>wake up >see Dash bolting towards you going at Mach 3 >Bend over >Take off pants >Open asshole >Wait >ZORP! >"mmmmppph!!!!!" >Feel her wiggling in your goatsee. That's what you >Clench That's what you fucking GET. THATS WHAT YOU FUCKING GET FOR CALLING ME GAY. >Release cheeks. >It takes dash a while to get used to it. >But life goes on. >Years pass >She didnt die. >Just became part of you. >The ponies still try to figure out ways to remove her. >But nothing works. >You practiced yoga too much for anything external to change your anal prowess. >On that note, you stopped shitting long, long ago. >It's all sweated out now, baby. >"Mmrhrhmmpphh?" I'm not going back on the tread mill. >"MMmrhh!" No. >"mmmmhh..." >You feel her sigh in your asshole. Want to go pick up some oats and other groceries? >"MmMHMMMmmm...." Awesome...I'll let you move us this time. >You grab your keys, the grocery list, then lean backwards until- >CLIP. >Rainbow's hooves connect to the floor. >"Mrhrhr?" No I didn't forget anything. >"Mrh!" >She gives you the ok signal. >Out the door she walks, wearing you like the finest of hats. >It's a good day in Equestria.