>It keeps going on like this >You tried turning him into a stallion. >Even more complaints >Centaur >Same issue >Donkey >Same issue. >Zebra. >Same issue, though with more racially charged complaints. >Got so desperate you turned him into a hedgehog >He had done, infinitely worse things, so vile and heinous as a hedgehog.... >You dare not remember further. Anonymous, you've put me in quite the predicament here. >"I'll put my predicament in quite a you...r..rear.." >"Heh...nice." >Ignore him. I am at the end of my rope, every creature I turn you into- in the hopes of reforming your behaviour- seems to make the situation worse. >You 'pop a xanax' as Anon would say, for your headache. >Thank you that he invented these pills... >"Why not just let me be me?" Because you are an insurmountable rapist. >"Oh yeah." >Furrow your brow. Anonymous, I don't think I have any other choice...I'm afraid I will need to turn you to stone. >"Wait...you can't be serious." I am. >Before he can protest, you've already begun to charge up the spell. I'm sorry my little creature... >"That still sounds offensive you know." Would you-be quiet! I am attempting to offer you some comfort! >"I'm just saying creature sounds worse than subject or..." I am being racially sensitive- >"Turn me back into a zebra and I can help." I AM SORRY that it has come to this but, you have left me no choice...I... >Your eyes glance down, the aura of your horn lighting the room as the spell is readied. >he... Are.. >No...he couldn't.. Are you........aroused? >"Painfully so, my fat assed queen." >Your cheeks are burning. How! How could this bring you any pleasure- you will be turned to stone! Inanimate! >"It's just kind of hot, I mean think about it...I'll be rock hard forever." >The elder gods could not know the depths of the frown you are displaying. I am ending this, now. >Zap him. >He's standing with his hands on his hips, an erection bursting forth through his pants. >Defiant to the end. >You take some headache pills and have the guards put anon in the Garden. >Month passes. >You don't know how. >But even as a rock, Anon continues to harass and defile your citizens. >His cock seems to catch the eye of all who pass by. >Accidents frequently occur around it- ponies falling directly ontop of the rection, grazing against it.. >The accidental Mineral-fellatio fiasco was the worst. >You refuse this! >He will not win on this end! Your realm will be SAFE for your subjects! >You move him into the castle, in the royal hall. >Even worse. >Guards ponies keep coming and crying to you. >Saying they keep getting bumped into him. >Captains claim they felt 'compelled' to start a ritual of forcing the new cadets to "polish" his...appendage. >Shining armour quit a week ago over the incidents, and now you receive constant letters from his mother. >All of them complaining about Anonymous The Statue. >You become so desperate you finally move him into the restrooms. >A bit...perverse...yes you admit this. >But you are at wits end. >You did..try the closets at one point- but having him alone in a dark room proved to make things so much worse. >The bat ponies were never the same. >You figure if he is in the bathrooms... >Maybe it will calm down a little. >You're unsure what horrible, strange power he has to harass and rape even when a chunk of stone. >But this could possibly get his jollies off enough to leave the citizens be. >For a while, things are well in the bathroom. >Then, come the complaints again. >"Your highness I....I feel that the...statue in.." Yes, the statue in the restroom. >"Um..yes..that one..I feel it...it..." It what? Get on with it, >The guards pony sniffles and cowers a bit. >Your heart hurts as you see tears form at their eyes. I...I apologize- I did not mean to sound harsh. I'm just a bit..tired.. >Smile. Please, do go on my little pony. >They seem a bit more sure at this point, nodding back to you. >"It feels like...he's watching me." Oh..? >"Yes, your highness. Like he's watching me go to...you know..." Yes, is that all? You feel he's watching you relieve yourself? >"No...I...if it were just that it wouldn't buh...bbb...be so bad..." >They're crying. >"His..penis! It looks like it's throbbing when he wah-hah-haatttcchesss!" >Spend an hour comforting the guard mare. >Things go on like this. >Every day the complaints getting worse. >Days pass You say... >"Yes, I felt something-like...like a wind or...I don't know. It felt like something was touching me...massaging my neck while I..." >Raise your hoof to stop them. Yes...Yes I quite get the point... I'll look into this matter further. >"Thank you," >Out goes the guard pony. >In goes the xanax to relieve your headache. >several months later. >The bathroom mints have been replaced with date rape drugs. >You have had to warn the guard ponies not to eat them. >Which has been a failure, multiple times, as ponies do love their sweets. >Each time ends with a Guard going to the medical ward, with sand like minerals being found in their orifices. >He has escalated to raping them. >You aren't even sure how he's doing this, you know for a fact he cannot move. >Yet sitll, his desire to assault your ponies knows no limits. >After losing a majority of your guards, who have quit due to the offenses launched against them, you finally close down the bathroom you keep him in. >Hoping this will change things. >Mark it off limits, redirect the guards ponies to use a different bathroom from here on. >This only helps for a little. >Before a new prank starts with the new guards daring eachother to go into the 'haunted bathroom'. >Same story each time. >Guard goes in. >Gets molested, watched, or outright raped. >Comes crying to you. >Quits in a month due to the trauma. >Rinse, repeat. >At least the numbers are a bit less...for now... >What are you to do? >Do you just leave him there? >Hope that guards ponies eventually forget about the 'haunted bathroom'... >or the low numbers of assaults atleast stays the same? >You mull this over in your head. >For the rest of the day. >And week >And six months. >And a year >Nothing gets better. >You're unsure if it's worse. >You go into your own private restroom hours later, after the latest guards pony came crying and immediately sent in their termination. >The thought of a full on execution has occured, but you could never do that. >Also fairly certain that he would do more damage than ever as a spirit. >Life goes on like this. >Rape, Molestation, peeping, crying, quitting. >Exhaustion from the routine becomes so much that you finally say Buck this.. >And move him into your own bathroom. Hah! >Sneer at the stone creature, looking at him up and down to see if he moves. As you see- I will not falter, Anonymous! >The only part that you swear does is his forever-erection. You will be hard pressed to go on as you have been here- the guards ponies never have access to my private chambers. >Stick your tongue out at him and.. PTHBBBBT! >Smirk. Get used to that, you'll be hearing it quite a bit...though not from my mouth in the future. >Water drips from his stone-member at that. >You cringe. Or perhaps not.. >This fixes things. >Mostly. >You still use your private bathroom. >Definitely you can feel him watching you when you do. >Some ghostly...touch sensations- though you are easily able to will them away and even prevent them with your magic. >However, when you need to.... drop off some potatoes at the pool...you tend to use your sisters bathroom. >Like today. Hnnngghhh! >FLRLLRRBBBTBBTBTBT Oh Luna I am so sorry... >FFWWBBBRRRWAAAAPPPPPPP >Sloosh swush sklunk. Oh good HEAVENS what are the chefs putting in my food! >You do not realize that this is a stress induced defecation. >Be Luna. >You are in DIRE needs to use the restroom. >Not to relieve yourself, you only do that every 74 hours. >No, you need to do something much more pressing. >You must brush your teeth. >You open your bedroom door and- >SPPPPRRFFWWRRBBBTBTBRBBRBTHBBT >FFRBWABT >BRAP >BRAP BRAP BRAP >Splunk! >"OHHHH GOOD EQUESTRIA MY ANAL CAVITY IS BURNING!" >You proceed to leave your bedroom >"L-Luna?" >Celestia says this with urgency. >You don't hear this, as you are already far down the hall. >Dont cry >Dont cry >dontcrydontcrydontcrydontcry >Why does SHE need YOUR bathroom! >Shes going to stink up the whole thing with..with.. >Urgh! >You're sobbing. >"My highness what's-" LEAVE ME BE FOUL UNDERLING. >He leaves you be. >Your sister thinks she's so much better than you. >Like you don't even matter- she can just take anything of yours she wants. >Tartarus forbid you show disdain for it! >She may send you to the moon! >Yes, you're still sore about this event. >By the time you're down the hall you're no longer crying. >No, you are sobbing. >The most ugly, most wretched sobbing you've ever done in your life. >Stupid Celestia and her giant white butt. >She's going to RUIN your PRIVATE RESTROOM. >The restroom meant FOR YOU. >Not her! >Why doesn't she respect you enough to care... >Your vision is blurred over, hard to see where you're going. >But you move onwards. >Fueled by sadness, rage, depression... >Loss, since your bathroom will surely be coated in the deep scent of acidic bowel movements. >Yet something else seems to stir you. >Move your corpse ever onwards. >Your crying begins to settle down a bit. >What strange sensation pulls you forth? You don't know. >But you allow it to guide you, soothe your wounds. >Then you see where it is you're at. I...my sistsers chambers? >You look about in wonder How did I end up here? I...oh I should leave..Celestia doesn't enjoy when.. >But the feeling inside...it pulls you in... >You see it. >Glistening, in golden light. >Your sisters private bathroom. >Yes, she has one too. >Yet she feels the need to use YOURS? >If she feels this way then..then... >Then you should be able to use HERS as well! >You step into the restroom, with some hesitation. >When you're sure she won't appear out of nowhere, you begin to relax. >Then you see it. >The stone statue of An ape? >In a suit. >Sitting next to the toilet. >With.. Oh! >An erection. >Your face flushes deep purple. >Oh...is this why Celestia felt need to use your restroom? >Because she didn't want to poop in the same place she must surely be pleasuring herself? >Of course. >This is like when you were a filly and you were caught displeasing the local shrubbery. >Though you grew up from that, much more restraint. >Less complaints from the citizens about night rapes as well. >You suppose the apple must not fall far from the tree. >Still, you wish she respected you. So...err....do you come here often? >You ask sadly to the stone beast. >It says nothing, but it's stone phallus seems to speak to you. >It says... >' come in...' >So you do. >Celestia's bathroom is much nicer than yours. >This makes you more upset. >You look at the toilet.. Maybe I COULD go... >Sit. >wait about thirty minutes. >Nothing happens. Darn... >Sigh. >The statue seems...bored? >Was it expecting you to use the restroom? >No... that's..no. >Maybe you need to go back on the medication you took for hallucinations. >All that time on the moon... Um...sorry if..perhaps you were expecting me to.. >It says nothing. ...Right...yes >Sigh again What am I thinking? Why would you even want to see that anyway >Hunch forward. I'm just...I just...I wish Celestia cared more about me- about my feelings. >Stare up at him I bet you understand too...stuck all alone in here... >You pat his pant leg I think I should probably go now and- >Oh! Are those bathroom mints? >Be Celestia >Be running >Luna is so moody >So fragile >You need to find her >Explain why you were in her bathroom >And hope that she doesn't take the fact you cracked the bowl of her toilet with the force of your bowel movements too harshly. >Spot a guard pony. My little pony! >"I- I wasn't sleeping-I swear! I just lean on walls with my eyes closed!" Where is Luna? Have you seen her? >He frowns. >"Oh..yes..she was in a very foul mood. Told me to 'be gone' underling'." I'm sorry my dear, Luna is...she is a bit touchy at the moment...she has lost a loved one. >The guard looks nervous. >"I..I'm sorry...um...I didn't mean what I said-I...uh..she wasn't in a.." Please, just..tell me where she is. >"Right..uh..well I kinda stopped looking but...I heard some ponies saw her walk to your room." My...room? >"Yeah she.." >Run >Run and run and run. >Please >Please dont be too late. >You're in your room before you know it. >Looking into an open bathroom. >Down at your sister, who lay on the floor unconcious. >Covered in a sandy-goop like material. >Each hole filled with sediment No...no no no...... >Cradle your sister. >Weeks pass. >Things have gone down hill. >Luna has.. >She does not seem to deal with her rape well. >She doesn't talk as much. >Her behaviour has gotten back to being of great concern. >Ponies have caught her in the restroom...standing....watching them. >Not even just guard ponies. >But citizens as well. >In their dreams as much as the waking world. >You had a letter from one of Twilight's friends... >Big Mac. >He reported he was....going to the bathroom, in the forest out of his farm. >In his words 'dookin' out in the backwood' >When he spotted her. >Standing by the tree. >Breathing. >making a wiping motion with a large leaf. >You lied and told him this was a dream. >She spends most of the day masturbating now. >You've taken up her duties, as you do not trust her on her own. >You are exhausted. >Your room is on constant magical-lock down. >So only you may enter. >You have few guards left. >Go to the dining hall for breakfast. >"NNNNHHHH" >Luna is humping the table I'm just...trying to get my food... >Grab some pancakes. >Cry >Eat them in your room. >Another year. >Luna is no better, but she talks now. >Always very sexually. >You have had to put large mittens on her hooves, to prevent her from trying to access the genitals and anal region of innocent ponies. >They're shaped like turkey's, because that's all the local pony would sell you with her around. >Lay down in your bed. >Looking into your open bathroom door. >The statue of Anon standing there. >Erect. Fine... >The will to fight is gone. You win. >You use what little juice you have to release him from his state. >Anon is flesh once more. >Though his member deflates. >You stare at him. >He stares at you. >Silence. >Somewhere in the castle, Luna is attempting to cook a hayburger inside of her vagina. >Silence. >"So..." So? >"Can you turn me into a mare again?" END