>Laying on her bed in Mane Melody, Pipp lays there deep in thought about today. >She was staring at the active fan going around and around until her sister trots into the room. >”Hey sis, what’s with the glum face?” “It’s Posey, she’s been in a real mood lately.” >”So? She’s always been like that.” “No, you don’t get it. She’s extremely moody; I think the two had a falling out.” >”That doesn’t sound good.” “It isn’t. She’s returning to old habits and I don’t know what to do to help her.” >”Hmmm… Does she have a mane appointment anytime soon?” “Yeah, but she’ll most likely take Jazz.” >”How about having Jazz ask her the questions and you listen.” “That’s not a bad idea, thanks Zipp!” >”No problem, Pipp. Now if you excuse me, I got to take a shower after that route I took.” “Ziiiippp, are you still doing those parkour tricks?” >”Oh yeah, sis, I got to have a hobby between detective work just like you with your Mane Melody.” “First, it’s a job that I enjoy.” >”Hobby.” “Shut up, and second, I saw an opportunity to start over after Sunny ruined my reputation. Still haven’t forgiven her for that…” >”Aren’t you supposed to be snooping on Posey?” “OH MY HOOFNESS!!!” >Pipp gallops out of the room as Zipp sighs out of annoyance. >”Does she know that she’s gaining those followers back?” >Sliding to a halt and trying to act chill, Pipp leans on the wall. “Hey Jazzy.” >”Hey Pipp! How’s your day been?” “That’s what I want to talk about. Not about my day, but Posey’s.” >”I don’t understand.” “Jazz, I think Windy and Posey had a falling out and I need you to know what happened between the two. You’re one of the greatest listeners and smooth talkers I’ve ever known!” >”I don’t know, Pipp. She’s a tough cookie to crack and I’ve known her for years.” “Please, Jazz, you’re my only hope to help those two.” >”Alright, I’ll do it.” >A ting-a-ling from the bell rings throughout the building, indicating that somepony has entered the building. >”Hello? Anypony home?” >Posey calls out to no one in particular. The building’s quiet, too quiet. >”Hey there, Posey! Came for your appointment?” Jazz asks with a grin beaming from ear to ear. >”Yes, Jazz,” Posey states simply as she sits down in one of the swivel chairs. >”The usual?” >”The usual.” >Jazz begins her work on Posey’s mane, humming a lovely tune to herself. >”Say, it’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other. How’s it been since your last appointment?” Jazz simply asks as she pulls off Posey’s bow and wets her hair down. >“Fine…” >”You sure? You seem very tense.” >”Ok, I’ll tell you how I actually feel. Promise you won’t tell ANYPONY about this?” >“Sure…” Jazz replies with a cringed smile as she grabs a hold of a pair of scissors and begins to cut the yellow pony’s mane. >”It started a little over a week ago, and Windy and I were hiking out in the hoofhills of the Filly Mountains…” >The ponies trotted deep in the heavily wooded valley to their camping spot. Now, Posey always loved nature, she really did, but when it came to the uncharted wilderness of Equestria’s forests, that is when she hated it. >The uncertain feeling of being watched, the twists and turns to easily get lost in, and the unknown creatures that lurked in the shadows terrified Posey, but she had to try out some of Windy’s hobbies to see if she would like them. Her attempt to have Windy interested in painting was a bust. >Posey really wished she didn’t take part in Windy's hobby. >”Are we almost to the camp?” >Hearing the shiver in Posey’s voice, Windy turned her head around to the scared yellow pony. >”About five more miles and we’ll be there!” >Posey’s ear flicked as she heard the sound of bushes being ruffled. >She stops right in her tracks and looks out to find where that sound was coming from. >”Windy!” >Windy’s ear flicked as she heard her friend whispering to get her attention. >”Yes, Posey?” >”There’s something out there.” >Windy trotted back to where Posey was standing and looked in her direction. >Out of the bushes came a pack of Aralez. >”RUN!!!” yelled out Windy as the ponies were being chased by the pack. >Soon, they came to a narrow part of the trail that had a step drop on their left. >With one fatal swipe from one of the winged wolf’s claws, Posey's back leg was slashed. >Posey reaches out with her fore hooves and grabs onto Windy’s tail. >Windy felt herself leaning to the left and before she knew it, She was being dragged down the steep hill by Posey. >As the two slowed to a stop at the bottom of the hill, the pack were busy looking everywhere to find them. >Windy, sighing in delight, that the pack couldn’t find them. >”What the buck was that!?!? You said that this trail was safe!” >”I-I-It normally is! Maybe those Aralez were trying to find new territory to take over!” >”And you never thought to ask a local if the area was safe?” >”It never occurred to me!” >”Of course you didn’t, you–OW my leg!” >”Let me help you tr-” >”NO! Trusting a featherbrain like you was a horrible idea; that I can see clearly.” >”FINE. You help yourself to your suffering, but I’m still going to follow you to that village.” >”Whatever you say, featherbrain. As it should be, a featherbrain behind an earth pony. All quiet and in their place.” >”Posey… Are you ever going to be friends from the other tribes?” >”Not after all that, I rather stay in my lane with my own kind.” >”I– see… I think you two should work it out.” >”Pfft… No way! >As Posey and Jazz talked, Pipp flew upstairs and opened the window. “I gotta find Windy.” >Pipp races through Maretime Bay and makes it to Windy’s house, which sits in the quieter side of the town >After knocking on the door, Windy answers and greets Pipp with a smile. >”Hey Pipp, how are ya?” “I’m doing fine; you got a second to spare? I need to talk to you on an important matter?” >”Sure, come on in.” >Entering Windy’s humble abode, the walls are decorated with memorabilia from Windy’s life back in Zephyr Heights. >”Take a seat. Would you like anything to drink?” “No thank you.” >”So, what do you have to tell me?” “It’s about you and Posey.” >”Oh…” “I just want to help you, Windy.” >”I know… Guess you want me to start from the beginning?” “Just tell me your side of the story.” >”It started a few weeks ago… We both realized that our friendship was waning after I fell asleep in the middle of the art museum, so I suggested that she come with me to a camping ground since she likes nature and I like nature and it’s something new. So I figured it was a win-win situation.” “That’s nice of you.” >”It was… until that pack of Aralez attacked us… I should’ve known to ask the locals…” “That’s why I’m here; I’m going to make sure she’ll be your friend again.” >”That’s nice and all, but how? We’re both pegasi, so she won’t dare get near us even with a fifty-foot pole.” “Oh, I got a plan for that. All we need is a little ‘competition’, some ‘competitors’, and persuasion.” >Walking out to her mailbox, Posey opens the front lid and grabs a hoofful of mail. >”Bills, junk mail, brochures to Ponytropico, no way I’m spending time on a beach with a bunch of screaming foals this time; brochure to Wild, buck no, already suffer enough with the ponies here. I don’t need to spend time with a bunch of air-headed bimbos… >Stopping in her tracks, she notices an unmarked envelope that has fallen from her grasp and is now laying on the trail. >”Does anypony even know how to write addresses on envelopes anymore or stamp them?” >Picking up the letter, she opens it by tearing the flap with her teeth. >After reading the letter, she trots back to her house with a smile. She was selected to be one of the judges for the flower contest. >”Are you sure this will work?” ”It will, Windy! Mark my words!” >”Okay, but why the shades and trenchcoat? Couldn’t I just wear a dress?” ”It’s the only thing that fits with the hat! Now get out there!” >”Wait! How about the plant? She can tell that I’m a pegasus if I can’t grow a simple flower!” ”Don’t you worry, you’ll be sitting next to Flowa Queen and she’ll do her magic on your plant!” >Trying to get in another word, Windy was denied such action by a loud megaphone commanding all attending competitors to their table. >”Oh sweet Celestia, please give me strength…” >Windy trots up on the big stage and looks out onto the crowd down below, searching for Posey. >”Ahem… AHEM!” >Snapping her head to the left, she sees her ex-best friend, Posey, standing there with a grumpy expression on her face. Windy let out a phony voice to hide her identity. >”S-Sorry, ma’am! Just got distracted by the large crowd. Hehe.” >Windy felt her soul getting pierced by Posey's strong glare. >”Just get to your spot.” >Posey trots off before Windy lets off a breath of relief as she goes to her spot right next to Flowa Queen. >The megaphone comes back to life with a loud screech before a voice can be heard. >”In this contest, the judges will be testing you on your ability to grow flowers and create intricate designs with them.” >Posey and a few judges begin their trip, starting from the right, down the table. They study each and every flower ever grown in front of them. >Jolting up from her snooze, Windy looks over and sees the judges looking over Flowa’s plant. >Sweating hard, Windy’s eyes dart from side to side as Posey and the judges finish with Flowa and trots over to her plant pot. >”Alright, now show us what you can do.” >”S-sure thing!” >With a tap of a hoof on the wooden floor, Flowa uses her magic to flow through Windy’s seed. >The seed sprouts through the soil slowly at first and then bursts up in the air; everypony looks on in awe at the display. >The plant sprouts out into a beautiful collage of two ponies enjoying each other’s company from going to the movies, harvesting vegetables at community garden, building sandcastles during a competition, and trotting through nature. >Posey was impressed with the collage until she noticed something from the collage. All of them are basically the adventures she and Windy had. >”Wait a minute!” >Pipp, the contestants, the crowd, and the judges look on in horror as Posey reaches and rips off the trenchcoat, revealing Windy to everyone. >”I KNEW YOU WOULD DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!!” >”I-I-It isn’t what it looks like! It’s j-jus-” >Posey’s eyes flare up like the depths of Hell are ready to take another soul to eternal damnation. >”SHUT UP FEATHERBRAIN!!! YOU THINK TRYING TO BECOME FRIENDS AGAIN IS AS EASY AS A WAVE OF A HOOF AND A PETTY EXCUSE OF AN APOLOGY LETTER!!!” >Posey’s forehooves stomp hard against the stage floor, causing cracks to form underneath her. >Windy, now fallen back on her rear, looks on in fear as she is getting an earful. >The crowd looks on, worried about the cracks now reaching the grass and sprouting small vine-like appendages. >”WELL IT’S NOT!!!” >With one final slam on the stage, the cracks break open and a barrage of disgusting vines and venus fly traps the size of Mane Melody begin to rise from the ground. >Posey turns around and looks on in horror at her creation. >The ponies scream and gallop as vines rain down on them, trying to catch them. >”HELLLLP!!!” >Posey shakes her head, turns around, and sees Windy being lifted up while in a tanglement of vines. >Her struggling made the vines grip on to her tighter. >In an instint, Posey runs on one of the vines. >”HOLD ON, WINDY!!!” >Noticing the vines coming down on her, Posey jumps onto another vine. >”I’M ALMOST THERE!!!” >Posey yells and jumps off the vine. >But before she could reach Windy, she was knocked back by a vine. >She crashes onto the ground, causing a Posey-shaped crater to form around her. >Bloody, bruised, and sweaty, Posey struggles to get up before falling back down. “POSEY!!!” >Posey, struggling to turn her head, sees Pipp swooping in and landing right next to her. “ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?!?” >”Alright? I’m not alright, my ex-bestie is about to be eaten up by a monster I created…” >Posey coughs up some blood as she rests a hoof on her barrel. >Pipp reaches down and lifts up Posey’s bowless head. “Come on, Posey, you can’t just give up that easily… Remember when you wanted to convert Canterlogic into an art museum, but the town wanted it demolished?” >Posey slowly nods as blood drips from her mouth. “You never gave up did you?” >”Y-yeah…” “Then don’t give up on Windy.” >With new found confidence, Posey struggles, but successfully, gets up from the ground and looks head on at the towering flora that blocks her way. >”Pipp?” “Yes, Posey?” >”I’m going to need some help from you. When I get up on top of those venus heads, I need you to carry me.” “Really, Posey!?!? I thought you’re afraid of heights.” >”I am, but it’s more important to save my best friend. And Pipp, get that megaphone.” >Before Pipp could say another word, Posey creates herself a thick wooden sword with her magic and gallops off. >After jumping on a vine, Posey dodge and weave from the constant attacks the fly traps made. >Posey races closer and closer to the top; she looks on to see Windy getting closer to the fly trap’s gaping mouth. >While Posey keeps on racing to the top, Pipp looks around frantically for the megaphone. “Where is it! Where is it!” >The gaping mouths try to clamp down on the pink pony, but fail as she dodges from side to side. >Looking down, she sees the beaten megaphone laying on the ground. “May Celestia give me strength.” >Swooping down, Pipp reaches and grabs the megaphone. >Behind her, a long green tanglement of vines merging into a large vine fell with amazing speed towards her. “AHHH!” >Pipp flaps her wings as hard as she can while nearly avoiding the tanglement of vines slamming down on the ground. >After that encounter, the pegasus frantically turns her head and finds the earth pony galloping on one of the vines. >Reaching to the top of one of the fly traps, Posey races towards the edge and jumps. >Before Posey could realize she was falling, her forehooves were caught by two pink hooves. “Where to, Posey?!” >”Go up above Windy! I’m aiming to kill two birds with one stone! >Pipp does what the yellow mare commands and flies above Windy and her captor. >”NOW!!!” >Pipp lets go of the yellow mare’s hooves. >Posey, with her teeth clenching the hilt, falls with incredible speed towards the monster. >Looking on in horror, Windy tries to scream at the increasingly improaching earth pony, but only the muffled sounds of her voice are barely audible as the fly trap tightens its grip on her. >With one quick slash of her wooden sword, Posey cuts the vine and stem. >Windy and the fly trap fall to the ground with a loud smash as the other plants look on at the death of one of their kind. >”NOW, PIPP!!!” >Pipp looks at the megaphone and frantically touches the button on the side. >Taking a deep breath, Pipp lets out a loud blood curdling scream. >The amplified scream shutters the plants to stop in their tracks. >Using this opportunity, Posey races towards the stunted plants and begins to slash at them. >The first few were easy to take care of, but they soon got tougher as Pipp’s voice was being strained from her constant screaming. >After slashing a few more plants, Posey finds herself stuck in a Mexican standoff with some of the monsters. >She looks on at them while sweat drips from her head, soaking her mane wet. >Their vines are ready to lunge at her if she makes one wrong move. >Looking down at her sword, she notices it’s getting dull, only one slash and it will be trashed. >She reels her head and forehooves back and throws the sword at the stem of one of the plants, killing it instantly. >Slamming the ground with her hooves, two sharp sickles with the consistency of tens to thousands of thrones woven together to form the weapon sprout out of the ground. >She gallops towards the closest plant and bucks it, causing the base of the plant to snap off. >The plant starts to fall like a tree and right in its path is Windy, still struggling to get out of her binds. >Seeing this, Pipp races towards her and tries to pull Windy, but is unsuccessful. >Posey realizes her mistake and jumps right in front of the falling fly trap. >Standing on her hind legs and reaching out above her head. >The plant, pushing Posey back, comes to a stop. >”G-Get Windy out of here!” >The vines, seeing their chance, slither their way to grab hold of the pony. “But what about you! You’ll be eaten by your own creation!” >”I don’t care if it’s my l-last stand, I only care that my bestie is out of harm’s way! >With one final tug, Pipp manages to lift Windy and flies as fast as she can. >Windy, tears filling her eyes, watches as her battered, bloody, and bruised friend gets coiled around and lifted into the air towards the gaping mouth of the monster. >”POSEY!!!” >Windy wails out in pain after seeing her best friend being devoured by a monster. >For a few moments, all was quiet… >Like a phoenix from the ashes, Posey bursts out the back of the monster’s head. “ALL RIGHT, POSEY!!! GET THEIR FLANKS!!!” >Aiming her sights to another monster, Posey holds tightly onto the sickles. >Landing on top of her next opponent, she baits the plant to open its mouth. >”Got ya.” >With her two sickles, she pierces the lower jaw and pulls the plant down. >The pulling stretches the lower jaw until it can't handle it and snaps off. >The plant lets out a loud pitched scream as it tries to comfort its wound with its vines. >As the wounded plant lay there dying, the remaining plants see the pony’s ruthless nature and decide best to retreat. >”OH NO YOU’RE NOT!!!” >With one final hoof stomp on the ground, a wooden boomerang axe pops from the ground. >And with one big swoop of her axe, the axe glides through the sky and slices all of them effortlessly. >The pegasi look on in wonder as the wounded earth mare trots slowly back to them. >After shaking her head, Windy gallops and hugs Posey tightly. >Tears rolling down both mares as Pipp follows closely behind. >”I thought you were a goner!” >”Heh, nothing slows me down.” >”True. I’m sorry for getting you into danger back there.” >”No, I should be the one who’s sorry for creating those abominations.” “Looks like the both of you are sorry.” >The two hugging ponies look at the pink pegasus and nod accordingly. >”Say, Posey, did you base some of your moves on Trotformers?” >Posey rubs the back of her mane out of embarrassment. >”I did.” >”Looks like you did watch those films I suggested.” >”Only because it was the only thing to watch at the theater. I enjoyed the film for the most part, well, until Izzy showed up.” >”Micheal Hay really knows how to direct action, doesn’t he?” >”Oh yeah he does.” >Flowa crawls out of her hiding spot and trots to Pipp, still shaken up a bit. >”Should we tell her that this whole competition was a phony lie?” >Pipp looks on with a warm smile as the two reformed friends casually trot back to town, talking all the way about movies. “Nah, I think it’s best to not ruin their moment. Plus, I think they both have become better friends. Closer than ever and unable for their bond of friendship to ever be broken again.”