Item #: SCP-060 Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: SCP-060 is to be kept in the nurse's office at site-03, stored in an environment between 20 and 25 degrees. Due to the limited supply of SCP-060, it is only to be used on Class-3 boo-boos, including scraped knees, burns and cuts. SCP-060 should not be ingested or applied to anypony's eyes. Description: SCP-060 SCP-060 is a small yellow and white packet of clear gel, with the word "NEOSPORIN" on the front of the container. SCP-060 has the anomolous ability to prevent Class-3 boo-boos from becoming icky, as well as making burns stop hurting. How SCP-060 is able to prevent the ickiness is unknown, and due to the limited supply of SCP-060 and the Foundation's inability to produce more, tests outside of actual medical emergencies are impossible. Currently, ~40% of the original amount of SCP-060 is left in the container. Due to the nature of SCP-060, a method to produce more of SCP-060 should be a top priority to the Foundation's research staff.