(lines 2837 through 2898 except they're expanded into another mini fic) >As you walk through the waterpark for literally no good reason anyway, you make no attempt to leave. >Part of you just decided "oh well, guess I'm hanging out here" with women on your mind the whole time. >The other part of you just likes the overall atmosphere here. >You're being directed to your own ulterior motives you're purposely not addressing, acting like it's all unintentional and left up to "chance". >But this isn't one of those actual times; you're masking it as that, not even caring if anyone assumes so, because it's actually true this time. >Millions of years of evolution have conditioned you into acting unwise in the face of having seen mere evidence of healthy tits and ass through clothing that revealed smooth thighs anyway. >You’re not looking for love, you are looking for lust. >It's already already starting to get a little late, but there's still a few people hanging around the swimming pools and water slides. >All of which are open extra late on Sunday night for some reason. >While you pass by a row or two of umbrellas, you listen to everyone else having fun. >Prancing around with their bare feet hitting the concrete below, laughing and calling out to one another, listening to the distant live band playing. >The vibrant green leaves of the trees sway to the warm summer evening breeze with a picturesque dusk sky painted everywhere behind them. >You have to sit down, getting pushed upon by a sense of dizziness. >It's nothing serious, just the sense of you being a little lightheaded while the pink and orange clouds overhead slowly drift by. >Might have bumped into someone when you were walking around on those crowded streets, if you had felt this way while still being out there. >Maybe the scent of barbecue smoke clouded your judgement. >So many open shops welcoming you into their doors you had passed by. >Restaurants, shops, even simple empty corridors leading to nowhere else but the next block over through the underside of an apartment complex or hotel... and you chose to go to the waterpark. >Now surrounded by girls in their bikinis. >Feeling like you've almost entered the girl's locker room and they're walking around in close proximity to you in nothing but their frilly bras and panties. >Even with their summer clothes on, you'd still see their tummies a lot of the time, and watch them swing their hips while walking with their lovely thighs almost brushing together. >But these girls have even less on. >Your unsubtle intentions have gotten you all caught up in checking out the beauty of the female body. >Unrestrained by what would have been too much clothing to stop their assets from subtly reacting to even their slightest movements. >Places like the beach, pool or water park are places some women and girls go with an understanding that a lot of their skin will be showing to the public should they dress accordingly. >Maybe some of them intentionally wanted their barely clothed chests and rears to visibly bounce when they walk, like they’re showing off or teasing boys in a playful little game made out of this. >But there’s no way every single woman and girl would feel that way about it. >”I said, are you in line?” An annoyed voice gets loud enough to temporarily break you out of your trance. >--- >It’s probably for the better that you walked over here instead. >It’s easier to resist the urge to look at girls’ bodies when they’re wearing more. >And the stiffness inside of your shorts can hope to go away in the next few minutes. >Except your primal arousal has other plans for where your mind is going. >You know full well something is affecting you, most likely the magic from before, you’re not even sure of anything at all right now. >The way those women and girls looked in their revealing bikinis back over at the water park side of this place already told too much. >Your riled up memory of it all alone is enough to keep you eventually getting harder again. >Curse that Chryssy for doing this to you, making your instincts override and decency and respect and instead making you see women as sex objects like this. >You’re not sure if you remember her saying you won’t function as a proper civilized adult should you leave her captivity. >Whether she actually said it or not, it’s true. >You’re mentally becoming an animal. >At least you can fight back against it and remind yourself you shouldn’t be here in the first place. >Just have to clutch your plane ticket and you’re in the clear. >You’re too dizzy to remember if you brought it with you, or check your pocket for it. >Sitting down, you take deep breaths of the evening air and gaze back up at the sky. >Feels like it’s been longer than just a couple of minutes. >But the still somewhat lit up sky begs to differ. >Not only are you horny to an animalistic degree, but time is going slower and dragging it out. >Looking at even all these clothed women and girls around you, you start to imagine *them* all in their bikinis. >Bikini tops unable to cover up their cleavage, bikini bottoms just not enough to stretch all the way over their entire soft rear, let alone their round hips that still show through tight pairs of pants. >You can’t stop undressing them with your wondering eyes. >The effect of the spell wishing it was a superpower seeing through thin tank tops and frilly skirts on women and girls waiting in life for a rollercoaster. >Wondering what their bodies look like bare through the shape you’re seeing. >The mystery is just making you feel more pent up inside about it. >You’re becoming so horny that it’s starting to turn uncomfortable. >A dire need to escape taps you on the shoulder as you shiver from what Chryssy has done to you. >Most of these girls aren’t even dressed in ways that would pique a guy’s interest, but you’re standing here breathing heavily but as quietly as you can anyway. >You’re a mess. >What the fuck was Chryssy’s endgame? >You’re really just angry and annoyed now. >Except your arousal continues its vicious cycle of dominance with that as well, overpowering it but feeding it at the same time. >The more turned on you become, the more it annoys you, which in turn makes it react by desperately trying to reclaim the title as the dominant emotion you’re feeling like it’s conscious and selfish. >--- >So here you are once again, leering the women and girls in their revealing bikinis like you’ve entered an outdoor locker room full of many super attractive ladies in their underwear. >No matter where you turn to, there’s always the sight of a scantily clad female body casually seducing you by simply existing. >The small expanse of fabric by bikini tops and bottoms is by design not meant to keep a woman’s naturally soft assets from shaking around the way they do. >With far less clothing available than needed to cover or restrain all that good stuff from putting on a show for your eyes. >There's one girl that has especially clasped your attention, much more tightly than the clasp of the back of her bikini top holding itself over her massive soft breasts to an appropriate degree for the public. >Her bust size in particular would make it obvious what would happen if she strutted around in public with only a bikini top covering those things. >She absolutely must have understood that her body’s huge soft assets would put on a show for everyone in public to see when dressed in so little, and evidently didn’t really care… >Her blue hair with alluring cow-licks at the end and silky pudding-tinted skin got your head turned towards her almost as much as her delightfully bouncing cleavage that is very... responsive to her steps as she walks. >Her hourglass body mesmerizes you, her shapely midriff looking so caress-able as she struts straight towards you. >God damn, you can't decide if her freckles make her look more cute than hot or more hot than cute. >There's three milkshakes in this picture. >One in her hand with a straw spanning from the plastic lid to her closed lips. >Two more are on virtually on either side of the first one, with erect nipple bulges poking through the bluish-turquoise fabric of her bikini top as her greenish-turquoise eyes meet yours. >Not wanting to even think about the full erection in your pants, you plan to get up and leave immediately. >You should have been out of here by now! >But your body is quaking from crippling arousal. >The cute sexy freckled girl with huge breasts locks eyes with you again. >Those things are clearly natural, just as natural as her kind eyes that must have caught yours giving away your barely leashed interest in her womanly attributes. >Her bikini top strains over them but does very little to mitigate the hormone-arousing jiggling that responds to her steps. >Her fully displayed cleavage is deep enough to get lost in; spurts of cum might never return to that gracefully wobbling surface of two large mounds of soft flesh deliciously pushed together~ >Your cock is so erect that it might as well have sucked all the blood out of your brain and legs. >”It’s okay!” Her voice stops you in your tracks as you realize another poolside chair was blocking your escape anyway. “You can sit there.” >She thinks you accidentally took her chair. >”I can sit here.” She falls back onto the chair next to you. >As she does this, her huge soft breasts responsively jiggle so fucking much as she lands onto the rubber seat with a barely audible thud. >They bounce and sway right after the impact, challenging this cute busty girl’s bikini top to stay on and in place the best it can. >Which it managed to do. >But this girl couldn’t cover up her beautiful exposed cleavage in that bikini top to save her life. >The cold milkshake she was holding up against her own milkshakes must have been the cause of her decency-threatening nipple bulges to boast their erect stiffness through that fabric. >You wish the urge to stare wasn’t so powerful… >This girl’s bare tummy was still flat when she was standing up, but wonderfully scrunches into slightly chubby folds as she enters a sitting position. >Proving that her naturally busty chest is par for the course when it comes to a soft curvy fertile body like hers. >Having retreated back to the chair, you discover why your pants are so thin and doing basically nothing to hide your raging erection. >You had no idea you were only in your swimming trunks from the waist down until now. >While having been convinced in your mind you were wearing full on pants. >You try to find a way to cover up your super boner that doesn’t make it obvious you’re hiding an erection. >The nearest private place is too far away to get to without being seen like this by dozens of people. >You swear you had your jacket with you earlier today. >Did you leave it somewhere? >Your erection has already reached critical mass and refuses to stop trying to tear out through your swimming trunks through sheer force alone. >The cute busty girl giggles watching you slip out of your top and bunch it over your tent, probably already knowing why. >And profusely apologizing after noticing how flustered and embarrassed you look. >Neither of you have anything on but your swimsuits. >There is nothing else but your shirt you took off to cover the evidence of your rabid arousal. >And both of your bodies being nearly naked right there next to one another with these hormones flying back and forth carries all sorts of tempting implications. >”I’m so sorry. Is my… chest doing that?” She sounds very genuine about her tone, but is also genuinely unable to do anything about her assets having nothing else to cover them but that… bikini… “It’s fine. I should go.” You get up with your shirt bunched over yourself as she laughs to lighten the mood. >”No no no, stay! It’s okay, I understand.” >She sees your eyes wandering to her huge chest, and knows the obvious bulging outlines of her stiffened nipples are showing through her strained little bikini top. >”It happens sometimes, I get it. Might as well get the obvious out of the way so it’s not an elephant in the room.” She says what she can to make you feel better while setting the milkshake with a straw to the side. “I’m sorry if it’s distracting.” >She unintentionally presses her upper arms on either side against her big natural pair, accidentally pushing them together a little and accentuating all that… healthily bountiful… >”You can tell me, I won’t get offended.” >Your shivering has become clear, and she looks upon you with curious pity. >And you completely forgot you’re still standing hunched over. >”You don’t have to sit with me if you…” She watches you slowly return to your chair. >Keeping one forearm over her big soft chest the best it can, she uses her free hand to retrieve the milkshake she set down on the side table. >It didn't take her long to introduce herself. >”My name’s Milky Way.” Her eyes drift down to where they can survey your raging erection for only a split second. >You smile and nod to keep things casual. >Having every opportunity to stand up and leave but not taking it. >Neither of you have a conversation starter in mind. >The cold cup of flavored sweetness can’t help but nuzzle a little between Milky’s naturally busty breasts that are desperately embraced by her bikini top. >It begs to sink deeper into her warm cleavage. >Milky takes another sip from the straw, sucking the milk and ice cream up into her mouth past her lips. >You watch her gulp it down the front of her throat, having no knowledge of what your hands did just now. >Milky meanwhile wonders why her drink suddenly tasted slightly sweeter than it did a minute ago. >She doesn’t know how magic pheromones work and neither do you. >Milky Way licks a little bit of ice cream from her lips and tries not to look down your body again. >Her expression turns nervous, her eyes dart around, the distant band playing on stage quietly fills the atmosphere where you sit with her. >”S-so, uhm…” Stammers Milky Way with her hand firmly planted over her scantily clad voluptuous goods. “You like it here?” >You nod in silence, forgetting how to speak. >Milky Way’s sexy cleavage she can’t hide makes you salivate for what more she has to offer. >The splashing of the nearby pool accompanies the soft music playing from the distance. >It soothes you for a second before you look down at yourself and wonder where your bunched up shirt has disappeared to. >Feels like you should be more alarmed than you really are. >Now the only thing on or even near your body, your swimming trunks is nowhere near enough to prevent a proud tent from sticking straight up without you intensively pushing your erect meat back down as far and you can get it to go… which isn’t very much anymore. >Your rigid erection almost feels like it’s bolted upright, extremely solid and unwilling to even be pointed downwards much at all. >Which means there’s not a lot even your hands can do but try their best to at least block the view of what’s happening to you since tipping your tent pole over a tiny bit isn’t much of an option anymore… >You better thank your lucky stars there’s not so many people hanging around here now, and most have gone home because it’s getting late. >But you’re too afraid to get out of your chair; how the fuck are you going to walk around for more than five hunched over steps like THIS? >Whatever Milky Way was going to say next got lost on the way out of her, bumping into the shudder that rocked her body after she saw how proudly your huge rigid erection stands up inside of your now insufficient swimming trunks. >”They’re not *that* distracting, are they?” Asks Milky Way. “I-I… it’s hard to… explain…” Your brain can’t think of anything but intense sexual fantasies. >”Well what happened to your…” Milky looks around for the second to last article of clothing you’ve lost. “I don’t know…” You’re visibly shaken and aroused. >If there hadn’t been evidence that you’re under a horny spell before, there’s definitely undeniable evidence that you are now. >Milky Way sits in her chair but only faces towards you as her one arm does very little to hide her huge soft breasts barely contained by her bikini top. >With her bikini bottoms the only other clothing on her boner inducing body, Milky Way has literally nothing else to cover her soft bountiful assets with. >She just has to sit there with her forearm delightfully pressing up against her naturally massive boobies that are close to naked with nothing she can do to change that. >She can be seen breathing a little faster after your solid cock gives off a couple of slight twitches you couldn’t stop from sneaking out. >You already feel naked, and Milky Way can sense that in you from the way your hands tremble. >She takes another sip from the straw… >Able to feel on her hand and forearm how erect her own nipples are from the chill of her cold drink. >How insistently they are begging to pierce through her bikini top that turns out to be thinner in its fabric than Milky Way thought would be able to properly handle her big hardening nipples right under it~ >Watching you struggle to hide your uncontrollable erection strikes aroused empathy into Milky Way’s heart. >She knows what that’s like, trying to keep her large erect nipples from poking through her top before anyone can see. >These instances always make her feel more naked too… >Having had so many eyes turn towards her whenever her body couldn’t stop singing the graces of her sexual beauty nature gifted to her. >The chill from her milkshake (with a straw) and the way she feels inside watching you lose the battle against your erection is making Milky Way lose her own battle trying to stop her big erect nipples from getting extremely harder and harder through her bikini top. >Her own shivering she didn’t know was happening until now turns from anxious to aroused like yours is, contracting whatever it was your aura has spread to her. >Milky Way doesn’t realize the irreversible force of what’s happening to her. >She tries to converse normally while her voluptuous body tells a much different story she isn’t aware of yet. >The knowledge that other people are walking around in this public space already wasn’t enough to stop her from wearing a small revealing bikini that displays so many soft and curvaceous features she’s been stuck with since her teen years. >Now she’s seeing it affect someone more than it ever has, far beyond his control, under the impression that it’s entirely because of her. >A tugging and struggling between feeling complimented and feeling guilty shows in her eyes. >An urge to help you only feels right in her heart, but it gets supercharged by how fast her heart begins to beat the longer bodies exchange unspoken signals and cues. >She knows she may be entering dangerous territory, but something inside makes it feel like home to her while she considers stepping into it. >Something primal. Something proudly hard. >Feels so… belonging… dizzying… >Her words may dance around the rapidly increasing need, but pheromones will get to the point and say it for her. >”I saw the band here play a few times, did you?” Milky Way’s body gestures for an exchange. >An exchange between you two. >Your body is erect for her and ready to give away your mancream. >Milky Way’s body is erect for you and ready to give away her breast milk. >”That’s really cool.” Milky responds to whatever it was you just said. >You know you said something, but it already got pushed out of your memory by the crushing need to slip your desperate erection between Milky Way’s naturally huge and soft breasts and work your equipment between her cleavage until the coupling makes you climax deep into her softness. >With your hot mancream never seen again until it would trickle down Milky Way’s soft tummy and bellybutton that gently contracts as she giggles at whatever you said next. >Neither of you know that your urges have been interrupting your half-conscious conversation without stopping you from speaking. >But the heat of your intentions soon drip from every word, not caring if they’re for a stranger whom you just met. >It may not be socially acceptable to suddenly act upon unannounced sexual urges with someone you’ve only known for a couple of minutes, but both of you have drifted far enough away from the norms to a mutual island of understanding in your minds. >Driven by an unknown force that shuts everything else off, pulling rational thoughts out of reach one at a time while ambushing both of your brains with an unrelenting flood of chemicals that scream to do what your bodies are designed to do. >Milky Way doesn’t realize she’s been letting her arm fall away from her enticing chest. >The two of you are allowing eachother to get a better look at what’s getting each of you all worked up. >Nature is helping things go where they need to go, but nature itself is being supercharged by an unknown force that turns the two of you into animals one shutdown of a civilized mental barrier at a time. >You both might as well be talking utter gibberish and you wouldn’t be able to tell anyway. >You can only focus on eachother’s sexual attributes whether you openly admit it or not; can’t think about anything else. >Now you can again see the obvious stiff bulges and outlines of Milky Way’s big sexy hard nipples showing through her bikini top. >Milky is starting to stammer a lot herself as her nipples silently beg you to suck them. >Your cock responds to the call with an obvious twitch that Milky notices but pretends to ignore. >But she re-perches her position to face you better, and allows her big displayed boobies to softly shake and sway in response to her movements right in front of you. >There has been no formal introduction between you two, no build-up. >You literally don’t even know eachother, but don’t need to in order to wrap your excited bodies together and do what you’re physically able to do together. >And this is apparently all that was needed, for some reason. >A pressing urge to jerk off to Milky right here and down makes you start to quietly chatter your teeth in between pointless conversation extenders. >Your eyes pitifully fail to stop glancing back down at Milky’s huge natural breasts straining her turquoise bikini top. >It’d be a lot easier for your lips to stop quivering so hard if she’d let you stop trying to talk with them and instead just latch them onto her big hard nipples showing through that bikini top of hers. >Then they’d be doing exactly what they really wanted to do all this time. >Even Milky isn’t sure what she’s saying anymore, unable to think up a coherent string of words in her head as her train of thought gets rerouted towards fantasies about the raging tent you have zero ability to hide. >She anxiously sucks up more of her milkshake through the straw gently pinched between her lips. >Able to register how it tastes even sweeter now but not able to care as each gulp does less and less to distract her from you each time she swallows more sweet creamy goodness. >There was once a time when both of you were self conscious about everyone else around being able to see what’s going on through your swimsuits. >It became less important as mutual arousal took over, and Milky’s sensual lip bite confirms that she’s gradually losing to her urges just as you are. >She doesn’t want to lose to this alone and neither do you, that’s all either of you know about your situation. >That and what you intend to do about it together. >Milky Way can’t even speak at all anymore until it’s getting something sexual off of her chest. >Her previously coherent structure of thoughts and reasoning has melted into a horny stew. >She’s no longer watching her words. >”It’s okay that my tits are distracting you…” Milky huffs with something to finally talk about, while barely realizing her arms are pushing those big soft tits of hers together just for you. “You must really like them, huh?” “They’re amazing.” You bravely compliment her, watching her soft cleavage deepen while on display for you. “You like showing them off a lot?” >”I usually try not to.” Milky answers with honesty. “They really fill out all my tops, make them stretch around the chest and stay looser there forever even after I wash them.” “Does that make them fit you better?” >”Yeah… helps me break into my tops more easily over time… they get more comfortable and less strained around my tits.” >Her huge heaving tits. >Which she’s casually describing as such in front of a stranger like you as if it’s suddenly not that big of a deal to do so. >It carries such a liberating feeling to it, like this used to be the dangerous territory but now it’s safer not to leave it. >”I guess this bikini top doesn’t do a whole lot to cover me, huh?” >Milky Way loves the way you bite your lip at her in approval. >Blunt, mindless honesty about true feelings comes crashing in, unstoppable. “They turn me on so much.” You confess. >“I like how they turn you on” She confesses right back to you. “I like that you like that…” >”I guess you won’t stop staring at them, huh?” >You shake your head. >”Here. Want a better view?” Milky gets up out of her chair to hobble over to you. “I think I wanna sit in that chair after all~” >And as she gets up, Milky Way’s naturally big and soft pair of tits deliciously sway in that small clingy bikini top of hers~ >The turquoise garment is held in place only by the connected latch on her back and a single strap that goes behind her neck. >Even Milky’s soft thighs and round buttcheeks jiggle while she takes a couple of clumsy steps to regain her balance, barely able to think straight through her once-hesitant arousal scrambling her mind. >Milky Way intentionally allows her big soft boobies to jiggle for you as she walks around her chair and towards yours. >You hadn’t noticed your right hand begin to graze along your diamond hard shade through your swimming trunks until Milky’s flattered commentary on it. >”Enjoying the show~?” She coos with a playful giggle, standing at the foot of your chair with a few hip-jutting ministeps making her jello gently shake for you on purpose. “So am I…” >At some point, your hand must have snaked under the rim of your swimming trunks as you began gratifying yourself to Milky Way showing off her sexy bikini body to you… >The way you’ve begun to stroke yourself in public sends a rush of excitement into her. >Something about the fact that her body made you start doing THAT in public where anyone can see. >She feels a lot less alone when you’re exposed with her. >Her bikini revealing so much of her beautiful body doesn’t matter in a negative way anymore. >Not when you’re jerking yourself off to her like this… >The sudden increase in something that’s a lot more than simply comfort forces you to realize what you’re doing in public. >Milky is letting the elements leading up to the exchange you both want fall into place, already having her next response ready now that she’s in full agreement with her exploding sex drive about what needs to happen right now. >A sharp gasp escapes you after you realize you started masturbating to this girl in public. >Why didn’t she tell you to stop? >Your powerful erection feels like your hand got torn from it after the feeling of every stroke leaves your anxious erect shaft. >Still pretty much bolted upwards, your violently hard erection pitches a tent so obvious that you might as well have your standing meat out in the open at this point. >You can still see it through the open gap of the waistband, which has rendered you exposed anyway to anyone looking over your shoulder with nothing you can do about it so long as you are *this* erect. >”It’s okay… I didn’t mind that at all~” Milky Way needs you to resume so her state of near-nudity doesn’t start to feel alone in the breeze. “I can’t stop myself from showing so much anyway, neither of us can right now.” >You can see her not so secretly begin to tremble with horny impatience, intentionally mashing them together first with her upper arms again to play it off like she didn’t mean to. >But who is she kidding? She can’t pretend no more. >Milky Way boasts her naturally big and soft pair of breasts with her hands now cupping them and blatantly pushing them together just for you. >Her stiff nipple bulges beckon through the thin turquoise fabric for your thirsty lips to latch on and suck on those big sexy breasts one at a time. >Her knees cause the thick rubber strands of the chair to give way as she kneels on either side of your legs, groping her own huge breasts with her hands and shaking them around in her grip. >”This turns you on~…” Milky Way feels her head spinning in a downward spiral into an ocean of lust while she continues to jiggle her jello for you. “Jerk off to it. I’ll put on a nice show for you~” >Before you can react, Milky Way grabs the front of your swimming trunks and tugs it downward. >She knows where you can hide your uncontrollable erection (that she believes only she caused) in this public water park, and it’s not your own swimming trunks… >She’s taking responsibility for what she made happen by walking around like this in such a small bikini for her naturally busty chest she knew would bounce around so much when she walked towards you. >That’s her excuse to get to your diamond hard manmeat, at least. >You reflexively hold onto the edges of your swimming trunks but with your sexual desires taking your determination to keep yourself dressed away. >Your sexual desires are only fed into more while you watch Milky Way’s giant soft pair of boobs barely contained in her revealing bikini top get delightfully pushed together the most they’ve been yet when she quickly wins the struggle you put up for your swimming trunks. >Milky Way urgently needs your mancream, and succeeds in forcing the back of your swimming trunks all the way down your ass, leaving your solidly upright manmeat itself the only thing stopping the front from giving way to let it fling out in its proudly erect glory. >Milky becomes more insistent to expose your manmeat, hooked on the teaser it’s been giving her through your thin swimming trunks. >This conversation turned physical with the base of your shaft catching Milky’s hungry gaze. >Her breathing becomes labored and uneven, accompanying maniacal giggles in between while her crazed eyes that undressed you in her mind a thousand times now watch her hands do it for real. >Your last shred of clothing surrenders to Milky Way for you; she pulled the front rim inside out and peeled it away along the rigid length of your shaft. >Making you prove with every throbbing twitch that your fully erect cock is just as big as she imagined. >Too erect to slap against your lower stomach, your cock flings out with a few bobs back and forth, no longer shielded from the breeze licking it. >Your swimming trunks stay tangled halfway down your thighs. >”Keep going~” Milky Way’s commanding voice drops to an airy hum that tries so hard to hold back how ready she is to express her mysterious but powerful arousal to a total stranger in public. >You had already obeyed Milky Way’s command to resume before you had quickly decided to. >”I’ll take care of that for you soon enough,” Milky sighs with so many flickers of need, feeling a shiver run up her spine at how big and full your balls look. “Keep stroking for me~” >Her excited lip bite curves upwards at the corners into an aroused grin with an anxious giggle. >Milky Way delivers the show you wanted to see as soon as you had begun to leer her in that skimpy swimsuit she chose to wear to here. >She knew from the start you wanted to watch her kneel over you and swing those wide round hips in ways that cause her huge bountiful pair of tits to wobble side to side in that hot bikini top that can’t stop them. >As though you were making a final attempt to get away, you scoot back to sit yourself up. >Milky immediately follows you, watching you not even cease your stroking for a second and meets with you eye to eye. >”Nice to meet you, hon.” She introduces herself a second time with more honesty about how she feels. “You’re super into my tits, huh? How about I let you feel them up… c’mon hon, don’t be shy~” >Grabbing your free hand and guiding it where you both want it to go, Milky Way welcomes you to grope her huge soft rack you’ve been lusting over. >”Don’t be afraid to say it… these things drive you crazy?” Milky Way playfully taunts you. >You nod enthusiastically in needy silence, letting your grip lustfully squeeze her supple flesh with gentle insistence. >Her creamy skin is warm silk against your hands, deliciously giving way to your fingertips enjoying the busty softness of Milky Way’s completely developed D-cup breasts filling out that turquoise bikini top that holds them the best it can. >”Showing it works too, baby~” Milky Way says with a quiet elated giggle. “Feels *good*, yeah?” >You sigh with your hands complimenting her with eager fondling that threatens to her lost between Milky Way’s deep soft cleavage. >”Yeah… I’m glad you like these…” Milky smiles. “They give me so much trouble every day. Let’s help eachother out, hon~” >The exchange you both want so much more than friendly smalltalk could not be more closely within reach. >You happily continue to masturbate while Milky Way rewards your lust for her by positioning her bountiful chest right in front of your face. >”You like my bikini top?” >After a nod, you give her soft massive breasts another gentle squeeze one at a time. >The stiff bulges from her big sexy nipples underneath beg for you, for your mouth to suck on Milky Way’s large bare breasts~ >”Wanna see my bikini top come off?” >You respond with both of your hands running up and down the bare skin of Milky’s midriff; she knows it’s a yes, and she knows you’re thirsty for her breast milk. >She’s more than happy to fulfill her half of the exchange first to satisfy you. >Milky Way resumes playing with her own big soft breasts in her revealing bikini top, now intentionally helping it malfunction little by little, knowing how to do so after so many years of keeping it in place. >Milky Ways pushes and kneads her soft mounds of flesh together and side to side, frantically shaking them up and down, causing the fabric of her bikini top to slip a little but doesn’t do anything to readjust it this time. >Her shivering only intensifies when she sees you resume masturbating to the show she’s putting on for you. >Milky Way’s areolae slip out after she neglects to tug the fabric back over her tits properly. “Oops, hehehe~” She simply continues to let her bikini top fail on purpose. >The sight of Milky Way’s big sexy nipples flicking out into full exposure was the thing that gravitated your face into her supple flesh. >As soon as Milky Way’s nipples were made bare, you puckered your lips and wrapped them around those big beautiful areolae, the taste being just as exciting as you expected. >”Oh my~!” Milky Way reacts positively, before her pitch heightens to feeling the suction of your mouth start. “You r-really like them *that* much… h-huh~?” >Her huge mounds softly press onto your face with each nervously aroused breath of hers >”Ngh…” jitters from the sudden stimulation you’re giving her while her pert nipples are pulled gently by your thirsting lips tightly locked onto them one at a time. “A-ah~! Oh my gosh that… feels…” >Her hand holds the back of your head and eagerly pulls you closer into her bosom, arching her back to push her chest out onto you face burying itself in her supple rack. >The way your lips drag closing circles around Milky Way’s nipples’ peaks makes her deeply gasp and press her chest outward even more firmly against your face, leaning into the very thing driving her wild~ >But the stimulation grows intense enough to make her wish she could pull away to calm herself down if this didn’t feel so incredible. >Milky Way begins to make her amorous yelps higher and higher pitch in response to the way your tongue drags its way up her areolae, licking her exposed nipples~ >”Oh fuck, baby~!” Milky Way huffs in between long, loud drawn out breaths. “You… really… REALLY wanted me, huh?” >You can feel Milky Way’s erect nipples try their best to stand attention up against your licking tongue. >Her hardened peaks stiffly poke onto your tongue that in turn flicks them up and down as pleasure surges through Milky. >Whichever nipple of hers isn’t facing a full on suckling ambush from your mouth is subject to the same cool evening breeze that your huge stiff cock wobbles around in. >The chill of your wetness on her nipple against the breeze forces it to stiffen and stand up further in response. >Only for it to receive another treatment of erotic suction and tongue action to the delight of Milky as soon as your warm mouth closes back around it as its next turn begins. >”Nnghh~… I sh-should’ve known how… badly… you wanted to suck on these…” >Since the minute you first laid eyes on her. >Those same blue cow licks of her long locks of hair now tickle both of your arms as you embrace her torso while her hands hold your head close to her. >The building heat and pleasure your stimulating treatment of her bare nipples is inducing sparks a nagging tingling that flutters its way throughout Milky Way’s huge naked breasts squishing against your face. >Milky Way barely noticed your positions change with you becoming the one on top of her. >You barely noticed it yourself, but both of your bodies had quickly agreed on it for as long as you will be suckling on Milky Way’s huge soft breasts like it’s the only thing stopping you from dying of thirst for the next thousand miles. >The tingling in her breasts becomes stronger with your insistent assistance, and Milky already knows what this means. >Her big beautiful nipples can only take so much licking suction lovingly pulling on them like this before it all triggers a *spurting* response out of them… >It’s something Milky Way knows she won’t be able to hold back… >And your mouth persists and persists and persists, piling more and more tingling upon each of Milky’s sexy nipples until it overwhelms her control of them one by one. >There’s a final bastion of Milky’s embarrassment that realizes that she shouldn’t be lactating in public… which is the only way she’s able to remember that she could get in trouble for exposing her nipples in public. >She reflexively tugs one half of her failing bikini top back over her bare erect nipple, but her nipple’s hardened peak proudly prods against the inside of the thin fabric along with the course outline of her areola, showing every detail through it anyway. >Milky Way’s bikini top is now practically useless in covering her breasts~ >Your mouth brings her reaction out of her other nipple she couldn’t cover from you in time… to Milky Way’s anxious delight. >Her areola took too much of your latching lips dragging across it to not register the pleasure, and the same could be said for your tongue flicking her nipple’s stiffened peak standing to attention inside of your enveloping mouth. >”Ahh, a-Ohh I’m…” Milky Way’s voice tries it best to emphasize how hopeless her struggle to keep from going over the edge is. >Her erect nipple up against the inside of your mouth finally gives in to the relentless suckling and licking, you can taste it happening… >Milky Way shudders while you feel her begin to squirt sweet warm breast milk directly into your suckling mouth~ >Her mouth gapes open in a silent scream, sexual electricity making her body joyfully lock up. >Your thirsty mouth works in tune with Milky Way’s agitated nipple surrendering her creamy breast milk to the prowess of your tongue and lips. >Further encouraging the already inevitable as you draw out more and longer spurts that fulfill Milky Way’s end of this lustful exchange. >”Oh fuck, baby… I’m… I…” >The arousing taste of a small flood of Milky Way’s warm silky breast milk spreads throughout your mouth. >You let your breath tickle her bare skin before beginning to gulp down Milky Way’s creamy sweetness. >Suck it down. >Milky Way’s soft tummy excitedly breathes faster as her stimulation and your suckling that caused it remain in full agreement. >A wet suction sound punctuates your first act of drinking Milky Way’s breast milk straight out of her nipple. >Her exposed nipple you just finished a turn with proudly stands still erect from what you just did to it, all worked up from having you take its white hot milk in a flurry of suction. >Milky Way’s other erect nipple desperately begs for the same fate, vigorously poking up through the turquoise fabric with a dark dot indicating she has already begun to leak for you there… >A sliver of Milky Way’s large sexy areola was already peeking out before you pulled the rest of the maladjusted fabric back out of the way again. >A murky white drop of breast milk quickly forms at the leaking peak of Milky Way’s other nipple, *mercifully* inviting you to drive its already barely contained release out of contro- >Latching your lips around Milky Way's tangy areola, you instantly feel a powerful spurt of her warm creamy breast milk charge into your awaiting mouth. >It challenges and outshines the strength of the streams that shot out of her first nipple you drank from. >Milky Way leans back in full surrender to you expressing how much you want her, delightfully letting the coil of tension within her spring undone as she feels herself irreversibly release everything into your thirsty mouth. >Her bikini top is held open while you alternate from one of her nipples to another, gulping down Milky Way’s delicious breast milk in public for anyone nearby to see. >”Mmmhh~… it’s nice to meet you too, hon~” Milky finally slows her breathing as her state of public exposure starts to feel more and more natural as it does arousing. >Stroking your length for a longer time than you had realized you were, you slow your hand’s stroking of your shaft as your lips continue their working of Milky’s sexy nipples being made to squirt more and more of her breast milk for you to gulp down from her moment of release. >Even after your suckling eventually outpaces her ability to accumulate more for you -after several minutes and what must have been enough breast milk to fill a small glass-, you continue to massage Milky Way’s big sexy nipples with your lips tugging them outward and tongue circling her areolae around her stiffened peaks anyway… >Solely because you love it, and solely because Milky loves it just as much as you love it. >Her gentle embrace around your head with fingers in your hair says it all: she could not possibly be more comfortable right now. >Another minute or two of heaven goes by. >It’s hard to pretend you didn’t just see her fully bare breasts after Milky tugs her bikini top back over her erect nipples that still shine through. >You’re back to stroking your manmeat, drunk on Milky Way’s breast milk and ready to obediently give her your mancream she’s been craving. >Your swimming trunks remain bunched at your knees; you’re back to lying on your back in the reclined chair with Milky Way looming above you. >She grins wider than ever, knowing how much you’re loving the show she’s putting on for you while now under the lust fueled influence of her creamy nectar you just finished swallowing. >You can still taste her as your eyes drink in the beautiful spectacle of her dance. >Milky Way wastes no time in taking the bikini strap away from the back of her neck. >The entire front of her bikini top loses all of its support to stay clung to Milky Way’s soft natural rack, loosening and falling all the way down off of her bare breasts~ >The back of Milky’s bikini top is momentarily undone as well, leaving the article as nothing more than a few freely dangling strands of fabric to be tossed to the side. >Topless in public, Milky Way cups her naturally big and soft naked breasts and plays with them for you~ >Groping herself, pushing her mounds together to boast that cleavage once more before speaking to you: “You can hide that thing right between these, baby~!” >The basically magnetic attraction between the two of you can be felt getting stronger as Milky lowers herself, big soft wobbling breasts closing in on your erect cock like a car crusher about to destroy someone’s titfuck virginity. >It took this much to convince you to pull your hands away from your shaft. >It’s time to have the other half of this exchange… Milky Way knows what can churn your mancream out more enjoyably than your hand can… >The way your naked defenseless erection jolts against the first soft impact with the smooth skin of Milky Way’s heavy supple tits makes her chuckle with entertained arousal. >”I love how turned on you are~!” Milky snickers gleefully while asserting her huge soft mounds on either side of your leaking tip. >That soft flesh continues to interact with your velvety underside despite the unspoken warnings that you might combust into a fiery mess of arousal with no way of recovering. >You were scared of how much she turns you on until she openly relished in it, voluntarily stepping into the same mindmushed state of horny need as you. >You couldn’t possibly feel alone in this with your manmeat wildly twitching as Milky Way’s naked breasts continue to envelope it into the soft confinement of her sexy cleavage. >It’s everything you ever wanted times two. >The give of her flesh against your diamond hard length only serves to excite your erection even harder… unable to be pushed away… in all directions… >Milky Way bites her lip with no intention to hide the enthrallment your twitching boner between her naturally huge knockers brings her. >Her bountiful assets make part of you feel more alive than it’s ever felt… and Milky can sense it in your engulfed member’s quick and frantic movements inside the wonderful prison of her soft breasts. >Her breathing and yours compete to see whose can reach a faster pace. >Your eyes meet, your toes curl, Milky lets out a wanting sigh before moving her breasts up and down. >She can feel in your manmeat’s tensing and jolting what this feeling of unbearably wonderful pleasure is doing to you. >Your shaft’s velvety skin is gently pulled up and down by the envelopment of Milky Way’s deep soft cleavage, with your solid diamond underneath bearing the brunt of the overwhelming rush of arousal this interaction between hard and soft flesh showers unto you. >”Relax, baby. I’ll help you make that pesky boner go away…” Milky Way hides her bare nipples from public view by pressing them onto your waist, her huge soft boobs deliciously squishing down onto you every time she lets them fall along the length of your cock buried between them. >There’s a crazed look in Milky Way’s stare that promises she wouldn’t let you leave this position if you tried. >Your member would never dream of escaping. >Happily submitting to the rising and falling of its gently tight flesh entrapment that resumes where your hand left off for you. >Every time Milky Way shifts her lovely breasts up and or down, your throbbing rod gratefully flinches in horny gratitude up against the confines of her enveloping softness as a response. >Milky’s response to which is to mischievously push her boobies together slightly harder or increase the pace of her motions. >The only cost of which is making the softness of her silky flesh jiggle more to each impact while gently slapping back down. >Flattered by how much you love this, Milky Way encourages you to love it even more with a tempting increase in pace every time. >Her gentle churning of your manmeat for your mancream has you under her control now, not wanting to leave it. >It feels too amazing to pull away from. >Milky Way’s lidded eyes glow with a thirst only you can quench. >She couldn’t help but lick her lips at you, in the same manner you licked yours at her before gulping down your half of the exchange. >Now the sensation has taken away Milky’s ability to verbally encourage your arousal. >She gasps wordlessly as she feels your cock teeter towards the brink of leaving your control. >And when it’s in Milky Way’s soft bountiful domain, your manmeat can’t possibly hold onto control, losing all say in what’s about to happen to your mancream. >Milky’s motions are the only thing that determines that now… and she wants those hot spurts all to herself. >She’s somewhat humble in how she insists you up to the edge of ejaculation. >Noticing your drooling tip finally peek out below her chin, she patiently waits until you’re ready… but impatiently nudges you towards being ready faster and sooner~ >Pre freely dribbles out of your tip, wetly spreading all over a bit of Milky’s smooth skin that envelops your sensitive glans every time she lifts those soft beautiful tits up once more along your submerged length… >She slowed a little bit to keep you lasting a little while longer, but then decides to pick up the pace. >Your mancream she craves can’t stay packed inside of your balls for long. >Milky Way decides when it’s cumming out. >The lewd wet slaps of her flesh bearing down upon you to an erotic rhythm gets more frequent. >The cat’s out of the bag now, she’s going full force ahead… something she knows you can’t survive. >A nervous plea for mercy squeaks out of your lips, but Milky Way only listens to what she feels your cock begging her to do in a new series of desperately horny jolts and flinches. >She wants to make sure you can’t come back up over the edge. >Milky Way jackhammers her soft bouncing tits up and down around your erect wildly reacting manmeat. >Aside a few wet squelches between your precum and her skin, it silently begs her to finish you off~ >Your body is commanded outside of your control to start cumming for Milky Way~ >And you would have had no part in the decision to obey even had you wanted to disagree. >Milky Way feels your manmeat tense up, and her pupils contract. >She instinctively knows what to do. >Takes your solid, flinching, spasming manmeat to the hilt with her huge bountiful tits… >Possessively holding you balls-deep with your slick leaking glans swelling in bracing anticipation of its imminent blasting release sticking up out of that hypnotically jiggling cleavage~ >Milky Way takes the tip of your glans between her soft puckered lips nanoseconds before the first turbulent blast of your hot thick mancream jets out past your pre… >Milky Way gave your mouth squirts of her breast milk akin to squeezing a filled baby bottle. >You’re giving Milky Way’s mouth jets of your mancream akin to a pressure washer. >”Mmmp-!” Milky Way immediately begins to endure exactly what she asked for, urgently moving to swallow your rapidly accumulating load that fills her mouth. >Burst after burst makes her cheeks puff out a little more each time, but her lust drenched eyes challenge this to challenge the capacity of her mouth and the speed of her swallowing… >Milky Way gulps down all she can before finally having your hot load of mancream begin to trickle down her chin. >The white hot mancream pools along the soft enticing crease of Milky Way’s busty cleavage that still deliciously clamps around your still wildly jolting and spurting manmeat… >Slowly but surely, the spilt overload of your hot mancream seeps between Milky Way’s cleavage… sinking deeper and deeper between the pressed together surfaces of her soft smooth skin~ >Several loud gulps escape Milky Way’s throat, a trickle of white mancream finds its way to her cute soft bellybutton and the rubber surface of the chair below. >As Milky Way looks up at you, thick and drippy strands of cum stretch between her lips and your tip while glowing hearts fill her eyes with a deep luminescent pink. >Licking her lips only makes one of the cum strands catch onto her tongue without even breaking. >”Let’s hang out for a while~…” Unrelated story I still felt like coming back and linking because it was "created in the same lab at the same time" so to speak: