cauldron in the middle. “Wow. I didn’t know what to expect but it sure wasn’t this! Has the same kind of mystery and beauty as you do.” >You wanted to get closer and sniff at the various bottles, but thought it better not to as you couldn’t read the labels. >”Why don’t you take a seat to rest after your feat?” >She had a mellow smile on her lips as she patted your wing. >”I’ll leave the cauldron in your care since there is something I must prepare.” >She’d zipped into an alcove and drawn a curtain to cover it before you had as much as a chance to reply. >So, you guessed it meant you were fine with it. >You heard a stopper pop out of something, followed by a clink of glass and the sound of pouring. >”Herbs so rare, and spices so fine.” >It was followed by quiet tinks that sounded just like a spoon in a coffee cup. >”Meld together now, like a dance so divine.” >Another pop and a pour. >”With a final swirl, and a nod to the moon.” >And a little bit of stirring. >”I declare this potion a symbol to our boon.” >A sweet scent that made your head swim reached your nostrils just as Zecora pulled back the curtain. >She was carrying two clay cups full of some silvery liquid. >”This might make your throat sore, but it will tell us more. To you about me, as much as of thee.” >She offered one of the cups to you. [x] Bottoms up! “Uhh.” >You snagged the cup and sniffed at it. >It had the scent of freshly ground pepper masked beneath the sweetness. >The zebra had a hint of a smile on her lips as she cocked her head. >You shrugged. “Bottoms up I guess.” >Lifting your cup to your lips, you watched her do the same. >It tasted sour. >Like lemon juice. >And burned in your throat. >You coughed. “Bleh. So what’s this thi-” >”In the swirls of the potion, a scene so clear.” >You saw a hazy vision of Zecora’s rear swaying in front of you. >You wanted it. >To rut her. >”Of desire so deep – and love so dear?” >She spun to face you, then hopped to the side to reveal a tall orchid behind her. >Her lips moved as if speaking, but you heard nothing – yet still knew she was telling what kind of a flower it was and invited you to smell it. >”Two hearts entwined, like stars in the sky.” >You strode closer and leaned in. >Sniff, snif… >A most pleasant flowery scent. >The pollen stuck to your nose and you sneezed. >Zecora let out a giggle and smooched your cheek. >”Guiding each other, as the years go by.” >She pulled a large bag full of fragrant herbs from somewhere and tossed it onto your back, then waved a hoof to get you to follow. >You were splayed out on the floor. >Zecora’s towered above you. >Her hoof came down and… >Boop! >She booped your snoot, then poked at your front hoof. >You stuck your hoof into hers. >She, with remarkable ease, pulled you up onto your hooves. “Thanks.” >You still felt a bit dizzy. >”A foal you wish to sire, but is that all you desire?” >She took a step back. >”I am looking for one to hold dear, but I fear all you see is my rear.” >She wiggled her behind for emphasis. [x] Boop! >Your lips curled into a sly smile as you made no effort to hide you staring at her shapely butt. >You took a step closer and… >Boop! >She went cross eyed for a second as she scrunched her snoot. >And broke out laughing. >”That one coming, I did not see!” >Her charming laughter only rung out for an instant as she wrapped a hoof around your withers and pinned you to her side. >”Perhaps there can be something between you and me!” >You hooked a leg and slung it around her neck, then nuzzled her cheek. “There’s nothing there that I can see.” >You wiggled the wing pinned between your bodies. “But maybe that’s just me.” >Pulling away from you, she rolled her eyes as she scooped up your cup. >”For a moment you have to hold while I prepare something bold.” >She headed off, only to return a moment later with the same cups, rinsed clean, and a clay bottle on a tray. >”Come, have a seat! You’re in for a rare treat!” >Setting the tray down on a small table, she then dragged two low stools from the alcove she mixed the potion in and set them on opposite side of the table. >You took a seat just as she pulled the bottle open. >It made a loud plop. >A heavy scent of spices, mixed with the stench of strong alcohol, wafted from it. >She poured both of you a modest helping. >”From clouds so high, and the winds so free. The pegasus ponies, a sight to see.” >Her lips curled into a sly smile as she lifted her mug for a deep sip. >”Won’t you tell a tale of your kind to me? Of why on the ground you wish to be. Did soaring the skies get old, if I may ask a question so bold?” >You lifted up your mug and lifted it to your snout. >It stung as you took a deep sniff. >Whatever spice it had was something you’d never had before. >Taking a sip, you winced as it burned on your tongue. [x] Down it goes! “There’s a lot to see up in the clouds, but I came down to see what’s down here and among the first things I find is something precious.” >You flashed a smile at her as you swirled your mug and the remaining drink in it in your hoof. >”Something more precious than the treasure of the sky, for someone like you who can fly?” >Nodding, you lifted the mug to your lips. >Zecora drew a sharp breath and stuck her hoof out at you. >But, she was too late. >You chugged what was left in one go. >You managed to gulp it down before it hit. >The fire and burn. >First in your mouth and then in your throat. >Your eyes began to water and you started coughing. >You couldn’t see, but did hear a loud wooden clunk followed by something getting pulled off a shelf. >”Here, try this balm. It will make the fire calm.” >A spoon was shoved to your snootle. >Figuring she knew what she was doing, you opened your mouth and let her pour it in. >It tasted like… olive oil? >But, it did make the worst heat cool as you swirled it around in your mouth. >You found yourself lying on the floor. >Zecora stood above you, holding a clay pot and a wooden spoon. >She let out a sigh and set the spoon down as she saw you regain coherence. >”That drink is best enjoyed slow, so all you feel is a pleasant glow.” >You scrambled back onto your hooves and wiped your face with a fetlock. “I didn’t think it’d be quite that strong.” >The zebra offered a mellow smile as she shoved the pot and spoon back onto a shelf. >”It is my best so why shouldn’t it put you to the test?” >Her stool had fallen over in all the commotion so she picked it up and set it upright before pulling the clay bottle out from somewhere and placing it back on the table. >”Your first time was rather so-so, but how about another go?” >You were starting to feel the effect of all the booze you’d drank, but maybe it’d still be okay? “I don’t see why not.” >When sipped a little at a time, it still burned in your mouth but wasn’t intolerable. >Not what you’d call pleasant, still. “I’ve never had anything like this before. What is it?” >Zecora took a sip of her drink and gulped it down. >Her tongue peeked out from between her lips as she turned to stare at you. >”I am glad you ask, for making it is quite a task.” >She glanced at the bottle on the table between you. >”First, the soil you must till to get something to distill. Once it’s out of the still, you mix the spices and let it sit still. The magic is in the light of two full moons, weave that into thread and add two spoons.” >Covering her mouth with a hoof, she let out a chuckle. >”’tis peppers but solid moonlight that burns so bright.” >Oh. >Well, that was far more… exotic than you expected. >Nevertheless, it was making you feel a bit woozy – and her too, no doubt. >She stared at you with half-lidded eyes and a sly smile on her lips as she traced the edge of her mug with a hoof. [x] Sniffa! “Well that’s far more exotic than I was expecting.” >You scooped your mug off the table and took a sip. >It burned in your mouth, but a little at a time didn’t overwhelm you like before. “I wouldn’t even believe it’s possible to solidify moonlight, but when you’re the one saying it?” >You shook your head. “Yeah, you could tell me it’s frozen fire and I’d believe you.” >Zecora covered her mouth with a hoof and let out a chuckle. >”Frozen fire? That, I can acquire. Is it something you require?” >She cocked her head and arched a brow. “Umm…” >You shook your head. “You don’t have to do that for me. It’s probably more impressive if I don’t actually see it.” >Rolling her eyes, she let out a chuckle. >Her stool scraped the floor as she pushed it back and hopped onto her hooves. >Well if she really wanted to show it, then you would sit still and watch. >There was the tiniest bit of wobble to her steps as she went over to a shelf and pulled out a large jar. >It had no label on it. >She pinned it to her chest with one hoof and hobbled over to place it in front of you. >Then lifted the lid off, stuck her hoof in, and… >Pulled out a large cookie. >”I believe a bit of dessert is more than deserved.” >She grabbed your hoof and stuck the cookie in it. “Oh. Well, thanks. Looks good.” >It had bits of dried berries in it. >A faint scent reached your nostrils. >It was an alluring mix of herbs and spices that reminded you of a sun-scorched summer day. “Hey, what’s-” >Sniff, snif snif… >Zecora stopped her hoof. “What’s that?” >You leaned in closer to sniff her hoof. >The scent made your head spin. >That, or the potent alcohol. >One of the two. >Either way, you grasped her hoof and pulled it closer. >And kept sniffing it. >She moved her other hoof to cover her mouth as a slight hint of red spread to her cheeks.